OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, December 30, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1910-12-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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r l Y = i N w y yTL l I
r M tntcTKt > ran aR STKAL STKALlt 3T 3TI
lt I I p SnlM0 FIIOM lm IT ITot ITf ITnt
f ot 1 Inn Mar Io Than T1IatAold mat Mold It ItParticipations ItruIIIpattona Itrttctpttofl
Participations In a Mortaaf IOIta > IN INiiTitMil Pto Ptor1hcI flrIh4I
iiTitMil r1hcI < Klctttloam IIoaank Hank Clowtl Clowtllinitin CIMfdnhln CIsedIIatfl
linitin a Prisoner rrbofHrDcHIon D tor K ef r Him him1h HimO
1h h O Robin whoM wh Mle operation o rAtlonA have haver hz hzr
r wqI t lioth th thfO Northern Bank BankT
A < T r Wellington Savin Bank wn wni
i d 1 y ytrdy t rday for grand larceny IA ny and andu
I u I > urTMt I1rrtt at thg th home of his sinter sinterO IitzL
I O L Roblnoritch 2 Went IMth IMthHP 1 I4thv lh lh1Iu
v HP 1Iu waa examined by bytwo two doctortT doctor doctod
d t tT r rtenting < > ntinR thw th DistrictAttorney DistrictAttorneynl
nl t itrhert hld all u night nl ht hy dctpctlven < in inI Inlie
I t clr 1101 > oni lie will prnbalily appear appearn
n H > Oineral 1 n r1 Stwsions 810ns today to < Iay to givo givoni Itlvon1
i < > ni n1 n11IIImtnt
1 1 uliciinent is for the theft th rt of JMooo JMooot Onno Onnot
t < h > Washington WllJlhln ton Saving Bank IlanlcH
H HI i II ordinR o dlnR to the evidence sot ot moo tnorvI
I p in It Mia LE Init tliinjs the tlrarpwt cai a >
1 t 0 IdI Klonce was obtained from Frrtier Frrtieri
i H Morris nrri Robins ronfldwitial man manI rnnniL1
iL1 I ii the h trength of it the Ih Banking Hankingifi
PI ifi i tinwnt t Ifl nl vioefd t the avingM hank jo joTTMV Yt YtN yeirni1ing
TTMV N Imlintt niting > a thorough examination examinationI
I i ninny tWtfl year inct lIinlt any 111 other suv suvi iv ivI
i o I iiiik ink in this city cil wascloavd walto by the theV theMir1 thl1 thels
V 0 e I It
Mir1 t 1 t tstIfl < > tifird Ixforo the Orand Iran Jury Juryt
t i h > prepnrpd At Kntijns direction directioni I
i p irii 1 ipation u > asrrvm arNmnl nts purporting purportingcm
toO cm ii the Wanhington Saving Bank HatklL k
1 lL 1 t i ipat lpatiol1 ioiiK of tooonoand loonm resper resperf <
f t t lv m fl a mnrtsace e for tuoino utatrd utatrdi 11
i hiv h v Iwon mn mad < l prior rior to that date dat f ry ryFillIIIV y yr yt
r t KuMuv Development Company tho thoiwnHri th thown I ITIr
iwnHri wn TIr r of f thi > Morris Iorri Park ark prop property rty on onit onitiItiottse n
it itiihoii and building lot tots to tho thoTt thoTrI ho hoT I
Tt T TrI l ind Guarantee 011 II ranI Company of llochos llochostr HocherI HocherItor Hocheicr
tr of f which Robin had nertirml control controlttriicli controltI
ttriicli ttI tI cth h hill Inert in the th Etna tna Indem Indemnity hllln1mpAn ¬ I I
nity fU Company CompanyTh 1mpAnTill mptny mptnyTh
Th > participation airreementn a t1ent wore worenentil WC1fIn worpnsiI
nentil In nsiI by h Anthony Htuinpf vlct vIcepresi vIcepresidnt prr i idi
di 11 dnt t and nt William 1In V Lotnax i secretary secretaryI rltarv rltarvo
1 o 1 th h Tit Til I and II Guarantee Company and andn IUII
n 1 1 Trtnnste tflflge for them Ihlm the WathiitRton WathiitRtonSivmes VashingtonSving ahlnIon ahlnIonII
Sivmes II Hank loC dHlverrd dplv rrd checks ch kl nccrr allrj3 allrj3ta aggriga aggrigatIn u utmi
tIn ta S9riiMO SI 9 Y o of which whichtwo two 1 one on for xu1 xu1and Xl 111 111an1 uo uoami
and one 01 on for SI3000 0 were wln delivered t livlrll on onApril 01 onUri1
April nfl 13 1 Them Th1 check rhf1 were r delixoreil delixoreillv
lv 1 v Pr PI < heney secretary tttar of tho Washing Wanhingt W hln 1
t in I 0 Having SaYinl Bank Bnk after 1tEr having lunInl been beenciriwn b1n biendrtwn I
ciriwn dr at Kobinn oblnl direction dimcton either ilh to toHohm toItohiTi I IIohln
Hohm Iohln or 0 at his office ofo on April 15 15anil I Ial1 iand
and al1 viTt r ilopoiited < I > 4ilf1 to the 11 credit of the theT ll t h hTi
T Ti He 11111 I and Guarantor Glarant Company Compny on that dale daleNo da dalrl daisNo
No such lrl mortgage rnortlo a 1 in 1f described < erh11 in inIhf InIh initw
Ihf Ih participation puricipulon agreement lnmnt wot Vf exocuted exocutedl xoclt1 I
l 1 lv > v the Ih Fidelity Development Dvelopment Company Company4v
4v tys the Ih District niurlct Attorney AttorneyVlmn Ator AttorneyVhn II IIIh I
Vlmn ho asked 1 whetbor
was lk a charge chargeof chrl chargc1 I
of f lorry could lld not have liecn lln ecn made in inlrit inita I
lrit inntancu inIlnl Mr Ir Whitman Whltrmn Raid that tht prol prolRily prh prhII protiaty > I
Rily II it i could have 1ie but tint his hi purpose purposeym purp purpoystrLiy I
ym ystrLiy > tenUy iy WOM WI to C seize Ize th the clmrent cIrt charge chargeuiul chrK chrKld i
uiul ld ntl lay ly it before lfor the Grand Orold Jury Jlr He HeIMKCU 1 Hotpccti
IMKCU IJt to get Iet additional adiiolal indictments indictmenuiii Indictmenll indictmentstaInst
iii taInst iinm I1 Robin Iobln Officers OnClU and directors dirratorxnf dlfton
nf I the Ih hank involved Invulfl will wi go before tfo the theCiraml th thlmnd theirincl
Ciraml lmnd Jury JuryTHE Iur Iuiyru
THE TIE ru aUIIIIKNDBR IUIUtSDKR OP KOfllX KOfllXFormer nontstor JtOfltXFormor
Former tor r District Ditrict Attorn otorny Jeromn rom OB OBltobin4 11 asRobins
Robins counsel e0111 was 11 cltxtcted elolt with Mr MrWhitman 11rbilmn MrVhitman
Whitman for some om time lmo yesterday yIniy morn tuornin mor mornunt I IuC
in unt uC < The Th two went down slain 11 to Part I Iof 11 11of Iof I
of UenenilHewiotut Uner Gonenil I HeisIogw iolr arriving llg Jimt J I t UH a astran Judge Judgeruin UII
ruin Cri was wa dUmliing the Ih f Ornd rand Jury JuryMr Jlr JuryMr I
Mr Ir Jerome rmo BaFd BaFdIf rd rdI I
If I it pl pla plusise airt your Honor I tinderntand tinderntandthat undBtlnd undBtlndth
that th t an n indictment indlctmlnt has hal l Ieeg > een filed llllnt llllntun ugaintt ugainttone
one un Joseph Robin Hohil fornlut olf uI iut I have h I Ino
no II knowledge kmwlte I have ha been Iln retained rth 1 in inthe II liitIit
the Iht matter matr ui counsel COIII for lul thed Ih the dftiiietit dftiiietitt < < f lerul11 lerul11I < > nddiit nddiitnl
nl I theTeqiie Ih th1 TUt iequet t of fri frnd i ndt I under underuLzId tiind tiindHut 1 11h41
Hut Iwt ho ho is i in a u lud pliyiicil IUK izul ul mental mentalf mental4fnIdItlon
nditlon < f > mliion I have ne seen ti r the man for or only onlyu onlyfew
u few I iiiinule IIIUI < 4 and I am not lut cogtiiMiitof cogtiiMiit cOitnh lut lutI
of I the matters mater involved Invoht I am not 10t u ul aand
l lhyicillnd > tiyirian and I cannot cnnot nay y In how bad hd a aphvical u aph
phvical ph hy ical cl or Ir mental rtntal HUt wte lie i is It I will willlake wi wilt111k
lake Ik a physician pbylcbn or an ulienUt 111nlr to It tleter tleteriiiii tlIrr ilef or orllII
iiiii 111 IIH hi condition conditionMr
Mr lr Jerome rom said Id that tht on Monday lonly he helrjiKlit h hIr lieiroigiit
lrjiKlit Ir ll ht Itobiii 10bil hack to the thl juriixiiction juriixiictionnf jlrildlctinnf
nf f tin III State Stt He le promised lu tl hand hnd him himover 1lmovr Ialtiiovr
the District O trlct
ovr lo Attorney AttorneyHi Ator
Hi f defendant 1Irndt he h ttafd Id luut 11 l Imin IminadjiidgtHl lettIadjudged
adjudged adjllj1 of unsound unKIUd mind in an ex x part purteprocedinK partrotiIK portebefore
procedinK rotiIK before IJror u Supreme Mupr rm Court CourtJudge Iolrt IolrtJUllj olJrt olJrtJudg
Judge JUllj AH s to the merlin merltl of that proceed proceeding prO ¬
ing 11 I MiKgetted Kgl > ko to the tb DUtrict Attorney Attorntiyand AtomOY AtomOYnd
and nd h he agreed a r with rue mO that it would w Im ImuwloHH I beiDebes
uwloHH 11 ut lt thin thll time to nnter into a l 1lal 1lalI li gil gilittscisioti al altiiMMiHition
tiiMMiHition I ion of that Iha iMiie I misgesled 11 ho to toIh 10Ih toIho
Ih Iho District Jtrict Attorney torl that tht no 1 fur an 1 w the thecriminal Ih Ihcrimm1 thecriminal
criminal law L wan W concerned cncrned the mo Iot Iotuflrnt most mostIInIrt4Lnt t tiniMirlant
iniMirlant uflrnt immediate immlte element ellnt was WI to UA UAicrtain a aIrlin usI
icrtain I whether Robin Rbin I Is In a condition conditionto
to I he able ahl to to answer nner the indictment Indlct nt
Mr Ir liTorn rm suggested IKlele that a b hnch hnchwarHf bnchwarriin nch nchwarr
warr warHf warriin tit l e t iMied IMII and that thlt until 111 today lOla u utinr Uouaro auarl
ouaro tinr uarl < l I II e set i over Robin He I suggested suggestedohm ilg e4ted e4teditja ete
ohm a h und Ild the Ihl District Attorneys Alomollt AlomolltIIh AUorneysolect AUorneysolectoah elect electiirh
iirh IIh a physician toexaminntha to exomln Ibe patient patientH
H I though h th ths Court Cort AhouMindicate shollNnlC41e the theAtnouni II themrnounl
Atnouni moun 01 Da aIl 1 1 to be b aiMed a e and oudhewatt he wanted wantedKnow wantedflllW
> Know OnlW the nature of the h charge char con conMtn cn cnn1 conined
Mtn n1 < in 1 the I h indictment Indlctn1nl Indlctn1nlI
9 1 un not lot at > ib Ibert ibarty rty to reveal that thatnwrfd tht thtnrP thatinwred
nwrfd nrP Mr Ir Whitman Whltqoo The T charge chargemail charl
mail I in n mv m office wa one on of grand lar laritnv laratPllna larI
itnv I atPllna afTectini the Ih dispooitlon dhlton of funds funiixCrain fUld fUldIprrtmalnl funds1IprzIniattng
Iprrtmalnl 1IprzIniattng llI hanoo hanooJIlJ4p
lld JIlJ4p Crain wanted anle to know how much muchhf
vh hf h Dmtrict 1IIItrict Attorney otorey thought the bait baiticht bl bullidi
icht Ioh to l be > e and nd Mr Ir Whitman Whimn said ld about aboutr abut abutJ20
J20 t r tan That won a agreeable to Mr Mrl MrIrtmy Ir Irm
l Irtmy ntni m > and they IhfIt left it tbat way WiY nubject nubjecti
i rnofioti rnofiotiHotiiu I TnInflIoPiti 101
Hotiiu Hol wa taken lalfO1 from lit hts place plN of of1iinn 01hllon oftn
< 1iinn tn to 0 hi his winters IItr house houl in Went Wenth et est esth
1 h t rie n in the th afternoon afero Detective DetectiveHVK Dl DetectiveHwet tlvf
HVK 10 arid fltj f fee went Wft np there andar andarl and ar arI
l < I linn hln il I lie went to IJ bed b Dr Auxtln Auxtlnurting In InarfnK uismIntirtirig
urting arfnK for Mr 11 Jerome and ad Dr Drv
v mi m Mabon for lordll ortImoIistrlct Uie District UItrci Attorney AttorneyUiirn AlomyI
him I him lA taut t night nl htandlhll andlbin morning inorninjIN romill I
IN I II > give 11 their opinion an a to whether whethert i ilr
lr t u t L l Mn ran rn property be tJ taken to the therim III IIIIrn theI
