OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, November 11, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-11-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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W u A c L r cv
1 i
i 11111 MI i 11 I sf + rit r tit It ntn I TO Till Tinn
n I I iit I It I i 1 cunpKR iio iiot r 11 11Itull iox ioxflrlIlIISI
Itull t i > r tlailnr l Ird > at r l nith flIthtoII a Bis 011n
n toII 4 all II l IS It Lrclnlalurr In ii 0 Take Takelr Ta TaIr
lr Hrlmnnt Mrroml Mo MoI
I m I iMirtnS orll1l Kim 1 Mtrlkrn rllrn rllrnr
if r < iop r Union wont w nt out to toil 10I
I il 1 11 1 night lI h in a I grfIt rf U t yell yellctrt yIIir 11
> ctrt 1 ir > from th fold of h hr hrI1rn r rii rtrflfl
ii IrMmn rol a live Ih tj pointed pointedM
t I M 1 i > ii ip 1 > for ihi thlr ir ui iction nMpctsofltk yoHon
I in tk Till 11 t not I t4 interpreted interpretedf intrrpr
S f MI t ftiiinim awiiic tnt nI f > nh lIhr lIhrr r ri
r i ih h r IW of ilu lit juliilef jil hi I mwi mwiChirrs nIIhltr
5 Chirrs hltr l fr r frunrhiw ov or > r tlio tlioil I
il I 1 W i4iuttin i IIIIII hintt > n i In ih t h rnnkx of ofit ofS
1 S it It nIIIII nIIIIIv 1 11
it v iTl rd of f ih I h Iurlniici whicn whicnt IienI
M 1 LI i < it rniKfiiy tal eIt III It anil ovi IIVr IIVrI r rji
ji t I 5 t S wli wlun W hr ri Hum m of r lh lhm h ht
m i I1 t an 11 nr If f ih taiiM l Iju lllI w wil wr n dt dtii I Ils >
ii ls > S iijTinxhorialioiK iijTinxhorialioiKi 1111 fl hrlall hrlallI hrt a iiin iiinflSSS
i flSSS > i iu n orator alor paused IIlM II for u uu III IIIrl arL >
rl u ML ii 1 IIVIH Ib I liit t owry V r mini Hum HumI pr prrr prrr > <
rr I l CIltVlMII ul11I I Tlltri WllfUll WllfUlli wii t tI
I i r rIII in n idlo ttI II pair of hnndftin hind IIlho tho th thhA i ifa I It I
fa w n thhtur th itar wI a i MHiirily P12TI lreI pinnmi pinnmicn i
cn l mr 1 tM Ii titt < of thi h > hi big UK voUM O for fort1aL I Ic i
c i1 is ilrnpoil nhovn aI aho t the th inarl inrIItay > l j jtlr Ito I
tlr to Mrinc 5irln rml ih h slogan OK > MI of Abraham Tin fAnrt i irclt ICIIt
rclt rt I L i i hiv ha faith that right mnkmt mnkmtniich mnk mnkntt
niich md 10110 m n hat fnith l 101 > l II to th end net netliAr j jit i
liAr dAre it i in otir Ir duty t wi understand ind rnirut It Itk i if iI i
I k f michl 1Iht N b allRprf 11I d that Miw Ii Milhollund liIhllIanc11I I Irril I
> rril I even n 1 louder Ioud r demonitratinn of ofal IIfrr 11err
err rr al wh whn hn > n h movwi movwiympttiy rollltioll rtrotutonlf I Irr I
rr ympttiy with lth the th Mrikinu Mrikinujsen trikill Pxprs Pxprsn
jsen n md lI hMr wire wtrii 1 Th ThA Vamiar auar So SociiMtSuflTricHt SonllhISIIrljIM Soknow
ciiMtSuflTricHt known kno her Cooper Union UnionTh
Th n Tpr pr strike Irik resolution win Wil nee neeondd secondd tl j joncft I
ondd l Iy > v MM Ir Oliver H P IVImont IVImontwiin
wiin w in n turn rereivt rpcsivii > d a cenerou g nernii hand handfrom handrrom tncfrom
from the th h rod rn and n4 thn Mm Ir Ida United UnitedHarr BIItdnilrpr Ilitstid1Lrrr
Harr nilrpr r CM 40t I 1 bomb > into the th h midt of ofth ofth ofth
th hippv company enn1In l hy > y oteppioR forward torwirjnt I Ijift I
an jift t hoiitintf hoiitintfI
I mnt nl tn move mn s A vote ot of thank to the thewnmitn th thwmnN thwornin
wnmitn wh h < e nplrndid R Rttnfoit neroi ity made madetki niailttla
tki 10 rneefini poi 01111 mble Mr 1 Oliver H P Plr pBImn PBrnin
BImn BImnlr
lr Lrs url rrl Chapman Catt au who wan wanpr WIIprldm waspreidrn
pr prldm < iin tlaohed a glance llInc of astonidli astonidlimeat
meat a he h pt pIkr iker and then th n Mfter a ajaorseat amr as
jaorseat mr rnl s rail i lId < quietly quietlyIt fIllitl111i1I
It 111i1I n fn moved that a vote Vtt otof of thank thankbe
be b sjvn n the th woman by h whotte whl gener generrttv gnrffIll gener4lt
rttv ffIll t i Is < Aid d this meeting was wasThis made madep6fim maderc1
p6fim I This hh4 comes B as a nurpriBe to tom tDm toT
m T I rhought that the rh exiHniken 3In of theIcno theto the theitseefns
itseefns were r to he h f mt by the th collection collectionAr
Ar trm rj r retdr i for the th question questionri lu u tloD stionr tloDrl
ri r 11 > tion wa carried carriedcral c4rri d drt
> < > cral rll nerM flroXts ron > lt4 wanted to give gh n voto votoof 01 01r fltOof
of r iink i > Mayor iaynor lor ettlinK ettlinKth > ulin ulinh
th h jr ri r ftrike Irik nm a man in the theuiiT theLr h hl11r
uiiT Lr l 1 who M h ho Mud sc that I hi he h had had a lot lotf
1r f netiit rI t1e > in ina St trik rikes i p pfrsI2adfMl > r inidwl thfj thfjuntil Ih t h hn i
a iifipe 1 i wait waiti until they h heard mor morI moreaI
aI I i rh he ltallf ltallfHirnot ltaISI
SI Hirnot Slant 4tanton Imlon on Blatrh who ho put putr PtltIii
r 1011 Iii ii > i t in demanding that t hat thf I newly newlyrl
rl p 1 > 1 l 1I ljislattir > i lature in thi > Stale t profit profiti Ilrtftrla1
i SS > r rla1 > 5t miniietlneru of 1 the Ih t h Pucitir Pucitirtided Pettttt
t tided 1 to 0 her hearers htar thai I she ihecrandmother sheS h hIralllhllolhr
S crandmother and then went I on onhv 1111In ORh
hv h when hn i she he h had asked tol tolH ni niS
H H I whr hat h 41 would convince him tint tintifiHii thttS
S 5 ifiHii m n of America really wante walll1 walll1whlhr wantIS < l lwhether
S whether petition It Ion and paradet paradettrik 18r 18rI paridesh4
I 1 h h4 nI1 I
S Mother nn flf hr utT etffre IIrojO race State St ate in fl th thweve IhI the i r rs
I > weve s v done Ion it it continued Mn Mnb Mtsunfortunately 1 1j
b M hut unfortunately the Ih Universal UniversalT nivrsalr
T r ii lent len lle II s if j clce de dos Ip Ipfly the theey Ih Ih11I
ey S ikin > 11I Oyter Bay nl and we W alas mu IIIUIr M Mir ptir
< ir wi a jnaidod in n he h dark darka clarkIs1IpnnPr
a heid h lfpporter If IIIJmnr hn procerdod procerdodH
H joorr Ialill M eIPflII iioiitlites flPM She vgs a > awfully awfullvi awrllv awrllvph
i I d 1 ph se he iifd iI d that h ha Senator 111nr Pnvi UrnichalnlRI o oi i iIS
i IS T S chairman chalnlRI if f th I h liidiciarv nhcIRr < om omanil omand nm nme
> e and aflt a bitter enemy nm ofthe of i h ° rlz rlzlinl njrr njrrjMnt ijr411n
jMnt t be in Albany IIIIY when > h wen n up upear uiiar II IIr
ear earf ar artW r
> f 1 tW > ld 1 me m when hn I wa I working oril t ttS II ti tib >
I tS bt b h t LeciMature ftI Iul to 0 discharge flhlr the Ih rom romnh inmsh 1
I nh h continued ntlllur that lh1 I would wnijl4ttV wouldI 1 If I II
I ililv 11 want to come m up lp again alaill and ld that thatiUlnt Ih IhiI1 thattln5t
iUlnt iI1 feel erv comfortable rmforlhl if they theynnn Ih IhOn thvOYn
nnn On lik Ik me meI mt
I oW 1 him that I had hl earne earnemj rn J some nomothns somethn om ommno
thns mno thn from the th men rnfl Th Tho They y KO for each eachf achr
f r on the Ih floor Ior of lh thM IeKi 1i IeRslaturp lalure I11Ir and andncii andn and
ncii n 01 0 ttrnll Irol about arm in II arm Irm nftorward nftorwardtired nfirwarclI rlnlnl rlnlnlHt
I tired Ht him that my m iwrwonnl attitude attitudeto atttuhtoard ud udhim
to toard aril him wan Wa on one of perfect friendli friendlire frnrll
re r Blt jtiHt jll th same Imf Im c JinJ gnin ine bark barkrvl hckan hackAn1
an An1 rvl h i nt n Mff I George rr l IL lewis wU of ofImfTalo 01Butalo ofkitTal
ImfTalo Butalo kitTal defeated rfIt him She h Mid Ilr fh h would wouldSue wouldi oul1I
Sue I e every fN drop rrol of blood in her body h to toth Intn totJt
th fasW t3 sO It wa W8 a dplcndid victory Iclon IclonTe
Th Te Tha veirnert rf11 for th ballot blot waved waP their theirhan Ihirhnrllrehirl theirhrnlkerchjef
han hnrllrehirl hrnlkerchjef < llcerchief in an ecstajiy ftl of delight delightncl
And ncl hen Mn 1 Blatch fatch iahbeVl jah 1 exJienator exJienatorCaSre siSenatorCafres x ntor ntorCa IJI IJIAnd
CaSre Ca rf and alr Artema rtmlli rtemas ward ard Ir r and alldA ex exA ixAsomhlyman
A Mmblrman mhhmal Rnean Ran of Bnffalo Bnffalohave nnlaD HntTalnI
1 have hv here th stenographic report of ofthe ofth ofte
the th debate < hll m both lh hotjueai hilN on 01 the Ihl motion motiont
t dirh llchr itihre rc tht Ih ludicinrj udica Commitle ornml on onh onh
h ruffrace lllrll resolution roI110n site he h said oir and andJiiati andMI andWsami
Jiiati MI Mid eattiS aldWhat
S What ze z womn want is II ZH Z babie babieanl hahiani llhiPsaol
aol no n ze Z ballot ballotVell ballotsVlI
Vell 1 h he wont b be In Albany lhi this year yearfher yarhr yearI
fher I hr I have ha set f a goo good < many anti antiiTra antILTrag ntl ntlilra
> iTra ilra LTrag cartoon carlon in II which hilh Jo mn an renre1 renre1nlfl rpl repre reprerut
rut a taking lakln can cal of babies hahil while whileT whilrn whilemen
T men rn are I attending attndin6 to out oUllld outside ld affairs affairnI arai araiI
I von 01 suppose up WB WI would tni tnlt t you fU men mend mtn mtnh
T d he h r rlr lire re of babies hlhlt You arent up upt
t The Th patience of the Ih mont Joblike Joblikeir
ir r rinennt < 1 pllnc hold out more rol than Ihal thirty thirtytf Ihlry Ihlrywlh
tf 4 with a fretful child chl I permit a ai anlr an1te
i riir n1te for instance Intalc lt to lakecharRo lakecharRonv lk take pnlt chn chnf charge chargeq
f nv 0 grandchild Irndehld Well I hardly
t Hlatch lal h talked a little Ilrl more mor and andMr andr andS
