f6ifJe 1L 1Lf
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14 w W II II11I
11I r c c4ItfIr
4ItfIr < 1 1f
f c cIt
It ItttC t tc tt tI
I I W fa h
t M t > Hur Hurv II III
MI ikrn Iu IH ftliiMe IMM 1Mt01tfty rk itrlv en Mh Mhhrri Ik t tiI
iI I tIiCft 0 1 1I
I hrri > roHfrV rho HHr t < > I If I imlllil I It ItK ItI
I K of I oln t MHUt 10 iMt I 1nr > i > It t IK II IIItt WtM rx rxf
Itt ttf I H I Itlf
tlf f llMir II richte nht UMtWr r tin UM It HIH HIHMirilvw 1 1Itf
Itf Mirilvw 1 I 1 hv U vlrt K 4 it tktir tktirfiiturt
fiiturt ltur pttnliHtt i irt itt t Hurt Hurti Irf
i 11111 l > iilMiti of th u iiktauiMt Ir tl tlsiiimUril tAt
siiimUril Id t hi I OIII HlII H < IK 1 trw t IH > ri riill 1 1I
I < ill u full rolHitfo u i ompMlii ompMliiMr tIIOUi
i Mr r MIK w I it ix i I of trw Ia Iaalfl 14h
alfl ill h ilit Kwiii M IIMI kiMk lor i oitiplt oitipltii ulllplhlhtllUII
ii hlbtl hlhtllUII loll in tint tI Ii Uie II H unlllO unlllOI
10 I O ij oCnral nrul viiwi 1 that M tuIIII tuIIIIt rui Utn
1 the Ih I IfkCiil nl ifTft of t th < > urt 1 ami 111 with withof lIh lIhnC
of llH 1111 ll Vt tw t4 It Ht bo h 11111111I 11111111IIf lint Illlll Illlllilf
> ilf If in aKrivnunf aKrivnunfn 3 IIInl
1 n > lir linI t view i thut th I It < > t n rontl riiiliTx riiiliTxiifiTil I Iun
iifiTil anv un ontrari nlrlllor nr viHiilHiuitmn that thatdiinlriuthiH IhlllIllInlh
diinlriuthiH i 11 any IJA i in I iumptfii in inInirrtlati III11I1lah
Inirrtlati iommeriv Ollllllr HHTI i MpH IIIlrl IIIlrlrnr > rt rtfor
for thm Ihi view i in rertaui rlIII nnr ilirii ID IDtin illII
f tin II opinion riinlertNl bv lu hllln tut9 of tho thosiipremn Ih IhIIrclII
siipremn IIrclII Court Imt > i I not upi lIpIr1 lIpIr1hI rtcil rtcilMI
MI liv anv all luniuil IIH iion Mi MUKV MUKVH
f z lIIuk H iltnr nr th < ili 111111101 tiiH tioti 1m 1mCrfIII1I1 o onvorlnokt
CrfIII1I1 h nvorlnokt lietwitii tlie tliercntraint 111
rcntraint nf traiU I rill 10 or commcrci < IIIIre and andtln IIndIh
i tln restriction r trlIOII or iliminunon 11111111111 of ronii roniitttion OOIM OOIMIlon
tttion Ilon in I tradi Irul or ronunerco omn1rn in 1 u rfa rauhl on onablo
ablo ilccri Ih r and ithort Ihort of niinoxjly niinoxjlyor rnnopul rnnopulor
or attempt uttmpi at 11 mnnopolv monolI Manv tn ron rontract m mmrl8
tract and anl combination rilnllon tor in 1flaut tancu tancuMiat
Miat reetrirt rHtr competition ompliton Minplv i r 1 amon amontho amonth
tho th contracting clllrrtin or combining lbilin uro uroliitvoeMirv ur urn
i liitvoeMirv n to the Ih wjeicstafiil rll fonduot fonduotof Illlllt IllllltoC
ti tii of trade and commerc olrer arul ant nurli ldl toii toiitiacts U UIUlt
tiacts IUlt or combinations rOlhalinn ulwuvH have havelxn hn hnhm
lxn coti cliler1 uk re < l rea rel onabU ulbl atnl proper properthroughout rolrhrOholt
throughout thn th civihiil orl < l The Theword Th Thor1
word or1 r rllhlrol rmxfifiofi IO loef not apvar allar in inthi inIh
thi ac ort If I th Supremn Slpr m Court Olrt choiirii choiiriinow
now 10 hold hol that the Ih net render reld < 1 unlawful unlawfulnnv InlnwCl1 InlnwCl1j
j nnv 11 restriction rtItion whatever h41lr of romixdfion romixdfionit ronJ II IIwOI1
it would lx II > impofftihle IlIIltihlt to II carry IUT on onlni on1II
lni 1II inesR effectively ftcl without thuII incwrririK incwrririKrivil incullJ
1 rivil < 11 and criminal rirlnct hobiltt liabilities If I en enforced pnCorCo ¬
forced CorCo cotmistcntlv I 8CJ1 I under Imoor ucli n con construction cn cnllrcton ¬
struction llrcton tlie Ih art a would 0111 rnrun m chao to toThe toIin
Iin IinTbe
The efind n1 vio io i Ilia 1 as I didd diddI I Iin
in I th KniKht 1I h ornnar or IGar tniit tMt ca 30 t Con Conernfv rn rngn
ernfv gn ha h3 no n r ontitutJnnal nnutl onl povur Jr to toprevent I IJroI
prevent JroI and tho altlt11 ntitruit act nt do do not notprevent notprnt
prevent the I hI e live 6 monopoli7Jttlon ronopol7tlon of ofinterntute r rj
j interntute olltutp romtiiercfi Iomrrn by h combining ombinlnl in a aimjrje nllle
imjrje llle Tirj rpoml > oratirin inn the th plant flnlll and nld biul biuln hl14
i n < feaof of pn pmIulh tiiallv all al thomnnnfartiir thomnnnfartiiren Ihrmnnurlwllr IhrmnnurlwllrI
en I and eflir of C nn IU nrtido nf r interstate interstateimmerce Ilrnlnlf Ilrnlnlfllurr
immerce llurr Thii Thlo w i th thl nnlv III docUion docUionwhich 1 ion ionhlh
which hlh m Mr Ir Mont lol wares T7 opinion can cann an anno
n no t IM h recotirilixl r < olll1 vtitli h nil n1 tho Ih other otherileclKion olhrI
ileclKion I < n of th Supreme lprm inirt lln in in intnrprelation i
tnrprelation lrirlntll of f the h Sherman ShlnlU ait Tli Tlinnvnltv
1 nnvnltv 11 ntiJ AfJ vi IIr or of f IIH hi rnuirkn mark nn nnthe < II III
I the h Knight Ilj h deeiHion whleh oulxtantiallv oulxtantiallvlirlan IIIanllllh IIIanllllhooll1
ooll1 lirlan tlmi Ihl IMIMUW tnatiufactiin l IUCcII is isnot I Inot
not cotnnine lh I inoiiopolr IIlfloh of r pnxluc pnxluction prodllI <
tion I ion cannot Innno 1 > riifh hv 1 tlie II net AII no nomatter 110aatlr
matter aatlr what iffiwt I MII Ii mritinpolv 110101 ban bann hr hrn
n retraining rIfinin trml < in il the article Irlid mariu mariuacturiil rnl rnlnlIn1
acturiil nlIn1 warrant arral a ornuliii ettnii ettniipptrrntly
11011 1
0 pptrrntly tturnl thr 1 cinr c t w l li ronrlutlon ronrlutlonibt IIlon IIlonlnIIJ
i h fnliiMln propi lnIIJ ttlo ibt II rtn rtnnftr N Nr
r n f nftr 1 HDI HDIf nl t ru ruI
f tnl n1 ikrrrfirr ahottfn aIb ntitn 1111 a hr hrt r rn
n pfry tn t control b I nlnr In < if ntn ft ftnc 1 1n
nc n tn n trllrle ull hf if tnlrr n t t rotm Imr rr rrtv
31 1 > rtrtln In ntrrttt lu comrrrrcr cm Ibr Ib Ibj r rt
j t 1 trfi rl c > 1 tt ji 11 ti ltidrrr ltidrrrh IId IIdI
I h > iw rr lrr IIPHbl t tbl n I wb b o r may fj fjt
I t t rirni 13 thai I umirr n tbr b f r > r to O rfTtU rfTtUmnrrcr rpI rpInII
mnrrcr nII locyrrit Ion rto 00 nnly IJ rr rrlb r pilrt pilrtt Ilu Iluhlrb
t > mhlb cnnmrree In rtll r1 b r ro rOyn rril tail eo rtr rtronl u ue
onl e r > inlr lb < > nut f1tfiv h lll I < iD of I 101 101tY roi roitftv
tftv tY or n prnhlttji rhMI mr mrinirrnttlost
t Ie mliy 1 Im
I inirrnttlost rinr nri r ri ty l r tfTrrrd d 3 Ihl Ihla ti tia
a f t n r ronilltiiltftf 0 I Ihll tl 1 Itmlttliunt 1111101 C Cn CnI a at
l t U n i ittrpt hy Ir tfcr tnll 1 Initt M to d1 d1t < Jr Jrt
t > irlib wlb muno 1 I olv t ticn 1 u r to tlmll nlIt nlItI tr l lrttr
I rttr t I rl 1b < hlt of 0 nri Irln > rtlnrt or n uf rlllrrr rlllrrrf < 1
f trr Ir MAtrt AI to th e Jiri1 i Ull IIIn in r itn Iul l fir r 1U 1Ur 1
0 I r f tirrlv ri r to 0 ntkr rrlmlntl mnllb mnllbf thr < t ttrr
trr n ti I trt t c < imtlt n n < l cnrtrol ul f prop prophfh 11
f > hfh 11 If II tatrt nf 1 Urlr hI rrtbireri PD Cf r rn rrra rrran
n onri nonpdr > nril > r f rniltir rnl < < i 10 11 Ihtt tbr IImrI IImrIr rcntrtru rcntrtruI
I tri of r tr I trfriiirt h rrljlrtj r ri r lvrlr lvrlro 11
o 1 hr trfiiKlttoi 11 i f irrnln n ftlintr S ti 1 < l hr hrof 1
of 0 rrrnlR rnlr < t r r ti n > lrnn nfI > > lnln trM trMr I
r 1 frrl rrtllnn Unn jlrrrrir r rrtwrrn PI tb tb4r b I IO
4r > O ir IU lt fnrrlca ntllnnt nlIn ami n1 ll 1 thai Ib al ali I IPr
i fi Pr ihr tBttrimrnttlliy Drnlll of o Intrrttatr tarn tarnt
