OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, November 26, 1910, Image 2

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-11-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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a IF IFra
I Viarrel mlUUr earlier In the th dAyovcr ty ou taking Mm Mmtho 80mtiiltJo aomsrj
tiiltJo rj tho mill At that Ih time the th hail haUMlil ba1lrI hailDiI
rI Mlil th cler clrunmn rynutn truck him himwli himtoiIlh himri
wli ri his cane on onU the th hend h ut The Th Litter Litteratement Lurdalmn LttrzitflIfl
dalmn atement is I ili hclieved by the th pohcw pohcwfho politWho phcIg1ho >
Who a uLo l o dmirrt dl1 whether a mere m r uplrit uplritof llnto
of o revenge r II or mure Ilr nordid nnl motive motivep 101 t1OtVtptnralptdI
p PtoQIItOI onipt l the th piixiiini piixiiiniId honlll I I
Id II has ai been i n i llhlih1 ibli he < l with ilh con con5l rOi mnr4isnty
5l ira rable nrtainty rll 1 I Hint Ilwl I Sears ir r expected expectedro ptitittI1tiit
ro f tniuuit Inllll aonu 11 monoy IlllY upon II0n Itw n the Ih denih denih6f dll 4a h hIh ho
6f o the Ih rnitroiiis r rnit I ri nll if I he I did 11 not 111 actually actuallyregard 1llllly 1lllllyr actinIIyhtiIf
regard Ir himself hlllr a is their I hi r heir r through Ihrolgh I hrnu II IIt adop adoption alnl ¬
t tion r t N When h hi wa a but hit lhr Ihr < eek k old oldbi oilLL I IlP I
bi lP mother I hr bronchi hrnI1 him i to II tn I h hom hn of ofW Ir iiitIwil I
111 tIwil W < MM Hue 11 Iii Mrs Ir I r AriitelrniiRrt rlltrlll rliItri III g father father4pd rllllr fai I hPr hPrI i i
4pd ill I mother 111 In h and al son 1 were r sheltered 1411I t rIMl in inte il j U UI I
I te m Hue 11 I i liiu hll htiia4toIt liold until 111 tint i i I III I h Iii dniKhlers dniKhlersto di Iallhlr Iallhlrmfp uiIit uiIitI I I
I mfp fnlrrd e to i me I tti le 1 I > Mr tr r rtiHtroiiR rtiHtroiiRn ri rt1l4trflt1g9iivw I rlll I Ill
9iivw ll thn h1 n they th have ha si v made 11 niu l their t home homeilj I nin nintb 1
il tb ilj 1 VriM r rIt triim SeinhlMirliiMHl llhhnrh1 llhhnrh1j IihINthIHIIi I
j i loI olp i 4 said MI to hi I e I ld SiI4 cirs I11 to 1I M e ean
1 t ll wn an 1 in 11 come n 4Hfls iv Y Ninne 1ttIftMl1 < Med Wit ith ithIBe i h htl 1 1I
I IBe tl Hue H familv rlllh Iii ni I 1 am1 1 111 fl lientipisl I h ttp t MI tliealteti tliealtetiiiini I h h4ii ul I I
iiini ii 1 ht s > io fly4qI H > d 1 iiHin Ills In him hll as a i a miller ii iIt I tr of oftteht Of4zht r rhl
tteht hl rnrher ra lr ihin 1 hll of Ir grit KRICIn Ir gritI
In I i tin t hi U 1If I Nkf > lief the th I h vomit I man 1 w Wa a > ap apJ 11 11rrnlh a aprrnt
I V J prrnt rpntlv h enut ICUlrll1 > iiriiKe i b I iv > hi mother motherf 1lhr 1lhrIO nnl her herrel
f rel ho IO was a 1 not 11 tis t averse 11 ii to liavinn lii v i i Inm 111 Iii in get getall 11 gtl
all 1 l he k iiiiild 111111 111 from rrll f nun their Ihl I join JIII j ii emploverx emploverxIoesticHiion mlll in infl
11 11IS IoesticHiion I fl eit tlIII i Iflfl nloiik Iln 0 Ion I 111 In Ii line I Ii tD tuvi ha I > l > sl slthe 4 I Ith
the th r IIetamtav Jet ftle t to l > eliei I > tlmt the th crime crimeof iriIiIt ril rilof
of of t SOUTH a may 11 1111 hae ha liein I the t tIl h outcome outcomeof nllI ftIteotUof
well which he hehcped h hhpp itb
of a i 1 considered plan p1 by t hih
hcped b pl to gain IUI xss inn of the 11 lit nnstroiiK nnstroiiKproperty nltoli nntrnngptflIrtv
hpp property ratik flllr rtlr r than Ih of If a halily ha li con cone4iv eonI 1
I e4iv h1 tI l spint Int i t of f rI revenge revengeIt rvil
I Ht It was i partly with lh H 1 Mew itw to I eltlinc eltlinchi ttIiighut lll
hi hut l iUMtoi UIIII > that Ihll Mrx In Itnchiel Ineh1 Sears SearsIB S lf art art1l1
IB I old ol < negrcss I f w wits subjected utjtt In a cruel cruelling jrl1 jrl1lng I
3 ling lng lllmilallnl Humiliation thin I hi afternoon For Forfcotirs ForL nr nrbOi
L fcotirs bOi th Prosecutor InIIr nnd I his I detectives detectivesWorked I tetv tetvt
t Worked ork with ith the Ih old nearest t1 Zrt r making makinglittle Illkil tikii tikiiI
I little impression illnion ii izin 1 n her sluggish 1111h in initallect il I
4 itallect eL Sh Sl 4le > tned lrt ii IMVI she h could 11 to toprntpct I IJt Ihr
prntpct t her hir son but 111 hi it liimll 1111 iheimestioners iheimestionerswrung I h i iIir iIirrux
wrung Jt 1nl rux fnnm fll ffl rn her n I otnenhat hal rnmblini rnmbliniadmission nmhlll rnllLh1dmision <
admission admiinl thai she h know kl of r the Ih crime crimewhen truuI nl I Ihn
I when hn it was w committed lllilI1 ettminit t tl and tnd t to hide hidethe hll hllth hidth
the th real f I trl N r rltrllr > etrat trator r Th The examination examinationof uiiiIlatiiiIni liIUuill
of Ir Mrs 1 Sears iIr4 r convinced the Ih prosecutor prosecutorthat Ir ilUr ilUrthet I
that she h WI WHt H not lnt an 61 a aeorv sMiry liefore Ih IhIIUUd Iifiiet he hefact
fact andJiad IIUUd uot a suspicion phi Jli hl it her 11 MII MIIcoriiemf
H coriiemf 01 oriprID1tcMr I I > ltr < f murder mnrrferIrs
Irs 1 I t rs n t murr vriis 11 I4 biniighi hll I Ii II iglit hl to t n th I lu court courthouse ettim 111 ri rihniie I IhOI
house hOI fonlghl ollhl and IUI will 111 lie lie hld h ht < l n a I ma ia iaIral tiiitrial J
trial Iral witness wit i1 tit in il the ti ci l e It I I wa 1 in 1 the thehope I h hhlp Iihop
hope hlp that it It left n aiiuoits mon 1011 lir I neighlH lilhlf nightortI > rs rsh r rh
I h t might nlght Hi ight divulge it lhIII iiaIg information Ilrnrlfl in fnrmimt i1 un of r value valuethat viti lhl ii iithat I IIhnt
that she I was 1 left at II large Irl though I hOllh under underrurveillance 1111 iinItrplirvelIlILnI
rurveillance until limit H this I lime I tnit It I i iIrohall k im improbable liiijroiattte ¬
probable that t 1111 hr efforts III ffttrt tn I nave O v hr hrM h hrp4n r I In
M p4n Irohall > n will i be h I made the I h IMIS 11 of r any 11 4111 u ihirges ihirgesagainst hI hrjz hrjzagiinst
against alalnt hr herThe I IT
The T 1 h Menes 4 1 flIt4 about ahOl1 Hi I h i Xrmstrona rltrlll riitrmri rei reidenre I Idn II
I denre dn today lod were such u1 a II It to move 11 the themom I h I Imot I Imo I
mom mot mo + t callous ralO h huut 4rt Mingled 11111 with wl h the therelatives I ik ikit h hIal
it I relatives relat Ial ive wen detectives constables constablesphysician cOII cOIIphicnl ctiiitiIIphyiicline
physician phicnl and ald photographers hOlolfphr Coro Coroners Ill Illnr 1ruI ¬
I ners nr jurY jl was cnt 11111 rnlhliiItit > < tiielled this I hi mornitiK mornitiKThey Ilrll miioriinI
I They visited Ii1 the lh h cetie c n of ti Iht ihu crime rln and andMI 111 i iNwlh i
t MI Nwlh 1w w the th retuntiii IWII Th The imiuesi lII will 11 be beheld h hhdIt 1 I
P held at II tli MUM Irt house hu Itt U rndiv trui Fridyttr rndivAfter
After theConwers Ih Conr nniuir iun II iiit lind IUll gone In nn awav awavIhe awiivihm n nIh
Afr Ihe Ih iKMJies hodi were w preun < l for burial hlrill and andthe antIlh 11 11Ih
the Ih outward oulnl evidences vid Id twiit of the th tragedx tragedxwere tra I
were removed nmwe from rul flulil Ihe Ih t1 house houseAmuigmnenlit hll Iiiiii IiiiiiAmuigtniit
Amuigmnenlit mM were wri aJso ltt completed 11111 for forIhe rrth Irthn
Ihe th funeral fllrli which hiil will wi a lake ILk place 1la ilae it alnon atflNfl itnoon
noon non tomorrow tomorrowit4 tomor i
I it4 1 rM ii ILITIlO i nun r I r I iuiKrrii iuiKrriiA I I IIE nl nlb TPfl TPflI
I A b i a Knlillr I nbl Caacli al 1 toarli llatr t Wa WaHP Valie a I
HP II nilhln lhll Ithia the ta lan lanMac1amt Ia Ia1Iilnl IaI
I Mac1amt 1Iilnl > Hrpschi P hl in il the th Wt Side Sidepolice MidI
I police Jlc cotirl yesterday found it i impossi impossible illi illitl ¬
ble tl hI tr I > tievtde Ivid d1 if a I laxUuli operated uprul1 under IIIr IIIrI iinmlra
I a 1 public Ilhli 1olch lh llcellie Inrn n ceae a to t I Is I a atMXirab uIah I Itixteah
tMXirab Sii s he t put 11 the Ih matter lallr up I tI the thelorpnration iii iiiI
I lorpnration lorloralol Coum I toiiiieI toiiiieIIotii oml1 oml1olm > el elJohn
John Drunnen Irlnll chief lr inspector 1lwtur of r toUt taticabs toUtAh
cabs < Ah had lulin Klein lil K I mi in court irl charceti charcetiwith dar liarptIwith fl flwh
with o olralin > eratinR an 11 automobile ILIIIOhi the Ih taxi taximet tilimntrof I
met IIrOr mntrof rof which whl h had hld b b44fl > en n removed AIeordn Ac Accordmi
cordmi cordi tn section llon 31 1 tis or the Ih corporation corporationordinances COrlrlon corpramonordinanmrt I
ordinances onlnalC thin flit I h punishable iiinhthnII lnlhall by a fin finof 11 ttmio I Iof
of o not lot morejtviii nor 1 s Si V > or len 1 days lay in I jail jailTh jaIlTh i
Th section lol provides rovic rovid that to remove ro a ataximeter I IUuitlr aIaximtr
taximeter which ha 1 been h placed regis registered I Itl Iteird
tered tl approved app apprOv r aoil al seaUM al1 by the Ih rI city cityi dl cityIe I Ii
i Ie tampering talrng with wi wiKIth It ItKlein i
Klein IIi who lives Ih H t 11 I West 1 Forty Fortyfifth rort rortfrlh Fortyfifth
fifth frlh street tr lias ha I taii hen operating n ralilg his II Iii ma machine m mchin machine ¬
chine since i iiic last February under a public publicct hli
ct coach ch license lcn Th new IW city il hacK ha la lapermits laJrml law lawprmItt
permits the Ih operation 1ntOI of it r vehicle hiI until untilthe IIIUI iiiitiiIIi I Ith
the Jrml th licen 11 Iicgue tinder Ildr which they Ih have ha H U Uoperating
operating oratin op ratifl expires Jir ihii lh hol ii a I special tavi tavicab riiu riiucab ul ulah
cab ah lic liM Iicnr ruw + i I reouirerl 1n1 Hit Hi < itiilHr itiilHrare
are Mr oierely w ply nnted 111 When Whl Kl I I m fell fellt rI tIitahind
t ehind lhl1 > in lhl hi I mvinent III the Ih t Ii taximeter taximeterconiiuiny IltIr ta I Inl
coniiuiny > n took lO away aY the Ih regiter rII Ir and ald he hecontnue t tcnI
til contnue cnI cnntlniutt nl nl1 < i oMratmg iI Iralll rahmn hi I vehicle nhll on I ii a aplihiR 1 1public
public plhl coach t luene hI h ti v w linh Ii 4i h had ha1 at atcoach alh at t tcoalu
coach coaluI < h rale raleInspector rol rolI
I Inspector I n Prennen fr reinelllbereij rIIIr1 that thatKlein I tIitKItn hu11ln
Klein 11ln h hl hit d re reoivt eiv i 11 iiiitneter aIIIr aud audhrougfit atuthrtiniut u1 u1hrol
hrougfit hrol t him h to > cmn tIIFII H
I havea I hv a roach h luefise 1I ami 11 I i > > erai eraia ral ralI >
eI a Mt Fresrhi FresrhiRut a I publte uhli conch oa h Klein li1 ltmu told MaKMim MaKMimFresrhi I I r rim rimFrehi I IRil
l1 Rut Ril he h had H taximeter and is 4 listed a aa aa arj
rj a taxicab a t msvcV mjw I Drennen IrI1 if t v vur vurt > ur urHonor r rlnnr
t Honor lnnr i Irmil irns ennits liini 11il to iljmri the Ih publio publiowill Iilhlo Iilhloil
1 will il hay ha no In r rlr rottrt dr < ss from rrul cliauffeurs Itllr in incline i iell1 litci ¬
cline ell1 ci iii t tu t > dishiilleMy ii 1hII kit nu s Thev Th A III 1 I I I be h I it ullle ullleto I hi I 1 1t 0 0t
t to t carry a i taximeter huIIIr ta tn tr todav and ald Iwave Ia Iat Iaivoil n noff
off t totnorro 10Irrl The Th 1 Ii M I oa rlcl rlcllokll was waslooking
looking lokll up 11 the Ih law II He t ir said saidIfut aulni
i t Ifut ni the h law la make lal no II privisinii rv he h e i ia I Ilr
4 a aM far lr it ai I t ane iiti u s when n u i taxicab iitiittto Itl ceae ceaetube a aI
tube I to I a lalah > axicil > I 111 til in wh lien it i itI i > rait l lunder i i1I i
I under 1I r tin tI h Id pitbl eiiuih aiIm h In h ene It Itsavs 11I Iitat
< 0 0IP
tat a I taxicnb a < uxnib 1 shen h n taxi laximett taxiM n
M mett IP snttach 1IIh1 but 1 i ii ilo I < siit av wlia wliait Ia < I Iil I
it is i with lh the Ih itxiniter Ir off offnd 11 otTtI i iIU <
tI nd IU where whlr s the Ih < > iiiitntii I tiiitntnalifv lilliali > iiilii v of ofthe ofitI rl rlIho i
itI the ii law that h nio II tiiI a tax 111 ti on itOor I cinens cinensfor Ii Iirr
