Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1912. STRONG KICK AGAINST APARTMENT HOUSE BILL l'lnporiy Owners Don't Want Jurisdiction Oivcn to Tene ment Department. Will CALL ON DIX TO-DAY Thcj H"M Tlmt the Krcent (,'oilrt of Appeals Decision Should Ho Finnl. Grral u'Hi."lll(in In to lie made to tlie emcrm-ucy bill intH.xed lust week by the Legislature placliiR nparlinent houses under ttif Jurisdiction of tlm Tenement Hmisc Department. The Court of 'Ap penis ilei'lilcel on February 13 that an iipartint'iil limine, which It defined, did net omc within tlmt Jurisdiction, and cm the request of tho department the tiovcrnor nenf un emergency message tn the Legislature an a lonult of which the MM wan rushed through both houses mid would havu been signed by the Coventor last Frldny but for protests from property owners, ylto asked for a hearing. Tlmt liearlnir will be 'lveii to-day t Albany, nnd u stronn force, Includ ing Itiibert I'J. Dowllnif, president of the City Investlmi Company: Michael J. Hnrati. roprcsontlnir the United Ileal i:tnt Owneis Associations, and Fram. X. Orai'y, representing the M.ttrr ItulMcts Association, will ro to the capital to nsk the Governor not to dsn tho measure. ttt order to have further opposition tn (lie Will a hourliiK on It has been ar raneed tor Friday afternoon In the Aiirrmanle chamber. Mr. Uowllntr, In voicing yesterday opposition to the measure, said: "I think that apartment houses should be left without the Jurisdiction of the Tenement House Department, as the Court of Appeals has decided. They were never meant to be In the Jurisdic tion anil there Is no Rood reason why tliev .should be. People who rent apart ments ns they have been defined are not dependent nor Ignorant. They are utile to decide exactly what they want, and If they don't like certain apart menu they won't rent them. "Thero Is the same distinction here as In the first cabin and the steerage of a steamship. The Government ref lates the amount of air space steerage p.)senRers shall have, which Is a Rood thlnif. Just ns regulation of tenements Is; but the Government doesn't refoilote the e.tbln accommodations, and If a traveller does not like one ship he can an to another." it wps largely through the efforts of Mr. Huron that action on the bill was deferred and a licitrlng arranged. The urbanizations he represents Include prsetlcnlly all tho taxpayers' associa tions In the city. Th.j Court of Appeals decision, writ ten by Justice Hlscock nnd concurred In by nil his associates, reviews the workings of the Tenement House law since 18C7. Tho cuse Involved wus that of an apartment house on Thirty fourth street between Lexington and fourth avenues, which originally was a hotel, but luter was altered to have s'parato npartinents. The Tenement House Department claimed Jurisdiction over It after alteration, nnd Otto Grim mer, the owner, appealed to the courts. Hefore a referee tho owner was upheld nnd Judgment was entered ,for him In th Hupreme Court, un uppeal the Judgment wns reversed by the Appellate Division. The decision of the Court of Appeals rays In purt: The dlnpoHlltnn of the eiueation whether plaintiff' bolldlmr is u tenement house in volve an evumiuntlon of leutnlution and legislative definitions, Influenced ns II limy be nssiiineil by thce views, when tin, .Municipal Assembly framed the lliiildliu; Code It left the super vision nnd reitnlatlun of apartment house the Building Department rather than the Tenement Hoiiao Department, anil to thl owl It gave a specific definition to such Imlldlnifs, which ran ns follow : "All apart ment house hIiiII be taken to mean and in ol id" every biiildlnv which shall be intended or deiiguated for or used iih the home of tliri-e or more families or households living independently of each other, nnd In which very such family or household shall have provided for it a kitchen, set bathtub and water cloet separate and apart from any oihr. Any such building hereafter erected shall not caver any greater percentage nf lot than Is lawful to be covered by a tenement, house nnd the requirements for light nud ventilation for a tenement house shall also apply to an apartment house." considering simple the Indispensable requisite in the dellultlnns, we percelre that an apartment house differs from a ienment house In threo Important par ticulars It must have u separate water closet and bathtub, and the latter not being at nil required In the tenement house and he former only in certain caex. It also must have a separate room 'or "kltcrjen," presumably for preparing and cooking food, whereas in the case of the tenement house thee operations limy bo conducted In a room lo used for slerplng. living or any other P'irpose. The court then decides that the law stated In the Building Code of 1902 takes proci dencc In the matter of apartment houses over tho tenement hoiifo law. Tho decision' continued: Tim we reach the conclusion that the definition of un apartment house originally 'ound in the Building Code has been pre served, nnrt that a building coming within hat definition is not subject to the super vision of the Tenement House Department. THE BOSTON MARKET. Hoiton, Feb. 10,-Tradlng In copper share wns not very active to-day, but price were firm, with advances predonil '!?' 1R" ''"'"'"at I ecla declared a dividend for the murler of i, as ngalnst 16 for the last (itiarter. nnd the stock ad vanced is points. Other lake issues were strong in sympathy. Mayflower .and Old colony resumed their upward movement and closed nt now high levels. Industrials .mo runs were steaiiy. The summary: Open- ltlch- Low- Clot ,riy. flafft. so Adventure, 435 Algomah,. SO Alloiier.,. . w Aml Copper.. ., Sto AmKlnc..!.. ' to ArlronaCoinm'l, 24 lioston & Cot bin 21 liutte A tlslak... S7 liutte Coalition., iso Cl ft Arlr 78 Cal Hce la. to Centennial. . , lftS Chlnn liwi Con Mercur.. . 1M Copper Range.. 10 Daly-Weal. 71 East liutte, Hi franklin. 