r tii tiif < c T f 1 r THE SUN SUNTMDAY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4 1910 I1LSOH THINKS TRuNKSHE HE WILL 111 111n ffl fflSF SF l 11 n r nt in i nrnitrin pURrl w wIM 1It 1ItIII III 11 I > IM 1 I < IIAMK ciiix4 0 US IT ITiai IT3511itIate 111110111 iai I So In th thf Mepubllcac Mepubllcaciriincliiitil Rf1JUbUtaatIchnl1 RpUbUCflsif iriincliiitil of r MurrU Iunl bounty 4 aunt la I an anarniedpMIwybuI r rulirn n nllO ulirn llO < Tl Tlpi raHlt arnu arniedpMIwybuI arniedpMIwybuIIII PIDWI but pi 1111 I Harm tlU llrrv IIr Tltcnlos ThCIIIort tirrrl Him HimI IlIna1KI 0 1 Nov O 3 3Cold CoW rain ralriiii rainnrl mmt1 1KI I iiii r litl not t bother Wood Woodf ood ooda a nrl fl t1 ihi I hi Lst tK or f cam ctmt 10 1 t I I Ia hi I nlI1I from fromIItII4R Miilion 1111 in an IU anh automobil automobilij HI ij i h mi 1 Iive loa l 1 N ii n motor iotor boat for fotwml rorn1 forI 01111 niotion niotionv nmtionIIt flint Ion IonU wml n1 > I ll 4 Ih ll i11 v Aiii U Mr Wition Wib < on nm mad U lii hill flrnl flrnlMNHti 011I11f11 flratfl 1f11 MNHti in fl Mrn f tointv > unty II Ir n region r lon pros prosroii IUOftf1 lO lOPHI 1 4 I HpHhhan > il > li n lieretofotv pro prowri proMroI PHI f1 wri roI > u > I n 111 ID 4 P Ittiiiblican It lhi t hI < nnlnmn nllhlmnrUI nut noun noun1 rUI 11 1 it i l lr IroW > r < 1h Tholoinl > Seminary Sminar and amilh andl andb1u b1u lh 11 < > t ildudinl ioomoioIing lulling many women womeni womCn womCnIn womennmrn nmrn l i ipir r him hll ruin rlin or po 0 min mm The Then In t h 1 0 III n nuiw 11 Hl In n lh th4 ho gallery galleryr IItr inoTitMl liwr Ions before tro twtorm hi hiirrX hiam OF r Irl lonl pt irrX m 11 i ml 11 lt IIr r ho h had bfn intro Inlroduc Inlroduci IntnxiucL IntnxiucLEll < Iuc l lal Ell al i niuly Iy to I n iqfk > otk ik h o had perforc perforcD perrorl perrorlt D U > f wlh hil iI ilny I h oh oht chnnlt Iontt Ionttt t t o oPt 1 1 1h e h 1 1 1c Ikdn Ikdne c i Olb > ri < tnr < m mn n i eW Jtr Jrwy y rH rHI er r rih R Rlb ih I KI 4IbM VI 1n 1nI > n nt < I 0 t tnnlrrtw drIW 1 VIUon VIUoni VUinVIIn IIn IInIn i i WlUn In Wllum 1n thai I 1pfrn nil nilr I Ir r rfrin rlrn of thil song In might scvni scvnipnhr a aeIorthr m mrttr pnhr Chocking hklj from Mudentu at a theo theologij tht thtJ theoki logij ki rttr I Mswuiry flIt Mid 1 < Mr Ir Wilson Wiln with withtmrnunc w withI h ha J a tmrnunc oln lAURh but hit t I am glnd < Ind you youknow YOIIn oii oiiknow know h liriml hrnd when hYou you see ef it itIhn itIIn itThn n Ihn IIn h 1 t pok > ok for twenty minute minutei mlnlt mlnltr i nc n h hi > wholw campaign campaig into the thetmiv thmn thiinu r tout tho folk of Madison Madisonlha tmiv mn II I wi Ihl lldlon lldlonIt lha It n 11 IMh I eanolioiatti < ullida > nili lat ple pledged lne l th thMi IhnrI hM hMU Mi U nf nrI rrtn rtn it I w 1 > simply n 1 choic choicof ehoif of f nn 1 l > tu > vi Mr r Lewi lwi a profeAttiontt prfioni ar artv 1n 1no arIi o n tv h ixttii 111 otd 1 hnv hn no doubt h hwan bId tIM tIMWrbIId wan WrbIId Id i < oIl > ll I Ih h forew furc at lt hi command commandn < lmnd lmndI lh Ihm He reminded hi hi4mr hit his hist4rN I v n f im IIh < l h Mii 1 mildd t4rN 4mr t < hn h Mr Ir I lewio jwi in j ipoociattHl aOiah1 aOiah1w1 ipoociattHlwith with w1 vt an oreiuiition nr uuon that dor I not 10t t land otandtot > tandor landlor tot or In h rliirin Mr Ir l lwllo IowiiM < t < win Joi Joiunn > otntmn otn OMItvfl tmn h ioiii id trvtl > 14 HureforH Ihron intri intricuiMv InllI I > cuiMv i1V i 1MIbi > ibl < > but I h impoMiiblo in inprut II IIr InrnU prut r rnU Whio h hn n you ou com < m to umWt lal > ih ihrh I 1krhir h hro rh ro rhir I nw 111 IlIfl > ii Mr Ir Wilmin Wfnt lt on you youmn YOI YOIi yoiimTlI mn mTlI i i il 111 v corlnIn < < > rain ti h1 > t > i sUch > lch an I ih ihhuv IhhH ohithov huv hH r Mi 1 Lo miti nWI IU II In rvKiat i l political politicalinrnia poltlal poIItieatn inrnia tn tia 13 i tand I I l I uroum ground nna agaInst lain1 oppooi oppooitun Ion np n uc 1Crll ioceifuI < o i > ul and purpoi IJIrplrlI IJIrplrlIwa piorpocfui piorpocfuiA ful fulwlr wlr wa A i iwinctlt tll ih Stall oven n though un urmiiivuiiiil unm unfldvtdtItI miiivuiiiil m ulT I iITti < > r > to withstand ihllld oftlw oftlwf on otilo otilokyi f < ker kr an 1llh 0011 < l tin bia h btd Illlrtil Ml IIrgilI urfiiiiof of friend friendM rriuld M 1 uton oIt 1 Niid > Ih a politnnl polt 1 partY rty i irwir irrr k kro1r rwir rrr ro1r r rlr r mwinl Iwlnl nor lar di dIIHn Hplin I 111 lion lionf on 11 tVIy > > ly Von cnniiot nffonl nffonltr f j mfn n irav ruI YOI lZUUII aford afordI tr I r Ilard regard car > i a 1 party pr a asilny iiny othvr than Ih lhonrIlIIr n nimMir 1 rIlIIr imMir Itlr 1111 11 numnlalily nIWllall for acc nCulphh nCulphha oicvttfliIi tnplii < li litnt hitIz tnt a publio 1lhl tibt Ioli IotIcis > olici t Very n r frank very veryijniiiuul vryotl011hI r1 r1lnkall ijniiiuul lnkall i bought IhOIht the lil t Io audience lilliC wen wenMr wrIr Mr 1 Ir WIIm ilv > ni next 1t word onl 1 know kio thf thfpnv Ih Ihp ohhv pnv p > > hv 1 which it was detenniiKil detenniiKilia 1IrI w wa ia a I lnulcl 1ll I > nominated nomilll l I know thi thit I his histr t tr > hot th II he to men ml on io who ho came mlw tc n < me I n cimr cimrto CaIIItr Im ImI to I n r only because UI they thought IholJbl t I mi might mightkod slit slitMI ht kod MI I he h INrnoernUc I morlic party to the Ih peopled peopledMV Itpl MV < If 1 I had hll not known knowl thi I thhr bi I would wouldhave 0111 r have h takn the Ih nomination nominationlr numilal iOI lr 1 iVt Vil ian on n referred nfrr with ilh arnu IUIImnt otnioimnt ement In Inrfinark I Irark Iooiork < rfinark rark made by h Itarnld iIar1tInieiair AniiiTwnn AniiiTwnnlnntclnir nIonInnlllir > lnntclnir Innlllir who wh introduced inllhl1 him nt II hi him him11 hiM hiMmIoII m m11 mIoII > unc ihere h1 ln lar r niKht li hl Mr Ir Andenwui Andenwuiiif < iif I tli 0 h < dinner lnnr that precede IlotI l thf thfT Ih IhI T > > nns 1 4fl I ruit 11 he 1 was really 11 afraid Irmil De Democracy n nnrae 1 1rnn ¬ mocracy rnn nrae raCy wait In danger Innlr of Ixfotnini Ixfotninifit btinl LCOVIIIflIfoliinahI fit hionahle falwJahh in New 0 Jenur JenurThe J Jn Jrsvrh The n rrtinpaisnV rllpiiln coming rllnl I < > an flfl4Ii end endMid nd Mid 1 Mr Ir Wilson iIOIT Ion nt II LI the h rloe do Em of hi Ii Mad In H o n pi nh nI i h and I for my pan have h JIIMI JIIMInlxiit JII JIIal jiooth4 nlxiit al h4 lt lit enoueh nOlh xicini to tlnmh Inll H i Hut Hutn nll nlln thul n l November olbr M < whatever the Ih remilt rli may mayl m11 l > I do rejoice r roic oi to believe 1I that Ihll men in inihiw in inhI Inthu ihiw thu hI titHte tlll Itiot will I vote 01 ai a 0 > ihev I hI think thinkThe Ihlk IhlkTh thinkTh The Th inch or o of r fallen ralfn enow no the th wet wetrd wptaroi pt ptut ut aroi rd cold clr Iwxied hd badly Imly for Mr I WilivmV WilivmVftitiK WmhcunIMtiIIg IIon IIonC ftitiK C tilll in a Dover early rly thi I hi evening v nin ninu tit titmind I II IIruund Int mind MKI II folk waitlnit wlln to hour him nt atPkr the therUkrr II IIk rUkrr k Theatre Thtn Mr Ir Wilnon llncnmnnllnl commenting commentingthe the oh fact rlel that Morrit Iorli i a Kepublican Kepublicantruuclioldwiicl fpuhl RpuhIicaritruuoid 1 truuclioldwiicl truuoid rJUlhold aid it that only Iy inon ml who wh hold holdr IlhJ IlhJr11 IIIdrui r r11 il viewoand vi ws and held h11 them otronely Inlly nr 1r sluM HiiMUiIeof sluMconversion 1 1111 < UiIeof or convention cn nI anyway anywayVnd ny nynn trod nn what whit a time ho h had convertmR convertmRti conrlill ConVsrtIntrim ti Im m for half hiif an In hour thereafter Ih rtr Thy Theyr pr r Iternateljr alprnatly Uiahfiil ahll and unr chilly chi chiliyO110IMi chiliyO110IMiand thorni thO thOIndll 4 < > i nndit Indll and it took h > k nil 11 the th wunnt warmlhlnd wuronthnnd hand earnest earnestr arnttl mI mIr r tl f Mr Ir WiUonn lton manner mlnnpr to thn thaw hl r them themit it I hey I listened liInt1 silently ileatl while whl he h wii alt sajoltig alt1M < 1 1ttwr ttwr the Demonratc JmOrtc tni rhthl might ht offer oIr men menwntir mnrII nonrotr wntir rII more mo honest perwinally pnondlv nor nr men menhi m mhi mm5IhuI 5IhuI hi hut ortninly ra rtoilniy more dinon Unlli tIsnuIgd UKed 11 They Th ThIleni lltra Ileni iIten1 < iil intv Intlv > titlv inlr ipiut nit 11 wilh IwpinnuiRMnilen IwpinnuiRMnilenh liegiouning snuIe snuIewhn lml lmlhn whn h hn n h aid ut that at I l Ioit i t hfUnill himaelf himi and Ind the theIxmnoninc Ih IhlmOrlle ohinerotuc Ixmnoninc lmOrlle platform match They up upidly IPpl1lo1 OilTunhIdIy pl1lo1 Imily idly but with wih an on air of r genuine genuineM Inlil gnluinarir MIIral arir M when hn h 1 he pn proniisi > niii > e < l tint if he hei h 1 1mo Ij IjC > > i mi4 m fmor iivernor there Ih will i I mal i Mt1I Mt1IC 11 > iiie iiieri ri C fh h mMt n intere mlPrIIU unteriIg tinc polttuiil IHlii < Ii 11 I IIr history historyivr ivr or right here h m I New Jerwy Jerwyf Irsv IrsvIkIIIg > f rkll IkIIIg ktit of lalvor lalHI Mr Ir NVil Wiln on won on ap appia all nPp pia p I t v 0 ivitie I I that IIi t we w Hhall hal l krlw kruw > nov e r rta rIh1 rn ta n v hit lii we have hn broken the Ih hack of f the thep Ih Ihf p f 1 i i il 1 t tII tiIIfl > u in M micbme madln when whl w we e llncl llnclvn In Inj 0 vn j < Ikl1 I4lklfl tikmg < it ire r of tWPi x opl whom whl WIll HM HMn I n f 0 ir r iniin iniiitiit 1hal tiite iiiiviutaKe halln to It to take takeft Oakc ft 1 c r N l i ri v if I KT r a ojiortinjs I > rtnl man mII and andK nnt I < K n ng < nnns nin I I il tak Ilk a rlinno chnll on n nonndilite I iii r i > l1I f1 rit 11 < 1i0 onndilite and that thatii Ih1 that1Wj ii 1Wj d 1 likvl Id 11 I i at t least f > I I Ii Ino Iw w i i t fjTiKoii I no n ti a rrtamty raill he hndr 11 ndd addI addIP < l lhicl > I P hicl hi ju jUMt t uihi iit It > f fI 1 tht th Repiililican Repiililicani R puhlinl I i v S U I hb > VTV vI v rv much lch of n a04i ertrtinty ertrtintyi rlllnt > i ruifli 1 tinx Ii 1 i rfonixincoH Til n l lm lmIltlr ImiirMrT mii miipartv > partv Iltlr V Mr lr WI Vilion IIufl ndmilted Rdtll aoltnittII d him himit h it 1 a if titn Ir hi i iidred IIr1 nil ni over overif r if of f th mip wre the 1 th word wtrd li lit 1 he heu < < t I 1 hut ttnt hn 1134 notlntii to II do with ih him himi hum humI i er r > I on yOung Ihll w shall Ill have havei uiv uivfl i d 1 Mr M I r W Vl S 11 ulon oii conclid onrI1 < l and andn 11 In lt n rov r r 01 < i hH hi word wlrd w shall nhalli hnl i have hlv IIiIa mid InuI of political IMllicl campiitcn campiitcnNew camp i iw icn 4 New w l r v 11 iu utIr > lir thing Ihhll hay