Newspaper Page Text
r "1 . .i- T7aln tn.r1i rdfn onrl rnff4Ar fn.mnrrAtk taet. t4fV. ; 'V'rrl,, uflnrle in irt"acfnrr orlrl KprnmltlfT filtttv ' crly winds, increasing and becoming high. Detailed weather reports wilt be found on page II. VOL. LXXIX. NO. 179. NEW YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1912. CoPrifl.f. IIH2, bV the Sun Printing and PublUMno AMOcfoti.n. PRICE TW.O OENTS. I 7 ILL STRIKERS GET THEIR CHILDREN RACK I'Mcnis to Ho Called Into Court To-day to Answer Chnrgcs of Neglect. WILL MAKE LEGAL FIGHT 1'imri.. if Police, to no Tcidcd Militia Colonel Kays No More Children Sliall He Sent Out of Town. wiii. t A b.ovnr..NTE, Feb. . . .'. tlmt of 11 small not tills afternoon In which ponco oinccra were auuciccu ny a crowd of strikers and their symtKithlors. ihe city was quiet to-day, The rioters were quickly dispersed by 11 .iml of infantry and a troop or cavalry who met with no resistance when they responded to u call sent in by police. I The strikers are Indlimunt nvnr Ihe ,l it 1 . I , ... ... 1 - The K.llm, ,,OIulltIoll , h(mtll(rn ,iie them from sending some Torty chll- Manhattan, which is supplied from the ilrrn to Philadelphia and in some quarters Central Park reservoir, there is fear that tho opening of tho mills' "Whether there Is any danger In chink 1 ..morrow will see a renewal of the riot-! ,nK "' water I do not know. The con- me of several weeks ago. The police are preparing to stop all disorder and the iniliti'i will lc ready early in tho morning ta hurry to any point whero the civil authorities find themselves unable to control the crowds. Parents of the children seized by the police yesterday made demand upon the authorities to-day for the return of their mtle ones, ana Acting uty .Marsiiai hum- an gave his permission for their release. I All but three of the children were taken lo their homes. These thrco will U; kept nnothor night ut the city farm. , It is the intention of the authorities to r.ul the parents of the children into court i-morrow on the charge of neglecting 1'ioni. The Industrial Workers of the World have engaged counsel and lo see how far the police can go In this matter N effort will be made to send any children from the city to-morrow, but It announced that an effort would I made to tend away a fow either on Tuesday or Wednesday. William K. Trautmann said to-night that a Federal Investigation would ls we I 1 coined by the strikers. He declared that ttie police had exceeded their authority Acstcrday and that the parents had a torfect right to send their sons and daughters away for vacations if thev mw fit. Already 3So children are in New 1 1 orl; and liarre, t., Irautuuiiu said, lie asserted that in the (use or the party csterday all the children had tags upon her clothing boarin? the statement that ihey were going to Philadelphia with the ( onsent of their parents. Trautmann und other leaders as wh as some of the parents declared that the toliee had no legal authority to stop the Jiildren from being bent awjy. but Col. Sweetser and City Murshal Sullivan lth announced to-night that there would be 110 fun her exportation of the little ones. lor "legal and humanitari'tn reasons," 1 ol Sweetser said, a stop was put to the ' ractice. Mayor Scanlon agrees with the Jlonel. as does City Marshal Sullivan 1 nt several members of the City Council not agree with the uttituile of the civil Mid military authorities. The children seized yesterday were (liken upon the advice of the Stute Hoard ( f Charities, because they had been ' Ivmdoned to be shipped to Phila delphia, according to information given i it here, Members of the board deny iving nny such advice. r.eontino Lincoln, chairman of the hoard, when asked regarding the situa tion in Lawrence and the sending of iriltprs' children awuy. said that the natter has not been officially brought to his attention. Charles II, Adams, a Member of the board, said: "Whether or not the uction of tho police was justifiable wholly depends, to my mind, on whether or not the children were neglected or were likely to be neg-I li'ctcd. Ihe law is very strict on what my bedono with tho children. As I under -'and it, they were to be sent away with ic primary intention of being exhibited and of urousing sympathy. If that is so i might well be questioned whether Heir removal from Lawrence was not PIoied to Ihe children's welfare," ( Ilatshesky, another member, said: "1 think that it is u shamo and a crime ' allow the children to be taken from the oui'-s of their parents, and every effort -nould be made by the public authorities o prevent these children leaving their Homes, Tho Htato board did not, to my knowledge, request tho Lawrence police 0 stop tho going of the children." liobert W. Kelso, secretary of the "card, declared: "Unless It was a ques "'i of our own children, tho wurds of '" hoard, we should nover interfere in 4' h a matter as the removal of children Iron! one place to another until our at tf ion was called to some specific case, 1 ' rierc) wero utilise, neglect or Hctuul 'limpping we might act in an cmergeucy 1 e hut not otherwise, Our concern ut Luwrenca is not so much hi' hddren us the matter of outdoor pub- r lief Wo havo un agent nt Lawrence is watching tho conditions there, bo- -e we think that at uny time the State . lie called on to adminster relief." 