Irn I rim tii rl Courti I ourt Building Biding to plead to I the theiiniif II tlilr
iiniif 1 rii riT riTMr 1
Mr lr r Whitman wait inlervHted Iplr lf mainly mainlyq
q HII phyeical phrs l condition cndition Ho said saidl sldItobin Id IdJul
l Itobin Jul in I able to l tJ e moved mov he h will willnlend wi willh4
t h4 nlend ad FitS 11 phypirianH phylcan will wil end endJudge endJijqjg nd
Judge 1 Crab Crin this thl morning morningi rorll I
I that Mr Ir Whitman Whitmantfor Whitmanefor
r i i 1 poooibllity 1lhity lht Whlman Whlmantfom
tfor Justice II Amend AmPtul for tim thoof IhoI
I > of it r having Ilvlng the th lunacy Ilnac commit commlti cmmi commitiide
i iide itle unless Inl Mr 11 Jeroma prmo con coni eonYait on onwah
i waive Yait u any premimptlon ptmpllln emnb emnbi ral tal talz
i v > if i as to to the prisoners prlMl r condition conditionlJr rondllon rondllonfIr
fIr Flint Jlnt and Mabon 31all di dIJI lasagyce lasagyceuiion a rre rrein
in uiion ion may be tI appointed appilf to try tryanity tryr trydnlty
r anity mere commitment commitmentMliined cmmlmnl cmmlmnl11inf1 commitmentlined
Mliined 11inf1 lined ynlerday In I no moretin moretint 101 more Kn KnI n nif
I if t j inn ifl n loan In n l commitment commlmenf for forinviction forI forr
r I inviction invictionor Iletion IletionI nvlcttonll3ZNO
I II i notion r wa w ws pol 1 poaled led rd at th the < Wash Vahi abI
i 7t r Sivmg II Dank fnk yesterday Yr rday morning morningf morln morlnh
f j th h ilvclopmnt of certain cprAln con conhank cn cnhlnl eonI
I hank hlnl I Inrhartraof II rhlrJe or the Banking BankingI1 Uanklnl I II
I1 I rTii r > ti of nfthe4fs fhcSiaicof hSrlor New York VorkII ork orkI
I II I Clirxrr Clrur ttuperlntndmt ttuperlntndmtM Huprrlnlodol I
M Ms 1 i tiioy had Ron to t Albany on onnight 01
I 1101 night hut he loft Ilrt behind ohlnd the thoi
t i iriu h Imef htel explanation explanationThi explnaton explnatonn
Thi n Itankinn Ilnklnl Department lwt 111 hqs for the thoi thl
i nf 1 nHtiimed charge chrl of the th Waahlnff Waahlnffi
lme ang angVIII
I i Mvinin VIII flank lk pending pnding a further 1lnhr oa oaraifm ox1In e
> raifm 1In into 10 Its It condition ondltlon Thla Tla step p prn1
iii t m rn1 l necessary n r hy rtaftin rt n of that thatiirm tht thatrelations
iirm v relation to t tho Noithern Snuhlr Bank Bankxii Bk BkJMOIr
t xii JMOIr xiffltgir rn HIT C W Harrnafii Ue s In charge chrse chrseIh chanteth
1 thi > nvingn atn bask bak The T bank bk OB July Jul JulI
lrft I had hlrl rWoeltsof dlpitof 11410503 1141020 SI 410203 due dUI 7000 7000jt 10 I 010 010utweItOr
jt utweItOr itori The bank bnk M 14 nt Columbus Columbusl
r l 10 and ad Fiftyninth Fltnnt street IItrt and many manyr mny
> r mq r poiiton fltr are a negroes na who whl lire nYI In Intnnt ioU1 IntoM
toM U1 nrlghborhood nll nighbnrhoodWhat hhrh I IWhat
What tomo amo of th0ooadltioa toOUc refcrrtd reened I
I f to fr arm r 15 I is e1JWn epuJnisd rIn Itl lioe U eimi MI out
HL In tr J0 3tornsi lorT1 testimony lefore Kxanii Kxaniir xAmi xAmilar
r IUI i Htgbpnnt of the thl Iu luxiiritnm 1prln r Pltutot > eimrtm < > nt ntfiat
lar U fiat t Roil Rh got nt not only nnl VDim 10 from rrm the theWashington theiuihlngton
Washington Ihln ton Hayines Hvin Hank llk on the th certitU Crtl
irj I cates > te t of n r pirtl 11rlcilnn < iruitlon in mortgage de deauribed d I
auribed ltbJ a W uma oooe D UoleIaLctit tutcnt t but that tbt on Ausiwt Auu
117 I n I lust lalt h hf ha got It 821000 S0 1fxln from rrm the lank hlok by I
I IIh the name Nn mean but without Ihorl Imthering l botturinto >
to Rive Ily a I certificate rtJct of tr participation rrtlchNtlon lhftrinl and andon an anon
on August au1 ri I kist let took tok out Mniwo 3tXjt lm more moreaUo mo moI moreI I
I aUo u without troubling with lh certificates certificatesIn nrtltf
In other wools ord the th 77ino and nd L1Omn TOnilo 11 were werehanded wlr
handed hlntf nut tut to him jiut because lMnl he h asked I
for it I The Th ehects l h II were wp drawn ti tn the theTitle th theTill
Title Til und Guarantee laranlr Comrwny uumpnny which did didnil didni didnil
nil ni it I its linokke hlkllnl iwuokkeupiuig ipiiix in Its check chrk book bk
It I drew tr ugntnst RiMt the savings vinl banks bnk checks checkschecks checksuhecks htk
checks hok1 of its I own to the th order of the thllnk thllnkI Ifank Ifanken Itanklent
I lent en Realty 1tI and Security Irty orr Company and andon andon nd ndon
on the Ih HltilM tul note noted < l that the th Compny other checks chrckshnd hfk
unit come om from lrm the Ih savinfls Myln hank This Thisrecord Til Thisreenrul
record r1 was al erased raNd by Morris llor nt Robins Robinsillrectlnn Rhlnl
illrectlnn lrrlon and altered alt1 to read d that tht the theI th
1101 I I money tflonul had hllt come m from the I h Banker Bnko Ke Kenlty H Bealty
nlty I and Security slrly CompanY ComJnv instead 111fd of ofI
I I the th saving frnJ twnk hink The 111 These alterations Ilraton on onthe onth onthe
the th stiibo tlh were ft made ad after December Jmlwr 15 I
last Chief Fxaminer Fxamlner Hughes lulhe etamin am In
ing In Mr Morris Inri asked askedThen akpdThen askedThen
Then ni n the th mutter nlt r now no stands Ibnd Robin
has sold Ihl the th Washington Walhlnlton Savings Ivlnp Bank Bankworthier Ink Inkworthl Bankworthluy
worthier worthl ertillcaten rkut of participation to totho toIh tothe
the Ih extent ent of II S3On 9nm otrn i and received hl 90000 sO S01101Xin 90000in
in checks from them thlm and nld Imd in addition addition37l nddltion1UI addition57tmJ
57tmJ gave 37l 1UI n nothing in checks ch1 from frm th them m for which hlh he hegave h hj hegays
j Mr Ir Morris Iorrl answered an that tht this thlltatemnt thlltatemntor statement statementof
of the t h cane was correct correctMr correctlr
Mr II lr Hush nu b asked nIP rr Mr Morris Ior if it were werenot W1 werenot
II not true that tht fur nil ni practical Imctml purposes purposenJoseph pU purposesInsepli 1
Joseph O Robin i the tl Hankers ltnll Realty Ilealtyand 1 Realtyand lty ltyI
and Security Slrity Company The answer answerwnt IWwr IWwrIt anawerYes
I wntYes Yes it wo Wi the vehicle vfOhlc through which whichhe
he h did a great Rnot deal of his hi buslnnw bUln Mr MrMorris Mrtuirs Ir IrI
I Morris Iorr also 010 said 11 that he h didnt believe believeRobin believeRobin llvl
Robin had any RlY large lra part of the th raon 10n 10nIfllln money y
lef Ifllln IftInt nfe he h was always pr needing nftnR money mon mon1r
I for hi his traction lrctlol schemes schemesMnrris eciemseMorris rhmHInr
Morris Inr in I Mecretary tt of the tb Bankers BankersRealty Dnk DnkUlv BankersRealty
Realty Ulv and Ind Security rl Company and Assis Assistant AMil Assist8nt ¬
Ilant tant Potmater lotmlIr Thomas mPAn K I I Mun Murphy hlrhJ > hy is isviciproHldent IsI isviceluroiluient
I viciproHldent vICIIIInt Morris said that Mr MrMurphy MrMurphy Ir IrI
Murphy llrhy trusted Robin lthln absolutely Iblutly and andtmd nndhml andictit
I tmd no knowledge ImowI of the tninxactions tninxactionsHe tnU trnniumotlonshi <
He I Robin RobinThe Uohin1h RobinThe signed 111 nil 11 checks chek I as 1 reqtieftted r1 ted bvRobin bv bvUohin
The 1h condition nlttio of the stvings atvlnl bank b nk as asreitortcd asr a arcnuorted
reitortcd r > rt1 in the emiannual lmlnpnml statement statcmrntJuly statementJflIy tltemnt I
July Ily I 1910 191 is I iu > follows followsItcMoiirre 110 fellowsfleutirCe
I ItcMoiirre Ilnnd lonll4 and nd mortcar 111 LSt LStflO 31 31ociv
ociv 0 flO nillroul lroll bond nt lt par tr value Itsoaoo ItsoaooHondo 111 ItOeOOBOnds
Hondo of I Slatn II > and 111 munlclpalties munlciPIIIMal muntelpaltiesState State of ofNorth ofNorth i
North Snth Carolina uoIM ll t4m1 V State 1lt of Tennessee TcunrstvvSl TtuntO TtuntOrrior TennesseeIlfllki
Sl Ilfllki iiniki Territory rrior of Arizona rl ol > iniio 1 city cityof cityof
of ltrn leBhl ttene1ier lnr N Y 11110 ltl city dl of Nw NwYork NewYork fW fWlork
York M33nl 2l33 33 city dl of olTonnda Tonavandu X V VKIUH yI VIlml
KIUH I Ilml city Il of Omaha Xcb tb Stuuo tooo town 101 of ofl
l 111 lll > X Y lioroo Ii 1r 000 town of Thomson Thorn ThornI X XY NI
I Y I > 4Ki 10 r viUic 11oK illag of IdLe I Placid lllchl X Y YHloni y yIIMMI
Hloni 11 IIMMI Hfhncil 1111 tinol dlxtrlclM New f York ork Htate Htatelaiimtown t111 t111Inllo tttatsIngneslowEi
laiimtown Inllo > n ItOcm SO Ullp 1111 Hnxi tII lUninpo lUninpoJOKII lanulPol Ituniapo3OI4e
I JOKII Knttcrdnni lorrAm I1 I hIns < J NVnromb SI1001bI 7XX 7XXIlLrri tUu tUullirrietslosn >
IlLrri ILrnIIIOI llirrietslosn iHiowu 17 11 FuxO MW fa uh h on hand hlll and andin ald aldin
in hinki ami Illl iru lrut t companies Iompnl 1II4emt 1II4emttnterrsl liMs 3SD o < U UIntrrtst
Intrrtst aiirtml on InvroinipntK f 140t P1401131 P1401131TOtal 14011 11 11Total
Total tl427311 III2aISittitltle 141 V VUalillli
Ualillli IJuhtl Dux 111 Iti < lrM lpositori > itori lor > principal principalJliv triulpl riuelralutile
Jliv SII < i o due I depositor ppo lou Interest Inlcr1 for forUt lort for1mst
Ut 4I U t month ronl I14O3 n tU i U other 01111 llutiilltlM llutiilltlMSt Ilbi1IIeuSl0t
St Sl0t > O 1 oiirplu tI on 01 par 111 value II 117337 I 37 37Total 9 9riulal
Total Tulli IIK7 11 ll U UThe t trho
The Th officer om and fl tntM I trnsters > e at It the I time timethU timethis
this tatettieiit > Ialemll was wal i issued lut were tt Joseph tlel
I Uobin lobil prirtldent Jamen Iam T Wood Wo vice vicepresident vicepreideiut Il
president pridn Willl Villiuni P I Yuiings vlceprmd vlceprmdilent 1
lent 111 Patrick Ialrh > S ray treasurer IrUrr lyinau lyinauA Ima
A Cheney thI MMretarv an and Piomas nlm F FMurphy F111h FMurphy
Murphy 111h cliairman aJrmul of finance InunC committeTnistven committe Immll committecTrisei < >
Tnistven TnuI John J 1 Clancy II1ny Dr l > Iyman Iyan IyanIh A AChoiiev Ahoney
Ih honey Dr H I A Jumeit Iun Charles Chri K Kl KIxo KLeits
l Ixo xow William Willm V l Imax inux Thouiait Thowa F FMuriitiy tWiiam Flurjutiy
Muriitiy William Wiiam S H I Mill 11 lllts Joseph U URobin UIthllalridc IiRobin
Robin Ithllalridc Pat latrick rick s Treary Trla James am T Woo1 Woo1and Wol Wolalt Vooijand
and Wlliol illUm P I Yuiingx YuiingxTheliankinK Youngsfitu 011 011I
I alt TheliankinK Th Halk flanking InK Deuirtment UNnmfnt had 111 no state statement statometut tal talmul ¬
ment t tnnke yratenluy Intl ixnc vunernIng Irnlnl rnlnn the thefonditlon Ih thusutimlitton
fonditlon lndll1 of Ir the h Nurthern Sorlhir liank lln but it itwas itwas
was Kiicl id that Ihll the Ih c vztsh h d dll deposits po its in II eight eightof lilhl lilhlof
of the th bnincheft hrllh hal been n removed to ottiur loolhurhuk ottiurluinkn
