7 7i u J l > ti r r r1RE Si SiTHE
ITr 411 4 Tile UOfTIE REtL REtLfit RE4LF
f fit ni nirnr Ui zfrc r 1 t LI VlRITUL VlRITULP
rnr P Ig ppar at lI1 npu fU Ud ad UI the Wwnaa WwnaaDdtu IsmafleiIn em emOf51M
Ddtu thc > song on on5 of 0 Solomon Before Beforehh Refrhi er erh
hh h hi > Itrallet That me > MaMrr I b B Booil Ikoo IkooPDI atpDd
ooil Human Line LoTbm L mThen Then Miracle MiracleIsa llraelfcI IIreIBthtd
Isa fcI = Bren fjrhiorrJ r < i produced produ for the > ftr nrJI nrJIoJ rn rnut t ta
a > tau bu city ut 11 at t trm lto Globe Theatre Theatreerd rbftrrdA rbttrerthv
erd erthv rdA Y afternoon ildrnond Ho Rot4ad Rot4adBlc RstancrsbzIcI tandi tandibtcucjl
btcucjl Blc lc41 plav pl pIi Li Sanaa Saixiritarne ntaine The iThen Thet
n t Tnan or Njrnaru zaria That the play pJa has hasnt baa1n1 hast
nt t inI this Ibl ear found it Ila way ay to the thespi Ihfltl thePth
spi tl Pth > Celling stag i Ic not hard to tor 10U toIt
> r U ML ucJ < l In this country playgoer playgoert pIayoersrttd < rt rtrf
rf t rr rttd cJ 10 comment by the mere merer mprm ere erernaI
r rrui m on o of 4 the presence renC1 of o Christ CbrUIl
1 L L4 bamantame Christ and His His4f Ill IllpfWor Hisppar
4f > t appear on the Ih stage Christ Christr
r t nlr IV 1 bring about ko lU the conversion of ofr ofmsn
r m m1I n of evil P 1 life 1if hut performs performsj r < rrOntll rrOntlloJ
j jo e in plain view viewire j
0 ire 1 Jtidiencs lIldlt DC thv th cirae is I II s sM see seeBdr2hardt
M I Bernhirdt went Dt away startled if ifr IChtcked
r < hrcked by the Ih hterulne Iir rilnes s of th thi h I ImlICf
i mince rmncerav mincen
n PJV 13 i is built on the tb fourth chapter chapterlohn chapterJohn I
> John hn s Gospel G spl Th TbO curtain rise rtseat ri rit riset
t b reII HI II of f Jicoli ith the spirits of ofr of ofr f fIlm
r > initn leuc l uC aud ud t It1 rot > knowing of ofifl ofi
i iIt1 i
ifl i jJIIIIIQ i Jiung the coming comm of the Messiah MeeiahTn teU
Tn Tap tOld jway and th stage a t IA filled rilltdmaritaD I Ic II
I c mantans hating hllm the tb Jews and andciid ardcieI rd I ICti
ciid bv the Ih Jew J ws They Th too talk of the thepe Iher theof
pe nbilitr d1Jht ft the Ih coming omlD of u Christ to tohim toIm tom
him m SjuuMins Jtflarr13 and nt1 Jews J hall hallro b bpea
pea c emp mei Ih he scene that made th th1iCiecc ItI <
1iCiecc I CDC gajp 3J ur At th the head of tile Uilllo tileitor i ii
i llo lowers here r entered Christ t and His I Iie
0 ie i w e disciples duclplePttr Peter with hi his gray sray1d grayird I Iw
w ud and 1Ij stern face fa e Andrew nd boyish boyishking boyishLlfl I IIOi
king Llfl ipliyfd by a woman Juda red I Ind II II
I i I 04nrJ nd i inisr > all fl modelled 1 iCier iCiertL3r fieri fieriisvlijr I IlH
isvlijr = lH painting paintingThe
The Th disciples d clplu leave tff to buy food aud ud udI is isfit isIs
fit I I i Is Ift joc uIoia there comes co mI to the thephfttir Ib theJ
J phfttir P li iMrce I Imt Bernhardti the thenun Ih Ihrn thrn 1
rn of 1 Samana lnce In fI lired and un unhirael 110m2 inHe
hirael m2 He H tks a drink and the sh shcers h I Iweders Iclifr
weders clifr knowing that Ih no J Jw w Till ill will willciai willcl 11 11IIn
ciai cl aip p IIn nv n far 1rtn a Samaritan Samaritaniv mlr t1n t1nh
iv rh b woman reilizea th the power powerhis power1s I IlIS
his 1s erring eran r1o nun mm Sh litten lit IIJo > a is > he hepound h hl hepunds
l pound Ou1 His UI new o ore rtd d She Sb ung to toHir 10HI toHi
Hir HI ih b he p pning nins 010 v verses rf e of tb tbA Song of offi nfnlJ ofTn
fi nlJ nor Then she he Vnowg ¼ ct nowe that He H u uh letvnd
h tvnd vnd 111 buraan loe ln b e and sinks mk to Hi fits feet feeti
i H b4 2rurtma CUr11I fall fall7h fallsIrk
7h 1 II lec tecnd ca1 nd act ac ahos aho the tn m marb ri > e place placerhief Lii LiiI
1 > rhief cht hIP cif C of Famaiu arnayit wher h PAo PAoi
i t ae fII1 r lover await a sIt I III her return from fromhe fromeU
he eU U whilPrteraad hil Prrud the theethardLscipIe theethardLscipIeimp Nhftr < th r disciples disciplesin
imp < in vain aID to l4 buv ba food from their old oldr 1 1tr
tr r r a 1011 rnlJ PAofir Pl full of aer 1 h hmlief hmlieftranefturei lief liefat I
at I raasngured and an 1 prf prtlsoh s shts < h to the tn j
r od d he e Rosr OrI of ° f thil h strange Jew JewRoman Je JelImn Is IsRoman
Roman lImn offcer 18 sent ot for to arrest h hr hrRuaJ2d herHtistensndIaugh r rReiistenaoadUugha
ReiistenaoadUugha RuaJ2d lauJu She hetsaxnadwoiuan hetsaxnadwoiuantad is a mad woman womantad omanud
tad thom who ho b bell believe liev m her ar ate but butharmless bUIlurede butharnlei
harmless fools One by b one the crowd crowdon is ison
on ier er e to her he and at last tinging pioio thev thevTarrh IbtvTurn thavTarrb
Turn to find Christ where br he h left him himi himiJacobstI
i iJacobstI iJacobstIThe Jacob s IThl eij eijThe
The third and last WIact act sio lows Chrur and andKJS andrJ8 andls
KJS disciples d fathered hra1 at the th tell eII 1 They Thevrmtest lbtrrIIIIJ Theyrrnest
rmtest at t hi hie lowering himself to talk to toan 10In toan
an Samaritan He If acr UIera ers ID parable parableand
and n a Lb he speaks Ptxone Pitch enter with ith her herU hercw
U 01 T convert Christ welcomes them and andrroveji lndrr nd ndrrs
rroveji rr s hit divine onm 01 Iin bv b performlns performlnsslracleji rrformlnClracJ rerforringntracie
slracleji II Children lie I e brought f > him himind hImt1t himtd
ind despite ret rc e A protest he gathers gathersflea Ithrnec gatherne
flea ne about himsnlf The curtain falls fallaIth ralLeftb fallstb
Ith the throne Ihron on n tha stago kneeltns in inirloratioo Intloratlou I
irloratioo irloratiooIbis ul tloratlouthis r llce llceIha
Ibis ii the outline of a play unusual unusualrom
rom everr er T point p lnt of < iw i unusual in its itsek IfSCJC itsck
ek of f dramatic action and cd unmu II in ia iaie I Itie
tie ie 1 preieatitlm of r sacred crld character characterIfne characII
f Ifne I I Eertihard It can only nDI be b repeat rptald rptaldhft td tdaT d dtat
tat aT the hft keep man m elloualy the illusion tllusinf i iif j
if I fotjtb and that even IJ in her longMt longMtreech 10nEMIh longenirth
reech > h whon hen she declaimed moat of the Ih Ihm thearon I Itson
aron m tson on on the Mount ouUI her voice cl ns never nevery4 er erj I ISamariulDp
y4 j Samantame as first I produred produredPirus
Pin in l Itll 9J in H HI 01y lv Wee W and ha hamen hUt hUtc hitsice
ice c O1tl1 olayed l CI thc anllulI I It yaA as asn
men n for the Ib first tirre in this I hi country countryis coIJnt
is i 1 tira ICd g o on n October M MBOSTOX 3tll1r 34Till 1
jM oI Jsr f Hofmann the Ih Setolit Pint PIa Ore Oreino 01 01Ulon IkeInoen
ino Ulon ens s G Major Concerto Coneertoh
Th h oncer lC of th the Boston B OD ymphonv ymphonvk
k e M a T Carnejie Hall las night nightn
n t r o = faul ul which is bcotans at atth alhr sithr
th hr r co o common It sac a If too 00 long longooer lon lontlctr longroper
roper of highly 1Ihl specialized music musicir mUJliCJ1
ir i hi J1 a fhe tfniicn IIICO for more than thanbu thantr
tr bu tId t ind threerjuartere When htn the thetaij Ih thef
taij 1 f ne 1 look 10 pas Ift Il people should houldhI
5 13 their h hI ir av 4 home with uh their minds mindsh
1 rth h loev lo I rneaones iondu ocductors ocductorsbe < tor torip orA
ip 4 ar r b be ertreaielv II renI ifTnecked In Inirii Inar2
irii 1 > this matter It n I evident lrJtat that thatif thatri
ri if f hem te are deeplY d lv enamoured enamouredn fDamnUr fDamnUrolr
olr n music musicTe mUllCprtlramm musicTt
Te Tt programrce censisted of th thT Ihc the thet
c T 4t I Ilrctval overture of Senior BerliozTiiihTikv BprhoT Seniorfth
TiiihTikv T f rlfh syrnphonv Pe RfOIr Pee Peen
11 n Tiaior eon eonrt < en > for or piano pianoir
ir 1 rhMr r hI r and nd Brahms s Academici Academic
i j JP tn 1 i co performer prlontlrH w wr ras rasMfmann
r Hfsiann H fJann In n tb r the b u t of t f cornperf cm cornpe ompetr I Ir
rf r r thr h re is no must rilling lhDr for dill disn
J jr r It s own 0 ask ak Nor r a ss hf hfhlI herehn
n hnt hlI i the h mferpreaion Intrpr aion of the trieMM In Inrt theuamhers 1
MM rt uumh ullmhn r > under vh he h baton of ofM if
M 1 k F FdIr dler I to require profound com eomjtntJJI comonlal cornesmntiai