S Mr no Rojmont nlmolt It lmont neconded ndE the Ih call cal to toKJlature torIIII totPja1aturn
r > KJlature rIIII Mr ln Catt Ca put I I the thtlllon thtlllonh motion motionh
5 5 h i wa a vociferously Olfrou ly carried carlEd Then Tn sh Ih Iht she sheI
1 for the Ih noeo noeoman no
I man Rn responded respondedv rlndtd
ha 1 v must be t Mr Ir Bok Dk aid Id Mrs > Ir I Catt CattI
I wnn w n a magazine malazln in which hlrh th thr tkerl tkerlappeared ro ror I
r f ftv appeared an outragoau outra Cu article articlerurr artleepurr
purr ring ml apparc to he h a de dfrilllon ription of the Ih Ihfr i iof
1 of fr woman oma suffrage ura in th the four fourher
4 her h r it obtains The Th real ra fact factr fwtesS
a sS r oly I > minreprenentedjin milrlre ndln the Ih article articlei
< r i an insult to the h women n n of ofohztnn ofolution
1 olution ohztnn denouncing the th article articleI
r I to t wa 1 proposed nv h Mrc Ir arc Olive OliveI 011
I > wretary nlarv prop of the Ih National lIl onl Suf Sufi Siifwiatnfl
i wiatnfl < < vi 11100 tiori and earned earE de dl depite depiteS piin piini l
S S i linllr HK H > nting vote of o the Ih man mal dubbel dubbelHK dlht dlhtH Iiihheir I
fi r negative 1111 mmd mindr mindd d man nlll how howi hn9 hn9nnr
i not < hurlii hlrl enough noulh to vot votn Votoil I
oil < > n I th resolution rolltloll of thankh thank halk halkh
h flS S Ieoplt Iori nf fJreater frI New X York Yorkn t nrk imrkS
S S n 111 fini ap 1111 JseflihIPi ertlble J to the Ih women women1n womenututnfl I
1n ututnfl i tint 1101 on mi ni lii havins hlill pwiIrw1 iired their theirrusI j jml
ml 11 right ri ti I a voice k in tdejr tdejrH
S 9Tfl tt
H propo IropI rnpoj bv Mrs Ir Idi 11 Hu 1111 1111I flutvil flutvilI l l lII
II I > li I it min inini
t < > poke I in it for or twenty
S i it 1 i ttjil 111 nl a Iri I trtust n ut to the Ih State of oft ofTtt
t Ttt 1 > md 11e tim < proRrc proln < iv spirit spiritI Iril Irilr
r 0 flp
1 Ic ne i filtered her Ir for two twof Iwo1ii
f 1ii H ud 11 thai Ihll th a iffrnpti iffrnptiI
I I hti ul I 1 real r i I defeat Ir1 Mi Mif I rlf liar liarS Unril
S v tjlI il pnidfnt of the Ih Ve pw York Yorkrnj Yorksneiatmni ork orkal
> rnj al sneiatmni rillol iation ili ii 1 rJk rJkI goklit icke ickeni
lit I I ni II 11 n iisT T 7ittiins 7ittiinsln Ii IiI
I m > ln n UrllrteO lirllrr HrIIr ru 1 In I H I r l lftirlr tot tottheir
their Ihrlr lltr lltrNov Ih lIrI i
I 1 Nov N in II The Th long 1011 line linen 11 I Ih
S n h < m iiHiniry mtT5 prlr rary inofuue IfIAI of f Oiei tim timrmImI
r 1 nrati t I ° i > I nlpll otnmnmm irnpntiv grew fait faitIfM 11
IfM t u 1 imrU n r I intieiriiliiiC pI IIrlllll tI i rim I I rig ih 1 1r Ii l lr
r 1 f f i th he h fiirih rur h north nun nln itiry itiryMloNIf mom r ry ryS ryeuirrii
S MloNIf 1 IMfllrTMl lrI found Hi Hii id idS 1 1r
S i 5 f hiiTi and di lshigmr4 lshigmr4fr > illKiiri nAlr l li 1tr
i > fr > iin tn I hUrI Ii > < nirane niraneiv ti I rail railr I I
iv r li IIYI vtiyn Evans In pit il Ixww Ixwwig IWHtlI
I ig mh ut it The ThIi UwiiM taw1i of ff fifty fiftyhave tlfy tlfyI fiftyIlv
I have Ilv IV hwti h heq remove removed l from the thei theIIlefsqI
IIlefsqI i I mt lt th I he IM dead will w I Il
n wil
j I i I
A ttn fnflt nn ntu I were wsr r made today toa1 to t
J I fallen rai rock rok under Indf ma which ftupt ftuptjj tuptt
t 1 and buried buriedflv buttedr
jj win four men mo are r buP
r ° A flv nv flive now IOW b been < n through moM moMmine mtr mtmIn
r mine mIn workiq workiJ a nd d a are re searcblBfl ecllag
Mercantile and d Pcneaal er Accoaais Acc received receivedu receivedulleet receivedubIect
u ulleet ubIect ect to check or oa eaIS Certificate i
eleek 01 Cerllele of ofDeposit CIDepGslt I Ii IDe
j i Deposit De le I latereat llerat pal pa en a dally ly Balances I i I I
I CntlluHI ffltI itfiii 13th < d rom First 1 1Ir 1IrIh Jnmr Jnmrthe opr
the Ih Mexican Ipian police look precautions Icauton to torol1 toIrott
protect rol1 AmlKissidor lhI lor WiUpn lbon a 11 na soon 101 soonas
as a thin antiAmerican anll nr un demonstration fl l lltratlon be b bIan beitan
gun Ian Anibn m nthimsiiIor stdor lor do I it U Rnrru rr s eaiI i id < l he hehad h h1I1d hehid
had 1I1d no n news of the th dii clrdr dhoriler > rder hut added ndr1 ndr1that addedthat < l lthat
that he h did not think it would continue cntlnl continuevto
< iitVEHTON LFtoS vto Tex Ie Nov 10 10flail Half Hal a adozn adozen
dozen not riots between bt 1 Mexicans and Amen Amrican Amencans
cans were reported along alon tho l border to today toIa today
day Ia an a result ll of time Ih report of th the anti mintiAmerican ni nimricllI
American mricllI riots in Mexico IHJico city at Home Sm of ofthe ofth ofthe
the th reports rJrt circulated circulaltrl among amonl the th ignorant 110rllt 110rllt1lc11I IgnorantMexlcain
Mexican 1lc11I lilxirers lill1 wet r to the th effect ltt that thatthe thathe thatthe
the Americans mrcall were trying trin to gain Inin pea 0 0ioll peasession
session ioll of f Mexico 1xir city llt and drive dri out all allMexicans al allMeIcaiis
Mexicans 1lcl ikluw Ikh Kio Ho irnl iranil city eit ity five fiveor th thor ftveor
or six lix MitxiciiM 1JICU1 wsr er > atwiuiItHl atuh by I Amen Amencins AmenC41t15 mr
cins S and Uully 1 Uy beat b beaten at n and ond many rnan others othersescaped othrclj1 otherseacapel
escaped clj1 into Mexico MexicoIn ltxlcoIn
In the Ih city ci a 1 dozen Mexican M 1III1 xicuia WITH wrmarreeteI r rarrtld
arrested for M trying trinJ to t IA organize orloniz forces forCI to tomarch tomtch tomarch
march mtch into Mexico leJie but ut their intention innUonn
wept w n ° r misconstrued as a they really ral in intended InIndt Intended
tended Indt to attack aUncl Amricint mrlan on thin thi side sideof sideof id idof
of the th river riverIn ritr ritrII
In II 11 ZmpRtL apnti 11 a Starr Webb cbb and Illd Maverick Muvenckcounties Maverickeotmnties Ilvrlc IlvrlcrunU
counties runU Mexicans 1xlc quit work on fll th the farm fnrniand farmand nrm nrmanr
and anr irrigation Irr alon ianals 111 and un flocked fockd to the theborder timeborder t
border hrdr towns tOWI Numerous Slmr0I tmntrnus fights fht wet w n nported r rror1 re reported
ported ror1 in il which iiIcI the Ih citizen citizfl alleged 11jt the theMexicans Ih Ihatak1 theMexican
Mexicans attacked atak1 them and ld the Ih > exi cxicans J j j
cans eI said ie they were r u Multed > 1 1 I I by the 11 theAmericans I IAmericans
Americans Amrcan but bIl no fatalities flllltl have been beenchronicled Jl hemnchronicled I
chronicled l1fi tlSd tlSdsear hrnic although 1holh kmve klliund k niv Und guns jl wen wenNear wsretlSd
Near St Rio Ho Grande about Iboul thirty Ihlr Mexioms Mexiomswere 1txiCm 1txiCmwt
were wt driven acrois acm the Ih river nVlr into Mexico Mexicoby ilexicoby Itsl Itslh
by h a crowd rml1 of American mncln who attacked attackedthem attackedthem
them at II different ditI tie ii i e during durll the th day dayMany lI lIllny Ltv LtvMany
Many other Mexican are ar quitting uiUill work workin
in the th sections ctun near the th border and al going goingback Iolnl goinghack
back hck inln mIl Mexico 1 anti ranchmen mnlhmllld anil rail railroad rOI riilrOUi ¬
road ionl l11 riotor < lire Ir complaining IIlninln of the thestnrcity Ih Ihril thesamrctty
stnrcity ril of labor laborMexicans lahorI laborlpiitiite
Mexicans I II ar 0 it f the Ih only laborers Inl > to If I be behad t thnd 1had
had in I southwestern T T1 rxas xas and in the thecotton Ih Iholon tbotton
cotton olon growing rOWII seotionn 101 lalxir has ha been beenoarce I IoarC I Iearre
oarC > oarce tlu II ie PCLtOli non Th The > exicans xieor seern seernto 1 I Ito
to fear an 1 uprising Ilrpmo against IIil t thtr Ih r race racebe r rball rae raebetaii
be ball betaii < aii of th the hirmng lrnllll At ol the Ih stake 1Ik of ofK orBrnll ci8jdnigiie
K Brnll 8jdnigiie idneii at II Hock Inek Springs Jrlnl pning some rn fl liys i
ago aAolror Heport lror hive h l hn > een crcuLited l rMIL by h revo revolutionary 10 10thl revolutmonary ¬
lutionary Killers that this Ih i is the lh tb flr Irl firt < t of ofa ofa
a riert r rieofhrniogs of ohun burnings in I which the Ih Mexican Mexicanare 1JiaIP 1JiaIPIr
are Ir tr > l I Is > e ejter Ir inite lllfl mated < l Kxtr guards guardshave guardshave am amhl
have hl be isn n put on along the Ih border r I Imm Immjlh 1mmI rom romI
jlh I I the immigration imml rIiol State and customs Mm r ttei rvtce
vtce 1 tei >
vtceht ht PASO 111 Nov SII n in II IVcUrinc lhelrUII tha thaI thaAmmierirans
I Anierirans Irirn would r I > necure in I the I h Mitm Mitm1Ti 1
i in 1 iapitnl apII or 1 anr n r other ot th hor plam gmla Iv m I II Veipo Veipoif Mi ic icif
I if soldiern 011 could < give IV them I hefunty hefuntyPresident s4 111 111PrInl irlty irltyPreident
President Portirio Hiais nll of Mexico Sin nr nrdered n nhi orIred
dered hi nephew Jhw Kilix fI Diai u chief of ofKili orpoli ofxllm
poli Kili of 0 I Me MeXICY i Ii ico inday to 0 double rohl his hisguards hI hIUII htiiianL
guards UII iianL tonight 11liJht and alll to patrol Intrnl uvery r stn at 1 rt rtof t tof 1or
of the Ih Moxicati loIa cai eaiital > ital with ih men enough enoughto eng engtO nol1hto
to put down dfw nOV n di mii 1llrh3 t urbane This ThlI n nthe iiI
I I the th Hiihutano IItanC of advices rl received rfI1 here heredirect hri herodirect
i direct dic from Mexico I i oily oilyIt lI eityIt v vI