bank where wh they th would earn < UI 3 per cent coiitfor centfor lt ltlor
for the Ih deMiitorf IIIJIon wrfiile II the thl tanks hmkIai hmkIaiart ufTair ufTairare uffairsuru
are art being bill Htruighteticd fuiKhlld out outThu 011 011Thu outrho
Thu anairx alujn of the II Etna 1Inn Indemnity IndemnityCompany IldmnltoUII Dzdemnity0n11101y
Company oUII of Hartford lartorl are or still ti under underinvestigation Indr Indr11ttllon landerinvtigatiuIi
investigation 11ttllon bv the II Insurance InlurJI depajl depajlinut Iptl iupstaua
inut 11 aua uut of fr New S Vork ork and ald Comietiiiit I tII It Itwa
wa rtlMirted 11111 vet uteruLa Inl rilay > that the Ih con conivril N eonvrI
ivril wu L > to be I purchaxeci 1lrcllt by Interests iutereKtsImviiiK Intereststaaiiig
ImviiiK haIK 11 the th approul ur f State HI liiournnrei liiournnreiCoiiiliuHiioiur hlum lissutronret i iI
CoiiiliuHiioiur I 011 Ifiol r Mucikinalcl llcdunllld of r the I t Cuntiec Cuntiecticut untiec untiecticut
ticut dMrtniont dINrlJI and it I was 0 later under underHtood Ilder IlderIood undertlaait
Htood that 11 the Ih deal haiti hlli fallen through throughCITY thrnlKbT
It tiinuil n1 out II yeilrrday < tnr that tht not lot alii aliiof al all allof I
of the Ih citvV dy J2i21N Z IZI ilepoit 11 > 1 iu I the Ih Nurlh Nurlhrn = uirIti uirItierti rlh rlhIl
rn Il HJIIK lLwk i Is fVeruMi t Ir1 > ver l by h the Ih National SuUlllSurlv NuUnualSurety I ISurety
Surety Cotnprtiiv OIIJI > hondo The bond IKld I Ifor Ifor Is Isfor
for Si1 ioOl Is1Im > no n 4 that the Ih city has VIIMO IHlNtied VIIMOtieti 11 11thllI
tied thllI up with the Ih motley I of If otherdeMxtitur otherdeMxtiturTli olhraIIKNllu olhraIIKNlluTh oilier detositurs detositursThe
Tli The fityH dl uteucstts < lfp < t > ib > on Friday rda niuouiited niuouiitedto 11011t1 11011t1to
to II IHuiii t and Ilt on ni tlut 1lt day IJI Acting Actinl Cliarii Cliariiberlaln llltu lllturlln Ciuuriberlain
berlaln rlln WiNh WIIh nlsti withdrew ih r 3IUW briiiKiiiic briiiKiiiicthe hrillili I
the th amount 1111 well 1 < within A the Ih bond kl It Ituppur I Itappeturs
uppur li lii5eCr < i V > r Hint IUt on Sllunla Saturday tax taxreceipU Ixipl teuxrueipt
0111 receipU ipl niiiuiinllllg IUOllltlC to 10 MoSHt MI wer w we de deMwltwl ul ulposited
posited 11 by the n ItHceiver of Tnxen Tlu inTh inThllriinv In InThe13nuti Th ThInux
llriinv At iKiuil ulll the Ih Hbiteiiient ItII of thtne thtneileixnif tb tb10 tijeslCtY4tM
ileixnif did 10 not lot rtacli tch Ihn I h Chamberlains Chamberlainsnfllre lh811 Chatusberiainsufllce rlin rlinon
on nfllre c until 1111 the tl nest 1 biiin hlin > Liy < hi whiih whiihwas whiihwas hilbwn
was Tuesday KM > lal iit at ti I to withdraw wihdr any anyminify alYmI anymnnuiey
minify minifyAt mI
At tiiiKM lil the thf city itys deposit I iiuthe Inth bank banktwive blk blkbuv Ieunkhove
hove enre ereecteul Ki i a inlllion millol that 1t wan w when whenNixes whnx whenmuses
Nixes x are 11 uIr coining crlln In il It I was 11 expjiinod expjiinodthat xlino
that UM th lx b1 > nd wa I for the tw iivenife 1 amount amountkept aUOUII aUOUIIkpl amountkept
kept on 11 il ulvioit 1JOil < po it
Uanhlnc UIIIII Ueiiartiiirnl SashS s > ll I Had lad I Ihf IhfIn IIICfI IIICfIIn tie to toIn
In llaiul lald All 1 the UI Time TimeAtnjkNr TimALOASY TImeAuuY
AtnjkNr Dec nr 2 t Slate Slaff Superintendent Superintendentof Sprllndlnt Sprllndlntof iiperinteneientotBanksCheney
of otBanksCheney Banks lkChlnry Cheney i iln is angered rd at the attempts attemptsto 111 111to
to give Ilv State Superintendent of Insurance InsuranceHotchkiMi Inurnl liasuuranceilotchkisiu
HotchkiMi lolrhll credit rrlr for discovering diseoturIi Icrn the Ih IhIIlon ix con conulition > n ndltion
dltion of the th Kobin hank He I fsued 1 I1 the thefollowing thefolhln thefolbwhig
following stuiteiuiflt tiitein tllmnt nt tonight tonightThe
The Th rridlt rlt of r bank In i no nitlve i nlt and the thepnljllc th thpll thepuihuIb
pnljllc pll to 0 Inclined Inclnd to magnIfy maKI tn 0 the th dancer dancerpoint dlncr dlncrpolnl dancerpoInt
point any n rrltlrMin rlr of nn n InstItution InAUIlon InAUIloncehlnl re receivlna recrivhtig
ceivlna cehlnl il iicjuuusts < i < mlt < that It I N I mablfely m lpIly Im Improper 1mItler Improter ¬
proper Itler for the llanklnir lnktur Dcpartmont lePlrrlot to ulve ulveout cl clOlt clv clvout
out Olt any ny n advinre adlIC InformatIon rxardlnr rxardlnrnn rlnlnl rlnlnlnn
nn InstItution illlulon uiilrr uldtr oiirvvlllanre I n1 I n lest hr hran h hnn byan
an announcpinpiit nnnouncplPlt lo h los < aDd hardship be becaiiiwd becaused
caiiiwd to dep uieposltoru ltnr Tli Im ItanLlnie lanlnl De Department De Deumnt I Ipartmeflt ¬
partment In II its 1 Itivarlnble Inrlnbl aillier allfrnre ailberenee nre to tothis 10U tothis
this U view ha hll not oiiiflit olht publicity IIlcllY in th thcn Ibll the
cn 11144 ll 4of ur the rh Sorlhern Sorhrn llauk laI of New York ork arid aridthe ald aldIhl aridthe
the Ihl Wathlnttnn Havintr taill Hank Hankllit Ialk IalkIlt hankItd
llit Ilt editorial IIral have hl now ni appeared APcarld In Invirlou II Invarluuil
virlou vnrlol ni mroJulO juf > iropolit rnpol tuln n paper 1r to 0 the lf effort effortth effectthet lot lotIhl
hi h hai < bmn bmnli bsenuIIltiiuieflt
th Ihl thet t the Ih flankIng Innllnl Oepartmrnt hn hnin
uIIltiiuieflt < li > llti > iiint in nuvrlnlnlnK nranlnr the Ih condition conditionof onllrion onllrionIIr
Sank of New S York and andMiKK andtaggestlng
IIr of If ih the Northern rtIiern orl ad
I MiKK MIIIIO taggestlng > itlnit that th IhO the Information IIormllol leading leadingto Ipadlnlu
to the ultimate Illmlt suispenImti n > enilon 01101 of that Institu Institution inetltuitlon ¬
tion 101 hail I to he h called rall to 0 tli the stfntl ntn n nt the thwlianklnu Ihelnkll theltankiziw
the lumiranc lumirancDrpartmrnl iiaaiiraneDepartment
lianklnu lnkll tiepnrtment by 10llrn 10llrnDrpunrnl
Department which vas era < u then encased enJllrd In tnnvrtlifnllnif InII InInvestIitatIn
nvrtlifnllnif II pIltalnl theKtna the h Etna Indemnity Indmnly Company CompanyIn
In n whtt htd h lluliln Iuhln wn wile n Interested Interesteda IntonAle
I h t a matter Ir of fart r the lianUlnjt nanklDJ Depart Department Drt Drtmnl Department ¬
ment placed Ilald examiners exnmln In the Northern NorthernHank Sorth NorthernBlink rn rnlnk
Hank lnk and nth < of It I Its nln nine branch two twoiLar twodays
days < 1 before plnr tiM 11 Insurance nun Department JePArtmrnt In Inllcst Indlct1 Indicateul
dlct1 < llcst < l that It wa was cinmlalnif examlnlnl th the Etna KtnaIndrmnltv fnaIndrmnitv EtnaIndemnity
Indemnity Company mmny fo to > n the th err fy flmt flmtilar ntdny Irstulay
ilar of examInation by I th the Flanking JnkIDK Depart Department Jfpan JfpanIfnl Ieparttnnt ¬
ment Ifnl the I einrnlnor In rbar charge of he C lilrer lilrerlil ItIverallI
allI lil branch rnch rerwirtD rprte1 rnortel < l certain rtn acts ct c which whichIndlrnifd whichInilicuiteul hlchInllrlld
Indlrnifd Inllrlld that kIting Illn of checks che between btWrn the theilllTrrofit thehr th thdIfferent
illlTrrofit hrnnche hr < h of the Ih bank hlnk and ald pos possIbly possIblyot lblr lblrot
ot I her Instilntlona Inllllinnelnd and the thl bsnkhsd bank hall occurred occurredTho occurredihie < urf
Tho fh cooperation Iratloo of tile tlf Comptroller Comllroler of the theCurrency IheCurn theCurrency
Currency Curn was Invoked and nd a represents representative rnl rnltvfO ¬
tive tvfO of thn department and n I Federal FfIrll ex examiner cxamltvr x xImllr ¬
aminer Imllr ent nl to I another anol hr and Ind distant Hfnte HfnteIn iI II IIr
In order to ascertain Ilfraln the th actual transac transactions Ilnll transeelions ¬
r lions 100 A thorough thorol investIgatIon < 11101 of the therelationship th thrlnlohlp therelatIonshIp
relationship rlnlohlp of the Ihf bank with wih other othfr com companies r011 cornpanlee ¬
I panies nl In whirl Mr Ir Robin was Wil Interested Interestedwas InlrPt InlrPtwa
was all lo nctlrsJ ncU und Ind vigorously prone proneutitnd pro prosecitted I
utitnd by the thl Itankln Iankln Department Jeprmfat The Theremit Tht Therruilt
remit WHS Wn that with wlh as much promptitude promptitudeas prompttul prompttulni I
as ni th Ihl the sItuation permitted Pnlte nil 11 of the Ia fact factof fetor factsof
of s crltlcieshle rtcahl nature In the Northern NorthernlUnk orhm orhmAnk
Dank and nd the Ih Washington flvln lialnga a Bank flankas I Ias I Ia I
as a now known know were wfn discovered dlcered and nd dl dlcovered dlf dlfcv die diecovered
covered cv by b she fh h field and office force lof of the theJlanklnz tbelnlne theflanking
flanking lnlne Department DtpartmOnt without wihoit outside aid or orInfora orinformaUon j
InforraaUon InforraaUonThe Infora oa
The Tb truth tlt l a that the matt mDI flagrant nrlnt acts actsof setsof
of kIting IdUnl In the Northern o Hank n1 occurred occurredduring occurredduring ne
during Ilrn the th period pero of the tb examination xmlnaton In Inan II IIIn Inan 1
an In apparent ap arnt fiffort for on 00 to tl the part p of Robin Robinto oblQto
to conceal cnell from frm the th iamlani 1amlr tb the extent extentof
of the loan loa and a traaacctloaa traC between twe 1
I his tl companies mn the I tank tnl snd 11 him hm1 hsmelf lf In1 ant antwe < tn < l lIn
we rl In earl Pi raiw promptly drtwlcd bjr h tli tlietamlnert t the thevumlners
etamlnert etamlnertThe umln vumlnersThe
The Th detection dtfII nf the 1lrrcnlult lrr IrruuculArittes Urltlee wa warn not notmade no nomd notmade
made puhllr 1 but lh Ihl superintendent XUJrlntlndent of
hunks ln ironiIly T rn1Ur ntlly reported the n furls rA1 tn the
DlMrlut IItrlct Attnnier tomfW for such It action Mn a as should shouldseem Iho1 shouldlpePnl
lpePnl seem spprnprUle which I Is the Ih rexulai rexulaicuntooi relllr reguiliurcIistoOl
cuntooi 001 of the I th Itanktnic lankln Depsrtnient lieu lieuever h1vr Iueuever
ever vr wrunitdoina wrunltolnll N I illKco dllvftl iItpcovereuI iItpcovereuIfllfljflIt rrnl rrnlDurinic
Durinic Purne the Ih time the Ih examination nnlnUon w was In Inproifres Inprogress
progress prolr active nezotlatlnnn were 1 beIng helnnc tI tIaduclfl
c conducted nducte aduclfl < l br strnoe Irona tuinklne Interest Interestlooking Inlfrl Inlfrllooklno Interestslookinat
looking looklno to the th ac iulrement orlllrrmln < of the th Northern NorthernHank Northernfliunk orhr
Hank hlnk In whichnegotiation whlrh cutaln the Ih nuperin nuperintirndent isuperintuendent rrln rrlntndI
tirndent tndI participated everting IvprUnl every even fr pmi rnlr rnlror1 proper proper4tort > i ieffort