t nrr ttrlly 17 lr < o > t to n rtitpotr < 1 of r ttr ttri Ih Iht
i r of t tri b rr nrrtr nr i 4i < 11 rol folwiw rt that thatn 111 111n
n frirft rn n UOICB IDol eTrr tl tn monnpollm monnpollmrr monII
rr c i r jfjrt rr P iif r rraa 1t l n < tr An n atrmpt atrmptle A
le T iiivMIrr 01 tb b > tra Sr 1 or 0 t rrr In I rrRnrd rrRnrdr lnN
r 0 r of ftiinf rII totnrttr I nr ir any nlalfl nlalfln Intrniiim Intrniiimr I
r > H r ira n n rmrrrr rmrrrrT m mT
T t I rrxi 0 < < iH 1 n I < iriirii 11 t tu 1 1t
t u iof r tin II hniRtt hliihl 1 M with h MI III IIII i lute luteir
ir I < v u Ml I i n 1 1 ir I tiM tiMti
ti 1 > > a 1 > < ijiM Illal oer
t j I I wm
rcf f f t t th
I f r p
0 0I 0e
0 r rt
I e
u t tiF
iF 4 4I
I I J r
4 4W 4t
4 4I 4M
M d I h t I IN
N la te
I 4c 4cI
tlmt tlmtA I t r rtl
I H m1
A tl
J t itinointi itin n whK 1h he heU h
> U frMHlritt M with nK I I ft t + tthll tthllt td tdt
t > ttMtt i f thit h Snirf 1 ttirt < wiirt wiirttk t 1
tk I > M r wel M Ikn tltllk KlUlCrMol it UHil 1 I Kill Killil ht ht11I
il 11I iooii ait t fMiintnt tin uHt < t abnve bv h hto t
1 to eihibit hlt r iti < IH irift iriftITm M Mt
t 14 bt N
r i ITm r T w Irlh r rW Tl TlHnm
Hnm W the Ih iiiMtninkt nnl I tl at ot nteHivt nteHivtl f fV
l r HH 1 erHMIUIIHill 1tUW of r > ultl 1 1h > vlltioH vlltioHiintrol
h 11111 IrI h
iintrol ntrU of ill = 1 or u tarytf 1 < 1 r p m mltntli
i ltntli r p ir of r th t < trade or orr hlun hlunI
I 11 ar 11 11 Jrtllllo ailn ailnrIIluu4
rIIluu4 trl or r COIIIIIHTl UI It llo t H HI 1
I not npplv 1111 tn H imiib ml lr Iulll tiiinc of r roin roinM m m1tlll
1tlll M > tiiion IMYtnl < Mtrinic In I cii 11111 ir > ntt r rILI rILIabv < ti ui uiablr
ablr abv coln > tltivi > ruiklitloiiri 1111 but blt it II 1 1alllv M Mapilv
apilv alllv to II a 1 < OIH UtnltNtnl flit rut Inn of Ir iimtrnl Ir1 of ofa Ir I
a prvM NMIIrlln > iiii < rntiniE ixxrt of th < fiiniiiiTi fiiniiiiTitn IUr IUrIll
tn anv 4n artfflv though cumv tili UIn > n tut tutliul l
Ill liul lul v hcllv hI tirMtrovnJ tirMtrovnJIn IIlnl IIlnlIn I
In thi Ihll view W th rrrnflr rtm ly In ra a n ni 1 1or I
i iir > 4 > rjtiui nr tnii1 1111 haa h motiopolunl motiopolunlI 110101ohl11 110101ohl11I
I inler IIraI4h tul toiujiiiTix IIIf bv b Ui L > u II ui IUOI IUOIuf itioii itioiiof
of roni IIIII titivo I 11 i4in < 4 wuildi 1111 b lo loitmiw 10Iht I
itmiw tlit Iht corporation rrforlnn or tni tnlt t to umlo umlotint Illo IlloIi
tint Ii wroiiit Wrl bv b m < lllnK llnK or ilintrttmtmR ilintrttmtmRunionslt 1trlhlll 1trlhlllUIOI
unionslt UIOI 11 imlivhltialthnrilioltloix adiviualhlhol liivin liivinbcrn 1 I
bcrn II or bcncllciarir b11tluit 10 1 much of Itn Itnpro II i irolrl
pro rolrl > ertr a lli tut buaine b11 obtalnvtl oblaine1 from frol j I
former fOtmr comi cmlWlton titorw or Ihrf h r < of tock tockin lok I Ilmplit I
in companion lmplit previou prtvioUy ly connoting cmJ > Un 1 an antnay 31
Iln tnay bti bo nrwa ary to rnttoro rto rvaaonably rvaaonablycoini rlllwbl I I
coini rlpIII titivi > conditions lllon in tn Ih > monopo monopoIIXIM monolJ
IIXIM 171 branch bnh of 0 trade lre or corumcro corumcroTlx rlllr I ITh
Tlx orxirt Oln could rl II not conft rnttt cati norj nor I I
1 Xiilil it dtftoolve the th corporntion rrrolon nr nrtrial orIIUlt <
trial IIUlt If lawfully 11 fnly fornwil fom11 under IOc State Statelaw
law la but blt it I could rlll mtraln nlran the Ib tnmt tnmtI flst flstI
from rontimimj to monopoIUc com comtnorct
I lontll nl monoplie
I tnorct 1 r and rould rld compel rm It I o pnrt pr with withI
I no much mlh of it 11 proi prort rtv and bucinra bucinrai
I i may mi b b nc n tar rr > to restore reto reason reasonuhlr rn rnul
uhlr ul competitive cOmltlf condition conditionTliui rncilon
Tliui TIII If th thn Stipr SI no O Court Oir nhcxiUI nhcxiUIhold holld holldholl
hold holl that lht thn Ih Standard Oil Com conlln ny i imonopolIeU
InUTatata in inrrflneiJ inrnfJ I
monopolIeU monpolle Intrtat comm commrl rrH
rrflneiJ rnfJ potrolwim l trollm the c cour ur roii olld < l lnimplr I IImlly
nimplr roquire rruire th the companx cmpn to I In InIth rt rtwith
with Ith thn thO stock ltodt of t o many mny of thr the fl < nin ninpanics
I panics pnj prorioiwlr compotiruc cmplr at 1II niiRht ht bn bnnocowary b
nocowary nl r to put an etui e to the th monopoly monopolyihiit IlrWolr IlrWolrIhll
ihiit Ihll is 110 to n Jtore tore rMwonably coin COIIitio COIIitiocnlUof titivo titivocondition
condition cnlUof in int tnhflato < > pitate busiiKva bi In ro roflnel rO t
flnel In1 oil oil Thn cximpaiiioH cmpll o whoso h0 ttOk ttOka to < k kwa4
wa4 a Kod Ill nr distributil Ittribut1 could not in inMr inr
Mr r MoHAWrTZs OR wT1 view enter ntel lawfully lawfullyI 1wful
I thertafter Into 1110 rontracta rontrm or 01 CDrnbtna CDrnbtnatiorw orbin
tiorw with lh tb < Stnndanl Oil 01 to maintain maintainprice maintainpriO
price priO or atop competition compti in but blt thuy thuyi I h I II 1
I i would woul t i under Indr no obligation oblfnlon to rut ruti
i pririN pr or tci ii umpI mpe > ti Th T law d 1 1I > e eI
I not undcrtak1 Ildera to forre forf rompetition rompetitionit rmptllon I
IUt it dmti 10t undnrtakn underake i Ii to prevent i imtiort I
Imblntf mtiort di 1rOinj Hiroyin Ilio tJIt frcwlnni frcwlnniof f lon
of nlltlion iinixtiiioti to filch mct an extent IX Int a ao to toron 1011ttt I
ron < 11ttt Tituti moiioMll7ini moiioMll7iniTli InIOIKIln
Tli 1 < principal pr nrltl dinicuitv clncul in ronMniitiK ronMniitiKlli ntnlill
lli I antitnifit Illitnlll net IIt i I to determine cet rmi hi hipriciM I Ird
priciM rd iiiiiiiiiiiK nljII of I IIP hI trrm lrl to mOlop mOlopnlf iiionoji iiionojiolio
olio nlf Mr Ir MOHAWrT 10HATI CdlirtnliH cUI tliilt tliilttin Iht1lnlnl
tin nifatiinit 1lnlnl of tlm II won worll in tint mi d Ji Jinito
nito It an 11 to rentier rller it prn Jrtahl tioalli in fvorv fvorvca r I ICI
ca CI to ilttfrinme defnnine ooHilv 111 ntiil Ald pniimO pniimOwlutlir i iIh
wlutlir tlm Ih term applii vtt t h I r rKardn rIlrl
Kardn Ilrl tlio h liirinnafff Ilnllaw of tin net an I no nomoi 11 111m
1m moi viiguo uKI nr uncertain Illertaln than tlun a nriit nriitI
I many 11 I other statute tltltC and conMitutlonnl conMitutlonnlproMMiotin
proMMiotin whih l irli the cottrtd cour mu mlit t ron ronhtrm rn
htrm 11 md anr infori ICor An RtnllhIIII RtnllhIIII1lul tt < niit l Htat Htatuton
1lul uton ijiflnitlon jlrllon of motioiolbo 10101117 would wouldivi I Iii
ii ivi rlsrt rl to much Iuch uncirtalnty UlCfralnt and andlHi 811 811UI1allol
lHi UI1allol atlon us UI the tl t trm rrn Itjclf lt Judiriul Judiriuld Jldidul JldidulI
I d < irioiiii Iiol wt > uld tx t nec n nry n to ileflno ileflnoth fn fnth
th dillnltlon dillnltlonThe dlnilon dlnilonI
I The ThO noor 4fur courw cu in Mr Ir MOKAWITM lol WI1H WI1HIUiun
I opinion IUiun in to IDUVO It to t tlm th flr x > iirt < i In InI
I thn th li l ht h of wmtnon mmOD iindxrMtundlnic lndnIUn lnl of j jtho Itho
tho word monopoli rOnllll to t etllo tl thu tl I Ipriitoi
priitoi 1 iiHaiiiriu Ialifl uf thn tt Htatufi Itatlll by d 1 1IIUll
tiruiiinriK IIUll its 111 applirnUoii Bpllll OI to Individual Individualcimix IndihJlllj
cimix Cl JIM 14 tlioy iirifut url In inli ad fann aO tin th11
11 > ri would wJld lx whether wheher thwri thM waul waulHIII 1