havon hnyf on In f th Iii IIi iis i4 of If r n nrioim rinu dt iljs1ipisIiii iljs1ipisIiiil lIil < MMi Hii > ii iiI1 I1 l I f ll IItl IItlnrII I > l HtlOll unuI unuIinIulsut > l limliilnt imliilnt nrII hiirri urri1 < < t to Morri Iorrilow > town townv v 1 0 t fuii 1 T4 < in an aIJn niirline inli n < of Ir Xio 0 nil ni primal primalevuMiH prlm1Ink primMlpukr evuMiH p Ink pukr ik rn to hear him lie I 1 1 i p arl a irfv r y reception loll from rrlm the t h crowd crowdlink roiwltur link 1 for half an hour Ilur travertine travertineTI TI r of r hi Ills whol < > campaign carnltill anil anilt al1 al1I t < fill If uft I it mil 111 mak its irpor purport clear clearur cAr cArWI ciefirouI ur WI iI IS J HH IIUI nr nut t tIn in viitpru viitprutthe intrn intrnn In tthe < n iiinp 1111 Point rIII Out nollirr Ifr a Inipll Inipllialril Imll InuptiaIeiI ialril I In iafTlir farl > Kllllnc Kllllncw Ii IlllIu IlllIutt I 11 11J w i I > H J Oreen rn who who h wa a I wjtn wjtflsM itn itny i ir < r y j i m I O r tinral > nral nrll S 4sifl < n in > n in the 11 tt ci rlsi rlsiar 1 1nr i < i iof of A rn Oilbrid Gibrid charRd tharp with ih th thi Ihm thrn m i 1 > < r Patrick Palrek fidffney afn on u April I Lint Lintmif lastWIM WIM mif > arr arrested ted in court courtm on n thecliarR thecliarRItw 11 lorJ < j < Th Itw arr art arrst t wa < made mad1 nt th3 th3f Ih f J uIg i Swann befor I1ori wh hnl < ru ruI I 11 i IH iKinic 1lna tried triedTit tred treda > Tit a i Ciitbride ririr the Ih brother of fr II Vh Vhm l ln m n i tniij nl who whortunI1 actually hot nlln nllnr < iiffti irrnv irrnvV v vT T T r nuiH fa HhiildnH hlII saloon Ioln at Hfn1 Hfn1I Second Secondn n i irid I Twntvflftb TnlvfCh Htfeet llt ln last t April AprilTII Apri TII 1 iiH llhItIll Iilf nil and nd Orn Cire nuriill ar arI < l li i A pt oth ithirs Ih r < in il the t saloon 11011 at liny Iny I 1 mm fa tnpthd pli1 bin bl revolver at a tli tlit II Ohs OhsV t i iiiii Iln iiii m llilrifi iilliridi Kt Iot away afler tli tlir tiiA llnit r 1 it t I i H hrothr r was WI indicted hlthII hlthIInn jfIdit jfIditl 4 l d inuiil niumuiiI l an imm Immdinl dint < liatf trial trialImtnct tinl tinllIlrl trialI Imtnct lIlrl I Atlorny orny ofTlr m Ilfr did didr r it I th 0 re WIH W n I very yr utroiic It IronI roIuo can cann a ad n u d i illiiim 1m rot ti t wn WI WIgS re relaseoI aned by IyJudi Jiiclg JiiclgI nd ndI I i kv TI 11 < l liO lirt lirti ona i iO i5 a wi scIs 1 < i known knwI of Oreena part partV n nmI V I init T r until unll Ietr IJMile IIhll the theiii th liiri ri iii 1 lb m 1 tin 11 saloon Inon went I on I tli tliiml I liistiriI stiriI iml 111 viMii riln > Or nrn en had hadI > 1 i 11 11 i WIts will > M til floe fliy before beforei hfothiuo i hieic I in I it th court rourf ronin rlr Hiehl Hiehlthe fhl fhla hliehiI I < a r the mhu h wiy w in which hich lie b wn wnI WI Was WasI I frirn going linl l 1f > Ib I a IIeMiMinos IIeMiMinosI ii an anhv I hv h h fiilbnd Hlhrit wild i1 lliit lliitman IhI thitImial man liled 11 I I I fiilbrirl Ii ilhrlo I IrIrI hold tll1 lum lumIH im imnllr 0 IH M tlie 111 oih nllr r man mI now nr Lull lhl Lulliiflhitug 1 Iintuii IJnll to trlr < ir retr > ftr Assistant Pi PiorriV rl r114 r114rTIv t orriV Mss I and Inline Jltt Hwiiin Hwiiinofernr 4wituuiivr WIII ofernr ivr rIr < l nod Int Oreetl OrI WIM wal ArreMerl ArreMerlrvit IrIr rvit r 1 i ik IkIII I kn n into ciiRtfidy 1111 hoTev hiowpnrI r rp p tin iry Jr linl 1 t n e cu oiusd 1 d for the theo Ih IhI o ff f W iHiara Ililm nilbride rmhrlr will willr wi r I jury JIr t ldiV Id IdI ldiVt 5 t 1i v v5irs ir old 11 mil 111 live Ih at 11 nt ntJ tt J I nt flrpf fr1 hlr hOrt I t II I I Is said nldson nll I son nn 11 > f a police lieutenant UuteDnt H 11II e 14 r1 ro r um Give GiveYourself Gives GivesYourself x xYourself Yourself YourselfHead YourselfHed YourselfHead Head Hed Barber BarberShaves BarberShave BarberShaves Shaves ShavesOut Shave ShaveOut S Out ol 01 of the head b hubr hubrhair barbers barberschair rber rberchair chair thetcs but one place plte to toget toget toget get head hed barber shares hue ie ieunder i iunJer ieunder under the blade ol of an Auto AutoStrop AutoStop AutoStrop Strop Safety SI < y Rarer Its I It the thelame the thesame lame sliding smartlet shave hav ha < the theman Iheman theman man at the first fr chair gives you youNo yourio ou ouNo No taking apatt apar to sharpen sharpenor or clean Renewi Rene sharp edge edgebv edgebr bv 1 automatic mopping moppingIhe stroppingtheonly the theonly only raor that does dooJet do doesone Jet one today at t lunch lunchtime lunthlime lunchtime time time Try Tr it tomorrow morn morning mor morning ¬ ing and for twentynine twenlvnie more moremornings moremorning moremorniugs mornings if you vi wish h If your yourhave rorshave yourshaves have are arc not like like the th head headbarber hlad hladba headbarber barber ba r gives g e take razor back backDealer bae G Dealer DCler wil vJ refund rctimd your money moneyHe He has ha a contract contrtt with us for forcan or ortan orcan can get one protecting him himfrom hImfr hmftom from fr loss 10 10e i hAe iAe Ae e you ou going to put tiff f try trying trying trying ¬ ing the AutcStrop uI Irop Razor Raordutoirop RazorGives 1 1R dutoirop dutoiropGives R qoR qoRGi Gives Gi es Head Hed Barber rr Shares Sun ShaveslJ lJ 4 4Go Go to our o tlrrnontmtinf drmlulin Iho hop h ht4 1 t4 P7 17 Filth Flib Attnur ARrnu AurneniH IMU JJiJ JJiJStrrtt Uo 3311I I I Strrtt SlttlnJ SrriuiI inJ try I it No clure cJutelrivaoe Wre t a aPriTitr PriTitr ihj 1huln ihiiing > nf ioothi ioothiHKIt olh1 olh1I cothuIf I JI JIIt HKIt It 1 ruilll flhlIlscI MfS I Ul < iiii iiiiIeth 7tV 7tVlol 1i 1iI < I I nralh I a th of ntrctit Icht V lliuott Jlbot of a luo Per rerCent PerI r rCnl I Cent ent florlalltv Iorllt lllem 1a 1aI IIseaueVighit e eWight I Wight Wilht V Abbott Jllol who won able au to RO ROwithout gowithout 0 0wihout without wihout tumiatance IUiltanCt to Koonevelt no11 hospital Honpitala lupilal lupilalI a week w died there Ih ago Sunday yenlerday yenlerdayf 110 ytInay ytInaytf lol I tf of f acute IIlt lymphatic leucn mia Tina Thil mal maladv mali malady i adv ad which in I characterired by a f iiI diminu diminution diminllI ¬ tion I iOI of tr the t h red r > ctirpuncle 1111 i niude bia hi hiiisI cane caneintire II I I intire ilrtill iuitretin tini i lo to tin 0 ii phyiiciaim who at attended atI atI ¬ I tended him himIn hil hintIui In 11 it its treatment the Ih horman rman nenmi nenmi6IM lnll senuun61t1 I 6IM covered ditr < hi > by I Hr > r Iaul 111 Ehrlich of ofKrankfortonMain ofFruuolfortoioMaji r rf KrankfortonMain f r11roron lam wn 1 u Ift1 toseol e l Thi ThipreurationcontainiiiKa Tla TlaIrIIllul Tiulrlorat preurationcontainiiiKa IrIIllul rlorat loll cintaininga Itallilga large lur largsof Illnla1 Illnla1i > ercentaK ercentaKof < i of arweme ufnic wax injected injllt injctdrota hyiKMlermically hyiKMlermicallybut hYIKdermicly but from rWI rota the Ihllt ii tint fw davit dor of Mr Ir Abbott Aliliottaillti Abbota Abbottilito illti 111 > HH bn condition tncllliul declined steadily ateadilyAt I At the th hoopital hpilallafl last night nilhl it I waa wOI Raid I that thatMO Ihtrar MO is far an in i known kalfwn there n I is imi 1 per tr cent centI Cnt CntIIorl311Y I IIorl311Y I mortality in thin dioeafie dlnl Dr K M MKvan 1 1II IIIanj Kvan II Or Theodore Th oor t Janeway Dr DrK Drt K t i 11 1 Rogers Rolt1 and Ilul one tl or r two Pvi4lIsl Pvi4lIslfrom > eciallmi eciallmifrom inUI inUIrrRI from rrRI the tht oh Itocliefellcr towrlr Institute Inlllt were wer sonic notiieI Im lof I I of those Ih0 who followed folowt1 the I h courtM llrl of Mr MrAlhOt Ir Irhhol 1 1i AlhOt hhol 0 M 111 111I ilIneso ilInesoI i I Mr Ir A Ahhol Abbott bl Kilt wMfia wall a meml mtmiMr nwiuibcr > er of the Ih firm frm of ofI orIaktyl I I Muckey Iaktyl V Abbott Abhott of 3 Niiasau SIAU sOrest New NewYork SwY Newirk York Y < rk reprenentn rprfnnli rpressnlnhivlIi liven of the Ihllnoil Illinois Surety SuretyI I Company ConIY of Chicago ChiClo lie I wan gnu Ir dilated dilatedfrom duat1frol dtiatedfrom from frol St 1wrnC Lawrnc awrence UniTerpity Vninily with thw thwcLttw th1I thueeLuss cLttw CL of IIKHi 01 and from the th New w York I Iw IwShnol < aw awSchool I School Shol iiilBtrl in 11 ln lleleavena 11 wiiluwandtwo wiiluwandtwochildren wlLw wiituw DI an 1 1hllr two twochuIdrmi I children hllr l lli I hue I horns 11m wa waa waat at the I iii ollaatou WoUutol WoUutolI WnhlaatoiuaIIrtonsmIts ollaatouapirtmentM apirtmentM altm I Sinetyt inlyilh moistylOixtIl ixtli Htreet trt1 atid alI I i iUrolwa IItroauiway I I Hroidwxy UrolwaIr Itroauiway Itroauiwaylr lBMr Ir A thbott bl hlll lot t wan a 31 u yen yrooruu VA ni old and onl up to toj Inwk toIL j n w wk eU IIRO Ilin Sunday Hunda ha wa I apparently apparentlyI I in II the th treat of II health On In hun morning nwrlin of ofthat Ofthat ir irthlt I that thlt day he h took I An automobile IUIOOhil rule rid I die dieof In Inrr HiIf of If the th frienda rrlli of Mr Ir Abtiott Ahtol wan told loldl1 loldl1lilht lint lintnight lasII I night lilht that in it normal normll person n there th thhout are areabout air airuuloiit about louilunii i IIIII red rtpIII iorputMlea and ald that at atI II III I the Ih turn of If r bin hi death hi there were less I than thanlUUUOKI thln thauiI lUUUOKI lUUUOKIKfHltnKlt I 155151 155151I I KfHltnKlt lxnJw 1lt XltTt it l 41 1 IMHtTKIt IMHtTKItcriieil 1 IS IJITJ IJITJ01 I1IfTt15I I criieil of lnlerlnB 11Cllnl lieee C11 < I niter niternelcbl ntr ntrIchl molerflrlhI nelcbl Ichl lie I fI EIr l e k oon OO Hall HallAntonio lal lalnlOlin IhallAntOllil Antonio nlOlin Xucca ZIII head of r the Ih imKirtmi imKirtmilirm imlOrinl importing importingfirrii lirm frl of Xu ZI IIVCII < ca t I o at 23 Went Hniadway Hniadwayand HINdw81 HINdw81and Itnisotwayanli and a former rtrmr Tammany lllnln toroner was ar arraigned a aI arraigtuei ¬ I raigned rl u1 before trnr Judge 1111 Martin ior luurt in inthe In t h United UnitedMat tTnitlitaI Mat rjrmil jnf11 I oun u yei YIllay tenlay on mi 11 In Indl II IItki Inillot dl tki illot < imenl lnl rtiarKini har ilt him liii with w il h the I h entry itat II r ty of ofch ofehuIs ch ehuIs 11 < ke importe ilr1 PIt from rrll Italy I Aly at let I less than thanjtnie I hal banI jtnie I flI II weight wij I Th Ihe Xuccu 111 firm flrl doeo do a alarge alant alarg large ini ilrl it1lIMlriflt > orling in biiHiietM huil in il UK la rheeno rheenoland tJ tJ0 rheessitnd land other 0 ot hr Mediterranean IJIrralal priHluctK Ihe IheI 1 h hfnC hiiftinc I offence charceil hut1 in the I h indictment 111Inl iridiet nient