r II
11f1 > p fnf fArtyy rnnn IKTMwJI rff R 27 tttlt 1
r 1r r rn f nano nanorw f fI
I rw n + + 4 r > r rI p r PI PII e eo
I I th i w wh
h r rr
o 4MB x xtr > >
tr r w 0 0w
n w A < f fc fh I II
I I IafJI c > < 1IIt 1IItII
h M Mp Mr
II f >
t q qw
w I Iw
w A pMBM pMBMw
w lilt liltw tywrtlw tywrtlww
w fir firI
I aA M M Mw
w l + w A Ar
r ell E EA
A wwl + B BI
I A Aw
w ISt I t w
1 pa s 9r 9rspaw
4 II gilt giltw01611
w01611 AT r rt M Mr1
r1 h mii4 P Pf f
f t r16 wart wartI < MItt MIttrt
I b rt f3 11
1 g4Y IL n I0 01 01tft t tw
afJI w tflt t toMt b I PCtMt gala tWfc tWfcb t t i if iW ii iII M MrI
rI p f rbH rbHIM
I glnIINsI glnIINsIf W
f i r M I Ih
b l lI lII II IItilt a aI
I I e 1m1
m1 tilt II > s1 s1r <
r r h r 1 1t
t t 1 n nc hhlw
1 w rt Mlwlg q Nrlla Nrlladu
du c t tlit FI < 9 w III IIIh
II I lit h 0 41t 4 t tiwl tiwla
1 a t w vii I 4 4mi 1It 1ItIIR l lh
h 441 I a 0 1 1n
mi 11 m K > ii iin iini
I N ni n 110 Ifr 1I t tI1
r t I1 l tt < tth T lfc lfcif 1 b e
111 h M Ihea IheaI P a I81 I81n
if I > n < lrt lrtn Inon <
n I eMta pttlAC E tt Him b atwlt a at aI a08tdJ
1 I s IK1 Ihw IhwPht1r
08tdJ Pht1r at t wa rIwtar rIwtarr r rn
r n III Mt I 0 ill < i < Menr Menri V VI
i fitldM I irwMiMi fh n nI 1INR itttwn
4 WIHI I Ht iiiiti wtWl 1
5 int 1 Ptlh tuHrtHt tuHrtHtI H t IMI4ktn
I iwl 1 i cmV IT Tp IU < l tkilf tkilfi 4f 111 111J pww pwwM
M i wfl na IH Ihr ih thuW Ihl k AT 11 IK IKr t tnol thnRlw
nRlw nol It wtry 4 hHg hHgI
I r 4 simile H IN inn inni rki rgIHR rgIHRI
I i r inge 1 wnn wnnilil wont I rehj hd w H HI
I n
ilil I g Mi he wltHteil liettot ht if filHT filHTI fl faH Y Yt
I w i hn tinc 0 > lan s tills out II f ih ihKin h
Kin wh ih UiHt IaNRIag > i > he hli 1 chill rhiMr
a w r i i flume no iinen p ryr l wt + of I JIHV JIHVrr illt nNyawnrroN
awnrroN IC r h hlwn n O gillhM gillhMtI < lhI I IIhtf
tI 4N Ihtf wa rwu I II n nttwr nttwrNf af afII
Nf f II Ihl fh Ihw r 11 1 rr Maa Maatlul UIV UIVno v vtinl
tinl no I In t tlf > pQt i aItIN l il > I r Ih h i u Hi n nv 1 1nn
> v nn > 1 darkl iliirUliiit tig tiHMMl h < walks ouhlr oiil < l fsl Mr Mrof r rt
of r iiloiiti orn ltgltn mil tniU ml IIIH nrd h Iir down ilnwnM downIrtt 1
Irtt M I Rill n ht h0 JiniW 11 on t Ih h tilwj tilwjii tll l lh
h h hi P pt pip whrrtflr rinn rinnNat
Nat ii i It > f r rwtidotl Kim aful i iu 1 h wiin wiinr no nok
u r k < wirtnini rl1Inot t tliiwn thtlillChl then thendawn Ih
dawn nixi It atldwlrn lit I ITII anil 1111 lui luir I Ir +
1 > r tlitinir with itliihitnisil itliihitnisilqUHlT thin hi III 11411 II
1 4I 1 I I I qUHlT of r th h RtHxl win wini III
11 i I when hfi h it wi Iwltimo h hir hollhlor hI >
> PtMp ir > p outdoor with withn nh nhlortiiriiii h hII
II nhw hnR ntwp + tl sIIv sIIvl
111 l 1 itn ln wdklrR 1111111 IogNh t hr hrd r rm
d n w ya lortiiriiii lortiiriiiiv I II Iwo Iwoi
i I k I 111011 Ifill n1III + I tl tlu h hV
u v in dtaltt < lml Ht Wlhit I hrt ilul ilulm 1101n
n m n n + kl k 1 th p I wf i I II
11 1 ih 111 n tni nl hI hIit I IJ
J I n f + w v i wflphtniitn < inilii iing i th tht hi hiiTpf
t I qnn Igtwrprrtyl iTpf wlwii hilI hi h hShoo hPr I
r 1 r N I r Shoo 1N Iii 1411 I Plid 11 11n I IP
I P n 1 t thnaP Ihn ptlr ptlrnee lIr
10 ih M 1111111 ilonni eP e thnt you yn eo eorr gnrr = t tp
p rr agnlrrrl i rfjuirTeIi + yourrehen ynutrlvrsand ynutrlvrsandtrill and j
trill t iU with Ih horn and forked rrk1V
r ri
i It v rhP h < I ijt wllh ih i h rorili MrIr f flrn flrnM fi Rr Rrg
It ur Ir PYP v Isar r hl 010101 vlhhtPI1 I
I1 m t hA th h 14111 Iih h
I tlrr
M Io I < liinilf rut 1 the thettr Ih
0 0trr
ttr ti in thi Ion talili talilin >
1 1enl
enl 11 h x11 I vlnfld nlJrIn n th that Ih thh
r rI
h I I n had t t8 ppil i 11 nn th window windowt lIId
t nigh 11 and that ah h I hnd hndti I
H j n wirtiifd w rlllt1 rtnt 1 hr nt nth ih tlr tlrI tI I I1f