11 (llronx.. 2 (Irsnby. .. 124 (Irerne Cauanea. so Hancock 37ft Medley.. lu Inspiration Cons. (1317 Invp Cons rights,, 3ft Island Creek pf. w mi nir... 30 Kerr I-ake. . . sft l-ase Copper. . 30 I Halle.. , . J.v Mason Valley . SO Mass Con If ay Bower , 30 Miami M Mohawk 30 Nevada Cou.. 300 New Arcadian, . 100 New ldrta. . . 132 Moisting. .. , Uft North Flutte. , ton North lake. 10 Ollbway. .. . JUS Old Colony.. tft3 Old tiomtnlon. 244 Osceola . .. , lift I'onU Creek,,. ISft Qulncy 300 tuv Cons. . . lift Shsnnon... . ID Khatluck ft A, 311 Hup A lioston. aft Superior . so Tamarack. . 4M Trinity.... J ft. If U Oa..ll.a u si si mi. i ItU U , , 104 C s Mnieltlnn pf DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WiiLaTO. Teh 39 The statement of re (tlpts and expenditures of the Treasury shows: .Salurdau. Thtt UontH, Ftical vtar. tl' elpi.. J,1,11,,', K.SI77 HYiSti.n ' ipenrtlture :.IKJ,nr.' tAMlXXM ,5011, 4H1 Sirplus 5I,7M Def SI,U7,TS2 3.15.M1 lh" roelpts from customs on Saturday were 11.113 07: from Internal re enue, ordinary, II Jt2, '1, curporsllon tax, M4.SP1: mlveltaneous, I3M. H National bank notes rei-ehe.1 for redemp ' ii, JMi).'Ju;. The rash statement of the United States Treai "r for retiruar- 24 shoe; srhirvr rtT.0, (mid rein and bullion. tIM.OOO.ooO THCST rUNO. To redeem outnandlng certificates lt,510.j;a,S89 otNrjiii, rvNp, ''ddroln II7.005.M4 'old cerllnrates a7.004.1nn s' let ilolljr l4.2o,iu ' er leiilrirales ll.;7,BWt 1 nltd Siaies notes 10,471,013 vntonnl hank nous...., M.KM.dll 1 erllili'd cheeks on banks 012, H7 Total, . , Paduct current liabilities . fls7.lta.eot SI.OQI.84T Werklnc halanre la Treasury s.72.7M "1 nstlnnai hanks .... JJ,8t.:oi M'ver bulilnn. subsidiary silver and odnnr coin 37.2111, 403 ililr.g relinbursemenl. . . IS,lJs Ln balance. hi,:o,4S8 WE MONTREAL MARKET. ;ili, Ukerf, 211 1 cement Co . . r,sd1u Cenienl Co , preferred Ooniloloii suci CiiriMirallnn oo-ilnlon Tettlle rnt(j. x onuisni ' 0' sl l.lthl. II A I', Co. S i Ilnir Nlllls Co., ereo lullu l.lgtil A. Power Co de 'snelrn Msht A Power Co, inicsn W A I' Co, l.lo rtsllHav Co Uttarto Nav. Co au .11,7, si",- I' I 1701, 174 Hill's . III! i:.i ' i: ti iiji, 1141,; n 401 eaa S 4 , 7 4l( 23', CO, 142 21 2l4 .0 t as "4 341 l 1 si; 3s ' 7 21!,' 41 Ul( 31 4 7 s'i a!?14 4WI JVi .05 II it, ii" .i .,!( 11 1S1,' ,311 1 7 2( .Ml, 2 21' i 23)j 3 1-10 31-10 11-1S 11.16 tit. iO'i ;5t, "4 u 32's ro' 442 31 31' i .01 ns. ,ju' Si! .31 7 3i'f 1(7. J' 41 Ml 25 4 7 'i 33J anil 4M 31 21' j .0 w i' It'l 13 U 39 IK ill' 17', lI ,2S m 2S1j 174 ton lllsh-Vpe. . ) t'tah Cons.... 140 tliah Copwr. 12 Vleiorla., . . 4S0 U'lnona, 50 Wolverine.. 3(1' , a . 13 i . 10 . 34 . li'i . U 3i ,. 71, .. 7, . 2S ' . ft'i . ' . 41', .Ill's . !', 77 "S 1(1 IS I'l . 2f , 2l ft'l 38 4 a 13 'i ID. 34 ftl'j la 7". ! "' I'l -14 481, 118 18' ( 77l 10U IS 3' :u 2'J 38a 4S 38 ft .( 2,U 11 10 3t '4 74 !1, 8 lt 411 111 11 77 17 111 IS Vi 28! 28 an 4S Ml I2f H nl 31 M'j 11) a' .5. ' 11 4.;i 77t, 10' 4 IB 28i ; 2S l'i 38 4S .0 , . 315-18 2 1S-18 215-18 211-18 11 toi 11 101 AIUtOAO STOCIS. ft lloslon & Albany .222 oosion Kiev... .132 3.1 lioston A Maine .. wt'l 3 lloslon ft M pf. .14.1 10 lloslon it or pf , ll'i SO Chi Jet 4 S V... 180 11 (Irl JrtAS Vpf. list j iuj Mass Kt px stpa. w mass i.iec war 2I7 Mass Klee fr war Itn n v Ml 1 II... Ill ., lui West Knd SI Hit . SSf Ml,' M West KndSl II HpflOJ loj sitsciixaNRoi's si .181 lJSli 11 222 137 Ws 143 ills 180 II' at 77', ,ia) 134 Am Ar Chem pf... pats' 101 Amonkesf Mfg..., 711. 21 Am l"neu 8vc... . 4'f 13 Am I'neu Svo pf. 1H4 1 Am Hursr...., ,lii IS) Am Sugar pf.. . MhU liaa Am Tel Tel, . I42)t eo Am Wool pf.. 7 100 A O & w 1 pf.. . is on r.asi lioston lnu li'l ,283 110 ,183 HI!,' S ,108 ,321 101 D Klltsin 21 tien Klec .. .. CO (ia 111-4 i:iec., 30 Uass Gas 33 Mass Cias pf. 10 Met:iwaln pf. 20 Merienthaler. a a i;loi Yarn pr .105 !'i i, 4 10I" 222 133 , 143 IS',' 180 113' 81 77' .10 138' j 63 mt 103 mi; 102, 7 4' 15', I ID), US' 117 87U IS ll'( 2 180 181 mu ss 101!, 221 101 103 182 158' 102; 11CJ 2D IS4 484. 2'J 3, KM 102' 8I, 87 100 S71 7 w; USII Ml 8s Altfif. "si.- I 7-14 18 8 83 3.1-18 1's '. V' 28 THE PHILADELPHIA MARKET. I'Hir.tur.f.rillA, I'eb. 21 There was a moderate business done In local Nsues to-day, with no feature. Prices closed with small, Irregiilarchanges, but the under tone was steady, 'Ilia bond market was uuiet. The nummary: Ontn. lllgh 181 lia ,.102". .1034, 2 .181 30 .V 15 Tel. SO I'tillmin 3 .Seattle !5leo pr. isa Swift 4 Co. .. 13 Turrlngton pr.. 380 t.'nlled Shoe VlVrh 487i i Linn n Macn pr... 2S. 791 C S Kteel.. . ', 48 I' 8 Steel pf. 108, BONDS. Hooo Am AtrChem i..l(rj, 4I0UI A T IT 4s. . 1000 Alchtson 4s.. . . tax,' 000 A U A W I ia aa 1000 C II A O 4s Deo eitioo 4000(1110 1141.,. 7 2xn C 11 A O It 4s ret . 7'i KM1 I Je A S Y4s 140 24UI0 Dom lr A Coal 5s HkVl UlulUKl.i.. -.'(mi t' I'm It ! neb CCtB STOCKS, Ahmeek. Hay Mate (ias Hohenda Uiiton Kly Cactus Chemung liavls Daly Plrst National Copper. I.a Hoe New llaltle (lneco Itaven Ithode Island Coal... South Lake. la 1021, 78 4' Ift's 118' Il8't 1I3' 87', II 15!,' ?tw 180 181 UK, U8I, 1031 731 101 I Oft 183 IH) I02( P0, 28 111 SO 2S',' Ml4 inst 144. lol" 1.12 88' 141 Ill's 180 113' 81 77l .10 m'i 33 as: KC 51i 102', 7SW 4'. 11's 1181, ns', 147 87 IS in; 2BS 1JU 181 81 If IN 101 31 101 10.-, Ill 111' 1034, 1(C' III 24?;j .-', 1U8 COURT CALENDARS THIS DAY. en's tM, Ml! 81 ,' 87?, 100 7 V7t,' ); BSl, Ml. 88"; I02,' Bl'l H as ion 7i 0711 vols us, 881 CKiaiNa eaicrs. Hid. .240 .. 31 ,. 3'i . li" . 5 . 82 .. 2U .. i . 4 2.,' .. l .. 25 i'i fialtt. tt'i. son Am Milling . lf 1 Am Hvk... 41U 23 Paldln 1-oro pf .lint; so KH ,J1 , 24 22 at SKI , SA'j 781 1 , 28"i 17' 121' 61 "j 1UI lis Cambria Iron. 4S.1 Cambria Steel... 10 Klec Slor Hatiery 33 Kalrmount Park lui ('.en Aeph nf ... 3) Hum A II T pf , 11 1ns Co of N A sso Int Powder . . 13,1 iJUe Superior . 451, ian, 43 4: 14' ' 72 21 nir. ttt. 