A ittSw M A S3WWyi253 S3WWyi253THE Lt t a I T Tt
tlP imbt gf Je U USAITlmH uu uuSAitI ltt lttSATlUDAi
SATlUDAi SAitI MALMUElt U Uinter1 ltllklt 5 1JlO 1JlOtnlrrrit 11110tnlt
= =
tnlrrrit at t ne II Imi 1111 < iin < at a t New w Yiirk W JTII JTIIiu3 in > crnn crnnILIM
ILIM l1 MaU I3UI Uaiur UaiurMul J4L4 J4L4MubctIptIifli
Mul I MubctIptIifli crlptlni by MjlU uIp4ht uIp4htIAtIV IP < I IPAI1V
PAI1V 111 PrrMimth lrr Unb o 0AIL S SAILY l lAltY
AIL > er r Yr r rSUNDAY II nil nilIot fluU1Ai
SUNDAY Iot ll Tcr r Year viur If 3 3IIAIIV flu 1111IIA fluDAtl
IIAIIV IIA DAtl II AMI 1 SfSDAV 1 1cr r rIIAII cr Yeir YeirUAIIY rr
4 UAIIY IIAII ANt SII > HSNMIXV II Ier rr Month MonthV 7 7PotUir
PotUir V oslU Le to 0 firrl frrIfl < n rotmrl IIntI < aJill aJillAll jdIIfl
I All 1Ib fl rbrcU u brc money nll urilcr tr r in lie t I nialr AI I tiV tiVIui av aviCI5
iCI5 1 Iui III THU 1 MN MNPublUhe1 I Iif tIbIIh
if PublUhe1 blh1 br Ir ihe h Sim s Ifl ITIntlnc u mt PtbllMilii PtbllMiliiMirlnl Iibt1ilriM1d3 blhblCb
Mirlnl M1d3 b I tln > n at IM 7 u Na S > iu nJrti In I tlw tI h lt I3flIh > riiuli i iManhallan sf sfLlinhaiin
i Manhallan AOMI Nrw S ur ort rl ITMIIH I if t Ine I II AMI AMIrlatlon
I 7 rlatlon dat hil P rl r i Wlirti 1111 i I i i i iJ Na u lrni lrniTrraturrr I Irlr
J Trraturrr Ut > f ih h < A IM < H I M 1 I I 14It alfan IT ITAauiiiilrrrl 1 IJ IJsii
Aauiiiilrrrl rlr sii 1 ilrrrt sitilar SrAr i trlafl > of t Ir 1 v iHl ktitloI lloa UUI U UUulnn I II iiQuinn
I Quinn IIDn 111 11 NnvvtM < tnri tnri1rvflJonoTrr
i 1rvflJonoTrr 0 rnnihtm 11hI llmiw I t piiwlrl Tuk trt Mreet MreetStrand tretirtn4
Strand The Th ilalo tl4t bl > and ftI uiulav 1 S < on n 01 wle ur I Ind Ii Iilumlmi In InInilon
lumlmi nd il u the h mrrlran mrl nnl A an t itiolal ntji 1nhMUt 1nhMUtIarllunttrrrt rirhneuTIlOfl
t Iarllunttrrrt uTIlOfl rlun tFt llegrut ICI Irrrt and nII flI Ua t St imhli ImhlC ueamhtIAu imhliAfrrcj1
Afrrcj1 Au C uCi I 1 iirrrn irctu Un harn hI ur r ll I ItoaI > ad ad1aiUiiPr
1 1 1aiUiiPr W Rile n UiuUledraml h ranI I be t dally 11 tIy am amhundavrdltlniKnrrmiMlr AI AIUndAY anSundAy
hundavrdltlniKnrrmiMlr SundAy iIIuouu IU n arr 11 un tr 11 at A t Klu t1I KIuq n ir I nrar lur tli tlitirnndllolrl IhI tht <
I tirnndllolrl GrlDI Gi inI Jtl IIiIel Klin I It < iif u 7THuulraril 11lllul0 1II4tuIu TII I d l t tturur aiiuimn aiiuimncurnrr AI nl nlcD
curnrr cD Plarr I 1 IAev dr dIOp IUptra an 4n1 < l Kloxpir K lu I llitilr 1II II dr nn nnijr Aj AjI mrt
I Iliir Uiiil Ir I fraud fraudour rftu1 2 2It
ijr r2 Hallciis UIS cnrnrr n > 11 iAI1 iAI1I
I It our Oi frundi M Ico no n farvr u > mitt t Sh runuiiflrJ IIupl fa fapuMtfUtlnil fupUUCJtIMI O O1Irn
puMtfUtlnil 1Irn cUIMIirr rntrtril < 1 inittt rl rrturittlttlr rrturittlttlrmuu rvuiriiIIIhjWais4 I VrJ VrJa
muu tn I all a cdS ifnd Pd fiinu irI 1 tar fu IIP tHjt 4f pjrriir pjrriirThe p pTh
The Th I hu Approaching PIroilhlnJ Itay ItayTho I ITho
Tho Tb time tilH I jtnu to hat TilKtMMinK TIonol KIMWR KIMWRKlT Hnu Hfl4VVIIT r r1YIT
KlT 1YIT in il 1012 HI itit is i b on 01 Novotnlwr orllr s lUlo H nox noxTuewlav IIXt IIXtTu
Tuewlav TuewlavTin Tu da daThc
Tin 1 Iti way a to tu l 1al W3t it him him in il 1012 II is i to 11 tu liiusl liiuslhim tlih tliht gitiisihin
t him now 10W to put plt an al cttj ml 11 to him as I L4u M olif olifbo > lit liti
u i icZI al Iwss bo < in il Now uW w York State llt to tl litin litinhia hlry hlryhi Iuirvhis
his hi prvtonxioiiK prchI OU his hIl IIrolt Iur xrsonul ainbittoiirt ainbittoiirthta alhilimi IItIOfl4 IItIOfl4hts
hta hU dowtnictivo dtrrtht inti inlntloll intntIons ntloni < hi uiu uiudoing jiowcr WIr o odoing r rdoinR
I doing furtlwr furhr harm to I husiruK huin ami 1111 to tcthe tothe tothe
the stability tlabilt of oxuitinc uuJtil in iUliIUliol iUliIUliolhlB Iutit titutioim titutioimhlB lit iotuuu iotuuuhiu
hlB Itoosovcltmm 1Olill his hi NVw X Niitioimliniti Niitioimlinititinder Itiolalint Itiolalintundlr ItiOtaIitIunder
tinder undlr a majority for or IM tlw OM ntiotial Natioriatin ntiotiali aliolal aliolaliam
i iam m KO 1 o iniprpHriivo by h bV itw it inaKiiitiuli IUIlltldl thai thaino I hattO littno
no tO man mal can Inl inmtnki itlk tin t h siunifiimiii signifl i nifjal a nu of oltbe oftbe ofthe
tbe 1llh FqIIuIcluiIIg r iiclcliini l vot votThis 01 ot
I This 11 i h i ho hi ovorsluulowinir 1Irlljulowiu i IU EuIIureii m fm fmTiimdiiy
1 TiimdiiyTen Tiimdiiy U4dlel
t Ten el word nrd from < nli u lln1 > n l I rnn IonsEvI OO > KVKII KVKIIwould ur tr trWould
would woult hay IU1 rumortxl rmo1 that IIIt I tnc iuc to tu th thadviintnKv lil t hs hsadviiiitagt <
j adviintnKv avl lt1 of hi hk < rumi ululidu < iat I for Oov Oovernor 11 11f ov overnor
I ernor Hi H > has ha not it prunounriHl tho thowords Ih Ihwor ttoword >
f words wor flt H > did not tiu Ithnr1 uitlniric Sotiittoi SotiittoiROOT IrIIturBoor Imlr ImlrI
I ROOT RO to say them th1 for him himHopublicans hil hilUfublkl biiuuItiuubflean
Hopublicans Ufublkl all al over th t Ii > Stato Sta t win wincontribute whorntrihutn w weontributu
contribute rntrihutn to II th t h hu < majority fur tin t h 011 011I H Iki IkintiotuaIitt < 1 1Nationalism
C Nationalism ltonalr will wi II N II < a Iln tinc 1u no voti nf > o otaclj nf nfC ofIRek
I taclj lel of rontidrnn rontlpnr in Irwidont IrHidlnt TAIT TAITand 1 T rr rrand
and what whit ho h nprps rprlnh iiirt Quite lul ih t h hu < con contrary ronI ffltrar ¬
I trary trr trar wt plioulil snv if it t us L u 1 iincstion iincstionas tuIustionaabetwenTtrrand U tiol
t as a aabetwenTtrrand b bwtn tvrH > n Trr 1 and HOOSKVKIT HOOSKVKITLet HnosrnIT HnosrnITt
t Let I t elf lfIItil > M tlIlK and ald iitrvativi1 iitrvativi1Republicans IJal It r at iVu iVut
i t Republicans npubla n Irlmbr > menibr r Nest t t Tinduy Tinduyin TIdII FuIIIvjj
in i the timo timll and nd possibly 1lul th tw > only nl tini t tn tndefeat tndeftt todefett
I defeat deftt TiinnnoKK Tnrooom HOOSKVKIT m Il i II IIlrt t9I t9I1orut iv ivI
lrt 1orut I Morlry Iuurtcu Withdraw slit llllr IuIra From Fru Indli IndliTlio 11 t tTim
Tim retirement retirclHltf of Icmv Joij I MoniKr tIrr from fromtho rrnr fromthu
tho thl artive Icive artvework work ff f polt p4tittc4 > olitl w fir the th office oflicof onc oncof officeof
j of Lord President Iidnt uL of th tlie t ouncil uuldlllrly uuldlllrlyhonor LS t purely purelyhonorary puirolvhonorary
honorary honor will wi 1 IJ ho > attributed attrlllhd officially officiallyno ollda mdulr mdulrno 1k 1kno
no doubt to his increasing lcrelil years r lr though thoughin thou h hin
in Engliah EIih public fubll life lf Iif 72 j is iJ h looked loked on n ox oxno a a ak
k no great reat age l e He I remains rcmlin in U the th Minis Ministry Minutry tmi ¬
try tl for Mr Ir Asqimi AgtITI qtrrii cannot mlot afford aIor to los 10t 10tI 1ot 1otthe < i itho
I tho influence infuen of his hl great Jrlut ntune mUIU among amongI mnonJ flflofl4the
J I ho Liberals Lbra and there is no 10 indication indicationthat ullcation ullcationI
I that in Uritish ritih lat matters l Iord rd MOKIKYH MOKIKYHviowa Mo11ivsI IOII H HI
I I viowa i differ dirfr seriously ttriollly from those tiOI of hi hirollcaglleo hi Iiteollcagtirs
fO rollcaglleo 1tu 1 The Thl public will wil I1 look to toIndia toi toindia
i India for the thl tb real rt31 reason rlon for hu hi with withdrawal wih wihdmwal withdrawal ¬
drawal from frm Ins 118 po IlKt WJt t as II Secretary and andwill andI nd ndI
I I will wi find Int confirmation rltnnlUol of If its It belief Lew that thatthe tblt tbltthe thutthe
the India Office C fliu r has ha proved f to fi < x O > mm 1111 h for forhim rorhin forIi
him Ii ini in the th appointment Ilpointmt of the th Earl of ofCREWE ofLEWF ofCREWE
CREWE LEWF to be his hilluc sue uc ei lor lorI euorIt sor sorIt
It I looks lokl us IL though Kngland 1n laJd were Wtn ex exporting x xJting Ipoeting
porting Jting trouble t rub in il India I nt very toon tXn and andwanted tnd andI
I 1 wanted a man in n the t hI sieoretaryi sItarr rutary oflue ofluewho ofi ofticwho
who would not lut hesitate IIitlf to tis tf uI vigorous vigorousmcamireH vIgorouuI I CrlU
I mcamireH melnlrM in 1 rose rll of nrvd n Kuropcan Kuropcanduration Elruptnfuration Eutriqauu
u duration furation is M having hU1 its it drlt T ct on India Indiatho IldiL IldiLtt IjidiaI
I tho tt th HindiiH Ilntl an al taking 1lkilj tin semblance Imhralre of ofequality oft
1 t equality Pualr as 1 a HntBi Jritll Mihjects t MrioiLslv MrioiLslvnnd iriouLdvand frioILIInd
and Ind art 11 a lHing Iil I ing instigated i ILt j1 t 1 I to art Irt upon uponil IpOI
il ii There 1lcl 1 1ien is I discontent 1icontll and ali turbulence turbulencethroughout tlrhulI uIrlW tefl teflI
I throughout t hrlgholt tho t h hi land stirr itirrl trrllp > d up Iu by men menwho Iun uI
1 who have ha b bMtJrinl btu ii studying Kuropnan rlruJ uIruwui uIruwuiand n ideas ideasand idfl idflInd
and Ind the Hntili r t h nuthomi ImthoI11 > > i are Irn nr on fn the thewatch fl flwatb tijowath
watch watb to repress IJrf outbreak nlhlak out hrottou without withoutshowing wiholll wiholllI wit houit houitshowing
showing howinJ openly os n1y the th forre frt orr r on fl whi whid > h their theirrule thlrt I II
I I rule t depends It I is I embarrassing lmhIrtiul to tohave t ti toi
i have haf to thwart th a nchotn hn f fvr r the th estab establishment lh lhl ¬
1 lishment l of f a national l tflal parliament 7nrllavIntI aspi aspiration Ipi IpiI
I ration rtlol forindepemlenresiu for ttIIupndturu HIrnrII I uiu ii I 1 u i t annda anndaand Inmla InmlaI
I i and the thoothur other federated roouieHp < isso soI 4 4efforts
I I efforts ror to strengthen MtrI Mt thn home Inl I uuru maniifa maniifaJj 1IIIIfa 1IIIIfatlrn rnu ft I I 1i 1iti <
Jj turoi tlrn by boycotting 1lrntiUI foreign forill g JI go 4 or ortho ortbn r rI
I tho fr fT H diMn < Mion of Indian Ildit I matfep IHI uuut in inth inth hitli
th press pl pn or at lt public plul ni 1ti > eting n 1 while whileKngland wtuilEngland li
England n llld pr IruIIL turMIzLazuo Mlauns at home 111 that I the theHindu I thoI h hIlldl
Hindu Illdl I f Is tlio t Iii < Nim IUII III 1 if i f the Ihwhllllllll Ihwhlllllllldnt t white vhtt man ii in ti and anddeni a tin tinI
I deni dnt it in il practice pmtc in I iiiIurint fndn fndnDuring 1 lo
During Durn the I h fiv > years ru of f his Il finurr I1r > in intho inth int
t tho th India Idj om ffii J Jnl > rd MoiifKV sTr II in ti r r rigardIiu rigardIiuc < garflli garflliof <
c j of tf wliut wIUlI lonv 11 uIl MOIIIFv tUF may lr ruua V Jiav 111 Jut t < written writtenirsaid wril1 w rtttnor
fr or irsaid I saDl I htsndminitentl hIlnli Iii au I to I ii dpd the t 1u Indian IIIIIll IIIIIllIin I nu I inn em empire utut ¬
t pire Iin piT with ith a I flrmiii frllu flrnius s and 11 a I reganl r guirI lr1 for forrtritish rrrlh forI
I rtritish rlh infin 11nt ti that WL w wat uiixpted uiixptedhi 11 <
t hi il Kngland IJIII and 11 u1 dir 1 nuntrt > n nrlll < ertum zig to In the theIlabi Ih Ihlahll thuJ
J Ilabi lahll readers nadr of ff if his hi l hok x > ki Me 1IIrid 1IIridq1 luis trid tridqiiietlv i ri d dqii
th foxier Kiich dl Hindu I iriniui
qiiietlv q1 qii to ii r Iidl itspirations itspirationsasMm
I asMm 1 ft8 Nm1 uenni d < l wife Iafllrl afu and has imir itiprpuid i > s > < J on In the thejioople th thIlplt 1IIujicople
jioople the th cens 1 n if f his hi frr fi r d rIIII ii < iiling at attho atth att114
tho th same 111t thou timl h hL lKnk I Ik 101 > il I up t1 the therepressive th thrlrrhf tildreprtusi
repressive meariiins mu taken 1 to I pp JIfr JIfrfrdr erve erveorder
t i order with wih little hi i coiuern Ilfrl as a In 1 how hnwh hnwhuhl Iv they theywould IIf IIfusi11
would uhl lx > regardml rfWrd1 in Knrr E11rr4 Irr > p < > Je 1 Il hn hnrhown h hnIinwn
rhown no I winkne kn i fhfiigh fh f hi g the lf if ifii tji Iwok IwoktlI k kmutf
ii mutf tlI have hll been hn dMivtcfil d tlllf to r n man of ofhis ffhi
