h no r
7 l
1111I11 nin n rIT T IT MHIATKS TH THsll TillUllttI
sll UllttI HW l IVTITUI IVTITUIJudge r It ItJudj
Judge ra r > ml llumnstoii In I t N tli tlicull
cull 1111 uiirt inriu rill llrvlilaa U llloa In Nu Nullmiulil Mull MullulIhl
llmiulil ulIhl in limr 1 IU4IJ Judge lan lainlng lannine
nine llrmirri Disentitle O Ollinion OlliniontIIILIInIIII lnloi lnloiIHlLvtiniiH
IHlLvtiniiH l > eo 1 Ih T Tmpl Tmplroll mpl mplIron
Iron roll t lII1 Mini inv 11 wiiiM 111 and ald ronip IJI > lled 1 b bU by
U 1 nMfai 1rwhlh hioh Iommnle nmi I nbout nh11 niru nirutenth ninnlh
tenth nlh < > t H II the Ih unmlned Inmlnt1 orthrAcite 1hr il coi coiin Lal Lalin
in Itiinki Kama wu I < iltcUr inday li lithe hIt
the It Luiir lun < l Si Sinh ii I iriur inul Inuri Cllrl i < > exi exiin 1 1In
in lolatiin 1lal1 nt f the Ih Shennnn Iwrlnll untiiruM illlrullcl illlrullclhA uc ucThn
Thn hA diTiiton hlun win WI nven 11 by Iy Judu Jld < iri irinrul m mnnd
nrul iliiflnniiinii IlnI1 tin I h third tiitMiilie tiitMiiliehid 111
hid Iutl KB UtnninK 1 < nnin gave a u I diiueutiiii nln MI MIto 1 1to
to the I I effwt III thiM I hr1 ilu I h > evl If < Vnr en I I p prov I IIlro
Ilro > rov that 111 < iheTenrle 1 h Tlr I ln I r > n Collun < oni > am aman I Ion
an 11 I tQU eul I iiiiiilMtx 11111 i n nUy nBy
Uy th d < u I i he h I 1llt nn l Si SII < MH MHan i iilkrln
an luifHnun ilkrln but 111 milv n a 1 partial vt 1 > t < n nWhen r rhl
When hl n bewail I al thv itn 11 in Jiuio Junt iwi iwiJt UI UIJt
Jt wan I with ilh i 1 I pii Ullf > tn Cii I > mt t i icombination 1mbinnl
combination mbinnl fur control ntrol ufthennthruiit ufthennthruiittraie of Ih InthruIl InthruIlIra
traie traieTVe Ira
IraTh TVe prr < i rdlng drl in ncly 1rI appn N 1 li lilrfiicnt I Irl
lrfiicnt rl dlnt lir < MMt mnde ld lUfmdunt lUfmduntnt fIlunl fIlunlf
nt f nearly UCUI all al i miMiilca II II engaged in 1 lh lhmining Ihmlrlu <
mining mlrlu transportation Inporllllo mid ulc wioli I til tilMlllnp II IIOln
Mlllnp Oln of f antlilHdtf nlhlcll except 1 Ih 1 if UiUi UiUinnd UalIIlle <
nnd Ille YcMerii clrl all unl tlii Ih Si IIhliU nieliuin i Cixi CixiCompany 1 > 11 11tlmpl
Company tlmpl All 1 the Ih other IHR hi romimni romimninn 1llri 1llrin
nn n the Reading New S Jersey I t tntril tntrilI
I lh high gh Yiillor aly Erie Er and Utcknwanni Utcknwannifr
fr r tttiicki nk1 nk1Tht < l lThe
The Tht ev Mi u f 1 I iovermiuiit < piti pititkni 1t
tkni I WHH Wi That the Ih defendant frlanl tuitnei tuitneil IUln1
l 1 re hie 111 formed Irl1 niul IId entered mlel into intocombination 1 1Cmhllulul
combination Cmhllulul < ir r ooiicpiraev IIIirc to re riir riirtrade Ilil Ililtrd
trade trd utnl 111 commerce cmnlr In unthrieitw unlhrHjtO COH COHamong l lanonI
among anonI the Ih several vrol States hy ahuttini ahuttiniout shul in inUII
out UII competition llllllion in tho th trmiipirtiiioi trmiipirtiiioinnd Itrlwrlllion Itrlwrlllionand
and ivilc al of that comiiKvlity cmlotIY ami ant i rI rIln ii iiUtliiR
UtliiR ln th > price r thToof Ih f IMIOIU IMIOIUthe lonl
the the wveral n 1 Statci SIl itnl In IUVK IUVKrnonopolittl luvmOlopol11
rnonopolittl mOlopol11 and uttvmptt 11rt l to II nionop nionopollze 10111
ollze olz and ronibuird CIIHnd and caimplrpd cOIIlrl I it iteach ih ihPich
each Pich otSur ollr to monopnlir monnpoll n 1 part of nucl nucltrade ch chtrade
trade and commerce COnl rc in II io Iolallon tion uf hCI h hct
ct and rui that the Iht raid defendant llui lluiagentn IIiragenl
agentn and Mervunti ral > nd ld nil 1 rMnxini rMnxinicttni rll rllcllng
cttni or 01 a aull HUMiini to act I uiidrr Ildr iheli iheliauthority
authority aUlhorl lie forever injnimit from ttn ttntlnulng I Itlnuing
tlnulng or In uny I manner manlr acting undri undrior und undor
or In pur purIRn unnct of the h atnrrsaid Ilorad c m mblnatltm 1
blnatltm blnalon or coti onlrarv nlrarv in ro r tramt lrall oi oitrado 0 I Itrado
trado and commerce conlnlrCI iimong Ilnong the Iht nrverk nrverktatrit rll rlllat8
tatrit and from continuinf nllinj to innnop innnopollze 10nal
ollze olze or attiiiiDiiiiK alhlm 11 to monot mOlololxC > < > lx an anpart i I 1 1parI
part of urh trade I raIl and mi rommrrrt rlmrr in II themanner the Ihemalnr
manner malnr uforemrn aformtnlonecl aformtnloneclTh i tuned tunedThe
The Th Lnitwl lnit Stne la dr < liarurrt C vartctii arIIU attt atttin ael
in I dorlanre dlmc and nd in 1 I iolatton ilialon of th icvv icvvOnly II I IOnly
Only Hf a to muf of Illerf Ih urtit dmn 1 tlu tlui1rci IhldClion
i1rci dClion ion xiictHin 31elKtn the Lontftition conlllwn of thf thfQocrnm Ih IhOounnnl
Qocrnm < nt unJ Ild that a 1 to ilu h < Iem ir irIron I IIrn
Iron Irn Comp lom 1113 I Th Ihe r gn o Ilrlf urpo < ami amitiitUB ud udeltU
eltU tiitUB of th now IOW > tui iwc I orptnt orr LI LIbrl > n nbnetly
bnetly brl IK i u 1 lolloxvK lolloxvKIt ulow ulowI
It I operator opertl undo Indn one on tf f thi Ihp foir fo special specialchurterM prial prialchlrn
churterM chlrn whloh in CI > grirteil by the th Cont Contraonwealth 01 I Imonellh
raonwealth monellh of Pt Pnr > nnvivanla vlanl1 i Iror > rlor to thr thradoption tl
adoption of the th State SaloCanUulan Constitution Intii Intii1STO tni
1STO I W the Ihp Toniplo Imn Irn Comianv 0111 w 1 5 iitn iitnbut 111bu
but a charter Sine il thou it hu k i > i an annctivn n I Iaclh
nctivn o porit mu > oul 041 ctimpany ctimpanyUntlor cmII
Untlor opratn an uci n nnl > nt MX iiwl lod l lruar Jh Jhrln >
ruar rln 27 ISif I 411 the Ih U 1 > n nll > lc Irun 1In Lonipany Lonipanybought lonl
bought bUChl ai L of f Janiiur IUuar I I that > tjr J from fromHlmpiioti frli
Hlmpiioti 8lmp o WntUiu 11 Ius ton 10 amnnuit Inlnrult cunl cunlcompaniui LII LIIcmpnlo
companiui cmpnlo near n Mcrant m n iMUhiif Iuln tn tnpayment Inpvmnt
payment thorefor J3Iio nfI < out tut ol unoi unoiWO ao
pvmnt WO stotk stuc and ulcl tnSoiimu S1 I111 l i r cent en itu 1111 1111J11 ti tiKU
KU J11 > ami lnd oillnterHl ILIrll tniM nl 1 Ix bClch m out l f an anuuthorizod ni
uuthorizod aurhuriZIII IOHIHI of H > i i iOther
Other Olhtr atnein aKnnwnl nt < exoutwl th p i 1da i idav
dav da Imt nd effective CI from Irol th cu w tl tllfcorr1 ne netnuiaferreil
tnuiaferreil lfcorr1 through Ihr u h tho liiu lilc nty II Ti T TCOPIWY it itCompany
Company COPIWY of New w Vork rmnorshlj nt ntth 11 I Ite
th te J2MOl slo l Temple Iron lotnciy lotnciyStock Curp Curptok
Stock tok and unc of tuch idditicanl ddlicrl pat pI tf f th thJiOOoOM
JiOOoOM 0000 tDtH talJ1 HUCA tl co authopd Ilho zl r mien mienl miih miihI
l > i 1ue < mued to HIX comprniiM mprnl they d i icuaranteetn i iaranlin
cuaranteetn the Ih TIIt Tfinple Iron Compriy
mlr mlrOIr
bonds OIr > in like Uk pervcntRe 1r enKt c they Ih ii viv 1 d dth dIhe
th Ihe Mock r L fi flo floRdilf > llo i iReading
Reading tompiny omp Z91 9 M per if ol olJAblKh nt ntLeaigh
Leaigh JAblKh Rdilf alluy allY lUilraad ItulrOd Company Loman ftr 22 Z S Sper 8r
per r cent cnl Central CntrlWllrnc It ilruad lomiMnv o oNew 01 I
New Jersey Jt y 17 112 12 Ir T enr Diuwnre DiuwnreLackawunna Ilwlrt
Lackawunna Lckannl and 11 Western Wtr ILnlroul ItIUloul Com Company Comp ¬
pany 19 12 SI p 11 r nt Erie lrll lUilroud HlrluIlJm HlrluIlJmplY Com Company
pany p isi JHT r i > n ami ant New S York Yori SIM SIMquelmnna SI
quelmnna quehnnaald plY and Vettcrn IOr ituirvad Ioinpjny lorlll I IM
4 B8 per cent centFinding t11 t11Fildinl
pr thaI thin itllltKal itllltKalthe
Finding Fildinl Ibll corporation corporatan 111lal
the Court Cour by it mijonf deci eEcllon inn cU cUclare dlclrt
clare clrt > < today that tie I Erie Erfe lUilrcMil IllrCld hud huda hllnI
a I right rhl to purchase plrch the th Nw w Y r rk Ju Juquehinna II
quehinna u hl1nl ami ane Western Hal HUrod I road tint Ihl lIl ill illKcudinK
KcudinK Hlnj Company aUo RO hud I u rtihl r ht to ac acquire il I Ilu1rPIL
quire lu1rPIL n majoritv holding holrhll of the Ih Ne Sf Jery y yCentral yCrlrLILJlrod
Central CrlrLILJlrod IUIlrojd t tnck < ick that lhl the h ivrular ivrulartlirncitecom m 1 al althmetl
tlirncitecom thmetl CII > i > me II dld lld n tl Ilol in ullawful ullawfulIn unlawful unlawfulIn
In ctlflinK rlflnl the Ih Iu projected projfclldrndnl independent rail railrood rai
rood to tide Ilde wat alr > r which certain crlail indepen independent ind ¬
dent r dlt coal cnl operators olralor planned pllnn in I lfcBS I I lfl nnd nndthat I ld ldtat
that tat the wiiulled IeIIf1 ns per rent 1101 contract contracttlidnr rnrac rnracdlr
tlidnr dlr Mjllch rh lie h hl pr railroad buy nnd nndmarketThe Ind Indmrel