't 43ij not, 43 24 Clot 1rit. 4.M, 43 7! 24 4 lrh Nav. 21 Ixhlch Nav clfs 28 lhlrh Valley. . 283 lh Val Trans nf : Little Schuylkill, ft North Central.. 700 Penn Hallroad. 10 Penn Steel nf. . 7(1) Penn Traffic . , 13 Phi la Co . l?rl 1'hll. Kir,.... 1.1S Phlla ItanTrslk.. t3 4iU PbllaltanTrcitfs. ZSU 2S20 Heading. . 78H too Southern Ity.. 371 187 Tonnpah Minlni , 7H 9170 Tonop lielmonl, 10 620 t:nlon Traction .vi'J 214 Cnlt (las Imp as MO II S Steel.. 7ft Warwick Iron . 11 20' 20 :; 2'i M'J AS M' I Ml 7t( 78? 2811 ( 57', 871, 127' 127' 81", 8l!J 100 100 .1 11-18 I 11-18 1 11-181 II 18 44 i. 44tl 44i 44'I i'l 2J M As lib 241 171 1271, Alls 1UO S.V10 Am OAK Ss. loon citv 4s 2000 Kt Wayne is, onus. 811 looJ ss 7000 Intersuto 4s,... 62' i 1000 lain nav ten ts ion', (V) lrh Val coil 6, 118 usm Leh Vsl ien is, nati una Phlla Klec 4s 8f 1200 Phlla Klec goldSs.losii 2000 Heading (en 4s..., DS71 ftono Hochester Ry h ftstui lino sund tias Klec 6S.I01! 2000 Snan Am I s . . 101) liooo United nyss,. 83, 23s 3S 78, 27' 7 718 10's OC II MH W, M 83' i r..M SB 1031 101 101 101 81), 18 18 It 23 23 23X 781. 78 U 6 27' 271 7!j 7 7-lft 815 18 10 M'i Ml' i It si 11 Wi 88 B21 1034 118 i nail 8H 1UI M'i 100), &1 S2'( 1031, 118 Wf S2'i IOS'5 MS lui It I'Sijl )I Hit S!i THE CHICAGO MARKET. CiurAOO, Keb, 2D. Practically all the interest centred In Sears common, 'J his stock advanced four points on a heavy volume of transactions. No public an nouncement was made at to-day's meeting to cause the sudden upturn, but it is gen erally believed tlmt important develop ments are ponding, Illinois Uriel; reflected strength nnd a fulr demand continues for Coinmonwenllli Edison, llond mirkct dull. 'llK- an mil sry oren 14.1 ,.ll(i .S'alff. 120 Am Can pf . Ill lloolh Man pf. 14.1 Com Hdlson... in Diamond Match n llarl S A, Msrinf.. 10114 73 Illinois llrk'k.. (tot, 71 PeonleaUas... ,108 10 Ouaker Oats. 238 J7.VI Sears-ltoabuck, l.liwni 2(1 Sears-Hoe of.. MU in . Street's Htt'ar. 1i 250 I'nlted Stales St 502 BONDS. 1'itn Chiciivitvli 1031s- 7(l Chilly 1st Ss IBo: ion Chi II... I70OO CM Con llyfts .vmo Com I'.d 8s. , ) Mel Kit 4s llloh- Int. ttl. 14.1 14.1V 01 1014 . aVj I4.W 110 ioiu ro 108 JM 1141 13JH va ,007, Mil Lou. ttl. 89f M 1 4.1 110 101 tl 1U'. 108 238 IKK, "ft IB'i ISSSrlj 1 81 U laitj 8.11 Clot, tug, tC'i M Wi 110 101'i 80 108 338 114 12.U4 iai 10074 81 0144 10.14, Al Heeelrers Appointed. 1.11 1HK Supreme Court -Hy Justice Ilavla. Aleiander p, U Klnnan vs II II M. Really CoWaenh Kali; Slgmund Ashner vs Motrls Iv-amuel (loldsilrker, Abraham Oulnl is Charles nepettl llii'hard I' Mtirpni; llenrletia M. Plcatrla vs Adolph S. Miller-II, I'hnenlt Intraham; Kred erlrk Wtrti. Jr. s Joseph Cohen Kdward I), liowllnr. Ily Justice llendrlek. Proineel Invesihir Co. vs John Vlnlaote llealty Co. John H. Van Tine, Sidney II. Welnberc vs A Manhflm 4 Co. Simon 0, Wtlabsrf. NEW TOItK fOUNTV. fluprem Court Appellate l)l lalon. lte cess. Hupreme Court. -Appellate Term. lie. ces. Hupreme Court Speelul Term. Part 1. llefnre Hendricks, J. Court uprns nt 101.10 A. If, l.ltlKuted mutlons. 1 Isaac n Pear son A Son, 3 Mutter of Eust l"2nd HI, 3 Unlrr Keasler & Co., 4 Ilulden Kuw nui. u IVulah s I.a Compacnle (letierul Trunsatlantliiue, C Mltteldurf vs Mllllkcn, 7 llenson is l'rurson A Hon. I Ilorras Iteulty o. vs Ainer. llondlng Co, V Urumun t. Htil Katlouiil Hank or Jumnlia, 10 Sihoen monn vs Lnusser lleatly Co., II Cryun vs Cryan, 12 Wrlfht vs Hire, 13 Mahnnry M llecla Irun Works, 14 Shea s Muslir, 15 lleeil ya llelnor.l Iteiilly Co., 16 Winter of Hnskell, 17 CoIkuIs vs llrown llriiN, 1 Kaly vs Wanvlvk-Thnmpaou Co, In Settler ) Hchentk, 20 Dowllng vs City of N. V 21 Hume va aiinie, 22 (Juudey vs euine, 23 Lyons VS same. 24 ltvnti M msiii. .V Hint. 1110ns va Daly, 2C Hlmon va I'razee, 27 .Matter ' 01 iiovin. ss Ainirnitii va .siarsiiau, zv lion limn vs Iloffiiuin, 30 Hlemnuu vs Ilukery & Confectionery Workers. 31 l.lculsl vs 1.1 calal, 33 Moore vs Central 1'urk N. JV M. It. H, It. Co., 31 (leratner vs I. Inch, 34 vs Modem Woodman of Aluer., 15 Mutter of Knhn. 36 Mutter of l.ML.ui. 7 (I'llrU,, v lloik. 31 Matter of Wvnuie llolJIna Co.. ill Wheeler vs Wheeler, 4(1 .vlottvr of Ket- , viiuin, laupr or Ainer. wurety t'o., 42 Hush vs Hush. 43 Mutter of Stevens, 44 Mutter of (Jolduinn, 41 llraiullee vs llruiidlrs. 44 Lpsleln va Kpslcln. 47 Jackson va Hut Isrd, 41 Clowe va llullard, 48 Mitropolllun Truat Co. vs Moore. 50 llottell s Chrlstlleli, jl Jamaica Wuter Supply Co. vs Druminond. tioldenberc llroa. A Co. vj Ki,r, 63 I'ordon va Kordon, SI Levy vs Ileakln, 51 Unit va Automobile Club of Amer, it '') City or N. V 57 Muttir of Coraler. la Muntolil va lluleneky, in Mutter of l.xrelalor llldg. . l.oun Aaan., CO San Iteiuo Copper Mining Co. vs Moneuae. til Pulmer f Singer Mfg. Co. va Harney L'etule Cn.,02 ?'.H,.!.r P'. Morton, r,3 l.upnlky vs l.evlne, V .!J.c,!nle,.lfr ,'"' of V 3 Shermun -ull'..!!',,lk x" Orlllth, tl Mutter of llrenner. (1, MLIer va Miller, (Irosamun va tllng llau Ittiilty A Const. Co., l!8 Mutter nf Meier, 70 City of N. V. vs Mason, 71 Kan tor vs Kuntor, 72 Krullah vs Zimmerman. Supreme Court special Term. l'srt II. Jlefore Davis J. Court opens at 10!)0 A, 31. Uxpurte matters. Hupiriiif Court SpeclJl Term. Part III. Ilefora Newburger.J. Court opens at 10:15 A. M. Motions. Demurrers 172 llraumuu vs Amend. Preferred cuuees 471'J Vogel Co. vs Sullvan: S5I (luuranly Truat Co. vs Sihnurta. (lenerul culindar 3740 Avery va lllmbvrg; 1: Look hi an vsAatnr; 3:o.Nelervs Koehler Sportlna Hoods Co.; 1121 iirav vs lloudlry, list Znrih vs y.urrln 3C42 Cola )" ola, v C.l.p Klr.t Culled I'reaby. h ; 310 IVtrless Puttern Co. vs Pictorial ttevleiv, 33J2 ASlrmlc Vs Krul. 4012 Jucobs v. Jacobs; .1144 Schwa ru vs Dunne: 3IS9 Tujlor va Talor: 4020 Vel v Vogel: 3111 IVeaiern Cominrri 1st Travelers Aas'n vs ffgelielnekeii. 35D1 Ward vs Ward: 4S4 lllcharda vs Itlchurda; 404S I'etroulo va Itnaaltn; 4058 Maaas vs Muiisk, 402 Jack son vs Smith; 4044 Pittsburg Plato llluss Co. C'onat. Co.; 40! Itlch Va Cohen! 