Newspaper Page Text
he THE WEATHER FORECAST. nertlly fair to-day and to-morrow; coldtr to-day, with westerly gaie. lied wcithcr reports will be found on page 15. VOL. LXXIX NO. 180. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1912.- Copyright, IRIZ, by thr .Sim Printing nnrf I'tibtMIng Annotation. PRICE TWO CENTS. .mm. V .ssVV -aV .IV - m GET 3 MEN FOR $25,000 HOLDUP Montani. the Taxi Driver, Among Them Two Women Held as Witnesses. LOCATE PART OF LOOT Mrs. Isabella Goodwin, the Woman Detective, Acted as Roper. MORE ARRESTS TO COME Kri Kinsmnn. Amateur Boxer, and Swede Annie Caught at Grand Central. r,AX(i REHEARSED THE JOB find Vo ninck Tonrlnc Car. but Got Away at Park Place Klcvatcd Station. Three men and two women were held nt Police Headquarters last night in con nection with tho daylight robbery of KS.CO from two messengers of the East River National Bank in Trinity place on February 15. The men. one of whom is (ieno Montani, the driver of the taxlcab who wa released in the police court last week for luck of evidence, are charged with asault an robbery. The women lire held ns witnesses. The police say they had nothing to do with the robbery, hut one of them shared In the swag. Aside from whatever work the men detectives did in getting the men accused of the holdup, Deputy Police Commis sioner Dougherty lavished praise last evening on Mrs. Isabella Goodwin, the police matron who has won her way into the detective bureau because of the work she has done in rounding up fortune tellers. It was she who got valuable evidence, evidence so important that it cent Dougherty hustling around the city In an automobile late on Sunday night und resulted in the arrest of the three men yesterday. As described by the detec tives who spoke in admiration of Mrs. Goodwin she was the "roper." that la ah helped get. the prisoners into the police net. So confident are the police that they have three of the street bandits that they said last night that in the home of one of the prisoners in Boston they had found $750 in the identical wrappers in hich it had beenfdellvered to the Eaat River Hank messengers at the Produce hxchange Bank at Beaver street and Broadway. In addition another of the three men under arrest says that 12,000 f the $25,000 is In a safe deposit vault in the Bower Bank under his name. This would indicate that one of the prisoners has confessed, but Commis sioner Dougherty would not admit this taut evening. Certain It is that one of the prisoner, Innd Dougherty says he is the man who sat on the seat with Montani while the messengers were being black jacked and robbed, has identified Mon tani ar the driver of the taxlcab on that clay. As told at the time there were at least five men In the holdup plot, not Including Montani, if he was one of the members of the Rang. The escape was not made in a black touring car, us has been generally believed. Instead, the three men who did the rough work on the taxicabtook an elevated train after they had left their victims unconscious at Park place and Church street and rode to an uptown tation, where they were joined by thelr wo pals who had boosted them into the uxicab at the lower end of Trinity place. Then the 125,000 was divided, the police not telling last night how it was split up. At lea ft two membeis of the quintet and a woman who joined them went to .Peekskill in a tailcab, and from there to Albany, where they spent Thursday night. The men went on to Chicago and the woman. known as Swede Annie, returned to this ' ity on Friday. One of the men returned 'n Boston after he had sent his mother two telegraphic otders for IW each. He anie to tiits city last Sunday night and he irid Swede Annie were arrested shortly for noon yesterday at the Grand Cen "al Station as they were about to buy ' et presumably fot the Pacific coast. I.ate last night Dougherty returned to Headquarters with the word that he hud fo iri.l the chauffeur who took the holdup men o Peekskill. The police can pro 1 io tnl man any time they want him. a. innocent of any crime, however, "d i. not under arrest. ftwpfie Annies companion is Edward kinsman, also known ns Collins, who had 'i" ambition, to be a prizefighter and the e.iai y build for one. He is big necked "'id ban a barrel body with sturdy arms. tame here from Boston a short time and for a time was employed aa a -aitcr in the Nutshell Cafe at t03 West 1 wnty-foutth street. shortly after his arrest the police ' red up Jess Albrozza, who Is an eleo . inn and seven years ago wotked for Mam when the latter was a truckman tie Underwriters Salvage Company snilivan street. ' ommissloner Dougherty would not last evening whether Albrozza was ' 'f th two men who did the black- .in.g "f the messengers in the taxlcab. did ay however, that