OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 15, 1910, Image 9

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-10-15/ed-1/seq-9/

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THB 1n s SIW u 1 ATVK SATtraiUY ATV T t Y t1Lf OCTOnBK OIl i ii PIt K IS Ihr d UMO I
VP tmff tmff4f dtrflat dtrflathry
hry NI NIM 4f
> mf A MMew4VbMV0le lit > 4W <
4 it < m m tk tki
M w r i i rfl t r 4 i MYflftR MYflftRs t r fV fVoetMfier
s w oetMfier pfrr f r H HM tIM tIMa >
a 4 rarwalrw 11 J s sM
M M NIah oW dl dlr
r 4 1 Mir r riii JIk L 4 M Ml
iii a ytlktww ytlktwwar
ar 14w e w 40 40i
i y r Art I nyl nyln
n rh r wrwI wNMMwr wNMMwrw
w I fI 114 ew wrM wrMM
M IN d a awMtrrr
wMtrrr + 14 4hrnw0wf 4hrnw0wfArut 11 J Jne
Arut yw eta pt n nerp4w nerp4wwisp I
ewd w M e hN epn epnw
w af Mr 5r ne 1M 1M11M p +
4 wewNlt ° tMMt t
0 b M Mahe
ahe Mir 11M Ise limier oft oftt Iwo IwoN
N Sp t p a
t 4 111 l L h hf
f t tali 1t Mw Mwt4
t4 emwfrr A r nhMw nhMws tftr tftrf
f s M wwe u3tac I 4wt tr per perY 91 91III
III + Y Ph I M t torr I Im
m meted r M this orr r IfIot IfIott t tw
w he N t rka tI tIM pk Awl f ft
M t 4H 1 A avelsw nfrhew nfrhewtw two
tw mw4 nu 00 M UIot M IAe pnfct Ft Ftarw th thtHtne
arw + hltrt tHtne 1 te t m ft l Pwry rT titan thitnpr t tC titank
k C t vohte pI 1 pr purkti4 < t t > MMI MMII t thi
e I him hi at 1 th Mm MmHtmrt HIIWII ernw
Htmrt w th t nUtry sin t it glue 1 v nn Mnl Mnlr IH IH4otft MntI1IIrt1rM
r v I1IIrt1rM ri4M 4otft i h hat priv4lMwna > rtviii 1 i an awl > l ih ihc h hHut I ttt
c imnwhwagrg tt b CiIIttl CiIIttlr1a dInthus ap n ns
s Hut ilk nmtMr In ItisI ni lfce irkter irktertrvn far farfmt t
trvn 1 l gret fmt t t1ft K i 4n n erri trrt sl slm i inne
1ft a hlrahar r n + nne tt t pnto pa a ah1 K Keh he her
r eh h1 l awl 1 It I Ia fn S twthat b tw f > l tll1 tll1C ll lh lhr Pt Ptwnd <
r > wnd i n C f Nf n4lbtin tt alttut If hUh hlehtot1 UMtml Ie wMl wMln
n entfM en tit tot1 tot1It an eo1 eo1Mr
Mr It ItL ttltonr Jha J ut nrwitIt nrwit
It i an 4ntttrurtttnvdy ttr nlin tlftil rilv hHfoCb lh n > i h puns pionxof loon
of t nrk rlc 1 hAl P AI Dr UwUt wakl CLtrrfenn VHUrl YHLariha VHUrlHaiktrlniki ioU ioUhe
Haiktrlniki he ha l4waIn ItL h ttl icnvtiy < oC of f J Jehn hn Mrnntllru4hten Brown Brownitlfflln tIn11I
11I U4hten < itlfflln urn tmpnyl t mpnfl H Its HIM h4gathw1 HIMil h htll1
gathw1 tll1 il U cthr > hot AU tri tt mulMrktl m I written writtena wflU wflUGOI
a mil > l rul I that ho h emit O Amt an nol l tirenerm tirenermIt pre rn nt ntPt
It thi h trulr4 r nW JiMljrmnt ringn trini nlCnlth nlCnlthIr11OftIIIo neither neitherfrinil tthr tthrfnml
frinil Ir11OftIIIo tw two f > r fi t lo It wa w worli ark 111 that hiniM alyIIIMy hiniMN
N My < M r e nMMn W > n tht I rill ill glv gtv Iv hl Mcun Mcunn t < irun irunn
n either sAil ground IWl ound for to rrteoil tlo > n lmt lmtthat t tIn INitthat
that Ieve M th mfluvnv the U Ut Juhn fimwn fimwnevUKxl 11m llmwnnlao
evUKxl 1 + ll hoi on n th North il daring > irm th this aril arilwar < lvilwarutMSplalneii 111UDttplAl
warutMSplalneii warutMSplalneiiDr war ita UDttplAl UDttplAlDr t pbltnl pbltnlDr
Dr VllUnl 111 tracM t the th Hfljrrt IItt yr T nt w of ofJulat orJuLa tatJuLra
Julat Brown DIu IJ I before ht h went t tu I Kan KanMM KltnIth Ka KaM
MM M with Ith great gr t patUmiii peal pollen IU II ipUliui hi hitrucAlio h hIUIU hts htsarugglr
IUIU trucAlio a anal 1101 tiH hi + VtMlnMM Lmin Iln + s tnmbl with without withnut lIh lIhnu ¬
out nu U7lnit tu 1lokl hl M hire from t ItLun > Uiu II 11tum HM HMtIU IItu
tIU the tory of t the Ih tight fl ltht ht In Ki KltfUIII rn u with withImiwrtUlity withI1ke llh
1111 I1ke ImiwrtUlity 1m r rtLaUly LeUt nI1111 ci > n > li > inntnjc 11111 > Uii for t hti htitutn hi hiond1 hiwrongful
wrongful acts ct i rlsas hAl giving Iwo wllth wllthHun wrlghttlwn
Hun h hlbO1r1 he nhotilil In what 1 could COO Ie I Iw wild 11M 11 In hit hitKilf hi hib1t hiettulf
ttulf > Kilf ll ilim dtmon 1nwnln in tr tnl t ii thit Hmwn Hmwniulpi Hrownsit
iulpi sit 11 kiotoul s 11111 t jilt ll IIrpr rfmr Kxrrjr Kxrrjrt as th pLcw pLacoo pLacooto
w to hrrwimeth Ihlnl int must t IMldon king It Ito IstforS
t pksntll Lin iu I hia ntMl Jill Ifespire parm I n il stet 1 1II i til tilf
f hx II uio IlICOmpotll > iiti lllpalent > t nt t anhw nM > l > vM miMril nuwnshttaaftnr > 1 1ai
ai i Intln in flir llari Ilarlrs < r JVrry srry wastt wan nil irki I4 kri kriiIaUti < it itpUtnt
pUtnt a JI and JiKtitli much Itt wee weenhyltrnwnspwnut w wliy wtoy
nhyltrnwnspwnut toy lInn < > > witi n11 iu li MVUI m mi I illaid
aid < > i l to t bh > l r x hit 1 tnnnTM nI1 woiiM < 1 hiv hivt h ht hartcrrl
t crrl t ii th the iin lino r ur w < 1111111 ittiniil < lr If Inhn lohnI
1r I r awn n had nt n v > r Fiirr 1 irrl l lV
V totritir rtuilmx them tin cviilHiu rvtd 1 tuv wo nlel woildjua ild ildr
r jua juttrtrl to I In r Rrilinu ri er ling Ilrown n M MIUlIUC an in inran inau
ran niuitlc rvrn cv ii th thtr the nrgrnt n r lie h wlII1 wlII1n1 wiehltr
tr n n1 l from rm him in II ttrror ttrrorif t rntr rhr h ulhn aathunu ulhnellil
if u civil and inillUry only did th their ir plain plainuuiy 1141111Ly plainarty
arty Ly Thu comix corn from Ihc h luoerupny luoerupnyiii hJu ugrapny rllny
1 iii n < wrttun wrIU Jlfty JTMITH nfl ftr r I fr > r rur
1 rd ur 1 i rot4nuiny tM many ciMT estustotiof 1Ior ifll iii of North Northn
err n 1 i p in I n after tho IhfIIl000tUon lb fi fiinejil aroslllnn tbooyrn tbooyrnfrom they srm srmnapf
inejil i if from th the tory that thatihnii prrcwles irhr i ilh
rhr ihnii 1h 1hr < facts ct could not land In th thttf thin thinfr I IMV
ttf 1hr < wave MV n of Indignation < that wfOpl awptthrough > wr wfOplhurh > t tihnxjith
through thin > h North Northnnrcould nor could thryeipLiln thryeipLilnih
ih the iig mrnotn M e fit if thf Ih refrain refrainMn rralII
Mn II oiil 1 goes It marching chine on If I ever I n nr nn nran
ran r jn n wa Rally I and Ju jlllly tly x seethed nit l it itJohn itJohn I Ie
e John drown on and Dr 1 VilUrd lm h lo > c ct I Ipry
t i pry y proves pV it if r ever an eiecuUoo II U OII wn wnlitio 11111lIl1e witsIatr 1
litio und IIn l III ndvtA ndniud t it wits 10 hUau hi R th thc Ihprovl fir firC <
c war r prov provl l There are greater greaterir
ir f in hi hlAllry tory than r real j facts omt romium omttim 010hm
tim and the Ih John Brown fever 1 wan one onemd on onN
N < roul 0111 md 1 a ak k for a cloir clearrrstaternmt clearrrstaternmt0l < It r ulatPin Ialrnnl Ialrnnlc nt ntc
c 0l t fart falIIlh i in th ca however than Ihll Dr Drr I r riirni
1 iirni Irnhflt h tt in thi thilrw thls hook hookI hookIlrws
Ilrws lrw I of tlany l ny land nI nIhAA
11 + r has dlnfICi drsm I of 0 ilriftinj ilriftinjfrom dHtnHor Iriftsngt Iriftsngttha
Hor Ih tha tinutti lIb su from Uln 1 to i tAM tAMa l lf
1111 a a f ni ivillation and the ne need d of ofk
w k ing on ircpkal to plct fniitw and ronra con conrr 0 i
rr with ith the Ih nrniabln children of ofcntKsi ofe I II
e I < cntKsi rlt by b the Out navigator navigatoiTetv llIalo llIalov
w etv v Mr William Henry U nry Kun Kunf Furne Furnet UnI UnII >
f I a 1 f I lie Harm IIIK hi Umn sojourn in the then hpI
l n amid d < if C 1 ap wp trrnmot wetrnlmo t of th tIMCarolin Caroline arolin arolinI
1 tiirri h h hr d df Itrll nrirxii rlM in 11ie 11 9 lulaiut lulaiuti
i one n 1lnnay lun y lJ II Iippmioit Corn Cornkv Iorni i
kv i n v I I w wits a < no hornctn ne eat t tlrrM tirrrdemnttnnd i imatlorial
> < matlorial rivalry Ilk like hi titrvrn titrvrnI ven J Jiknu