for or ti 1 II ireasurv rr if r a I priit p rii 11 cnr rImaIo > < iiatioti iiatiotiJUtked It ItIk1 ii iiikot
lawver lawverMaglstiK 1iwvrI
JUtked Ik1 Klein I s
I MaglstiK Iigiti ii a at Frewhl Irhl said it was lVonl n I IhiTti I Ihim I Ihllll1 I
him hllll1 and referred rrrllh the th ri 1 e 11 i ilie iii t orpora orporation r ra ralion
lion tn olinsel 111 Hilt 11 ti I Klelll lit 1 Hill itiif HillIf i1 i1I
If I you Y shall hal I it found rlI1 1111 guilty niltv I will 1 II line lineyou 11 IiII IiIIIt
It you rOi the Ih maximum maximumGETS talimul talimulGET1 mnaximnionii
ii GETS 4 irfir IT nut nl nun 111 111Wn i iniit iniitWacnerOrdereiltuProildre liii liiiWagnerordredtuaProiluee
WacnerOrdereiltuProildre Wn rOrdtrte tu Proculr flte I FheIf I t learHMd learHMdIn rrol1 rrol1In
l i If In Court COat Totla TotlaMr Toa Toalrlar Todatt
Ifff Ifffll tt Mr MraIarl lrlar JJarie Wa VftgriPr a ner or the thlrinc th Prince Oeorge OeorgeHot horgl or orHotl
l Hot Hotel l who traced trac h hr r flveyearold daugh daught dall dallIr
ll t t Ir tmr r Ruth from B I3rIIn rln rln Oermanv Granr G rrnanv to toM toMezimo
M Mezimo 110 ilco rite an and < i then to New S e York nr go goa 1 gi11t < I
11t a I wn writ of habeas corpus from Supreme SupremeCourt SlprmCOlr MiprtiiI
Ifc IfcI
I I Court COlr Justice 11 llr Davis UI ve vtrdav terdav directing directingh lrIII I
p h hr r huhand Otto I 11 Wagner Rlnr to If produce producethe IrodI IrodIth iroItim iroItima I
a I the th child hlllln In court mlr tndav tndavMr IHlaIr
Mr Ir Ir Wagner Wallr agflr fund 1 in I her wtition 11 iu Iul t the
F he h uf iQt g9t a tiivorce 1r m I ini inl irni ni last jay Mavand I jayI I Ian
I and an under 111r the flu la law there i entitled 1111 nmiillh to toher I Ihr I
her h < r little 11 girls irl irIe cu iiiitwlv I tndv Her lr husband husbandlook llhandInlk IIIIN1flfldrE
rE look Inlk the Ih tl i child h11 awav av last pril Iri trjI trjII1 in I com comPHIIV 1
I1 PHIIV ai with lh a trained Irlr 1 tiirse ri In she h said tutu I and andafter ILm ILmafrlln
i after afrlln Itl going nInt to Mexico Ixi where hr he ho h has h large largebusiness larl IargI
I business hl I interests IIrI came arii HI I n N A York and andwent Ild andI
I went 1 t In < l I IIV at t ifS o M West 113th ttithIic street streetfier Mlr MlrIr
Iic fier Ir finding flhnl the th child here h tir Mrs IrM r Wag Wagner Wal ag agI ¬
I nr sar 1r ay hr husband h1 hOI told hr that if she shedidn h hdllnt IidiInt
didn t connent t lii > let I him hUl hive h th in h little littlegirl 111 111Ilrl
17j girl Ilrl with ih the Ih exception 1c9ti 111 Ii of It r sit 111 weeks k each eachear ahar achL
L ear ar he h would 1 take lak her from one nn citv it to toanother I Ianlhr liti
i another in II ri the h < Inied 11 states Stal Camilla 111 and alll alllIIIC antiMiicn I IMiico I
Miico IIIC to I prevent the Ih mother IIhr from get getting 11 11tn it it3A
ting v > se son sonrtKit
tn 1 1
rtKit iii 1 ro r roisv KMiK 1 lIE rut T 1 ini iniIMinc sum suml 01 01nt
o IMinc l iiIln nt rtii nulan lan llrlirrtv 111 Ordered Irdrd Mr Mrport t I Io
port tiorfect nl t Jen 1 It lti ti nilel o lrl > In I a the I h holnl ltr lreui lreui3iIifl riir riiryoung
young olnl Itusrjun Itlal Hebrew flr cnllid 11 by byhis Iy Iyhi byh
fn frpnd nds ulf Ixwnsrsikow Kills Killsmil 1llic
his hi h rrnr < 11 i 14 at flj
c Ian1 mil wailing WIIIII for or n brother hrtwT in II I Ih lucngo lucngoin ml
t in 111 ItII in nhr > hr in 1 llriKiklyn IriIYI t lii i cnme n in ii his hisail hi iim iimiiI
ail 1 tV 1 KuiriniiHing 1al11 tut Ial hi h < ill II not I I lp IIh InImblii
p 1 publii Ih iliiirgi llr if r > iil Hi Hii I II IIrrt
I i f irrtir rrt ir r inl mi 1 i AilliM llli In I work rk if In Inan h hln lsI
I an ln l fl act > t a i I1 i oli ii m l MniTica 1ria II I I I says ny thtit thtitH thll t Hz Hziiit
H > l fiofii r1 UIILI I intu iiit v > l > trii ris llnII llnIIItII to to1L < tpi tpiHti
1L Hti ItII > ervloii I ntiM I h hl ji i If I ti I tIi iss I lit it11i ui tI Imck ImckIt tck tckil
It 1 will il mit IM I itll t i1 < s in I i Silirii Siliriit p riI riItm
It tm t iriiirh ItirlI a i i thi lh h in mi in 1 mi 1 front r m llnm llnmi 0
i tiii I II liUlv IkI fhH t In I ill 1 In i itit ititII 1 fli fliIi
II v f rH iilht hr h Mlin h tl I it I liut Itt in II wluih wluihV
4 V 1 I < 111 II I VIItI0 Moiilil 11 I II lM lMU H Hirr
irr U t t ititi f P1 I pn PIIt n ni nil hi hir m mr
r rsc r ft ti t gnitir Ia g t r < mil n honril of ofi if ifI r rr
r i Ir lirt l i iI 0
I i 1 j iii SKIV s Mill unite 1k 111 effort efforth rt
v t Tttt Iaoqf hi hie
d h If t ti > M rig nl n i mised rtim 1 1 io if 0 tjl Idl tiiiit t care careuntil cart
it U until Wt ha h obtain obt11 work or
ov I a 3KiTORii sri 41T1ITION 41T1ITIONUartlnc ITrTI ITrTII rov rovllartlnet
llartlnet atot Prlmmrj prim Vote e May Rrult In Rlgt Rlgtixmofratlc RIl Ht Htfleamoerailt
ixmofratlc IWnotal Rnrnpoa RumpWII Impua4iI1ta Tlltaao Talks TalksWith Tl Tlkaflittu
With tlh Leader Iud l la a l and nd Other Otl Ohtfitll OhtfitllIlanais nAU nAU11un All AllI
I 11un Ilanais U m I > lum a to tl What Wat Wu Maid Maidiovertiurelect NalmIurertorIt Ie Iecriwrlpt
criwrlpt iovertiurelect Worow Woodrow WilnoD WIoo of ofNew 01I ofNw
New Jerney nY drop trlpped dr ppd > ed into Jer Jersey y City Cityyesterday CityI Cityitterday
yesterday Irda and tried a little Ilto moral lorIlulon lorIlulonul nmoraluaslon nmoraluaslonoil uaaioo uaaiooon
on ul Hob Davtv nii Democratic 1lolrlllc leader Itadr Ied r of olUud olUudi Hud Hudson findsoil ¬
son n county ltY and next ntn to former romr United UnitedStall UI UnitedStatt td tdI
Stall HIli Senator nalor Jamen Jm Smith HmllhJr Jr the thmot thmotI tbtunomt tbtunomtIll moat moatinfluential
influential 11111 Ill llii iitial organiratlon r alhatl IK Imwcrat > mocrat in II the theSlate th thM thtl4t
Slate SlateI l4t l4tI M I II
I i ivi vi i is i MK itaid id by I hiitfrieiidtitobe lii trktida to be infavor infavorof In fitvor fitvorof
of the Ih election mI mtkin of r Smith Slilh an al Ulied United States StatesSenator SIat StateimS
Senator S iiatr ulr to I succeed I John Ken 10 although althougha alholRh I
a I majontv lajrit of r Democrats In rlt who voted ote at the theSeptemlMir theVrinuri
SeptemlMir prinmritM voted ol to indori indorilame Indlr IndirutJaine > <
lame 11 K i Mart Irtint latrtitw mo the 1 farmer orator oratorfor oratorfor 1
for the th hi Kmition Iii Martine Iartil got his hil higget higgetvote hlla1 hlla1v
vote v Viii In lludnon IldAn county lt and several fvral Assttuiiiytiuitelett As AssemblymeiiHlert 11
semblymeiiHlert mhIYIII ill il that count cuntr v have havepublicly hiv hivIllhllI haytuiihhjlv
publicly IllhllI placed theimelvtM on 01 record recordan rcordintnrUnl
an 4 intending intnrUnl to tl t stand tlnt by tho Ih will wi of r the themajority Ih IhIIJlrilY timtulJurity
majority majorityDavis IIJlrilY tulJurityIavl
Davis al lili ha dodged tlj talking tallin for publica publication l umhi1icathtti > hBea hBeaIi ¬
tion Ii about the t h Senatorial race rnC but hit hi hilieutenant hil hilhltnant hula hulaiuumtnants
lieutenant hltnant have b be Ion n busy blY trying tryilt to t call calloff lal callofT
off I tlin Ih talkativV talkati iiiemlxrn mIII of r the th Hudson Hudsondelegation Ildln Ildln111I1n hudsonleleizattonand
delegation 111I1n leleizattonand and ald the I I impression in I H generalthat general genfralthai
that tho Ih lud lud4on < on countv leader Idlr propose proposeto prop propI
to I do 1 hi his l iuet > t to whip them t into in line lnt for forSmith rnr1h forMitilihu
Smith 1h Dr Ir Wilson WIIol received rti advice di a ato I It its itstim
to t Davits 1i I yjs itllcgcd alI1 programmu 11rllranllO mit and alt nd de decideil d djld tIi
cideil i jld t to learn Ia for himself jut ju t what the thelittle Ih IhIitt thehlttI
little Iitt leliler 1IIr views were wereThe WCtC1Ii I Il
The 1Ii l tinvertior I vrnr elect t reached Jer Jrsy ey City Cityai l ity ity1n itya
ai a < noon 1n muslim yesterdav and ud went UI to lj Iwyr wyer wyerliMuph
liMuph 11 ith P I Tllul rumiiltvs luini ul I s office nI I ttit in I I Ii Ihe Ih I h Lincoln LincolnTrust Iincnln1ru I tn coin coin1ruit
Trust 1ru building Ilil ll Tinuiiltr 11 ll is I a memlxr memlxrof lmhr lmhrr
of if r tin I ti i I vearn r lludnon I I iIsi 11 iii countv 111 V Aixembly Aixemblydolegitioii Astetit lhly lhlytII Lily Lilyinn
dolegitioii tII i inn und MII uitI is one liii I < if r the t th h most 11 titostvoting mile milewmleni flul1
wmleni voting 1 Democrni 11rnl in New twlr twlrI Jersey JerseyHe hrsevI
He I I I dan opposed o PI ish the II t H machine Iali imiachi in on numerous numerousoccasions 111 miii ilmeruimsil4juna
occasions 11 and 1111 1111 I i 14 in il II great favor rlr thy ir among alK a iii iii g the theelement Ih Ihm11 I hi hituuunt
element m11 who w 1 ho long 111 ago ii I gim I grew Irw tired Ir1 I of ofr r bos bosrule 10 10ril
rule ril r u ii Tlllly Tumulty 1uIIiII ilt y i i4 one I ifll n of if the I h ntaiiv 1n Demo Democrats 111 111rll I tn i i1rilti ¬
crats rll w whit ho h openlv 1lh declare IIr that the tb people peoplewishes piiiIwihia 11 11wih
wishes wih its IL Mxpretsed lit IL open 1 ptunarieti ptunarietilii IrimrihII1 tilnarmti
> > lii hII1 ti > ulil I not ii itt I Ii H > diHregarded 1 isrgnrl I and he h doerint doerintlsluve nt t tI
lsluve I iuiv that t tlte T t Ii farmer rlrlr orators priti or e in indorsement I iiiIi ¬
dorsement Ii retu iut should aLt stud IM I hi turned Ilruo down In It I t is isknown j jkll1 IItmuw
known kll1 ti that I hil Dr Ir I Ir Wilnm 111 ule iii liiut h a high I th regard regardfor
for ur riiiiinltr Fuuuuu 1111 ii It y a opinion Ini on tlimrs Ihiui I hi mm fit per pertaining 11rI r ¬
taining 11111 I a in i n i to t a I leiiii Ilmfuh h iuu miTUI > raiic 11 111 I > olicies ohi and < i 11 itil no noXMV In InI lii liihaiv
haiv XMV I m il Jerfev City was surprised to tl learn learnthat Iarl IarlI lCatflI
that I he h bud 111 noiiclll p i uihl Ihl Hi II ii inter I lit m iW with ws 1 h rhe rheinemblviiiati th thlhlra t hi hiiii
inemblviiiati inemblviiiatiMr lhlra lhlrai iii I tly inj H Hr
Mr I r vilon Wil1 i htittit and 1111 Mr I lr Tumuliv r 11111 mituul I v tilktsi tilktsiether 11 Ikt 1k I n nI itI
I ether li hir r for nil ni ii it hotir Ii ti r Hlid It Slit I then i h both U1 hi welt weltio wei weiit
io it t llob 111 Davis Illi I lYisi s home ho at II 2W Ir irove rie ireet sinII ireetDav
Dav lf I tn i it was a nxeiitlv 1 ilis tiuinargitI hargel ftom hl Dr DrDmliorns Ir IrIllhr I r rIi
Dmliorns Illhr Ii tilt mriis Kiintariuiii mum nnlll iii 0 ii iii in il I mu ilits I hi itv I V wliere wlierehe whnh W Wii
he h nc ve < l ireitment Irall IrtI tuiClil for ucute gas gastritis Ia IaIrili gmLiriij ¬
tritis It is said that h h lfi ihe Ih inslitii inslitiithii insiitilI
thii I i iii 3 irlir rlr ni mm than 1111 I his ii lie h ex I eciisl i4i ti I lit I onler it Io Iobxoii I Ih i ihi
bxoii h hi pu deck 1 lit 1 convince < iini 1 tic the IhIul I Hudson I I uila II c 1t > iuntv iuntvmen ill 111 0 V Vnili
men II i hat llt ihev I h were net 11 ing altogether ahltl ahiuuttl hr h r i iru t truhh iii iiiraIu
ru ruhh hl I m I i mu climbing I lhil ulsmrd nl11 ft ititi ni the I h Mm ti 111 iii tine tinebanduaKiin i i ni niI I
banduaKiin I 11111 uIIalll Lw a gi tnt wuli wth w I I hi such imit4tihi wh a rush rushIII nlhTh
III I JoMrimr i rn r elect a an au1 in I the I h In lliidsnii lliidsniicouiiiv il1 I I uil in in40111u1
couiiiv V leader 1 Ir had 1111 a heart IIr to ii heart Iar talk talkfor iIkfor al alrnr
for 11 ihrenuurlers thrllurln I hi iiU rtrs Ir of < if an al a ii hour h to r aflerwhiih aflerwhiihMr Ifr iLfi air hails whwhIr w hailsair
Mr Ir XVdson Wi Ixfl Ir Davit laI Hint In1 tuai croosed the theferrv Ih iiitnrv j
ferrv with wlh riiiiinliv 1111 io New w York Thev Thevlunchisl Th Th1II b bI
