OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, November 05, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-11-05/ed-1/seq-5/

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iIw q iI I co U L
1 II 1
r fJ fJTHE T
I II 11 IlIUD iiIoROOSLT iiIoROOSLTI Tn nnnCr1U frt frtrulft
I fJ I I 11 or LtI Olt POILI
I 11 ipIfl n 1 TilT IreST IreSTJtO
flrri I r Hl IUf anrt Wnoap 11 101 < for the IhfiniiifH f ft
JtO rt
iniiifH t I a o Ttirv fl1 Old Id In tn tI Early Fall Fallr Failnf
1111 r Hr II wrol rnlf in II1f < ar antnea < oc PUN PUNp Pial1Iar
sr p lrrturc PrnmUrtl PrnmUrtlpt
Nov I As 8 Mr Ir Roo Rooi
pt 01 M JM I L Lt > 0
I i h Star Ial of f low In tiwi tod tndy tndyt y yi
V i 1 n tn thf < > cuPlfil lIplt I1 tn thl after afterrJc att afteriC r rno
no rJc iC > 11 lcI I 1tIfCt no v llIlhle lbl Klgna I Ins o opo of ofrPO othuni
i him in this part of th thVet thVetS Vst Vstkf
rPO po
11 kf S t nnpd IInp t through hr two ton twohr
n r < t h hprf < T was IL iinmtataldinla on rtII1 n n1r
I1 f tf h Colon an4 an for whit hi1 hi1tl h hc h1d
tl c I > t L4 < he smi Atn m < inday Iowa IowattfrA 1 iowaI 1a 1at <
ttfrA t rrl II > v lt ltiin IIn
iin In I < < u Ipllnn ptmn nf th Saratoga pUtt pUttirr platI
I irr b n i h indii Inhlfmfnl rtient of th the Iayti Iaytih IaytdiI
diI h ittt irifT U law nportu ut f hostility hostilityTI
If < Mr Ir TI T It Invt manattil from fromv
v hr f I i i rtportnl that Iowa had hadIJTI hart1otI hadrnM
IJTI rnM I l > I n fl1 hit him Snaror Cummina CumminaS eummlneIt1T11
It1T11 b3r i > S sO PW > w York ork nrkanrt and told th thln lbIon tbClon
Clon Ion thlt ln < MI ttuation tuition Th ThIwn Tht Thep <
lila hi attitudo attitudol ttltudoutn
t C1ern Iu > Iwn fl tpUtnintJ
utn u fl ih h fl vr in inI
l dirt Ih ht ht4 morning flflflfl for n while whilett whiletljo2h hile hiledlolh
tt though 1 lwi wa < not quil all a crazy croxyirflut cra7 cra7lMut crazy1Ut
irflut hm as a h he u iiied iiiedDavtWrt fd d to b < > It took tookrtirnp0t tookDa11r1
rtirnp0t UTII nt time to warm up but buttlnally butDaYfllrr1 butDaeflr
DaYfllrr1 Daeflr tlnally IInI KVT 11 th the Colon a ah ad aHtM attpi
HtM ttpi h hl left ther he found crowd crowdtTenwhr cTowdh crowdieTfrrhre
tTenwhr h alone aIOn th lln line Th little Itftlr IIttlfsirt littleilrid
r fsirt ilrid lro d stations were fr decorated with withtigt withfu ltb ltbta6
tigt and ° th the population of small towns townsttiwi tonllr1 townsV44
ttiwi d T I th the now no and ran to catch a allimr a altmf agtim
llimr ltmf f th Colonel oon and possibly hear harMr hlarblrnI hearbarn
blrnI blrnIIr barn
Mr Ir r Kc RIII < > > vtt ett got a nouy no rnthiiM rnthiiMttn ntbulalIr ntbuiiMfl
ttn < gr jTlnl rtfl ttnc upon II his jJ entrance into Intonin flea Deoilom fleaItn
ilom nin < t tht afternoon It had been beentaoTini hNnmotr1no beena
taoTini a vounft blizzard hl zzard since noon and andtif andCp andt
tif t mow no turned to sleet and softened softenedImo often oftenIIW
Imo rnn but the folks of the capital capitaldilnt Capl41dldnf capitald1iflt
dilnt mind mind it a hit The Mrt were vrrejtrrmod WTCJ werenzncI
jtrrmod J rrmj with IIh Inwn nwns who ho had come from fromov
aI LII ov or r h hO tat IIIIP a to + th the Colonel ColonelWi V Vjwl i iwd
jwl Wi m mU1 uiv i them were nchool 11 11001 teac t tetchni tetchnigle cft cftYI r rrhM
rhM YI snrv l gle It I h Sc wna w tonight toniRhtlr
lr lr Koo1 R plr waa as mor > than pleased pleasedt
a t th h WW w v they received r < id him her he He Hetutcd HeItncdn HeE1cd
tutcd Itncdn n h nutomobil that sIceihedalon sIceihedaloni1 lo Io hHi alonj alonjIQ alonil1
IQ tB ftret and kept bowing and andbowuij andbnn andb4wa
bowuij in lnl 1 bowing hoin Th The Westerners WesternersKhoor1 W5Irnrshoor1 Wisternerswhoopi
Khoor1 i Itt as > they did a couple call pip of ofmonth otlI1on ofronth
month lI1on IS uu audit lnd it gladdenelUiIolonel gladdenelUiIolonelheir gladlllnf1 tJl the 1lonI 1lonIhlr olonelehetr <
heir I a BIICU 1Ih a urpn urpnTcnbf urpf15eTorI1 urprleeTorjb
Tcnbf at the th Auditorium lOoo iO p per perccs r rctu rocra
ctu < h hjrl lM him make a apech in bohalf bohalfoi
oi Of h Fitpublican ticket which d cb he in indorted Inkutd wkre
dorted kre from top to bottom He HeU4 l14irt l14irtUJJ td tdinJ
inJ hnc h n H about S Sn1tr nitor tuniiniti tuniinitian Curnimniani umIll n nani
an ani pant j high tribute tribu tn th the mmnrv mmnrvf m mn mnI
I > f he h IH 11If Senator uator Dolliver DolliverJl
Jl hail iIldr eiidreaed < ltlr ft < l ih State Statol Th ThIIon Tethei Tetheilton
l > < niticn in n th Ihe Cniss Cnl Cnlisun uni unitn oarli oarliIn ti tien
tn h s Mtiinj UIII and guvn oa thm a aUi trllhl trllhlt1I
Ui n th hc henelit of r liication otlIc Iion and andMt ilnrta1 andia
ia Mt a1 hi h < m Tut in f T4 CIo fiinir c cIn fuzrnhil fuzrnhilI >
I h nlr nlrIn ntrIn
In iftornoon he h chatted haltl 1 with ith 3 301 301b11 3e3bh X Xhsf
hsf > hool h < 1 IupILo iii > ILi > all he h hps ir r in town townr townie
r ie > r r1 l wn erv r bu liis inlforI inlforII
I il 1 J hirpj he h wr T mtnroiterl mtnroiterli
i ll t niiirium rlum rr rlin tins but the theliri th theI
liri I < I t riw 01 > l H v t a nnrmonr narutoorL nftair nftairii arra r rn1
ii L ni oimpli mll The Th oppanitinn II new 1I1ItI
I 11 l rs lauxhivl at it It t t > Carnll is isr M Mr
r TII II i i omthins rnlhm nf if a I mindpatt U Illdparr r rrr
rr r > vhil whileitjtr > iijt > r Cummins hi nii hid hide
h e eitt irtt I > n of hetn 011111 a 1 progrfHAi pro prnreiieI r I Inf4jn e eM
M I et contain nf4jn sAm < of irh eh Blt Bltv Rltolonl F3itolonI
v rolon l w went nt through the th div 11 divflaiti < ax axnaiti nnUll
nUll thf > Ranie an1 theorloi Ind nrt policies policiesi
i J h he h haA hij I Ifl een cxioiinilin H r n ni nc ncr
t p > > r i i aafomi iawomfiit nw aafomin tomtt tomttn
n talked Xew Nutionihni expLtinel expLtinelhe plln1hI
> he wnn > Ktu JOtlp > ned < 1 with lIh the Ih tanfT tanfTlir t4rlffIw
lir 1 > in the Ih Saratoga rnll platform t II IIn Iivaii Iivaiipn > iii iiin
pn n t procmutn pOI u enoucch harnnxrt harnnxrtM 1 1Ir
M Ir III I it i < in nrl < l Tnmnianv Hall and i lpIIfd tpiedeil > r aif < l lv
> < v eil 11 t > nown wallops Uop III l tilE 11 lemo lemocn
cn cr Most 1 all of it went 1It hip hi tonight tonightH
H lid not openly repudiate rIlrtiu the Ih Pavn Pavnnri Pnn1r PivnAri
Ari nri n li L liw toda todiy > Me I ban ha don thit thitL thuL
L L h P nfertucT nfertucTH frtllnrtlhinlabout
H 1 nothing nrtlhinlabout about lOl U Ian1 anil referred referredm rerredTafi
m n Pr i1 itll > nt Tjft only in connection connr clion > with withh ith ithn
h Mr lKment of a tariff iommUtiion iommUtiionk Omm hiinn hiinnI
> I k < nd tall < zl1 on Iowa in tli miiUt of oft
t N ork campaign t1mpu n in n whiroh hii > h the theihn Ih IhhnJ theIin
ihn hnJ Iin l i intensely intei tnttersi nl itei ever everrsin awrvrin n nrln >
rsin n ne 11 r tiiy Ii wv the t re reuaIt ult of a apr apr acr I
pr rrv n peik I k to the whoo hool twichert twichertif Ielch
if f e TH tT They Tb have been aftr him himfor h hivifiri L1 L1rflr I
for firi l InTIt freine freinele rz tme tmehnH f11hi
hnH hi I le van a8 about it hn h tbousht that thate
e ir 1j j no mix in a little polilira I by byn b btnrrm bytoin
tnrrm n if at t Ianptt > aenp irt to say a 1 good goodfir > tsil tsilwrd
wrd nrl fir f i nitle irfflta inlk < riI who Wh want 3ntM to ti t Ij be bet > e eiii
j I iii nr reA aji a aTP Lorrjlr Lorrjlr1t I greMJi greMJimi
1t mi miIn iI ltI ltI1h
TP lonel lipped into Davenport Davenportb
b hoolc for in g 1 1r1 ndv dy xicpt Xl cpt a couptt of photcs photcrr
t rr r > who vh wjth h reporter rpo r kii l 4 i f ti te teer r rif
if i er r hrte hnT were r awake awakeH ko
H had hteil hakfa fn it at the tb home A j iUi Mice MiceA 1IaFrndJ 8 8e
A e r FrndJ Fr r ni nh h n wt ho M I O Otave ktu < ta n Tlvanet when whenSN Irn
SN vi t r t III 9 I cfnk lie h left for t eu euf co coIirk iuV
V Iirk to f rntUe nk hMnrwch h hi pCh for Mr Ir Onlk Onlki t tti
i ild ami raw ra niiH the ll crowd wa wan w j jon Ifir
on n na for t ha ha1 I t hr r r xmitinK mllin for th thi I II
i i > I xveril ml liourx larpv Iar 1 iroMrtl of ofinh nrjh ofltth
< inh NdJ1I t < id < > w gave a iC yells lIs that Ihal maj ilia tti or orT
T n IIIVIIIWM lulI hetv in II Mi Ihirnat thir ir native tongue tonpuea1 I
a1 t l a t hiil th eff 1Y1 ITt Ht t iii < if f warmini warminii w lrlllin <
la i n
ft > u > ci np Ik iike ko from a i band ntand tinijt I It I
t hil hi UI1 t I lUll for tnartuil tniioii tniioiist ttiiIicI
st I r i f for ir > oat alr n > > iiirtty rely any on ond nitC i
d C I ir him t tIi l tight < wh whn n lie Ii naw nawi iciwwji
i li 100 n < wji v n imtmtont Imiti nt he h Ift IftI f 1 1 1ir I
ir r I MId ttI vikil llk1 tor < v r to Ih prenn Ir tres tresI J Jii
ii 1 ih I h > flu ft of Ih t Ii f HtriiclurM where wherec
c i mf In r ill II IIII IA aiir 1 nil Ilrlhtcl < rtilqt ildlxh Is ittd ilil i iilK II Ii
I i ilK II iiiirKltn l him him Mr MrI Ir i
r I T rhty < My I itinToux in hl liti prHlw 1r 1rt i iund