1f 11 11I1 hnn and ul gi IIVII n nt
I C who ho h had irtpl I t It ifi upI ifil ft ftI >
I ft k v w tliat 111 till 111111 AIH tl tlI i iWlill 1 1t
Wlill I n h t awnkN IWOKI II III1 III1ill Ih Ihw h hwlllIh
w ill H wlllIh Whit tin I h 11411wnKI linl T r IH < 1 1plltlI
4 roar tnrity I IiiJtnitt I Ittllli
iiJtnitt 1 that I > iin > IIIrl fairlyIII IIIrlh atriv
M Mi
i tli h IHMI Iww t1 h hi nd I MI MIi II IIlwlr Ilinlnt
i f nlnt > im lwlr lf f and 1111 her tint if wi wiwi war I II fwar
wi war I ierrilii rrlhl when hn h hI I fI II
I nm ttwrriefl IIIrrl d Unady alrrndyd i ii I II
i it to I Pan I III ti Mrint Mointun an nnd
1 t a uNipir 11 Thire Th i nil I Iier
r ier h hN we it m1 Th Thwashw II
washw 11 I IIlImIII unm n > > nv nvish n nzh
ish I3 I ii I hardly hinllyi tarIt t > I Ifa >
i fa < tiv y roily 111 nmonntid nmonntidI IHTI II 11 h hru
parr I nun ru the 11 tlnarrl < nxrrle nxrrlethn
° 0 > < 1 that wltn wh n little Noel Noelh Swlwnnlrl I II
I h wnul 0111 < l manag n81 tI tIeI h ht
eI t I H I hi h progenitor progenitori
rnl al h hIIIt1 1rwl rr 101 10111I
i I in Kliiihith Fhnh th fndfrev wslb w wIll
Ill 11 nf r a Irwt I i lohn lohnlow InlinInw hn hnOW
low ttu > ninnth an end IIn1IOII endrnn < l lion
ion in n HII n honriraiili honriraiilii
i nturriTteil rrI in Nf > l lVrml 1I
I w Vrml Vrmlttlmt I wlPh loNI h ht w1 w1e
e t I h oakl 101 0 nnh lid lidP P
1 P talr rllwl1 rHwlwfhrvgh rHwlwfhrvgh41t
ttlmt n Mf r the th h hill t tuttlll tl It ai ItIt
i It I uttlll wlu IIh h III I rnllMfl rnllMflr r Ilwl Ilwlu
r in u I ci I Ho 11 Rl 111t
1 r > lit I h A 1 1 h hhl tp tpI < H HM
M I hl l Ill 111Personal 1 1 l I Im
Personal Personalm
m 1 Grfhng heeling Card Cardm cardminuacruted
m minuacruted nu lured and andt nd ndn
t n r IrganI I RIn j for fll the h U eze
e l 111 1 th h pro order flrdtrr
r r J r rw f fDuttons
Dut Duttons Duttonst Dutt0 tons I 3S
w t lo S1rel < Newyork NewyorkDutt0 iewYo
IM tll tar w 1 JI w wL
I r
L H Ht0
t0 I IlA v r rr rI
lA h r tit I u II 4 4ft r rM
ft ft11II
M H r111 M 1 Mwq MwqMow
Mow Mary dt w ws
s 11II 4 rwf r rd
d tw M M tlrw tlrwN
11 It ItooeI
N w l P PLr
ooeI t 4w e b I IIf 1 1N
N M a0 a0l
r ta l + If t t + r to J P h J JL coil i iw r
w L Una t tt 1
I t IlwwNt w MIII r r1 r1lw
1 > W to T f fu fH
lw w 1 tlflr h AF AFler
ler hl w w H w f fr tip 4 r rw
w M 0 r 1
rnw 1 1 wa M a ai
4 4p
i St I s p A
1IIf 1IIft 4 4d
d t w 4 n n ntI tllw w wr
tI t oot t to m > f fi fr ft
i > Mte mv r n it IW M Mtwtr
r = u Illf rl Ao M MA
A Ilw Pf t 11110 WP w I of oftJ t tw
w 111 1 t M tJ pY I A4 tl tlH1 lit litM litht
H1 M rMlha w htll M MIlrp
ht iI r rI
Ilrp AaA I I W tIk
4 IW 1014 M mini I DIIW IM IMl IMM I Ime >
me + Mh1N l ww p pI
twtr I binr t 44 4 I M Vl t4o M MK HooI HooIhttf
I li www AMt tftto lll r t1 I + r lw twit W WI
I an Nw n nR
R w 0 r h i c4 IM II 11aiP 4 W n < C CII fph1
ph1 tY what h Iid wl 1s II 1114 1114h
h w t 1 h ool t Itr Itrw
w 1 1 1 a0 Iw4Pt t a t r tf f e MN MNwhw K KII
Kc c
whw h II 1 1II w MI qw htr htrWrl
K Mrvi l Hi Hiettw II Wrl 1 0 0t 1 h 4 r rfl
ettw fl Mn > n Nf f It ItM hl wI AP APN
M tlv I yn prwIt ttr w nf nfUK r > frlr w IwdII IwdIINIIt I iw < ll lltht
UK NIIt 111 Helm II Hnea h tuhl tuhlri t at A Y that thtn I II ra rar1Ilewl
ri r1Ilewl < t n t < n tKH tKHkB ta 1 P 4nf 1 u ulhot IIhHrw
hHrw kB < lkii K Mil Milwith 1 twld 1 i 11111 I IIt PP 4re 4reIth
with Ith It anv nv hNnwlIRP > > Ic Nf r Itwx < n t t i 1111 ill II III v vth w whw
hw 1wl I h hlln If It kI gwrr It d
1 111 h r tlw 1 I tIV It Ht what h hud too
ud 1 f f1 It ar n nttt nnrr pr
4 ttt th HI 1 th thn h NMH NMH1n
1n n Uhl UhlJ ll llile Nit gntHh gntHhJ felt feltJ
J 1 It wvie vU tort lor i of > t Tli T Ttf rl Nine Ninelorn M M14x11 I
lorn tf h 144da llv iMMrrill SIrrfll nll i nnipiinv In InlkiHi InI Ind14H