4014 lluumohl vs lluumuhl, 4085 Long Acre Lleilrlc Light ft Power Co. vs MHguIre; 40J7 Schln vs Chebra Talmud Thnra 4114 Schul. Jr., vs Schulis: 411S Klislnger vs Mtalnger. 3213 Mllllken llros . Inc.. vs CHy tii: "andall va Itumlall. 4121 l'oholsky v, llrown. 4123 Schmidt v. Schmidt; 4125 De Jonce & Co. (ioguraky; 4121 Lumb vs I.umb; 4134 Netachert vs Jedeli 4141 Van llaalte vs Oppenhelm, 4142 Itodrnsleln s 0iprnhelm; 3603 Tltoinugllo vs Hclnecu, 34.17 MacDonald va MacDonald; 4013 MiDerinott vs MacDonald! 401k lloli man vs liegeman & Co.; 4070 llernhard vs llernhurd; 407 Von Iluus va Kui hs 4140 h.rnbuul vs llrnhnut; 4171 lletterlvh vs lloahe; 4245 Davis va Itosa. 4337 Yates va Yates; 4281 Wlldrlck vs Wild rick; 4310 (Soldainltli vs Hamilton Tirrnr Co.; 4327 City of Jf. Y. vs Montague, 41 lleainn Kalis Itealty Co. va 1'u.tton. 4140 Uoodmau vs rramberg: 4341 Morse vs Kel aey; 414.' Doruti vs Mitral lteally A Con. (o.. 4346 Homeland va l.iHal;. 1 rt .1 will. lauiburgh Truat Co. vs (lens, 435S lindeker vs Properly Security Co.. 4361 !). Pulmu va De Pullna; 4342 Vlerno vs Alllerl. 43tS llahnut va Mlnranl! 4375 (loldberg vs Sara anhn: 43S0 Freud vs llloom; 433 lluiupfri-y vs Honser: I Ss 4 Tubba vs llulae. 4318 Hold sleln vs Zullela. 4393 Horenauer va Hand; 4397 llerowlu Va lUlulian. 4199 Cnhen va I'addell; 1401 Sundera vs Sanders. 4401 John son Va Frame, 4410 Klein vs Mu Causes in he unit from Part III. to Parta IV- V VII and VIII. for trlul. Trial Term. Part II. If? tore (Joff. J. ( ourt nprna ut 10:30 A. M. Short cnuaea 009 Komlyn vs Smith: 5777 Humphrey va Pope Hartford Autu Co.: 5857 Nlehaus va Mill. snk; 5 story vs Story. 6103 Abratua vs Abrnins; 3151 ople ex rel Margolla v First llrody It. II. Aaa'n, Part III. Hefore Cohal.ui, J. Court opens at 10:15 A. M. Duy culi'mUr 5s Hunt va Lliich: 3l Crane. va llrooklri t'nlon Kl. II. It,. 335 Carroll va Whllrldgr; 33 Mar tin vs L. 1 It, It ; (34 l.udwlg vs Inter Isirsugli It. T. Co., 841 IVrhon v Inter Imrough It. T, Co.; 574 Horwlts va Jollne: 842 l'oaner va lnterborouch It. T. Co.; 644 Sildenaleln vs llrooklyn t'nlon III. It. It.; SI ltmbert vs l.lnch; 157 Kroellch va N. V Taslcab Co.: els Mattln va Jollne. 667 It. 2 Nolan va llrooklyn Heights p. n. ro.. ii miKiini v joiiii,.; au Muiprr v llrook lyn gurrua Co. Si Subwu) 11. H Co , hi Kantroklia vs llrooklyn llvlghts It. 11, c. ti5 Wrlnalelu vs lain,; 617 lner va I. Inch, 6 Nolan v llrooklyn Helghls It It. Co. l'srt VI II. lit for.- tlsvegun, J. Court opens at 10.15 A. M. Day luli-ndur 3737 A. Ambrose va City of N. V ; 371 H. Ambroar va City of N. V 3143 It. Drr va Juiol, Hotlinan llrew Co,, 3144 II. Dwyer vs Jaioli llortmuu ltrw Ci . 3l,t Fluhertv v Urn-nil A Co., 4 4 sr. Itouch va Miller: 377 Frank va 13. I'., Thomaa Motor Co.; 333 Itltkovllrh v Nut. Ii I'll., 36C I'ranltel vs city of N V . 3,cv riahrrly Kent! JSCS Fluhrrtv II,, inn... ZeUihong va Dr. Pratt Inn, lav.' Wlaaot- n rxuiuiueier vs Liinrty Hrew Co 3751 Slirman vs Hiker A Son Co.. 3114 Iteanlk vs dnl'l Paik Tavl Cr Co.. 624 Drill. In h llrmn. 3.:.' .M. Derniatt Va Dairy I'roducla Co. of N. Y.. 3431 Lullaky vs Tepfn; 3779 Mang va Wllllama 3749 Ssylor vs City of N. V 3H Dnlinl'a va (llehl; 3196 Klllmia vs Stliuik; 39V3 Seellg vs Jaiobson, 3901 mine va name. 2775 Schaefrr va City of N. V 3C10 lllunk vs Jorgenatn; 3611 same vs same, 3799 (iood helm vs Herman. 342, HuverD'a Hlablea va Jollne; 3907 tlrlir va Wllaon Co.; 3909 Leng)el vs Miiag; 1910 Ittualan Amer. Pub. Co. vs Itusalan Amer. I3cho Pub. Co.; 3911 Lowenaieln vu 'liy of N V 3911 Sihur mucker va Itoaler: ' 3916 Cotsonua a .. V C, A It. It. It. It. Co.; 391S Murphv Vs Hppelaheliner Co . 1919 shea va Knurr llldg. A Const. Co.: 3820 Shea va Wanamaker; 3921 Haptluy vs liulley; 3925 Huaao va llar rett: 3928 Slavla vs llorrello; 39.10 Nemeron vs N. Y, Traiiaiiortatlon Co ; .1911 I'ollnaky Vs Fifth Ave. Coach Co.; 3931 Hamburger va same! 1934 Wlahnofiky Va same, 1935 I.eiilhon va Hiegel Cooper Co., 3914 llosford Va IJIde-A-Wee Homo Aaa'n. Cauaea tn be sent from l'srt VIII, to Parte V VI.. VII.. IX., X. und XII Purt IV, Herore lllsihon. .1. Court Opena at 10:16 A. II. Day calender 1749 M Morrentliao. Jr.. Cn. s I'rledlander. 40S7 MvCarthy va city of N. Y,: 300 Ahlera vs llroeilerinunn ; 4017 Aiuiatratu va jiiuonulil. 39(,s lemlelaon va How man: 40S0 llulllmore ilr.iiu cienrlnir lliume Co. va Itusglea-I'oli s Kngllirerlog Co.; iiau la-iuiu va iionnian, "lis uucknum vs Uenainore-Colniiton llldg, Co.; 4011 Tuft l'Urie Mfg. Co. vs Jelib; 4217 (llllles va Doubleduy, Page A Co. 4210 Vt While va Cjriln Conat. Co.; 4216 llarr vs Hurtlg A Seuuion. 4300 Stlinel Vs Well. 4312 Kami, i- va Meyera, 4.116 Ileney va Chsrlered Cn. of Lower California: 71 Atkins vs Trowbridge, 331 Freeman va Harmon. 4071 American Plunogrsph Co va Smith, 2907 Scheer vs MurkowlU, 3972 Miller va Nicholas. 419 l.enx va (leliersl Dev elopmeilt Co.. 4242 Heller va Hcnale Construction Co., 5H72 Cllv of N. Y. va Continental Asphalt 1'avlng Co., 4024 Itueaell Uniform Co. va Walter. 1000 t'lrlch va MacDonald: 2480 lllack. Hlsrr A Kroat vs Handolph; I2t3 Hank of America vs Nathan; 1467Vj lllmberg vs Snndhelm; 160, Thacher va N. Y. A Weatrhealer It. It. Co.; 3149 Habermaii va Vonder Hoach: 3418 I ttle va Ilarllna: 1622 H. Ilellmaii A Ce. va Samuels: 31C04 Westentt va Hill; 408 viray vs iiiuiKmoru, itsi, lijorK vs i.orini; 1191 Dlnnlnny vs llrown: 4153 Moyn.i vs Lamar: 4316 L'nrirti vs National Life Ins. Co.. 4397 Iloaenherg vs Shea; 4365 McDon ough va Ilurgher; 1312 I3rneat vs Mcl.eaii; 4395 J Klein Wagon Works va Haas. 4402 Csndee Krckelcr Co. va Wills, 4401 Strom waaaer vs llennlngs. Causes to bs mt from Part XIV. to Paris XI!!.. XV, XVI. , XVII and XVIII, for trial. Surrogates' Court Chambers II e I a r o Cohalan, P. Motion calendar-1 Saul II, I'usier, 3 Antonio Marclone, 3 Oliver W. lliuklngham, 4 Wolf Kronethal, 5 Wolf Kroncthal, 8 Kllsabeth Kuhne, 7 Catherine 31. Maher, 8 Charles It. Dllworth, 9 Adale (luetal, 10 (iluaeppi. D'Angella. II (lluaeppe Sauxnro, 12 Kualtnlr Chmllovvakl, 13 Lug! I'onsl. 14 leather Felnbuch. 