lunchisl 1II I 1 m I lower I haiw r Iliiiudwav llulwI hlaiaI waV and a Iul ii I talke talkeovr i alk < I Iasvr
ovr ihe t ihi Miimtiuti 11 until 111 < n s clMk 1 iu4 when whenliimiill wh whTllll when1ii
liimiill Tllll 1ii in ii i i v letlirneil 1llrl1 I tii nnw t to Jersey City I i l II
Ijilr I sa I r in i ii the Ih I hi ifiTiHMin rrn1 l nii a iii Mr fr l r Wilson tu Lwi l hul hullrrn 1131a > > d da
a conference i isim lrrn wnh w I I h naior I ir elect lohnson lohnsonand hl1 hl1In1 in inall
and In1 all I Assembly tCtfllhY mbhmII menelect Hinner 1 I I ill I isnri and andVlve all alllvI a mat mativ
Vlve iv all 11 of Itergen lrll coutiiv 111 V TI iii IhelWgen IhelWgeniounlv l1rgrn l1rgrniHal
iounlv iHal 11 ii i v lletiiixranc 1IOrl I lluii4rat 1a atilism ommille li ii te has h de delursl aleIaral I IIUh
lursl IUh m I favor of 11 r Marline 1rll It I was Wa also alsosaid AI zIsnpuiai
said 1 hat the 11 I Ii cJIrlol iovurtiorelect rtuamrelici also MI had hadtalks hl1 hl1lalk hailtalks
talks yitnlay ietenla nla > with wil Asuemblvmen llhIIII elect electeran Iitenuiu
n > eran and 1 llmlnckson Undr II of uf r Monmoulh Monmoulhcountv 1111111h hasiuizsiihiolifliy I
countv 11 about Ihnl the Ih Senatorial nllorial situation situationAsseinblvman maililittionAssiimblvntaii ilUILiol
Asseinblvman lhlvmal Tumuliv Tunlllv v refuseil rl1 Ian Iannight laInljhl lastnight
night to I tell h1 what wha the Ih Governorelectsaid Governorelect
said nljhl Ui uuI to I him or r what he h mild II Io < Mr Ir Wilson WilsonDr WUmIr Vi 11Mm 11Mmfir
Dr Ir Wilsons I visit 1 Io ler 1 ey Citv Iil caused cauiseita 811 811d
a 1 decided d I stir nr among alUl1 Hudson 1idOII rountr rountrorganiTalion Oaifltvorgiiflhlal lnl lnlor
organiTalion or anI7t1 ion IVmocruls 111 rl I 4 manv Ial of r whom whomlsheve whuiilehiay hol
lsheve 11 that the Ih repiidiHion nm of af f Marlines Marti1eMpri Marlinesprunarv IIri IIriprln
prunarv prln pri mu rv mdominenl Id i nature nin xli will w1 w I I I muse aui 1 a i i bin binrumpus 111 I Pad Padnil
rumpus nlll nil 01 I I ha in I ii the t h he Denocratic I mfTIII ciimp 115111 UIP UIPITm 1 1s i isKN
sKN s ir trust r sirrr iii I sI TO T sf i r rcllon rtmham i icnn
cnn for or llbrl 1111 calnnt Ma la IaorEtrit IaorEtrit4reur > orVle l lire
ire Irur ur > uf Ir l l OraiiRi OraiiRiKx Ora Oraiei I
Kx i x Imteil t Staler 111 tiiiii Senator Hlalnr James Iniuu al Smilh SmilhJr SmilIr
Ir announced alltm1 m il Newark Sarl wark vestenljy that thatIi I Ihe Ih
he h n < ll I lirmg I ira ii i ml II iii t for r ti ir libel lilllliil1 Ii bI iigamt ii Mavor Mavorl IJvr IJvrI Iasva ir irhiuhsiiii
l t Julniti IUII A C iregory irIr r ar of r hat E llrunge llrungefor t traiageIi r I
for Ii ar an II ii is attack alad a I lak on i I Ins II lii iolitical 1lllll iaitli I stu1 I r rn raont onl The Thelatter Th Th1Ir
latter 1Ir 111 I ir ent II iit a I letter 1Ir hi icr to I > eiiililyntaiielecl 11111 111111llrl iuul alynsaus ihemi ihemithanl J JCharles
Charles 1llrl Vt V llrown Ir ilr I ii al ala < of a r rii rt Iziat > t Orange OrangeList IrH IrHII I lri4tia lri4tialitel
List II w ic 1 urging Ir6ili I rttiil i him 111 hi a mit to I i recall r rei hi his hi s plislge plislgelo III I II
lo I upsirt In Mr J Ir Smith lih if lie h cgutral ntere 1 Ir < l the therace Ih Ihn thurai
race n rai for Tinted 1111 I ii it d Matt SI Senator SIlur to I is till tl Ii II ihe ihescut S h hiiit
scut iit 1 uf f John Ihl Keuii 11 whiMu wh inu terniis ni expires expiresnext xlir xlirI
next is I yar r Mr Ir Gregory Cin i nagory r cited < nicnlils of ofMr ittMr
Mr Ir smilh Smiths career nor at Washington 1hiIKII fifteen fifteenVe If1 tiltewisyire j jvar
Ve var irs a IKK II3 I and said I tliat II wit the III latter latterhit s sIHIM
IHIM IIIhr IITV hit tll1 way w resiMiiisible for the thelongcoiitmiKtl 11 lIsaIii
longcoiitmiKtl Iii a itai iii I iii Pl t I lt pillican iai I ii rule ril in II IIIr ii iiJarv New NewJ
J Ir Jarv Jarvilr rey reyMr
Mr Ir Smith lllh ati d he h iwrmitieil Inli nmaiili I I alt Il such suchaits 1 I
aits 11 1 C to I t pae I a1ie I untiilit I iii tai ii il I wliu wl1 h 1 WM WMvoiiiiKer w Wavi
voiiiiKer YIr vi bill hii he 1 hi Im now n racli l an 11 is age ageduty 11 ii K Ka
a hIIII hueui duty slsit to I re 111 raIIi llt lllflll Ih iui liecolll Ilil Ililtsrati miii1 II
tsrati tsratiI 1111
II I lie VoilIlK V SaIili I IIIHII 1111 wlm 1 I now u axMlll me meaid I iii iiihi I Ih
h aid 111 llifpte ea i < l of f IIIV IlY help 111 Iiai III 1 other athuraliym j I
days ty DISS I lfria he I think Ihill it wa WI bis II isa own I tmr sr srMinality
Minality 54 SIlO llht iitf which A hi hi Ia I i el I > s > ieil i I hitn 111 hit Mas W i n I he hewho h hwh hiw
who wh w Iii a I in II S ii motion 1li1 1551 1111 the Ih I hi forces 1 which hid Ii jati ended endedm
m a ii the It I H rcii r iis great lr1 victory victoryMr V1t1 iry iryi
Mr Ir i r I ingory ni siry said ila Ia I I hat Li I he h would Wash I < I wfliom wfliomthe mu muI >
the It I ha ml II ta I He I I I a said il that I it i 1 would 011 gix i lill lillI Ii Inln Inlna itus itusii
a I chain i III e Io I Ii 5 delve eh 1t V il > r info ill s the II I Ii record recordof i ir
of it r thecxS lltSIIr thia Hmuiatar nutor and all that he h did not 11 fear rlr fasrt I Ithe I
the Ih t hi outcome 11 of Ir f ml any as I iiy llt Iii in t that I might I i lh I IMI IMIbrought I Ihrthl LaIsniamghut
brought broughtMTKCKH hrthl hrthlI
MTKCKH InI TFxKII rn tstr i A n 4 u I TO TOOraucr Tt TtOrnc TOPrange
Oraucr lloelor Ioltor Forbidden Longer to le leIf t Liehorse
If lorl horse one awl nl ChaUe ChaUeOmxoE ilalieJmitoE P POUSOF
OmxoE OUSOF N J Nov o ov IS Z Th Thf The only onlyphysician onl onlplyiclan onlyphysician
physician plyiclan in O Oran Orange rungs who gnt ltl gets around aroundamong arOld arOldamonl aroundamong
among amonl his patients patnl by the Ih ancient ancnt and andhonorable ant antIhonornile
honorable honoahl mean ran of f horne h and buggy buggyDr utt uttOr
Dr Edward ttward KiggitiM UiII lias h been I sentenced sentencedby
by hm hi fellows rI in il that h Orange tran Physicians PhraictannAutomobile Ihyaiciam Ihyaiciam1llllohl PhysiciansAtitstiuntiIM
1llllohl Automobile Association M llnn to buy Y himself himselfan hil1 I IInn
Inn an auto aao before he h eat eats a I hit hil Christ thristmas thristmasdinner hriIm hriIm111r mas masdinner
dinner 111r The Th doctor Ham he h will wi do In his hisbest hi hiI hishiest
best I to carry carr out UI the Ih sentence ntnc in letter letterand letterunit
and HII spirit Ilri but ut th the good 01 health halh of r the thexople th thaSt
1111 xople of St Orange Oranl may ia prevent Irn pret him hll from fromdoing rrll fromiloing
doing loinl so soDr Pallr
Dr Ir Iflllw Ilugginewas iggin wax put pulln on trial I flI by h t thIhr thIhrphYilan thiauthetphyiuiciaiis lit other otherysician
phYilan phys physWed ysician at a I meeting they Ih had on ondnesday onInIRv onWwtnealay
dnesday Wed night Ilhl The Th judge jud wao w Dr DrFdgar IJ Drhdgar
Fdgar tdla t iilviti Heilert Sitrl president itnt or the theassociation th tha theAsPaCiatifl
association a Iln The defendant tfndanl wan Wi repre represented rr rrnlo r re reIlfltid ¬
sented nlo by y Dr John K I Adam III of Ir Mil MilOrange t1 t1Ornnj
Orange Ornnj and the I h Stales i al caw wa wahaidled wal washatualled
haidled halll1 by Dr fr ltncoe 111 R Kanftitn Itnlm of ofouth orI ofMOuth
MOuth Orange Orangephys C Inll InllNEW
I Pennsylvania R R RNev R1llfRlnl Rleglilsing
1llfRlnl Nev III levmber mh r 27 27Ix 2 2I
Ix I New ew York ork Penntyl PenntylaniaSianon Ienntylvania eRnylnla
vania aniaSianon nla SIlln Station 8 8J4 J4 P 1 1r MAr M MAr
Ar Chicago Chica 825 23 P PROUIH M MTHROUSH MI
4 I
As th the bouquet bouquetof tUl
of 1 rare wl win
The answer nsw to a aparticular apartcular aof
of a vlntare
uvlntaJe particular partcular demand
1 It 1 N I ST4TIOV ST4TOVFirst U UI OIKl1i OIKl1iFlnt
First Fnt Hegular HegularTratn Train Tln I nder nd the Hudson ludon li liNlart tl tlNlat tOMtart
I Nlart Nlat Jui nt After tll Mlilnl ldnlslt lldnlgtil lldnlgtilAt ht htAt
At just two minutes linll after rr midnight milnllht Sun Sunday Sunda Sianday ¬
day da morning momill the Ih1nh lIt Perth Amltoy hoy accommo accommodation a accommotuition mmo ¬
tuition dnlol will wi pull out 111 of the Ihf new w Pennsyl Pennsylvania renissylvamula nlyl nlylnla ¬
vania nla Station at Seventh 1vllh avenue and andTlurtyiectind ald aldI andriaitseii1ii
Tlurtyiectind street I r I thereby Ihh inaugurat inaugurating iuallrnt iuallrntin ¬
log in under 111r river rivu r traffic I nttlc between WI Manhattan ManhattanIsland alaimlmattanlelanti Ialhtal
Island 1lalll and ali New ICW letxty on ije 0 Pennsyl Pennsylvania lnmI lnmIanla Iannsylrants ¬
rants lines lin At I laO I A M 1 a special ci1 train trainfrom lrln lrlnrrol trainfrom
from rrol Philadelphia lhiulIhia will I arrive rri HI the Ih new newstation IW newstation
station 11101 by b bt th the Hudson 1111m River tl tpitasftsr tpitasftsrthat tub After Afterthat lfr lfrthaI
that regular netview k over th tiss western westerndivision wIrndivi wsttrndIviilun
division divi ion of the Ih tunnels Ilnnl will wilain wilainTh iegin ieginThe ImegiiuThe
The Th full schedule call for
rul ohrllt 1 sutyon sutyonweM siztyonewetit istyony1
weM l hound hOlnd > and n1 fiftyfive ftlh east a I bound lioundtrain hould houldIrainlada boundtrainsaday
train Irainlada trainsaday a day This TIdOnot Thhsadoesnot doe not include inclldlghty inclldlghtyiaht includerightyeight eighty eightyeight
eight east hound and nd eightylive lghlyI west westlioiiud w1hOIDt
lioiiud hOIDt long Inl Island trains which have havebeen hlv hlvh1 havehsen
been h1 in ciperalion for several ral weeks Wtk The Theofficials Thofil rImeofljejts
officials ofil of I ho Ih road rad have ha assembled AlmhlII IUIIIIH IUIIIIHfigures uSflhilCtlguirei
figures fi showing the Ih drift of population populationwestward popliaton popliatonand PIuiIatIinwaatwaih
westward and th this increase In in traffic Irafe of ofrecent ofrecent r ry
recent vears y on the I railroad raial that I o ollrl ollrltlroah lIatltfl lIatltflulanoimghm ratc ratchrough
hrough New ew Jersey 1 1Th IerayThe
1 Th The he railroads nimul thai terminate Irlilll on the th west westbank w1halk wastImitiuli
bank halk of r tin Hudson ludtl river th the official officialestimate orcal orcalIiul ofllcialau
estimate Iiul u umnt carried rri1 in il IMMI IP nearly Irl 1 i ai iin iinwrsons itiu itiuIi150ti5
wrsons 1 In II pea 11 ihev Ih anneal more mo than Ihal tutu2INP
7 2INP i < I NiI i in i tste fl more than t uinoumii 1111 and andm andil antIiii
m il ivon 111 about 811 mil I 4lPtiiiiMi IIJU iti < i p 11 > opl In l IIh tsia tsiat < rm rmIhe
Ihe Ih t Ii 111llatol orsi oiuUiion I It t ion gathereil gat tiered within wit H lit a rail flu fluor I Ipis Ipisof us usof
of IB mile 111 of o the Ih Citv cI Hull Ihll was witiii 1 MXOWs MXOWslu OI
lu IIXMI 11 AI 111 un and Illllh live IRcyCars yearn laterS401 laterS401t4
it1s t4 1lt an increase ilfa m ten vear aror of a4 3 per cent centIn centlta nl
In 1VI1 1111 it IH i estimated I i 1811 that I hit the th population populationof pupliationor
of this I hi territory will willlroailale approximate A ItitiMs ItitiMsIn < i iand
and ald in I IBTil I I MoiOiiun MoiOiiunI tuxtuuIhie 1111 1111Th
Th I Ihie he franchise from ffl the Ih city ilV of New NewYork ew ewmtk w wYuk
York mtk anlliormng aUlhnriln the Ih tunnel 11 and a < Mtation Mtationwas itttIasW UUionW
was W I t granteil Irllh1 on October U I 1 11r iterJ C and thou thnfirst Ih Ihlr thoulit
first lr lit work ork on oi th tunnels tunll was W8 begun Kun on onJune onhl onJtuui
June hl Jtuui m II HMO 111 Work on the Ih PennsvlvunU PennsvlvunUStation PaimiisyiviuilaStat
Station Stat IIIIn han wa wis started May Ia I tiMM so Pa Papnirtlmuillv tint tintprncticallv ha