It I is repined rl nd that thll Oen r Piaz Iilz took Ok this thisaction I thi thiactbfl hi
I action ci 1I without consulting on III the Ih fJovemor fJovemorof omor omorof
of the th Federal fderl dill di tllttriti net n Linda 111la y Fjcan Fjcandon EManI
don IwKratuie 14I of the th action Ion of thefJovernor thefJovernoryesterday I the h iiomor iiomorPIrdIY otsrnor otsrnoryesterday
I yesterday in watching Iuhilllt the Ih rioting riohnl medi medical miIa niedii ¬
i cal Ia students tlrlPI and ad not only doing ioinl nothing nothingto nothlnl
to prevent their aMiaultx ll on 01 American Americanincluding merl wenicans wenicansincluding ln lnindudin
including the th son Of of f American rilan Amhui Amhuisndor tmhmasdor mb mb80Ior
sndor 80Ior Wilson on but 111 actually acualy commending commendingthem rmlndlnl
I them in il a speech oh Liter in I the th day da This TI TIcnduc Thisconduct
1 conduct cnduc ii I cited clt an an example xamp of th thhatred I the thehatred h hharr
i hatred harr entertained llraif1 l hy > y many ma Mexican Mexicaneven Mexicanseven 1xianI
even n in high hi h place Ia toward lot rd the th Amen Amr Amencans
I cans cansPresident Cal cansPreidnt
President Prldnt Diaz Daz however hotvr m ii determined determinedto d tm1n1 tm1n1I
and ordr ordsrfor ordrfor ordrfor
I to give 11 protection preserve prlf
for one on reason rraln hecaueh C311h desires to main mainj mainlain mainlain
j lain friendly frndly relations with wlh the th United UnitedStairs Unit UnitIal UnitedStatrm
Stairs Ial and Ind again alain because Ilal he h withes wbt to toshow toshow 0 0Iho
show Iho the Ih nntireelectionists lirrllolh1 that riot riotwill rol roli riotswill
will i not be t tolerated olr1 Much of the th lines present Ir Irftirhmr linesent
ent disturbance ftirhmr m antiPiaz anlfla7 disturbance disturbanceund dllllrhanc dllllrhancundr disturbanceunder
und under r the Ih gui Illis guise < of ant anhmllfl antiAmneniron American wnli wnliment siottment nt
ment for the rh name people II who hate Amer Americana Antinjeans mr mri ¬
jeans i W1 also nix hate Diaz and nd accuse aecl him of ofselling oflnl ofselling
selling lnl out OJlh the country cOllry 10 to o American Americansrelsgrmmpti m rifanl
Telegraph TIrruph messages Ila It received r hr here hrl thin thinevening I thisevening hillvnln
evening vnln declare that tlt everything fvythir < is I quiet quietin 11 11in
in the th Mexican 11Mn capital ave V that blt once ole in ina ina
a while hl a rock is thrown II throw at Stan an American Americanor mrican mricanfr n nor
or fr hi residence or place pIC of business businessThe hlin biiinsaThe M MThp
The Americans m > rcan are ae reported rrt as al having havingdecided halncdcldt havingdecided
decided dcldt discreetly to keep k p within door do dotoI doortnnighl
tonight toI ht mid nfd every night nilhl until Inl things thingsThe thingsTiie
The T Heather HeatherVov rath
Vov Nn 1 11 1 Ti Tit torah rnl from lh its rfnirtl nral nrale Vales ValesdiwnSinTlnr faiesa
e diwnSinTlnr < n tn th I northnnfrn nwrtfr lalr of the thecountry II theromntr
country Inlr > r rerdi irrrii da > with b lt I rrntre ofr os tj rlt rltrnAln lale laletiflisrin Ue Ueinurln
inurln rnAlnIP tiflisrinuoderte inurlnVixltrxlf
Vixltrxlf IP riln tn stlcnilrd tndf It I In the Itt rnUldlv mdlt sad inrlInn lnd lnd1 sadIaiP I
Inn r UUM 1 wf weierfl trrn n New ew York Von ork end nrt Ifnntyl Itnnrljmflii I Inli
jmflii nli 1 and nt tnr hr rr vrrrr w tnrrnl f ilwnrr1 rw r t I in inth j I
th h i OMI sail n nl < l In NVw PW w Knclnnd lnlIno J
TIr Til 1 5 po pottlon ltlon IIn nf V Itif th storm rmr rmd m t 111 up r > ill the lll < lnlf lnlff mtt mttIt l I
It AIr r east f Tr ri U the Ih fiji sail nit n T rnn rnnI nne nnelr
t I iti lr the I tirr l 1ln IsIi h t an sflmI ncl th the Atlantic nl Sl SiAt SiAtrtrrmi tf tfrrrn I
rrrn rO < Mulnr ln ll iteisren mrn n the Ih UI ltItppi l 1111 lpM Valley Valleyml talliini 1 I II
ini ml the tii I lln 11 i Cii lj II te the its 11 prewirr w u high hel highmllreIiri j jn I Irnln
n mllreIiri > ir i n rntrtni ihr Ih mirth P Parlflr rinr rI Ntnte J JrAn
rAn r l nKMierntr tr to if n I1C4 IA rnln In IhAt 1111 rrfflnn rrfflnnIt rlnn rlnnI
It I ua a I inlder nr In the Ih iirT t lle I rrffltn rln In InillxrM InILnm
illxrM 1 ml llllnnU Ilnnl Ar and n 1 t nnirlv nrel mu ll I point plnl te telurrri t be0I
lurrri 0I 1 Im the li MS MIiIpmI > U < lpi < nn nI > l Hie Ih IdxUv I MiiunlAln MiiunlAlnnml tmniainmnI nto ntonn1
nml warmer m In MnnLinn nl nnl n nI ibm h rtlrrmr srm Vnrth VnrthI S nrth nrthS < h
I r rmnt lnz n temi eniersImre n rraiiirp t rr > rr jitlrl A I rf I In northern northernru nIIr nIIr1ol1
ru l InifUnl 1ol1 anl nt Nrw rw SorU orW rh In tn the hr < nnrth nnlh renlrnl renlrnlsuilr rairlIiP nl
suilr 1 unit 1 Mi oithsrt < ltriwr t Into In tnt rnbirmli n oI I tad h Inl Inlhr < nr nriiorh nIS nISriorihern
iiorh riorihern hr rn triivi rl nna ami nt d N > Pw Pwlhrre Mlin I I Ihrr ITh
Th lhrre hrr tts i ll tohl iIht hi n ni iwln w In IhfIPIT Ihr lplr Ukr Alr re region regionin lnn lnnIn InII
In II 1M hr H 11 the Ih < l Iv v a iwrtly 11 rlnmly r d lth lthX lh lhlh
X iljht lh sl iiotrt ivrrf In th mime h flirtminn frn mni vfmr IOI f l1nl l1nlIh 1n lnl lnliithi l lllrht
llrht Ih C frr f1 frrh h wnUMir < t st > t Immlitlif Immlitliffr lmllI lmllIrn mi miI
I fr i irn rn < l Iomrrr lrmrr n mrtrr rnrrirnl lrr1 to I rr rrll real to I I2 a akel t1
kel t I M i sfl < 2 3 I SI SIin I Jw = ° I
Ti in lmrllurr temPetAIUr ih ro rd4V A 1 rr1 recordet ty lh lhullrltl IhuJr the theoIOi1i
ullrltl uJr wrrnomeur I rnmfUr l h bon In I lh Ihe tnneznl tnneznlMl anneZeiiihii
Ml iihii h
tail I I iwn It I1 1 iui tree 0 0U < 1U 1Ui
9 i t M t U 4V i I P M IIi 1 I II
I U A I A S iA 9 I > tI i 1 si
3 P J I I I r M 1 U I MM MMlllr 1t 1tIIIrl > a aiii
IIIrl iii lllr t l IlllperjUlff t iipri r fIre 4 AV < W ii M I IIIT I I M Mw I
w sm NIIIfe1f IIT nix C ro ror r tS r COil 01 T Tn IMT n vn I r UP I In i pPNtIPW
In I ii riixn u I OS 1 > nr p 1 v ir tlsod itll iltt ilttu I Iu ei eiu
< u ami I r d li 1 I I Innttlttet fn 1 I S Pifuflt nnl > > t I In Sigh SighoIJiV gl
nnttlttet ttftiftttntti f rPp tjlildi d tUmlntihinl 1 t > > mtjftt mtjfttt nv
1 1 It
t or r f < P tllilrlr IJ < of t olumbl < r ralen < lcrn IVnn Irnnnl IrnoI IrnoIini l lv
v ini nU nl N PW w IHfV H licksAn Uw r al wl MairlatKl UlrlI f fur ralrnd furmind lr lriind
mind nd inkier m I d dy t y f elr lr toinorrow Imo I Irl hrhk > r1 k north norihwpntrrly n1 n1wlnl northwipti
wpntrrly wliut wlnl dlmlot dlmlllblol iImIishlng bla to talrbl talrbltor tonight tonightFor alcbt alcbtfor
for wcifrn New ew York wtitrra tn P rfnnIanla Veimnyltiiand nntylir ala alaml
and ml Ohio Oht f fair r t tday todatuAd d x ld a < tomorrow mor cxrept erepl snow snowminim aowflunk 01 01ul
flunk I ul atr D Ida II lb Ukn wracwtut Ilel colder clt to 1 day daytews dy dyt I
tews Mrt mt ssr wtofe t aimliitrtliic r rL
ar are quiet uit again President Iliiz lill issued issuedorders ilU lsaitdorders
orders onl today tint the Ih
Dinnn del < Hognr Hognri JIoqrshould our ourIhould I
i should Ihould be h > crmfWuted lnl Id if it published ubh h1 an my I I
further inflammatory Inllluator articles Irld and Ind Klt Klti El ElI I
i Imwrttal Il rrlll auUnn ram ion the th jxoplo 00 todiv 111 tn t
l h let > fli quiet and tells them that Illt th Ihl tho < tnf Itepuhlirl Itepuhlirlof UIhl Itilimibiti Itilimibitiof
of Mexico 1xll haH ha no n better Itr friend rri111 than the
I United 11 I II State tah It I further ts 1 forth that thatthe titt halI
I the th t hi United 1nl1 lnit State Stlh Slit te Covcriimettt Crllnt ve ro mnmt H nn inon lur lurI In in inrvslwmilMill j
r yxiiisible < for the Ih
hijnmiK llrlll nf Antonio llfni
I I ItodriRtieitiil lOlrill lt mit Hook ock Springs rinl last w week ok t k than
the h Mexican Ipxmll Fe fIrll FI < leral ril tovernnient mrntlt i 1M 1Mponihl liprep005i1h t trMp
rMp rep005i1h ponihl n il > l for th kidnappmc kldlpinl ami hold ¬
log in for rui rU rmnsnni oni nn of an 11 Amencin AIricn girl i rl in II
Mexico Ittxic a 1 few fla lays prior riOI rinr to the Ih lynching hnrhlnt
Texas TexasI
I It I U I believed that thlt Gen Diizor Ui1 liit nr Knrique EnniqueI
j I Creel CrtI hi Secretarjjf crta Jf State m nlird uire < l tin tini timarticle
i article artce It I appears to have h hail IIt aomn sonineffiet om
I I effect 1E1 a < the wntiment lo ludlv tO14tV < lav does do not notalnr notappear
lapoear alnr appear to Iw I an a strong tronr an I yesterday and andIhe andtht antithe
the tht majority IraJorlty of th the 1 Mexican 1 l liuMrie hutnP and andprofessional antiproleminnitl 11 11I
i professional men Ir d immlpmr < plor > > the Ihp himty host notion notionof Ilctiol
of day the th < youngMrrs oUJII last 1lt night lrh f fIherH and nd Vedn el
IherH H ere a 1 number nUlbr of rnnor lnr raN raNin rt ra rain I
in thxstteet Ih Stmpti I of th ritv 11 cif MIAP 11 > l tmdmv > day I Ihit
but hit 1t0 no tmot t of them Ih 1 ver r n alley aU ami Inr nt ntot pitof I i
of tho th 11 Way pUce 11 t tO n iTfuriini rlun ins inm ttm l vn vntown n tttown
I town a lien thn th
ixdli iml
fI 1lllllar milllarv ite itej r mt mttiilant
i j Iiialt viciUnt It 1 i is UIK Iet 1 hat an Vu itr < riin riinchla an anchiki I
chla chla was a stoned ont to ilMth n tn n Mexico Itrl city CII CIII