HIII Ii diMtrution nn uf crjmiwtitifin umtUm iw tu tuput 1
11 I 1tlwt l I
put 1 iiu ind ne to miworably r bl < r > tnit r11 titlv U I Iiitditinn I II
1 1I
> iitditinn H I HWM In tin no Kfiitir Kfiitirdlltiiulty tIr I
I Iul dlltiiulty rlnllty for fol thu < mirtj Ilrt tliaii tliaiiin IIII
in I prti Ir > iiitr I I < l in I applrinK npllvlna < xmHtiUitloiml xmHtiUitloimlIIP mUIUo ni I Ir I
IIP r ivitioiu iIOfl and ntatut flatut < In nil 11 IxmJor IxmJorlitu
litu IIIH u For > iainplo nn fn Inquirv Inquirvhitliir Inllr Inllr1lh I
hitliir 1lh a railroiu rLlro rat 11 IH II r rJlnl aminnbi aminnbiprixntH >
prixntH lratlulllfClll irutical dinictlltios ul iL leant lett an anniit WIr11
niit r11 iw li tlur thrl u ImolI1 lnvolvi < l in un inijiilry inijiilrywli Inllllr
wli hlthcr < thcr n Rivfn trnn trll3cUn action dtl dtlMIPUtll il < troys troyscompetition
competition MIPUtll to t Mich fIh an n nitnnt tent RM r to put putnn IJltIf
nn If nd to reajwinably romp rmpttlv tltivn rtin rtinilition rfn rfncItion
ilition cItion and to t constitute onUtll wtmt mun I Inlr InlrItod < lir lirdtiKxl
dtiKxl Itod ns 1 monopoli7lnn monoli1lnl tradr traol or Ir om omtnerr 001
tnerr merf He I ronclude r < nhll nn n follown follownMt rI04H
I Mt h ronttrurllnn 110 ant n tuek rnfnrrrrrrnl of ofthr r rnl
thr anil nl trutl 1 art 1 In my nplnton plno trnuiit 1 1I
trur I 11 ntmt anil n rrurpn r nr wmjM hr hrf
f r > hr hrtt 1 Inlrrrtit I of 1 ih romlry nlr nrrlxnn nrrlxnnfnllnwlnc hIOA
fnllnwlnc Ik ciprXMnt p aulkorliv UI1r nr r the fjftr fjftrlr 1 1I I
lr I t rt tn1 n1 h4kltn ihti the anil nl irutt luI tri tridx 1 1d
dx d out lot pievcal enot id II cScctltt tth tacBopatUaOoa apIU
1 r rJ
Iff n N e eIt
J u
0 e I
< I I Iw
0 0 n ndl
dl I 7 f fa fp fT ft fM fU
It t Wltf fr H Hivv
ivv MMMSie leNejMpffc leNejMpffcTNI M
TNI i n Menu U tot totnm Ai 14 al alI
I 4
nm iHi I rf o M Ht axapil I 11 tL tLo tLr
4 HN > i iii lantt Ma Mahawwr >
hawwr r itt l bum 1111 1111I t wttwt < ft IkraneM IkraneMpt
pt l intk 4t utti yuHtm 4 ih > e i i iktmt
f flit
ktmt lit llfltl u fcTHttti MMttM 1 1I1of 1I1of4I04t e < f ff
4I04t 4I04tI
I I f p pHi 11I 11Ita
ta tit tit1
l <
t tIC
Hi IC r 0
V r
iiB tiTi m ec 4t 1ft ktII ktIItt1
tt1 0 H
11111 lit
1 0 tI tkw tkwlrV 11 11I
I t
II I4Mttot l lI
lrV > iwtfl er itiPtl I I H1 1
14 1
0 W tkn tknati
1 = > ati 1 IMU lino ki Io nvt torY r niint ftl iitM i ir 1 1ulivI1
ulivI1 no n Ihttt 1
11 1111 I IIt
It r Htititttt Htitittttiwt I htt httIhreol
I Ihreol tiwliwt iwt nuinrifr I Ifur In > iK Itr r rO 1 1fur
fur furI Hid Ih r t I Jiltlacht JiltlachtI
OIlIl11 O n thi v iv to PudHill rtIlttultIMoto i iuiul
uiul 1111 rrr fl > to fiiiihtuti u utranoiiioti M MIr
tranoiiioti Ir from ir th > r > DUi aiioiwhin 1I1uI lo lotli I Ith
tli Ni ow > w without A1ho thi I h > fortituhlv of C on onotltutiotijl IH IHtlllltlUlloAl
otltutiotijl otltutiotijlTlie UIIIIHllIIoII UIIIIHllIIoIIr
Tlie Keitrlet r Ioloiirl e nml tin tin1aynr tillI
1aynr TI riff HlnFm riffKriMii
KriMii tin II IontrilMitiiit 0111 rlll4I1I11 hUlllor hlr of C thi thiWi II
i Ii OIook Wi > Ian that thi ll I 1111 r fltNltl fltNltlat HilI HilIlOIII1UII
lOIII1UII at SinttuKti 11t t imin iui u urutilv 1 1flAtth
rutilv and truthfully ri ri niixl the Ih Ih11II1ular
11II1ular H > MiUr will i11ltwn tlmti nnv otlnr State con conVfiitionofritlifr II III
I Vfiitionofritlifr lIlIonf lthr party IwUI m Ni St York Yorkfor lIrk lIrkI
I Sill for tho I h lant 11 c 11Irlll tuTution tuTutionto illn illnonhll
onhll to tli I It Mini 1111 IIIK iIU 11 I IiHiil II
I ullthI a iHiil I of l IMlh ltif 111 11 Niritutu Niritutujbv lIrlI1II
jbv I b ltx I > proir rorIIA T i t < ami unl I lfit IIt1I1nIIIIo
Hepublii HIH 111 wat a fiiirli fiiirliIh flflI
I Ih plutfortu fcarU harlI U u loiti < l In It ItIth
Ith tin procr ro r ive h umt mdipitwliiit mdipitwliiitItoo
Itoo n > vr > ltiatiM at Surltoii luthh iulo iulotlw 1110ati1
ati1 tlw th Iavnt UrilT a IIIi un vfTtvtivo vfTtvtivoformer n
ro lC 11111 un u lIa 1I hi I rall14 rall14form
former form of tin nut tonal dcluit Iidl into n nur nurplii4 Ir
plii4 Tho Curl > t platform smid not nota
a HingV lnltl word in dtsparacinient li 4J > atl1l1mllIl > of thi thiIaviii IhluJat
Iaviii tarid taridt
t Uifiivitto m Indiana on n Thtinuliv Thtinulivthi Thu ThuIh
thi Ktutt 11111311 > iiiiati wlin wh U nt t In a fraxlo fraxlotit Clo17dIII
tit Sirutog1 onal nil opposition to I In ilk ilktlnit IiiI
tlnit I hi 1 iiiloRUi fl Senator IH VKIIIIMIK win winfought wh whrOIl1hl
fought tlu IhIII inynt n tnufT wit hall h 1111 hi miKht miKhtutiil nll hl hlIIn1
utiil vousl ngain t it itSenator ItI
Senator I tlavratDocdUnut nrrIM dlo1 nOJI trilivltb bit III nriy nriywkcn 1 1tlen
wkcn tlen hr ote 011 l trtlntt tb > larl larl1 bill Lrtutc ti tiutol IIul
utol la trrnr4 nro1u > nce with lib tb lle > i wt of otbul ihe r n nbuli
buli uf hit lal ptrly ftv I 1 I1 ltri < ltni Irotr > t
r c d IIW p If 3 3IlorlIoO
IlorlIoO foJ 11I te 1 olrn f 11 11tI
tIThm tI
Tlniti why IIIh did tbo ltev lIetlridlt riUg platform platformfail
fail to I find Ii lid eit > ri iim in tlw th fo flflrl rli i iuvowal 01UO
uvowal UO III of iiiilipoiifjent and pp Jlr > rc 1 1Iir
belief Iir ut Siratosi SiratosiArwl Sor1I0IAnti
Anti howiii hOlr ar will III thn th party baviiomu baviiomuto ha nlIIJ
to unanimity by II tbi timi > olonil olonIIIIIII HOOSK 4t 4tntr >
vzir gets etll around to Ma Mutitiu cllll < tt < to tonpcak 0 0llpeak
npcak ror 1olU 1olUllInhh
A Mpunlth Arinnda rIllAa n reik reikA r rIIlImrnr
A Kiunmer controversy in tlm coliiinrih coliiinrihof Ullllllllor
of tbe Ijinlon 7mi 11I11 < lim ha led to tin tinilraliiiR I h hItulill
ilraliiiR Itulill of a i r rll1 < i < l Hluittiririi blow hili hilirOIl1I1I1 to toroinano
roinano > A Inch authorit h1 ii < J Jlartyl JdArrol
lartyl > tlmt the Ih Spnni 1IIIIIh h Arnlnli wlnn wlnni
i tuited IO to rorujuer rriilaiiil J1I 111I1I1 larrnil larrnilno
no treaMire < with it and lifl tlmt in w 11I1 11I1IIItI n nMiuinc
Miuinc IIItI whenever remnaiitH of C old olduini 01 01lo
> lo uini llIh li it 1 ar arlt fouml Co ifill on tin Ilni IIril1I IIril1I01t li liroant
roant 01t it in I a wurte alllt of iITort tn t tiik k to torti I In
rti n over 0 fortuntH from tin I II Bca Bcat
I t all ull IiiKan all with a lo1 111 lv lorv nn > iii 1i11 1i11IIti < > i itin
tin old wruk near Tobermorv Tol < rlllll on tl tlIxle II1141r
Ixle of Mull contributiil bv Ionl Am WIII WIII11A1 m mHAlU
HAlU 11A1 r MIIlKIU who Id II un fiitliihiat fiitliihiaton
on iviiry fr nubjirt ln 11 lukes lul > up Ciinuon Ciinuonnml 11111I011 11111I011IIIIfI
nml Ironwo IrQII I iinl Ue ttfovereil Ionllruln IonllrulnII from fromIt
It i bih not onlv un I ohnwinl thaI ii i wi winn
nn Annnila It nllnB nlilp but itmbliit Irm o oIdentify IIIcJlIllf
Identify th Mi il 1 It had on Icmnl Icmnlu
u trea trraurro ure tbi dllt t with IOIMIUIII 1111 I Iof
of eluht wbifh wn4 well IKlworl worth h hliitinn hliitinnfor hlfIlillfor
for It wan u circiimxtaiitinl ntorv ntorvwith 11 11dlh
with name HIM daten dat KIXIH win wlh wlhrOI1 h hrould
rould ennilv ni1 l < n l eiviHl bv ativ II orii oriiwith IInwilh >
with a npurk of I Irrlll6illlttiun Irrlll6illlttiunTIlt
TIlt tflfOI1 II rili 1IIIr 110 110Ir
