OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 06, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1911-10-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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Fbtdat. OeraBKR e, ton.
Pair to-dgy; cloudy, followed by rata, to
morrow; moderate cast winds.
NEW Y ORK. FRIDAY, OCTOBER ti, 1911. emt$M, ion, y wi .s.m prnag ""f"1"'1
,nr MAMMAS huppuch
u (i si o fxder MERMAN law.
4tlii'(l Have Conspired With Others
I.. Prrrnt Five and Ten Cent Stores
FNHII Bnlne Wall Paper From
.Inlihrr Hp Makes Vigorous Denial
CltvfLANDi Ohio. Oct. 5 - Prominent
Will i ipM jobber nnd manufacturer
in different parte of the country oon
lt t g the so-called wall paper trust
irar indicted to-day 1 y the Federal
(,r,,t ,! Jury 00 the charge of conspiring
I , rtl rain trade in violation of the Sher
man sntMniil law.
Among the prominent men indicted in
w . v Htippuoh, rhalrnian of the New
Viirk 8tte Democratic committee,
man.u'"i of OoVi Dix's political campaign
nH member of the State Public Service
Commission He is president of the
Sat Ions I tssoclattonof Wall Paper Manu
facturer! Attorneys for the indicted men. of
ahem there are nine. aiTanged with the
fjoverntneni official to have thara appear
nf Sal irday to antwor the indictments
The ndl rttnenta were brought on com
nlsiflt of the reerleaa Five and Ten Cent
Store of Pittabtirg It i alleged that the
melt indicted, forming the executive com
t ;-- of the johhera' and Rlanufao
lufari rgsnisatiotia, met in Cleveland on
May 3fl, ici". i nd entered m" in igree-
r.ent nol io e!! to five and '.en cen
More Th w?a Chrrged. w.ia in
restraint o( trade r.nd contrary to the
word and pint of ihe Nhermnn anti-
i iaa L, Poohe of Philadelphia, aee-
reir. i v of the Manufacturers association,
nr.fi William L Vetter of Omaha . seeretery
nf the lobbera' organisation, appeared
before 'he drarvl Jury and for their tes
im nv got an immunity lath. The
Orand Jury made its Investigation and to
. ly "iad it a report
Th following were Indicted' lav R
PeSr '. president of th ifobben Asa -eiatnn.
Cleveland; C. C. Adler. Colutn
bua, '"ihm; Norton Keweomb, St Lout:
i""harle E Maxwell. Chicago end New
Y-rk W A HuppUCh, Hudam Fa'ls.
V V de rce Tait. filer Fall. N Y .
Roi - F, Hohre, Boboken, N. J ; John
McCoy, York. Pa.
! la further ensrged in the indictment
thai trie manufacturers and Jobber made
nr. agretnen, not to sell goods to any one
who turnithed wall paper ' 1 1 he five and
ten cent store
It is declared tha- the two organisation
planned a general attack on Ihe atore
neoauta the latter would not keep up i
;he prices ot wall piper, bul stashed
The meeting at which the aliened agree
ment was reached was held In th. city I
-the offices of Jay B, Pearc A few I
nnthag,Mr Pearce and several others
re indicted, but it was found tha.t the ,
itctments were faulty and th-y were
Ihe manufacturers and Jobber declare J
ist the 'did not olan a war on the amain
sd that in Ihe mmm nt ttie I'.-i.r . - I
, ,.,rr.,. -hini, v,OJ inea f:Jiie.i thv I
-efised to do business with it. as the'
lonearn had no credsl. I
Tk. i- ..f f:.M,- rw a'kiM 1
k Garry and Attorney John J Sullivan,
f-.rmer' Hiatriet it torn sv anoeared in !
Puderal Court to-day in behalf of the
fiefendanta and made arrangements for
their appearance here Saturday.
M.rant. Oct I. Public Service Com-1
missioner Winfield A. Huppuoh gave out
this statement to-night regarding his in-
dictment in Cleveland to-day for a viola-
'. r. or th anti-Sherman law in oonneO
r with other indictments crowing out
rt s comhination In restraint ,.r trade
in the wall paper business; I
I Ins matter was based iifion a com-
plaint made by Frank Hall of Pittsburg
.' certain Jobbers and manufacturers
ad met and decided not to sell their goods
v nve i. rid ten cent stores. ( n is I negation I
r.. positively no basis, the facts Doing
tr:a' usm th date which Mr. Hall states j
the meeting referred to was held there
were no live and ten cent wall paper i
II irea in existence other than the stores
Which he ran,
"The Standard Wall Ppr Company I
' H . Is in Falls and Si huylerville. N. V.. I
with which Mr. Huppuoh is connected,
I ' the Hall Decorating Company
nf Pittsburg, Pa., about four or five years I
kg Hall was then managing the busl
n, f which his wife was the reputed
'r r I his sale was made upon the basis
of aigned statement a to his rbiancial
" "i ' made Ui the Standard Wall
' mpany upon November II,
V' and which statement wa signed
I I ank Hall a manager. In July, IQ07,
th Standard Wall Paper Company was
nhliged to accept settlement for the
an nt wed on the basi of 35 cent on
the dr.llar.
