hi w w wL n r or r 1 0 L THE SUN FRIDAY FRID Df DECEMBER E I 30 1910 O we h e uu uuHI I HI 111 11 l 11fo11l1llt JII IIUII IIUIItulcn igi igitutcr Knterti tutcr J he 1ul I I I1 rw o oI I IIA I law IA Mail Ia Wafer Wafert I IbulllIn bulllIn t h I hi < Halt 1mtllalil 1mtllalilDAILV DAILV 111 1 L l ler > r Jlimih JlimihUAIl 11 PU PUUMLV 11 11I VII V lrr I rxr M H on UINI I M NI > rvi i eir eirIUIIY 1 r Oil OilI oiiIY ° I IUIIY IIII IY AMI 11 I P I MVV I Ill I Year 3 3I UI UItlI o oDAILY I DAILY LtlI IV ANL I > M 111 NDAY Per I Mnnih 3 3V 111 111I I Irr > V I rr laze 1ft to I firelcn torrl II lountrle I IIll untrr added addedMl IItPIu I Ml u rei rit r1 mono tn urdet Ac I t to I I tr m mftd 0e pay rwbklua y yahhII1SI ahhII1SI ahhII1SIh h bklua bkluaI 1 I HUM N Ni I i i i tint hy It the 110 > m n Pilutln And PuhlUhlni 1 IiIPIlhIflZliOn IIhlnc IIhlncIIon1 A > Hon IIon1 at t 11 > a au fUeei II III > Uic lb Ioroiuh Ioroiuhof of liinrllUn IIbtIIII1 1011 Sew r rW otn ie PrrMent nf I thr 111 W i ir IIt r lln 0 It h ilw I4n ri I Mitchell 1111 11 Viwi In Ir 1 1Treamrc 1I ITrpaurr Treamrc f UK I Iii clailoii tI i i Iaa1I iatlau I Io iM iMl aa1I o l Irrrl Srirctnri s nrM of the 11 xslillim It1ItI II II IIi I I II 1 I JUnU nn II 3 i Mm UI UIt IftrIIMIItOfl I Ii t lnlnn m t r In I flIt h hi HI I I 1 rlmlrlr rlmlrlrIlfn1 rintrI I rit ritI I Ilfn1 tnt Thr rh Iftl 111 UIII Suul irt S SI 11 ii rr n Mh iil iilLflIflt n nLnI LnI LflIflt 31 Ih Itr1ItI rrI anI 1 IoIIII1 lIhl arir arirI I i i s IYIt < t 11 IIrn I 1 r i ant I w MIraIiI i icru t en 11 I I rI tI Ft I I hIIC hrI i I I1irtj 11 11i 11 1irtj 11 11 r t Ilr IIi I o I I ritd rrII 1r ftn1 ftn1M1n ifl iflMitiiy M1n Mitiiy rtIttUfl IIInr1 air n I hIIIae I n UrAr Ihc Ihcrant hI hICrnII11 i CrnII11 rant 11 71 1111 lIotIe rt IeIatirlne IeIatirlnecIrnr cIrnr rnr llftr I Iar h I 1pm I anII i 111 I t Ikulu1 Ikulu1ln IkiiI yt ytdI ln dI Ialr I IaIIrr urnrr nr I I I I I I 4 4f 1 1 f I i en nr PrTflI fi fipuMkurwis I I r r I4 kiffi I nantuctjN mu 1M 1Mt a apIblItwn t puMkurwis puMkurwismail rw ijIIf II IPII 1 W Wn mail in I n nl nun r 13 flt t leijn 1 r tCI11ttFfl1t1 I IConicrnlns 1 I IClurnln < Conicrnlns Clurnln a i Him llnl I mi 11 11 Ulr < nr National NationalHonor aIt 111 11111lnr Honor HonorWe 11lnr 11lnrI I IInnrVt I We W Vt observe ohn I4 r n that I hit OUr Ilr < contemporary contemporarytin llhllorry llhllorrytil tin til Uf Ir0 Id i IS ii 11 I inixl of n fw niorr niorrvord 10rl 10rlwlnll morrwords words wlnll of f nn 1Illllioilluln educational nature natureOur t Our 011 iontttnporary Olhll > lnQ hut not 10t yit y t with withdrl withdra drawn drl dra wn it iti > opinion uj itIIOfl opn I In r d I on Monday tOIdarInsi lam 1181 tluit TlIK TI si IS t N i wrong wrol in il ittafor ittaforlion ilINr ilINrtJOI 11 1 lion tJOI that the th I nii Ilh1 tutt il States I has hml a i clearly clearlyitral rhiirlyItfI rly rlynd itral nd legiillv I IIZII II Ih established thhh1 81 IlI IIM I right ri ht I ti to t I 0 fortifv fortifvtli fort rlih rlihtil s V VI > tli til I Ii Panama Ialla I atiatna Canal 10101 t ha I It I I I has ha not 101 ror1 ror1tvctod I or orIhd orltt tvctod ltt d itsownastoiuhinga I it 0 I ti alnljIIU iIit 11 IiI I II1 011011 I riion r1 uI i that thatm14 halJ m14 J 4 > far from rrol having hail a iosally aly tIIy tal taltilled 11 11f > 1 tilled d 1 right to tI fortify fort i tho III I II ianal alll IIIIII we s aro aroplodg UrIsj j f 1 ltRahIy 11 plodg 11 > It l mil 111 to II fortify ril it it It ItIlsutnis I Ity y hrrul Ilsutnis 1111 Us It p niisripriwntft niisripriwntfttlon 1rr IIIIrs IIIIrsfloii lli llitlol tlon tlol or tin law miI 111111 ih t II fartt aI liv h remnrk remnrkir rllrl rllrlI I ir lug > K on I Thursday 1111 hllhl rhiv in il I i i tho Ih t Ia faro fl 1II a of O Iho I h h1111C evi evidence j jt ¬ t dence dI 1111C already a I rt 1 ly laid 11 1 I Uforo it i t that I the thefortttiration I TillICI1iliIlltlI h heri fortttiration eri IIIf of thiiinal Ih 111 IT1li liy h tin 1nitid 1nitidStates States Slat would wOlldl Ix I u breach of r faith flh and 11111 11111it a atOt it blot onotir 01 Oil nu ulr r national 10 nat II 101181 Olllllllr Olllllllri honor IlnlIriitri i TltTO 11 1 ti Il I tiuolton I II II t ti III II I I tho th I III Hrnild Hrnildjirivilegi IrrII IrrIIJrhi II rIIIIA rIIIIAI jirivilegi Jrhi I lilY iii to II t I P iont I o III Iwi tIiI < iid I if I I it i MI pliao JIa I IIII for fortho Ir Irt or ort tho t h III aliandonnicnt 1 uIIllln of IC tin h idiit it1 < if C fortify friy friyin fIlItlf fIlItlflag lag in thoranal t h nm iii na I I for Ir I Ir thup t h ill I Ij srii riority nt V of II I it naval navaldeftmi 1aJ 1aJfli iiivaltIIIIIIII deftmi fli I OUT Olr that I liv h iiiian IIa of II land landworks lalli lalliwork 11111vorks works on 11 th Niliinu for Ir sir th tiio sulistitu sulistitutinn ioiitituI IItil IItiltiol tinn tiol I 1111 of If I If an 11 i intornuiioiial III I III I guaranlint 111 ii flrtttt 1t 1 I of oflimitralitv if ifV f flutrll limitralitv lutrll V for ihit Ih1 I guanuito lIIII Itar1tttI 1I whiih whih do doMUIIS d dptlul tilIt ptlul MUIIS on 11 this I npulili uhl own 1W WI nvourti nvourtifor rIrlIIfllfur oln olnfur 1 1Ir fur tin t hi urnndiT lrIIr lrrtlI Iir now I i iV and mil ft It I fmi Ii lrvr vir f fntr 1IlIr ntr alisilui 1 PU pit It s < iv riign I iontml I IltrI l III ri II of I iur iurjiroporlv II Ir Ir1rnprl trI jiroporlv 1rnprl I roIsrt V Vi hall hal i Itstrti itt Il with Wlh W It it mtwl mtwlto il ilto tnt to it i rttnarl marl on 11 l t anv 01 of t tli tl < i > ulijKtf ulijKtflint IItjIWtitit > lint Ult it dm d urpri u 1 to lind tld tho I h 10 llrrnld llrrnldtill 1 Im Imtll till tll t I II uiMttig ttt III on It I iln I I Ii littirly Ilt 1rly trly unttnatuV unttnatuVirop IIWlhlo IIWlhloIrolilill t t tit rllItli rllItliIIro1kiti1tt Irolilill IIro1kiti1tt irop nition that tnaty Ira law Ii binds u I not notto Ilt Iltt nqtit to t it fortify flriry that in I undrtak 1IIIrlk to II ti fortify fortifywould rirtiryiI1d Irtif IrtifwOlld i would wOlld I a dihonnniblo i 1hlflml i IiII In Iflhl III prmiiding prldill In rI4 d ing a abimwh aIt1Llh 1 I Ihlh I bimwh of II laith fUJh a violation illli of I tho Ih na nations la larIrId tiitIIIIII ¬ tions IIIIII p slii rtordd rIrId in il It tin tl tnaty tr11y tr atv with withCr wil vttitrit Cr Crl rit at Britain BritainThis itritaitifI I IThi This fI IlI Hirpris p1 lr I ri Il ti I ill I Ii 1 II I I niop1 p I r binatife binatifert IeulIi1 IeulIi1t II rt 1 the linn t tutu I II < > f t th thllIlatinl tniotiation and 111 rati ratificntion flitifkiit II ficntion Imlil fkiit fl of I I if tin tl t I irond IOIII < 11 I HavIauimfoto HavIauimfototreaty HaIallfol HaIallfoltraty I I i V I III III ot I Itreaty treaty traty tho tho Hrnild Irml MoniMl OI to tl understand tfIjIrtIflhIiIcrtv i iilcarlv ilcarlv lrrh rnough that thll tho thl contract loft Itl tho I IInitt I I1nite1 Initt 1nite1 1 Strit tat tl s at Ol it porfiHt prCt lilxrty lhry to fir firtify frtif trtily tify tif We e pnsniit for our olrlnt contemporarys contemporarysnlightenment eonttnnporarvIAnIigiltcnrn mlprr mlprro o nlightenment nlhlfnmll rIt it I Ita own W1 construction iuiitrIvt trlIlon inn of ofthe r rf 1tIFI f the th treaty trnt as 11 a oditoriilly htorh I oxpreciwHj on onXovember nnNovember I Ioemb November oemb r II 1001 111 whon nomo fm knowl knowlt kijowiedgI t tI edgI < gp e of the ctintentp Cltfnt ntnt of the document documenthad doclmfnt doclmfnthad had become beme public publicU Ilhl U I II fair tal to I aumme loum ttat the Ih objectionable objectionablerotnta obJrrUablloll ohjrtlonabte1otnta rotnta loll rautlnc tua the lh rejection rlo of the Ih former Mar MarPauncefote 11 11r flyrt r rt Pauncefote treaty 1I have h he bean r n withdrawn lblan and andthat n1 ntthI that 111 our o right rrb I It 1 recornted ye rrlr to control orl a canal eanalT alil f T ttuatrd luir tn republics ubUts of the Ih wettem r bemttpbere bemttpbereand l mhpbeJt I Jt and d built Ivl with lh American Amra xnercso rapltal rapltalOn eapitato III On o Novwnber Xovnhr 31 1 1901 191 three thr day dayafter rl rlI davtirtr I I after IF rtr r th the conplufion cnrlulion of the negotiations negotiationstho npotllto A I tho Herald Iemd cxplninoil more mor specifically specificallytho pedfralr I 1 tho gignificanco t1 I cnrf of the treaty traty which it itnow ilt itt t now nays Iys t Iy5 binds us u legally 1II not not to fortify fortifytho fnrlr fnrlrtM fort liv livk k the cnnal cnnalThe Innl InnlTe nna1rlie The Te Lnlled CII1 Htate fll U I In have H ih h rlcht lChlul to tobuild in1jul14 build ul < own and In < control the canal In be p open to the thecommerce 110 110f IneroTnmeTea f commerce rmmre of the wnrM wol and ni neutral nrliral tn t lime 1m tiv nf nfr ntu n near ear u r cirept tfr to I an enemy nf the lh Vrdteil lnl1 Htalet HtaletvAU fl S14iett t vAU 111 mtv u fa t lurlt ntatvtti Idsurt Ul tar 0 Or at 1 iltfrrtu drnC u atH ut uK t H I nviy II ditm du dIVIgain aJtiJift aJtiJiftAgain adNb f Again iu tho th Herald Ilr on tho tl 110 amo day dayNorombor da daofmr ilayNovornUr Norombor ofmr I Hull HullTtifl JII JIITbe ItiJlThe The treaty ttly I Kent Ilv nt a f lo fnrtlflcatlnn Ai Airirtti t ttIll tIll 1 I ft t eI rnhIUI pIshud I th qigtlni lo tjnjI4 viI 11 11Ie o oUn rirtti Ie ttf Un to > thf Cr 0 dIIi < lii rnun IIU n nf IHt t t lnlI nutitfilalii nutitfilaliiTho nUe 1 al alTho 3t4J Tho 1 lio necond 1011111 and till third of II tho Ih fore foregoing frIoln frIgoing ¬ going Ioln extracts extretK from ror thn Ih Heralds Icr odi oditurial I Ii Iilanai lanai 10nl1 columns cllmlA convoy Ol its iA own lurid luridinterpretation IIP IIPintrprutl1ill ItlrlIIiritorpretat interpretation intrprutl1ill IIII1 n If f tho llayliitincrfote llayliitincrfoteinaty IlyIIln r111 r111I inaty I rlat with wih regard rlrd t to i iho Ih nhrviluto nhrvilutoliberty nhfllln nhflllnlrly nhoIutiiisrty liberty lrly in which whih that contract I I rt leaven UK UKin 11 11II tilltO in II choortn dlOI i our olr mcaHtirefl wJtlre of C dofencn rofen to tofortify 10r tofortify r fortify friry or Ir not to fortify forify according to t t our ourunhampered olr olrInh1mptpddl ourin in unhampered Inh1mptpddl dibcrotion rllnn If IntPrhlin after having havingstudied havinglltltiieI I I8tldie1 studied 8tldie1 thww IhI opinion opinlonl of its wn w th IhI thIIeibi > j jHerald I Herald Icf INiltl x > n < i t in maintaining tnintuinin that hlt the thetreaty th thI titlltrAaty treaty I rt legally Iftaly pledges 111dlcs the t Vt Inited tnilfr States Statesnot SIls SIlsIlit Statsfltt not Ilit to t fortify lortfy tho thl th Panama Canal Llna we ant arobound urf urfhound anthound hound to tOM nay that wo w shall 8hti scarcely know knowhow knowhow knowhow how to proceed procQ further lurher to convince coninc our ouresteemed ou oureste i ittfmcc esteemed este med contemporary contemporaryA ttfmcc cntpmPrl cntpmPrl1ket A t Matked 1ket Ivtur IvturTlw hi 1ticTh Tlw 1 report reor of the joint joint subway subwaymltteo eorn eornmltte n nmilM mltteo milM of u tf the II hut thambor Chlhfr of Commerce Commerceand Comler Comlerf eomxuerttnI f and tho tim Merrhantu 1rh1lt8 Aiwocuition Aitlnn is jl i a t fair fairand airIXIII tr and 11 Offl > rnplele mh iliCt aimwnr to t th Utt iiestion IltllMtfoflwlttiuir < IIfItol IIfItolr iiestionwhether whether or r not it is ii adviwiblo Ilhihl for or the theIity IIn IInly ti tiiti Iity iti ly t build illll an independent indpfnlfnt subway to toroiiipeio tootltIltII roiiipeio 011 with wih tho Ih Iriterhoroueh nttrtlrOlltl Co Coop 1 1p reIl op Il p ation atiln IWIHK 4lIlZt fK IWhUNjhI Hlbl the th cfjmrnitlre cfjmrnitlreMcif otiiiiiitt otiiiiiitttl Jlmlt Mcif 1 tl f in virtu in I It cofti IrlIstjtlOhI mltiliol tition Tim Til re reicirt retiit icirt 1 i j 4 not IIt ileal 111 with tint I h < iiention 1Iwlti 1Iwltir IliepItilIllIII iientionif III if r iiiuini 1 IM 1 i t > erition ltldfc hllI l public publicijwriiion Jlblh Jlblhn pitbijeilra ilra ijwriiion n h 1 11 s barely Tly f tssit en lnention ttffltjfloiill < < ill any IlY iiinii 111 > i < 1 niiu hiI thu lone I drawn drawntrin drl1 drl1I drawnI trin I rmlt it ih 11I 11 Vet It I Id I holli hoIIsca hoIIscatht 111 111t1 > vtd vtdtliit tliit t1 IIIMIIV 111 if f i < u Inoi4i 1 of II I Ih lie leailini leailiniidvn IIiIIIIrIgIII Ilmi III idvn I vt V111 nl iL4 of Ir r HiMiiMn 111 t It I Ill favor flur lit vvr in innt 11 11uuulrldclt 11tuUclijlIeltt uuulrldclt nt nil h P II I < Miy aj i merely 1rli an ll u I pn JC 1L j 1 Hinitmrr tow 1 twzin1 nl 11 itiinHlm lIrIII ttt rMIu1IitIt itn a 1 Ih Ihr liev lievof of I r municipal IIiII 141 11 I tnidinc In1m I nidit t whih hid ti liii ohall hal Iia I I iin iinbmrw iutbntu 1 bmrw brlnt bntu all ni mpid rttIl I Irinit linen iii litti hereafter hereafterfiiistnictwl i rIfIar rIfIarIittflitLt t fiiistnictwl fiiistnictwlThe I lt nl hO1 The Th report pnrt rrfei rI > ti t tlw Ih iitr llr1 tttrI > l now nowjv IW IWttJUr IIIWtxIn ttJUr txIn iMf O I IJV jv Ilie II Male Situ a over r piihhi Il hi I er ere r riI iI 1 I ItriwIrlItlIL fNrnIIIL itut 11 Iilfl I e the theiipinion II IIlillll iii iiiIltitIilt iipinion lillll that Hllt if the Ih t It MiperviMon IIrilll