lkiHi ltw > > li < i t IFY rv f IfxiM lout It hi hiiin1 hu ti tipl
pl ctrl 1 twtwry y 14 t I laHti rP4I rP4Iand lAll lAllttrnllr
and tirrwc w Jt tr th Ii rs rnh lnr lnroil r rwIII
oil II Ilk hkw l I4Ito Mirii > Ih IUnh w hn lukr lukrt hkt kv kvt
t tj t h her r atwl iwl 1 it + 4 no II harm fi r > t h hr hrIt r rat ratnrlh i im >
m It nrlh ike him hatH hnWY I > t > v tni ittlw > h tarn l liftir 1tltr Pir Pirnfa
nfa iftir r ill 111 tn t > M w in Kn IngliPhlltnll lmhin ii iiIIHHI
1 IIHHI NI Mllil 1 Mm Mtflnr MtflnrI xtor xtorme r ri
1 1the
i me I Jirer Ii torv of f rh MeritHj 11 < < nf nfih r rh
the ih h > Iv p ri illnr IIllqr er and HrothrurpnaingIY Hrothir lnth lnth1 i i i iurpri
urpri urpnaingIY iiiRlr wII < TK 1 toM Th en i n tnk tnkm + lIn j
m n ptrt tv > r t + f Il t ili h end n1 lien rimnt UK W ir trdrr r r10
drr i rt h 10 IItindnl It 1 ara arahN 11 I Irh 1h
h hN 1 IRn r th h lill liht M wln an an1h
rh 1 ript p i i + full f intirit Hilt IIHH IIHHij t IIr IIrl
ij I of the h h nlitic I f Ih h + pIUII iml NN urn urnfiiirlv or airf orforh
fiiirlv f 4 n v t irtltil wh hiii h n it iitn Ir III nnI ti t to > tin II th tr trriiiln Irruphon
riiiln ruphon 111 > n i f Hi grvily II I r itnune Inl IhN IhNhwI h hh t t11111
hwI h i amt thi > fitil rll10 ru i of r thoii thnuruda iti < U nf nfhi nfh ofhcop
hcop hi h p ttrr ir r III thu idsi 1 f thu th riv fIr r tarlnfl tarlnflwhn ttI ttIwh rioii rioiiwh
wh whn n Hftir IhP i hi h 1111 iin + if f < i viih wtthrite wtthritedrought Ihrlll IhrlllIr riiis riiisilniiiKht
ilniiiKht Ir hl ind 111 a 1 drh lri n w aiT r th h il rl rtIhwy rlth
th Ihwy I h > hav III 1 > iiiitht Iltht lli I h madd miililiim nmR > cint t 11 11r nrat
rat < f writr r Th I h Mitiirennl < liriikini hrrk i in innf Iflf1h
nf r f1h th weld tilli talltontiilvennlti < > nSilveriimtiii lriUiiiKly lriUiiiKlyr 1
r l > itiHl null II nonr lh h MMK It ii iiof nunh In hr hrr ra raf
of r tnun m o with Ih Pi II iinithr h Ill IhN tnrv tnrvilnljr 1 n rt h hp +
p ilnljr nty of f strong It and inrlti I i lien t tIt twrtlnnc twrtlnncI nll nllI
It I t I la i > X t1IIt1 < i > itoll ltI lIIv llr II KOM KOMHnme ItOt1 ItOt1nm
Hnme nm Nen rn I Irllnn IrllnnK IrllonFor
K For ir r light trailing IIlinl Mr Ir IUld suwii suwiiV sk sk11111 klulIntr
Intr V tr > Miehtv 11111 1r rwih Ihll thua i 1 1 H lipiin lipiinvytt
vytt < > I I rNiiangl < > inianv 111 pan will II l Iw fo fnllnd < md very r nfl nflinrlnry ti tifartnrr I I1irT
fartnrr 1irT Th I h mithor hut hnr has Ptutwl tiiciii < l Frank FrankSttxktin FnutkIt IIlIk IIlIkIt
It It Sttxktin tittrkt n and nd Koliort W V thAIIIIr IhArnPrmIIM h intr in inhi
hi 11 IIM lihtHr IIHHH IIIINMI to ome III purpoM prf 1 Ill Illf IhN IhNnrlttPr hi himutter
mutter of f fact ton in wllllh w hirh th IhP h tmrrniir tmrrniiriewrir IIlrra IIlrraI ntirrnror1w1
iewrir I 1w1 r ntw l > IIhlnllll al > iHnie mHk MS ihntn th m f iitnl ouulIrnhahlw > iitnlprilNihl IIIf
prilNihl 1011101 IhP ih 11 epiMKle nri A nrnn nmvtng itiu ami amiall 1111 1111III 1111all
all who ho tan In Mpprrnate ni flIlU > ti n > will willenjoy Willnjo 11 11j
enjoy njo j them lh t flr n1 + t flmhl of th tht uri uriplan nrrdntl r rh
plan dntl h th thromp h rntn RIIII > full of prettv 111 girl On OnItnlinon II IItIoIII tiltnhinnn
Itnlinon tIoIII i m nrv oo tM tar a 1 l tAn hi h > ol ilniiini ilniiininf 111 111f Itionf
nf f h xirlo and th I t10 h illam + ruhdar ruhdarII rulifil < ii iihrfx
hrfx h 1 I IhN hi h iMople f pIP pl ii irv liktlili nod 1 ih ihetn IhP IhPPmanng h hmIIIIo
etn mIIIIo initiK i la Roxl SIr lr Fatwr Ko t r hn h ilia u uiMiiiIMn nrod I IlwII
iMiiiIMn rod n v 1 ilwell ti t lotitf on t imtnnieriil imtnnieriili
ull > i Ih h n + h hw etplariHtion pIMH > I inn rnnhtrl innthitnrv filA11Irv
thitnrv htrl rv and nuM nu I j jike k hP h unr on onrr Inrahpr Inrahprrrr > i > liic liicirr