1 und the Ih hi l olonil got right ri righthi ht i ii
i r him hi b y t 1111nj lltnc th Davenport Iivenporti 1rt < I I Ivii
> vii i 1 irilk wai a Im only 01 nimi fo rnnd or ornd 1 1nd
nd nd t r Congr Cngre4M nl > IN II Wit wee a awar awartiral war warrral ar > 1 1aennral
aennral tiral miTtip if > f pulliifo plIli nil ovnr nVrtritrY i iintrv IInr
intrv Inr he h fl iil f hut nft nflr r the Ih tur ttirf I Ir
r f I It npllhl HpiiIIican piil > liciin elln party parI > i is coming to toIi 1 1ii
ii a 1 vin and nd progn prOII t iv pint pintnl
nl I our Ir < > pp Ipnnl < n ntM ° ar utterly
J I M 1 1I l I If
I < f rcl 1 lh I the h I IeinoraIIr > tnocralic ocra party for fort4 or I
t4 p > irx > f lf and oscillating nr Ians Mr Mrro Ir
ro Pn Mxprood xpr ionflilti > in a vie vieh victi i iII
h Ilepchhcin in N Xw w ork orkH I
< > II derUred that if they got 01 licked lickedh fOij I
h oud li I bon on the Ih job w when > n the thei Ih IhI
I I > i nine un Vre V re in thi title tight in inaid 10O
4 O aid WeiJont W donl care wheth whethr hthp4rarv
r r nporarv check ch k I don Iont ilontilti t tnil
nil 11 h hi > x defeated this year ar hut hutM hiltiI
t M will iI tight ApponiHttonf ApponiHtton
f i llnl 1 Hun If wo are II beaten i Ihl IhlI hi hii
A i At ut next npUllmp npUllmpJ time timei
J i > i ie R Tammany circular and i xlallth 1 1t
t iaugliH from Davenport DavenportInline DavfnporlrI
4 Inline lrI lialdv lJahhdn in once 1C more innri
f 0 1 1 i frigrfuiion in the matter mattern
> n t r cpnuuiflI onipen aion Ho Ici in mI
I firlK r11 < in conclusion conclusionral ennclll n I Iml Iral
ral opinion here w that Grilk tlrllkI GrilkIIa
I t d di
i h dUv IIa In getting itturtedt itturtedti etrled etrledn
i n > when hn the Ih Colonel hail hailith hllrlIIh budith
ith Divenpor The Th npecial npecialnid
r > nid a i Otnr tnrm that was 0 pretty prlltvnn nreltytime
I time nn of year Thin Th l o 5iiI hl l not n nott t i iWf I
Wf 1 t f I 11rt t erty cr1 y from rout repttng pet ing J U Ur Itoose ItooseI < oo e eHirntierfded
r I Hirntierfded he h HIXK 4XKI on onr fl flC I
0 r til t for til and poke inke k to them themTli IhlI1t titinilip
Tli iI lip t train rlidn tp 1 i p a J a doyeti c107 Iniritar I II
1 tar I al HUH II iii where crrwdi Tf vrrjH 1 had hadftu tutui
0 < I ftu 1 hi afternoon afternoonI
I I vi i 1itva llv It V II 4 mob of lin sr nernonH nimle nimleli
I li IaIt h i i ii liak h tnc n > l and npik ipakii I t tl
l ii iiv I with ih t h fVilone lon1 Inn I it lh t hiv v vixitMtiml
0 < ixitMtiml with itii h II nrieerh h In which whlrhI I II
I ihni t hn In > o ln I ROO gnoI < < md vote U for forIw
I Iw r Hmill hove born nloft a i hug i
r latllwl i IVeMirlenl lr1 < IInl Taft It1 It1w It Itrf
w 4 rt nf r cirnpintri nmp 4tn IJntr K terth Ih that i volt vnllol voltrtleI j jn
ol n rtleI < I ei irrooi r ftroidwny rnay at t el elc elcI I IIt c cIf
If I lul < 1 not reuwmbleflH rm hi I t h 114 Presi Presir PresiWj4 rr4i rr4iit
it wu 114 the Ih la la1 l stopping < point pointfomex I
to I r fomex 1 an The Th folonel xnoke xnokeminute cpoketflhilIP pok
minute Inlll ind flJ thnt ira nil h hf ItI
I f f wit witi Jt JtJ
I i y > i c tan n t tun m 4 bay ny direction tonight toI h hI
r without withouthere rtin tnt f fI tahza tahzahere
here A Crxxl ood mo many of f them are ar rather rathergood rathcrnot1
I good not1 1 to look upon The Th Colonel w was a ta taidol he heIItol thidol
idol of f them all and th they y lAve soprano sopranoche oprniI
I che het that could uld t be t heard otna mo distance distanceSome dietancSom distanceI
I I Some wme wav waved vl < d handkerchiefs at him Chau Chautaunua Chaut4uq1la Chautauliia
taunua fashion Shortly alter his arrival aninia nivalILt
I ILt at a D Dn Molnei the th Colon l paMMd In ro rovinw review
view 1 of the city A troop of cavalry
headed h aded the prociwulon with a feet I of motor motorI tatoricars
I icars can kidding along behind out to the thei heI
i University rhurch of Christ There Sir SirK
K RJ08 fl4Joeevelt xxmvelt < vlt was kept waiting wal ac because the thelights IheUhfA the1Ihtt
lights went w nt nut and because UM a football footballganie footbllIn footballgani
ganie In of deep d p import had just be been n con conI OODI oonciuded
eluded and th the rootor and rootcraeaM rootcraeaMwep
I wep nlina flln in loudly He spoke to the thehigh
high school hoo pupils familiarly and > < fr banded banded10llt bandedout Tir < < j jout
10llt out advice of a very v whoUoome variety
t Some day dn ud the Colonel 1 am angoing
I I going to make a speech on the Use of ofUII4IfeA ofUeeleealnfortnation
1 UiMless Ueeleealnfortnation Information H lIe llethoughtthata llethoughtthatalot thought that lhatlot a alot
lot of apparently useless knowledge that thatone tbatnn thatone
one nn picks i iclul up usually laLLlI proves prov valuable valuablanooner valuablenfr valuablennnr
nooner nfr or Liter Ii tr He U proved that lhl by giving givingpwillc Iivt IivtP gtvlncpeutflc
pwillc < P ic example fxopl of situation Ituatlon that He baa baabeen b baaiii
been 1111 in whore wh he fell back 11 on what Mt he had hadhitherto Id Idhllhcrlo hadhithcrln
hitherto considered nnldre useUws I knowledge knowledgeTh knowlf
Th The Colonel 01011 didnt say when ben he would wouldmake wouldInk wouldmake <
make Ink Information InformationI Informaton InformatonI hi hie speech h on the tbf U Ur IJse of Dfteleas DfteleasInformation UulM UaIeaslnforniatlon
I I Senator Snlor Cummin Cllmmln Harvey 1y Ingram Ingrm and
Coy On CVrroll tol spoke at tho Auditorium AuditoriumI Audltothmimeeting udtorlm udtorlmmtln
I meeting tonight tolllhl They praised pr t the work workthit worktltit ork orkI
thit Mr Ir Uoooevelt Uo1 is doing The TO Colonel Coloneldid Coloneldid
I did not speak epk us II lone Ion ae he does d ordinarily ordnrI ordnrIfor
I for he h wan wa 11 tired lirnnt and hA his voiow ole wa WI husky
I I Hn I I1 left Dea T r Moines at 1040 104 oolock oolocktonight nlk nlktnnight onlocktnniht
tonight gratified Jratff it t his bl reception Ptlol He Hefelt Hefelt Hefelt
felt that he h wa was not being discredited In
bl dt 1
Iowa an ar h is in Now w York York Hewaaglad Bew Hewas < Cld gLad
he ht had come cme Tomorrow Tomonw th the Colonel Colonelwill Coln1 Colonelwill
will 1 make two speeches he In I Ohio The Thofirst T Thefirst
first flrt will bo at Toledo Toleo and the second aend at
Cleveland after lfter which there tbor will wi be b a ascramble ascrmblo ascramble
scramble scrmblo to catch cth a flier ler for home hme Ho Hois HoI HoIs
is I due du to arrive ari in Xww aw York 011 at 9SO DS oclock oclockSunday oclol oclockSunday
Sunday rooming roomingniinrit morln morlnIIpnrI monIngiiiPnrn
niinrit IIpnrI FOR nix nixPrnlilrnt nixPfllt nIXPrrildent
Prnlilrnt Pfllt nt nf the Ih Cnue 0 iea National atoa Bank BankDraws RankIraw flankOraws
Draws the te IJnn at t Hooevet HooevetA Ko fI
A lUrtnn Rnn Hepburn president plldenl of the theChase theh theChae
Chase h National atonal Dank nk a prominent prmiet mem member memobr memher ¬
her br of the tf Union l League < ague SII Club and a a vet veteran veteran ot otrn ¬
eran rn Republican has h written wrltn to tho Jmo JmocTato Democratio Demo Democratic ¬
cratic cTato State committee cmmlt indorsing John JohnDlx A
Dix Mr Hepburn th the
Y Uppbum says N Republican Republicanparty Rpublca
party pny merits mrt d defeat f st and that no now I UI UItm tbe tbetime b bomo
time tm to punlfth It He n UeontIniie UeontIniieThe continues continuesThe onlnl
The Demoinitlo Demo < rUo candidate rldldate llr Ir fix U Uvery 1 Iavcr
very vcr n well elI 1 Lnoua a as a hash hJb principled prDcole con contoentinus CODieDli1 conientiohaa
toentinus ieDli1 fair far minded m1d I efficient and aue aue4fll uc uci ucecifuti
I < i ecifuti 4fll f ul business blim mail M I lie ha hA baa in the Ih n nitr nitrof iiri iirio >
o 01 a I ii iiiieful < rK rijl rI1 nrivftt rh career evidenced fldence tho thopoMr Ihof Otopoi4eIin
f poi4eIin poMr im of marked lrked executive 1th ability atUl and ad adI anilI
I rwlicvn tII a ni rovenior dirIior ol th the Stole ll he will willglvo willie 11 11bn
glvo ie ih bn rnpli pl and D nil he h whole people peopletfo ple pleI a anI
tfo nI nl I tiul 1 efficient RdmIDIIlon etImInIitratlon ilminUtr t1on By Byraining n nr firratnin
raining r > nln nnii 11 CiericflcC tt Irio > erienre hn h U t hatter oujll oujllrld oual uaIt uaIttlid
rld for i he Ih offl nme thin hi him chief competitor competitorI
111 nmIIinr nmIIinrI
I think It I would h be ne to the Interest Inlerl of tbi tbiiroH 1J this thisrre
iroH or rre roimnenlil lm1 nation nAlnn 10 o hare hn m mn < n nc occit occitrin > u upijnir
I pijnir jnl Gubernatorial GllhrnalorlAI rhilr an well U n th thltMd IhI lbIiidnt
ltMd I Iiidnt ldnl < nt a vim 10 1K Inow how < n urn a dollar dollarand dollaranil Iolar Iolaranl
I and JAO how h tn n i te a ih ilollar lllr > IUr who ho know knowfr knn knnr1 knowtrtni
fr r1 trtni ni prictUil oracl < 11 nxiioricnr PXHrlln nod nnt contact nlit nlitIh how liowih howIh