1 1 his hi ideals idlul lord I IIKU I F f me n t of f thi t h in ruuot ruuotrupbl t tapoble
< apoble lphl of Knglish Enllbh Hilitical pnUtjll laders nln d will willhnvo wil willi1
i1 hnvo hn n no ni theoretical thnrtlll tandardi llldrl nf r h I own owntoinntend 1 1tolnllnd
1 t toinntend with wih wit h in dealings uJouu1Iti 11 I I v < i Ih 11 > u I I ii proh prohIcnm flol urhl
l t Icnm Iml CUIM of Indian 111111Ulr1 administration administrationfor I rl 11 11or
for or the th present Irfnt unr Inl uinrio st mnrr lar riitw riitwmflV ral ralm e
mflV m V 1 tO 1 Rlvn n The l 11 hi oifh olh o It h Afijraii ft ua war warntm iA r rfll rftIi
ntm fll tlie tl manner malnr fl3t unur in I winch w h idl ii Ii the I II hi 1iiirin I Inl ii tori tori1oriu1 cis cisloriiu 1 1frm4J
I loriiu frm4J 1oriu1 nipde 111 men ICI in I Indin Iwhl think il ilan f l t tI
an atl 3fltufl < l < < l example all of Tannda AusTaa AusTaawhere uipri uipriw1iruY ra I Iwrc
where Hritih Int1 iln Ihjrt ctH who Iup were W Wu ru with whthave wil withI
I have hn ierupsl rlr1 rust r iTictii 1 ii al ll n I i tui
r wan w1 before forp t Ih herii The 111 SU I < C H of fr lapan lapanov 1dO7iIi flJln flJlnOfr
Ii ov over r I1il u in ituli Ilirltr nted that th1 an a ii flnental flnentalcoili Orintal011 t rh nra I II Ifeonl
I feonl coili 011 old vlt iU own OW npiuiHi 1111 1 a ajlead1 I IlrolI nFirtati
Firtati lrolI 1 I F t I II h hiuaiIv hl hlorh
jlead1 orh edtirai llar ltea on i t 1 1i t ttn
i tn 8 Hritwh rlUJi IdeaKoi hllal ol I r z zcniment g gImmenl
Immenl cniment which the tc < inta U Uteit > j I o oin 1
11 teit in fact fact It I ID 11 t iliu Bioitinis 81UI LIuZ gttM itii ruLItir JI JIi1
ir i1 =
I cdtiraUil ehllk Hindus Ilnhll whri whn lutve lu utu lnen tM wn con conccrfed concrll concertu9I
ccrfed crll in il ill1 th iKjIititul llt ul aMsawinatlon zI ltlon of oli ofI ofI
i I tin t last f w urn IU > Troiiblo ronllu U i 18iti brow bn bnil
1 In il and Viwouiil n11 MOIMKY 1111 is i too 0 ol 11 ohi l to tomeet to1t totiiu
meet 1t tiiu st ii I it niuv 10 l t4 > hat I luiiN 101 MOIIK MOIIKwill IUuv IUuvilot lottit
t will ilot nut do tb vhat wio thu ono on ilse ihi I will i U Udo IIJ IIJto Isiuil
uil iii gi I to Ii < < > do dosrniitor I 10I 10I
I srniitor ii lltlr uuuit lit loilsrt IIII luul gi giI Myopia MyopiaIn
In II I it 1 PMHVI iictlt h dtlioml t u1ali < inrll tretl in Y ViIr14tur II iruvter tr tlu tluI til tilI t Ii IiI
I I her day Senator nllr tuItor LoPoKnioiindivlanil LoPoKnioiindivlanilH 10111 11141K o ugiiinnlevluruil ugiiinnlevluruilI JU I 1111111
I H 1 ln I position IIt ol in il th tIto < i matter IUtr of If our tnult tnultI tLI tLII
t I relations nlatIIIL rlzit ii it iu with W It ti Ciuinda IIIUII ii tinthi lleplyinj HIlr I l touwl touwlopp tl Ii Ult a titl titlI
I opp niiuuiiIIg III e > inj tho th prop prll firiIftrdfll < tl uf Ofthat ItfprientuUvt ItfprientuUvtloss IIprIlla
loss 10 that an Oi mtcolleia uIIIL way WI uf if axpuindint axpuindintI tlplld l
I null tril with tin 11111111 liiiminion I utuhIuIuti would wIIIII l Iu > o found foundin rUlld
11 in rtdurini lanIT tarlI rat r ratttu tl < mi tn un Cunaiiiai Cunaiiiaiproducts t tutiadiaiiIurthIttltlh ultial ultialIlhlt
products Ilhlt Mr Ir IJOIMIF Iolla prtetitcd 11NI twunM twunMi tWI two I K KI >
i 111 I < lal objections Ilo rnid that thatj thil thilI
j Ti > lowtr I our 0 ilutlr IU un faiudlan proUiil proUiilwliutinany IhwlhI4Y IwdhiIwithitia
wliutinany wlhI4Y withitia any nmit onrsIoui loii fnmi tr Canada misfit mlob fur firUui M e eUmr 4 4Ur
Umr Ur Uui ImrrvM Ir tuiTe the Ih aniiint nhI that lb Canada ml mlth < rht > rl rlii eli eliI I Ihii
I > I ii bill hii I It I ukl kl In II the h ruU 1 ilamnre uhF ur r IruU IruUrrtalun tI tII I rttldTbrri
I rrtalun rIIa Tnrre TI ar a two I irrlun eTkiIt4I 1 objicllun blI blII
1 I llrM n It I wimlit ituItt 1 ili 1 > noIMn ui brnrftt bD 1 the Ih I Qltt Qltti DI DIIh uhlt4tali
i Mat Ih s HeoinJ nt wr hate ovrr thirty lllrl trritl 1 t tI < s sI nl nlI
I I amity amiy aul al n1 cumoirrc u mO wllU lb ttb othvr Ih iiatlua latu TlicMnil TlicM TbiinIl
nil r iitali what h I known kI a Ihr IkVi tviTet rrl rutUitt rutUittI rul rulI astlticL1uhe
I I rbu cL1uhe < LI e If I AT tihutuld hi iM lu luwer rcrwiiriiitlr uir Illua ttltlesOhi oa < anadlaii anadlaiiiiMit nad lal Ian Iantt
iiMit 1 tt wr U C tniuM oh1 thrrrby Inwrr r uiir IIT ilutle dll dllAl nn nnall tintill
all Al thine I Iru4tieta irixluct rb of u ever efl nation 11 with lh olilrli 1I b bI wi wiI wiiia
I hm h iia r a treaty y nt I amity aml and commerce commercei uinrnrrceIIli4 nm nmTli
i This Tli is i all I I a familiar urior fallacy flla anti lnl Sena Senatur Sonatir nl nltur
I tur IOIXIK ltHIE as a public Jubli man presumably presumablyronvervant lnIIbI lnIIbulnrllt 11fltt111Zb1YuuittlrYhItit
ronvervant ulnrllt with international ltenttional affairs affairsxiiunicji 1 lin linWt111
I xiiunicji tuuttkluleruiaI inl us well Wt111 us diplomatic tiplumaI should shouldhave lhotl lhotli IuiolII1hiivu <
i have hl a clearer vision iiol Wo io 0 do not notlller notlllertall under understand tinnIerstand ¬
stand tall that Mr Ir KOSH JUIM or any IIV on olm J luw luwseriously I Ii hiseriouily
i seriously frioll propowd proJ1 that all 11 Canadian Canadianj ulldiot ulldiotI anadian1rlHIuI1t
j produotH rhlt should hotlt ho h ts admitted ndmitlt freftof f fnu or duty dutyor
I or that t then t ien should holil bo 0 a IIWIpiIR sweeping hori horiJ horizlntal horizuntal
J ximtal zlntal reduction rhwtiot of rato ral on Oi all 11 products productsI
I I anaila due uIo 1 4 however produce certain certainon frain frainurIIHltil curtaifluuuInlxni4ljtil
uuuInlxni4ljtil urIIHltil on Oi which rat rlo M might mi ht bo boor 11 tsronluit
I ronluit uMI or tr that tlot might liht l lw admitted adlltt1 free freei fn fni freeof
i of duty lilt y with material Illhralllnlft niitt al benefit to the th theof pe peplooftlus pt ptpof >
plooftlus pof of thi country lOllt and with wit Ii no tO injury to toliny toI toilhly
I liny alymcr merirnH 1 interest ill Mr Ir LoDtii ODOI do doI el elil doith
I il UK his I broadly hroatly broad Iv Ho I H do1 Itdar liclaro lares that thlt t it itI i iI
I would do nothing lothini to benefit heneft the Inited ItiitIoiper Initedstates Ii1 Ii1Stnh
states Copper I oJJIr oiper i one on of the th important importantpnxlurt imporalt imporaltI importantturodlict
I pnxlurt fmdt of thin country ott yt Vet tt t wo W bought boughtfrom hotiht hotihtmi boughtiroui
from mi tinada 1lllla and alt adinitted ndliti duty duy fret fretalxiut f fahmt freeatioult
alxiut ahmt JlJ Si i l1i iix Ilulu worth worh of copper Ioppr last Instveur Ilst lastmit
veur 11 mit pnMimably with benefit hIlt to lh lhi I IilituM
I i I tntcd I tateH tll tzttu We w lx hmllht lxumght > iinht from other otherroiintrifs othrI othroltltl othertIttIO3
roiintrifs oltltl strinooun 1jU worth of duty d frp frpI frle frlei frucraw
I i raw IW cotton ton pn Jntlohl itrtinaltly umably with itlt Iwniflt IwnifltHidon I bvntfltlido nf nfI
lido Hid W wn v T ru transferred trllflrr1 to the tht free > lint lintI 1lt 1ltInullhl
I pn Inullhl iimahl for our ur own lx hnef honefit neflt The Thefree T Thet
I free fr admission lhllNion of mi uhlgar t ar from rem Hawaii Hawaiimill Ilwlii IlwliiI Hawaiit
t mill Ilt from Iorto Rico has hll lx IIn lsun n n 1 Uiietit Uiietitiind IIn lstttitLI ti
I iind lal LI Tint tin I li hi mcreaw lrl in our olr fish llh nupplr 11 Nil JJI pIIY toe < luoto toeto
to tin iiituiitition 1 qlilitiol of Alaska Altl has 1S not put putI
I he hi iloucettUT i 101tr tixlicrmon thlrmel out Olt of businesK businesKThe bUf LnniinetoiIm I
The iIm argument IIJIInt that tha no bnnefltA oneft accnie accniefn ILnlf ILnlfrl1 acefliefrom
fn rl1 from > m moreai ilcr1 increased o < l import illortf now no bait ha few fewihero rvintljent fewintelligent
intljent intelligent iutluIiOt1C1 iutluIiOt1C1I upJore upJoreI
I ihero would bo 0 far flr morn Inrt benefit bllit than thaninjury thanljur titaninjury
injury in I the tIi free fn entry entr tif ff Canadian Canadianonl llatial
onl 11 wheat WIIDt tuttle Il Ie garden irdtl and dairy dairyiro duif I II
I prodl iirdiluts iro < lii < ts bay IUI and t sundry > undr > other othtr nrticlrw nrticlrwI nr c I Ih
I protlnctnl bv h our olr nijiRhbors l lhbn The ThtSen1 Sena Senai Senatnr
i tors tor MMsmd objwtion obJ1ol w i t mere nHtl food for forthe fort
the t hi II gullible 1llbl From nul what kfirored flton1 na nai It I
i tuui I Ion I would wOlld hero I eontui < xim 11 nny Itr ponfptiblo ponfptiblooipjly lurlthl lurlthlIIlr porteit il > Iui IuiulplII
> oipjly IIlr ulplII jf uf any alY inv of tliwo commodities commoditiesKreo lllot umflInoIitfl1ro tl tlFnt
Kreo Fnt wlitvit would not turn tur Argentina Ar Argentinai In1la In1laCrup
i crop ruJ into Ito the th American Amcrlan market mlrket at prices pricesInlow priccbelow rl rlI
below h low the American lcr ll1 crop nor would wouldCnnndaH wouldCittindas olid olidCllnda
I CnnndaH Cllnda Mirplun r1lul appreciably reduce reducepnrtw rflu rfluI reduceI
I I pnrtw ri in il this thil market AHairwt other othercomiMtUion otheri
i comiMtUion IIIUiul in many man of hit lines Iul which whichj WhldllOIJll wIndiCaiwdit
j Camnln lOIJll would bo b glad gL1t to t eud Ieut hero htr in inlarj inlalr inlarger
larj lalr larger < r nippy n 111 t1i tho American Arcrirn producer produceraro prduCn prduCnaro
I aro pr ted by b distance u tnc and 111 cost costf Ct
Iof < f tran4 tnU41Iwtlul iintion Possibly from frm Mr MrLOIKJI MrI Ir IrI
LOIKJI Kint of now there has been beenno
I I WII s IKlint U ha bon bonit
no a betirtit it in the increase inCe of our olr Caiui Caiuidiau ClI ClIhal ann
diau hal import IIJlrA from frol J40fWOXXl OIOJ In 1000 to to toIBiinOOiio 0 09lOuIQ
11111010 IBiinOOiio in 1910 Viewed 101 with wt more morebrendth mor morebrenuitli
brendth hrlhh and greater rter accuracy Icctracy tSirtt Ult in incrco inrrCtt Inereaicd
I crco rrCtt ereaicd ed importation rporatm has ha been ben a factor factorof flfor flforof
of iiioanunilpM 1lIUrtt Importance Iprnr in tin th in inreuse InI inre113C
I < reuse rll of if our exports expr to the Dominion Dominionfrom Domion Domionfrom Dominionfroii
from l SIoP tAtU ooof > ji in 190 to t2ie000000 t2ie000000in 16000
I in I 1010 1010If 191 1UiOIt
I If I the th negotiations I1 Otbltion with wih ftaw ftawIoon Wawa Wawasoon Ittawasoon
soon Ioon to hut 11 undertaken ulderae are art to be beconducted b beCOflIUCtCl
conducted of immediately immediatelydeterminable immediatelyultorvninable I
cOllucttl on 01 a I plane IlmflateJ
determinable dtrrinbll benefit bncftt to th Imted ImtedStatic 11111 11111Slalf lriiteiltate
Static Slalf tate of advantage nlhanwjf that ran ranuftenlly al bo 1 I x xcilically > I IdI
cilically dI ol and Dril at lt tho thou pct II down 10 i in intiRtires int1g11105 i
tiRtires 1 lrc the th enterpri fntfllr fntPr pri4 should 8hol1fl b 11 > abnn abnndonml 1111 abanlomed
donml dOIllxror before it Roes goesanv 0 any IU further flrllr r There Therewould ThlrewOlld Therewould
would wOlld be h immcaHiiruble irluaMlrubl benefit Iwntlt and 011 no noappriTiablo noapprdabll nomipjirociabh
appriTiablo injury iuju whatever in throw throwinj throwI throwIil throwlog
inj il log our olr doorn 0 widely ojwti 0111 to prarti prarticallv arti i ii IcalI
i callv cal nil 11 the I h lrOhltl prodiu tB of Cunadtit Cunadtitmilieu onalllt anznlasilhImhus t
milieu 111 lield liI farina firl forentH fOr tK nnd li thtllrI tiMber tiMberi4 hcT hcTie
ie i i4 4 and mighty Illht little lill of any fly of f those thoseromiiuxiitiutt tho thorIIOlliet thosufluittOIitiat
romiiuxiitiutt rIIOlliet would wOlld count eoro from fro I any anyfavored on anyfavored I
favored flon1 nation Tin Tl fear fllr of disaster dinusterand diMMhr diMMhranr disasterand
and anr danger IhIRI r from such llh a policy JolT j0lii ignoren ignorenentirely Ijnor Ijnorltinlr tgnoruisu
u entirely nt irlv tho hut rapidly rapil increasiiiii iner11ill world worlddi worhlal1