effort or1 to hrlntr hrhlt the Ih negotIatIons ffaolnlnn to a 1 sauces surcefill saucesoh I
fill flt oh concussion cnlon It I s es not until 1111 the Ih morn mnrnIn momoIn mornIn
In of Mondarl UoI r Ievuniber > < enib r 1 s M I public tnbl h hol boll bollday ll llday
day dlY that th thisuse h > e Interest Inlnt announrtMi nnmlt that thatther thatthey hAIIh
they Ih had finally Only determined Iellrmln1 not to make ma the thepurchase Ih IhPlrcha theplircheule
purchase Plrcha e The Huperlntrndent Hlrrlllrndnt of Hank Hanktnoli Illk Illktnl llaiikustnoli
tnoli tnl 1Ilnn > TM einn < or the Ihl Northern Sorhm Hank ltnk ot otNew ufnrk ofNew
New York on the Ih following folohut mumble rorldl before beforthe blnnth beforethe
the th main oRlce nll of any no branch brnch had opened openedforhiixlne otn1 otn1ror openedfor
forhiixlne forhiixlneNo for business businessNo In Ino
No o credit crlt Is I a sumed ulm by the RankIng hnklnl De Depsrtment PI PIrmn Putpsrtment
psrtment rmn for the due duO performance Jrorrn of It Itduty I IdUI Its Itsduty
duty dUI as outlined Ollnf above Ab < ve and AII there IH I no noreason 10 10IIon taoreason
reason IIon thit rreillt should be h vixen Ih1 toothers tootherswho loolh loolhwho toothenswho
who In no way contributed oIrlhll1 tn the I results rrsultnso uI
so 0 far as the th attitude Rrltde or 01 action acton of the flunk flunking lank lankIn Hankinc ¬
inc In < Department Iepartmnt Is II concerned concernedO lonfrrd lonfrrdO
O II I CitKMKY CitKMKYSuperintendent Cnry CnryuJrnllldpnt CnTEitTtupertntendent
Superintendent uJrnllldpnt of 0 Hanks HanksTO nankTO flankTo
TO Armci RICt I Tn Tf innTrit innTritHantbnrc IunTEIllnlbur IL IRTI1Illanabuirg
Hantbnrc lnlbur Host loa Will Wi Trade Ta Tame Prodnet Prodnetfor Plplt Pruwinetsfor
for nilil le Alon Alonc Ion the thl Went t Toait ToaitThn 101 101To fosatThe
The To HumburgAmericnn larhutconlrlcn freighter rl hlr Curl CurlWoernuinn CurlWOrnn CarlVormnnn
Woernuinn WOrnn will i will I tomorrow tomonow for the theconst th thst thecoast
const st of West ft Africa Afric with wih a 1 cargo cr o dif different different I ¬
ferent from any that tht has hls gone 10n out of this thisport Ihl thisport
in She will bo the first firststeamship firststemunashlp
port prt many I years ar wi b tnt tntINnlhlp
steamship to go regularly into tho ancient ancientbusine ancllt ancllthUln atucietutbusiness
business hUln < w of r bartering brfOrln cargo crln taken lakn from fromXew IromSew fromXow
Sew York ork for the th product of the interior interiorof
of Africa Arrici She 8h will wi anchor inNjpcn road roadsteads roadtOW roadatd ¬
steads tOW off ol nearly n I hundred hlndrd ports porl along alongthe alonl alongthe
the coast clt and send Mnd ashore Illor In power powerlaunches folr folrlunch iiowerlaunches
launches lunch things thlngl that lht the natives nlivl need nf for forsustenance forIIttWI forUstettAtac5
sustenance IIttWI or luxury luxur such Iuch as beads beadsperfumer b beadsperfumery ad8 ad8prlumlr
perfumer prlumlr tobacco tohacllrty safety matches matchl beer beerknives beerknives r rh
knives h and Ind mirror tlnor The These o articled nrlcl will willbe wi willbe
be swapped through throtJh agents alnl of several severalnationalities Iveral severalnationalities
nationalities 1110nlll who trade trd with the natives nativesfor Iltlv Iltlvfor natIvesfor
for ivory Ivor rubber rubbr cocoa co copra ropr popper popperand cpperami
and anl jungle JUliie creature including Incudln lions lionselephanta hol ItonsChPhants
elephanta IIlh3 tigont lign and ani pythons Ithonh pythonsIhe
the h Woernuinn Worln butt II aboatHi nlourd a lot of ofstrong ofItonl ofstrong
strong Itonl cage cR for the th reception of the th wild wildanimals eildanimals ld ldalimal
animals alimal the freight frllht rates rl tin In which art arthigh anhigh arthigh
high To ship an al elephant to Sow York Yorkfrom YorkIrom Yorkfrom
from West t Africa rrl will wi cant Nt the Ib shipper shipperj24 hip hlplr r
1250 2 a giraffe Irlt Irtiffo am make rak the th trip for flr IKio IKiolions 11 2ux 2uxlinus
lions 101 t l tigers leers ef leopards leoprd and 111 nit jagnani JaRIn mar mare ni1 naavlie
I lie > e sent tlt for or JK 3141 i each lt ostriches I 23 an anthropoids In Inthropld anthrpoIduI ¬
thropoids thropld 1230 51 and hinl bird of f prey 11 SI 10 10Thw 10Thu
Thw T Woennann Wonnann will wi stop tol ui II the thanar Cnniry
Islands 1IIInd and Ild take in mont of thn Ih ports portsuloiig I > on onclang n nolllg
uloiig the th coast COlt of Vet Africa orrir The Thegreater Th Thjlr Fhugreater
greater part of her cargo when whln at the thoend Ihend theend
jlr crlo
end nd of al ahout pr > oiit three thn months shut he returns returnsto rl
to New York will wi I be copp r ore or taken takenaboard takrl taketuaboard
aboard at If Mwakopmund The Th line Hays Haysthat saysthat
that the Ih Wocrmann WOrmann will i be the th tlrst lnt vessel vesselto 1 1
to be h put regularly itlll rly into Inl the Ih West African Africanservice oIrlmnrvl Africanservice
service rvl Jlt since Int the Ih day 1 trafllo Irma with wlh the thecoast th thlout thucoast
coast ports pOl In n the t Jast ast century centuryIIKWtT lltlr lltlrIIUlT centuryIhltT
IIKWtT IIUlT STTin IV 1 f ii ii IIEItK IIEItKPre 1111 1111P IIIIfPreiti
Pre P Preiti < li > lerl terlan ran n hospItal 10IIlal lla One t Ukl IIKeTliat IIKeTliatat That Thatat ra raat
at John uhn llottKIn llottKInA lotI
A 0 heart hrar station simitar imlir lo the one onerecently on Oflurecently II
rfnlly recently established tahlhd in it the Ih John Hopkins HopkinsHospital loklh I1pkInshospital
Hospital IOpltalat at Ualtimo Itllo has hA IHHII I n in o opera opratlon operatlon > era eration
tlon in the Prwbyterian 1 bIrin Ilopital 10411101 in Jhl Jhlcty hi hirity his hiscity
city cty for the Ih pat year yearMke yearljku ur urlk
Mke the th John Iohl llopliiin heart station stationIt tIiol
It I Is I equipped with wil the thl th tuot 101 modern modernInstruments mudr tiexiernInsttiimtntuI
Instruments for dt sletgrmuuliultu 1Iarrlln riiiinlii g the Ih comli comliliou entiuhitiouu
liou 101 of a I patients alnt heart heOr from fro the th currents currentsgenerated rurrln rurrlnlnlrIUd mzrrentugenerated
lnlrIUd generated by the Ih hearts har movement movementDime tOmn nnovumenltTiurise
Dime TI instruments ilAlrUlentl are nr made by y Kdel Kdelm JII JIIman EuIelmann
man mann m nn of < r Munich MunichThe 1lullch 1lullchh Munichhe
The h he heart ut station is II connected fnnltll hy wire wireind wlrl wlrlRnd wireand
and by a telephone II ho system y1 with all oi the theiirdlciil Ih Ihrkll tiusmtirdkuul
iirdlciil rkll ward th pathological alholoJill labora laboratory Inhurul Iahoratory ¬
101 tory uuii war the th opcrntiiiK uptll room rllr In rt fltte flttewise > hi hiwuv
wise w rconls r IU < onN may mi Iw I made lal without wihoul wihoulinl mov moving uuitlYlng ¬ I
ing the patient from bin hi IMX issi ll lleetrudes lleetrudesitre ctrude ctruderr lru
itre inl o rr aipu IIPU ituplid ptlnl < d to hi IiIs > arm am ald auth to the I oiiM opsusitti opsusittileg > ite I Irf II
I leg rf and the Ik current generated 1Irul by h the thettevrt Ih Ihhn liihrrt
ttevrt movement i 14 conducted 111111 to a ClOt wiixuip ClOttuusiwtisiuiI 1 1UIIIId
uip UIIIId nd < < l in a niainntic flnlIU Held 111 wh whJeHtxtion whdnollnn wlius wliusdetluction < >
JeHtxtion vuriei with wih the Ih Mrrtigth of ofLh If IfIh ofthe
Lh the i urrviil urrII II flowing nili through it IIi IIinhadow 1 hhie hhieshadow
shadow Ihado of If the li moving oiIK wire if ft ueeut n 1 through throughii Ihrnlh Ihrnlht
ii slit lit iI it I itiaKnifii mainil1 IbtI < l atid thrown t hr1 it rowlu upon V a arr atrl ascreen
trl screen rr ii wh where 11 > r > < it i phot pholojrpll tiotgrah1aI craph l by a amneru ucalra acatluieru
mneru calra with a 1 rntatiug rOlI flint f making mukll a arecord UII areennl
record picture II itnr ur
r4V TA mTisT TUT WITH IIIHTTtn urwalh 1 IIIHTTtnllalthew 11111 TIUX TIUXhaIthrw
llalthew alh t Mnillli cIUsNI rcu < 11 l or r Taklim a airl aIrl a4Irl
4Irl irl Iatlenl laI11 In III II Ills Iliime IliimeMatthew IIm IImInlh hIsuuielatthiew
Matthew Inlh A Sn i4utli > tli ad a dnl1 dentist ntit whtiwurks whtiwurksm witu h wrl wrlIn wrks wrksin
m au In c stuublasiauntin t I1IIhl l > Mii at I 21 ul I Stanton street streetwoj streetwas tr1 tr1Itr
was arr Itr arrstuui > t l ye yetrulay ti < rday afternoon afpr n charged chargedwild rhar chargedwith 1 1wih
wild wih havin laI iulsicteti < IMIICH < I I UIoa Ifetste b cca Soko SokoImsky Skhlky Sokphusky
arold rarold hat trimmer trimmerliving tritrinuerliving
husky a Mxti euzut iiv trirlwr trirlwrlilnK
living lilnK a tSi 1 Kutt Fourth sliest 1 who wh went wentto
to him hil to t > haveu bl1 a tooth 1101 tool h pullt 1111 l Dotectives Dotectivesfound Dltlh DltlhlOlnd fetectivesfotiriul
found lOlnd him ut hi his home h r rz < Vt lUth lUthstrict ulhtrt I itlastreet
strict whither whir he h in I charged charlJ with having havingtakn 111 havingtaken
taken tak the th girl Iirl KeUccu 1II itisx c I went 1 away nwnya IY IYn
a wr w1 week k ago ll la II Inst t Sunday Hllda and a 0 asu ir heird heirdIruin talrt he ard ardIron
Iron lrm until IOW lust IIt night nigiitShe nliII nliIISh night4Ii
She Sh ruvealnl h herself hnl1 at 01 the tb Alexander Alexanderavenue Alexanderavutuul
avenue avnl ° jxilio IIM statIon tallul at I ul aboit lollt > oit 10 10ocok 10ocokHI oclock oclockShe uclockHit
She HI Canted to know if Dr Smith Smlh Smlhlock wa walocked a alocked I
locked lock uti there Ihl Hi li lieutenant ut > nint eyed hU hUlilotter hihlorr IlLslulotter
lilotter hlorr but 1 be h could 111 find fnd nothingof IIhlll or Dr DrSmith DrI 1rrriEtli
I Smith Hm th anil nlli askid ILk her whv vvtu h she he h was inter interested InlrId Interested ¬ I
ested Id in him Sh said hi a frifiid hail hlli told toldher In Inhr toldher
her h he wax w in il trouble I I hi und tld xh udrn h wanted nll1 to tohelp 10hII tohelp
help him himA I IA
A Mfiivi dIOli l r ruwlbrlnl rruanubrint mmb < rini that Urn UrnKlice tl thetiolk
Klice had been I aiked 111 fo 0 search arrh for a 1 girl Ilrl Ilrlwho girlwho i iwho
who looked IllrII like IM IfeIstea cca got ot h hr r to tl admit admitwho admitwho admitwho
who hhe bl tis wns Wi As for tb tl thu dentists apart apartment Apnr apartnuent ¬
ment lml sh h > > dxcland cnr1 Slut du he had hd n 1r ner ver l tIhn lsxtti lsxttithere > e tn tnthere
there She Sh ha hall l b issun n Htaving 1101111 with wit fri frlmL friemis friemisin n < U Uin