cover coverI cr I tin I h lii fnC period ri riod between ht n January I0urt 111 and mJ mJ111 le leI leecnutier I cemlier lUDT 111 and 111 involve iloh hlpment 11111 ag aggregating al agI I gregating rJalil Lltxan 11 ID iA4M of II cusses h which whichlrl ap approximate apI I I proximate illtaCrlilllIhlhtlr itiut P according to 0 s I the t hi figure ii gui res in il the theindictment Iht IhtIllt I Ii indictment lrl 1111111 Illt mn tIle110 727noi 7 7IP5 > pvundi 11 11 Ihe under underweighing Indr Indrwi iundprweighing weighing wi hin alege a la < l by t h lh I h lie Corlrnl Corlrnlallll < ovenimenl ovenimenlamoiinli ovrlumentaiipiuruts amoiinli loZ45i I Oh 41IO il I IHtll PlMutiIM PlMutiIMiIeIOt M > iind iinduccn allll ZIr uccn MirrciKlereii IlrIIr1 htmnelf hirU lo I 1 Marshal MarnhalIltnkel MarshalI Ianhal 1111111 Iltnkel I I in the Ihlaur t h latlern lao I rs ofllce nl flle in illh the t hi rderal rderalIliiildiiig Intl IntlIl I Iliiildiiig Il dinJ He I II had hAllo no mu lawyer when hl h wu wuall wasillllI < all illllI > l lo I the 11 0 ho bar 0 i the I h Court I lurt Ir adjoiirneil adjoiirneilthe ndoiirtisiiI the I h he pjeiiditiK 11lill lioIitug until 111 ini II next lU week Xuica iItta I wa waaiud w wr wasI1 r aiud oil 111 I1 1oi 4ll i ball ballIhe hll haul11u I Ihe nl Xucca iiu iuiss > e i is one I of Ir I it many lalY iuIJti nimilar nimilarca ca CI5C u e which I he h Ke JIral leral l lflsiriet > ii ifrltr < trict Attor Attorney Alnr Alnry Attortu ¬ I ney tu y 4 office om hint I been called 011 IIIHin 1 lo II deal dealwith t1 t1til SP4Iwith with til h in II the I h I hoist lint two I w ytan rn yars There rh have haveIx h hhn hayssvrnl Ix hn n neveral ral conviction onlcln among anlJI them thembeing thmhili themhieing being the Ih ciiNe ro of f Antonio and 11 Philip Philillui PhilipI 1 hili l1j5jj ilm lui > ica of I he h importing iIJIlrin houe hII of II III A AI I jHlra A t Son SOl Ihe h latter lalr wa w rwnriHed rwnriHedi oni onirll i Mild rll tsl sobsqusnt ubne IIIU < uenllv I v panlotie anlr1 l by Iy 1renident 1renidentJTalt IridnlI JTalt I Tal fft Aiitonm 11uni Miinica 11i1 wa ULiniltled 11li1 goatuult I In InIthat II III InuluU Ithat I I uluU lal c eass e Xuccn 1 wa a 0 curucter c ° Willie wil Williefor r > > i ifor for Mitonio II uri Mii Mushui MushuiI MushuiIJIIfI hl iia iiai iiarn iI i rn H 111 iiK i insinns MKKTIMI MKKTIMItitilrre IIsITatireP fTIt fTItllr titilrre an TtseGret Tlie IC Creat fr IommlMlon 4 ommlI at atarnegle atarneIP 1 1CmCII llr CmCII arnegle Hall 10 on n > auemhdr9 auemhdr9I eml mlHr mlHrI > r t tlli I lli mhop hop David fa v Ir 11 I tireer rr announrwl Innolnf1 yea yeaterday YH YHIhp yesI terday the preliminary Irliminar arrangement arrangementI arranl arrangementswhich It Itwhlh I I which whlh have ha lieen II made mat for a Itinlioi Itinlioimeeting IIho IIhoJIlnK Iiislsoisirnestftig meeting JIlnK m tarnegii lrntJI Hall nol on Novemlxir Noormnhmrwith 0 0with I Iwih with wih th I t tliocetMli tio1 convention Itn which hi will wi WillIsgin 1 liegm on 01 that day Y I he I topic lOpl pi o tile fle occa 0 51111 Itil 1011 will wil be b Thedrent rh Ffue < reat CommiMiun lommiln nnd nndtheHje nnd111 nndthlsP9Iker theHje thlsP9Iker kert willl 111 wjlllsthc > eIhe Ih Right Jght Rev Iv William WilliamUiwrence ilam lhiiamluwreuuCe Uiwrence 1 lwrc n I n Iliidmp lh of Mawachu Mawachuetl lallll matOe etl this Ih Right Hev I lucien 1lel1 l Isa Kinaolv Kinaolvmr Klnlulv Klnlulvtl mr 1 I I U JItht lllfihop Ibhol of Houlhem ulhr llraxil Iraril Ild Ildl suiJ suiJthe nd ndthe the tl l Itight I H Hw v Cluirleit harl II I lireiit I I I IHihop I Ihiiluop Hihop Ihtlt of r the tt Philippine Phillin Them will willalno wi willI I also IIt liI l be n I vete vested < l choir hoiror of live Iv liv or orls nit hundred hundredvoice IlntrJ IlntrJVI I voice VI led I by Iv nn 11 orchentrn and nd organ organThe orln orlnTh organThus The Th l tl hoes oxen will wili I M < MId at the tie lii ran rI of ora Sit Sitn n 3 box > s in tin lower Inwfr tir and Ind > > a I liox S in the Iheupper Ih Ihupr theto upper lo I defra drry v the th ejivenne of thn th meet meeting mlill meet11g ¬ ing All 1 Il other nentM a will wi IH free fro nnd Ind no noticket nokI noI ticket I ill uck kI tM of tf If adiniKHion nlmlII will wii IK required rluirr In InI InIt InOhs I he event rl of f there th r being tln too large an at attendance lt lttt sittPtIIJiflC ¬ tendance It an In overflow rllow meeting lnl will wi ln held heldin hldII in the Ih tt Churcli of f Zion ion and St Timothy Timothywher iimolhywllr limothyvohosrs wher wllr II > nddrew urrP will w i lx I > mad luut by t Ibe IbeCarnegie Ih IhI Ohst I t I Carnegie Clrll Hall Inl sisuoksrs sisuoksrsI sisuoksrsEtneil > eakerti eakertiplnril plnril flnld tMIin tl CI iat C m S otnc nj nl Away y M t41a ht Dead DeadllnhliK l DeathIlolpilil at llnhliK llnhliKlu IlolpililIustice bin binJutiC I lu JutiC Iustice tice Maddox latlu in the h Queen QII1 county countySupreme COIIV COIIVSlpr countyStiprelsie Supreme Slpr Courl ourl yesterday fined fn1 Cottlieh Cottliehj Uotll i Jcitmf Iihadlr I T A hoiel keeper kp at ft Richmond KichmondHill HlehmondIJU Hill I SOIO tf ro having hl111 given in flame Wcrden WcrdenIrfvipold Worn Wornlokr Vordinlnpold Irfvipold IJU Poker lokr alno 111 ails < > f Klchmoml HChmnn1 Hill Hillix 11 11111six o six ix robins rniin aliout aholl a year ago 110 Th This war warden warIn warden ¬ den telifle Itlf l that he h went wot l Ieibacher Ieibacherplace lihAhfI IMIIIachersplatr place I H ked k him hln if i he h could coult upply him himwith himwnh himwith with some 1m rnliin rohn and ant the Ih hotel keeper keepern SJ keepertrld n trld > ld < him to return rlrn the Ih next na day rAY He U did didvi rir 5 vi and then Ih the Ih bird Ird were forthcoming forthcominganked rnrlhonmlnI I 1 I anked him what wan I the h trice llc of Ir the thebird Ihl thaIirds bird and leibacher lold me m lo II treat the thehiio thehn theti 1 hiio hn ti ° rt iu5 t mulled the Ih oh game Im warden wardenLeibacher wardenLeibacher rdo Leibacher Mibaher did nut defend th the autO uitI lt lta I t TPIEEIONONOJS I nmtm PITM mm mmDKttKKK HIO WIK WILSON WILSONniiarr DKttKKK nnRFT Of 0 DOCTOK OCOR OF I 1If lira liraOR i ITSI I JOR FOR OR mnvrn oIfVtRAiki 8 i 11lIJr 11lIJrI jsai KT KTHim I Aiki Him la I Retain Prafr PIorlp Prafessorahip orhlp In Inthe Inhe hathe the tBlvrrMlr Bynl ant nt Continue canUntl lo lolJtt teIhe a aLIve LIve > In ti IU Prtnrrtcn fnntan Home l = m Truv Truv1rei Tn 3 3lee I lee e Adapt KatatcUtle laalUI Hrtalullono HrtalullonoPmxcKroN ISreelutlonsIsityito elutan elutanIRI PmxcKroN IRI croN X 1 1 SOY 3 At t a special specialmeeting l specialansting al altooY meeting toriiy tooY of the th board br of trustees truileertadjourned truI truIdour trusteesadjourned adjourned dour from frm October 20 0 the date dte on onwhich onwhlcb onwhich which W WIodrow > odrow rw Wilsons loo resignation resignationfrom I < ton tonrrm from rrm the presIdency of tr Princeton Irncton Irnctonacpted wa waaccepted waai waaiaoelOpted accepted the thl degree dR of doctor ttclor of lawn lawnwan 11 lawswas wan W conferred cnf1 upon lh Ihc late le president prldent ol olthe orthe ofthe the tinlrnrslty Itet lolulo hteouoiutloni olution nxprcMtlnfl nxprcMtlnfltheir lp lnl their ttir appreciation IppnaUon of Woodrow Woorw Wilson Wilsoncrrlc8 Wllou Wlloulnlc Wh1onsserice crrlc8 lnlc to Princeton Pn ton wr w adopted adoptf by th thbn Ilts Iltshoard i iboard board bn emphasl being 1ln < laid lid on hi his las ltll inaititot inaititotlion tit 11 11tion lion of the preceptoral nyit uoystein yI1 Mii of Initruc Initructlon Inlre instructhou thou tlonOr ton Dr Wilsona llon resignatIon lllon ns I McCormick McCormlckprofessor McCormickprofessor lcormlck lcormlckproror professor of iuriiprud JllrIrldn < nc e and politic politicwan polt pOLttiiwall 1 wan 18 presented pnft4i to the board bon whereupon whereuponth whfnupn whfnupnth th rolowlnl following resolution tluton was ndopted ndoptedftttoltril IlopllRuolrrd niloptcdRtaohrr4 ftttoltril That tho th salary lIar of Woodrow WoodrowVTIInoa Woodrt WuodrowWilson Wilson WIIQ < president IIO of t the Ih imlveroltr nnhCrll b bcontinued b 14 14contInued continued cnlDIN until untl the Ih end Cnd of tt th lbs first nrt term Ifrm of olthepresent ofthpnant ofthepreent thepresent thpnant academIa rear a that hn h I h hie MI In Incited invitl ¬ cited la continue NnllQl1 lo occupy cuP1 th 11 the pretn prCml prCmla premtss premtssat < i iat at a Prospect Irowpct and that he h bo b requeued rllef In Ino Ina inan a an o f far r a ho h may ia find It po possible olbl IM In ouch michduties ouchdiitIe ch chdlt duties dlt a mar ma devolve deol upon Ipon him continue toconttntihit 10 wDtnl continuehuh hit hi present Jfa profr rorrblp ior > blp of JurnpruUenoi JurnpruUenoiand Jlrirldfn Jlrirldfnad and ad politic plt which ho h haa I hia made of such alch alchIc suchservice ucherrlco service Ic to the tl student tldfnt body bodyIt bot1 bot1I It I was further furher resolved rtvt in view of th threport the therpr thereport report rpr of th the cnunlt committee and th the > action actionof acion acionot of the board brd thereon thern including incldtR its If request requestto rluM to Dr Wilson in to continue conllnll to hold bin binprofemontiiip hi hiIlrfnhlp hisProfessorship profemontiiip that thlt the resignation rlgatloD of ofUr orIr ofir Ur Ir Wilson Wian a I profeiwor fr of < if jurinpnidenbe jurinpnidenbeand jurpllm and politic pltl Ive tl referred rCftrno to tbt tb troinniitteo troinniitteoon llmilt on tho thiecurrictulutsu curriciiliun with turiclhml wih power powerIt pwtr pwtrIt It was WW in recognition rlojnillon of tho th scholarly noholnrlratudira Iholarl Iholarleudif scholarlystudios studios eudif in the th Heidi 1fld of letter history hltor and andconstitutional undcntUlltlonal amiulconstItutIonal constitutional cntUlltlonal law II of tr lr Ir Wilton WIn and In Inappreciation Inappreciation n napprl appreciation apprl ton of hia diitinRiilshed diatinjulsht ssrvite ssrviteto rrt rrtto to education tlcnton In general K nrol and Ind In pariular pariularto Purtlcular Purtlcularto > irtlctilar irtlctilarto to this thi university Inlvpnlty during dllrlnl ll his i pr 4idency Iidlncy Iidlncytlt iirifoncythnt > 4idencythat that tlt the Ih trustee IrI conferred tonrtrrd th this degree of ofdoctor ordool ofdoctor doctor dool of lawn honor tonnrl causa U on tn him himThe himTh hlniThe The Th degriw dtlr of doctor < or f literature lleratr hart hartlen haf hasI I len conferred 1lferr1 upon ulon Ur WiUon Wiln bv b Yuln