di > mand al1 for fooil fO I and clothing dOl hil The Theworld Thuworld hi hiwul1
world wul1 demand 1mul1 for and anllthc the world xiipply xiipplyof PII PIIo
of o thfcoinmoditioH IhOnlodiil I ho that I ha t nre most neetled neetledand II nuedecltiiiI hd i iald
and ald mo 10t iiiot t widely wiIIJId UH 1j54j < K are arf now fO and Ina pruli pruliably prhbh iroh irohably
ably bh will wi continue ontinll to 1 1m for many mMI roars venrein 111
in I 0 com 1 so I < evenly vII vutilc balanced that t any UI anylint j jpriie j jIri
priie Iri lint diwinfer 111r it I utterly improbable improbableThis IrprohnblThl
This rti fact art i II is K gnornll > nerallv nlrl overlooked or di ilk ilkregiiruIl I i iregardfl I IrfIII
regardfl rfIII 1 in il the th ipiestion 1 tion of our olr trail tradurelations traa trailrulatiumis I II
relations rlatJ with wih our northern northrl nei neijuren nilhbr nilhbrQurn neighbor neighborQuuun
juren Oflul nil nt thr t he I lplin Irlmunt ItI taunt nt Tunnrl TunnrlTh 1lnnrl liatitirllIio I ITh
Th lIio of f th Helmont I III Iruoy
opening If > 1IJJI tunnel tunnelnow tmn
now II apparently arqrnrerlt Iy u I matter of the th ji rfr tenrftstiiru ri riflture 1 1fltlr
flture fltlr promise Irll f ti tl to IH t of If if great rf t imniel imnieldialo irflne irflne4ii31 rlf1 rlf1aiar
dialo aiar Ixnefit 1luft to Queens Tho Ti 1fll Iaefutl IaefutlthfM t tIn
In n thfM < H of f the th lx 1lj Inng ng Iflaiid lwII Hoilroad Ualfad tiiminl tiiminlis tln11 tln11I
is I impaired Inpir by u the th abwmo 11 of f rapid rapidtransit rpidI
transit I ra II it rfim eoitevtlofi4 oItnl < tiniH nt th tlf > Pennnylvn Pennnylvnma lnlvvl lnlvvlI Iiinsi Iiinsiiiia
ma station tatnn Ind Innlood < v d so o inconvenient U Uthat i isIIIIt
I that Imt Mation totinl under existing fxittn trmI traffic ntin ntinIlIIuti5 < 11 n nditifiiH <
ditifiiH in in Seventh S4 nlh aventio 310 that otilyj otilyjulxjtit 01113 01113ulsiiit 1 1ulJt
ulxjtit ulJt liimii I J ww daily daly < commuNrn rmmlhr prefer tbe tbeunder th lii liitmnulrr I Iundr
under nvor routo to tho th Thlrtyfounhl Thlrtyfounhlstreet ThlrfolTth I II
I street trft furry Tli nlo llfllmont 1lmon tunnel will willthiku 11 11lakO j jiak
iak lakO < > up II Manhattan lanllUan bound pmw flnjr pass0nnrs pass0nnrsfrom > engora engorafrom
from rrll the th great Irmt trolley trol KVKtern Yltpr which whichtetidn whch us usteyin1 I Itd
tetidn throughout thrllhlt Qneeru IM ncens and dnpoult dnpoultthem dnplt dopositI I
1 them tlr at th I liii rand Central fnlml eiprewt flpr i Itn Itntn stat stattju t tion
tn tju ion of if th ti subway It will wi havo hl th Iht thhsit v vlwt
lwt t of truffii connoctlonn connNllo lx 1lh > th in Man Manhattan Mn1 ManlIlt ¬
hattan 11 lIlt tan and fl1 in Ix Iorg i > ng Inland City nnd mint will willfirnish willfuirnhIi i
firnish fllrlh th II Morough Hmtlh of Vueenn In with withiriii withra i
iriii 1 ra Mirtntion rnl jl 11111 of If a fort or injuring tho thotat th ihograiut I II
graiut tat < t iif I lIed to II f flit h greatinr rft number Ilmbrr tilIflit > sr uf af I Iiiiitrinler IIJ Iuutrllhtdrs
iiiitrinlerrim iiiitrinler uutrllhtdrsIhitu IJ I fr I
rim iMrrxigh hrnulh has hR made lal a 1 remarkiiMe remarkiiMerow rmarklh rmarklhr
grow row r i h on 4i the th lm ° xtrength t rllth of ff it it iA nnnexation nnnexationMiuiluiltaii nllXIII nnioxit Ion Ionn
V n Miuiluiltaii tllhl Tinhut I tiii I I by h bridge Iric and tunnel tlnn minnII I t i ip Ihln
p I r efitiigit lilt l nf if r mrrea inrr a e m il population populationdtntiK I eulpullat ion ionttr n i idlr
dtntiK dlr ttr ii g 1 it I Itea ji fen t 1 n yenrn ronr r is I < > < oiid II onlv onlvPie onhl onhllul nfl v vI
I lul I us I Pie n I I iirniix Iruwe lirt x Meanwhile Ian a hi to it I lists Juwir fl
ir I en I irnatnglv IZlIJ m II irnde nnd nd nr ir irlntr irII
lntr 1 II r n e tin I I 1II Jx Iirig > ng l 1111n1 Isianni Mn < l Kmlrnnrl KmlrnnrlH JluJrld JluJrldi
i H n a iru tOil > n I the Ih IViinAVlvanln JfIIIi1 JfIIIi1rdl1 sys y t tV
0 V t rlitig rdl1 I ti h latent I rl rlM
w M
uuai1s JI of If manufictunH lanutul I hut fur forouttripcd II III I IQIIufl4 >
QIIufl4 I outtripcd all ul tli other utlwl bor borought brullh4 isiri
ought ullh4 in i nl perreiita nrta utlta vof of iiidii 111tttl izidustraI trUlgrowth trUlgrowthduring guwtlt guwtltIiirimig 1
during durin th IIJ preceding IlrII flv fn flt yItUS vurx tu hit Tlwnumber 1lf 1lfIUnbr hitniunbr
number IUnbr of if f its I tt mdiistriui Idltriul eHtabllHlunciits eHtabllHlunciitsLltJx 1la itbfliIumicitLsiticrouisd lhmcul
iticrouisd LltJx IU Isr fr rcent 1 uuml lt while vIiil hi HnKiklyno HnKiklynoJH f10ktI I Idl
dl Jut nUlMl JH M per 11 ir lent 1It 1 In II I ii the th I last It ten tenyeari tNIIr itllvenr4
yeari Ir and old purticularlv lorhllnrl m I tho th lait lit livI I litVtIt4
I veiirx In Iong Iun Inland I llld City Cty ity ha h has grown Irnw I it in inbe I u uIX uan
be IX un 01 important itlllrlll manufacturing 1lllUfnllrin iintre iintreIts usntreIts 111
Its I prognw in this rot i k not roJ 111101 J with withI withonctrn lh lhUlltni
I concern Ulltni bv h Home I aspirin lir u Western Irn fat fuitory futor fattory
tory tor towiL4 tw 1 liisi 111 now 10 for sir enamplA enamplAhalf UlpJ UlpJI alIi3s alIi3sI
I half hllr hut I a dnch of ff if the I I it leading Iuadi alln ug motor 11lr tnt it or rai raiproducer ril r rI
I producer JnKJunn in il the Ih I 15 lountry I I illflt ultrr ry are 1 building buildingplants h111111 Iiu I I II
llllult I plants da lits about Iblt tilit tut the t h juivlislx u iu i il ii irs > ri > llnilgt llnilgtI IriIt i Iritlgiplati
I I ploxain Jlaa plati il iii l J11 l4dIIg ntc Island Ill II I It v vIjind VIaiitl
I Ijind IM i clieaM hIIr > r in il Jinens JII uIiMns than I hal it i i ielewher iltwlln is isiItt
elewher iItt ltwlln hiri > in the th t Ii ntv s it v except ux I < oxsiblv oxsiblvin tsi1il hh hhin v vitt
in remote Staten Stut1 Island 1111 Vt itli it I Ii it il ilut area areauf Ina Inaof areaof
of IJU I Njuare lllln inr miUH Ilil and Ilul its il cxtcnsivt cxtcnsivtfrontage ox tensivefroiitagu
frontage I1 on diep I e i water lllf ht I er the I luluolsh ii liorough I is i in inusition iuII Illi
II I 1 < usition i iOI ion if I f furnished furilu1 Iii ru I with v it it nde 111111 111111It mu luu < uali ualiI i iii Is IsI
I It i transKiriation rnllrtlt nl txbvert I i Ihrt in large purl the theiinigrution t h hrilnlion IiIn
iinigrution rilnlion In 11a I ititi of If is population 10 lat ion and 111 ant I munufae munufaetures Ilnlfll Ilnlflltll i tin to this thisI
tures tll I I Ires which whh1 t Iiiu 1 i H I leaving luav Iill iii g Manhattan it lalha11 a tihii I Ia n and andllrooklyn 1111 1111Irookhl a tat tatIlruoklvii
llrooklyn Irookhl for New 1whI Jeixy It is IIU an ideal idealplace iulealt 11alplu
place plu t ulti 0 of 4 r siihiirUm 1 I hlrhan I ii i ri sati residence nhllI resiu ls tius and 111 a as I ix ixbuilding i iIn istiutilditig
building In ltlll tip II fanunitily with ith private Irhahhl dwell dwelliiign ultelilogs
iiign iIi of moderate IIMIr cost occupied IWflli1 by IMII IMIII icoplo icoploof
of the tht I lit kind which this thil town toI should holllluk hollllukeI make makeevery tujakeyen
I every eI effort ron to keep keepThe kuus1Its
The 11 llrother It ro I iier Iaml IamlOne Isti nI nIIl I is isOtto
One Il of the t hi Hon 101 AlliHUT uiiiti lfIT1 1 1tLiE ItKVKIl ItKVKIlIDCKS I tn 1 1IUla
IDCKS IUla troubles Irlhl in il his hilllmpui caniuiign 1 to 1 con convince lnil roltvince ¬
vince il the people of Indiana Indianl that Ihll he h is I a aconst I ICIlnHiI acotist
const CIlnHiI motive i1lt lvi statesman Itat lun and their tllir mot motunselfish 10 mosturiselfih I Iurl
unselfish url h frienditheirre frilt friutul i is the I irnolilhl irreeoiuilahut < oiicilablecon oiicilableconduct con conduet on onduc ¬
duct duc of the til LAMMS IAsl brother brothrl CHiitis CHiitisand
and Ilt KKKD Ium who went formerly forl Ir 1 lire Heprehentativea Itprt ItprtMntal liresentatives
hentativea Mntal in I Congres lollr ongress nnd would olid like liketo Ik Ikto lilt liltto
to bo b again ulin They TIY are Ir both dashing dashingaccomplished tlhil tlhiluromJlahllllllhllt dashingaccontpliithel
and tluent iticians CiLtli5 and andin antiill
accomplished pout K >
uromJlahllllllhllt 10lt lln ant
in I the th first lt rank rllk a I as sx IIIlhilIr selhhittulers > llbinder by byIixlianu h hIIUanaltallurtl byIthilafla
Iixlianu IIUanaltallurtl standards KrrD accompanies accompaniestho 10111il 10111ilth fleOttllflie5 fleOttllflie5ho
tho th Grand Grnd Young 01 Man tln on the stump stumpand Itlll sttiniand
and tell ttI1 the audience ouditIIf how noble anil anilgood nlt tutiulgooti
good ROI and ont Ixniitiful 11lltifll is he U i and Ild what wlllt a acalamity I Icllmit acalamity
calamity to Indiana Inlull it would woul bo 1 if JOHN JOHNV IoIi IoIiKiit OIS
V KKHN I IS should IM ent Mn to Washington Washingtonin WOhilRon WOhilRonII I
in II place plnr of Mr Ir HRVKRIIOTK IInnlx who i i is now nowin 10 I
in il tho prune prlt of If if hi hi his usefulness uflll KliFn KliFnsparkles Flt 1 iuFt iuFtsparkles I
Iplrkl sparkles with il h wit guslns IUlII Iwtter stone stonethan storiestilltn Ior 11 I
than t I l I were r ever r told before hefnl arid 1IIIlI leaviw leaviwtho Ieivustliti
tho tariff tariI to thedanng thednrn lie laritug leader 1ldr who voteii voteiiagainxt votetiagainst otIIIJallt
against IIJallt the lht Payne 1110 law lawThe la lawIhe I II
The Hon II travel travelon travelson I
101 CIUIUKS nn itnls I KAMMS 1SlltrIJ
on 01 another alnthfr circuit drluit and Ind maintain mnintlin that thattho thtthl thatthin
thin Payne 111 law wo WI real rlnl tariff Inr I revision revisiondownward rriiul rriiultonall reviismdownward
downward tonall and L is a lx boon > on to the t h American Americanpeople loriran tnericanittioplt I IIMple
people which whih they tho will il lw grateful jrlfll for forwhen forhen 1
when hn they the > understand 1ndentald the th sacrifice sacrificemade sacrificesmade nlr I c I
made for thorn th6 by b tho protected Irottf1 m mtoreflts 1 intereets
toreflts teret Wo Vu givo a I Mini sanuphti lmpl pin from frm a atariff I aUUiIT
tariff mrI speech ap h of brother brt her CIIAKIIS lIAI in inIndianapolis inl inIndianapolis
Indianapolis IndianapolisIf
If I the p ptnpie nplr 11 u are Tf tuffCTtn tfmnr they u are ff uffrr uffrrIDC itTerhic ItrIDe
IDC U n rriull of rxmvarnnrr Tli ThIne TIle y nrr an nnt nntuiilne
uiilne 4 InC Ton To many mn of 0 it them are trying rlln to fhln fhlnToo phineTon blaIT
IT Too many mD art tnMnc Inc t to tfl > Uvr U I1v In it rl saIt Ia bryvinl bryvinlth bennltheir
I th their lr means Ti Tts manr any ny PT 1 penIe ire r tr r > Int In to n Icail Icailautomobile leattautnmobile i iI
automobile llvr II < on nm whrlbarrow wh II > lnrtn lnrtnU Irirnmnesf nm nmbur
I U > f wrrr hurt by b the Ih falllnl all In I tt < < a ohrna w hn a Irmo Irmorratlr lcmnriatir m
rratlr U tartlt ant 11t bill C ga ai > > I n a rII hut II to I day b thr thritmp th thdrop ttiilrnp
1 drop would b > harder hard arid Hip III ipLath Lu crrairr crrairrTbtn cal calThen ryeauerTben
Then w We frit from the h blcyrl 1 ami the th rubber rubbrrtlmi rubbertire1
tlmi pbaton Vow 0 tw It wr fall wf fall rr rrJI Ti hr Ih Ih41m tileautomobile hrautomobile
automobile 41m > lIe That drop wnukl hurl mutt muttIf murIf moreIf
If the Hon CHAIUKS tAIIIF II 1 IAMUH w IIritht usright wright
right the p P0i1h1i v > plo havo no right ri ht to grum grumble gnhtmlble ¬
ble 01 about the tariff It I t wo effrontery on ontheir nnI ontheir
their purt Mirt to do d so n and nn they were w ru sure sureto slimto ur urto
to be I found out A t rnnn who ho ha hllll n nwheelbarrow awttephqurroy
I wheelbarrow income must economie economiein
in omo other way WII if ho h persist in it keep keeping keflJing ¬ I IillS