prncticallv pmtI six iI yearn a and 111 seven n months monthswere lnlh lnlhr itsoilt lia liawm
were wm r re consumed n in Ihe h lasU To la clear the theeight thiseight
eight 11h acres af of lr ground nln1 occupied UlI by l v the thetaturn I iii iiietflhlaiii h hIalin
taturn meant 1lt thn th raxing of HOIIII 1 51111 51111buildings iss isshiaaiIilliug I
buildings 1 Ut I among aln which won wr u I nninlwr nninlwrof IIII IIIIor
of hun hlrU hairihamo hairihamos lies liesV
s U I 1 V Ofl W It 4 VhS HUSIIT41 IH IHT I fl XL XLflir ll llTlie
Tlie T > l Iur > ur Mends u SIIMI lla OO fur M r tlarV tlarVNut 11 11nIOUI iarysuw
Nut uw mount nIOUI lul32tlM lul32tlMThe I IM IMTh
The Th ThaukHgiving Tllault II colilliiltlee ullit af f the theiuvnor Ih Ihilvlr liiiaviair
iuvnor ilvlr aviair hospital hIial fund rl II I m lt Iliet t yaaiIuI4sv yaaiIuI4svatianuis yti idav idavafieriKMin
afieriKMin rrl1 at 1 the Ih ofllie nl of r the II liuiruian dUlrull vhuuruiisiuJiihiui < liuiruianJohn
John hl D I I CriiiiimnM 111111 IV 13 Kroadwav Ira w a The TheIreasuiers Th Th11 fluiraJsImera
Ireasuiers refsirl 11 showed ishiaa ash u total of r 113 113t Siias 13 13Vi
t as < 3 3 Vi received iv1 friin fT1 SnO uit 0 cuiitnbutunt cuiitnbutuntThe utrimluO
The 1 HiilMiTipiion siilaorji IIr ljn hut lUl will II lemain llil own ownand iwnaitul n nllrhllunl
and conlribtlliuliH moustrslaui llrhllunl lulaS will wil w dl be I received up uplo UII mi miI
lo I IVcvfnlxr I ll was WI decided d d1 tho thollil n the thecommittee ilmitsliiiitit
committee tsliiiitit llil Ii that I I I the Ih entire Inin < fund rlld shouldbe should hlllI
be I Ia prenente to I ii St Marvx llr HliHpltal HliHpltalSulMcnptiun tuli tuliSIIlcrllul IlosiatalSaih54erljstluuas
SulMcnptiun SIIlcrllul feceiviil lodav 111 include includelutn Ilh I Ifal
lutn fal llvrne I It u rise I H liii i II I HoriililiiHer HoriililiiHerJohn I I airiahsia user users
I John F h inlvm a i i K t l II I latilinelu latilineluIliui
Iliui I Ialrlck lallk t tillnev hl t 11 ii T riliiulfiv lllh I IIMN I IWeslrisff
Weslrisff IMN Irll rnT K t I II I rtaiuii 1 fsi a Uioma naIhan liaiiiausICsia F FKvati
Kvati ln Iamia > lulin M lluvrer 11r tlisi t John r rllernlnil t tI tIterus
llernlnil Iterus luau li I > Sailllll = Ilhur boris 1 Slim rleve rleveanit liyeansit
anit II I iislire I I Sloii 5 XMMUiii WII1 1 litvimr litvimrllii I sniir sniirili
llii ili ililii
111 II contributing lnhIill tits Ii tOP < n to I the li ihi fund fundMuvor rlli rllillvr IiuiihSlaviar
Muvor llvr CaYIr lavnor wroi wrlh Isle I hi letter letterI lei icr icrI I II
I enrlo 1 > e inr U iii r rliei 11 i hicik k fur tM S u 1 > fur Mie u 1 M MtHrv MiStary 1
tHrv 0 Iliiiniiil 1 Tlml I IiiitikKlvinir lhlr lu I ma I fiiiul fiiiulIt hl1 hl1I
It I I t ellls tii In i tile nl iluit I hll ii I Iwfure I fimra clultlil etiaati t p1 I lie tonal filliilvi
vi n hmilil lemiite I a ttie I I tim limn J111 uf r tilts tin n tlu tluth Ih IhI u ha haII
th I ie n IMI I ii i an ui atloril U 1 tiia posy I > ifive furtfer furtferHIM loor loorI
HIM I I he nulile lhl wninii us aiaacii n s Im Ii run 1 u he heliiiiniHi timatm
liiiiniHi ir atm > uiri h I I in iit uiml < uf fuiul I to ciirr ciirrMil muirrsimp 111 111I
Mil I till I Murk d MV ii h Illl I pa Wl si ili III IIHirllltllC IIHirllltllCI 111
I l lrt i ilicir tl S limO IHIJIIU hII a 4s a that I hia 0 I were r stile stileIII apimi apimiiii hi hiI
III I lma IJ > malt n tllrir entire nIlI illil 11 I ll I am i til I Ilie th tlllie tllliethat ti till tilllhiii
that I I MM us taken to I ii the It h I III III > UH I liitil 11 MI MIa iii h ha >
a KII I iiniiiii n iai Hill hue II tik tlini I hll lash ciiiniiiiiii 11 n ill illit 1
it I hi h have h 13 5 m hail n I lii < h him I IIIM l a i at I eti a tPanacnie rieni I 11 11h list listtirre ta I Itier
tirre tier user iieh h ntilile winii ssmiiaiom I in 1 rli Ihim I surtil surtilti us rl1 rl1h
5 h tim ti mlitiI all 11 tlielr Ir tune tfrMtl Irll rsuis tn II lite liteiiuriliir I Ir it itiiiapiiuat
iiuriliir r il pat if tic t nk mul 111 < MIIIIII uiiiileaI 1 In II Ial Ialh
H hai h soiiM hi Hi wurlil rl ilo 1 witliiHif I them themI IhII IhIII thiiIticrm
I Iticrm her I i pa a I iiiitinn ii appal Hliriiuil to nine etirtit etirtitihni itteitluau II
luau 111 ihi I ta fun tiiuil I I u I auu > n nit 11 nieiliial ansi aniliirkfiiNl an1hl ansisratitah
iirkfiiNl liill hl ll Miirfht h in IM I retiMiveil retiMiveilt
t u I fii tar r it > t prevent pmrr Imu iilicntitioiis mao sin sinleielv 111 Sillsercit
leielv 1 Vieil vs ii W u 1 CH I 4TSK 4TSKt YflHg
Hg 1 Is t un f UI itr If i 1 1h1 IS HI HIlllllr unit unitliuir
lllllr h1 > l tl 11k ll > r uf llruol rII1 > l > n Henlelires ulI Two Twotuni TuId
tuni 4 4bi Iclril Id HrUunerv HrUunervJudge 1r1ouieraIaiig
Judge II Nortimti mniatii rll S Dike I of at the tl t Counlv CounlvCourt 1lly 1llyIrt tiaiililyma
Court ma Irt rt in i ii Hnxklvn IrIYI lsat lyit wlm w h Iii is i iinivalesciiiK iinivalesciiiKfrom 111tl111
from fr1 f ri mlii it I recent attail 11 lit I ad of I if r ap IIPIlllail a > < tidiciiis tidiciiisheld ii i t is iscimiurt
held 111 court lrl veslenlay in the I blirarv al alhis II IIhi itthiss
his hi home 1 114 Columbia 1hllli1 I Heights JIKhl lo I im imsse imI impspaiitaiiaa
I sse sentence UII on n llllrell II I rt iusM U a I shoe shoemaker mahusamuiaakcr hl hluokr
maker uokr who Will was W iimvictnl of it r netting uIII fire fireto 1f 1ft II III
to t i a his hi house hOI lii is at I KM lu Fighth Eu gliths avenue 1n us ciiuja to InIlin a oli olitain m sI sItaiti
tain Ilin Insurance iln iuasi p raIl I money liii hueS md 111 bli I llrillianf I ltril ri Iiuar Iiuarl i01 r rII
10 II l years y who wh pleaiieil guilty iuit to grand grandlarceny GrndIrcny gratidlarceny
larceny larcenyWhen larcenyWham
When h n the prl prtl prisoners onen who ho were Wtrr taken lakfn to tothe tuth tothe
the th hou house in the Ihf priaan van an arrived Judge JudgeDike Judlf JudgeDike
Dike Dik P Mill Itl pale pll paleand and ald weak w wsi wan wllulode surrounded surroundedby
by court cur attendant afldnt detectivea dtt1 f a Klenog Klenographer Ifoe Ifoerphr sltrngrapher
rapher an interpreter and 111 the th reporter reporterHe reportersHe
He 1 Mid he h wa WI feeling rlne very r well Ind and Iprf hoped hopetlto ho1to
to lx I is > around nrmd soon In The Th Brilliant Brlant girl girlin Ilrl Ilrlin girlin
in londrtnn consideration of her age AK and the Ih fact factthat rl failthat
that she h mole 101 for rlr her lover wan sent nt to tothe 10th tothe
the th Medford nlonl Reformatory Hrorato and Uanso Uansogot flsusogot 0 0Kot
got not more or than Iha four lOlr yearn and nix nixmonth malimonth Is IsInnlh
month Innlh and not less I than tln two yurs y arid aridthree au1thr analthin
three thin months in Sing Sing SingR Sinl Sinli
R i T ir c 7 aim H t Ktv KtvThe Ia 1 II IIThi 1 1T
The T Hanker nr Wlm to It NO N tear rar ars Old I niter tldr tldroIKlant Inderfotuit niterComtant
Comtant fotuit ant Care r of 111 II Phjtlrlan PhjtlrlanThe PIIIn PIIInThl Ptfl aiclamu aiclamuThe
The Thl condition lnditol of Richard T Wilson Wilsonthe Wilonthe 1 1th
the th banker who in I critically criticl ill II at his hi home homeat 101 101at hiomat
at SII 11 Fiflhavenue Firlh aII waa unchanged Inchn1 yenter yenterday yI yIdy yetuterday
day dy according < to information inrorltion given lin out outat Olt OltAt ruultat
at hi his home hOI Mr Ir Wilson lln was U compelled compelledto cmplr
to give Kiv up active cth connection rnnrion with the thefirm Ih Ihfrm thefirm
firm frm of r II I T WilMon WHlol t Co 0 of which he heremains h hImllnl hrremains
remains Imllnl the th head four year y ago on ac account aclnl amouani ¬
count lnl of ill i health htalh Rml Severn times lim since sincethen sluicethen il
then it has ha l 1ern > een reported fllr1 that his hi condi condition monriltion ldl ldlton ¬
tion ton wan dangerous dan rol The Th present attack attackMr lak lakIr attackMr
Mr Ir Wilsons illn a chief trouble trolI in I with hit hitheart hi hihrrmn Liiheartcame
heart hrrmn heartcame cnmeon on nveilaysfiRo fv five dama aynlo ego Dr Austin AustinFlint AItil AitustitFIlial
Flint Fllt Jr his hi physician is I now no at the theWilnon I thoWilson h hUln
Wilson Uln house hOI night lilhl and day In Mr fr Wilson Wilsonin iol
in I about aholt HO I yearn Yn old oldn oldItl
Itl < n tKKn n shill n 1 1 rot Ff111 n llf llfourt not IlOIItt IlOIIttfotirl its itsCourt
Court Deride IJtld That Sir In Ram Kanisaa a > toiler toilerTewlameinl LaterTrwtmrat tl
Tewlameinl Ttmlt I Ii tallfl tallflMrn aitdMrs le
Mrs 1 Jennie nnl I Kamsay who died at atIhe atthur
Ihe 11 J 1 Hood loHI Wright Wrilht Hospital loIllal on 01 July lly li liUst l lIat llast
last made 1 a I will wi at I 3 i P l M f on July 11 4 leav leaving Ira IraliK Iaving ¬
ing h hr r entire nlr estate IA to II her husband husbandFour hlhand hlhandolr huuisbandFour
liK Four olr hours hOI later she ash h mad another annl hr will willcutting willcutting i
cutting cltlnl off fl her husband and giving IlvlnK her herproperty hII
I property rJrty to her ulster IiIr Mr Ir Sn dn > an Elliott Klliotlof fIUu fIUuor
of 77fl 71 Fifth tllh avenue 101 und her brother brotherRobert hmlrIOr hirniherItobert
Robert IOr Slimum iI In of u I West WOt NinMnnUi NinMnnUistreet clnjncutPit Inot
street streetRamsay Pit reef reefItammaav
Ramsay offered olr1 the li flrst will m for pro prohate pmhiI ptnhats
hate hiI and anr ani Mr Ir Elliott 110 and her brother brothercontested hroth turothereontsated
contested Surrogate lrn al Thomas Tom heard han lh lhI Iho the theI <
lea I I case yesterday end Ind decided ddH that vine vineMm sineruiirma inM inMI
Mm Irl Ramtiay WA W of sound tnd mind when whenhe whnhe whenshe
I she ltd he he tacd made mao both bth wlllj wiL this th Uteat Itt out OU muat muattacd mutltd muataud
1 I
VI UIRlEft RltKIl iIW AtTKlt UTIl 10 lot K KThe 1 111u 1This
The lov 11u MC e nan as Nlolrn The lr Man n laler tn OnDir < tnDie hi131cc
Die Dir Ihe thl Itoman 1omn Ma > la 1 > Too TooMm To TonIrma
Mm 1 Mara Iar Zanella 1111 who wh ke kesqms < M a I fur furi rI rII tsarnished
i nmhml nilh room ruol house hOI at 95 Macdougal MacdougalI laIltll laIltllII
II street I reel I ran screaming Kcmllg thniigh IhnIJh the Ih street streetyesterdav streetyasaterdesy lr1Irda
yesterdav Irda afternoon rtrnoon ami anti Mainniered II I m r I tip tiiPoliceman II tipIollcemnaui
Policeman 1liMI Wagner of r the Ih Mercer rr Mrcei Mrceistation Klr1 Klr1Iaton ualreitstation
station Iaton that I lien tln wax WMI a I fight fghl on 01 ih thin third thirdfloor Ihi1noor thirdfloor
floor of her moire Wagner WIIIr rnn rnl iipntairs iipntairsand 11111ali
and ali broke down d011 the th door of r u 1 room rol on onthe nnIh onthe
the Ih third thir floor r rear rearOn rar rarI > aI
I On lh this floor nor near r thedoor lay a 1 woman womanfully Wllan Wllanrlly wisinanI
I fully rlly 1 rested 1 blmHliiig hlUII from rrm two I stab stabi IIAb IIAbI stabwopatmals
i wounds 011 one undor the left If breast and andon andone 1 1on <
on one in the Ih right arm arl Sprawled across acrossthe tucrossthat ro roIh
the Ih bed ht wan a a man mAi with wih a bullet 1111 m il hm hmhead hil hilI busI
I head The Th policeinnnn Jollmalt toot struck Inl a aI 1 1long at
t long blood stained IIIin dirk that hail be I Ial n nlung
lung al ni nenr lr the Ih woman man and groping Iroln among amongth 311 ainanigtho
th tho I ha H clotliM cloth in II the th dun light lilht that thatflickered Ihalnik1 thatflickercil
flickered nik1 in through IhrlIh the Ih nun window illuw he h Hfotand
1 found a revolvir or with wit ha one shell h1 eiplodisl eiplodislTho IIId1 zsIsihisll
Tho Thl l ia man IInl wun WM unconxcioiiH InCllcolO and nlt verv vervnear emrv emrvnear n nn
near n death l ha hst it Ihe th woman Wlman was 1 able hI to totalk I Ialk topatti
talk She Si IM Mm I lna Eva 11 Plazi Ilazi and lived livedwith I hivlwith I Iwilh