irr rr rrr l t ati iin + apparent appnrlntIV Ir i fill lill11I1 111 111anil 4p
anil hi uh h tiiiuht rrll hl l Iw i lichier hlh Ill Ihfight IllIh h hJishi
fight Ih with h a aInnnn lutiani HIH air Meet i ilrni K < i tII iin
in II f rbpn lunioitv 11I dv fr C r It il der t > e not afTerl If ih h < pi a < I
1 col f
w MM M Mt
t A y 1011 A ArA
rA N gr I It ww Itwe
w I Iill
ill a oil I If1
f1 r Nw m I Ir
r we werL Alpr 1 A AL4
rL rLI L4 I I5i1
5i1 a
lw lwilrIlt
ilrIlt I R j A 9 IYII IwI
4 r rI
I r rM
M f i t I1f N w to toAI hr1tMh
r1tMh m ILU1 P
4 1017 t i mf w wr
r AI n w h hS
S t II IIto
to i in
n 4 4e
1 eAlA I9Ity Iw I r
11 e LE ht4 f r 6111 6111r11B
r11B I r p pt ps
of t
s 4 I I tltl 1M1 p pf 4 4IMf
f l v tOt tOtol w P Pr
r r a I Iw I peM M r rt
ol t j M M P Pw
w m9 1t Il pa4lI t 4 4w
w w werw
erw t nN + n
404 tl r rw oo f frtI
w tl i rtI I Mv w wn
n he Ww u1 H n nhl
hl Ij1Y fr h it h 4 4h ah0
h h0 O tW ii w tln It Itto e 1 a an
to sa r p pL t N P f a aMrMFr
MrMFr L < r1 F WMn 1 Isia 1flWIf
sia t a4 fibi a N r 1111 1111r a
r nt flWIf I AY 8in hlrljt n < < C ilhw f fHmiivl 1 1hiC w r r raryl
aryl MINI 4 IInj hiC r 1 1t
4 rt t ter t0 teI Ilwph
1111 w tn1 1 frld I1f n I 1MY Ioo
+ MY t E oo 1 14 of a wry L It ItfI1 I II
I I0 0510 p 1 fI1 fI1t h yr 1 1aWntk
aWntk t NnM rC thw fI I II
I I fIn oaf pla plap
p p 4 t t wt qIwl 1 tC tCrY IP I IAp
Ap Hmiivl t Iml pUr ph r i h NhIM1 1 1 1ttrv aoO
hIM1 0m oO Tre ww gq I to toI n nM
M I nplpl nI 1 c tpr n nII
II pr ft8o N4iINg IC frwI qn n I i I w wTHIN 1 1It
THIN k4P w11 fI wIPh It r j h n nwd 1 1r
wd of r th f ttrv ry rhw f f1Ir r rr I1M1h i iMlT
1M1h 1Ir r phuI1 rhlia MlT IIY and Hl 1 I R 1Ip l I Ifl II r
I rwwntMwlatvIPf nt v fl h lit r i ifc ifcf
n r0 1 klrrW Itf Vow t ngl nr w o oirk w
rn 4 4lirk l irk irkrn rlt NI tf n r rIt1 rw d f I r v YII Mr Mrl
It1 II IY hlloIO l The r rhwI t II w Mand i iMini 11 1Ir
Mini Hwli HIM l < 4ntxtiv 1 Pw > w W k i ih
1111 h nsiilir Ir r NtN ennititiiiti tltl la If in 111rIVP h hV w c civ
rIVP iv V lh h ItiHitliHS iii t i of n I Uirriirr Uirriirrwill I III s iirrr n nill >
will ill II i4II fi tl rlw iwiv 1 IY vthili Ih 10 t1 IIIMIIT h hII w wIn w will
ill II miniitmc the th 11 p irl rl tf fWh h r irxl 1 ill tIg tIIAN 1 > w wing
ing g 1 the h Mniioin f1t < ftn rvn revenue P i ii r I h tll tllIpth 1 1If
IplheMup If Ipth > Ih IHI p T I Ihw1 h Illhf Ith rth i reikl4 kl klIIIMII it wish wiihIHIIIMII wishbunhln
IHIIIMII IIIMII lit whit nnd Thin lie II III fi fiI 1 1tel
tel I nsike m lh lhP h few f urviir nI + ii tth tt i r pIP liM tnR tnRor iiig iiigor
or rsirtirtiUrlr mtere Inlrm InlrmW + tfI11w un
W 11w IIIa Ilk II Ihi th h rhlhlnn n in u Xilli 111 Ilw I 1htlK tlI1 M MIi
Ii Iflg 1IIN Y 11 I1 h IIIIMH 11N 1 IhMi 0I Ita In41SIngw l Itat li liCut >
Ingw Cut t and ompHni l > t + 1111t done iln 11 iv ivlit 1 1hll ftt ftthill
lit hill 1 1 cin 1 w h et 1 tdini + riicht in NI I 1In in inlh1t Ivithtlt <
lh1t In wo io do I n y t ninrn II 1 Ihetn Ih rn rntnr I Iry i it
tnr t < irv dcrth 1 criie etie if r litiit ilwi firt firtlife flrr1N
life 1N r xivhllv ih t hf h mth olf lr > r hi h liirm rlIrrtcn i liirmnMi
nMi n i 0111 ti I to r f > rm the in dlfw < li pr hr > r f h hwhile IIIhh r rtvhb
while e Ptfw mn ang lh r n g4 iiiini 111 n of r I Iwiktil IIS h r rwl
wl wiktil IS kt I trnftlr S h nN > I > m lIIr ire r t T rP > wiii wiiii wttrIh r rrnnll
Ih i In tnorify rnnll fann artni I wh II II111 > I I4 I4in d dh
h mt in cruluii Rra bng In I wli wpwlt it w > > 11 I1hpN i ih
hpN h > > Mril tIIN11tt lit he f < i > + < i > Utiiin kttt II n If f in II p n i iV04jn 1tlIII fvnlmg
V04jn vnlmg tlIII j nmn it itwliniie l1th I + nnltl III r ill rnpt rnptn
on n thu Ih llft i1 > irt of if f ih > rwitui 11111 tf + tit t brn irit fir f r t IIIK ringw III IIIrn IIIKwnin