shortly before rouM.ry .Montani and Albrozza tried dicker with the owner of u moving1 are. plac, on the west side of Avenue 'etweeu Fourteenth and Fifteenth Hi. frr the purchase of it. As the "'t'-ietor wanted $12,000 it was more! ' Montani and Albrozza had and rotiations came to an end, As indi-, - a motive, for the robbery Com-' t Dousherty said that Montani, L'ontlnucd on Third rage. BANKER GIVES UP FORTUNE. Duke M. Farion of Chicago Turns All Ills Property Over To the Holy Jumpers. Waukhsi-A, Wis., Feb. 28,-Duke M. Farson, banker 233 South La Salle street, Chicago, has j my up everything he has in the world to the Holiness Association, better known ,8 Holy JumPers, a religious cult of wnicn ne is president. His lands, his houses, his business, his jewolry and personal belongings of value have all been cast Into the treasury of tho cult. Taking up scrip and staff the cratwhllo rich man Is oven now "an humble pil grim in tho sight of the Lord," as he ex presses It, "preaching the gospel In the highways and byways." The lease upon his offices at 233 South La Salle street, Chicago, expires on May t. It will not be renewed. The business itself, according to Mr. Fafson, actually ceased January I, and only the fag ends remain to be gathered up and cut. I am winding up my business affairs right now," said Mr. Karsori at the head quarters of the Holy Jumpers. Ho had come fresh from a meeting of his fol lowers. "There is hardly enough of tho business left at tnls time to count," he said. "I never owned an automobile, so I had none to sacrifice, but what f amity jewels I owned and all of my property have been given to the religious society I represent. "Why shouldn't I give up everyth lng' There are so many heatoen in Chicago, in this country, in the world, tnat it is selfish of any man, much more of a man considered at one time rich, simply to hang on to to his possessions and enjoy them. I am devoting my time and all my resources to the holiness cause." The Holiness Association la incorporated in Illinois. Its headquarters ore at the old Fountain House, Waukesha, formerly a famous summer hotel, where there, are 600 workers and preacher students In train ing. Mr. Parson's announcement came on the heels of the domestio entanglement of Watson Blakesley of Chicago, who was ordered by Municipal Judge G. N. Good- now, to provide for his family, the com- plaint being that he supportecHhe Holl- ness Church while nWIm, hi. wtf- ,! five, children. Ills case was continued until March 21, when Mrs. Blakesley is to report on his obedience to the court's orders. , Mr. Farson avowed tliat when Blakesley again faces the court on March 21 it will not be alone. Farson will be there to en ter a plea. The result may be the carrying out of Blakesley's own plan, that of serving notice of an appeal on the oourt. HELEN SMITH COMES HOME. Gets Away From Mrs. Campbell and Telephones to Her Mother. Helen Smith, the sixteen-year-old girl Who disappeared on February 11 with Mrs. Jean Campbell, a divorced woman, returned to her. mother and her home, 1241 Dean street. Brooklyn, on Thursday last. Her mother. Mrs. Sarah S. Smith, forgot to let the police of the Atlantic avenue station know about it, she said last night, until she notified them yes teruay. on Thursday Mrs. Smith re ceived a telephone message from her daughter, who was at the Bellevue Stratford, Philadelphia. She said she wanted to come home, but had no money and wouldn t her mother please come on and get her. She said that she was tited or .Mrs. Campbell. Her mother went at once to Philadelphia and met the girl at the Broad street station of the Penn sylvania Railroad. The girl told her mother that Mrs Campbell bad taken her to various hotels nor could I have said more. Of course I in New York after they left Brooklyn, could not then know whether or not there First they went to the Times Square, j would be u demand for me to accept a then lived at the Hotel Albany for u while I nomination at some future time And On the Tuesday after their disappear- believing, as I do, that the selection of ance they had gone to Philadelphia. Last candidates for the Presidency rests en Thursday, according to the story told drely with the people. 1 could not say that It. J."1:," V.