Ir IIIIIS x K IAfoiiTiN lIIT w wll h I trlll11 IH IHwrittin
writtin Ii 1 lot atxnit navul hlfrv am amlias 1111I1 1111I1JI
lias JI told tlm rtory ury of tin Annmlii Hi Hiknown II
known thu tI hUtortiuI ul inivnl r If < nnU eI l h hhr i itir
tir tliin anv BII iiiiin in riiKland EII 1111111 At I In t tliti
liti J contMiittHl bitnsijlf hilll bv I IIfll n IIIL IIILIhat
that till elllp 1111 111 11110 not l tin tI Nlti CI hiill hiillIlautUta
IlautUta Iinl AiiriiiUAlo noliviiil tior tiorany r
I any othT of tin t r name noruny 1Ilr 11 AMU 11 h thi thiunirnrx II
unirnrx mintiiitiiil nx lil nri 1II1r mr mrwnro r rr <
wnro r all anHHitid fur in tin II nia nIIII nIIIIrlor14 < u uri
ri rlor14 n > rd > whili iroxiii that tin It 1 1nnt t tnot
not II xi undiT tin1 t wavi wn if f Tiilnriinr TiilnriinrTh
Th Thn Iontrovprtv Jtra nw warm but it itM ItnII
M nvi to luluI havi Ijfiti Mtiliwl bv h n tiri tiritivo <
Ih tivo 1Ir itti > r frmn Sir Ions lolI IIIIT IIIITIhllt M iiiri iiirithat
that rov < rrt r tin wb wllI ili > Kruutil KruutilHi IrI IrIH
Hi H ilriluri n 1 tin It firxl l t plan 1111 tiiit IIII IIIIA tin tinArmada
Armada A riHuril rtur itiabli 111101 tin II litonnn to tofollow t tfnlln
follow even P clii I nf r tin1 Ih fl < Ht uiil the theviKrul
viKrul 1 m Int it Hint it I liivir i 1111 < nun mnr mnrtnanv lIr lIrrnllll
tnanv uirts of C th KII 1 I wliin wi UIMIIIIK UIMIIIIKImvi 1111
Imvi 1111 le > n found That Knilan < l and andSpain 11101rpnln
Spain wore Or on rloe d nnd fnetillv irrnm irrnmfor Ifr Ifrhr
for a hundred jrirn before no that
JIi JIir
r noe noeIt
It e
1 111I
of t A Ar
1 1II
II > M f le H ii wttt wttti
r Lo
11 oft of IV 11 > 11I N Nf
f c IWre IWrep
p i o > > I Hk4 h f ewf ewft t tfilii
filii t > r > l VNCHI VNCHIi 1 1fttIft
i tM > an fttIft fttIftt n nMlbt >
t Jr Jrr Mlbt ft IktMv it rt rtKuMiU
r Jrh
h KuMiU It Itw Militant
w COO 1 1rl
rl I Ian 10 10tv
tv Iec ht I
4 1 one to toW toMMMtfcli
01 W h hhtot
htot to C 1
MMMtfcli MMMtfclirfclirit 1 it k M in inhut Indr
rfclirit i i4M dr I hut hutA hao haor
4M Mr r It It II
11 A w tMl 1 m fcit thai thaif 1 1H
f > i4 t pr iMi H m VwrMk CMr c lark 1I1kIty
144 HIMI iltwttv Ihev htirw iiMmknl iiMmknlrW
i rW < rk4trfrn
It hit I otrtfW I IIf
If t 1 1 t n t ttv Jhr tarn ami 1 1I
1 MttMtlC4iil I I ll k > M WKl Uftt IHMV IHMVwNh
wNh h llw < Mti M > t i ll Mifct riwn for fortfc fHt
tfc t > r > vein yli nut tetiHii I am t lh4 lh4il I
1 lho < 14 r Ih Ihntkb
ntkb IIIMUI c chh
hh fall fallIt
It il th tho ruM t IH It iK iKVt I > tthlIhcI tthlIhcIW
W Vt WIH > r > 4 < > H < lU i Ttl 11 unlit MI MIIimMtMv
1 IimMtMv lluri I h niuv niuv1ilv 111I1VUI
UI Cur Ih dwlIr nr nrIv
1ilv Iv ti < n < ui t > ilr n l > iric IC u Nor Norfolk lIr lIrt ¬
folk t In I tli II itiiirtor toimhiltr III In tho thof Ih IhI
I JhHHHt f xilull < th > < UtiniT iii It tin tinsio IIn0411
sio 0411 it IIKII IC o fortli in iMT iMTu r ra1
a1 11111 u l irtiifl to Un < ti ttlh lh A Al 411 Ir IrI
I l fof any fait f Hut w < > hud liu liuti hOJ hOJIt
It III ti sn Ih < li IIIWIIH it Norfolk uur M 1111 > I Iiinl
iinl i MHikl NIVI 1 toiulu l r rUlI rUlIllnnl < i iInvnl >
Invnl Tlu TI In ir i II NIII > H how howiviT ho hor
iviT r xluilltr hII viii 11 tint II Iour wxtr M 01 > IM A AItiritillv 10 10Ih >
Itiritillv th > i > tav Ia with h lifi and tl tIuth tIuthh < uth utha
a liiliilv h hlh in Norfolk 11 01 in ll 1I0lon ton SwtNit SwtNitlitth
litth > Uiln < in stun llIrhIIIII1 hi < l 11 IH iron Irlllllllina IrlllllllinaI Irlllllllinart I iini iinian I
rt an II lurtu 1lffII l IMVM > In the lily Park Parkvuti ParkIlIhIII
vuti IlIhIII lit iinuli 111 ai ii n > rtM rtnl > nir Knanl KnanlI
I > r list tlilll anil Mow II > luivit 11 < 1 lht lhttluillv IIIIIhlllh >
tluillv rivonl 1 < > f Kiiiini tiumlH ulIi m mtlnt
tlnt > il liv tin riMlctif fm C n iml 1 < > f ff CflIl
f 1nl cn Inh n iiul f ul 11111111 Mi jii > m hiMpi hiMpitill
i till and iu Ift r OIr r lfw I fnnil w > pn fi fit
t > niiuil 1 atttiitiiti thi mlv nl ntiialns to totill I
till 1111 u < > f tin liavix ha ilM < omni mIllOIl < in otutny otutnyVlifli IIIm
Jan WIIhl I
Vlifli v w < > ask Hill III tlif Ih > ovtn of tin tinU
111 U I > i iti i < l1 How lonn Kfort1 Kfort1lhc do 1 1 1i
i lhc Ih nililut III > I rlujwil < In I wliore h re lie lieInlong
Inlong with Ith tln > URor li r the Ih rhi rhiWh i
010 1111I1 th hPIIII hPIIIIhlr
1 1I
Wh hlr < > r W th Ihlon Hon J JI JtrlllII II I FI
I FMTylxxlv wan WII km kanll < Tarhr lln wa wal a a1IllInIllO
l 1IllInIllO Kinnitu tn hlm mm thu Ih nolil < > hymn which whichO hlm111I
nur O
If a > 111 wllb rIf rIfb
b n I Inc > nU a l bId i ith II
I J Jrll JrllI nrlii nrliiM
I M foini < i iT < > th I ail It wan wanJ all lim limW
W T Mr rtillv rtillvtht Off Th ltalllCh
Jd tlh II Iplllan tn tn1Inlilll1
1Inlilll1 tht h following np H iliuli iliuliI itu > n nt
lfplt t < > r 4b n lntrr l < t ti ibe ibefr lb
00 fr fur n w < iili Iun Mr 1 i IrrHIIIUIA IrrHIIIUIArMI < > rHt > I M IJ IJi
i f rMI IUr < i sV 1 rijir 1 if r UP rrt North rlh rlhIn C ri ritr
tr ovin Vi n n r Mr Ir h i r d IM rrtJ rrtJi
> i > i In njl lI1 < < l iar 1 It nnUTMll jrkomTl jrkomTlnr nnTI nnTIpllt
nr pllt < l to to > r in n rirrllnt IIn < Mre I txl 1 onrthy h of ofI I Ii
I tt > li 1 1i < i ii
i It it 11olIlt > 1ii int for f JMphlin Ini > phlill f In kn 1mtl v vthit
thit tl lluir luio IUIH h no II opH oplollInn lton to fear fearfrom f ar arfrolll
from liU hi crtit r11 lowiphuii lo flhI lovlne Invln1I11r new newranch >
ranch h In Ilir Ih rl rltnr rr rrI
I tnr llr KIIITOII 111 > Tut Tu Si sir 0 Sum Sumliy UInl
> liy ao B O i ioi < l u I IPIIT 111 prmtil in fliP Pursi
si < nh h I oat A nritlrn 11 liv II nti tif r vmr vmri If
i aiUr 1 rriarifin I Ion 01 that 1 IM T oilli 11 ih wll wllf II III
f u I timii itii rrnn n < tii4 itii 11II1n 11II1nr > n > i4ion i4ionf
f Mr Ir InM I > i > I t li > n < l lip h prinil prinill Ifln IflnI
I l ah IllMii a llV 1 fllllll 111111 > tlll < III KMir KMirltMtllii If IfHIIII
ltMtllii HIIII n nd J hcifx h r I < in ililH xonU xonUmill rl rlAIIII
mill ttm Ih uf iliiinlx IMMUIK ft 1 ilr ilrHUM d dI
I 11I1 HUM th I dIIII dIIIIIn < iirtrv iirtrvIn
In t nitht M orht lii KiliNou rwlnr f Till ITK ITKM I n ni
M i t Binwur I In Inut IVM the I 1IIIt 1IIItI i rt rttr
I tr Iooi > lt Sir l lIS > n l < l > n < rriiia rriiialn
ln Irrt irl > f Sovvr S l Iro l < > r tiut rith III r of ofi r rr
i r PII vi > r br bun u < > liriin n It rmlrutor rmlrutorin
in I > K a inl tiailiiii tnrtQti Ion xnj xnjtnittrr nt ntmIII
tnittrr mIII viiifli h it lm to iMMr Mrl i At nr nrkli nut >
kli 6111 > I l lmpr IrnfrI > vl llh tfe It lilri 11 that thatMJ Ih
Ito MJ PI o III > I > n ilnni d lnlf > roti dlt dltturltT dl dlt I
turltT t Tim TI pMtiPtuntlon of roMt roMtI 0 < II IIII
II lanlllol lanlllolI
I < I1IH1 un t li IiII > t 111 ln Ine I rSptlon I Iriiiil 1
riiiil 1 itli 11 tin II oILt lilitM fliliMt h of ofniiin d dIIIi
IIIi 111 t t 111 111 1111
niiin 111 Vir f U UiHK Hi 111111 111111StW tiiKii tiiKiiIrjn
StW < iHK O I I
Irjn > l4ll n < Inlii In Irrnrh IrrnrhTo
i To T Til rnirim 111f or fl THE svi IV If All it Illur I
1 1 rmtxM of Tim i 1 i ii il cl la rrfatb rrfatblam tI > b bro
lam ro prut l ul alJl > > t > l > ftmlHar with lIh Itn l rl l t > uan uanUfiiri lInpnIln >