'Mien tho sixteen children weni or- inni'd in court yesterday (leorgo W. Uiiewer. ,Ir , appeared in their behalf, contended that tho parents of the chll ' had 11 right to send them away on a o-.itlon whero tho children would have r lood, hotter housing, bettor care I he better off in every respect than they "" at home. Ho admitted to Judgo 'ii mat ho did not Know what pro " ' hud been mude for the return of the .ir..i, nr i , melt!.. JL iVi.T I' n after the strike was over, but I I lie blares to which thev were to be lunl been properly investigated and ' titiud to bo all right In every rospect. 'idge Howell said ho had no reason I't-lleui that thoy would lmvo better ban they have at present. Ho did uoi iiiinK they wero being sent away "iiit object, nor was ho sat ( onfliiurd 011 Fourth Vaat, KI M W VOItK TO rACIFIfl C'OANT 1, (i a I') Haliroad. Mir. I to Apr. II. ,1dr. CITY WATER, A DIRTY BROWN. ""i iue of Manhattan and Most of I Hrooklyn Complain of It. Many complaint lmvo been made to the Dppartment of Wuter Supply regarding the muddy water that Is being served through the city mains. Most of these complaints In Manhattan have 001119 from th West .Side, where It 1 said the. water lias been so discolored mid tilled with imrtloks of earth that It lint fit fnr 'drinking or even lathing. It In a dirty orown. Commissioner Henry S, Thompson said last night that the complaints will ceue in n fow days because the present condi tion of the water Is temporary and will remedy Itself naturully. Tim dirtiness of the water is due cn- ,ir,,1- to ,lu' heavy rain of last Wednes- 'day,' said Commissioner Thompson 'The rain came down pretty hurd.and the . ground ueuig iroueu ttie water drained directly Into the Croton reservoir. This j accounts for the condition of the water . supply to tho West Side of Manhattan, I which Is served directly from the aque duct. The Iironx is supplied from the Jerome I Park reservoir, and localise tho water has had a chance to settle there are few complaints coming from that section 1 tlltlon Is one likely to arise ut any time 1 aim snows conclusively the need or a nitration plant. The present situation cannot be helped and we will simply have to wuit until the storm water is used up." Over in Hrooklyn Deputy Commissioner Frederick T. Parsons bad n different ex planation to offer for the muddy water there. He said that the high wind that prevailed in the storm of last Wednesday had Htrrpd ,,,, , reion.olrH am, rallHpU ,i1P e,lment at the bottom of il.eni t r;He unrt llm, through the water, AB oon ,l!t le IH. ,wrlic0H of mattor fettle the wuter will clear again naturally. he said. Commissioner Parsons thought t,er was no danger In drinking the water ' in is present condition 18-YEAR-OLD GIRL A RULER Heath nt (.rami Uukr of l.uxemliiirx; De livers Slate to Ills Oldest Daonlilrr. Sptrtal Cabt Dtspatrh lo Tar. Sit ' ).uxkiiiii:h(i, Feb. '2.i. William Alex andr, (Irand Duke of l.uvemburg, died to-day. The dead ruler of IhU little prin.-ipjlity nlso held Ihe titles of Duke of Nassau and Count Palatine, with iihout a dozen other minor Cernun (pialiflcatinus. He uas the son or the (Irand Duke Adolph and succeeded his father in tOli He was April is;.;, and was m.inied in l.KCT to Maria Anna. Infanta of Portugal. He leaves six daughters und no son, The (J rand Duke had Ihvii ill for the lust four yoars und his wife lus been acting as Urgent of I lie (Irand Dim hy. He will Is- succeeded by filseldeta daughter, the (Irand Duchess Marl", who-e other names are Adelaide Thetesj Hilda AntoinellH Willieliniii". She wa ljrn in tune. 1S9I. At a tim some years ago when it seemed likely ihut Queen ilheimiuu of Holland would be childless she desig nated this young Grand Duchess as heir to the throne of the Netherlands and was about to ask tho Dutch States-den- ra, o ,, Ilece8.arv ,.RUiati(m , this end. Shortly afteruard. however, the hope of the Dutch people lor a direct heir to the throne were gratified by the birth of the little Princess .Juliana. During the recent negotiations in regard to Morocco and the Congo between Germany and France rumors became current tha Germany proposed to tm"x the Helgiau Congo in the near future with the consent of France and Kngland, By way of compensation, the story goes, Kelgium is to be allowed to gobble the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg. Luxemburg