I but blt thin u nb nulu ltirlv rh n M 1 xican xicanofficial lcallomcil
official < the th h xiri or iroi < t > Mur 1 ruy eatvlr iv I II
I are a lr under i en enscmrhip nr111 c > r lup anti 111 are ivvnetl i h hth by bylb y j
the th inv ovrm wnlltit > rnin iiDnit nt about lblt the Ih t ID mK fh thms hil hin hinthat
that i is allimiKl to set et t to Ii the Ih nautili public iiiihIicI lhll I Ii
i whit hal the Ih neminent < otll 011181 < > nl < de iiqr iiqrto iri I Ito
to n let I Kten I n i > r > in I oxle 1 trc r trami ae 1 < i < mire 111 mireMeiieii I Ifnn
Meiieii 1C11 Con fonsii u Antonio rlonl V Ierneli Inwl inehtstationed
stationed Iatono in KI 1 la Pan r ay h I m hourly hrl hrlI bonnIeTouch
touch fou h with th hi his fi rrnlwn lIvprnmnnt > erntnent hr h h wire I and Ill andtidare i
I declare lllar that there I hr have ho hv been 11 ni > disorder tIlnrt1crtin Usnrd I Iin I 1
in Mexico Mcxi Ixi city I today When hn r a akti Ji ll1 < l if ifthr Ifthen
there had hld not 10t Iwen sorn m iirre lr mtrrtts tsfor II fur dir dirtiirlMiie dieI I Ih
tiirlMiie I 4 he h replied rpll That l hat may cr b I Iou
You ou know that in I anv In large Irll city rt in New S ow owork
York ork even n in i tVmehlmigiomm Vu hlneloii hl IOI > r olr ir own 1 I Icapital Irlpil11 Icapital
capital rlpil11 then are Ir often < la 11 iu tl r Pitwn Pitwnmen > otwe > n nmen I I
men In sometime ollin between hietwe inrr nf f different differentnationality thi5prontnationahpi
nationality nalonalu ii but your 11 IHIUM I h Iit c take rik r rar rarot r rof rof 1
of the Ih iljftlon Iutn mii inn It is I the m h aine r ini j II iii Xfe fro icoitv froit
itv 11 The 11 Iii i < 11 in ice p ran UI t take lal rare ar i > I 1 tl i isituation
situation iUlll It I i < not in n iinnforeign 111frI1 ii iiriiin I
riiin rlhl It i ii w tt t an al atitiliia mnhi Illni Itiat < ipri mprling ing f i
It I I merely a i fnw r i you ecu 01 tinerluils IIrlUI milrimmflp r el ll I II I Ii
flll flllom
i om hem hoUi hlti htahddim > Ml who h er ri r Iecmnins 10lilll IMII IMIIeron Ia IarI i Iiroil
eron The Th xiln ol > will 11 i roj erlv r pumh luIh i It
I hn I j
hnf Tin This f then Ibl iit mItmrs irs to I In Is tho b official okll okll1xirI
Mxicin 1xirI txIci ii vi viw 1 w of f V1 V t N
t million IIIOI p 11am ion i t di dil ii I is istmmriiitmu >
tiirlinnri trh ar < r rexirrd in I 1 smaler
Mexican I < xlcn town tOa tis r so o far < is ln Inan < i n Tn Tnr > T
i however throiKnoiit IhrOI411 Mexico 1 itIcti Io IoI n i v vi viSm rv rvstrong
strong Sm I rn rnng undrfiirri < nl > t of antiVm mntj IIi trn ru ri ni ii 1
f rln ° ° linj hin produced Ir Prlu < ° rt 1 through nlh j jIoO ji io i v of ofi 01m
Amnni Amormc4n m < riln > > fn micoe oiicess IC i m I M Mnticn Itl xicn mil an if fh fhtend rho rhotendncy ln lntnrnrr <
tend tnrnrr tendncy ncy in I nut eoon xin nufTd out Ollla in M Mxi Mxicmlv > XI XIcity t tt1
city t1 irotibl in il many mm IThmn plv 11 s i is likely Ikh to tooccii 0 0oec onecu
occii oec Such lch n nr < rc rgi iii action aI however hntvvo hntvvohaM
has hn l hNJn > < n taken uk In II the II caoiiil ClD lol rity ln that j
i II Is not 10t h Ill hjhii > lixd there hr ran in n If I i much Iclj further rlhr
troubl trl th Ihr Ihrni thrrii T TDhiz
I Dhiz ni hand hndr1 handcs > H ill I situatIons PiIllnus < < a nip a f Midir
Hi fits mn in 1 r in iltIJ1 ititrict truotd tl to prfrv r rY oidr oidrand rr r rRnllh
and Rnllh ih mbv > d 1 i I if f they II i hav hI hm t to I ii kill II I mlI t v
body hd in fi ihl ht f tn e < iry r riv out 01 iit tri inr tii < ticin 1 > 1
Ti rfor rr riot ° r know kn henr hn trm Iran Trmflriu f
nit vy vv one i aft If th rho h < > tro I troi t 11 ipk ir r rhte vj
I hte St I ° It m firid toc f rJ h in trnriar mriI how howi h
i 5 that la th I pr 1 r fn m filing will wiiI 1
11 11I
I in I Ti rowirdlv 0 W tII nil I v assi irriiulit 111 I I Ia on ni Xtivriiiins t rr in ri I zItiM iri iriunpfrtt I i iI
I unpfrtt 1 1 1 ied I l plae ltc f fm i Mun M m flo tirt I < ti t o come comeIem comitt
Iem t etmi nirinN < 1111 a nrlr aeriliim > > riling to I llenrv nn
Phelp IhI aiting 1111 djuiiinien ptjIimiiflt IJ ril will wiltmik
mik mik > no In inventtgai lriol ion of r ti l hirmng hirmngof htrlll I truhtig truhtigcit
of Or Antonio lfollo Ilodnitue 10nl at Itock 11 pnnR pnnRnear Irin Irin1Ir Irinmniar
near IMrio Irio T Tex Th inroner P mronr entenxi entenxiofficially nlr1 nlr1ofiill ntrcdofficially
officially ofiill nn hi ilo ptockrt Iok < ket tin r vrim rtn r < a thut Iht tietI
dervmMi I innie i3 i3 to I hi h death mt Ii at a iy the 11 I ii hind hindof
of unknown 11101 men and th Cirand rlld Jury llrv llrvr Juryif
of if r Valverd II i ountv 011 ° Zflt refu rrl > v to it investi investigate invPlI invostiant ¬
gate I h Th Mxican a dwLirefl cJIrl when ap apprehenderl a aprhn apirhenderi
prehenderl prhn < 1 that Ihlr he h killed ki1 < l Mr lf Ixrn H 1n lJn lJnpierson n
demon Iwauiw shp he h talked < t hfk liick iek to tohim tohim 0 0him
him when h1 he h rod rl up 1 to her hou hOl and antiasked 11 11akfl
1 asked akfl her for somelhinK m1 hin to I em II IIh lit litShe
She h wan n alone ami nl imir was iifniitl of him himAll hu hintAll
All 1 border women an a afraid of strange lrlnc
Mexican 11Inl A mob oatighf Ilh th1 Mextrm Mxtranand ian iananc
and anc burned bur1 him at II th tho < take I Ik after Afr the themurder fh fhmumr rhomurder
murder of the Ih woman It 1 IK I this hIl tint tinti Ihltaml1 ltitmimiassil
i 4 i aroiiced aml1 the Ih Mexican l rl Ftandito Rn < of their theirown Ihlrown
own nationality nnlinnl are ar i etmrs riire Ir in 1 the I h mourn mountain mI mournmain
ain fiHtnenden ratn of o Mexico xlr holding holrin n 10 as a aprisoner aIrinr aprisoner
prisoner n young 011 American mr ln girl Ilr Mif Mifnolph Mi MiHolph 1
nolph taken n capl COIV > v < over two I weksmign > > k ka > aKr aKrand >
j land and other nhr bandit Irtl are Ir making OAkilR daily bll raid raidon
on the Ih plantation pllaton of American Inan through throughout thmlhOllt
I out the Ih Stiite StiI of r Vent sra r Im Inli so o much Ilfh IlfhIhat HO HOthat entint
that Ambanondxr ilnon l
Ilft prote prntetiwt te < over overa
a week k ngo IFO to 0 the Ih Mexican Ixlran State SIIt npr Itopartment nprmnl
mint mentArsTlN minttV5TI I IIJTIS
ArsTlN IJTIS Tex T Te Nov SO in Jov ov rimp
bell hUwilI will request authorities Ihatlhoriliof the of Edward
Icountyin I mUllt in which whirh HockSpring lok Jrill i + ittiite sittititetito illal1 < l
1 to take k action 111101 ap tjnmi toward arresting rrl1nl and Infl InflIunihinl antipunishing I Ipumxhing
punishing Iunihinl lh the men pn who compo NI rormipisied ed 1 the themob th thmob themel
mob thai recently burned hurft the Ih Mexican MexicanAntonio MexIcanAntonio 11cAI
Antonio Rodriguez InlrlZ at the h sinks Iak for the themurder themurder h hmum
murder r of Mrn Iem m Mindei Ipndon liendrson > on wife if of a arnehrnan aranchrnan i iranchman
ranchman ranchmanThe rnehrnan
The Th Governor receive l
j ornor telegrams Ilrml from fromthe fromthe
the th Department OIrmnl of State Sat at I Washington Washingtontoday Vashingtnntoday
today urging Ir < I1 him t to bring hrill atioiit the thepunUnment Ih Ihpunihrnnt thepunishment
punishment punihrnnt of the f h offender offenderI o I
I Rodriguez RonRuz wan Wil a I prominent Irolinnl member memberof mlhr I Iof
S of the Ih revolutionary faction on the h Rio RioJOrande filelrnnds 0 i i
JOrande Ornr border rdr He I fe took tok part in the thebloody Ih Ihho thebloody
bloody ho attack Iulck on I Li u Vacan acR opposite oppoi D DRio 11 11RIIo lid lidRio >
Rio RIIo two yean a ago 110 and In < fled tt to this Ibv side ideof ideofthe idpn of ofthe
the h border to 0 eneine ca the th penalty Inlily for hin hinacu hi hiI hiacts
acts CI He H wan Wi making mkinl a trip through Ihroll h the thecountry Ih Ihmunrr thecountry
I country munrr to get t recruit rfnltl for the Ih revolu revolutionary roluflonar revoititionary ¬
tionary flonar organization orlanlzton at the h time he h com cornmitte4thecnimewhichlecitothe J Jmilled i
milled mllt mitte4thecnimewhichlecitothe the th crime ermwhlch which led It tothe fo th lynching lychinl lynchingSI
SI 1 frnnrn iirsnnrn r nnrn itKnris nnll t tanerntrtiil ix iini iinioncentratit Fll FllnnHntratll
< anerntrtiil nnHntratll a at Molnpelin tfoIUp eminent eminentMend ernnentSends mmntnd
Mend nd Troop Troop tn Gather alhrr Them Tnl In inrd
Tfi rrnt rd fitilt rol 01f r > ipit in Tm TII TN snu r rIIMA
IIMA IIMA Ieni 11 Nov Xrl ry 10 The rebel in the Ih theprovince
province pronnC of Lambareque Lmharu have hl concen concentrated mn coneentrated
Ilralt trated at Motupe lnlll There Tr are 1 only about aboutone lbut lbutal aboutottP
one al hundred men involved InDht in the Ih up upri 11 uprising
ri fl rising risingTb mg mgThn
Thn Th < J ivmmnt vernment has hl t sent > nt troop against againsthe Ilaint IlaintltlrhrA againstthe
he disturbers disturbersr ltlrhrA ltlrhrAHlnln1
r Hlnln1 I 11 run i IIU I ron Tin nit sunn sunnHlrrrlor SflflhJyitoItiomI Im Im1lllon
1lllon yitoItiomI Hlrrrlor Ilrrlo nn 0 tsiirrd < iireil frll of ofHI7ifMIMOO efl I IAIIOOOOO
HI7ifMIMOO l hk V U > o < o rrniinnl ld ldSN IISAi to toSAN
SN KiMNflm RSfIfn n Nov tv IIIThe largest largetvi i ivote I