pruxeo pruxeonew jrIl rl rlilIth s sttt ilIth ttt fli itk new 1 legislation 1 Igilat IIn IInchllf t ui t lilt liltC an anbe chllf C Ii litd I be b had hiI I However I I i IwovIr the th I I u eoiu eoiunutteo I 1lt 1ltittttP 1 nutteo lith dor I not IIt make 111k a p in ill < < II > f the Ih ti fat fatitliat faI tiit > j itliat I hal munieiiiil 11 lull n ttii1iiil il pal tradmi tnlhll I nI I itt i wa < nn 11 i Isi me II in I It ItI 1 the I h eampMlRIl lmld iitn NIgiI l whih v hi it priveilisl r I It I the I h ln ft fti ir > t tNvtionnfMr NvtionnfMr i etsoti 101 of Ir Ill I II IiIt tiisas t I S I a4 Umrlor < iovernor IIV rlIOr and andthat 111 111i ats t tI i that I ha t the Ih t h Ptiblii Plhlh ti I ii Servu Irv nll II e loinini 1lliill fl1 I Ill > ion III wa waj W W1rllh1 1 1rriitti j 1rllh1 created to II ti I JIUMIIV iII the th 1 h ocential luOllt llill 181 advan advanclaJme IUIII IUIIIaw III I iiti iititag tag aw claJme dILln1 II inii for or public Plhl I 011111 operation operationI I ntl rii t IIIII IIIIII I II I fiiblie Pthlp iii itI control 4 ollrol out rul rather nllwr ni I hr than IluI t liii U municipal ttIl lliipI lliipIolNntiol Itt i lUll lUllUI j jI 1 I operation olNntiol UI fltt lOt is i a logical lo iul development utile t in inAmerica il IIIAttirien I America lwri1 It I I I is I not 01 out olt of liarmonv liarmonvwith harlll Iuirttiotivr with r ilh u It existing X i it II 4II legislation 1aiIIill i ttt nd 11 I Illkli Illklit u ililiral ililiraltraditions ii I lilt I It traditions t radiI il iItII It I I t doot IIH not In involve ilI ittiii a I re reIontrurtton r rIrlIol re reS Iontrurtton S 4 lIt IrlIol ri u t 1111 I if C our I lr system sll t of II c taxation taxationand ti I t i itt ittant I and alli ant I public i ii lhl ibi ii i rodit f11 rI lit nor lur does 4 n it build IUill Itt I lid up upa II ti tiit a I groat fjl lusty I N IV of If civil servu 4tV II e I employee II II III Ill Illt j jt4i t4i I I hold hlhl I tu Id tin I h lie Uilatuo 11111 III 111111 of I If f power I HIr w r in il I tt mutiM mutiM11M fllid fllidI j jI I 11M I 11 I l I elections IIIt iI II III I I 1 The city I t i itj in il a 1 position ilin i I to to 1f I linn ha I I in inthe 0 0tit the Ih protits proli from frol future riltf tituin subways under 111r 111rrinl tattlerIrivat1 Iprivate private rinl operation Imti It is i calls ttIl 1111 tI upon to tomake II IIIlk ii iititiiki 1 make Ilk only ly a 1 relatively small 111 outlay for forcontniction ur urIItnlill contniction 41 IItnlill Itlt t1It I tii nnd IIIIIU tttl none at II II t all al it I I for or opera operation 1 1lnl ienl ienlIII ¬ tion lnl III If it undertakes Iltllruk to II build hlil and 1111 1111op atallbIHfllt j 1 operato op mln I exclusively XIIIIMj VIIV with wih It It it I own I wn fl credit credita Ttll r Ilt Ilta a 1 heavy interest inlft int rit charge hlrl will wil ill full fiI upon uponi Upoll Upolli I ItflXiaVItM i taxpayer InxIIY for or u 1 number 1IIIhr of f y v11r an I n ncharge nI I I charge dlWI which whih can 11 ati never 11r t U I recovered recoveredby I by thos t who wh will wi hjivo II to t II pay IIY it it Sliall ShI SluIIWI j jwe I we WI abandon ubllion without illOll n 1 convincing olv Jil trial trialthe triil triilof trialI i the I It principle riueipl of regulation rlllltiOI of city ity transit Imllil Imlliltorporliolr t ratn4ittorporatioti j jcorjtoraltotw corjtoraltotw torporliolr rather than tlll direct dir l mtinici mtinicipal Illil1 tiluittitiI i i I pal ox orliol wrnhiIt > rationJ If I I I tli tl titsi pritwnt Irllt methoxi methoxifailH fllhol fllholflil tuethodaiipt i failH flil the th t he city It Iit will wi i1I have II tho th I opvortunity opport I unit ni y P Pof i iI 1 1loC r I loC of taking tlill over 11 the 111 now Inw subways lhwlyt at II the th titeTICI j i 1 end 1 of ten 111 years yIII tilI Tliw 1Iir we w conceive conceiveis oni OflIVt OflIVtlI is i the th true I issue ill i4IlI ma Ilk1 tunikid kcd hy the th detuitoj detuitojover ultbati ultbatiover hblt hbltor J over cotIltwt IfIttion itioti itiotirlir I IThl 1 Tlic Thl srnalor II1 from trul llip Ih Kourlcenili FIIirtCfItltTo 1111111h j I ITo 1 To Democratic 1INralk iovenion onIOI resolved to toI I Igive i t give 1 the 111111 State a good 101lhiinjtrltiol ooi administration the theHon t hi Hon HOI THOMAS Tlf t K 1 Oiuuv illI for or all ni his hi fame ramas It1tI i ias as 11 a legislator h I iIIIur Iiit or and ttt 11 i his natural 1llral tat I I Ira I elcwpienco elcwpiencodo 11 111 iltieo iltieotio do 10 s not lot txvin 11 SI to h i > i congenial ulllial Mr MrClKVKlaxn tlrt Ir IrrI ClKVKlaxn t rI t I V E tt S t I intimated illilll1111 It t itililt I I in I U a candid roth llld I II I letter letterto 1IIr tr trto to the Ih I hi late lit IniiN lnlS KKIIV liII K t tx the th overlord of ofTammany o oiatitiattv I Tammany TlflRIY Hall HII that t I iii would 01 11 I 1w N > more morecomfortable lor toorrouuIortniII I I01or1Ihl I comfortable 01or1Ihl lit II tho th executive xlti xeetltiv office oni Ofljt if ifMr i iitr I Mr 11 tr lilI iiiAnv were VIr not 101INrlll1 ieriiiitteil tnndorn tnndorni to nulornI i i i II iheSnate t h SIII SetIflie and ald UtlI I MI 111 it was u iot orfl onlfl orfriti orfritiitt < re reIlia 1 i Ilia 111 itt ii way vav history seems 1 to lie I reK > atint atintitself ititt itself I t4li t Mr 31 Ir r 111 iiLtnr I IlI I Y at lt II I iniieh Illh iota ii IIrollll > rsonal rsonalI rotia I Iiterift i I I sacrifice ril will wi represent the thedistrict Ih 10lrllh 10lrllh1tri1 it itIktrit I J district 1tri1 at It AlUiny II lliittv duritiK Mr Ir IMVj IMVji 1 IIX ixc ixcI i i iI I i I term t ri rtn of o office on us J inventor iOlr oVIrtlOr His lis I health healthand 1IIIh itealtitilIlli and 011 private solicitudes liftldllo iniide Mr 11 1r iliun 1li it iti itiitul I I Iindifferent I indifferent illil11 itul i ffrttt to furhr urther rt hr distinction 1 I i4 tnlln I 01 t III in I I U tho tholegislature Ih Ih1ilatlr t ii iiI legislature I gisiat Ii r but hit I It t he h was rcnommatcd rcnommatcdand r 1111 I 111th nil III I I Iit and 111 it titi elected I in i n spile u I it I of le I if hiniscil hitti I I Keltic Keltictaut III I taiii taiiitaut taut 1111 IIH he h was to ccrve r the th I ito assurance alrlI of ofa ofI a I Iciiuxraltr I ral I I majority lajlrt v iii I i u i the t I Ii s Stia > nate natewhipMNl 11 I te teVItt1up4d whipMNl wi I IP up II a ttaKemc II I amliition atlliol and 11111 11111IIrlallIIOI he heenteriaiiK Ii IitltertainMt enteriaiiK IIrlallIIOI I not Aiithout wahllllrt it cratiticition tlol the theidea Ih t hejilea i iilhJ > idea ilhJ of If 111111 > > cconmii it I I ii president roIt ltit pro 111 t In 1 I tiin m mrwanl t n a areward i ir reward r a ri I due 11 itt him iii ttt tor flr leadint tatlil I i tti his II Ii is IMII IMIIwhen I it It I > V VV I II I when whfl V hen it 1 i t was wa i p in il I tt the th t Ito nunoritv 111111 i i it uii tnt V The Th 0 hon honorable hnl hnlomhh lintiorniti orable uud III Useful 111 pOIiol potion x lion would wOlld brill hrlll bring bringtutu ir irhim I him im constantly 111Umlr into 1110 tlIt tou tnl1 < h with wah Ih > Oov Oovernor im imrlor ov ovrtior ernor rlor anil alli impresn he II minority lilorit now nowHllhlcal ttowI i iItepublican Itepublican Hllhlcal I tC1 iiiiClti but hit t containing t onlaill oti I 1iflt II toine Ilm old tillri I friends rind ri n h with his hi importance tltlportatlIt i I It I ha tutU Ixen ordered iizd rr1 rotl however hat thatSenator I hatIltlr hatPrultlr Senator Iltlr iflU inI nIlV > Y is i not Ifl tn I re rrIIv < eive tit titwan re reward 1 1wa1 ward wan I of le i merit tn rit It I I t i intimat illlal1 lot Iota t > > < l to tl ti him himcasually hil hilILIly I ii itt ittI casually I ILIly iLliaiIu but hit I ti it with wih it it calculated alllnt1 U II 1 I ateI tinm frml II rut tt ttthat v vthat I Ithat that in il view vi iw i of his 11 delicnio IliUII hNilth hNilthaiidtho h hijththttill llh aiidtho 111 till I tho t i O1 > < i demands cnHIII IPftli III I itp I I 1 H m it In it I attention attentionwhich Itllfl Itllflwhilh lit t Ifit till tillw which whilh w h ii i he h had hlel I mentioned tu ltifl nt I IIi I b < > fi f > re r he h wil will willb v ii I I1u b IN ijtiitt lull I i busy 11 itt is enough nfllh as al floir 1r III er leafier leafierAnother htittrttottier Ir I t i ilotlwr I Another lotlwr iviwtor ntnl tuttnr not nll t4 vi f old Id in inriot 1 1Tilj scrvhi scrvhiwIt i riot flt so 11 famoim ranlll Pd Hi d SI oloiiuent i k to If totw totwl be beailed lo l ailed ICI I to till res rsiitiibI insible duties olti dtiti f fident 1 ttii ttiiIent 1 110nt ident 10nt pro > tent tlm itiimor Hlmol says thnt the thellUi 1h 1hJ llUi J THOMAS Tlo riiot is K 1 I irI IIAI ttv > V is i of it f a mnd lel to torais I II tilraIa I I rais TIJ > the banner bllnfr If of if revolt rolt and ld insist illil UIKXI UIKXIhis UPOI I his hi prerocative arerrgative but bl rumor in il this thll caso 1 1lar i imay Iflhi may lar flhi not lot do d juntico jlftiu to th tiiu Senators Senatorsintelligence str strintIem S41111t r rntuIhigcne intelligence intelligenceThe intIem intIemThl ntuIhigcneTill j The Thl nr1ll fltltkh h Navv uny ToilarConcluding Toilar 1utlaymachiding 1 a Y YConcllrinl Concluding Concllrinl n review of It the th actual actualnaval artuialnaval I naval situation ilatin in treat iTat llntain Iriril at t tho thoI th thlnl tbprwettt I I present time lnl tint Ksciibitor lxClhilor a sv tpo 1 iuli iall iallI inlit inlitwhoso t twhoso I whoso whO mak w t should holl1 like I uk to M I re removivl r rI ri rimov I movivl 001 mov wl since it it must InLt foiiivil on 11 il the tl iii f itt ittiire4 it itures ures 1 of a cimp lm ompent tent niith illhnl riir rut v nsMrt nsMrttliat Irl Irlthat i r rthat i that th II tit < navy to tola tnday lay juduvl jlo1 by it itmatl i imateriel t tmtprllnc materiel mtprllnc matl ricI and personnel prnn1 for rlr or it has hit more moreoflicors mnronr morent1kir oflicors onr ami mil mon nt n tliai tUI1 any 111 two t WI other otherIowers 01 hr h r r110cr4 j I I10wf Iowers 10wf H < iipiosa 1III4 IIi a pocition pili1 nf if uiitsxail IlfIL4lIlablo I Iable I able hiipnvimey lpma and 111 its it predominantitis predominantit rlfminmillrPI is illrPI L axtturcd onward to II the Ih t sjirmc jriui rl f IHIi IHIiHiiminc JII JIIMlnil itti ittiiU4iIfl Mlnil iU4iIfl Hiiminc it that t 1UI t tho Ih t ho line Jil I i no of ff battlo llll iitt t I should shouldconsist silfIl hllt ild ildoflIlt i iollt consist ollt of ships hip iif fr tutu Ih tututhili Orcadnoiicht nraclfl ht f I Ith > e ethw thw th table Ilbl shows stiowiwtutt how what w lUl tho t strength rnll h of I tint tintnavies I iii iiiIUt h I I IImviN navies IUt will wi ln > in il that tllt ii i sp i > t t on n Marcbti March lunI1 ii iiin I Iin Iin in tho t hn n nxt xt thruu thT years yiariVItI ar j jVflflon In Vflflon VItI n ii lull 111 IJl 111 tIZ 1111 tu tu1lhh 1911Ilrltth i iMrltMl MrltMl 1lhh Kmrlr 1 nll i 1rsminy 3 3drrmany i 1 1rmy drrmany rmy rsminylriitt A u I u uInllKrl j InllKrl lnll Male 11 I IJptn n nJapan I i Japan Jln Jlnt JptnFranca 2 i iKranci Franca t 4 a aIIuIa < i illu I Ilu llu lu IIuIa la laAustria II I IItaly Austria AustriaItaly 11 I IIlly Italy Italyllrazll Illy IllyIrll I IilrziI llrazll llrazllArgentina Irll IrlllrIIL ilrziItCriItL1A Argentina tCriItL1A4ptn lrIIL I IBy Ipln 4ptn 4ptnFly pln I IB By B every ry test l tills Ihi t table to of o compIMinl compIMinlships 10IplIOIIhil I ohIiliIotOIshia ships Ihil seems m to I rornit orrt but Mxcubi Mxcubitor K EtiItor II IIlor tor admit lni that if the lh < iermln rman naval navalatithoritien naaluuthorii fla JIh JIhutithoritts atithoritien uuthorii avail nai a ahI t thIuI hmhclves of o tho th t It full fullresources fIlI ii II IIrtoureet I resources rMourCC at their coinni 01 lad nr eight f ht audi additional utI auditional ¬ tional Dreadnoughts DnanOllhl can i 11 uiti h < > made ma ready rfud1 rfud1hy reilIh reilIhby by tlw t thi eummer Immlr of 1UI HI At t thai that tune tuneAtihtna I tIgttittria I Atihtna uftria and anllul Italy should houlr ei h have II four fourDreadnoughts our oirDrearnoltht ourDreadnoIightM Dreadnoughts Drearnoltht in il commission comrII ni HOI t o I hut tho thoallies Ihl Ihlal thoal1iia allies al a if I Hi I h dermun I rmJn shops hop were pre busy busyto bI16 bI16to Iisto to their thllr er Irtt > iieat capjicity would have hlo hlonL it itfleet it itfleult fleet nL 1 of o iwontymne 1nlOno I line lne of o battlo btle chipsEngliii thipsl4 chips l4 Engliii Yn JI < l unlike unlkl Oermany ffrmanv urrnaitv has tU1 from rromear rotti rottiyear lyear I year ear to year no settled a11 building 11lrin pro programm po gramm grml ° her strength in il Dreadnoughts Dreadnoughtsbeyond nrpatlollltl Dreadtoightuibeyond i beyond ond 1313 IK ll drily nl rslv to bo b t conjectured conjecturedbut but blt tho presumption prumrIIOI ion is i that I lnt although althoughtli ultlolih ultlolihtho I tli tho two Pow standard cannot ulnot IM IMuniformly INJIniomlly uniformly Iniomlly 11111 fnrni ly maintained Innuil1 t itainta I til w I unlesM IIIf ii it ius Cernmnyfalters Cernmny I rntl ny nyiii