11 I.oula N, Frunkel. 18 L'llen L, Muller, 17 Kdward J. Kdwards, 18 lillen C'oughlsu, 19 Florence (Irimths, 20 Ann Kell). 21 Hubert lie. Namara, Si Margaret We I Mi. 23 Patrick Tlghe. 24 Mutthcw Doughty, 25 Laura Zhnrowakl, 21 Amelia Nouvel, 27 Helen F.llw-anger, 21 Slgmund Illrsch, 2!) Peter Hartman, 30 May T. Horn, .11 Mallhew Coagrove. 32 Jacob Itublno, 33 Joaifa N, (Inborn, 34 Adele (lumilal, 31 Alice Kelly, 86 John II, Cawond, 37 Dorolhea Levy, 38 CIIih S, llibby, 39 Leopold Friedman, 40 Anthony Ilarriaon, 41 llllnin 1J. Alltn. 42 Thomaa II. Cullen, 43 Thyrxa Hoe, 41 John Swindells. 41 Mary II. Conlon, 46 William Mayer, 47 Mary A, Manley, 48 (llovannl M. II. Dl Prlnslo, 49 Antonio Ilaroneaaa, 50 Mary Hheehan, (I Frank 1'opp. 52 (lladya (leatreloher, 18 Maxlne Oesirelrher, 54 William Zlegler. II Kllsabeth llrennan. 18 Lnula Waller, 87 John 1.'. Haug, 58 Thomas Italney, 50 I. Henry Sllier, 40 Amelia Her man. 41 Patrick O'Nvlll, 13 lienlamln M, White,. 63 Annie Dlrliaon. 4 Lena Snicker. II William lleun, 64 Margaretha Kuhu, 87 William lllaaaer, 61 (leorgn F. Shriuly. 69 (leorge Mager. 70 Keunetlr F. Illngham, 71 llnalna lllar, 72 Carl Wclaa, 73 Sarah 13. Hoyden. 74 Jnatph S. Van Iluren, 75 Lucy II. Thrnughton. Wills lor Probate -Mary .1, Hlothera, Harriet Mrlntlre, I'aulua Sachar, IMnln A I'm-i, Win, .1, Skelli, Cleiucna Muller. Daniel (I'llrlen. Lnula Schneider, Knillle llerkert, Anns Jellluek, IMiwrd .1 Cabin, Win w Terrier. Jnnalhuu llrnnstt. Louis Slrgberl Kdlih C Puner, l 10,30 A, M Trial Term llefoie Fnwlet, S, Cnn leaied will- 3K92 llacar K. Srhmidl, Kalala of Lawrence storey, al to 10 A. .VI City Ceurt Special Terra. I'arl 1. Be fore Donnelly, J. Motion calendar called al 10 A. M. Cllv Court Rnerlul Term. Part It. lie- fore Deiehnnty, J.e Coutt opens at 10 A. M. L'x parte mutters. Tilul Term. Part I, Hefore McAvoy, J Court opena ut 9,'4i A. M. Day calendar !'Jk3 Stelnmelx vs Interborough llapld Tran- I an un,, tun ivroater va aianoney; nizv vie loraon va Interborough llapld Transit Co.! 6130 Vlitnrson vs Interborough llapld Transit Co,; 5816 Schrorder vs Seutt: .1903 Murphy vs 1'olzll In ; i 5915 Henallp vs Jollne; 5962 Lamiigna vs Jollne! 5911 McTuggart vs Devlne; 6084 Snappln vs Lynch: till Kearney va N. V. Trnnaporiatlon Co.: 5884 Llmsky vs Jollne; 5744 Solomon vs ITachI mnnj 4203 Dohiiu va Connecticut Cah Co.: 6022 (Irlinn vs Frawley: 6033 .McCarthy va Lehigh Valley It, It. Co.; 6037 Mllberg vs WyekiifT Holding Co.: 6038 Lelimann vs Wyckorr llnldlug Co.! 6039 Co-ear vs WjcknlT Holding Co.; 6042 flrboengood vs (lillis; CIOI Jucobs vs Paler! 6058 Cohen vs Niieauu Kleclric It. It. Co.; 7309 J De An Kelts vs llnnk for Suvluga; R980 M Dirk va Lronorl: 0144 llreasler Vs t,', S. (Inunl Lodge of the I. t). II, A. I 6149 It ud man vs (Inrdoni r,IS2i Hkhir vs Kraua llealty Co.; C1S3S WiilnwrlKht vs Herman: 6151 'i Krrlro vs Shniskln, 6lSS'i Acumpora vs Whlirldge; 4151 Contractors Supply Co. vs. llronx llor ough Hunk: 6156 Horfmnn vs (lermiiu Amer lean Ins. Co.; 6l6o Turner vs Wollner: 6161 Turner vs Wollner: 61(14', Olaen vs N. V C, und 11. It. It, It, Co.! 0141 tlllhooly vs Hunt ing, 6168 Klein vb Interliiirough llapld Transit Co.; 6169 Hums llros. vs lloehm: 6130 Maikowlit vs Mlrhlgan Commercial Ilia. Co,; b 1 7 1 Murkowlts Va Fire Association of Phllu ; 617.' Markonlis va fleorgU Hume Ina, Co., 613s Dobrooner vs N. Y. Tiixliab Co.. 6110 Fay va N. V. C and II, II It, 11 Co. ( uu.ea In be sent fioin Part I. to Parte HI. IV.. v.. VI.. VII. and. VIII. for trial, Part II. Hefore La Felra, J, Court opena nt 10 A. M. Short causes 400J McCormkk vs Hntanl; 4056 ltevel Itaulty A Securities Co. va Stlmsun; 4014 lllllmeyer vs Picture gruph Co.; 4019 Kuechln vs ilngau; 4035 J. i;. neer va Kpateln; 4023 Goldberg vs Hn- gel, 4016 Hpateln va Ollnger: 4026 Nevvguhl va S. L. Moore A Hons Co.: 1011 Kohn vi Huibler; 4048 .Norton va Kull; 4070 Fried loin v Vellemun; 4001 Leggett vs Lulion; 4036 (Ireenberg va Solomon; 4057 Hlrdaey vs Sleeper; 401.8 Hlrdaey vs Sleeper: 4034 tiro-s vs (lash; 4011 Fish vs Doktor; 4073 lloiowlts va Mulle Little Imp. Co.: 4073 Moior Finance Co. vs Schrnederi 4010 flrnss va Hose; 4082 Manhattan Steamboat Co. va Well. 4086 Duller vs Walker. KINHS COl'NTY. Supreme Court Arpellate Ulvlslar.. Sec ond leurllnelil-Mteceea. Supreme Court Special Term and Cham bers. Tueaduy. February 37, 1912. Hefore Jlarenn, J. Court opens at 10 A. M, Motions, Hefore Crane, J, Ex parte bual nraa. Supreme Court Special Term trials. Day (uieniiui - 1' J. Court opens at 10 A M 1510 Curberry va Prendsrgaat, Comp troller: 1577 Hrllllaut va I'ero, 1571-6 lleli rlmier va Hsuneman. 1580 Driver vs Driver, l.lsl neea va Heea. 1513 (lalbally vs llrealln, 1032 IlergofTen vs Hoard of Kducstlon. 331 Zottl vs zottl. 1135 Doyle vs I)ole. 17lMerltConat. Co. vs Thousand llealty Co., 1926 lllng A Hons, Inc., vs Wlnola Worsted Yarn Co., 694 Monro vs Tuletamlkow, 10S3 Sengatnck vs Moeaer. 161 II. II It. It. Co. vs Steers Preat. Ac.. 13VS Stunrhl VB Teaau, 191 Stafford vs Falk. 131 Carolla vs Momt Iteolly Co. High est number reuched on the regular call, ll6. Supremo Court Trial Term. Day lulen dar. February 27, III:. Part 1., Illackmar, J , l'urt II., Slupleton, J., Part 111., Van Slc len. J.; l'urt IV., Clatk, J.; Pari V., .lay. co, J,; I'ait VL, Kelby.iJ. ; Part VJI. Slad dov. J. Court opens at 10 A. M. 3478 Lewis vs Coney I. and 11. 11, It.. 3177 Hoss vs Mey erowltx. 3479 l.esnen vs llrook. t'nlon 131. it. It., 3183 McMillan vs Naaaau It, It.. 3165 Wexler vs II. (J. Co. and Hub. It. It., 3227 Mc Nally vs City nf New York. 610s Klorrlagn vs Harnlg, 3313 llohn vs Werthman, 3187 Lyman vs II. 11. It. It.. 3418 Frank vs It. g. Co. and Sub. It. It.. 1411 llolfaen va Mathle aeu. 3494 Smith vs Auditors et al., 3434 Stumpf vs Waterbury Co., 1105 Wrede vh Slnlck. 