is a State of tms square miles lu the angle where Germany, France and Belgium meet. It has about 2M,n) people. From time immemorial it has been un appanage of the house of Nassau. It was therefore virtually part of Holland. though separated from It until the death of Queen Wilhe!mlnu fatlu 'n,., it rniinu-i ti, ,i 11 er, in IS90. ine to the father of tho Grand Duke just dead. In 1007 the succession in the female lino was instituted by a family statute. MAD DOG BITES MANY. Attacks Children and Men llefore II Is Shot hy Policeman In Ilrniikljn. A mongrel dog which had all tho symp toms of rubies terrorized tho Williamsburg and Groenpoint sections of Brooklyn yes terday und liefore the animal was shot by Policeman John Walsh of the Greenpolnt avenue station it had bitten nearly a dozen persons. At South Third and Keap streets It scattered a crowd of children and followed others up South Third to Hooper street, Edward Flecker, a fifteen-year-old boy who lives at 21 SUigg street, tried to kick tho animal with his right foot when it made a jump for him, but missed the cur and before he could sive himself tho anlmul fixed Its teeth In his left leg. The doe next Jumned for Georce Levitt. 4 yoars old, of 35S South Third street, biting ihe boy In the chin, und thei UW III ...C7 Vl.lll, U1IU , 11(711 JlllllllfCJ Samuel Fishei 385 South Third street, biting him in tho left leit. TilUe Schmilk. n ten-vear- old irlrl of 301 South Third street, next got Into tho dog's I with and was bitten in tnc ngni leg. Policemen Doyle and McOrano of the Bedford avenue station joined In tho chase, but the dog vanished in the new Grand street extension. Sergeant Schilling picked up tho trull and pursued tho dog down South Fifth, but it again dlsap tieared on Kent avenuo near tho Eiist Itlver. Later at Bayard street it jumped at Jacob Goldberg of 163 Bayard street. ripping his coat. He freed himself and Ko tile dog a kick and It continued running along Gralium avenue, and when ne,tr Url KK aVenue It bit twel ve-y ear-old Heulien Hkursky of Ml Graham avenuo In inn leg, una a uiock lurtner awuy, ut Kckfnrd street, it bit Harry Hasldn, 7 years old, of 2 Eckford street In tho leg. At Eckford street and Nassau avenue Policeman Walsh of the Greenpolnt uvo nuo station shot the dog to death, All those who were bitten were nt. Isfied I tended by Ambulance Surgeon Taylor of 1 the Williamsburg Hospital and Dr. Hutch j lugs of St. Catherine's Hospital, HAVANA WITH IIIROKIII Sl.ll VIIT. IO KK.T Wl-Sr Atlantic l.lnr's Tlorliii hiwrlal." I'M I' M Itlt U'wn)--,ttfr, MANY HURT IN TRAIN CRASH ON ELEVATED Third Avenue Bronx Express Han Into Stnlled Train nt Street Station. TIIIIEB TAKEN TO HOSPITAL McilorniHii Said 1IU Brakes Wouldn't Work Twelve Ilmlly Injured und Others Cut. A northbound Bronx I'.irl; train of seven cars on the Third avenue elevated road smashed Into 11 stalled train of seven cars nt the lower end of tho "Island station or leflth street nt 0:10 o'clock last night, Almost every passenger lu the first cur of the train which caused tlm collision and In the rear car of the stalled train was cut by the glass which flew about when the impact broke every window lu both curs, Three of the pasngers were injured so severely that they had to be taken to bbanon, Cue of them, Nathun Stelnman, whose ribs were frac tured and who received otlier Internal injuries, U the most seriously hurl. Dr. I'ailst, who mode a record 11111 from Leb anon Hospital in the ambulance, said that Mr. Steiumau, who is a retired mer chant and live at 1631 Washington uvenue. The Iironx, is over no years old, and that his age made his Injuries very 1 serious. Only for the fact that the mototnidii of the stalled train had released Ms brakes after a few passengers hud been dis charged, the accident might huvi been much. more serious. Them is a clear stretch of track south of the station und no curve, but Motormau William II. De Faber. in charge of the train that ran into the Mulled train, made only (he ex plana tlon that his brakes had been working badlv ever since he had len city Hill When the trains came together, smushlng the windows In most of the cars, both trains were crowded. The Impact knocked the stundees sprawl ing, while the broken glass clatteied down, Immediately the guurds of the stalled train threw their gates open and the frightened passengers mude their way out to the platform. Hut the rear train, width hud caused Ihe trouble, was south of the platform and the guards therefore refused to open the gates to let the men, women and children down on the tracks because of fear of the third rail. The terrified (MAseugors, even Ihe women and children, thereupon fought their way to Ihe Iron galo and cllmliod down, 0Utf .U tracks to scatter north nhd souttraloug the very narrow walk which runs along the rail's. Down