marketThe mrel Te product of independent lrtpndenr nimei nimeiare 1 inf
are ae not open npl to 0 attack attackMuch auoc auocSlch
Much Slch In i the Ih preoent outcome of the Ih fani faniou fnmow
ou ow coal cl tru Ir1 t uit ui which hldl Wr u directed directedagalrmt lreI 1 1apilt
apilt agalrmt fourteen fnun en anthracite anlhrdl railroad rirod and andfortyfive ald aldfor
fortyfive for e other companies mpanl and opera opfnlor opfnlorC1rln tcrj tcrjcratrnlllnff
cratrnlllnff C1rln mnr lor than 111 mi I PIT cent celt of he heQthnicite h ha
a Qthnicite thnclP land Iln of Pennoylvania Ppnnyllni nnd nndthreequarKTJt nne
threequarKTJt tbrurl of the Ih output oltpll of hard coal coalTho colI colIThe
The cane e i nriue rIIJ1 < l in II the Inited InitedMates lnIN
Mates 1 Circuit Court ourl laxt li 1 February FbnJI by byJame hvJim
Jim C MrRevnnldrt hRInnll for the Ih Imieil ImieilNtnte Inll Inllftt
Ntnte ftt while whl a doen or I more prominentappeared prominent I
1 I appeared pptlrlo for the Ih vnriou ro defnid defnidTh defIJ1 defIJ1I I i
Th T Te Tmpl > nple Iron lompany lomrny IM I owned ownedby cnt I
by the five t railroad rlJrOLd ny tyI1 teti arwive ate nancd nancdby nal I Ii
i r by b hnldinc nio lo < k of H 11 it ordinal Inlnll com companies ¬
1 panies pn1 Th Fho fiovemmenl OonrlnlPl1 allosed alcd that tiy ly
I 1 lUesal le al contrncU cOltlACt the I defendant com companinM romI
I I paninM had hld dllro1 J trov i cotnpetiMon torlliwl in I the themining hnmlnl
mining mlnl pnl and tram I > portatmn of coal rind rindtho nndJ
J tho th milt lil wai ralprtalon tiroiiKht hrollhr to e ver er tho rein reintlon rIAtlol
tlon tlol between the Ih railroad fom fomMid cmplO
Mid the Ih cual col ininiiiK tlnl 0 ompinien rnni ami amiUp alJ brr brrUl
Up th mint mintTheRndinR rnl 1 1The
Ul TheRndinR The nndinJ of fI thncour Ih cOlr in 11 th I h volumi volumiBoiui ollnl
Boiui 101 opinion of If Julzr J ir I iray ra and nnr IIurTltiR IIurTltiRton nlmnl
ton n an a nunimnri7o UIUr7t1 < tn th per ciinarn ciinarnopinion clnm clnmopInion
opinion are or at foil fnl wj wjThe w wThp
The Thp re rII ul of th forntfoinn forioin opinion opinionis laion laionia
is that lhl the Ih r < mrt Ir unanimoii lnnlnolly ly mr1 r that thatthi haltb
thi tb petition pellrol ihould holl be I dUmi erl erlI I
I t ti t the Ih i h rje r < rrncermng rnrlili 11 he henciuiHitloii
nciuiHitloii 1 < IIUllnl by h the Ih Trie Er ronipany OnPBI of the thecttpilal Ih Ihnllnl
cttpilal lock or f ih New PW York o k 111 111hJmll Su tie tierwnna
rwnna hJmll and I NVestern Itrl Kjillo 1t11 1 d Crmpiny III
2 Ve to I the I h chnrtce hLri foncerniiii CIIrml th thacqtii I h haclllion
acqtii aclllion > ttion by the Ih Keadma Utiull Company mlIY of ofthu ofth
thu th niajoritr mlorl of the 111 cajili il Mock 11 < k i f ihe iheCentral hp
Central Itallrond ltlrnt of S > e ler ey and 111
3 AH to I the Ih xenirnl nral Irirse hrr of f n I rr f fj > m mbinntlon
j binntlon binlol or coiwpirary LpUI tn II violition ilhll1 cf the thenatltniM Ih IhBttnlt
natltniM act in I th i development of oftrbichlt ofb
trbichlt II Ucharn U chirjllh l th other Iht combination combinationesi cmhrllol
esi b forth roh In the Ih1In petition were u c < l an Mip Mipet Mt Mtj
et et s forth in il fitiraRrnpli InrnlTph T d < f he h petition petitionA rllilon rllilonA
j A majority majorlY of the Ih mm 11 lioll 111 thut tlll > hn hnMtition hoHtltlol
Mtition Htltlol nhoilld houlJ l i dinio I n I > In > o ihn ihnctuIrR n nclr
ctuIrR clr roncermni onllnl the Ih oirlle I i f fnt p pcent
cent contract contractA coni ra raA
nt A majority of If ih onri Itr al > Meld hlr thai thaitho Ihalt10
tho t10 charge chnr of nri ni illegal clrnhinitmn lnIMin in inrn I
rn r xt > t of Ihn II mittrn IUr elmtlC hru < o < III IIITrapl Ih14mpl
Trapl 14mpl Iron Iml < ompitty 11 1 foit > in > ai ai2rnpi I I
2rnpi 7 i > liotil holl < l t > e Kiiotame I and LI llmt th thlojimclion h hijuncllol
lojimclion ijuncllol or < r reMtrHitiitiK onler npclflfilly npclflfillyprayed flr flrpnYIe
prayed for in the th million IIIn l rcJ < ouli Ie Ieffrantnd I IIral1
ffrantnd Iral1 pnYIe 1 o far a it will wil nerve r to fnveti fnvetiand PrVI PrVIand
and rentram Iftmil n continiimK Inllllinl viola vlolaill Inn of ofthuicl Ir IrIht4CI
thuicl thuiclCounHel Iht4CI Iht4CICOn1
CounHel COn1 will wi lie I helfl hlI rl Hh lo he I fntii f1 of ofn ofn
n decree decreeMallmakrr IJcr IJcrallmDI
Mallmakrr allmDI Hont unl Hate I In tl Irtle IrtleHie
Hie 11 repr rprllnll enlative of Ihe h liJi IdIp IdIpant < v vMKII
MKII ant mil I 11 > r > < Mnkerx Inkr Inlin lo loa 10H 10HI >
a < I < iii t ti Jr had n I prolong1 IrolouKc triKe triKeIIM IU IUI
IIM I t > i i inl cl1 whii h hl > nf mude nlL d11111 iriiutulc iriiutulcnri
nri IhI ih i ffiiniifnrtijrr 1Ilmftllrr for u now ni agree agreemen gr grmn
men whi wh1 n i t i re n I n IlrInl jre inent > 1plr plre plrelu <
lu 11 alifiii 11 w wif > reported rrll yepturdav yepturdavthl rll
thl Ihl i Nlrue I I Itkelv > t > e aVertef hi hiyor
year r vtu I 1 rm m a e r 111 pe pethf >
thf irmirir pei TBC r aIIItrICI aIIItrICIII1 filing he Jernan lr lrwhtcn
whtcn II1 were wereMn r nt 1 l li > iem u I week wc ago agoaUo al
Mn t f he heaifu n i her herTV h ar aUo ul o epCtnl JI4CIf lo h hk
k aifu fa TV ym
I Get His HisChristmas HisChrista
Christmas ChristmasOff Christa ChristaI
I Off Your YourMind YourI
I Mind Mindorucring
w orucring O < ril un n AutoStrop uoStorl
l Rjror R lor tor l r him himIX h j r
IX 1 1 si be be surprising sl rt i g hin hinI hi hitnl
tnl I h iho shol iii him Iln ho hohe
1 I Ihlg he lui luir rrob rrobi
r ncvtr hecn able hl tu t
ie ieh
i h h
111 111II rcc1 rcc1H
II H t nil I be aSc 1 to sruvs sruvshinucit 1
hinucit inuc 1 expertly rccuc recjusc ti tlulrSrop f fAutcStrop
AutcStrop Razor RUlr will Ii nuc nuchim
him Me to mop expert expertNo CF r
I No 0 ether rjor rl die dieSrop de >
Srop hncs h ran n r I Ih i iout
h out dcuchinjj dcuchinj liiade hdl Jit Jithjndv JuhnJ
hjndv grej grejDealers gIIJDCI
Dealers DCI > c mem lm on TJ TJand r rIi
and nJ if un at n return returnour tr trour
Ii our more lalt alter 11f Chritmaj ChritmajEver
g Ecn Ever dealer Jl r hascontrai hi conr wrh wrhu jh jhU
u or i an ge I one onC proles prolesing
ing in him irom 1m los losJu 10 10Jut <
S Ju Jut t a po rO1 > i cad Jd o 0 am amand JI JIi >
i and nJ h k i > dore doreGives cC cCA
A 4
I I t
Gives Givs Head Barber Brber Shaves Shavesft Shavs
I ft our or dcmofinnrini dtmOlnrn ihoy Ip IpH
I 117 H Fifth F h Almunu Atrnuc ntir Jjt4 Jjt4St J
St jnd esamiiie of o nr tt No NochJI N NchJt
chJt chJI Prraic PI ihjtirg Ih ir1 bocth bocthTHI btl >
THI Tl nitiaiiT nllUIT IFIW rnn si r IT ITnillnir ITt
nillnir t 1mI H > the Ih llrlinunt IJhlonl IMH Herelpt HerelptMere Ipl Iplcr
Mere cr Marr or Thin Tal 82UUIUU 3MJ tm
1 ho h ho horng ring in the Iht unit of the Ihl Wright WrighAvutian Wrightillol
Avutian illol Company torpny against ag1n1 the I hE Aen AenCorpora cro crorrf
Corpora rrf n Ion lui 11 < to nvoio an al ad adlit d ddl
lit tonal JlVtiO U I I of the IhO pole rOI ncuipin p of tl tlJVimont th thI > <
JVimont I imonl Psrk f5rk aviation tnej I wa W1 Ilal Ilal1J1 > o t tom
1J1 < om 1 ye ptlrlay < crda > U In > December UfMmhcr M I It Wl Wlro wl
t ro htMttl in Part I of the Ih Special Torino Torinoho
ho h upnjrnc IIm Coun CounIn oun ounIn
In en n affldait af ail made mudI by Wilbur WIlur Wrijchi Wrijchipnftcert WrIVJ WrIVJpnflca
pnftcert pnflca of tho company cmpI it U I atwrtin atwrtinMi 1rIt 1rItI
Mi I he ht Aero cro Corporation Corprainn hi hu not k kp kpL p pia
L ia a nomi nw1 u 10 pay JY the Ihp additional addltb 1 un unof umar
of 5 5 IK which hlh h ho < 1unipnny ollny wn 1 o re reLOVI r rL
L LOVI af after r tho Ih riibicrihnra Pllhri lr S12 IZ OI h hbv 10 >
h bv n peid 1 lf tiil t1 Th SIUO1 iuni > i had DWM DWMpjid b
pjid > th III ompjiv xvih tho under undertanciinc Ildr Ildrtl1Hnc
tanciinc tl1Hnc hi ho SiAOOii SIOI Ii9uld holid be b paiil paiilu PIII
01 u of iho h Rite 110 rooip rooipMr r ip ipIr
Mr Ir Vrijth rih tnintaiim IUnail according 10 10Irw < r rnirtW
nirtW Irw Knxvitimii trudllu who h i i a momki rIIr ir of If o oi Qullia
i onimiiii ullia aurhorifl by the Ih defendant defendantti Ifndlnt IfndlntI
ti I nidi 1 he h actoiints 1011 of f the th me 1 < > ih Iho1 Iho1III i ithe
the III grcit n eiptn 11 were ro more 101 than Ihl SZnOOOTi SZnOOOTiJlr S10 S1031r
Jlr iro Wrigli alfio aI M 1 > that Ihlt the Ih company companyhas CmfI
h has full fulllld i led It agrroment with the thl Aom AomCorporation Ac