-".."' suggestions to her that alarmed her and she left Mrs. Campbell in a department store ana went 10 me ueiievue-ntrutroru to telephone. BATTLE WITH GYPSIES NEAR. 300 Soldiers and Polite Besiege Band the Thurloglan Forest. Sptttol Cablr DttcattH la Tux Hex. Berlin, Feb. 2. Two hundred soldiers nilnHli even though t ne majority of the and police are trying to-night to capture Prty 1h against him. a desperate triple murderer who is lead- "1,ul nf,er he lmH t)eu" oul of '' J"'' Ing a band of gypsies, all of whom have for a Wm ll1' ,ia control of tliat ma taken refuge In the Thurinirian Forest chinery. He is in the position absolutely nearFulda. The gypsies are armed with rifles and revolvers. The band has terrorized the . hood for some time and r.fter robbing farms the men have on several occasions wounded persons who re-iste-J their incursions. The soldiers and police are manoeuvring to surround the outlaws and a tterc battle seems to be unwinding. MINISTERS TAKE NEW TITLES. Baptists Drop 'Heverend' r "Pallor.' For "Mlnter" Chicago. Feb, 2, Baptist Ministers of Chicago wih hereafter be addressed as "Mister" or "Pastor." according to a reso lution adopted at the meeting of the Baptist ministers conference at the .Ma sonic Temple to-day. "Ibis Idea of addressing ministers of .i i i i . ;;.."r7' "!z".nf"T,rtna7 a,nu 1 1 Thomas, pastor of "the Austin Baptist' "As for the recall of judicial decisions Church, moderator of the conference, what I said relates of course to ronstl "and I favor an entire elimination of ail tutionul questions and I do not believe juice excepting piam mister or, ir pre- pastor. -r- MRS. C0WLES SURPRISED. 'Theodore Is Led By Parly leaders," Detlarra His Sister. UCTROIT, Feb. 2.-Propped Up with pillows In her bed In the Park Hotel nt Mount Clemens to-day Mrs. Anna Roosevelt ho U a candidate for tho Presidency l iffS""!" ?' ''I,n"e;1- , rn ., ., . .1 If f ' 1 aciti t meant ring," said Mrs. Cowles. "Still I cannot unaersiana wny ne should consent to piace nimsen m tne nanus or this great commonwealth when he has much to Iosa nfifl lull IIi.Im n nn ii. "I feel brother is riot nmn nn .h dictates of his own conscience. It an- pears to me that he is led entirely by his friends and the leaders of his rwrtv." I Lowles. w re of Rear Admiral Cowles resmeni iuii ior a second term .Mr. . ' m um uui and sister of Theodore Roosevelt, closely no believe the oft tour w S? scanned the paper which detailed ao- President had the i-onfldence of the "t 7Z the driver "ot count ft of nor hrnther rlptrjitlnn that neonle. 1 Iminri B.i foo-ititin. in. TAFT A REACTIONARY IS ROOSEVELTS EXCUSE Oovernmont Needs n St roup Man. Hp Says, in Whom People Have Confidence. WILL SUPPORT CVXDIDATE Declares That Third Tent Pledge. Tuicn Taken, Meant Only n Third Con seetilho Term. Boston, Feb. 20. -The lloosevelt cam paign began to-day, Tho Colonel, who announced before leaving New York that his Boston visit was not a political one, this afternoon jumped into tho ring whero his hat has been for some time and mado a speech before the Houne of Representatives. Then ho went to the Senute Chumbcrund said a few words there. He did not call on Gov Foss while at tho State House. Tho talk to the legislators related to tho Colonel's Columbus speech, and he endeavored to make clear just what ho meant by his utterances there on Recalls." He asserted that he does not advocate the recall of Judges but the recall of legislation by Judges. What tho Colonel advocates is that in cases where a law passed by tho legislative body In the in terest of the goneral welfaro of tho com munity has been declared unconstitu tional tho people shall have the right to pass llnal Judgment on the proposition. in opening. Col. lloosevelt expressed his belief In genuine popular rule, direct nominations, primaries and direct pref erential presidential primaries and the 'UB,e f inl,Ia,lv, and referendum "under w",rlr cuosen uevicee. Col Roosevelt to-day explained to his callers his position on the third term. It was just the explanation that was pre dicted. What he meant when he said in 1004 and repeated in 1V07 that he would not accept a nomination for u third term under any circumstances was that he would not accept a third consecutive term, He also is said to have told his callers that he did not believe President Taft lias the confidence of the people and that he had grown reactionary In office. The Colonel was asked to-night if he would support the nominee of the Re publican national convention at Chicago, and to this he replied "Of course I will." "I am happy, entirely happy, because I am fighting for a principle atid the issue is In no sense a personal one. You may qllWWM ylng UiaU" he added. People who called on the Colonel tq-day told him that Wore he could expect to make any headway he must make a sat 1 Ufactorj explanation to the people of the position he will take In-fore tne public on the third term, the recall of the .Judge and of judicial decisions and his refusal to support President Taft for h second term. My position on the third term," lie told Ins callers, "is p-rfectly simple. I stated It as clearly as 1 could in 1im, and re- Iterated it In 1107 I said I would not accept a nomination for a third term under auy circumstances, meaning of course a tnlrd