jtntJJI to 0 he h repeje P f sod 4DdThi DrJ DrJhi
< < Thi hi < community tn ih hervr hervrI rier rieri
i r rhf r Jmlna on th I the h various de rJlr rJlrrd d gree greered ree reei
i fe rd d t sjr hih difer 1Ira nt part or th thrn the thesmphOnV h hm
rn r v svmphonv m hn ire taken takend In Inn 1
d 1 T en ent n conductors But p p perhae perhaeL rhar rharr rharmmnl
r L j Comment that can p maie m is isv IIIo1p isi i
v i o1p l pe all I the h conflicting poms pomstt pt polotompoiiion > iD iDn
tt tje n < orapontion remains a com com1a cornr
r 1a 1 JC t hara haunic eruric Tschaikowsivi TschaikowsiviM i it I
M t F Feitr ller appeared to o nave navervh na mor more1 I
ron ib b the th vigor of f the Ih barbaric barbancr
r J Thjn with tth the more languishing languishingWM
WM t e i t any raebe rae h he did ri d not no permit permitf
f r t < i deU and 6e It11 on the Ihtd these theser e eT
T r i ntimenJtlly a as eome con cont
t 1 1 ivhether thtr this treataent was wase w3I 3 3mtot
> e H I intent of th the composer clm r than thaniriliar thanc
c iriliar i TlII tr < one hal not b boO decided decidedT
S T i > j 11 i < eiynded o inded be b bsitifjI tllful is isi now1
i 4 ow1 1 lA tjtV nigh and only th the h flr flrphra IIrs IIrstJOSltoaabl 1rsS
S questionable phra phraes S Into IntoHfraava IDIIrl Intorsnc
rl Jran JranHla rsnc
Hfraava 1 performance o of t the thea Ih rhonrto
a onrto wa was a such af a theuld theuldrrrtj hoildC
C 1 fri rrrtj a plant t of f hi his rank rankiouhr rinkI I II 1
I r iouhr m mlLn nr of hi his h hrers trer found foundt f Jnd Jndc
ri t CK c f h he ftrtt portion of f he hern hernemnt
0 rn nmat ernent lomh4t om hat hard and andnT an1J
J nT bI t beor foNl th the mov mnmD mnmDAO m nt nthan
3 0 han AO half done the th pi pianist m had hade I i
e c I n t tone 11 sod rr rt1OJd rrwindd ind d hi hiL his style styleim
4 im mf f lnh lnhL nish nisht
L t L erv ff ih great Ir at slow 510 sIo move movev ro ron mo mo1ng
v 1ng n hJ bu j pralv prll ran an be b utter IJUrp ijttr1 d
p 5 1 4 11 Jismfied l i highly conceived conceivedadrK conciv concmivednierIv d
1 adrK rh delivered hvt interpretatiop of oferi ofhoght
mltrrIJO mltrrIJOt
t eri houftht hu coupled coJrled with wlh won wontjn woonm nonnins
tjn nm nins in > RI of f touch Jch In th the h list listerr
err erjt C Mr lr Hofmann BofmJnn played play ex exi J z zi
i nvir IA throughout t01 OJt Th T4 orche orchestral orchestralrr tral I If Ir I
r rr r ssa4mirsble ssa4mirsblert r lnbl lnbltlrll i
rt tlrll rc > f the th Golden Gfldro We Wf Weal i Bep RPtN Repefwl Repefwlon nfe j jon I I
on Oeeember OpCtmbr IT IfOf Ile j je I IIr
= e Of fetrcpollan Ir po I 14 Opera p a Hou Bot e an aned
ed 9 tjf 1 spt nigh hat the tho second or per persivsee pf prce
sivsee 1 ce cf The Girl Gir of the Golden Goldenet
> et 1 fca 1 jrren Mf1 ren on Saturday Study te evening een
21 1 7 A 4ehtrrrronnanc 4JtW T Tii rrfren rrfrena
a ii 5 l Hi IJ
LIVE r0prs4Borr TOPC5 UOT rovrv rovrvMnet TOW TOWlnetQ rowIntcen
Mnet lnetQ a pound p piIIAdJifCIntfy d of candy ld earn to my
sUter and mys mIf U last lat Christmas hritma said a aselfeupporting a1Uupprtil
1Uupprtil I selfeupporting woman womn My Iy slater ter i is a atrained aI atraIn
trained traIn nurse nI eu 1 am a viatting itmg secretary 4tn
We W had di dirI discreetly cretly mentioned rntone wheneverpossible whenever hiafribl
possible ibl to our nlr wealthy wealhy patron Jtron that tht w whad
had ha ju jljt just t set 11 up I housekeeping in il a modest rnodetj mot motlliUS
j lliUS little apartment aJlarmnr We W did di this Ibl in the hope
I that the usual uul deluge dlu of candy dy might hp be beturned b beturntd
turned into other channels duon mist
tu and ad that Ihot a apr aI apretty
pr I pretty ttv ty piece 1 of plait j11 china or silver would wouldbe wnuldh
be substituted But
h no the th candy came rarneas mt mta
as a 1 usual Ulnl Ai t each expensive e1Jalv box arrived arrivedw ari1
Iw I w we fell r1 the Ih Merry Iery tortsma spirit plit mk lk
in i our ou hearts heartsI hurtFilly
I S Finally Filly in d deaperatlon I per tion e took tok stock stockof at k
of th Ihl the various arwu ri ua live Iht liv two and one oa pound
boies bx and estimated flimate their an purchasing JWd
power pr W We e realized t1zp that if WP 11 pl had h3 huini been D
very fr poor pr we f hould hnu < have h received rfied rfiedor receivedcoins weN
come or gift oita of f aroceri mtr rcscerias and fruit If
rich rch WB should h Uc have ha receded reti cut class classtor
tor ar silver ir Our Ou surplus lurllJ candy was due duea d
a as we w fulrr full fuII reilixed 1slld to the te lack of under
standing tandin which whih the very 1 rich rch have hu for
what hat they tb consider con dn the I higher grad of r
hlthr Jrad
employee They T were r all al kind heartel heartelpeople hortI hortIroplf hartei1Pople
people and od <
roplf our
CIU disappointment happmlm < II IIUtf j ie we
surveyed tI1r Utf vs ed our candv hor Os s would hat hatrcade hlj hte htemade
made them truly trlll ssrrv rr But why h we
aaked we ourwlve nuh didnt they try In for fo a mm mm
ute to I put i Ihlm themselves heir selves hp mour Ino j pi islrea > lare Thl Thlseems Thi Thuseems
seems ems to m me the t true I re fhri Christmas hrm inia spiri spiriHow Spil SpilM spiriHow
How M tine ln you 01 are looking remarked remarkedthe I Ith Ithl
th thl the first ff woman omal That food fo upecialis upecialisi tS13h tS13hmi
mu mi muss hive bt dine you 4 world of f ft Rood RoodLt goodlet
Lt t me tell Itl you > ou 01 ssmethm mv m dear dearwhispered darwhlp cfrirwlusrred
whispered whlp the hf object of this t hi criticism criticismI cr < I m mI
I have out theffl t tha 1 all al out tllt since Icc ray m son fOD came camehome camel
home homlrom from college cllete at I Thankssivinc Tkilns That Thatseculist Thil Thilelalsl ThatseciiIit
seculist elalsl arne arld aried < i me m of all 41 thing Ihin to oi oiOfoour 01cfrinliu
cfrinliu drinid cte cITe you lln know knowOf
Ofoour Of cnus 1U interrupte ih h tire tireall hevi heviall
all al do doWell tr
Well elI 1 m mu u und mdrln rtani La in i and ld h he hehappened
happened bap npd to look lok at the Ih prescription rr rlplin the thespecialist Ih Ihcali1 thespecialist
specialist cali1 gave a me m and Ind he tt fnd ld there Ibrl wa wafive
five 6 time timf a as much mucl caffeine caline in it I a as there therewo i
wo Wa to a pot t of coTee l f no 1 nil the whole wholethmRout wh I Ithing <
11 ltbI ltbIthinz
thmRout thinz thing breakfast breakfastI brpsltt brpslttI out and Dd all 811 I dono tio nn now is to ts s gi ith lh11 lh11brpsltt ithstiT ithstiTbreskfaet > ut utbreakfast
I ha 1f e ilways bad 1 mild mll mt Inr Inrd re r rad t ttad
tad d the Uvtyer in theorem 1 of the thlO thlOnfctlU Con Connecticut Conneeticit ¬
necticut nfctlU Yankee Yukp s reputation rpllucn but u I had hadno hld hadno >
no idea id1 that it I extended UnrJf AO I far back until untilI ltd ltdI
I ran arroee ar in the Ihl Surrogates Ilrrts 5 office cnk the Ih theother I Iother I
other day dv the lt w will 1 o or ty i Ic Morris ICn of ofMornsania ofIornisama t tIorna
Mornsania Iorna mad in I ITtvi 11 and anr idra ldfllttCi ldfllttCito lmlr tied tiedto
to probate In I ire I I I it ttiIflI t uns th thpaagrapb Ihrrail1pb tbraragtaph
paagrapb paagrapbIt
It I it I rr d fe deiire > ir that Ih m sn iiu urneir urneirIorria rneur rneurlorn rr rrlorr
lorn lorr m mi r hj hq < the b ben Edu rdu Fdusrtni tor r hut hutis h hI hsia
is I to I be bad in EugUrJ Illrd or t Aiaen 11pl a htii hl mv m mtlprl msEipres I IExpreM
ExpreM Will WIl and nr nd Diteitrtif fliyttt llf t are a th3 I he hebe f fb I Ibe
be b never tent t for that Pirpo tlrf e to I Th t f lonv lonvof In Inf onr onrof
of f Connecticut l onnCIC11 le Ieq4t < H t he h a pllld h hoild < ild iTbihe Im m mhis inht n nhi
his hi youth h Thai lo Craft r rat IIDJ t > d tJnr1 < innire innireIncideit s sIneidet
Incideit Incld TO fi I the reople roJlj eopi nf im 1 < ountr ountrhicb Oinrwhich nl
which It I 10 o inter Inlron > o en in their ICMIi ICMIiMeo I ItOD it1Csv
Meo tOD that Ila sIt 41 Their 1 ir ir isr UJI f dusun < ue ueCrnm t tfrom 1front
from ll he > ord thr Ilr hr manv n1O r f hem I under underthe underthe I Itb
the tb NnII s4ntlf tnerif1 e < j jjarb = th b of Religion IIIn tae taeWold t ts 0 0Fndeioqrej