lorpmllol Corporation in ajomnn furnishing flmlhllg machmu rachinul flul flulno jin jinno
no mcrf inlrfortal riig with tho thl cono n t tnoher 11
noher nchr injuiiriinn hat ha bo hOn < > n ol 01111 > Uin < l lKam
ajafnt Kam t iho ho tuiatie Trunt Trl Tomtxiny ompn t to torrlin j jr
rrlin r + rain 1 from plying out nlt the Ih Olmonl uolmont uolmont1nrk
10 1nrk m mi prmvod depo5ited with ih n nuntil
111 until aftrr afllr 1nal nll j jIHUTI jutmI jutmIHUTUIL
lhn nhl H I iu lin founder rIIr of th < Smci SmciK5h Sntl
K5h ha ns h hI nj of II I l Ilcourll < iurliii Jt i if Ir Irf
> f Kr Irar iirtua nut Ullh Ihr foiirh 10lrlh o 111 i t mem memnor InCm InCmI
nor of I the 11 enhance oInO lUd 0 rtierdny Itrdly morn mornm Inrl InrlII
II m uf ujcu It > l x > ih II lt < > u < if f hu hlonrbrl won wonHcrtxrt
Hcrtxrt nrbrl 1 I 1 laciiiielui in I llnhoku Inholl Ol Olfrruch Ofch
frruch ch fxtractlon lrlIn Mr r Jaoiurlln 1accl ulln w bunin bun bUlnI
I in January Ia til in a hon e nrar Howlln Howllnreen Ilwln Ilwlnlln
lln reen a 1 ynuni OUI1 man he h worked for fCr 11 11llien I IIlhn
Ilhn llien iiromiurnt frriirti ImporMnK IIVI1nl hjiiv hjiivli I JU
I li I i I he h hetuiiix I a nivtutMT 1lh of Ihe I Mini 1101 1101tAd i iKAilianef
KAilianef tAd m fornilnic lormilo ni that Iba tim In > n par por n r rtup
tup 1 nli 1 Henry lun I > Iopp olJ1 t which whlct lat t1 t1unUI < N Nuntil
until l h l From rom KOI I urull uhllUI tun the It rear olMr ol 01Ir
Mr Ir Jacouelin JacqlUo rrtlrrmrnt from arthc arthcinif 111
i inif in n rtrm mine la a the Ih smo smII an anit
hln it i If nun nol Mr Ir arm luriiuullii wai a for iwltt iwlttear h hn
ear i irovernor of I the Ih Slock Kvcnunrx Kvcnunrxmil cnnr cnnrlul
mil lul n n am < at I hat urn m celebrated fur till tillnroiliirtion f
nroiliirtion f < rh h < it 1 lia 1 lnre 10 ilf tt 100 loivil loivilmo
mo nl n I ifn t ircUltv pclI odd 010 lot trailing IrlloJ II IIi I
i a L iniut Inmr > r ol tl he h t t13mlr liamlxr of r in inn
n ro lie i < ur IrIr i > ert by hi ife C the a oii oiiulioi
Irc ulioi ho h now II 1 the Ih niur n Ir member mmhr of Il the Ih broker brokerice brlur brlurlnn
ice rlrm lnn and iid I > > y n 1 e daughter daughterWlllUni tlllrh1
WlllUni Willl lUnhart IAlhrt pretlttmi prldn of o UK UK3anko I I1lrl
3anko I 1lrl ife inur nce i mmum 11n and i itvii
tvii known 110 U cxier 1r aiiu I bank k nlTl < fJ er eriiil
J iiil on WloIr e < lnrsln nt lu < hutne hu 111 Hittti Hitttitr II
tr > I HrnoUivti Irnolu1 ll I a burn in h loiuloti loiulotin 11101
In n IMU I U IIU II earl r etlncatlon telon he hc reietteii reietteiin
n Mio f lonitun uraninMr IIIAr olu 11ul > ul Me niar a af
f 1 U mekin n I lopla aixilla tu II Ne url rk In l 73 73li 1
li oDd wife AHA 1 Kliabettt lltI11 IUrve IUrveihori 14rV 14rVln >
ihori I he hI married uHrl in 193 I Mr llunhnrt llunhnrtitarted lnhr
itarted ln lii < u uln lne4 eirrft A clerk clErk In Inom th thtrif <
sllr1 om trif 01 f Schro hrScn ilcr tn l In maon on Whm 114 114mi I
mi < o tin country unln he h mtr ICclhC d thn rniptnv rniptnvif IY IYul
001 ul if Inn < l I Mill II t < o of I New i Or > r ml ami amise 1 <
se In Irieino Later lie h Inl > ent ultn lh I iidn iidnrt J n nro
rt Ilmlnmnn I n Me I I i n > i lnl lnlCOII nt ntroiiiln
roiiiln ro roller of Ihe Ih Einlcrant tlllrAnl I hid lid iirin iirinatmwii lrl1 lrl1S
COII S > atmwii rllr Hunk lie I ua n itirpctxr olrrcI of I thv thvIfe Ii
11 Ife I > oclatlon oeaton of nierlcn rlct the Ii Knlrker KnlrkerocK Kllrkr KllrkrOer
> ocK r ln Inllotmnt e tment I IUIIh oinp n > the h hiiro ii iiVmrtcn
Vmrtcn Oer rln tianu 1n IW iil It lie I nl nl1 ii Mutual Mutuallesl II1 II1RI
lesl Knt tIAI t Cninpunr npn Me I wa the Ih fonndi rflldl rflldlor > i iif
or if In he ivlnst Inl hunK Ionl dctiori Clnlf of the h Vmvrican Vmvricantanker mrlenlallr
tanker A i > ii 111 io > Mr r Miiitian nat wo woof u unernner
lallr nernner of th Trh Ioelflti rnbl bh > lll 1rl rn rniulllr
> Iublrn iulllr n Club Clublinvnl Ilb Ilbot
linvnl S mml loLI of Iirj IeMertt 1Itrt place placelroo 1lacIrnolyn
lroo ot lyn Uleil cic ud ddnl > 1rnl f lienrt AI failure failurem lalu lalun
Irnolyn m n Wol < liict < la nUht 1111 uhlle whl atlendinx otdilll lli llin II
r n 1r1 > rl of I l Im nie K Prior < tt I hU hi lat hornp hornpm bORr
m Don street I HI lie I I 4trli llin en while whileie hl
111 ie > l MloniTlrt Iou 1 hi iM > n Milrirti llrich 1 > ammU ammUluruiir mml mmllr
luruiir the Ih i > rvli < and nd an citrrled rld to toin fl fln
in n lr oIllnlll nljolnlnif room ro Mr 1f expired < IIP Mtliln Mtlilni Irhll Irhlla
a i fe f niliriicj mln Mr Ir S niriiU nlll uas wa txirn In Inluntiiiit II
luntiiiit < ii I I I Im on lutie 111 in l 11 i mil 1 mi mitrenae 1
trenae < l from or the I urlrlnul rllh1 e 11r iier uf ufhe f
1 he mull wln He U came n to Ne r ork orl in ivc ivcmil I II
mil enteretl the Ih ciniilox 11 of I II I It I Ilallln IlalllnI 111
I Ule I I Iu u ami IIHI Il > nii heml of the Ih rtinnel 1lnol ilepar ilepartieni p r rI
tieni I ai tl the h time 01 f hi ilejtb He le w wt a n nr <
t r te I of ihe II lledforrl 1IIIrl Iriliyieriin i LhlrCl LhlrClI hum humi
I < i > nriv J > < l 11 ID lu I xife ir one in 1 anil ane i II < i ilaughter
talihlr laughter laughterVlono
I Vlono 01 UnlUiU IlaII of C Klho 11 miles I 13 13I i iit
it I hi home hOI on th h farm here h hu h wa 1 horn hornn II III
n aiul where wh lie liil h < alMdt Ii li < m I Kih Kihhe 11
I Ih he etieptlou etpIOI of three Ilr yeir t > Uwnj Uwnjleeily
leeily mtere te1 t In utrrlrtiltural Ulrl tlral milter milterit I II
I he it sor many Inn ear r lrtIJnl t > re lieni uf r I I lie liehautuiiiu
I hautuiiiu < oimty Ollt Airrlruttural r IIIIal Hodi > t tmil
mil nn clvemenil mnlr er of Inlon nlol fir nrIIr nrIIrIBro mer meraroni
IBro aroni I alccI of llubandrv lubnerr llv I wu 10 a in Inmb Inmbli ml t > f
1 ihe Hoard loar1 ol > uier < Uorx from ral he I 101 01111 01111u < 1 1tllol
u li Ullott even rart r lif 1 lnnln lnnlnJ with I Inil
nil tllol 1 re une I 1 thit Ih 1 office om when In eleele 1Id i imiiiivHiiifinirndenl
1 miiiivHiiifinirndenl 11 tlrlllnJnl f the Ih Poor Iou lt Hewn Hewni 1
i mouther ol the Ih Manonlc laII Iraiernlly 1Irll Itu I IH IHxirM i iIr
xirM Ir < el 1 bv h hi wife wi unrl ne I 10 wo ilniliffilcr ilniliffilcrI Iallhl
I 111 irut I I t T I Kilolne IIIln I M V retired retiredIM llrl
IM m la < i re erilav I I In a horn urn
1 Amrii 1011 > opUfiilwr iii IWI I a a alomlnl I >
lomlnl inlltiliinan 1011IIIn on 01 lime 110 lt I l i iiiolert pr Ir > >
11111 iiolert Id to T KnolKii 111 on fn October I Mil I tn tniifiniit lUn 11 11ilII
iifiniit ilII irnlor tor irrade 11 un 11 O < lotxir Tlr tl tli 1 1 Ia
i nil 1 to I IKlltMjmn 11Inal on lll 11h I 1111 1 re reir fUUf fUUfoil
ir nriox oil lailon 1In nml tl1 on I varlu v vf
f lie nat r > lit 1 n I retn d on I Sh Suve SuveIV
IV I Y on nrroinl 11 of Ilhr111 ihy lrnl clluil III IIIIIrlc > lll lllnriiii
IIrlc nriiii 1 Santh < ianl h Murrlrnn JI itur r he hen I
n Imrfe 1rIP of ihr r nnvtl rrrriiltlnx rIITII office ml at atnclltMl atl
nclltMl Me l Meertpil U IoS at Ui h navr I V yard yarde are
e rk rl from < > ufn i m October 1lfhr IVK IVKhi 1t
hi lieintf 111 arti e il hl it itKullnilo
Kullnilo licl e < > n nf r i tie ht ol < lel anil anilf
f < iroutiii i ennol jil 1111 rniitfii innlv innlvileal ll llI
ileal at the I utfe i I 1 vear u at liU hi lioine lioinen I
n < lfnHiiea i > r wM I < h he h a on rn < i tti ttir
r rrnl I ni n hT h ih h > ilhiKe Ihll wn eit eitwan 1 1hrI > >
wan a i I ifiif hrI > r er and nd 4 1 rnct M Me I
e onl > riireiiuine I hat n > l loi loii
i 1 n lew IO vrr r when w he retire II I from fromillumes rrnl
hl illumes I i > survive rI I by hln 11 wile lr three threeon Ibrrnd
on arid nd two dau ullhr f hers
tK TO T sinnr II VIM VI ti tiKit 1
One Oe mine ln Na > Mie tle Uerlirnl UHlalll Her Intnlion Intn Intrnlon
lion lon in II net Gf a Pltlol ami nd Miool 10 III IIITflrpriwne 111 111Trlponl
Tflrpriwne Operator nlrlo Kail 1 lo I Imnlhn N Nmember
member Talk Tlk on Mxttt of MnnlrBOSTON Mnnlr UunlnOOTOS
BOSTON Dec lc Many 311 witnewe wlu wei weiintroduced Ir IrIntrolC
introduced IntrolC by I the Ih defence cftlw today loda In Ih Ihtrltl IhIrl
trltl of lUttie lall < Ie I IILine ILlnL for thtf I h murder murderClarence lull r uf ufClr <
Clarence Clr I Glover nlwr of Waltham Wallh1m on Ni NivnilN SoLnltrN
vnilN LnltrN > r 7 > of f I 11 i t y plr plrIr ir irMr
Mr Ir Kate I I Sampton snl n of Auburndale Auburndalehalf lhllrital L Lhalf
half niece m if 1 the Ih girl 111 teilitlid 11111 that lht sf sfi Ihe IheI