I > > anoI iknu h > t that hi h landed Innel 1 in bit l it aN a ar apo
r po f i c ommunlty weaned ant from bl blrwwl blrwwlt > of off
f I r nnbim 11I11 and K Entl itl n + trio arly arlyci > Iy
a ci rrne > m who charmnd the I iiuHiiii 111111 nmtlnrro III IIIO rx rxo
o llnimiy IInIIII l Dr > r Kunie 11 lived by d for fortnionK rll rllIUOIIK fornsrmg
tnionK this nail lIatlp veil and an I found rOlln1nII foiulnrtrlitliestll
1 nrininirrttlVH nII 1 Thxy call all Uieir Uieiri
t i tau II lie dw di rihr rti their Itin r mniiier mniiieri IIIIt IIIItI
> i n unit lUll I < erruundrs ffiiionii IIIIJlli purti oartsularl oartsularll < Milarlt Milarl ulII >
t t ir 1 iirrfluV with lth Ih I detached detachedrliilent d taclud tacludc i ia
c a I II rliilent rput nt of fI ethnonrBphy ethnonrBphyH
If pmaMtntly to aa4ntly and entertatiiuiKly entertatiiuiKlya
a A m li I l ile I < + uriptiiit > may not odd uddi wIdnlwlllI
n i h knowlerfrH knnwi rtge of pe wt inllHlii inllHliithoroughly 1111 11111IJroJhly mliststhoroighly
thoroughly enjoywl Joy1 1 by byi
r > i rtMilir A Ir who will ndmlni ndmlnii ndminrtrIlrnt < IIInt
i f rtrIlrnt ii ellent photographs Dr I Ir Iw I6wvr
r tivrcver w hail ael another uotl i lilt i of ofn ItIv
n I I Klve Iv Wientiflc int < t c value alt to I hit hitM hi hiI
1 I M wa leaving ea lnK n atholic atholicI I
I 1 i lit itw I Iltll wilh it lull 1 ttwk ttwkyraninar > KK > > k ki
> 0 i yraninar ranirn r and vocabulary v ahnlary uI31 of ofiii orII of4nga41r
< 4nga41r iii II MRe HIM tI lint ever to print ej ejini d danlne
anlne ini 111 tio < > < li Iw a grief liililio bihlingraphi ruphl ruphlr t tC
c > v lli 11 1101hr r Kumewt Fm IIHM tnttmlateii htntraudalTIlIt tnttmlateiili
li ilm II l IwustUt ueUl of 0 1olyiielau phi phijnv pitsand h han
jnv an mil IhI the lit Breton n lnn MofTat MofTati 101 101I
i 1 < nnkinvi tml 4nv Mr Ir I ieorite rgr 11 V ikinon ikinonI 110111 110111I
I a i tNinag In IIIIIKM d to n write in inter intermi 111 111Ii itntrrA
> Ii mi ii 11 a 1 ulir lw1 < f al Aiwgt oiit why t teul L Lrkt
eul 1 hljl I I I trn trti wnMell wrist 1111 Ilm IlmHF IIi
I HF rnd > I nil 1 H lrrI rien nn III IIII wi wiIlor i ii
i iiiriiiry I Ilor n nnd fI1 legend i I i1 rtlv i1c
r c toy 10 arid nU 1 HtcreeiMr Ilan Hl II t tel I Iif m ernp mIHf
> IHf p if wt 1 i t I I bIf1 > ft lfe li liMuin 1III Iiialri
Muin III IArt Art rt of tier III i Ma < k fh fhii fIIi ihr ihrr
ii 11 er r itty I in rint 1 I at atr r rfuture M
r future 1111 I pi nif i are rr inn innilr or tttnI
1 w11r 1 Fdwanf Ing Ingagr 1 1II +
agr ilr > + > prIfi i > > in thorn II Stt SJrI < tf tftMj
0 I til atar tMj jf Mir i ay ey a atat IM IMiHdurt
iHdurt r1r ofylut 11 1 prww prwwrlgutal rM rMriKUMl
riKUMl f lnllhf < nth > iv 1tj Ih Ihi I I II
i I ai r iHp j w are pr poot1 t y but I Inert InertM I Isr e et
1 I 1 M f th the lrawtriit < It I Ifpunr l linin
inin iril e it 1 ittrnrtve Irk I atilt aVxtntid atiltand jl jlt
and t 10 peoplm pM > pti that nre n nI at Alwev Alwevr w v vniil
r niil Ii I Mint nrtiRtx nrtl nover firr firrrm tire fI lOr lOrm r rrni
rm rni m fiiMMi III nlvrrlNinx nlvrrlNinxM ti
M j 1 t 1nr than h o eprejd 4r 4rrnroalrnk lr lri 1
i rnroalrnk iti lH ik Komantir lals lalsrAri nil nilrl I1I1ltl
rAri ltl rl H 4r rihri hll rs r Son 4 11 I The Thele fl
1 le hi h tut riji read 41 t with It fhe iii h nil oI 1 1h of ofnrn nln
n nrn < Kh the th h riii 11111011 oioiix nn and un1f > l lie
f ie SiHiniith Kctipnnrjf ff < Inn Innt u ue
t 1 inr e ioinu l > nlA within rench of J han an I I
rp i
nn w + Par I Nan art is isL
4fn L r rw rt tent NM tr If IIH Iff IfIII s stile
tile rib neat Mts
11 mtbaes e4AwywI e4AwywIww
ww IMawl w w 14 e ef t
f f itLLs IS ISY
Y a rp4 s + nN III J drtel tie lit eke ekewwae
I wwae nu 4tt ta Mwf t I pe ph phnt p pe pf pI
nt aa ee eeM
M e MrMeb tstit s pwd twY twYYw
Yw we Ibwe l4sN f w Msar Msarn
n t 114 aa rli 41 41ls4e
I 4 4to
ls4e 5 rrtlw to r + wwr t tI nit nitaid
aid n + wr r prwwI prwwIs1
s1 I I MM th + 5140 nat mall mallI
I r 10 N la trod a f ft
t wMrunr p ru hw M MN
+ N M p rwhtlwt tar ea eaa
a n at 14w s + rarNr aMf aMfr
r ah tosses PiA00 PiA00Awew
Awew aes twfwer tII ilia a a1M vws vwse
e s ep 1M N 1w rAK N a gww gwwarrr
arrr rew Y L Me n nI 1 a
I i tr + Nm 14 a 5 tla tlaiJ
iJ tl tea rmtlw ria Jilt JiltI > as1r
1r r iwtt M + M Met H ml
I i w No 1Ia her 5140
rl N At e a as
1 s 14 r 4 Mwtw4MnN LII n p ILr ILrIw
Iw w y tknwy flI + IptNw w4 1r 1ri
i i h > H IIM ha > x i i n nl e mls f r > Mi nal l 1t mad K HHer HHerett Mr MrI4
ett I4 rM wI K
I K t I rep MaI4 4 fI 4 rw rwI
I I4 r + MwwM 1014 RwnIrHn d t 1tr 1trMr I IItt
Mr Itt M l a f1II h Imu tf tft t slip htfHOOi htfHOOito
r t to C t rap awl 1 t wnymneb I It It ItMf
Mf dMrww 1 slrtwnsr t tkn et t tI fit fittats
tats wt 4 wh4rh rlw twtnm n ptaI ptaITiter
Nt a new oI almpd < Ia 1 tI haters hatersh4v
I h4v trnilMm awl 1t 1 taw arw ret0 ret0gavel
gavel pirlrr rnwatwr t wal t f trot W 11drarl
drarl 1 1s riA 40 an psis It th Ihi h ht n nMii
t frw w Mrarvt Ie N + IM 11 Mii Miilni n t n1 Itat Ita w warIaM
arIaM 1 1tvI lit lni ly 1 i Journey jn1m tram fmmthe ftn La4r La4rklo pa paand
and the P i knl4n hwr lw t > r n PNul > tin unit unitIlm
iTriwl i Tn Atlrarl tu vw w Ilm I Ph trip tripfor In In11ft wa wapp
11ft pp nurN 111 for iI n4 n4intt vtn4 nrllII TMrk TMrklam
lam 1 intt attta1 me < m mins i iA Mr p esNdht esNdhtawl CM CMfIAt
awl fIAt A < tH tkr tttrn w ManIwmewnt Uarilly 1 HflleiiMit mcriotn t Ita alT alTa lit litnt glrw glrwithnl
a < itK ithnl ntv nt t it M i IIh Nlwr Hrt r s n PtoalI mar > i on ont4 n nlory
t4 nsn MuldNrbtn 11 and 1 11ilmmrA IIInn IIInnI hl hlgory
gory I IMM IMMI must II III pklaw pklawI
I rho r > H KAHit Mot Nnmhiw > h 4 in SM grin in > v lie I John J h htltr I IMix >
Mix lrkl lb 0 > rl > l iTlWrtM Y I trwn r w llnnd 11 end nllIIft IV tum in inIprtnyi
Iprtnyi I piny wn wmm pktn IHa < l nrt Mr i fist the It e < Uriiitl 1 1lhalltGla < > nsf n ni
i ef I lhalltGla h ulattiii lUlenK ltII 141 ma It w Tt Ttitulil nrIIo 1 1gukt
itulil Iek l k with a i t i vsmtnnlfrV t iMeiit ltlT rr wh why whimh whimhmnv h hmny
mny y mid trn lhvI verier hart whteh would 101 101n h hnwrt l lnwirw >
nwirw n ral vahkthlm Mbl tad 1 eHterktmifl IlhIflC if r the theauthor Ih IhIh itauthor
author Ih had run reranl re rde nl1 < hi hie wn lmpr ImNIn ImNIn1n11 Imprrwlnstntr i > > n nInnteiul
Innteiul tntr d if 1 1IIfl < ii t > nit th uu of other ltl writer writerI wrilrriThr It ItlTh +
I Ther lTh tire or many n pktire Ik k tirre f flI Iron n m phntugrsph photo phototo ltaICIIih
CIIih 1nU v rm h herthanpmhtyan herthanpmhtyanI Inn 1 m mt
t to hitv Ia Iwvn n the th iibj iibji hJ1 hJ1I t tI
i I Ittaiutre I 11 Mltrhrll I tleV tleVi nI nISn Irywn IrywnNo
i So omipletn < It mlleftion mil tta nf the th utter 1111 I II lan
I a an of r III < Moll CniUllliey lhollIt M I l Ibtw Ibtwinn > Tww Twwrnn
inn n ever vr 10 > itwile out Th rhIch < niih III It yor tut Itanil tutnot 1111IInl
not rwen n hennl often n t1 > publir of it r lat lati Lite Litet la laIh
t i the Ih thlitn tlme > what WII no n New Ii lork ork or lithe 111 t mftt wranon n i irlon Inn
non nn WIM wit rTfeft wtlu withul > ut hl hit h prerence prerenceftjid 1100AJUI ptrsncartt
ftjid niwevh run un Lark l Lrynnd > eyi > ntl inetnory I
1 In th eight I ht olume hlln + of u hl union OratliuiAddretwen
1 Addretwen 101 and an I Hpevohe e iIitol < lite < l Sty 10 hit hitrlautnate lit litla to to1111I4
rlautnate 1111I4 la + ma John PenUon Ctuiitiplin Ih snatrly ipri 1