Ufiiri rrtrrnt f 1MT1 1bl li I e I l Nblfl NblflI J ltI I II
I ft I 1 IJI > MI S1il il 1 IArlMHlf 11 tut tirf lip I Itial IMnw
I tial iMilkniiw ih be < truiKUMin n of trulI r rlrlr Krruob KrruobHr I III
Hr II IitltMj by b llecnauU Harm II an n < horhn horhnIliri Ii IiII
Iliri II l irrinri 0111 > rrum rum tli rtavrr rattlteil rattlteilLiMiUltutlim pOIU1MtIn
LiMiUltutlim llinJ II la Tlrrrt TlrrrtJVr 111tPI
I T JVr town I ihi r tnr ll c tbil illvlitr If tm tt ttrn b bI
I rn n iininl < ii i illiiilB l tmitll lir > IraranU IraranUIU I Ano1 Ano1I
IU M I VUI Ilr IV lrn I 1I1t ll lilllif 1 < flnm fro wllhlu wllhlumi w11 lh lhI
I mi y nil 1 tin < r Uriiv I u itl < lr In Int i lrtil lrtilnil
nil 11 M < < i > ri ilJ iiii P il tII lit ull H rnrbanU rnrbanUrin nbnltnIIIIII
rin nIIIIII Mill < illll ll l il 1 lr I hil > rr pKrtir pKrtirir Iftr IftrtiP
ir tiP jl I ir fl 1 il 1 loirmrnn Utnl4 Utnl4rm
> rm il rwurte rwurtei
i rrm > Ihr Ih lr n l lir h bS I trrn n on n far farKlvwh
Klvwh 11 r I III hi i 1cItI1 Tltl > ral frur r Hun lu I ll IIt r rJ
J ti imr 1 lUlilfl 1 i Mf h IM 1 w lrtl lrtlp
p l l 041 lr rt > mm l < rlrr I iintH wnh ii iijuirh 11IU <
juirh IU l 10 p4 > rl < ir vlii i Trnl plil ii l II < iftir iftirii
I ii TX iifitnf o i T r r t ttmdln
tmdln 1Imhn
1 la 101 In Initnnr Ini I
i 1 n S I b 11 I IIt
itnnr Ii tlikin I 1n m < > br rrlnl I Ih
1 hn h w knin n Mhit t m4v IK I nrconirtl 011 riP > t trlirHf Ii Iirbn
rlirHf l n w 1 1111111 ixrtrrlr ixrtrrlrluhil
luhil i i lfif 1111 ut < irf IA I h 1 1hi I
1 101 to hi iw ft or n tn imrUI orffAn UA of ofin r rm
in tmrrait m n f jin < lMtH 1 > r hllrri hllrriI hll hllI
I ur i wruirn 111 h4nl 1I0nml jmrlr prlnlnl < lr lrjijii
jijii I I 1 iruH 1 ami J lit II t > rtUI < Arkl n j w Lb Lbllfie YoII
llfie II It I all 1111 lit 011
Ift II IIt
t JItotf JItotff JItotfte
te Itw Ii I I I4N
4N t tfIoe
M > 4 4i fp If If1ft
i tt ww wwM 1ft 1ft1It1t
M nHM l MM 1It1tIt
It N Nt
t f Nt NtIll
Ill n na
a M I ffW ffWr ffWI ffWct
lie It Mfl
1 II IIcr
cr t1attt 1ft 11 r a aIt
It t tU
U It > ta tano
no lMitl ft ml mlt ft ftto
t > tit to rrc
rrca a
It I tin tintan tI tIH
H tbae tan tfo t > y I In InI I Iao
ao 1SftII
I I H M mtlr I ntlto au ftjr Mr MrHnin it itI
Hnin i iiM lit I I < If rl f tn tnIrv btI
I 1M Itroo Irv Irvt
r niP aUna aUnaIII
III 1 Tdll t tMl MmM Ii h il rJ rJmhhll rJII
mhhll II WDM W f > r nf > If I f fhit lit
tftort boaftl tJ tJI I
hit Pr > tf < tn I lUrvrt m nMn nMnh n m mthai
h thai ba hi bh lnfr tc In I h hli 1 I IIJ
IJ be It nlIM nlIMI
I I li fill U < Tbl b b41M ta th thU I Ilot
U ii muM Pt f tof f bu t ocklvr tfvtt t to lb lbrr 1M 1Mr
rr r nf i I too 10 tn armml I JMr JMri r rt4at
i rnil r ttntii B I UkM mnli with tb tbi lbot lbotII
i flr II > M M Wiitt < r 0 twttU a ef th < t r irM irMlUnHr IoI IoIIIH
lUnHr IIH IIn1ertln ln r Mln4 In h vtoitor vtoitorfmm h ht
fmm t V Y rk i io th thtfi Roowit
I t 4et > cr I pI4ftal
fllt tfi hUme hUmelight Mm > I I 1kJlt ri ri1ft
1ft 0 qurt b I IInt
Int light lw I > felt Hnlatnnly Iortnnl e m me
e lly I the I report wlJO to being bel HmiUlwl bat batTel
1 Mr Taft by b bitt hl control e of th thI 1 1mbofltl
I ortloh mbofltl lilers ae aM l lo font I art n In Inmeni ItIo ItIomlt
meni of hie bl Administration and praie f fI for rl i ithe I It
the t Iarn tariff tariffWhat I4It
What was Mr Ir IliMNterelt doinc al t thut thuttimi
tim Here II U Irpn further rh etpUnaliun etpUnaliunMr flltenaiunI
I Mr I ltou 1tI erelt r cogni lCni1 ei that the I direct directprimary UdIrillu I
primary waa thu VIUl II01I1roc Progressivedoctrltwt Progressivedoctrltwttn Iodrh Iodrhi
i tn I b fought ha for fo at Manioc Mr Ir Taftn Taftnwicked I
wicked I I officeholders threatened to I pre prevent II IIvt ¬
vent any n declaration tlon whatever bal for prt prtinn pMI
I inn nUIfI Man If the Tuft indorsement wera a aulll
1 oppoawl ulll Tlelinrlng direct Irect primaries the thevital lheI
I vital loan 1 Mr Ir Hoonerelt Hoonerelton mmprom
on un1I all elatt to aav that thatj Ih Thl IIpllAnaon IIpllAnaonI
j i aprmd broadcast tJrU411 from Kanaun Kana to Iowa IowaIt 10 10It
It U I thit Ih Itooattvelt nnwr to th mlddtt mlddttIoniand nl >
1 Ioniand < for furn an eiplanatlon and fld is isimply I IImply
imply Itlamn Taft dont t blame me meHut m mIhd
Hut Mr Ir ItooMwIt 1t le answer doe nt ntKO
KO 11 Iowa I not hr u damned sight sightif IIICha41
if you y Iwllovn the Iowa 111 Progrew < vi > A Agnvtt
gnvtt 1 IlKht n nudtlen and satonlfthlug Inlhlil illu illutninitlon
I tninitlon han broken Irok In upon the Ih Iowa IowalroiCrr low1rtcrlv
lroiCrr 1rtcrlv MiVM You 1 people nml 1 your yourj ollr
j nw i > ul rt in Ih hx JIH lutve nild Miinrt Miinrtimxliv IIU I IIIIllCh
imxliv IIIllCh menu fI1i thine nnp ahout Komwvelt Komwvelttin
tin n I nluil unii n li I > ullli hllC < Proicrrxulvit naid hl hllu
I to nut llut I guewit < you ant rah rahr An Anfor
for r lOr me III I m iluiut d with II h Theodore TheodoreI
I Vmi r will IlIlhlllhSool1l1nMali find thed nuneiatloflii < > f 1 < < oee > oeeI 1
I rell vary n noo the Ih lntenatr of the th Progren ProgrenniVHM r < I II
with whom talk In Den Moine Ioln
I niVHM v roil i iIf I IIlf
If It I H unit nn of t tint th leader Id one onfr of the thewhu rnr > n nwho
Ilf who havofought hAYO Utllthl bled and nd dtfd for tho thoVroRrrtilre lhorI1v
VroRrrtilre rI1v doctrines doct In hln hi language risen risentn ri
tn the Ih Rrtnd ntyle tle HI denunciation in inthut I
thut of f a nun who wh feel a cnur > e he her herI nerrm nerrmImtraretl
I Imtraretl Talk with the less I radical and andyou andI
I you will IIIIIld ir > ti > ld that a greit < BUepicionand BUepicionanddoubt 8111lclon nd ndI
doubt of Theodore KcKwevelt In h abroad abroadin
I in Iowa Things that nptxxir Inexplicable Inexplicableare
are piirrlmK the tll humble of Progrea Progreat I
t 1 There I III aomething omlh nlr damned queT queTjulioiit II IIi
julioiit i ah04lt It all thin dynamite at Osawatomiei Osawatomieiami
ami dttchwater at 8arutogi rulg this is what whatIlh
1 Ilh they MV MVARnn
ARnn RIII the 11r friend of Henntor tummlnii tummlniiare lImminart
> are red hot ID their resentment nlml at the uu uuRenlion lIgaon
Renlion icnueti from Mr Rooaevelta a quar qllrIotr
1 twr that the th Senators Kaatern trip wa wan Wat I IR
n urpriM to him Too many veople veoplehave I
I have ha u the Ih Mth lIuhuu liu sppeil 11 sent nt to toCummins
Cummins by Mr Ir Itoonevelt An for the theapparent Ih Ihaplr1 I
apparent nucceeia ICC of Mr Koonevelt in incalming ionolmlne
calming Mr Ir Cummins they Ih1I1mil smile at t that thatin I Iin
in IVM I Maine 101II Theodore waa always alwayscoo1 i
coo1 1 nt I giving away bull 111111111 pupn and nd when whena I IA
a mnn wants eomelhuifj na badly as Sen1 Sen1ator n I IAlor
ator L llImmlna uniniia does he h will lI1lak take a flabbr flabbranower d4bbri
i anower hut me I don want aut anything anythingHIM
HIM KII Mr Ir Itoo vrltseiplanstlon doe doNn nt go gowith 0 0wh
with me m Thla wj one conimeat conimeatAll
All 11 thnt Ih explanations I that are Issuinf Issuinffroii 11110 11110from
from Mr 1 r lloonerelt slonR his hi latent route routeI
I I rou 11111 e only retentmeut In Iowa 10 Watch Watchhtm Wlcbhim