consecutive term. I could not have said less at that time at no time In my life would I acceut another nomination. "It must I e clear to I ny reasonable man that the precedent which forbids a third term lun reference solely to a third consecutive term. It grew out of the fact that a President of the United States under the present convention system of electing delegates can. if he knows how to use the machinery at his disposal, renominate of ftnv Private citizen. The machinery then is in the hands of the man occupying ofllce of President " Mr- ''oevelt aked his questioners to assume for the sake of argument tha he hld changed his mind with reference to l,ie wisdom of the prohibition against the Ul!rd ,erm- 1 wa"t 11 understood," hu said, "that I have not chinged my mind My iosltion has simply been misunder stood. But let us OHsutne that I Imve changed. What then? Who U harmed? F.very man has a right to change his opin ions. o looking nt it either way it is not a serious matter. "Now with reference to the recall of Judges and judicial decisions. Why out West they have said because I ex pressed my belief in the judicial system of Massachusetts that 1 was too con servative. It Is a little surprising, isn't it, that here in Massachusetts they should think me too radical because I approved their system, the people will be misled on that point The idea that I hud in mind the recall of all decisions is too absurd for serious consideration, "My position is that the people, who make the Constitution, liave a right to review the decision of any small body w,lu l,lal1 "nsuumon means wnethlng other than they think it does." ' Aked why he refused to support gnat many people believe," he aaid, "that they need a strong man at the -an who grows progressive in f flU'. rtp it. lAftut nn u'hn HnM w. r .r . . w oflll'e. or ut least one who does not grow reactionary He believes that ?rldent Taft ha grown reacttfjrsiry in ofllce and turned more und more nwuy from the pwple '""' name of the iiereon who gave nut - I r,...u,.Ur. -wi. .... i 1 AMBASSADOR BRYCE A WITNESS. He Appears Before a House Committee on Rill for legislative Beferenre Bureau. Wahiiinutom. Feb. 20. Tim Hon. I James Bryce, British Ambussador to the United States, established a precedent J to-uay uy appearing as a witness Detore a committee of Congress. He discussed for the benefit of the Library Committee the bill Introduced by Representative N'elson of Wisconsin, an insurgent. Re publican, proKslng the creation of a legislative reference bureau in tho Li brary of Congress. "It certainly is rather unusual," said Mr. Bryce, "for tho repres entntivo of another country to meet n committee of either house of Congress, but tho cir cumstances are so unusual In this case that there, can be no exception taken to my coming. The subject of the estab lishment of a legislative reference bureau is absolutely non-partisan in character and raises no direct political issue. This is a matter of common concern and any opinion I may express cannot be thought to havo any political bearing." The Ambassador then spoke nt con siderable length in explanation of tho legislative reference system in the British Parliament, and by way of suggestion said that tho passage of the Nelson meas ure would afford tho members of Congress many conveniences. Mr. Nelson, the author of the measure, laid beforo the committee Indorsements of his bill from legislators, scientists and other public men, among them Theo dore Roosovelt, Woodrow Wilson and President Lowell of Harvard University, Mr. Nelson's bill provides that the pro posed bureau gather, classify and make available data bearing upon legislation. At the request of the President, ' com mittees of Congress and members, under certain regulations, the bureau will also be required to draft bills. It Is under stood that the Nejson bill will be favorably reported In the near future. TORRENTS IN THUNDER SQUALL. Warning ot (Sales From Approaching Oklahoma Storm. A si mmer like thunder squall assaulted the city last night, and in a period of ten minutes, ending at 10:20 o'clock, .42 of an inch of rain came down, chiefly in almost horizontal lines before a gale of sixty miles from the northwest Lightning was first observed from the forecaster's tall tower ut 9:20 oclock. The dogs of the storm began to growl at 0:4N, and thereafter a fine old fashioned electrical disturbance fitfully illumed the rain permeated air. The rain for a few minutes was torrential, choking sewer entrances and overflowing the sidewalks. The temperature rose to 43. The squall lasted nearly fifteen minutes. From the moment the rain and soft snow began falling a little before noon to 11 o'clock last night 1.00 inches of rain had been measured by the forecaster. The Oklahoma