2916 Klktns vs Ardenter Mustard , and Spice Cn, 3469 stamm vs Hoe, lies Harris va (lUKganhelm. 3308 Smith vs Tl. II. It. It. 3509 Curmel vs Walsh et al.. 3810 Silverman vs Agrlmla, 351 1 Hall va Chasmar-VVIncheli J 'rem, 3512 Itlacardl vs lleunnngiira. 3513 (lallagher vs H. II. It. It.. 3514 Mitchell vs. It. It.. 3191 Kerrigan va Long laland II It.. 145s llnerlth va Kofnrd A Itonconl Mfr '.'o. 3517 McCnllen va Naaaau It. It., 3522-3523 vs II, Hrldgman Smith Co.. 3624 Cullen vs Hoalreaa, 35:1 D'Katerre vs Krneat. 3527 Crania vs Naerait It it.. 3530 Lewis vs Hobblns Co.. 3131 llanna vs Slund ariCUII Cn.; 3537 Shanewall va lllake el al 311V Mugnwan vs 11. II. It. K. The following causes, If marked ready, will be puaaed for the day No cauae will be at down for a duy upon Ihla call. 354 1 Hreavo va city of N. Y , 3944 Heavy vs H. W. Co. A Sub. It. It,; 3148 Storch Vs Superaleln: 3547 Sullivan vs International Cork Co. et al; 3548 .Moore vb standard Oil Co.. 3550 Hi. rough Dev. Co. vs Harmon et ll; 1124 Torlorllln Vs ltanan et al; 1277 Cain va llrooklyn Clllsen. 3112 Spsracl vs Naaaau It. It.; 213a. 243!) Iloyer vs Mills. 6761 Leon vs Itosia 6164 Ilannon vs Itorklaml Co. Truat Co.. 69 S3 Long Island It, II. vs National Huret)' Co.. 6496 Dennehy, vs Pren dergaat; 2S20 Magargal va Sllfku; 2963 I'letarh vs Magaw; tltt rioldmun vb Han ley. 3495 Ilugun vs llallentlne Co. et al: 3124 Kogonovltx vs II. II. It. It,; 2197 I. ewlnsvhn vs 11. It,, j French v Naaaau It It.. Itll Fltialmmona vs N. Y Sua'n A w it, Jt . 2142 Nleman vs Miller. 1123 Aronowltx l.evlne, 5130 llrooklyn llatik va Mi'Klhlnuey. 5676 llrooklyn Hunk vs Flvah, 3166 U'NIell vs (luerrero el ul, 1197 Plant va Hoatoik; 3661 llorckmann vs Tirry Conai'u Co.; 3652 Wren vs H. H. It It . 3153 Klllkenney vs Naaaau It. It,; 315 Itltner va Naaaau II, It , 16(6 Clmpu va II. II It. II , 3557 Powera va It. II, II. It.; 3619 McCnuley vs H.ickaler, 3510 Mitchell vs Harlowe, 35tl Van lluaklrk va Strong; 3362 Howe Vs Coney I, A 11. 11, I'... 3563 HrUeh vs Hncktu.r. 3564 Peluao vs Coney 1. A II. It. K: 1566 I.omburdo vs Nassau It, It,; 3166 Herbert vs II. II II. H, Highest number readied on regular call 36 CO, County Court, Kings County For Trial Part I. Hefore Dike, J, Court opens nt 10 A. M Alfred Aeaniun. burg : Stephen Sianwlli, Joseph Dobenewllz. Michael Sal em. .Ihlilea III, hard, John Kepnalto. ua- eanlt. John Kapoalto, e i- w. Part II. Hefore Fuwivtt, ,t IMwald Starklna, otto i! Hodlker. uaa.iull, Pedro Tomaaelll. rape, Andrew Sunterno. aauiilt. Part III. Hefore ('amine. .1 John C Wnlah, James Hradley, grand l.,r . Frunk Crlacunln. mana. County Court -civil Calendar Purt III. Hefore UcCann. J. Court opena ut 10 A, M 16SI Mnrla va llrooklMi Helghla It It. Co.; 1234 Carver. Jr., vs Chatterton, Surrogate's Court Culender Before Ket cliuin, .1. Court opens 10 A, M. In the Hull of Hnords, second floor. Will of Klaa Thomaa and John T llenaon. Acvounllng In the catate of Andreaa Sulamon, Mary I'on I In. Annie Croiker. Sylvester Loss, Fred Lawrence. John Jtalney. Max Zehaditi. Amelia Vonrheee. I3d, Trueadull, Wm, Trmi hitler, Arthur McAvoy and S. Harr. Ka mi of Wuahlnclon Eater. Frank Hubbard, Harry Aronaon, Peter Vogel and Hubert (lllmoiir. Contested Calendar Will of Ann Murray, Acountlng of Clara Roberta, John Polle. Philip Helat and William McCormkk. Chip! nt I....I. r.Ln.l.. . ... ,' e - . ,,.i , 'r t, ..... ,r.. -' . . , ... - ..... n , , ...-me wiiun ur .viiiirais caien dar for lo morrow: Nos. 14, .11, .18. w. 4. M3 and I". S. .Supreme Court Calendar. .niiinuiijA, I ro, an.-'iiir nay can or me Supreme Court of the United States for Tueadav. I'ebrliarv !!7. ultl lie a f.illnu-.. V... c. 8S4. ICS and W8i. 161. 161. 171. 172! 16.1. 17.1. 176. 177 and 1711. Krferees Appointed. .Sunreoie Court- IH-JuaOi-e 11.11-1.. rtari.... Ornc Mam let; Cohen; Itutrnhrrg va Ntihi (liorgc liurnhom; llorwlu v Stihr (leors i,,tiii,i,iiti, iiaiiriii ,1.1, iiniiK va I'oiuow la caicrl Warren Leslie: Chllver vs Abbrrle) John J McKelveV: llrennan vs llentx- .Chsrlea A. iinrtln Ottcnbcri: va It, A M. Itealty Co.. (lordon M 11UCK, ll .lustier Ilendllfk' Marlscli vs Muscat l.h .Ncuman. Pecorarn va Peeorarn I. NIHnei llernsicln; Ktupf vs Hoffman-Joseph K. David , son: Hoberts vs llurlando-James W. Dean: MrCnrd vs I'alrvlew Const, Co. Isaac 1'. Cohen; , Albert Scnvlll Co. v a Jettcr llrew. Co. J. Sidney llerrateln I hil'KUuUATK'at ffUllCia. THK PKDPI.K OF TUP. STAT!? 01' NEW YOIIK. Ily the (I rice of flod. Free and Independent, In William c. Marsh, as one of tho Executors of the laist Will and Testament of Susan It. Pea roe ke. dci eaaed, IxjuI.c c. Miller, lavulse li. Miller. Chailes A. Itedtleld, Harry I). Wheelock. Jennie L. Pleraall lledelt. Francis Allen Hicks. Charles I. . Peacocke. Mary c. W. Mlsner, Clara L. II. II. Marh, Kdlth N. II. Marsh, Mauri lledneld, Jtmrs II. (illlle and lo all persons Interested In the estate pf huaao II, Peacocke, lale of the tlouuty of New York, deceaaed, as creditors, letatees, next of lilu urolherwlae, SEND tlllKCTINtl: You and each of you are hereby cited and re quired personally lo be and appear before, our Kutrogatc, ol the County ot New York, at the fiiiriogales' Court of said County, held at the Hall of Iterords, In the County of New Wk.on the 10th darof March, 1812, at half past ten o'clock In the forenoon ot that day, then and there to attend a Judicial settlement of the account of proceedings of Charles II. Miller, as one of the Executors of Ihs Last Will and Testament of said deceased, and surh nf you as are hereby riled as are under the age of twcntynne vests are required lo appear by kour guardian, If ou have one, or if you have none, to appear and apply for one lobe appointed, or In the event of our neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the .Surrogate to represent and act for vou In the proceeding, IN TESTIMONY WIIKHKOF. We hav caused the Seal of I he Surrogates' Court of the said County of New York In be hereunto affixed, WITNESS. Hon, HOnitltT LlilllabW FOWI.KIt. a Surrogate of our said County, al the County nf New York the 17th day of January, In the vear of our land rno thousand nine hundred and twelve. (I., a.) DANIEL J. DOWDNEV, Clerk of the Surrogates' Court. S1IITF WILLIAMSON. All.: tie j- for Executors. 