ittrly prlnt prlnteil l by 10 Au ulln u tIn1tIn lin und 1 li Iglmrmb IglmrmbVrw > o < imb imbNew I IS
New S York It i th h j rliet ilate al wi w lId i i17S sI
17S I td And 4nIII th > vai a nutnrity of the th J + m M liei lieiprinted hr hrpntittti + I
printed IIIIt1 wer iliMT d it rd I in th thin Lint quarter quarterIt qtartreItturr 1If 1IfI
eItturr eItturrIt I
It I a 1 tnulllv III I eiiifrrniriiiK rnl hloIII rtilning < collerti rvdlrtin6r 111 > n nfor hr
for r So S SMI rarr I < T I kq > > w lui ttwkrn n iken n nIJ on a jtrejit jtrejitvariety groiItvArlrty
variety of nulijmtii IJ h he lian III otill U I Irlou ni nierlou > ri rierloiu
erloiu rlou and AIIII nmre often > 11 an ufi In arcntng i inc after afterdinner IIrh IIrhIII t tdhmertker
dinner III dhmertker 1 aker Ill + mlilr > + < srs ef are artclaani artclaaniflt claiMi claiMitied c
tied by h the th Uhrhlor > iliior IIIn and tI t imaetne imAgtnrttsdrra imAgtnrttsdrrawill rniderii rnideriilll ItIId
will lll turn III more n nrr ipilrkly to volume II IIUomviel IILkUlt1U ILILtngart
Uomviel and 111 Dinner 11111 Sirerhe voluteIII Volume VolumeIII nlum nlumIII
III which Yo 101 Iviiiam lItlun his hi i irthiLiy repliex repliexat pli pliI
at ttie I MnntMiik flub dlnnern lIn and yulume olum olumwi llImw
1 wi w h hi 10 c 0 i > 110 lese 0 < lilre 11 i t than to tothe I II usthe
the I h other otherThe 01 MhrTha It ItTh
The Th editor hl tits p ipili ipt Ih Ii A < i brief rl f biographicalk biographical
krteh k tch each h volume ltm hi h an mtri 11I1flut 11I1fluth sot ralut > diution diutionby tlun tlunby
by h > alls > friend of Mr I Pein I w w n The TheInclude Th ThInIIut Tbinclnd <
Include list hi ri ma fIll sI I den llnrnce Iorter Iorterhiii PorI PorIh
hiii h Ia r eIleagus lp IIaII tiii Senator oIoollal IJatnr Iwlg Uxl e and Hena Henal foflI foflIIr
l Ir ir r Deerld 11 < e lrnrr i inner Ireiidetit Tlmnthv TlmnthvIrwight TlmolhIJwllth TtnnthvI
Irwight I Ir i g ht Anti A r 1st Vndf nll re l I1 > 11 Mite lit II Mr Ir JueurHrnwn liietire liietireHrown 1 1IIon
Hrown former mr Po POfolmaO1 POfolmaO1Tholll piwinadpr lina ternetiernl ternetiernlThnnia lrnernl lrnernlThnmu
Thnnia I I Itmre Im and the ii I VicePre 11Iiel 11IielIt < nltit nltitof ts tsof
of th the It Inltey tnttw State Ial tlafnes lime S Sherman ShermanThe
The Tit toliime ire illu 1I1I1lraI tlblst tralMl s Kith tit phnto phntorravurf phmgravure > hOlll hOlllIIf
gravure IIf portrait of < f Mr Ir I > epe and andmany antimany el elmacy
many cnilieiil Anenrant mrriCMti Thy Th are arehandsomely n nhandoly or
handsomely prim > rlnle < l Isitu and bound I nmd In r red redS 1 1Rranlh ISpmnl
Rranlh S > anl li leather leatherX
X Via ett IMIIInn UIIn tar f lirkrnTo IMrkrn IMrkrnTo nl tll tllT
To T mark the tit h Mmdrcth nnnivervirr of ofthe i ithe I
the h birth of 0 Charlem hurl 1 Ilicken I which WIIfh I Itwo Itwo I Itwo
two yeim off hu III KnKll fnlClIh h pubhhers puhhmheralhapman hJj i I
Chapman and Hall are R iwniinc 11111 a nt ntnry c nte nl I i inary Inry i
nry edition of hl his work lolieiomtileted 10 inronipkt I lOmII1 l lin I I Iin IIn
in I III I3 There Th r will he h thirty hrtill ii volunrIn volume ohlm + i
in all 11 and the h description III iOIl of thone 111 containing con i itamiiiK IIltlllllljt
tamiiiK miacellaneou ntiic Itsnron matter r iodlcatthat indicate indicatethat I
that everythmi flhm that ran be attributed attributedunfely l lnfely I IMlr
unfely In 0 DickenV s fn ne will I 11I be I included includedin inclnd I Imthn
in 11I1 mthn them The Th rhprdtrtminwthsllllulntions rhprdtrtminwthsllllulntionsinclnd price U low the h1II1I81 Illuatnuloni mUolI i iInclude
Include nil the I h original one on reproduced rlltJrodll1JIO i iin
in pro < > from gf goool > o < l example of 0 the Ih old oldnlln i iencMvincft trn
encMvincft rn nlln r4vngs r4vngsFour
four volume IlIn are r before 0 II im Sketrlim i
by Ho liar in Iwo
volume ohull i American t t IAnd
Notes And Picinre from
Italy II in
one on onrlllOIlr inssitu i iand
and situ rlllOIlr < Itvr lierTwl TI Not ot IIIIfOtOl lb the moiit attrac I
live 11 rlp ewtin with Ih which to 0 Introduce Intn lult > < I Ia Intow ta
a new edition hi 1011 and nlln one not nn JtsIA juillfledchrono JIIfiftd I hono I
logically lOR logu ally Tliefrtilkuhank picturewieern Ilfllr 1n 1 1
4 P 1ft 1ft1fIft rtK Nrh + M + rt rtN
N miM rIe IM 1fIft 1fIftr LsMMRshwnghw LsMMRshwnghwf11p
r f11p tSahIriMlrr tSahIriMlrrrr ItH I
rr I rn4w f4 erNr tH tHU tHr tHot1tt N114ie N114ieeMe
eMe MYgnypMvu1 U it ar wAt t tf
f e14 t N14m I zrr r rlr1M t4fK S StrnpMwl
trnpMwl t M t 4 MM Pet wtw
ot1tt 111 I I 11 maws p wwa Or Or4M f fwrlwrw
wrlwrw w 1w 4h w h1 rh r rsnae
snae k wnMln 4M nY rt eelgwal eelgwalMw
Mw r tf ewn 4N 4Nv
v 140 tMtkwr 14N 14Nt14w
t14w 1 1fit
fit t w iifM iifMtwM 1i tril al 1K4 t tr r rw
r w 4 f foe foeIho n mr ifmtw MHN h + r1 r1r4
r4 IY rfhnra Iho twM twMr Maw at I Ic IMC wM4hlam wM4hlamPts
r Pts ffgn w mattm c II rtnir wpsN Ir than thanw
w pwml tY1th h Aw r fN mt
N hrwt tY w IYPH MC MWttnor enfMntfhnrt MWttno TTV TTVM4
r rt r 1wwptlmnh Ptmtt t t11 t11wy f ftI
wy twe of sir Msprr + ttw wt wttf
tf twwnt wl Nt M4 M4w tI tItM lmM lmMwM
wM tM Pt flttMMi w M MH r t wf11ar
11ar H r ntli r > H s rHn 11 Md < fh IfI T rt rHf rHfnma fte1ft > vi4u 4 4t
t < nma w twwa14 n Hitt rf 1ft r4M r ttt rt hw tn Iftc Iftc11M
h ttw4Nehw 11M m 4 47 7p tIt ws s t4t t4trn NIq
rn q + Ai Ar 11M dterog t h0 1 1w 1ite
w h p ilwrf MW + mT Awl AwlIt
It Itlnk
lnk ft ite wwp rw + el iwwn iwwna hl hlLOt
LOt h m t HtnAI 11 snl Nt t1 + wfr iii mheA
heA 1irulls 1 baeY hmrh hA ut utr
r rh pp awl I pw C mr pkw4nd ansi 1 1It IM IMJrwlnl4h h hh
Jrwlnl4h ittiwmd whkh h > n ir tm many mnyprra manythe m mM mnt
prra M mew gwwl AMI dl ehan ehantit
the then nt lpaMisf twr htteoat htteoatn itra d dIn
In n mlF wtie I Iluut4 awl e 1r 1rril
ril 1 h HiUr r xllti dHin > in it f I IWco lrW Ttk Ttkf 1 1rUtnooI Th ThIntrw
rUtnooI Intrw of > f th IM tnetnt n Marti > I pub publa 1 1I pnb11tkNI
11tkNI I la wnall 1 felt M f to twn rm by 7 Thnman T Tpe Tnnnfaa1h T Tmw
1h mw wllwl1mrwnr il unil CumtMnr pe Thartldkwlll7 Thartldkwlll7r Th 11Ia li u i WlHy WlHyINMTinr Wltl Wltltnttt
INMTinr tnttt r g tn7 Tttttt lot rrln pr1nl in hUek Ia Mt jettwith ftr ftrwith r rwith
with IH iminAlil IUIItIi < irulMla Hit Uk UktlI iwa mail amiifei mailwhir
whir tlI 4 INmwtnt ifei I snit an n1 l iloinre iloinrer skirebI skirebIanlrfwlna > 1
anlrfwlna enF tit the r rc rculia C > Thaiart4k Thai ar arartUlk
artUlk ulia and taatefni taatefniThe latfttlTh ttItI ttItITh
The Th jrtetHre in swlnr c l r ir fanciful mast amie4 n1It1
e4 H etmitml t tit It1 I hnt llh th this artit 11 tiredly ma maen m mtn mII
tn have II gra grmai i il i thplrll th iplrtt nl + f tb b J CWntn xtem xtemIn
In n then Ih Tby TU jr at vrf Itf ry pretty p plctiuwa plctiuwaW
W 110 prefer fir lh Uaot Irtwliut latg lar and an n1 < l arnul arnul1ft m JI JIIn
In hlatk ainlwlilte WtU which a er r mar m 0 r virll virllami nriland lfll lfllI
and I h ha hares v the III re < ltidte ii4ilt lourh Io wh of rav l1Ien1 m7atrry m7atrryand iery ieryan
an and n1 l driMil It make a very rf haniUom haniUomUlft hn hn1ftl hansWiwsift
sift htHih
Mr II KlptUui Ipi Htr Jl 11Ihet tr tr1mtMr r rAiMithar
AiMithar Ihet hatch h t el > f tor 10 of 0 Ih t ra Tuck Tuckof luckof Iuc Iucr
of r 1k P k Hill aria rle 1 tiuUiVle Unll that KuJ KuJyanl 1uoIKlpUnc kudyunl
yanl Kipling M only lumbertnc Horn Hornof Komt