storm that created the display hereabouts was reported central at 8 o'clock Ust night over the lower lakes. Washington predicted thus: "(ienerall fair Tuesday and Wednes day. Colder Tuesdr.j, with westerly gales." A sp-cial storm warning said that there would be high west winds for the next twenty. four hours (from 'to P. M. last night) reaching gale force In the Middle and North Atlantic States. AUNT DELIA NOT FOR T. R. Thinks Nephew William Will Br Keiioni. lusted and Keelrrted. MiiXBUKT. Mao., Feb. 20 Miss Delia (' Torrey, aunt of President Tuft and familiarly known as Aunt Delia, is not pleased at the announcement of former President Roosevelt. Miss Torrey, who is xl years old and who returned on Satur day from a visit to the White House. when asked to-day what she thought of the Roosevelt statement said: "I am very sorry Col, Roosevelt has decided to b a candidate for the Presi dency again. 1 feel sure he will be de feated and that my nephew, President Taft, will be renominated and reelected for a second term. I think the President has done nothing to cause t lie people to go back on him, and while I am a woman and do not know much about politics I think publio sentiment is with President I aft anil will curry him through all right " DEATH RATE CONTINUES LOW. Decrease from Corresponding Wrrk of 1011. hut Tjphulil (Jains. The dlmlnlnbliiK mortality and de creasing the death rate which ha been marking the year 1912 In New York city continued last week, when only 1,63,-1 deaths were report-V :i rate of 16.4S for 1,000 of population. During the corresponding week In 1911 there were 1,670 deaths, und the lute was 17.41. The noteworthy Increases In mortal lt last week were eight deaths from typhoid fever, double the total of last year, and 22. I from heart disease, 37 more than a year ago. There was an Increase of 11 deaths Ir the 220 from tulierculosls, while pneumonia's total of 294 showed u decrease of 14, Bright'! dlseuse and nephritis caused lltuleaths, or 12 less. Four hundred and nine children died under nve yearn of use, of which 25S were under one year. Two hundred ami ninety-seven of the totul deaths were among persons over 6.1 years old, 601 were In institutions, and 77 among the tenement oopuatlon. STOPPED RUNAWAY FROM AUTO. Trafllr Pollreman Had a l-ong Chase, But Finally Srlted Bridle. Horses drawing u department store delivery wugon cut loose on Central Park West yesterday afternoon and went galloping downtown. At Kl-ihty- sixth street Policeman Matthews cf the that team. When they reached Highly-first street the auto had caught up and Matthews lenned out for the bridle of ihe near horse. He was thrown, but hjld to the horse's head and brough'. the team up short. He (hen went home "" "lck leave with a sprained ankle and inner injuries. imint tam: ntAisrr. Drink l'ryul .Sprint Wwr. biuiinJ l me SPr" - i kiu ilu. Pboot Murray 1IIU iw. iiiiiiu n MiUtlVMq I'UV KU IV II IRVING COLSON'S BODY F Missing Son of Insurance President Probable Victim of West Side Thugs. FATHER SEARCHED FOR, HIM Young AUerli4ln! Man Left Brooklyn Home lHt Wee!.-IloblK'tl In Manhntlnn. Augustus Colson of the Insurance firm of Colson & Kceler, 95 William street, president of the Empire City Klrc Insurance Company and vice president of the New Y-jrk Klro In surance Company, found the body of his sou, Irving, 36 years old. In the morgue ut the foot of Hast Twenty sixth street Inst last. Irving Colson had not been at his home, 3G Clark Htrcct, where ho lived with his father, since last Wednesday. Uarly In the morning ot February 22 Policeman McGernld of tho West Thirty-seventh street station heard groans coming from a doorway at 40S West Korty-sccond street 'and saw a young man lying unconscious and breathing heavily. Dr. La Rochelto came with an ambulance from the New York Hospital and took the man to Bellevue. Ills face was terribly bruised and his skull no badly fractured that the physicians at Bellevue wondered that he survived the trip In the am bulance. He died that morning after about six hours In the hospital. mere was notning in his pockets ex cept two keys. Whatever money and whatever papers he had carried were gone. Ills clothes were torn and cov ered with dirt and blood as though from it struggle or from being dragged through tho street. It was put down ...i.i i. . . which occur between gangotert mil which end abruptly when one of the lighter!! meets his death. So far as Is known the Investigation made by the police was most perfunctory. An uutopsy performed by Dr. Albert T. Weston, coroner's physician, showed that the man had hen badly beuten and that he had died of a fractured skull. After the autopsy the body was sent to the Morgue to await un Identifica tion. Xo one came. Meantime Augustus Colson was hunt