vote vi 0 ever r given Iivn in I Iulifornii I Ilrrni for anv I mu iy iytumnodment V i iiimetidment jIrnltmnl
iimetidment Irnltmnl bat hlIIII1 Inen given to the t h propDi propDillon prflposmlion ¬
linn to tax I t1 Z the h State Sli Suo for the thePnriAmericmiPncifif I h h1frnrifrPAdf Ii1mnnIAmriumiPeeiftr
PnriAmericmiPncifif 1frnrifrPAdf KxpoHilmti 1 l5IMNit II In hiniti hinitimlft hr1 h ri in inpatti
patti It Almost romjlete mlII reluriiM rlln iinllcitw iinllcitwthat hllflu iiiiilrmiteI
that 1111 I the h amendment a nflmlIl received rNh1 nuirn mor than thanIfuJfKMi t hln hlnIIJf1 him himgIJMiti
IfuJfKMi IIJf1 olei4 ot over Or the Ih majority tie tiecessry tiecessryfm iMjiry iMjiryIn
In t pa rl p1qi < s it itThe I Itrh
The Th amendment giving Inl San In Kriineico Kriineicopower rrntir rrntirn Vraneisinmower
power mower ti In n > ninend her cliurlf chlrlor r iiml 1111 v il t tn1 u
Ixirtd 1 n1 ls IssUe le of S1INIOIKKI SMW for this IXfKMIIlongot IXfKMIIlon xJepiliIitInt il
got 01 ns n large RrC a I vole ami 111 on ti Tllifuliy nill nillHie nthi 11 11Ihlh
Hie Ihlh hi rily llt will il vt vot t on < m this ineiisiirn 3 M HUH tl f In Inimy i irily
rily fly voted fr both IIIh niiutiiflii RIIII mutmitmifmnels liln Zi t tm > In I i ilit j I
nl If iheStJileelivtionil Ih I he f111 3tmit leetinit Mms i I mns rrfain rtll tlint tlintthe timrittime I
the th Hind IOIKrannot isui flml fall rllll to pas pasIlius IVI uis uislhmuis
Ilius 10 far flr Ih1 1 o exsitloti < xpo Hlofi 110 fund fll1 is i more morethan mnrhlU morethami
than hlU 1l2rtmlinn tl It AH Al a I result r111 of lr r the ib h e elic elicthai Ia M Mlion <
lion tlll the rh Slats HIII tax tl of fr Vii 5IIIUI LSIippoiMw l < i lios h been 1 hisitmudded
mudded Iftf to the th private siilmcrlptlon IIIrlpton of ofalm ofnlnwet
alm nlnwet nl < mt 7snooori 1 O Next Tuesday San SanKraneimwi S SatFrancisco o
Francisco rllciff will 1 vote JSoOOnnO tt In II bnndm 10ld and andthe In1 In1t an anthe
the t h exposItion 1Jlton director drotor will wi tm iinsiired I1 of ofthe 0 0th ofthe
the th llfi5OOliOO SilII SI1i4XPlWO they promised promlJ to I Ii guarantee guaranteefo ulrnfe
fo a Cnngrem OmIn The h eleoiion maJi mmsis it i con certain contam r ¬
tain tam ID that tht B Sa 8an n Francisco Fnpct will wi not nt have hw to touk t touk
uk u for ro > eewrsiXioYenuMst e sM a 1d
OFF OF 1 IlLtt IlLttCoal 11 11oal
Coal oal Hirer u Catches trl One Un and nd the tl Hlvrr Hlvrrtrie ahfr ahfrhfOnnth Iierthe
the hfOnnth Other Ollierfloth llotti Sat nib Id iii h Orrrlrk UCrrlfk and anilBaml andUoatTtiey nd ndDoalTl I
Baml DoalTl UoatTtiey Ttlfy Were t a irorera rol Tram TramSr Tfm TfmSaM TransScared
Sr SaM Scared rcd b isv an titomnbllr llombl Screech KrreechA 1CrHtb 1CrHtbA
A yellow yelow automobile automobit screeched c fchttd through throughWest throughW5ct
West Wtt Seventyninth sfntynlnth street 111t ju just t after afterdark aler alerdark
dark la taut t night Rearing foolish foUsh a pair pairof pir
of f Acker Merrall ltrral Jc ConditV horses hol that thatwere
were standing staodinghltchmd hitched to toa a delivery dUvr wagon wagonin agonIn
in front of 71 4 They Ty lit lt out toward toar the theHudson th theHudson
Hudson Jlrn River bouncing bundn the t wagon Wiion after afterthem nltr nltrthl afterIhent
them thl and all 1 that the Ih driver dr r und Inc Pat PatHreKlin Pathrdin
HreKlin 1 lil his hi helper hlpr found when hn they theyrushed theyrimslwd
rushed rlh out 011 of Ir Tl i wa was a litter llpr of xpilled xpilledThe spitisitgrneerim pil1
JrOri JrOriThO grneerim
The ThO drtvr yelled rIf1 and an Pat 1 yolM rI1 and andto andpirlall andpmcle4trmans
pirlall to II th h west 1 relayed l the theMI theVitoolts h hwhoo
whoo Vitoolts MI that people loJI halted hal1 on o one onefoot 01 on onfpwt
foot nt the iii li Ainstcnliin IIrd ll < Hroadway Irnalwa Went WentKnd st stEmni 1 1EI11
Knd EI11 and 111 KlvrrHid IhrrI I lrit > nvi n > cro frin croing Hinj u 1 mu they theydo IhYfo theyt
do fo t In when a llr fr lire CURIUM III imgm mm IH I oignulled oignulledgreat sigmialicilgreat iIIUIf
great rat many lan folk dropped droJd thfir business businessto Ul n nto
to lx I It > in 1 ut the Ih I llnili fnh and IlIe imti trails after afterthe titterthe ftrth
the th runaway Mnwa What with ih their thllr shouts shoutsmitidt > hout houtand houlInc
and Inc the h clamor made by the Ih children childrenand ehildrenand < hldln hldlnand
and the Ih honking M < > f auto that fringed fringedthe rrn rrnh
the h pnx prnlon Hion that part pr of fr th upper upperWent IpPr IpPrWI tipperVet
Went Side iel was a fairly noisy noisytnc noiAYOnc noisy4flei
tnc pa I ia t IUven 1id Itiversids ide Drive the th hornes hornescareered hONe horeimarmired
careered ar1 down dfw a steel t hJ ip incline Inclne toward towardthe tnwardth towarrlthe
the th railroad rairoad track tak the th wagon swaying swayingand wlinl
and thumping Lights Ilghl gleamed from rrm the thecabo thecaboose htt httCAhO
cabo CAhO caboose < M > e of a freight train I rin that t hit had just justloafed justldIAfeI
loafed load past Jt and nnc from the th cupola a brake brakeman bra brakeman
man 111 luck lilt hi head 1101 for a 1 glimpse Ilimp of the thedoings th thdollg thedoings
doings dollg Straight tal ht the th pair air went en for the thePiblic thepiblie h hflhlic
Piblic flhlic dock nt the th foot of rf West Seventy Seventyninth 8nt 8ntninl Seventyitint
ninth ninl h Street trf avoided no Iti building huirillj material 10trlll 10trlllthlt materialthat
that wa I heaped ht J a the Ih land lald end d and tore tlr tlrh torealniig
along uhi he h pier 11f until Inl they hit tho string stringpiece st I riD riDi ring ringpied
piece pied i Thereipon veral r1 thing thln hap happened ha haend hamhOned ¬
end penedThe hOnedThe end1h
The 1h ftringpiece rlnlIc clutched dulhc the h wagon wagonwheel wagontgbeel a on onwhI
wheel momentarily mumntariy checking dlPkint th the gal gallo gallimsrs I
lo 101 limsrs > r > and breaking rkl th the < tiac Ir tiaii The Thebattered Th ThhlUrd Theiptttired
battered wugon Ulnl stayed behind on oi ii the theliKk rh rhd thehek
d < liKk > k but one ni hot h < tiimbl t iimblti l into ln mitt n a half halftnpty hllf hllfII halfTittS
tnpty II conl barge harl mmired against aaain the thepier thepier
pier Ir It > mate IIt unable to jerk free rr of the th thhlrn theharne
harne hlrn went over 0 fh h pier hut mi mis mistit ed f11 i itl I
tl < IVM 1 barge Irl and Ind iangled Ir just out IUt ult nf nfrh mf mfh r
rh h water wnrhow r rlo I IHow
How lo in t salvage Inll thi1 h hore hor tnade 1iI n ole nlchtle nl olelittle
little problem prhll for Put 111 Hrvslin nln Policeman PolicemanI PoCman PoCmannrmun
fioriiiun nrmun anil t1 half hllf u doen 1071 dock dok worker workerlbt
Thev 1 foiildnt IIIt llgurc lJun a L way a to derrick drrik the theu th thettlfllt4ut 1
u pended lior ° l nck Illk to dry Ir lioardi JoanlPnt so soPat o oPat
Pat iiit It the Ih barn hlrn > with ilh hU hi barlow 11rlow and andthe Ild Ildh itidthe
the h itrttnng t < nrn kicking 1Cklll animal Imll dropped droppedwith
wih with a piling He f 11 went under uIIr came lar lropP ant up upcnorttng lit litsnorting
snorting nrl In decided that tl i wimming wllmln wu w wi II a aa1 <
e v and headed he1 for lersev I It vra I pitch pitchdark ptch ptchI pitchliitk
dark I by h t tli 11n thn n Ild mind nd tho 110 few lintern 1IIIPm that Ihit Ihitllm1 thatgtlmnmnenil
KJiinmeml llm1 on 11 the Ih dock Iok WTI r jnjt J t yeflow yeflowiccrnviitioti ynowf yeflowaiggrivatinht
iccrnviitioti f rIOI XobfHly X oIHI inuld rII1 Ret t it I vw vwof iw iwth vi viIH
IH of th b hwinimer lmOr p
i 1ear > oar ilackwrn Jlck and Inr C i Smith mih got goti 01 n ot ota
a ioAl 10 rowmit < at while other folk were talking IILlk talkinganti
1111 and went Pmit II out ut in n 1 hurry 1lrn boiit 111 31m1 li i yard yardi vardatrout an1 an1I nl
from 1 the I dock col they > pied I flm nl hoc ilnig ilnigi ci 1 fig figgIimmg
Ultng Ii with lib lh tim hliI title hit h I it wa no no n ea cav y nil job johIn
tin In take htm 11 in 1 tow tn Ho t wmi n 1 ru nipicioii nipicioiiI piciou piciouI
I and IlullaI badly frightened fihnc and alrl dodged rD 1 them t uiin m mlong t tII
long 11 II itte in u lie Ii it WH 11 able a mit > I but Imkron 11lkn toteM ion got 101 him himbv hl imirtil
bv t > th < tall preintlv rn 1 whIch gave rnith tllh u uI i iI
I r dl liatH Imaioo e tf tn M ing inl jfl tfie I t11 txfal t around Irulnr Ia hm 1 r ttt with withi lh lhi
i i a 1 hook Then Th thy Ih attached atlwd a line tn n to his hisllir hi hiIr if ifthlsr
llir Ir and anrlo took < k tr r rlh the tow getting lin ti t toe tnehea In Inh toehiam
hea h < 1 t at the 11 foot rot of Ninetyeventri treet trtI tretwithout
without Iut rrUliap rlhll and walking wa win tie h hr hrb itoiriheitk iorr >
I I back b In I lh < ievummtv evetityninth I1lnh ninth street t dool doolV do doI <
> V hile imh fins II lmit was li I i UK MII 1 the II harM hO in inIh inthe
I I the Ih ixval 11 Iirge hrl t hi i klckerl ki1 up filich 1r l ii iiI
I ritiiiis thit thi hi his druer drlr dnit en was as afraid he h heI
I would 11111 01 < do ririif hl1lr an injury tJI so o th > driver rtnverlI rrr rrrI drivertook
I I took a 0 chimes < lll jumped jutlc flown < 101 into the 11 11lrf thebarge
I barge 1111 amiil n l ned n to soothe ooth oo hlh thi prisoner prisonerp r rn1