with her liusliand IIhlld at 71 Manlougal lalollal Mlr Ir1 strsalI Ir1Ill l lHer
Her I htiibaiid ha itt ittiml Attiglia Al I Ill I gliii ke kIJ Ii at pn a a 1 little littledingv ll Ii t t I Itinl Iliiugv
dingv tinl wine Wi nhup hul at 7t j S Slaciiougal street streetand streetand
and 111 the Ih two ha hits > e been m il this I hi country lnt but buta hl
a f few w vears vearsll vaanI Ull UllII
ll I wan l in II It Italy Iv that Ilt Mm lf Plai first firstmet Ir linusisisal
met 11 Seven ri llnghla Ililll HIM Ih man lal w whllaJltr whllaJltrrI homJWugner homJWugnerfound
found rI on 11 thn Ih I lasl MI I Seven I fell r ill I Iwlh lo lowith >
with wlh the Ih woman W111 in the Ih old 11 counlrv llln but butU I Ii
U i was as nut It until lul she h cnisi l the th iceiin iceiinthai 1
thai I hia I lie h hindiatnl hlIalll I slumbleil mt lllhl1 ii nu lilat acnws r th thecrei II IIer1 t hi hisecret
secret Unit I liii I when W h1 Seven S I had rentid 1 the I h hn1 hii hiina
1 room n1 na iuia at Ihe t h house hI him isis of i it f Mrs l p aiiulla allliL the thehiinUind Ih IhIIlahI t ha hahuuialasmiti
hiinUind IIlahI savH t mia Inn hi wits went t out I and andstave asimsiI 1 1la
I stave la l uwav aw all al night The Th iiiarri larn1 iumarrismil iumarrismillii < d dcouple
couple lii ala 1 < iiarrtlled IllnI1 I IIthl bitlerlv 111rh hail t cr1 1 alxnil al1 ah situ i this thisbill II IIhii t isisI
bill hii I a I the Ih t him incident Idd1 i I WHS Wi not 111 rcsat fla nml satmil < d Sv sn snI Sevutra SevutraPr1ausai n nprofessed
professed to I bt l ill II the Ih wine I lil 111 blilaiHees IIltxs but butI 1 1Iho liitthouas
I host Iho who whl know MIV N thai tul Im ht wax Wi a m 1 asmm asmmdo ei eido
do d well 1 and aim I lint he seldom haliiti vvorkeil vvorkeilKarlv wtrItIEarly
Early rly yestenlay tnla morning 1lril when 1 baqi AttigliIazu Attiglij Attiglijhad tla tlaba1
had Iazu I gone an g p ii dutifully utsit llIlrnly Ifually down llwl mu into in i m his hi shop shopi hnl hnlIh
i the Ih wife kiMUi kid her hi r two Iw children dIIlrl m little littleIAIIIIS Ilh Ilho hltthlasiaia
o IAIIIIS llli i yearn ar old Ild and 111 Man larI el llss la t I ul and andtold all aitudipplat
told them lie xxl for she h
to I g 11 gamtt > WIIM going goingto ll auiagti
to ti the th I wine wi1 w lisa simp hii lo I join jsti ii their t father fat hir she shedid Sh Shiai
did i I lit 111 not return rllrn ret lint al ot lunch hUIh I uiupi ht tune lill t I iii and allt Attiglia Attigliawax At tl f I hL hLwrrl iuawits
wax worried wrrl but hiI be h kept km iif Ins hi counsel lmIII and anddecided atualIeeiiIIiit
decided dtill to to make 1 no 11 search arll until Illl 11111 it iifte iiftedark Ifh IfhIIrk aultathank
dark IIrk It was nhortly 1111 ialturti after > in Hi after afternoon aflaruttasil ¬
noon 111 when 1 ttuMiewVcuniedown t he iuawa iaia ihpiwia the Ih ci Mrccl Mrcclthat riM t tthiat
that Ills hi wife lUlu been stubbed stubbedMrs stiaLalehstrs luhll luhllIrl
Mrs Irl Xanelbt 111 the Ih landladv lalla told I1 the theuillce I liarmailt
111111 uillce mailt that she hIIMI hail heard a scufllmic I ill und 111 a ascream ausercistli
scream on Hie II I him third Moor but had tl tlasl tlaslhatfor il illiefore
11 I 1r 11 11a
liefore the pistol was a lire lireApparently 11 11IIIIly IIremhslrs
Apparently Mrs I Ilari 1llzli had attemptwl attemptwltn
tn I escape 11 and 111 iial just at II the Ih door Ihe Ih man manhad 1111 tuaititlisat
had Iu I caught lllh uud alli stulibed her He I had hadi 1111 hoiadiasal
i 111 iasal lie I a long knit with u I deerfixit handle handleI hUII husaitlhfheua
Th1 I hen lie h must have hl run rnl to I the thu bed where be bekepi h hkI1 himI
I kepi k Iat III hula revolver and alli shot mali h ut I linnelf hll hi I r r1h he heHeath Ii Iiticathi
Heath 1h his hi right rithl ear earThe czarii lr lrTh
Th The ii man lut ami u1 woman Wllln were r taken luk to I si siVincents I Ilhl iV
Vincents V Iiiemiit s Hospital latte 1411 lat night lhl Pig Piglilt 1 usc uscliLt I
lilt lt died 1 there Ih I lha lie h woiinii wisiii 11 iii iiiivp I iii a v I Iaihaly < >
1 silily live livei 11
i i no lH lHIIIr 11Db iot IOthEfl Htn i i ilu Ihsimrilu
lu hsimrilu etli l ltamulgrr > anl IIIr er 41iarced rct Vtllh t Iock el elHoulirr ciIiobltrr 1 1Hobhtr
Houlirr Hobhtr li I 19 > irlletl Italian ItalianJoseih 111 111IJanlr ItsIlanJnsiimh
Joseih Danyiger IJanlr of r Middle 1l ldl Village lal I II I 1 1I
I who whl is I a I freshman rlluul at New W York > tins lniivemity U
I ivemity vmsrsity ily lepmi up to I Policeman 1III1 Wagner Wagnerat aglr aglrI
I at the I Manlialtan Ialhatll end mal Ir of the 11 illiauisbur4 illiauisbur4Rridgi alIiuauusluiarghtridgi lilullla
Rridgi Brili yesterday IrllY nf IfrlIIIII1 nftartaaiii lerniMiii and a WkmMI kil how howihe hl tio tioii
ihe I h should llul1 gel I to Harrison arno street iretsuer Wnl ag agner
ner lr toM 11 him In take n Spring SIrll S iriiag street t1 cur curI r r1111lally
I 1111lally Immediately afterward two I sit Italians Ilalal asked askedI k1 k1I
I t Wagner llllr ugnucr how to I get At to Sprint Irill sinaI nil lifay lifayelle 1lra 1lraI I 3ltiIcfti
elle I streets tI Wagner Wn uugaaer 11 r told them Ihl t also alsoto al alI
to I take a Spring rat Ir 1 car When h the thecar Ih Ihlr thatausr
I trill
car lr arrived DitiMiger lIAil the Ih two I ll 11lal hiilasas hiilasasiiusl ilian ilianand
and 1 Wagner ullr igilar got 111 ot aboard 1 Th I Ii he cur ar had hadhardlv hat IasIto
hardlv hrl to ri I lv started eta nt rsl when 1 huaii two Iw I us p s YIII ys voting mu i ii men meniiimi 11 11Ilj1
iiimi 5 Ilj1 ii lii l il I from rllh tin I Ii car ur and 111 ii lip I ran raIIW awav a One Oneof 11 I p pitt I Ir
of r tne I thu Itabali IIhln ntello 11 TI Inclalio II of f fSion J Jstone 1 1Mmcii
stone avenue 11 llniwnsville I r 1 cried 1 out outthat aaaitt II I
that t he h had hir I len I robbed riilil iti I and al I accii iisimaaql iisimaaqlI e eDanigerof
Danigerof IltIrr I aiazlger St the I last I 1rl lief t W agner ii 1r locUe I Li k1 < l the thecollege 11 t ha hasmshlgm
college 11 buy h up II
When WI the Ih Ii matter IIIr i carne ar ari l ltor f rf < > r Magis Magistrate 5sistgastnst Ial ¬
trate Units 111 in I the th Kssex ii Market 1rkll court courtDaniger i maiirtI ll ll1
Daniger I sml saih 1 that Ilul isis h father fist iucr was al a well welli us 41 41I I
i Iin I lu i ° do i Ia this dairyman IUrIlan a ry hiatt Th I he I huy toy prixluod 1III1hak an sI aasal a iiI
I tank hook show shimwuusg hlt ing thai just before Irf board boardjing lsaaarhI ani anii
jing i ill iig the I 1 ii car r lie I luiil Int iltImtssiIaat < lex > sitel m I a I bank bankfor 1lk 1lkrr iiutiktir
for his II father STiO I a He II denied 111 any y knowl knowledge kiiswlilgt ¬
edge 11 of r the th tinIt rhl Magistrate Maigimat llliIr rat Units Ilt heldhtm held hhlIln hiehsiha
htm Iln ha p tis for mi 11 examination a 1111 todav anil anc a nil young youngDuniger you 111 ug ugIatliigcr
Duniger i eitt > I for a 1 tenant IHUII nf r one t of r lu luf II hasfat
f r1 nl her s p buildings haul Lii uncs to I to come im Sims and ii mail bail haa a I bun his us out outPoliceman p ss it itlol
Policeman 1111 lol hrllililt aaamsiaiu agner igl icr r thought I hllhl hi i ght that I Inc Incsiano Li 1 1ill ic icmsaialal
siano ill m was 55 Iii iiixtiilcii 1ul1 tsp m I a ii picking mick jug out in it Dan Daniger Pol I iii iiigar
gar Itr us 14 the 11 th thief 11 Migistrtate illtrl Hulls Hullsmade 111 111uUlf hhittslOlatla
made uUlf special 11 arrangements rratIII for accepting acceptingbail aicci pt itig
bail Liii I I in I vu cic the 11 t H boiiilsmaii 1lt111 I iilnaa ii did not 11 iii at reach reachcourt
court 5 51 5 i 1 before ittCa mra I Ih lie lu hour IUlr iii ii rat of r adjournmentii slsljiima adjournment IJUlrlIU ru lilm ta I IIlI
ii IlI MO < ri i AS U sor soraiini r TI Turl
4 iMirl url Uoesiit U04I Unon I 10 Mlial hal In I l U Dii > mill millHim flIfluILltui h hI
Him I He I MIKIII 11 frank rall lrr lrrMagistrate I Iilrll iaerat
Magistrate ilrll rat Murphr 1r the Ih court llt utlen utlenilinJH al attaiiaiaba
ilinJH alil anal II1 jailers jni at the 11 t hi Jeffemon 111 Market Marketcourt llrkI llrkIlr huirk t tcolart
court lr are ar purrled 111111 to know what ha to I do d with witha ih ihlan
a man lan who i hi booked be an a Frank tnUk Iee I Ie and andfor alu alulor auadfor
for two day dYI has ll not IOt spoken pkfl He I wa waarraigned Wat Watarlgt wassnialgned
arraigned arlgt today tod before ro the Magtatrate Magtatratecharged slagistuatecharged Igtrtl Igtrtlchrge
charged chrge with lth picking picing up Ip a bundle of ofwoollen oroltn ofwoollen
woollen oltn cloth coth from the tb aidewalk aldtalk in front frontof rrnt rrntof
of the Ih United Unltr State Express fllr Companys Companysoffices Clmnylomc Compnyanfllcee
offices omc on Twentyflr Twnlyfrt t street Itrt on onday Wefinen Wefinenlay tl >
lay ly evening eveningI ninK ninKI
I Therei Thr no liar I in your YOlr pretending rI111 not notto Inl tintto
to understand IndpIlnd what ht I my remarked remarkedMagJHtrate remarkedMagistrate
Magistrate Iagtrot Murphy hlrhy It I wont do you youanr youany VOI
any good goodIhe ood oodth
th Ihe prisoner Iranr remained in1 mute 111 lOll A Arjansuiad phvsi phvsiciun hvi hvitll
ciun rjansuiad wild that tll t themataseerned he man Deemed to be I hi miffer atijIerI IIr i ii
111 I i ing from rrm nome 1m nerVous nol trouble troubleMightnt trouplulMighatnt
Mightnt IIIlnt lie I have h bitt put Ilt it on7 on asked askedthe LIt LItIholrt skasJthe
the Iholrt Court ourt ourtTn I ITne I
Tne Tn doctor dotor wild ld it i WA a possible 10lhlp and all the I thedasgist h h11giatrt I IMagistrate
Magistrate dasgist rat net t tInt II cane c over until Intl Monday I ITh
Th tne man when searched trh1 had har J33fl IZ3 in inhm I its itshis
hm hi pocket lck cket He I II apinars alI to l I lii > e about Rholt li lii a aI
f i yearn Y Y1 old Id He U wrote ml Frank tmlk Iee 1 1a on onrer n nror 1 1receipt
rer receipt eijit for hi his money moneyfont inonmayronFIirtiJ
font 1nIIT1 ronFIirtiJ KITKH IMMI m ft tir T iou IIOIVPllSht lU iouI
I PllSht rllf of Drookltn llrntlfl Utntl Moves Ju Juafler Juaflerfllackmar I Hee I
I I Itlarhmar 1lokmar lo Reiluetlon ReiluetlonJustice RIllton Itriltirttonhpistice I
I Justice ItIC Blnekmnr Batkmar in the Ih Supreme Conn ConnBrooklyn CisuaniBrooklyn
Brooklyn yeslc ycuiftnlsiy Irny rdny remitted rmll1 Jtnoii 4iist of ofthe rattha r rtb
the SVOn 3 3C > judgment jld mnl Aently ently lly enteretl enteretlngninst i lhr lhraKnin1 matreda matredagnintut
a ngninst Dr Chnrlen Chlll M r anfnmn lrnull a I den denI denlist InI
list I I anilhisaK nnd hi hisagad lc < l father rt hrlllIn HnmiKl Kaufman Enuitnianfor Irmn I Ifor Iror
I for a IMI I bond hOld for that amount a 1111 which whichthey whichthey t trlmlhP
they furnished rlmlhP for Hymim IYln Uilnmn CiIJII who tutu
1 wan a indicted intif for extort lorl ion and al1 fled 111 a few fewi rwt fwdayio
i lays before trort hi hilas trial tril I wnn wa locome 10 coma om on onIimairict n
I District t Jitrl Attorney Atom Clarke IHrk found rlnd that Ih1Ir shutlr
I I Dr Ir Kaufman KOlhnon who wlo supports tIIr two sisters simaterusuunil I Iand
I and a 1 young brother nnd his hi father tat har would wouldIw wfll
Iw 1 is almost aim imHverishedlf IIIHrihel forced to t make makegood Ik Ikgo tnskmigood
good go the li I hond Him and li he h reported I I I to I Ii Justice JusticeIllackmar iiastjefllauckmar I
Illackmar lakmnr thai th I the th case 1 was w deserving deservingof
I of fr t kindly kinly coiinKleril cnidrRIJ ion Jtu ltijatjce > lict 11 > Black BlackI IIk IIkI
I mar lar pared olf i > I all Al but 11 Ilioo 11 It lpilap and nld allowml allowmltwenty aulloweiltwenty
twenty days for its I ruiymenl plyrPII puyvnentillunuin I II II
I Oilmnn fl who carri urrl1 l on 01 a iitrucking prosperoiis prosperoiistrucking