in lli street Coroner Schwun necke and Patrolmen Juuscu, Glea.xui und Dempsey heird the crash und ran up the stairs lo the platform. While Ihe guards of the stalled u.1111 were trying to straighten out their own uisengern und get them off the platrorm the Coroner and the three policemen worked their way down the trucks and made the men, women und children on tho uurrow board walk or those who were running south between the rails form in line on the Isiaidwalk und they were then led up to the three Wooden steps leading to the platform By this time Dr. Faust and the reserves f 1 0111 the Morrisaniu police station had worked their way up on the island plat form, which they cleared pt all but the Injured, The passengers of the tear train, whom the Coroner had led up from the trucks, wem shunted along the plat form past the rows of patients taken rroni the lust car or the stalled train and from the first car of the train which had hit it, who were being treateJ There wero veiy many passengers cut and bruised whote names the police did not get, as they hurried away from the station, some not even walling for first aid. Besides (ho three removed to the Lebanon Hospital tho jKilion got the names of nine others. The two sent to the hospital lie sldes Mr. Steinmau are' ltiuhard Costello, 21 years old, of lOVt Washington avenue, The Jlronx, suffered fractured ribs and Injuries to side and back. Sarah Nlclenbcrir. 40 years old, of I7fl I llnton avenue. The Iironx, bad; injured and probably concussion of the brain. Theso three were all In tho first car of the rear train. In tho rear train also the following were injured, all residents of Ihe Bronx: Unniiird Duffy, js, of s;; Marion avenue: cuts about Ihe arms and face, Anna Herman, ..1, of :o'.' Hunt t.'ittli street: sldn iujuind, cuts on face, Lillian Schwartz, 11, of 830 V.ust 1 Tot li street, cut under right eye. Anthony Korrano, 4J, of 2XI llelmont avi'imu: head and face cut Lena Moaner, 2.", of 444 Wendover ave nue: suffering from shock and face cut. Nathaniel Dorller, , of 62."i Jefferson place' right shoulder dislocated. (imee Caske, as, of omi Kust 23.1lh street.' cuts on face and hands, Herman Pricstmnn, .10, of 6.10 Past I'uih street; cut about the face und hands Prlcstman's wife and baby also were said to have been injured, but this was not learned definitely. Tho rear car of tho stalled train was damaged much more than tho front car of the truin which hit it. The platform of this rear car buckled up and tho hood, guard rails and gates were smashed. On tho forward cor of the train which hit tho stalled train only the gates and guard rails were broken on tho front platform, but every window in both cars wua broken. From 0:10 o'clock until 11:15 Bronx truffle on the Third uvenue elevated road was nt n standstill. As a result a dense crowd soon wut covering tho streets in the neighborhood of 140th street and Third avenue, where passengers transfer from t ho elevated to the suuwuy. l he reserves of tho Alexander uvenue police station had to lx) culled out to clear the way for surface cars, Eight Killed hy Tornado. Little Hock, Ark., Feb, 28.- Reports received here to-night say that eight persons were killed In a tornado fony miles south of hero. AMXIIIl.t'VUN WIIISKF.T. 1iH o( lime an1 hither to rt ll lull rliht, but II !) I.uytlrt llrer , New York. Ait, DOUGHERTY OUT ON A HUNT. Maybe the Promised for Bank Messenger Holdup Is Coming. Deputy Pollen Commissioner Dougherty, who has bocn promising an arrest In tho easo of tho taxlcab holdup on February 15 at Trinity placo when two bank mes sengers wore robbed of 2.",000 In and S10 bills, gave every indication last night of being about to make such nil arrest. He whirled around town in his automobile collecting detectives and avoiding ques tioners. Ho was al the Hrooklyn police head quarters talk'ng to reporters about the Flatbunh murder when ho was told that he was wanted nt the telephone, and wanted In a hurry Ho run to tho tele phone, talked with some one at the other end, slummed down tho receiver and tied downstairs to hl waiting machine, while Ihe interviewers yelled nfter him, asking if he v.t.s about to arrest tho holdup men. Inspector Hughes, who won left behind, wouldn t talk about Impending arrests. The Commissioner was next hoard of when his car stopjied In front of tho East Fifty-first street police station. He cliinlx'd out und ran through tho station house to tho buck room, throwing a greet ing to tile lieutenant 011 the desk and de manding detectives, Detective Mcintosh was the only sleuth in, Him Dougherty seized and pushed Into his cir Fifteen minutes later the police car pouted up to the Tenderloin police station nn West Thirtieth street. Again the Commissioner ran out n sleuth on the Jump. This time he took Detec tive Trojan, a member of the strong arm