Fnd1 Fndeioqrej Ilro to Iro rnrc Ib thesele uh r r tt ttWodId I IWorld
World for hone T jen Ifn
I TWO well el dresied drt dreieddignifd dignified galf d foreigner foreigneri fnlj fnljI
i I before fnrl boarding boutiins a downtown e express preen pr m IDi
I i the subxMv Jba at t the th Fourteenth fOJt Fount nth street era eration < ta tai ralon
i tion lon the Ih othe day d a asced lced the Ih guard if ifthat I It itthat
that t t were erp the th proper pro r train Ir for the i lto u utorn us ustoni
torn to Hou Honf House e He H did not know kan The Thepecnl Th Thpfcul Thespecial
special potceman Jcma1 on the rh b platform plrm re reassured r ralsltd reaeired
assured alsltd the thl strangers Itrang and th they v fPri fPriah1n ttvedI ved vedaboird
I aboird ah1n th the train tralI Fmallv F nal hey oiight soTightanothe oiightanother 0111 0111anothe
anothe guard jard who h told them to get I ou oua of
a Brooklyn Bridge Brdg T T They v did < id and Ud found foundthe f roundtheCity nd ndth
the th theCity City Hall Hal andthe ad and th the Post OCic OfC Enter EnteIng Eter EterIns Entertng
Ins the th tuS lbIY > ny ngamth ng1n th they v not 1 ni off of I at t ViII WiIlstreet W1 ViIIStreet
street t he beiaus < u ul > a i guard IIU < thought the h fur furtorn Cutorn J
torn House T as on that tf tfo teot < > t Th for torcigners r riar
elgner iar ungv bv this tun III asked ct 11 tjI tjIinothr II IIanother
another giv 11urd gusrd ill rd why h not no oa 0 of h his < trade tradeknew mdknew rad radl
knew l th the w 1 iv v about ahol town townWell ttlnWpl townWell
Well Wpl yot YOU ou ee he replied ro mlt mit t of ofth o oIh ofthee
th thee < < e fellows rUolhfI live w way jy off of UD in The Th Bron x xsomehwere xamelfl aomhwere
somehwere amelfl and nd h have ve never been bo above aboveground aboveground ho hoIud
ground Iud further flthr down than Fourteenth Fourteenthdrest F0WP1b F0WP1br
drest r Th > kn > w nvhnj ib ihg q > it down downtown dnnI drswntown ¬
town I hiv he1 n s en n he b i ur uprn I > m Ko P < i IrJlflf e emrfelf
myself rJlflf since In I v vs worVed r in the Ih ntvav iibaI hr hrkan
1 know here hr it ih be beriia tu i ue la m I o oit p pI n s sit
it I on m nrr wa iv o i work or but hl hi 1 rt 1 > trn trnbefore fin finbefore n nhor
before the llb ubtay wif t tA L il iln itA
A n w ort ef f amon a etr3 Ira was 4 in 11 11Ihf invented inventedthe ented entedthe
the other night n h bv h K P i cr > t boy tlW in I a ne nepa n npar ns nspaer
pa par er office Tying TYlnj a I stnn ttrn 4b ahelt it the theneck theneck h hap
neck ap 01 T I milk bottle bul ne n to tQd tod d the Ii bottle bottleon bll I In
on n it ide < I In he Ih room rtr whore Ir the Ih mice micewee mlcr micewere
wee r I hen he h pi pit 1 a pjec 1 of heeje h m mthe I inthe
the bottle and went nt to ton an < lJ IJnlt Ioenifl < 1 nlnK room roomAfter rumHIr rLomAfter
After half hlf tn n h houe > ur wait alt 1 niouse rnoii entered enteredthe olfrdth
the th bottle ottl The T boy btl i 1Itt IsIelt led the h ftmg ftmghich Pt 1ln 1lnrhih og ogwhIch
whIch rhih w we run rJ over r the tl th top nf C a chair ihairThe chairTh hoir hoirTh
The Th bottle bul jrended crr rnd mu re t rn nNf ufe WI was waseright a artight
rtight In the h meantime manllm a lot I of copy ropto copywaited 1 1rlll
waited rlll to I be b sent 1 T > The h i eomriceing omi mrtl < i inc room
i i A etjrned rIJrnf ra el er i ieb i this thi h of ofI f H trip tripin Irr IrrI
in Italr ItalrWe u
I uW
We W Vewere were trlllllhoj finishing up i good jod rnorrms r mornings rin rinmnorini
Imotonng I mnorini rnntonin Things Thin had hd gone Of tire Ir1 ii iiwtth rate ratewith 1t 1tI
I with Jh ui for day dy 5r i we e hadn 11 t much muth reason reasonto rUJ1 rUJ1to
to complain rben a tire tr blew hi up Jem Jemand Jrl Jrrsnd
and nd I wf u down d n b the h roadside roa roadsideFrznl < ld to wctch wctchFrank < rh rhFrznt
Frank Frznt the Ih chauffeur hJIlr put 111 on another anoherI
I Presently two men afoot one oof rf them themevidently thnidotIY themt1dty
I P nt
evidently a pne rreJt priest t came up and paused PU 10 10Frank tosee o osee
see < Frank a at t his hi work ork We w V nodded ndo erj to tothem tothem 0 0thf
them thf and tred our few fe ItaJian 1Ulan phrases phra sl slI on onj onthem
j I them The Th younger oJr of ff the Ih two wo appeared appearedinterested apaaredintetited prr prrI <
interested iatfr Itd in II our speech a a we talked lalk 0 oourseve 0I 0ourselveS
ourselveS and ad epained Irnt to the th priest prl what whatour whatour bat batour
I our chauffeur ch Jar rt L > doing dOiogI doinglt
I It I dtdnt take 111 much of an a o y either lhr lhrI to toi
i see that t t he took lok in I what hml we rere r e efor HMO HMOi ID IDfor
i for he h was palpably translating lanltmg our Oj con conrsation conersatiOn on onrsslon
rsation rsslon to the th pne I Then 1 ho with uh no noho ne netho noshow
tho show ho of < 1 diffidence dldecce at t all al he h came oe 1 1IJI oyr t tus tus
us and d crooking cro1m a thumb a Ih te he man in inthe Inth inthe
IJI the th clerical dprc 1 frock frok he h i HId av a aI be >
di die guy here b rp h he wants to 0 BO 0 for fn a 1 ride rid in my inyen
y yr r CJ chuohu cbu ° h buggy bII higgcu Huh5 Huh5V HlhC
I V C cu > u r on aid 11t I I if vou voijil tl 11 tell 1m 1mhlr me mewhere mewhere
where hlr you 1 a 01 C < = your Jr accent accentcam ccenfPame ccnl ccnlm
cam m a u you ou he h replied in fnYnk > cw cwYork ew ewVork
York Ynk I lived l on II Thoid Tnd av T na Where lVhrdvoti d dvoti r
voti I
wn Vhi fhrrnl h hoppin > ppms with h ni ruS ife IC the h hfthr heother i iother
other fthr dar ta r ga I a bov po t who b e job r wouldn woutdnhave fIJjn fIJjnh
have h for t bnV hanl pre president idenf e saiarv saiarvi 14 14i
said i id the h city elv salesman IIJmo Crarnped Crmp n risr risrtens car carters j jtfr ¬
tens hid dru tnn en u I is into lll buving n folding foldingbed ftlldmb foldingbed
bed b Th The kinks kmkl had hd been lefT If out I of ofssvrdl f f1r1
several 1r1 bedS b before flr re e aw 3 one 01 siCCtvte irhoje hl hltvl
stvte tvl of > f irchitertur appealed appJ m mv m wf wfMien w1fe w1feben C
Mien ln she th sail tlnallv rn 1 I Is this hi bed bejthe IlC IlCIb fe fetji >
the Ib < erk jrl > tiled 111 Come m here heretn h Wil WilIn iIit iIitto
tn j voiiTh Ih of about 4bI n who h had hadlooking h stood stoodlooking < 1 11klj
looking 1klj on A mittre mtr ii had hat been beenon bl plil plilan plees1on
on f theb1 h < bed i W Wh Wihonehjnd i h one n bound hImt W WIII Willie illie landed landedrich Inll Inllrl landedrl
rich rl h hr in I b middle of f Ih hat mareM mareMJeirk mr ono1 ono1bgln and andhogan
hogan 10 gmhol mhl 11J iI ° il with Ih aetnnishin aetnnishinTh mhln mhlnIIbrnr
IIbrnr IIbrnrThl
Thl Th Jeirk 11 ejnliineJ 11111 Willie Williesaving I p II tit tith
1 h saving savin ml h h4 thev lt tliS g gte 1 e that 111 xhJbllnn xhJbllnnr xh xhtn
tn e eser e r pirrhier of a I 1ilding Idml bed bedshi 11 hedho I Ih
shi h ho thi pltnr there th a 4 as no linsep hn f be beshu bm bmhlJ being beingehu
shu hlJ ip 11 I li a I premature Tomb mb F tfldn Fetv Fetvfolding l lfolding
folding bei bj h ha cce i gces > ijt II i of f hat hot Tore stormIs C
in firs tested e 11 ted bv tllie r Inl rnIv > nt < > ne nC hm hma hl hlb
a U b b bed l collapsed r ith lh W Willie illie m iff iffilli depths depthsWillie Jphawllh
Willie illi s neci n w was ss i J eJ J jnd ar the h ri rito hj ccii cciiri ll
to ri th h he lUCK h hasp hasp5C ip
He Fju was on n f fhc Ih ibrup ibruphk tmr hII hjiei hjieilike
hk like men mOa He F entered the tneplar In totblJIG totblJIGpi nonbla3ng nonbla3ngplaoe
plar pi and d sat a down in thi h hi hmr I 111 hen henh henhe i
h he go got t a knife kD out 011 of hi his po rt < J e md el before beforethe bfn heforthe 1 111ft
the 11ft boy bv could uld MV n anythioq b 1 rIO rIOpa he heopened h hopened
opened pa blad in under Jdr the th h fr frosel r > ej i I In lar laron r ron >
on n both th bethThat shoe shoeThat 1b 1bTt
That Tt don > he h sat l baik tj bs rib 1 the t manner mnnrIat mannerofonewnevmrheairatps
of ofonewnevmrheairatps one Iat who never heat bflats rat < ibjr bou in < i iffiir iffiirno < ir