ing an automobile We 1 know kiln of no nobetter nnbttlcr 110better
better way ar than to adopt Mr lr HOJMCK HOJMCKFIETCHKHS lIoltCJFTIIII h1OlttcEFLErCImEItS
FIETCHKHS FTIIII diet no breakfast lunch lunchono lunchone I
ono baked potato bread and butter butt ter a aglos aIIUII aglass
glass IIUII of milk milkllnd nnd a sliced tomato din dinner dlllnero dunncr ¬
nero a bowl of soup soit wnh ith dry bread breadGoing hreadGo breadGoing
Going Go n without wit imtit meat and particularly particularlybacon pnrtlflIl1rlhllltllI
bacon the win with the wheelbarrow wheelbarrowincome wheelharroinllIw
income should bo able to It boy goxolenc goxolencand 111II111111Itntl gasolensand
and tool his family fami about m the I lie motnfl motnflear iuuotot iuuototear
ear Mr Ir IMNDIS might double up wth wthMr wjthtr vthiTr
Mr tr IIKTCHEK on the Indiana circuit circuitBut 1lrlllIlHilt urcuithut
But what hat we yearn l1rll to hiow o is 1 < the I hi value valuof ahl ahlof j jof
of brother CnAHIKS nAltl 11A11iES S to tlio irand Young YoungMan VoummigMan 0111I1 I
Man in the cam campaign > aign to In wive hm ear mratanti earand at atItllll
and hi his reputation ns a friend of the thecommon t 11ommoll tiecommon
common ptople lilt most m t of whom have havewheelbarrow hlll11fhtrrow hartwheelbarrow
wheelbarrow incomes incomesApparently inrOlllfIIarlIth incomest
Apparently t Iiiiaritlt l the I h divergence of CltAlllFH CltAlllFHand Cit nt ts tsand I IIInd
and KnKD m1I in their methods to elect the thegood tillifl thegottl
good ifl < 1 Mr Ir HKv B Itivjtinoi nJll1m ninrK ami put down the thepretender tillrttelldr tiinliretemuier
pretender KKHN iiustrateA II1traIPII the unhappy unhappyReublicau ullhap ullhapRpllhlicltn iinhnqivRiuibiicnii
Reublicau situation sutliat ion in Indiana Imidiana1tti j jTwo I ITwn
Two City ItiviMlsallonv ItiviMlsallonvApproximately IiiitIgiiIuiitiprrxinlnttIY
I Iprnsil11l1tlr
Approximately onethird of r u ne n whole wholeamount wliulamfluulflt hili hiliIIIJlllllnt
amount appropriated by h tho city eit lty y in the thebudget th thhlldt Ii IihuiIJZut
budget goes n for tho tit ox > > xpen X tt1ist < t of the theDepartment I h hI Ia Ialtpartmnent
Department I of Kducatum and over thu Ii I Imanagement ImllnrUIttlt Iinnnriernunt
management of f no other subdivision subdivisionof htliLiflllf
of f the government tIcmllltn is i there a 11 much 1II11r1lh di dipule iiiPu1I
pule Its over uvs this VoMo 1111 and extrava extravagance nxtrnvnan nxtruagan ¬
gan gance an are frequently freqiiu nttv rhtrged nI ngnin 1I1l1II1tit 1igttlIiltill t ttlm
till tit schools 1hnIlInti st hin uils and tho t results if r tho in instruction 111tnltllIIlI int ¬
struction t 0 lt ifli given 111 arn If it ru ti t ltui uhjcct u ibu t of i f dailv dailvcriticisms Illhrtir j Iv Ivvrlttrisrius
criticisms rtir ll There 111 i no department uisjsari Iflr Iflrwhiola luirwl nr nrwhich
which wl iiuts large appropriation it pr I run lotus and a ill I Ilug gener generous 1IrflUII ¬
lug ttftntmnnt t lire moro heartily harlll ap approved U Uproved 1 1proe1 ¬
proved by tho tI public bl 11 and there is t none nonewith nllllwith fluitisit
with it Ii which dissatisfaction tliI ul issru t itot falIolI it in IK i is more rutorus aen aenerallv 1fI1mll
erallv s mll expressed unless IInl I it is I tho Poluo PoluoDepartment inlur o olrpnrtuimit
Department DepartmentAt 1 1 rtlllllI I IAt
At t the t ha hearings on tho budget for 1911 1911the 1Jt1 1Jt1I 191 I Iit
the I it figures 1 JtllrII arid nrlllllrRImlItli argument advanced liy 11 11till livtit I Ithe
tit the Hoard of Kducation to justify itsde Itlltlflandl its do doftjand J Jryands
ryands for money IIIOl were w ru severely attacked attackedby attatk11
by i representative of the th Kinancu Fillan l De 11 lejrtrnnt i ipartrnent Ipllrumnl
partrnent and at a sultfuquent meeting meetingnt
nt tho Hoard of Kstiniato a resolu resolution roution resolution ¬ I
tion authorizing a complete investiga investigation 1IIfflt fWl fWltion igntion ¬
tion of tho school sehoolsyhtemoft1eity system ofthfih of the city wall wallIIIlolt1 waswlopteul wa waadopted
adopted This Inquiry will boconducted boconductedby m tOnIctf1h
h by members of tho th Hoard of Estimate Estimateand
and its It noopo 1110 will Ixi an a broad hrontll1ll on can bo boilenirod hn11Iirt beulesireni
ilenirod Th Tue resolution provides provldenThai
Thai Tb a rmmtttre mltt of thrro hr member of the thellnarrt tiltIleani 1
II llnarrt if 1 fitlmate Um be b appointed pIlnl by b the II Mayor I In Inmniliirt in inrnfltirt n
mniliirt 1 an tnrilrjr Ino In ih the nrzanlratlnn Un equip equugmeet 11 I Imrnlanil Imn
mn mrnlanil IIn anti mrthod hnth Ih nnanrlalamt flntneti anti rilnratlon etlurlitInnaluf I In
uf n r tilt Ih lirparfmrn IIIn nf f Miinllon lnrlurtln nIne aurh aurhplan uirhjIanu
plan and nd Popo pornI il a mar have tte been h forroulateft forroulateftrir tormIlIA tormIlIAr formuiaiefir
fir r may m be b unilrr nd ninilitrratlnn Cfli nIIrII 1Pt311n hy h the II Ikmrl 10 1 nf it itEtiratlon I I IKilucatlon
Kilucatlon AIIn for r ntrr ar11nr < lin ami 1 iletrfoplnf lit II ntii 1 1hul isi isiratlnil I Irillmal
rillmal hul jrih rllt lIlt IU ii I hat h fr r ihN lilt purpovi pUfJf is I Irnmml Irnmlt
rnmml rnmmltlet < l lee he h a IUin II1 I nei l I a teli rl < il it < > with WI iii n tint nrtirtperM tinteari 1 1I
rtperM I within airl 1 i ihnut h ho the It rntrrnmrnl OrDmnh nf nfIhe I Iin
in Ihe h rliy II nf Xew 0 pw Strt orit may lfl hII a lm 1 II In the II cor coriltirt rotithin n ndu
du thin nf it r ihl Inquiry ami n1 In the Ih rnmulallin nlllII nf nfrprnromrmlallnntrfir ntrmmndllonot offrfnnmndinnt
rprnromrmlallnntrfir for ihl ii litr nrit i and nI that II tie I 1Wthr fur further tllrh
ther h alIhIt iitti < > rlrl tnerrplny piny sire irti n a Ahlnl lttanii < a aa It may mayHnl myro noyunit
unit nerr lWreaarT arr for ro he purport Ire nf Ill M inqulrv inqulrvIi InlI I III
Ii I will wi 11 Iw I e n that t hll the tim h omnuttie tlII1I1II II will willhave wi willhavn 111
have < all neeepftiirv powet to If inform itself ifwlfihoronghlv illItlfthnrollChh itselfthtiroiighlv
ihoronghlv on ev vrv > rv liaM Ioa ot the t h hi r isisima isisimational iiin iiinlional 1Iaunnal
lional u Idnll uitu tntu tS i4 < 4 of the Ih t itv 1 it I Inr or HH II e erienivft t tfidflidM X XIn
rienivft In XViftfN fIU wait votiil fll ri Kuril slirliwill Mine Minewill 1 1will
will imdoubtexilv Ix tncrcav iruriaswi 1 if it m
found inadequate Thero l hll8 ui be been n ntgenerul no nocllcrul nogencrul
generul survey sunl > of the th school Iwh I xvMoii xvMoiiIsliui sactnIIO tom
11111 Isliui IIO the lit prvcMfit city It of Now uW York ramt ramtinto C11110Into camohilt
into K being > ina and It will be astonishing astonishingopportunities DStolllhinKlrollortullltlc aaronLMhuinitoiqiortunltks
opportunities for Improvemont and av 84VIIIIIC aavI
1 Ing are not dlclo IljlCloi IljlCloitla cd cdAt
I At tho tla sumo I IIIU niivtiiur tit which th thuiiit the thu11I111 theluItIulelI <
11I111 uiiit into lilt the lit IXparUnent of Kduca Kducai <
I i lion WIIM WI authorized step taI were r taker takerfor tllktmfr takenI
I for f ir another inviMtigation itivest igat llll covering tilt tht11IIlftl1hII tiltI
1 11IIlftl1hII 1epirtmenl I of Health and Ilmritie Ilmritieiand lhllritiefIlInd mint ies iesI <
and IlInd I IMIovucand lid Ileilsivuit III I It 1111 iiiicl MliedlliMpital 1Iit HIIMlitabt This 11 ThisI I i
I U to I lx carried nil by II committee IUllllll th ol olilwi of ofIW ofi
ilwi IW i aiillnirie IIl1lhr 11111 iusri7uI 71llo < to cinpliy t IIIII tp pert rt nnc nnct and IIntlIt andI
It I t search ssurs urdl Ii out t ii I t till the I tie weaknesses wll1kll vu akiht sM am amjMrong lnd lndItr ii nd ndp1
jMrong Itr p1 ruutlt IMUIUS of tln I liveoi e important do doj tiei
j I luirtments Illlrt mlIt The Ill work irk dono by r thethriH thethriHIdepnrtiiients tilt t lit thn thnIIUrtllllIt ttumitI
Idepnrtiiients I is intimately intituiutu lv related nI Al Alof 11 11f llS
of S tf f them tllIIII1H1illlltilllIllihi I iuv ii maintain tiia imit iii a hospital I lospit a ts nil ii II deal u wit witIxrsoiis with Ii Iiln
Ixrsoiis 1 ln I in i > i ickiest ilw < > and III It I di l dimtrss > lrctv ln unt unteacli and oudcadl andctu
eacli ctu 1 u re rIm riqI < iuiris i Irut the th I Iiu oxpenditiiro tiN I l111t I it lire of I ii f large lurgiof lul1ttm
5111115 m of iiiunuy IIIIno None < 11 of t them t hem ho hoescape Iuultpocl hass > >
escape s su ltpocl iu i tl criticism ru I a uii i in the tll I ii pust I ilittI and th thi thl11I11 t iii iiiI
i methods 11I11 I hI by I iv whtili tl i uuli they I ilo iidmiiiisterroliel iidmiiiisterrolieland lulmillitr lit liii i I list or rulhf rulhfIIIld rttliufml
and ml ut I afford I protection prolt1 ru 1 1 il1 i ill to t the th t public P ultik tiara hnvifre hn hnfrIIInl tiarafruqi
fre frIIInl fruqi < Uently I lut I lv Uen I cuntloniuHl u1 itiduc II neil Tho Jloari Jloarij Ikairdtil
j i If if Ijstininte u appropriated J5 i i Iul < t to Itlllr Itlllrtho laY laYI KI KIthe
the I iirtt < loIt of if f tin t Ins invest 1t igatiun igatiuni igtit jolt joltI
I i Thesi iiumiruw will differ from the thtI th thelsgislntivt
I legislativo 1 ilut 1I scnitiiiies to which till tim de deluirtment tielurtinmhts
Ipurtmtlltl luirtment of the t h city I ity government have havebeen lunoI haYctiitm
I been subjected in that ti tiw y an under undertaken undertllkl1 tindertaken ¬
taken by h the t h city uit t it itself elf tho tii Mayors IRyor ap appointe 11110i1tt apJOilttCet4
pointe w being at tho head 11I tI of each of ofthofto ofthollll ofthose
thofto under cotiideration except tilt tiltDe thoOlllrtlUllIl thefltuiaifltiitiil
De OlllrtlUllIl irtment of It Kducation tIIIlUt uII In his i tht ththohlover tltoI tliihmoldtvirs
hohlover n4 fnun Mayor Iaor McCiFliaNt McCiFliaNttenu 1 < 111014 111014tnIl <
I tenu are still in u majority Indor all alltho alltho alllits
tho circumstances t rllInIlIl1 the inquiries m ilia may y be beproductivo rnIrdllti beIsruldlietivtt
productivo of if f great rat good no and certainly certainlythey certainlytlits trtalnlvIla
they Ila should lx > conducted in a fair man manner 1111 1111tIr nimuimiir ¬
ner uninfluenced by partisan bias biasIn
In tho th counw of its ardent support of ofth ofth ofIli
I th Hoosnvelt ticket our neighbor the theTribune theI theTribune
I Tribune Tribl1 M has wrought at least on miracle miracleV
W V refer to th tttti ndminitiln cartoon it pub publishitl pubItIlfd publuslud
lishitl yesterday in which the inland i of ofManhattan ofI oflmtnhattan
I Manhattan is i is represented ns situntfd ituat on onth nnth onliii
th liii nanio sido of the Itdnnn Iltld on Kiver an anN a aNewtairglu A Awhllrith
N wtmrgh Kingston and lh4I1Y ll > any and andsvrwiritwl Andlrlle andseparated
separated lrlle from thrm only by the Ih diminu diminutive diminutIii ¬
tive 111 Harlem Th desire to t abolish the theiluid themalamid
land of Manhattan at this M season > of Ihpolitical the th thpolitical
political year i IA common to all Hepiihlican Hepiihlicanorgnnx npuhliC1lDurJtltnll
organs hut even the new n imtionalistic imtionalisticsignificance rllltlfllUllilltlcifllllcLUI misitiuttutllaticsigahflcanefl
significance of if a Tammany Tiger stand standing IItalldinlt standung ¬
ing upon that section > of if J Jery r oy Cily now nowapproniuted nowIllpnlVillt1 nowapnyistel
approniuted by th the Hon WOODROW WOODROWWILSON WOODflOWUIIOS Voorntow1LMo
WILSON 1LMo and Mietching a 1 greedy paw pawtoward pawtoward
toward that region in New Sf York State Statelately StntlatI 4tatelately
lately latI operated by h th thst lion B B UDKLL UDKLLIr
Ir is i li I Ists s clcaiunM 11111 unh the intention i is to toplnc topint
pint < tie hrtit > under the th direction of ofth ofIItIhrlat orib
th IItIhrlat > ln Interstats < r tat Comm Commerce rc Commission CommissionThe