in Harlem larlm and ni Th ThUrn Bron t < c sli die h said aldnnd iid and had hadb hadbn haibeen
b bn been < > en working worinl by h the day dayShe dayShe
She Sh was WI sent nl to Polirt 101 HeadiuartorH 1dllartr an anan Man a aan
an Incorrigible iknrrhlhl Later nho sh h went wi nt 1 lo night nightc Ihht IhhtNrt
c Nrt rct iirt rt
Tile TIl Weather WeatherIXr toalherlki Ur UrHI
IXr HI 3 V Tlir Tll l trouucti roil rolcl en of tow I w prruurr tr etien tlent1 tlent1yrteiday no1 no1ry < lil lilyr
yr yrteiday lerd ry y trim rm Iikr I likriperIor Siprrlor rlo viiiib qntiuhwrt Jb r i toTrtmi toTrtmiand toTmiusand T Tad
and ad cut ID lo Ihr I Interior nf Vrrmonl rrn In ihl Ibis am amthe At areathe
the hO wrMhrr brr ITA U rlouilx I1tII with crnrral Jnral rain rftlmfrom ratn rainfrom
from the I rrnlrnl rrlal valley valy r rlwarI lwanl lo the 1 tl lanl t7anllr t7anllrro nllr nllrrout
rout ro I anil ane Ihr ho temperature vra wuus ifrnrrilly < nrrI hIgher MttirrIn blihor blihorIn
In al alt ll SLates ea fist l of 0 the MIUlppl 1Ilppl Vatey al ry Th Thhl T Thelatch
hl latch u preutirr Ple1Ir ares M bail bi mnrit mo rKtwAnl n M1 In the thrpslrau thepIteul b bau
pslrau au rr rclon lnn and twa < vns 1 uxotrpjnlU amnlr liy fair fairwrMlhrr fairIhr faIrsutur
wrMlhrr Ihr from middle Mdl rallfurnla ltumla nnmnl over overti uvrI overthe
ti I the central rrI vallryi val ansi nd mnrihwaril Iwr to us ItK II lakoln lakolnand lk lknd Ijakotaand <
and nd Montana Ial It I wi cad r In t 1 the e Slilr I of 0 the theextreme theextreme I Itlrm
extreme tlrm 1 ttrat Vr t Huron lurol S p I I rrportril rrprr1Tt rrrn rrrnThe reinrh
The Tt rh frrrlnie line In extended tnopo from Mxlhemterii MxlhemteriiIVIvxnln ethesteruitt
IVIvxnln tt qpttfl to t tosiuiuhrn iillhrrn JIIm New rW Uetleo lc anil nI It nom enrompjuurtl encompsaseil nomr1
pjuurtl r1 nearly arl alt al tlie tl1 country Ir wet t of the Ih Ml MlIn illsatslppt I
atslppt hlppl VsIley VsIley1mm 11
In n thIs I h city el dl me rh nratber I er wa a < enerally lnnIT fair fairwltn fI fIwl farwIth
wIth wl tutu lh noutlierly 1lhtr omit and no an occasional nrraalonalprlnlite 1lon1 1lon1prlnkl occasionalaprinkle
prlnlite of rain avrraen 4rAI hninkllty mnldl Ml per pr rent rentlirom rentbatlfliuetT n nhaomlrr
lirom haomlrr batlfliuetT ter corrected rrrrd t to > trail to I Is ea level levelA I I C Ct
A t it I 1001 VI 01 a I M 3 aVI aVITb > BI BITh UITbe
Th Tbe temperature mprat ye yeIrruIsl lenl rd y at recorded rnrr by b the thsofaciat theomclal heoId
ofaciat oId latrmtimelcr Almulr U I ihown bu In ib be anneied annejedsable nnld nnldl
sable l
110 11 tana 11 ism 11 1000 1000aAil 1 1I 1s 1sa
aAil I a A i4 4t 1 ut P s si > i u 1 si u
12 M ri 1 i C I M I rt 11 11V nI 13a
> V M I 4 s l Mid 1 < II K KUnreal I l lLosesu
Unreal 1 t trmiieratiire rrmllArI M t A A M Mrtinyr 1 1Inr MvNfli5flO
vNfli5flO Inr mo rtinyr roepruar xr r roe rD Tr t ioruy > T jixn W xnu TO TOrtr Tr r r110150W
110150W 110150WTiur OrlW
rtr 1 tavern a Xne Yr York l toady 1lv sled moth ealiiir ealiiirladay cotdrSQ4aV d
laday 141 prtffiltd d1 bu b ruin r < proVAly o II turning turlg to I tnnv tnnvtold flfltttld n nld
told ld tear W In nonlHm portion fair 4 ale rtrrpt zrrl zrrlIm innv innvflamn inn innflwlQI
flamn Im In nonntrn n portion pOrn inmarnte orrt Untk t rank rankla rl
la It nnnHurit u sled rtnitifor rml sledFor
for New S eW Knrland tnlland rain rin turnlnr umlnl to stow 1 and andmuch Id Idmuch soilUIUCfl
much colder olr today obl ro < 1 wave WA In northern por portion porto pottloo ¬
tion to fair and Me rotd 01 tomorrow omorro brt bfll bitslm k north nrh tn towind n writ writwind wIwd
wind windfor wd windFor
for es eastern 11 tern PenntrlvanU DIVIIla rudy and ad much raurhcolder mU muchraider
colder preeeded pro hy I riln rin rods cold nl wave WVI In Innorthern I Innorthern
northern Obm portion prl fair fAr 54 id e reId tomorrow IImorro brl brisk blbkGorh briskaorth k knorth
north Gorh Ui rorthwet rnrhwp w1mlfor wind wn wnPar windTot
for the h DIstrIct DIUlel of CntimtiU CnlmbL New S ew Jer Jrrwy JrrwyDISware > r rDcUwire
DcUwire t1n and ne UiryUid tarI1 < elo cloudy < idy and < much raider raiderpreredtd rnlr rnlrJ cotilerprecediud
preredtd by rail probably turning ut t anew IOW to today 1 today ¬
day J roW Mi ware e br b tnllht tnnliht ti ntf M fair an a and i roM in inmorrow tomorrow n ntoW
morrow toW livid Irl north nfh tn northwest Mh wind windFor wn windsFume <
For 1 western wr New ew York Vr snd d weaiern 1 rennyl rennylvsnl resnsytsoia
vsnl at soia now il and much mr rnlder rn with wth A roLl tl wa wainday WItndsyl u un
inday now n flvrrle dtrl and u < r riiLinr rlL1 < told nl < la lamorrow I If liimacvow
morrow f brtait br oenbweXerir DorbwrT wind ld
WILL HII MMiK 1I tKt i 1 eiits MV 1 K IX I Tilt Tilti TIl T111iiti
lIr iiti or UtIIflAIIt4 UtIIflAIIt4Sutet IlAlt IlAlteul
i Mend eul a Npf Sprlal rclal lal tJfBrer 011 tn ti Look II Over the thiSituation thII theSituntIoisflilllnc
Situation SituntIoisflilllnc luatODUUnK Milling to t Remote Rfot Uever Uevernan Gnaon Gaseroars
II nan aon Frarlalm Irtalm Amnesty It and an Make MakeRrrami MakeRefarnu Ia
Rrrami In She Ih Taxation Mjitem MjitemttTt MIrmCUT 7itrmITT
CUT ITT or MKTJCO 11ro Pec oc 10 91 aIt It was wasilearlioul aiulearned a
lRrU1 learned today from excellent Int authority authorityttiat Althority AlthorityIdt
ttiat Idt President 1tdnt Diaz de rlI deaires inw to make tkt peace pmtcvwith rn rnwih peacewith
with wih lh Itrn reljeU rlt of if rhihunhua hlhulh14 For Jor thai thaireason tht thtI thatI
reason nln he h has II sent nl Col Samuel llel Oarda OardaCuellar nlrc flardaCuehlar
Cuellar lllar chief of his hi staff tal a young younl oRlcei olr olrII oflicerI
1 in II whom h hit < has all al confidence cOlldnn to learn learnwiutl 14lm 14lmI learnI
I what llt effect llt ns R to peace fam changing chngln < the thegovernment thelovImnt thegovealunent
government lovImnt of Chihuahua lhlhlahu would have haveIt he heli
It ix 11 wild Id Cuellar Illr is II slated lt1 for the Gover Governorship Goytr Goytrnoohlp Governonhlp ¬
li norship mil JII that tmt Oov 00 Terrazas TTm and als aJ shun shunGoy < i i5ov
Goy O Cnv 11 reel l may 11 lm I removed entirely from fromi frm frml fromall
i all l participation plrtlcptlon in the affairs ntalB of the State StateI Stte SttemnI Statetunnesty
I Atnnwty mnI will wi be hI declared dpln for nil rebels rebeUwho rebelswhit h1
who whl have taken up I arms arm against a alMt the theGovernment th thlvrmnt theuavprnment
Government lvrmnt uavprnment the th laws 111 will wi I ls K modified modifiedto modHio
to give Ii the Ih common people Jpl more mot liberty libertyand lor libertyatiul
and ant tnvt taxis < tt will wi tie 1 > reduced 1111 The Te Minister Ministerof Iiir Iiiror
of War Wlr when hn interviwed 1111111 on th the subject subjectsaid albjOt subjectsaid
said 111 hi h had heard hflnl nothing of it I His Histo 11 1115task
to Iu task k h I to put down the th rrlxlllon hUon and ha haintends h hInhld heintends
intends Inhld to proceed IroC until lnIn he h receives lv8 new newinstructlnn1 ne neInlnllon1 newInstouctIntLI
instructlnn1 from fnln nun President Iddpnt Diaz The Therumor Te Termor Therumor
rumor rmor of change lhn in the Governors novemot it itU ItbU ItIs
U believed bU > 1 here ht will w settle 1lln definitely dl nlely the thetrouble thoIrolh thetroutbi
trouble Irolh The rebellion llon is i principally principallyagoinnt prclplr prclplrali principallyagainst
against ali the t State 8tAn Government GovernmentIf Oovrrment I Ith
If the th rebel rIL are a made to believe belfe that thatthat tht thtIhnt thatflint
that the th present Ifnt abuses abl will i he > e corrected correctedit crct crctit
it I It it thought t1ulht they th will w be b willing llnl to t stop stoplighting ltI stoplighting
lighting IRhlln und Inll tntnt tnlt to Diax DI1I to tralghten ItTllhten ItTllhtenthhij straighteatthiuigs tralghtenthiiig
thiiig thhij out Olt Thu fact that thlt the th revolution revolutionHcciim roluton rolutonIK
Hcciim sect IK to I M > spreading in all ni prl parts of the therepublic th thpublc therepublic
republic publc lends 1ll credence cInC to the th rumor rmor for forIt rorI forit
It I H I now believed hUN that tmt the Government mnJmPlt i iin I is islit
in n 1 very r serious lrioU predicament The Thetroops Thetr Thetroops
troops i no o doubt nlht will Iw able in course Clt of oftime ortmr oftime
time tmr tosulxiue to 1dl the th rebellion rblon in I the north northbut norh norhbut northbut
but if the th other regions ol are I affected olrete with withtnoMt withfilost lh lhr1t
tnoMt r1t of the thO army rry occu4Ki orc i in Chihuahua Chihuahuathe Chlbuhu
the th Government HonnDlt Gove rnrnent will wi not no be h able nblt to fight Hghteffectively 6tht 6tht1otvly fighteffectively
in the th other
effectively 1otvly places placesThe pLC placesThit
The Th prenence hero of the uncle Inel of Madero Madcrogiven Maderogiven
given 1 weight to tho report npr that tht the Coy Government 001 Coyernnetut ¬
ernment rrinflt Is I seeking Ikln an al honorable way to toeace toP
1 P > eace ° C Peopl who profe t to disbelieve disbelievethat dl blfve blfvethat
that Cuellar luIr in II slated Ilat for the Governor Governorship Goveror Goverorhip GovernorshIp ¬
ship of Chihuahua ChihullJO say he h i tent nt by Diaz Diazlo
lo spy py Iy on 01 the Ih other Generals Onlrl and nndI andwhy pee peewhy
why the th Government OOVrrlnelt i 18 suffering Hufrlng such suchMrintiM Ilch Ilchriml SUChxeriotus
I MrintiM riml reverses rv It is II known that tht for forsome rorIom forsome
some Iom time DLiz ni1z has ha lH ixeni < en much mich dissatis dissatisfied llt8 ¬
fled 1 with wih the procccdinga IJolnl in il the north northVarious lorh lorharin northturtouuus
Various arin change cUUR havo been made rno in II the theleaders thelevelers
1000 leaders there but this thi has ha not seemed to tohelp tohlp tohelp
help Pol Col cl Cuellar uelRr lou I been bl close I to toPresident toIridt toPresidesit
President Iridt Diax fa for i ueveral veral lrn years 1 and andid is issaid itsIISiI
said id to l lie > devoted dotll to him He II was wnl named namedchief nme namedchief
chief of police polCI nf Mexico city during dlrinl the thelast tImIat
last 1a1 presidential Iridlntlallpctlon election when Felix Diaz DiazWUH Oizw flaxwas I
was w lAtnisliHd IhUl Ihlwilh with a leave Iraor of iilwnceof iilwnceofthree of ofthree
three thr month for showing howinltrlvorto favor to anonti anontiHeelectionist an anti antlIhIUon antilteslretionist
Heelectionist lt who ho W was M Htiggented to head heada hlltII laes laesa
a ticket agauutt his hi uncle President Diaz DiazThe DiaxThu