ih creni body d of our o pwpln earn m Ihelr Ihelrliv IhelrIhinlc theirI
I liv Ihinlc hitinuui in ind tho Ih rurtil rI i > v t rlf em m of economy nnm Uie Uiearn lIr lIrI I hey heyare >
are ar compelled < 1 to 0 prntue r i iiipport 11pr hem themlv I hemlse
I lv 1 lse and in < l their fh r tamilk tamilkNo 1001
No 0 l KIOCIIIIVH 1 rvr er r had hlo such IU1 un HPIMI HPIMItunifv lPptJltuitlit 1
tunifv tl to I iiuifor Inrr i I la 1Unl lattng lln < txtnell Lnell upon ulu Hie Hienation II IIflat 1
nation nar flat n ni Th llinvlun Hooxvnlc ilid 10 flu at thit thiti thitiIrc
i iiiiiir I > iinl li I n < ills lt ln liii populirity rllbrl with wlb the their lie lieln heI
ir I lo n rl Tilt tirir I le ilaton 1latlon nlI1 sthil esiti hlh hlhh r rIi
ln h t l yii 1t i < Miiitrii lull 11 ph ih hMd I No n atlniH alI iii I eni Sit m iiiI 1
1 tin 11 I lii dlrti iltrqinn imn WH R > niiiil 111 nor ilid h 1 I xrciti 0 In Intnniiv II I II
II I I nit i Ii 11 ii t f rv rtnr4hJ nrhl n nnr npnt npntt
tnniiv t tin I I or th I h m II nesit < VP IIV 1 lor ncimn ncimnHii IIcl ilci son son1lii
Hii 1hI i rhi 1 hat > I imiin 1 lin 1 I iv i Hint 5 1 1hul lou no nolioiidl n nhs
lioiidl hi h oinc ntii m in in II I II he 1 lri e1nt > > iiMniinl iiMniinllij sal salh4
lij h4 4r ir I r u ho h i firtiiluir r IIt tnt I izi r t ith it h < tnim iazir ri r I rjd rjdind rad1d
> ind 1 rId HiMiir T it i iii 4 intl IHI itl ti lio t will w I I ir lqt i > ft I Mini liii nor norrtin porI r rnrn
rtin I of il hi ii 5 nivv nrn fler I o tihmldiiitf ii thti I IIII II intl mitl ii4 ii 111 111tnt >
tnt I ln fai f tnrvr Inr t 111 tng lioo AeJ AeJilinirh t e et <
ilinirh 1 t I It Hh mil irirdnun irirdnunWith I i iC n nWlh nVtth
With Wlh ih r rorr rwnrrt > onl of r th the h ricputilicmi Ieluhhea i Iar lartr lartror > rtv rtvof
I of this bint State uj u > dl llclod > < lo d and id known lnown of r all allI ni
i I men n It I rni n to I ni I ih part rat of gix iSHHh I bu hl tnii tniin i in
n i JIImn 101 noralnf0on noralnf0onI nnberathe cntiinion cntiinioni4
i4 > n in I hav 11 u j thence > hane hnl in I the thetori inminl fhlnlra fhlnlrann tr trinn >
I inn I I e ih h IMNIU hlnoed hlI1 over n r vrrill erilleh erillehI rI l ln
I end < aiiIltd 11 h iniwtesit 11 11 peopis a hl ha 1 Iiae
n IP > int IlitPtOit re t in rmi oiling an anhl hii > is isS r rI n ni
I i > liirli miv nM Ii I Ie d > iivrd MiptMi s Stippie lor 1 1TII 1In sfliIileIl
TII fliIileIl inif In iif tliii t via hi stm ttiIe i if f Srn f t oik II nn nlll iiI > l till tilli M Mi
i S aried till eirl r rtt 1Ip tfIoi5C tfilsrI tfilsrIat 1
at i unilr c I ii if oinriil 01 no r1 of r i inl 11 individual individualIlri i tiI i si iii 1 I II
Ilri I ii 1 oil i Illlllk I hi > illlT nub r I h IrtUlllfillIII irvIInil unlan nit C Cthre ci ciI
I thre r I 01il ntif n lie I p a liinc hlt In n he 1 trwim trwimliii s en a 01 01hiiti
liii h or r ii I > h hati n in i h p ptriiisel rrfYiiiiMl o 11 t I iti itipir 11I 5 lie liepar
par I ie i eoti pon ilil I tie for r i us iiin 11 11rl tIltCiI im nr nrtppltitic 1 1p111
tppltitic rl p111 I IU ih I h Imp l 1111 hit > n iiiv n iiil IItr > l niit to toItO IIII
ItO I I he tmlliiril tsuI it iciI xlluatlon 111tnn li net inn t 11 Ii In flll ti i hit 11 I > ilo iloin 1 1o hi hiIll
in o Ih the tfcl e rvdnv < mndii of prnno Irha1 uffair uffairM If
M I well I at ih I the mnniEiiiiii of it Hi I hie MlJi MlJipuhlu 111 111hh ttis ttispit
puhlu pit hh hI n interesiD 1ItI lilt erels oniru ini nlrllolC rutct Cl I > our i Ir iha < hare hareI arf
I am al vets 0 i rnnh > > of fr r ih I she hI opinion pa Ion thai th u I i in is isass
n ass diitv 11 a j i rincn rln in II ti vole tse > for a dae liaii hiatg hiatglit e ein
in I ill 11 the 4lmtni ilnnllmlnn sjinniilrntfnn iratlnn nf r our ur r Slat a ITnr sflairTEIUt ITnrrrnin lilr lilrTI
rrnin TI ln F rn f11IIWS riiiiiiivis ivrntvs nooti nmliIIIT nmliIIITLa rtr rtrLan 1 F FLan
Lan La lrofr rroffnr Professor or of Columbia Cnlanlhll Came Cauf a itlr Ntlrhv itlrby tr trby
by < < onir onf nemarkt nfl11n al a 1 Tea TraBy TI TIB TeaBy
By B dsfendiiiR rtfndlnl Theodore RooMvelt RoeJt in inan Inan inan
an adit ad adeot ji on th the defer rlfrnC deference nc du due to the thecourts th thcurt thetotIrtC
courts curt Prof Charles Larl Thaddetis Terre Terrvof Tr I
of the Columbia lAw aw School Shol made mlldf n stir stfiat It stirat r rat ¬
at th the annual tea tf1 and Rnr reception to th thinmbni thmmhn the theinmbre
inmbni mmhn of th the first frftt y yoir Mr r law I clam dt in inKarl inJrl inEarl
Karl Jrl Hall In I vHtrday try nftrnoon aflmon Prof ProfTrry Prf PrfTrry ProfTrry
Trry did not mention th the Colonel hy byname hyltme hyliame
name ltme but hm hi description dnplol of a leading Nwidtnecit7n Idineil7pn leadingcitizen
citizen eil7pn of If the lnit In IInltd < i St hiatee Il t who received receivedin rpCif
in 111 almost I I 011 rovil wolcotii 100 thr three months nionlhsMR monlhH
MR H igt U tipoti UpOI hit Ii return r1 I rn from frur abroad IIhrmd made madeit madit
it < plum that Ih th tho former Prr PrciIcnt ulenl was IA the theman Ihfman theman
man in lht I thewakers h f > ikpr mind mindTh l initidThe lll
Th The jrof flrne44nr vir who ho H I an In ardent II IIrttibliirin nflhlcI Re Repliblicin
rttibliirin and Ktmlly rI preniden at the theannual thpann theannual
annual ann flhlcI I publican IIIIKH mll in vline Ilnl on the them thplmpl theuttipliM
m input lmpl eiemed m m1 Mi In II think that Rf n Ronse Ronsevelt > o ovlt
vlt 11 i frrillciHni nr Ijml of the > cviurts Nllr were not nolh1 no noInd enhid
hid after Iftr u all lil it i I and that Ih Ih t he Colonel tolonelittr ti I Itrat Itrartrn
tr trat trartrn ifirn wen mi ni th the wrung wrnnl tack lalk Hi Hirmurk fiA fiAw liii liiirriirke
rmurk w wru > r not rc reeeivl iv < l with ilh any anyaiiiiutit M118mml tinyatnosint
aiiiiutit of nthiiiHMtn by II hu hear har harman > M Mmany rs1oCt13
many man of whom were r not in accord arrorrl with withhit wIthlii
hit 11 MlitliTirnliAfter MlitliTirnli entlniellefter ItmII ItmIIflr
After flr the Ih nc rirptiofl ption v sum > tn If of f th the students Btudntsrnliri studentscr11 IuonlrtlCI1
rnliri cr11 rtlCI1 icitiI < l their inMriictor intrulnr itist risctor for dragging draggingin rlfl < inl
in politics nn such Ich anoccamon In an Th The ttt tttwai 11 teawa
wai w plli > nuppo stipp4sd uppt < vi In I IK I pnttiiHIy prirtiti nl1 rlly n itevent nociil nociilvnt 1111 1111nlII
event nlII it which th the nw n students lldnl might mlshthave miht mihtha mighthne
have ha an n opportunity to mt th the mmbri mmbriof mmhn
of tf th the faculty ralul oppunl and nd inir IIIir ibeirfamillee ibeirfamilleeJtttlItO1IS families famll famll1f
11 iinons 1f IW nt Ii T nr OJ 11 rnurns rnurnslltta IOLITIbite
bite II I bah on I i The Tf > Mutt u1 Jrl 11 et In InMllh InIII inShhIi
Mllh the III People PeopleDLXXFII PoplDt PcopieDIVFR
DLXXFII Dt R Nov O i Otto 010 H Kahn of ofKuhn 01Kuhn ofKuhn
Kuhn Ix Ih > b A c t to o ayrt the Ih railroads railroadstfluot rlurow rairon raironW4t
tfluot W4t get It out of politics polli and 11 get t in with withthn wih wihIhp withthe
the people peopleXVilh peopleWflh
XVilh veral directors rrfto of the thf ttilon ttilonPacific enionPacfc ltuionPt4clfic
Pacific Pacfc ind President Pr ldnl Ixjree of th the fJela fJelawir 11 11war flawtire
war inr 40r1 nd Hudson Mr Ir Kihn Klhn arrived arrivedh arr arrivedhere 1
h hr T today tnd ufter Ilfr a 1 trip trp over the t h Denver Denverand Denvernrl
and nrl Ttlo i Irn irnnd road rotd and an uncent IUIfnt of ofPikn ofJik ofIik
Pikn Jik Peak Pal over th the cog roud rOld Mr Ir Kahn Kahnf liahnir iahnaid
f > nd
ndrh ir TI rh ri1i railroid rallt muit mlt get t ntirely out outof Olt Oltor nutof
of poi Inlj ir TV TI ilrf tire ir getting ltuns out of It Itno Itno Itnow
no now ind hv h he will wi s get t further out Ju Just jllUh
0 fi mc i 45 hv cm nm n Thy I hey have h jot OI to toeUhli toahlbh toptjtIih
eUhli ahlbh h mor t intimate Intmdl relation with h the thepapl th thth thepeople
people trfiimelveM th IAh Railroad Rirad men ippre apprlthi appreutitm ippreMHt
> MHt utitm this thi more fully tuly silly than I n nnyhody nnyhy in the thecniiirv Ih IhIr thentitir
cniiirv ntitir Ir today loray Ii H I a 1 tny r rnvsttCry IIr try io m mthat mf me methat
that th they y did dir not appreciateit nppred 1t it tnng ong ago agorh 110 110Th agolhr
rh lhr > n ni ttn need 11 for anv an sort Irl of strike strikei strikehtwe rik rikth
htwe ti i th railroads rallruh and th this people opl who whoin
u us in 111 thefti > in Ill Itua l railroad nuro mn 10 are r not notand 101 slotfoIs
foIs and tutu 11 thy can AU undratand Imdtnrl th the feel feelililt feeljug I
jug and ncl turns 1m of the th people tlld ur the Iho I IeopJe
Jl 1 enple iiiii tilI 1 certainly underntind InrI1 th thrailrffcid thriroad the ther41road
railrffcid riroad 1111 m rn tnn n if f no 10 one cotns < m in between betweenthem betweenthetis lOn lOnIh
them Ih to iniiddl lulrl ui i > mailers raUr Th h rail railrrmrl rai railronrli