I iii falters lhr I tur14 in Ito t hI nice ni tho I t Ii authoriation authoriationnext 111 a ii t hnrizi I inl inlI luiti luitiIlXt I next year for or new IIW ships hip v siI j llIN bi M > liberal liberalMuch lirl hiiurzuIIIIt I Much 1 ld IIIt will wil depend kg ri I ilfr i it r that llmlll UX n ui > M actual Itlal Itlaluntntlinl 1i1 I l1 I II j jconstruction construction I untntlinl I inst nut i ti in il the th I Pt ierman iWII irrutI II yards ynrl Irl Is the theuaniculars th thIlriular t hi hiuiz1iuiItrs uaniculars Ilriular n 41 f which u I will w1 bo ii dillicult dillicultti lil111 i ti U f finccjil ° flII Seven S v ti irion mo armored urrlnr > 1 shim shimto hi I to be I laid I td down 1wl low ii next IIXt tlIx t year y lr r would iui 1 hi not notbo n1m ui bo m too If I much Illh full tehi says III M I Kxmbitur i i i Iii tu r mid midlive 1111 is uiI I live I is i a 1 1 hare Illr minimum rilillll 111i11iI iin > aiilie with withaifetv i I Iitiftv I IaC aifetv aifetvT itiftvIM aC T TI IM < M > much 1h stress IIn can itt IK I Ii laid upon iIlilrII j IIIrlllll Dreadnoughts I rvll tIioilgiItM hl we w c believe I K hie In I i tlm th I hi hiI I IIlritlh Ilritlh I llritish navy Ilvy tLoro tLru aro other pownrful 0 or rl I j shipM hil many Y of them Ih1 in I fact and a in lh lhierman 11 IhiI I ierman irlial niry nty there tllf urr art very few none nonl nonlI notiI i for ur inMiincc i II like ilk the til thi Itritiith Iritih Uittlr hutlhi hutlhiI tMttthltlII1 tMttthltlII1or liip I of ff the th Ixird Stl NIon N l on n anal Ild King Iili hiti IAtwnll Kdwardl Kdwardlclashs clashs 11 l 141l4 4 rlimnvite EIIII I 11 IliltUl ti the I h Driadnounhts Driadnounhtsfrom InulllOlihll I rtailnohi ght ghtrain from rrol rain Uith navies IIwi and al th lil Ormun C4rlln se Ir Irt sir sirII > r rM M t II < e I would 01111 I I I I I iiisicnificiitit illmtillt I iiintk ii Ii I by 1 toiiipiirt toiiipiirtson Iulpurl IulpurlUl ittit itrI itrIli son Ul li with wit lh ii the Ih t iii Itrit tritish rilh isht I MH could 0111 mid midwould nl1 would 1111 U > found fll1 for tIn proDreadnought proDreadnoughtshiM ireadnought ireadnought4iitutt shiM hil in il j a 1 navul WUIIII campaign I 1 that was 1 not notdecided lot lotth Dotiii decided in the th I ii tirsl lrll sho ho hcwu < i < o or Imttle IIt In Indil Ind1 InloMI dil d1 an al accomplished atlIllh1 naval 1111 tactician tacticiancould tartirianttliI tidln could 0111 employ lplo lo II advantage 1lllu such lllh shi shias ii1iIu4 hil hilIh as thn Ih of o the Ih bird 11 Nelson I1 iP4tt and 1111 tutu I ins ingKdward in insKuiwaril Kdward 1111 rlavMii 11 respe reiectiv1y < tivey iflfiiii It ami an1Itl anilIfl3III ItiUi Itl tons 10 and Ild tarrying IrirJ mam IIUI batteries ttri ttrii hiutteriuiI i of o four COlI I inch tdlllj guns in il a I second 111 line hl of orIltlllp off Iltlllp but tb Ic and UIII inciise il in eZII I heavy hlI lomvsin I in Dnud 111 111IOI Inituhttouihits noughts IOI hh were w sustained IKIlilOI by both coiiv mm mmlUtta on on11lml f Imtants 11lml lUtta lit the I h hi ICSSIT but Illt st still I iI formidable rormidahlWIIhil torntittahIltIhII warship woild 111 win wil ltI the th dav h and uld decide decidethe ltMIdt iid iidt the t t I o campaign IUI tli I Ill I I jli 1 The Th following lot oll iuu wing table tah In iii of ofI or1uII o oI 1uII completed 1 Kittlhi uneluding dlIICII I Oread Oreadnoughts Irud IrudInllhl Itreadtttigh noughts Inllhl tttigh its lits I Ihai Ih I liii i twentv IWII t Vetlt V years Vifl ln N old olllld olllldi I and andlirlulori armored arlln lirlulori a Inlr I cruisers liii rs le 1 Iis > s than thUIlf t fifteen II ftta tt years vcarsI II IIIdiphuin displacing rm IMI Itl l tons tUI and 111 over r is il then thcreI tln tlnI thenI fore ror material matrill matrillt I rmorff rmorffTfn riIutSIlirtI I 111 IlirtI Ip 1 1 I ruUli ruUliI f HeI f I rnj Tai TfnM Tn Tailimit limit Irlln Ililtain I 11 lr ut IJI tCitPi M < > f IIMMX IIMMXU IWoO IWoOnl1 I nl1 ntt t SLa 1 I IiOiiiU I U of IMIIWI IMIIWIf IfIA IfIArrn tVUI tVUIIiuuflafl Iiuuflafl rrn 1 11 39 1 lr of < > f 00341 00341l ISJ ISJI i34 i34I I rane 1 3 nt 1Jf 1tVuI I of f C3SH 1J IA3U4lilit > C3SHI lilit 1 1 I or I 1 I717S I II nt f MJIJ MJIJa MII I3l I3lItita 11 Itita It Ii nt 41 13 a nf I 1 A333tt4iV < UJ3a UJ3aof I 11 tt4iV I U nt IOJ tUitS of 71U 71Unf 74u 74uof 1 of 111 nf IJSW IJSWj IJ IJI I3urliorn Thero Thfrn remain only onl a I between htwMn Great GreatUritain GIt GIti GntatBritain Britain and mil CWUI icnuany the cfticiency ettIIIII1I of ofthu If IfIh ofI thu Ih I complement lnllIInt In 1 I tho th t ii preamble of ofthe f fi the th Chnlnn ienimn tnhIar navy awy lULV net Ru of inm lOl tho th dispar disparity dilr dilrit ¬ ity it in chips hil is j nvognized and them thIn ix ixtcurs oc ocr 10Iir tcurs Uf Iir this t admonition 8llonitiol Our Olr ur endeavors endeavorsj lIcoJ must mll bo b directed toward twan ltlIti < ompnMting ompnMtingfor for or this inferiority ilriorIY by b tho individual individualJ InJIllal InJIllaltrinin Individualtraining training of IC tho Ih < rows r and by h the tai 1111 tillI Ilral tical I training Inunil by practice prftn mmtiel1 in il large largeliodies larJA larJAIndi largIluodiu liodies Indi Sine SiluIlmt that time timllhi this feature rAlmofi of ofjtho jtho I h ho ierman inll rlUltl olicy llc > not being bill lost upon I10n I10nIh iipoflt the Ih t O Hritth Iritih Admiralty lnimltr iiiessiuit ilIlland and un In itnt 111 lagging in attention UIIIOI attltt ton lias IIL lut been h1 given git to till th tilltriil drill I rl and tniiningofcr tmilil tniintitg If ofnws wi w > and ln tutu in it murks mlrks mlrkship niarksuuuinhuip manship hip they I liavo lu UL0 Ixvn I brought hrnlfhl t 10 ithe I thu thuhtighit h hh > lughet h ht dogre Ij of proficiency rl dfII Speak Speakmg pllk pllkI mg I at tli t Ito Iord Mayors 11 nr lKiiiU bUICIt t in indon ton tondon don dOl thn tI1 thron years ya ago alo tho th Admiral Admirl of ofFleet ch chFlt tho thoI Fleet I Ioi t then Ihol Ixml FISIIFJI FISIFJI said saidOur saidtlr io Our Oi object ohJ 1 ha h ba tern the It fif Orbln tgIlttf1t tittnf efficiency mtnr nf nfi ofub ihe 11 ub fleet n I ami n1 ll ln tnlnt tant reaillne for ro ar f unit an anIr unitba we baie Ir ba got Ot It anil t Niylt because brI nn one on ott can hat hatfuller M MI hAtS hAtSI I fuller I VnonleilEC than m mteIf > elf atmut 1 It I anil I Ii Ipral peal Ir lth 110 tbe ILl tl fuller 1111 re4i ira1unthtIty ira1unthtIty1orct IIIII n > li > lltty Ixird rc KlHHKK Ilsllm has his lnvn uicrinvied by bySir Sir ir AnTHlK t nTlt1 nitttIt Wusov WIS but II them tllm has hll been beenno hn hnI no I change dlll 118 tIi4 in it policy pol4Y oiii y no n t decline tierl Idill its in il I ti disci cld II 154 154pun pun ptn no slackening 1 kI I of f drin < lrivmg pouor in II III inI training I mlninl r In mit and mil t lit I handling hlclm PIattl hittg the th t rank ntil k and 1e Iii Ii tile I Il The 1 l iii British Iritih navy IIy was 1111r never wi It p4 powerful pwerul powerfulII j jand i and II tO I formidable onlidlhl nti a In I ii never nlr MI s I martial larinl tnii ii in I and andready a n I Ir ready ntl r aily It is I the surest lr1 guaranty Illranl of ofpeai 11I I peai 11 I flI e l T Tn > i 11111 hnlletlge ha iItigi it to I ii the I h ito test would wouldbe wll wllIcln Oi I I Iis I be madness Icln on the th part ltr of any lY Fower P iwr in inKuroe 111 inEi I Kuroe 11 Ei I u n i I Tit I I crisis rii is i indellnilely inIIIII jnihiIi ti i t Iv Mist Mistniiied st IstII i niiied II it tIM I Iiii 11 Ko KoThe I I The ThulrIII iii cuiiservntivo a outu rvat spirit 1 p1 Irir nt the Ih I hi j iuie 1 II < t 1011 1011lt ion ionate 1111ilto ate lt attachment aladll1 at t trh tuin t to t 0 old even 1 if I I irrational Irralolli Irra t Intuit Intuitiitshiiuitts i i1hiol1 fashions 1hiol1 uianifi IIwirt t in thin letter 11 let tr engages engagesour Illa I11L1g I11L1gour j our olr liking tkil Iikiti and 11 res r resJSI ct bit h must 11 not 10 10dOl nottiog i clog dOl our olr etvmological t loloJitulvnint conscience conscienceTo nnsrieflti nnsriefltiIn I ITn To rn raw rniTnii rITI or I TH re sr 4t J > I > ir Whal hai n nnur I q qflIu > nur 01 flIu authority ftUlhnl SU tilOtIt for the It word t smit I fo fur II fu fuThe fisi fisirh J JTh The rh illctlnnarln 11111 iln 11 1 nut nll il < le I P It I I am m famllUr famllUrwlln rm famlitirIIh I II 1 wlln IIh I the 1 commmi nli IIll ie rrh cn In I It Ma Ilbrl tSaCtIUt acbu > eii a aIWrrL rut rutI n < t ti I i onflectlitjt IWrrL t hll il ner n heanl 111 the woril 1 n nTh 1 1hr irn Th hr nnl fly 1 > fn > e 0 1 know n about 11 Na l a tlltch llrh Ier Ierhat 111 111h Irhl hat h < rill 1 SIN intenilril Ui I ratrh cM h l Mirre IflC m tan 1a LAfliIa LAfliIaprIl uace pirl 1 ls In I1 I Is f i iei I UlUltUll WUu I II IolIMtN IIIILWLSST 1 1Lasr 1 ttii Lasr NT t lirmber lirmber1l vi mber 2 0 0Pnlt t Dont Pnlt tlw t 1l dictionaries givo 11 gi I1 it We Weshould WehOll1 t tshouthi should hOll1 never 1r think thilk of o looking lokinl into intothoe ino inotll intot thoe tll t mausoleums 11111111 for rlr or the th living h111 sfMtili sfMtilithat sjsuviithat I ithaI that lilts Ihl among IIOI the tl I hi mouth lolthl of If II men mnI IfltVlirtionarIes Dictionaries I lolari are tnulitionthsts I ruuol hot they theycopy I h hopy v v4flhV copy on 0 another What authority huts 1msa h ha a I ick k of o however learned 1arll1 I cenobiten cenobitenreH 1011 1011rjatill tioijtt tioijttrIHntitI reH rjatill rIHntitI > ating the th difta of their prede prIO uruIe uruIesur < e sos sur 0 S and ald ZI Ill I from rol their I Itii r cloisters eloist loiIn mrs pretending pretendingto ItrIIJlil ItrIIJlilto irt riui i ti tito to register r the th speech of o their time timeH lim1iI titinhlid H 1iI hlid I I our olr fiend rld forgets or urgent t that I is isnear I Ilr inear near lr the t I 1l is > Hginning lil of the th t hi line 11 Iiti l fullig fulligh ong ongb I b hCoP for < 7 1 H I reached nldl rea hitt 1 many mUI amendment amendmentand axnnt ltlII I itttt ut utarel and 11 changes halls are no nnrw tiedI did There WHS WHSa WI WIa a day when wh wounds lnIA rhymed 1 with1 with1ounds with withzoutntw ounds 10111 t onservamos I11i hold hll on 01 to the til tilolhr tit titoiiIr older olhr pronunciation pronllllltiol as n long lonl as a they theycould Ih Iholilt theyout i could olilt out In and iitti 11 I we w honor Iolor I tonor that thll tenacity t na i t y but butmost h1nn t tI i most I nn t of them Ihr t 11Pm have had to yi S ill I Id In II I ti tiF n F hundred hllln1 years PIr or I hius M the Ih cars enr1 of o I Ilexicographers II II j I hi I lexicographers I 1011 iroira phf pii tiu may uttui OJHMI 01 HI U ti in t o toss tosstO I IIn r tore < to itS il proM > r form enjoying nio in its itsrightful ill illrII itsr rightful rII r gi It 11 t I I vowel vu p w1 tviI no I II I longer Inlr tuoiii r degraded 11tt hgrn I as a asfIjs fIjs fIjsIf 1 1I I If I our II uir Ubinv I I friend rriI1 ri riil will wl travel Inn1t i I through t tli 11 t Ii Stale 111 of Mavachuetu t t to today t tta toIuv day ta Iuv he h will wi never hear lus I lii as I ui verb vrhor rl I i ior or r noun nll he h will wil hear hlr nothing Ihilt bin hii fo foland f land 111 almgM 1111 Imr I 11 < M > much lIIf of u Indeed 111d 111dIh I 1 there Ih I huor is I such 1h tIll a I plague IILI ltgtt ° of f fo C fiiu s in II the t thu thuI Suite 11 I ii to at Ol present rlpuit that thlt I hut t it is i said sa Iillh hut ihe t Ii lio liornnrl iov v vrvIIr crnorelict rnnrl rvIIr M 1 is i going goi oi ti to 1 o change 1111 his II hi ts name nameto i ta 1 ni nito to 0 the II form Irn i erroneously rrol1ly prefers ed MI bv bvMr I h hMr i Mr 11 ioirM 1I IIlttMI tS tSlur x xOur Our lur I Iii r e irnipondent irril unu h n t f lu < is e i is I a bit bitof hII I at I III of II I lVtII symliolisni I 111511 I that I hii has hl II its il M obvious I 1111 1 v lOt It pro pr r i ient Iqit ent 11 political IIlil j I it irai 11 application 111IItiol it ut it t out in il Massachu Massachult 4lltUiI fit I I4tlM i ihit 4tlM < lt but hit let I t us I ui stay tuI I in il till I h high hilh clear clearair 1arair ar arair I air of fC etymology etymologyKriends utvtuoogV utvtuoogVFrbfllI Iyool IyoolIpnll Kriends Ipnll nnd 1111 eximpUirs xJw of Ih I h hi tncli lllhr r roliiiitioii roliloitloIl oliiiitioii 1101 ninnot nnol rrpr rrrll rrprttliIto l lo liv wverHy wverHyIXIWKLLH iwv vrplyPri nvly nvlyPrMiIItt Pri PrMiIItt < lt lOWELL 1nLA s iinirnadviTHinnn animutdvi Llitrvlol niiona nn nncheering n norjniz1 norglnlZIMI orjniz1 orglnlZIMI cheering drnl ih thu primitlvo miiM miiMuil mli mlit mIIPilii uil t tiiiles I titit of if r ti LII cMIlhg5 illfR graduate ra < JI and Ind iinHer iinHergrntliiatHs Inr InrIlcht rndrrgtutII1It5 grntliiatHs Ilcht nnd ni so it on Culture uitur ltlr yelln yellnhecreury ypl ychlsScretary i I iI hecreury U luni prrkiucea 1ne OTie m n nu flIIJIe flIIJIei uret uretUfirtlinj 1 i Ufirtlinj r fnlflllfieer fnlflllfieerSecrrtiiry PIlUiliICe PIlUiliICe4uorutiiry I Secrrtiiry Hfrfllr WtUO VtUioyprodticeiiiill tLhO prodlc produce Mi itli tlgurra tlgurraMr tlllr tlllrlr I Mr lr HBTAV Hius Hsv in