The Tit ilriinnge ltI > itnap to Mecca which IM a noon noonto 110 soonto 111 111to
to lw h > undertaken throuRhont ili M Moslem < > l < ni niworld
world will 11 lw 1 > marked this year or bv banolheor banolheorlIlLnll another anothercoiiiemon anothervflhtCs
coiiiemon vflhtCs oti to mmiemlty Th Thus Holy Car Carpet Carptt ¬
pet the th covering which is annually taken takenfrom laknfrom takenroni
from roni Cairo ammo to Mivcu I for the Kiiuba th thmiwt thnUIIIt the themost
miwt sacred part of the Ih holy shrine hrill will willtravel willtmn1 willtmnel
travel ly I y railway lKuually th tho caravan caravanto
to which th holy hol offering olfrin i entrusted entrustedhas ntruM ntruMII
has II f rnhllrkll > rnhurl < Hl at Suiy iu Stip for Ifdddh 1 arid iindlh aridthnee UldIhn
lh Ihn thnee nce overland rlan1 to Merxa I a Hut th h latter latterpart 11I1ttrpart tatterpart
part of f the h journey joum in I through it L hostile hostilecountry hotlle0111I1 hostiletOiiltrV
country IIml nd the tit pilgrim 11 rlln have hl1 often been beencompelled beeniflftilkt n n1nII
compelled 1nII 1 to reiort n sort lo It many lIIan device dVI to tofulfil toullll totultil
fulfil thfir mission missionTliui mllonnlllo inisSiOtTutu
Tliui y year ar th he vt ceremony Inmon > of tho Holy Car Carpet Car1f Carpet ¬
pet 1f 1 at Iuiro lIIro wo held lultlll u week k earlier than thanformerly thanfonnrl thanforrmwrlv
formerly and tit offering wan given jpvenThursday givenThursday vn vnThUrMlay
Thursday to the th escort The Th caravan caravanMiibarkrd caraanmbarkd caravanenitarkud
Miibarkrd yestonliy nbr from Port Said for forHnifa forIIlura forIliufa
Hnifa Thence Thl1 it will proc proeiwi l by the thoru ther11e
ru r11e c iltKljiz railway to Medina Iod na and from fromtli fromtllr fromtheit
tli tllr over tlie rh old rout to 0 Mewl hc This Thiseliancf Thit1tu Thisetiamige
eliancf t1tu is said > Id to hay lao been he ono 011 of tho thoresult thoftlt tlairustilts
result of tliu piljtrimagK last year of the theKliH thehhi thehhutdire
KliH hhi < iivi who recommended the rh mo M of oftlm ofIh oftlti
tlm Ih railway on acrount aC OIl1tt of f ho dangers dangerswhich dongftrllhilh dangerawhich
which hohiul ho hitti s wen n menaced th the old route routeIUid routefliiIs
IUid 1 lI < extrioriliniry precautions aro aroto
to t i unsl ua < t against the th spread of cholera choleraand cholemand choleraand
and tlm Ih plague I016u Th pre IlronCf presenceof nc of these thenediseAwxt th th1111t thesetii4Is4
diseAwxt 1111t m the III East and the tb remotnbrance remotnbrancethat reI 6111bmncelhllt
that the th lust ipidMiilc that carried earri off offtliiiiiKimls orfhnlJlAndl offI
tliiiiiKimls I in K Earpt ypt wn 1 introduced tnt by byr hyr 17returning
r returning r pilgrim tiara ha mad oven fll1 the themost th thInol themost
most ix Iatl < > ni > rvatiVH Mol uln1ft < mi advnratm 1dvO1 of ofKtnct ofrict ofsi
Ktnct si rust iiiiranme flu inuaourtrs inuaourtrsTIIK 1I1001IIlrTilt Inoasuiresrut
Tilt ltKliT it i ITHI tT MKKT MKKTIMirrt isitr1Iirrt IITIIpln
IMirrt Opinion IIpln That a ItUtake Ihla W at a tilde tildeIn Udl Udltn IadeIn
In Nnt ut tiKcrtUlns till 11 rlhhlll It Llliersllv LlliersllvTIM LUr LiberaltI
1 I TIM iiu IIMTHK or > r Tnr Sr Ss t Ssr 1 r Th Threrrnl Thsrsrent
rerrnl Uelmnnt IJfk aviation meet w waa waa1i5t a a11tIIn t tilin
ilin 11tIIn 1i5t tIflItIC iniinr in the It matter of atlondanoFjpHcliiIlv attendance attendancepareciiuIIv
FjpHcliiIlv 11 > in it ttii rarlr If iar daya < Tbl ornii due duein
in u li largo re mei me4iIrs Mrx In tl > policy II adopted adoptedbv
bv h I hit III nrtlcl IInJrltl U In ch hirc ir < > of r miiintamln miiintamlnu ml
0 nnirli iiitu to wcrrey y in f regard car rord < l U t > th the t Ilrold IlroldInrllllllll > roK ropoaeiirugramthmmie > eii eiirojrTMiiii
rojrTMiiii anil rvenl rvenlThe eventinit I
The rI rltr I ii 5 in ti t line of tuiaine thai haa haalirnntfhl hilahrtht haatrotight
lirnntfhl In hllll tilt in in iv ronlncl for tnteral al years yearsMth yuaraS 1 1It
Mth S It pltilic allairt aLl alr of this Ihl diameter and andDin 4011tlfl nel nelIhl
Din rvperlcnn prhn hn h tniEht him Hint It It Itio IttI Itlo
tI io lo ut ut > t imy I the th tiiinniter of such Ieh Urae Uraeitt lar larliberIirl I
> itt liberIirl > riri rt > e to hrouil I ihir th r rurly aI action actionin
in Mr s I < v or u In > try to 0 protect rnl pictures picturesreiiin pltlnIIII pictharearailltu
reiiin IIII therein IIIr liy 10 t > ivri8ht > > or < r In short uliortto boftI
to I uidiMak JI0 ti to > mnUc tie I mnrh money lllflfe on out outI 0111
I th iririil iiratfrainines und annoimc annoimcineiii announcetiehits
ineiii 1 Uhile l 1111 title tin II ort IOr of policy yield a afrotn ar art
r rt frotn adtertlkliiK At d rlul nnd n lh the h mo MI of ofllli ofitt
itt > llli n > Miuvenlrs nll It detrnrtM eIlr ennrmounly ennrmounlyfrom
from t h hi ail 11 l nf ndrnUKlon ticket bee bCIIIM bciuutt HIM HIMitio I III
itio II imblir has h mil been n mifndenlly Informed Informedc InfointuidcunrmtIn
conrllltlo c n < erniiiit the th event pnl to become Interested InterestedI1 d dI
I1 I i tiiiuh niR lth h the I tti h tetter 1tI iiollcy II in all event RI of ofitMiirii ofIrlll oftn
itMiirii tn Irlll tinbiio rhimrler to 0 five 1 all n nIlIrnatlIJII neap neapirufrttiiUfiti R RinforiiMtion
inforiiMtion and illu 1I0trIlIIOnt tliistraion triilon > conrernln conrernlnItiMin
ItiMin II Its ii tlii t h uido s tiei I at p ImIoI Hisl Mt tilt > le publicity publicityIn ti blunt bluntin 1 ell ellIn
In tin Ih caiM 5 of lie If rereni Ul aviation IAtlon meet meetth meetUto
th Uto r p Irl < < rt > r nf the th Near 0 Nt York paper were wereniiiile wereIlllt
niiiile Illlt 0101 lo I tu et ettnit < Information rnncern rnncernni ncn
ni until iilt tli the affair had practically begun begunI lIun lIunI
I in it u Itu b btl n a tenilrnuy ndllc In recent year yearfm ysutratot 1 1I
fm I < n1i illi 10 4tIM > ls I connected 0nnI with I lIh uch rll rntnrt rntturprlaus rntturprlausU ntlrprl ntlrprlto > rle rlet
t to U > > tjat < n > i tnm In iiollcy Ioll ilc U wla IS In it aI measure measureUH IOlSl1rLI
UH LI I an n at tn IlutliuinKnlon I liaison ltilton how Ihn nnd nndlie amutihitseily 1111 1111dIIIIy
dIIIIy lie uteitly tlm III > IMI 011 with 4 1110 tie th hi t Inula oul and andiMlir an anolhr andutti
utti iMlir r liirite IlIr fadra i ir ro There fI wa yaa one mernor mernorkill 101001hi
kill hi it I < eptton tlnll the Ih thlcuvo MorMii fair fairnl
nl n iS9l I I Soina of your reader will doubt duubtiiii
iiii I cs4 reFnetiilier tntr that the th publicity end nd of or11t ofI
1 1 11t at e > litjitmn wac a Of In UK U hands of Major MajorI MajorIonsI aJor aJorlonl
I lonl onil an anti > I thai hi bla uctlvltle cauiietl the theniituraliicinand Ih lie lieutmaatmiuia
niituraliicinand 11111111 and IJ n na > H paper < Ihe Ih country over overtn ort overCii
tn t l h flle < i long nll In advance with th Intereatlns IntereatlnsoUirle InlretlnltIr ttutreathisttrles
oUirle Ir I and pitlure plI of what ma w coming cnmlnaAaiire WmlDIIA
Aaiire A a It rIllh rsuiL ulllhe the < hlraito fair created greater aurejterthe a Jlrarrnlhtn greaterenthItetCauli
rntrmitUam rntrmitUamrnv llnOIIl the II people at large area than thann titanItny
rnv n bow of it its kind hIt Iinui done since sinceXnuraday ttin ttinSowIIlay elmiceowat1ya
Xnuraday there I ii siay 4Y an n official officialPrnirriinimn omelalr omolalprogranlnie
Prnirriinimn r committee ornmltt and an omelet oftlcliiljinoinvnipher omclal1IIhlltrlllhr omeletIitiOtiisrhtlhCr
jinoinvnipher who t > coprrlzlil Irltrhlll and protect protectireryililnj prolltnrlhlll ptoteetsYerytilIflif
ireryililnj In alaht IIIh Pelter throw down downi downthsui
hew th i barrier amid let tIt the publiC f h have T tb tbinformatlini the tbltnrmIIII theinfurmaiuimi
informatlini Advertlaln Au dnrtl and publicity publicityhoutil publlcilI publicityahuititil
houtil I Ie > M the Ih rttlo nil rather than eerery 1 and andropyrlirlit andlnAN andronyright
ropyrlirlit lTJIAW l IAn II NfLSON NfLSONl PLo PLol
l i iti tI int Mi s Me I Votember 4 4l 4Tralnln 4Iiriy
l Iiriy rlr Training In I Ik I Ie 9llkan 9llkanf1rlffttrt nIno11rl IlalkanItIatrmS
f1rlffttrt fnrrftprttittnft flo rill Mtlll Imtn ro roTh garrmel ImtnThr
Thr l hi < mn onf r a peatan n t rnnmhernf UieMkupittlsIiia UieMkupittlsIiiaint the efkup itkiiptehinaacrt haa haaort
ort II V ha b lu thu I t lld 11 from the b eTrrt tT nf a wound woundau woundtiioe1
au tiioe1 I d liy II Mi It ht falling tallln on the h knife he h worn wornniMwndnl woreiuitteniird re rellIllOnd1
niMwndnl at h hi l wal wzslt hl l The TIt t trraiel > rr r inl father tAthrnrlh Ii Iiieerthrlr4 Iinterthek
nrlh ieerthrlr4 an t piH pin tawnenu nrn nt the h bill for preterit preteritit Irrwribtug rb
11 it Ih < h manner nr and nil lime 0 of f teitonlnr IIC the maul trailllonnt mault5ujqtsl radlont
ont waixmi aln < m n lilt Ih ounf on IfcrraUHi rU who whotnrt whogeneuiuiV II IInIlY
nIlY tnrt llv hate h them an won 01 a I they Ih ran an walk walkIK WajhdUt ail ailIf
If Ut IK WIth lili the Ih iim Iftrll rllr of hi his cnunlryncn con conM tOtJof conI4r
M I4r of ri that Ih a tmv I v Wi sitolllut nll 11 from rom infancy be areas ireutnmeil tI41lm1 areastometi
nmeil 10 It the th uie u nf t nrm nrma m mnlnAd
a mtnrxrfn rurmer Jumra ° fitlrtltlnmtmt fitlrtltlnmtmtfftu Enal EnalnrTH
> fftu ui fttrttirMitltnft norm nrTH inisntn f O iifnrff lIn llfpvltdtn llfpvltdtnr1hllr I
r1hllr II Kane n farnirr llvlnc Ilvn with lib if r heria her h hIa lucreha
Ia ia A nl n nius e war It if f rnlrriaininir aln hlmwlf while II at atrw a 1 1ttri
ttri rw In thr lit nrtl Ifr Ir tart arl Li I th mornlnr on onh onmMhrmall ona I i
a h mithnM < t4i rltlrn 101 iinl 1 Mitr II while hll he her II IIr
a r if r thr Ih rJ1IT tuiIun IOft IN j t leo nnii 0111 hi h it menial menialnnr menhslIttIt
p IttIt nnr i if A 11 ilrre ler if I finre n JMM arid aridr cmiiiIn 1
r In m il I Ife II ftfl h fnllwr f 1 utile hl ri ettm ettmI om omear m mnnh
are I ear mil nnU il Ifnua 1 lutrre I i 0 n ht hla tally tadyare
Marc 1r r TrIbal Trtbulrsand and TeiHtai Tediatenle < Mil lo t Ills Iliatally Ih Ihtktll IllsOsily
tally Honest lIoQetIll Maa MaaTo
To 1 si lila Tit Ionoit t l1t11 or Tni Tn 8ux 8u SuxRi Sir fji When WhenItoowvelt Whnnoovelt WhuinRoosevelt
Roosevelt waa prMDtd ItlU to the Haratona Haratonarnnvvntloo Hratolll1vntlon Haratogaronvntion
rnnvvntloo by Vlcelre ICfIrIn idrnt Mhfrman h haid bIItltl he hecaid
aid I thank you yosufurtht4honorgemitletnea yosufurtht4honorgemitletneaamid for thlahonor rntl nllmfn nllmfnntl m o oand
and ntl I aeauire tin 11 re jrou that nothIng I ay M or du dula duIn dolIt
la thi oilan r > > will make you 011 r regret rel your yourchoice yuulrchuilee ullr ullrwi
choice wi Th The apeecb h which h be had pre prepared Ir Jirepiuruiul ¬
pared 111 and vlren to the Ih pre lr preas a wa then thenilllv thenlhltrl thendelivered
illlv delivered re l but the published lIbUh report port did not notcoutuln notonllll1 notcontalmi
coutuln till Ilila wnlenoe The enteuce alpu re referred r rfnd reerred ¬
erred to wee w lu I reatniir the Ih convention conventionafter OnvnlonfIr
after It had listened lo the Ih debate dIt preceding precedingthe
the t h choice chol of temporary chairman and wan wannot w wlIul weelint
not for fu circulation went t uf the Mli 1111111 MliuisuiuiiiilRiver 1111111IUvr > i < > > l lItlver
River ItlverWhen IUvrWhn RiverViien
When the tI Wadwortli motion in amend amendthe IImndIh amendthe
the Ih report ft of HoOMvrlr peclally Illy contrived contrlYedcoinmltte contrivedcoimumulttee i icOIIIIIII
coinmltte un renolulluiiM wan made fur lli llitiurpoio 1lIIrpolP itie itiettulrpow
tiurpoio of utrlklnK out It tt Ita direct primary primaryfeaturo prlmarfa primaryfeature
feature fa iloooevell mounted lIIullnl the rostrum rostrumMr
Mr Ir Hoot prfldln l and ald Id Tbl I Iprecinely Ith its itspreelcely