rrmrl have hlv got nt in In 0 11 throw the Ih polllieinns polllieinnsnvfrlmnr ffllfiln ffllfilnovrlllrt pnhitlciiineovprhnird
nvfrlmnr ovrlllrt rloro < t nnd In go IO nlraight io th tue plainpeipl plain pJlinp plaintairis
peipl p wltli wl WI I I is recJiomiM ron t tie r request iie t > Ml l rife ri ritehusyts f fhurt
hurt husyts thinl things 1 nround nroundIt 11 till lirnusntiihltrd rolnll rolnllIUf1
It IUf1 Mini Illfiioeir 1fIr With h a aI I 1Ilnl 1IlnlI hinl siti sitiI
I I IK t IC tri t XU Niv v I Norrnan Sfrnan iorrtian K t V1111401e llliarn lm n nHo 1 1vrlll It5k
Ho 5k jsrailuate vrlll formerly frnry of New w York Yorkrin YorkrIt ork orkril
h ulurlml law la unit
rin ril where Ind recently recentlyii
ii retiienl of ityvill lay layvllIllr villf near this city rom rommilled cpttjiiiittl ml mlruin1
milled suicide Idl toilay by blowing off 0 tin tinKip tl tltIll
Kip of r In I head with h a 1 shotgun holltll He lp had hadbeen h1trin luauiiflring
been 1 Buffering trin from melmcholy rnchnly of er I Liitt Liittthu at atdun I Idl <
dun dl thu h I lii > a firvous breakdown and In 11 a lit litof lt ltof litof
of de d destotiden llldnc totidency y took tok hi his If life lf Ir r rLama Wil Wilm WslI WslILame
Lama m was wa a maD of independent Ild pod D meana mon I
Ii eu A 1GB Iv ii till III a i ir H ilL 15 15HfUOV 1 S ELut ELutfIUOX I IMUU bW1iiL bW1iiLWILWX
rr MiuuLK3EX ti bLSE COUNT rorvrrAnd cnVTIA F Fad
And A ad He Expect Eaftl to B B Ha Elected Eee tad a to Be BeWatched i a aWstthedTkes
Watched WstthedTkes aldtTe Takes the Ue Refuiblleaa epl M Merase fla fladUnes a ade
erase de Trcatsieut Taladt as a Wga p of It ItBelief III IIIIler IiiBelief
Belief Iler Teat Its U la I for a Ucldac UcldacPEHTB UekS UekSPUTO UcklagPaiiru
PEHTB AJJBOT ASBOT N o J Nov 4 4Ro 4Rain Rain al alday a a1dy
day d rain rai all I night great v awlsaing wteg rocket rocketseveral rkeu rkeueen rocketsseveral
several een bands bd u harmonious hooiou counter counterpoint eootr eootrpint counterpoint ¬
point pint 2JOO 23 p pn pesons nona ad and ch cN chaste ra that thaiboomed thatboomed
I boomed boome like lke the te surf Nr surfths the constitute constitutethe contlut contlutte
the te externals es1r of Woodrow Woow Wilsons WU6n n ner neil neilto n nto
to the te last lt day d of ts this campaign cpa Hall Hallof Haj Hajof Hallof
of Middlesex lddlex county all of Perth Per Amboj Ambojcjune Amb AmboyeLms
eLms ce to his hi meeting me ln here hef tonight tolaht arc arcMr Ad and andMr
Mr 31 Wilson W6D gave them freely from hl hlfull hlfuD hit hitfull <
full measure mesre of discussion diulm dlscuuionand and ad confidence confidenceKu cofdeace cofdeaceHI
Ku HI iA raid < Jd < d to the crowd erwd that lht he wanted antN aac aacexpected Id Idezpe1 and andexpected
expected ezpe1 to be watched watchN cot or he 1 H K Kha
ha was u going < to 0 be b elected elee Governor Governorand Goveror Goverorand
and thereupon Iherepn there the was Wa a veritable veritabUuproar v veritableuproar rltbl rltblu
uproar u r Ue U added ad that t they roust mUlt elect electlegislators electlegislators I I II
legislators I < GistoMl to back bck him and ad then tea witcl wac1ithe witclthe I
the te legislators 1latol too tooTho 10 tooThe
The To Republican lepbUc machine mane leader leeMl sale saleMr rd rdIr aaldMr
Mr Ir Wilson W11n belisve bl the thing thg to do Is II U UtaJco tofh tetake
take fh care c of the te big bl business bene and ad let bij bijbunineft bl blbul bibualnes
bunineft bul take care c re of the te country Oty Now SNowI NowI
I believe beveo h h he said I in taking tC care c carethe ol olthe 01t
the and letting them take takeof
people c care careof
t pplo a le tf
f fJ
of big businea busineaFurther bl bueineaFurther
Further J rher on 01 Mr Y i1j wUo Wilson said ed In Inden C Cam Camden
den dl and ad Atle Atlantic City Ct diligent prepar prepartlon prep preparslions
lions tlO are a at now nw making ma to t vote voter ot whc whcdont wudDt wIcdont
dont dDt exist u I want wat to t may ay that t the tu people peopUof prpJor
of Now SO Jersey Jer Jrs y are not n going to stand standmuch Iad Iadmuc standmitch
much muc longer Jnge for Philadelphia Plph ganj ganjmethods aa aaItho ganmethods
methods Itho In I Camden Cde They Tey ar are 8 going gotajto KID KIDto
to ask ul ak to see s these tbee voters votersMr votero votero1lr votlreMr
Mr 1lr Wilson Win praised pre Perth Per Amboy Ambo be becaus b bcu because
cause cu it ia I one onef of the te first flt towns tows la I New NewJersey NewJarsj ew ew0
Jersey to 0 have a nonpartisan nooprdl school schoolboartl aooJ aooJbo schoolboard
board bo He said u he h liked Ila this dll manu manufacturing ru rufacuum manufactitring ¬
facturing < town tow toot because bes here her tier tieris ter thereii
is ii always alwaY going coi = on the te American Aercan proo prooess pro proen
ess of f compounding mpundis out IU of If many may nations natioaionn naton nationsono
ono 01
onnThis This Tle campaign Cpaa Mr Ir Wilson 111n went on onis onII onIs
is II Is not no one intended Inledl to settle l ttlf the fortune fortuneof forune forunef
of f Individuals lodlidua or parties parie It is I a a quest qIet question questiona ion iona
a 1 < to which blc H Set et of men can C better beter serve servethe ervetho tr
the 1 State Hero Hen Mr 1lr lr Wilson Wlln asked aakf1 hi hiatidivuce biaudience his hisaudience
audience not to think Ihln of conservation conservationfor cnlralloD cnlralloDfor
for instance Inaanc in terms lerml of Alaskan ukan coal coalwithout tl tlih coalwithout
without ih ll thinking tunkag of factory f4tOI sanitation Iltaton In InPerth InPerh inPcrth
Perth Perh Amboy mOr which is II surely lurl but a con connervation cn cntlon coneervation
nervation tlon of the te spirits cpt plrt ts and health hellh of men menI mll
deal rather be free freein treein
I would otd a great irtt I fee feein
in my thought 0111 than in my m body by re remarked r rnuak retnarked ¬
marked nuak d the II speaker pnkr Then Ten he led If up upto uptu upto
to the t subject of the t Republican npuhlcan machine machinein
in New fW Jersey y It I might mlJht call cal itself itselfprogressive Itselfprogressive
progressive prllit until unti it was W3 out of breath breathhe bRl bRlh
he h Mild id and I could uid not believe belie it itHo I itii
Ho I ii doubts If It i il is capable apblf of moving of ofitelf ofiIIf ofiteelt
itelf iIIf but hiI thinks thil it may be dynamited dynamitedTheyve dymie dynamitedTheyve
Theyve TIy said ht things about abut me m that thitought t1t t1tuught thatought
ought to embarrass mb < nA them tm if they th had hd any anymanners anyannc anytnatincn
manners annc Mr Ir Wilson lln remarked rmarII of otjrup a agroup agrout
group of his opponent ofponat but hiI they the > always alwaystlk alwa alwalal alwaystalk
talk lal jrup that way when hn theyre Ih > n going to get getlicked getIckt1 getlicked
licked lickedThe
lickedThe Ickt1
The Th note n of victory wn WRI clear in Mr MrWilson1 MrWilsone lr lrWln
Wilson1 Wln speech Jch He n talked 1lkt MI frankly franklyand fraklvad
and ad MI 0 plainly plinly that the th audience watt wattalwayi wasilwtiy l l1av
alwayi < 1av either laughing or applauding applaudinglea alpllding alplldingI
If I fleeted ht > aid lalPin he h will wi at 11 lea least leasttin hn hnI tune tunetlii
tin advantage IchnnlK that he h will wi stand on a aplatform aILlfrl aiLItorluu
I iLItorluu of his and not on a ¬
platform party 1 rty Oi per personal fr persouI
sonal 111 one itt n filch Id as a hm hi opponent has hal built builtMr hllil hllilIr builthr
Mr Ir Wilson Wltl nerved fd notice 10ll oPlonft on all hands handstonight handlonl handstonight
tonight lonl ht that his hi party pn mu rl snuict t keep UK UKpromises ilt itspronuiis
promises prnl And ne if th Democratic IJmrtc pro programme proJrarf progratome ¬
gramme inn Int t earned carrll out theres Ihr going goingto goingtO nin
to Jrarf be trouble trubl in the th Democratic Drocratl family familyAt famiy
At this the audience rin tnt unit > t laughed llght and andthen aDdthn andthen
then cheered chn But every el family famiy row ro Is Isinteresting I II isintersling
interesting Mr Ir Wilson lln reminded mlndf his hishearers hi hihNrf hishearers
hNrf hNrfIr hearersMr hearers hearersMr
I Mr Ir Wilson Wfn ilton went fnt from here h to Carteret Carteretand la1 la1and Carteretand
and poke there briefly brfy tonight tonldt Ilejiad Ilejiadan I lie har had hadan
an audience uudiIC p of trm Ifi or w so > to hear in ilr ilrI itita ititaIerth in inPerth
Perth Amboy mty is il Democratic lmonuic by h low Irl at atall alal atalI
I all al time Im and probably by a great Irat de d1 d110r dealunnn l linnr
innr 10r than that this year ar ivianM ivian l I lwia lwiasr wis wisH
sr H > Uf k here lr two weeks lk ago 10 and there Ihr wre wreslatyseven wlrf wreIsitysevin
slatyseven persons fn on c1 H street corner cornerthat romlr romlrthlll cometthat
that held h1 Sim ue I tonight tonightOn lonihlOn