i heiird > Ir Olmei Olw < ay three Ihr times 1m thi thithe tht thth
the h i going to t Kt a1 iL i revolver and ILil ho hollnvei hout houtI <
nl llnvei IWMi jn u Ih of f hi u conduct n < ucI with wih Hatti Hattiin lali lali11
mule the th statement for tli tlithird IhIhlrl
I in < i wlimi 11 > 111 1Itlm11
third Ihlrl lime 11 the h pounded u table tll in II Mr Mraniori r rI
I > aniori LI1 liniixo 111 vigorously lurnuI declarm ddarll ddarllI
1 Hi I it I lut It i unable 11111110 to keeps kl girl l vuu vuuif <
if 1 II I > M liuitnind hlI conduct conductI lcllet lclletIr
Mm Ir Walter WUlr I IUiI jualoy y o iluuceitor iluuceitoriilerof 1 1f
I iilerof f Htttie t > titlil that when at U Ih IhI
1 I Clover 1 r hnu hUIt1I eu few days before tho nun nunlei
lei aim niw three Ihr note nil the Ih dillin dillinroom llllnit llllnith
h room table and Mr Irt Oov r read riIIIII1II them t ti 11 11h
i liei h In InlhII1 ihe first Mr 11 Olovor tmd writtei writteiI
I will do u I will nnd nJ him to U UI hI
I I Th rherecoidreiii ea1 rIIJ I WMJllnll1 v Ill to get rnl rictur if Inn Innl hi hiI
l but > ul dont ktinw how ho to > do 1 it It Th I he tliir tliirl thinlalt
wanting UIHr UIHrI ilovc ilovctu
l Maid < > ilhlng ubout not
tu I enter the tI huiue hII but li did not kilo kiohow kiloh >
how h to t keep him mil milA ulllnlllTlhr
A number of telephone operators trot trotboth Irornholh
both the Newton and Witlrh Yaltlihni Cvntrg CvntrgI 1111111 1111111I
I office ol1kttIWIld feuded that IMllheOuld they could not remun remunIber rClIclUi
i Iber hr uf there Ihr having been b n a half hour ion ionI QIII
I I vereutiuti UIA UII on thn Ih night < > f the Ih murde murdebetween murdrhIIen
between Mrs Kreemnn of c I uhurndal uhurndaland
and nd Mr lr Cilovet ut her hoiu in Wnltliaii Wnltliaiia
I a aJ1 etch ch of the latter hud dectanti on th thwitness thwitn
witness witn tand tandI Ianclhitt
lhitt I hiMCoti COIr verbal al ion i II ia 4 guuittoiiacfon guuittoiiacfoning Colilit II nl nl11I11
ing to both th the women al llie Ih trv tun tunwa lillllt
lt > r wa w hill ut the Ih laundry and WI WIcraw a aI
I craw ling to tho th tiopitul where hlfe he h die diethrif d 1 1Ilhr
Ilhr thrif hour later laterThu IIIerThe
The evident id 1I1 purpose t of the h dlfnc dlfnctoday
today a io attempt lo itiow ho that Mr MrOlover Ir IrOlor
Olover wauled io get I her hutband out outthe t UI nl nlIh <
the Ih way y and that ohe II might hat hatin hiL 111 111In
in the laundrv ut the Ih time if f the Miootui MiootuiiiiMead hool ilia ilialtiJtlttd
iiiMead of being h llg nt home talking over r III IIIwire Ihart
wire art with Mrs Freeman FreemanFii frlIIrn1ale
Fii 1ale ley 111 llcr ewer j jllII tmot l omnM f fIIjLttll rr rrfllltiI
IIjLttll outlined IIiIltl1 th C CIIO X < t nt lit doll dlfotUthii dollIhl
thii morning culling the Ih jurvti llentlo llentloto ulI ulIIn
to tn Ii fact Unit Glover ilcnth hivl 111 111du un undue ¬
due du to A bullet through IhrlII h lu 1 body bocl from th thback Ibuck
back and reminding them tint Ih 1 llctu llctuat
at a the Ih tune of tho ihixitlng lh 1I1 wi II but A fe femouths f fnWlllh
mouths over 12 I jtar ar of ugi n L lie II d dcribMl I Ii
i cribMl th gnJtt value llu of cimimktantia cimimktantiaviilfnce
viilfnce 1 under < oi mln renditions IOIlIIiI iun bu budojlred I IdtI
dojlred dtI 1 u wai YIL v ry dajigeroiii HI nllien nllienHo clh clhlit
Ho illuvti Hd bv rinM IoI 1 > ul ii rvconl 1 am amcontlnuiii alld alldLntilluI
contlnuiii contlnuiiiIt
It i iII1 not vour duty tIl to I > ex IIill > lriii the th 111 111Ie my myt
t Ie ry of th < c I < e It is cuv to uuuvr uuuvrUnd 1I1111 1I1111t
t Und a thing utter it ht h ben ht 11 explrtnvo explrtnvoIt l1 lrtnod lrtnodIt
It 13 J your duty clul to tlnd wh ro r t the Ih ci CJ1i1 n ntil
til fr Is ivj proxcd Motive l cxcbuivi cxcbuiviportuinty XCL XCLul
ul portuinty > rluI I rnd coud cbet jet ind a < nri nriof 1 1or
of th t h > drfcndf iniut ho coiiMdeied coiiMdeiedThe LIIillcl LIIillclTh
The Th liootrllH1I1 iov rnniciu win < n i 1ft 1101 mtci mtciary nOIy
ary y lo ho motive moll but MIIIV one ktllei ktlleiC kiltllllk
C lk Irente tnce I Cloxor iid r 1d in r I circumntantlr circumntantlrcfcjj
cfcjj you OII mu IUU1 t tlnd motive mOtl We W will wjlyovi willh
h yovi 01 thrt ono oth llhr r por Iroon on hid tht thtxirunity
1 xirunity r lIl1ily I Ihl fit intent md lh I hI ahilit ahilitto
to commit thr th cimo cimoAttoniev c nw
Attoniev 1101 loUn on then cr r Ml i tOIl itont tOIlohmnl
t hment by II trlliiig r > he hi Iii fhl < t u wlln tinea tineaUl 1 1iOI1
Ul iOI1 trt Attorney Higgin id when ih ihUtter Iht Ihtbthr
Utter i llfuK1 fu H > to litu I the Ih jtrid th jury jurywr juryI
wr excluded from the th couit OUI < iiom 011 whllf whllfthe hll hllU
I the U diWculty wrj we r fue iwd iwdI < l lMr
I Mr Johnnon Mid His 11 4 purpose Iuri m cpllini cplliniMr cpllinKIr
Mr Ir liginn wr i tu I ho the bi nu numtee 11111D1t31
H IO Jlovci bfcam1 bfcam1the bc
mtee t of Hoymour YIllOOI I IIh
the Ih < Icttur hud hllIJ1 an intorvie ith Ih the Ih UU UUtnct 01 I IIr
tnct Ir el Attoiiiey ttnollt ind ft thrt tiinn > how bo l lboth I Ibolh
both biH bi vnd intert t Hewnhed H ll1hcd to Hip HipIlctnent 00111plemnl
Ilctnent hi crnxcx croxnlnrllon ninrtion of Glorei Gloreibv lHo r rh
bv h the Ih direct evidence of Mr lliggin lligginHn lIiKitinoIlfi
Ilfi Hn rattan wn that the Uixtrict Attorney Attorneyin l1ornu l1ornuin
in hut oKiiing tt < i < wtd 1 tht Ih r tfiv In Uoveui Uoveuimnt UIIIII1IInt
mnt hr1 h 110 u trU whrt hn wittu 111If c3 it found foundpnd
pnd h1 di < tr l to hor by II Mr Higgina HigginaIhr tI IIIIO IIIIOIh
Ihr this Ih gdvernmont hrd hr d neglectwl t 10 10clIlI j jcull
cull oertrn rtlm pertonsi rOIlIl hcvlng knowlmlgc knowlmlgcuf
uf the fact knowing know in WIM heir fill teMimony l fillI >
I mony would be beHe beU
He U rhto Mid he h would show that Mr MrHigeins Ir IrHIICrin
Higeins rt t the Ih cloie 10 of th in hIII iiest told toldwitn 11101i
i witn rut tn keep thiir imuth nhut nhutMr
Mr 1 Ilinfjino repliei < 1 that hi object In Incaitiorimg IIII
I caitiorimg th nquest witn w t ai ailo a
lo ke kp p the proceedingH ro III from tint lit n nJxtpnK nt ntIIJ
had furnlubfd I Iohnon JJohnloOn
IIJ Hi wild he h
JxtpnK ohnon with a ftononrnphic report ol olhis orhi
his hi intcvlHw nl hw with Seymour Hove but butthe ulIh
the Ih Uwy r for the defence 110 lmour m dncU rloc l ihn ihnwan Ihl IhlWIi
wan WIi not atufaiiory UllfH I or H wanl nl 1 tin tinjury Ihjllrv
jury to MV what h1t kind of a man Mr Ir Hiu Hiucinn HIliin
cinn in l IK I nnd how ho thoroughly Ihnrou < hl he h conducted conductediho
iho 11 uxaniuatlon After HI an hour of ofiirgunintit ofIILrltUmollt
iirgunintit Judiiv JU tCI Bond iefu Irutt d to r rornit rornitIho mit mitIlia
Ilia calling of the Ih Diitriut Attorney Utlrnt UK I a awittiefwand aane
wittiefwand ane the I h jury Jur returned io the III court courtroom CourlrO
room roomThe rO < 1II 1IIThct
The Hon George W Kyte n member memberof
of the Canadian Parliament living U It it itSt 11lil
St Peters PI N S Ihe I Kev t Mr Ir Edward EdwardRobllnille tdwnrclRohilallll
Robllnille ihe Ih paruh priori at V t tAHvruii trthnl
AHvruii N S where Hattlf homo i ind lit litAnet
Anet nd CPI Peter King of the III Mime village villageledtlfled IIIIItftltf1
tltf1 ledtlfled rJ that Untile had horne a good goodreputation OtIC I II
I reputation at homo prior rlor to h tr r coming cominglo Iomln
lo the th Slat tilalbrahn on onAbraham
Abraham U I Blanc the II gtrl > faihr faihraid fal hr hraid
aid he did not Unow how manv mlln children childrenhai chlldrrnha1
hai been born to him bu he h named namedivri IInmffiwnlyI
ivri wnlyI > ntvthr hr < e of which number rUe 11 had hadI haddi1
di1 di1I I
t lerks from a llrearm iinrc 11 in n thin I hi citv citvlentirid cil cil1tUtet
I lentirid thit thj Ih revolver with which Ihe IhehootinK Ih Ihhootln
> hootinK had been done wa walt cold on onMarch 011llaroh
March 31 31 100 I JO nnd nn an expert Ifrt declared dlClar11I1I1l1 II IIPOII
POII 1I1l1 11 not backfire backfireMrs
Mrs Kate 11 Samp Smpon on of Aubuindile Auhlllll < hl whn whni
I < > i > ilt1ed U to tho Ih v rv dixtant r rtal > lationnhi lationnhinf onlTfl onlTflI >
I nf half nec n to the Ih girl tn trial tr allI wa then theni IhmallcI
i < al allcI d and gave l1vn her lf r an anr v ri through I hrollllhlrnch n nKrench
Krench interpreter Hhe aid 1 that Mrn Mrnfluvcr Ir
fluvcr cam to h hr r houjo hou In March loop loopind IIIIIPland
land ind told 101 her he h hid EEn e n her man innull innullIfattie inuhalii