precinely th point which wilt d determIne determInewiusmtiuer t rmlno rmlnowli
wli wlthr ther thus iilatform I jut or Is not pro proer proarrease progrese
er arrease ive lie had evidently tIlIll eiamined eiaminedtho
tho t hu platform plat for a as drawn by y I he tI committee committeeand
and nd found that It wa w wac lo hl tului taMe with tie tiedirect th thdlrt thedirect
direct primary rlmar planU In Ilia III statement wax waxwholly WII WIIwbolly watswholly
wholly Inconclatent with anything eircpt eircptapproval uccptapproval o1cpapproval
approval of th the platform generally cenerallyFor ceneralFor
For further conaumpllon by the conven convention convenIlun convenlion ¬
lion h h proceeded pro dtI In his hi dlect primary primarypeerh prlol1rh prituaryspeech
speech rh to whittle bllll tbe lUll down so o a cc to toconrue toCODu toconaIrli
conrue the platform aa a meaning direct directprlmurle dlredprlmrl directpritunriet
prlmurle for Senators and Aaacmblymen Aaacmblymenonly
only For or reasons beat known to hlmsell hlmsellhe bllnMlrhp
he omitted < l CongreMinen It wa QuIte quitsapparent QuIteparent QuIteapparent
apparent however to all who knew kne the thesituation thelllIation thetsltuitlon
situation that h he could not carry ClIfT with Ith him himSloat hImSlo1 litreSloat
Sloat Ka UIJiCIIIJohn Mtt John Dwlgbtand certain other otherCuoKreuiiienlf otberConKle otherConumeaziin
CuoKreuiiienlf ConKle 11 he h attempted toapplydirect toapplydirectnomination loppldlctDomInation toapply direct directnominations
nomination to Congressmen CongressmenTho
Tho press Ire paid little If any n attention to tothese 10IheM totheeti
these Impromptu remarks of lUxjMTit 1 1have J Jhave Ihave
have called attention to these words or orhi orhi ofhis
hi his ss a bearing upon his hi double dealing on onthe onthe onthe
the tariff and direct primaries on hi appear appearance apranu appearanee ¬
ance a as a a conservative 1 e at Saratoga 8arato wit wtli wtlitlCareftl wuthscarcely It Itscarcely
scarcely a dab of radicalism a agalnet aln alat t his hisOaawatomle hi hiOutomle hiOaawatomie
Oaawatomle speech and his blolater hi later posing in inthe Inthe inthe
the South and We WeI West WestI ut utI
I hare failed to nee any an notice In the th press pressof
of his hi dally dall conversations with lIh the theork New NewYork NewYork
York ork tiosnes boats a III > he met them during durinelbt the taut laittwo tauttao
two year of hi his Presidency lie would say sayto llaYto sayto
to Darned Woodruff Ward llendrick llendrickAldridice lIfndickldrldlCfI hendricksAtdridire
Aldridice and the ret a as he saw them I Icannot Iennol 1cannot
cannot bear that man Hughes he h In I In Insufferable IDurferbl Inufferable ¬
sufferable If the Issue comes 1010 up between betweenyou
you 011 and Hughe 1 will 11I be with llb you you1 I do donot donot donot
not believe In direct primaries When WhenHughe WbenIIl1lbea Whenlltmehee
Hughe wa a candidate for President Presidentlloooovelt Pdelltltoolk Presidentltooevett
lloooovelt ltoolk elt organized d the preliminaries of ofrmIAlan a acampaign acampaIgn
campaign to carry Sew s ew York ork for Taft and andheld IIndheld andheld
held consultation for the purpose 1url O of beat beatInn bfatInl beatInc
Inn that man Hughe In his bl own 01l < n Stale StaleTart SialfTaft StatTaft
Taft cut this thl short by declaring that he hewould htwOllld heWollid
would not bn b a candidate In New S York YorkIt orkIt
It follows from the th foregoing lor 101 n 11 to use useItooeTelt uselooeeiltts I
ItooeTelt word that everybody ubod now no op oppnsed opIloped
pnsed 1 to him may lOa be said Id to be in crooked crookedbunineMi crookcdhuieinesu rookpdblliDe
bunineMi or crooked ruok politic 1 its It Ju jiat jiatpuielbie l lpniwlble Ipolblfl
pniwlble that In framing thee Ih phrase II IIoccurred IIun IIoccurred
occurred un to 0 Roosevelt that all It of hl his oppo opponenlcould opponpnlnOuld opponentcouild
nenlcould be bfMclANlfted noclaMl fled because bP IIN they thflywould thflywouldncrll theywoululnecessarily would wouldneceiwirily
necessarily b bfo up against crooked biielneat biielneatand
and crooked polities when they Ih were fight fightIng nhtIn fightIng
Ing In < him
ron Fomusrn onurit Ftt Vnnsn nnsn or ROOSEVELT ROOSEVELTSTnacrai ROOIlItIUTKTn4ltltlt RooseveLtStaicts
STnacrai November 4 4The 4Th 4The
The Th Taft Hfpabllwrn Rpa U and John A Dlx DlxTo OtxTo DlxTo
To taut FrtTon or Tni Hex KtsU Sir I read readthe reolldIbe readthe
the letter planed A Taft Republican Republicanwith
with arm = and It appreciative pp ltllo interest Itentlil Itentlilrill skil skilful ¬
rill clever lmpolble ImlOft lbl to answer efflclently efflclentlyIt mdeall mdeallIt
It IA I a bit of artistic work anti an a cam campaign campllilln campalm ¬
palm document a million copies copl should be beent bent besent
sent nt out In New York between now and Dn eke electlon eketton 1tC 1tCIloD
tlon Henldeii an an n analysis what II icy aayI oayolutl
I It absolutely olutl true and nd every one not preju prejudiced prejudiced prejudiced ¬
diced who whoreatlalt read relldllt It will feel fll 1 disposed d to toagmee toagmeewith agree agreewith IIMItll
with Itll It One reads l1 dtt It with lth a chuckle with withadmiration wllhdmlrallon withadmiration
admiration for tbe skill of the arraignment arraignmentand
and with Itb conviction I emphasize It should shouldbe bouldbt
be distributed within fortyeight hours to toevery toer toevery
every er voter In New York ork city ell It will de determine delermln determauifle ¬
termine 10000 rotes VOl that are ar hesitating hesitatingA bt1llltlnIUIIHULPIII hesitatingiutlloeLplIi
IUIIHULPIII A November r rOliver1 > J JOlhr 1Olivers
Oliver1 Way WayTo Wa WaTo WayTo
To Tile Koiton III 1t or 0 Tna 8rv 81sSir Sir When Whenth
th Colonel Colonelwaaeomplllnl was compiling hi hl8 Life of Oliver OliverCromwelldid OllvtrCromwII OliverCronuwetl
Cromwelldid CromwII dId he h Include the following de dewriptlon doacriptlol3
wriptlon of romwell < by b the tatters per peronal ptrt personal
t onal phrslclin Ib lclan Dr George Or late lateA that thatt
i A t perfect master of all the art ru of Imu simulation ImuIlIlIon imuistlon ¬
lation and of dl slmulatlon who turning turningup tllmlnIr
up > the Ib white of hi hIs eyes e and od seeking the theLord th thIOrd
Lord with plou gestures will weep and andpray an andray l lInantl
pray Inantl ray and cant most devoutly till an oppor opportunity olport olportllmt opportsinity ¬
tunity offers or dealing < hi his dupe a knock knockdown knockIlown knocktiown ¬
down blow under ths Ih short ribs K S 8Yori SSW SNew
SW Yori ORI November So eombfr 4 4The 4i 4The
i The Rosshoss alAba In the Hoath HoathTo IialhI NoathTo
I To THIS EDITOR or 0 Test SrxSir Src 4r May Maythe Maythe IarIhe
the Lord help to deliver the great reat State of ofNew ofII ofNew
New S York ork from political control by h the IheOnly Ih IhUnly theOnly
II Only One OneWhen On OnWhtn OneWhen
When Colonel Roosevelt was President Presidenthe
he n Us4d 1 1 an Immense amount nf patronage patronageto
to bribe the political machines of the South SouthU
U W > the he end nd that the ofriaiholdlng and negro negrodelegates nfleroolld negrodelegates
delegates would vote ot for him In the national nationalconvention DlloDalconntlon nationalconvention
convention of IBO and nd for Mr Taft In l tol tolSo imNo m mNo
No President ever abused the power of ofFederal ofFedfral ofFederal
Federal patronage as be did especially In Inthe Inb inthe
the b South and on top of this Ihl with that thatmonumental thlltmooumeDtal thtmonumental
monumental nerve which la I really ad admirable admlrabo admtrabo ¬
mirable because bfc It ls I it so ii stupendous he hecomes heom hecomes
comes om South talks tlltIO to his fellow Ceorglans Ceorglansand eorIIU1 eorIIU1iUld eorglansand
and tell what be > will do Ignoring rnorln In M Munconscionable his blaunconsclonabl hisunconeclonable
unconscionable way that during nearly nearlysight narlyIM nearlyeight
sight IM years ean of bis hi term In the Presidential Presidentialchair
chair be kept scalawags and negroes In InofHc Inotl1c InollIcty
ofHc J thereby bringing contempt upon the theSouth theSoutb theSouth
South and especially Mclall upon th the party that thathe thathe thathe
he represented Ho n built up and sup supported npI slipported ¬
I ported rrd the most obnoxious sraum m of boss bossIsm bo bolam bosaism
Ism and boasea ever seen 11 In the South Southand Sootbnd SoUthand
and no argument or sentiment was w strong strongenough itrongenough troo trooDOlllh
enough to overcome his hi loyalty to ono of ofhis 01hi ofhis
hi his bosses after he had one mad him hima
a boos boosOne boaIn
One In of these the bosses boq In a selfcongratu selfcongratulatory lf ODllratlJ ODllratlJlalo17 ¬
latory mood over the power thus bestowed bestowedon
on him on one on oecsslon paid him the th fol following followin totlowitu4 ¬
lowing high compliment He H lore 10 flat flattery nattry listtT1 ¬
try better than any 1U1 man 1 ever er knew 1ID and andI
1 keep him filled up with II IIMr IIr IIMr
Mr Ir ItixMMvelt did occasionally and char characteristically eftrIcterll characterikaily ¬
acteristically Icterll all make a grand stand play pl In Inappointing InpolnUna ineppoiniLmig
appointing coma w Democrat to office In the theSouth theKOllth theitouith
South and be b used tbe circumstance to tothe toIhe tothe
the full fllll1I1nt extent for advertising Favoritism Favoritismwan
wan the th prominent feature fntu of hi hie admlnla admlnlatratlon admlnJaIrllon adminiatratlon
tratlon and h hi was loyal to his hi favorites favoriteswhether favoriteswhether
whether It was Ablrlchn ldrlcla first lieutenant lieutenantLodge lieutenantLodge unllnt unllntIod
Lodge Iod In ManaachiKetta or the lb lntirgent lntirgentn insuirgusniflevride
n flevride verid rle In a Indians 00 o long cc each ac wax waxurefnl WII WIIflll wasuseful
useful flll to hi lute personal purpo Ill purposes purposesii fJI09f fJI09fII e eHe
He II wa w was loyal to Mr Ir Taft when If I tutted tuttedhim euitredhim ftd ftdhtm
him to cett ele I t Mr Taft lorontlnii ro ontlnll the th Dona Donaveil 11 Itneseveil
veil dynxty Now Sn nw that he h ha hiss other plan planfor C11anafGr pla plafor
for the su allclon cestoa < he h damn President i Idnt Taft
with faint praise pr He II always Iwa plays pia lh lhgame UIametor the thegamefor <
ametor game for Koosevslt and he b can all detl from fronthe fromlb
the lb bottom with this Ih unttoo that com comonly comualy comeutilr
only from a pure and nd und uDdfI undsilled flUtd selfright selfrighteousness selfrightouanea frtbtMlWln
eousness eousnessColonel MlWln MlWlnolooel ouaneaoloni
Colonel HooM UOO4lt > vlfs Mtrem um aniUcll aniUcllban atulacilyhas lIdadlba
ban ba at limes 11m made Lincoln pbra ph that thayou tbatOll thatloti
you Oll ran In fool foolalllhe all the people 011 some of this time timeand tllUand tIreand
and tome of the Ih people all of o the th time but biinot butnot bittnot
not all of the Ih people all 11 of the tune tllllIk tllllIkIt lo 1041k k ai aiIf as asif
If Lincoln was wa wrong for on once onceIt < e eIt eIt
It I its up tI to N New w York YorkIf orll orllIf
If he gets to third has It in November 111 111ciiire blcia hIs hIscIatses
ciiire cia fur ntaUug the houie plats 10111 In ut utwill 11will 9twill
will be b close cl to 11 tie per cent centA tItSOItUHS
A t SoiTUkHN llKiunurtx llKiunurtxl IIttlenllrS1lI1or4 liaruibilrtlaxsuiroia
l 1lI1or4 x roii Kla 11 Ia November I Itprlxht Iprl ttpright
tprlxht prl < ht Jab JabTuillKKoiTOHorrilKSrN Jab1utlllttpToltoITIltIIS JutI
TuillKKoiTOHorrilKSrN I u lile IouToK or luil i Mr ii Tbuiigt Tbuiigtloli 1lIlhK
loli K K Hedge IIrd hart ha been cuiupaitfiilnK < will willIliucxlore wittulliuotiure Ith IthTIIIo
Iliucxlore Kutmevelt for th the list moiltlt In Inthis Inthl imithis