of t th this > tart are pretty non R gait < H all 11111 tell thetak th thtak the thet
tak t + of t llrillph empire 1 a > he h vbouw to toen It ItIt toit
en it Children thlltln1II will like Ilk them nven n if iflimy I IIh Ifthey
limy Ih ilo not wholly underHanil nc th tbotlll m andthrlr and andtheir anrIhI
their elder t will 111 ton nn The Th verve vr that thataccompany thlOtomn Ihmtnr
accompany nr omn them two pteox pi piKw to a story story1tve loryluive IryIt
luive It 1tve the Ih old lel time 1 tin ring and an dxh they theydo th thdft theydo
do not ound nun n1 wholly hnll Ins trt hove r They TheyItNtvH Th TheyItvw
ItNtvH 10 the Ih hearer h wrrrw pureki pur IFIII leil at D to I what MrKlpling Mr MrKipling I IKIIhng
Kipling u hurrnhlnK about aboutThe aboutTbt t tTh
The Th hook I U I culled cwllnlItwants Mtw It pU and Ine Faire Faireir Kairle 31 31I
le I anti 1 npM nplwarw n In two Iw form n Ime Imewhich On Onwhirls n nwhllh
which any I one un n my m tmy 1 t pubhheil 1hhh1It I by byl byINlbl
l INlbl > Miililev Iny IaRe It and In l luni lungoany 1II11IIn < any Tim Tliwother TbIh Timother
other Ih forma omlt volume hlln XXV Xt of I the Ih hand handpome handrams
rams + ulie laiwetiptln 1111 < rlpll n e Utlon tion of The Th writulgr Writ WritIIIRH WiIIlIte
IIIRH in lro Ir e rod Verne 1 r of r Itudynnl Kip KipIll Kipl
1 Ill ii ng which hlh rhrtrlc Charlr4crtbnrr hI Scnbner rlll Son It pub pubiii 11I1ttoh puhhuh
iii huh > h when hen will il II > Mr KiphtiK girt 111 up II the thedtrettmn Ih IhIUt thisdtrstln
dtrettmn IUt of r lu h bt > lint lritih empire ml nTitr nTitrunit I r rlad >
unit return Irn to I b but hl own wnrt WII art nf 0 f otory talhrtp talhrtpaenme t thome Ihru Ihrump
home mp > Nw ew Hilton tlrllonA IIDn IIDnI
A 1 new I tory by the h author of ofplwr Chri 1uislo 1uisloI to toptwr
plwr I HIM iii Ilibhmilt A ult Hnadmakvr Hod will attract attractand attractand rael raeland
and pleooe the th readeni of the Ih earlier rlir Ii laltinn tale taletine I
inn tine 11 Kimpburu Trutheexrr by I Margueffte Mar Marguvnte Irltutr1
guvnte llryant I1I0IIh10 llluti htoii Mifllin l nhn l ton tonpanyi om ompanyi u uranT
panyi I + a notably not l > le addition to t this ve y yhlnatll year yearIltamtiM rn rnlilenttun
lilenttun An u work rlc of f fiction 1 Ct10 it hamany hm hmmany II IImln >
many mln fault but III It hie ha h alas aLl the rhnrri rhnrriof
of 0 the th nr rlOol t book ok and n1 the tit same a Ior Ioror xiwer xiwerof
of holding the th I b reader t attention It ItIIU
IIU 1100 the I torr t of a levelheaded 111 girl rl who whowished whowh whowish
wished wh In do her h luir ha > i In making aln the titworld theworld t told
world old letter I and a as I is loo often the Ih CAM CAMturn ratTurn AlOeI
turn I to I o aocioloKlcal 1010 Itel I work ork k tnfortu tnfnrtsinatIy tnfortunately lno II IIMIT
nately forth forthectory Iory cheliecomcs ale hIW M OltIrs < entangled entanctwlIn
In the I h labor problem and nd come 00 out of ofit otit ofit
it appvenly appa rntIY with 11 II aa a confuaed notion notionan IotlonaIUIlh
a an IUIlh the reader will have ha She Kit meet Chnv Chnvlopber hnatnphtr
lopber 1011 and hi I hie people I however ho and n l en DI enI enIlet 1 1tern
tern let I the Ih nerene en fisher Ih in which w lh they theyabide Ih IhIIhl theytbule
abide IIhl Ne W meet the Ih irULMerful Irul man manwhom titanwhom nanwhom
whom HniLh 11m h women oln novrlinta have havelrid havheld h hhld
held up to I ailmiration uncn 10l the lit dIy davni dayof
of i f Jane Jan Kyre hla force to however how ii I waate wUI1 wUI1Incl < l Iand land
and his hi melodramatic love ta tory i ItleInl defletent de deHcient
Hcient in probablUty tr We meet a violent rlokntlAlor violentlabor 10111tI
labor 1tI o agitator al alo like other veh we have met metin metIn t tIn
in fiction who U rather a hr dreary Therw
n wait wllInl inn lover whoa virtue nllt mu t tlie
lie I taken for 0 granted Hut it i u of no nou now
w u e to pick pi irk out defect d t 1 n there Ih are many manynf Ian Ianthm
nf them but the th book will 11 I hm read Ad and anilliked andliked nel nelJkfd
liked and will 11 be t > talked IINt about rardlem rardlemif ffcardlt
if them t all allIn allIn 11 11In
In The Th iI Spread Kagle I and nd Other Oth Sto Stoie StnharlM Storims
rims ie harleScrihnerSonaMr harlM Scnhnr 1011 Mr I louvernrur louver flouverieur 0011
ieur 1 Morn proven lroY that he h ha has baromenamter become becomenaater hfCoomeatr
naater of 0 the Ih short ho porj tor a In the th baker bakerioien hk hklon bakerdntn
lon he h offer orr tnoet lit an humorous and andtome antisome nt
tome < 10 are IIr dramatic In the th former hi hiouch hiolleh hiouch
ouch i is light delicate andsurJ and Riir4 r he h waster wasternn Ie
10 0 word ortl and transform commonplace commonplacenaten mmmonpiacnatarial
naten natarial l In the Ih latter I h hft cornea com elM clonlo elMo
lo o hi his models The Th atot tot nf the tit h Cuban Cubanmy I Iy
my y I + pretty 1 KIXX good lItlflllJlnt MatipA ant A Adds Addsfrom id idfrom
from 0 the III e artistic Itlc iuallties the Ih ntorie Morteml
a r fm4e t r sNrt llItr llItrfHMt n nMist
Mist V hwkt Ae mMw iw iwsf
fHMt sf 1 sM1 a4 fIiIwo 54 Ps f fIt aP aPit
it p r 1tluU It ItH ItII wtawh1 wtawh1we
H we InwH MNrrntt h lt14ew lt14ewp
p hrs Hlagr ii f + w wPt
Pt met II w trwa hwl 14 14II ear
II II h a 4 4tM seM 4 ttr ttrh 11 +
h eiwew tM t t Irrawd ml mlM
M es M 14t NFYww lot Is tad M Mw e
w Ye MIwr1 twl + m Mir tw twftr Me1
ftr nl et e a 4w t rr rrntm
fti4en N W wlt e ffi INtHl t lt I nt ntIt er erN < le te +
It t Msr n aNNrNr o + 1 Y w wb ea eaInn
Inn iaf o n wiMN a pewthnMs Mt w wI
I t t ab rhetwtNw l p + ma14 ma14kMIMI
kMIMI nwSI 1e MMMR + w N f fP Ir I
P + a ftl wwl wpaM w I Ime t
me AM h Mt rW rWt t ah IN 4 4wl ewMI
f t tt rwrhsrl + 0 0M wl I In
M n ri7Mnqr N 1 t thrtH7 gamier gamiernwwtI0 rwl
nwwtI0 e l + e hrtH7 hnlfNrt > H fefn4 t M Itr Itrmt u uO 1frnann
nann I m nratlswly O f tears tearsIN
IN must 1 t m1Milaa Mf n nnwf 1 I
m nwf nwf4uhw0ww wrnt e w14 e M r I
4uhw0ww awl ii 4 41 14 14wl I
mt sit > tfco 14Me eftxen airs M 4 f Mf t I1M V > Mf r rn rnf i g + i iila
ila r a Y Iray pM pMptw
ptw t4 h aw 1 ni At 041 w N NilnMe
ilnMe p0ww w t d brY 4s Mil MilImrsn
Imrsn wl t tr It h hPi lry n nn + the thewd r
n wd Pi r rtmter NI Ha b ex here ltrilmr herew4lh
w4lh h 4 Niapp n w + wM wMwl
wl ilmr ilmrnf 1 mpMtw I irwwmd f wwv f fb w wehmrm
ehmrm b r t tt key will g 114 r rof
nf t Ui u plat plahr awl lit pnpl Met st I e ethey I I Ih
hr h t tM tMuth < N < r ehar51 r < M i < rue thai tL tLulhof U Uauthor > <
author uth rwtllr wily tl h tl hImy li m M I Irt hv r ra Iw Iwarmy
army armyDmif
rt Dmif a chmriy < Inmall Inmallrwwler Im um + e handl + dy 1 1e M Mr
rwwler r iIr e wL > U 1 h t kwnna e nn nnhroUx ietreat I ii iitis4a Mp
hroUx I K t r htwtehtnNw llM 1 hM H Ht Apaa ApaaNerrrrIn
r NerrrrIn I tYlluw t tMil t > t tmail ere i iII
Mil mail CCmp CempanY II I 110 may 4 it at t hm as asI kef kefto I It 7
to t I the 1h mr m myetry lry t tb that t env envno eirluiw jS jSI IMr bee ea eanee
no I not dre dream m tit t th Ih 1t H h ha i > o orwMrvn 1 pI pIr p1y it itheart nee 1
heart r c ml t rlr era sg1t < ht lt Th ri rbstar u > nr M i iaht + l lhie 1h
aht hie h tier t a I l I rather 1 VM rw4 M + r p x > flraH flraHr ttt tttr UII UIIt
r a euUkn Uth fMnal a thai tt I 4 MMj Ki M Memprmwsna fc fcitrjre I IInb
emprmwsna itrjre Hin of f llrltth Inb t fiely it t ttv < tv < N Nalms c cta r rtraa > I