B n after this time Hall alo opened
IP i Mori m Pittsburg under the name
f tne Standard Wall Paper Company,
Hid th s-an(iard Wall Paper Company
"f Hurts' n Falls and Schuylerrillc. N. V..
M inable to prevent the uee of ita title
y reas'.n of the fact that it waa not
nenrporated under the laws of Pennsyl-
1 'it inasmuch as the impreaaion
i - lit to the trade in Pennsylvania.
1 Ibi' and adjacent territory that thrf st.ire
prater by Hall waa branch of the Stand
' ; W'all Paper Company of Hudson Falla
' I fi f ivlerills, N. V , the latter com
" s , bilged to notify the trade that
had , r.nection with the Pittaburg
L'- ' ' under its name, and also of the
' - ' ' none of the goods of the Ntandard
w Paper Company, Hudson Falls and
'ville, N. Y., were being handled
'hr thi store.
' ii. iard Wall Paper Company has
rig for years its goods to depart-
" store and has at least twenty-five
rty suoh accounts upon its books.
' my of these stores have made a
I'd: .
il 1 1 v
! five and ten cent papers It
lan i,en selling mail order houses
' ll Kiatenoe of the Standard Wall
1 ' anpany.
intimation that this action ha
iken ngalnal a wall paper trust is
ll U that it is hardly worth atten-
" it not made with Ihe idea of mis
. people who are not acquainted
' facts, 'There is no wall paper
il the I'nited States, large or small,
innot testify as to the absurdity of
'uunug Uis last twelve years the con
difion of the wall paper manufacturing
has been n of demoralization I
During thai period 55 per cent: of the wall 1
paper manufacturers that were in business
twelve years ago hnve either failed oY the
business has been wound up. Two large j
mills in the United States discontinued
business in June or July of this year, one I
of them voluntarily and the other through I
bankruptcy (If the 45 per cent, remain-
ing. several of the larger manufacturers
have been obliged to undergo reorganisa
tion for financial reason. "
Wright llrolher Have Material at Kill
Devil Hill for Hnrarri Machine.
Norfolk. Vn . Oct : With part of
their new buzatd shaped aeroplane
storpd in a barn shaped Structure ere, ted
on Ihe sand dunSS n' Kill Devil Hill, near
Manteo, N C . (Irville and Wilbur Wright
are expected to reach 'ha' place on Sun
dnv to begiy experiments
lxrtn Wright, an eider broiiier of the
dhio Inventors, made preliminary arrange
ments for the i online of Orville and Wil
bur and superintended the construction I
of ihe shed in Which ihe mysterious :
ma1 bine 'ii be housed I
(Itiarded by life sever connected 1
wiiii the Kill Devil Kin station, thai
machine is sale from molestation
The Y rights have purchased a large
aiea of land at Kill Devil Hill Most of I
it i sand, and being remote frotli i ivilizu- j
lion is an ideal place for conducting such ;
experiment R- the Ohio inventors COO- ;
template without danger of having the'
prodn, t of their brains studied or imitated
by others
The building in which the new machine
will be stored is erected in the centre of
the property On all sides big signs
warn trespassers to keep off.
Several big boxes have arrived a' Kill
Devil Hill arid while the life savers, the;
only persons in the confidence of the ,
Wrights concerning the new machine,
are silent, it ia said that the b-ixes con
tain material for the construction of as
many as three other huasard shmed
machine in oa th drat one meets with
accident .
Th" new ma 'hine, it is hoped, will fry
faster and will be safer and stronger
than the machinoe wi'h which the Wrights
first Bl art led the world in 1WM and aeain
In 111. Wlien 'hey flew eight miles over
the ocean and back to the same sand
dunes at Kill Devil Hill.
boa' has been I hartered by the
Wrights to carry material and provision 1
from Elisabeth City, N. C. to Manteo. N. C, i
Urrman Colleague !aa In em or Knowa,
Onl) His Own I'niilnee.
AptttoJ cvr ;irr KrS la tbi Svn
BERLIN, Oct. S. fterr Bergmann direc
tor of the great Hergniann machinery
w,,rks -and a friend and colleague of
Edison for forty years, has replied to
Edison's criticism of Qermsny in this
fssh ion
'.Vn attention should b paid to Kdiaon
when talking of anything outside of his
own province as his judgment la hasty
fl superficial in such matters. One
should only listen to Edison on such topics
with a shrug of the shoulders
"err Bergmann has s-tu a wireless me-
age io r.oion ,,n noaro (ne aieamsnip
AtllCl lKa S I 111 i
de;iv the
arrival a
New lishsd interview
ion in-
1 rs
A 'Nhw V",k r-aj.ef
,f recent date quoted
Edison as making many
invidious oom-
psriaons between Oermany and America
including t he , onunoM 1 1.,, I I he derma lis
fed their brain- on tot) muoh bser.