il it MIT Itr to Mr lr ALBERT ALBERTALMONKT LOrIT LOrITL1IS LnEftr LnEftrALSIO4ET ALMONKT L1IS F T whut h l a name Mi for r or a cinaumer cnolmr of ofdiamond otdiallud ofdiattiond diamond diallud btn k terrapin and champagrm champagrmannouncen chapg champagnannotitwet announcen that ho hocannotJoin cannot join in th the Balll Balllmnrn Buihtitnnrs ll llmorl mnrn morl love lov Ifutt IUt on January nnuary 17 and inti int IntlmatMt intimates ¬ mates mat th that t if he h wroU wro a l IUr tter pleading pleadinguOlri plrile plrileuunlhr pIuidlngijuuthr uOlri uunlhr r enKacTnent IDImPlt 1m h might mllht mlghtstrikii IIrlk triUe > rtdi dl dlcordant dlii dliienrdant i icordanl cordanl not Tho 1bn 1 truth trlh is i rwrlup Irll p nhiip that thatMr tht thtIr thatMr Mr Ir HrTAN IrTAS is il tint ot posy IfY in a niururchlcal niururchlcaldrex 10nrhical 10nrhicalrl < drex rl t MIII 1i tlt and 1111 is j afraid afrlid of fr IniliKitUion IniliKitUionThe IldjlUon IldjlUonh The h cnil niIar I < vr Detroit 1111 now n w at 1 me ll Itunn bm N si sipint n v vanl > pint 1 u t4 litll M > H l Ill ilaK IlY I II I I 1nnnrTr CORlnr CORlnrIr of r New Newiirk ew ewk iirk Ir k for rl S s tIJlO < > i > l IWlflSIh nntH I rnm Hniitinatnn HniitinatnnHi 1hla tEitli it itIIii I ITh Hi IIii Detroit 1 bI 1 ml oi I iuut tllll1 Ixiii Is ti in I commimion roth nrmllnl in isiulin loon loonthan I IIlal than Ilal inlili i hl1 n years and alr h hrorl hronlglnai Tori lnal in1 coot cootwas Ct CtWI costwas was WI SI1 l TXICIO I Kor Flr h hr < T nminliiianc rllllI Innant nan nansilly a asum sum 11 many mllY lim lm tlrtis s that nf her SA 11 sal prim pricnas as I It an al nliHolete 11I hip IiI l had h Ixn h1 or s4ti > iit lt t upon uponthe tIJcJnI PO POh the I h Delroilj DelroiljThere IStriiI IStriiITtierr There Tlr Ii I n < > Ilvf IL Mr Ik Iti4 Nnrlh rth 11 Carnllna roln4 HattlgH HattlgHrtri 110 flstelltu rtri u iirtl 01 01IIw ttnifrrff ttnifrrffHow IIMI IIMIIlqiw How IIw delclahln 1111 it is h to I see tho Ih lnn lnnIIIWH JJi JJillisEIilIM n nIosflIM IosflIM IIIWH M llaNIKLH IIASIFL I ASIYLui himself mse ii llll utgti in n hU hi hiwar liiwar war bonnet tOIf vhancixl ellnt 1 for a I Ht Hlch kotvi itch cap cl his bi r old It4inwn Iln lineumentH Inmft no 10 U lnJpr hunger > nKr with wh I the thenokolxerry I ibspnkhrry h hJil I nokolxerry jtiic Jil IncuriiAilln iILnln his hi turmt turmthwk tor t nit nitI I hawk hwk into a haichet Mlcht turned tlmft night m ht HC HCi le leI itoaided1y i cidwiiHlly odey h be in I Them 11 I It no n If > Uc even evenI sysuTsn1uel7 Y11 I remotely 1 likei Ik North S orth I Carolina 4lr no n IVeclara llar thaclanitlon tion ttn llkft h hk the th Mecklenburg 1fIllrl nn n medicine mdlin11n flsdliflII 1 1itwxn itwxn 11n like I JOK DaXtrLH nASU L Peace Il to tl him unit I II wlioiit I him hhl since in he h > hi h bait Uld hl down 1 hi hiarm hil hilum his histrm arm Kven tvln the Ih cut Ilt of Ir the I mule 111by 111byl by iyBYWItkufl byliKurttK liKurttK l BYWItkufl wua on the ti southwest mlhw of his hi edij edijtorial isIl isIltinial i itrill torial trill page looks 101 a 11 agricultural AJrielllrl a as iii iiitrrtiilnd t tIrminl ternilneJ und 111 if Mr Ir DAMRUI nASIJL run hi hits to 10norhtt iho ihonorthortut ih ihtFthtliht northortut norhtt of lt the Ih Bewick owlk mule a ties tiespatch 11 11Ich 1114itsich patch Ich Hlmut Ilolt UII its DntvKit Inn1 of If Wilson WI who whothrew wh whIlrw wIttitrsw threw Ilrw tn un n axe JLX at I Mr I pRtvun IRtl plumb hunt un undernenth liltI 1 1I i I dernenth r rflh that talo td uf lt attempted almptf crime ril n nM i iI is isOil i I OM M Km KmI JZ JZInnn I Heaven Innn hat oI Ihe III rUon if f fulHIIit tulOUt lieIre lieIrePeace 1ln 1lnIIN tetlmcIute I Peace IIN without wihlli PokelrTie 1okteri it It i il is Rood Roodto 10t 10tII to II t new 4 our honored hn friend fri with ih olive tlhe on 11 li lii Iihrl his hisbrows j i brown hrl Wn WI t1 join heartily In hsfl 11 fly in th ti this hymn hY11 of ofcharlottes Ir Irhlln ofthutrinttssi j charlottes hlln sweetest t stronjrest tronJt Uird hltl hot IhoI I Itll hotlion I Hon tll MASOIJI SI11 P 1 SNOOT SNOOtS S S o mfr oh no more n beef b t uv uvI 1 it itJosiuI I I Josuritra JosuritraTo JOMI JOMITn JosiuI iIIs iIIsT To T Iby Ib crrit heart hold let u uj ut utslenlIterIq j Nilendlfcroii > chief u uJoanlira uJn uiI I Joanlira JoanliraKew Jn JlIsbrsIuaIw I Kew tw Htatetuneu havo 1ay lieen 1I minir 11 more morenolily 11 11nlhl1 tuiilrsniIy nolily or ns I often oftenThere otsnThen CtnTbr There Tbr may mlY I Isi > < an 11 epidemic pirmlc of humorist hlllril hlllrilwhl l1iitnInitswhait n nwhen when whl the thl n nw wn Hprvads that to mi au olwctirt olwctirteontrilmtor Ibllr Ibllrn1rhlor iIuteuirseIttnIIiaior eontrilmtor n1rhlor t 10 hi hncA wan R left an iwtate iwtateof tutat tutatC 11 11nr of C tfloonum 10011 atx1u Tho late lte Mr Ir HKNIIT SILVKH SILVKHws SILYH SILYHw ws w 4 ii schoolinite hOllnI of TllAOKKRATH 1IACKtHA TI ho howrotM h hi hui i wrotM wrl for uncA Ium from frm the th beginning I ilninl and andwait Imo itnutwas wait w ono nn of r tbe tlp editorial Ior1 board from frm rota 107 107to lG7to to t In 7D yet yl his hil fame ants apparently aJPn1ly never neverwent nl1 nl1Wlt nuvrwt went Wlt wt nt Iwyond h > Tol11h th ths ofllre lmN im His i friends frio wero werolutotiifihed wraJtOtlilIhPI lutotiifihed olih0 tit leum m th tht that t ho iA h left MI much muchmoney mlh mlhmOi mulchmousy money mOi saul ald there ther in il no evidence ovllo that tht it all allcame ILI allnimA came am from his hi htmvirniw huru effortHome f effort ffortsSome I Home Hme Idm Ir of the 1 h rnwority IYArtT of thn th Hritih Hritihtlntth nri linitishtIulth I i h hdLth tlntth dutifw dll miy m l hi > formed roI from the th fact factthat ralt raltIMt factthat that SISoOUOQ IIIO of his hil estate tAte must mlt lio I tsto mid midto to tIll Clovernment ClovernmentTho Cnvmmft Cnvmmft1h hwsrnmentThU Tho 1h highest hilht land Inr in thin State RtA > south th of ofthe orth ofthe the th Catskills ChkiA IK I found rOlnlln in the t th hlcl Beacon nii niilltm TI rauiuIIhi1 > > i lltm 11 feot fl ut thn th areiitest tPt Altitude Iltltld which whichj whichIools 1 j 110 looks down 1 iwn on Oi Mattenwan an1 nd FiMikill Fhhki Fushk ill illIutnlling I landing lnlng tho th two Hudinin Judm River Hivll town townthat tOWII tOWIIIhat townSthat that Ihat have hvo dexldpvl deldf to beoomo Im one city rityIlie city11is I Ilie 111 view Iw from either ihr North or lr r South SouthBeacon Smuh11cn 8411thflscnn I 11cn Beacon tnkew tk In the th Catftkillft tlkil and 111 nl the theI 1h 1hHlro thattuidson I Hudson Hlro Valley 111 sail IIt on a clear cLr day tl IOUR 1ll lsnigI j I Island hLmr Sound sJr If I th o n1 ninie 11 of Mktteii MktteiiI hl j I wan wan W to tl be t rejected ns I tlu 11 tt dtfdRnition dtfdRnitiontho 1IIIt ion ionr j of r tho Ihl new city ciro Beacon will wi comnieni comnieniitself CIInlr ClrntlltuIltsulf itself I to thoe Ih who undermand MtAncl Iho thO th inti intimate Inl IntlInst ¬ mate Ilt relit rslatton Ltol ion of doth towns to tho th ranee raneeI TIII mttueiinneit I = rr rrCHCniH II I CHCniH 1llmII IXITY IXITYllttle IVIL ixIriIItt I llttle Ill IItt Irony Alioiit bft > lr n N NItalian I IIalan tini tiniIhauhaui Italian Ialan Cardinal nnal Ttir Tlllr TlllrTo Tieor Tieorrn r rTo > To TIIK TI iii p KiiiTonor 1 ITI or THKSI rH 41 Sir eare earemdelitcd art artiflIIPIittI1 1 mdelitcd 11111 to n Mr Ir William Willm S Inna In of t taunhtat taunhtatp ninden nindenN lrI N 1 for I t statement of his hl iernnnl ftIifltlfl ftIifltlflrsrutniltnun 111 iinion iinionregitrdlnit 1 regitrdlnit IHn the Ihl stronn atni Ilnl ni upisisltlnn 0101101 In Irot Irotetanl Ir IrAnl I rt rtsatazut etanl Anl religious rlurlI circles drI looard iou ant church churchunity ihuurehIXIt hrh unity IXIt I 3 Hfconlinit actonl nrlnll mu lo t the Ih I ti plan prnpoed trit e I hy hyfardlnitKlllihons h hIatnlllhbna htI fardlnitKlllihons Iatnlllhbna I tr ttnul llIIhuna Adoption lolII010fhI of that niethisl niethisli i liy ti r Irot stante Ianl mould I ul1 1 leave I their name IAI u nh nhout h I I out a meaning It I would lid mean On nothing notln Ics I than the Ih reiCMftina1 ratlif uf Ir r > eternl 1 hrnnche hrnh to I I place 11 them Ihl asuin aI1 on a par with Ih that 111 111iieut iieut 11 liritnrh Inh of r the I vine vineAs tinnhat n i As to I hat Ihll si t 1111111 mil hi Ilia I nut hlock lok the Ih I luireaii luireaiiof I Int tii riliI I of Italian 11111 InnlltiHla I IIIA u I is I Ii not n nnesMirily nnesMirilylininoriil 1Nnl uie55utruII lininoriil I 111 nor altogether IlnIh alt otsttu r MI s nocuoii M i u uMr I lit litMr Mr Lou Innl toIll uppoes plJ KIT ur lnst InIln n > hiv ihevhive hivIiit I hive h Iiit ipilte iiIta recently r taken active aI r measures measuresto nl sulrps sulrpsII I to I II withstand 4 lhlano the flood 1 of r higher hllhr iritiiisin iritiiisinund crititusuuigait I I und n1 not nithout Iholl fair ineaiure m1 of otbnh till ine inei > aI i huroh unity Inl ini I would it olhl undeniably ldlla tutu I neu neutaiiunu I ti w wa I a taiiunu ftlla suji I hut to Ilhl Ii this I old it Id I tltti Iln institution I nUIllo I sttt itt kill which whichtill u hlhIl Ii I eh eht till Il t ill preaches ile 1 ii old 1 lime Inlp I rehirlon 11 In Indd II I n nIIaIt dd he b has 1 hitherto hllh had ftt fruin rrm the verv vervl larttaEuJiltI n nhCllln l hCllln taEuJiltI > einiiln I < 1 va aMt t opportunity Iltltt lorllll Unit > open I I > hr Ii r rII I II in I II tiring hinl within lhll her h r fold tol an army arm of r men tuittfhiuiaIr1n flounderinic nII In tli ttia Mtl5a l 1 > yss of r um 11It > elief It Itwere 1 were 4 l a 1 pity t Ity Uf i If ii It I werei thnt luI Any An luireaii luireaiiof ur I Iur 1 of Italian I Cardinals I aoln hould Ihunrl I hlr ht ii rt the thelalxir Ih I its itslabors i labors of t MI 4 rvlceal > e nn In ti tntltution tntltutionPerhaps In11 tntit 11 iittlI iittlIPerhai i Perhaps Irh when s hn Ihe Ih erriiii rlO need rI PII of t the h hour iiuirha j I ha l > eeii upplle iipplprove UIIII < l W ss e hull h1 lie I nlile 1 lo un uniippl unIriV II I prove I that Ihl colleee I of Cardinal olnl lit livinit lr set setin fI fIII i init II in out liii Ul I vinie 1 tit f its I it s Italian Ilalln I mciiil 11 tasin trs > er and anddeftly a III IIIIft 1 1ltI deftly ltI Ift I intro 1111lw i ii I modiot < ii < in lIt additional ittIit iiiiuutl in itlsuui nilr I Iir from frommerlru rml friuuitIuttimut i merlru nHI I nlilldate AnIIII mold mnllllkllhiH mnllllkllhiHl m1 In alt Iklhl1 Iklhl1I hIk11hiunI hIk11hiunIII l II > forthroniliiB turlhnll fort hcnitnu Hm Ihl I w 4 mu m1 t l Ii > Ionic 1011 if 1 1en r rtrll fermit trll en n i an4 n nIl l priMveil do lo t ly I I y on mcf 1 Un lininp I run 1 ii iia I Inot not 1111 a t h iinhuil UlhI uta hIIII In ii i day dayCardinals 11 1 a l lCardinals Cardinals Caro In I form a cabinet bin1 to advi 1 e the theIope Ih i Iope 111 1 tt not lo II rppre reptrn eu Die Ih people The TheI Th ThIi I pl policy Ii a as It 1 his hn t tsfl > een n for omi a > < fn n nluI ntories tories i is lo snny as I the Ih electorn follece 1 liy h i 1 onderou olutlO mijorily of Italian lal ineinliers ineinliersmil rI r rni mil to It 0 furnl furnish h hi llolme loln with lh t onrldentiMl tiitii1itisIstIouui onrldentiMlidvi idvi < era whom In he I knows knu Kest l h i nnd I wh who ho < i nre nreino lo ttr ttrtitlist ino I titlist i imturnlly IIurlyrlIh y sympothetu a tni Pat ht Ic with s i t h a I roiiipii roiiipiitriot fluu 11 11fnl I lit littOOt tOOt fnl rhief U 1 tao a not lut eer r thus nor 10r need needhe 11 11h ii iuI iuIha he h 0 < dinars 111 Tempora 111 iniilaninr mUInll lenn SIsnI lennwhlelet a whlelet I tte 1st even vui IlnllanfnrdlntU 1InltlnI ItUlulul 4srdlnaI likeothers likeotherslie Iknlh IknlhI Iiiot hrs hrsha lie I indued 101 oi fist tly 1 Iy aifordmz a 1nI inrclin lo II their work worklli I U ork orkIii k kTb Iii diurun dldr rJIIImnl ulr lenient of nuTuini 1nn nIen 3n I ntholirs ntholirsi 1101 < I i < nr n o 4 err irrntetii ifllrItt a I 45 Mr M Ir r l Inni ini nt uppoe UPIO ind indnhnlever lht I II j nhnlever 1 may I lie I wild r of I his II philosophy i ireenrdliiK reenrdliiK olalr the Ih untravellmi Itiillan 111111 Ianli IanliniiN 1 1 uIriIItiiiI niiN 111 hi ho a fa fll10 i a are II re rrrtomly is rlml rtut t m it t fault fit 111 for I IUnnn Iknn ILnnt Unnn of one MI Italian Inrdliml I who t 100 like hk hknnlhr tikstnothr i ianother another llnunilml hits h timl 1 the Ih hardiho hllrllhnIn < l ll l n > > < ro r the Ih lialiin Alp Ir > fly even lo ro rnII rt rtthe the II AlUintlf ° 11011 IK i en tilIi u and tread r I Ihe Ih land of ofIreeilotii fir11011I IC ICtmtloiti Ireeilotii whIch n fur IIr a i > n 1IlnnllIt 1IlnnllItIh lorv informs us usi tlie Ih I Ihi dmuhty Iolfh Inh hi y llHmilhnl I Isn III 1111 I never did ii it i ciirBun 411 rs DI Ieeinlier 1IIII I I 1 1I I IPrngrso si I IIrngres I i Irngres I nf the Ih i vi it allnnall tIunaiInPo nAlhn ni I fnim Po ii Isiirt S43 11 elti eltiw rUj rUjU u uI U HisnTox life I II 31 4 The Ih lireich between betweenlillTnnl behs efn efnIIgrl I lillTnnl Ilnchot an an1 < l < nionel ll 11111 n > eeu K imnln amisiflVahltagtnn imnlnWashington mnlnWhln Washington Whln The rn main Intercut centres rrr In I ihr hrbral break between 1 1 the Ih h el Problem and nd the c is isforetter < chief rl rlInrII I fnrriter Hy II 1M r the 110 lie I letI t u tor > rj ant all I we 1 liellete lielleteIt brill tIfrit I II It l luki uk here f for r Our ni n 111 l time l that 101I of f a ipiar ipiarr r I the Ih tiro I hail en rnue lo I UUnti t1n t the h ninth ii nf I fI I IrIr I IU I rIr Tbo litpt InPIrnlntr > enlntf a tiivt 111 I nicnio l11n xii to idle t tr 1 ita itatietaii tat tietaii t U oiIi wimiheapiieiHnrflii 111 thecrcm Ihr rrcs rll I al lION Itorietm IInrr1 IInrr1Ii tm Ii of r iirTiint Itichiit Me II clambered m lor I ah ahi unl nl atihr me 10 lu r ecll train IrI tit 1 UI lilt > lep wi Wit heaty brat y in inhI ml mlhl hl h l 104 > r clouileil OI Mr I r Plnihol went rnl directly directlyto titrer II II tiy tiyii to ii Colonel llmivieUs II I r 0 > nf Ihe crllll ira lit lie lieiaii II IIlou I Ic Ictjirttt lou tjirttt II iaii Pahi1 e 1 bi chat with lIh in I new neiuPsper Diaper men menIhey mIllh mcliie h Ihey Ihr tell the tI t > r 1 > a 1 few rr minute ur in I the thei tneIritnIi presence of I Mr I Itoovtelt ItoOrt cit he h hnweil hlm hlmrr elf to tohe II IIhe he In a tAte of llnlloInollil t lmll < niitloii Mr 11 Plnchot iinehntii with withmil 1110 I mil 0 ii circuit cIrmuItiit ronkcrMtlnn c nn4 n PSttith 11 went rnl after II hl hIt > former formerfrlnil formerfrin frlnil 11 < i He II ipbraktnl 10111 the Ih Ciili r lineI > nel 11 nr lIrt t nf Ill IllI f ill illfir lI lIfor fir I refll rrlnJnl ln < to I r rpo poMe the 11 uptlfi ltl I 11 ilea < A of I r Ilie IlieiicjMneit fletnTtT iicjMneit forester rn Then Th there 1101 ra ft i iliitler be becan brrat Ier can r ih Mr I lr ltiM 11111 > ecll hail 11 declare I 41 f Mraioaa MraioaaI ftII mat 110 Mr I lr Taft r l It on > n ante AI uprlrhi and 1 iiutln iiutlnjnUhel 1111 IttlnIht jnUhel 111101 Iht n Pre Irlr1 lient finally a sa It 111 It reporle ra I he heattempted hIm n nsltempit1 attempted m I ii call the Ih leader I In lime because tiers the theNew III IIIr IllNew New r lurk rlo MI Slate IC plalfntm iitntalnei nn n national nationalconservation nAllonftlplAnlo nSltonlninwrtatIfl conservation plant Mr I IMnehnt accorillnc II rorlIn rorlInIhr to tothe intite the report 11 wound up liy II t declartnc that Iballh thefolo thefolonet the Colo Colonl Iolontt net had deerted drtrIIb drtrIIbrhl the caiiw caiiwThl nsujuernl Thl wa u too rnucb for In Colonel Cnl lvon 1111 elt and andtvefnre andt andhftre tvefnre t tl those 110 > n e present realized what hI wa n joint on onIh onthe the Ih tlnrm broke Mbal bal the III et o Irrkldcnt ON ONMr lolotI 1n14ir Mr I ir Itnchol lInrh11 11 not a mailer mAIIt of record Od It 1I11d 1I11dII In 1 laid laidIt W Wit It would have to 0 be tmhalmeij mbolm In a mbeain be bfatn lsii > for fortbrre Incibm nr nrIbtI tbrre ibm hour U Itt ternperalure w danceroii dsnlerouIynear ly lynear near Ihe 110 Ulndllnr point Niiit that lime the thetrain Ih IhIn lbstnstfl train In arrived at 1 Atltota Tfeat wit where h e Mr MrPlncboi U UIInI Mr1flcbOt Plncboi enl ol otr otrA A Manhattan IIUan Fir FirTomaKpnoiior IlnTnnt Yir7OTJIEEIIfIOK0V TomaKpnoiior Tnnt Folino 0 TnnMCK err < ic > r I lam am cre lIall lIalllal jretlInterested iV iVtnieretted Interested lal IM In th Ihll statement made m hefore a exit lulalalv Ietltatl exitlallvr lallvr tatl committee mmlll yetierdty y hv rtre Chief 110 froker frokera Irok Irokas 11 11a a as follow U I a part parlor of my m dull to 0 prevent preventfire pretenttimss fire In the Ml rnlownc < nwmr letter f Irllmnrl mm Colonel Sidney i11 SIhItICYIterny Sidneyllerry llerry to I hi his wife now nn In my pnuetnn rln there Ihr I IotI IdiicTtbOl I I Idexrrltxd dexrrltxd otI a Ore In the lower 1 part of Manhattan Manhattanwhich MnhatIriwhIch 11IltaIlAhlh which hlh ChIef froker 011 could bat r prevented had he heattended heiiitnftti attended ndl11 lie II n nvc v r went rnl near n II Me II hiiiUI he heputontrlalatonie bfpIInn heputn I putontrlalatonie pIInn Iahn MIPWHT J Jill Cowri Cowrii ill i 1w w You VOPL oall December Imh < I ISI Sept ni i IH j Mil U flea II I Im am mil ahle to I rehear e all II Ihe Ihenew Ihrnr Ihenew new nr New s York k In part 1 I ir rAlr1 iri rl liy lire lireIt lireIt It 1111 burnt down from the fort rl to I the Ih > treel 111 where whereyour whereyour hrr hrrynl your tmte n tfacnu llie4 from the Ih North nrth riser rlterHi rh Hi the 10 llrnadway the American left powl ho hk hkan hookLoll > iu iuand and an l a fnrtyfylnc on n the Ih helcni of I llericn and snilthou I Itho thou ada 4Ji3eflt < Ynt the Ih llrltlth troop txik ItH hsikelofl IN INIn n I Ie e elofl ton of pnwl rn < b honk < mk alMmt i hour after I our nil mumiroot14 I IIriKip I IriKip I marrhd our trixip trmpnuovriI moved v all Ihelrfiiint lIllIrlnllnIIID thetruhhns3tores I Iaiorr aiorr IIID anil 1 Mat ItaIgsce face not any ny new n movement movementla i In lieneral ral WaIlCI V hliclons army VO m Ive I wrote n i iUr It UtIm I II Ur I Cole I lie lie I h hnr < nie an wNifi o1I an a Mr Ir tI llhelm llhelmrorre IIbrlm1n liheimcowesdfwflanl rorre cowesdfwflanl down < and wc r rtetMtIerteItlc1i crt M Matter 1 Heltlcil wlihem wlihemI With 1 enu enuI I am my rn dear llnrercly j tours our r j 3ir 1I1a > KT hINT t ininit LlI II W 1IIItTlI 1IIItTlII V TTIV TTIVI I P ParIlpunsenl ParIlpunsenlIii rllp nllponl nirn nirnl l Iii till KM 1111 run o r Tim MI sie Xm Xmj SOlion j j ion one on of your 011 old 11 S New es Yorkers 11 tranee m tohm say sayhas has 10 hm mentioned Od the iii h1iI old uI t Hutch church h In N Niii SI iaii iaiiI I I Mil iii ulreet S I oc upjrln IY ills T ll I ii > e sits lte 11 uf the II I Ii Mutual MutualLife tI llItllaiIt itutal itutalI I Life ln Ilflln urinie I ontpmiy 111 I IIr lllxrly Na SaII SaIIlanI N5S4II N5S4III eaii eaiiI I and Cedar streets trl Kor I n ii many IIY years Y and up upIlii 11 11I 11 11I Ilii I I in Ihe 110 erection uf the Ih present Pn Inst t Office Officei limehllIdllllf timEhluiIotIii i huildln II was tt II tis occupied 11111 hy I nets 111 Sam alii MS MSIhe asI I the 110 sO rnt York ork Post Office o nilit lletween the theIron Ih IhIroll theIrnut Iron fence at I the Ih t he Innr ed uI 1 is of Ihe II I sidewalk aldst situ situstill 1 and the I 10 he null tll of the Ih church was It cravernrd cravernrdu orlltll1C11I1It u 1C11I1It limo ton ud all ai I around a the 110 t is edifice sot 1111 I 1114 under 11Ir which whichnrnl W hlehnd hitcitnail nail nd elendlmr s I isnil Inir out nIh to Ihe II I Ii middle of r Sa SaIrt H SVI SVIstreet I street u rst were r old 101 vault Some 411115 III had fallen fallenin 1I1InIII in We W boys I would ltl he dared to Ii tf hu < > down downInto iuwnI I Into IIU I them 110 I When In the Ih t hi church ehut reh w as s deinol deinoliheil 0111I1I utetuiniiatud iheil It was s II as oberved that Ihe II t tuu structure structurewns ut 1lItll fliutiirsWits Wits 11 put lotreiher hy h I lone oak 11 tuns utns nnd Iron IronIIIt trtntIiits IIIt 1011I Iiits IiitstIiflg Alonu tho II tutu fence r sllerii old hl hot hotniiiflllM hulIIIlIftllIIIIIItr hotthu I niiiflllM IIIlIftllIIIIIItr thu flIt i ndtriiiis itil I rtiiga of ihe t 10 Imlhid of t the Ih I ii day darr ha hasent sent for r sale 1 at n Inn > 1 ttt he h1 h1IIMI l lt tt t hit I tune I i ut private Rrt va I mailers Itii 111 IIi i hat t is isthat I linn Ii rtiiu rtiiuI that I distributed ii a fl luitted letters Ii 11 t cm circulars itIll Ia N mall enllilIpklllf lfl Ii Iitaickusut Ipklllf A ti uru 1111 lii 1rr1II h hdIIIIlrnl IIdetsniteni de dIIIIlrnl > endenl Inat MII oftlie n work uur 10 I will iIIlllun name two I tosiu 0 01Ih such siu hi IIrm II rill lloyds Ud s Iof I uai nnd llusseyn llusseynIoMemh 11110 I I iisaey ii iieiIi IoMemh 11 eiIi h priming rilul iiu ii itnown It N 1 5 n letterstamiisi letterstamiisiThn ll t r pita untM untMri11 Thn 11 liv In t the II t rivers ml h Icr was III 1 Os au Imd at atthat 11111 t I loss losst I that t his I ferryboats ferry IilitM friuu t lluinlllon I I a iii illitti 111 < nnd At Atlantic A I IlanU Ilanti ¬ lantic uveniie a ttntj ferries fri would u osi hl climb ctlii I up Ii II p on onKreit nitgreat n n11I1 great Ice he floes I1n suit 1 lie II there II with i lIh passengers passengersand asngeraslut and 1111 tennis tan or three 110 hour h Inn > work workIniroff tuorklniC k I IInlt1T Iniroff lniC lIT Into tub clear water Creat I rtt sport I I bat batwax thattiNs I wax for some m T 1 II IILA t tN IiLAttYIElt ILA iLAttYIElt IS N 1 Decemlier threnttsrPIahek J JTo ZIb PIahek PIaheklo Ib IbTn I To TH tnt > KlilTor lTnn or TIIKSCN Till rll < SIS Sir 0 r mu muiiflhiptt 1 1IInlon union of iiitlvis Ih nf the Ih kind wrilinc these theseintere th thInteresting I intere Interesting tinit letters Ulr would I he II chnrnilim hl hlro tofore j i fore ro journeylncto 10 HIP Ih itrnit heyond 111 I am amsure aliilIrl atnsuhrc sure they t would 111 h lie llkpac Ilk e a corps fJrp rpsdlploniitiiU IIIlolllnI lII 111111 111111Ito I IDo Do any nf my m youthful rnnuuinlnn nllnlo mirlvn mirlvnw r w ho 10 rmle NI nn bark I of pie dally driven Irh from fromllIh fmonSi i iSiilh Siilh Si z I hi Hvenuc ii and situ 1 Thirteenth Ii alrret lr 1 to the theWent lI lIW tlep Went W p it Twelfth street nlwttoir In IlIlh the ion ionNKW ntw Os Osiw NKW tw VnilK k l > nemlivm 1 f fIn I I > I IIn 1in In the th no nolo ITn Itolul lo TIIF Kiuion 110 or fl THK 11 SIN S Sir oi ir The TheildlerV Ituesnldtes ildlerV ollti barracks were CI Handing in the thellatterr 110 110lIattr theIlittterv llatterr nhich sac II then eiictoed 111 in a tail tailIron 111111 talliron Iron spiked fence Still t Ith gale al r opanlniu > i enlngii 1nlnERSial > Front KromSlate FrontStale Slate street and nd Vhitehnll to I the Ih Slsteu MIsteitIshautut Slsteuland IHI land ferry all II kind kln l nf n refreshments were weresold acresold r rroold I sold from stand harked up I ac against inl Ihe Ihefence I lIioifn hll I In1 fence fn a anti ml owned tt n1 mostly 0 1 hy h old nllllh Irish I Fish women omenwho who h innked theirdudeen their ulldII In perfect t comI comIinsure nm 1510IsuhrU nmI insure I hefoie to the Ih pausing crowds rot The TheConfederate 110 Tuentmlruuts I I1IiI Confederate prioneri > were r a feature tal that Ih I II has h Impressed itMlf on my memory mn They Theywen wen there II In it IV I believe III in great niim nlllllt nutilhit I hers t hit protiiblv on n their way wa South Tli Tlihiirrarks 11IlIsrr 1lihitrruivhs hiirrarks wero him hU1I1 In mourning after afterLincoln afl afl111Iln afterIhtioin Lincoln wu HI a shot h and I aw his hi dead ulu t body bodyit it its II fiinenil cnrriao IIla bore I It along lattery lItrprI llultDryt1i1114 latteryPlue Plue I around it ruin ad the Ih t Howling II tt hn I u n r fireen l reen and a n 1 up t tu tuItruutsuy llroudwiiy 111 to I Ii the h city iit H Hall where hr It Ilia IliaIn lay In tale 1telIt 1 j I The Th Mattery list tery then I had n little 1111 iii t h beich hut Ihutlos I 51111541 los 1 l gently into Inl the Ih 1 ti water ar UMIUI a ahundred amlrt itit hundred it Ii nit nh feel r or more II oh r beyond the II IIII I tu bencb bencbMII MII II Icdire of rocks 10 where I h hen the Ih t irrHnile irrHnilewall Itmllall utrMflhlI 1 wall all I now IU Maud 11111 It I I ha 10 nil 1 11 been 11 tilled In msini InIn insIfl sini In except 1 the Ih Imm n t here h the lii h rowboatM rowboatMtill till I 1111 Ill are u ru there 1 tu r ru were a crc M i numlier of pf r tree I re In Inthe IIII 0 0the the I Mrk I of t which hlh hid the Ih weeping Iln willows willowstjiid s ill illIIt illuit illuitts tjiid ts nt out conpicuoii cnsf 1111 hvuhouh a m ii memory tuietioi III ry Tlire Tlireere Thrr Tt r 1 > ere r IIIMIMII 111 ii I I irrouiiiU gruuuu utilt tl and ii n lid l a cnick I rila k team ti t In InI knoun 10110 I no a Ii a tb I lii Mohawk IIhhI4 44 k a ai of the I h id It 11 I Kirt Ii 1 rt wird t 01 rut were ti i re verv irv n proud ruuit of them themfelloiv I hiitufelkit 11I felloiv 111 illiid Iuuiu ui TII raaffe WHS their i pllcber pllcberMil 011 I Mil III Itoli Peach 111 au ii then Ih the Ih crack roweri roweriof Ih Ilf i of the h world ltl lie 11101 II bent irythiiiK in lirlu lirluund i i und out of ight lleo II 1 itieI > iied oyiers uO ira p ilin ilinM hhi nt nthIs i M hIs be h d 1 now tti and at intemils I ttterh I grappled grappledfor 0110r u au aufor for r the II drowiiid drowiiidio 1 I lu io anv uit of our t If reader remember the theprimary I h hIr hitritlihit primary Ir Mhool on n Stone S Ihilie St tree I it jii JIII J II si i uit a 1 1Iollhllll of ofWhitehall II IIVhiittiiiIl Whitehall iiee I 11 cci > I Krailiiui from u IIIII m ml l III it and eiiterrd uiu III I erol 1 = U tin lireriiulch 4 I rirn w liii Ireet Ireetiu 1 r t tiuhst iu iuhst t above IIho lle 1IIrr < tort reel r Whl Millel luuii I win 11 there Ihp t tin tr IIii i in 5 or r 4 i Ihe Ih ilrst ilevntisl I tnts nl1 motif ii iirritui n nerwleil erwleil 1 A t Mr Ir Imftv n a iiil II Innu man II witli witliM a lIh lIhIon illigo M lotij Ion rml 1 beurd I uuril < a i priniiiil II I I IlIulT p pI ii iiHurry Hurry lIulT