him explain they My 101 urimly a man manthit
thit has ha to explain all the time where wherem her herIII I
m heKiing t 10 Ret R None one of the Ihnplana Ihnplanalion ex pinna pinnationn
lion MititifieH either To the tI lowu mind mindMr
I Mr Ir HooMvelt nhoiild hare foiiRht those thosehiMtn
hiMtn III of Taft ofliceholders at t Haroloca Harolocahe I
he h ohould harn h foiiRht as a matter of ofpnnciple IIClnnII
pnnciple lnnII but above all 11 ile I h bot should shouldlinvi hOIlI <
linvi hll fought to make good his hi word wordnjxikrti
njxikrti ririht rl ht hero In Iowa a few fl wteka wtekaImfnre wwoleIrn
Imfnre Irn Hut lien did lie h ever v mall makRooil
Rooil they th tieer HOW HOWFhero nowfhr
Fhero t no n mistaking the th ouiotlun of ofPricr ofIrollr
Pricr s ivu Iowa Tbnru T tr Is I no inlmin mltndratlmellu inlminderatandluK
deratandluK the tli fact tliat the Prufresaive Prufresaivetlie
tlie II ln nlreII irt pnt hore bellevn Lelia that their theircaum theirI
I caum au han h t > wen nrt explolto < l and nd then thensold III III1
sold < 1 out It by Theodora Itoosevelt AH that thathue thaCh
hue h kimn 0 printed rlnted In tlie Kast of the low lowiuntttnint IowaIIIIIIt
iuntttnint In I accurate and aa understate understatement IIndrallI ¬
I ment rituar than an n exaggeration The Thelowit TheI
lowit In ProKreealreei ruKrlv aro ra mad mad wHh an anIndignation allInllitnation
I Indignation that mtatly Uy risei rl Into In oratory onituryand
and not Inf rvqueutly sinks elnlllnto Into profanity profanityHetrostotlvo profanityt
Hetrostotlvo too this emotion this thiswrath Lhl Lhlwruth
wrath la I One On of the tb best known Pro ProKnnwtve Pror18
Knnwtve In Iowa kMiirml ur me that tb slnon slnonHanitoKa IOMnltotra
HanitoKa nltotra the II pmiplit III of Iowa had read resdt readtb
the tb Hellamy Klorur letters thn thAlateat latest doou dooutnetitn
t tnetitn llioloal 1110 10001lrocrlvo Procresslva newspaper newspaperthe
the II iiryirttr and Ltadrr d printed them themHirJtoaa
I HirJtoaa Hua llt4 eientn nt had put a new Dot light un unthem untbrn I
them h said Id ixjople 111 weru r talking about aboutthem alxtltthm
them thn tb rispMoa plelo aroused at the K < ni nitonii ra101t
tonii affair had carried orer 0 Into this thl case caseThn calte1h
Thn whole lloosovelt career It would wouldKM olldm
KM m has ha Iwttn subjected hJect to a new W ecru ecrutiny eM1I
tiny till since OClt Iowa Progressives decided that thatthey tbattbe1
I they luul boon n decolreJ st Osawatoinia Osawatoiniannd toml tomlAnd
And od Iii out at n Hnratoga HnratogaAway HoertoeAw
Away Aw down deep It would soem m that thatIriRrivMiiVH tbatIrllleri
IriRrivMiiVH Iowa believes 11111 Itself to br brlroirrrmoivn berahr >
lroirrrmoivn rather than proltooser pron vltlt vltltHuI lt lthas
HuI has h be n a bugler the th best bNlJultlr
I1 niftier wa tt hnve b ever had I hut nit what If IfI 11the
I the inittler Is I always Iw missing when heQ you youwnnt ou ouwhnt
wnnt him lo sound the charge 7 Tbla TblawnasnothercomrnMit ThlwnnllthmmlC1t
wnasnothercomrnMit Iowa 10 ProgreMivr ProgreMivrwere Iro Irowno
were pr i red tn nocept Ilonnerelt I elt IJOT IJOThip exer exernhlp
hip if it meant Progressive Pro iv victory 1ct 7 but butn tlutlrlItrI
n ProftriMtnlvn defeat at Haratogs flftrat p with a aItnonAvnlt aIIt
IIt ItnonAvnlt VAlt victory dnen not plensn rl Iowa IowaIt
It la not easy to 0 measure not MtII1M rwsy to
1 ilMflnn thin Iht Inwa In eentiment t timPnt In thn th Roose RooserrHt 80 80t
rrHt t mno If ynu J take the Prngr 1r0 llv llvt < alTe alTeat
at their nwn rrtlimatn th Ihy y arn men who whohavn whnIIt
t havn rlnked their hsi political hopo la laflght IDftht
flght for Progretajro jprtn pHndpleo fplea Tbojr
fflooff + r r4n
4n 4nf
f 1 f fI
ff f
tIWf f
I cftt fW fWIf
If If1IItICft
1IItICft 1ft f ft ft
t n I IHI
HI t tIft tIftr
r iIr 1 1eft
eft rtWAw f frMft
t ft ftIe
Ie r rdMU
dMU 1ft 1ftrot
rot th th11I
11I 1ft
u ttw ttwa
a n Cf7 1 tr
r c I bIY bIYtItfrt
tItfrt 101I 1 1II
II r rNO
NO NOtar tar tarrts
rts Itft Itft1ft
1ft I t fI fIf
y I IftrtoaHeoft
ftrtoaHeoft t hk hkI
I IC rft rftNt
Nt r rt
t s tI 1
111 tIw < hwft tot totIt
It In In6uII
Ou Mr J lto I e < r tt ttI I tr trIIm
I IIm aMllty la wttt wtttnf Ift M I II
I Ut n rc I Ia
nf lMm a f nn If IfatatMiwnt I WI WIIf
< atatMiwnt If yoti rr lftIJi di th t II l n nInln I IUtot
Utot IDlllcun 1 eett oat t tI
I Inln In lhoei
tpr > Mit 1ft A flntl f 1 bf ItfI i ith
I th be > lo II I r 4re > Jr n ami amiRmwrveU 1 0 0I
I RmwrveU 4W Vt apn > dnivt In wtlh a4m a4mI
I I that U what thr I ty Y that U I wKU m mHitwtml < ry ryrot
Hitwtml rot nrvl 1 tUiN > IndleaMen 1IHoraI th 1 lr lrling rn rnILn
ling ILn enrmtiriinilent ennoI hwt h u twit hy to tom w wwni
wni Iti ni n nAs I
As fur fn IhJt ditwet Ii primary ltlfI ptanit ptanitl nitl nitlta
l thit ta swunln n fount ttftl fr rm m ih w wTnft k1 k1I
I Tnft rettnrsl ofTliilM 111 > M > rt < > n this thisthe hl hlha
the Iowa I PrngrwMiv permit permitto UIII UIIIIaUh
to Uugh Th f nutt legutk legutkl I mliCht I III
l < awtn II Nil providing lIntC for r ltar Iheilirwt luimlna luimlnalion miM miMUun
lion nf on t opener srul 101 ktwp the tt pretnit pretniti 1 1t
i of t llval e > lnnk nk AIM 1 fur lhit I I ti t gut that thatempty
empty iiHMiungleMa fmid Mr Ir lUni tvelt tveltprsl
prsl l thit h P ynt lirlff snl t irulor l lrwt lrwtTaft Ihttr
Taft r AdminiMrnllonlbeTifl lmlnulIn b T tdmimtlnf tdmimtlnflion lInlniI I IUon
lion which hl < h In his hi talk with un 1 m Inwu In he hedMVMincMl 10 101InI
dMVMincMl in tht It strutigrtl Ijnguttftt IjnguttfttThin lniCI
I Thin In I tlm Ih locwl 1 11 comment commentUhviounJy
UhviounJy Ohvl It In I not 00 for fn a foreign e rr rrsuondent npur I
suondent pur to I forecast reona whnt hAt the Ih lown I Pri PrigrewivtM 1rf4 1rf4lCnv >
grewivtM will m do Hut one thing In tiiuniit lIunutakalI i itakabU
takabU there th H no n MKIMUI 1Iu of r New fOW York rll j jor Inli
or the entire nli Kant t U Iclay > < Uy wbr t n bltlernewt bltlernewtat hltl
at 11 Theodore Th01 lUximveit compare fIIIJ with th thnullen IhIlIUllen <
IlIUllen nullen rewuitful anirry denuncUtlon 1ulI1l1allntlu i ithat
that tlu iharucterieH the th lown I Primrem IracnIvIhla lvit lviti
i at this moment If It Is I not inninnt inninntIt
It rwrluinly Mwmn m M > and 1IIt ut leant It i rent rentKor 1 1Ior
Kor onc on ju t once 111 tut I would hl neem tn Ihit Ihitj Ih Ih1II1IIUtt
j nilddlo WHU un I1n1 1 Wall 11 Street urn I ut ono onolira IIn IInIU8
lira agrwed a urn ar in perfect Irr wml 1If1 Itnpre IlIIlrI IlIIlrI1111 oivn oivnharmony
harmony ami 1111 their lutsin of agrmMiient agrmMiientIn
In I Theodore rh tJroo > Kntmevelt Kntmeveltifirri
ifirri TI v or nn 4fiKrs 4fiKrsn 1 1I
I n Ktilinallonat 1111011 lattef Ihelleinorratlr IhelleinorratlrRiot Ih 111111 olra III IIIRial
Riot In franeiill n11 Mall MallT
T < Till Jtummir nl1l1 Tnr l1I > lnn In I III
Hc II M I Oniie d to 0 IM h rurnl 1 rnl I Vinnrrifv IIlIIna of ofManAarliuMiiv r rIhll
ManAarliuMiiv Ihll in Hie III iilitorlnl arti1 < in inluU IIII
I luU Si x Hie 1 II article rlltl Infer Inr that the1 the1lun h I IIhlnc
Ihlnc lun ami lUi of tin II rural DeRiuiTMrr DeRiuiTMrraided