On lii his hi dual Ilal dRY < l v of the Ih campaign 11 to tomorrow 10mnrrnw tomorrow ¬
morrow Mr lr Vt Ion speaks bak ap at Glen GlenMidg mnHlh 1n 1nRidge
Ridge Hlh Bloomfield moomlld and East t Orange rnl at
3 I and i in the I h afternoon aflmon has h dinner rinnr at atthe a atthe I IIh
the Ih lt > County lolnt Country Inlntr Club Cilb and In < then thenepeako thnpak Ihesuiietikl
epeako pak at S P at Kreugers Auditorium ldllorill In InNewark Inik Inewark
Newark ewarklllIf ik ikInlTO
InlTO lllIf KTO rox noifs run runbefore l IF WLSOX WLSOXtn IX IXn
tn n tCnthnilatllr IlntlI llretlnc IUnl on the Ih Lnlvrrstl Lnlvrrstl4amnas Lnh ink erstI erstICam nl
4amnas 4amnasPRINCETON Cam CamInsNrtioN
PRINCETON IJISrETo N J J v ov n i Democrniic cDemocratictithusiasm Democrniiciiihueiasm Dmn rRtlc rRtlchuiam
iiihueiasm ran high hlj here tonight lonlgt at 1 a ama ami amate
ma mi mate meeting held hl < in Alexander exandtr Hall Hal on onth onIh onthe
th the univet lnlil tsnjvnitV > itv campus Princeton Prnon is i is the thehorn Iht theborne
horn town 10 of the Ih Democratic tmorallc candidate candidatefor eadi < l lfor
for th the Governorship and the th hall was waacrowded wa wascrowded
crowded with his hll adherents ahrnl Although AlthoughMr lhou ltboughMr b blr
Mr lr Wilson Wiln was a not present prelnt two of the thespeakers th thIpeaktf thespeakers
speakers Ipeaktf are ar candidates for office nm f on the theDemocratic Ih IhDmOr8tc theDemocratic
Democratic DmOr8tc ticket tckt An n hour before tfore the themeeting tb tbmt1Inj themeeting
meeting mt1Inj a hand followed folow 11 by b a student studentperade studentpeeraiie tldnt tldntprat
perade marched rarchfd through Ihroll the I hI streets Mreetof streetsor trf trfot
of Princeton Prnrton playing pilyini the th football fool bai song songWay Inl songWay I IWay
Way Down in Old Ort New fW Jeirev JeirevA Isrovgood
A good jood sized crowd composed eomJ mo molly mollyof lly llyof I
of undergraduates lnrrgraual was coll LOIIt eolcted tled Prof ProfWinthrop Prof1nthrnp ProfWinthrop
Winthrop M t Daniels D mlfI t presided at Tim thogathering rhoIthrinj Timgathering
gathering Ithrinj and was wa tSe t tii first fnl speaker H HKaid Hir He Hestaid
staid ir that thi throughout IhrollnJI th the Mate III loin IDU is isreckoned I Irpn1 isreckined
reckoned rpn1 as the Ih year in which th the Demo Democratic IJI IJIcml lttnoratl ¬
cratic ratl arty lony > is to come into th the powerwhich power powerwhich powrwhich
which cml it has long lonl d dr1 dtwrvei rved and t hat Wexwl Wexwlrow Wielrow 1 1rnw
row Wil WIIO tVilsntt > n has h been recognized rjlzfd a as trie trieleader th thINdr iiiIeudr
leader INdr to bring it to that position Iillon In hi hibrilliant hIhrlat his hisbrilliant
brilliant campaigns amfalln Prof Irnt Danils anll e saul saulWwelrw id idWoodrow
hrlat Woodrow Ir Wilson lln ha has brought hrnllhl that part partof ari ariof I
of politics irs io S 0 an n intellectual lOt illct I In isa I Ian > an < Miever Mieverbefore nererhitore
before Itlt atainen ntaind tie He I iomrn contrat c contrated nr1 < < H i iRepublican with wil h 111 111A the thelteitsIhthtCflui I I
Republican omtto r A party an to ni niDemocratir nil ntle Ih Ihto IhUmralj the theImfflrzttir 1
Democratir motto mnt t pan lit tt to toStorhton serve eerveEnglish serve14ktohi n n1Clnl
Storhton 1Clnl Axson hfn tSsnhi professor of f Er Ern English Enjlah in inPrinceton inPrIricetittI I IPrlem
Princeton followed rnlowd Prof Prf Daniel H Hst j jP
st Prlem P > olce of Mr Ir Wilsons lftnnI Ilsotis characteristic characteristicaction chartlrli chartlrliaetinn charactpstiaction
action Ilok In staying Iayn aWRY from the Ih maui massmeeting I Imeeting I Im
meeting m llnl on th the grounds end Inr said that thatthe i ithe I IIh
the Ih people opl of Princeton Prrton had hrt known him himfor himfor himfor
for twenty years yal and nd h he wa confident confidentof
of their support Prof prr Axon Azeonconclsuded Azeonconclsudedwith concluded concludedwith ndlrfd ndlrfdwllh
with an appeal Ilppr for the th support of Col W VVlibbev WIinhv Wlihbey I
libbev 11 77 7 for Congress eonjl luppn and Woodrow WoodrowWilson Wor VoodrowWilson I
Wilson for Ciovernor Dont Dnt split plt This Thisin
Wlo in I the th Democratic Umorllc year r Vote 01 the th whole wholeticket wholetlfkft wholeticket
ticket tlfkft he h wid widCol iiItfCnl lid lidCol
Col Ubbey tbhey was w the th nest speaker par The Thekeynote Thekeynote he hekynote
keynote of his hi speech a b was given in in his hisfirst hi hifrlt hisfirst
first sentence sentenceThe senteflceThs enten entenTh
frlt The average 11 wage of th the laborer Ihr in inth Inth Inthe
th the StAt tAt of New fOw Jersey J is II SI 37 3 ft I dny dnyWhere dl dlWhf 4evWhere
Where Whf does dO Republican npublc prosperity proeprty come comein comei
cne cneIn
in i Cot IJhhejr tlhty gave IR statistics l1tlltl < on the thetariff Ihf thetjirliT
tariff and on national nliontl conservation and andended andndfd andcled
ended tr cled up If with wih an appeal for votes not notfor n Dotfor t tfor
for himself hlmI but hit for appl hi hI his cause tU I dont dontwant dontat dontwant
want at your voles a unless Inl thy th are for the theprinciples thf theprtncipIe
principles of the thf Democratic omoratlc party partyJ prty prtyJ I
J A Montgomery Iont omr 6 caught I h the ltf crowd crowdfrom crwd crwdfrm crowdfrom
< when h he began bY I IOf
from frm the th start str hJn saying sayingOf sayingof
Of two things thlnj am I 1 certain crln Woodrow WoodrowWilson WoodroeiWilson lynR oro
Wilson Wilon is il the th next Governor GOro of 0 New Newjersey SewJr NewJersey
jersey Jr and Princeton Prncftn will 11t beat Yata YataW nl nlWW nls nlssv
W WW W Roper HOJr fa 0 coach coch of the Ih univer universitr unlvrlitv uanivercity
city litv football fotbl team got Iot an In enthusiafltta enthusiaflttareception entliuslastloreception ntblrati ntblratirf <
He mad A speech h that
reception rf ptlon I 1 tht ap appealed al appealed
pealed to the Ih townspeople InnIJopl in the th audience audienceby nudlfnc
by pId talking tlk in on local Inl Issues IssuesJordan IIu IIuoran lessieqJordan
Jordan neither neither1h
1h 1 b he Her I Ir fIr r Uwlcht Jordan of th the Ihnrk the thess
e ss ork East A ilelhodl 1 hnlI Conference ronrerencretired nnrrn whit whitr h hrnlh
r rnlh < rntly retlr retired < l from tror pa paitoral rnrsl work while wtulnin wll
in II hiira 1I of ff Trlnl Trinity thssth < hiii < h In Harlem HarlemMI Ilrll
MI 1 aas iiarri trruiI l on riiur rhssrsuIa dny cl evefling venin in to n f lr lrI I Ii Irs IrsI
I my ii i Whbr Whhr h1wr of f I7I I I Miidl Msllsn 1U nn iiviiti iiviitiKIIW n esite esitet
t KIIW 11 of r Itllmrd IIh fi Ul Wllr tehPer > l > r mrrhsnt mrrhsnth trrnl trrnlhn toerchantaho
aho h hn dl tIled i al a 1 nh nhfi nhnsit > iii two r f vrfV vs I ri a tigiiremanr ngit Tli Tliretnonf Th111
retnonf look place 111 nt lt lh I the h Rrvoort llnii llniiIn Il hlnte hlnteIn
In n llrnnkltn IrnIhn the > li Hv I l Ir fIr r Ihrl hnrles H itilJrin Wlnl Vln Vlniiprmtendeni >
iiprmtendeni ilJrin Ir tenlent of fr ih I he M Mel < iluxli hndit i c Imnli qlr qlrI lhsuirrlu4w1et Imnlis
s Hit I onuirilintf fnlIInl Ifr stud 111 Mr r fnrdAU fnrdAUuri nrdaosri
uri Hndnur nJ ur their linn hnlYloon Iuonvtnnnn ynioon at II FroKjrt FroKjrtI
I I uher hr h he his h ii ontKo ijtsfg IH home hnl fJJr nr nrlorlxn nr nrIlan fltInrvlsn
lorlxn I is 11 II fntf Ar old olr and no his hIl bride hril ro 5 rnrs rnrsII y yeirslie
II I lie hn l len > n n widower Ilrnwr for or ver vrsi rll rllIr l yean yeanMr ers erstir
Mr Ir Inrdann Inrn first n hunluind lets hr an anatinullv 11 at atunsslty
atinullv llnI of ivmo I we and 1 an Interest Inlfr In hi hieimte hill hillpilate 111
pilate the lb bulk dk of 0 which u tient nt lo ib their lr son sooad
I ad d daughter dauhler ID
TnK TR XKn iii x xJcfMrwM i iYIOiALiii iYIOiALiiirreahiaeal iAL3J iAL3Jrea
rea rreahiaeal JcfMrwM l I as If ste the the Horlil HorlilOM RorhiGil orlll
OM 8 BctattUsm B s st2im ef f fla Oae Maa Wa u rawer rawerIt Pwa Pew Pew1Tc
Ise 1Tc It CANov SOT 4 aThsodore Theodore r Rootervlf Rootervlfy Rnlt RnltSaw RooseveltsNew
y Saw w Xattmallsjn dnm U tke a most mot dangerous dangoroujprofframme dgto dgtop dangerousprogra
profframme p progra any political pUluJ leader leer has b laid Uidbefore ld
before bfor the te AerlC American people pp since sc the civil civilwar cvU cvUw dviiwar
war w It would bring brD on o tupea4ou stupen4oumI tupea4oubuslnsAi tupo tupobu
I buslnsAi bu crash cTah and ad moan me Canaiism Cr la lagovernment I a agovernment
government IOVeet and ad bankruptcy bnlpt In I business businessThin buU buzlneuI
I Thin T U the Ihf way President Peident Jacob Jacb Gould GouldSchurnyuj God GodScu Gould8chugan
Schurnyuj Scu of Cornell Cornel University Unverit charac characterized chnD charaotertied ¬
terized teme Col Roosevelts noevelt latest llet schema schemaof chemeor
of government lovreat tn I a speech ph delivered deliveredtonight deUr dellePredI