trucking Irlrkinl business il left a wife and two twochildren Iwnlhlhlrl twiuchiklrctu
children in il llrrxiklyn when h < tixk k to toflight I IdpL I II
I I flight flightn dpL I Ino
n no 4JesISeri RIerl lilt IU Gn Goes < e to t Thottimnn ThottimnnI Ion I I
I ALtiAvr ALIAT Nov 23 Oovernoreject and andMrs nndIr andMrs
Mrs Ir Dix pnt Thanksgiving TalkallnK at their theirtown theirtowa
I town Inw hmi ho house e here and today toda motortwl roto1 to 10their intheir
I their country cuntr home at 1 Thomson ThnmlD where whereI bero beroI
I bia btutDOM offlco U located
hl ble ofc I Jocto Joctof
f t
Family anll Heunlon Rtulion In the th Morning and nd Then Thrtthe Tm Tmtl Thenthe
the tl Trlrgranu TIItsrm4 Cable aI1 and nd l IAUt IAUtolnp Ielterus IelterusfomuirFloneri ltrr ltrrCome
Come fomuirFloneri olnp Flower FGWlf l I > > the tit nagonloac nagonloactlany tlagonloadUany lonld lonldn1
tlany n1 Caller all1 In the Iht afternoon afternoonJohn UIlnOOD UIlnOODJohn ftcrn000John
John Bigelow BIlo s ninetythird nln lythlnl birthday birthdajanniwerary hlrthcy hlrthcyalllvlary birthdayauuslvcrsary
anniwerary was celebrated cIhrat1 ye ytmalerday ytmalerdayitt teni 3 3at
at Mr Ir Iligflows lgk home hoO 31 I Oramercy Orlrc park parkby palkby parkby
by hi hil his children lhllrn graiulchtldren Irullhi < rn and all great greatgrandchildren rrlt rrltjrandlh greatgrandchiiktran
grandchildren with hundreds of ofsonat
jrandlh < rn hlldrt per peronal
onal Ial friends who kept calling lln through througlthe throurh throurhIh throughthe
the Ih afternoon trnool to wish wlh him an I as many more mortbirthday mol moreltirthdaypu
birthday at a he h has ha had That part Pr ol olNew orW ofsatW
New satW W York imieversolivvlyof II rl lely or anafternooc anafternoocus an aftrunonas hrnln hrnlna
us a wh wh1 whts < u Mr Ir HigelowM 1 I birthday birtb a comes comesaround cm cmarmad comesarnuinti
around armad and ald yesterday a I record rd was a mode modeIn mndIn
In th thai morning rori there wa a reunion reunionof rlnlon rlnlonof
of the family anil Mr Ir Iligelow was wIIphoto wIIphototraph1 photo photographed photographtd ¬
graphed with llh Ins bi lIOn Poiiltney Iollltn Iligelow Iligelowtho
tho Ih lattifs latl daughter Mrs Inl J F Aloysiim AloysiimClark Aloyilllurk Alnyiliaslark
Clark and Mr 1 Clarks Iark daughter < Miss MisKvelyn MissEvelyn Ii IiIn
Evelyn In Higelow I lurk An important importantceremony ItrtantctrmoIlY Importanteersiuaonv
ceremony wa the Ih hanging of n now 110 por portrait portrait portrait ¬
trait of Mr Ir Hiplow 1i low by b llama Flair tI which whichha whIchhiai
ha 1111 < l JUKI b h11 n finished finishedTelegrams I1nlllh1TITIIIII ilnitahedTelgramnu
Telegrams and al1 < ablen rnbl of congratula congratulation ¬
tion front wverywhnru rIIr begun 1 11111 to arrive arrivetin arri arriIh arrVethe
tin Ih first thing thin in the I h morning and kept keptcoming krptmlnit keptcoining
coming mlnit all day da liuslden UUIIld there wan u a amark Atllark astack
mark of r Utter < brought by h th the postman postmanor
or If delivers bv II hand anti 11 1 flower kept keptcoming kptlIlIIanlt keptintalinI
coming almost by b the th wjgonload and andtrstnt alliI aatII
trstnt I by h the tll score scoreTin BcorTh scoreliii
Tin party Ilri at luncheon included tl > 1117 1117onii isnlpmiii nlr nlrOil
onii Oil gu guest st lieside tho Ih family rarnll and thai thaiu
as u t 1 Pierpont Morgan Ior all Ml Mists 11 Higelow HigelowMr HItI I IIr
Mr M Ir r Higvlows III latiglier Iatl la ugH hr er pr areeiatd areeiatdaiiui id d dand I
and there wer al the tl table Major Majormid Majorand ll1lorall1
mid Mm lohn Ihlllliltduw liigvlow lotiltny 1iiiltt Hig BiII 13igsdow 13igsdowhula l w whis I Ihi
his hi daughter Mrw 1 F Aloyums Clark ClarkMrs Clarkr ClarkMrs
Mrs r Niull Tiltin and Miss Ii Dorothy DorothyIligelo I Iorothyliigslsw ornlby1i
Iligelo 1i I und all I the It lrMlards f M 1 CUrU CUrUand tharkitumi
and Mrs Ir Tilton TiltonIn Till TillIII IIlttauhi
In tin afternoon larlrll th tha friends lxgin to tooi toall
oi all 3 11 I I Among A IJI lining tiltin 5 wart Mr ti Ir r and Mrs MrsJimes MrJalll lrs lrsJa
Jimes Jalll Ja mi Imtliot I i and a miti thnir I hai r ilaughtir t Li p aglit i r Iady IadyMan IulyIII I ao I y yA
A Man III ii JoliiiMoiii Jlm1 ama ra wilt 1 u of at r tin I h liritish Brat lush MIIIIH MIIIIHter sI Iii IiiIr lids lidsi
ter i I r I i IVnninrk I m ui un rk and alUllri ii tid Irmc iui iae TrIIII TrIIIIud Iroulietkoy Iroulietkoyanil En auai at ik ay ayii
anil ii lii I i bo iii u lust 5 fit all HIM iii afterward ii ft arwIl ru I repre repreMulid rapra
Mulid a 111 tif ii I i tgt IIt i ga < from trim iii Who 10 tua s Wlm V 11 him a nml a Hi I HIH HIHSoiiil Ih IhItIIIr IiiSii
Soiiil Sii iul l ItIIIr ItIIIrIr gi tr trMi
Mi Ir Iligelow received many congratu congratulation c congraltaIa ¬ I IIIIU
lation Ia I ii ai pa lIt only iii I upon Ii Ins hi Ii is birthday I mu ri 11111 lint lintupon I IPII at it itm
upon m I III 1 Ia fiimpletioii 111111111 Ia ala of m at r Ills h is litest li tcist honk honkll
ll I m is p cullnl call ci I Ilillldilig hill latin g Templet raiii 1 aI of IVuct IVuctWith I IWllh lems ci ciitha
With itha riileiii > fr > d Mortar uiiiml inddeals dails < with withtin withIh witht
tin t his high h i ghi h cost mm rst 1 of m at r living I iv inst anil a tid tin t hi tariff tariffDuring InrilTIlrilll Sari if ifI
During I th I La refill campaign Mr Ir Ilig Iliglovv lIilt111I hIigIaw
lovv giv gi va iinplt 4 iitI sit mV > viln Id < > i that I I lilll Him I bid bidnot hii I Iiii
not iii at dullt ii 101111 Pt I 1il l th t ii kftititst kIIII of r Ins hi ha is intll illlI1t illlI1tIIr in I alleil alleilar Mrt Mrtor
or ar hlunlfd I si limit ad hi a 1 Iwo ifii fur ft ir hi h midt 11I1 < 1 II numlter numlterof lImlr1IIIrlllIl ii pa rniur rniurat
of at important I nil pa priatat contributions CIIIII rillllliull ru suit hills to I is iMinpaignlitiniturn 01 iMinpaign IIUpillIfw titita istit istitlstarattr
litiniturn Yt am fw nallr thut he h wan wanonlv wasI i ily
onlv I ifl ly igbt tgh at ytiM ya y i M ill I h lii junior jii ii ii ir of Abraham AbrahamLincoln A I ira ha in inlimiesaiis
Lincoln mil Willuin lhliani rwart lilidntoiit lilidntoiitinl
inl 11 1 lit h still tllllp Ui kaas ps as i much IIIlIclllhrI1 iibrtuxt of r the thetimes Ih thatS
times 11111 S us a li ha > did when h sixty pp I U vir Y ago tlt he heIIVM II tieto
IIVM 111 tumlit In to lit the th ha Krrninu rlnf Post lntMr PostMr It ItIr
Mr Ir HugelowhuMls U IwbaI ii u Democrat most mostof mll1IIr masmattar
of tht t lit time t Imps for seventytwo wit years wlilth wlilthis whldllIIr
is I inori than twenty yearn lunger limn limniinylisly Ihllll1I1IIly Slainisiivlasiy
iinylisly has 1111 car r l 111 > ii a Kepubli HIuhli1I HIuhli1III < iin iinHi
II Hi has hll l u liiwyT I tlitor lilnr writr HIM HIMcllplntlllt snisi snisiii ml mllilIIImM
ii cllplntlllt 1 p1 stiia S iiftilVlllK iclsiV I hio nag dlstmrtioti i hIt I miet iamtu III I ii eucli euclilild Kldl1i1 aurIslid
lild lid I Mr aI I r Higelows lIiI LII giloaw first public lull ii Ic nfllit nfllitwas tttl 1110WII a aWa
was WII the I h uiM imisiicorshuif < > cloriliifi of Sing Slll Sing Sill prison prisonin rioll
in 111141 lilSH I tt HM II wjsluiisiil Was tuiiaail til Iiris iluring iluringtli
tli gritr part of the Ih hi civil war and in inlurtl illI
lurtl I I WHS WII made Minister to I Franc ear earvsmsg r rving r1II1t
ving for tim tlirt I hr VIIM YI Id 1 lias 1m writ lrin tn ninny ninnybcioUs 111111I 111111I11i1I iiuutavI
bcioUs 11i1I I am skus on i its many muuu liv Hiibjicts ma sinew In Kio I How Howicllv I b iw iwaol
icllv aol I is I Ins hi ititerusi I in atTn afTairx Ira in shown I hwlIJv hwlIJvh by byiht
iht 5 h isa l rIct ct that he h IH tiresident tlllt of r the 110 board boardof
of r trust trujataes H of ihe I tat It New aW York IIrk Public PublicLibrary IlIhllclil
Library lil I iiarurv nuv > a trust ur < > f the sht h Mitrop sIt rlllilUIl rlllilUIl11Ilill nillaslulassaIasitn < ilttuii ilttuiiMiiini
Miiini of r Art rt and 11 inxl urakiatit itltJt > il of r tile Ilioftfi tll tllIlry tileI
I Ilry maaalil 1111 lUll lUllI 15511Esrox
ftfi I I 1CIIJ rilt riltI I II IInwrnn
I nwrnn oiurr ni n llrnnrt fiprnl KSniHI93 KSniHI93Urnsrl At1W13flensei nt1U7S
Urnsrl NMnt M7KM1 M7KM1AIH 2 25N 25NoV Ion IonIKSY
AIH IKSY vt Nov SO oV 25 The Th W V S Kennrt Kennrtaimpiiieu ItennetJitilIaliszti
aimpiiieu roinmilti iertili nilld l to I the theSNTtary th thI theSmMtitlir
I SNTtary rl a nf State today that it itI its e ela t
111 la I > 4 timaas in It the I is I onurefsinati rmill iiiihiirc II uttautacetsatul uttautacetsatultult II 1IrU stul stulKjlllcill I
Kjlllcill tult u II I anal colltesi 1111 were S IICUI > IMUI 73 3 Of this thisamount I hi hi11I11I1 hisitisissuut 1
amount ull ash but J31 SZIII irt wu contribut IIIIIrlhllllIr l lMr
Mr Ir IJetinet himoeir iy gtva ve the Ih committee committeeJlltirivi cssnsinit lIIlIIil I ISIIn let letSI
1 DIIIIIJO lacub II IISch iiSiluff I ISh
Jlltirivi SIIn SI lit lLa lliidKltf > T
Sch Siluff iff ll und I II KOK Huger T aitch h fonlribniHtl fonlribniHtltlMi oiil rilsusteil rilsusteilSui
tlMi S II IIJ I Iatlenott and V illiam illita hurl llarllleld lIarlIhI1 hurlliahi
lleld I each 11 Slim SI INS 111111 Qu Jnain si iii a i ick Sum au iii gays uaveSMI gaysi 1 1S
SMI S i and lob HeilKes HeilKesThe III IlcalgaIiut Zi ZiTh
Th The John 1111 V lten 1111 el cuinpaiKH atiupiti t4i rs slit slitlip > m mIllt m11I10
Illt 11I10 lip lee 5 Bpent S l limP l if which us SIIMI SI sila Was > a ai i ilfllI1
i iiiriliiittil iii rs I sill a I lv I aY W h l Iime und lMi ui each eacht ch i
t Iv > v t U I I llaloey I I and a lit I liiintel I Moran MoranThe llInllnl Isiriitilhae
The nl Kepubllcan HlIhllj Mtite oi 4 tt ati rommitte sent sentoiilv matmtifiptuly UI I IlIh
oiilv lIh Sii s Stss i intu hat Wvomini VlIlllilll county iIiiitV lIlIlIl and SIU St1 St111I SitsS SitsSitit i iinto
into 11I itit am Oneula I cmnl a mit v icelre ulrohlnt tia Praiileuit ideiit luinei luineiS 11111I 11111IO 1 itiaeta itiaetaS
S Sherman iontribiiled rrI1 JH I StiMi > to o the Ih Onrida Onridacounty OllhllllIIt Ineisiaittlsig
ittlsig county lIIt V llepiiblican estaa t > inmiltee 11I11I1 lull I itm t ol 1 Will Willlam ill illsuns 11 11Utili
lam Idry t ary ar Manger 1I1r K s Zaa Senutor l Jtn > u iti itiIHirt I IIrl IImairt I
IHirt Wr SiSP i and alllllllIlall Uepre 1te1racitat entativ Lv Millinitii MillinitiiStooo MiitiiigtsimsSt lilllll I Ist
Stooo StoooThe st u i at atFist I IIltl
stTh The Th Deimxratic State tal roiiinutte sent sentitati > nt
Iltl 3 > into itI Chemunic county I1IV J IU U5 into intoIttHkland 11110tJklllIl Ititsltsmek
IttHkland ltsmek Is is I itiunty is Ii IY V and uluss I ti S 3S intu list < Imton lUInulllllr Imtonloiinly I itsta n ntimfltit
timfltit loiinly loiinlyIff y ygisrr
Iff gisrr srT < r 4 I II 111 II 4 4tiirrlrnn HU1 HU1IIIrrhl1n ioIsutuiirrletiml
tiirrlrnn ollrtte 11 of Itr rlrnre IIt sit f Hortie lIrftr lIrftrlcrhI IluetiesterIartplltiisti rr rrIlirliUUIrn
IlirliUUIrn lu I I mar e tile Title TitleIMVT TIllIttSY TitleA
A IMVT Nov Th The State Kducation KducationHiaitnifiit EIalilIIU
Hiaitnifiit I tcpuasmt IU rt 11I1 toilavilirerte1 Ictll1 slircptsi the Ih AmerIcan AmerIcantihlrge mericanCollige mrlralllIII
Collige > of r Hciene tif I llochester to I ceiistt ceiisttusing 1 11I11I1ot esasiaslit
using iaslit g ilu t hia word nl i ullf IIIt ui in its jI I I a ml I it It In III1IIir Ina4siirv Iniiuiry
iiuiry 1IIir was 11 miide of f lli u is ileiMirlmeiil aImisn rI uusciat by H HHiigo Ifit1II H4
Hiigo it1II < liM t oii ulMiierHl fur itiate itiatemala illltl1111I1 iaafahant
mala at Vfw ork rk citv I I us to I the Ih right of oftht litIII oafshim
tht college 11 In I isnue i degrees Iltr in the II IIlr studies studiesof
of < iiitsintrism hypnotism erMmal Inouallla InoualllaIfli > smug magnetism smugtuetlisisu ¬