wnin w rn n front rnn t It1 ncLind 11 IL LIMi I It i 14 iti i inml Inn1l
nml + nlll oinnwltit M h It I ituni 1I1 + ey i l Iw k whu IitNrY ii iiterv 1 1v
terv v iTHwl I in nirt rl + nt null l ulni h I itt itttutliiu II u11 u11l to toh +
l tutliiu hurt h tiirv r h c I H I II < nMn nMnsiuirl I ISIIlrl
siuirl I I Irt Ihelpw IhI in II vrii whwh < h thi t r hirnif1 nn nnlhidiixantiieoii A Ahoo nrt nrtIhe4d11titgwng
lhidiixantiieoii hoo > < ii 1IIdu i lit H of r It tin i 1111111 1111111I 1111 1111lnl 1
lnl I are nr etpliiiii 1 t i Km h tr t f rlor JPH JPHjelili 411 411pghlirhnl
jelili pghlirhnl hei f > IetrntPly Mral > ly I lor > V the Ih H IIlIr IIlIrh ilxrfa rief riefhiild ra t thnuld
hiild Iwve h 1111 prefiriHtl 11 to I ti he P it I IllIlnII toP toPwtthnot 1 1without
without Ih > moral rnor l tniKEl tI it 0 itn h roil imiImt roilhat
hat 1 I Ih h tuthir p polmiilv otetf It intenilol Inhai + I line IITlittli t tJltl linehtte
littli rtiin f f rr ir r nut IrnIIII fS fSIli
I lh h tran tnngr rllIIlI imif If Mr I Ifanj7 iMiain J f rhrt fh R Rhurt
hurt h rt utorv 1 I hritnii iirl tln4 Mvti > ry ryphutr1Nrnt r rprint
print phutr1Nrnt Nep rntil lytith > wilhd h d t w rim ra I n L I pand r ranil rtfr rtfrnntl
and III illustration I rPir n to Iy > v thi h l > trip l 1111 > in nP Ipuny i mi mipnnv
puny 11111 Ith i ih h Kiistir first rtM l > rwu i HII I IIh convln i iIv n nt
Iv t th author nf r I In h I 1011 I taa taaIwaid i i iI
Iwaid I > IK I It i + a Miwrfu1 rr1 IIMM Ii I Trn r 11 11Ih lbnn lbnnII in ininili
II 1t111 t t unF + IIof Ih h a l5 8l 8lIn 1 1rn
inili rn are A well II drawn tlrA II ihir h ir r hIr h 1111 1111hrfrpthN n nII < +
hrfrpthN litfiri the II lnrnt mynterv rn Iry rv of r 1111 In h imli h r n fi fihtld r rrhlld 0 >
htld 1 < 1 i la tirr rv r drarnatu drarnatuketrhe lralllI lralllIr tu tuIcon
Icon InorP r nlomN 10111I f HIP h rahl 011111 011111rh + nl nlI
ketrhe I Ir rh ti of r Inch life IIr nnl an iharaitr Para hlrllr r i itwo IIwo
two r voiinc IIIC w wnrnen rnwo I i t X rn n > 1 > ait aitMirtin 1 1Slartlh
Mirtin IlIrll Ito > IIPH II fr I i ir irt i N d r at atI M Mff1 allnnrla
I tintinurrl nnrla Yri on ff1 Kigbh k t rage
In nc nf i the hi het C CtorlC Mr lr UdiU hrui hruiic
torlC et t lr r Inlil 10101n1I ntastrrplrcc ic
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04 erne erneGEORGE
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RkIt K c IbrrrJw n 1Ret rltr rrl 1 tor rwrrr sett r rAt r rI
I I b7 b br
ft Rr V a r fir tt tto ttTb s Ir IrI
I At Ch the Villa K 1Rese
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ThItte 8hl Arch
I 0 f w w V r rt1
t1 a in inw
w I I 4 II t I4 i b 1I4d i iLady
nl ft r ur urI = t r rw
Lady I4d Ooodforrf8thfn Good for Nethin
I w nR 4 4
1 + w I y to I I Ir 4 4Celt
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Celt and Suva
I I v vwt
oO wt l 4 I f d dt s ty tyM tyThe
t H S SThe
lt h n r n n et I t v hwr r rhw rhwtl Ir IrI
The Barrier
I tl lOt x I 4f I a alit II
lit I h to a 14 4 4I e eI
I w I I IThe 4 4The
Ih n 111 It
The Fugitive Freshman
4 < < I w0 Iwlr I p 4 4I 4 4r
I r p Y ° iH 1 N conI i iThe t tThe
Ih r e na tlHlrlt HIII HIIIIOftt II IIF
The St3rGazers Star Caters
F IOftt iN I 1 I hA 1ntr p wl or orft 1
a I IP ft w c 1 In c cto aSTORIES
Tales of Men and Ohltsts Ih lInll teneltrI teneltrII un
I r Ilr 1 1h I IThe r n I r 1 1The
Ih n 1NS Letl Letliwnliljw 1
The Finer Grain t111 ue
11 iwnliljw lt11 lt11d e eI
d 1 r Iet I rl H e 5th f Iet I Ia I r rI
a I j t i pn 1 u I n nn
11 11I 11Once
Ih n RICIfRII nu uena laesII 1 II ueI I IS Ii
Once Upon a Time
t 1fIrlt I S I
i I r n I1 11P 11PI
I P an a n In1 I artta rr nQ lit I I n men JPIIJJt menI
I JJt r a rI 0 4 4Open w wO
Ih n ItIIv I II 1 4 IIe IIeI 11I 11II
Open O pen Water