I tnuirht II Ii tmi I the I h hixhet bilh iUs 1 s st 1 1 t the Ih I II C old lot Pot t Ofllce I tfll building huulul in nt a 1 0 e sIn < 11 r rand I land and 1 Nasiiu uC5III strces Irr then Ih wis II tower In los er from tolllII which II 4 hlth a bell runt ri nut tire IIr II re alirm it 13 rIo indluitinf t iiI ittA g liy h hIh tuI the Ih I hr number tiu Iii her of us I u s troke e the III I tui location lu a I lot of t the II IIn t Ii IifIr fire n fIr We kid it ill in i Ii winter a Inl In I er lied to I lu cont iia I ilonn ito I II I Kidianue 1 1 ha n 0 au 1111 ilii > e I from llrnndwur llronI a hi S lo llloicl llloiclstreet IImItr I Istrict street tr lit the Ih ienl nl of t In r lives thu I a su Ih Ih111 IiiItt he Kl Itt l Itivr 111 u r when w Iiil ijie If I fi i < floe no Were r pncketl pncketlso so liirlit I I u I I hit t people I lrIhhll II tit ukeil 1 k km I acro aimnas 0 s m safety safetyin at f 1 1I y yI in I i lirookhn UII I v Ii I o h4 ifiiiirf IC of iliiiti I Ii with withl 4 I Iii IiiI l ck I md 1 in it I ihoppinir lifit IIillllh tjth If olid hoe ol 0 I dirty iii ml mli n i I out ill I of hf llrundn I I rotI u i hl I1u 10 a lulton lull It iOu sI iret ra 1 at alIUIh n I Ittuitttl i ilu IUIh lu lil I remember Ihe Ih old 11 iiiiimmie 1IIlIIlUitIr am amlleir iatiI I Ihid lleir hid I iniMiili filth ril I u all ii I I Hoi torn ir 11 1 llol II I lot corn ru It Itwa IIII I I Iall > wa II delictoile IIII IIIIIIII too IOIII Ihe I ii city ill 1 V na It Ii wide iut open then tI u ii n i liii liiihain liiihainstreet lhII lhIItr I ii Iii Iiiat street at tr rit nn n a nn fi It aiiominuiion hi 11111 I tilt I Intl o u na I I II a IOMCI IOMCIt I IrI1 iu i a ui uiI t irctti i h I I Pohc h hop I mre o r nil niln iiliiur II IIr n iiur iT r the Ih hirl Ir Wiird 1 even t ni iheilulilreii th hllolr liulilirti knett knettof 101 101r kiuitof of r them 1101 uh uii md 1 what t II Ihe Ih I lii lilrnliT II Politic 1111 < w wriil as riil I hot ItliioiNhel o s en 11 murder 11I1 uri a t nut nutan litan I I an uiii II iiininoit 111111I itL Kiuiren II lIrPIhi ru 11 111IfvI I he ii in ll ititu ititup 1111pirattI I p 1IfvI irativel i rtni n a garden of the Ih l IAurI IAurItiiuil ird irdMHIUI I MHIUI 1 Hint line lii IMI I IHIV Io diiinciiihed i II iein I 111 lve l t nl n I Hi u I explion IoIIIr I III of I the Ih I Ii t ttleid t n I I Io Ia ii M tIutu it o en Ii lland I rrhint ru hiut 1 Hint II blew hi up si one oneu shliiuuliily f fSIIIII SIIIII > u uuliily ili mlui III 1 n u ii I I ailHiiit iIouiih to I leavitbe leavitbel I I9t I II illa a l > p 1 I bey hi t nT r > a ban luli I I nilmid ru i c ii hIl I wcrenamd wcrenamdItm t In IIIu11 01111 I IIIll Itm It II I t miners 11I11 find nl lied 1t 1 11 1 k i llarrt Ihe Ihet I h hI tit 4 isI t a i number of lt I Itt is ind 1II00Ih ihe new n IhrlIlnprs IhrlIlnprsJr i 1uIt ipcrs ipcrsoflli i oflli Jr t I la lnv > were rIIIe ru lull of l tbeirpriie h hrr Ir I liriul Mioilnr MioilnrItarrv 1111 Itou i ilIur 1 Itarrv lIur of t thi II olil I Iurh irt 1 ward rol and 1 i ifiiiiim1 ifiiiiim1porarv h olulu 11I1 lu luPflrlir j porarv nlfr of t Ked In k I ha h fared better 1 than thani 111I1 tu It i Ham 1111111 nhInhia ake 1 Me II I I I n run a n Miijordeneral I lIJiurO neruu I Iof j uf tbe Ih I tilted Stale S Slu Nrinv 1111 and on111I III > hirite rlC of ofil r I W fst Point I ol to I wohler n hlr if u f he ih remember reluhtn her vcl vclou rllohI v i I ou lack Iai k OKeefe kfe wlni t h went a uIit 111 lo OII niiapotil niiapotiland litIallnth litIallnthshot I and 1 w ii firei 11 A llvrrmr 1In Iti in I iuy lIt llmollR II lItpw pw ollR lie I i r I I I I rlllIltr iolll > 1 1 IHI Iinn oii ii Iii > Su i Mr i Unlk UnlkIIIIE WnllIf ilk ilkmill IIIIE If I p low u llrniduiy iIr iiilaut lfl nnd 111 i npcnn link linkof 11111lOr huLaut of Up II lior Marines UII wen tin mo ni 11 11t iopu iopulir lir t r on luE 1 thiirday tl irIav Wi t nlo I hnl I p in inn u uii n lUllooll 1111 hlu nnd Itldllltf i V > > IM IMIhouirli > Ihouirli Hi lui 1111 > il I and ii liii tin II illnirilil hlIriI hlut wiri1 wiri1a u ri rihi rol a l utikiiiiwn utikiiiiwnNiirlv 11111 11111Suh hthklhIIIiiL Niirlv ill tit onir IIa had ti ui ilieit lIeu onirln rlehtiI orill orillII I H I the II I < HITnun fli 1 i whiri I tut Ullliain VilIuru ill I in IIoriii IIoriiiIMiirnd Ur UrLIII i ilii IMiirnd m hi Ii omr IC mul 111 I ii lu it > Dunnini Dunninilinkanl 111U1l1Imllarol IluuuhllIllEni linkanl ni in Itilo Itu tu wtrn A 1 ru IIMMIK the II urnat urnatpnpulir Erstioilud pnpulir r ii u u Nc of lli II I > Mr day I Ii Two r lu ii hork horkurlher hlkrlhr further UP I Itroidwii lluhliy DltI Newi SIIIII teaiIui omx and andother uuititur other hr niiir I and dimo 0111 aril ITIVH 01 us II t the theSin ituoS hps Sin s u It IPIIIIII F ra thsi Mlntnl I I fla t mel ih u PIP < mor II Itiul r in indlirenous III1I1l u iu iuutteliihs dlirenous 1I1l < ro rIIJIC mi m < Hie hi Kerry Iliu Iliusunflower 111uSuuitluaer I IsUlII < sunflower sUlII anil I HOJIH tInj 1 I lioni 1 t Intrude Intrudeiv IfllruuultVlW OfllI I II iv I tVlW nf melody Imh with Illi n itpirm h tha 1 < atilt atiltrcull nil nilrrmain rrmain rcull I Its for IIIIIH II t ondintor iiiui 111 tr lliker I II Li r of if ihe iheOlvmpii u IIIII h h0111I1 heI Olvmpii I II i Iii I wns U hi t not tiC I oinponer flu Jser of iho Ih I hi Mn MnM In Inil il M l Wnli aIl I fit honor Iuotl r helomrs lo I Inn Innioiltrey 111l I II l ioiltrey odrr ot I the II I ioldlreuu a iuiil 1 a I rio in loiar1 I lii rta whinn whinnlund a h han Iii as asIuan4 lund an l under IlIId hi liderhli afterward II teras ru played playedIt 11a d dIn It in New S York YorkMntorlMK VorkMOl nrllnlnIIc MntorlMK MOl trln i n > > ilnulii ha 1 iliarm d lti rill of its i I nun nunor 11111lor ow a afor for or the I h viiith tilult IIlh Ii of r ludny 10 < 1 Is Ii I I I neverthele neverthelea nprthIoltl a onirle port hi I ii Ih I Ii honkle tuorul less s diiyx Ih ii i of oftlnrt uttiutru tlnrt > r morn 11I11 rs year a 111111 15 o tie I favnrlle 11 srn srnkniIue nng nngfortheslelnhlnK 110 110rh fortheslelnhlnK kniIue rh 1lllhlIIr party ua II II 115 leaiitlfu He HeThe 1i1I 1i1ITb Itch5The The Tb snow no I rrhl < rt p the 10 air I U keen keenThe keenThe n nTh The slams I are a burning tc bright brightIf If ever r r were 1 a time to I n tlflffn tlflffnIt IIC IICIrtly It surely I Is lo tonhihi tonhihit4u nlthi nlthiSo So ilrl glrlit et t on your wrapplnc wrapplncTor wrappinisInr arllnrr Tor r the Ih hay IIft are a Sr at 1 lbs h door doormerrier drrn lnnrmerrier merrier rn rrt lime youll nlIl have It tonUht tonUhtThan lnlhIrhn tnnighIhan Than e eel > r youve oow bad before beforeneaullfiil teforefleiiiilifut neaullfiil hell > II mint out 11110 to I the h nlfhl nlrlllnIt1 alibIileuitlfuil nlfhllleautlfid lleautlfid tuna come mr happy and an 01 tirleht tirlehtMerrily hrlttittherrily > Ic IclrrrUY Merrily ring her mountain and delis rtrIKneaiillfnl 11111nrlIlul delishleuiuutifuii neaiillfnl beautiful iHaiillful hI tIes II 11111 11111St be beNKW ltis ltisIw NKW St Iw VIM i1II 11 llecenlier i C CTroiildes I I ft ftTrulII 1 1Truuhle Troiildes of hut II Il lIal1 pp > l Imll nill > i iIn I In 1 ii mi II KIM I Kin or ln lutE Si S SIdler str j TIt TItletter 10 10II letter II alioui iit I ui Illinium ilappv 11 Iumilv r rmind 1 1IIlnl mind 4 UK III of uf a at li I or < ri t I dl I in iln I h tue iln when wl ih ihniuxum i h hfII1 hii hiitI niuxum tI l ° ulih wa I ti viiild tlaiI ul Ii lrofe or M Mwbo till tillh wbo 4 h lIft bud I 11 h aerlciiltural iiiiplmMii 11 11hllll uuunt uare uarehoiio u uur uurill hoiio hllll III I Ih I old 11 Yanderlilll guuloti fhlll rtiiIl litlllilln iuuutl iluig at the thefiirnr 11 11mr I i i0ofli fiirnr 0ofli mr r of u r MIIIII t ii IIII ii ii and ii nil llikmiii tuii i iI > ir ri > e nu und tul tulwiiui 1 1wh I Iwho who wh was v iIs iiToKiilid 11I11I171 a hiS an n autriorlly uluuth IIhII rIb y yItftOu on oniniii < 111 ItftOu iniii and 1I1I11II niilianlis utii hlllll tuiuiihis and ha liii a la a l IeaIitug adn UIIIC e epirl eItrt I IIra Ira in u 0 puteiit hIII CIH Mr I r llariiuin Its ruuua ui 11u1 utcr 111 r rttIiiuI j liilltMl 1111 hi ili 1IlInolh1 ilnieiii liel Kiir Il tgiiI l TNuiiilv 1lIIlhfllI1 Jsrsu TNuiiilvand nuuihs I and of r our r e did inn forini toruc t to lion lionIlitppy lit litiIatpy I IJIy Ilitppy FuiuutIt riiliillydl 11 ihtafihlraiuuiCuI > i I alt I Ii Iisuiiu > I MIICCHSS suiiu 1 4s lie It liaI alliiln ii lInln1 I I itt neal In I ut < it < riomlni IIIIC Ihn Ihnnatural I he heflat natural flat ii nu I Inlluiln InIIII Ilial I iih us of llm Ih I ii inirnltorit oirnI hr ura hn Ii liid r alh1 lo Incthflr ther In the I Imnieutn ImlllI1lIr rt rtAfter etafter After ° a rarfful c rafisi rlll ronalderalion 10111011 lot nf d Mr ii Ir r Hir Hirnunr lIunllnl Ita r rnuirn nunr s otplarulUin lh the professor rof turned tu tuhim I Ihim hi hihim him and asked askedMr all1Ir ashad31r Mr Ir Harnum how II much mil does 1 II eost 1 you u udar aul dar d to hi renew rn FSflC ttj II pigeon and IIn mall rodent rudentsIn rodentin tII tIIIn In there thereMxiut Ih ttueret IhI Mxiut I t uiit two I a dollars 11111 and a half Mr MrHarnum MtItamnilIl 1 1lIarnll Harnum replied repliedIt pli1 pli1II It ass morn than mir suipeeti1 > e > l < 1 that dtirtne dtirtneI dartnthe I he h night when h11 t he IhIIIhll puhlic and II lit Ihe IIuethfldilflts IIuethfldilfltshaul halln attendant attendanthad lllI lllIht < had withdrawn n the Ih dMes it a rats ral I mice 1111 and andother IInthr utnitI I other ol hr small things thin were devoured an naturel naturelnnd nuttuirlI I nnd 11 lid replaced lutheearly jut Ih tha eutrly lflr inornlnghourswith inornlnghourswithvictim uuuurnhuti rnll1 hlllr a 1110 1110hIIn tthfresh fresh victim K I II HAIIM IIAIt 11 11tlaII tIflHisuuiITX 1 llnooKiYN tlaII s l > eeml > er erMalulv 1 1I i iI I Malulv taluil THeatrlcal 1 I To 1 Tilt lr 11111111 > mill o uu > Till Si x t Sir l Oi When WhenI ihel ihelI I was a its Ii boy 100 I wns II taken lo I lunch III IVirl IVirltre lsrltreet tre treet t lij II my III father ni the Ih I old I dmirnl dmirnlUalton 111111ahll ItutIrnlutltuutt Ualton ahll home hi flue 1101 I hi hut building liii I liii nut was I a a built builti tutu tutuI i i of r brick hurlt k brought from f Holland I by the thei I h hI Iitutttlriil j i I dmlriil wuiie fII nlnelyllve years iUrs nco 1I1l The Thegarden Th Iluealt garden alt rileita of t the Ih I tt hoii liii is ran rut it down ut i It lo I o Ihe Ih I hi e river rivrMl i 1 i ul I llm Ih I fool f un t of r Writer Blreet 1 naI In I t tlloe Ihn t davs davsI liii liiiIhers 1 1FtIII I I there was no Front street et reet or n South > 111 street aI re t tThese I These Th two I a o at trtt r u t a were tI 1 er filled nllo fit hat I In loiii > nfier nfierand I trI tI r rI j I and were what a hilt is I called made itround itroundPearl 1tII 1tIIIPllr Pearl street lroI from llevkman street str t to I Maiden MaidenIIm IsiuIaiiit II it IIm lit had I nothing ttoul lhllllC Ilutu but dry dr rr goods stores I in I Ii it IIIullt Itattil and Iullt If I f you luh wanted wIt lit ill a spool of cotton ut tuiti or r some somemuslins suutlii 11I muslins lii 11111 oii ul hid to I o en cu there Ih I hur lo I ii be I th supplied suppliedI suitil IIII ii I II II I I wonder ut nulor tI what a hit t the Ih I Ii I dry I Ir I t3 good u4l I a at tori oria of If r today I uuli y ya I would a nllI think I hi ltk of I I thl t Ii Ii V T I StewHrt St it ii Ft had his hisdry hi hin liiulty dry n goods 1 store in Iitherine 4llhp I it I I en ul street tr 1 rpl and hi lii I on OilIh n it itflue the Ih corner of this Ihl street slrp I and Vater street I Ithink IIhlnk II think I I had hD my III V first suit of clothes dI1 vlu It made madehy 11I10h hy h llrooks druthers Itrot lor The Th same people are it ri I Ihelieye IhIi IltlitYe helieye hIi mill 111111111 1 III lit liuiness uptunn 11110 II somewhere Ohhi 11I ca tier tierI 1 My sl h v hut I was n pruud of those Ih t clothes lot Ih h I had hada iti I IhI I a blue jacket nankeen nank vest nnd n > mill 111111 I plaid IatoI < 1 pair r nf pantand ralll ii Is 11111 ii till the Ih I Iii only 0111 y thing Ihlnlhlll I lit nuz Hint I I Inllll I annoyed lm me hIt was 111 that I had only filII one on Micket tKHketand Micketand and all that Ihalall an oituldc < 1 one Oil In my III jacket jacketp I p I Fulton MI reel 1 at I the corner rnr nf it r rIh Nliahi NliahiStreet aiati aiatistreet I 1 street wan the Ih publishing hllhlnJl ufllce flIes of Till SIS SISIOA tit titMoucs I i iMo Mo IOA 4s V Iteach h the II publiher hud ju just justIuuuuvd t ti i Iuuuuvd ued a w underfill story about t the II moon moonwritten tuiitiwritten written hy b a man of r the Ih name of Locke LockeThn ImktTim Thn Tim utnr lory 10 statid that Sir Ir John hn llerMchel llerMchelhad II 11 h1 h1had had by b > mean or o hi large tote tuleeoio cop at I Cipe 11 11of tiai tiaior i iof of Cood ood llu ibis > 4 hrnuirht tho moon m to within utlthinthirty j thirty Ihin miles mil of t tie 11 enrth h and n he h could aIil MHI uaitula I Iplainly plainly tula lii enough what tt hal Ito Ih I Inhabitant Inha htitatit ii went wentbiiHy tI CtiI CtiIIhtuH3 01 I biiHy