Paving Contractor a lie Ha Com-
,, lained to ftoverner,
When the Board of EstimstS was about
to adjourn yesterday Thomaa M Hurt.
one of the bidders for the contract for
asphalt paving on 1'itv Island, stepped
forward and aaked the May
against Borough Presidsn
"for justice
d. "to plead
-i enma here " he ezolail
to you not to allow Mr Miller to reject
my bid for paving City Island with asphalt ,
which was the lowest offer, and give the
Qontraot I
higher bidder."
advised Mr Hirt to file a
the board for a hearing
be considered at the next
Mr Qayn
petition with
which would
After 'ho meeting Mr. Hart said he had
filed charges with QOV. Dix against Mr
Miller The basis of ihe harges was
that he had shown disc rimination as to
the City Island paving.
Mr Miller said that while Mr
wsi th lowest bidder, his offer
ti.5. the Board of Trade of City Island
had recommended the letting of the con-
tract to Dayton A Hedges, whose hid was
0H7iS4O. There were four competitors,
and Mr Miller left the determination of
tiie matter to the Board of Trade. Mr.
Miller will do nothing until Mr Hart has
had a chance to be heard, hut it is his in
tention to give the contract to Dayton ,i
Albany. Oot, ,V No charges against
President Miller have been received nt
the Eseoutlve chamber.
Kmpt Car Roll Krom
Ilia lloor
and Turn a Corner.
When Dr. Frank Dowe of SO0 West
Ninety-seventh street looked out of the
window of the room in which he was
attending some patients yesterday after
noon he saw his motor car, which a few
moments before had been Standing
quietly in West End avenue, disappearing
rapidly" up the street, and as far as h
could determine there wa no one driving
it He ran out to follow it and at Ninety
ninth street saw it strike some objocl
in the road, turn sharply down toward
Kiverside Drive and sail right across ihe
drive into the stone embankment which
borders the sldswalk, Ihe doctor had
to push his way through a crowd to got
to his machine, but nobody had s,,, ;,
anv one get ou: of the car.
La'er a woman came to hi house and
said thai She had seen John dlovanni,
who deliver fruit for a store a; 25.il
Broadwav. Straighten Die wheels of the
car and start it going, so the doctor
..hnsi.il eft, i- him and had t'a'rolinan
j ahn lake him to the West 00lh slreel
station, ihe bov was later arraigned
gefore Magistrate Murphy In the West
Side Court, where he said I ha' a 'big bov"
hud slatted the ear, not he. 't he Ma;d
I rat e discharged hitn
HhOl in American I'.aalr at Reg,
Papt Schmidt of ihe tank Cliarlois. in
last flight from Rotterdam, has in his pos
session the wings of an American eagle
measuring six feet from tip to tip, Last
I Monday morning when the ship was
Hearing I'll port th" big bint alighted on
the foremast. Cspt. Schmidt brought
Um down with onu shot from hu rifle.
mo of THEM,
lnndnn ( annul I'nnnrm Report Italian
Mag Over Tripoli, lint Turks Have
Not Offered to Surrender Oermn
Head Power I rgtng Mediation.
.SprrMf rsN nc.,p,irhfs (9 TBr. SCN
TDSnt.OcI I It I said that the squad
ron commanded by ttie Duke of the
Abrui7.i hn unk two more Turkish
torpedo boats in the Adriatic and that
another has been sunk south of Sicilv
LONDON. Oct o The little war news
to day is practically confined to the
activities of preparation by Italy for the
Occupation of Tripoli and to further
despatches regarding the bombardment
of Tripoli These despatches, ns all news
to date has been, are contradictory
What appa rently baa happened has been
the destruction of Ihe forts Willi very
little loss of life, the withdrawal of Turkish
troop.aand the landing of a body Of Italian
sailotv who will remain under the protec
tion of the guns of the fleet
F.xpert commentators here are inclined
to wonder "ai the bombardment unless It
, , fc . .
Wmm IIICM l lUIWUVil mm uviiiuiib . viv.ii i
wmcn nngnt posaioiy Drum mrsev i
terms at once otherwise Hie action of (
the rleet in not having the cooperation1
of troops is criticised as likely to prolong
the next stage of the campaign
Had the bombardment been supported
by troops on either side of the city it
miht have led to the cutting off of the
garrison in the rear ,ow mev nave
practically been allowed to concentrate
with the Arabs behind the town
Meanwhile Tripoli has not formally sur
rendered, though the port is defenceless
Little credit is attached to the reports ,
from variou ).,urce. all of which are I
unofficial, of naval engagements and bom- !
bardmentS of Mitylene. Prevesa. Derna.