I IrB 1 I It n N1 a 10trip 10tripP r rr
P 1511r r I ever I f Ioh hr h h an anL 1 1f 1The
L nJ f Pe Ie IeThe
The Spread Eagle and ather Stories StoriesIh
Ih II UI II 1 IUIIU fR uiit SIIIHRK lUIUUt JIII 11 11 1 p v vI
I in4sf n ant nlul1l tr trJQit c Inmlnt r e nmt of f the mhl rt lna lnaIysI
IysI apteued ur If In 11 f fA cart cartA
Ih nll ftl I MNOHTIIV OTI Author nr tnr tr trII I IS
A Motley
S II 11 I nt I tw + tnRP SIr1 Pitrte SIr1i
i p ae t r I w a In weltr 1 n of 1 e Irltu rrtln 1011 a aP
P n 0 rra ender them II vte trt 1 e R Rlira
lira e
Soon to appear 7IppearTho
The Married Life of the Frederic Carrolls CarrollsIh
Ih Ir tle1II 1 11 ttI11le11 1111 It Ihu 1nltwl 1t t tto bl bleI
eI wnten to n ht rlnl or purr cnmtJ that bran where ht htnn m mnntelt
nn nntelt tli N r e 1 f P tie i I fhe t 1111 rCJ tta1 t In afratr afratrrq t I IP IeH7IRLBS
rq r P reH
153 1537 Filth Avenue NCH York Yorkr YorkClcarl
4 Clearly the tEE hook of f the theTHE tl c n ycor yf rl T TBlinicilp4 TBlinicilp4T IPt IPtn IPtTHE
Its It Discovery In 1909 By y ROBERT E PEARY PEARYV flEAftyhltrrall
V narril nnrraIivPwhuh iv which in in thrilling And nh nhnrbmR quail qunlit 1t1 Ii IiI
t ntvcr net r hu Ixwn I n nzetIIa ivll < l Boston Transcript TranscriptW
tl W tU he e read u ulllt itli keen interest not only ny by the fire firei pr prmuotIM
of i zeneratien but at bn long at the lore It for adventure ant antthirst 1111it an j jt
t < thirst for knouled knou lcde e aminate the human heart heartNew heartHow heartNow
New NewTli Yor York Time TlmuTII TimeTh
Tli whole < honk u i 10 n model of th pnhlwh hr r art nt n nt ilA ttwIwt
Iwt 1 t Chicago Rooord Herald HeraldJust HeraldI
I L r 1 rdln + nminer 1 ItII AWItrHLllnnnlllM AWItrHLllnnnlllM114st r
Just 114st wt Published PublishedThe Publi PublishedThe hed hedThe
By B BETTINA von HUTTEN HUTTENAuthor H HUTTENAuthor t E f fAu1bor
Author of Tpjm 1m Bt Btechy by etc etclMphn rlC rlCphn etcI
I lMphn phi h1 h hroln h rom of Ih the h IIookltlr l ook UrLn lit n n 1 brown hrnwnI lu lull lit11N ¬
ll 11N I watt 11f MrnnKlv etrnng tr piilint and Itnt hi h grown lero up into lm PinIhatM lmih I IIhI
ih IhI IhatM < t thu Ih nlorv rr n 01 > l nn original utorr H t i with th H iiaqu < V T Tn r rIn
In n Iand iinii rltnulutg > t inliiz an Inl I foir fngrrnrnri < > rn rc1 love 11 afTnIro written wnllnh writtenwith rnlt > n nwith
with h th It tcr It grarP if wP p eipmM Ipw 1 froii fm tip > IIronPla Hiron 4 von on ltiitl 11111111 < n The ThnrPfP Therni Th Thn
rni n 4 rfte at Knclnnl a I clTioun Italian villa lIn and tronml tronmlrlon troltIIInn
I Inn 1tnlh of oh 17no I n 5 1 ITHE Vi I r rTHE pnrpgtrr pnrpgtrrTHE
11 Illustrations in colors by MARIA L KIRK KIRKtirniitful i
I Ittihll
1 tirniitful RifthooW gift bonk tonlaming I nn inirfellow ortRinil poem poemmil
I IFor
mil 1 1101 il 1 > n pron pn > e very vernion wn hjr Wm Winston Inon ton Stoke lolc VofA r Co 0 Jci Jcilcr 11 onrr II
nrr Il I
For l er Complete cm lclt information en n all new holiday IMtdavBecks IloidaBroIcI holidayBookt
Becks Pictures and Calendars see illus illustrated shuttratcd ¬ 1
trated desiriytiie dCJm tut f pamphlttlru pamphlet > anf > hletfree f ree on application applicationPubll applICationPubllher applicationPubilher
i I J Jr
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i Phoebe PhJ e p JI nl I Ernest Ernestf ErnestOut Ern 1 1t 1tpt
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I An n Affair AffairI ffair ffairof
I t of Dishonor Dishonort
t t II I I rv rvt rvGOOD w ry ryI 11 11l 11I 11i 11i
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I By Eugene Mnnmc MnnmcV tn n Rh 1ttttt f fI
V I I eI iHi a H I Ml N NIt
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C ior tnrwllk 4iki 11 > him ta i fUfl IS > vif If in n id I h iltirkiot iltirkiotr rlnrh lRr lRrr a anttt