YulnUniversity uiln uilnUniversity 1 1Uhenlly University and ali the tle degrtui dtlr of doctor Iotor of ofphilosophy orbiOOlly of1biIoophr philosophy by Johns Jolua llopUini 1Ikln Univemity Univemitybut Ulhenithii but hii IrincHton Irlnlton is i ii the th hint III of tr the th large largeAmerican Lr LrmerICn largeAniericauu American merICn univ unhrili > rHiti > H to tl honor hlnur him with vitha Ith IthI a I II I D DI I IThe I i The Th resolution luton ndopted in connection connectionwith cnnftol I with the th resignation nnlion of Wtodrw Sooo1row Voo < lrow MUion MUionas on onIl as pretiident of the It univeniitv 11llty contains containsthoiw < ntain ntainIh Il I thus Ih ionsiderntionn nidratII on 01 which in I based Uinedthe hlutd hlutdI basedIii the h Iii xenenil nml opinion ininl that it is due du to In Ineffort hla hlaIorl liiiclTorts I effort Iorl largely that hit Princeton lrinlIun holiU her h hIlih listpresent lrJly 1 present high Ilih acndemir fldmi xxitlon among 1 American mrian univenAtiet IlhMli The Tb 1 paris nmona of ofI I tlie th reeoliition r llton containing nlninili tb this expression aifiretuiioni pr i of tf Princetons Irlllon debt hl to I II lir I Jr Wilnon Wilol uro ar r us usfollow a arOUOW asfolliwii l follow followI rOUOW rOUOWI I He I roams to I lili hi work wor ¼ at a lime 11 wh when hn n llie llieunl II IIInhrII ibI unl InhrII I ii I ersii > riiiv i In rnniinon rORlnn uini 1101 nllh 5 lh I I Ii ntlier III tier unler U II I i itle I tle II ulTr uifferel rr1 il untlrr Int tlie 11 Il btirilrp r of no D iin iini n n11 I i orifunlr < l must 11 tt of f tinlirt III With the Iht lovnl lovnlhelp loalhII hvathielti help of r the Ih family faly b be < hrniiilit hrnlohl tlm 1 currl currlciililin rarrleuluuiui lnl ciililin 1111 lo mi al rttrtlrne eftecth 1clhn veouee that has hR o adlly eauIhlvincish > adllyinrreaxHl all inrreaxHl throutrliont Ihrol t < t1 lit Ils his ailnilnlcratlon ailnilnlcratlonnnil I I nnil ha h > lare < i before trr tlm t tO IMilfllt 111 lh 11 op opVtrtiinilT upfturtuuliil tlnrlflily VtrtiinilT V of r a raining IralnllC I wliloh oon eonserrs r e llie llieI t to toI I I hroiit hIt fi rOlnlaln foundations inilatloniviitlil seutIul nlllo lo II an eduicuitloti eduicuitlotithat dn < ill < m mthat that H prmliictlve Ilclh of If f li hislinit nne resuit In InIhe I Ihe prernl zure no da lav V u o hen V4 < itlnnal Inal I initriK I nlr nlri ii it rlI rlIlion i I lion lon enii < m In II hme hI iiiirh lohl the I th ton or f nn nnnipliatlfallv ni runsnlphiatiaih nipliatlfallv Ifhallh prari > rnrilfal leni ac a till 111 thuli iletelop iletelopnuni 1 1I lot lotnolit nuni I of I Crlnreion alno lonic nillnril lllr1 line In InI t tnot not I Ihe Ih t he l least a l of o the Ih t to rir ru lIe he lm t > r Midre rlllro retudereulI < < l lto I to I the Ih iinivir Inhi iunirertty < lly llyWith I IWllh With ith the Ih t hi generous InI nid a Ill of I the Ih I hi > iiil iuurergt < rer > itr itrfriend v vfrind > friend lie etahUheil hat rIm v > lim of tf pre prereiitnrlnllranlnK pr prI pruttnrial I reiitnrlnllranlnK ttnrial truintni whiahu hl llh < h ha h made mat Irlnietnn Irlnietnnmnrlied Irlnlon Irlnlonmnrkf PrineetonI I mnrlied mnrkf anionit amnlo unlverxltl nlroll and InI hii h lunied luniedInward turneII I Inward h hr < r the II euleelrutbofl t > lntion of the Ih tlioiiiclit tlioiiiclitful Ihouohl Ihouohlrl I ful rl I ii end nd Mi lirI ieMrsivediuuitor re ivee < tii < ntor 11 > i or > f thee t ountrv ountrvTlinxiKli 0111 nhiuutrvI r rI I TlinxiKli Thrlueh IhU Innovation tnnovnllol In II inellind IIh < lie 1 hi lm lmrhnnaHl 1 I Iha rhnnaHl h ha noIIIhll iiuiiriI ci luilvit iJlIV at Princeton 11111 from rllh ih I h fonnil fonnilili I ili 111 I ut t T > of Pie II I litiriMim Ia rulii anil In the li 0 examination examinationlull dali nlnIlon mat hun huntin I i lull hal tin II to I a Ihe I vital u nl I lsl alc Ic of o the Ih t ul niil uidnt < nl life Hfranil If I anil a ruil Ii4 I ii not unlv n liroiiirlit hrnoht hi t hue 11 I > tii 11111 t tu1tut < int to toreiltr t tr17 tofi I Ii reiltr r17 fi 1171 Hint I Ii m I eitiu et lii iitioii us 0 ki i ill > n > l ji > l prllniriU Irllarl rl lila riO m mthe I ii iiI i the I h illxiiltne ii I in of If lil hi I tnirit I il i I i i n > ri r lint 111 I ii it lii liiin hiiin 1 in inIHhd piri p rI < l him t ti iiii wltli lO 11 II Ii tliii tl t II < lileili lute l of ff f iluirii Iui r ler lernml urnut I nut nll < ondn nh1 < t wliirli whlll S Imve la ii e < on i nIIIId nt > titui t 151 > d ili iliditln I h hdtnflh hiin > ditln dtnflh in < llve t ii forre rr of r the 11 u ii > < < KMI u a > M lii il I prm prmilplri Irl ursnI I ilplri for whili e hll Iii ii In hi ailmiiilIrjlKiii uuuiuiiiiult ral Ioui Ii 1 Iit i iKietit t 51 1 I Kietit EIh > > ir N n 110 I i > Hi 11 i i grnliiit < vork ork rk nf nfIrim ii t I Ilr I Irim lr lrinieti etoii iii Wi M niill lal 111 3 I I ni i ninpii 1 and Si n1 iin iinm I uiiin m rkiil r in I i ii reill rII I Tr I rh lir p i > toUv t ipiI 1 ni it ititradiiat IIomlln ITicruuI itradiiat omlln icruuI ia I e il 1111 iiartuieiit ft tulent the t I prt Irrl Irurn rnUe I of iIu r i rare rareotiportiinltv raretiirt otiportiinltv tiirt ii Ii It V for oerioiM ritl riuu iniellfNtujil il iii I 1 11 liii I work workIn workI rk rkIn In I Ii hue It I no RE iiniplii liii iilhshi > liiniii oneni of I it the li I hi ti I k mvnlveil mvnlveilIII 1111 1111I iii tiI II I Iiii I III I il u1I h MorL s ir rk k if linn 1 Ieeii MII hit I hi i liolief 1If f thit I hi it tlie tlieiinltenxlv 11 I tie tieii iinltenxlv ii hII Iierot Mould wfiid Hnd 11111 ii liii lit I it trreitot it re po potlUilille I Iil li liI > I tlUilille j huh il ii is if f errl rI < e lo II I u the 11 I world ci rhJ mil 11 ihroiiKli ihroiiKlir I h rlioh rliohIh rIii hu huI Ih I I rlra eai I lZit iu5lu nf lit Il I Ii Ihlh tIll it I ii it I S 101 hi I li liI r I t reourd reourdThe rw rwi rewiirlrIie i The Th only tll ulep in riliiiinmg ehlIninl Ir Ir WitonMiicce WIol Witon VItsogusslurcessor > Miicce slurcessor < > ior wa w > the th 111inl Sillslititsfluut ptM > iiitmein m111 of itvouuimitt r n ncommittee I committee llil of tr seven n to It t report rIHr tit II the Ih next nextmeeting IX hellmstiiig I meeting mIIII of th II the triistses finite With lotus Ihl I IIadwalader lIahwaluoIer I It i Iadwalader t ldalltr n cimirtiuin dlllrlUI the Ih coinmiite lmil < > H HC4 I isItuIp4JM4MI C4 ItuIp4JM4MI > lup < He < l of the Ih following 1ltwinK Cvrnx vn Alrior Alriormirk MrurfflIk Itr Itrmik mirk flveliml l 111 Islge > < lge f Taylor Iviit Iviitthe 11 Ivithe the Ih Kev I lte lr Mlancihon 1lall hUl W V laeoliut laeoliutHenry hacotoushenry Henry ltnr W Ireen I and In1 the I h Itev II Or Ir I r John JohnDiiou Jlhl Iohiuiljoii Diiou DiiouMISS lilll lilllf ljoiilss MISS f IOVSM IOVSMInllnisle I 11 1ITI 1ITIIntn isrititi isrititiIntimate Intimate Intn Thai T It I I hi the Oilier Olr Preenl Preenlntia rr11 lrrsriuttUb I IHIU ntia tUb Are rr r Irrational IrrsllonslMinn Irrallal IrrationalMiis I Minn Ii Anna 111 V VIiiidiy > linUv I lkv who wh wa < arrented arrentedfor urMIIrur for threatening Jaroi JIIi Iari II I Sclnff hil tH 111 tk > k the thewitnetw Ih Ihwl t hi hiwitness witness wl stand y yIrl yestsriluiv terday in the proceeding proceedingIwfore IIrcrlsIitigshisfor Iwfore Irf Clmrlex 1larl 0 W t Uaylon laylln Ir to have haveher Ilu Ilubr hia hiaher her committed mmit1 U I > the Ih Manhattan 11hlan Iiitiliail tan Slut StuteHospital SluthIsIiitat I IIrilal Hospital Irilal At one iifl n slag laI of r her examini examinition sxauuujiiihuh IIlhl huh tln she he h naiil Nld Why I think vou are ar all allirrational ali allirrational irrational here You iIli set at like Ilk u lot of ofhloodlhimty Ir f fbiooilitiiruuy i hloodlhimty vavage I I I all 11 gathered al I tu tupenwtMitK I IInll torrsaouitiv penwtMitK Inll one un Ior M > or woman womanVlien WInal WililatiShiti I Vlien Whl Bernard HII II I Sandier Srllr attorney for forMlrtH rurI forMis MlrtH I VuUimky lnsky wa ti tifying for her herInidor herlsittr Inidor Krmel roiimiel 1 f for r Mr Ir Sdlil SchifT atel atelif U 111 111ir l lif if lin h hadnt hadlI adinilii dmihd lo I him hil that she h hail hailmaile hadma maile ma threats hrI against a I I Mr Ir MchifT hil and al h hrefused I Irefiuwol refused to I unxwir Me I II denied that twI I lie liehad h hha Iihad had ha told Mr Ir tire 1r1 Krol el lent 1 than IU fortyeighl fortyeighlhoiirH rlrtyj hl I Iholr hoiirH holr before isforethat for thut Miss Ii Volinxky lnky did tillakl make makeMuch tuskstick Much xltniaoion xltniaoionOidut atrhuiol admleeioui1idlut Oidut UidlI Bheaccuw she h aeI acuse you YOI at one ul i interview interviewin illrvlw illrvlwIr in llellevueof Ir If Kelling phlii linr out t1 her Inlerenn InlerennShn Shn Sh Maid that I hiI many mllY lawyer Ilwy would wouldrefue WOiiirfu tth tthrr I refue rr to lake ink a I ca e again Itilt l Mr Ir Schin Schinand sctuifland lln llnan and an uk1 Jtk l me rn to mund by h her Mr Ir Sand Sandier Sant t4aiIIcr ¬ ier unid ail There wax w one occonion lfalll when whennlie whieshe she h wawirveil wBlr with u 1 paixr 18 r by llr Ir Ong Ongory tirigIsry ¬ ory ry I hat nhedidnl hlinI recognlre rllll7It nm for lil1 hft hfttnlniitvsi if teen teenminuteH rI minuteH minuteHUr minuhHr tnlniitvsiIr Ur Alexander sanr Strong SImnl Miss I Volinnkyx Volinnkyxphymcian Volluiskysphuyuiciati ollky ollkyph1ical phymcian ph1ical Haiti i1 that he h wax in I the iii Hellevue Hellevuepxychopathic HfIvl HollevujepMyctinIathl pxychopathic pyclolalhlr ward ar1 when wh Miss I Volitutkyws Volitutky ws examiiie lnii stud < l believed her lolMnaiie lolMnaiieUr to 111 lea suurii suuriiIr I Ur Arthur Arhlr t llriuth Irlhr of lirooklyn Irklyl who wholistened wh whIuIn1 whuelbstensI listened IuIn1 lo Ic a long hypothetical iiieHlioii iiieHlioiixaid 1111si 1111 lou lousail aid he h jiidge jll < l her r to I be 1 san sanI ane aneI an anI I I II I iirsii lTKIt HKItHKH 11 Cll 1111 11 lfTAS lfTASoniial titiritjnnuial I oniial nnlil Henorl flrpott5s a tX74INS tla tlapended fa Es Espffltli 1 1pnlr pended pnlr Last lesr rar for Heller HellerThe itchfI fIf fIfi i I The Th annual 1111al report rpr of the Ih board 1IJ I of oftnuitee tr tri If Iftrustees i trustees 1lt of f the th I he United Hebrew lhrw < hariiifx hariiifxpublinhed hrusies1iubhiished publinhed yesterday showed that aid 111 wn wnKranted WI WIrRnll was wasgranted granted rRnll lo 0 1591 15 new cnoen m lam 1111 year The TheHum Th Th1m Thuslim Hum 1m of IISTOn S12 wAs ni given Ivn lo hones honeseorarily h tem temorarity 11 IIIrl1 orarity > out