ing high and low for his son. He had no reason to suppose that the boy had gone to Manhattan, but It was not until last night that he visited the Morgue. He found that the body of the young man, supposedly the victim of a gang feud or of some drunken row between longshoremen, was that of his son. After making the identification. Mr. Colson had the body removed to un undertak ing establishment. Irving Colson wjs married but had no children, tie was In the advertis ing business. Mr. Colson said last night thiit he had no theory n- to lnmv hli son met his death. NUN'S IDENTITY QUESTIONED. Mother Superior Has to Produce t'on rnl' Books In a Will Contest. Margaret R. Cullen, M, ther Super ior und president of the Convent of St. Vincent de Paul at Ml. St. Vincent, appeared yesterday before .lames A. Al len as referee with books and records of the convent under an older obtulned by the executors of the estate of Charles II. Heed, u contracting printer, who died u year ago leaving the bulk of his I1U0.OO0 estate to Dr. C. Carter Flake und Mrs. William Orunl Blown. The will has Leen probated In Con necticut, but u suit to set usldo the piobute has been brought by Jessie U. Heed, who shjh she Is h daughter of the testator und was put In u con vent when an Infunl by her mother, who later got u divorce fnun lte-d. The claimant Is a nun under the name of Sister ilnry Iterchmans. Arthur K Jlansl, cotmet for thf execiitori who got the o"ilrr directing the Mother Superior to produce the hooks and records, uakvd that records he submitted If possible te'.hng the his tory of 'i Sister Mary llerchmumi who Is supposed to have died. Mr. Ilansl wanted to find nut whether ufter the death the name had lss-en taken by the nun who says she Is the daughter of th testator and to learn whelhir the claimant has assigned her pt'0eity to the order .Mr. Ilansl suld that th good faith of the members of the order was not questioned but that the Identity of the claimant was at Issue. The records submitted by the Mother Siierlor have not been examined as yet. LEFT MONEY FOR THE GAS. Boston Man Made Thoughtful Prepara tion for Ills Hultly. Peter Yonson, a stationary engineer recently arrived from Boston, killed himself by taking gas In his furnished room nt 327 West 124th street last night. In a letter which he left for his landlady, Mrs. Charles Wulsh, was $11, Ten dollars, he said, was to pay for his lodging and tho other dollar was In payment for the gas which be Intended to use In ending his life. He said he was tired of living, but was sorry to have to bring the odium of a suicide upon Mrs. Walsh's house. Another note addressed to the police man who should be called Into the. case contained a 12 bill and the Informa tion that In his trunk were several letters which he wished to have sent by registered mall. The $2 was to pay for the registration. One letter was addressed to HortJKalU 146East Con cord street,' Hoston"; "another to the Suffolk Pavings Bank, noston. and the third to 1C tlclhart, 1S4S Park avenue. New York, I'm fruln. Itlllrt. ralrr-lrci made ilflklout lib A.HUOtfTl'BA BITTr.HS.- Att, METEOR BARELY MISSES SHIP. Heavenly Wanderer Plunges Into Hea Near Enough to Splash Decks. Boston, Feb. 2. The Leyland Line steamship Boston lan which arrived to day from Manchester, England, reported the bursting of a largo meteor only a few yards away from the vessel on last Satur day. Capt. Perry said that at & A. M, on that day he saw the meteor falling from, the skies to the southwest. As it neared the water, a hissing sound was distinctly heard. The entire vessel was Illuminated aa if by a powerful searchlight and the meteor struck the water with a report. It went into the sea only a few ship lengths from the bow and dashed the water over the decks of the steamer. MAYOR REASSURES WALDO. Tells Him Not to Be Disturbed By "Crime Wares" In Newpapers. Mayor Claynor sent this letter yester day to Police Commissioner Waldo: Your letter of February '-) slvlnc me Ihe statistics of crime since September I, toil, and the corresponding statistics for the last two years, showing t tin t there Is non no unusual amount of rrllne In the city, Is at hsnd. This Is all very tnin hut yiiti must remember you cannot prevent the proprietors of rav-hag newspnpers from Inventing a wave of crime whenever they feel disposed to do so for the sake of sensa tion nnd Ihe elrcillnllon of I heir newspapers. They would ho wllllna to bring any Infamy on the rlty for the sake of IneressltiK their circulation. Hut do not he dliliirhed by that. Intelligent people understand It perfectly, W. .1. Oatnor, Mayor. MOB RULE IN JAMAICA. Rioters Smash Street Cars and Loot Stores Polite Afraid to Act. Sprtttt CaN Deipalch to The Sck. Kinqhtok. Jamaica, Feb. 2(1. The struggle between