alms and nd I half hal hi h t iry I 1f 1fpiD M t iNt iNtplalw IM IMmuliic
plalw t 1
piD In muliic 11 ki kit 11 t a aI nfl f n IteHnr l wats tey Ike th UU lag 1 1nf 0
0 I Henry nf M 1t 31 SU K Ned 4 Tear fe 11a Ia i i iI4ihh Ie Iehlh1 t1eh14heI < I
I4ihh 1eh14heI hlh1 rie kei ri ratly IIT > t ly with Ih apt apital l IH IHIrntioiJiby I Iy tWwe tWweIranabAby
IrntioiJiby W y XV t YOwct5 > wc i by l lAuWslay lAuWslayled > > Mibl aL aLoC Ur Urand
led < > and n Company CompanyMr Com n
Mr 1 Kite 11 IfcxigU lJII Wigs llo etitertiiii etitertiiiiIng enterUnlag
lag In atory aluryfbttwraef loC IUb I > fr < if r Muunyl tkwnylww Unyot ni + U KartH KartHalter tnalt iJnaaltar
alter alt a c car rr r u 4 l list > t iwlter I and it vi vicMMiful I Itrsful <
cMMiful Iul adaputtiun alIO in th IhIn the lair 1 M iq i ie iein I IIn
in u n new v eilitloii IUu bv h th lUmithton nllht MilSui MilSuiCompany Ulus1omlny hn hnCumln
Company 11th lth 111 OliMnttlotm 11lmlu Ill i + tntlona from tm p thIs thIsgraphm > nli nliitrapK
itrapK uf t Ih the play playnxw l
I 1 nxw n t litun hlun i publli 11111 l tiv y I > I Imn nman n nrruin <
man mn Urwitarul n irn anal Carnltny l ltl < mikiny of t two vi rollautwo rollautwoof > um umnf n nr <
nf r etcetlent uletche M aktcIwntf of ft ro tmtJ country tntr and I tklrt tklrtIng Mirt I II
1 Ing rut life hi In n Ireland Irtan by b two Lsthss lul 11 K t II IIKowI IiKwwrvtlls 1 1H
H KowI Kwwrvtlls n T llle end a Martin lli I Itsiw > H iutrnln nlnt 11 rl1 rl1I rnll tiy tiythe tvIh
the I Ih h formnr t UI 1 on n tlm th lnh IriM Sir Shu > > and andXOIIM Ill IllIih andGun
XOIIM Gun lri Inch i Yeatertlay Ntly + Tley lli y will wl lo loread I Irayd
read t with Ih more In + plenMirw 11 by KnKlu rnllh > h than thanby I II titanby
I by Irish roasters r fl ailr > n for lh Ihr authnrs auth 1 h > r > ni t of offun oftun r rI
fun I In describing de > the th nwiditiuii hth of r 1h 1hesontry tho thociMinlry h hlny
ciMinlry lny t ls graterttwti Kreater than sherynstrithv thoir t vmutliy vmutliylire rlillhv rlillhvlnol
1 lire lnol hen II tury r whiih h hm > endiir > l lilrairMtlKillin ldratn4str3tl
ilrairMtlKillin ra l n Snlomy lumy Jan Jon i is Ih Ihlh1 pitls pitlsIlahpl iuli iuliIMil
IMil lh1 in holtdiv lIollty Ito kitty uttirn Ill t + 1 1 lot liy 1 thu t h lit II lloutfhlili lloutfhliliMinlin 1 o1 1 g11 h1 I III IIIMinlln
Minlin lmln Companv nl with 111 dooritive iujnler ljlr ljlrI trkrrIn
1 in tint end m llbuiirrfiiiin 1In + liy y Hurri Itarnwis ItarnwisFt > ni niFuller
Fuller rlh Ft + ll ratstigniter1 atxl 1 Arthur I Keller KellerTh KI KITh K41rTh
Th d usitghtar uKht r of MortiniT Iurllm I tiylrr tiylrrfotnoue uvler uvlerfuniiu vi vir
funiiu r a n I eipt iMptiiu 11 silt 1 nf tt nninru r flit inru n Nod h1 i imnter irnn
rnn mnter 11 tsr nf t Wall 1 Street 11 took k a HrtMilwiv HrtMilwivcur 1IYo 1IYon
cur sine on n mininer lIlm afterniMin rlmo and diip diippwire shalppvwl hA
pwire pvwl 1 At pr Il prwoiely oi ely I lists I ilm 11 < her I f fit ithr ithrw 1 h hwn hr hrwit
w wn eimcwi ngsg < lln I in intnnulldnilhlcti Inlm intiinytllonslhlghftnsntItch 1 1 hlh 1n 1nhlh nine1 nine1hch
Itch brought ulIhl KnuUnd Ynll1 anti Itumit 1 i to toiri t tlira
iri lira brink I rinli n of war l 111 Ptwlbly < > ibl lu h ilauhiiT ilauhiiTw tIIII tIIIIWL
w WL wits ki kidnaptwt < Inap rMII1 > n by to owM oliWNittt 11111 > int flninomi flninrisimtermtl flninomiintereetji nn
intereetji 1 At l ell 1 event nl Morliner nrln Cuvl CuvlMltexl twliitwl 11 11j
Mltexl j the Ih WhilH hl Hta llouee lu MVUMol th an annf I Ir nuof
nf r Ih 11 lr Mild ld nt ant Votlrb 0111 xfeU xfeUnf V Vr
nf r all I il Ioctlve I ti > i < tive4 whiuut wlln + niter 1 ri rills rillstNekwant lle < i iluckwanl
luckwanl IH a Hrntnw U tix took > k the 11 nine 1Gr 1Grolllt I H Hriilution
riilution olllt 111 rail WH OIIIIII 1111 rillplats IH The TI M try n i ml mlIn 11In 1 1In
In Tim Th HtranRw Inp C 1 of II Kleun 1 Cuvi t uymr uymrIDodd ur urI r rifodd
ifodd I cM Mn lest d A Coniuinvi 1IIIn by 1 KnlgsIimi KnlgsIimiCrohy Kmi 111II 111IIy liii i iCrtwhy
Crtwhy CrtwhyThe CrohyThe y
The Th hrdhi of ih the t ViiLoti 1 pioneer pioneerthe I Ih
the h nmtm nln nf Ih the mi tinalnuary 1IInr 1IInrIndiAn i > nirv ti I IIndians t u uIndliin
IndiAn of thi ttusremote remote lnn Alutkin I n INn l lI nl an anIh n nth nsnthin
th thin romance romne made ll IM MMMI enk I by the lt lttt amtof amt nmvof =
of tt a l eiiitifil 11111 > girl 111 who weir lIh an 111 invnli ilohhr t tfather i ifather
father hr might h a mlain miftrintt ml nl Imuher Inlh itrn itrniiecril I Id erndacriled
iiecril d dacriled i > e < 1 in II Th I Frlllrn rouueniman rrlu rmman it I Oaj irRiIt irRi rguII <
II IViran I > on Companv by Iy H I A t sly slyA KV KVA h htyMIII
A lynching tyMIII and n1 A fbwsIservo Hood rl1 eer n ti I a help the theprngre tit titprogr I
prngre of r romiict romiictMy rotMltMy 110 110My <
11 My Hrothre h Keeper Hobli Merrill Merrillrntnrtanyi irrnllCntnpny
rntnrtanyi nrf by Charle hart Tenney 1nn Jacknon JacknonI Ja JaI
I the th hlntiryof hlaary hlt + srynf fr a murderer me who returned relumedfrom returnedfrom llmd llmdfrom
from the Ih Hull 11111 Pen n of n r Cripple rINI Ctvek tpreach t tpreach IrIah
preach the th gnnpel 11 I of n brotherly love j jhi to tohi ii iihi
hi aged a father fah who wa w a a Fmloral F iarml Judge JuditeIn Jld JldIn
In the Ih woman WOI whom he h had once on be befriended h htnrrllt beefrirnded ¬
friended tnrrllt educated edlarot tl d mart ad started Irp toward towardr InwadIal towardrnimlral
r uical > Ial euecee4 ucce II a and indifferently IndiltU to all allother Allolh allother
other olh within wihin hearing During Ilnnl everal everalmonth veralmonths ral ralmolh
month molh he h did eie Rood < 0 a as vlciou viciously ly aa a ai1 wa wapoaibe witptastbk
poaibe i1 and encouraged fOI1 virtue vrt by h making makingIt makinl
It I hideous Ultimately UtmaI he h l bat t hi him life l m inal man I Ia
an a attempt mpt to nave Y m 1oUili drnamtnrwho dynamttpr dynamttprwho ynm ynmwl
who wl had blown up a few t twdlaInn Mtlcemen and Ald i iwho I Iwho
who ho rewarded hi hil his revcuer JI by I ntabbing ntabbinghim Iahll 1
Jut Juienllr JuienllrThe u eaulee eauleeThe pUM pUM1h
The 1h nlreniinu 1nIO effort or of a VOIIIIK 11 man nAi I Ito 1to
to cottterve CI the Ih foreata or again against al n 1 a rascally rasrallylumberman rascallylumberman rlal
lumberman lumlra keep k him liiuy 1m during elnnR a um lm
Author AuhO of The 1 Call Ctlloftfie Cal of o f tf the Wild The 1 5 Sea a Wolf White Wf Fang FngEden FangMain FangMartin
Main Martin Eden Ed n etc Cloth Coth J50 J50Mr 150Ir 1 50 50Mr
I Iscene
Mr Ir LONDONS new novel nove is one of his strongest It I opens among the thescenes thescenes
scenes of his hi best hooks hooksin in the frozen North Its Is chief chie character is orig original origintl original ¬
inal powerful magnetic with force of a man who by primitive prmitive animal animalstrength I Itrength Istrength
strength wins in the fight fght with the harshest harhet aspects of nature Later the thescenes the thecenes thescenes
scenes shift f t > the great cities cties and the same man is teen still sti fighting fghting hut butwith hutwith hutwith
with weapons made sharp by the latest latst achievement of civilization cvilization And Andthere Andthere I Ithere
there he meets s the the one force against which he may not stand tandthe the love of ofa I Ia 1a
a woman WOlan who as the hero said sid cost him thirty millions miions and was the cheap cheapest ¬ I Iest