mi of employment and SI2 I2 12Mst 12Mstwas I Iwan > wan 1 given Jivn lo I thee It e whose wh earning lfill were wereloo wo worH were0K loo rH small mll to support llpor IhemwjveM The Thereport Th Thrpr Thereport report rpr had hld something IIfIhinl lo I say y about Abolt the thehigh Ih Ihhil Ikehigh high hil cost t of living Ivln mid Ind wild 1111 that Ihll the theUnited theUnited hfl hflUnie United Unie Hebrew I Chanties Chari am Irl sir paying pityingper Ilyill 15 15per per Jr cent cnl greater rent for I hose Ih they theysupport Ih1iUpr theyiujppofl support iUpr than thn th Ih1 y did len pn years yn ago agoTnn AlO AlOfh ago1ha Tnn fh Iota I disbursements dihuNmol for the Ih year yearwer yrw yearwerc wer w For or relief Ir m1 fl47S I7 < 7W for ro administra administration Irlmin an ¬ lion 8 151 S7 Both Rh stuns ll sire Ir less I than in inth inh inths th ths h previous prYfll year ypfr the It denM r I > n heng hengabout hngIMul twtngiihiiit about IMul proportionate rnprlnnal to It the I decr decaiua r RM I > In Innumbersnirferf Innm Innimhrsided numbersnirferf nm Aldt in mobreport the Ih report it i wa Wf waimdenied waimdeniedthat denied deniedthat dnlt that funds rat of fh organization nrj1ni7n had been beenused beentji4 n nrn used in t subsidize i < i7 strikers rik and In1 end it was wasadded WI weeadded added rl th that t l see ts than thln a score fr of caae caaecoma t cacan coma Q can to t tb Ie thea sa because u of strike Itrk strikeI 1 I I 11 iii K roiift T Mttnr 1 mOT rotr rotrSoroo 78t 1 W Wome 1 1m Soroo ome m of o the t tl ckrk clr chrksnaptoyed emp1e ruploy d to a Wg Wgraanufacturiii tc tcrllatur bigmanussctung raanufacturiii rllatur oA1c umc down on the t th lower lowerend Iwr Iwrnd lowercold end of Hlaten Island bo have h Instituted Instituteda Inltlil1 Inltlil1a a new fad that of correspondence cOIoofn by byfreight byrnliht byfreIght freight rnliht car ar Upon the Ih side Idt of every everycar fV fVI car ar that comes COUt Into the yard 1anl of the lb oh com comI rm rmpny I pany pny and almost ahnOt every vr railroad mi ro in II the thecountry Ib IbI therolluitty country oatr I Is represented by th the legends 1lentA on onI onth UIOhs I the th cars can th this clerks elrk write ril their names namesami nam namI namesauut ami ald o ldrese addr < Not ot tong lonj after arer one on firing firingof trn trnor I of cars ca leaves lCavl the th yards ar picture vietUf Post IItlanl Postcarols > o t tcards cards begin bldn to come cm in from rrm small mal towns townsall toDl townsall all 1 over th the country cutr and even 1 In Canada Canadaaddressed laulU tanzsdaaddressed addressed AItrO to th thosis < M whoso whO names were werascrawled wte wterwlt werescrawled scrawled rwlt In clisJU tltl on the sides 11 of the thnempties tho thomlllr theemptIes < empties mlllr The Staten Island bld clerks crka in intunt InIUn Inhint hint IUn send nd post card to every address addivsithey addnthe addressthey they the Mild trS on pt the freight cars an ver and ant au so < the thoen Ih Ihodlf8 theelToficea en odlf8 elToficea fle s chain lengthens lengthensUnusual 1ghl 1ghllnlul lengthensLlnuiual Unusual lnlul thirst thllt In business bulnf hours hoursseems hOll hOlliS hoursseetna seems iS to be the Ih result 11 of thl thll this water wltrr fam famine ramII famiuse ¬ ine II said Ild th thea superintendent uprlnlnden of a large largeoffice lrge lrgeolc largeotce office olc employing many man clerks Irk I Weve Wevealways Wevealway Xvealways always made madl It a 1 rule Illf to have spring springwater springwater prnl water OR 0 tap for drinking drnknl purposes purposesland IJJI land under uder normal normlcndllol8 normnalvondltlona condition found it itwas Iti i was wa used ul about aa wed naturally nnturaly ex expect 1 11It cxpect pect Hut Ilt now Its It very er different dlfe n Evi Evidently Evlltny Evidellity ¬ dently ltny our employee mllov save lat tip their morn mornings mor mornings ¬ ings inl thirst thlt until they the reach nb Ul the tl offlcn offlcnwheru orc orcwher ofttcewhere where wher they the can cal have hve bottled btle water 1 ii iisesma l lseem seem ml a as If I over on one of them th4m drank drankat drnk drnk1IC a oVtr at least 1IC two glasses g soon 8n after ater arrival arrivalThey arral arralThy arrivalThsy They also al1 quench their teir overling tenln6 thirst thirstout Ihn thirstI out of our Olr bottles bttt th thO ths i U I last t thing tlnl befnr befnrgoinc hfnrsS ro roKolna I I S goinc e home I notice notic it i more mor than lhn trcbl trcbltna tfblN trebles treblesthe I Ithe the quantity llantiy of 0 water 11 used 111 The other othermorning otr othermornIng I Imoring morning moring I saw W two of our women clerks clerkscoming clrkl clerkscomlug coming < mlug out Olt of their t11 dressing dflns room rm taoh taohwith eauhwith aohwih 1 with a I toothbrush totbnl and ad a glass gIU I thought thoughtthat tlolght I that was the thl finishing lolflng touch touchA A Harlem larlm lawyer 1wyr has t decided dflde to make makea a specialty Ial of tr divorco dho cases calI His I lii first firstbid flt firsthiki I Ihid I bid for employment nllym in the n nw w field fieldconsists fthi fieldconsists consists cnst of a neatly printed prnt letterhead letterheadHii ltrb ltrbIi Ilk Ii name 11 ofVert om address ddr ami the nature natureof natlr of hi his hiisiuewt Imlin urn ar1 tl sit et forth rorh in the th usual usualway 11111 istiniWay I I way IY and Ind measuring IAlurln the l entire IIir width wlllh of ofthe tl tlI It ItI the I hI pagn above abo i il is a I caption which whlchrull reeds reudsliive reedsI I Ii i I i liive l II I nm 1Iry liberty or give h me m death deathi j I SniileM Sllll irradiated Irra at d ti tlt floorwalkers toorllkr face faceHusinee f4C100 faceHusinsi I Husinee liail l been > een poor x > or but Lit it wan Wi picking pickingI pickinglup 100 I lup up for that < Jay How 10w did ho know knowI I IOlln I Women Olln were re shopping In palm pii and ad trio trioThey tio I IThr IThuy They rWI7 nlway bur UT 43 o much uiuchI ssor ssorhe or I he Thr said li wLen n they Como fm JflIG in bunche bunchehen bJlch bJlchh1 bitichesWhou 1 Whou hen h1 t nofni OI tbopM boP Jono ion al ahue h buys nly nlywhat nI7hal nl7whEat > what hal she h aixidrf or Mil Il iJTord ord but when whenithu whenshii I ithu h NhOiI4 hoiM hiS < with Ith 0 friends rrllnd he ah buys llya what ht she shewant ah ahlnt shewants want lnt tiioin t11 to t think she he can cn afford affordSunday aort aortSdav atTordhat hat Sunday wa a great day IL for fo the thoKIT Ohiotiiiyi 1 tiiiyi KIT who ho happened bappn1 to 1010 1Clt llxe near Ilar u I police policestation Jolke isohiestation i itatlo station tatlo li IIII i CommUsioner lmmltlol4r CropY Crops CropsI ropey ropeyent I It I scOOt t our al OH ths t tti order ord < m 0 hatunlay for th thipoticemen h hIokemn 1 poMcemen Iokemn to discard dInl their helmets hI for forcap fural forlhaO cap al That s om 0 OI order ord r that u aO aOtranle sorre sorrestrange OTI OTIstrangs strange tranle way seutr to reach rfach the tht bor hiT r rsoon t rs rsI I II I soon on W 51 on the 1 p ioulIvrssn llwnen I ons 0 oi I g before rur tn tl the theochock 2 O oclock ocok mil ru call c1 or I ir Rnndav the Il street tn n i ifront I Irront ifront front of Ir every r station tABor wu WIL fllfd with wih lh lhoung Ihlutltl thuI lutltl I vIIlIngstrs oung ters Score of Ir this It policemen policemeni lempn lempn01 I i looked over 01 their helmets 11lmI found rI11 to utiil ti tiItJl ji jiharriv I II I harriv hnt worth rth htoring until ultl Mprlng ril 1 guve II1 guiveI I Ithem I II them I m a twirl olt It the th dormitory Irlitury wntlow wntlowand lnto lntoant wndowand I and they Ih sailed down to Ie Ins In eager alr crowd crdl crdlI I IIMIOW 0 0I I ant IMIOW Tlie Ti 1 appearance iif tr every rv helmet helmetwas was I theslgtial he ht signal Illua for JInran trui u I Herce flercsFcrfltTIhllM scramble cmll Mun MunI I I I day evening lnint there wera hundred of min minphln nuniatiir i ilaturu laturu poJiieinen phln patrolbtik PUlr1111 I 4t ats ali uul IT iurtiue < r rIh i itSm tSm Ih city cityn eIt eItAn Ily I Ii II i I An n Italian Ilalan woman organ Irln grimier Irmlr a ashot alhol shot lhol accident aNIInlly ailetitIy y in the Ih leg hlll on Oliver street ctreetthe streetihi trtrh the rh other nlllr lURht II hl She SI was w taken nkl to ii the theKli7abeth Ih Ihi7Ilrh t lie lieEliiabth Kli7abeth i7Ilrh ntr street > t Malion stat ion to I Iw attended attendedby ut eniloti enilotihsv by h an al ambulancw amhulal surgeon uuttn W WhU V htle hill want wuiling wii wiii1 wanting ing fir thn th Mireou lo I ti arrive arri shea he h mild mildin hI hIin in i1 very rv good IKd Knglib 1IIh rvu that t she h considered consideredit cOIIr I II I it unsafe m r to go JI alniilt alllt the th street of Ir New XewYork S SI NewYork York nowaday HO many mllv innocent inn11 per percdlii > r rSOIIH rII I SOIIH II were r injuretl Those Thu in I the Ih I he stuit t IaIIUI IaIIUIhOI tion tionhoue 5111 5111iiOiIC houe hOI liitened lInt attentivelv aUIU 1flv rely an und < l with wi wit h many manymxU lanv lanvnot ujianyiiuit mxU of the I h bead beadThe IWld headThis I ITI not The TI niirgMjn lr m arrived Irlt and examined samln her herIn lr lrIn herIn In her herstuckinghelol herstuckingheloltwo stocking 1I9kinR held fast by pirters were weretwo wprtwo two dagger dagl with four inch blades bladesMTTT bladesIITTIITfl lf ud i iIITTIITI MTTT IITTIITI SIK KS 1 IV IVTahe IJ < f KKMt KKMtTake I ITakM Take Ip Home 0m Text lilt Ilirn en l I tl > > 4nrk c In InTtirtr II III liiflitfr I Ttirtr T1Cr joInt l eliale nIa DtaleliartiII elialeMartin I C Cllril Martin llril W V Littleton Litllol Democratic leuuuearaturtie nunii nuniinee Ilfl IlflI nee I tie f for < ir Iongrew I ol1grs nlr HI II the II Kii Finl Iirst > t dii HolriI ditrit1uilie > trut trutfMike fMike 11 in il Jamaica JOlullu and arll ttiruliirnd Hhlln1 Hill Hi la Lust Lustuuighul l lnight I IIlhl night Ilhl Mr I Itttlrtmi 1111101 who h ha I Iacruiiiiianring lucia luciaMuili acruiiiiianring Muili 01101111 liUY i ii 5C her Ilr hiioluind I Ii 11 lid 11 sum I during llrill I I irs tig lu lucampaign hiultiJl his hissului campaign sului ultiJl liii giu ixcupied I S i 1111 Iij IM I A front fri out at 1 at Iwitli IwitliMr IMIhln I ea it Ii Iiicthngs icthngs icthngsMr ln lnIr Mr Ir Littleton lnlIn tolil I hi Ii hearer about aboutooill IhI aloiuitsouls souls 01 of if r lie Ih I incident illiI1 n i of if r 111 his joint lleluti llelutiwith 11 11wllh I Iwith with I ieaks < M > U at lliinllngton Ilnllll1 Friend rild