Ifattie alii in th bathroom that hj I had no norevolver norvohr
revolver but would buv bll on n nnd kill killv killIh1
v > r that < h pulld Hattie hair ha r and andnthermhen antiII1t
II1t nthermhen Illr hln h he cauKht rall hl hernnihat h r on I hal ncru ncruijon
ijon and d ddar1 lared nhe h could LOII not k kp kprvanl H p u uirvant
irvant b hnu cnu o of Olover Mrs 11 < amp ampon
1011 on instilled that Mri 11 > Glover diflnrrl diflnrrlhr
hr tlm thit li would 01Id get a revol rpol1111I1 r rind
ind kill her hunbntid hunbntidT I
T Tlv eIB telephone IIP girln employed m mlii inhl
lii Valthm lllh OI aid l11e Newon WI V f office officekl
kl tostllled that thny Ih could not romtrnbrr romtrnbrrif
if f any an convernitlon of n half an hour hourir
ir r more hiving pawed through IbroJ h th Ihlr Ihlrm lr lrfJ1ci
> fJ1ci m > on thn night of the 111 hootin In InrowvexaminattRn Inn
rowvexaminattRn n amlnat on all of the th girh irll aid Ilrlchny aidihoy
ihoy could c IIht > not 1 rrcolloct ollcltr any of the Ih bum bumiei II IIP
P iei rain through their offlren om thnt thntughr IhltI
II ughr I IChr A nnl operator who h wa walt on oninty ondill
I dill inty at Vallhani that night nit i1 hn Ind Indio I IIIU
io rrcolloction of any 111 talk over flftoon flftoonninuto f1ft m mI
I ninuto in length with the th Olovir houpn houpnThe hOlJ hOlJTh
The Th final wltnos Ime of tho Ih dav dil wait Mp MpIrenn 1 1Ircot >
Irenn Inilnif 1 IIJllr I 11111 > ingley who i inai inaiU nrI nrInr
U the Ih time of Ml till murdor Sim Joih Ir4tllii Irtli o othat < i ilut
that Min < one 00 hud told hr tlvit ho Mrr MrrHover 111
Hover said that llatri hid tol Inln n SI SIIIn1 Jin Jinind
ind that on the day cb before If th < > rnunl murIrhC < ir irhe
he o lced 1 l Jlover if hho h hid made madeinch mIch
inch ch a 1 otatimnit otatimnitTh 1L1nIThc
Th < latter ill el tiled 111 having h III raid io I and andi antikoll
i keil lrn rII nu lo tell II llrtlle vthrt hr rh rhiad h hhad
had luail 11tI Then Th Mr Ir Lungley Inltl i < ld nf nfhe r rIhe
Ihe he n nl ie nhi h had tf n on the dining ellnill nmin nminable r1II18hl
able and < > i Mm Irll Olover reading them to toler 10Ifr
ler The Th un n rnid Air that rne n Hundny Hundnyhe
he h Ixurd Mr Ir Glover eukinK HI of her heriu h hh
h iu 110 innil lr I io nonie nu frirtidt anil thnt he heold h hluM
old her h Glover w Wft no II go lIotHl < xl hhe h at atnilteti aft aftmlllt <
mlllt nilteti having I HtVd at the Ih will trial trialhe IriAIIhc
Ihc he MM Olover Ulo lolit hi tar ur h hated tier tieriiiilwind Ilerhunl
iiiilwind mid nd thr he wn a nuivuive nuivuiveIrvne nulzker
Irvne r Hlo I II le 1fIi tifl d thnt on the Ih night nightfore nlltlltIh
> fore lh murder Mr Ir Glover MDI t vriry vriryingrv
ingrv H l hr > r hu IIIIhnui linnd f 1rI2d > > rlied < > turn com comt cumiI
iI t into 101 the Ih hoiifi Ilftll to I iripfxT raying ylnlt thai thaif
if f he h did ro it woulrl 011111 lie the Ih l l nipper ho hoould
ould < T r eat al Irenj I rn will U > cnmu cnmuxaminrd aVlliIelaml
1 elaml xaminrd d tomorrow
Are the nultttoiu mi of the theput tbepout
put putAnd And some mistakes are the themillstones tbemillstones
millstones of the future futureParticularly futurePut1cululy
Particularly is i this true in inthe Inthe
the case of an Owner who whoembarks whocmbuks
embarks on a building project projectwithout projectwithout
without proper protection and andse o1ndKU
se KU a the income on his hi Invest Investment Investment ¬
ment depleted by extravagance extravagancedelays cxtr1V12nccdel
delays del s and excessive profit profitNo
No matter how attractive attractivea
a proposition is only Econo Economy Economy ¬
my Quality and Speed can canpreserve C1nprnerve
preserve that ratio of income to toinvestment toinvestment
investment which makes it so soYours 10Younfor
Yours Younfor for Economy Qual Quality QualIty ¬
Building Construction ConstructionFiftyOne
FiftyOne Wall Street StreetTHMSOURARMYSTOOSMAL StreetI StreetTHINKS Jt
I =
< 1 A f It t KIT tri tritIIJJS HS IT ITI
tIIJJS 1111 H 111 111In IS WrKV WrKVIn
In Iteiiiluvion and l tEr er since In II HU HUlint I III
lint II Cm MI 1 In Illiiml 041 and nd Trcactif TrcactifIlslner Tnouhl
Ilslner hl and lieirenilant dant of M Ji tsI Jirr
rr > iplauil UU III ord al 1 Ulruiei Ulruiein Ulnnjn
I jn n Frevlerols fr Dent Jrvit laid Mid ntldhi
hi igat 1 11 at the Ih > dinner of tho Now York VorConitiiandery
IlalllllliI1IIlrY Conitiiandery of thtt Ih Militarj lIIIr Onler o oKorign of ofFor
Korign For iln War at th Wadorf WJ llorr tan nigi nigiand nlhlIL
and IL tnld the Ih gucxt uI nonie thing aboilour aboil abolllIr
our Ir army ano which he h clont fo nt think t liirn liirniKuigh Il1rglIIlIlIh
iKuigh One On ban hll to have hal fought In rtoni rtoniwur
wur 1 of o thi country with u foreign nulio nulioor nlatlllllIII
or lie iI 1 direct descendant of Home n fight fightto lilhllr lilhllrIII
to b 114 a momtKr of the I h order to th thmedalled IhlIIctI1
medalled diner applauded > d > igorousl igorouslheu oroulyh1
heu ten 11 Irani aid Thu Th unwl unwlpolcy unIpt
polcy pt > lcy of r kixpiuc our tandJnc arm armto army
II to n minmiiini ntrength tfln th ha > been It tli tliof Ihof
of enormous exfjnm to th Unite Uniteboth UnitclSlalo
Slalo both in blo 111011 l and treasure treasureHe
He II went t1I on to explain Ilalll ho thi wa wall K KIf 0 01lnll
1lnll If at tho Ih tune of the Ih Havolu HavoluItionarj ItevolllWar
Itionarj War the Ih United State had ha haI had had1111I
1111I I nil army arm of 3inm O men there would hav havbe ha haIIIIch
be > n much le I > loiut 10 to IM in blood an anmoney ILnd ILnd1II111y
money and I hit war would hav been h n oom oomover <
over Tho diner Linked cunounly a aonu 11 11on
onu on another at thin utatement but th thGeneral Ihe IheUllt
General wont Ullt right on reading from lil lilmanuscript bllIIl1nllcrllt
manuscript manuscriptAl
Al 1100 o in the th wur ar of in is U thn count OIiIUrY OIiIUrYhd r rhud
hud had an army of I7n I > > or IUU 1t me metli mon monthro
tli thro > r > would have lnoi far grvatar 1tl orwJI orwJIto r
to tin luittd Statoi aal and if wu oJ ljil hiu hiuuch hlul1IICh
1IICh uch an army arm then th war l1r would prob probably
ably not have ha occurred II In ivll ivllhad I oil I Ihad
had then b hf01I < > eii ablo to han hud a land ittaniling
ing army urlll of 5ir 1111 ni regular rlltlll nr II our dit ditponal d
ponal ihe great all civil 1I war would havo Ira tioci tiocibut
but a Mnh 11 h in the th pan and would huvi huvibf hll hllb1
bf b1 ii ovor lu le ihan a yeir yeirHn
Hn upoki ptlk of the tpwd Itcl with th which tin tinMexican Ihtlutlt1
Mexican and Mpanih American wan wanwon aN aNwore
won cnde1 and ald ulJh1a aldA
A nooAity baa arieen arl now for miin miintaiuing m ln lntalulntt
taiuing an army thnt can an uphold oui ouidignity uurIIlttliity
dignity in the eye of Ih Iho other Iowem IowemA 1lIw 1lIwi
A mmparatlvuiy c < 16m m lf bin ulcintly ulcintlyIr1iILl1 llci < < ntly ntlyirainod
irainod army crm can all ov 0n rtym < any nunibor nuniboruf
uf innn mn iitKrainoit to miiiiry mill JIi puntuil puntuilnu
nu matter how J large thuy Ihu bo boHu 00II
Hu II tnld of th > advnnciit that have hO been beenmade
made in military warfare of thn th lncrca lncrcaof Incneflf
of thit I h range ran It of gun and to on erd then thenturiunz WI1lIrnlllil
turiunz to the Ih chairman cha rrnII of thw Ih dinner dinnerCommandor dinnerI
I Commandor nlouly nllllanctot Aniory mun B arhart aid vr verj verjnlouly
Our regular army join a it U now without wilhoul11111I1 withoutbeing
being mcreaed IlIcra 1 IH I not large enough lo lomeot 10meot
meot any all of the Ih great IlItllrmlflhorld IlItllrmlflhorldHut armievofthti world worldBut
But he h went Ellt on to explain that it wa a agreat arAt
great rAt itchool of instruction Iruct 1 11 for young IUlg ol olil 01d
il H Ilnll nnd thrt it 1111 is on tho highest pcmniolc pcmniolcpi
pi ie in thjt Ih 11I tt includes everything rlhilli forth forthdevelopment for tht tht111m1t
development 111m1t of f humrnity and nd the protec protection prollltion < ¬
tion o life Illt < nd poprty The Th General ther therreckoned thpnrckollcd
reckoned up 1I1lhlIlChllnlC the tight Ing line of the United Unitedd
1iI 1 and told d thnt it wa compoced ol ola ofa
a totil Itulill In the Ib ruguJur army of 03174 men menand rnellnlld
and thai if you 111 < added to that thallh the technical technicaltroop ItchnicalIrooP
troop mich a the Ih Philippine ic < out and andthe nd ndI