I tonight at a miss ml meeting metl of the Cornell CornellCivio Corel CornellCivlo
Civio Club a nonpartisan nonpr organization organizationof orlwuon orlwuonor
of students tdeD which discusses die political politicalproblems pUtC1 pUtC1prble poUticalproblems
prble problems The meeting mttig tonight was waagiven wasI a
I given lln over to a discussion dMloQ by prominent prominentprofessor promInentprfo prominentI
I professor on the issues tUM of the campaign campaignand Aplc
and Dr Sehurman Scbuno who ho was ae a delegate delegatato deleqat
to the Republican RepubUuocnrntln RepubUcanconvatan convention at Saratoga Saratogaw Sratoga Sratogawa
w wa was a asked ale to sneak pk on1 on th the New Nation Xationilisai NationnILai tioa
ilisai 1 Ue Iiesaidinpart IiesaidinpartI said at In part partI prt prtI
I I regard r jard Mr RooteveUs ROM9I New Nationalism Natlotulumthe Nltoullm NltoullmI
I u the te most reTolullouary and dangerous dangerousprocramme dangerousprogramme D OU OUrOlrawe
procramme rOlrawe any political pUtcI leader der has ba laid laidbefore lallI iaIlbfore
I before bfor the te American Amrlan people Ipll since the lh close closeof cOH cOHof
of the te civil cwla war To vail I It an application applicationof applcaton applcatonof
I of the te ancient aDelnt moralities mor lte to t modern moem COb coudlUons CObdlon conditlona
dlUons dlon U I a dontirtcht douljb travesty tat of the te Deca Decalogue Dcalo Ilcalogue ¬
logue lo In reality lal the New NIUloDal Nationalism of ofTheodore ofTheodore r rTbfore
Theodore Tbfore Roo Roosevelt nvelt U t the te world orl old I depU1 dee deepotent < tet tetcotlini
potent pU1 of ooe ODI man power powerLiks pwel iIW5t iIW5tLike
Like all the t advocates 9oct of despotism dutul Mr MrRoosevelt MrRoosevelt r rRoMvelt
Roosevelt RoMvelt finds th te cure cre of f tau Cat must t human humanIlls bua
Ills I Ill in an a omnipotent otDlplet arbitrary ubllral and med meddlesome 1 reeddIatom ¬
dIatom dlMme Executive Euct9e Tie T founder ef f this thisrepublic th1erepubUc thisrepubUc
repubUc wisely Instructed IDltt by te t political politicalhistory pltcal pltcalhlll politicalI
I history hlll of > f mankind Ilkld narrowly limited Ur the thepower te tep thepow
power p pow of the Federal Felra Government OveneDt Mr MrRoosevelt MrI Ir Irnlt
I Roosevelt nlt would wou Indefinitely In lty enlarge ea1p tho thopowers those thosepowers O <
powers pwera tn I tie t detriment dlrent alike alik of home rule ruland lu ruleand
and State ttle noverel 1lrellt sovereignty nty And d In his Ii highly hlchlycentralized hhly hhlycntralzd highlycentralized
centralized cntralzd national natonal government onneot be Con Concress ConIr Concress
cress Ir and tb the courts court are U t in > be subordinated Kubordlnutedtn ordlnt
tn I the President PresidentThl 1ad nt
Thl Nr f Natlonalikm SatnnaUm be decljtres decljtresreasrdk decl dedertirezards
reasrdk rlud the Executive Es ut power Ier us the ttrd ttrdof steward stewardof
of the piilillo lhllo welfare welfareNo wlar wlarC
No C longer the Ib three Ibr coordinate cooldlnat powers powersof pWUI
of our Government This Th C Crlao Csrian riati Presi President PrtI PrtIdD President ¬
dent t Is II to II bring hrln about a o more 10re equal eQu dIe distribution dl dltlbutnn dIetributlon ¬
tribution tlbutnn of property poprt It I U uot 001 ex explained cxplalned x xrllnf ¬
plained rllnf how b01 the t poor fr man 110 Is to I set t klsher klsherwacrs hh hiabersages r ra
sages a 1 than a solvent nl nuslneta buln ran afford affordIn aford afordtn
In pay pa V Vet t Mr r KooMTelt Inoonlt lonstautly lonstautlythat lon8tlll lon8tlllIJpot tonstantlsuggests
suggests IJpot that If only w hail a I highly ico icotralhied en entralie n ntaUNl
tralie taUNl < l government nrnmenl and d a O Crnn Cwsnrlan ar1an rrrsj rrrsjdent lui luidnl President
dent tbemaxwsof the n1U ntasss H nr the Ibfoplt people would wuud bo b1uen b1uentlr beinitch beinitchbetter much muchbetter
better tlr uhf ft I Hu I iii mind U I dominated dOlln bi b tn tnfallacy Infala toe toefallacy
fallacy fala that 1111 tt it I thduty II the duty IUI of tbd lb Government Governmentto GOIDlent GOIDlentto
to support upprt tliu tlu individual Indidu < whereas here bereuUI of ofcour idcourse
cour course UI It 1 is e be Ih individual IndllJwll s l tl > o upr i1perti i1pertithur IIMt IIMtIh > ort ortthe
the Ih inTernment fiovernmentHut inTernmentlInt
Hut 111 If it fAll fAi In CcDiLructtve < notrucll n lructlve reoultn It the ther th thSo ihieNow
So Now < r Natlunallim atunaiim does r It I its perfect rfeet vTorV or In Indestructive InrtIrurU litcIetructte
destructive rtIrurU medrtlM > m < > and nd use 11 Iispsi inoi inoiftrenrn Intr11 tOterttrencn
ftrenrn with 11 himlneim hloln That stern old oldtnorll hi himoal1
moralist moal1 Pr Siniti Inhiifnn Inh u It isd d Jf lo say saythat > u uthat ntht
that li I hre i re rr few things thln1 Ui II which a min miniin manan roanvan
van an IK I more no Innncently mplvd than th = In Ininaklns InInAkln inunakln
inaklns mousy m Not 01 it o th the upostln otl nf nfthe nfI ofti
the I ti N Slonalhm Sutmnall < m II I lie would olil ullnu 1110 1110mil IIo in inman ii iiinCh
man mil to t tnak lal mon y however li hCntl hCntlun htofleItI htofleItIunless n < tl tlunlc >
unlc un unless I < it todd oll < be br proved rro1 tel f IOIITSM olr to melt meltnUrlril VI sellslarhI
nUrlril Rarl1 Imprniiint nnrlln inspectors that thli thliii IhlIII thimciis
ii III mciis n pro firoqeritl iierit wn warn n a l 5eneflt n nnt nt io I other otherpeople ethernd
people peoplend 11
nd a ktill 11 latter IAeer errs of e < i oernmvnt oernmvntnmclali < vcrnm romnl romnlomlal < nt ntofficials
officials w wiiitii h bo n nceiarr ces rv lor another anotherwhem Mothfr Mothfrhn anotherscheme
scheme hn of bY th the N ew w Njitlonallsin ju lniallitn > al m Mr MrHoo4STfti Mrhtinwvlt lr I
Hoo4STfti 1 lt piopo iinpni nn tn II mhjiTl llJc the thu hlu hi riu hl hus husfleas l lnr I In
nr n fleas cnnivrn which hl h diul t on an Important Importantwal Imlurtnt
wal 11 In th 11 the n flptesarlt irlV of fr llf If life in h he imo anekind imokind nu nukln1
kind and a d dr dere ri nf control i 0101 ont rot and siirrvUtoii siirrvUtoiiA stijeri I stiii stiiias
A as the II public Ihll eervh rvli < orioritli f > rllnn > n Mini Miniran Wh Whnn Viiian
ran an IniMIne Im < ln th < oii 111dc > endoii hii h business ine inr s rnli rribithkh < rnliwhlih rn h hhlh
whlih hlh tin I this h pUnk IIAn nf fh P New X N etionaliin etionaliininiiIil ilonili loDal1 ni niwould
would 11 hrmic hlnl about nbnl Hut 111 Mr Ir Roo ro Itooeitlt Itooeitltsye evelt eveltj 11 I IHIDIUr
j sye iyi jaunllly HIDIUr tm in IIt tuiutit nut l h he > ready to l fte fteanT < ir iran le I Ieh
an anT Q tempoiary dl illisseter ter If I only nh lhrnnili lhrnniliouch thrnvhsichi
ouch eh disaster dlall ran ra we I attain Mlaln our iir r tfo inil inilrh oii oiirh il ilTh
rh New Sf Nationalism llnnUm iwII p II ll Crlrlsm rsirUm In Innrernment InId Ingovernment
government and Id bankpititc banlrllf In tuiiiir hI htjiniii htjiniiiand ln i iand
and 0 < all thaI without ihollt addlnif 11111m a tent nl tn n the theimom thl theInterns
Interns nm of th the sg c j e115flr nrn m r or r any au other otherriticn ethercitien thfrn
riticn n rvrept rept pl th the polltlclAJi 111111 and his lu army armyof arm armnr arroror
of new n overnmcnt nfnrinls nfnrinls4wiv omeinis4VES
4wiv 4 ISKS tW Mi innci 1J in nrir nrirCnnerrxnisn Irlr IrlrCnncr QIITCnnrrstniaIi
Cnnerrxnisn Cnncr nln Tells TI Menatnr onllnr III ills Candl Candlilar rnl eanitiIae
dar > Tlirrstcns Tlrlrf in llefeat Part ParlyIownt rar ParttovitL
Iownt IWtIL Vox iv 4 The Th following folln open openletter openletter pn pntn
letter to Senator Henry lfnry I Ahot Lodge ldl w ws wsgIven I II s sgiven
given I n to the th pre tonight toliiht by h the tl Hon HonDuller AnnIltlr HonIlittler
Duller Iltlr trnes rne r Republiran candidate ndld81 for forreelection forrItion forreebction
reelection in the Fifth Firh Congressional ConeresMonaldistrict CnnlrlonBI CnnlrlonBIdi Congressionaldietrsct
district di rlct afterthe aftertheorigirpil flrh original tri I1 had been hn mulled mulledto mathto
to the thO Senator SenatorTn nator natorTo
Tn iHr Ii it linn IO llnry 1r1 I nbol bol ltda edc < aHanl aHanlMan 11 tatitl1ai
ManPr Man lou louOln l1aifitin
Pr Oln fitin n Sjf SIl xs one nn of r the rht Republican Republicannominee Rlubliean RlublieannnmID RepublicannomInee
nominee for onerem I onrt at a n 1 lo loyal > al member memberof
of the Ih Republican rllbIIAn party Ilr A its > one on anxioiis In lnI for forthe rnrIh mrthe
the Ih MIIIOH I or f the Ih Republican RfIlbllan Stale tl and andI amtonerlnnal situ situnngreotlonal
I ongre onerlnnal lonal ticket r rI I respectfullr rrllllh tall talloiir al all allsour
sour > oiir n attention Rnlon to the Ib following tololl recta and andrnuke aDI aDII andmake
make the tl mellowing roIOID < suggestions suggestionsThre uujcentionsThre t leInl