Beng.izi and other places, eapecially in
the Dardanelles
The Dnify Mml a correspondent who
i on board tin Italian cruise- Coatit
aavs that it was discovered that Turk
ah destroyer patrolling the Mediter
ranean h-.d attempted 'o approach the
Italian fleet at night and blow it up. He
"There were no grave incident, ra
our d?t rover and torpedo boat always
retorted the enemy in time and chas-d
then; hitherto
fruitlessly according to
7'he report
that two torpedo boats
we.e sunk bv the 1 1 n linn fleet this morn
ing cannot he verified at present
The t'hrnnirlr'n Constantinople corre
spondent report an interview with Kianul
Pasha, who wa thrice drand Viier.
who i quoted aa saying
"We relied uon treaty alliances when
Duly pounced Upon US without warning
We then r. ppealed to fireut Britain, but
she unfortunately was too Judiolous to
advise Oermany was aps"aled to, hut
Germany replied that II was too late
-We will never abandon Tripoli Fight
we must until honors hie peaoe slm II come
We -hall Hghi until the last unless the
Powers find a modus to bring the war to a
"The present Cabinet is as bad as the
last and cannot continue long It has
been suggested thai I be made Urand
Vizier The proposal must come from
the SuMan Then 1 Wbuld consider it
"1 saw him to-day, He looks well anil
bears ins trouble bravely He hopes
I that there is yet time lo stop unnecessary
; bloodshed."
Th,. Chronitt$'w correspondent adds that
women ere giving jewels, carpets and
other valuable possessions to the fund
for equipping the Turkish force-. Priests
In the mosques are urging the Mussul
mans to arise to meet the crisis
The Turkish authorities seized Italian
mail, but German secured Its release
Conflicts between Turks and Hermans
! are reported at Adena. where Ihe men
are working on a tunnel connecting with
' th" Bagdad Railway
Malta. Oct i The British cruisers
LBaochante and Lancaster sailed lo-dav
'They are under sealed orders Ihe
United Slates scout cruiser I hosier ar
rived and will proceed to Derna
constantin'ow.k. Oct 6 -It ia reported
jthat Derna and Bengasi In Africa are
being bombarded by 'he Italians and
'that the troops at Bengasi are offering
a valiant rosletanoe
ROMEi Oct. 5 -It is officially announced
j that Italian sailors landed at Tripoli
to-day and hoisted the Italian colors
The bluejackets occupied the fort,
where they found many dead Turkish
tfflmiral Faravelli ordered a party
of marines and offioers to go ashore and
repai- the lighthouse, which is of timlsr
supported by columns of wood and iron
From tho report of those who landed
it seems certain that the Turks after
the first day s bombardment fled to tho
Admiral Faravelli reports that the bat
teries at Tripoli were so hadly damaged
by the two days bombardment that the
anldiOVS were obliged to retire back Into
the town. Along the quavs only dead
Turkish soldiers are to be seen.
It is s:d to-day tint the delay in the
commencement of the bombardment of
Ti iooli was due to the fact that Vdn.iral I
Aubrey learned from Italian residents atlGEORGI
tho place that the harbor iiad been ex
tensively mined, This explains the firing
a1 long range and also the continuation
of the bombs rdmeni after the torts hud
Teen silenced The search for mines
proved fruitless, bin dmira! Aubrey
exercised extieme caution in making sure
that his ships were in no danger fron. (his
ThS 'Turks have not yet offered to sur
render tle town
Premier Giolictli many Ministers, Dopu
' t ies and Senators have gone to Turin, where
j they will attend a hanouet on Saturday.
They Were cheered by crowds as they
I departed from the railway slat fon
lUOtlARI, Sardinia. Oct 5. A crowd of
10,000 persons, led by a priest hearing a
1 Turkish dug captured at Lapauto, gath
ered to cheer Infantry that departed
hence to-day The Bishop blessed the
ROM R, Oct, 5. There were enthusiastic
scene to-day as troops departed from
Genoa and other cities for Spe.zis, from
Continued on Second Page,
Mil riKF mi. COAL HERE,
, White altar Ilrglna It rheaper and
4nlrKer Loading.
The White Star Line is about to adopt
1 the practice of taking on board sufficient
'coal at this port for S round trip, and,
other lines of transatlantic ships are to
do likewise, mainly because domestic
bunker coal is averaging higher in quality i
1 than most ,,f the bunker Coals of western
j Europe and is being supplied at very low
I OOSI as compared With foreign coal of
I prime steaming grades.
I The Olympic has been taking on bond
'at each terminal 7,200 Ions Her bunker
space, planned IO be of service to the
Admiralty In war time for long voyages.
is It, ODD tons It is proposed to put on
board here every time she comes in ISjfiOTl
tons of prime coal Coal is bunkered
here and at several other north Atlantic
ports in much quicker lime than at any
port in Europe. A recent coaling of one
of the big ClWarders a' this port made the
world's high record . 1 ieS I Ing the best time
recorded in England for as many tons
by nine hours
rap'. John Reodle'i Thtru Para chute
railed u Open And l ilt.