The Th Minitfer of War Wa r says he bus hatli re reciived recuived
ciived i 1 no > official notification from the thegeneral timgutwrals I
general in the th field regarding a junction junctionif
01 if the h two forces of troops troo at Peitemale Peitemaleliut
hilt from unufficial IlIIuffiC lll sources urn Chihuahua Chihuahualas
lIt las received infortiuitloa to thin > effect tuVctNewi effectNews IT ITpw
News pw of the th movements uf I the tb rel rr11 > eN i iinobtaiiinble is isuititabtaiuiable
inobtaiiinble If rtiKirt In H I true they theylave IIytlll theYhuii
tlll huii lave dctu 1rt1 > rte < i Mai IIII PIIHO 111 without n fight fightrhi J1chtThi tightflux
flux fiction cannot l 10 explained splain by h their theirrieiid thlrfrld theirfricuatts i
rieiid hern 10 Tlie Th MiniKter of War ar re reuw r rI reiuiss
ill iuiss uw i tt to > divulge the futtin action of thitroops thi thotrooI tiustroops
I troops troopsKt
trooIt Kt t PABO Tex l x D lc c Z II 1l The Th rtportei rtporteipp oportroJoplrn rtporteditppetranct
plrn pp > nince of Mexican hxlco rebels near r Naco Nacozari SaroI Nacozarl
zari I Sonora aded a new II feature to I the theMexican Ih Ih1xlIll1l theIexieati
Mexican situation itiiatiu today rdll ox tin titus is i th thlr the thefirst >
first lr > i ariiitHl troubl < > xi xiersviacesl > riviico < < l m that thatregion Ihaln thatregisun
region n illl1 except pt th he operation u ratiu of a mull enualllausul mullI lIulliImrlll
I Imrlll mm I of ut r bandit MKXICH l1xi i as utrHiigthen utrHiigthening rlClh rlClhllj
lug h hr > r l hurtlr > rilr guard lIlnJ and today sent sentfifty S4tfltfifty nl nlJlfly
fifty M soIiierus > ldi rs to Apia gull 1rieta near al IX Iolg Iolglax Oll Oll11IJO > ug uglai
lax > Arts ri7 to watch tth fur filibuoteri filibuoteriFurther 1I1i11rJlIrt fihilsusueruFuittiser
Further JlIrt hr news from west w of Chihiuttiua Chihiuttiuatotiay hillluWllaloday huihuiuiauatoday
today iii that the Ih r tfiforceiiierit > < i for forGeu lorCin forGen
Gen Navarro nl1rro K got t thnitigh I Mal Ial Pa 11110 11110withulII Iatotyit o owithout
without tyit u lulu did nut find nnv ama rebel rebelilury r rI rebelsI
ilury I hr at all und I luv II lia < joined Navarro Navarroand Navarrotiriul nvarro nvarrolUut
and will POOH IO n have hll the I h he railroad rn repaired rejiairedund ropairdrffI1o
und reo rffI1o rixuiwnI > eni < l < l lo 1 0 Chihuahua I so o hat I Na Navarrox Sitarro a avarross
varrox arro woiind < < l may ilia lie I brotiRht into intoChihuahua inlot intothuhiuahuin
Chihuahua t for euro in the r h lit hof hIilal hIilall1xlo1U hosiitahsMXiiUl > itaU itaUMexican
Mexican s secret ret service nI men hay 111 l teen teenClUittowitIg een eenKhuilnwitiK
KhuilnwitiK 110111 several pral men in KI Pa 1 las > lately latelyincluding lal latelyinchuidirig l1 < 1 1nchuJiul
including a former Kuriiixan army arm of ofllr orIIr oflIcer
llr lIcer r vrho had a hand several rnl year y ago agoin BltoIII
in an unsuccessful revolution m u Central CentralAmerican rll1rl1lmriall euatralA
American A umaericari State Stateti StntsEV
ti f K f EV Y u i mm till i iiirn hiIi7Ithauhero iiirnllailero 1111 1111dro
llailero dro Metul a lellrr In III hill MlfeSa tife UfO Sa Satll SaInc SaInctIn > lne lnetlie
tIn tll Xlelcan Leader l ts lleail lleailS IcsutSu
S K x ASTOXIO STOSlo Tex T Dee I 2 U A courier courierwho Ourlerho courierwho <
who ho arrived here to IIIdaV < lav from the Ih Madero Maderocamp llatlmcmn Maderncsamnp
camp cmn in Cltihuahtm fl lmohlla bringing a litt ltter r to toMr 10II tolrs
Mr II lrs Madem from herhiiNbatid tier hllballii Francisco FranciscoI
I Mvl 1lIr < ri saving In that Gn n Navarro had hadIMVII landheeta
IMVII Iilli 1011I1 I recently and the ub fact con conIealcd conI conCaiefI
I 1 Iealcd al1 rule letter said that Maden > was wiwnctunllr WIIltctllnlh wasactuinllr
nctunllr in cimimand of the Ih force in inChihiiilvia Inhihsiahuua
Chihiiilvia and wax dlnctilig the fight fightiiKninM fIhtI fightuugnitut
I iiKninM the II In regularMexican r lllIrle iClln troops truopcconiIiiR I troopsAccoriitag p
cconiIiiR o t tl to < the th courier Gen Navarro Navarrohead Nnvarrolieal avarro avarroIltall
head of the th Federal troop was a killed killedneveral killedIral kIlledVtrull
neveral day da ngo to in one of tm thu skir skirinirtheH tlkirmlh skirtoishes
inirtheH mlh This wm w vuppreMed 1IreM by the theM Ih theMsitcatu
Msitcatu > M 1 xicin I I Cl II Oovwrmnent for fear It might mightDiti
Diti 011150 n II < lf 1fcUon < ctlon of other troops The Theaiurier ThtcOllrir Thecouzrir
aiurier al also o nixirts I ortil > the th remaining troops troopsuf
uf Navarro 11rro entirely nllnI urrounde < i and andthat andIh1t andthit
that practically all of them hnve offered offeredto o lld lldtn
to surrender and turn their guns on the thereenforoinent th thrrPnfnrru thereentorcetniemats
reenforoinent now paid fo C Iw I It on the thewav thewar thewn
war wn in I If their relief
tin information wan ¼ its to the Ih effect plenty plentyof Intyof
of ammunition wti was n reaching rpachln the rclxln rclxlnIxtng rebIIill relslluettig
Ixtng Iill brought hroll ht ilcr across cro H the th border bor < Ir from fromNew fromw fromNew
New w Mexico w some > me miles mil went t of El Pal PaaoIn
In li lis lilter Madero oxpr utafiresets < tx prejw every everyhope evrryhol
hope h to will oon liiiil a victorious army armyweeping armyw nrinyswesitimig
weeping w l nlt into the city of Chlhtinhu1 Chlhtinhu1und
und tinnee thI ncro ncrns the Ih republic to I Mexico Mexicocity Mexicocity IPtlcocit
city cityJMVriS cit cityFWINIS
JMVriS ltTl lOHKril 1tff TO QlIT QlITArchduke tJITrrtulukft QIITtrehtlsike
Archduke Itepre lpr1t ent the hllt Agrri rr1 Auntrlan Auntrlanttnperor Aulrlan1IIIIMor Auafrlan1ialwror
ttnperor In llerrlMnK imrlaU 0011pt14Il umelalsupebif imrlaUfiptttai
fiptttai fcMr c l tJripattlt lo Tat T1 He Hellri 1IOr 1IOrIIIIA c cBnAzmsx
llri IIIIA BnAzmsx > Ar J T iJeo 1 Z Archduke frchdllk Franz KranrFerdinand FranzFprdinand FranzFerdinand
Ferdinand today for th the first time reprn reprnxenteJ rtprnrd represmnteJ
xenteJ nrd III Kmpcror Francis Joseph In Inreceiving InrtCfivlll inrecelvitig
receiving AiiKtroIItingariao delegations delegationsTliin
This in I regarded as a step taken by the theaged tMaK theaged
aged aK Emperor for or the th purpose of preparing preparingth
th the county Ollnt for his hi approaching relin relinquichment relinqlli rehinquishment
quichment qlli hmt of the III throne In favor 01 of tho tholion thohlil theheir
lion apparent apparentI alJ1arpnroklnlC
I raking on behalf of the Emperor tbe theArrhrftiWn tbeArrh tbeArehduikum
ArrhrftiWn Arrh ul expressed patiiifaction at the thagood theood thegood
good ood relvionn of the country with all the thePowerit tb tbPor thePowers
Powers The Th monarchy he h said would wouldcontinue wouldoonllnuo wouldcontinue
continue Its efforts lTori to maintain peace peacerrtnirte PltICttI peaceGerintriC
rrtnirte < ulrt as 5 3tarueriteprlSJ lUreuerlte lUreuerlteprbtJ
I prbtJ 1 CaN aN ntipattH 1t In Tll Tul 3CX 3CXItnuF lCWRnllF 3v 3vlinus
ItnuF Dec 28 zuOrtmd Oertnide Auld made a aKticcmsful AI asuccessful
I Kticcmsful I Italian dbut but at th Adriano AdrianoTheatre Adrltnoi Adrfano4Theatruu
i 4Theatruu Theatre here tonight as Marguerilt Margueriltin
in Gounods Faust Her robe yol was wasapproved Waulapproved wasapproved
I approved by the th critical audience and she shet shewits
i t was nppla atpphitsied pplnllll < ide < l warmly warmlyMontis wnrxniyMontts 2 2I
I Montis nod flody at CentS Crux le Troerlffe TroerlffeUptctnS TmII1Itftll TetterUTespe14
UptctnS CiWi C4 ntitalcl lo THS TH Hex HexHANTA Ht HtI NraSA7A
HANTA A IT One nr n Tunsitirvr rIllKaIlJ Dec 20 20Th anma
Th Thll Thllecn rrnloer Illanrs 1IIN1 Encalada Encaladahnvlng EncaladaMvlnlC FncaladahavIng
havIng on hoard th the rernalnn of President FrmldentMontt IrMldentInntr PresidentMrrntt
Montt of tlill hll lallownn whode 1O IIIId l In Hremen MWllt41j evswal evswaltnnntha nvnra nvnrauionthi
uionthi ago 11 arrived h I beta ro today on the thevny theI
way WI1 in U Valparaiso
Rxr IT 1111 tx Ii ii4fv ii4fvfiocleja UIIN UIINIinzkjas U UI
fiocleja ts t > Ufc sk r far r Vote ole te ot f ConJldee1te ConJldee1teIfo nMenre enfidenesflefrt nMenreHef
Hef flefrt Ifo re III II Ann nn nnauees < ranee Ttjetn TtjetnS Thn1pemia
S pemia v < ul CaN C4 U tXtpiltlt 0101 la TM nil So SoMAPRID StjIPIIJtJ 5vxMArlaht
MAPRID Dec 1JDlI1CIIHlnC Di cn ing the ap apliroachine aproachlng p pIliroachlnc
liroachine ministerial crisis today Prim PrimMinister Primllnillllr PrimeMinister
Iliroachlnc Minister Canalejon would not deny the thnauthenticity theuthtnllclty theauthenticity
authenticity of the th rumors that certain certainmembers certainmmbera certainnumbere
members of the tII Cabinet are about to retire retirebecause retirebfc retirebecause
because bfc 1JaII of their dissatisfaction dl with th thnctfon the thftaetton theauctlbn
nctfon of the > budget commission in sup suppreesinft aupJrI88lnIC suppressing
pressing appropriations asked for by bythir bythlr bytheir
their departments It la said that the thecrisis theeriais thecrisis
crisis will come to a head next Sunday Sundayor
or Monday MondayTho Ion lay layThn <
The new SllnUter of Acricultur In Industry Industry Induatry ¬
dustry Commerce and nd Publio Work Workwill WorkiII Workswill
will iII be Heflnr Gasset the well known knownnewspaper knownnwJ4Jfr knownnewspaper
newspaper man The new Minister of otthe ofIh ofthe
the Ih Interior will be Aionzo Castrillo and andthn andnew andthe
the new Minister of Public Instruction InstructionAmos InlltnlctlonAmOIO InstructionAmos
Amos Salvador SalvadorBenor SalvadorSenor SalvadorHeflor
Senor Canalojaa said today to that before beforethn b4roreth beforethes
thn th changes are re made he h will uk for a avotn avot avote
vote of confidence < in his policy The Theday Thedny Theday
day before bef beferethias lfIthIIlTole this vote Is I taken h hft will explain explainat
at length to King Alfonso all the details detailsof d talill talillof
of the Governments policy On Satur Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬
day a Council of the tII Ministers will b bot held heldat
at the th residence Idenco of Sflnor Coblam Min Minister Mm MmIster lIn lInIlItfOr ¬
ister of Finance who has bc been n severely severelyill ll
ill for several day but who Is now no recov recovering recavenag recovering ¬
Deputy IernmT Back R In Madrid dr1d After Altlrma m mmj alug
mj Welcome In llarrctona llarrctonafvtflal lIrHkmtfaJ Ilarcelcnatmeeiaj