I Thre > e ears r ago aln Mas Macsehsuette achu elts wa u He Hepublican I lIenihhtan
publican 1lhU nn bv b inonon II1 majority m4orl U 111 lest t year r our ourOot our10rnnr ourGoternor
Oot 10rnnr Goternor rnor and aDr IJeutenantdoternor lJeaitenanr oernor pulled pulledthniiah Illed Illedthrturh pullerlthrough
through thrturh hy h a I ir scant ant nt in 10U 50iiSt votes nl while whl the there Ih Ihrt1 therest
re rt1 rest t of the Stale 1II ticket kt held 11 nearer to normal normalmajorities narlnll narlnllm normaltnsjurftIs
majorities majoritiesTill m 1 11 I
Till ve year r HI everv n rally ral and nr In every everypeerh efrO efrOrrh everyspeech
speech rrh the Ih Democrats Unlral hate ha attacked anakP our ourdoternor Ulr Ulrrnnr ournvernnr
doternor rnnr and In < the th whole Male 4tat ticket lekt on onoiir in inmitT n nIr
mitT > oiir Ir at Ilrllnl atrohltit count Th fhev hate h iterated U ra and andreiterated andrelteratel ht htr
reiterated r lr that a vote nl for In > nt 0 and th thDemocratic If Site SiteDemocratic <
Democratic OmnraUc ticket 11 would ollli he h I a vole 0 Ilainot Ilainotlh against againstlodee eain t tIxxtve
Ixxtve lh you iyoilb J JTh i iThe
The Th reelection rIr Uon not n only nnl of our nlr fiovernnr fiovernnrbut rnnr rnnrhJ
but hJ of f the 11 whole hnl State 111 ticket rrkl I to great greatjeopnrd < reat reatjmMird r rJlord
jmMird > oarmir lo the Ih opposition Inllln of the thevoter Ih Ihonrll thent
voter nt rs senerally onrll to I Ti tour reelection to ih ihI 11 ItoI <
I II lilted I Slate Senate n and In1 to tour nlr rftntin lnil1 lnil1Inl ird irdonl teulI
< onl Inl tit ml nf the IhIul party attv s machinery rluhlnn con citniirittg citniirittgevidence ln tine lwln um umetidrnce
evidence I nr of if which lie I l in n lie I far ra thut thuteiery
eiery 0 cry Iiemncratic mrHll peiktT Int and nd et erer erj n l Itetrut ItetrutV > m mcratii mi
cratii V ra I ii 5 iaier 5 rr ha h i mad ao > nur olr nhi r ho hotsliiit Mijtiri 1 the theI4iiv t he heliIt
10 I4iiv of th lhl hli iiimpaian IIAlin1 xll la IIr ant l winter winterMirnitf winfrltrituit inlr inlrIrlr
Mirnitf Irlr RnT n T summer nr I maintained nlunllnlth1 that toijr toijrinntrnl IH nr nrI
inntrnl I nlml of t the Ih party IA fnachlliT lachlrr we A Illilnl Illilnli lrrl
i il 5 I to I tv th the pnrtt IBrl gut rt t i iI uiTe uiTeII u uI <
II I I is nun no apparent In ev erv rt one in n this fhvurli thisiscl t
urli 1 I the Ih r4 xnd in ord 1Ir ir1r r Hut Ihol our ourfioternor tur turrn iirioverflnr
fioternor rn and all Al the Ih u4tnr < tnte ttckfi Ilrk mat matMixed ml mlIt Is Isfrom
Mixed It from Impendinc Imtn < ln defeat clr I i4Bet i4Betthat ltXgetthat
that in it spirit lrUr of unen 111 uittelflhnes n < hi and ant with lh lhremembrance It this thisrmmhranee <
remembrance of twenty tnlllour four te esrs r of nflb 1111 puh puhHo
Ho lb service rvl to our r part IM veil 1 retnoto rf thi thil Ihl thuIssue
l Issue ue by at once n and n1 publicly lhUh plditin IItln ih ihxoter 11 iiivoters >
voters of Ma Massachuuft Ihll chu > elt < i that you nl will i nt not nulI t the
he h n i andidate for reelection Iettnn to the Ih I nlted nltedState nll nllal tilteitSatss
State al Senate nl thin lomlnc omID > January JOnuan > fhi fhimay fhma his hisrosy
may ma eem m to xnu n to be h hen h herohi lr treatment treatmentof IrRlmlnt IrRlmlntf
of f the Ih present pr nt political rllcal situation luAn hut there thereeem thereseems
seems eem m to be b no alternative aIrnI It can an hafely hafelybe arlybl arslybe
be bl predicted that Ihl If I iii > o j will 111rlolol rloiily make makesuch mik mikh makesuch
such h a withdrawal wlhrrawal our whole State IIt ticket tlrVetwill Itdti ticketwill
will i win with wih ati satisfactory fi ctorv majorities manriU I Ihope Ihop Ihope
hope hop you will w1 believe hI that this nuzgentlon nuzgentlonas 1100 1100a
as 14 a lo 10111 lozieal ical corollary nrlar to the Ih above lo men mentioned On Ontcn menlioncd ¬
tioned d fact ra tA In I not actuated by b selfish selfishmotires inh inhmotives I b bmntl
motives mntl on my part but I Is prompted rmId hr hran hyn byan
an n earnest mee de cleol desire lre to ave a1 our nlr Ooternor ffrnr oternr and andthe InS InSth unitthe
the th Republican Rthln party ry from threatened thrlatn d dfest 0 1 1feat
feat ra Very n re rpculh repcCully p cfully
nCTL flt mtit AHZFEItElti AHZ tidzaFEnElt U UFEDElU10GE
FEItElti FEDElU10GE t tCDGEOVTrtE UDGE n ON TF TIlE STVMP STVMPnsihlnatnn STtJVIaahtngton TrJ11 TrJ11allnltnn
nsihlnatnn allnltnn IJemorrsts rrt Pretest Prftft Agalntt AgalnttHerent AalnstIlcient In Inleni
Herent leni App Apnt Appointees nt s etlvlt ietltltTacrot etlvltTACOXIA eth1tTAcmu
TACOXIA Wash Nov 4 4T 4The The Demo Democratic Ofmo Ofmocrtln flemcretin ¬
cretin crtln Congressional ConKrftnal committee commllt today todaysent loayt todaypent
sent t an urgent Ir nt telegram 11 ram to President Taft Taftnnd TaftBnd Taftand
and AtiorneyCirneral lorn tiorne yirrll Wkkersham Wlkerham re reiue r rmmly rei1iieting
i1iieting < iue ting summary mmly action acion regarding Irdln Ked Kedera 1 Yetlscat
era rBI Judge hlt Edward Fwfrd K t i Clishman Ihman of Val Valder Vaildcx al ald7
der d7 Alaska AI4kl who last night made n nvigorous aIotu iivigorous
vigorous Iotu partlxun speech fh at n Republican Republicanma Upllhlln UpllhllnmR
ma mass meeting mflinl here hereHe hrII hereI
I He II is I lulled 1111 to speak ftpk Hgain Mlain at the Ih final finalcampaign fn11 finalcampaign
I campaign rnrlill rally nily on Monday nnay night nltht nightHa
1 Ha H nn n npK APPo5fllifl PIKlnlr > inled by h President Taft Taftt I
tt > t the Ih request if I f his hil frnlhr brother the Ih late lateRepresentaiiVH 11 11HI lateflejtreeentt
RepresentaiiVH HI I lvii Franrm prmrl fushman fushmanDemorratH rhmannmn81 jushimainflemoelate
DemorratH nmn81 iirited IrIt fudge fld Cushman lhran not notfo
I fo 14 participate partlelpl in lh III < > campaign cBmpall declaring declaringit vledarinit
it 1 contrary < to precedent and a to tf the th Presi Presidents ¬
I dents well w1 known r1e v views > ws regarding rrdlll the theJudlclnr7
I Judlclnr7 Jldld4t The T telegram tfIJrAm to t th President Presidentay Irirnt IrirntA
A says ay he h defied the th Democratic D tlc commit committees committees ommllI
tees I advice ar Th Denio Dt Deniocruta ruts rall declare rierlarethat rdr rdrth
5 that the th > matter InUtfr will wi Iw I taken before beforeCongress beforeI or orConlrHf
I Congress ConlrHf if Cushmsn Cuhmn be b not cenburod cenburodor ce url I
I o rmove
OIMlILft GDIT OIM3ZLTrsvelCenter Trcvel el Center Cente of New He York I QIMBELSTravel OIELITrael Center Centr of New York YorkXnGimbel YorkI YorkInGimbel
I In XnGimbel Clothng Clothing Business a aBusinessldeal aBusinessldealHas Ideal IdealHas I IHa
Has Ha Its Concrete Expression Expressionri Ic Icr
r ri 3 To the te common cmn knowledge kowledge that tat success succe is not attained lightly lghty do we welay welay velay
lay the te concern conce we gave the organizing orgai = ing of our clothing cothing business businessThat busine businessThat i
That just jut another store would mean me little littletto ltte tto to New York meant much muchto I Ito jto
to us uand usand and we studied to create ceate an ideal idealThis ideal idealThis I I
This ideal idea became a mens store big enough in a physical physial way to do doan doan r ran
an important imprtant business busines and ad broad brod enough in business buine policy polcy to make n ncustomer i icustomer I Icustomer
customer of every thinking thining man who should sould give this tis store consideration considerationApplying cnideration considerationApplying I IApplying
Applying business busine sense sene and commonsense comonsense no the equation has hasbrought ras rasbrought as asbrought
brought this ideal close coe to a concrete realisation realisationIt realiation realiationI
It I t has meant ment the creating of a clothing coting business businessno buine
no nor restricted retrcted to the te product pruct of one tne maker makernor I Inor Inor
nor to the styles style of one designer designernor deiger deigernor
nor to the fabrics faric of one mill millnor mi millnor
nor to the te product prouct of its it own shops shopsnor shop
nor to any ay other oter arbitrary arbitra business buine arrangement which whih might place circum circumscribed crcum crcumscribed circumscribed ¬
scribed limits lmit upon upn its it business buine or upon upn the selection seection of its merchandise merchandiseIn
In a word wor it has ha meant ment a mens store free fo present preent the best bestdesigns bestdesignsfrom designs designsfrom deigs deigsfrom
from the best bet makers maers free to dictate when the te question questioninvolved involved a better betterment bettr bettrment betterment ¬
ment of style fabric or tailoring taioring and never forced to arbitrarily arbitraly mark the theline te telne theline
line lne of style except as it may concern concer good go taste tasteThe tasteThe tasteThe