est necessity of life lfe he ever indulged in inBURNING inBURNING I IBURN
wIMw w Ira 1 S w T Yia YiaP044
P044 p A Aen I Ij It pe I INI
NI a t aM Igw nil d Mir M Mlas1
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h4 d a 4 sew el anl 1 he
o P a w na r awl awlwr atw atwnda t tf >
wr ww + + wManw f r rt rt
M + er + 11 I atpwM Yew mail t
14 1 5 e a fart Aa t awd A
4 1 mr v d dI awl at
ill taike rbb r p taala taalat
t M wao aA + rri rearm o
1 IY1 N14d amt t P AMt AMtNMIit
NMIit p11M t N wftl Pahf Ittn tl
w 14t e o 44mr r awl
Ilwr w I a ta 1M i inMI nMIw I Hlwre
trio ptwrr T rlhh h Ie tfaslufrP
4 t t rmMel rm hi wwghl e tM ttwtlPP
t wwf Yia is 1 e wlbk h1Ntra n Ntrwlwwww nw ntlltW
rwlwwww w f wl wpy 4s4 t slr eIs ste steqgae4i
San Sanhe qgae4i tlltW plIrw vI are St t
he el h H M start t tP tII r rata
d v P r wdawr0 hws4t
bI iiw II IIn rwrIrrn hafIo hafIoy
n y N dw piea 4 f D gut
1 w ii 1 ts tsV
V 14 Nw 1 t e r r4rw
4rw y Nw14ew Nuel rl 1 1 h hW1woh
W1woh nrr M Nag l I l lI
Iteoww two rwf the M Ay af afPe
Pe pniL tlnq awn I irwlar t 1 1n
n p t r w + ww1tI Ie IeI Ma flktr flktrt
t Phis w k4Mwi tan hat ants t
I pe epr y to t n mmanent mmanentM
r M tIM Mr anwt I wt r p K1nllr K1nllrI
I Nwrgwmn oa1 all I 4 sw < rhone I l In InAwt
JV Awt 7 na h 1 w th W1 iCmr 1 4 MI MIt an anfa
t fa + wpwy w t I I I IM eanaDan 1u 1uu
a rthwm + 5 u owl Pier nwprenwe of t fn atkr atkre t tI
e n Mlsaathwi h t M Mt a t taa
aa wn l t itwustarisM7 t alt nda MdaW ndae
w W ahemkasK Ai te e r > f fh this 1 wait e
situ 1 f NImntn w wtwrwM h h math e ewnl tt
1 dotf hI tike amrdlund W wnl wnltiltH4 o IN lh mIN U4 U4llc
bar > tiltH4 llc a1s t fnvoitw < v rit 1 teacer 1 1I tah r 4 4uy r rl
uy I L d f this iiittnt lln Inrlnts1 Inrlnts1ath d de
ath e l ly l 1I t lnih ny hakes I In inVrlk 1
> 41 l liwrHwiMt F ri ni iljlil t1 IJII llr Irw llnwn < iwn rut 1 Com ComMU lo
pwyl MU yi T 55415 1 BHK + h will 11 IM t sa iity iityiv hs y r etgnla nl I Ias
iv as it M PWI IH > 1 i r rh 11w he lurl 41 t taJfiutHint taJfiutHintea I a alrwwutltystem
tystem I aaa 4l
tiotventgr r hoII ea it > f JUttt 11 I her h r father fatherand tth
and 1 in th the K kpkarar r < Hi nit ruhlr > te r dall d 11 ll im a > Jour Journay o ir irney
nay thnMuh thra i Kuret r are mat et t fntth 1h by byJ b bJh byJihn
J Jh hn Kendrtok 111 11 Ii ii > UnK n in l Molll I11 and a th thL ti rt rtUnwtmmt
Unwtmmt L lnI ° nwemai 1bal M > r rl o < l iJ J II I liprrtneolt Iiptdncotttalnlr111y liprrtneoltonil Irflt Irfltn
I IS h inaiU 1 thwas th thi
talnlr111y < onil n uiv vnya voyage v r IMI w
i was > reii Iwier 1 lh Ieli lugtit < e tle taint 1 Ihx lh lal I of A mx4lnaiwIs AKuri
Kuri 11 x4lnaiwIs sui adventure I + ern m ms smith t11 before lieforthoriiuKhly beforelit to tolboo
lboo lit thoriiuKhly iinleinporary nlmrary chapter chapterIn hr
shall 1 tll enrnrmat 1 UI lhmewlnmtat lhmewlnmtath eII t tII
h In II llet ll Mr r Ciiuntvrpart 1IIrl lolhrop LothropI
I e arid VM 1 > hep hu1 h pnl nl Compwiy l 7 Je J4 Jean n K KlUird KIttad
lUird 11 hit 10 + ioiiriliiited Ilhll1 1 a A leMond nd vulum vulumto vllme vllmeI
to I th I the h Ile 1Ir Htrrerlr terM re I lh this la I ii the th fury furyfi ur urr
of fi r Astray trivilrl I glrl 111 ulnptilby Ir by I kindly A kll wt WolI WolIwh wiuaa wiuaawho > lni n nwho
who wh presently I l wwtlrr > e < iiinf a pupil 1111 In n aemi aeminary neml nemlni ml mlny
ni ny rv when h tea ln h nude 11 a riHinim rasmtnats HRlml te not notonly nlt nltIlly nutonly
only congenial IIII hut 11 by curlmta Irl chanc chancrenemblmg rhslrremtnbling har
renemblmg norhll her h in I nppetntnce Iu After Afteruukrr titsgtkrri rh rhIuan
uukrr Iuan l and a1 q sirkion u the h hoe ruldl ruldli nddieIt MI MII
It i o iMpUitieil Ilifl1 Liurd amid 1 lb Ilratrr tir leknit Ir + rohr he h utory utoryof IuryI
of I hut h Iwrent > < trelt
Miter nll HooK HooKI ID IDI
I tr u I llriih Ir lit h of r th h II I tli h fumilr fumilri nuIT nuITI
i prn I ri I v 1IIi pnnt iiutvl I New w lurk orkiMr 1 Mr M I hurle lirleIlwui hurleI
Ilwui I twin It IttL th I IMH 11 haIrltl tru l hi rite dement rIL from fromn rl
n liiinlrtsl hHhlr1 MDo teuluae ifhiiAott tts iiiloniiit ilo iloh II IIII lbvMae
h Mae tiitfti 11 to t ti > i urie 1 U r uTiiiHUil IIlu1 IInuU + 11 atnnnx nnll gen gennl g te nP nPI
nl I igi git 11 ti > of r begiiininic I I mil with Ih hm hi first fr1 tin tinl ni
r + 1 arw r ani iti 11 I tL ii 1rt11 knlns ritini eji rarh 1 Ii fiimlly sully till tillt UI
t iiiutt int 11 wili t4 in Ol msl ih 10 r Th Til Thu > ki ky v would wouldbe w0111
be I i j tn i n tree I whi h h m 1lot not pro proidi 1 promudwlnlhIsti i
udwlnlhIsti idi > < l 11 in tli I i b I K > k rhtotrthalwefaney rhtotrthalwefaneyI flu method we w fiincy fiincyv fcyIi
I v ill Ii Iftrm 1I i from rr UK 10 iuiHfulnen 1alln t ti > others ulhvrri lh lhI
I 4 ri r n on n Tenth Th TtntHMAARTEN rag ragI faceiAARTEN ragMAARTEN
H 1 IIa > uisl t 1 written wrltn a von vonJen wonJerttiltort on onJlrlql
Jerttiltort Jen Jlrlql nl ton < f Holland HollandIi
t Its Ii i a veritable vtrthl Dutch DutchSCARLET DutchSCART DutchSCARLET I
gnu N u Read Death Ask k for forHARMEN i
tme > m II 21 nt ii r rs f II IIWIND Is IsWIND
A f AV l X h fVf r p A11 f rll KOMAWE KOMAWEBy ROlFA1 l F Ffly
Auih Ai f of r The Tlt Wine ol lif lit TheDttor The TheLioor TheIt1
Lioor It1 of If Darkness UirkntisUmo urknusIm
Umo it aa aar
r n > llifiv lit l Uv 11 ifnwn tfrni pieb pirrure rN at Pnrttta 0
Jou 10 Itlt tmJ t if stn tp typrt a lltnlUmt adrfm ads rm
turn c am 1 nod the I vbvlf Ao rmfffHon 1 i po
tnrrlblr I that I it nr v ran Ardly riilu art n IH a aspit
spit I fall fallHERBS r Merl 0 lr
m DeMfHlfxl I5nwrlaI i iI
I R nit nitrr t tr
I r rr aa ff 0 suit suitBy n nBy nl
A srw rv tk i li ky on onI
I 1 lA I MO eon a annt prowr prowruiJ ft > IHNf IHNfanJ
anJ nnt ptpuar iipi ptd iir wilier 1 of ofpfttry 0 0A ofprIry
pfttry IK A An o < nmc ricn < to toduv o odup 0dUl
dup dUl wilA tlliutratta slJarrabitnwr all
nwr JWs wad a4 d paper f < tp + rt uftf uftfan I
d dreuias < I by 1 1ltw i vv4l4 v an s fim fimJoka lrrwJoha f I
Joka Jola Lau Coopany aay New Ne Yedt YedtA Ye YeT
The TheUncrowned T e Bell Bel A New Wright Wrht Harold HaroldBell Book Hok HokUncrowed BookUncrowned I
Uncrowed Uncrowned King KingThr
Flit Tt Incrownril nOWte King Ki itdirftrcnt i di crnl from fromanythmi fonanytinl fromanything
anything anytinl prtttouil uI done by b lh Ihe author authorbut athor athoril authorlnTI
but lnTI il it inliitmctiifly I it dilincitly 1 a Harold lold Bt Il Bril II Wricht Wrigbtbook WrichtIxHik Wrhl
book 1 It I u i a brautiful braulifulplere pirrc titre of literary literarywork litrr literarywork
work that Ihl It i uiMiiertionahly UMlltriu u Iy the th cxpre cxprelion opniln asprnlion
lion iln uf 0 inipiration iuvinl nn It I ap apprala vJal > raU to eY everything e eYIhin cry crything
thing Ihin that I u true noble and ad wholesome vtholoomrnithin wholesomewithin bleom bleomilh
within ilh n iuf anti nj we 10 fttllmt fee thit the author authoicn hagien hat hatgit
git gien icn en in II In Iii lli roluirx IIM an a insight inti in lit lt uf thetrntpk the thetcinjlc theItlllc
tcinjlc of truth Imll in 1 our lu own o1n lives livriFrontiipWa lnl lnlFrnUp livesFrontiaploc
FrontiipWa and Tan Illatra Uatratl0B Uatratl0Bin ka kaIn
FrnUp a at
in Color and nd Tint Tit mail a Cover Coverdrawn COy D Design Designdrawn p pdrwn
drawn by John Joh K Ra H NeilL NeilLBousd N NeillBound U