this State tale th the eicerptx f cerpl from Mr Ir HmUexi HmUexiCommon JId JIdComlllon lleuiguasComiumon
Common Sense iu IolitlcH Jollt IIIIIIIId iubll hed In Intoday hitoda intodays
today Hurt HI show that Mr Ir looevet looevetVfMlferou lIooovelr lIooovelrocUeroll ltoouevettTociteruuit
VfMlferou liaraugiie and nd appeal lo pas passion licestout ¬
stout and preludlce 08 have lul not nOIIad bad the Ih effect effectof elT effectusfiomtverting 1
of converting f Mr Ir Hedges 40 o hypocrMv hypocrMvNrw hpocriYlliti lypocristw
Nrw w YOKE November 3 F FFrom 1 1From f fFrom
From a Fremont r onl Hepulillesn HepulillesnToTllBEoiTOitorTuBSUx IleputiIicallro epullll epullllTo
ToTllBEoiTOitorTuBSUx To TII tPITOlt or Tu Tue KuocSir SOS Sir too tooelt Itoose Itoosevelt e evelt
velt elt numt lx 1 0 > a proud man to disrupt tu tuRepublican the tlteHepuMlcn theRepublican <
Republican party to gratify hl his ambition ambitionI
I am m over 70 years flDra of age and have voted votedthe voteulthe otedIbe
the llepubllcan ticket since t Fremont r mont I Icannot IcanDot Icannot
cannot ca cut t my m lot with th the crowd thin thintime IhIlime thistime
time and shall Altallalmply simply vote for my m Congress Congressman n nman ¬
man who has b been a faithful servant and andhelp an anhelp nd ndhelp
help M 1 may ma or can the Taft Admlnh Admlnhtratlon tdnulntsI dmlnltratloa
ration tratlonI I
I predict Roosevelt will be the th laughing laughingslock lallblnlttock laughingstock
tock of the country after November NovemberA 8 8ltrEtoxn 5A
A IIFEIOXU IIFEIOXUUnooiLty Rlilutlcs RlilutlcsDItOOILII flauunlmcaUaooatts
UnooiLty November Soem r 3 3v 3The 3The 3The
The Multitude ltltude of f Dlx Pt Republicans RepublicansToiTHg R HcptmbllcanlToma PQbllCnTom
Tom EDtTonorTltKSrxSirr EDtTOR orTnE Svoc Sr Sir I have havebeen baebotPn havebeen
been In many mln cities of thin State recently recentlyhavo ltCfnlybay recentlyhave
bay met innumerable Republicans who whore whoare
ar are re going to vote for Dix and the rest restof Ittltor restof
of th the Republican ticket and al > d without ItholltceUon ex exception etceptlon ¬
ception they thfl have aid that Mr tr Stlmson Stlmsonwas
was undoubtedly a good ond man but they Ihp could couldnot couldnot couldnot
not countenances Mr < Ir ltoo JloOllfvell evelt either di directly dlI1cth dirocily ¬
rectly or Indirectly Watch the return in inthis Itthle inthIs
this respect peel R H II IISEW K KNew I IEw
New Ew YORK oa ose November SovmbfrJotln I IJoan 4John
Joan Hrown OR Itombaitrfl Furtoso FurtosoTo FuriaeTo
To THB Tn EDITOR or THE KivSir Did Didthe OldIh flidth
the Ih bogus hero of Osawatoinle ever read readwhat radwhat readwliitjohnhirown
what wliitjohnhirown John Urown of Osawalomie O said of the thebraggart tbflbraerart thebraggart
braggart braggartAt
At tcon u I bear h nn 0 < of my m mm lay sa Ah b 11 11me I Im letmeld
me m meld get 1 my m eye eyeon on such a man 1 iii II brine him down downI downdon
I dont riprct much old ahSla In Ihe light from rom thai thaitalkrr 1121taikn batallln
talkrr Tl ha > toe quiet qut peaceable mrn the men mrnuf mDur menof
uf principle that u make the Itt best b soldier tohllrnNew soldierNaw 0MlrASaw
New Yon 0 November 4 MARCCS MARCCSIii3i Mnctsltial
Iii3i and an lUlU luioTo lUlUT 1014Ti
To T rile Kunou or Tar Sr SS t sir SIrancestors our ouriincestor Ouranlol1l
ancestors in the Mmwachuaettn Hay lIa Colony Colonywould Colonywould olon olonwo1I1
would < 1 have handled handl differently the th Author Authornf
nf the Insult to Judge Anderson at Indln Indlnaapoll IndloallI mdiiinajmolis
aapoll Iheotherday the I iuot ijuote from froltlh the llev llevWilliam II IIWIIIIm 11evWilliam
William llubbardlieneral lIuhhanl linpral Illniory JU lory itt if New NewEngland Sewalllld ew ewEngiand
England From the t h Discovery to lowi lowiIn In InIn iciC iciCIn
In text I an impudent affront of one on Cap Caplain a alain np nplain
lain Stone wa was a offered tn Mr Iudlow one oneot on onor oneof
ot the Ih inaaixtrated calling 1 1I111 him lut ai a ass > for forluntire forwhich forjistlce
luntire which was n i eo o highly resented nld that thatt
It > t COt the III offender JLH and nul banishment banishmentHe
He thought t to iu < ha han e brave bra i authority withintoknt with withinwlent IIh IIhinolnl
inwlent word I the th conniviuir of which whichtends whichttndA whichtends
tends directly to the overthrow of any on got govnrnment goternmeflt 0 0nmtnt >
nrnment whatsoever He II that l is mounted mountedIn
In Ihe Iheaddl saddle had need keep iI th the relna relnutrhht relnutrhhtunla sjrslsht sjrslshtunless
unless he h Intend to be b thrown down and andtrodden andtrndd andtrodden
trndd trodden n under foot T TTIXltDO F FTriKoo I ITczemio
TriKoo lane November 4 4A 4A 4A
A Gamester lo 0 Certain Cood ood Children ClilldrenTo
To THE EniTon or 0 Tnr T r Scs 1Icsii Sir I offer offerto
to waver w a euihatnttidamniunt iihtantla amrmnt am wl Ith Ithifford k h hOIlTord i iTlfford = = i
Tlfford Plnchot Harry I Ian Garfield or any anymember allYm anymember
m member mber of the th Tennis Cabinet that the tbeRepublican theRepubllcan theRepublican
Republican vote at Ibo th coming election will willtm willbe wIllbe
be reduced In every r State In which Colonel ColoneltooMVrlt ColoDf1Roolt Colonelfloousevelt
tooMVrlt ha hu made a political speech IIP ch In Inthla InIhlo inthis
this campaign If auch Ih a wager er should be ben beIn b bin
In n contravention of any of the statutes statutesigalnat IItClltaaalut Statutesagainst
against gambling with which I am m not notfamiliar notfamiliar notfamiliar
familiar I suggest that In case ea of prosecu prosecution protttclItlon prosecutlon ¬
tlon we might arrange rano to have the matter matterleard malterheard matterheard
heard before some crook and nd jackass jackassludge JeluaIutle jaekaludge
ludge and thus avoid trouble troubleNRW trouhltSPEIItUIZ trolubletflgsinagtE
tSPEIItUIZ ClTtE ClTtEltW CmiirecNew
New ltW YORE 0111 November 4 4Pennsjlvanla 4PmnI11n11i
4 Pennsjlvanla Penn Ivanili Repabllean RepablleanTo
To THR FriiTon IITnR or It r THE SnjcSir oc ii The Theetter Thelellr Theletter
letter of A Taft llepubllcan i is the proper properiipreddon propereaprisiuton ror rora
iipreddon a tdon or many lIIan lifelong Republicans RepublicansI Rtr > uhllcan1 uhllcan1I
I I have h alway voter the he Republican ticket ticketilnce tick ticketsince I IIDee
since the Ih farfleld election but If I lived In InTew Inw inVpw
Tew w York Slate I would vote for John A ADlx Atlls Alilt
lilt I have known him from the days daysirhea da dawhf11 dayswhen
when he h wa It at Cornell anti he h Is It i an n hon honirable honorahl honorahie
irable straightforward man and no Re Republican Republican Repliblican ¬
publican will 11I make a mistake in voting for forllm forhim forhim
him St aLTKKM 4LTtR il I DlCKSOX DlCKSOX3cn DICK DICKSCIU DmcgsosMciixtoe
3cn Mciixtoe XTO TON r Ia I November N 7 7nryan 2nran 3nrsn
nryan Ontbnanert OntbnanertTo Ol1tlllanTn
To vita KniTon or Tea Tn firx flt SrySjr Sir I read II10dthot readthat readthat
that In n a speech eh delivered In Nebraska ruk the thelher th tholbr theother
other > day the Ih lion William Jennings Bryan liryanlaid lIyaI Bryansaul
laid I that today the Ihlralet > greatest living exponent exponentif tJt flnnlof
of llryanlam was the he lion Theodore Roose Rooserelt It ItIt Roosetelt
relt It Now while thin Ihl In I true I think It la lano I Imot lmost
mot no t generous In W V 1 H thus to yield 111t the thealm thepalm thepalm
palm alm to T R The Th trouble with hits stat utatenent IIlatment statment
ment however 1 is Ihnt It don do nol go far farnonrzh farnoullh farenough
enough Roosnvelf New ew Satinnsllum I Ivorse Iworllft Is Iswore
wore than nrranlnm Itecauiiei beca while It Itunbraces Itmbralt itembraces
embraces all the tb fault of Ilryanlmn It Itiractlcally Itractlcally itpractically
practically favors ra orll wiping Ipn < out all State line linemmethlng 1I0peanmelhln hinessomething
something < Bryan never dreamed of Though Thoughi
a i Republican I shall vote for Uix UixAXTIHOOSETELT 111TI liiiANtlHoostvmny
New nw Yong 0 November 3 3Decline 3OIlCUnff 3Decline
Decline anti ad Fall of 0 a Precursor Precunorrrm
rrm Lara fd Hairbrrvt Xafotm Vuip 4 p file II last I Ptoitt Ptoittn PM PMIII Favtie
III Toe Ih the n linlnnc of hl his Jiidtiment and anda andbcom andbecomes
becomes l a curse cur to hl his own country < and to tnill ton toall
ill n other He 1 cannot b tue still hinuelf or orfire orslY orgive
fire slY mankind an ln Inlant iant of repose repocntu reposeAnd IOft IOftAnd
And tu to 0 he produce universal uPI n1 unrest unl unlremal IInlen1
venal bo 1lIIlt tlity the h tinlver uinivprsiil al sense on > of If f hi hincompatililllty hiIDCflmpatlbllllY Isle IsleincompatIbility
ncompatililllty with all 11 established noclety nocletylut I11tlIut cocietyfluit
lut lie pursues pun hi hIs path an a If rM I possesucti > e ed d nn nnf liltIf seif
If f driven by h the Inward sting Un of some om burn burnng burnIn burnlug
In lug ng devil H lie ban h ceased to Iwt t sane an Th Thntellect ihtIntellect h hIntIIt
Intellect and energy nflr are II till there but aa aat IIIt ccIt
It t were In caricature rarlcI They Th have h become becomenonntrosltlea hfocmmOMlrOflIUp becomemonstrosItIes
monstrosItIes body botl and mind are a affected affectedir
bY ir the th prolonged drain to b tift > more than thannortal thanmortal I I1D0rtal
mortal Then there Ih i its the Inevitable col colape colIpllf eellapae
Ipllf ape and nti at Ht Helena we w an It > watching watchingrith
with ctirfou comp ompion < ion lh reaction and andlecline anddflclllUl anddecline
lecline The Th truth trot we w take tn n be this thihe thlTh thisThe
Th The ° he > mind of man ha h not In It iMifHcietit iMifHcietitlollajit eummriamutballst mrinlbAlIt
lollajit to enabli It in I eiercHei r or n endure endureor ndllr ndllrfnr
for or long supreme lrtn unrontrotled power powerr flwrOr powerOr
Or r 10 1 put lU It in olhrr Ihr word nd the Ih human humanrume hllmanrrllm humanframe
frame rume m iinetti4l Co < anything orlbln approaching approachingmnfpotenco approachingoninipofrnct Iroabln Iroablnomnlpntncft
mnfpotenco > I
t I PEYVU11AV4 11IIIU t ISIi tt II IIThe uTho
The Pt ptI Pleasiog lng PvMlbJIII Tlia i n I IIlIdmt hotip hotippeadent ur urpeotlent
peotlent Will III lie 11 11I Klertrrl KlertrrlTo
I To THE 11 KniTon t olT11 or TIIE Tn < s ssylvania s i a avanla zcaOIA
sylvania > vanla l is < a big bl Slit t11 t1le III ilimwith H4ri H4riwith i4 i4willi
mall the theof lit theor
with politic In n fT fTlr
of the It year Ir It ha haa not attr tt en enIda I Iaide p peide
aide Ida attention but unV uinestione an tr trtlon I I II
lion ar are all 1 awry It vlll vlllsfter 111 Olp Olpttr is o oafter
I after election dar l y In 0 0It eiite tt r ftis i ithe
the It Stale ha has been win glvlnr Ir IrI r ronetu t tiMtifi
iMtifi orolfl lletiiiblicnn nujort r i iday n nday nthy
day to kit I t an Independetu T Iu IuWlthlllt 1 n nCoverniir upttttvernsir
Coverniir wlthoit Mi h s < < if Iii Iiitlur I Ithr n netliT >
etliT of tbe lit old imrv user i uri 11 iti itiI 1 1Tlleo
Tlleo I lie pre lireserit ent all ltnuli 111 slOt jut < iii < II f fcreattnl I Ivrhttd >
creattnl 1 by b a iliMMMnni dl lti all II nvw m mlu ue he helu Pu Puit
lu it d lu Jo nmethlnt IIln I uo < > r rliiko tlniU 1 li i Iorjramtliiutlutus i iortfaiil IorIlDIIIII1
ortfaiil orIlDIIIII1 > itlli > ti 4hl a ahiili ht h e HI sit Umir Umirfortitblv I IfUlIb utuiir utuiirfortatilt
fortitblv 1Id id o priftiblv worked rk1 i > i iotlier I Iotllr Iii
otlier ii her band lull I tliev II ev hnv h iv ivKOIIIH t tI t
KOIIIH I Their uiusu liuiu in iiiitlwi Inlll si I I ie ill It Itii n nthe III >
the I ii itosie M > oile mi > inirv I here h i i iInking ui uitiskllitc
Inking 111111 them nil nriiund 11I1 luau elMiei elMieithe 1 1th
the th I iit Demo 1toII I Cstis ruilr nil ii iiiiminee lisiutu u slice for or llCltft llCltftIb mremn mremnthe u ut uttlitt