hUM about and how h their t hel r buildings hut Ihllllil Ihllllilfhl IuIin its were wereconstricted acmtottstnuctid constricted This rhI tory Ir was K > admirably admirablywritten ailuitlnublywritten i written IIIn that It deceived tticrI teit thousands hollIII I nf people peopleund ioiiloUnit 1 11111 und I remember mlIIh my 11 > father making a ls t of r i iIts I Iit Iits Its it truth I with l1h Cyrus ynts V Field of ocean onlll cable cablefame I I Ifaint I fame of 1 tine 11n lunch at the Ih t old Italnlxiw trAIIII I talti Iaa i iI 1 II j I Hotel I I ilti burned hui rnut down furyyearw fur VuS a flu ago a gII 0 I which a hi I lu luwas I Ia I was a in Heekinnn street at rest Just lielow Pearl 111111 111111Or Pearlstreet I Istreet street Of I it course 1 mrfniier 11 lIly 1 futi tur lost I it hi his Iwt I Ia Ialuit I II I Ihut hut I am III not tuiru ur but thnt he h believed 11 1 the thestur af stur tor true Ir t till even I tCit 11 ihen I lit I and II not Hint I ho t he h had 111111 IMHMI I llnken takun advanlnge of III ome 111 way wayt > I t llurtoiis liii tt It a Theatre ltteit t it III I hamliers iiituii iWrs street streeti at f fI r rI i i Pnlma 1lIh I sold 4 hi Opera II I Ir House lIou I I iit aw a theSerloii Ih I lii sIu Senl uuu uuuIatthi I Family 1111 > 11 y Toodtes 1 n Ar A i Iliirton IhlllIIIIIIII Ito r t iou playing idil y i liE the theI Ih Ih1lnlll I It Itiirtniltuuti I principal part I ta rt Once 1111 I lfli In II while a 11 ii 1 I would a u lhl go goup II III itoI up ui i town to tilt n I with 4 ii it un n od hlr > r friend us far ra r H il alId illick iIiii I lick iii rhenlre Flu I re on o n tbe I Phi corner rllr of r llruHtlway llruHtlwayland IIrlllI I trnuu i I ut U Uan land 11111 an llroome street sire 1 and n1 ee e lames Iftlll Wnllack Wnllackplay VttIIituklltt play 11 SI SAifnrfc uit k nnd a Ithi in i It other 01 hur Shakespearian Shakespearianparts huu keupuMI rta Ii Ii1a parts 1a rI a lie II I I wa a ii a lame Iii ll0 from an II It ntrldcnt Ii tiluiih and andlimped ii nd ndII II I II limped I iiiu p sl lsillv I sil II h I v but I no one had a i thought t Iii iii unit 101 of oftli r rIhi tin when hIli he II sits on uu 11 the tnge Mi II IIith wis wisalilv ta taII alilv II ith tl al iiip lporl < irted ol li I > his I th ha Mock at isk IIIMIIMIO IIIMIIMIOThl u nllll nllllIIIJ fflt ktii t trluua Thl miniled 0 < nf if Mrs lloey IIn the JI nlfe tt 11 of Mr Mrlohn MrJoIi Ir IrIohll lohn JoIi It lloev It I I 0 ot of I t till 110 dnms uI 111 his Lipn 1 u Ir ioiiiiuiiy ioiiiiuiiyMIK I uuut lIllIIlIr lIllIIlIrII Iiih1 MIK 31 II la laillil I uiui um rut Keene F ccli III Mnrv M Iit rv tiunoii I iitizitii I I tlnry IMary i I Mary a sli he h was uu ilwav I iiillil John JohnllriniElmm Ih IhII IhiII llriniElmm II rill ruig 111I11 > Mr M I r Illake liii it t hurlr h rI Uuloi ii lol Mr MrKlsler ii Ir Ir1111 r rFiat Klsler Fiat er ntld a 1111 othets Olh Ut lucia Ihat t I ciinnot nllll ii uiut mil in 11111 Ii to I uiliul uiliuluat un ituil ituilhilt hilt now II III ht Mr 11 h t Vallnk Vii Ilk un ti 11 great I in lion lionearde I Inll IntlI I It I earde otr d t e laan Ilu u ii rout I 0111 w hidi hi It iti Mr Ir I r W V Waii VaI I 1 1 1I IIs lace I Is Hindi hiit h opera psr 1 Maritntm i a rhl a his llou II IIIIf I I a aI < > e IKIV IIf I a ue1 1 in I untch tI ii I hI Ii the I clock lo k on tbe Ih I lt stage stageuntil suit II te teIi > r rIInlll until Ii lit ii it came mit 1111I flu e tn tie I h hour ho r when a In Iiu ui fion I 1111 4 rur rurwas Ir r rsa was sa 11 to I be 10 hot and 11 bow we a i tnitipid and andwintied tiul tiulttlueii I Ih wintied when found 11 that lie l to e ta to n go gofree EhuIre free h and not lo II be II hot nllir nil IMight IMightful hit 111 lime llnrious iii I tiini i iMr I Ir i Mr r llrouglmm 01111I urote m tulle a i mall o 1M I ri m mtuo IIII ut uttOO tOO I aif It cnlleil 111 Piiciihiiiiti Imutu tutaa 14 11 plncd plncdi I tin II I Iii Indian chief I icnii rInt n Hi 11 inirodui iniroduilory 1111 rolui roluiI 1 1lun lory I or a huE II wi tI 1 Die 111111I11 Itt King it I 0 IC of I if Ibe I luu I iicnrura iicnrurat ii s a or r ra rai t in 111111 the tune of t Th The King lillllr of t the lii I 111111Ind ainulm ainulmllaml iIiniIuI llaml I iui nt a The Th leader F of it r ttie II I iii urchetra u rctit ra i wa t ii iiSI I Slgnur SI uiti r 11 1 a Munnna u very n vcitnble tii 11111 II ll and andnervous ii uol uolnrtuuuls j nervous 11 man and he h iltnot dmtiM > d from fromhis trulllh his h hi chair ltut r when a h11 Mr I r llroughnm It in i II He II I I econd econdact euuuIitSit I act 1 came am down un 0 a ii to I tu the lit t lie footllghe t liii Ililh It It ii and so itii IIIt a aotI i iold old I Hatii III the I h lleau itct U alterlni 1 tIe Ft It C Hie II I lii hot II tuu I line hiitI I t to toI I remember reluietu tie r one 1 ere C l of 1 f tin I Ii I a old Iil 1 oug I I Ithink IIhlllk Initttik think Hint it 1 wa u fullon fullonI tull I II I have travelled If I rat 111110 elteI the wide a Ill world 11 otrr otrrinl I r CT CTIut inl now n to II another 1 Ill 11 en enlor ar arIlIr u utar I tar I know that t Its I IHM ussl 1 quarter are ft re nittr nittrTo a 1111 I iitli I I To 1 1 welciunr a 101111I1 i I 11 llilti Ihr Mean Itr lienIltul i Hill 11 inlead 1IIIr of the I h I line Itil > this i a Si hni he heNun I III lii liimug II mug II It Nun Sufl la I Slanana Jn JIII l i iostfl > ln ymr tur r how I lotslit I IChe iTh Th Che old hi leudr nlitioil 111 had iI flu II Nierl NierlVAullrti IA IAWilli iater IVal I VAullrti Willi Val I a ii m it thoe I ttii old 0111 oh I di 1 t s ncd ti 1 to I play 101 iia under unI r rI i ithe I the th I hi iMtiie iuu tile of i if r lohn 1 t lit l si iir r und a liti u a i f a noli noliuntil lItt 1111aitil until hi I tuis fatlir tllll fiut tir died that 11 lie h took I on II tbe II iiTtiulul j jriiine f I Ilill riiine lill of it le ieater ter illick lIa Then 11 a aihii 11 11111111I111 a aihumln ihumln ihii I lIttti urr < > rv r puhlihed In Htirlan Htirlanlnri 1I1IIflfl < o olIoqi j lnri lIoqi < 11 I al iboui ibis Ihi time 111I called 11 Lndy Lndylee 1111I lee I i WI itlnwhnod tihis Itnil vi Incb h Mr I Ir ullick uihlukIutIlI ullickniiil niiil u of I in n unit 11I111I i tin In hit pliy 1liI i Iat In Itolnle o oIdile t Idile 1 lnle fill pliv II wit a 10 uua verv t f r mill ultl ultlru 1 t trlO run rlO tor a i very t 1 ry long I liui II I nine i lilt Su douli 1 lout I many manynf 1IIt111 I nf 0 I Im I ii I Si S I s readers hive 101 It Men iui n it III ii iiiliiys t thilts > hilts 110 limn 1 ltiitt Iliinciiiult ui iteci > d 1 ti I 1lil 11 11SlIIika 1 1WI1k VVallick Illlire 11 II a llin III thai a ho hoi hoimrodiiod h hhi imrodiiod I tit r 1 thoal I In ii I lrititdiiv Inh I rta Ii thu III nieSliiuuhrMi 11 IhII S tiiu u tu Pt ma n nltarii nultiuruu I ltarii lIa > Uilliam hlII alo 101 itiiI IM a crinin trt 1011I it itt VIUTUC t uielt uieltIhi > j i Hi H however tupa ever MM u ia not in II Ilie Ih nine II cla It ItIIrtlllulIIl iuitrsgtiiuuu Urougliaiii or it lloucicaull iliutet auuIt In iu I I hen i a have lOis lOislt j ncter II er I Iatt ti in my lut ipiinon hitS pi i > i eiual eiuallo iuuuI iuuuII lo I i Ihe i tt itlMike it I si t two t t I gelltlelln Ellit 111 I It lrth I na h chirlc tu ru ru11I i ihers I hers 11I within S Ibe Iti laf fifty year Wtn Wtnthey tiiflI I they I died Ihe t tie Isnr In luia of Iril I drama druiiiuuII j i Idled II iiut with it I tbelll I for 1 he did a ir they I more rutlt a III I i lunke hut kus 11 1 1 aicepiable it 11 chamclcr lizi rlu t Ibe It r on n I at tage iiu iby ibymaking I I iy iyuiuak making uiuak n htm much more than I i txron txroniimir tUrpntatt iimir tatt omya iltlY it bniiiuo l to pnrtrav lu rh rutv who us Itt nnd nnduhit uhit 5 Iti IK l u S l lhati nut nil uti thai I have haveeu ha si siCii eu uiie their Illlli Illlliline lullI line I la iny uti ime tu of It your 11111 r numeriiu lIIiu riu reidir reidirrenieinlnr reiilrrvtiiltuiar renieinlnr Chnrler I While Melnteoii Melnteoiithe i iI the I Ii Iliiuerv lti rs Hire un inoiher slut tir initiiril lihltii ri l ul IMllV itt III u ii I Ii Fu l > t tn ttiil ttiilI4his i I4his n ierv rs 11 u till I Tf priw priwlocelf lre lreI locelf I Il litI d I utIit III a Hid i J cent uuu I ihlspru ii i i ril rilliii i tlie Mnt were alwiiv illi ISa full md n u a ui uiu1 CIM CIMhere i here u1 r wt us 1 not a 1 inmil i fl 4fh thl put wul fur ft r any it i on onto ut utTu to itand on Further ttn up inii tn I M1 M1Ilie suuhIP < hIP llowerv theatre I of ul winch s T I llniiihlin llniiihlinIVH IVH is us tte I P propri raIiriIAi ioi l here I a s lh lhCitirit Iiii < Citirit i utl rl I f Ihe I Put Inice I it i po i i it tl t ii Iii ll I > re I f ibe u Ii Tnriars Ii ru ii r lit i iII llir Iln II In dnima wa sius ridden l lMenken ls tuli Menken ih ttL lleennn I Ictuu SI S Ia Cl I i w Il fastened fu aureI I II j jI I rope In I tu the I hore iii irea Inn k I and ju tiiI I IIHII tu ui It ln lnllerid inulerI llerid wl i I tbe th roie illij itt i IMJ uiul Iiur Mr s tIt tIta l lwii wii a ui clutlied il lI ttul III liahl 1111 llolbltlk tiuph liiti ee Ie nnd nndwhen when 5 hr the wild 5 liii hore rnud n i it itteIlslt snifp snifpiliflkvltle iliflkvltle I higher unit si nil Ill hlsliir unill jju II the theroof I ti tirnuf roof al the I ii resr rus r w l iruched I u HIH a uiu a iiioi iiioie e flh iitlmr I In sistie sc hii ml v Urt r > thrilling u h nil tug to I U u Iti ItikI lxiy Ki till thentre I 111041 r I ois FurreM Kddy and nl Kirriv I into with s It I manv tii lu i i ii > lher U lu ben ftrhr ftrhrpliyed h I rh rhtilnycil pliyed he had pit ne Hen where a tier be it died nil nilover uIlOMr over the Itt slue Hid welioy Ullen IIIplay luialii hy iu heart he elng t u u I otten ltl ii lug > cii 1 tiui a I I s I ljr 9 md < j fur wa n sci ee him die MO many Iluulil Iluulil54flu nf nfwould would 54flu Id go m t n le IeI p not i only itt I > rfk i tj lo I p Ie > await awaitened t utti uttiItu ened Itu when w hell Klrtiy K Im hr died 1 iei In I hi fn tt thlscnnm thlscnnmlo I iii utu Itic IticIn lo I i iiulle n suyitig sa 111W and It liii I ofieii nnd 4 hut often I uft en heard it In the t lie reel 1 Wake me u uKlrtiy tJu sitit Klrtiy dieWho die liesho Who ho remember rutusni ls ma M h lulien i u lieu lr i u uI fn 0 0i i ry tyst lal au Palace I4 hi n Kurt > econd reel l am lid Siih S I it I and S ltl hi lila t c aeniie ii eliOt wonderful St 1111 rftul i ntuerts ntuertsHe liii C rt i iII He II had 1 cortiBi plnyer there who s It hn tt never Iven 14 50 eiiiillfl III name wne U il I think thinkiall I 1101kI iall I utri konlg Mitiv iiriisls on isIs were a er In It inn innnrchestriiamllliHt I liii liiiI nrchestriiamllliHt I tthest nil I liii I list tbey I wintieenl ts r us hero heroI i ru ruI I no iiiietion iutest iuuul Mluniebiink in muic as asIllllen I IIutIieui Illllen wn a its he I gave tIe fi nillsle up lo loHint t tltuuuh Hint lime that Vew t iirker ev esr r heird lie u eded In burning doMii iIia ii iln tntal 4 i Palaii one evening C train e w tiu Mrriiiiiiiii to nut lIE his hisKiremnns 11 Is IsFuruutiu Kiremnns Uundrllle tituuui till I liSMll llAIIMl It t Ililil K I llliiiMVN llecemtxr llecemtxranil u uElliuts > I Elliuts anil Ire Cream trvaiuho j jlo lo rtiK Kitiiui iit Ililt or it TIIK Si s ir ir irI n j old I I I I Thirteenth Ihti ri us lih I Murder ti mu I ur < n a Hint I Itti I rJiKine s sin aiti in Vji 1ial i Kifleinlh ntret il reel wn a the I hi first self IT ITI J prupllcd I I enulne ii ir I lie 111 t ii the t ii fire El ri Hrpnrlmeni I iun il Irtelil 1 1remember Iru remember ru the Ili ilatli of u thai machine I na s ii iiti I Iinnlit innlit ti 11 II aiuuea iitiewliereenrly lter trt in a theIM theIMKluhlsy lit pu puFi Kluhlsy Fi ullil sy Irlei I tIe I hrnvrly lint SI t y to rn Ihernll t lu srrt II i iroad I InO111 road tracks utie uiu day In rep realuli < > u e in I an alarm nIr i and ii nt t everlastIngly hlffe by s n nlutolive g gmotive motive motivelll lutoliveItight lll Itight ht here I would like to etpre tprpapprrIatln mr mrappre apprrIatln appre lotion and ailnilrtitlon nf 4 the wi aMa aMaa ia iawhich which a the tii youngster uf the ass o In Inr itti ittinli r mi ls hack k wilth their retollei rutilsailona lion prt prtmarlly pfjniarhl marlly in upi uIpsrt > jrl of my uui > Impression of th thtin tli tin curs ira on Sixth uxenue 1 have noted notedmiii flntsjlutant miii of uf I heir idei itu 1511s iie i and have tSsus crm rrcl rrcla i ia a lot of them with s lulu a rlfonnisratiilu rlfonnisratiiluJiul Jiul an o Hut I nun uniiiu In It ak one m miiei miuufMlttili iuufMlttili iiei > tonami snot then iitt < tit nut iMenanrnc iMenanrncI toea anrha anrharuiuieiIwr I remeinlier the Ice ie I ricim venders a who tu u use useI e eMhrouali Mhrouali I ii rough the I Ii rrxlitptilial frustileti I ut I at reels f cCI S In the theliner I hi i iluier I liner luier evpnliKK when nil the folks vtere vterelimr w rr a alln limr lln nn their atuwuta t < xips snd found plenK plenKI tuleitI4ttOIil1ls I patrouiue In n riouise I > OIIM > lo their lliisliuc I ltIigu b bIOHN IiIuuiis > IOHN Woiaii WoiaiiN sIuitil sIuitilsw N sw w YIIRK uiflii Ipeember loectuubprFrom 