aided by b a minority of r tlm I I iltr tI of lUwton lUwtonbrand 1Ionbrand
brand aiicOHsleil la niartmv Ulnor the Ih lamen lamentable ¬
table Male Ial of 0 jtiTaim that ekiated elf at our ourrvont OliOf i
rvont f 1I1 Slat mnvention lOllr our premliwa premliwaare pnm
are iniorr 111 < ItIr it Had you 01 renl rIIllhllolon tin lo um j
Traiurrtfit Tu pl a roi 01 nhnild have hll ilnne Ion ynu n J Jwonl I Inhl
wonl nhl < l hare hll letrned that prerlnely at liiVt liiVton 111M I Ion
on the niitht of the Ih convention ten teni II1lnll II1lnlltHoro
i before tHoro thn Ih Went India grocery hoin j ji
i rlo mark you the Ih Ancient retnrnnl IIIn from fromtheir hmII
their II fall rainimign into priililtiltnui Maine Mainel tAln
l 10 > o ynu uniier the Ih convention nn thrown Ibrul1Inl throwninto
into Inl nn n uproar1 lIroA Douhlle ynu AII know el ellr II
lr that the III armory rnw of Ihln rIl redoiihtahle redoiihtahlernmpiiny rfflltllhhlI
rnmpiiny In I jiiM one n floor atmve 110 the con conlenihm n nnrl
lenihm nrl < n hall in that hlMorlc hulldln 1olIldlnontd ur urinoiined
inoiined by b the Ih irlliled 1f1111 ur IlrahoPIr hipier hipieri I II
i The Th old uard of o Vevr orlt may IIIn both bothdie h htI
die tI and n1 mrremler Iwfore Irll thM h fire 0 of t olooel olooeli olnQ1lIJOIr
i HonMvelt but I that Ih rlnilirriter a a noth nothItie noliInlf
Itie complied tn the II carnace rnor that nan occa occalonrl 0 0Iontd
lonrl by b the Ih return of Ihn Ih Ancient neln from fromMnro trom01111
Mnro Me Politic 01111 saide wd ran AII anv n on In InTnr InTHF
Tnr Hi 1 office micve t the Ih reawm n that rent renttle nl
tle 1 Ancient lo 0 the Ih Stale KIA of Maine Ialn on a fall fallnutlner 11 11olilloc
nutlner lioil Mive the Ih I oininimwrallh of ofM
I IUnnos
M irlin n IITtciniui n nlloftos
lloftos Octut 1IIr > er 13 13far I Irll
far rll Veaas Hparkt Park ef f Cardt CardtTo
To THS n CHITOR op Tup TII I rx r The fol foltovlni I I1olec
tovlni ritiact Irarl from tbr diary of a certain I lltt llttJohn I IJobn
John Tbomllntun who 110 matrlculatm at 1 st I John Johnolr t J
Collrcr olr Cambrldfr CmhId In I7V and nd nbo bo took onlrrt onlrrtIn onl
In I the b Cburrb C u1I of fntUnl In 1717 may m Inlrrrtil Inlrrrtilyour
your card nI playtnc 1111 rradrrt rradrrtI7I7 1
I7I7 April prll K A > ixm C t 1 rk telcf a crrat crratIlmr crI11111
Ilmr trr > t ialim 11111 lo an acrount ounl Ar A Hr 1111 1111I M Mkit
kit I rard wrrr lilt hi almantr Inn Tbr Tb foir rD ilt put putMm
Mm In mind of thr Ib four trttont no of thr Ib v f tr thrrr thrrrare Ih I Im
are t many m lardt ud at rrk lo tbe Ib r rtr at manv manvrourt ruan
rourt 0 rartlt n monlbt monno1 and at mtny m iott at Utt UttWbro
Wbro 11 b louknl hi upon Ikr III Line and nd ijiiern q Ihry Ihryput
I put blm In inlthl of hit bl allrclanrr 1Irln thr II iru of the theTrn I ITn
Trn ronimanitmrntk thr Ih nine of thr h nlnr mu milIh rt rtIbr
Ibr Ih rlbt bl of Ibr Ib rlrht II tllllulrt IIIItI thr Ih trrrn rn of thr thrtrim Ih IhI
I trim a llh rl 1 t < lrnrr llrie h til It of tbr t li itt I hr hronhi b
onhi 01110 to otU the III ntr n of tli DV 0 rntrt A Ihn Ib four fourof rOil
of tbe Ib foir ro tanirllttt arII thr I Ibrr br of the Iii Irlnll IrlnllIb
Ib b two of Ihr nu 0 tarram hI ott to Ibe b are uf one onelod on
1 iud lilt Itl tntllrr mtI tlj Mm yo 011 < i h vr forcotlrn forcotlrnIbr rorrolllb
Ibr lb knave II tatl I tbnt 1111 pin him In rrluil ul hit hitorthlir hi hiorhll
orthlir Infortnrr InfortnrrVour I Iou
Vour ou rndrrt 01 trtr r apply 11 itrtr trcm tncrnII < illy lo lottrrrulntnc 0 0IIIIIIr
ttrrrulntnc IIIIIIr how ibrrr ate 1 at many ma tpoli ti u 01nd t tand
and nd wbat bt are 1 Ibr rtfht altltiMlr 1111 and n1 ire I trim trimItbrral m j jrlm
Itbrral tclrnfrt rlm I II 4
lllIoot Ootutwr 110 It ItAn IIAa
An troaltt troalttTo
To TUB T rlITOn opTMB 01 TH Tl I sir 1 In > lrw 1 of ofIb nre
Ib e nurntrou um rou arrlilrnt caiitnl 1 hy I he b cveilnunl cveilnunlut
ut of llrwn am loromotlVM atlomottlrt 01110111 and trollry trollryurt 10111art
art I awalltrlthlmpatlmre U wIh 11 limn Itit b llith of mo mom moir moirrrrol
rrrol m tu do a ar y tilth lfb Ibrte Ib r pliill pllnlhllo ilo cooirlv cooirlvnr rI
nr 0 t anil ad relitn IID tu I tb etrlttih r ti e of tbe II IICtI4 food foodold
old fathloBtd ttac coarh coarhTLIttt rb rb11II1IIIotIod
TLIttt 11II1IIIotIod thfof irojrrtttnd the UI movrrornl moymP1lII I II
I tiffcrtt wotki certainty alalr terorrt Lot pocrI lvr titdrrd titdrrdby r
by II prnrnt day lUftnlUoot dClaW dClaWPrp i iPrrbap
Prrbap II It nol too OU lai I to 0 Induce Ind tb I Colon olon I
to take tbt t niatlrr tip and nd atd 101 Ihlt 111 rrfurra to 0 i i
Ut 11 advannd vn platfurm by h irhliU b I rnran A the thedot I
dot OIl b n In fhe III Vrt 1 iHixatN iHixatNMw 1 NI NIS
Mw S You 001 October Ob M Mt
t Pa > rar Waa w It frarrer 11 Tarn Carter Carl travelled travelledfrvn
frvn I I1 Hutu kIf Ulntr UlntrThe U Un
The n hett jok that bit b bapprnrd to 0 far t In Ibr Ibrpotittral II IIpoUIt
potittral poUIt balti I It I reported IPIt from lhtli 1bIIIbr > burr burrwferr
wferr 111 frnator Tartrr tpoie pok Uti ThittMlay Thll nlcht nlchttn
tn hi rrcultr tet I trwrrh Ur LI Cartrr Crt payt pa nulir nulira qlIrIlbu
a tribute Ilbu loronrrcttnitn ooro Tray I who bo It I Itrrrd N wllb wllbIII lth lthtil
til tame m truth a Ike III Vntlor allhonch one nn Ii IiAldrtrhltm I
Aldrtrhltm 111111 and 1101 tb b ethrr op fannonttrn fannonttrnTke I
Tke Tb fenator no bad 01 btmtrlf vnrknl S up to 0 a fln nnl nnllmI ly lyktmnlatrd
ktmnlatrd lmI pllrh llh of rtrnrttnrtt xhtrh It nrrrt II ry
lo 0 tbo o ilay I whrn bn iprakrr Ik Canmmt nnn llonltnt llonltnttuprorlM
tuprorlM 111011 It lrir iirrd and nI Mr i Iarlrr rt tttrtrd to1 I
thlt kilijrrl h nT f bv tt Olnr Olnro > lnc lncow
ow o thrrr 10 It I Mr ii Irar I Mto it I fharlrt C CP i iPrayr
Prayr P Tb Tbn n wlln 1111 a fn 5nal Boirtih of M rttbl bl t tbnd
hand tbu III Srnatnr drrlarrd I rrsxat who 11 It I
elI Prayr PrayrH P PIf
H teemed to I pant 1 far ro a reply 111 and nd a tall tallCtunl lalllulIlooklnr
Ctunl lulIlooklnr looklnc nan arote In tb II aiidlnnre ldln ant nt ul aalo1 < t
If no on 11 It will bile bll I will Who It I fee b any anyw ny nyIA
w yf yfMr
Mr rarlrr IA U ald 01 lo 0 hate 10 apprared trrrlhly prrl prrlbU
mbtrr t whl bU Ibe I aiidlrnre wat rontultrd rontultrdwih
wih wlllllorh Ituchtrr ItuchtrrDthrllA
DthrllA OI U wtl atklnc n for fo lh 10 btndkrrrhlrf bnd IPr
Wky rtMn < I ou ll kaot In I It to 0 rrmcmbcr rrmcmbcrwher Om lb
wher U If I he 10 rrlnt Iriil IriilIhr 1111 1111tterroollll I
tterroollll Ihr lb lr Isrh xrd > rolmrd
r tt 6
r T 110 110T 110ttt
ttt IM IMIt
It Ittot
tot f ftt
tt tt
ttN ttNt
t M tttof If Ift Ifott
ott ottlINt
lINt lINtl
l 11 11ttI
ttI r r rI rr
r r It ItII
II T Trt
rt Itl 1 4 4et
et IItM
1 1IW
t It i iItl
Itl 11 11r1tfe
r1tfe i It Itel
t n l NiMM w4l el It i > life lifealnMlf
alnMlf t rtooi ao n I Iia
tooi tot Lall t t tn
n If IfI
I ia UP Itnn 11 tv < ka hi < at atlM
i t lM II elitett l lot lotI 4 n ni
i him I to > ftir lt Ii 4il aa l a f f I i t tXa
16 ntnIat ntnIatI
Xa Tens fletnlMp n I IT IT
T > lt t att attr > > >
r nr Tw r i It ItII r r rIn
II tHto In ihlnr hl y r I Iof a11
1 h of th thi I < ttubl ttubllitH