lrf x p it lii nif n1 < l the t hor e he ip UKilrtfl lnon ear earredly lr lrrt
1 rrstly rt if ont ini < CIV lv p 1 l nho at ah dIn dInititenri il I t tinlrnd
inlrnd 11d to r d fn to eomethitii eomethitiiThe edlmp fmlhl timn timnlime
I The hun h food f v nmmmctrplv > n irtrily Iv t Ih Ienw IenwI > eow eowthe
I the I h hi CtlWMle 1 11 omd l 1 i tl as impl Imlhl Mllle to 10Ira tibI
i draw uitow Ira hm ii 1ii ou by I iv mim 1ln liii 10 ntigth nII1 fflg h othevi othevign Clh o t hmv hmvi
gn 1 i t iml1 111 tla derfiW rl whir hk had hoi I Iwen i fl nieil nieilfor I Ifor 1 1f
for f llflni hfil rnnent n larren 1 ilr mmtl 1 it lllr lllrlnc t her herthine1 herthing
thing lnc fro frl1 I roit entralrs ntnn Inr iip IWI tsrc rc llxd rl
I 4 li nd Iwnd IIul iroind srn mii lie Ih I hore hlor S SI barK barKami
i ami h hIly I lv IIIT mI < > p cli I tight I and I I rax rI a ai 1
5 h tile I 1f h I lt i iure i iirii ktin hiiing KiJ < inp but Mfe MfeeiiiHtgh if if11P f
eiiiHtgh 11P uiaht 111 and dropped t with lh a thiil Ihll t hmxii on mm the thed th thk I he1k
d 1k k wh wiin hr nm he h tood IOOI trembling trh111
Then 1hn the Ih driver and 11 Tot 1 went nl to If thei theiphone Ih IhIhnl theohinmu
phone Ihnl ohinmu ti In report hat I the Ih t he urcnien rI < n wn wnmflt wnmflti nt
j 11 as hot hotI Knl UK it I might have ha at beet h l h liv > v a long longihot lonl longshot
i i it 1 < n nllI rinii urn nn 1 i 1 isrn isrni isrnnirrlran isinuuirrtran 1
nirrlran rrtfan Illr loiirsrs our r < llrcini 1111 In Sterlln Ilrln h bSmith hI hSmith
j Smith nll unit II tlnentertierc tlnentertiercrrif tntrhr tntrhrfh
rrif fh < ft hl > I ZepmS > pui I n > TWK 1 r5iI MN MNI I II
I I HKRIIN 1IIS Sm o in II Th Kmperor lllr and n nEmr < th thI the theI
I Kmprt > attended the Ih M session MUIII a tod tnday v of ofn ornrln ofltrlin
n nrln ltrlin > rlin tnivenity and list listniti ned to th in inI il ilI iiitroaiiiotery
I troductory rodllo lectures 1llr by h ts this Ihl venr ar Roow Roowveil R RI 1tnoseIt
veil I It professor lr Ir Charles CIul Alpbonso AlpbonsoSmith AlphotienSouth lbo lboSmih
Smith Smih of fr uI the Ih 1niveroitr nnil of North Caro Carolini CnI aro aroI
I lini I and al1 exchnnse fhlnl professor ° eor Hugo Ihln Miln Milnster Mliiieterherg lln llnIrtrl
I ster eterherg Irtrl > erg of Harvard fA Inl tmvepMtv ln rl n Th Thj Thnrrr 1i1athiirsso
j addrsco nrrr p were r delivered rlhrd deliv rrd in II the Ih fine In new newaulu I newaulme
aulu of ih the university Inlvrty iMfon hef r a 1 gather gathering
ing It which hlh included 10llr manv V persons nn high hilh in 1 inofilcial
ofllcial Ical and an diicati IIal onal cIrcle rirl an well 11 a aOr alr aPr
Or lr Hill 111 th American mrcAn Ambas Atnhacsauior r aallor ador and andthe an antiiii
the Ih leading Ia adini in rnernben nI of the h American Americanfwlotiv rriall
fwlotiv 101 in I Hirlm Hirlml
l Itr > r Smith Smih in I hi his address Iddr dealt llt with withAmerican wih wihrnrI11 withAtnenjciii
American rnrI11 literature a as indicative incirlln of the thenature Ih Ih1111r thei
i nature 1111r limit Pine of if r the Ih mericap llr iii rient ru nation n He I laid laidpnrticultr II laidpiurtieulor if I I
pnrticultr frliIIlr sIres 11 upon 1101 it 1 pioneer plnr i to uxl uxlpracticil 111 111praftcal mitt mittpracticul
practicil praftcal character In omphiii7ine mlhli711 leeds neednand f fInr leedsmnd
and Inr tlnngi IhllP more than thoughts and andideal In Inirl mindIdeails
ideal ideallrof irl IdeailsITnf f fi
i lrof Miini ihiinstenierg lnfrrJ > terlerg devoted hm hI addrefts 1ldn i ito
I to 0 th h > grcMth Irth of Ir the tndy of r psychology fholoItY
I in il lb America Irlra tnrira and ald prophesied d its i wider widerapplication whirrplliCalill wiolerapplication
application to t n the Ih domains dlnlin of law la medi medicine Ii IiI mndiclod ¬
cine I sei cien fIn nte v art rr trade and an polt iolitiee iolitieeAt > olitirs olitirsAt
At r the Ih close dO doe of lh the lectures tllr the th Kaiser I Iir I
held Dr Smith in n animated anllatP conversation conversationfor COn810n
for a quarter 13rtr of otmin an hour hourrnitTit hOIr1TI
rnitTit 1TI into I t IOMTS 13 iTS Ti irv irven WI JVIew
> en Represent flehrcsrnatisenf e of 0 the IhIand lilanil a at atInglen l W UI h j jInclnn
Inclnn Men mse Hank In Man Juan JuanJfftlaS Juanp an anZ
JfftlaS p citi I iHI Z llnpnltt lf I la I T Inn Sri SfMSAN SriSA I IHA
SAN HA lfN l S P 1 I It I Vov XO nv III 1 The Th h general generalelections Inpral InpralIellon generalelections
elections have resulted II in the Ih Unionist Unionistparty UniDni1PRty Unionistparty
< i
party again Ilnln defeating < rptn the Ih Republican RepublicanThey nllhlran nllhlranThy IteptibliranThey
They have hl gained a I 11 every vr member mllr of the iheHouse th thJ
House J 1141 of 11 tielegatesi tielegatesilumIs leegat < I IIli < H Hlillx
lillx Ili Mil 17 no nz Itiveri Ivr1 In h been eecle elected electedltowidnt < I IIle
Ile U ltowidnt ident Iommiion I omnii omnhiemoner ioner at Wnslungton Wnslungtonucre Wallnltm ztsiiingtonsuirreoling
suirreoling ucre 1 < lnl ing Seflor stor flnr tjirrinaga tjirrinagaII 11 rri nlltd nlltdI
II I II Tnld il mejnlwT of th the Kepuhli KepuhliCiin lpI I
Ciin tuitioruil lto 11 committee Ilmll hal has ia l beet > e > ii elected electedMayor hcteiMaeyomr
Mayor of fr Sun Sn 5mm luan luanOrder Juizmninter 11
Order fflr prevailed everywhere everywhereThe Ihr I
The Th lt loYltlllk llnyal > > nl Hank of I nnada Inala hasnbsorltml hasnbsorltmlIh has iheonhel iheonheliii
Ih h Union t lnl iiieimi Hank IAnk of Halifax Bllr It li will erect erecti rretlarl
a large larl org building ihll lien hr and n1 establish etmuIishhranetiea thlh thlhbrneh
brnnclnH brneh in other towns IIwn of lh < inland inlandniti 1llld 1llldII uslamidIsib
niti II niciiT UIT n n 1 rvt K Kllale I I Ia siPaIet
llale iPaIet a ei f f for tr r tirinip lr r Trip From rom l rlTtiratiah rI rarluTlmrotighherOn rlTtiratiahllrrlln Tlrolah TlrolahIrrln
herOn Irrln llrtiweU Urn l imlnn lnttn ano nrt item llnmeHprrutt rmC rmCp item5twrt
Hprrutt p fitlf fI tItle I Iftmttl p in Tur Tar SIx SIxIAIIIH SI SIXO Sniplanis
IAIIIH Xnv III 1 The 1h tim nurnnCo 0101 inter inlernalioiial inlr1lilll interlit
nalioiial 1lilll lit t iolimli I aviation mu illol iii t Ion context ci pmm test over r u I route routefmm roil II IItrim
trim Irun Pans ri to n llerlin rUI Hruvl IrI Ixmdon Ixmdonanil Irlllln Irllllnul11 lon ilon ilonml
anil ml mid rtiirn ttlUT re I urn hn h been llxed li SI forlune fur rr lln llnInr 1 situ i itl Iill
tl Nlnr Inr In Wril It aial al titanic titanicper 11 11P
ptrml P per tI l al I llnimltn f In ripe TH THIfI srv us usICrxip
KOMI IfI Vov SI pv in II Tin 11 Ti engngetnent nllt m maMn istiiiiioiiiiiieI I I I11IIUfl
aMn 11IIUfl tiiiiioiiiiiieI iiiii < d of MISH 1 H f itscndollriM i III Waldo WaldoSiorrand Wall Wallor tald taldStory
Siorrand Story or an and Hriti Iriuh linitisli h Xaval Sall Attach1 uh Stewart StewartTin Stewartrh Ivar
Tin rh wedding w drill ddlng a ill llIlal taUi > place llc in I Imiuary ImiuaryCavitllrrl Jsmiusary1svlrnl IIIry IIIryaUr I
Cavitllrrl aUr Ton T To III II In t Sine SineSprrtl lne I IfM pSpvct
Sprrtl fM il riW r llflpttrt pff In n TH Taa SCM SCM1AHIH IcNlArls 11 11Aln
1AHIH Aln Nov flv l 10 Mna Cavnlieri Chanler Chanlerin Ctlr Ctlril
in il ill 1 and unable un hi to t appear Plr in the h opera operaMarguerite op operaMarguedte
MLC Marguerite Mrgmle Her De part pa will wi bo b sung u by b b bMLC
I I VII VIIPackard
tlrrnifd 11 Id Cndtr Cn dt Mldfa Idt Puttn PuttnPackard PA Ia IaPackard
Packard Motor Car Co Coof CoI Coof
of New York YorkBroadway YorkBroadway YorkBroadway
I Broadway and Sixtyfirit St StiYETO St Sti StI StVETO
vo n sou iOlfTiOS OUTll riov or TILE IIOVSK IIOVSKor 10rSI 1WtMOF
or OF Loans 1ORI 1itonrKM IRonlF J ° YET YETBnl rFT rFTIt ViTRat
Rat It AqultliandlUlfaiirMa AqultliandlUlfaiirMamrnt qullh and ne hialfour aUolr 31 Ia > la Hate tiier tiiersmient If Ifmrnt
mrnt to Kill Hi lrl Irish > b Home 10le nuletm nuletmperlal nnltIm nnltImPrlt fliiheImpenal
penal Prlt Confe Conrtdrton Confedrration trr tlon Kinlon Iiaslonad Iiaslonadteals Itonfd Bad BadIcali
teals tgaln alnt t nedniondIaborllFi nedniondIaborllFiptcli Rrrnlonflahorli Rrrnlonflahorlipt2
pct pt2 casr Cd Dnyetth Dnltl to l Till TI Sr SrfoM Stil StilfoNtx n nlmwos
foM lmwos > ov SO Xov ov to What Wht U I known n ntho I as asii
tho ii Lords Iorl veto 10 conference conffrnct on the to con constitutional rn rnlillioll constitiitiomjl ¬
stitutional lillioll isjue I u terminated rminuP today ty ab abruptly a1 sbruiltly ¬
ruptly after nfl1 the twentynrat tnt rl meeting mtIDt of oftli orI oftimes
tli t1 times conferee fr Premier lrmlfr Asquith sulb ha hl au authorized RUIhnriz atmthmrixed ¬
thorized the th following fololnl Matfment MatfmentThe Ilatmttnt IlatmttntTh atntfrmentThme
I The conference 0 I fr C has ended end 1 without withoutarriving wibout wiboutarrinl withouttiniving
arriving at nit It Is the th
arrinl 11 agreement rfnl I opin opinion opintoil ¬
ion of f ill 11 the Ih members mmhert that the condi conditions conditiCn eondilion ¬
lion tiCn under which the Ih proceeding Jro oln wero weroheld wirihoId r rIlld
held Illd preclude disclovire dicolr in regard rlard to tothe toth tothe
the th course clr of the Ihl negotiations 1 otialon or r the thecauses thetuui444