of ofCool Ir Iri uI uII i Cool I had Mini lid that Ihll h hue i < wu WI a worker workerand wirkrauil rkr i and 1111 not 101 a I talker laUr nnd that litlleton Iilllln Iillllni ax axu asus i u trained I rl i 111 IIWVT In Iw wVer r would WIIII rtainlv rrtaitiivI < > rlnin IIIIVH IIIIVHtin h hI tin I I h bet 11 of f u debate dII Mr ii Ir r Littleton IHIIol I 1 t lat uti said saidi iid iidlie i 11 i lie Ii huil Ilul done IJol n little ll work liimelf hil1 Imi Imiirf 11 11Irlal I iii iiigrituualu irf Irlal grituualu man 1ixkr IHk wn I not 101 a farmer larllr Mr Mrllllletoll MrI Ir I 111 llllletoll I it 4 I rsUlll Nil Illlt iii it Illl 11 UgrnllltimM UgrnllltimMand ii grii rlll ill InI ii net and an in II th I > joint delate 1lal ut lt lliiiiliiiKlon lliiiiliiiKlonCork 1lllilltn Cork aeks 1 Mini thil h < wa was Hfraul taking takingoff lukil off I Of the It t In InrilT lurl would wo ikh injur liii lure I III Ii long Jtl I aeui g Inland Inlandpotato 1lald 1laldIIalt I I IIlutuitli potato farmer frmlr or tr tin h tare I null mil II IIdidnt I IIiIiiui I I11I didnt 11I t want tall aiut In II hurl hlrl r I nk wks k i feeling feelingLittleton feelingiitt Littleton 111111 iitt Ietoii aid id or Jr r In h could t 11 < have h luu told loldhtm 1011 1011hil toldiuiiui htm hil at II the Ih hub 11 that tlie Ih proprietor rllnlr uf ufthe r 1this the 11 lar II In mill mil wi was a not 11 going Jin to It volt It 1 for foroki Itr forI I oki 1 but hiI would 11 Vhs for Littleton LittletonSMakmgof IittletaeiiSeank I IHakill SMakmgof Hakill Seank lug of potato tII tit OM Mr SI Ir r LittletoiiKiid 1IIIIllill I u 0 0 1st ii said a afuirtuier i ifarmer farmer frllr at 1 Port Jelferton 1 IOTc rsi 1 told rlid him 111 thnt thntwhen Ihalwh thntw when wh w lIcil they t had ha a i big II hi Irop I II on Long Itl I oui g Inland Inlandthey I siazi I they 0 i oiilil Ii rId ullr1 ii ii i lsrsii oitimderH out Iit siole rea and In1 when whenthey w hn hnt they t didnt lclnI t have ha ye a 1 crop r rI hey IIy I had huo liii d none iii inc in1 in1M I I II M 1 I nnd 11 Dux IIi t Ii is particular lrl bI ular i13 r faninr fnrr hi ru or wintt wai I is < l a atariff uInl atur tariff Inl tur i If uiuiot s i 111 uisst the It t ii farmer farnr su rtnrs in I i tu the I h lii Sttie St lOl t of ofMaine i r rail tIi Maine Ii ail ilie who wtl OW hii ut II a t tiiiiei ll I i rues crowded rriw rtwI1 1 I them Ihvl I out ou Ii it of ofIhi It Itt r market markIr I IMr Ihi I h lie uituto 111 Mr l r Iittlei4 11111 I ut t I eu > n I Hiid Mail Ii Id hunt t in IIIK Ii rigid riJil f rII fesi > ill illto I t tIII > to the Ih l IhIII111 ltciiblirsitu < > pulili < an party l xlH k wan wn IU IUmi Ik like likeii t tI mi ii I iu nlil I I clergyman elrIYIUn iergy luau U wi W wlio hi paid und olriil sI Ir1 111 ill ut 11 teii teiiiOn n nlion lion lnn iOn lo II the II test t of t Otis II Illlile lihl IllfHptiui IllfHptiuievery 11lill iIlItitugcvery I II every I n word wrl a i > truth Irllh 0 MitMlntvoiiH IHIVH IHIVHNiHt4d IMI IMIINIII INIII NiHt4d two Iw lenviM 1 togthr t get tier mi that 1111 0 his t tin tinilergymiin IhIrlynu I ii iilergytuian ilergymiin Irlynu read rml And lt Noah th took unto untoluinnelf IIt IItItll I IIi Itll luinnelf Ii nseI J t ii wile wi w if and 1111 ti tal then IIIl t UirnuiK turlilV Os u ni iii g o > r rth rIhIavfwlhl1 rthis th IhIavfwlhl1 this lcavetwithoiit 1ayes without tuitUini nIiflt that 111 they ly had hadMII Ilael11111 hadI I MII ui fa sttid > t > tie < l togflhiT Tigrt hier roittmtid1 iitit 11111 iriuiih I lo loreid I I reid r re l SnietvKii S Ni 01tv lvi I i S iiilulA Iii IIinc hits Uing and iiinl tilul I > of ofgopher it I II I gopher wood oa 1 Tin the th I lie clergyman drlYIII pro proe lireI < e ded lo t a I Iplaill IIlail 5 elain to t Ii IIIM Ii lii ue collgretatliin collgretatliinHliowed Iti lrar lrar1IIwt gregat iota iotashi 1IIwt Hliowed shi uwed how lw ii iw fearfully rnrfll tea rfu hr and an wonderfully wonderfullyI hlv hlvthicy I hey lly wer r inidi 1M Mr Ir Littleton Iinlt wild 1 that thatfrom Ibalrrol thisutfront from rrol the I thu I way a v Mr r Forks ixk 1 look the Ih tariff la tarhfTiunil ril ami amiother n11 n11IIhr I Iother other IIhr thingidotibf IhiIlol tOilugs iloti hey r the Ih Iteptililicin HlhliIIIllY HlhliIIIllYh pirty pirtyhe he h wan wa under 111r the Il unpremiion that t nome nomeIxxly 1m > I Ixxly had 1m 111 vstel xi led the I pages laK together tiegelhierIflSIflt I Iinsnnn II insnnn I Kit I I a I IIK h1 i n tIVIIED tIVIIEDiew CHIn CHInNew I New Torpedo Trplo Host 10al Mild ld Into Inl the th ttater ttaterat atfr at 1 Ifuihuie IfuihuieItNrT iilne iilneCJIINTT ln lnQIIsry > CJIINTT Ma In > > > Nov N ew3 n Aholtle 1 of wine winewan winwo winewas wan smnohcd 11111 over the th stem of th the torie torpedo lordoI torpedoioait < lo loIHMII IHMII I d deetriyer > troyer Walk art I that llal nhip hi started utarteddown startedi1Wui nr > i down the Ih launching lalnchlnj way at Ihn th trl trlIl ieritiver Kore KoreIliver I Il Iliver vr shipyards hirylr shortly horty beforu Of noon nOt 110u to today I IIay ti tiday ¬ the Ih who foametl the Ih I hi day As Al wil on sharp sharpsteel i iM I M steel el none no n ° of Ihe Ih ship shii hll Min Mildred llllrl Walk WalkWalr IValkeWailer I IWaller Wailer Walr of Providence Irovltnl grund Inlddallhr Inlddallhror granddaughter granddaughterof < laiighter laiighterof of Hear Admiral l Henry lnr Walk for whom whomthe I Ithus the Ih destroyer was 1 named nal clirictened chrtnt c the II III thecraft j jcraft II IIIh craft craftOnly craftOnly I Only a fe r few w persons Jron witne witnesscI e l the 11lllnh 11lllnhIII launch launching launchlog ¬ I log III anil nearly all ni th this gur iUel guests t worn Wf from fromProvidence rromJrvilnc froniIrvIInre Providence Jrvilnc having havln arrived Arvd with wih Mf MfWalter iIiWalter 1 Walter Wltr and her parents Follow hollowing Following 010 010Inl ing Ihn I h launching lallchinr the giiesM were wereeworte wsrsscortei r ror1 Inl J1t eworte scortei or1 by ofTlcerN of this tl com comnnny I IInny Iry nnny to lbs Ih new nlNct building 1llin where whereluncheon whp whpIndlfn whereluncheon luncheon Inny Indlfn was Mrwd I and the th health halh of ofthe ofthus the th sponsor and nne the I success IIC of the I I nhip nhipwere shljiwer hiI were wr pnlr toasted After Affr ItlH h llllKheon hmdlol the theguestit Ih Ih1ft thugtiests guestit 1ft returned rtrn1 to Boston tOI by pedal kpeciultrain specialtraiti pedaltmln train and then thfn left for Providence ProvidenceThn rovld The hn ant Walk alk ii i n sister ship of lh the Sterett Sterettand HIr HIrad Stirettand I and ad Perkins rkln Shi She in i 2M 21f fe ft I < t long IJj has h hhradth a abreadthof ahreadthof breadthof or nfeetl r i inches displacement displacementof ullmpnL ullmpnLor of 742lonimid 7 742 47lonld tons and h hI has si at triAl draught drllt t of ofM I feet feetInches reefI I Inches Inth Her lfr Iwttery r comprises Nlmpr five v 3 3inch 3InCh 3inch I inch InCh guns ln three thr torpedo III lubes on 0 deck deckand dlk deckand calibre automatic The Thetwo Thctwo I and two 3O Cllt ltoltlo guns In Thi two anr Curt lnll iuglis is reversible rvlih turbines tlrhl are n < pabl spIia spIiaof pablof > of developing lW 5 < honwpower and andshould andbnukl andshouki should I his sill hI > to drive the th ship at the therata Iberata therate rata of about W taunu an tour bourGf Gf = STIMSONFIKM STIlSON FIRI SUGAR COUNSEL COUM8ELron ron OIt l ITIIU r i UUll ov fJ oI I In of ofTIIK 1 1Tilt Tilt TIIKIt n rvnsrwIunsf llHWlIt llHWlItIt s sit It Vttu ft CrIJ arlr H lIce e lear eara Later That on onthe anthr enthe the Adtlrc hlCf of arlr Ur Nllm Mllm1I1I on the Joi 40 40nnnlnt Goielnullnt < Joiernment ernment Netlleil Tilth the Inmpany Inmpanyftr 1lImpanJfrllGCMuoo Impanyfer4I4OUtH ftr frllGCMuoo MOi > UH > B so > to tonlIllabIlU 10111 Ctill Liability Unl UnlAt tnIAt I At this tt time that the th Governments flovernmentHspecial OnernmpctIIIal Governmentsspecial special prosecutor in the th sugar toll U frauds fraudseffected rraudCITlCted fraudseffected effected a compromise with th the National NationalSugar SlttlonalStlRltr NatIonalSuigar Sugar Refining Company a year age it itwas Itwna towas was noted that Mr tr fitlmnon S lDllon then special specialprosecutor lIrwdaIrOlttt1ltor specialof prosecutor of th the sugar u l1r case never made madea mada a comprehenslvostntomentof or the method methodof of graft mrt which obtained obtain In thin cam That Thatthe 1hlltth Thatthe the th National was a5 Involved Invoh c In the same iamsort samesort me meIICrt sort of thin a aJl that for which the Amer American AmtrIcn American ¬ ican Hugar Hwllning Company CO n1 the trust trustand tnlatand trustand and the Arbucklwt mad refund rund to the thoGovernment th theGovernment Government cam to the tt publlo first firstthrtougl nratthlollltl firatthtuigt I thrtougl channel other than th the United UnitedState UnittllStat tJnltedStates State District Attorney onico onicon ofllceOn I Un n the day < before the fact regarding regardingunderweight regardingundorwelghedsugar IttrdlnltuntlerwIKhdlluu underweight untlerwIKhdlluu sugar In so fat n na the Na National OaUonl11 National < ¬ tional wna concerned Ct were published In InTun InTit inTtta Tit SUN Su on December JO i Inst Mr SUmson SUmsonhad SUmtKhad SUmaonhad > had nn opportunity to make any state atatoment atatement statemeat ment he desired on the matter H Ife pre preferred IJrererrud pretarred ¬ tarred at a that time to remain silent silentIt athenII It 1 was 11II not until February 10 ara last when whenthn whflnthft whenthe the official announcement wa a made that thattha thatthe thatthe the National < had paid Into the United UnitedStates UnitedStalf UnitadStates States Treasury aol3HI1 60I30 S7 that Ihatlr Mr BUm Bttmnon BUmlion i3tinison non had anything < to say Iy on the subject subjectThen aubjectl1un subjectThiin Then hi his utterance took loo the form of orcOIIIIct a acompact aCOOilIlct compact statemenuvrhlch gave 11 the th his history billtory history ¬ tory of the National frauds consisting of ofunderwvighed orflllglir ofulnierweigtueol underwvighed sugnr Imported by that thatcoinMiiy tblltcompany thatCOtflISlfly company between lw11 1 lMtiO 191 II and 1007 iDol In these theseword theilIwur theSewonls word wordIn wur wonls9ts 9ts In Iulv last It Mensr Sitimson and andUenlxoii 1111 endI 1 Uenlxoii OM a special lI cI1 count counsel for the lh Oh Joy Uoverniiuiit UOI Joyetnuileilt I erniiuiit commenced an Investigation InyosUillionto a ato iss to the 1 weights ihll on which duties