the Ib IMM I of the Ih three > fI IMilng c uiiil uiiiltail nd hl < lie lielull
lull it lm lime K got < > < Into hut n the tit > lifjd al nf r < > i iIhe
Ihe Ih I Muninn flreiii flu rein at Hie IhUro1llt IhUro1lltullvntl1I I lii D leuiisteru ini > > rdiii rdiiiconvention I i icliii > I
convention cliii vent tii > nd th the iiiiiuii II uiusiuinatiouu III tiuii lUll ir r < rw rwund ltl ltllIalllr IIiinilerorduire
und lIalllr iinilerorduire rord > ri r > wa part art of u vl 141Ctiui 1 1n eme > M mu mo moan ijit ijitaft
an n ea easy a y rnnl for fo Wlioin whIIIr iM er ttilKh IIIhhInalrd IK ti timated niin niinInated
mated at the th Kepubllrnii 1t1IIU Rtt ionveiilmu u Itlal iep iepIn fv fvlater
later lal In t r The lit llepuhllcnn 111111111 lets it iiiliveiiii itiui tetil 111111 111111Id ilugi imn iltilil ui uiI i iled
led I Jnlin Kinley Ilnl K I ii Icy Teiur IIIr n p man mi Ii nf t nrHri nrHripiiklirltude tiis tiisgisulchiritumtie tiPlI tiPlIIlchrU
piiklirltude IlchrU nnd 9ventyneven ntFv in li lialtitude hliititllll ithilt
altitude altitudeTh liititllllTit hilt It I uuls uulsTile
Th Tile Tenet selection wa a not atl aurMY aurMYto fartnrr fartnrrto
to a alar large proportiooof Itepubllcan UIIItllcDlllhrnlIII UIIItllcDlllhrnlIIIt i brat git git11st n nout
out t the Ih Stale MIa Ie and Democrat lJemolralvlI even com comorganisation coinorganirations In InorI4nlatlon
organisation of the th party Ir began h in i to rr rrdials rep repdiate 1 1diMe
dials the tb oicellent WeoIr Sel > 4ter Irini IIrl Tlmw Tlmwwho iii iiiwho
who did not want either begun tn at atgethier e > i igetlier >
getlier and finally llxtd on William II Her Hera
a Hryan Democrat a as an Independen Independencandidate itulsgtentiencandidate
candidate The Slate ban been In a tnrtnm tnrtnmever tuirtaitsever
ever since hut It has been found i out ut nn nnrecently onrecetuthy
recently Tour week ago llerry wa waIne si siing >
Ine to withdraw If tirlm would nnd en ena clIp clIpa >
a union on a new candidate Hut crmi crminouldnt ruit ruitsoiiluint
nouldnt tint then Two weka later hr < ir n nconsMnte u uconsented <
consented < l lo withdraw but It wa was lh thn n nllerry e etlerrys
llerry turn in mu decline o there vq n nchange uit uitchange
change In ticket and the campaign cauuui aign mmro mmrotoward tim timtoward
toward the end with the a astonishing tonl hlmr iirniu iirniubilllj tironlilit
billlj that llerry may he elected electedIn
do In the Interior counties party llnei hive hivealnumt ha haalnunuit
alnumt completely broken do doan n In corn cornof otnnf
nf them a careful canvass howthat almost almnthe almostthe
the entire Democratic vote ha has awltrh ewltrhffrom l lfrom
from frini rlm to llerry and that Berry will zti ztionelinlf zsuoneiuslf
onelinlf or more of the Republican lOts lOtsIn oteIn
In Allegheny county usually Republican Republicanby
by anywhere from l ioISX i x to noooo majoritr majoritrIt
It I is conceded that Tener will be it lucky If he hegets hedfrts
gets any majority at al Tener live In the theadjoining Iii Iiistljoituing
adjoining county of Washington and all the thereports thereports
reports represent that he I its likely tr trevery In Inevery
every one ol the hi three usually reliable Re Republican Republlcatu
publican counties comprising hi his ConrrrM ConrrrMional Congresional
ional district and one of these I is the county countyof
of leaver f so long well known as the home homeof hornof
of Maltlmw Stanley Quay The present mil millook outliok
look Indicate that nearly every county w weet weetof t tof
of the Alleghanles vrlll give a plurality for forBerry forBerry
Berry BerryWhat BerryWInO
What I is going on In the central counties cnuntUI
I its not very different Intact In fact the disaffection disaffectionIs
Is general It la now estimated If ff veteran veteranfigure vetTanfigure
figure men that Berry will come to tu Philadel Philadelphia Philadelptiiawlth ¬
phia ptiiawlth with a plurality of JOOOO or possibly possibly75n
75n and that If he I iii to be beaten II muM muMbe mustbe
be In Ihlladelphia Some of the estimate estimategive estImategive
give Tener enough in the city to overcom overcomKerry overcoritlterrys
Kerry lead In the country but nothing I Imore It Itmore
more certain than that the usual Republican Republicanmajority Republicanmajority
majority here will be cut In half and powii powiibly poesilily
lily reduced by twothird twothirdThe twothirdsThe
The polltlciana are amazed and stun ome nt nttrlem of111cm
trlem are cared The organization leader leadertfelt leaderfelt
felt to > secuirt e < iire > with two candidates to divide dividetheopposit dividetheniuposition
theopposit Ion vote and paid so little attention sttrntloato
to the campaign that they have awakened awaksnedto
to the situation only within the la last t week weekThey weekThey
They had not contemplated that one n nthe of ofthe
the opposition candidate would so seriously seriouslydlvldn seriouslydivide
divide theIr own vote an to Imperil the threlection theelection
election uf a Republican candidate in a aState aState
State with mich an overwhelming majority majorityI majoritytntir
nclrr I the condition existing Grlms vote volwill votewill
will be small for since tho th fight liasCBr liasCBrrowed baa nsr nsrrowed
rowed lo llerry and Tener the Damo Dmoerati Dmoeratiwho rau rauwho
who take orders will be ordered to Tener Tenerwhile enr enrwhile
while most of the others will go to Berry BerryIn
In the mi mliup up there 1 ta a very lively prosmrt prosmrtthai prosnectthat
thai lh the Oomocratn who now have fl flongcramen IU IUlorsrcMmft
lorsrcMmft In this > Slate delegation nlll nlllelect sIllelect
elect from ten tn twelve to the next House HouseThi IioueThis
This gain la made easier by the fact that In Inmany inmany
many di u1lctrlts trlctn the Henry vote and the trim Orlmvote trimvote
vote will be united on Congressional candi candidate candidates ¬
date and several Republicans who were wereelected wereelected
elected by large majorities two years agoare ago agoare
are facing defeat defeatThere defeatrbere
There have been political upheavals lo loPennsylvania toPennsylvania
Pennsylvania occasionally in tbe past but butthere bunthere
there ban not been within memory SKJ uei a atltintlon asituation
situation aa exlta at this time timeOsssarn
OlSSBVSn OlSSBVSnPntinrLpuiA OsssarnInnDrLrlllA
PntinrLpuiA Novembers NovembersTIME 3 3TIME
Free Advice and Information far All AllInterested AllInterested
Interested Persons PersonsTo
To THE KotTort or THE Srx SrSir Sir This ThisIs
Is a seasonable time for the planting of oftrees ofirtes
trees an enterprise which the Tree Planting PlantingAumrlntlrm Plantingtssoclatinn
Aumrlntlrm of New ork ventures to com commend cornmend ¬
mend to all property owners ownersIt
It 1 its a simple and effective mean of ofImproving otimproving
Improving property greatly exceeding In Invalue invalue
value the cost of the undertaking while a athe athe
the same time contributing to the neighbor neighborlood neighborlood
lood a permanent and attractive feature of ofadornment ofaulorument
adornment adornmentIt
It I its reronmeuded that where a number numberof
of owner a Ill cooperate n more uniform uniformeffect uniformeffect
effect may lie secured anti at xuneMtlnc xuneMtlncIn
In evpeniw While tree planting In tM tMborough tilts tiltsborough
borough I is Included as aflordlng many manyopportunities manyopportunities
opportunities for this work It I its pecllly speciallyariggested peclllynuggeMed
nuggeMed for the outlying borough whe wheiy rh rhby
by timely and careful planting and Intelli Intelligent inteillgent ¬
gent maintenance the charm of a apreserved well wellpreserved
preserved eubiriian iiburl > an character may be sic siccessftlltv ic iccemifiillv
cemifiillv and advantngeoiuly continued continuedliy
liy It law the planting of hade tree lreuiuiPflI lreuiuiPflIthe upon uponthe
the streets anti avenue nf this cltj cit wblcb wblcbincltliie shlchincltiules
incltliie all the boroughs I is under th thdirection this thisdirection
direction of the Deportment sf Park the thsrepresentative therepresentatives
representative of which in the several severalboroughs everslborough
borough issue the nece ncenry ry permit to be beapplleii beapplied
applied for in person or by letter letterThe letterllue
The tree specially recommended are to toplane the theplane
plane nr sycamore Ire trees nf which there ar artwo are aretwo
two varieties the Eastern and Me tSestEr tSestErrlsne teni teniplane
plane the former being prelerred tB tBlinden the theiiiudqna
linden both native and Kuronean the themniilen themsules
mniilen the Norway Ofl5a maple being beinggenerally more moregenerally
generally sugnesleti uggele l the American imerucsnEuropean n nruropeanelmnthe
ruropeanelmnthe European elms the hor horse e che chestnuts triutaan and < 1 citric citricof ro roof
of the oak oakPlanting amttsllanting
Planting may be suicceseftilty ucce fiilly il tine ne no nothrouch runthruuigh
throuch a period of several itctes eel > tOre rforsevere tOresevere
severe froft and to lurther the nor nrW the theIre he heTirei
Tirei Ire Planting Anxtclnlinn will furnish rinrj nor nordelalieui
detailed information If desired a ft nt I Ition Itionby it hour
051 by application tn thc cretHry scretiarrI l > eP11 eP11I
I IXlutleld 3S 3 Nansmi street nr t tO th thundersigned till tillundersigned
undersigned at Ito NS Nssui IMII nifeel nifeelJons tsl1cettiill
Jons tiill v u iTt f fKor CFor
For the lb Tree Planting A tsochJtlsfll tsochJtlsfllNuw wcun > n nNtw
Ntw YoHK November t tAn IAn
An Apple Thai Hold for 071 071brost JO JOFrom
From llu iS Ionian Tmti TmtiAn TuenAn
An apple which l is auppoMt tn be t tte e ivt rtS rtSgrown i iirown <
grown tn rnzUnit tilts > rr wat cold M piMl piMlsuction tttc tttcictlon
suction at ornt tinnier yenerdav ro nrnrrIflr nrnrrIflrIt rrlnr rrlnrII
II waprr wac prrrntrd ntm by Sampson S mp on Korean nf ofoa4s er eroak
oak and t tte e proceeds of the Ml are in tie rf tito f flo
lo Cfcarlng Cro Croci a Jlonplla The apple l it a sIuinu1i rwrii rwriiUundl
Uundl lt its weight being twenty seven nuorr nmrrtretlmfercoce i irtrrtimfrrmce
rtrrtimfrrmce aUteen sail n half Inches nrt nrthrlctx rrdheitlut
hrlctx nve tnrhca and II w we frown b sIte Kln KlnAcre isiniAcre >
Acre Krtill Tree Surnerte nt Hrreforil Ilirtdlrj Ilirtdlrjfor
for the apple bef began an at a guinea ant II IIItiall S 55 55Itlali
Itiall told forU forUQsren tnrl1jeesti
Qsren Amelia rortsnr rortsnrrrnm Vnrtsnmini
mini lit Is talt Vamiatittf VamiatittfAll t1a14 4aurt 4aurtAlt
All klndlof tales are being told about the thrnlaryaflalrorttieroy theniary
nlaryaflalrorttieroy niary aflalrs of the rnyal lfamllyofl family of lnruu lnruutrnutIa oruitti C CAmelia
Amelia U certainly In ei good d clrcum ciremstantes tanrr 1 tn tnmarriage nermarrtcge
marriage portion was jmnnm franc and r1 re In Inhfrltcd ittluCrited
hfrltcd over cowleD onnoi < i franc from her fi fir fsilP < > t tntnt
r ntnt ml lie Paris The whole nf hr fornn fornnalways P Palways
always been safely Invrtlnt outaMe of if rat Poi1Qiwen < SC SCQueen <
under il ilIhe > i f fthe
Queen Amelia waa a beuenMw
the IMio iTXiiinale and she he will ime da lrlrfU lrlrfUanother irPpttairoliler
another rontWrrable fortune fmm tt m mtbeComt I Ithe
tbeComt the Comuesse ei1e tie P Paris rl who l Is rnormnu ennrmutuhC ennrmutuhCfleer ly f s sBeer
Beer In Kan lauieaa lauieaapret a aFrm
Frm its Kant Cllj htJ IoujeS IoujeSA > our t tA
A certain Kanwf editor always pji pjibe pi < tbce
hi hic to tomaika n nWhy < >
be bce r when plntol in n paper
maika maikaWhuy
Why rto > ojrfo Oui di Ihst a aII tmhcrthr i iit
II U I for the acme me reason no rrpilr rrpilrwe repiwe
we p put < it TuouUon mama around Kit word ort ortWe 4il3 4il3We
We dont b believe lt e here an say gba ghoss t