fvtflal tfaJ coM Cd U DttyaMui to TUB SDX SDXMADHID SVfnADOID NtISMsnnrn
MADHID l Pee > eo m nThe Thn well Ii known knownSocialist knownSocIlll1t knownSocialist
Socialist Deputy Ix l Lerroux rroux has returned returnedhere returnedhere turnedhre
here from Barcelona where h he got an anenthusiastic ancnthuslutle anenthusIastIc
enthusiastic reception from hill adher adherents Adhlrenta adhercuts ¬
cuts He II Is preparing IlC to make a vigorous vigorouspropaganda vlitOrouapropa vigorouspropaganda
propaganda propa andn throughout the th provinces provincesNext
Next Sunday ho will be the leading speaker speakerat
at t a meeting of Radicals in Valencia ValenciaAfter ValenciaAfter altnc1aArtror
After the meeting < there will be published publisheda
a manifesto setting forth tho attitude attitudeof
of the Radical party partyIncriXVA partyDncrLONA partyBARCELONA
BARCELONA Dec 10 IElevln Eleven hundred hundreddock hundreddock hundreddock
dock laborers hue Joined the striking strikingstevedores IItriklnIevoM1l strikingstevedores
stevedores here Thus far there have havebeen havebeen havebeen
been no disturbances of any consequence consequenceALFOMUt col1MquIJnceAIFIIJ consequencetLFOYM
The Kins Kln of Spain to Visit 11111 Mellila With WithIjirce tUIlarK t ttli ttlia
a larK Party PartySjvclJj Part Partipf1011 PartySpecii
SjvclJj CiM 11 npo1r > r > pitc 1I M mu Tar TrI Svx SvxMAOHID SwIADI1tD ScMMADUID
MAOHID Dec 20 29011 On January 3 King KingAlfonso KlnltAllonllO KingAlfonso
Alfonso will leave Madrid on a hunting huntingtrip huntlnKt huntingtrip
trip t ril He 110111 will return on January > and andtho andtho andthe
tho next day will start lit art for Mellila Mo Morocco Morocco Io Iorocco ¬
rocco where great preparations are arebeing n nbeing arebeing
being made for his hi reception Among Amongtho Amolltho
tho large party who will accompany accompanyhis alCOrnpanhis
his Majesty will Iw t the th Prime Minister Ministerand MInisterand lIn lter lterhd
and the th Ministers of War and Marine MarineIn IarlneIn
In the th throno room of the Ih national nationapalace nAtiollalpl1 nationalpalace
palace pl1 today the Association of Spanish SpanishDames 8panlhDm SpanishDames
Dames Dm turned over to the Commandnnte CommandnnteGeneral CommandanteOnral CommandantoGeneral
General of the th wounded veterans of the theMoroccan theloroccD theMoroccan
Moroccan war wa ar the th sum of 44000 diiron diironwhich durOOlwhich duroswhich
which was 111 the th balance halan remaining of the thanational theI thenational
national naliollalllllbcripiion subscription for the th relief of the tbovictims Ihovictim thevictim
I victim of that campaign campaigniinnvns campaignIlflIInts campaignJIOXIJtlfIS
iinnvns wornov Il IaUTItJ ov ovn a aI
n ICNtO 304 < HK > Rebels R bIa Are 1 Marching on Teguci Tegucigalpa TtIuplaalpa TeueIgalpa ¬
galpa the Capital Capitalpecidl aplialpedaI pUI I
> pecidl 1 1 CjVt 4Y 1 Dttpjit np D upJZCt la > Tax T Ta I ITot Hrx HrxTWH NraTEDtclostrA
Tot TEDtclostrA < IOALPA Honduras Doc 29 29Wlth 11 9With
With the arrival of the gunboat gunl 04t > Hornet Hornetoff
off the Atlantic coast of Honduras the theblow Ih Ihbl theblow
blow bl against President Miguel Davlla Davllaand Da11aand PavIlaand
and the I policies he represents ha been beenaimed hllnImed beenaimed
aimed and today an army of Xoon or ormore orm ormere
more m men U marching on this capital capitalIbere rnpltalThr capitalThere
There U it sumo mo alarm I felt here hft over the thnprospect Ihlpct theof
prospect of lighting lIblln < but it i Ls lessened by bythe brtl bythe
the tl Iwlief that when Manuel Donllla and andl andIss
l Iss > e Christina march into town at t the thnhuil Ih Ihhd thetacual
huil of their troop they will iII meet little littlereatUtanre IIttlrItauCt littleresistance
resistance reatUtanreWhile rItauCtWhllp resistancehIle
While hIle lh the t revolution was not to lie liegin I IIin taogimi
gin officially until Sunday morning morningthe
th the element comprising the Ih strange strangearmy IItrall IItrallann atraruguannv
ann army r fuwd in 0 l Is > e held longer in lea leash IlahIInd leashand h hund
und the Ih start an on lh the capital was made madeyesterday mwieIlntn madeeeterdny
yesterday Ilntn The vanguard all uant met with re resistance rniIanCfO ruiwiance ¬
sistance all along the Ih Nicaraguan border borderyesterday hontfOreelIL borderyesterday
yesterday eelIL Small forced of Da Da1vila Vila sol soldierx eeluiitns 1 1IIIIM
dierx posted ttc along the Ih border attempted attemptedtn
tn engage n 6140 the advancing Honilla men menThem menTIlro menThere
Them was 118 some nharp Imra fighting but III III11Orlorit su superiority aolaorlorit ¬
periority aorlorit nf numbers nlllll gave g the th llonilla llonillamen
men 11I decided 1ldd 1 advantage advantageCITY wivantaget11 anlI anlIITY
CITY ITY OK 0 MKXICO Dec D1I 20 O Hnmlurans Hnmluranshere 1I0nluranbre
here confirm the th report sent nt out from fromHonduras lromlIondura fromIloudiuras
Honduras of a reliellinn in that country countryplanned comllryJlI countryvlanmiI
planned JlI hIl1 by Gen llonilla and iso Christ Christmas ChritUlIlIO Christmas ¬
mas Mont of f the I h Hondurans Hond llran hem ore oreexiles IIIfOfOrillll ageexiles
exiles and they naturally sympathize with withliny withan withany
any an rebellion II Ion They ay 11 the present presentmovement prntmovmnt presentmnovtncflt
movement has been n afoot for months monthsIt
It is well ell organized and has abundant abundantmen
men and money It should succeed Oll they theymy th thy theysay
my y unites IInl some unfonwen accident oc occurs tICCI occults ¬
curs CI or the Ih United States 8111t interferes
IAIL FOR fln 0iv alI s sAmerican 41nIlmft 41nIlmftmtflan sirt1InsmerIcsn
American amid nd a ChInese e Hanker Found FoundCulllr Fonnnlll FounulGuilty
Culllr nlll In Manila Manilafiprflil ManIlapccLJ
fiprflil pccLJ Cable r lr Dripat lo 0 THR Srx SrxMANILA S1Jfl1A NraMscuia
MANILA l1A Ia Dec IO 9 Two bui bIln business > ine s men menGrant mflnOrant menGrant
Grant an American and Kennedy an anAmericanized anAmrani71 anAmericanized
Americanized Chinaman were Wl today todayf
f und nd guilty of opium smuggling They Theywere Thyore Theywere
were ore sentenced to two year imprison imprisonment
mont and to pay a heavy fine finnIoilis fineLotus
Lotus Grant is a w well H known American Americanmercliant Americanmerchant Americanmerchant
merchant and William Kennedy Is a awealthy awfallby awealthy
wealthy Chinese banker They Th were w re ar arrMt arreoafed arrested
rMt rested d marothana year ago o Grant who whowas whoI whowas
was the I first one 00 arrested testified that thatKennedy IbtlcnnNY thatKennedy
Kennedy had arranged the th scheme and andhad andhad andhad
had subsequently induced d him to assist In Inlanding InIOOin Inlanding
landing < the th opium He admitted that he hebad hebad tiehad
bad received tiOO OOO from Kennedy Kennedyrnor KennlldyllaF KennedyIOF
rnor s i n RVTCHFR DEAD DEADAuthority DEADAnthorn DtADAuthority
Authority on Greek and Cambridge Rep Repre R RepreesilatlC p pParilamt
re reesilatlC ent tl e In Parliament PasarsAwajr PasarsAwajrIjxctat Past Passes Away Awaal Awayspcfal
Ijxctat al CoN Dttptlclt lo Tn Till Mrs SenIX Mrs1oiq1io C C1oorlJo
IX 1oorlJo IXN J Dec 39 Prof Samuel Henry HenryButcher HenryButcher HenryButcher
Butcher M I P for Cambridge University Universityand
and a trustee trua of the British Museum Museumdied Museumdied llIaeumdl
died dl today He Ho811 was born In Dublin in in18SO In111I5O
18SO He lectured at Harvard University UniversityIn
In 1904 and was elected el an honorary mem member rntmblr mnemher ¬
her of the American Academy of Arts Artsand Artsand Artsand
and Sciences In 1005 1005Prof 11105Pro I5Prof
Prof I Butcher Buteherwasa won A son of the late n mo RevDr v vDr
Dr Samuel Butcher Bishop of Meath MeathHn Meathlie r th thIf
Hn If wan graduated from Trinity College CollegeCambridge ColleKCambrldKo CollegeCambridge 1
Cambridge and became n lecturer lectu r at atOxford atOdord atOxford
Oxford and the University of Edinburgh EdinburghHei Edlnbllrnh EdlnbllrnhHt
Hei was a teacher of Greek especially NlpcdA y
He II made many translation and wrote wrotemuch wrotemuch
much on Greek subjects He married Root KoseJulia Rootum RoustJuila I
Julia um Trench daughter dau hter of the th Into Ia Arch Archbishop ArchbIshop ¬ I
bishop Trench of Dublin DublinDecoration Dublinoratlon DublInDecoratIon
Decoration for Jc lco JuII11b < tltti tb flnaUrr flnaUrraptelal OatJfrfItfaJ GrntiurpsciaS
aptelal Cam Cd l DripaV la Tan STTX rmrPAn NraPAnts STTXPABIS
PAn Dec 29 nAmonR Among tbo recipients recipientsof SfcIpltnof
of the New Year Legion pf Honor decora decorations dftooratlmw deenrathin ¬
thin la Judith Gautler the authoress autbomnP1r AutborNFtre
ViTa BMtroy trOf1l Part rt of Meaatna MeaatnaSptrlal if elelnaNpectaS < II IIfIrWI
Sptrlal Cattt Cd l DrrpxrcA to TKB Self SelfMESSIKA StW11t1811f NraMzezxa
MESSIKA Pet 29 nA A flr fire today de destroyed detrtroyed detroyed ¬
stroyed part of that part of the city con constructed 000I contriictuei ¬
I structed of wood woodMareot woodI woodlarCQt woodMarcus
Marcus Braun ReeieetMI ReeieetMIM ReetcetedMarcus
Marcus M 14 rcu Tiraun was rejected president presidentof I Itlf
of tha Hungarian Republican Club jester yea yead7
I II 11Suits
Ii IiSuits
Suits Overcoats for Men MenAt j jAt
At 1500 1750 2200 2500 2500There 2500There 2500Thcrc
There arc plenty of men with withcultlvctted cultivated tastes and andwell andwell and andwell
well defined ideas of dress whose purses balk at atcostlier atcostlier atcostlicr
costlier garments garm nts than those at the prices we quote quoteFor quoteFor quotePoi
For these men we produce prod ce a class of garments that thatillustrate thatillustrate Thatfilustrato
illustrate most admirably the perfect workings of ofour ofour ofour
our clothesmaking organization organizationThe
The designing cutting tailoring and finishing of ofthe ofthe I Ithe
the Suits and Overcoats Ov rcoats at 15 to 25 is accom accomplished accomplished accompushed ¬
plished by the same skilful craftsmen to whom are areentrusted arcentrusted
entrusted the making mak n of all our clothes dotbesat at all allprices allprices fell fellpnces >
prices pricesThere pricesThere R RThere
There is no apparent difference between the lower lowerpriced 1011411priced lowerpriced
priced and the more expensive of our garments garmentsexcept garmentsexceet garmentsexcept
except in the materials and linings liningsond and at even eventhe eventhe eventhe
the lowest of our prices both are dependable dependableBroadway dependableiaks dependableaksQIumpa