dut were HtI > ru paid paiilon pa lI on < sugar IIIJ ar landed on ibo th docks of the 11 sugar sugarmSnortes stagzsrruttnerles IIU IIUtI mSnortes tI ofJrl of the tJ National SIr Ueicing UeicingCompany ttinlniCompan ltelntngCompany Company of Ir New ew Jersey JI j itt t th the hn i o1rt > ort c cNew ct cttlW I INew New tlW York YorkThat Yorknmt YorkThat That company voluntarily gave a thorn thornaccea thornaccess I Iacco access to ll its to books ant anrt a thorough Ihorou 1I n nestigatlon nestlgation estigatlon 5 1tlon was al made mu of thou booka und undof undof of 0 the th book of ha II constituent companies companiesand and of th company coml nv purchasitig Hgens Hgensand uienlend pn 1 1Wld and of the t sum Itl IIi Hou II 011 II e records As Asa a result It was use IOflcMnhlld rtalned hat thor had hadbeen hadiJo been a IIl1htlrlll shortage In the h he f pymnt > yindit cf duties dutiesoc oc importations of sugar triad by reprtj reprtjf reprlIentAu represuntaUtreS lIentAu suntaUtreS of f that company and IHI tt I its predi predib predcessor i iteor teor cnmlJrlhi b 1o1n twi ii ISIS III whets il11 > tne tnebu t trirrl to torottuiotiee rirrl t lagao ar bu blJllht liiesM nnd th the end d of ofo oftau I tau o urnountlni c t lOJt30 1yJ3Oot S7 Thl short short4t ort ortiit iit wna reported rllfIrlUo < lJotli to tI the onicer tnicrr of if theiom theiomand Ihomard thecornIny ikiny ard n as IIor < ir us I they Ih had ha verified verfie rlrh the tatiotiurnmeiitt I I IornlTltIII Itoorntnetut tiotiurnmeiitt ornlTltIII lgires 1 lr they volunarUy volunarUyuSereJ voIiolnryto tlllann y yrd uSereJ rd to pay this ivn without mil Into Intohe Intoh I he h TrMMirvof lreisiry tlf the Ih Imifil ln lt Stattniin1 Stattniin1make tuitlO iinii iiniimake c rInuk > make good th thei h oHer tbev II deposited iho ihof I hef hofht f fht 1 sinii tu > n cash cufhThU cashh1il ahnt ThU h1il iiayment bftt h tKen accepted acceptedby 11 111Iv by tli secretnrv rtr of ii I the Ih lrea IrIurr I rsitur ury with withthe withIh wit hi hiI the Ih I lit ioiicurriMicH uf lie Ih 0 ttorneyleneral ttorneyleneraland ttnriIey 1 sneraI and 4 tul < in n ths t recommendation iuil if the > Solici Solicitor u ¬ Our of f the Ih tb lrea 1rasar ir utid teal the Ih special uitiI eoim eoime otanI Id e lie I iha Ih CIrll niverniiiHiit IhU 1 hi cittlitneiit cittlitneiitin itietneiitIn I Iin in niwNe nwl ncU tect the I h lit rtmina < > pri prffOuIIUII preCiitioflI wulion wulionof i ir of I If r any 1111 individual It utli nO usa I s who w h tiiav md I I < xhown xhownto 111I11III ii iiTI to TI have h Ieeti re rIuIIo tetI lioiisiiie tisi l fur any ill criminal criminalIrand er rlll1lnlrIralltl lull 1115 I Ilraiil Irand IrandNone lraiili None i Iii of the Ih t figure cI on whirb W 1111 Ii iehi Mr II Ir r Sllin SllinHOIII IIIII t tti ttilion HOIII lion 011 i iiiiiprortiie t mprml yti iroI1 I I uiih 5 I Ih i h tlie I hi Natiuiia it lluIUII tuii I WII WIIha1 van vanbn s swir bn ha1 > il were ever r made piihlle iitll nrd there therewere 1husrswer hr hrwr were thn I laiiuliar ntth he h rorilltlrnt rorilltlrntpriiliiir flr1l1Iollprailill tditI0fl4Pr priiliiir Pr all Itui m I I Oi 0 hi industry ineliist ry who wh believed believedfliat I I1d I1dhal lieidthat hal the I I Sationai iit tlurmi wa a nv no means ifleslilsIn rted rtedin rt rtill in the thu > Mittlement 11111I lid l 11 luii concern > e eflails the themot b bm1 mot lmiortaiit retining vmpinv I III thn thnI 11 11Fat tiseFat I Fat a t iit 111 tde 1 If if > f he h rut t tIf lf 1111 fd It Itiiiiniiul Itullliial Itrutuil iiiiniiul rutuil 1151 I i nportatior Ii port a I I in approximate ii ipri I miiit e lion ft1O1CIII ft1O1CIIIIU iVm iVmiioo i iIII iioo III II pound p ttiols if I A15 near neardeeloped IItrI I deeloped yesterday I that the Ih taw tawfirlil aw awfirm awfinn firm uf r Wmthrop V t Sitni Sllrnon on of f which whichthe whlthIh the Ih t lip candidate for Omernor s a nietnber nietnberhud nwmhrha1 flistiitrltuui hud been n counsel for h IIP > > National Nat iuonl Sncar SncarKetlfiiiig uar uarhtetivuhig ar arHIIlhl Ketlfiiiig 0 omuiiv at a t an earlier dale daleAt dltl dltlAI oluitAt At the I 0 iflic n > V t r itui tr rn velerdnv Iulll it wn wnaid I Iit us 151 aid it I that u ha t thin I hi is inne ufltl nlltin < tloti t I iii wv nexered nexeredill ill Km I that t the Ih tit at I I bill LI a Sis temleriMl temleriMlto to the II National bv the Ih Oh 1uus0 aw linn III O Otohsr OtohsrIts < tolwr tolwrloni loni Its i mil i thai I ha t it I t wax w iis pild i iii voon s sill 11 nfterwaril nfterwarilIn II ft rwaril rwarillii In iii I > i aid oil < in < who h brouicht In in information illrrm to toti formation rrm ti Irtluat I Iii from fr iii llronxon I iiithrop hut Ii ro i of ofthe if ifthe r rII the II lirm a retainer wa oTerfd rfgiimfrom sagullilfri rfgiim utllillfrlllll from fri ul 111 t hi National iI I iiii I Till I lii In is wa sss a declimd dccli declimdI tieol tieolI I iv Mr Il r inthnip illlhr ill hi re II I aTordini sir lIrlill liti g to I Ill IllSt I HI HIS i Ii IiSu S St s s s iiiforiiiiint i ut er ii Ui ut and it 111 the Ih I lie rtiioii rt 11 Mpirilliil Mpirilliilut p I1 I1III I Iat ut I lint tune t wa W that t It wa U rej rjIt1 rjIt1111111111I11 < < led ledon d dI on I iiccount of r Mr Ir Siiniroiri continued continuedioiineciioii I Io4 1 o4 ioiineciioii I cliii eVt he Iii with s 11 I h the I h Miigur cai ruises a > r > in inN mw iiiw N w ork orkMr rk rkIr rkMr Mr Ir SiiiiftonV Slit St lIeIlis tenure if r the ofllce lI of ofImted it itIiuItell f f1III1tI Imted Mate I IIIdr itrlft Mtorney ttrll ttiriPV began beganin lisgain al in IdiMi I tIN and cclii < oiitiiii 1 illl Ill iil i I until i iti I ii IMHI ii i after afterIVeoiiliMii a rrrIroiInl fterI IVeoiiliMii I Idl InfiViiiaiiKiiration ii ft s ilia IIKllra is gum 111111 t i it He II I I tiereiil tiereiilhowever a artIhlllr izriII however to t continue iruthtiui Iillll the th sugar c et a ale IIial as asI > I > le MIii < Mil I protMiiitiir t ri sevl it I ir for II r the Ih t Ii lloxeriii I 1 cr ti I etit etitThe III 0 0lii The 110 lirm i > tie 111 < tII I In tatemxnt la laniglt last lastuigtt niglt nigltPrevinn 1111I uigtttreye Previnn I treye lo Ii IIY I J rear tr I1 1lo if and before Mr MrMimoii lrSIII MrSlitiiii Mimoii SIII ua lns aiM iilssuitel > iuiil I niied Slate Sla Slah te teI i iloruei loruei I if iu the I h linn tO nh of r W t inlhrop IlIlIar liii ii rot A 1 Stimmi SIim St hnd hndlnn hiis l lIn lnn rcilnid lit I Ih Niiionat Siiicar lle llert II IIIInlII rt IInlII n i n lilt I iinfitaiiv iifiu lIf ii of r SHK ler v in sic arioiM arioiMiiiaiir lInUlI1IIIIr riuuillil iiiaiir llil i er and lniifjiimii I ii i ci i 1111 5 Tt the lust riHinr riHinrmriveil t urir urirre mriveil re v ei In h the I h he fir linn Oh run til from Hint Ih t oiiiiiiii oiiiiiiiiwa otiu 11I111III v va wa a a riMivd reeIV I I III Ortnlier I Oil nr uI sr I1 I iIaI I 1trr ft er Ihiil Ihiilnine t liii I II i inlIl nine I nnd while till Mr Ir Slimon so IIm louoh 111 a I nneil nneilSlati nUeISuruies Slati Mornev 111111 Mie I h nnil Irnni whHh 5 h hil Ii Mr MrSliinon I IsrIII lr lrSt Sliinon srIII St I Ili utI n hiid tush I I eii en lemiMirarilv I iiu I ra rulY teiiiedi teiiiedirenderwl tel e I cu I Iten renderwl ten n lr1 < no iii er rn r i it e to hue II I Nallonal ui I ituul Siiitar SiiitarIfelliiiiK SIIIiUnl1 iiasi I Itieil IfelliiiiK nl1 II tiC I i inniiinv 11I1 lli ci ii u tneti e 1 lit drnfllm II In fi Omic and andflllnir nlllrlllll ate I ItO flllnir rlllll tO I in c Mime III formal fOr iiuul I rtiHirt 1 for IIr C r whlih ui lii Ii no notin 111tun 11 tin rue rl a I n iilii made madeIn 11m 11mIII In t ihe I h IIMIIIHIIV 1111 ilpiril Ii ii Minnnne Minnnneto 11th nllll nllllIII iflhiC to 0 I I inuilo Clii 11I11 IuI1 ih Ie tlrm ft rsiu iii itriain r rt R i ii miHer IIIfI lets Inn Innih III IIII lintii ih I retainer IIIr an A dei iIsIuO luiil ° in viu ieio of r hi hiIlr Oils i iMr Ihr Mr silni Si on oiiiinntl tit 11I1 hi I > e asuuslteii asuuslteiiil i m uitlon uitlonHilli 111111Ih Hilli il it Ih Ii the 110 I tie mtrri IIIIr list err s > of r ihe I 10 lie iotiiinnv etiiiii IIIIn a with a lIh It Ii IirIstiert I Iri ri rIstiert i I to I p the I t MKar I ion rllr r roiniiutii roust talli iCs Ufiiiralh Ufiiiralhin 15uIru hi 1 I IIII Iiii III Srw sr i nt ii n > I Ilanjer IIa IIawcrs lanjer Ia for notice tarreloii tarreloiiiv rrel anrW nn nnHour W Hour ltiirIss ki Iockran I xk ni II wan WI the Ih chief chiefM Iifla1 M ik er > r lai night lii glut at us 0 nn ii ii independent independentIIIIHH illIIIIItIIIilia iii IIIIHH ilia inetiiig I ii g callid i II I by I IV r a commiltri rotoutti lIImill I I t ol ollaw oflii I II law I lii w yen ye ne and othem et Ih hueru in behalf h udiu I t of f Supreme SupremeCourt Slijiretuit 1IlrII 1IlrIIlfIIlrt Court t liiMHe J iarrelmin at Iliflon Iifl > ui Park ParkLot IarkI ark11Ia Lot 11Ia I o 11 ig Inland I shu tuei iity I it I t y Mr II Ir r txkmn I a eak rati declared declaredthai 1 beiui llIr1 llIr1tllIll real realI thai I hi I rllI1 0 MIIC iit 11 iarretou arrtI I Ii nhould hate ha ye been beenreiioiimuifed t11rlImilI1 h reiioiimuifed rioIi taut I by I uy the II t hi Democrat I IuuI sroi is and ii ui I the thervaxon t hi hiruicon ron he 10 waxut wn was a l 1111 > < cati e he h hnd I IKMnt ICl Cl KMnt 111 more time till t huu exHiiititliug x i tiding the Ihlw t law Ia Io than thanm t liii ii iiii m currying rrill favor ls or with witlitiueluooss witlitiueluoossI the Ih boon boonr I II I r IHS I ItS t nt It isi 11 o E 1 HUSH II Iii II rltIIl rltIIlIIrman r rliSriIIotsrnuan sT i iYlntnrnian Ylntnrnian and Inmliiclnr EoueIte Ior Hurt In Hear HearlUiil UcarlueI I lUiil I 4iillUlim 4iillUlimTliere tnhllioiiflusre IIIItIll IIIItIllnl Tliere nl wa a rear end tul I collision flli between betweenIrolley hlw11I I Irolley rIJ eiirxbound eairs In < 1111111 from Hohoken toJep IfIJv IfIJvIjl it Jeu > ev evIily Ijl 0 Iily it HeighlHoii 1Ijhl 011 tin t lii trestle t rest I Into hut hi Isist night nightII nlJthi nlJthiII II occurred HIlrn < 1 near larkuin Itu ksaeti avenue n Holio Holioken lIohkn Ilohokri ken ut one II of th < high hlltlI poinli in the thetrestle Ih IhI ohtreatle trestle I I Vender 011 hr car jir left the I iii ta track I rlllllIIulrall A Amoiormiii t tuui moiormiii uui It i irtulatu and unllI still I a conductor e iihiiel or wen n fiken I to ton I III te teSI n himpilal himpilalAft looIlalArlor huiwiiuIilAftr Aft Arlor r this II accnleiii 1I I1I1 the I llnt car r wax nm nmIMI nitiItu 011111 IMI upto i 10 the Ih 0 hi IleighlMaud lIitthl I leA gut s 111111 tohnt lo t o