Bound in i Cloth 5Uaapd St l lOver I La C Gold Goldover
Over Onl 100 10 pages pat p Ifira 16 < SIs4 Six Si 4i e7i e7iPrice 7 7Price 7Pree
Price Pree Net 75 Ceata CeataOthr Ceataother < t tOtr
other Otr Boofc Ba by b Mr Wrhl WrhlThe Wright WrightThe Wri bt bti4
i4 i4JL i inn DHIAII > T M > V Vmoi IL
The JL IT 6 6Calling I II moi niwat 0 IUA > < M > HtV rir lI so M 0 0Caling > Lfi LfiSold PI h hCalling
Calling Caling of ofDan ofDan ofDan
Dan Matthews MatthewsIlluitration I IlutraLona
Illuitration lutraLona in Color Col by b KH Ke Ke2mo r r12mo r12mo
12mo 2mo Cloth Cloth IJ50 IJ50Thefhrnii 150TheShph
Thefhrnii Th hI rdr > llhelll sh JA Uilh < fViundeaUorm noun4 undUo Ltoem with with1hl nthIbis I I
Ibis 1 b1 Irintrr JFnr d1 o a Ild Cdes IM I above tx < Eacta Eb II lis JISO JISOSold JO JOi
Sold Sl by b All AllTHE Al Bokr BookslIr BookslIrTHE I
mm Marts Irt
r S c I
1 1tOLIIt
Mhg Hl Uf UI M aad HI Atilt War Warmm Worka I It
a > OMCIMt111fetYttMtt4 mm Marfftww MarfftwwIn rerw < f fn
n ra t n W I s 1f 1fI
I PP thalr 1lth t pewere I I Iww1
ww1 a wwpll mNatt 454 a4s a4sI I If
I hl tt pkt In f egdt lt ltr 1 h hr
r a t rwrtta II IIt w feet N N1 N1h
r te
h t maw I aftrtpp l1 all allt M I
t t t gtw > Ma M thai m mc ri fh Mae t gall lh del f l 4twett lw lwtrwM
MI w c w1 trwM t tt tn a > eMrttt W Witr t ttapfl
tapfl e5 t Y itr trareNe m nw wMYMR > iiw k kJPk 4 It Ite Itt
t phei JPk h o rItI e itt W m 4y > H M l IIt Iw4 Iw4it tfwM tfwMH
It IH aI art rt M Mi h toe hw K Isis his hiseS l lfHtt i it
eS fHtt t tr rpseS n Vw 4 1 M MAt ItM MsI I
I pwwn At 4 t Ik w e M < > Mm H ft atfill gFsa
4 ntitllnt fill pt Hw f S pwml M5hle lit lit11I
5hle 11I tgol4 iIi It art A of ofIitMt Mr1A Mr1A14eta
Men M r rPrint t il ilI
I UhMhFr1 rI w t nq owt uIrwpAd owtto
rwpAd d to raFraaee I
Print Printtill I LINii4er LINii4ertilfa 11 11tile
tile II RpiihiM RpiihiMP Ie IeUn
P Jav t1aaLMllaUN eaattg eaattg1t
till M ft l l St t HMHHir a44 U L LM Llamme LlammeI 4
r Y rr tnat tnatA
A elgoeel4 aripah ulee Intse In Intr InIta
tr Uet iia marl 1Uk ibomugrtrf ibomugrtrfmetilMl UkIrnu drrr1 drrr1n r rnl
metilMl n ntet account aeewn nl n rot th the p pfwfan iiwf > aj maul aiklil maulvpmnt 1 1Iop
il vipmnt Iop of f th tie Freneh rr neh nation naBonurwler II IIII nationIImIN
urwler II lh It tI pnant lUfMibllo Jt al allv giving givinge tn tnnt <
e vlrkl lv l tU of Ih condition conditionf m UII UIII nurik nurikI
I faetrbl f HMhl mm aivl I unfavorabl which whichlh wbtobthNllon
lh thNllon raUonU I faring kxiay kMla A brr hrggnpert brrpart up upn >
part n nl th tits hnoh boo U dvntii In th thpunt ttantN
punt 001101 ntN t btw bIIl ao a Church and nd ndft 8UI aLstal 8UII
al I ta n t l IWI > ipaU ipaUPotwar l riser riserPopwlar U UI
I Potwar PotwarHf po
PotwarL PopwlarLawaMakINa
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I Hf N raruRNir J HUWMIX atl1 fIU t rainhy rainhylYofaw fni t tv tvAn
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An able and n brilliant Mudy of f th thtendencies lblmlencIMof h htnln
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from th beginning innln with lth a lucid ei eiuf espnalUon
I pnalUon 1 iN1c > uf hgtalatls r UUllv condillona condillonaiio
tuwlay tuwlayo 41
iio o S3 nil ill n n nil tf Postpaid 1IJAIoI ttt ttti tttThe U 74 74Tre
i I
I The Town TownDown TownDown TownDown
Down the River Rivera
a BOOK llUU I r rUINs HT perm 4H 4HTU Alt1h H HThi
I 1h GTl TU HUNii O I IThl + t tml
Thi volume I mask up nf newt new newpoem n
t poem 1 eel 111 now tIn nt t collected by the theauthor Ih IhI thaNlathar
I author of t that remarkable volume volumeThe volumeTh olllna olllnaTh
The Th Children of th the Nlftht pith pulllhr pllhlIh1 pithIlmhol >
llhr lIh1 l a few fe yean yeanlmf f ra a ago ago1t < > 1 i
I i iI
1t lmf m > MI l VKntt 21 7 t It nrf Postpaid ft 135 135Narratives U UNarratives
Narratives of ofEarly 01Barly ofEarly
Early Marylandt Maryland
t new volume olum of th the 01411011 01411011Narrntlv Oriln OrlglntlNarrallYm I ISarrnth i
Narrntlv of Early American n1 < 3n Illi Illitory III
tory 10 Series SeriesRirA Sari SariKdrA
I RirA HlvKtmltd At I Oil III net nrlPuelpiiil netIe 1
Puelpiiil Ie tpId t33H t33HPeter 331Peter 33s 33sPeter
Peter Pan PanH
H Ur 1 II HAHRIE H4NH 14thsseen iih lilf < n llli auIn tn6stts tn6sttsIlun tr trllunt
llunt In rotor 010 ti Vrttaar VrttaarA rtb ltaImn ltaImnA I kmn kmnne
A new ne edition llIon of thi Ihla cUmlo for forchildren forehlldren 0 I IobJldnon
children with lIb clxteen of 0 the cele celebrated ce14heated fl ¬ I Ibnled
heated illuatrationa liy 1 Arthur Arthurllaokman Arthurtrackman Arthurhackman
llaokman reproduced in full fullcolor fillcolor ullco
color co lotll
IAO nfl nflGbirles II IICbarles netCasrl2s
Gbirles SCribners Sons SonsBifonYouVott Sonsn SonsOfor SonsBof
BifonYouVott BifonYouVottTH Ofor Bof on You You YoutlfttiO
tlfttiO t tRhis 1 1d
Rhis Nd d Jd Jdook
This Thisruin N NThis ook
1 i
TH T Ifl 11 MIROViAttM MIROViAttMI I III O f n l lHI
I HI I r 1111 Ml < II 1 1r BOSS BOSSCity I
ruin r nplahwp ala r rs d dam c
UOMcJ8111 am aIw il 19 cIJyCMSai cIJyCMSaiPm w
Pm City sal 4 away y tbv di T AB AFtc rka clU clUun awe < lti ltiBOW
1 un BOW ow TII ii 11 niLtist utti OITAIBIU OITAIBIUVon oafatnYore
Von SfAonb Al4 t VHMT trr Stni it
Htlttr M llft v anj and oJ fin I rvltctlon
fAMMr rw llH O u on mid 1 AYeVrlHy ffrirll ffrirllI
a sJ J al vIM IttinlFH TAXfS TAXfSM TU 8 1 Iwear 1Ja
wear M < > las Ja I Haaai al Dtl e Malta ai
ritMptl rlt iM tt tatOi Atiearrttutun Aclmr csC ot ttxu tUlft v
b IIrfI l leiuolkxirirthr repoftloA Ion nr rite h I Mobs of rem remitu CODIliIeIoI tornraIMaa
itu p ila of rtrsm futtramrnl I Ortlln Ortllntbipln ltatntbap tal talebpUn <
tbap tbipln < ers abo Ux 100 > would girt on OIIe UK t Irat t coo coonrtiou c crnitJou <
rnitJou b be cost eoullasst JWt u > Mltl ly Tl 1 uf tt t ttaa Lcluttli lbmulalas
Ua K rta a of 11 Lily Uutenuitnl UutenuitnlSI
5120 SI t SO MNt N Kl by byMcM Malt ttlO ttlOf t 110 110PSYCHJo Ie IeYCHIC
Th Marvel B iyend yend end Selene SolnealIlJwpbOrmIMD SeleneByJorvb SolnJpbiI
lIlJwpbOrmIMD ByJorvb JpbiI < > rurt M DMlborof DI author oatIIII > m
taMU 111 u a > J Brat eallIpoIIN llpnu H pluuLr lbjr lining a re ree r rint
e int wdf f 111 tit progn In the II > mlirtkn a of 0 orrill orrilitdeaomeaa orrilllAcaooMBa 1 I Ifa
lAcaooMBa to a KUnUBe aeCf Uk Utt b MC11IUt amo1f Iwilts I
wtttt 11b lbuilestmuitnbllonufthew1 I ItM frlU rI t DtalfriUlloiu uf th e k > konmidovn I Ioenadown
onmidovn tIaou lomrowntlarlm tonarwandaylnludla l Ilu lll lIa
dies mo 119 Mil jI t s HI n t pr l iiT r pat patTh w wTh
Th Warla WI Childhood ChllheerfBrIxxjHAIWrtBtkfDn Chlldheed81IAIIor ChildhoodB7laofaAlbrrtllaklDI I
BrIxxjHAIWrtBtkfDn 81IAIIor Unlit Innr In tnnrnaoka tnnrnaokarww 0 nBU nBUOtw JlaIlUIbrt
Otw tntuia solo as n talrtf Ibrt armory irlth lib 1 Uil Uillak a aIt t
Sara lak a frem It t flnt a lhr If tbnrn chili vt r Ui tatIk
Bwk 110 Ik of UraM17 Urnnl Uf Tt mr r iiuirkml hr t 71101I 71101Ia lit litMM I
MM a plrll r11 or MjUentfr Madrntawl ff1Il iwt t apJleatMoa pll dl11 < tk o > o to topfmcM toptmt
pfmcM nitklltlit slll that be b hi nit Ir lieratafor Ifor won 011 I
blm UcBDurmlMi 1WDllllUllr Ir JJOD est t pttuf awt IIJIU IIJIUTJIe IW j1t1 j1t1TJI 143 143TJ
TJ TJIe Day D of the 115 Country Chureh OhurehHT
HT M l II Its r JO o AtbMiluirtl III tlm I Ie to towiura toawYen
awYen wiura 11 pmblf pa hi blll Ir lairmt ID Ili b nwtnai 1 1pd f ie ieprat r rrrrtitf
rrrtitf pd r rlh Ibu busts and 1 w eucIlllAfiIen Iu satb