no raatMr malr how bl weighty wftiht tnd said 141r saidboy Vo
boy 0 a lhin shin and nd a new 11 pair p1Irf of shoe 1Ir sb > lacne lacneTh lc t tthe I
Th the h boy h looked 10kl about IhJI halplejslv 4In en enover ei eiover
over 11 in rnNIJlt trtnppjlt on ult Ih h o other h r shoe h thm shlr shlrar shinr shinrand r rand
and ar f hen rhf ram back to r report p > r Sorts Sornair Sr I IAir
air bu we haven a pair pltr of f he h iirej iirejin I Iin Jvein
in th the place placeIt rllcIt
It ook nearly nlulv fifteen minus rlnJ for g gabrzpt fh hi i iabmpt I IabfJpt
abmpt abfJpt asd hustling person to o knot up
he h mnfl nd nIf 4 of he I la 1 laces s so pr60 he J < iuH Ii s e ot 1 t J I
> 1 i A e hre 1
I tn I i JtIIL iiiA tIS i JI IIL r6 t irM UlrRI IJI irMalhor F R Ri
I aanl Author nrltet 1rlH a > orl About Fh FhInc FhIna FI FImi
Inc but theo 1UIM It I Comes On I luklnn lklnl an anAscent anI anAltent
I Ascent Atat HlinwU IlrHl Three Trt Isils vt Ir ire rr N seri seriI serirdaIIce fCd fCddlaC r reU <
I eU rdaIIce dlaC llaceKU td Eddiner < llnKrr lncCr Pla Ilalbt lhr lb Part PartI PartHow Iut IutI IutHol PartHow
How Hol eager r > its > > A lor or Csrm Audience ldlD Are Areto areto r rto
to enjoy cjo native ntl fane founded ounlld on con conditions condllODI condtttons
ditions dllODI which they th tbc understand and andectited ex executed x xcltd
ecuted cltd with ith a semblance < of f illusion IIUitlo and andfidelity I II Idelity
I fidelity to t a life h they are ar familiar amliar with withwas withwas Uh I Iw
was w proved pntl1 laM night tght at the Ih Astor SIn Theatre Theatrewhere I Ihtr Iwhere
where htr a four fOIU art a plav rl rIt entitled PIIIId The TheAviator T Tb Tbtiator b bI
Aviator I tor was 15 J dd t d for the tb first tn I time timelatnea IlmfJal timejames
james Jal Montgomery Ionlgnnr the Ih author H I not notknown aOIknfwn notknown
known knfwn among that brilliant brllat gaU galaxs aJx v that thatI thatcomnpAts
I i compose cnr th the < Society Nit of American AmericanDramatists AmsricanDrarnatiste mridcDam4t
Dramatists Dam4t t and his h s name OOm m l quite Ul un I Ifamia II
I familiar famia to 11 theatregoer thfotp r who hCl nke IkI a along 4 4long
I long loni time 1m to learn t playwrights plaYr hl f name nameand namand nameand
and are a r u luII iall ualv uncertain about the t1 pr prn pro prnnIIIICD pronmisticn
n nIIIICD nmisticn > ini uticn of it then hf1 But lb Tbe > Aviator Aviatorm 0IOr 0IOrII
> m II dealing rJunt to I become bcom wid widely dlv lv known knownand lowoI knownand
and I that Iblt i is enough IlI0uh in raa m niahe > < > anv an nv dramatist drtmalijrufuJ dramatistgrateful t tRratefi
grateful jrufuJ nowadays nnwadaJ nowadaysAiidjerices I
I Audience urJincf that Ihlt laugh apologetically 1JlntICIV nt lt ltIranallpd attransplanted nttrasapUnted
transplanted Iranallpd Trench fare far trv t to diiwoer diiwoerom IMjr IMjrm
om m r reniblance rjtlhlanc < > o their I o 01 own n uumauitv uumauitvin hUmallf
in I Us t highly hl hl formlu formhzo < > d fnnvenit nr ind indiannnt L1 L1anol intlcannot
iannnt anol fail to tergal I fI II l the h iai ml oii oiitvps < > hl hlI ri ritvp
tvp I P < f dome doin th the very r limited hmlrJ number d dIhingl f fI fI
I I thing Ihingl it in I aJlowivl alowM tochnractrr t < in I Krcn Frlnh Frlnhfarl Irenhfarce < h hfarce
farce farl to do d afford Irr rather rlhr an mter Inlr111 intenIinz intenIinzithi nns nnsubert
ubert ithi h for observation nlIIn when h ho n the I find findorrethmg fn fnmhinl fntlomethitig
orrethmg mhinl 1 en o much to th their h ir Mfti ut > I Ii n nI I h huttr he heittr < >
I uttr pro rod l II t i is uir tbl < > to tof inserte ol ollauch >
serte f Ih he franl frannet4 n wft 111 tuh tuhlallh thv thvlaii
lauch lallh laii h lomlj Itusl stith nh no n ef I 11 11at ouMngc Iulgljh Iulgljha unh unha
a at a sequence II nr t i th their h ir rather undetunn undetunnstrntie IIndflnonrll undemnonstrtttie
strntie rll gayety Gap and ad no old id idewipo Inn InnI lanre lanreat >
at I their neighbor nfiJhhf tn see e < if they Ih hive h also alsoucc alsoeucreesled It
eucreesled ucc u ded < in > n ftndiig fDd some om m stnumo nll humor humorin
in hat ht i is r hiT > > ui I forward J the Ibj te fn In tlnt t hritil
of f imrHirte Iml import1 > l < l fun funFIjiT funnr funrhere
FIjiT wt 1 > no fu siruion IIIID rifiin f etilt etiltor tll t fr frf 1 1f
or f mind rtr la laM t night at II the 11 r lnr > or lh 1 IMr har harIr ar arMr
Mr Ir Montgomery Iont jomI s plav phl nro pro1 > < l Iltl lutt il ilort 11rl iisort
ort > rl of comic cmu entertainment nlttmmnl that h hni N Nn N Noiw <
oiw ni n audiences IIJUfC4 rev rtvl I in I wh whn hn n it I iUh aIsstoo iUhtoo I
too I infrequentlv th their frje frjehero I
IlIfrtunth comet cort ir wat jv n rr Ee Eehero
hero ot the the four act i is a 1 nov n novIhm li t who whoh4 ho hoha hohas
ha h4 ntten a H best M ller 1r wlh wiih uh avatio avatioa i ia 1110
a 1 i its thoni th m U He < find tn hiuit hlnlr hiiiitif ir thioi thioih luIh luIhh hisih hisihhe
h he plavwright i onhinan onhinana nhiniiirJrnrtnop
1Ia 10
1lnHru irJrnrtnop ompiIisd nI to m mI mai ss ssoson
a oson cxnt I In trite Pl pH of f his II pr prhmI3M prhmI3Mnl nrlininarv liminan jgn jgnnif icrflies
flies nl it 1 < h lie dimrultie tlt111 of mrh Ih ih n 1 1 u > for fora lotit r rI
a I p pr pertori r on 1 who hn has ha nevci v eu > n 111 1 ifro ifroplarv Icr Icrplane r rrpl
plane except rpl from a distance 11 4n ho h iiorn iiornOf Ir
phh pushes hi his tL tae taeof i
Of course Clr this h nmioj T Fa r d farm i an anold anold anold
old friend Hi fl n ndai nraIICI nrjariou ion h hro > who whoFuddenlv vir viriiddenlv I
Fuddenlv Iddnl hndfc on hm hlrU hirnsLf lf ronfr < < nfr irr l v wib iih iiha
a 1 r rdI dl tiMtermthe niHIlr mster I in I th h VM j tj 0 hr hI hi pronii oons1 oons1to i ito
to l shine hil in I is 1 an old friend < He wit ai I > r ron rcnh rcentlv
cnh on n tour in Going COII C otng > 1m > ni r rat rr rrdue prriuce
due at the b Beljico Thevr Th rh hr rn h hhappened hhaprln lihaprened
happened to tt be a preend rrepndA t nll oleg oleglore a ih ihlti
lore 1 then h tn n the Ihl real avnor Ilnr in 1 fh r irif fi In Inf n nof
of f a o Frenfh Fr nh hairr hair haxrn > n 1 pard > H r < d fr ° r >
sc r rA la 1 niphr th I nuHi Irn n s j jhro II r ri
i hero more than ever everreconied r I C MIII h n nr 11
r cogni7ed rogmP itr I an D old olr f Cnnc fnend fnendMr i iend iendMr
Mr 11 Montzomerv put 111 thif Ih nro ir ihtimh ihtimheverv th1siheery hi h
everv 1 stage t of ans Inlnl angiish n h r > of fM > ir > h he r reiily reiilysaiied
sailed Iljf into 111 the Ih nr n I the l nd nr rif f m Ii htnl thriact htnlact uro
act hut night He If 11 practii rr practtl i a aeronjifta aeronjiftaon Tri4 itu ituon
on a fah obl with Ih a straw m hi h icd 1 d 1 in t tact IacI tsot >
act acI it se th the nto stertn rin2 rn eMr Ir h iMdivt Id mder mdera
a fmftiffi rf ind Inr VTIS wrt rI i ifr tnvt vn tl i r h hn fdn fdnr mr mro
o r a i sot > h hk < v > k In yin in n UK t IIw i i i i ttE i ito
to tE prevent hi his mn Jul1 lit a ioeat Ot hv mi 1 110a n iu iutionr sw swtion >
tionr 10a and Dd other rcitii mJJo B BII > il iil 1 the thefailed th thdiled I
failed Th Tnt Tbai i h he mid ttt the I flight flighttriumphanflv 1 tiichttriumphantly lh I IIr
triumphantly Ir mrhanf in th the end nd and un d rJhrJ rJhrJIh nthfl nthflthe
the Ih girl r1 nf f hi his hirt how ho bow b > Mr MrMnntg Ir IrMonfg IrItlntbmn
Monfg Itlntbmn ° merv understands undrlrInd what hj la ln lnjudi IHI hiiudircee
judi iudircee I rce r want at and d damonstrird montrit ro lrJI vl mor morover mroover
over 0 hit hi uncommon lClnmOI i ill ul in I proxidmc prritl it itThfr itThtr
Thfr TITo wat ai amp aniple in pl prirfbtlin fhlhn in f tc h hto hnmrln iito
to accompinv < nmrln me r Action n ili Illn n her wa waoriginal ii iionctntl 1 1onlin11
original onlin11 rind nt amu amt6tJ amusing ing tncdpnt mrrpn sott attee a aIhrouah rj rjthrough < i ithrough
through the Ih farce ft to add do th ihe ihethat 1 piquirirv piquirirvthat plqIUI
that such familiar Clmbar mjtru mal n1 demanded < I IThen IThl IThen
Then Thl it wat all al Atnfn mpnn ° in and nr pl pltoeervbo piaisihle piaisihleto 1Ilhl 1Ilhlrm
toeervbo to < v in htiiritre ti t tt it r fr frtn rm > m min r h y ytn