netism Ifli ml to as several rlll of r il Its grodu groduatti IInulllnl gradusils
atti nl art nrrlctilng iinictisiin In hi has IH country An the thecolleg th thIIIt Itsi
colleg i IIIt has IU not ot l b IseeII > et n chartered by th thRegenti thRIItA the theflegemats
Regenti the d dpArtmnt > arttnent tieclded to In Invoke IIIok Inyoke ¬
yoke ok the th law forbidding the Ih use of the theword theonl thewOnt
word onl college by an a uncnarterejd Inntitu Inntitutiou iUlltitutloo Inetitutioii
tiou of learning learningTrarlng Itamlnl1Tralnl learningTracing
Tracing the Fraudulent RegrnU Cr Crtinratrt C Ctlnt ccvtincates
tinratrt tinratrtAtnAS tlntlnASY tincatesAtnAT
AtnAS Xov ov 21 Just Iu l1t t how many illegal illegalHegente iIItplntnl illegalltegents
Hegente certificate were i sued through throughihe Ihrou < h hI
the I h College of the City CIt of Sew cw w York ork to toprospective tomlid1 toprtwstwrlive
prospective andldnte mlid1 for ndraission to toIhe toth toliii
th Ihe bar rand the Ih other irof rorlon s ionii will willriot willuiot iII iIIIIBI
riot be known until Registrar H I Irar Anderson Andersonrif
fir the th college I has hn gon over r the 110 records recordsin
in th this Hegrnln department dJ diaa rtmnt hen h for Ihe Ihelast I h ha I IInt Iltst
last I three liar yean yeanMr vnno vnnoIr vmatsIr
Mr Ir AnderiMin arrived arri 1 here today for forI forthis
his I I hi purpose 111ft and so 0 far ha hall eiamined eiaminedilwmt esaminsilialuauit samln1hnllt
ilwmt n hundred certificate rt i m I The Th City CityLollege Clt CltollIt Cityollega
Lollege ollIt grnntml between Im and M novr > a aceir ayear
year Pr Aiigustua A 11111 T I Downing the theKirs I thisirst h hlttlanl
Kirs irst Asowtant lttlanl Slate Cornmiiwloner of ofKducntion ordllraHon ofEllimatwn
Kducntion sal Mid l today that the Ih State lie1 lie1riartment n1partmrnt 1e i ipariment
riartment always nllla IMMIIM certificate rll III < c cer cert r riifle rliO1
liO1 t iifle < l toby 10 hy iheinsiltiUKmsundsrthejiirit iheinsiltiUKmsundsrthejiiritjlctiou IhlnIltlltin I hi must lttitioii4 1I1IIrlh t he jllri jllridilion jiarimadictions
dictions of f the Ih I Iii Kegenls Kegenlsr I
I ITit
Tit r Trust Truck MenSes 1 of 0 the tll Railroad RailroadAIBANT nllrntl4IAST flatirosadStiHANY
AIBANT Nov Sn n 23 Superintendent SuperintendentKrit Surilllndnlitril7
Fritz Krit Heichmnnn of the Ih Stale Department Departmenti
ur i > f WeighlH find Meiiwire MMI is I almul lo loliegm InIItill tohjegitu I
liegm the Ih tenting of f the Ih s evesitysiht evesitysihttrack venly ght ghtir ht
track ir ck sr macisiss le It along the h linn lin of the 111 N surk saw sawsrk w wYork
York urk iVniral llnilroad lhl lh N Naw w York YorkCentral Yorksutrai ork orkIml
Central Iml is i anxious that lt ltma scales al should shouldIn
In I t tototed sl l and ha has pl pIeced ce < l n special trot trotcar Ismatuir
car nr al Ihe Ih disposal of r the Ih State Super Superintendent liIlPrInlndnl iluspsrI ¬
intendent intendentDr I mi I nolsn t tir
Dr Heiehmann will examine ihe Ih track tracksral Irarkcnl trackeriales
sral eriales < s of r the Ih Delaware and nsl Hudson and aniltin andIh antiliii
tin l ickawanna lUilroml after he h has hasflnishtil t t1I111h1 haafinimahml
flnishtil with Ihe Ih ecnli > cn1iit 01 of the Ih New s sew York YorkCentral sorkaintral rk rkI
Central aintral2313ti1l I rll I I23211tt1
23211tt1 Itarcr 51 rlll Canal I tlnlrt lisostractis on Iran Irannnnlril
is nnnlril nnnlrilAIHt mardisiAttIs 111 111IIt
AIHt IIt t > 3 Slate SujMnntendeiit SujMnntendeiitof
of r Iubl tt t ik iks k K t C Stevens on the theadvice th thaI thaadvice
advice aI I of I slate Knicmeer Williams Willin und undwith a aridwith 11I1 11I1lIh
with lIh the Ih approval II Ilro I of Uv > Htat tit Canal CannlItonrd CanalJlonrii
Itonrd tndiijr awanJed barge r canal con contract rontra rimtract
tract tra t No S o 37 3 for dredging the th Oswego OswegoIllver Itr tMwegnulcer WCo WColIir
ulcer Ixvlweeii Fulton 11 II on and Oowejco to tothe I Ich tothe
the ch American lip and n l Conatnirtion ConatnirtionCompany ton Cnnsstnictionompany tnzrtlon tnzrtlonComny1
Company nf Philadelphia for forProposals 1232399 1232399Proposals t2123tIIMPrnJ1ClMI
Proposals had beet I advertiaed adYlrt for twice twicean
an thia contract coutractI
F I I J il ilJ
I t The Diary of a WbflDresscd Man ManThere ManuThere
There is a tendency to judge a man by byeven byeven byeven
even the character of his scarf Wm WmVogel WmVogel WmVogel
Vogel Son neckwear is a badge of dis distinction distinction disunction ¬
tinction that removes a mans dress from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the level of mediocrity mediocrityWhile
While we have every color and combination combinationIhe the Petsian Petsiantcitf Pel PesanI Pesanscad sian sianIcalf
tcitf predominates as the seasons fad fadSOc 50c to 350 330WM 350I 350vv
Two At Houston Street StreetBroadway StreetBroadway StreetI
I Broadway Stores SOAt At 44th Street
in us T4l STniKKUS STniKKUSCompanlr urrIl IW1IIIXlanupanlrs urrIlomllanll4
Companlr Hate n All 11 the th Men n They Thr Want WantrUht ItlantEight ant antmhl
Eight Men 3ienTurnrsiAwa3 3ienTurnrsiAwa3VlaiI tnTurnd tnTurndWhil Turned Ana AnaWhile
While VlaiI the Ih taxicab strikers strik at a tneetins tneetinsyeitterday I unsmetlngyesterday etinlyttroo
yesterday afternoon nt 781 SI Eighth a atmuo atmuorar stVuflUOpiuusrh nui nuiiwwwd
iwwwd recoluttona to keep II up u their strike strikefor IItrillfor strikefor
for the Ib closed shop tho tb pollen reportand report rlportltlid reportsand
and lid thotMi t1 of the th taxicab companies compmicHahowed companlrIlIhowl companiesshowed
IlIhowl showed that forty strikers IItrill r rlturn rlturnI returned returnedt turm d di
i to t work in the th garages ItDrn of the th different differentcompanies dirrrentcOIllpnlt difIerentconspsnlau
companies during dllrin the th day Thai Th nervice nerviceof iet ietor
of moat of r the Ib companion wan not nearly nearlytip
tip us to t the normal but each of th com companies comPillli cornpatties ¬
patties Pillli allowed a light improvement improvementevery IIIIroII1l1tday
every day thin week weekto vaekpip k kUI
UI to to 11 A 31 it 1 yesterday 328 calm enl enlming were wererunning watTsrunning
running ming with strike Irik breakers I and old oldemployee oldefllploy ololO1i1iIOytStN
employee from the th garages Itra of r tlm th com comlanitm COIIIIl3ni ccttpanies
lanitm Il3ni affected by I r thn Hliiko Ihe Ill IllYorle Now NowYork Ntuwoni
York oni Taxicnb Tusk Comtkiny I jtitaiui had severity severityune nly nlyolUt
une calm in opemtlon thus II Universal UniversalTaximeter l11 II 11 11TUl
Taximeter TUl 1 llilflstar mlr oinpuiiv haul twenty tWlIt cabs cabsin cllhill
in operation optrat I flltioll lou hut m is not matiniiiK mmiuuia tilts C UM UMHtntiiU it itImu itsmotasmitus
HtntiiU Imu ut night The 1 Kayton Tiixicab TiixicabComiwny Ju thrill thrillsnujsuoamy IlIhmpany
Comiwny mpany bad twentyfive IWlIt vII of if UN it old oldemploye oilsflhlIikie4 11 1111I11
employe sflhlIikie4 11I11 ut work lrk At t noon thn th New NewYork News w work
York s ork TraasK Trdl1ortntlu I > rtatiou Company CIIII IIII > had tlurtv tlurtvtiv thirtfI thai rtv rtvlive
tiv fI live iiiachmeH m I ii oHratMit lltrnt llll ininned ininnedprlncipillv mallldrlllclIII inaiutiedLtrlticilaIly
prlncipillv bv lor ls strike Irik breakers IIrOuk The 1h New NewYork NewI W Wurk
York I urk T listiwryjci Mhervic Onnpuny nnd the theSeaich I h haleh him himSsaich
Seaich aleh garaRtv ltrnl which are ar allied had hadninetytwo hllellIillIIwu hadluiistyt
ninetytwo luiistyt WI cabs cii 11 iso out Ih TaxiService TaxiServicecominny TllxiSIC1JtIlIXny TasiSsrviesscotttsiuly
cominny alone had fortvn rortrlIO1i ti c bp bpin It ItIn bPun
in oHration and the Ih New York a ork Tnxicab TnxicabComiiany TntllallIolllall 1ntaiutitI
Comiiany Iolllall I mssppuu5s ofterated r5 IZ calm 1111 all with old oldemploveen oaldlflhiilOetaisOifl
emploveen lflhiilOetaisOifl 11 O uome om of r whom ditl not strike Mnkennd strikeanti Irlk
anti 111 some OIn of whom an returned striker strikerI IrillrHTII
TII I he Cotinectfctit C Ollll < tllllt Cab Company has hasfortylive hll9Curvlh hasrortytt
fortylive Curvlh of itt II old cimtifTetirM at work workilll workI vnrkithi
illl the th exception miCiIt intl of C the th Westcott Westcottconiuiny setcutt setcuttoilsItai1 te te1011I111
coniuiny which had xixtyflvo sii ilI tvfly II1 r rtll1 rtll1Irik > tunie < l lHtriken
I Htriken St Irik at work urk the II cliaufTeiirM of r tin tincompanies IhcIIIII tipcoitiu
companies coitiu ii5 ii all ii I I had policemen irsteems riding ridingwith rillill rillillllh r g gwith
with llh them lo protect them Tli W Vt Vtisitt ct ct11t t tiott
11t iott raliM > are IIr withdrawn every ry evening nill nillhru
lief011 hru nightfull Mrvue i IHIIII rMiinie rIId rIIdIII < l lat
at JAM 3 A M 1 everv ry lay dll None N Oll of n tlie th com companies cornlaittlaro ¬
panies 1 lIIi Is I ninninp rut nu I ti g its it I I cnbs ma h I ss at nlftlit t for the thepresent Ih IhI Ih11I t hatjsraeslt
present presentJames jsraesltIalIiiam4 I
James 11I HetTernnn malinger or the th thrll NowYorl Now News
Yorl s uris rll < TuxlServun Conixiny > said tiil Id last lastevening lating lastivmtlitig
evening ing that the tlo company 011I11 i is inking inkingon
on I Sri no II morn III 0 ft men Eight t tht applicants applicantsfor i a hrsl pllHI pllHIrllr iv nt ma mafur
for position were r turned lurll h nvviv Ita their theirnddtetse Ihr111I1 theirndali
nddtetse ndali sss IMIIII taken so o that they can canbe tuisais UII UIII
be I aent I for when then is i H more business businessdelegation haaimaitiasA 111I 111II
I A delegation hIotllt si ftoin fi ot ia I hauffeiiiH haull Luau itteiai mul i I at 1 I ab abDrivers ah1lIt at a airi
Drivers iri i r UMM I ael Inlon 1lIt I tikmuu No s 1OT II vv t th 11 head headuuarlers haejdilrijrs
uuarlers Iuar I rio HI u 7 i > l Fight ha avenue as cuul catttd on onTill 1111TIn suttTilt
Till SfV vesi vaalanilapy rdar llIy nfterniMiti nn sand 1 < l titiil titiilthat lalt1Ihat tatastI
that I at a meeting lut 1IIIItr I tug of i if the thIII1I11 I Isa union I it 5 5 bail been beenthe h11o limp ii iiiii
o the IhlIIanllll iii jiiianillloils vote Yost ul of r Ull III Ir NT c cmiat lit of if r the theI Ih IhI
I I Motor I luh at Owilern OWII I wlur AMixmtiiili h II < IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII tniployee tniployeei
i nut nultn to tm return to Iwir work under any IIn condition conditionextept motactsthana IIII1I1 IIII IIIIIpl
extept a 5 f4 as II a union Ixxlv I iilv of chanfTiiirs chanfTiiirsOur in inOur
Our grlevanco have 111 Men so great greatIhev 1111III
lucy III I Ki stahl kl Idthul thut we w wii til tlimu public lo loknow luknow tatknow
know jiul j what they Ih are I Wo W h IIQVD ben benpaying 1 hasstapaying 11 11payilllC
paying for breakage whether our ur fault faultor
or unavoidable for uniforms for gao gaolene gamanIsnt no noleon
lene leon sail have lxeii held resiMinsibK for forfares rllrrar forfares
fares rar regisierml on the Ih clock which hilha we wehave w whave
have ha been unable to collect lII I We W m have havehail ha hahUlllln havehail
hail hUlllln no redress reodro and u has ha eons < i > nie 11 to a Iilll Iilllhff 1auintwhitre > oint ointwhere
where the Ih anile UlI way ay we w can 1111 obtain uiiIi tllill iii relief reliefis
is I bv It strictIv st I rill I union 1111 sat iiii jWIt vhnp vhnpOne httitho
One ho of t the I h cliauffeum showed Home Homeof sotsuof 11 11or
of hi isis time 7 111I cards anl Ihey ltiam showed an anaverage 11111IrlllC JOTSaVarnge
average 1IrlllC of eightyfive lthlI and Ihreenuarters Ihreenuartershours Ihrlllarlrhllllf thmrassuarteraisaauurs
hours work eu aishi h wevk which gave 1 bun bunI7