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4 nothing iti tln > litf 1 ta dell dellYMIIruIv < lu luiH
iH liiinlv 1111 liMlv I he Iv redihtlK rflllhnitr
J Sl an frrtH j rrtnrrrl urn r trgnnBNl r7 110 nUH The 1111IhlnNr TheKuiir ThI
Kuiir I i HhoH to hnlly > tJh drhght drhghte < licli hl hlI
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111I II IIIt
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vMit ii itun rt lul rough rUIn nnd n rat nadgnlhnnor > ad > t
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4 1 I h in Ifa well uitli ii i iti hiuhlv hiuhlvhiliir1ini hlllIllularallIl lilt fill fillthdnrflnng
hiliir1ini iliiirintiT horn llIrrtr tr trhlt +
J Hti > I with tin hvNli0t i an 11111 I tno tnoI litoal ntna
a I i tiiri hlrrrp iii > Itlrd itii nint nintaltound rlt rltrlttn
altound al rlttn > OI utd + in rial n + nl humor mur nod nn Im Pini ti III r rlon I
J lon I h hhnf hat ar i iitnnii nnnufakably > tikiililv NII Irc nnnan II
T 5 01111111 rnrirn r Iniirnal llllpldv llllpldvtniiMiii Itnpul1utnetlg
tniiMiii ind an I anuiitiir anuiitiirHenry arnu ing ingHenry
i Henry Holt Co CoRED CoRED ° A ARED
By Mrs Glace S Richm01d Richm01dI
I the hI harming hamn rnmnr rnmnrnuntr1r mn mnunlr
nuntr1r unlr 01 01I
I nhtplre p 0 0I w wI
I Ion ar I Illilttrat
Iflllra Iflllrata rn h hI
I ta hate t1 1 Hr r eI
1 Iced ct r pn S t
Pla PlatrtlFI 1 1r 1Hpi
iioftii Hpi trtlFI llRnrt Riit i real fjJ ii a i lut144t lut144tIi niti M MI 1 1jUCl
Ii I jUCl t itll4 > S II l MW fw 1110Iic tllllk tllllkBook nto ntou ntof
f u IJe ic l T TBook Utt UttBook
Book Exchange ExchangeAdortifnuMit
AdortifnuMit Achertst 1111111 f f iv l 1d ndiarid IK IKhand 1dwnd 1
hand b hflk < xk < tr t r iK cxvhMnm cxvhMnmor l c I1II1 hartjt hartjtcfr l llr
or lr wanted wall t d alll ilflv III Ill in Incrtcd trt rtid cd in inTIM 111fill inriIF l
TIM SUN SL Saturdays Sat lIrday at atI JOc 20 20J
J line 1111 j Iet > ecn e en I wnrdc ords to t I the theline t theInc 111
line 111 Inc fiirtfcn line t the theinch tilln11I
inch Di Display hlay type in nit it al ali illwd
i toed tvedG toedGtpy wdG1PY
G G1PY py fnradverti fir adverti advrtltI11Cnt emont un under UI1lr tinder ¬
der this clarification lal jkat inn must mustbe mu mustbe t tJ I
be J received recl d at Till SIS SISoffice Sl Slfil Slsnftit
nftit office fil a tint later than Thursday Thursdaypreifu Thurdavpr ThursdayprevIru
preifu pr > lnu t Saturday rf r f in insertion l lsertlon insertion ¬
HA RA411 RA411My Sf SfVly
MyMark My MyMark VlyMark
Mark Twain Twaintn
ar W h4 lJ HrtJH lfi tWr
tn e eWt 11 11m F 1J
11 4 1 h I m Ntr ff fff a 1 1r
r 4 < 4
et11fK et11fKr
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AI Iirrtuwi W rlttl Wt n ttiat 11111111 11111111I it
I AM 41 11111 < C Cft H Mr r w 4 4tl t Aenk AenksEi
ft sEi 1 tae e > rhn ert ertf ertfI tl tlI
I I It ItOf t fie + brr brrI
Of Is IsI wr
I 8 I Ir
I t t 1111 rr r NM1 5I fink finkh fi fiMrtfttC
h ntfa MrtfttC rYYrdtr K t j jtft 1e 1eenI
tl tft NicctNMp n a 1 V pacfty pItinrwR
4 t jti ewe wR trhike t s wrv ry rytf
4 tf flint lft V Y C 14etase 14etaset ut utf
t 11 f Ns ftf M b + tsl I IU Iii IiiTid
U Tl r 4 4w A r rwn r I II if ifI Ifs Leo
1 I t ler lera lerImaginary stw I
1 1 IY lnt 1 t Itl Ce etler er i ia iImaginary
a I IImaginary
Imaginary ImaginaryInterviews ImaginaryInterviews 1 1Interviews
Interviews InterviewsBy I IB
By B Wtllttm Dean D n HcnuttU HcnuttUM HOW IIJ 1
M 1 M r philosophy in inthe intht4t J Jt
t tht4t the 11 I 4 av v l hair r ev etu a i ilii dteIt iliititutlv h httn
titutlv ttn tly o It the ndulC in lu ivr order orderint orderanti ltJernt I
anti the h wt wtdr lc I range ncc nl f ubttct ubieetttreated uh ubttctIndcuf cct ccttreutri
treated 11 imiicateti 1 liy the Inl Inllotng 101lowing looowing