lh be rant ral dllrt dllr1rt1 tt ul Amrlr 17motkUi 17motkUil 11D > cloth clothl
l l 100 00 Mt po pt t 1101 tald110 W fl 1 OH OHOemlnien tDmlnl 4 4Dminltn
Oemlnien and Power PowerBy ewer ewernl
By 5 barge Bnxlie PitirrMt A raw r w all dl
lien of 0 oa4 o of l Mr M Isirwn 1 > on m 1541lpolar t tiofxiltr
book tooktaaouably ttJooIbl < Uu o lily enlist ulth w tilt new n rupur rampetao rupuropowai cup
o mutal tal e pbrkal health pyrble rlllcI detl detlale
opowai rlc rtcbl clotb117a > il aH be Treih 11 Mlf If DBtml DBtmlnc at atsu IrnI IrnIO1C
nc lltoo l rlotb II 130 MI MIAU oe t Upoi4 tpaJd a ttl ttlAu
AU JOnIlI oo rro i om o Tae T mtunu mtunuF rttunFk aa i iFetid
F Fk Fetid k A Wtut C CftY HV New II yet YwfcIWMIKS YIfth yetluw6
IWMIKS 114111 All 11 out i of fI print flnl inn bnnVm supplied no noIn nornme
rnme m urt i ill 11 i what uhjrrl uIlJ wtll Ue m me MlUi UI1e t twAolrtl IanI oh ohwutnl
wAolrtl I in art rt ou aai n took fvrr n publlthcil publlthcilmen pubU pubUI
men In I I IjifUnrt e Nnd rail und tntpert m mink nf nfwinm titMin
Min tat Snit l mk < 111Kr IUKKIi1 I 1 u lltr II r HOOk BOOHllfur HOOkIfir
llfur 01 Johq J lMaht lfieI1 rt lil 1 mrmlnttum mrmlnttuml tneind tneindof < 01 01t
of l I rUhtltU Iknijhl IIt and n < l NiH NiHor So J JM
Leto M t pa was > na inn or Prlre p IU IUUALTrK I ILet Slats SlatsliALTrII >
Let Lettitf tars 221 nflh A Aitf f mew N > w VorU I IPubTife
PubTife rahrrrecolroH cotLfaSron eo no it a n j I
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8 f KttAn CHit rhllfHtM rhllfHtM4t Thhtr4urY0igt
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trill He t mwneh n eh M i ime zs v it ittht t tI
th t hrtef Mite me Vtlf MI MIeWt t tK Mtr e1rl e1rlncrlltt
ncrlltt eWt rcrs M bltvr ake akeK 1 e ett
K t1 t p r t ItCoWnW rtrntew 4119 4119r I ItP
1 f tP two of pt e Mt + ertetx arn arnthe HtftM HtftMUKtttty +
ti the c cttm UKtttty tHt echftMeC echftMeCI Rc RcYenll
I Yenll It the Mern 11 hI heI J1 J1I
I rret ltttIIHC Wtt wtt3tgN5 eC4Ie eC4IeIittn a 4ep 4eptier
tier titer n v rit tote + efty t b Netter NetterI rr rrtwn
I kehanTHc thin the Ma i4wpseraaer ri ler h ht htl hrare h hOARPeRS hUMe
rare Inakel itee iteein enl t iue hrntn hrntnntr hntht11 ri riI
11 I t11 + in Interest wtth a rtntra rtntratitwAtl ntr l lHoi
titwAtl hl < ttwttt m twit IU ii 1 ittor f1fJ 11n tN tNrhtfUt
I rhu rhtfUt ten Hoi taught augnf the u atmmjphere uI
I mmjphere mn rhtr the glitter Hcter the fe reit reitreiineni 11Ckn + t tIklsnes
Iklsnes reiineni kn of life n these deft deftj deftpka
j pleatant rl pka + ant nt piettirti pieturts + s One critic frit criticIY riticity c ci1Y
ity + the novel H beautiful beautifulexqtmtte buutiulI
I exqtmtte there it an ache in inthe inI
I the thrott chrn tt in thoie icene + cen when whenCharpentieri whenChupentier whenCharpenticr
Charpentieri + music Hots out outnn outnn outon
nn the luminous night A re remarkable remarluble remmarkabk ¬
markable thing about thi love loveitory loyeItory lovestory
itory ii i + that the heroine is t i alto aliothe altothe altothe
the hero heroDixie heroD heroDixie
D DixieHart Dixie DixieHart IXle IXleHart a aIXle
Hart HartBy
By Will N Htrben HtrbenOver HarbertOver ij
Over 250000 2 copies of Will WillN ViIlN
N Harbcns Georgia novels novelihave novciI
I have been disposed of ofproof ofproofindeed proof
1 indeed that the they have reached reacheda
a permanent popularity Mere Merejust Ilcremust 1 1publihedis
must just published is Mr Har 1larbens Harbens Harbens
bens latest novel at Dixie Dixiei
i I Hart It is the strong sym sympathetic sympathetic ympathetic ¬
pathetic humorous story of an anoptimistic ano t
optimistic o timistic Southern girl who whowins whowins
wins w in a fight against adversity 1dversityuDixie I
Dixie Mart is i by b far the bestnovel best bestnovel hestnovel
novel Mr Ir Harben has everwritten ever everwritten everwritten
written The hero is i a goodnaturedi good goodnatured goodn1tured
natured shrewd young fellow fellowwho fellowwho fellowwho
who keeps store in a little littleGeorgia
Georgia village Next N ext door doorlives doorlives doorlives
lives Dixie Hart an attractive attractiveyoung 1Uraclieyoung
young girl who does a mans manswork l11tnswork manswork
work in trying try ing to support su her hcrself heri herself
self and her widowed mother motherCumners 1110therCumner
Cumners 5 Son SonBy
By B Sir Gilbert Parker ParkerHere Pdrk ParkerHere r rH
Here H ere is is1 a collection of short shortstories shortstories shortstories
stories mostly mostl set in the islands islandsof
of the South Sea under British Britishdominion Britishdominion Britishdominion
dominion They The have the in indescribable indrscrihtble indescribable ¬
describable atmosphere of a atropic atropic atropic
tropic land and the broad spirit spiritof
of humanity humanit that is born when whenicver whenI whenever
ever I the savage savageand and the civilized civilizedare
are found living their lives side sideby sidehy sideby
by side any i of them are areI arestorics arelove
I love stories with the unusual unusualmotives unusualmotic unusualmotives
motives and setting settin of the thetropics thetropics thetropics
tropics and all arc characteristic characteristicGilbert characteristicGilbert characteristicGilbert
Gilbert Parker stories storiesThe storiesThe storiesThe
The Heritage Heritageof
of the Desert Deserti
By B Zane Grey GreyAn G GAn GreyAn
An appealing love story storypure storypure toqpure
pure as the far ar waterbrooks waterbrookssays
says one reviewer of this new newnovel newnov newnovel
novel nov in which the curtain is israised israised israised
raised on a scene hitherto unex unexplored une uneplored unexplored ¬
plored in American mcr ctn fiction fictionThe fictionThe fictionThe
The New eV York World adds addsthis addsthis addsthis
this comment It is a strong strongstory stron stronstory strongstory
story rich pith ifh life and mixed mixedwith mixedwirh mixedwith
with color No 0 man in the tale talewears talewears talewears
wears a collar and the women womenarcthr womenarf
arcthr are th the genuine daughters of the thedescrr thedesert thedesert
desert and the mountain fit fitmates fitl111tes fitmates
mates for their men We e arc arcglad aregltd arcglad
glad to recommend this fine new newnovel nc ncnewel newnvel
novel The Heritage II of the theDesert theDesert theDesert
Desert DesertPans DesertPans DesertPans
Pans PansMountain PansMountain PansMountain
Mountain MountainBy
By B Amelie Am li Rives RivesA
A record of the heights and anddepths anddcpth anddepths
depths of human feeling AiFnglish An AnEnglish AuEnglish
English poet and a girl wholly whollypagan whollyworshipper whollypagana
pagan pagana a worshipper of Pan Panand Panand Panand
and of the othrr woodland woodlanddeities woodlanddeitieslie woodlanddeitieslive
deities deitieslie live out to an unfor unforgettable unlorgettable unforgcttable ¬
gettable ending their great greatdrama greatdram1 greatdrama
drama of love amid the beauti beautiful bc uti utifut ¬
ful Italian Lakes The girl is isthe isthe isthe
the incarnation of life and joy joyof joyof joyof
of love and sorrow Only Onl the theauthor theauthor theauthor
author of The Quick or the theDead theDe1d theDead
Dead i r r could have written this thisutory thisIttory thisstory
story and it it is in in every way wayworthy wayworthy 11 11worthy
worthy of herPERS her herkehanTHc
ZA WE WfKLY 41 j

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