The Gimbel Gimbl clothing cothing business buine has not been nor shall shal it be measured measuredby measued measuedby
by any business busine yardstick any more than Gimbel clothing cothing has ha been beentreated beentreated beentreated
treated merely merey as a matter of so much cloth coth and stitching stitchingMens stitchingMens stitchingMens
Mens Suits and Overcoats 15 to 60 60And 60And 60And
And under this caption we might present a tabulation of every ever staple stapleand stpleand stapleand
and new style and fabriceffect fabriefect in mens s clothing cothing for morning afternoon afternoonbusiness aftemon afternoonbusiness
business busine and evening wear wearThe wearThe v vThe
The Gimbel Custom Shirt Shop ShopInvites ShopInvites ShopInvites
Invites Critical Men MenMen
Men rn who appreciate good o shirtmaking shirmki and shirts shirt that tat fit ft ueland weliand osmfortablymen osmfortably mforblymen
men u tho ho like lke to make mke their choice of materials in quiet surroundings with ith expert expertservice expertservice
I service crice to aid ad them thcmal themall all these thec will wil be N pleased pl ased wfth wih the Custom Shirt Shop thatwe thatjjwehave thatweI thatwehave eJr
have established tab1shd on the Fourth Floor Flor adJoining the fens Clothing store tore toreWe toreWe
I We re have provided a collection colection of hirtings that are unlike unlke in pattern pater those thoe that thatmen tat tatmen thatI
I men will wi find fnd elsewhere elsewherethe the pick < of the best ot foreign iorci n weaves weaef wcavesfabrics fabrics abric of distinctive distinctivecharacter distincthecharacter distinctivecharacter
character And to have patterns paters different from other mens s is one of thr fhl chief chie chicfrea chicfreasons rea reajons reaons
sons for or having ha n ones shirts made to order orderihc r rThe
The 1 he other reason of course cou e is to hive them fit ft perfectly perectly and this we guarantee guaranteethcvwilldo uarantcethey aantec aantecthey
thcvwilldo they wil will do The lc materials include includeShlrtinfa includeShirtings I II
Shlrtinfa 8hllncs from Vienna in bold clearcut clearcutdwins cearut JAndersons Jndcrrns madras md in neat designs dei and clever cleernoeltiev cleverI
I I dwins dCi in exclusive eJcuIe coforcombinationv coTorcombnaton ScIK ScIKstrirvd Slf novelties nOeltic 9360 1 to 96 96Shirts 6 65trir 6strifcd cenr
strirvd rridras ldrn and plain pla hite cheviots 9360 9360to
5trir J < n Shirts with French pi pique ue and tucked tuckedbosoms t
R to 9660 9660Shirtints Sli O bosoms for evening nln and dmner d dinnercoat nner < oat vicar car I IShlr1lncs
I Shirtints from Paris Mrm imde < icyard pecej pecejof r eces Excellent varictv With J1th thec e ue C recommend recommendbodies rcoommendI
Ie of a design from one or mother maker 13r of the thesmirtcsc bodies of oft t madras or Lnnlish lone cloth cloth5m1rt
l smirtcsc 5m1rt t fa fabric brio 9360 to I 5655 5655Shirtinis 6 260 to 460 4 4fiOShirtings O OShirtlnll
I Shirtinis from Scotland incudinc D fotirth Floor FloorMoreNewsWrittenSpeciallyforMentoRead FkwrMoreNewsWrittenSpeciallyforMentoReaci
t3 MoreNewsWrittenSpeciallyforMentoRead MoreNewsWrittenSpeciallyforMentoReadheels i
l I The man m an in quest of shirts uill u III II find findamong heels h els at 325 325 that will go quickly to men menwho menamong menamong
among the splendid new stock in the Mens MensFurnishing I who appreciate a good thing thingSecond
Furnishing Store special pcC HI Paris shirts at 2 2m Second cond Floor 1 1The IIn
m exclusive Russian Ru sian cord designs dC3 ns a varictv varictvof varictvnf r ctv ctvCf I
of fancy stiffbosom shirts hirt at S1 1 150 and I GimbelStetson Hats for Men are areaccording areI
I 2 and plenty of the remarkable Gimhcl Gimhclpliitcdbosom Gim cI I according accord 109 to our notion the best hats made madeIf maderItcdbmom maderItitcdboom
pliitcdbosom 0 shirts at 1 1The I If there were erc better tter we should have them themMl theml
l Ml 11 regular Stetson Stet on models are here and andjmc
The range rangeof of Men s Neckwear is equally cquailvimpressive I
jmc made onlv onl onv for Gimbels Derbys ii
impressive Irom hundreds of o ot patterns at at60c
350 to 5 Soft ot th Hats 350 to 12 12Also
roc to scarfs arfs of finest imported Im rted silks at 2 2to 2to 2to
to 3 360 O Mam ra n Floor FloorGimbel Also Iho a wide choice cnoicc of English En lish soft sot hats hatsat h hatsGimbel ts tsGimbel
Gimbel Special 5 Shoes for Men Menstand j at 3 Fourth r Floor FloorFrom Hoorstand r rstand
stand today for the fullest measure of value valuethat From A full stock of Mens Winter WinterUnderwear Winterthat Winterthat
that can be put in shoes at their price priceThe I Underwear we e mention cotton ribbed ribbedunion
The u winter styles include all favorite favoriteleathers
new inter
I union suits medium u eight at 1 a i gar garment ¬
leathers in tan and black in lasts for all allfeet ment Medium rcd um weight elht worsted shirts and anddrawers
feet A special offering otTerin today is of Men fens s sCalfskin I drawers at 150 160 and and heavy smitJry < dnitjr gray grayool I
Calfskin Calfs an Shoes with knob toes and high hl h wool ool shirts and drawer at 160 160GIMBEL 160GIMBEL 150GIMBEL
1 1caaaOIaIlIJJJ11DIIIGIIaaa ll
1 caaaOIaIlIJJJ11DIIIGIIaaa iscsseflmsIcuuweuspce susIIIcepIt1oIIIssuppppcpI lIIaIDDDOIOIOIODQ DDIGltllcOloaODCDDDODI
mmiTIlIT El KlT ti It hl W < iSEOntiK iSEOntiKl Ion Ionon
l on Mr Marshall hill or Indiana tlrmw 11 Comrnrl Comrnrlon r lmparltlnn <
sans on Itrlwrrn the th T Till To ToynaLtvtlLE > o oKKVTMUVILLF I IIirSfJLLtIU
KKVTMUVILLF Ind Nov n 1 I DIMIIK DIMIIKmnc IinlI Iiseiischug
chug I th t the h n new > w nationalism m h today hr Goy fiovMir io iolarhll GoyMnrhali
Mir larhll hnll i omparwl former formerocv IriltNU lreeiiienthinsevelt
hinsevelt > ocv < It t to Ki Rin Eitig K Oore Oorelli or folIll tiglani lnrl lnrlL1 < i iLI
lli L1 > paid in pan panIt
It i is now nn propn roposeti l that t h th t the h hii hllin hllinor business businessof in w wof
of th the country he h transferred to the Stat Siitam Iat IatI111I
am 501 I111I trial 1t < fifth of th St State Ial l > in the Ihp < city ly of Wash Uahi WafthlIIton Washitiurton
i lIIton net on to I l ho aclmmintf rtH tnT there by byMovrarti hy11ard 1 1steward
steward of public affair and a Iriiftttw Iriiftttwniilr I fll flllIurlr tileS ie ieuinuler
niilr tod Oocl A Apt hitward ward of public affairx affairxand AnainIInl allairesitu
and situ a trustee I rtllIndr tinder hid < o i IK I not a n new w p per r
r I
Kon o i in AmrlCm m > ric in politic Ir wn wnacninM witagainst I1 I1RRlnt
against such n iwrMinaro that th I 1 1ni In InIIi ln lnlusts
ni lusts t HRfMl their I w war wltrRln warKing r rKing
King Rln G OOrf Cinrgr H > rjf itt f Kclinl WH I a utownnl utownnlof llnl llnlnf
of public affair and in S rIII IMP e iiinlnr O n1 n1Iikf mu < > < 1 1Iik
Iik like n Invillmi old idiot li I > sat t r hI hIthrrie nx nxthrnti i iIhron
thrnti with llh hi liii Rold crown mvkcti It u1 r ron rono
on ono fl Mr oiling thn fh I Pt t ooni ulonists t > 1 1111111 i i mil mila tnili tniliaway v vnav
away a aiil all I bringing th then ni back tn England EnJlandfor Englandfor
for trial I just > t n < IM II i ni noire r > nvirfprii it stwitrul stwitrulf w warcl warclf rii riif
> f inihlii anal atul ini 1 nl04 < under jod ClndOIldtl < jodoiicht hwlsought
sought to I tal tnle > th > > fdilnf dili > r of tn lI1lnd Inilmnnpo Inilmnnpolo ltnopo ¬
lo 11 ncwrnatiT f i a > Wa Wahinlton hm i > n for trial trialIf
If King Kin O nr snrgc orK vv nr > r in Indiana Indillnartav to today tiday
day w we would hav him III ih I the h fcobU fcobUmind fhltI
I mind mloNIIfhlol minded i school at Fort Vivn Vyrie or th I h he Epi Fopiu
I leptie ptlc Ie Village illa at New p I tuttle V W We < wrxild wrxildnot
not hav h hs him adnimiM adnuinustering trinl rinc th the atTain affaimof r
of tf our i ppl > ipN > UK WiII V will hare ha non of bin hiaI
I Kind Kindi I Ii
i i I 11 vvi p > i mt intndqui llln ndril rd that our Govern Governiiifti
I iiifti II Hhvilrl h 1 I rI l h hi > i t ftronx I rnl1 Oovernment Oovernmentbut t
but that I it Hhotilil b hue weak ak k in the sense senset njn njnthnt n nt
hut t th I h he ilut iuthn1itn hot II IIS > rhrxild hI I have ha UK ii little littleTh littleower t tIt
ower It PcII PcIITh ptcnihle ptcnihle1he
Th 1he ihorv of t our fiovernmcnt wigs wigsthat WM It ItIhlll i ithat
that it lIhIIr1 fh > nIdbH b best rone ron tongonly only in theHrength inthtrotreoClhnf J Jof
of IT its < p people opl strong ronl onlyin only nl In thcon Ih the I1t conscient conscientand oienc 1tencanrl < oiencand
and judgment of ih I the h avxrag man and andwoman antiwomol andWonian
woman tiiiou which it rests Th The Amen Ameriran Amencan
ran lIn t Hiplx toOp will n niter > vr consent < to return retunl1n
10 tli this clays ia of Kiwardship and tru trutchip i itveshilp
tchip Hi
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