squad, lie waved 11 deprecutlng hand to the leporters "I'm not lipping my mill," called the Commissioner us he drove over lo Sixth ax entle. Air. Dougherty next appeared at the West Thirty-seventh street police sta tion, wheie he got some more plain clothes men und disappeared ugalu. BLOWN AGAINST TREE. DIES. Ei-Slalr Senator Jackson nf New Jersey Was Injured In Itecent WliiUMorm. William II. C. Jackson, an ex-Slate Senator of New Jersey, who lived at ll'i College street. New Brunswick, died yesterday of cerebral hemorrhages ntthe home of Dr. T. D'Arcy Lucas. :';t Wet venly-hrst street, where Senator Jack son und his wife have been visiting since last Wednesday Mr, Jackson's death wa the result of injuries he received by beinc blown against 11 tree at Seventy-fourth street and Broadway during the high winds of Washington's Birthday Mr. Jackson left Dr. I ucas's house in the forenoon or Washington's Birthday saying he was going out to get shaved, lie was absent for more than an hour when an automobile drove up to the door containing two policemen and Mr. Jack son, who had regeived two bad wounds in the head and had a badly bruised chin. When the policemen picked him up he had been able, to direct them where to take him. but when carried Into Dr. Lucas's home he was unable lo recognl'e his wife or the 1 vicaes, I'ntll last night, however, he seemed lo be Improving, when a change for the woise set in and he tiled about noon yesterday. Mrs, Jackson, who was Mis Irene Fayles, daughter of a lawyer of Home, N. V.. left for New Brunswick shortly after her husband's death to make arrangements for the funeral there, Thoy have one daughter, two and a half years old, Mr. Jackson was 45 years old. He represented Middlesex county in the New Jersey Senate from 1004 to 1007. He was one of the Republican leaders of the House and was chairman of the Senate appropriations committee for two years. He was president of the Jackson, Snyder Coinpuny, a structural iron concern of New Brunswick. $10,000 ROBBERY OF FURS. Uurilars Haw a Hole Through the Floor Oter Importer's Display Rooms. Some time between Saturday night und Sunday morning burglars sawed their wuy Into the loft of Samuel 1.. Gellls, importer of furs at 12 West Twenty-first street, and got a large quantity of furs, said to be worth $10,000. The loss was discovered yes terday morning when Watchman Isen berg found outside of the door lending Into the loft above Mr. Gellls's place a steel brace, three bits, three saws and a Jimmy. Iscnberg called In the police and they found that tho door of the third floor loft had been Jimmied. Inside a three foot square had been cut out of the floor and a clear entrance made Into Mr, Gellls's display rooms. The burglars had lowered themselves down by ropes. They were evidently experts Irr furs, for Mr. Gellls said, after he had been notified and had examined his loss, that only the best pieces In his stock had been taken. The police suppose that the burglars secreted themselves In the building on Saturday afternoon, waited for tho placo to close up and then went to tvork. The building closes at 7:30 Saturday eve nings. GUARD WINIFRED ANKERS. Police Fear Sulelde She Charges Coer cion In Baby Poisoning Confession. Winifred Ankers, the young woman who confessed poisoning the eight bableB who died In the Brooklyn Nur sery and Infant Hospital and then re pudiated the confession, wob closely guarded In her cell at tho Raymond street jail yesterday leat she harm her self, ub she has threatened to do. Tho expected examination by alienists did not take placo, according to tho war den, and no report of tho woman's men tal condition has been received by Dr. E. llodncy Fink, chief of staff of tho infant hospital. Assistant District Attorney Goldstein has taken chargo of tho case. Tho Anlicm woman says now that tho was coerced Into a confession by police threats to tuko her baby from her. Her chief concern seems to be that In Jail sho Is deprived of the baby's com pany. Shu will bo arraigned In tho Gutcs avenue court to-day nnd If her sanity Is still questioned will probably be com mitted to the Kings County Hospital for observation. EYEGLASSED BURGLAR FIGHTS WITH BUTLER Wore a Vnndyck Beard and Had a Pistol to Use Against n Nightstick. GltAl'PLK IN Fit O NT HALL Family Kind Iltitler Stunned, Notliliic .Stolen. Kjculiisscs Lcfl Behind. A butler named Schriang, employed by Louis Dassuvo, a Cuban planter, had a nightstick and revolver tussle late yester day afternoon with n burglar wearing a Vandyck beuid and glasses. It was in the reception hall of Mr. Dassavo's New York homo ut 323 West Eighty-fifth street. The butler, the only occupant of the house, knocked a revolver out or tho burglar's hand with the ulghlstlc. and both went (o the floor lu u scramble for the revolver. The burglar left Ihe butler stunned