in 1 the Ih cilt tllt gair r irir ir had hr r I ioi f > oiif I Ro Rofii I r rIIRht
fii CIhu IIRht htk it 1 K Hm im > I Pi p i K iifr o i rh rhm n r rin t tin >
in th rIte h pheiri rb rl ttall II ijII > jl I t ti IP IPl I IIrnolv iI
l Irnolv jrnedlv i rrne m > h cnarutfr llr i ih Ih v vh
h rv r sv 11 i r be 4ri trI riras < U rlh nii < 1 < it r rco a acbi ach
cbi jen e fh l ni In < nf lpph1 > ippli < i prMt prMtmo prrs rI it itmoi >
mo moi t cf f h Mta1 ta I V th I h1 t atII dflIfl ipoijtidh in I Mr MrMontjnmerv MrMontomr Ir IrIOIInmr
Montjnmerv IOIInmr plav If I it had nm fwon 11 11Or a am anir
m Or nir re fare fC oa n mieht ml hl d drrt rnh IT I IpIClnu ji 41pcio jipicioj >
picioj pIClnu Is pucces Jc s last night hl as 1 n mild olr r rof cof ror
of triumph triumphto Ilmph Ilmphalae
alae iiIlac Erd Eddr r I 1 I ° p pr vn vnemedtD vr rig rigcnmediin
emedtD cnmediin wh who ty 1 r Impar nnpir nnpirto r rIn
to the Ih mar iirted ic lri < vi iflenrs I fnr f th h iro irocondemned > rn rncoademned
condemned > i Ih h > n exhibit lhtI ahihiihraver > f fhraverv for1pr
hraverv or1pr John hn lieiereux fr FrJrtk FrJrtkP1d Frdcr < iTck iTckPaulrlinc rk rkPaidinc
Paulrlinc P1d Il hdward < t < B5l Jv v who h ho ip iptn 1 Ilrpreanted n nnHod
preanted nHod tn pr prr prdicitn ducirin < rf 1 the thegat h < r n nmdlf nfJI
fJI gat irnprhenily mprhfn 1 c che lIF
h he I mdlf 1rlrItl inditpirihI p UMhe Ir itfi I UCCen Irc I Itin Hl HlNirmai II IIfD
fD tin Nirmai rnln1 Ti ih Pis ejaculifnrv cd rr
ltHC I htamlo l Oi 0 C Vildorl rere r r ° mf m f h heffin hpfn hefl9on
effin pfn efl9on nt a 4 l r ihmit hJ h iuI vjr Ir Kddin Eodmor EodmorTh FIdirir FIdirirThey er erThey
They Th were wr adminicle rmnhl etiouci 10 h fhem IhmbIl thernet thernetbut U Ubut
but bIl chi chiefly mterp Interun tnteretingas tircit u thorerult IhH I d f rv rvskilful r rlllfll rvskilful
skilful lllfll Bt stage 111 e management mn mnl whch hch hch hchI CHV CHVI c cI
I everv syllable abl in I tt II the r rIy < l lay y n I ul dnl sItrnin sItrninPrlJnDSTVJCK mvo mvoiorrs
1 hi hiIrOOOTm
IrOOOTm iorrs OTH su I l1 ir irTnde 1 1Tnd irTrade
Trade Prnpertt cljolnlns dJolnlnl Lamtn Llm I tub luhfor II tubfor
for cro trnin lne llonm Next Pt floor noorThe nnorTb floorI
I The Tb Wfk Woodetcok Vrw > d tfick Hotel fol1 Companv Cnrnpsnvofwhih Cnrnpsnvofwhihr ofi nlhlh nlhlhHtnn hKh hKhi
i Henrv G Smih Smith is the h president ha habounhi h hbnUih has hashoujzhI
bounhi bnUih from frfm Henrv Dizian the proper propraa v vt
a t 117 1 < nd U > W en I Fortvthird Forvhlrr Fortythirdtwo Mivr Mivrtwo
two 0 four flr StOry Ifr dwellirjR adjoinme arJral1 fhe fheHotel h hI heI
I Hotel Woodstock Wolrc on the Ib me wt t tuelxe tuelxeI ttIvpetrrv 1 1I
I I Mr etrrv > rv r addition to the tb hotel will 11 h b > frP prsopql prsopqlI r
ion I on ib he 1 plot from frtll puns bv bvj o MiIIin MiIIinMoiller 1111 t
I Moiller Itlr irchittts irchitttsThis rchaI rchaIThIl
j This ThIl property proprl wi houaht bOI ht a fer f m mij mijacts in nh nhIlg h hago
Ilg ago bv b the h rttroller rolr Club lub 11 an 4ni H 1 IM It irl I 111 IM
1 week 1 b pv the h Huh < ll TO I Mr r Di 0 un n ThOtk Thoodtok Th ThWoodtock
Woodtock Otk viTh lrh th h rtddniMi drn ill II hi ha > nv
3 375 i r rooms < v > rn ind o 2A 2 S bath hithi bth bthI
i In 1 exchange chtng for the Ih Firtvthird eet eetpropertv
propertv the tb Woodstock WCIIok Hotel Compinv CompinvBIV I nmrln nmrlnil
BIV il givee Mr Ir Dizian the h two t > fnr > pI rorv vcrabuildings
I Buildings Ildtg P2 I and n1 131 We W Vet r F rTvfnurTh FrrvfnnthStreet rTvfnurThstreet
street r adjoining the Ih Limbs Imhl I Inr411cT lijh lijhI 1lhnr
nr nr411cT Hl T I n01 4ro r 0 qny qnyI lR lRI
I 1 I Admiral Almlrl Il leei e > ami an leTer liTprnn r > nn M I tIn I II e
Mm I In InAdmiral HHhdrj HHhdrjdraira 1Hlhln 1Hlhlnrmlr041
Admiral rmlr041 pewev n U R Fle nto fltr rf inl inlI n ri riI I Ii
i lefferson M 1 levy I have 11 hat re rll igneJ fr from frmr fromthe m mthe
the r h organic org1nIzition r ln lion ln known no i it Th The Amen Am Amla Artiorisan Amenn
san < la n Soy v 5 fIJO Srtjr ril lr flern J h p ltier t tier nf nfrenRKation ofresigratIon f frjrlln
renRKation rjrlln H 45 prendent prprn cavn rhit he hethinks h hhlrk hethnks
thinks hlrk > < TT r patt p1 of f the Ih fund rlt hid hd > en enraised n nrali I
rali raised l fhioijRh Ihl Ijh file fI reprejonMKn rrr iV ih I h hdn h1 h1Jrhn T TIrhn
Irhn Drew fr otoprd pd > < 4ier5 iem for fnrbat > > Iobtained v vbtained >
obtained bat from him 1lm by h talk 1 rpre tprafl tprafltic enti entitior
tior tic thrft 11 ths r 1 1 per r eni n nt has h ha e dlnte dlntefr llow llowff1
fr > holar hfr and thit h he h lirinWt m > f znmg znmgIn znU oin oinfe
In I the Ih Attorney Atiornysenoral Irnpnnlr1 GenTil 01 the n Di Piirirt PiirirtIsttorney rici riciAttorney r I Ilrn
Attorney lrn Ir I f get in n inventigiii n MrLev Mr MrLevv Ir IrL
Levv L i its > he h prni r prr1etd r d 1 in o ri vim 10 unn I I th thi IhIr ft1msthod
msthod seed seedI
Ir IrI
i r I mr Tflt IT m T I Ill 111Ml n I t tI Il Ill
Ml I l Hed fld tIideIherE > lherK rl Nev Translation In InBe II toLI
Be o Pretetife nn Ueremher 1jmhr m mThe 11 ItThe
Th The ev > Theire Th arnoijO onnnJO1 th thi1 o oMondar < n nM j jnt1
M Mondar ndir nt1 eemn mn Ieremher iu p I will willpre willprsn 11
pre pr prsn n WllhIm Vih lm feer > Kor Forr T r s rr rrdrme r rm1nl tomtnsf
m1nl mtnsf drama lnml H HHIlbr iilb ri Frank Frankneit frnkIIIM FrankCiltmrore
Ciltmrore IIIM h has t b it 1 0 1 1 I1tnrcs I1tnrcsrielt
neit nl IPIa if > Tejt T the throne hrim of S SKcrl iohsen iohsenKrIebirg h n nIrltHI
Kcrl IrltHI KrIebirg txirg txirgthe and no I lies I o5pe BII BIInOI Rist g ghiWt
nOI the 1 innkeeper nnkpr r s djphter Th ThMinister Thflmr ThMtntIr
Minister for t Han HI riP ill II lie h 1 K l M j I IIM jr I Inl
lanri nd Kflltrmnn K 1 Albert Ib Brining It Itftii l lLoii <
I ftii f loii IJ Calerf aI aI ert the I h vil aIt 1 t Lllt LlltFerdinand Llt Lltfrrlllnr tIgFrdinanri
Ferdinand frrlllnr Goltvlialk nnr h lk Baron 8 mn n fnu fnuia Pqsor f
ia 0 Bn lonn Jnnnnn on K 11 Kr < ir < Enorlhrtfnt Enorlhrtfntfimith EQ EnaIbrceirdro M MP
P rdro < rl d I orrloht rrnh Pt01 11 Ir LIrr alr alrol Ir IrI
ol I Smith Jind the t1 t Pro F1 P RJt Rd < i < it Vi ViHelen lt ltRainor I IHrn
Helen Rem Rlmr > i r Th The Vnw I hIrA wil will willIS i iit
it 1 S tnin5IitirsO rin lvton made ml for it Irom rim m the theorIirsa h hfen hlla
orIirsa fen fenla te1tIe I Ia
la a floheme at t the IhOlr Opera Operahe I
A 11 he h Merrpoliin Open pr1 Hoi e ITt ITtnigh Iatnigh i in
nigh n h Purrini PIIn i I fi A FJohme B hm we i re reAlen r re1aed
r 1aed irildie rlda fur1r as 1 lfl 811 R lli lliAlten
AIn a as 1 tIuth f i < j Herminn 1 rmrn hjllir idi ker i iRt4np 1RIrfpl iRdpo
Rt4np RIrfpl > n and nd Antonio nnll P icrti < orti is Ma Mar itocfo far farO
r cfo lo O were r he h pnncipjl pnelp1 memberr mtm r of f the therj Ih i it
rj t 4 lS The Th prf prfand prfrsrnane mln 1 as rnmmridahl rnmmridahlinl ormdlhl ormdlhl1c1
and wj i 1 ai rr f lj 111 LiicIi tn i I r IJIt ejIieij
1 1 T rJrLIn Fr 1 I n o l 14 F4S I IlbaI sa saI
lbaI I b51154 I lrninaii5vhrdUIP roiintau s cnruule htdu First Firt Per Perormanif rrormm rerlorniani
lorniani ormanif ffr for thr Ih Hull hnIrbntk knickerbocker knickerbockerS krrbnrher krrbnrherlit
S lit 1 j3 rris o > iVo Char l Charles tlfe Krohman Krohmanrime Frohmn
rime 1 ti t Burlalo BIIalo from frm Ioionto tonight tonighti to11gbt to11gbtI
i ind announced nOnlll thit he h would produce proucfI proucfIolanr produceUot
I l Uot < ot olanr < tn tii4e > l Chaniecler Charecfr with Maude 110 Iaial Adants Ad AdI d dI
I I ants m I the th title Itl role 161 at I the Knickerbocker KnickerbockerTheatre KOlckirbker KOlckirbkerTha KnickerbockerTheatre
Theatre Tha in a New S York ork on n lantiarv Jallua IB 11 tt Th Thc TbNllm TheOstiiflei
c Nllm Ostiiflei < > > tume will 1 arrne arr m I New ew York ntk next nextTtnrit nxlk neatteec
teec k h said saidTIIZSLI t tTtIJ
Ttnrit TtIJ or 1PD win IHI II risr C rnn rnnlar PLtLr IL ILliar
> liar r > Shaw la learn arn for or a I Urania Real Reeallas ReolIn >
las In netter Traits Trls of the 1f Yankee Yankeeirtue atf atfU
4 irtue U IK I not always alI iu I only reward rewardSo rrrJS