I the h ofjicera ort1r there I lIr would lld l ht a utanding utandingarmy IIIndinaarlll
arlll army of ll tttttt mnn and with the addition additionf I If
f trained Irni army arm men nuw n in civil life lif TO WIan TOcan
can count mi a standing army of from fromI230OU I
i I230OU to irKiono men menAny mcnn
Any n call for a greater number Mid Midthe Id IdIhe
the itpeilter would bring hrtn out citizen citizenlacking cllizenluek
lacking luek n n exi Jrie > rieu < It la now th thpolicy thIIOUry
policy of the Ih Intled State IU to augment augmentthe
Ih the anny through the Ih militia who whoare whoart
are v ry earnest In their work workTher workTh
Th Ther ha I een ihe Ih greatest Improve Improvement ¬
ment in th la lal t five or mi fl J years ellrs In Inour Inour
our milita and net it ha become h COm < far more morevaluable IIIOntaillahifl
valuable in that time but thn Ih one dim difficulty dimLull ¬
Lull culty that confront OlIfn l1l11 > it i tho fact limit limitrunkH It II
rank are a coinpovcd InOlO of men m > u U611 iy im imCaee IInInt1 I
Int1 Caee In other than military pursuits pursuitsThen
Then he h turned to I tho other ir of the theirmv Ih Ihmn I
irmv and aid that it waa a great human humanmachine I Imahin
machine ly I which peacn 1 in h maintained maintainedind
and that it It t an instrument to restore restoreneacu ICSI0reppaLO
ppaLO neacu when hl1I war 1 1 brought on Ho Hotreat lieaally
aally treat ly doubted that Hague conferenceind l conference onfnnC4land >
and peicn fP1 tribunal could ovor bring bringperfect hrtn hrtnperfC
perfect > t peace 111 but if they did and ho aid itaidlie aidhe
lie hoped they would ulel Mill IUllhe tho army arm would wouldDII
h DII needed 1I dff1 > for intemiil dUturhancna dUturhancnaThe
The 11 Rev R David Burrell upoke on the theteed tben
n teed for cotMorviiiK thone iiualitien Ilualitl that thatrrnr Ihalwar
war bringx out by peaceful mean and andnrophcuK andprophOAiocl
nrophcuK I hut it would be uciwiblo in inlinen InIlim
Ilim linen of pence elft for men mnlo to exhibit htllu > ourage ouragebfierva ollrl1gI
> bfierva ul ce of dincipUne dellnitn purp < MM MMmil >
1lrpf1lft 1lrpf1lftBnelall
I Bnelall mil all the th other traJto no 0 noticealile lIoli 1 In n ncell
cell 11 trained army He H waa 113 followed by byen b bI
I In en Ilmrlea K Koe who itpokii for the thet
millllt milllltI
I I t lh < election 1 II on of officers rM held during duringhe durtn durtnthp
he dinner lI nnr Amory mory S R Carhart was made madeommHmier mlldeCOnTmHnelr
ommHmier of the Military Order David Davidank I nvld1I4mk
ank Jr iMcretary and Ijtwrenco IjtwrencoWIM I
Iw WIM Olllpi iille pie lre Irtuurr IrtuurrII urer urerrofr
II ti 11F111 T4II T4IIP
P rofr or a Jordan ami nd Prince to llolil UGhlonCrlftr a aConferener
Conferener In Ottawa OttawaOiraw1 UII UIII
I Oiraw1 01 rA Dec 0 The 111 Intcruidoml Intcruidomlwheri
I FIhrItOfl wheri ommilrn mel hero tooliy tooliyit
it the Depirtment of I Marino and l ri Kiher Kihere ihl ihlj
j e Tho Th rommiiition ron ronj i < t of Prof Profavid
fcY avid 1 Starr Jordin J arch II r rtlprtndlllC ipre nlliig tho thonited III IIItn
tn nited Wtite II amllrof Klward F Prino Prinoeprixenling PrlnortpnllnK
eprixenling Canada CanadaThe I II
I The uliject of the I cotforenn rof tnn i h t tiiiti Iti Iti1Ih > <
1Ih iiiti < cnlrovciTiil onlrc1 ll point nrning nri ln out 11 nf nfhe ofIh
Ih he ftehery regulition which Prof ProfIonian lrolJnln
Ionian nnd rrinc were aulhonzeil > cl to tornme 10I
I frum rnme under th treaty lreoal of I vw lietwoen lietwoenJreiil 1ItwnOr1
Jreiil Itrinir and ln tho Ih fnited Slilej for forIho or orho
ho Hettlement ItIII 1I1 of flxhery difllculliaK in inhiCuiitiguoUM inIh
Ih hiCuiitiguoUM iiiternntlonil wafurt from fromlie
Ih lie Athntic 111 nllc count cnJ along 111 great lake lakeii
ii the Ih Pnrillr conttt contttThe COIItTI1
The TI1 omferencn frlC Ot will conlinu until untilnturday IInliiSAlurdy
nturday < when hn Ur Jortlan will ddrei ddreihe ddr ddri
i Ih he Catiidian 11111 Iluli here lie II inlimated inlimatediday illllmu illllmu1clIlY
iday < lliit he h would sjnak on the th war wariirden i iIlIIrII
iirden if r tin nnllon nil nili
i U IItHI I1S i S Salnt tnllll tnllllallll
alnt Tllille hll nilllne an CuHonirr CuHonirrHue atl1 atl1I
I Hue lIu In I II Heart II Failure FailureCecilui lIur lIurI
I Cecilui Colemnn of 3ofl Knit KourlAenth KourlAenthitreet
itreet who IIn wnt em mployerIot ploy e l ana II lie woman womann mlln
11 n u Hroudwiiy deportment IJOrJmonl utore tor fain falnled falnledwbJJe loci locihJJe
wbJJe hJJe ta he win walling wllllln on a entorasr entorasri r rII
II i few rnlnutei liefore Ifo the III closing hour hourroitarday houryitvtlrday
roitarday The 11 H ore or wa 11 crowded and andh andIhre
Ihre h re wait omi excitement among limon Ihe IheSlimt Ihehol
hol Slimt I Coleman wa carrie l into u wail wailn
inlC n room She 81 dixl di Iwfore phjmiciin phjmiciinimved phyloaaarrIved
i arrIved Ueoth waa due to heart failure falu
1 1I
Head of f Ifte tse T Taff rllt B lINn anl Welcomed IomN a U a aKaeni an anami
Kaeni bat lIa ajn lle tlel Oolj fllr fllrI fllrI ft ftI I
I I F FrtaOUr ct Oar Card w on lUe TmW TmWI <
I li rt s An ro loartr 08 Hl 111 Concltwloi ConcltwloiMore COnch lon lonI
I More than Ihroo hundred m membfrA robet robetlof i ilof
lof the Amarican Auoclation of Woolle Woollend oolln oollnnd
nd Wontlnd Ianufarturtr attend attendtho atundedIb9
tho fourth annual dinner of the a ocia IIQcI4tlon ociatlon
tlon U laJit t night at the WldorfAtoria WldorfAtoriaj ValdorfA torii toriiiTh
iTh i talk wn 11I11I almoct uxclunively o oSchedule on onSchrctultl
j Schedule K or matter closely alii aliiwiih allld allldwilh
wiih that centre nt cf o contention Th ThI
I I chief npeaker of the evening Prof Henr HenrC II Dry DryIt
It < C Emory formerly of Yal nl but not noti
i chairman of tho National Tariff Hoar ourelWII
I 1 wa Introduced by th aneooiationi proii proiiI
I I dent dIIItFredetic Frederic H ClarU to a roomful roomfiof
of mnnufacturer who wh attitude towari towarihim toanl toanlhim
I him WUH anything hut cordial Irtiia Tabl Tabltnlk Tl1blttalk
talk before > the Ih IIptttclll1l pe chc begun ha habean hall hallI
bean predicting llroworka llroworkaIn
I In introducing Prof Kmnry Preaider PreaiderClark IresidentClarlc
Clark made n lively uttnck on amateutariff amateu amatourI
I tariff niuckrak ra welcomed the Ih fire firefeM ro rolIOr
feM lIOr > rn expert x n mveetigation nnd iiii1 iiii1that tLill tLillI
that tariff ugitation thould cea unt untthv IIntil IIntilIh
I thv Ih tariff board ha time to pretMnt it itfinal itfinal
final conclusion That cleared cI rd Iho ai aifor IIiI IIiII
for Prof Emery EmeryI 111
I I ahoi niy bolt In Chicago Iho ulh ulhday ulher ulherda
day da Jw began be an Howevur dont l lthat Ie IeI
I that antagonico you You 011 Ju JUtlt t rofue rofu l lbelieve 10 10I
I believe all tho pnil JlflIIlIon ction papora papcJraay aay anon anonme abolll abolllroo
me and Ill not bvlievn anything the fn fntrade fnft fnfttrade >
trade journal say ea about you Iet ua a acut all allcui
cut out onco on for all Ihu maliHiimu an ancounuymaligning and andcounlcvmallgnina
counuymaligning It it inl > t worth worthtinker rlh a alinker
tinker 0 dam damAftur damI
I Aftur flor uxpoundmg CJxpoun in bnc1 > tlm grua gruatllfliniltv jruUcJlnlllIw
tllfliniltv of I tho Ih Tariff liorrd in urri in inI Inlt InltI
I ut I afcuruto ail1lh coatit L < rellt of production Pro ProI0011I I IKinery
Kinery conlinund 0011I iOllttd 1 thank all II > ou gt toll toll11nen > li litlomen
tlomen at leant foi not tolling lol lIK us Hot HotNow II IIoaw
Now can an we or can w wfl not got at Ih Ihtruth Iho Ihotrulh
truth of this coot of production litwim litwimPaper 1P lw lwParer
Paper pruducnm < ha e roiKirtod rolrl i tn 1 u uaccurate 1111 1111I1C
accurate I1C < Can you Oll ICrioj of No NoNul o
Nul at allll 1 bulietu IJt l eH on tho Ih conirwr conirwrthat
1 that your Inriualn indu trv can lti I IM clollnit clollnitrvtunu ellnllortluriUl
rvtunu rtluriUl Thoy Tho will not bo otnct Hut yoi yoia ou ouak
a ak k An they Ih y worth whil once you 011 C Cthorn Itt IttIhum
thorn Im not at ail turuof uro of it I But I Iu 101 101I
u UI < < try and mm Heallzo what l our problon problonla prol > loln lolnlit
la If It la I a illy iII Investigation InvIh allan chunfthe chunf
I the Ih la law Don 1ont t mallcn 1111 us Wu 1 ar undo undotlui undorrh
tlui rh law I tu u you willing to be b honni honniv hone1ilh
v ith tho Tariff Ifcard IfcardI U arcl1h1II