on ! the floor and lied out the front door. ! Mr. Dussave, his wife, son and daugh ter are In Cuba. Mrs, John Lynch, a j duughter of Mr. Dassave, and her young husband, who Is connected with the J Irving Walsh Heal Estate Company of 33 West Eleventh street, havo been occupy ing the house, Mr. and Mrs, Lynch went for a stroll in Riverside Drive yesterday afternoon und all the servants were per mitted" to take the afternoon of! except the butler, who spent the afternoon read ing in his room on the fifth floor. About 5 o'clock the butler heard some one moving about the house and he grabbed up u uighlstick lu his room and crept down the stairs, At the top of the first (light of stairs he saw Ihe bur glar come from the drawing room out into the reception hall and pounced upon him, The flrsl whuck of the nightstick sent the burglar's pistol flying. The butler (held his own for some time, but finally n I smash on tho jaw scut the butler's head against 11 newel post and he dropped un conscious. The burglar picked up his pistol und ran out, leaving the street doo.' open. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch relumed from their stroll just us the butler was regaining consciousness. For some time he was too dazed to tell what had happened. By the time Mr. Lynch had telephoned for the ixilioo arid detectives had come running from the West Sixty-eighth street station house the butler was able to tell the story, even down to the Vandyck beanl und the eyeglasses. An examination of the house showed thnt none of the silver or other articles lying about on. the .dining room floor Jiatl been disturbed. Down In the basement, where thu burglar evidently had got In, articles In the house" had been tossed about a bit, but the burglar had taken nothing. In fact he lost. On tho floor of the hall were found his erfectly good glasses, which he doubtless will not see again unless he comes back to claim them. DR. CITRON GAVE FIRST AID. Stopped When Ills Auto lilt' Hoy, hut Chauffeur Was Arrested. When a boy was hit by the auto mobile of Dr. Orson Citron of 66 East 111th street In Lexington avenue last night the physician left the machine, helped the boy Into a drug store and found that the only injuries were scratches on tho left leg and left arm. Then Dr. Citron got back Into the nuto moblle nnd went nwny. Hut somo one caught the number of the car and told the police. Pres ently Dr. Citron's chauffeur. Horry Damsky, was arrested on a chargo of felonious asault on the ground that the driver of the automobile had not stopped long enough to see that the person he had struck was properly looked nfter. The boy, Solomon Holman, U years old, of 137 East 106th street, was taken home by an ambulance surgeon from Harlem Hospital. FRENCH MAYOR IN DETROIT. Mysterious Letter About Official Who Disappeared Under Charges. dptcial Cabl Dupaleh to THE Sra, Lim.f, Fob. 23; A letter has been re ceived here from some person who says ho lives at. 731 Belvidere avenuo, Detroit, Mich. Tho writer says ho has seen and recognized the Mayor of Houpltnes, a thriving town of .000 Inhabitants situated seven miles from here, in the American city. The Mayor recently disappeared from Houplines when charges were made against him of being a defaulter in his accounts with n cooperative association. COMES TO BE MRS. MENDHAM. Ills Protegee, Who Has Been In Paris Seven Yean, to Re Ills Bride. Frances Carnwrlght, for the last seven years word of Maurice Mendham, broker, arrived hut 'night by the French liner La Touraine to marry her guardian. She has boon away sevoral years studying the piano and improving her voice in Paris. Mr. Mendham met her at the pier. He is &5 and she 22, Her marriage will bo her second, tho first having taken placo when fho was 16. Sho says she has tho legal right to her maiden name. She is hand some, nnd according to a Paris despatch, she posed for the sculptor Bourgouin, who said he regarded her as one of tho most boautuul American women he had ever seen. She Is more truly native Ameri can than many of her sisters of native birth, us her great-gratidfathor was a native Indian of the Mohawk tribe. She was born In Kaugertles, Sho said Bour gouin had reproduced simply her heud and shoulders and that ho would exhibit tho head ut tho next Snlon Sho posed for tho sculptor lust summer. Mr. Mendham said he did not desiro to talk about th'n marriage. Miss Cam wrlcht will reside with Mrs. Dona T. Webster, wlfo of tho architect, pending her wedding, which she said would tuko place in March. Fl.llltlllA AMI ('Altlll.l.NA IIICSOHTlt. Hen wrvlif la Seshoanl Air 1.1ns ny. Nhort el route. Steel liolm. Inquire lilt D'way. Ait. CRISIS OVER MEXICO NEAR. Conference al the White House Fore shadows Appeal to 17. S. Hcnate. Wasiunoto.v, Feb. 25. Tho sltuntlon between tho United States and Mexico may be brought