i anil tHt m tiHimf 1 my h hotIle ll C tha > lr lrn e eI
I n H ne f the beo If Dot DO the I In h t mta mtan
n IK h nrt nrtI It ItU <
I 11 U m ilnln 11 lhi 1 anUIr lilt It 11d akl la it t pi > tbu tbuIh
Ih pANtli tl 1 M < er 0 of f Mp 1 RiM R > a v4t la I II hi hiiaf
I 4tal iaf ami thr n hnl lh aatlaa aatlaam lalL
m 4 ih h HetHihlleaojt 1ff lhU wllh II whom t th thoa
h hoa < tv btliM 1 he hI1 h r lh y are with till m mor fitlItof
or IHX I h T not n h hd nl It iiie llnn < r < t thai thaiihlMii Ihalt
ihlMii t < > ihit hl full It I ltou 1111 v lt tr fnpnracaJott fnpnracaJottli acl aclIt
li > r Mr lirittum um In IIMU aueh U UtnOl a > taO taOmeat >
meat a i primal Inllln In TIIK TII Mt l of 0 IhU mera meraln m mIRot >
ln IRot < iliAiilna what a vole Yul a aja Hlloun Hllounme U Un
me n tu i chlUbh hlltl No out ua kaaiwa 11 111In b tr trtlun
tlun h I what wb the h laati I la I I havo b r r r rand 1 1an1
and arTeuUun for ro rre IrId ldnt Taft bit rti rtirretflt IIIfI
rretflt fI of u it llepuhllraa lI uhIlCQ victory IeIo la New r d1I d1ItIl rk rkilt
ilt fall would lhlllrl properly Co to Mr r ROOMIalt ROOMIaltand
and n1 not to I Mr Ir Taft II W WSKW WS
SKW S YOIII IIa October U UTtie UnU
Ttie < reatet fort fortf anr
f tur ruitor or 0 TUB 8fxs 81 rjr < p I Ite i ifore
fore the Ih clo of hi Presidential trm II IIat
at hy y a ITnlte < i 8talea fUal Senator flaln flalnII MI MIthe
the II floor of r the It Senate that Theodore Rooa Rooalt n nIt
lt a < tb gr ar tet 1 cur fI e that had ertr eYernhcl ertrnfllictetl
nfllictetl nhcl Ihl country countryMiale InlrhAer
Miale hAer r doubt may mA have ha exUted nn n th thMibjrct IhA IhAbl
Mibjrct bl tnut have ha recently t t1I < n dl dJil14Ird dJil14Irdn1 ipalrd ipalrdnnd
nnd n1 the Ih terdlct rII I now no rapidly r ldl growia growiatotanl
totanl unanimity nllnlnlI K T TonK W WNrw
Nrw OIIK October 14 14Tnlt IIThl
Tnlt IIan Ian la I a Ver Ir Vm for r Ilk tiler tilerTo 1 1Tn
To THP TH KiiTnr Inn or Tin tin Nir o oatln KiiH KiiHarln
arln a wortl orol on the Ih death of 0 Cardinal Wat Watney 01 01m
ney mny m help to explicate tbe Ih makeup el elthe 0 0It
the It man who ho mat a lion at t Oaawatoml tad tada Dd Dda
a lamb at Haralo rlo a to wit witlilt It ItIII
lilt III own opinion nlon wa hit III IIIII law lawlie
lie II would ou uy untruth and ad b be rvrr r dosbie dosbieliolh d dIWlib
liolh In tit bl wordt 001 a ad d mt mflSllr nlnc b e wt > nerer nerernut on onnul
nut brt k mal to ruin pitiful pitifulIII pltSr pltSrIII
III pmmlte wrr a he II tbrn tt mlkty mlktyHut mJ 1 1n1
Hut hit bl prrformancr romnc at hr It aow 110 notkltf notkltfNiw lIotlltCI
Niw I Yoni Oil October 14 E 8 8Cannonlim IICnntam
Cannonlim at Harateca HaratecaTo rKa rKaT
To T TM FntTon F nn or Tn firx flr 5 < ialloooim e eCannonltm > >
Cannonltm was kicked Icll out an inn bad tn be beendured tieolInod
endured at 1 Washington yet wa accepted acceptedt
III t Sarato a by the II leader of alt 11 Intur Inturiienla lnaurlIn
iienla lIn a the proper thine for th Ihe State of ofNew IIIw
New w Inrk and nd Cannnnltm llceruea Roo RooveltUm Ro RoIUm
veltUm IUm faint lBULU O NCWTDX NCWTDXHojitn 1Irull 1Irull1I0ln
Hojitn Hclolver U UThe 13Thl
The Weathercock WeathercockTo th thTn
To rnr EniroR or 0 THK 8fy5 fllt < fole folenel 01 01nlllooII
nel lloonerelfa failure lIure at I IheSaratoia Ihe 8r101 eo eorentlon 00fntlon
rentlon to urs a reaolutlon luUoa rondemnlet rondemnletthe
the Ih 1ayne tariff wn 9111I a tacit approval of It Itmerit ItmII
merit III abttird plea of 0 ronfeMlna and andaroldanr aJldoldn
aroldanr oldn at Atlanta ahowa ho a lamentable lamentableweaknena Imnlablewralln
weaknena wralln on the part oftbl ot Ibl tute 111 roll politician ¬
tician 11 < 10 while calling attention to tbe Ib in intable u uhl
table hl weathercock 0 hrcOtk procllvlliea of tb Only Onlyllonex Oel OellIon1
llonex Mnn How 110 truly 11111 tlrente lrAII and nd la laconrruou IIIonrroo
conrruou onrroo to he h at allh the name time a deftndtr deftndtrand
and nd a denouncer of the Payne tariff I III law1 law1II
II F K Ktn 1PlIcrlp
PlIcrlp tn N J October OctoMrFranlf 14 14Frazl
Frazl anil n Bargain BargainTo nIUlTo
To TIIK TH rniton nr TUft Hrv5tr Ht ra ran CdrArde
n fr rArde r le make a bargain On hit hittentlmony ht ht1lInnn
tentlmony the tI day dA after hi opponent opponDwhltd rr rrwhlppenl
whlppenl to a fraule Now Sn he h aay h bIn hi4 hi4to
to bnr 1llIIn aJn In ret rr what Itt he h did Can n n frtrrt frtrrttnalea rrUItn
tnalea tn A barealu Pi 111 ri n nNrw I ISr >
Nrw Sr Votg 11 October tnhr 13 13A 13A
A Ixi t nppartnnlly nppartnnllyTo
To r TIIP ir FntTon or Tilt Hrjf Hr Sir ii It not notMr
Mr 1 Honnevelt 1IIIfI lt lotlnr an n npitortuniti 01f oIn1h > n oei oeiiiolnic DOlIOAOI
iiolnic direct U to 1011 PortucaP s r I Ii t tEIrUTII
EIrUTII i N 1 October II IIfar Ur
far r friend llnd of Mr i Tart t > Iomlrr IomlrrfVoei nd ndf
fVoei f II Aru 1 rv ffdMi II Jourfi Jo < irr rvrfr rvrfrIt iirl iirlIt
It may m not be that fh In a urnlnir IIne ai th thrr h hrrnlhIltU
rr rrnlhIltU Kiinllllllle of 0 political JIOII II I leder riti fD fDII n ntlieHtateof
tlieHtateof II KIfllt New S Vork ok Colonel Jlon 1 ttoorrit ttoorritplottluic noplIlrluItHr
plottluic to hare h hlmaelf nomlnateil nomlnateillre rn < < b b1IoIn >
lre 1IoIn lilrnrr In 1012 It I reaoublr rflJlt ublr ublrIn f ftain
tain In i bar h If he h carrlea carrlhe the reat 1 Stale Kla1 Ne Nenrli
nrli 11 thl fall 11 with lIb ottlMr < mrr nll nllHlale n1I1II n1I1IIKf
Hlale Kf Kiilnif In llemocrallr mrUr be II will willpotltlon 11 tD tDpolInn
potltlon to 0 dictate U Ibe Ih Iretidrntl1 Iretidrntl1tnilntt lrI < Inll nM nMInlnn
tnilntt two 0 yearn benro n lo T exprr I l limdir III IIIlIud
imdir lIud nurh Ih rlrrumntancea to dini dlr h hnomination ht htnnmlnAIIA
nomination nf 0 a man who h h < il Id l hl > to toliitlouarr 0 0IlIlItlua
liitlouarr ideaa 1 In Inherent abborrmrit It Itto I II
to I < ouf r < a rnlaundertaoillii ol 1 I hat hatnrter bA bAr
nrter r It I not President TaW fa fathit > t1 t1h <
thit h net n njtlonallam ha h IMWII m mI d dUtue
Utue in Sew orli or and In all other otherof II e er
of r tlie II I rnlun nlun till > ear r nml lie wil 1 n nheld r
held 101 re CDtitltil for rn u re > e i I Itin 10 10II
tin II ilrlllwrilr III ilninK nf r I nlouel nlouelTle 1 II IIn <
Tle n eleitlon of r Mr Ir Sliui 1I1IInA r > n III Net Netnlll
nlll 1111 HI r I olonel Itoovetell mil < f r1 r1or < 4 4of
of people thai the new 11 nillonalitni nillonalitnilive 11110 11110u
live u lt I u In American politico 1111 1111nnf I Inot
not a d dltIIl lmble IhltiK Ihl In avoid at a ail 11 4 4are f f10
are at a lot 10 lo know CU M hat halill it ir inL inLIt arLRldln >
It Rldln lit Ins Two T Hone tt Onre Onredearly tlnrn
n l r 1
dearly we are In for fo Hie h areair areairof 1 1 1or
nratnrUal life lifeeeek hI to ° 0N
of a re t man a
eeek N to reconcile the Ih dortrlne ol > ndf ndfWettern dl dlrn
Wettern rn prnelanjallon 1n < InaUon wnh lIh ih h crt J Jcally
cally 011 oppoeed nppnH dfMrlrlne of the to to1Horl1l 1111 T Ttervallve
tervallve platform nhirh htr hi hiand o t > V Vand
and cootrnlUxl cnntrnl ooaventl a aurprt1 aurprt1country aurprtHoScountr
country with