3 3lram From lUniums to I Ta 1a10r1 1a10r11li > lar larIo Io tilE Kill Fuiutiiit loll of ur lily Si x Mr MrvUited I II I vUited llaniuins nl llrnrtdway uy saul nutul im 11 reel w 5 hen u verv mall IHIV and iemnil lclutuuutI iemnilVellie Vellie I ii the t his sell eCI I Ihat I turned I II riled the I crunk sri Ilk nf nfa a uiufl mail II barrel luui rrel orKan with a It ii her ite r Hipper Sh Shwas She was 55 ll4 ir ry nffectinnate uitteet liflttts und loved iiet iri iriulashlower j I ulashlower trfnrtuiml s > rforme < l the nmt nmtderful a ii derful 41 t fuul feats fell I a and ii iuul would is uilt Mow anything anythingasked u ityt hltu i s sI I asked for I think I saw the llappr llapprFamily Family but am a little liner alMiu itlaiiithIn thn thnpart I part of It ItThere ItTIter There was lull eihildlion in the the irx irxpart part hInt t inniste < l In lakltiir a iulwirt > ar in inenormoii ii iiiuili enormoii iuili rltuII a lmx Ii I S anil U lull out 4iii 1 of u I the t Ii piet Iuleiia 0111 0111pleiely iaiii1irutt4tlnui pleiely furntshlnit a nuiin > iny llu uood patents patentsdemurred us inha inhaI I demurred sleuth rnu about tu Kolmc IC in u thealie I t tIt iit iitIt It was explained uss that It was as not lo t In l ltutu t tplay play tutu y hut t an exhlhltlnn x h IhI I kin 1 Al k tauts iv Hi HiI Ii IiI I rememl rutiten I r lltllo lIt I 15 ieneml Drain 1 ri Ill Its Itswa It Ita wa a a dteed I ill I it uniform liii I tortu and it iul he howc Sat l ti tiall Ill IlluII all liver u s er the I Its plaii plaiiWhenever tIaisVIuencver Whenever staIrs were lo Iw negotiated negotiatedup up nr down Iua n I carried ieneral llmtn OrutrttlIlt mi mimy my bark I t htm houiithtt it lit he WHS too lltlle 11th nnd nndhis anithIs his leifs loo nhort for that nn nf work and andI I waa na n bis boy o happier or prouder prouderI Ixiy I ever visited Itaniums than I was nn nnthat tathat that day dayAlter dayittsr Alter Itaniums we went lo Taylors Taylorsrestaurant luiyirirsruahstsrant restaurant up llpiadwny the fame aloe of which whichhad aitluItuaol had reiched In our country homo and on onmy nitlay my askliiK for milk my nu father told me that thatuood thatuiiouI uood milk could not Im rot at a restaurant restaurantI I trot It and It wan rich with ss till cream creamXr CfldtliKW4flii Xr KW4flii rtn S 1 thsiyuilirU thsiyuilirUsoiii > e vnil rja V VSO SO soiii If fi fKISlf inisuvtiiis inisuvtiiisI V t W iS iSiTIip the I > iusepst an Italian Itallanorhilu Orlnln loanAmt to an tIlts tIltsteltr leitr lt stmoInglt stmoIngltl > mol RUt RUtTo To l ii Till hniton m THK Si x Sir tjranteiit Th Thanlent anlent and Illustrious Irish ra uzie < f la u people peoplefor for which luictu I havrt a slrnnuly affectionate affectionatendmlr atreitloittiteaid I ndmlr aid ott rat tion 111 I lh his I interest In the I Imhlel Imhlelme I nt h led ledI I I me to make Li an impilry Ho I Ii Ii m I I which W Ii Imit t am more moreImmediately OtortIuitiedlately Immediately prompted liv lu ine tfl or two name nameIitliI lately IitliI ob rved lo I 5 IM born I in rui iinnrrnuntahlr iinnrrnuntahlrto uittllhOflui nttul t tii to ii m tite by teruns nf Irish I descent In a ill illIrict 11 11t mint t In one of our Oti r cities citiesMy Iu tel telI My I v Muestlon Is Has then < > ever been a con conMderable cnniofrrhule Mderable a more than Incidental mtitur mtiturof untitursut of Italian I blood in IreUnd IreUndThe I ralaitulItiu The name which i aituato the idea that thatthere tittitI there I miisi hme hits been a definite Italian Italianiniiucllmt ItalIaniiiiiuut iniiucllmt iiiiiuut II liii lire it rC lour I oi r Thnt t U not an o welrhty welrhtyn we I rht rhtn n number lit but I the I It imir lit luS themselves t lueiuiauI s s nm nil nilmore alt11li more 11li l aim tO ituil real ntly I y iiimiin It than I the I nnni It tt of ofLynch If IfI Lynch i Autrlan us a fox fo hunting Inarer Inarerof of llii t Ii I name lilI Hi nn C a aSi iireil me of It that in inentern t n ncatertl entern Kurope It had lieen l Ient < nt or len lenIhe linzthus thus first nains tusit nl my uui four Is roslelln I I Fmouui rnm my school tuuiI day I remember a tall tallbli tallliii bli ycler cttlled ill 1011 0 imtello nn n sUlkln al sILl nr high hlfflibicycle highI bicycle I of the t ii tall I tlrsl fl us I type t vp Ibe I only onlylype t tI lype I Iw thai I It has not misbecome tiIstt iutnu a t mans manslloure uiin uiinhair hair to ride rtI This vniiiitr man was of IrIsh IrIshI I ifesient en I nnd n tuI the I Pui name tin utius borne bv tuurn > eron of ofIHh ii iihilt hilt ilesient desi lou I I nmmotl enoiieh cuiosti cli el 11 nu tu l lIt tI It I I not be I oriKinallv ri ufi Ill Ii t I ll tallut IUn IUnIn ht htI In I it later lutZ 141 IHIV Mhonl hiol days there I wa was wasmlasati 4 4idasMiiate idasMiiate mlasati I i who a Iui haul Irish I blond nn one nih ide iderepresented ilird represented rd resllt itt 111 I II his h is Chriidmti hriut tiitt nnmenf tin iie of Delano I ilztnnThis This is tninlllnr tlttti Ills r to u as an II It rush I name ott iii but butI can ii it It be I oriciimllv i ml giliahl I Irish I There are a ri i hur uhora hurartirilii artirilii a t eruat h in I Ii Irish I a yllables y I lt hulus nnd won u oats oatsthi in the Kinerit Irish ullerane I a drawl i ihariuies oIti hariuies Iti millies > nnd II ni I a I burr I uu mm any I fl one nr a itaIuii un c cloii loii of Ii f Ihee t none tint nf w hlch I porllI porllIhintml IOisttlIi hintml Ii lit II I in the I iii lielniio I iIii un iiitmi Ito Itlu In I it DeUnev I H Hpresumptive ittlrCStIilltlVt presumptive variation the name seeing in I I In lutailluit OIIH Ilihfrni I I I hero lilziI icil lniMirllnu I in twIrl I nir Hi Hiilrnol I Its Itsii ilrnol ii ma a I in the I hu mtddleVyllable mtddleVyllableVnd intuit Ieuyl Iii tl tlnol Vnd nol will ss Ill It he h rude fur me In II refer in I b bjinnlett ti tiI > < jinnlett I niteIt lo ii the name unit person of itt laiiiiic ittui iiiic ui lue < liiiill thu Ilisi < d mericiin muirt In aiialy slual l md mdIMjet in I Iloit IMjet ic ti viinnnf of the social fabric Hr rjl lItsiirt lItsiirtT ird irdT T T Devlne Hair o black a lo be nearer nearerblue nearerhi blue hi I this than t brnwn it may he lu Irish I In fact m mI some a itliu lnh I trains t itul uch Ii bmr lus I r I a tr t ma ii but t tthis this n its lrih I must lie Mtlended hv a cuii cuiitrntltm itllI trntltm I rutn mitt Ilifht I rnmtilexiiui cu tugil4 1111 a is fn frilunI > iuentlv Is Isit ntiMintf it 014111 Il their t lti r tieaiilles iss ii lea s ow I I ir r llevuii llevuiiha I Ihuts ha huts mi oh the I he contrary ulliti rary a dark 2 rk completion completionwitb nnutieilouisIh witb the Iii black hair which a uiritet > a 1 1I MMIIti MMIItier ¬ er I rn n IdiMid lka I He I I e further fit ri Iter hi hits a roundness uuiti lid fl5 in tntIt the It fnih nf his fiitnn und this i Italian ItalianitLi like t nllke hi the tlt ilNlmctive I elite clUetIr fen feniture iture tIr have hits like Ihe I h I cltlr Itt uci scrnla ntK lint A AimHith itaIiusit imHith aIiusit 11 but t an anirulnr ii hi iti In r llni II n taft h lievine I le be Is a afreipient itfrlutuhvlt freipient lri I risti li Vmeritan i iMtronymif Itat Im 11111 but it ttaelutS eems Invariably i uxisled with t tt a aiutetiiuI dark darken en iutetiiuI emble of it plisniiie Ithu Iiite diflerem from he heIrlli tuelrtii Irlli t I Ihut Hut the t ii mni sirikini at ri It lIt nnme nil pit nf all ilia iliaII t Its ItsI II I have hits met wuh i the ulu late which a i ithat a aI that I of if u Mr I r lamred I have has ventured venturedtn tn Ii Nfienk to Mr Tnocred who is ho ays Ihat his hisfamily family 111111 I t came s liii fiom ft Ill Dublin tita Iii It He I Is knows l no a IM IMraeli IiiuiI > raeli uiI I novl Ill It I which a Ii iml amnnit ii nun hr other ot her thlnuba t thlnu tilnaliii ba hum made bitn I I It curious iii rufus about his name namei III I I I iipNarance ii fSIl ri lit i tS tinlrisli ii 0 I nih Inr Iu r some ren renoii oii or r nine flu tu I dilnlme it tal tiuIu lie to I ii any alt rortmtuee rortmtueeFrench I Ti uigues uiguest French t tititli or Spimli tutuu iIt acriptlin ri lit itit nf the t names namesthey nit ms mshti they hti oiiiehow i iiiicit It ti ale t only utul V Italian I t at hun It Is mi t ruti rutithaI thaI the It Irish huve had htn i enouuh to tin with a lb lbI tlie I hi Iurtuicueo I ttt It hgtuIs in I u I ulvn UI tiS a t l sipular iitl Is r name as toe to u u uI them I Iortlnitale I ir IltEti Is men If I f there I lien were werenly a Cr Critt nly itt tin I Ii us name rio lit to I reckon r elt Itt with 54 I t Ii one would woulday ay a 5 lth tuivictlon There Is an Irish I lain fitnih lainI ih I I s that t liii I a imehov lluuuslt comes itti ilnun iloss n from an nn nnii anI ii I tor wh 55 Ii was RM Italian and this would wouldl l > e an Ii individual I rut I hI u family fiu lull y instance u tisti tie not one otueil nf nfa a tfnmp it tOil t nl l famllle fi null In of if n foreign hi rid n ongin i ithe u uI the I itI Milrian t tist nh ii lrih i utah I ynch huh family fit 1111 y Is I u i not her heror heror or as Hie Ii Miitrlau Ilst ttaii Ktitfllsh Felldimri or orFieldiiiL iurFielhiii FieldiiiL is ire 1 ri the t lie at imlhir lulls r tbinu I ttiuu ii fi Kntland Kntlandi llm when 5 hen the II notnhle other num of oflievine ufI lievine I s Itu tosiello I 11 ci I and ii uI Delano or < r Delaner Delanerare I iIn V are 1 Ii ma llilti ed I with a it lu this t Ii is urprislnu hi rIurisi liii Tancred Tancredtli tli t it urn of them I amounts almost in pn iiruef iiruefI > f fthat that I there t hem H a i w 5 hole iioii uh ii tt of ii I Irih I which whichI a tuuchis I is partly luarl Is llallun if Indeed I he It Irlli I riittiii iopM iopMliive liive tiii 5o not rtoiMd r S uil iniiii flt Itnllnti I lal Istu infiisuiN I ii m mgeneral Iflmiii general generalWhat miii miiihi What hi t I a the I It hltiirical lila tunltl I etplanaiion e it liii lInt ion of the thename l he helliiflle name Iln Ii they I Iwur any refereme to uu the thefact thefail fact and date of f the Itt Crtiade l lint Hint Hintliollnn liollnn 1111 Ii ireenls Us II put loo I lnce n nmen I l men not women St it IliCti vtht 55 Ii i us atidcr ii as th I Ii rule ruleand riteitluul and It I more cnncelVMhle otnMl kU hile that i ha I Italian I u i ltutn men menh ricattuitii < h ttuitii iuld have hits ciiiiu and tll I inarrted in Irelmd IrelmdUMII IriIutttI UMII I ttit It thai t I i uhu women Is should shqiiu hi hive hi t e hrmiidi hrmiidibick lltiIIi ht httnilt bick hii luithiaiul haud and name Irom the I lie Medltc MedltcraiiMti MeutilerltltA raiiMti II penlnuli Hut when a hen in Iln Ilndid t huiti < iu 5 5lull did llallan I liii 11111 come Ii Iflie tn I 0 Ireland I trIal iI In I ti ntiy a tY number numberand liii iittr iittrati and in ti wlut ss 114 I pa liusuiuuoi saue of ihn t Pie story of i it itItrinh IiiItritlsh Itrinh Minds I H II IISol iiSji Sol fit Itostov HUM tAS Mws Iecmler I ieiatntnrflat V VHalt Halt Till Yni Ieme In MeienM lejr lejrTo Iirn To mr Knirunor IDsrttt hr Tiia M h x I sir t frim of ofmine atmIne mine whom a I know to I t Ii > c absolutely relUtile io4 a54siho io4who who It Ju Jil l e estntj ent > year tearofsice ofaiee tells me III IIIfeeU 11ta 11tafeel feel no nu older now than whrn be wa > tuet tuetand ISCIjitIut < and slitters urTer even ftc le from lrltne bea hea3atC hea3atCr MiFir MiFirAc Ac r now fl than he ifld then and can da ii ainihlfli ainihlfliIh n > < hln hlnph ph Ih > lcally that he h con ntt Id do then The only t hinue hinuethst n e ethat that he has specialty nnled In recant to hlmif hlmifI I a mental one ot He It sas a > that mentall tie im imImproveil Mllntproieul Improveil wonderfully and that hUMcatnn ° fl miel mielsocial mltoudji social and rronomtc pietlcm Ac i hate ml mlcone niltone cone a complete revolution durlnc Ihe lar tatf tatfcar fijrtfratsiflt > car ratsiflt and alway tor Ihe better betterAlxi tstterSisih Alxi he slurries Inilnllrly let now tnn tht thtibn ki kithen then as lie mid the tonrtr he live tife tifeIMIle II 14 1411111r IMIle In thl llc wurth worr > lne alMiul a aitt nourU nourUId Id propeel lUI nniinclally and otherwl other 1t e i S n nlietternow ilti iltitaller lietternow taller uui llwn hey werr then thentn thoun tn n fact he never feel old and when lie e I Iferret t ferret tn In nny way a an nil cliap he Piefeels iu iufeel feel a hnck lie hi aln lo lirlleve thai n man huh huhfeel feelokl feel 111 etcepi of roure he I in tntaikf tntaikfI I ma > ay that I m ntyelf > > elf aninver an n cr l lts t w wverify ii iiS verify S all my friend say a mr eiieriri > e IV IVteen MItern teen etaclly like hi hit and I think P I I Is i itiuiihjimenlat i > lr lrtundamentAl tundamentAl mUtake UiconU na 1 manoiH manoiHlicati tflAfli III IIIheal heal merely lHcaiie he I Ii over rfly yeai ul ulNutw M MNRW NRW Yon liecemberSi u I IIjilrsl Ijilrsl > ew frnni the 4iaM llnnfe llit llit1fl ll llln ln run CniTia np riot Sirx ii 5It Ve Veof of It this place I n candldaf for lutm luisttflstIitty i < M MMtt Mtt tIitty > wconil rontrrx rontrrxUatnau ungrraq ii iiVAUIAUAC Uatnau VAUIAUAC C iMrcmberSI 2I aa