causes t I leading Ilodin to tneir t ir termination terminationlthoupji lerminlton lerminltonIlhoulh tenmntnationAlthough
I Although Ilhoulh the ti conference confer nl was a failure failureas alure
as 3 regard f fb th rht the solution lolutlon of the th second teeondchamber ttld ttldI secondI
chamber question 1101 it will wi not be h alto altoseth altoI
seth thr r barren of result It would how howr ho hor however
ever r Iw h prematurt lrmltuf to attempt lmJt to predict predictfuture prPlet prPletur predictfitnire
future ur deviloptnents lol6n and IIII It seems fml un unlikely u unlikely
likely 11 that til an IIhin anihIng > thing definite IIflil will wi be b known knonhfor knownimefor
before Parliament Parialnt meet m11 again alail on Novent Noventher
her 13 I Speculation for the h moment momententren momntnln momententr4
entren nln mainly mlillY on the th question of nfIoihl the thepoHible themnsihilt
poHible Ioihl disM fllufot < iissnluttnfl > lutlnrt of Parliament Prlnlnl and a acin I Icnlu acneqttent
cin cnlu cneqttent equrnt lIt g Jmr1 gonsrI ner < il election electionIt 1fllon I
It Is I probable Iroha11 that Ihlt one on result rul of the theprolonged theprolonged h hp
prolonged p fIn 1 disoiision di Iion will 1 prove to be I hethat i irhiLl
that hl t the Ih 1rl Irish h SaionnlhI VAtionntist will wi be h dt i > I
inivrlof m or the th power o r to tof inforce force an 11 immediate immediatenppeil i itnmndlateto mU
nppeil to th constituencies OIlillnc Those who whonre whoire h hr
ire r > iger 11 for an early arl election build huirllh their theirdeduct theirdehuictiin r ron
deduct dehuictiin ton on a sentence nIOc in a I speech 10 10niKhf Inhht tonight
night of Mr lr r llirrell nrrtl the th Chief Secretary SecretaryfiIreland SecretaryI frplr frplrr
fiIreland r I Irl Ireland nd who wh h wa a one Oi 00 ° of the h conferee confereeJI conf
JI salt aid aidI ht I
1 am stir lre of f this that er r long lonl th thnain thIn th0a1n
nain In will i have M another Iloth1 opportunity opportunityfor I Ir
for r revising ri111 or 0 supporting the Ih view viewformed viewsfnroierl 1 I
i formed 10r1 at Il the Ih la last t election electioni electonlAcIer tion tionuIr
i L lAcIer ter however he h intimated that the theI h hIln
j I Iln inerval fllliJl might be long Ion or short shorti phor
j i p regard rlard th the question of imperial imperialfederation impral imprali imperialfedertinn
i i I federation in relation rllon to the Ih conference conferencei conferenceWalter
i Walter Long ha h hams issued 1ul a statement to torhe toh tohe
I i rhe h he fieri I that Ihlt exPremier tPrm Ralfour ha hanuthori hll has hasnathnrtiod
I nuthori nathnrtiod d him to say that neither im imf 1mrprllon tmperini
f perini rml federation rprllon home rule ril nor thedin thedinof thediI hdihl1
I solution hl1 of ef Parliament Iarlmnt formed rorm any al part partf put I
I < > f li lelibi Ilhralon Isirations railon of f th the conference conferencej onrrnl
I j T1 1la 4 u 11 > only I w > interpreted a I as meaning meaninghto maninl I
hto h 9 iliieliheralions ml IIlhrlton It 1111 t is well 1 known knownthat knowntim knownliter
that federation 1Irlll ha hms Ve n Constantly conJllnv onstmmntlyriveitely j jpmately
pmately rlIr dsuisseti < < < russed 1 among monl the Ih conferee confereespecinlly lOnrrp lOnrrpclll confereeiii I
specinlly clll in il 1s i bearing on Oi Irish Ir8h Scotch Scotchniui SIIh SIIhWIh Scoichnmtt
niui Welsh home hOI rule rul hut the th proposl proposltion rolI
tion t ill 1 M i 4 too t new I to 0 I allow alo any I present prnlrllnl presentiCriilfl
1 iCriilfl rllnl IOH Mr r Long loul is i one on of th the most mostj I IrII0I1 Isreluiolis
j hrretiuoii rII0I1 opponents oppnnll of home rule ril in any anyshape anyslump I
j shape Iup tnd nd he h l sued tonight onllhl along alongi Alon AlonI
i with olh other r inenihtrn 1111r of the th House 10u of J JIotnmons I Ilmmou Itnmnrnons
Iotnmons and Ind some om peers r a strong Irlnl mani manitVfn
tVfn 10 against alain 1 it itI ItIt
I It I i is desirable lrhl in rontiriering onld inl this sub subject subpict uh0
ject to 0 emphasize mlhliz the Ih fact disclosed illod dur during dlr duirliii
ing 11 th the diwtinsion 1Iinll of the th conferees onfr that thatthe IhatI thattime
the I h Radical HaII1 members of the th Government Governmentare Gomnwn
are r a as much rnlh opposed op < to the fh form nf home homerule hOI honitrule r rrl
rule rl which Mr Ir Redmond Rdm nd demand dllnd as a the thei th thtmonlI theUnionism
i Unionism thiinwlve thiinwlveTho IhII I IThn
Tho attitude Itlud of nth lh th Laborites will wi be h m anImporMnt mImportant mnttnmon1aimit
Important factor in deciding Iidin th course four
that I hrl the I h Government mrnn will mldOpf adopt Premier PremierAutth lrmrA
Autth A As Ilh will w receive rpci tomorrow tolorrow a labor labordeputation lallr lallrdlllalol labordepuitaitot
deputation which whih will wi demand im immediate immlial mmniemhiate
mediate legislation 1tilatlol reversing the Ih Osborne Osbornejudgment Olbom OlbomI Osbornejudgment
I judgment Jldlmlf and an th the h Premiers iply reply will willhave willlimitp il
have 111 an important irlOr1 lx 1lrnl Isattn > anng g on 01 the Ih I hi con conduct COl commthuI
duct dlt of th Iho the LalMintes Lalori in Parliament ParliamentThere PArlamnt PArlamntThr ParliamentThere
There are Ir many who now regard rird rirdI it ita itiii
a I iii inevitable inllhl that a general nml election 1fllon will willbe wi willbe
be held hlr in II IBM I II I which will wi b 1 he coronation coronationyear coronl iOI
year pr Thi is i an cxxurrence 1urrn which all al the theparties th th1riA thePrtiP5
parties have h sought ou ht to n avoid old TheOovern TheOovernment Th Govern Omrnlnt
ment lnt on the I h reassembling ramll1 of Parliament Parliamentin lar1amlnl lar1amlnlin
in lVbruary wlll for forward forward
thnllf wi presumably bring lrnt or orwRr1
ward their measures rMlr for Parliamentary Parliamentaryreform ParlamEDIAr Parlisniemitaryreform
reform crippling rIII the th l lre Lords < ord veto to This Thisi Thil ThilIn
on In it I rejection rpjOlon by h th the h Upper House Hmnhouhl Homijseshould
should in the Ih ordinary ordinf course CDIf of thing thingforce IhiliA IhiliArorc thingsforce
force a general rl election pltUon probably Irooably in inMarch IDlarch muMarch
March or early earlytn in April Aprilv Apri ApriT AprilSITUIA
SITUIA v r 11 sroins rOlnI woTUfrrt woTUfrrtRaillral 11TRr IiOTRE4LRadical I IRadlr
Radical Ma t1lr tiair > nr of Rome RUM flld r b > > Con Condemnatlon Candenimmatien on ondrmnlon
demnatlon nf Il III II ills tttaek on the h Pope PopeTftttl POJ Popreci
Tftttl r f < ltAt Rripatth nrr1 tit f It TnK Tnl KCN KCNROME SrSRoii lS lSRIt
ROME RIt Nov Xo 10 Mayor Iaor Nathan has ha sent sentto IDt IDtfo sentto
to the Ih newspapers IhE text xt of a letter letterwhich Iler Ilerhih letterwhich
which hih he h ha has sent nt to Mayor Ouerin r1rin of ofMontreal orontlII ofMontreal
Montreal ontlII Canada IQ adl in I which he h deplores deploresin dpl dplIn <
in strong Ironllrr terms the tht vote ot of censure nfllr passed passedi plld plldlr
by lr the thiCiIytouncil City nl Iouncil olnci of the Ih Canadian Cnndlln city cityonhisanti el elni dryOn
onhisanti ni On hi hmsmmnticleriealspeech Ini icrirllp clerical speech eh of ofSptemhern ofSptemhernMayor September sptmhr sptmhrIayrr fl flMayor
Mayor Nathan in his hi letter says l the h vote voteof toteit 0 0or
of it censure Ir wi w WIll mstiited by Archbishop trdiiuishop1uRriichsi
Britches Brch I and Ild he h blames hllnf the th Ii it ity rhhihrl > Council Councilfor 101n11 101n11ror dintilfor
for not reiidina rluinl hisepech hi h before adopt RnIUIIrHhltor adoptitig adoptitigcondtmiiimtiiry in 3 3ioiideiniinfory
ioiideiniinfory resolutions rHhltor Hn Io saw v the theCity Ih Ihfil t ho hoit
City fil it > Council tnf of Montreal lollr1 in I the Ihp shining shiningMilitary shiningNuiitsrycxlmmpi hlnin hlninhlar
Military Nuiitsrycxlmmpi hlar example rnpl of dogmatic dlmatc zeal 71 which whichhas whlhI whichnvarstepfsd
has I overstepped the th bounds Iollnfl of it I Its civil civilmission rhi civilmbesimmn
mission IIH well 11 an n of international IntlrnUonil law lawand IA IAAld lawtend
and Ald custom customIK customlie utmIl
IK Il concludes fnntludf by ly declaring rlarlnl that he heIJtrrt 11 11utterly isutterly
utterly IJtrrt indifferent Ildirnt to its i grolesquo Iroqlo and andmeddlesome Ind Indmtd andmomidlesonie
mtd om utterance utterancelHKSinKT IIUmnl1ll uittermincomointsiinr
lHKSinKT 1ll IUT ritT ri rr T IT T Srl Srll I cg I II iI
I hinrrt the lit Tcnne Tenneeee re nn n the rl n ta lo loColon I IIan toisbn
Colon ColonllAHLKHTrtV isbnIIANLVSTby Ian IanC
C llAHLKHTrtV L TCS S R r Nov So nt 10President 10PresidentTafl 1 IlL Prhlnl PrhlnlTf Pruwiolnt PruwiolntTaft
Taft Tf Is I on 01 th < > oceiitt flll iHiund lnt for n Pinarnn PinarnnThe 101111 liiamnnrh
The Th President and anlllrlY imrty went aboard ahrtth the theTennett flu
Tennett TII at lt l II in this Ii morning lominl Thirty
minutes minlt later the Ih Tennessee TII nll ald anti nr nrconvoy hrrnoy h r reonoy
convoy rnoy th H Montana llnlall left f for Colon
The Th Nqtiadron flwdrl will wi proluibly reach Colon 01