si I7 in a week 1 The Tit ru rigging rit ill usual 1 un unrigging II III usuir ¬
rigging r iggi ti t of r his hi is us car lIr before I emf rn rm and 1IIItIIlrr thus I after going goingto go pita lIillIn g
I to 54 5 work was WI done 0 lu11 on his III own a s lIlil1l II time t I tfla adding addingat utah I I ii g gat
i at least an hours hs u irs work o rl each h ilav ilavichriltili 111 111i v vIiieotuil
ichriltili hdlll for lirfemler lirfemlerlUnTiv liltenalersv 11111
v lUnTiv > S V J 1 Nov M ISecorder ISecorderJoseph itscarolerJossaijha
Joseph 10 It illiims has IUI established establishedllted n i itlasl
llted rate flU of r 1lIall > enaltte for the I O ual ualoTenc isalmifattoto
1 oTenc 1f11 s that 5 Celia 011I lsfore i mefor him Is I us A plain plaindrunk sushiihnstik 111111
drunk costs 1 Jl 1 and costs 1 drunk ind 111111 111111flreltrh ills disorderly illsosrolarle
orderly s and costs 01 ordinary nlillar scrap ra raIIrllllkIHIIIhtilll Sa Sadrusis
drunk IIrllllkIHIIIhtilll k und ii nil liglitini ugh t I n g Sin I 11 anil asmam IItII I COSM llghtint llghtintwith II tight It ill illwith lug lugwit
with wit Ii guns l kiss > niv v < or tr r Iteer I mser r Imltles Iltl last t lma JJ1 S md sutuolpoamatis mdcosts
costs 1
costsrvicHYi rvicHYi rvicHYiCELESTINS rVIIHYCELESTINS rVIcniYiNatural
Natural NaturalAlkaline NaturalAkaline NaturalAlkaline
Alkaline Water WaterA
A delightful l table tablewater tablealer fablewater
water with hiehly hiehlymedicinal hihlymedicinal hlhymedicfnal
medicinal quatitiet quatitietAik
Ask A you PhyticUn PhyticUnOmnU
OmnU It J 4a a4 tattltt tattlttfnttr to hftZdir l
fnttr ir tin g 1 Jlrttl Il ttflrel ttflrelI c cIU eeEr11s
I tMi FneA uII uIINet Ctrtntmnl CtrtntmnlN GwuiaicsiNil
N Net t Genuine GenuinewiflMvt Genuinew Genuinewftb1
wiflMvt w UK w wire wireALL r rELESTINS
should bmadc b bmadeotcjosh mlde o ot cloth that hire = been beenproofed beenproofed becnproofed
proofed and finished fin sbed by the theI IhetIIzof dieil1el
IheU U
Thi Irllce makes a clntltperra clntltperrancntly cloth pr pernsutly ra raI
ncntly nentl waterproof without the th uae of ofRubber ofRubbfr ofRubber
I Rubber Rubbfr and does not alter itt iI appear appearnee
an nee in the lea I least i It prevents a cloth clothfrom clolhrrom clothfrom
p from becoming Waterlogged Soaa SoaaHravr Soggy 7 7A
Heavy Hr or < Wet Wetr
A 1 Cra CreneUe enette Overcoat will ill thor thoroughly thoroouh thoroughly ¬
r oughly ouh protect you from the Wind WindRain WindRain
p Rain Snow Fog or DamprcM of < > f an ankind any y yThn
kind kindt
f fI
I Thn trade mark ThIS
i < k jucl d u uii uis isii
ii f tamped tamp d on in lewd at the Ih cellar cellaride cnllaridt collirside
side of garment umenl or elewhere elewhereNone c1cwhCreNone oewhere oewhereNone
None Genuine Without Them
1111111 IILII > tI V KLKVATKIt 1I 1ATIW TRAi A AIntilrntinetl h hIn j jLnldcntlfled
Intilrntinetl Man Toppled From Platform PlatformIn
In Front ont of Train TrainInbort TrainlIobrt TrainHobert
Inbort Ilurnu motorman of a Fr Frt FrtPond FreshI < nh nhi
i Pond express train on the Myrtle 4r arenue arenueUn fen fen111n nu nulinn
linn Un of the I 8 II T MW a man top topbackward topple torplbackward topplebackward
111n backward from the station platform at atKnickerbocker at1nlckrbocker atKnickerbocker
Knickerbocker avenue Inue last nlht ju jtJlt jtJltbroro jubefore t tbefore
before fl oclock He did his hi beet to top itophU stophis tophill
hU train but he couldnt Two car carran c cran carran
ran over the th man Person passing along alongMyrtl alon alonIyrtl alongMyrtho
Myrtl o avenue enI wild that money mon fell from fromth fromthe
th the man pockets pock Into the street t t and that thatbny th1tbn1 thatboys
boys fniiRht for It and An ran awar awarA awaI away
A cnrp Rrpntr nt rn tool box was found on onthe onth onthe
the th platform It bore bo the th Initial J W Wanil WRn1 Wnnui
I anil is I supposed to havn hQ belonged blon to th thiiiati th11I111 tha
iiiati who won kill k killed 111 > ri There The wan ItA alto altonew Ito Itoaw a anew
new saw which had been bought at atlunlaro a ahardware ahusrolwaro
hardware store 10 at Throop avenue awl anilIxrirn an1Iorlrnr awlIorimi
Ixrirn ° r ntnwt Brooklyn The dead doadman darlitum deadtitan
man was < nlwiiit 33 yearn old and atockilv atockilvbuilt stocklvbuiilt toddhbllill
built Ills III laxly was taken to the Ham HamIHITK Hamhllr Hamburg
burg hllr nviMiuo a 11 iwllcu station stationSTORE rotationSTORE tatlonSTORE
Ve e have the best equipped uptodate uptodateVOODVCORKING uptoodleXOOD1OHKING uptodateWIOEWORKING
I VOODVCORKING plant in the East Etstand EIJI2nd Eastand
and our facilities for turning out outBank lutBank outDank
Bank Offici and al Stir SfonFIXTURES StirFIXTURES Storei
are unexcelled un xcelled We are prepared to tohandle tohandleboth handle handleboth handleboth
both large and small contracts in this thisline thISline thisline
< line with equal expedition expeditionNo expeditionNo f fNo
No Job Too Big for Us Usto U Uto Usto
to Undertake Undxtrtakos Und rtak rtakstii1des
SII11ir5 s fuiilihed on Architects Je Jeshort Jesilins dcsigns
signs on short notie If preferred we al alto ahosubmit altosubmit < o osubmit
submit our own designs designsTHE dcsilnsTHE designsI
1 ilclVTYIir 1Icl III HAMILTON 11111 OnlilUy On Jo ntA Nuvcn Nuvcnr3 u uI oOCr oOCrt
r3 At I the Ih horn of the Ih hrlilr hroJrI Arfn sr srI 4 4IllvrrOUr
I IllvrrOUr < 1 Drlvr lay the llrv II llrnn I er eri rci rcii
i otiti 1 II I driirr lira Coollltr oolldr dsuiihtrr < t unhtrr f IIHId ii iinnil a amimitl
HId llr lr J Jm Jnai mr C iiithrlr hr1 Hamilton lo I Ma Mamm 11 11nUm a a0Jt
mm 0Jt lldp lrlnt ri riIII
sIl I it > III it i u s tn 14d tVrdumotds niar > l > I Nu Nossember cmh r J3 a sit 191t sitat
a at t Sssultsaote Milltu lIllId < lr Illch IlrtilKr IIn X J 5 Kmlly I m1l r rlor rlur ras rasicr
lor Mtilo It 1 Idos < 0 ufOlltrrlV ur OIls rr 1 V ChoiUTandOauani ChoiUTandOauaniof Chrysuk hrU And oiaugnu oiaugnuof < aI1I aI1Ior
of iSle Ih lau 1 1rnIs uU II Tailor TailorIunrial Tat br brIneual
Iunrial xjlltinlr high Urlder N J 1 al t3i t3iI
I M NittirUay ormhcr M 5 l ils ilsI in inroilliPXI
I roilliPXI otslH U On Ifktay otmbrt M a t t3t > l lrturlr
5 rturlr i tiiwarai < l inl hrlovnl bubaail of Mar Marcurrltr lap lapcoerttr
currltr ronlrntj In hi his Sllb yrar yrarItinrrnl 5rarI
I Itinrrnl srrvlrr for family and frtradi at Ml MlLite irisIste
Lite rr rIcIencr ldrnrr l 151 l south st t Jrr Jrfiey y CItE ia1n ia1n1a5 un uniti
iti 1a5 Normtr7rl M lra teaeomtt tomllflovm tomllflovmt rosier rosierrrLlIup
t rrLlIup III rsr ljiac I Iimqe trr me Ti Servlcn it SiTills itOIK
Tills iismijii Im siltircaf RCH ru it iu I3 tet > i at atiMiiNK 1t 1tmar
mar iMiiNK t I I lurnnu lurnnuIIAIIIIIS otiPNitijltttmilS
IIAIIIIIS M I san Juan Porto Him no Mnular Mnularv
I ss v rmbrr i I Din uf imrtiinonl Jane Hoof lfoseIla II IIHaul
a Haul M I il iiauvhtti jcilr of Kllulwlh J 1 an sal salI I IItir
I Itir tti lair I rnlrrlr II ll itarrlapof rrl of llonulalr V 1 1ll 1I
I ll I W Mill Kntrrnl Into tile rtf semat m l at Brom Bromvlllr BroniI
I vlllr N a Unlnrvlay rvrnfair November NovfntxrJ
J thf it Kri Illrbaril llayward formerly formensirbSaints rb rbli >
li Saints SaintsI In I s sI
I I nrrnl smti rrvlievi 1mm tu rhrll church llronivlllr Itron litile oo ooatutila nO4tuiTstan
> atutila NuvriulxrrM ueuusier taO at I atI 311 Al Tralni Tralniu Trathamas
u amas it r ritist rnlralMatlon Pt test iUtioo at Criand 1fl4 IMA IMAI
liar I lf rlrirl Arrlnvlinj Jars lnttir1 to tiring iirln vrMmrnl sestmentsazal sestmentsazaltoOt aat aattultt
toOt tul tuln totcs totcsI
n I I HVS I U5u < iu rrlilay IrIlt niornlnc ovmhrf v vtutu S Shails
tutu at the iii rrsklrnrr uf LU oo In taw If Inui ftiry ftiryI
I llulMrt II alit av 11 Cnarlo borIc Peter Br flrsu flrsuUaiuiis u uhmnii
hmnii Jrtrrr > s uf Ihllailrlphla fa elicit fHluu
uu uf Ilii late llau lto IJrut rot Iclef ict JflTf JflTfi
i Wiitrr 0 stemirrlirr trr lilrr hnclanil hnclaniln
I n uumra5 > ral MrvliT at M t Ainr ainra Ca CiuaIwl > l St psi psisaa l lnil
nil t nrar I iilumlniitv Munday Novrm Novrmtur osem osemtm
tur tm r 2t it at t loti to a ulloru ulloruM
I M Ill on Irhlay Nutcmbcr at ti tier r t t tilnrr
ilnrr llotrl lriinotl Orllla HornlfeKl HornlfeKlwillow Horn Itsi Itsisolsiajis
willow of UIIILim 5 SilLmis r 5 Ijiuer anil teInrl teInrlamther lo nl nlnothrr
nothrr of 1ilirnr J Ijiurr InhrrfuthiMr Sri her 4atb fir firI
1 I mral srfvt ee tor r sinni Ssutimloy > inonilnc Noerrtn ovrrl r rt
51 t loiirliHk Iai mrlmi al Purr Utr titter tent tentilrnnr tsaI5etto
ilrnnr 5etto 117 I 5 Isu l t Altj > I ISMITH 5I
I SMITH ilT5l On Thanli Ttartsiittn lvlnr Day at I TAtcmamal TAtcmamalI k r > t tN
I N J AuguMa lll IIlrsbath < 4bth widow of the tfv tfvvt 11evlarJsall
vt larJsall rJ ll II Smith ll I 5 p ami daufBtr of 0 tn tnlate use usepie >
late John llorart and Auciit Arcrtr PlL ltlI
1 unf unersi tal tft iersicca lcc al SI s em lh at LaXewoxl N i ion Jon
on Saturday Xov Nomber tmber ja i at It cfcxu DOOO DOOOCarrtair sonoarrIsges
Carrtair will mt mess t train IcavIng jad id M fnrr fnrrC
a C fl It V J Jj i mi 1 i so A t it t Inunactu al alronvinltnce ascoaicnIcnce
ronvinltnce of famUy famUyrCRKY tsmUyThluoYrranre
ThluoYrranre rCRKY Frtacc D Terrr seed f l W y runs runsFuneral ri riFuneral
Funeral at Tni Fvuoutu Frx ui CBTIICB CBTIICBail 1U
5 ail a it t r K i Cauraiu HLDO titooaWOOl i iWOOD
WOOD On Thurxiay November l JfjcmlaS JfjcmlaSii
ii Wood WoodI WoodIuoerst
I uneral wrvlrn at bit late rr residence l < Jnce In lnwol lnwolliv oc t tav
av llartsdalr X Y t on unday > afurnxxm afurnxxmNovrmljer afternasirOSCrfliaer
Novrmljer Zl at 3 o clock Conrjrjfli Conrjrjfliwill C flsfasr flsfasralit
will meet train travlnc Crand nd Crnr l lTI 4ni 4niI <
rtulal TI l Ii I ° u
I uS
FICANK K Ic4I1 rAJirnrLi ° tsgLz 341343 w 111 34IChapels 111ChaisrU
Chapels Ambulance Wcrvlc Tel tiri > lie < f fnvvrvit < iIIflItieTlI
IIflItieTlI nvvrvit nvvrvitUilll flteTEIII
Uilll Vl < thiN MMVJir torment ma9 ma9ltnrkteste < <
ftorklra < r Villa Itillnl Knrlandaml la i iI a aof
I of al i Mimr ° omrss rt Mlrrrl llo linstor inn I s sor t tor <
or an > irr traln > nn having Information cimtrrn ciusrernstriisi a ailratli
ilratli or amtni ir ni residence u of inli tn5 crt crti >
a i klntllv nimmunlratr at come with Ste SteI tfi f V Vllornian
I llornian urnn ntliltor lirnr eorZe trrti t tMurro aI
Murro Oirre Inclan I II 5I
I Iflh ssr vr aid aSth th MIre Mtrrs
I s rvlri sum > ll M I anil nl I I II M MREV
I REV JAMES 8 K MeCLURE D 0 0nf 0if
nf I tllrazo tllrazowill
I will priii Vnlmtu h In Ito morntntr ami af afMllilr maten matenI
I Mllilr vhl m muirt ts at J3n 3 30 t tMrni Iiln
Mrni iln Illtilr I ln iss < at a tn a M Mpiln itt
t piln tinaijis 4av I vrnlnic eii5n l tertir rturrt at atlivrr iiiEserw
livrr un ine l Intlirtl 0a > tli lies s i 4ml 4mlKM 5C5 ii C CEs
Es KM tItl II til IllKNIM l lILaluIfEttl T ill a > Illllllll IllllllllVlr till ItO II IIt
Vlr t rr c tli MI i hr CI HriMiilwai atiit atiitllv s5Ites
Krv I II MiliTli i VI Til Jr siis siissit Uan UanMil
Mil MVIiTM lmseirs l rhr at II o M A Ahrl 5 5hrtllrs
< hrl hrtllrs tlnn Imtfavnr M iruin ftfnc siintls siintlsh <
I h iPt < iS u 1 l sung > < lnc Ji imp fi s iniii Mtut Mtutn >
n m s Omflttu in l v rhinl t 1 p in linotl 15s trj trjuin
uin OOmiiint Hm rnlnif r5fl a P S itS itSI itSisti l t ll llIII
isti i s lEal15151m S I I ili S SI
I III ICI iiut M l or iu of 51 tilth SI no Uu UullnuulHav iakutlOrsaimas
llnuulHav KUItlr M It i Hrl4 Hrl4fur ltI4iii
fur l ihtl uitr us ii htfi tn ii morrow fit II 1 1I1 1Sm
I1 M Tn Tue ra tapqmm lir s III 5mPmturii > rari vr me I Itor Imm
tor mm in ili ilam < i nmniinlon ulll ti lit IM it hM hMGRACE 5t 14 14as
as etnmia eninta S I S a ap
< er rvltr lr ma II t > Irminer H HHv Ifl4
Hv l4 M U Eddy at I Ret TBtodort tW tWat

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