384 Aleiander Avenue, New York. ail OUR TEa7m E R MeWE WIRELCSS TILE and SUBMARINE SI0NALS The Largest and Finest Steamers In the World OLYMPIC SI MARCH i6 TITANIC vow APRIL 20 White Star PKV New Each NEARBY SAILINGS Celtic Feb. 39, 12:00 noon New York Mar. 2, 0:30 A.M. Kroonlsnd. . . Mar. 2, 10:00 A. M. Minncwfukn . Mar. 2, 9:00 A. M. American ,.VC- Plymouth-CherfceuraT - teuthamtn New jura. Mar. 1 .11. Ia)in Mar 18 tOrranlr Mar. V, noon Philadelphia Mar. 23 tU Idle Slar Line Steamer. Pier Ul. Atlantic Transport Slaw Yaril-landan Glrael l'ler'sS. N. 1C. Mlniil' viae V. D AM Mlnnelonka.Mar. 3(1 Mlunr.ipolls Mar u,tu).M Mlnneiiaiia -vpr. Red Star pai. Loncfen, Pari via Davar-Antwar liriainlsuii Mar 2 Vaileriatul Mar 18 Finland Mar 0 LatilJtid (newt Mar 21 PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Pwmoarth-ChataurB-auJiBinalari U Oceanic. . American Line nieamer. Mar. 0. noonl'l'lilUulelphla.Uar, 23 l'ler Ki. Naw Yorfc-Quaanetawn-Uvanseal Cclile... I'eb it. noon ICeltlc. Mar. 1 llattlC, Alar. II. noouiaiurcniii;u,, CIII.'IHKH Ttl THE ' Riviara-italy leypt Azores, Madeira, 41lbralUr, Alders. VIIU- rrancne, sienoa, naiuva, niH..o. GEDRIG, March 6, 12 Noon The I argesl Hrltlsh Mediterranean Steamer GANOPIG, March 16,9 A.M. (Ttln lf, April !AMOPH', April 97 t BROADWAY, NEW YORK rilW ADD I IWEQ r"tst flMst, Laritst ln-rmMiJcni LUSITANIA CAMPANIA MAURETANIA HAH. 13, I A. M A Pit. tl. 1 A M. niinMii mat 4 Fl-.ll. 2H, . A. M. llt. 'JO, 1 A. M. IH It. . I A. Jl.. ATH. 17. 1 A. M. MAIL 'J7. 1 A. M.. MAY IK, 1 A. M. Commencing renruarj' 2sin me -(.uaiTAaiA. . si.uiir.i ,.., v," will sail from New Vork at 1 A. M. Wednesdays, subject to the discretion of the Commander. Instead it 0 A. M. Passengers served cold bultct supper between 9 P.M. and mldnlthi Tuesday. and IOA.M. "CAMPANIA LIVERPOOL, LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN, VIENNA Vl Ot'KKNSTOWN AND flSHOUARD Mauritania and Lut lUnla do not stop at Queenstown, cast bound. CALLING AT MADEIRA, GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS, VILLEFRANCHE or GENOA, NAPLES, TRIESTE, FIUME, ALEXANDRIA Write for Itinerary Sailing hour noon. CARMANIA Mar. 2 rMIJIMA. MAIL 3M (7CAI.PATHIA, APRIL II fSAXOMU. APRH. 3 b Omits Trieste and Plume, e Omits Algiers and Alexandria, d -Omits Madeira, Algiers, Vllletranche.Alexandrla. f-OmlH Algiers, Vlllefrsnche. Alexandria, A la carte service wlthont extra charge. Stopovers permitted. Stieclal through rates lo Cnnl! the Par t!ast. South Africa and South America. PI WW rOOT W. Kill ST.; .NOItTlI P.IVKH. OPFICICS. 21 STATU ST.. OPPOSITE BATTCI1Y. Atle!it;htfitl ocean voyage of six days (three In each direction) on a big, J modern steamer: four days ashore in fascinating Havana .vrlth Its 4 Interesting people, ciuaint bvwais. cxcellcrt hotels and matchless climate: davsfullof charm and restful nights under soft, tropical skies that Is the storr ol our JOslay cruise lo Havana, with privilege nf longer stop-over if desired. Twin-screw t tprcis iteamera la direct service, leave Naw York Thursdays and Saturdays. trWle Ut illmtttmttd laalfe. Tt. rvmtitnt. tit, GaaartlOtllce, Pltr 14. tast Riser 5RW TOItK X- CCU MAIL tTrAMtlUP CO. tWAMD LUSH tllr Tlakel Ulna. SBO HrsswsvT. Maw Tavk HAVANA 1 TVTU otnrr pUce is us ipsuint and fascinatinfer, oootber trip aa full of com . 1A for. anil health. Our ten-day cruise to Havana gives you a bracing sea voyage ol three day? in each direction, and four day aahare to visit the many points of Interest lour the Island, being sure of a tvidu choice ol excellent hotel accommodations, and a varlaty ot Interesting sights, seenes and peop'i. New tnla-acrew steamers of large tonnage Indirect service between Naw York tad Havana sail eveiy T hursday and Aaturda. First Cabin, f are P.I U) to H3.00. Il'th't ttt iltt.ilttt4 ttttltt. trntrhmt, tit. i NEW VORK JL CUBA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (WARD Wit) S G.naral Olllcs, Pier 14, East KJvcr City Ticket Of flee, 210 leaealwaj. New York Id. AAA '""'' f shl makes up lllWVU ii,,. tloiitlnu; imliiie OGE ANA ul.lch. long ihr holder of a speid record thai no liner afloat has ever even equalled, nut cabin throughout vtllh gorgeous routna aim private hathr, Ihe lineal pronit'imde deck In the world, Ihe beat culilnc oji the Atlantic and carrying no caille or freliflit, is by far Ihe creaical liner m Bermuda NOW Ihe land thai .sou ahoald are wiulc the world-famed llermudo Piles are in blaauim- n fairyland nr duItis. ctirals. crvalat caves. subterranean ocean lakes, angel nshrs. and turquoise seas; where you can enjoy boating, ocean bathing. Sailing, tennis, cycling, golf, fallings every Tlmrwlay. (icl beautiful hook let, maps, chart and I.OW'HST WI.NTKIl ItATKH i: kh (iri'Kium. Ilermuda-Allantlr Line, V)0 ti'way, N, V. 'Phone 710 Worth, UNITED FRUIT Hr.HVICK North To Iindoa, Paris, Ilrenieu. Twln-Mcrew .Sailing Thurs'ys. 10 A. U. Ta Leaalaa. raiig. KxprnSrSaTnags Tueadaya to A. li. Krenprini Wllhelaa March tl. Kaiser Wllkelaa der flrosse, Apr. I. German . 