So S Mirv II Shaw Sh naured 110lrd the Ih member mm r of ofthe ofIh ofthe
the Ih Nitionil Societv MII ocietv of New w England EnglandWomen EOjlnd EOjlndWomn EngLandoinn
Women oinn who wb had luncheon IIDrbon at I the Ib Ualdorf Wldfrdl Ualdorfventerd
venterd rdl rdlI iv ivI
I wonder how hn mane mO perwm 1t1 know knowshe Inn InnIh knowshe
she continued that the Ih Down
Ih tbll D East Eaatdrama El Elrral Eastdrama
drama rral ho earned Mrn < > more money than Iha aU allthe aUthe
the lb improper mrrolr plivs II that were r ever < 1 staged atigedOf tle tleO < I
Of O courfe olr an n playwright pl tghr would olid Ivi b M o odtnnc I IIl Idaring
daring Il a as > f In trike the Ih New N w EngUnd JnjnrJ pbs pUvimmoril ri pbsimnioriI
immoril Immo imnioriIHnwver i iHowler I IHowI
Howler HowI I am not altogether aJortdlr happy happvin i iI
in I rh rho consideration anlldfraIOn of n plays dmbnK dfnUnl with withNew Ylh withEnglanil I IEn
New Englinil En IJII life 1 They are re 1 for fo the themont th thmNI themost
mont part oarl oariatiireotbelesaimportant arintlr aturee of the le A important importantphve mpraol mpraolrhl I Iphtaes
phve rhl ol < I S illagc IL1 riiHtora tollnr The Tho famo old oldtvp old1P4 oldtsri
tvp 1P4 < < M I the th anent spinster with ilb the therorkwtew Ih Ihork theorkssrew
rorkwtew ork r curL 1lrt icer I1r totnob 10 cettch < ihh a hiiMKuid hiiMKuidthe hllbUr
the Ih village llat gossip jOIP who wln anemia atnd to every evervones Ipry everynne i ion
ones on nne e hunmees hIIIC but hit her hfr own and ad the tbentKcint thenagging b bn
nagging n in hoti htllMIC hotnswifr ewif are ar constantly cattatlv re recurrins r rllrrm recirnin
currins llrrm I wish Ih that I ll i some > m real ra dramatist dramatistwould rJrlDtue rJrlDtueIld dramatistwould
would Ild put 1111 tom Ptlnu of Marc 1r ViIkinsH Wi ins char cbara charate
a ate tev I into 1 1 rrnvii < rlJ pLiv Ln deallns d Un with withEnci rithw uh uhEn
w Enci En EncLind I ndlif < II lit I ch oh h somin > om m one a would wouldit 1 1r
it ea aM t triAke m1 an Ttenipf 101 it i some 101 of f the thesihltr I Iur
MIIIr sihltr ur lw forms forr of rharacter hllCltr inalvaut inalvautTbc malVliA malVliATh AnalveiaTh I I
Tbc Th m oh ol nhvinw iou U fa ho his commenced mocd I to > pall p < l upon uponm I i
mMml Some nt r the b mo mar r beautiful h1111JI women in inthe 10Ih inth
the Ih oprvi tnd llieatncil I h11 < 1 1 professions prnfeitaionrum
rum clm pra fr fron ni Nitv i v w KnJiml Mw ll Shiw gblwt said saidta <
> > t t ta 111U ts ui U iwl Mm In Vordi oriii rdl i Km Emr Emma EmmaLsm ma maIn
LamA itt 1 M no n nlii lj 1
In II ViOlIn adthi n r til h eb he added I find findt Ior tindEnsIiid
t LII > it N > En Knqlnid lond wm mn n ore Irt th pr grtet grtetuihmsre r11 r11f ite > t tfighter
fighter f htr in 1 rt hn nrofi profetioti ion IOI I iI always alwaystL wiy4 eek eektin f ft
tin t aid HI of f Ner Enslind tnlanr irtr 1tr1 ietreaee Wi i when whenI ba baI
I hive hi ht i i ilir i tt 1 on n that involveS 1 a I principle principll principlessus0
l ssus0 tuie i i KnAi oIn that rho if I once nr ct g t their theirmp Ihlrrnf thirstnhiitis
< stnhiitis mp > t nhfiterl nhlolrllll m nuih si 1 h a rals II TII they theyit hyu
it sU 11 i Irrnr ir nlT rhrv fh 1r lra re pofcieij II rl rlasi
asi a 1 k ci nor n 1 il lliIu > nc cl 1 pl plI1I ntv of ofjooH 0 0nrI olood
jooH nrI rrtrnzii m > n iTid th h xant int In pLays plA9in 1La 1Lahf
in I he t r r ari If > r r mr r ind orl nier I Iim I1m Irn
im rn 1 i N a v Encl ful1nd nd rom nrceif nrceifMr mselfsIrs
Mr sIrs Ir I hl h I pvn < ir snI i 1 eh < he h hoped hopedth hop d dhI
th hI N ew w Iligiinl woman A vu IJ known knownpjsu Ono knownI < 1 1p
pjsu p I n fr r rl I fin would e atuaUv atuaUvfi ntiialJtr
tr r I L ir 1 11 i ro mom momfiltin lrll lrll111In
fi filtin 111In lii > n m mMr inMt n 1 0 0Ir
Mr Ir A s V Vtkirs ikirK rreertion 1 who wj wjone wjs wjson 1 1I
one on I ot f II invi 11111 < < 1 uets < va viVt 11 unihle unihlet Im
t Vt < > rw t i nr prcir Tr r on n Iroiint of > f iUiionc IlIu The TbeK
K > Pr 1 Ild > T id Tar Barc11 irrll foke c of ofVhiier ofWhlr ofVhttir I
Vhiier i ie rh 11 pot if r th tho common
peopl md n4 tho h inn ri n1 > br f < and Mrs In < Cora CoriP
P TV rr > HiMlin I I lUe L evii t 1 N t w Fns FnsI Fo FnLiiit
I 111 Liiit III J illlil m Il I i 1 II l Ml 1ite > STJ STJIilme ol ara ara1tlrn 1 11lm
Iilme pr prMI Mea t tIt thf rh rfxjef rfxjefMr s J et 11101 11101l1on t iitd iitdtnon
l1on hit wt Mis h Florlh FlorlhIro FlottscCirnev
Cirnev Iro Mr M Ir r > i 111 lUI I W ilrwiur Mr lrs lrsIieoh j
iicoh hut Mr i Ihlr ihirIos hirl Frederick Ir Fre4iricksiethinc i > rlel rlelIIAthlnt I IViethms
Viethms Mr lohn Frinci Vitger VitgerMt g I
Mt The Chanoli Sinnii ifliIis Mr In il l Palmer PalmerMrs PilmrMn r rr
Mrs r John Kirbv lir Mrs Ir r f1v i il ri hitbeck hitbecki VhitlcckMii
Mii I i Mar1 Iar ii nr hsrrtt rrett H1 11 Mr Ir lrs w illtm illtmaid lItmlmman I II
I lmman rnr or Ir Irs sThiri hart Sriam Sriamaid plo ploa1
aid a1 Mr Ir Milrolm MLeia 1LI1OHI I Loi LoicglirHWI
cglirHWI OHI FUll 1If1IIrILT r L ir HI HIr 4I 4Itsr
i ir
tsr r Paul 4iii ll > snot alU IIII mth it lth 1 P I Miir Miirsan Iran lisrn
san an n heck IhcrkMr heckfir hCr hCrI
Mr I Faul iriivenot 1n < ri r AixlerBamr AtalesBainsiiled j jfilled I IultI
filled veiterliv Irt1 to for f > r hi his home hv t the theFrench the1rnh h hfrnd
French liner Ui L i i F5 ft v ni i with h a < i cneck for forin frI forIr
I Ir in HI I 4 gi oU en I o him mm 111 b c I Pierpont 1nt < Mor Mcrjin f 1 1pan
pan fir the improvement of the Ihh thehopitaI hospital hospitalit pl01I pl01Ial I Iat
it AiIeeUairis Io8all1 > n hirh the Ih doctor < t tmtere is ishn
mtere IlIr1 Wnn hn h rl if l 11 f broad Mr Mr1 Ir i Id
jr Ti > d 1 j c > iid 1 1 had pmnii rrtmtei rrtmteiI e ebit <
I ont nc i Irm ilif rttii t h opid opidiii I
bit 4fi I iii < < vhiru IIHI I I ai ii i h hvp Iip 011 011fp
fp vp p ei o l in 11 fl rnn rsns rl 4 if m han r n i h hi n np
1 > i 0 < p p 1 t IiicPnt iiv In rrt hi II ben benh hnhr hpnhor
h hr < > ff 11 s T ri n idvinc 54y Amenan Amenantn A m merian merians I1n
tn iri s i al iiennl iiennln m lnro nIl1 Is IsI
1 n I n t tn iitmfll1 n I Iln 11 11iottal o oInttal
Inttal ln 1 rrlesrapll Uinilal Cett License tn tnlarr InIarn totarr
larr HI Mtnnsraplier Mtnnsraplierinirriaie trnnzraphrrmnirria lnorIh lnorIhrlrrla
inirriaie rlrrla i 1pn iosnas ne < a tIf1 i iezel f e1 yesterday veeirrtavn r < II III
n I hetit 11 he it i iier Vr rri C fffiH ffi > lherr h Brown Browni Ar Brorh4ndor r rl
i h h4ndor < nd r prekiHer rr Irr1 t f the h Pi tl tleecruh
eecruh i > rir rarall > itiv and Miis Mt Mildred MildredW
W 1 tan a wl v1 h II nti nl I re en n wa a eniplovel eniplovelXpnv nplo1a
a as stncrtiher ir w 11 trnipany llIp3n h
Xpnv 15 11 t u 0 w th ti h her m nh h r T t rt27 02 j Ve
11il I Ire r 1ie h old tiii nI she sheypir h t 3 3r
vtvir r > ii M I handler so h > Ir II < it T3iCIIIn 113iCIlntn
3 3iCIIIn Cmtn a nu Brrvklvn r r The TheHH Th They >
HH 1 11 l t > e married nev n 1101 lu 1 Mr MrI lr lrt Jrhuo
t hinaer huo mi miMr 1dIr iI iIMr
Mr Ir hlldlr > ha dlr ha hje been i widower 1 f fr frr31 fryelre r rf3
f3 r31 yelre ear lr V ha reen n onIi snecitjitli onne onIib < Me < i iith
ith b the h P Psi a lMrnnh r C mpanv UI UII ui104 e eind
I I ind dunnc linn I he rrvil 1 11 war n he h MS asof one oneof IOn IOnf
of f the h Telepripher on n 1uy 111 it the h War WarOprmn sat satDepermen ir irDepitrTtren
DepitrTtren K i he h father hpr of ofitrn two twocro twocrown
cro crown ri cin no fet f tne tn h m image tnlttlll Mr Mrhandler Mrhandler lr lr0h31olr
handler and hir hi wife If rill 111 Hve iv m > h hClinton he heImIn heClinton >
Clinton ftreei r h > i e While ss hl bile Mi hH Viviin Viviina 111 iiane44s 111a
e44s a employei 0 1w r > v Inc < n company most mrrIhr of ofh ofher
h hr r wrirV a 10 it ifeieinK 1 III Mr Ir handler in inihn Inlc inth
> ihn T th Ill b r rit r rrepond r rI1all e efowler 0Ens
I Iftl
fowler Ens icr Hall HallThr itallThe
The ftl t1lno iin f M t I Kattiar haiarne arn n DeUr roIUAld fieittIdHill ld ldHill
Hill ICrf W Viism il1 un C1 iroebei rI0 V t Foiler Folrpllr onk onkpl n npti
pl pllr ie veferliT rr I ifernonn in he Pr Prrsesesnt PrrsesesntIri an anlri n nr