TtPTON, Oa.i Ocl a Papt. John Brodle,
Whodld the high diving act forananiuse
ment company, fell "00 feel from a balloon
on the espositiol
aflornoon and Wfl
grounds at till Ihls
Instantly killed
several H' , ihii,i people waiorieu tne '
,.,lfort,inft,p man fan , ()pH,h Brodle
na(1 j,lf. finished a high diving act and
Prof. Ciowdy an aeronaut . Waa preparing
to ascend when Brodie volunteered to
take another balloon and race with him
Both balloons asceiMed S few yards apart
for 1 ,000 feel . when the signal to cut loose
was tired Brodle dropped m advance of
The drop was made in a rpiadruple
parachute lb- cut loose the first two
Safely, Whether the third became en
tangled or lack of experience caused him
to hut, gle wi!1 never be known The third
parachute failed to fill and nrodie came
J00 feet to the ground, falling with a
crash that COUld M heard (no vards
Although Prof Gowdy witnessed Brodie's
fate he cut louse bis three parachutes
and descended in safetv nearlr a half
mile away
John Brodie waa unmarried He had
a mother and sister in Crystal Lake. Wis
EQUAL r tv hill PASSED,
ll Strarhan Win Another Point In
right for tl omen Teachers' salaries
ALBANY, Oct. 5. Miss drace Strachan
returned to New York city Jubilant
to-night, having succeeded in getting
through the Assembly the bill which
passed the Senate yostordav making it
possible for the Board of Fducation at
Ottoe to put in operation an equal pay
schedule for the New York city school
tea'iher. Miss Strachan is the president
of the InterboroUgh Association of Women
Teachers, and this is the sixth year thai
the women have been fighting for this
equal pay si hedule
When th" bill was received in the
Assembly from the Senate for concur
rence early to-day Aaaereblyman Shlivek
(Rep., Manhattan, objected to its Is-mg
advanced and i' waa sont to the educa
tion I omrni'tee Senator dradv. Work
ing With Majority Leader Alfred E. Smith,
succeeded in having the Assembly Rule
Committee report ihe bill out to-night
atai after an hour's debate it was passed
bv a vote of SSI o I Assemblymen Shhvek .
Murray and Brooks of Manhattan and
Miller of Otsego voting against it
Mr Shlivek said thai Ihe salaries of
the m-n teac hers would be reduced under
the plan. The bill now goes to Mayor
(ay nor for hisapprovaland Miss Strachan
savs that is assured in advance Miss
Strachan also has
Dix thai he will
reaches him.
the ass'irani-e of OoV.
sign the bill when it
.. Q. A, H ARD'S
mil I.elMlns
1 1 lo Sculptor' Second
litre Disputed.
A suit brought by Miss Fleanor Ward
of Urbana, Ohio, to break the Will of her
brother! J Q, Ward Ilia sculptor,
went lo trial yesterday before Supreme
Court Justice Plataek, Mr. Ward was mi
years old when he died on May 1, Into,
and left property worth 1180,000 to his
Wife, vleau he had married four years
The plaintiff, like other relatives of the
Cttlptor, was not named in tho will, and
she alleges that her brother was not of
sound mind and was influenced by his
wife. Augustus Van Wyck. counsel for
the plaintiff, said in opening the case
"This will is not the will of Ward but
the result of the domination of a woman
who was not the wife of hi childhood
It was n marriage to secure all his prop
erty." Tho sculptor's widow is 5n years old.
and had known Mr Ward for twenty
years before sic married him Most of
this lime he lived at her honi She was
a Mrs Smith and has a grown son.
The plaintiff testified yesterday that
after her brother's marriage it waa iVnder
Stood between her and her Sister Mary,
now dead, and their brother that h"
would leave all his property to his sisters
and they would provide for his wife
She said that he did make such a will in
19.10 hut that through the influence of his
wife he revoked it and left the property
to her Ihe case was not concluded.
Thief ln I. els Ini) With Democratic
l ender's Coal anil I nitirella.
Boston. Oct 8, Soni" low lived Demo
crat, or perhaps a miserable Republican,
made a getaway from the Qulncy House
last nighi v ifh an overcoat, umbrella !
and glossy silk tile belonging lo Ihe Hon
George Fred Williams, who is busier than
a b"e in Democratic circles once more
All three disappeared together from Mr.
Williams's committee room nt the hotel, !
where he and a number Of party leaders
were holding a ""niuht before" last night.
(q the press of allairs due to the assem
bllng of planks and excluding of suffra-
geties Mr Williams waa called away for
a few moment ., and when he returned
and scanned the chair where his raiment
had been nothing remained
Mr. Williams's coat, according To de
ScHptlon, was silk lined, and Ihe hat was
"silk" too. Mr. Willams waa never a !
member of the Home Market Club and had
purchased 'he lid only the other day in
I New nrk Ihe umbrella had QaorgSjand 8 pawn iicket He received a big
1 Fred't initials in freo silver on the handle, black swolltn left eye.
Fleetrle Wave Span allx Thonaand Miles
of Mater and Operatora 1'arry On Con
versation for Fifteen Minute How
Wireless Communication H fironn.