to n crisis In tho very near future. It was learned to-night that ns n result of n 6onfcrenco nt the Will to House, In which President Taft and Senator Ixdgn of MasachuscHs and Senntor Bacon of Georgia participated, 11 resolution will soon be Introduced In tho Senato bearing on the Mexican sit uation. This resolution will direct the Com mittee on Foreign Relations to report what course the United Stntes should pursue In the event of the killing rif Americans Incident to the warfare In Mexico. It may further authorize tho President to act In his discretion in any emorgenry that muy arise. Senators Lodge nnd Bacon are mem bers of the Committee on Foreign Re lations, which works lu close coopera tion with the President In all matters affecting Internntloal uffulrs. The White House conference and the practical certainty that a resolution of Inquiry will bo Introduced, ns stated. Indicates that this Government Is pre paring to take drastic action in the event, of the killing of Americans by Mexican bullets on this side of the line. MISS WILSON SAFE IN EL PASO. Daughter of New Jersey Governor Says Holdup In Mexico Was Tame. El Paso. Feb. 25. Miss Eloanor Wilson, daughter of Gov. Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, arrived in El Paso shortly after 8 o'clock to-day In an automobile from Bauche, where she and her iarty were taken from the Northwestern train, which had brought them to that point' from Pearson, "There really hasn't been a thing inter esting ubout our trip no excitement whatever," said Miss Wilson, "We left Madera on Wednesday and went to Pear son in a private car on the Northwestern road, Wt were tied up for two days at Pearson, but there was not a bit of danger, no excitement whatever. "We left Pearson nt noon Saturday and came to a point seventeen kilometers down the road at 7:3(1 Saturday night, where we found a burned bridge. There we remained until this morning, when we were taken to El Paso," Tub Su.v correspondent's automobile brought Miss Wilson In from the ma rooned train. CROKER HUNTS WILDCAT. Spends Sunday Chasing Animal That . Seared Ills Niece. - Pai.m Beach. Fin.. Feb. 23. Richard Croker hunted all day to-day for a wild cat which Is still at large presumably on Ids estate, which he calls the Wig wum. Mr. Croker Is living with his two nieces. Miss Kmmn Croker and Mrs. Stella Bowman. When Mrs. Bowman stepped to the beach to take an ocean bath before breakfast a wildcat sprang out of the Jungle, near by, nnd although It did not attack her, nearly scared her to death. Mrs. Bowman ran shrieking to the house. Mr. Croker got one shot at the cat with a rifle but missed. He gave up his dally trip to Palm Reach and spent to day with dogs and a gun trying to get the animal. MORSE TO LAND AT GENOA. Passengers on the Kalserln Auguste Ig nored Him Health Seems Better. Spteial Cable DtipaHh la Tns Sc.v, ' Nick, Feb. 25. The steamship Kal serln Augusta Victoria, on which Charles W. Morse and wife are passen gers, left Algiers last night and arrived at Vlllefranche late to-night. Mr. and Mrs. Slorse remained on board nnd con tinued on to Genoa. During the trip across most of the passengers Ignored the presence of Mr. Morse and held aloof from him. Tho former Ice king took his dally consti tutionals In vigorous fashion and seemed to show by his actions that his health was improving daily. Mr. and Mrs. Morso will land at Genoa, from which placo they will pro ceed to Bad Nauhelm. HOMELESS COME TO NEW YORK. Municipal Lodging House Has Biggest Rush In Its History. Since Washington's Birthday the num ber of applications for shelter and meals In the Municipal Lodging House have been greater than ever before. In tho panto year of 1007 tho lodging house sheltered 015 men in ono night, The average last week was 1,110. "There aro two direct causes for this increase," said Supt, Yorko last night, "One is that work on tho Florida East Coast Railroad has ceased and the other is that all tho ico harvesting has been done. Tho finish of these works has thrown thousands of men out of employ ment and they have drifted back to Now York. They have by this timo spent the money they had saved nnd aro now look ing for other jobs." LA TOURAINE FINDS THE ICE. Spent Three Hours In a Great Floe Haunted by Sea Gulls. Lu Touraine, first of tho French twin screws, wus tho first liner of tho season to put her prow Into tho Ico fields off the Grand Banks, and all her pnssengors seemed mightily plcasod last night when they landed that they had had 11 chunco to survey an Illimitable nnd soothingly froen surface for three hours on Thursday morning. Thero wero all sorts of flotsam and wreckage in the Ico nnd tho liner made a long turn to the south to net out ' of the field, tho cakes and hummocks , grinding themselves to snnwliltp masses j on her stem nnd sides. Immense, flocks