1h1II I hen Mr Emer Enerl > nuteted UIMJII th thUr Iht Iht11IHtly <
11IHtly Ur ly bukineait character of the I I tartf tartfproblem larinI
problem Hitherto Il lhrt he concluded tin tinpolicy Ihfolic
I policy tehind tariff legmlatlon hn hILA beei beeithi II III
thi I hi Miwiever a man want protect lot lotgive
give 1 it t tu him and then I let rom romI body > OO elti eltihow e22how
how u wham ho wrong All that u uwrong 111 111rong
wrong I ray I If I r the I h man cannot how hovflrnt I IIl1rl
Il1rl flrnt whv h he should have protection don donprotect nl nlrOIlLt
protect him A Ii for thi I hi dreadful I tarif tarifItoartl arllfi
i Itoartl rOIlLt it has he no powet > I am amll it chair chairman hairI
I man and I have ha ro tm ovem 1 might mightalmost mlMhlaltno
almost nay ttalh1O there in I no tariff board Th ThPresident lhI
President appolnttMl certain n pernona rOM K Kfind 10Itnd
I find out certain rtal facts fu I am one ant antIlkvly I
Ilkvly lli ly noon 1001110 to b < > aboliohed Hut aiwutnini aiwutninithat
Ilhat that the tariff l oard > tlve I uwure yoi yoitherell YOIIIhrt11
therell be no tvnch law about it We W pro provido proI
I vido ido evHrv int je ttIl t with a fair chance It Ithow 10Ihal
Ihal how it hand Our cards are on n thi thit
t Ihl ibl < N SW > w gmitlemen where wh are your yourCharlM our ourChari
CharlM Itehor Clark of Philadelphia Philadelphiaaftor
lifter apologizing to Prof l > Klmory as 3 th thfiionx C ho hoLnms <
fiionx in our mldnt mId dofondod protec protection proteclion ¬
lion by compnnon with Englitli indjj indjjtrial
Ilrlal trial condltlonit and reference to oui ouidevelopment ollrelf1Ilopfmml
development in pertain manufacture manufactureIgnornnt
Ignornnt editor and malignant roll politician rollIlclallll ¬ I
tician cam in fjr a oreat p put < rt of Mr MrClirki Ir
Clirki mention HH Ii allowed nllowtd11 Mi Emr Emrtwo Imrtwo
1 two gen 1100 e Inlcmiptioii and M O > the Ih pe or orenrlMl
enrlMl with K I a friction than iho h audi tin tinn1 nc ncM < >
M tmil to hunger f for forOlhctt ° r rOther
Other fpoiker were Dr Ktedertc KtedertcHamilton W WPidnl
Hamilton president of Tuftn Tuft College 01 01Thu 011Tht
Thu Ciumi CoLU of ihu Ib Present J raenl High lIi < h Cost ol olIJvina oflhln
IJvina Joi Joph > pli Smith secretary of th thLnw IhLnwell
Lnw Lnwell ll Tottil School on Pulihciiy ami amiPhilonophy alldPhllllltOphr
Philonophy and Marrua larcu11 M Mark presi president plfIIldnl ¬
dent of the National Aivnociation ol olClothier ofClolhir
Clothier whos mibject was wa Service ServiceWilliam Storv
1 William W Wood prwildent of the theAmericiu Ihomrim
Americiu Woollen Company wus 11 present presentin prl nl nlIn
in IK nr Ttn T I 11 i ss fi rowia rowiaAmi 111 W WARd
Ami s ol b > Few F fireat C lien Urnllr Urnllrrpe Dr DrCraine
Craine rpe an fhri 11r10 tl n Noelallim NoelallimITniversal Nocol1I6n1UnJtlrsJ1
ITniversal ouffinito IIuff1I1 l coming aid ICIlldUKCrnon aidDr
Dr Algernon Cntp Crapl4 y of tho Brotherhood BrotherhoodHousfl
11011 Housfl of Rochester at a dinner of the theChrmtian tbeChriAlIan
Chrmtian Social League CUtl held la 131 t night nightit
I it Iho Hotel St Denin II l III mirely url com cominx romInlot
inx for tho government of Ihn race is isloncwforth i ihonCtlforth
loncwforth going to be n matter of houne houneteeping hOlUltkOflplnlt
teeping rather than ha of righting rightingDr qhllnlI
Dr I r CrapMty had leen II < pn talking lalkll1 alwut alwuthri
ChrtstianUY hri lianity and civilization All 11 civilize civilizeJon c iliz1 iliz1101l1JIo I
101l1JIo Jon up lo the thelim lime of ChrintV coming he hekaid h hId
kaid Id wa bulll upon the principle that I Ithe II
III the Ih right and the Ih duly dUI of the Ih trong r rnan
nan to make the weaker w aktr man work for forlint forhim
lint < Ju I < Mi took h < > d of the woik and andried j jtri
tri ried 1 lo end net Ihe nyntem IIIm of npoUntion and andlf
119 lf > wan WII hatlere < l against thit yHten yHtenJut I I1Ilt
Jut for wn yearn afte nfl Clirinl denth denthhere I IIhPor
here were r In affect in the Ih Church those thosevlneipi Iho i ipllnrlpl
vlneipi enunciated by h Him thnt rvery rveryhrislian ry ryChri611n
hrislian had a right rischllo to nhare in the Ih prrM prrMx protHrity
Hrity x rity of r the Ih Church and that rvery rveryhristian COI COIChritlal1 I
hristian should hold hi property subject subjecto
10 o the Church ChurchAfter l1urLhAfler
After telling bow tho Ib clergy oired iT the theower Ih Ihrowr
rowr > ower and preyed upon the Ih church mem memorH
berM > orH Dr Crapwjy rapeey said Id Chruitianity i ih II
I h religion IfI llioll of a hungry people 011 It in I a aeligion I Irilion
eligion of lave 14 The Th premise l wna held heldorth
orth that when Cod came the peopln peoplnhould ptf ptfIIhould
hould no longer be b hungry or lh Ibu chll chllIren chlldrcon I
Iren colil Hut lht > people plco aru tired or orhat orlhal
hat doctrine Thry Th want something lIom lhing to toat I Iat
at now There must be b an organic change changebe I ITb
Tb be great roll mrength hn Ii in ihi Ib mu < if > t tiVe i iW
W iVe have ha got over the Ib notion that there thereir Ih r rIIre
IIre ir a few great men m in the world th it itlave IIbave
bave lave everything to do with it In thn thnarly th thNrl
Nrl arly dnyn the niamw m ere kept out of ofh ofIh
Ih h privilegBti Irt Ia of humanity Only within withinIfty wllhlnl
Ifty year y e ha tho great masn ma of mer merome mtrrom
rom into ponneMlon of any real 011 rights rightsW rt hl 1
W have got to control ihe political politicalircaniation rolil Icn I I Irlnnlllonl
ircaniation from thi lime < forward forwardIvory lorward1vory
Ivory act nf I Hrate HI has to do with ilh tho thooncertin IhcCnc
oncertin Cnc nl of r men In and i therefore I to I U rw rwleld I IhI1 >
leld fracred We shall ien < nllnd nd men to toonduct I IcolLdurt
onduct ihe Ih State who Ime h characf chlraorra er eri
a i nearly perfect as poMible ibl Today Tod4 the thehurch I
hurch in in the rear guard of I hi mov movneul < 0 0m1
neul The advance guard It I wheiv il I IIwnyn Ialway
Iwnyn la be b found among ihe I h pror prorml Ifnrand
and ml obnciire in Ihe bark streeiw lrl wh hroi hroimtn < r rurn
urn nre preaching lo other men that thathey IhnIh
Ih hey Ime h in their hand the mean If Ifhy IfIh
Ih hy y will only use u it whereby ihey 111 < nn nnhang lInhau
hang hau their environment We miml lay layioH ay
holt of Rovernmeai Wa mum alter the themanic th thOIjt3nic
manic relation of men to each other othercry olhHer
cry IWOn MX > O no man will 11ft ar thi h own ownIh
Ih Nr earth f1rl h Th community own it lAw Ijiwslust lAwmuat
lust t > r > altered And 1111 they Ih will in I for forniversal rurunivelal
niversal Mulfrtl ufTraoe p in i romiliK when 1111 the theiu I h hmea
mea iu e and not the cla x hall rule ruleOth rill
Oth Hpeakor akerTI wereihe Hcv 1 Howard HowardlelUh 1I0w rll rllftllah
lelUh rector of the Ih Church of tho Ih Holy Holyrinlly 1101 1101Trlnlt
Trlnlt rinlly in Htooklrn who hft provided the thelev Ib Ibv
lev v Frederick rp ricl Lynch of the rb Pilgrim Pilgrimoncrepttlonnl Pli rllll rllllonrrcolfllllonlil
oncrepttlonnl < htirch and Dr lomah lomahitrong 1000 llh llhtiITOn
tiITOn itrong prt > ident of Ihe nirionu ln InI InII < l lutf
rut utf of Social Service Morn than one oneuindred 011 011hun
I hun uindred r ICOIOn > er ons attended the h dinner dinnerl
UI 0 itJINI JIna JInaI
l > ler MurrouiMlInz Ul > aipenranre IpIlIrRn IpIlIrRnIabl at atValuable
Valuable Iabl from fromLt ronl fJl reJ4 umtL umtLI
I 1fusurOLIIf Lt Dec M My frltln M try ur urmind urround
mind the disappearance of n msll afc afclid afeM
lid M lo have ha contained joonand valuable valuablene valuahlrnrChlllldi
rnrChlllldi ne > rchiifidie from f mn ihe office nm of the Ih dam dimxpre damElIprnll
ElIprnll pre s Company early lod The Theafn Th Thllarfl
afn wa delivered at the office la lat t night nightry
by ry onr of the cr compnYfI > mpany > driver Home
I Imc after aft midnlcht mldnl hllt it disappeared dlup l1led
i Altmtitt c fflo tnI
S Altaian 010 010ORNAMENTAL tnI
JUti ttft Atmu ur1U 34ilj ana 35ti ftimte rbI Krai N lad ladDIAMONDSPEARLS for forDIAMONDSPEARLS
3313 33Vs96 Discount DiscountOn
I On every article in this store storeDiamonds
Diamonds Pearls Rubies Sapphires Sapphiresand
and Emeralds in Exquisite Settings of ofmodern ofmodern
modern designs stocks of ofCHESTER ofI
and andALFRED andI
This stock includes a few fine Oriental pearl necklaces necklacesfrom Decklacesfrom