San Francisco. Oct
Wireless mea-
sages were flashed between San Francisco
and Japan over fl ood miles of ocean for the
first time at 2 1ft o'clock this morning
flreetings were exchanged between the
San Francisco operator in the t'nlted
Wireless station at Hillcrest and the
Japanese operator in Jot station, on the
Island ,,f Hokushn. the most northerly
wireless station in Japan
Th" San Francisco operator had re
ceived instructions to listen for calls
from Japan, as new equipment had re
cently been installe l in the local station
At 2:15 the operator heard a faint call,
which he could nol at first make out
He Anally read it aa a call sent to the
Chiyo Maru, which is due at Honolulu
to-morrow, by the Japanese station
The San Francisco operator at once
called the Japanese station and the Nip
noneae operator responded and con-
.,iIImi MehanMul
After fifteen minutes tall, the wound
censed and it was impossible to get into 1
communication again
Long distance wireless talks are so
common in Pacific waters." a man in the
local office of the I'nited States Wireleas
Companv said last nighi when told by
Tilt. Scn reporter that California had
talked to Japan for the first time, "that
we're- getting used to it
The local men said that they knew
nothing of th" message of yesterday
morning until thev heard of it from Thk
BtTN reporter. They added that the
Pacific is especially favorable to long dis
tance wireless communications because
of atmospheric condition that prevail
there I,aat year a Pacific coast operator
talked In wireless to a westbound Pacific
liner throughout moat of her trip and
lost touch with the ship only juet as she
waa Bearing the Japaneae coast
America and F.urope have communi
cated via wireless for some time, but
although the Atlantic i only about half
As wide as ihe Pacific it is considered a
feat, even to-day. to talk from shore to
shore. -Back
in the ancient history of wireless
telegraphy frof. dreen of the University
of Notre Dame sent the first wireless
message from a shore station to n moving
vessel when hf had a wireless "talk"
ftom a Chicago skyscraper with an opera
tor on a tug steaming along Lake Michi
gan about a mile out from Michigan
Boulevard. Prof. Green's feat attracted
columns of attention, but in ()ctoler.
1007 Marconi instituted his wireless com
munication clear acrqp the Atlantic
as a "regular business proposition." as
he put it Beginning at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon of October it. i bot . the opera
tors ut Clifton. Ireland, and Qiaos Bay.
; Nova Scotia, zipjied messages back and
forth between the Old World and Ihe New
all afternoon and evening Marconi said
at Ihe close of Ihe day that more than
10. oOli words had been sent and received
and that not one word had to be repealed
Marconi, the most persistent expert-
1 nienter in wireless telegraphy, in lso;
was joyous when he sent a message three
miles through (he air In loot he was
J sending and receiving signals through
1 the air more than 1,000 miles In January,
igrjg, a message was sent from Hanen.
near Berlin. 2.29" miles to the steamer down the hay lo the North derman Lloyd
Cap Blanco off the Canary islands. In I liner Barbarossa yesterday to look for
June. ions, a record talk with a vessel 1 a German defaulter who had been de
was made when the wireless man al the scribed as "probably dressed as a woman"
Government station at San Diego talked and with hair of more than the usual
With the hattli'ship Connecticut 2.9!0
miles out on the Pacific in November,
M0, 'he I'nited Wireless station at San
Francisco received a message from the
Korea .1.:1ki miles out on the Pacific Five
days later the Korea sent a wireless while
steaming 4.72U miles from tile Paoiflo
Tile Marconi W ireless Telegraph Com
pany got word from its London station
in October, ISIO, that Mr Marconi, then
in South Aiiuirica. had received a message
sent through 5,000 miles of air .
The Men Mere Crook Arrested ror High
way Rotmcr).
Judge Foster in deneral Sessions yeste.
day sentenced John Moran of 48" Weal
Fifty-sixth street and James Smith of
522 West Thirty-ninth street to serve five
years in Sing Sing for violating the dan
gerous weapon law. 'They had pleaded
"I live near First avenue
said Judge
EoSter, "and 1 don't have to carry a re
volver for protection. It is foolish to
carry a revolver and the man who does
I so is bound to get into more trouble t Iihii
I tho man whom he assaults "
Moran and Smith were arrested Sep
tember 22 after they had held up William
Durham of tns West Thirty-seventh
strerl and taken 18 cents from him The
revolvers were found in their pockets.
An indictment for robbeiy is- pending
agai nst them .
THIEF t II is h! IN
Homing Jersey Folk See rurul(
I Upton- In Hudson Tunnel.
The crowd of Jersey dwellers on I he way
home last night from the Twenty-third
stree; elation of the Hudson tubes were
enlivened by the ha-e of Policeman Kd
ward Cody after a man who rushed
through the crowds about the ticket chop
per's gate and dashed down lo one end
of the station platform, shoving people
right and left, 'The policeman kept his
eye on him and caught him
The man had knocked down Thomas
S'olan, a foreman, in 'Twenty fifth street
between Sixth and Seventh avenues
and started to pull out his pockets Po
liceman Cody saw him from fhe corner of
Twenty-fifth street and Seventh avenue
and started on a run up the street toward
him The man first ran toward the po
liceman until he saw him coining Then
his leaps were turned In the opposite di
rection He ran to Sixth avenue ami
dived down into the tubas station He
said he wa Leo Cockrati of "St N'inrh
avenue, a driver, when locked up for as-
mil and robbery NOian lost fa cents
)neeeful Control by Hertzian
Prom F.ngllah CrnKer.
.apfc'i C'lrft nnpntrh to Th 8c.