lri 4 Ptl tiir r u tie n T in U1I ntgiratirn ntgiratirnIn < < Kiirjtir l1nn > n nin
in Ea Tvir T r nnh ree r The 11 rer r rmI1 I Im I
m mI1 < pv M I rrfornoT rfoi hv h he ie pnr rr the theft he1 1 I
ft Or iinry ienr nrl ° i tlridstn nftfin S I tot lrtriMi 10 10I tottt
Mi I tt Uf re M Me r cIt > a t maid m1u1f of f hon honr r inl D11 D11II I Iie iV
ie V slit ll slit J t din 1db Fvler f rIerni tf tfol <
ol he h hrden ttrrtjpm t > > m Li tIIII ille 4e5flI > n flri flrirrh 10 10r1
rrh Clineld nJ n I il Id d > s Vnlrhe 1lrllWIII tt ttr heWtiiI heWtiiIrnr0 XMn XMnmTe
mTe mr iere Kffle hrt1mi t mild Mlh labeI I l Merlee Merleel rl rlOH
OH l i IA 1o 1ns > > c rial1n 1n Trher I Lln LlnIII Iirliown irlliT i ihniler
hniler III n sIor r Ir 1 is I tw set > nun mm srvi srviIt nd Brvre M MII Met MetiK
II iK It r t I l i I ta k kon in Il uv il 10111 vxan t t 111 111I h hrr
S rr r It i Mrtvd K Apll1111 nin lll W l 1Aj 1Ajt11 t te tS tSCS
e CS n t11 ill 11 if 1 e i offr Hnrv U lnr P 1 f FII FIIof >
rt of r tivi < A m > i < nd n 1 1 i > Ti > int mrminnt mrminnti orn11nt1I1m oirmjndrlam
i Mam lam r ° t I > 4 N wrre or r ii ithr ithrthe ner nerfli hrf <
fli f the hridA 11 11 < h i ItirixT h r of he h lne lnetnin I IIMItI Is Istor
tnin tor f Hill enererj on 01 iPt li h tir r unrle lnd Rnhirl RnhirlDelirteld RhujnIrIr RthtnlPIiteri
Delirteld wh i t a i C Cr r m I mirriii mrn Ir Irt t r rhe
it he t eremonx her t Ti ftIn > tn ffa < 1 ea 0 4 reptin reptina
a fcnr hI 1 r i4lril5 rru 1 < f F Lt i Ihtrieh T1trIhrnn reef reefmon
mon he Ih Nndal 1 11 < ru P ieu e or r rrp re pr fI Trinrt TrinrtD fn F rinre rinrerisitlct
D 010 l M lrl 5Ii k Uarv Vii Mr lr and nr Mi > < rme rmel r rJ I II
> l Iii lisrCtu r rt Mr si Ir r hnn i ho on t t d 1 TV p pF ter terr
r F i I i ina 1Il tfl2Ofl n I 1 idl 110 < and n 1 sir lr I nd n 1 Mr Mrhl Ir r I III IIslri
hl Islri < l H nier lr > it r ird 1r I Mr I I II 1
1 L I i e n V < n > rk rkrtiLr l la ltnhit I IrOU
rOU 1lrnoll 1lrnollf
Pis rtiLr N i itft f S Mn I Mln MlnPererrt UInran
ran Pererrt rnll diiFier o1l di J t of if 1 Ir ind onlfrrr M I C Crredri j jK
frrr K leer Peterson nn fl ft i mennrt sfld nd n1Jj ie ieO leiIS
Jj iIS f Rv O ii I vMin ch i hi ro ere r re in tflitruejill ndlrtjl rrt I IHin
111 ill A Hin I 1 i C x ei 0 Mt r or rsnl l Refnrmel Refnrmelhe RnnjhHr
r hHr hi nl fl t he 1 hnom n i pi p istor tr trr r rTho I Ir
Tho r > r rmn ni n p oi > i i ri iv the ub It Pe r rI tiet
t I 1 r P < un n e Hrn HrnIr ui uilr Ii I IIts
lr Its i V i sj rn pflS n of f N Hrunkw lirn lirnH I Ii i ii
H i the h mdfi md Unn 000r r nd Ii Mi ei la laind 111n1 htsoil
soil Berhi 1 r roI 1 I ineUad ere or r r01 h hhrutem1il te tehtlrtemlirl
hrutem1il i ftesre Ar 01 e A ler > tvi i of ofBrimiK r r8rln01 sss sssOr <
BrimiK Or in0Iic < brother hI t > he h hrldejrnnm hrldejrnnmHI
HI the tti h re t r mm rnin5 and < nd n 1 rh 0 her er err r rln rA
A A r ln nn o tit Se s e > Hr Hrn > n < K and n l Hu Huff he hePe hiFi
Pe ff Leimrl Lr nitd pjrflilooin f o oiih K litrno litrnoMi llm >
Mi iih < h Mr OtrjP > 1 m Inll1 Mlld 1 iot i ti o of vf vfh
f ot ti h rhirh on n Ml I 11 J I a Me II n t i ieridiii 10 t tirid
eridiii irid 31 e 1 from ron F pger cer r 1 heit he1inra sin 04 em emmr etuinir m mnr
mr in te i for fornrlJ ini OSflruztilfne tune tunenru
nru flruztilfne flruztilfneL tiHowe tIIf
11 1 A M ll4ruio I < lie Foots rn Hoe HfI ttid nd 11 1 timst timstBrIl ime imeBrinn m mar
Brinn ar BrIl n re in n Hnpjl rried i or cC < < li hnln last lastntri i e enine
nine tu t h hl horn > f th h hnde I mnher mnherMM mhrtr
MM tr DaMd f Hn H e tio n nrr fHri d D DrI DrIIt yp ypTh e eTh
Th hrde hr tti H atepdd 5 110 h P her h sisuer i ter Ml Mlt 31 Mihiuli
t lei hiuli iih Ho i tn n i ii < l ii t h Itnr ni r There Tn wet wettsr rern r rn
n tsr bride t hrimat rto1 trii rr1I l ar noe n rwmpi el w wi f to ier r rmm I Irrl1n IrnIn
mm and r Mt It IPoru r Vshr er t > r tees > < teedon teedonLinoln IdnnLnn LeedonLeoln
Linoln V rth 11 H Ifrors rirv Hotrjer rr Dr Reuben Reubenf > n nF
f Smih ill II f h tit < sod Charles harle L u liiMrIlnin e eM
M MrIlnin 1 < lliin of f WMt Wiaitiport arriporr Pi P f netei lIh lIhrnlnrln ishrs ishrsi her herJ
J > i rolnrlnencf of ofhritopher Thirteen TIIlrtrnrbltrrhr Thirteenrhristrpbor
hritopher < L3nll 11 < 4 year earn 3 old 1t of ofIfw ofIdle f flr11
Idle Washington sir etroet et ot Hoboken died dieduddenlv dl diediiddnlr d dI
uddenlv I 1rJ < 1b of heart disi 1 4teoaa i3e u it II t hi home on onWednendiy onWMnt1dtY onsVednesday
Wednendiy Thirteen day b helora foro his bl hisI I Ir
r 1111 I ith li 1 f h n nI 1 ie t tt
t 11 fj 11 f f r
I a
f1 1e 1eTOM SPtf SPtfSA
1 I
I The demand for a genuinely fine edition of olMark ofMuk ofMark
Mark Twains great story has steadily increased increaseduntil I Iuntil Iuntil
until now the publishers believe such a book will willmeet willmeet willmeet
meet with a welcome wide enough to justify justifythe I
the outlay That the pictures might have ac accuracy acuracy c cUT1CY ¬
curacy and atmosphere the artist Worth WorthBrehm WorthBrehm WorthBrehm
Brehm went to Missouri and spent some time timein
in the actual localities He has made sixteen sixteendrawings sixteendr1wings zixtecndrawings
drawings of more than ordinary interest The Thebook Thecook Thetook
book has been made throughout with every everycare everycart evezycare
care for painstaking workmanship worknunsrupfrom from en entirely tnlirely entirely ¬
tirely new plates lIrO6 11 ith i5 it FullPa e Illustra IllustraReproduced IUluraIrmtS I IIrons
Irons Reproduced Re rodlfud tit Tint jrow ris 11 Drtmngs Dr J Igs bv Mcrtb McrtbOcfaio W1rtb8hm I IRrehnt
8hm Ocfaio Rid Cloth with J tb Embosud Dtiitn Des
jnd Gill Stamping dill Top T o L ntnmmed Edges Edgesi Edg s I IIf
i If I r a Kir 101 i Sr Soo oo tnt IfrtHARPER tntHARPER ft ftHARPER
MITS Frr or r4j5 tO 4 n nPrlll I p4rrrc p4rrrcPritst nEns nEnsPrlttl
Prlll Solicit to tar In a > ics o tft merr mrttn mrttnOfrPlla mPricanOtietetta n nThe
OfrPlla RtJ flosIts flosItsTb la laTh
The Th Me Mers r Shur ShufIor > it Anno 1111011 < nie That ThatFrits thatFrita5 hiliFril
Frits Soh kbr beff fl who bn t is now ow starring in The TheMikado Th ThJud TheMiksdo
Mikado Jud will SOlID begin gJD rehearsaL for forher Corhr forher
her ftr firu t appearance n a new n American Americanoperetta Americanoreretta merj JlO JlOtIfrtta
operetta entitled RofSita 81 The Th ntuio ntuioi cuioby
i is by Victor YI ietor tor Hertert and the tb libretto i is hv hvKathrnne h hKatherne v vnlLthnn
Kathrnne stewtrt wtrt and tln 7oph eph ph HerK herbert iIrtrThl herbertThis rt rtThi
This t ti he I tirft r tneitnca production productionwith
with Ith which Mi III stewirt t name ha b has been beencr beenconnectscl n ncncfOCI1
cr cncfOCI1 > nce < te < l Rf RoUlta ita it I in three Ihr act actTb actlTb actTb
Tb title uti i III the th oam of fb the character characterporfraverf cb1raclrJrtray characterportrayed
portrayed Jrtray < fy Miss Ii Scbeff The Th f scenes scenesar cene ceneire D Du
ire u laid m D Paris ParieOeorce rUIIGr ParisCeorge
Oeorce Gr Broadhurn wtA TJ make the theAmerican lb lbmfrlcan theAtnenican
American mfrlcan adaptation dapt tlon of Who to Own OwnH OwnsI1in
H Uo en for or which hcb be b Shubert have haveobtained na naolamd haveohtaied I
obtained the th excliuixe ruhtu ri lhl in thin thiscotmtry j
country and nd which hey b intend to produce prMudlllln producduring I Iduring I
during dlllln the tb current theatrical tb alrlc1 season e UID on onbo I IWbo IsVbo
Wbo bo Owns Helen5 15 a farce arc bv Eb Eb4tr Eberhard r rhard
hard Buchner and In ran all but year ar at the theHehrvel Ih IhU theliebbol I
Hehrvel U bf Theatre Berlin rhn I ht his also 1 > been rDrrrduC i iprr iprr4uetd
prr rrrduC lucwl d in Austria AustriaLiehler IsuistriaLiebler IHrllLlfhltr
Liehler A r Co 11 anaoiitvc aa1olllXr1 d ve vrdiV terdiv terdivtheir I IIbir Itheir
their immedute immoo i tl plans Pomander Walk Walka
a n nw > vr comedy in three > act will he taken takento talrnloulrI
to Montreil next Mnndav Ind and Jndftr after a aweek at
week 1 jt t the Ib Princess in that cite elf will willcome rjUrome ill illm I
rome m to I Walliirko nucceedinK Jcct nl May Iv I
In Irwin m in rettinc lI nl A Polish Poll Lout LolliParkr N NPurUer s sParler