of gulls and other s.ulilitls noverM over and lit on the Ice, sooklng tidbits from the 1 wreckago ROOSEVELT WILL , HE ADMITS "I Will Accept the Nomina tion If It Is Tendered to Me," Says He. ANSWER TO GOVERNORS Who Asked Him Two Weeks Ago to Conic Out Intd the Open Quick. PARTY BREAK PROBABLE Republicans Fear a Split and a Resulting Victory for Democrats. REXfiWED TALK OF HUGHES Tafl (.'crlaili lo M?ht It Out A War of Personalities la Now Iookcd For. "1 will accept the nomination for"Pret dent If It is tendered to mc." Col . RooMVolt tclU the Bcvfcn Governors who asked hiss a fortnight ago to be frank about It as soon as convenient. This is his letter, dated on Saturday last: "Gp.Nn.r.MF.s". I deeply appreciate your letter and 1 realize to the full the heavy responsibility it puts upon me, expressing as It does the carefully considered con victions of the men elected by popular ote to stand as the heads of government in their several Mates. "I absolutely ngreo with you that this matter is not one to be decided with any reference to the personal preferences or interests of ony man.but purely from tho standpoint of the interests of th people as a whole. I will accept ths nomination for President if it in tendered to me and I will adhcro to this decision until tho convention has expressed Its preference. One of the chief principles for which I have stood and for which I now stand, and which I have always en deavored and always shall endeavor to;; reduce to action, in the genuine rule of ths people, and therefore 1 hope that so far ns possible, the people may be given the chance throu gh direct primaries to exprtes their preference as to who shall be, the nominee of tho Republican Presidential convention. Very truly yours, "Theopore RooKTEt.r. "New Y'ini.'. February '.m. "The Hon. William K. Glasscock, Governor of the State or West Virginia, Charleston, W. Va. "The Hon. Chester H. Aldrich. Governor of the State of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. "The Hon. Hobert P. Bass, Governor of the State of New Hampshire, Concord, N. H. "The Hon. Joseph M. Carey, Governor of the State of Wyoming, Cheyenne, Wyo. "Tho Hon. Chase H. Osborn, Oovernor'ef the Stato of Michigan, Lansing, Mich. "The Hon. W. 11. Stubbs, Governor ot the Stato of Kansas, To'peka. Kan. "The Hon. Herbert S. Hadley. Governor of the Stato or Missouri, Jefferson, Me." The totter to which this is a response was as follows, two weeks earlier In date; "We, tho undersigned Republican' Gov ernors, assembled for the purpose of con sidering what will best Insure the con tinuation of the Hepublloan party as a useful agency of good government, de clare it our belief, after a careful Investi gation of the facts, that a large majority of the Republican voters of the country favor your nomination, and a large ma jority of the people favor your eleetloA as the next President of the United State. "We believe that your candidacy will insure success in tho next campaign. We' believe that you represent art no other man represents those principles and poU cles upon which we must appeal for a majority of the votes of the American people, and which in our opinion are necessary for the happiness and pros perity of the country. "We believe that in view of this publle demand you should soon declare whether if the nomination for the Presidency oome to you unsolicited and unsought you will accept it. "In submitting this request we are not considering your personal Interests. We do not regard it as proper to consider either tho Interests or the preference 0 any man as regards the nomination for tho Presidency. We are expressing our sincere belief and best judgment as to what Is demanded of you in the interests of tho poople as a whole. And we feel that you would he unresponsive to a plain public duty If you should decline to accept the nomination, coming as the voluntary expression of the wishes of a majority of tho Republican voters of the United States through the action of their dele gates In tho next national convention. Yours truly, "William K. Glasscock. "Chestkr H. Aldmch. "Robert P. Bass. "Joseph M. Caret. Chase S. Osborn. "W. R. Htubbb. "Hennr.nT S. Hadlet. "Chicaoo, February 12. "Tho Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, New 'orkCity, N. V." The two letters were given out at the Outlook office at 0 o'clock last evening. TAFT SILENT, BUT WILL FIGHT. Fear nf a Serious Party Split Talk ot Hughes Revived. Washington, Feb. 28. President Taift and his political managers had no publlo comment to make to-night on the Roose velt statement, but to a United States Senator who talked with Mr. Taft. In m. 1 gard to the statement ths President said: "I know we are right and I am confident thnt we will be successful," ! Thr. .til.mml ... K. TO ,,W . Ilcana with varying opinions, hut all agree RUN ll 1 1 "A