the street car company and the public culminated In a serious riot last night when a band of hooligans captured the city from the police, burned a street car and smashed plate glass windows and looted stores. In fights which occurred with the toughs moro than a score of persons were injured. The mob got out of control, attacked the car shed and smashed a number ot cars. The police ceased to arrest the rioters ' ....111 . j. . ' fearing a widespread disturbance on account of the temper of tho people. The city is without any street car service. The lower class Is very much eiclted, and feeling is high against police Interference, The Canadian Elect rio Company owns the car line. The trouble arose last Friday over a raise in the rate of fare from seven miles for a shilling to six for a shilling. MADE THE COMMONS SCAMPER. Craiy Man la Clerical Big Shot Blank Cartridges In Parliament Lobby. apttttt CoM'r n$vtteh to TBI 8cv. ,Londok Feb. 2. There was a lively stampede In the lobby of the House of Commons to-day when a man dressed as clergyman suddenly drew a pistol from the folds of his cloak and fired two shots at the roof. Members and guests rushed belter skelter to places of safety. No dam age was done The pistol was hnded with blank cartridges. The shooter was ar rested. The man is believed to be demented He shouted that the Joernment would be responsible if the miners were com pelled to throw down their tools and also referred constantly to himself as the Mes siah. The police hurriedly formed a cordon about tne building, fearing that the dis turbance was the forerunner of u suffra gist demonstration because Premier Asquith had refused a little while Issfore to tjraut an audience to Mrs. Putikhurxt. ARMED CUSTOMS ESCORTS. Holdup Men Needn't Try to (Set Ana) With 1,'nrle Ham's trash. The Custom House decided recently to equip u number of Its inspectors with revolvers and send them to accompany the cashiers receiving the duties of pas sengers of steamships from foreign porta lest the cashiers be held up by gun men. Several squads of inspectors went on duty yesterday for the first time. Each cashier left the pier with the collections from the French liner, the Rochambeau, from Havre, the Bermuda Atlantiu steam ship Oceana from Bermuda and the j Bermudisti from the same place with inrre i uiru uusioinn men un u uuuyguaru, The Oceana brought the first large con signment of Kaster lilies, about 5,000 blooms There was also aboard the Oceana a dog belonging to the pilot of the tender at Hamilton, Bermuda, which had followed its master to the ship and hail stowed away At first there was a disposition on the part of some passen gers to treat the dog discourteously. The women protected it and soon the whole ship's company was singing, "You gota stop kickln' my dawg aroun'." Hie dog will tie taken back to Its master aboard the Oceana. H0UPLINES MAYOR IN DETROIT. KorlalUt Who Ones Mone) lo Coopera tive Bakery Herognlied By a Woman. DhTROir, Mich,, Feb. 20.-'Iltlough a etter written by a Detroit wonuui to rela tives in Houpllnes. France. V II Seller, former Socialistic Mayor of that, city, und a prominent business man, charged with owing a large sum of money to a workingmen's oooerutive society, lias been traced to this city. The man lias been seen within a week on the streets by people who knew him in France. It Is believed that he is still in this city. According to stories related by former cltiteus of Iloiiplines Holder was Mayor of that municipality for twelve years. He turted a. largo cooerative bakery in order to give the workingmon and their families an opportunity to get foodstuffs at the minimum cost. A large retiate had acctunulated and was entrusted to him. In 100 he is alleged to have, ordered that the aurplus be used in making special cakes and dainties for distribution on holidays, be charged expense to the asso ciation. However, the distribution was not made. About the first of this year a demand waa made that the accounts lie audited and shortly after Sohler left France and sailed to America. On February 10, Mrs. Oabrisl Von Pnteehen of 7!KI Belvldere avenue, of this city, who lived in Houpllnes when a girl. recognizra Sohler on the street. Last wmaIt SCn h I r m.H. lila knm. Allli I rail. Hplllebout, a musician. Spillebout turned him out end since then no trace of Hchler can be lound, DKSKIH NI.'PKIIIOK POUT WINK I Invaluable for Invalid, anil l.onvasrcflti. H. T IlKU'KV SO.N3 to., Ul fullon St., .V, V AM. . SCHIFF PRINTS BfiANDTLETK Scandal, He Says, Was Con cocted in the Tombs Prison With Help. GOT TO NELSON AND DIX Mr. Schlff Decides to Go to the Public With the Whole Story. RESENTS TREATMENT Will Oppose to the End Libera tion of a Dangerous Criminal. MANY FALSEHOODS TOLD. Flglillne Ihe f'niwe