Motttfty 01 morning monilt The f fhm muadron IIIron is I com commanded cornunmnolrI m mIIIlnI ¬
manded IIIlnI l I m y Rear Irlr r dminil hOml I Stniinton llnnnlnn
Until Ilh cruisers rlr are qtilp quilmjioI d with wth wiret wlrra wtrehes wtrehestmnol w4 w4and
and a the th PriHifdnl will 1 not nfl I n > out waitctmmnuimiiemal 11 of ofcommunualion fr frmrlli
communualion mrlli JI inti with Wit ii Washington Wa hinlt at mm t any nnrliinr nn nnlm
limo lm during fllrlll Inn IIallI IIallITalt hi iib mohmwtmti mohmwtmtilresiclcnt eiii eiiiPresident
President Talt i IrriV1 uirrivet > rrive l in il Cliarleston Cliarlestonearly Cimanlestnearly
early this hl morning Ilomlnl Mayor Hli Bhtt > nt of I
Charleston Chlrlton wn Wl wits at the Ih station tAIOI accent accompanied ICCfT accentpanled ¬
panied by lu > lltll daughter who
nle t Ijhtr carried carriedflowers crlf carrhjflowers
fowerl flowers hy for or tlto lb h President PIIt t The 7 Mayor Mayortook Mayo Mayortook
took lok time II President Pidnt ohis hi him home for fo break IJak
foot flt After At an n hour t th Ibi the1 PldoL President went wentaboard wp weixaboard
aboard abr the llKhthou IjghthoiMa tender td dust took tok took11st
btm I to 0 th II Tennesww Ten He 0 stopped to tomake t tomake I
dren make mike deD en two WI brief brf oddresww uddZ to t school ahol tpP chil chl thUen ¬
I a
I Good God Clothes Clothesthe Clotes Cloteste
the te hall ha mark mak of sound soud business busiess judgment judgmentAside judgent judgentAside
Aside Aside from the average oerae mans natural desire to topresent toprcscnt toprcscnt
prcscnt a neat appearance there is a more potent potentreason potentreoson potentreason
reason for careful dress dressit it is necessary to success successin
in business businessPopular businessPopular busncssPopular
Popular belief belie ascribes to the millionaire miionaire only the theright theright theright
right to wear a last years suit suitor or on old hat hatWhether 4uttWhether I
Wether Whether true or not the millionaires milionaircs fortune is isno isno isno
no longer Ion cr problematical problematicalIs problematical
Is yours Would V ould you jeopardize it for the sake of offalse offalse I
false economy economyThe econom cconomThe > 1 1The
The poorest sort of economy is cheap clothes clothescheap cothes clothescheap I Icheap
cheap in the sense of irresponsible workmanship workmanshipor
or indifferent indiferent modelling modeling or finish finishWe finishVe finishWe
We arc not content to create merely merey good goodclothes goodcothes goodclothes
clothes cothes Our models are cssentialfy distinctive distinctivethe distinctve distinctvethe
the tasteful tasteful dressy sort that will wil unfailingly present presentthe
the wearer in a creditable aspect no matter mater where wherehe whee wheehe
he goes or whom he meets meetsWinter meetsWinter meetsWinter
Winter Suits for Men at J5 J 5 to 45 45Winter 45Winter 45Winter
Winter Overcoats at 15 to 65 65Ready 65Ready 65Ready
Ready for service serviceSweater serviceSweater serviceSweater
Sweater Coats for Men MenThe MenTh I
I ITho
The Tho warmth of sweater coats cans affords fords the the necessary necssnry protec protection protection ¬
I tion ton from penetrating p cold Our latest latet models modes appeal ppnlto ppnltoI to tomen tomen
I men interested Intcrcstcd in n aviation shooting fishing flshinJ automobiliog utomobiI
field iicd sports spors etc and are also Ilso suitable for street wear They Theyinclude Thc Thcncudo Theyinclude 1
include ncudo the th new Norfolk Norolk model the rc regulation ulnton V VCrot front with withreversible withcvcrslble withrgvcrslblc
reversible cvcrslble collar colAr or the th medium turndown collar collr that fastens fastensclose fastensdose fastcnm105c
close to the th neck Made in pure worsted finest Australan Austra1jntwool Australian Australianwool
wool or pure silk silkSpecjp stk stki 511kpccia
i Sp Specjp pccia i 1 for f r Today I g y m9 and Tomorrow TomorrowMens I IxrrMcns m rr9 rr9Mens
Mens allworsted al worsted Sweater Sw atcr Coat Oxford or navy navyhigh nIV nIVI navyphigh
I high grade srndc finish size 3 36 < 5 to 46 f 295 295I
I Value 450 450Broadway 4508ak 430aksQ1uiupanj
8ak aksQ1uiupanj aksQ1uiupanjBroadway < mpaug mpaugBroadway
Broadway at 3 34th < th Street StreetBRDM StreetBRIW StrcetBRoIcv
Mens Overcoats for Every Ever Purpose PurposeMine
Mine Different Diferen t Models ModelsIn llodtd8 llodtd8In ModdaI
In 1 light to medium weight Overcoats Ovecoat we weshow weshow weshow
show two models the full ful back and ad semi semiformfitting aemiformfiting semiformfitting
formfitting formfiting styles stylesin in many man fancy mixtures mixturesand mixtur
and in plain cloths > i16 16 to 42 42Seven 42Seven 42Seven
Seven distinct diainc model in Winter Over Overcoats Overcoatcovering Overcoatscovering ¬
coats coatcovering coatscovering covering the entire range of suitable suitablefabrics suitble suitblefabric suitablefabrics
I fabrics fabric from smooth black meltons reJtona and andkerseys andkerseys andkerseys
kerseys to the shaggy Irish frieze in rich richcolorings richcolorings richcolorings
colorings 18 to 75 75Furlined 75Furlned 75Furlined
Furlined Furlned Overcoats 0 ve rc oa h for walking walc n g and andmotoring andmotoring andmotoring
motoring motoringAutomobile motoringAutomobie motoringAutomobile
Automobile Automobie Apparel for both owner and andchauffeur andchaufeur andchauffeur
chauffeur chaufeur Moderately Priced PricedESTABLISHED PricedELISHED PricedESTABLISHED
Hanan HananShoes HananI nanan nananShoes
I Shoes ShoesI
I i ii it
t I i cI
Tans Tansfor Tas Tasfor I
for weather weathe service comfort comfortquality comfor comfortquality
quality qualty and serc the top wave waveof wave waveof waveofFall
of ofFall Fall Fal and andWinter Winter Win ter style styleSix
Six 31 Broadway Dow Store Storer Sior Store5roueiwa
e 5roueiwa te Jil jIlt S 5m ln IO ° S f Wsy ssio 2M 1 u
rsit r l N Ne i Howlii5t < owir CM Cisl r K l 5i l
F Psiibsi r lh i Station S 11 Blotloir 8 cot fullm I leii S
Bmxlmr t VIsdsrewri eonn c VMi lhiiSt St S I 27r l11rO5 wsyuDa5i ri > Dtua 5t
U I BmnUtn IIISS JC n 01 l 390 9 Fuhm F FI F4wilArgest Sn i iLargest
Largest Stock oil eiIDESKSi
in Itftly Mto3 n ntirr
k tirr Flltnf Cibmtli
V L 19 ruteh d dIJo k A few fewdneentintifd
m dneentintifd dIICeltInidL dIICeltInidTeI dr tt at atWATCH
TeI m 17ItCoCtsndt 17ItCoCtsndtEXPERT j lanL lanLEIfERT
f GltuiltoE fIRQr Iitia RErlllNl1 M SbaIdm lrfn IIB IIBEt I IROm ii iiRoom
ROm Room 10 Ii I SUVIkIJ flteiinJiitidiumg I
Et 5l < UK iM Sllttitctln SllttitctlnW
W WImGIIII Waltham ze lii m ColonUI Serin rlei Ma 11n UtarUO model IftlbH mm < alld t wswres wswrestrti
i tor Wea trti wseiea MJ Also 011 wuuum WaUm Jtml I a aemigs rtti Witf WAlbu Wtebq b rot fori fatwseiea j
p Coward CowardRelief CowardSho C M MShoe
Sho Shoe ShoeRelief
1 1I 1I 1Relef I
Relief Relef and andCorrection andCorrection andCorrection
Correction CorrectionArch
Arch Supporting Shots Shotsvrben Sl Sbtisrrhen
when carefully carefuly tilted lted tp tm the thebone fbebODO H
bone Structure of tho foot foothtrenptben footrtrcn lootbtrengtbon
htrenptben rtrcn tben tho weakened weakenedmuscles wcalonod wcalonodmUccs weatenadmuscles
muscles mUccs and bring grateful gratefulrelief Rrat gratefulrolieffiom ful J Jrei
relief rei rolieffiom ictlJom from the thopain pain and strain strainMany ntrniuMany 1 1any
Many any socalled socalledarch sotallodarch l j jnrch
arch supporting supportingshoes
shoes fail to cor correct correel correeL ¬
reel tho trouble troublebecause troubleheclluRc troublebecatiso
because not prop properly propcrl properly
erly crl constrticteclnml COllst rudednoel careless carelessly
ly tilted Tho pressuro pressurocxcrttul pr prcsutiroexerted IItlro IItlrocxerlflt
exerted by these the c inikcnhtfta inikcnhtftais mfkellb fla flaill
is too 1cm great sr l1t and tho tl1 thqznjzr thqznjzrcniiiwol njurj snjlrrC njurjcaused
caused C Wlct only aggravates the thocondition thecondltiou theconiditioji
condition conditionCOWARD condltiouCOWARD coniditiojiCOWABI
SHOES arc scientifically Hrirntincallvconstructed IIcInlincnllcouMtrudccl scientificallycnuistrticteci
constructed on anatomical nnatnmicallasts nnatnmicftlIn6l11l
lasts nnd carefully fitted to totho totho tothe
tho individual fc foot t liy 10 liv an anesporionded ancxperienlIed 10xpfricn
esporionded xpfricn ed orthopedist orthtopetltitconstantlv con conntantlv confltnnll
ntantlv in III attendance attendanceSOLD
264274 Greenwich Gr nwlch St N Nittm NV NVstRwuRmtgtsruntI Y Ynrr
ittm stRwuRmtgtsruntI stRwuRmtgtsruntIMail Ttitnri nrr fnr au ti tiMall
Mall OriJ O1deu OidesJtiltl r nilt < l I 5endfor Ienr2 fOt C c CduJe CduJelrr < tj tjTrr 1 1n 1r
n =
Trr r 1 null 0 sit ftrr I Strow llion 1 of T rllll MBtna 3CM 3CMrnntAlnt 505rinuclei CI CIrlaln
rnntAlnt III ll lie flnanrlal nwi In anti nil UM tloctc amid IIn4bnnd amidbend n < l lb
b bend n < l nvouunaik 1101411 < l to IhOeOIC h to fw OIe nl f IBe iPosauaet tnuXcl Tim Timrkwlac T TIC Tienirstag
rkwlac IC nuoiaitoiu IncHuiloc mba tsM um Uf4l Uf4lnflra altedlprices 1 1tr1r
prices tr1r 1 lIb u4IUanl new at BiMlrr laC in Si tII too toottin cooitlaid 0 0tanclS
ttin tanclS d uo la Ut the 1111 sQIJU oZTU TM11fQ TM11fQcJr ywJrvslg
cJr rvslg S

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