lowing owing tttlrn tltl Iron the thirty otiii otiiiithjt oddI i iI
that I make up the volume volumeThe olumeThe
I The Irucnce and an 1 Precept of ofVamleville 1
Vamleville atldet IIk The Superiority Superiorityi
i 10j of IiicnoM Imrnportance
of Women omtn in Republic The TheOuahty TheI
I Ouahty nuahc of llo Umtun < tnn all the theJ
J Ouantuv Quan f of New NeYork = ew York Surely SurelyMr Surd SurdIr
Mr Ir HovNelU has taken the ther therr C
r earth rr It fur his possession poes po ession ion buthats but buthas buth
has h he nor h gone up and down downMI
MI tI ir I fursexenty t r stscntyodll t tllty odd vear vcars It Itis ItI I t ts
is I s tits h hr right to speak and our ourpru ourt
t Irntcgc pru tcqe I to o listen listenThrough htenThrough listenThrough
l Through Five FiveAdministra
Administra Administrations ¬
tions tionsBy ions ionsBy
By B Col William H Crook CrookThe CrookI CrookThe
The authors material hasbeen has hasheen
been adequately and sympaedited sympa sympathetically > mpa ¬ i ithetically
I thetically edited by Margarita MargaritaSpalding MargaritaSpalding
Spalding Cicrry erry author of that thatstriking thatstriking thatstriking
striking Lincoln story TheIo The TheToyShop TheTorShop
ToyShop Io Shop Colonel Crook Crookwas
was Lincolns bodyguard before beforeand betoreand
and at t the time of his assassina assassination tss15sination
tion When hen Crook was drafted draftedfur
1 for army service Lincoln kept kepthim kepthim kepthim
him saving st ing tl I cant spare sparehim sparehim sparehittt
him It I t is is certainly a unique uniquegallery uniquegallery uniquegalleryy
gallery that contains five Presi Presidential Presidential Presidential ¬
dential portraits including Lin Lincoin LinOln
coin and Grant GrantRound GrantRound GrantRound
Round the theYear theYear theYear
Year With Withthe Withthe Withthe
the Stars StarsBy
By B Garrett P Serviss SeruissThe ServissThe ServissThe
The book tells you how ho to toknow toknow toknow
know the stars > and when and andwhere andwhere andwhere
where to expect them Just Justwhat Justhat Justwhat
what hat everybody can know and andought andought andought
ought to know knowabout about astronomy astronomyno a >
no n more No a one has ha done donemore donemore donemore
more than Mr Ir Scrviss to popuIIri7e popu popuIui7c populri7e
Iui7c real knowledge of of the thestars t thestars hit hitstars
stars and he writes with infec infectious infectious infectirlls ¬
tious enthusiasm Stargazing
he says st I is great medicine for forthe forrhe forthe
the soul One doesnt need needa
a telescope or even an opera operaglass oper3gla operagla
glass gla h is naked eye astroni astron astronomy tstronamy ¬
amy alto
i omyMark Mark Twains TwainsSpeeches TwainsSpeeches TwainsSpeeches
Speeches SpeechesWith
With Introduction Intro uction by b W D DHovells DHowells
Howells and dn Preface Pr fdc by b blrf1rk I
Mark TwainThis Twain TwainThis TWditJThic
This new book reveals Mark MarkTwain I IT
Twain T 1 walll aill in 1n a new and interesting interestingph1o interestingphar
phase Mark Twain was first firstof t1r t tot I Iat
of all a lecturer almost > t before beforehe
he began to write In n this book bookare I Iart
are both his hi earliest and latest latestlectures late latestlectures t tlecture
lectures and speeches > They Theyare I IUt
are all humorous in style and ando
j o I method It naturally ntturall followsthat follows followsthat
Ithat that thev thc cover almost < t every everyconceivable every evervconceiahle everyconceivable
conceivable subject from fromweather fromweather fromweather
weather and women to politics politicsand
and fishing In n point of time timethcv timethc timethe
thc cover a little more thanhalf than thanhalf I Ihal
half f of his life lifeRS lifeARPERS
I ZAg < < W aY