PoRTSMot'TH. F.ngland, Oct. 5. Suc
ceasful experiments with the wireless
control of submarine boat have been
trcado, hut the detail are kept secret. It
i known, however, that n submarine was
taken to shallow water off Selsey while
the Hertzian waves were worked by
the cruiser Furious.
The submarine. which was on the surface
was manned, and was found to be entirely
under the control or tne cruser. l hen the
crew was taken out and (he experiment
was equally successful when the boat
was submerged
Similar experiments nre being mad"
with torpdoes.
chvrvh for WOMEN ONLY,
Dr. Conwell Plan Place of worship for
female Studenl.
PhiLAIIKI.Piiia, Ocl 5- The Kev
Dr. Russell H. Conwell, paetor of the
Baptist Tstnpts, Broad and Berks streets,
proposes to inaugurate a church for
women only Dr. Conwell, speaking of
tho protect , said
"There are thousands of young women
in this city sent here to take courses in
Temple University or at some of the
business colleges 'They have no church
connection or social centre and if the
proposed consolidation of congregation
is brought about it is my idea to in
augurate a work among them.
"Services will be conducted and the
whole institution managed solely with the
idea of providing a place of worship for
these young women "
Dr. Conwell said that men would not
be barred from the church, "but we prefer
to have girl and women only attend the
services "
Government nant ai TS.noo From Allen
and Collin.
Forfeiture suits against Nathan Allen,
the Kenosha leather manufacturer, and
John R. Collins of Memphis, both of
whom have pleaded guilty to smuggling
In jewels and other articles in June, 1909.
were filed yesterday afternoon in the
United State District Court The ao
tion against Allen is for $150,000" and
that against Collins for 125.000. These
um represent the value of the goods
which the two men pleaded guilty to
smuggling in. They were fined for
"foolish" smuggling
Former American Actress Wants to Get
Rid or Kgyptlan Prince.
Spital Oi& nmpalcH In Tm Sry
Lonpon. Oct 5 Princes Hassan, who
was the American actress Ola Humphrey
i now in London consulting lawyere. Her
marriage to the wealthy Egyptian prinoe,
Ibrahim Hassan, a first cousin to the
Khedive, ha not been happy, and she has
left him.
Ola Humphrey, whose name In private
life was Fearl Ola Mordent, was married
to Prince Hassan ill London on April 1.":
last She savs that though she married
for love she was never really happy afier
a short while In Pnris. she says, sh
found that she was regarded as no more
than a servant and was practically
prisoner for a month
"I have found the marriage a great mis
take." she added, lor East is Flast and
West is West, and never the twain shall
meet "
One of (lie Opera 4 horns &upcctc(l of
llelng a Male Defaulter.
Two Ptnkerton men and a representa
tive of the German Consul's office went
male length. The sleuths had a photo
graph of the defaulter and they decided
that a young woman in the second cabin
was Ihe person (hey were looking for
They followed her around a while nnd
finally made known their suspicion to
the chief stewardess. They learned very
soon that the young woman was just
what she appeared to lie. Fraulein Gents
FritSCh of a bevy that will sing in the
chorus at the Metropolitan Opers House.
The Plnkertons said her reaeroblanoe
(o the photograph was certainly remark
able. The young woman regarded the
mailer as a good joke on the detectives.
She lias been here before.
Chancellor Day Atk iJind for racue
I'ntveretty'i New school.
Sibaccse. N. v., Oct. 5. - Chancellor
James R. Day would like a farm of fifty
acres for the new college of forestry
I ,,f vrj,,an I ' n i v ersl t v . ihe boa id of
trustees of which held its first meeting
i here m-day
Ten acres of woodland are
the chancellor says Plans
lor the new college were presented at
to-day's meeting by Chancellor Day and
Prof. William L Bray, who discussed
the standard, scope and work of the in
stitution Provision was made by the
trustee for the work to be liegun at once,
with the necessary equipments, illus
trative museum material, hook and
Chancellor Day said he has had two
offers from men whose names he prefers
to conceal at present of large tracts of
land in th Adirondacks. One offer
comprises a large tract of land in the
Cranberry Lake region.
Trained Monkey's trm Nearly Seered
llhlln llntti 11,1 1111 SitHKe.
p -,, . .... , i i
(Irani, Kapiiw. Mich, Oct 8. While'
Consul, the trained monkev. was doing
his bicycle act at the Temple Theatre
here this afternoon Prince, the prize
winning bulldog of the playhouse spied
him and before the dog could be Stopped
he had nearly torn th" simian's arm off
The animal is in a hospital,
James J, Hill Drlvss Pinal Golden spike.
Bksp. Ore., Oct. 5 James J. Hill drove
a golden spike to-day to make the formal
completion of (he Oregon Trunk l ine
Railroad to this cily. That Bend would
nol be the final terminal of the line, how
ever, was intimated by the road builder
In lime, he said, il probably would be
made to join t lie PadfiC and Eastern, the
western terminal of which is Medford,
Had a Varied Collection of New Thins
From More Than One shop Horry
Csll for Lawyers Diamond Rings
Offered to Police aa Hall, hot Itefnsed.