iaks aksQIumpa aksQIumpaBroadwayat34th tompay tompayo <
Broadway Broadwayat34th at 34th St
7 7i i
MAT u A 4 rARCKLS POST rOSTConcreuman r POSTConEresiman ST STConlJfft1Im
Concreuman Seizer Mays If YM Y D Peat PeatMtlr flntaStir at atStir
Stir Around Yea Wont w t Oel el It ItCongressman ItCcnJPt18man ItCongressman
Congressman William Saucer fulmi fulminated lulmlnatNa fuinilnated ¬
nated against aptlnst et the slavery of the > American Americanpeopleto AmricanJ Americanpeople
peopleto J people to the express companies COl11I U1I > at a ameeting 11tne ameeting
meeting tne last night In Cooper Union of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Postal Progress Prog League LeagueWe IciguoWe i iWe
We are met here ere he h said to con consider conelder ¬
elder the th bill that I have ba introduced introducedInto conI
Into Congress Ut to inaugurate a parcels parcelspout 1 parcIopoet l1CIIApoIIt >
pout My Iy heart U in the work I regret regretthat rooRtthat regretthat
that there are not more people here hereTho htreThe hereThe
The international postal conference in inSwitzerland InHwltZf1rland inSwitzerland
Switzerland provided for a limited limit par parcels IarCt1 parccli ¬
cels pot with a weight limit of eleven elevenpounds ellrnpounda elevenpounds
pounds All the Governments of Europe Europehave Europhave Europehave
have adopted that agreement aKreem t and an anour 11I1 11I1our as1our
our Government is bound by treaty treatyregulation tllMtyreRulatlon treatyregulation
regulation a foreigner can send into the thoUnited tlieVnit theUnited
United Vnit States Stat an eleven pound package packagefor I
for eight cents a pound while the thecitizens Itest Itestcitizens b lIt I
citizens of the United States can do is isto 10to Isto
to send nd > four fourpound pound by mall nt to 1 cents centsa centl
a pound When hon I realized that I got gotbusy gothuy gottiUuy
busy I often wish mora lieprcaentativos lieprcaentativosIn UeprlMtathOIII
In Con CongrNII cress would get ft busy busyMy bUllYIy busyMy
My Iy bill blllllllooI calls for a limited parcels post postwith poIt1with I Iwith
with a maximum weight of eleven pounds poundsand poundand
and a maximum rate rat of eight c C cents nt It Itprovides Itprold Itprovides
provides for the extension of the tb postal postaltiervico postalIce postalservice
service Ice and the operation of that service serviceat nlcelit
at a profit Its very simple It ought oughtto
to be a popular bill But if you don dondo dondo ulondo
do your share you may be sure that our ourefforts ourelortll ourefforts
efforts cannot overcome the opposition oppositionto
to the bill hillI billMitsui billMiss
Miss Leonora OReilly vicepresident vicepresidentof
I of the th Womans Trade Union James Jam tI L LCowle LCOWIH 1 1Cowks
Cowle secretary IIOCre of the th Postal Progress ProgressLeague Prolrert811AlIjl11P ProgressLeague
League H W V Collingwood of the th Rural flurafVcv Ruralcv RuralVew
11AlIjl11P Vcv cv 1orfcrr William ft Coakley ex expresident IJpldrot txpresident
president of the th C F U Prof C W Wthirkett Wlhiulcett
thirkett of the American Agri tl1rYIIlIumt tl1rYIIlIumtand ttlturifl ttlturifland
and F C Beach of the Scientific American Americanwere ilmeriaawere m ried
were to other speakers speakersrIGins llpeakeCIGtni speakerscw I
I IWant
rIGins cw tns OXK ao ix A 4 nox noxWsrrt nf irnxttarti
Want Liners Uarber Accused of f Hmotcfllnc Hmotc Mmq1rltn Smn Smnghing I
fllnc rltn 3ft 2 Torpedo Brail BrailTlie RestsThe
TIle barber br r of the Ward Wanilloer liner Saratoga Saratogawas I
was JUt before hdo Solicitor Andrew at t the theCustom therllltomllout itt itttustoni
Custom rllltomllout house yesterday accu accused ed of smug smuggliliK smugglitig mugKilt I
gliliK Kilt twentyfive byxes of cigars from fromHavana rromIlAvnna fromhavana
Havana Thin Th charge looked formidable formidableexpressed formidableexiuroseesi
expressed in thin way ny but it came out outthat outthaI outthat
that then were 111 only twentyfive t ntyllve cigars cigarsone
one Oil in a box Opinion varied as a to the thelength Ih Ih1lIltth thelength
length and nd circumference of the cigars cigarsbut cllt I IJilt Ibut
but Assistant Solicitor Barnes llarll who ho put puta
a tape measure on one of them wild Id I Ithat Iha Ithat
that ha it was 11 eighteen 1 hl tU < inches ovor all and andabout antiabout I
about two t o inches Inch beam of lh the torpedo torpedoboat tOlpoOhoat torpedoboat
boat type Hi case Clio against the barber barberwas
was not misled Mr Ir Ramos am II estimated estimatedthat tlmttdhat
that a good smoker might be able to toreduce 10duce toreduce
reduce duce a torpedo boat to ashes ah In about aboutfour aboutfour boutfOllr
four bourn hOIl
r T J
MoclableTlme IIot and d a Few Bern Remarks ark In MM MMHelen ilkelichen J JJlften
Helen PTtclp lpI Mtokius OkM Studio StudioThe IItlldlThtl fitodleThe
The convention of the Intercollegiate IntercollegiateSocialist Intercollealate80cial IntercollegiateSocialist
Socialist 80cial lt Society Rodet opened last night at t1O to toGrove 0 0Grove J
Grove street Greenwich Village in the thastudio thestudio if ifIItOOlo
studio of Miss I III Helen Phelps Phel Stoke Stokeslater StolrI StokesI
I slater of the president of the organiza organization ¬
tion J G Phelps htoUe who could not notattend DOtatttlld notattend
attend Iwcaum l of illness IIIn Lincoln 8t stet stetI f ffens
I fens also could not come Uplon Sin 81nclalr Sinclair 1 1clair
clair was present however and aa the two twospeakers twospeakers j jSpJUlnt
speakers of the th evening Morris Hlilquh Hlilquhand
and 1 Edwin Markham Iarkhamre were about to be ae aenounced announced 1 1nounced
nounced Mr Sinclair SIrIC air had a happy happythought happYIlhought
thought thoughtMr
Mr Ir Sinclair whispered h his Idea lde to to1arry
Harry Laidler of Wtwleyan WtwleyanMr W VelennI le
1 Mr Ir Sinclair suggests said 1d Mr Laid
ler that anybody who wants an to sit on ontho onIhe onthe
the rr may do so soTltf 110TI
I Tltf TI Socialist thereupon sat upon th thDoor the
I Door and tucked his and her hfntlflt feet up to hi hior ht htI kMor
or her knees kn to listen to the first speaker speakerMr J
I Mr Hillquit Ho many had crowded crowdedInto j jt
Into tho th little studio by this time that thatMine thar thatMuss
t r Mine Stokctt IIok suggested that some of the theaudience tbeI thenuadlenc
I audience go up to the balcony which w1 ch rlntj rlntjthe JiJJMtb ri3ithe
the tb studio studioHut IOludloIlut studioItut
Hut only only the men must go up there thetcautioned therelautionlld thsescautioned
cautioned Miss 11aa Stokes SIok aa sEe he pointed pOlo to tothe totho tothe
the balcony balconywhlch which was lighted lI bktd with row rowof roweOf
of 0 nickering candles Mf Ir the women woramo wom
goi goiskir 10 o up there the th candle might light their theirkirts theiraklrts theirskirts
skirts skir skirtsMr kirtsMr 1
Mr Ir Hillquit began by saying that even evertthough neathoug eventhough
though 1 he Is a Socialist he would speak ipeakvery speaktry j jfOq
very try briefly As h he warmed up to hi hisubject WI WIlIubje hisubject
subject < t however he spoke on and on onfor onlor j jfor
for some time Ho was followed by Mr MrMarkham MrIarkham MrMarkham
Markham the thepoet poet who also 100 spoke until untila
a late hour Kone Hoguet presided presidedToday presidedToday A AToday
Today the college Socialist will meet meetin meetIn
in executive session Ion in the Ih library of o the thwRand tbetRand theRand
Rand School S hool of Social Science In Eat EatXlnnteenth EsseInnlnth t tineteenth
Xlnnteenth street and in the afternoon afternoonthey
they will be addressed by John Spargo Spargoon 8par o oon
on What Socialism Is Isgoi I i
18000 American mm n Go to Canada In 191 191OTTAWA 192rruwA 8e 8eI
OTTAWA rruwA Ont Dec 29 nA A statement statementwas
I was Issued by th the Immigration Immfantiontnfnt Depart Department Department
ment today to the effect < that In the thacalendar thecalendar
calendar year ear now no closIng the total num number DumlItr numher ¬
her of emigrant from the United Stated Statedwill S Swill Stabeswill
will exceed < 1MOOO The officials of tile thadepartment tilede thedepartment
department de rtmlt1t say u that their campaign campaignin
in the United State guarantee an equal equalnumber equalnumlHlr equalnumber
number of American settlers for the thsCanadian tbaCllnodlan theCanadian
Canadian West It < In tail 1911Mexicos leuICIIMa taillevtesl
Mexicos Population Pop lI88 lI88lrxJcJ lle lleMrxicj iieoei iieoeiMrxlci
Mrxicj CITY Dec ro IThe The final re returns reIlIrnli meturns ¬
turns of the > census taken throughout throughoutthe
the Ih republic republicotMexicohavebeen of Mexico have been n received receivedand 1
and show an increase in of lMOOOO in ti tilast 1M 1MlIIt thelast >
last ten yearn The rJUlatioD population of the tharepublic therepublic j jrepublic
republic is now no over 15000000 I 000
j 1
iI Altntan tn tnWOMENS unWOMENS
mail Iftft AwnM umllf 34UfltU 3Stl lrula fI 2fa 2faStem N NSte1lJl1l NsSteriii
Stem Brothers Brotherswill
will hold Today and Saturday SaturdaySpecial SaturdaySpecie SaturdaySpecial
Special Sales of ofGirls ofc1r1s 6 6JUras
Girls Button Shoes ShoesMisses ShoeMisses ShoesIIAsses
Misses and Childrens ChildrensSuits ChildrensSu ChildrensSiits j
Suits Su ts and Coats CoatsAt
At Decided Reductions in Prices PricesWest PricesWest PricesWe
West We t 23d and 22d Street StreetsThe Streetu StreetThe
u 4 4The
The Provident Loan Society
Loan from SI 1 to J1000 l0I upon pledge pledgeof OFFICES omwof
of peraonal raonal property propertyINTEREST ro rt AMIIATTAM AMIIATTAMFourth NI1ATTA NI1ATTAI IJATJ4NFourtb
I I V Fourth Arcane ATlB e cor 23tb Street StreetEldrldge BkllCltlNTEREST 5eetaprccT
Eldrldge Eldrldp8treeccorRilnctoD8kee Street cot Rir Rlrlngtcn ingtoa Street StreetSerentb
aprccT D I
INTEREST 4 5 sgxnJ 1 RATES RATESOne 4s A LP Seventh S yeatb Aro bet 43th a c 4Mb Streeu Streeu125th SteotlOne StCOOtsOne
One per cent I per I month or orfraction 125th Street cor Park Avenue ArenuaGrand Ayenufraction Avenuefraction I
fraction thereof thereofOnehalf Grand Stroot cor Clinton Street StreetBROOKLYN 8 StreetOnehalf roet roetOnehalf
Onehalf pet cent charged chargedupon BROOKLYN BROOKLYNGrebam noogLrstipon aooKLTHupon
upon loans repaid paid within two weak weakfrom k Graham Avenue oor Deberotie DebeYotaefrom Bt BtPltkln q qfrom
from data of making makingNEW Pltkln Avenue ocr Rockaway Are AreNEW AveNEW
NEW OFFICE hOW OPEN 1 iii 51 i Cttrtlllllk Ay A THE BRONX
+ 4

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