PurUer author of f Pomander Walk Walkis
is staging a lnl the play pld and lIa will iII remain in inmenca inmrla inIsmruci
Ismruci menca until after the th New York nrk pre pr 1 I
mi mire re Mirriuge brr A li I farle u1 arts the II ne nenvincal n nmlical ew ewnisicat
nvincal comedy bv r C M 1 S Mclellan Mclellannrl
and nrl Iv lvifl n Ctryll fu lI will ll be taken for n ore preIimindry orelimiury Jr Jr11m
limiury 11m I II trial of a week 11 outride lJlfld Sew SewYork S SYrk s0w s0wYork
York jnd jon then brought to Broadway Broadwayfarry roiIrJ y
Harry floor U I to have M the principal principalr rrinc principalrtredlans p1 p1m
r rtredlans median m part and Ernroy Emm Women W will willh wtiIha H Hh
h ha w sesyt > ri an i wire It walker and all round ariundhtrt nnlUldhtrl 1 roundEdwin
htrl hrlllr hrlllrF hrotkrF4wic
Edwin F in Milton Royle new n play The Theienf Th ThiJnt ThtIent
iJnt > ienf Call dramatized d hy him hlmJlllf elf will willrK ill illt
rK t ren 0 in New S sw York within a fortnight fortnightwith fortnightwith
with lib Puot Dun in Farnum n iii fh the > central nlrlll figure figureGeorge ftgurC ftgureCorge
George C nrgf > Pawcett F 1C will 11 be > in n thecornpuny thecornpunyWhen the cotopany cotopanyshra
When the Ih two 0 week kll engagement oj n Mi MiOlgj Mia MiaOlga ti
Olgj Netheriiole lhrJWl m mJa1 Mary Magdalene Magdaleneat L1g 1t1I11 1t1I11a <
at a the I b New aw Theatre Tht4 t r end nd thin Ih 111 Maeter MaeterImrU MactarIinck >
ImrU drama will m l 11 e > taken to another anothertheatre aoothrhli1 anothertheatra
theatre hli1 Ir Edward Terry T will reach New NewYork S SYork w wi
York i rk In a 1 few t days d1Jerrppuffi prepared to IJ begin A Aneuron d1IIn apssoti
neuron 1IIn In tbe Ih principal prlnclr I Canadian cities ntieHi citieshis 111 i iJ
Hi J his r rlrllr p > rtf > r will 111 H include Sweer Uxven 1 Ivender 1 1der
der dr1E01RI
1E01RI riniros riowr > o > PI IIt IItlla p pVhs < w wf
Vhs f for r Mabel > p Taltaferrn inrl nd Trie TrieUrierf TI1 TI1h Tbe13erl
Urierf In h himself HlimelfThompson IIlmIIfrrilIr himselfFrarfrrio
frrilIr Thompson announces nnlJllc that thatTaliaferro uharMabel ha ha11boOl
11boOl Taliaferro will return to the th thtr fctjge fctjgeearlv siagearly
early tr in the rh new n yr in a new 11 ew play In InF h hF liF
F W Hill It i II a Comedy writt writtO n around aroundA arnunrimfl
A 4 modern mfl < Tinderella TinderellaIn m rl1 rl1In
In lanuarv aIIr Mr Ir Thomrion will 11 bepm bepmrehearsal bplDrhul beinrehearsait
rehearsal of f The rh Flyer a comedy cocwdybv cocdGllr1
bv Oeorse orge fUrr McOitcb kIIhon on Thin play ptiynai ph phnolI1rfl playwas
was announced earlier rljr in the Ih eann aaannIr saaonMr eannMr
Mr Ir 1 horopoon < n ii I is > preparing 1 play or his hioovn hi hion hisown
own HO the I h third feature of f H diversified diversifiedprogrimmei divJIIifidprolrmm diversiedprocrimtfl
progrimmei The Tb title will 111 be The ThpIrl Thetiesrt
tivrr and nd the In scene ren th the he So 6ouh 6ouhU Sonhwest SonhwestHi < ithne t tHe
He U intends to I produce Ih he play rl in the thei Ih IhminI thetiming
i minI spring epnngIn pranlIn
In Addition jllinn a play hy h I Hartley Man Manner Mannorm 14nnr ¬
norm i me fintemplited for tlr production productionat
at a well II an a new It play from Porter Ftner Emerson EmersonRros on ons onRr
Rr Rros iii
Sal < s pil Register for loll lollThe 1011Th lOllThe
The Th winter number < r or the Ib New ew York YorkSocial YorktooisI
Social KegiMer mjujtoit III just out Inthevear InthevearAS II tb the vr vrjQ yearItO
AS perioun rotir named in the Ih register have havemarried hll hllmrnrf ham9rnied
married an compared to flSl 115 last IUIcnrl year yearind yearinrl
ind there hr are or r noted tb the de deaths th of O Oumn flnwomen o omen
women < men and 2f11 M men a 0111 compared m l1rd to I the thedith th thdo1Ih thedaths
dith of 11 ri women and 291 1 I men m n last UAIyear lallttr lastyear
year tr The Tb rjries of Cleveland CI llInr rjncin rjncinnan Cincinnati
nan and Dayton have h been added this tbiovear Ihi IhiItr thisaar
vear to the rh riaeris rie ri and pd the Ih lorafer which whichwill whIchwill
will > 111 form pin of th the h eerie 11 will 11I citalogue citaloguein talgI talgIIn
in th ho > one c alphabetical llpba tlc11 order every ry mm mmin namein
in all the Ih different Aocial registers indi indicating indi1IIDIt mdirating ¬
rating the h ity nl < and the tb head of the th family fnmilvindej rllm familyindr l l1Oo1r
indej which hlfh the Ih name may b b found foundFor rOlJDdF foandFor
For F Qr Quick Service Serv ce In Intelligent Inrelli Intdligent ¬
telligent relli ent Salespeople and andlarge andlarge andlarge
large stock of Books BooksStationery BookStationery BooksStationery
Stationery or Ait AitVisit ArtVi3it AitVi3it
Vi3it VisitDuttons Vi3itDuttons Vi3itDuttos
31 Wet 23rd Street Nw N York oj ojI
I Jn ii
Princeton Dinner Dlan to Dr Wilson WilsonPBINCCTON IaGnPnlJcrTo lIsenPezcntox
PBINCCTON Dec A dinner d waa waagiven AII AII10
given to Governorelect Wilson tonight tonJbtIII
10 tbn tb Princeton Inn by th the members raembernof
of the tb senior nlor class of the timversitv and anda
a loving cup < up was aa given to t him hy the thectiM th thdOlN theclass
class ho has known longest in the tb uni university 1101rsity itnivetairy ¬
versity rsity Dr Wilson and the odeors odeorsof ocorsif
of n the Ib senior claM responded rltlp odfd to toasts toastsBis toutARIA toastslife
life speech p b wan an informal talk The Theloving TheIoInl Theloving
loving cup was aa presented l isy > jr Maitland MaitlandDwlgfat MaitlanslDwight Iaillan ll <
Dwight of Morrutown Iorr roo N J president presidentof presidentoftheclaioofifli
of oftheclaioofifli oftheclaioofifliBill f the clajm 8 of inI inIBill 1011I
I I IBill
Bill Nyc started a news newspaper newspaper ¬ j jpa
paper pa per The subscription su I
price was two dollars a year yearIs yearIs years
Is s your paper intended intendedfor intendedforany
< for forany any particular class he hewas hewas hewas I
was asked askedYes askedYes askedYes
Yes replied the Jbald bald baldheaded i iheaded i
headed h adcd humorist for f r the theclass theclass
class that has two dollars dollarsYou dollarsYou
I IYou
You Mr r Manufacturer Manufacturerhave lant acturer acturerhave
have the goods The farmer farmeras
as a class has the money money
How to reach the farmer farmeris I
is answered in three words wordsTMC wordsRM wordsRMRESIDE
TMC c H1TIOMII no claw a P PNwY ac acSt ass assSew
NwY St Sew ntk tk Spnnjfield SlintildOhi Ohio Chifijn ChifijnWhen Chin Chinn ChiarI ChiarWhen
n I I IWhen
When You Travel TravelPennsylvania TravelOur
4 Isit IsitOur
Our New NewBook NewBook
Book Shop Shoptlr
tlr tieD 1 taliull lu1 J Leea < II n open openc rlt rltIII
III c lb the rIS encnur ln nr l lPennsylvania in inPennsylvania
Pennsylvania Station Stationbook
13341 St Si 7th Ae AeA Ae
41 A book on the h train trains
is J worrA rfh r raY t > In InPagi Inhe inthe
he top stnpInbleday topI
I Inbleday I a Page C0 Eardin fiard My CNyNT CNyNTBooks N T TBooks I IBooks
Books Booksfor
for Christmas Presents PresentsBoota
Boo for or Yoang y log People of ofall 01all cloil
all of a tn in atmoat endless tndlcjtvariety tlntlenriy endlessvaiitfy
variety varietyAll riy riyI S SAi
I All B SI tr tf 1 all Pubtnhtr PubtnhtrPutnams Puf1liJhrJPutnamSn PubtijhrPutnams
y r rDELLS
DELLS DELLS Cloeutlenlit E1oeuU ttllf Rautsudi K Confeidoai I Inornbvj I IOf
terotcnbjr nornbvj Of nbJr r ft r tucaa > i onficln Pecan New NewThajjt er erTTiirjjSt r rnOJ11I
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Unique Sets SetsFor j jI
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THESE T RESE enc t are all richly richlybound richlyoound richlYbound
bound many of them themelaborately themeb thenelsborateiv
elaborately eb borltel finished and 3 nd ar artistically 3ftist nrtist ¬
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of 0 Books in Rid Rinding Rindingdescribes Riltdingdescribe Rindingtdecribe5
describes in detail these and andmany andmany nd ndmany
many other items of interest interestto
to H the connoisseur connOiS eI11 and the thecollector thecollector
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