Two young women of prosperous ap
pearance who earlier in the day had
shipped to Philadelphia a suit case con
taining goods obtain, si at four depart
ment stores were arrested yesterday
afternoon after Detective Larkin nt
Altaian's had watched them pack away
in a hag and carry out of the store gooda
valued at
At the Tenderloin police station, wlterii
the young women were locked up on a
charge of grand larceny, they said that
they were Mrs Helen dreen, the wifT
of an oil maii'm business at 110 Front
street , Philadelphia, and living on Spruce
street, nnd Miss Anna Merrill Jacquel
of 29 Fast Unities street, dormant own.
The store detective says he saw ths
two enter the store and noticing that they
seemed to he unfamiliar with the place
kept an eye on them, thinking that I:
might he of assistance He says he si
Mis dreen after picking over some ail
remnants take a travelling hag from
her companion and lip into'it silk valued
at I8. Then the pair went on to the
leather counter, where Mrs dreen picked
up two leather shopping hag and passed
them over to Mi Jacquel. who now car
ried the travelling hag and who put the
shopping bags in with the silk.
Larkin didn't interfere, for it is tiecee-
aary in order to make out a case of shop-
1 if l ing to show that tho atolen articles
were actually taken out of the store. But
the two women after looking about a
while went out. I,arkin followed them
to the street and told them that they'd
better come back to the office and es
The women after expressing indigna
tion decided that they'd go back. The
travelling bag waa unloaded in the office,
and in addition to the things which the
detective had Been them take there were
found four silk waists and a fine lace table
cover, which had not some from A It man a
The women failed to explain satisfactorily
and Detectives Hyams and Hughes, Cen
tral Office men attached to the Tenderloin
precinct, were called in to make the
When they reached the station house
Mrs. dreen removed her gloves, and
taking two large diamond rings from her
hands laid the rings on the desk in front
of Lieut Morris and aaked the store
detective and the police lieutenant to
let her and her companion go. since the
rings would cover the value of the things
taken from the tore. They were told
that it was too late to make payment.
When Mrs. Mulhane, the matron, came
to escort them to cells both women broke
down. Mrs dren. a slim brunette, who
said she was 22 years old. grew so hys
terical that Miss Jacquel, who is a year
younger but who kept better command
of her nerves, had to assist her to a cell.
Before she was locked up Mrs. Green
said that she would die before she would
let any of her friends know what had
hapjiened. but after a few minutes in the
cell she called for a telegraph blank and
wrote a despatch to Byron Wrigley. who,
she said, is a Philadelphia magistrate.
She undressed it to the corner of Lehigh
and dermantown avenues hut said that
she wasn't quite certain of the addrese.
Then Miss Jacquel asked the police
lieutenant to telephone to the office of
Milton Speiser, a lawyer at 170 Broad
way, and tell Mr. Speiser that Helen
Drew was locked up and please come at
once. If he didn't remember Helen
Drew he was to he told that Jacques waa
locked up. She didn't explain the change
in the names.
A little later the women sent a tele
phone message to Mark Alter, another
lawyer, and presently but at different
times, the two lawyers came to the sta
tion house. They wouldn't talk about
their clients as they hurried away to
arrange for the taking of ball before a
Ma gist rate.
Meanwhile the Pennsylvania Railroad
in response to a message from the police
had been tracing a suit case which, from
a receipt found in the prisoners' possession,
the delectives learned, had been sent to
Philadelphia early in the day The rail
road people caught the suit case at Phila
delphia and shipped it back again.
It was a big suit case and its sides bulged.
When questioned about it the women haH
said that it contained soiled clothe which
they had shipped home. But when the
detective opened it they found in ad
dition to two soiled suits the following
articles Two new women's suits and
a waist from Wanamaker's, worth in all
about tun; a raincoat, several pair of
fine gloves, silk pajamaa and a collection
of ribbons from Saks's, a fine eilk aklrt
from Ciimbel Bros.' and corset and a
pair of fancy buckles set with brilliants
from Siegel-Cooper's. There were also
two new towels marked Hotel Knicker
bocker The police aaid that they understood
that the yourig women had sent another
package to Philadelphia and that they
were trying to add that to their collection.
To the store detective the prisoners
said that they had come here on Monday
and had been visiting friends on West
Twenty-second street. Miaa Jacquel con
fided to the detective that although she
had never worked before ahe had recently
been employed by "the Aubrev sisters"
in demonstrating; just what she "demon
" ,.J, ".. e. ...,
st rated" she didn't say. She explained
i that, she had had to go to work because
her mother had had a serious and expen
sive illness and her brother had recently
lost one of his legs
'The police pondered a while over the
t wo old suits found among the new things
In the suit case. Then they noticed that
both prisoners were weuring new clothes
and they thought that explained It.
Following up the clew given by the
: towels with the Hotel Knickerbocker
mark, the police found that Mrs. Helen
dreen had been living there since Oo
tober when she registered as H. Rue.
Philadelphia They learned that Miss
Jacquel had not come with her to the
hotel, but had been a frequent visitor

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