of 1ft cry Husband and Father Attacked In HLn Household. Mortimer L. Schlff mad" public yes terday two letters thalKoulkei E.Brandt wrote to Mrs. Schlff and the scandal concocted when the prisoner was in tho Tombs and carried years later to the Governor. The letters were included, in a long statement of the whole, cats, herewith printed in full. Mr. SohUf de-. fends his acts and those of his adviser, reflects on publio officials and. newspaper! that he says have misrepresented And reused him, and charges that Brandt, while confined in the Tombs tried to blackmail himself out by threats to re flect on Mrs. Schlff 's character, Mr. Bchlff prepared the statement reluctantly, he says, and for the sole purpose of getting a chance denied htm by the District Attorney and the Attorney-General of putting his aide of the Brandt case before the public. He inti mates his belief that Brandt had help in concocting the scandal and putting it into a letter prepared in the Tomb which is not published but the substance of which is given. Carl Fischer-Hansto first approached him onBrandt's behalf an4 shortly afterward J. C. Rosenthal, tatter., lawyerwho is now disbarred, like Hansen, approached Mr. Schlff and warned him that Brandt would say that it was Mr. Hchiff who admitted Brandt into the ftohlff house on the night of March t, 107, and that Mrs. Schlff gave him the two diamond horseshoe stickpins he took away. Mr. SchilT says that Howard H. Clans, his lawyer, called on Brandt once, March 13, 1007, when Brandt was In the Tombs, and that tho prisoner told Onns that unless he was let off lightly he would Implicate Mrs. Hchiff. To all theso threats Mr. Hchiff turned a deaf ear, he says. He believed then and believes now, '.hat Brandt was a dangerous criminal, that he committed burglary und should be tried for burglary. Instead of conspiring against Brandt, he took. h,e says, the only Kssiblo course prosecu tion openly of n dangerous man, and it was not hi Ideii at all that Brandt should plead guilty. Brandt's lies about Mrs. .Schlff were known to the Governor, said Mr. SchUT, und prorly dealt with by him without any hearing of Mr. Schlff. Trie same faUe statements were conveyed by Brandt to Senator Knute Kelson of Minnesota. Silenced time and time again, these false hood obtained new circulation recent.y. and apparently, Mr. Schlff intimates, by the favor or pubuo officials. One of Mr. Schlff's principal reasons for Issuing the statement Is to destroy the insinuations and innuendoes that have obtained cur rency from such sources. He i informed, ho says, that Brandt gave two professional criminals In the Tombs information about the valuables in his house and how to get at them. He says he will oppose to the end the libera tion of Brandt and in doing so Is ft ghllng the cause of every husband and father liable to attack in his household by a revengeful servant This is his statement In full: Statement b Mortimer I.. Menu?. I have decided to make a piiblicstatemsoi of the pettfnent facts connected nlth the llratidl ease so far as they are within my knoitlndge, I would have mads thl state ment sooner but for my hope of sn oftbor? timlty to make it under oatb In a nubile Judicial proceeding, hut all my efforts to mine such an opportunity have been blocked by the Attorney-General and the ! District Attorney. ilv coiiomI did their best to : or for Mr. Oans and myself sn opportu;uty of t-:'flnc before Communion r tm.d, but e were denied that opportunity upon a pretext so flimsy that every lawyer In ton knows Its absurdity. I refer to th contention of the Attorney-Oe.isral and th District Attorney that wltnetMs volun tarily testifying before Commlasloner Hand at their ori reuueat and expressly waiving Immunity mlcht none the leas obtain Im munity from prosecution in cae the pendins Investigation before the Grand Jury should furnlih evidence of a conspiracy to defeat the ends of Justire. I now. fear that upon the same pretext r may be denied un opportunity of testi fying before the Grand Jury and ot defend inir ourselves against attacks upon u by such persons as Brandt and Hschsr-llaa-seti, the disbarred attorney and ex-eon-' vlrt. Kven the police trial of Officer Woold ridse, which would have glreu some oppor tunity to reveal the facta In a publio In quiry, has been postponed until the termi nation of the Grand Jury proceeding Ihe opportunity to present my evidence may be postponed for months. Sly only method of placing my eae before the pub lio seems to be by metna of a voluntary statement to the prew. Neither I nor my counsel Jiava rr succeeded In securing an Inspection of tb papers filed on Brandt's behalf on th AKTK.I1II.I VIA WIIIHKKT lltlnit hack the oM ilV. Iiitt Uia prk' U Ihr rc ami krrpt II Ibrrc, lAiyUct Uro.., N. I.,