from 225 up with a discount of 33 33A 331 331A
A comparison of the qualities and values of these two twostock twotoeb
stock will convince you that every article in this store storeis
is 33 331 less than elsewhere elsewhere5th elsewhere5th
5th Avenue and 34th Street Opposite the Waldorf
lit w n ii i IK 01 r 11 11111 11111no u iv ivt
1 t ns no 7ifsci IJI III1WI ntit noon noonElite mUlIiEllie
Elite llfailw llco alien 11 U oHatlon alon mil III Then TtirnCltr ThenGh
Cltr Gh r Hint Vnolhrr Job > one tirrr tirrrKite hfrIf
Kite If Nrn s Mchvmr lIh lIIe TU1I III Prolrrl llolh llolhtlioTatrrnamifiiint lIathIII
tlioTatrrnamifiiint III T fm andGIItt From Crrrn rrn Mm Mmll pn pn1t
ll > gpttmg to be pretty w 100ft > t for the thewaiter lt ltwaltr
waiter Kor or year y atiburbanitea in town townfor lownfor
for the theatre th lre and a bite bil to eat at afterward afterwardhave aflerwardhav
have railed rl1l1 about the glarices of scorn scornfollowing m mrollowinK
following what the donor has con conidel1 conidel1rooa ideied ideieda
a reasonable rooa onablo tize tip end npplications npplicationsfor
for alimony in divorce cane ta brought by bywritent ItyI
writent I It erll wives have revcalwl incomeo incomeoIcrger inorneJICIII
Icrger then many diner PCHMMUI pc Sow Sowby o ob
by b a 3T > lcm of Bertilon incasurementu incasurementuperfcct moaurl1Lenl1rfect1
perfcct 1rfect1 l by h the Elite He H1wll 1w lt r re Ai Ao Aoli o ooitlon
oitlon li llon of America a wplttr tan follow followup
up tlieiK Ih elcnct of ccorti by h putting on onhin onhi
hin hi hat and coat And quitting his job jobwith lohwith
with almost c certainty that he II ran Ind tlndlolhr Indanother
another job at alone once onceAlt
Alt 1 a waiter he h > lo ilo 10 now fo be h mire mireof lireof
of a job i to K t a little book from the theci Ih IhcI
ci cI Kxittion fir1 < iOIl cliHTribinn him minutely minutelywhich millu tI tIhlrh
which hlrh will be b given R en him on implication implicationand r rIICllonanti
and on a reference c from fr lm any nv head waiter waiterwho llral1whc
who l holLt ron > l h Ihe rr rodallon Jocie t ion As Asfimont 11IunoM
fimont nl tho Ih head waiters in the Ih large largehotel largfhOII
hotel ViJ ntf r trnt in Ihe country countrybelong counlrybllolI
belong bllolI to I the rr oHjitioii a waiter h hwide ha hawide
wide choice of f a jnb jnbThe johTh
The Uertlllon nyMtpm whiih hid hl jiint jiintb
b n put Iulln in ojKratian or li n provicfea for a book bookin bo k kin
in which will 111 be b written the waiters waitersheight wallrhlgh
height weight ghl Ihe Ih color of r liln hair his hiscy hbey
cy < < rid nny dlntingtibhing mark such suchai
ai oiolx > lhat h t mcy have On Onlh the front frontlecf frontr
lecf of r lite book IJOt M j hiii hi pictute > iehu lealed lealedthi aled aledIht
> thi Iht il cannot be changnl A man manmunt mltnmUllt
munt hi hpI e held one job for fix i x month monthnnd monlhmltl
nnd h hav vu u referenie from the heed heedwaiter hetJwaler
waiter of the th place pia In which h litM worked workedtn
tn I Rtt a Ixiok IxiokAfter IkKJkfter
After fter ho hen Ire n boot n 1 reconl in kept kepto
o iii t pUcti pl lie a work in When ho accept II C otplIL A Au
u joli the 1 head waiter taken tllk bin hI IKHMC IKHMCnwayfrom 1o00Knfrom
nwayfrom him and do fYllnl xnt return It until untilth IInlllIh1
th Ih1 innn juii < or tr firtsl l rl1 then rh if the themann IhemOllA
mann work wor in cati fa fUIOry < tory h hI writ ril rillinl < n nline
line to that effect in the book which it itiwnt i1tInt
tInt to I Hoenrtiry Victor Otnen c1 of the thenr Ih Ihnclnlion
nr nclnlion > uxmtion to lie 11 rountnmigned rountnmignedU
U in nn idi Idcll > ll y ytltn in for the Ih bend bendviitiTu huJIIr
viitiTu IIr Ibi mnn and Iho hotel pro prori IroIlrjo
Ilrjo ri ton4 tllthl a l Hcvrwtary ihen loot night lIilCIItI
1 tin only man Hint will not liko it I will willI
I poor > r wiiilttH Now ihfTM U I nothinic nothinicIn
In I provcnt runt n man KOing oui mid getting n nJob IIjh
Job working one iniclil IIj II biiiigling thlnpi thlnpiup
up I instilling fuitrofm anti walking Ikin on onwithout Oilwithout
without turning in n the Ih money Ie I halt haxlolinfted haltolIt
lolinfted A man with u book will have havehi ha hahi
hi book ho k forfeited If lIb hn do d M thwl and andwill antiwill
will hn 1 tumble to get another job from fromMil
Mil of Ihe Ib hotolt where xn Are repro reproIt <
ftJ ftJII
It l good for I Ih lie waileni b au ie it itm iti
m i ra o2y y lor a good man to rfet a 1 job If
h ho Wit nlt r a job Hud ud thor am IIr twenty twentyap Iwnl IwnlarIIIIIII
ap arIIIIIII liciinln thit Ih man that waven the boOK booxw
w il b < iii n hi nr IIDI > t fnunu If he h forge forgetries fIICIri
tries Iri lie II will be h clotected 11tCa1l r > ecauiu ihe Ih
I boo 0 nil In I bn b CfUnlI count < r lgn nd d bv me In If Ifany Ifan
any an chrru are brou ht against the own <
of u book they will be looked into and if iffound Irfound
found to be b true the book will b tak 4kawry i iavrfv >
awry avrfvThe The 111 books lielp the head wiltr oit oitin 011in
in engaging men btcrie only so 01 < l lKTlletK
KTlletK 11111 well recommended can get tl tlhook 4 4book
book bookThere
There are about two hundred member memberof lIImbor
of the Ih Elite Headwaiteni lIfBd waitrI Association AssociationThey b6OClatlol1Thy
They include head waiters or captain captainin
in such hotel n nil the th Plaza Marie rltl Anton AntoilltlUe Antontte
tte the I Manhattan firetton Hall the theBniIin IlwoUn
BniIin MurrayH I rray IMmonicoi 1 > liaonthf liaon IfJUlIOIhO
thf Martinique Kalllb the A Alllor tor Shnn Shnnley ShllnIy
ley th A Alor tor Houne the Ih Majestic th thOreM IhOrr1 >
OreM Northern orlh m the St Hegis Re ill the Ill Fifti FiftiAvenua fiflhnu
Avenua nu l Beataurant end tho tlelmom tlelmomOut 1olmoolOul
Out of Xew w Vork urk tho i foclatlon hal th thh Ihh1
h h1 4t cll cI n of b blI < ttelt > all the wr out to 0 th thtoait h hCOAt
COAt nnd t outh CH far as 11 New lW Orlean OrleanIt
It rlno hi repro pr > M > ntatlvei < in a alar alarnumber Inrj Inrjnumber
number of club In IlIlnd and bout New lW York YorkIl furlr
Il r T THIXGS T 111 l HER III IIIl 111oun
l oun un Woman omn Took II3 3 north norlhln In Firm FirmAtenne UIIT UIITfnoE
Atenne fnoE Ntore NtoreA lor
A yotftig woman who gave her nan nanu
u ViTit nibxin and her ifldrfc n nearner
earner of N < i > lrand avenue in liroold lirooldwhich
which corner he would not MIV wj wjarre
arre le < l yH rday uftrrnooit in i Iifli Iifliavenue
avenue depart ment More after a M < re rett
< tt > Ktiv > hod followed hrr ihrourfli ihrourflicviral
cviral depart menm nnd watchni lim limto
to iway articVH to iho value of J113 J113in
in a capaciou muff nh carried Wh n narrenteil
arrenteil he Ixcame hyntencal and caul caultlia
tlia nhe didnt new tu Meal anything anythingand
and didn t know why Mie had Sh wilH wilHthat
that her hunband wan a doctor and M Mp
p v for the htuff htuffII
II wa found later thai Kile had nnl < r l la
a < iianiity of linen to b nent COP COPMm
Mm W U Illowning of 132 1iUve 1iUveavenue
avenue lirooklyn nhe iwnt a me meKer
Ker from Ihe police utation to Dr Vintair VintairII
II Higgam A denti t of 1197 Dean rf rfProoklyn <
Prooklyn who later went on her Iwml Iwmlof
of 2rm i Mn W II lirownm of M MI
I afayelte nvintif iid lout night h < k khe
he had received the linen and not kn kning
ing where it cane from had nent it tut tutm
m icini nnn tunix ncTi ni niMrie
Mrie a IIU Sj retlienrl Before He HeHI <
HI Wife an l Mix Itillrtrm ItillrtrmWlul
Wlul he held the picture of A r rsweetheart
sweetheart in one hitvl Frank Ho Hoclalnmnker
clalnmnker yearn old comn comnuicide
uicide by ohooling Inmxelf In hi > > ir iral
al S10 Summer nveiiu Newark r rday <
day afternoon afternoonPointing
Pointing Ihe revolver lie killed h f fwilh
wilh at bin wife n lin onlereil l lget
get the faiuly album In whloh whlohnUiiirM
nUiiirM he held when rw killed hi hiMr
Mr Ua tiii run out after giving givingalbum > > >
album and called the Milice SVhr SVhrarrivetl
arrivetl Haxtin wa dead deadTh
Th photograph ii that of a Kren Krenknown
known to Mr a tin a i Belle I IGarni
Garni wlioce whenaboutM i iHh
Hh i ftid n > l marrie < l lfather
father of ii children childrenIteml
Iteml at l n lean leanPa
Pa Deo Alon l lthe
the oldest resident of Su ltiehunn ltiehunndied
died at hit home thu morning morninginiy
iniy aniand Jl months old a mi un unIII
III with pneumonia atw > ui a w u uhid
hid I > een able it Jwork around hiwf hiwfto
to read with l glasses