I hn1 lu ii st HoHpital HoHpitalnn I lospit a I I nn PtliKide 11 < 1 avenue with wit Ii org tOr Iterney IterneyI I Ih hi niotonnan nf tht Ih second co1I1 car ar who whouhand whohlllll whoaliuind hand was badly hurt and lohn hn llraniugan llraniuganIhe I lie h ondiiclor nr of the I h first cur li isu r who w hn had hll l a aIomiMiund iIolllllIn1 usotliJwIIinel IomiMiund fracture of r ih t I left ft log j Ixdnw Ixdnwllie hsliwthe the Ih knee kn I IIJerney IIloorny IIIriiey IJerney i is Tfl > 1 t wars old and Jives Ih at atini al1111I atlit 1111I lit ini Iteiicon stre Irt t Jersey City eil BrnnnijMn BrnnnijMnis rnnni an ani i is 31 I years lIr old and live II at Ill 1 Alyrll Alyrlliveniie Iyrl I IaVlnll ho hoslVCflhi iveniie Irvington X 1 1The JTh 1The The Th Public Service erric ri ornonition lold 101 the thexlic th thIKlII thepollen IKlII pollen xlic I lint no one 011 > luvides lli t hi ° two Iw t wo em emiloyees tn tnY inwas iloyees Y was WII hurl A dlcliv i te was a > nt ntotti 111I tltto I to otti rh hoNpital to arrest IVrnoy IIorn the theTintorman Ih Ihmolormnn I Imntornlafl Tintorman of f the Ih car r that ran nito lute tlifj tlifjither Ih Iholhr thhother other nerepllon to I te neilmnnit neilmnnitJohn RllmnntlJohn fledtnondlnhn John K lledmond M P I who has h4 lieen heetitouring I Iounng I touring ounng the Ih country ollnlr to 0 rni rak money for rnrIh forthe I Iih the ih Iri Irish h Pnrliamenlnry movement will willm willha ha m the Ih 1tU1 ni f of honor at I a re rPeSpt epi inn given a11IAI j jit it the Ih Hoffman liaise lonisht by the theInited Ih IhInl1 theIfllteI Inited lrt IrIsh h l 1111 ctie other hr Irish organ1zalions organ1 orgu1hnnn orzati I IIzaitions zalions will 111 pnriicipale Mr rr and Mrn MrnKeflmond Mrsaul Ir IrHdmntl Keflmond will will 11 111 Saturday I IJrday on the th Baltic I Ifor for England la1Id la1IdIIr I IIr C I I I ROYAL ROYALBAKING BAKING POWDER POWDERGreatest Greatest Greatestof I of modern time timehelps timehelps timehelps helps to perfect cooking cookingMakes cookingI I Makes Biscuit BiscuitCake BiscuitCake I Cake Pastries Crusts CrustsLight CrustsI I Light Delicious Wholesome WholesomeI I Bmmt B af fmliimm 111 w wrlll ws Htl ° Is over umm u ua II III I I I 1 I 1I IFI tOIf Till inn q I v4T tFIIJi tFIIJiIUI1r vis visSrnatur IU1 IU1et1atur Srnatur IUI1r IorsUrr tiy b Inference 1l IIRI IIRI1lIunr 10504lountrr p pInundir Inundir of the th New NewTTOS SIVIh rs rsZovioi Ih Zovioi nON Ohio Nov So S Tho old na natiitiallitn natitllUlnm natiOiIuiIIlfl tiitiallitn with it Its naKivllcent record recordif if f iichieveiiientH 1III 1I1 Us hsutory hl ISst < I ansi its It In tnd InIIII inilelitute d IIII ilelitute < libe iiemontH wu IL th the thenie sn n part partth art artf 11111 f th the nddrtHfi 1111 1 of r eiHenatir 1 nler Koraker Forl Cfr at a aIUpnbllculi 1lcpllhllcan aItopuiilean IUpnbllculi rally today near th the theIloniul Na Natlnral SOlHIIII tlnral Military Hoim in n tills Tli city He Helind H ithai lind a i large lor audliiice j IIlhII composed almoot almootentirely almolltnllrh siInioutrittiretv entirely of r inmateH muu of the III noinp noinpIn hullllIn une unein In exprciwing iiU ial fdt v t > omit admira admiration attiiirssitll ltlmlralull ¬ lull itll for tl IhO < old 101 naMjTiallsni nOIJ na aU 1I1 the Ih 0 h i > eaker eakerby kr krItf r rI by I TmjiurSnij rmmrou ilcrltiil th Iho new He II I did didnot diiibet 111 111nt not Iiidtduali7i iuiehi tulihslI7s and refer to t IU x < v lt ltthe 11Ih the Ih fen rnclr i mter nnd C iarleld a chAirpioii if ifi i t new iiationullHin sOt luIuiithsln init I i It tho Ih hoUiters o eluiir by byhier Livihiers y yhr ihiers < hier mtltcated their I know ktowtealt rl < f the theperi 11otI t tie tieIiCrsbOl peri I IiCrsbOl > ti referrf rt r to tothe In1H toAth 1H the Ih ailvutiot and thus th woiidTful woiidTfulstndeMiti woiujerfiultrities lId flll flllIr stndeMiti Ir trities tI i1 wealthprispentvmil walt allhrwrlt hIir iperut v amI haipiti haipitil hiss i Ihllss l bald hail liven 1estistcu iiiiiIihieal iindir the theold Ih Ihold t heOki old ovioialii Hie 111 peaker dealt with wither withveutn er veutn > HH 1 leading tip ip to I and followitij fohieu lug the the1ekoliiti Ih IhHlltllllI theIpsIlut 1ekoliiti i in ainl d haul so > less II on ilu I < fact factthat ra raIhat suit suitI that I the Ih ArtinlpM MiIl of f Kitleration h etrat jim WT w r > Jcal Jcaloijtlv jeaiesll oijtlv 1011 e lA iil id and gimrdt l lest eit tner tnerhoikl tturehfllIt r rhold < hold tie b eucr eiiracIlulletlt lachrnetit upon liuiiian liuiiianrights hllI1allrlSItt hinstiris rights ris tits 1 141r itr on the 1 articles 1rl clt were r set setsilc t tu II u silc ide I nt 11111 l h s pr presul rnt en tin 0 tltiition > wa waMili w wasiuilIlitPOt Mili iuilIlitPOt iuilIlitPOtI 1111 > > < d dI I I ler b L ° i te < great 1 men in that con constitutional con111Ilonal constuuitsonat ¬ stitutional convention aid the Ih r sIoaker > ieakcr Iallli I and Mom greater than they have been beenproduced beenirtstuiceol n nprohlC produced in II thi thus h > country 01101 ry from that titmi I II 1 110 tn t n tf hit h us ihiiiKinii ci Hamilton i tutu uhton and Jf Je JeIetso > f ffeimn feimn 1 Ietso iOu were Sc n r > nmi 11I of if f tin t I ii men who wit h i iin IlKUnd IlKUndin in hat on fII11I nti 11 and they 111 inado n con conI conIilUlon conptitutiotl ititutinn thnt wi1 il ctand IIIIIllhrtu through h cuiituries cuiituriesI I I tll o I niii niiiTheM m mn 00lerluii TheM n men did not like Ilk the th thought thoughtif I if r givng i Po0r > otpr to 011 n t man Thev T Iwy did didnot rlhlallt didnot not aiit a king I nl Tliv hnd 114 com rn from fromItinds frontlxiisI Itinds 1111 1 over r th HM i to t f sca oCfl4 > < king kill and andfi fi r f liey f > ttltd tl 101 tho Ih nui IUloll lion forever by byi h hIo i dicidlm Io hlll to 0 confer llnwiwer I Iii iwiwer of govern government governOsOlt ¬ ment on thrii t H to departments cfepnrt men t a executive executivei f Iull Iull111lalil eUYtut lv lvI i Iejjll3tiv tutsha I oe nut lIud udicinl ltii I iciii I thn Ih t ho form I ortl rill of ofI or11rlllllnl I government which ev Tltet lte i tii I 1 Ii admira admiration admiraI ¬ tion I nf r Dtlier countrii OUII rh ml throughout thrlu hnut 111 111world Ihrld thitsorkl > world worldliar sorkllIar rld rldI1l1r I liar llarlior lrlu 1IIIlon loii of Aiilnmnbllr A ulolllotlII 1 t ptield phClclI plielilttorsri 1 Aforsii Me 1 Nov 00 < 3 3Th Tho law ex excluding csrludiul caclialitig ¬ cluding automobiles 0 from liar Iii Hnrlior Hnrliorwas was w diolnnvl lo b Is ioiitltiitmnal lOuUlllt oyotuit Ituitkpnah nlll in II II re recnpt 11rlt rescript script rlt handed d clown vn indny liy Io i Awoolatn Awoolatnli suiswlatnJistlCi dllitl dllitlJIIIII li JIIIII > lic Wh Vhitehoiin lhou < 3 of If the Ih Siipremn Hllpr Court CourtThe CourtI I The Th ai IIIWII > wan piiMed III III Mnroh rniil rniilrlslit I l5iiIIIgtit J Jla1I rlslit Polar Hears Arrlte ArrlteThe rrh rrhTh rriscTue The Th teaiiihip Peniisylvanki J IUIlvall uta I which whicharrivil whichrrh1 whicharriveal arrivil tiru ier rn i yesterday Irday from HarnburR HarnburRluu 1 nhurl hail I on board N poltr b I Ieoira > > ur 1 hipM hipMp hIJl1OItumua lltjjWiiItuirnuus > p Itumua < itaiiu I 1IhttIt Mo > hant 70 i up > I flog flogJ4 J4 4 pirrotH 111 rrol n < i iaiane I1 rl llijiimnon Jpl non 2UO 2UOiiiail ocJI to toI I iiiail luu ussr iir xiut ajtii ts ami iuti 7VI 11 other birds hlf Nullfe lIlit J fb ft 44 d II fD T TO JL J Nuliff = ul fl 53 53ConitwU 1 1SI 3 3t 11011111 SI t rtlhtln jwuhlrI e O 49 49Holeproof oizeU 11 ConitwU ConitwUft Ccnipekitoustiol nlCallllnll 9 1 Holeproof Hose HoseIhi Ihi Origin nl IIII1 I f iiarnntoil Hixc II I For Men II Women nnwn and ntl Thlldrcn Thlldrcn1IOLKPHOOF Ch ldren ldrenIIOLEPHOOF ldrcnIi 1IOLKPHOOF Ii I F4 1 It 00 1 is i jruarantocd hecimsc there thereisnt thereiIIt thereIolt isnt Iolt t another make ill the t world that t begins to toiiiatrli toIIlIthh toiiiitttii iiiatrli its wcarintr IVCtlhillL Jtlalit < tialities tialitiesIf i s sIf If I t theres any iiiestion about thC ability ti1ilit of ofthe ofthe Ofthe the hose to ti make good ond the t hI risk is ours 0 tlrs not the thewcaiers tillweaurs theICOtI wcaiers ICOtI ers And lid the t Iii fact hIlt t we e assume isii one that thatrisk thutrik thntrkk risk is i about the t most h1IPi practical lea I testimony tet i ntony to the themerit thlIIwrit theiiieri merit t of IIOIKPHOOF IE I I I H C I hose that t we cnn cnnconceive cnntlItIVC nil nilollllin conceive tlItIVC of ofFor otFor t tFor For Men 6 pair guaranteed 6 men 150 150For 150F 150For For F or Women and Children 2 2Silk 2Silk 2Silk Silk Holeproof 3 pairs guaranteed 3 mos mosFor mosFor mosFor For Men 2 For Women 3 3TVO 31juU 342U 1juU 42UTwo 1 1TWO TWO BROADWAY BROA D A Y STORES at 41lh l > th S Sr and at t 279 79 near Chambers St 47 4 CORTLANDT CORTLA DT ST STnearGreenich near Greenwich Gre nih 12Sth STREET at Third Avenue AvenueUNION II I UNION li S O SQUARE E Mth Ih Street West of Broadway BroadwaySan BroadllaySan BroadwaySan l San Francisco FranciscoOverland FranciscoOverland FranciscoOverland Overland Limited LimitedAn An Electric Lighted Perfectly Appointed Firstclass FirstclassThrough FirstcI FirstcIThrough FirgcJassThrough Through Train with Excellent Dining Cars Daily DailyChicago DailyChic DailyChicago Chicago Chic go to California CaliforniaAcross Across the Great Salt Lake Lakeand Lakeand Lakeand and the Sierra Nevdas NevdasBe Be Sure Your Tickets Read Via ViaUnion ViaUnion I IUnion Union Pacific PacificSouthern PacificSouthern PacificSouthern Southern Pacific PacificStandard Standard Route of the West WestInquire WestInquie WestInquire Inquire of ofJ ofJ ofJ J a DcFRIEST G E At 287 Broadway roa a New York N Y YTelephone YTeephon i iTelephone Telephone Worth 4994 4994taBm 4994Ii 4994The taBm oimmii li m m aw m lll i iThe Ii The Provident ProvtpJ OF NEW Loan YORK n Society 1 I Loan from SI loHinooiiK to 1f1f II1 UJlOIIIII aipotu > n nof ptcdge ptcdgeor < II III IIor or 11ttM1I1I1 Jlrnrtr JlrnrtrINTEREST l1rI4rtINTEREST INTEREST RATES RATESH I On one Ir H > r wit I1 I ICa per CI month or orfration orrmttion orfruitfinn fration thrr IhrPOf IhrPOfOMhalt thereifonehalf Hf HfOtmhalf Otmhalf por rrnt flI 4A 4Aupon I charged chargedI I upon loans r rltair piti l within thin two twofrom wtkll wtkllrrom weauksfromdatornaking 11111011 from fromdatornaking ilal of tnak making ll OFFICES OFFICESM OFFICESJUSIUTrS OFFICESttttttTTt I M JUSIUTrS JUSIUTrSfoollrl ttttttTTtfoiirth HtTTV 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