7, April 111 liar, ill April 41 Uoyd iii aiicii. ituneim., . ..Mar (corge Washington (Saturday) . vhciiiiiiu, mar. is K . I.uise Bremen direct. lo Ulbraltar, Algiers, .Naples and Uenoa .Sailings Hai'dys, It A. U. nrrun mewl , , Usr. 2 P. Irene, Mar. it Calls at Madeira cast. iiouno, ' U , - " ii.'h iituva ui niyni i ui Alas tralla, PMIlDDlnea bv Cnmrjanv'a Iboerlal Hpeclal Throagh Bates. Independent Arouaid the World Tripe. Ml Ualtlraore ltiemen direct, one class Oil Cabli airauiers vvsuncsaays, Jl. . w. jaraa auu s.bcbbb iroen eicaoa jsprii ui May HQ B700 ap. . u,"r aswaeoaiB jrom uremaD ilulr ill to Ausmst iass3B un. Travelers' Checks rood all aver werltf OELRICII8 co General Ageals, S Broadway. .ew York. COMPANY .New llaanlflrent Passenger und Freight Steauirrs satlerrry Wednesday and Natarda, noon. Her Kt, Past Itlver tfoot "f I'ulton Nl. JAMAICA l'ANAHA-4'Oi.OMIIIA.. Sailings every Wnlncsday at 12 noon. .lAIIAICA-l'ANAIIA-COS I'A KICA. Sailings every Saturday al I; noon. i Connecting at Port l.lnion, Costa lllca, for San Jose and Intermediate points on Ihe Northern Hallway: also at Colon fur Panama City and West Coast ports ot Central America. Xlexlco and 3outh America, bend for Illustrated llooklet. 17 nailery I'ljee, .N. I, 'lei, liiits Heater, Additional weekly sailings from 11 Poslon Philadelphia, llalllmoro New Orleans BERMUDA "ound Trip 3D d up. DblimUUfl llythe8.H.AIU'ADIAM."' Tickets by Arcadian Ic pertnudlau are lnteiehangeahle. THK. ItOYAL MAIL NIKAM PACKET -0.. 23 Htale sti Thus. Craiti it Hon, 241 and 1 llroadway. :ll and US I'lflh Ave. naymond ft Whltcnmb. 225 I'lflh Ave., N. y, (lr any Mlrantshlp Ticket Agent. 13.0011 l-OAN reipilrrd by party desiring to usr same In purohavlng an established bushiest, will give ample security for the loan and pay i 4B? cent, Interest. MelKlNALIl.WHitllNHCO .SM fl'vvay. .V V A-31 rim ni,k. 'TYI'KWIIITMIt.S All makes, boilihi.' sold. 110- sal; inulllgraphs, adding mschlntl, CAQLR CO., Ill llroaUwair, j Paris- Ixindon- rtoiterdam. Twln-acrew MalllngsTuea. I0A.U t.Vew Amsterdam, Feb 27 NiKinlam., Mar, s llindam. Mar II Hellenism. . Mar, 111 "VIA IIOI'UXJNH ill tPIAMOPTH A ItOIIIOflNi:. Uiicc:iJ li'vvay. ,V , Aliarno.AMKRICUN LINK. MCltlTEURANKAN-AllltlATIf). SAIUNOH lIKMr.KALLV WKUNKauATS. I'kelps Bros. Co.. li llatterr riaee. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINE rORWIT SWEOFH 1 'nld Hates, Feb. ia i He lta (liar. Mar. 14 Oscar II. Mar. IB '. F. Tleta-ea. April 4 UalleslllUtes.Aarllll llalllaOlav, April a AND DENMARK OLYMPIC fZ A AM t7 C , " ... . . . ' nrat t;iaM, BT7.aoa lone aa tt.luly aa I HeroBd flats, MS.av ""nnaun- tv,.aiii,i a nroaowar.n,T l'ler Foot of Seventeenth Street. HobOkfB, IVER 400 SHIPS 1,210,000 TONS LAKIirAT HTR4M.SIIIP COMPANT, .IN THE WORLD. Atlantic Service to LONDON PARIS HAMIU.IG PRNNHTIiVANIA, March fl,(l I'M AMKRIKA March 7, 10 AM PHKH. LI.NC4II.N,. Mar. 14, 3 I'M llrwf Waldersee..,Mar, 91, 11AM Hamburg direct. 2nd cabin only MEDITERRANEAN fJIbraltar, Alglen, Maples, Ocnoa S. S. HIMIURK'OT) SalllHg APMIt 4. 12 NOON FUR THE BUSY MAN TWO IS DAT EASTER CRUISES -TO CUIiV PANAMA CANAL ABB JAM, H7r.9. 1. MOLTKE(tons) IAICA TKE(T' MARCH 26 APRIL 6 WA UmUti titime tr arremme ituKonf anUaUt tt HAVANA efili . crtittM Irartng tiarcrt 7, 28, anal April s. vrrturttti ml Seuthtra Jfeserf may hla thin crnseg ml HAVANA JAMAICA AND THE PANAMA CANAL nAlUVTICOLOMBfA. WCI5KLY .SAILINGS IIY "Prlnz" Steamer TOPmi-i$75 WlMMO 25-DAY CRUISES, S140 allowing S to J days on Isthmus. Optloaal Share Kxcarslea. sl?.d ."'U'lrated Ilooklel glvlnc detailed Information of any cruise. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 41-411 BROADWAY. N. moos inxj iteeio.. Coorrlrht 1113. T. riot JJUU1U AND POINTS IN NEW II ENCLAND VAVL RIVER LINK via Newport and Fall Itlver. Lv. l'ler 1, N. II.. ft- Warren St.. week days and Sundaya 4M) P. M. Hire, PCItlTAN and PltoVIDF.NCi;. Orchestra on each. NEW LAONDON (Norwich) LINE via New I,nndon. Lv. Pier 4n. N. II., ft. Clarksdn Nt,, week days. tu P. M.: Pier ;o. E. R fu vni St.. aael P. M. airs. MAINE and NEW I1AVIP SHIIlK. j NEW HAVEN LINE i.r. pier an. K. H. : P. Jl. week days only. Htr.CHRSTJR W. CIlAPIN. Tlcteu. Ac., at m Droadway. Transfer Tourlal unices ana ners. . bfllRnSiTni! W Am i hw wn JOY I II LsViilr "BoatrailJ uanoa li tract, iii. vvonmiir.m, alaUr, Uoladtaa Saaday, IHO f. M. rraea nar ut cast Hirer. Kew Maaacosaeat. I as pre real Berriaa. OUT Ticket OBoe; M0 Broad war; W. Tf. rUIXNIBHEII ROOMS TO LKT. MTU ST., 1M WEST Saloon parlor with piano: one square: one small; running water: telephone. youno. SiTH ST.. toi WEST Desirable rooms, private family: homelike: conveniently located: 11.60 up. HANNINO. UTII ST.. M WEST Large sunny room: alcove: private bath: telephone: breakfast If desired: subway. "L." WTH ST.. 13 WEST Unusually attractive room: private bath; steam heat; private bouse; gentleman. 73D ST.. 104 WEST Handsomely furnished Rooms: gentlemen only; references required. 97TII ST.. 131 WEST Furnished roomi to let; telephone; convenient. 101ST ST. . J WEST (near Park) Attractive par-' lor suite: single room: private family; homelike: reasonable. CAItlHCK. 1MTII 81'.. 01 WKST-Ueautlfully furnished single, double rooms, runnlag water: telephone; references; block subway. MOTH ST., 122 WEST Attractive back parlor: suitable physician; also rooms, (Ingle or en suite; select houae. 1S7TH ST.. 247 WEST Large front, southern exposure; dressing -room: running water; tele phone; furnished, unfurnished, al 00. . as WASHLN'OTON SOUAltK Exceptionally at tractive room. In modern downtown apartment: private family; gentlemen. KING. nOAIIDRIlO WANTKH. 71ST ST., ISO WEST Large doable room, bath adjoining, also hallroom; pleasant, homelike surroundings. tJExiNOTON AV.. SIS, near 40th Just onsaed; newly furnished: large, small rooms; board optional. tJNlISUAL OPPOnTUNlTY to refined gentleman. In private. Southern fam ll: handsomely furnished, ouulde room; with lavatory; all conveniences; hoard optional. Apt. sc. tao U'tst Mill. SITUATIONS WANTED. ACCOTtfOTANTS, BOO It KEEPERS. STENoaRAPHEIU. Hlgk-flrade OfBce Heleers Offlee Service Co. (Agsaer) lit B'way. Tel. MM Cert. AMBNT8 WANTED. SOUTHERN rACmo CO .1M.I1U or 1 Broad tray FRENCH LINE Compagnic Generate Transatlantique Direct IJne lo Havre-Paris (Franer), Sailing Every Thursday, 10 A. M. From Plfr 17, North Itlver, foot West llth Kt. iJVTimralne. trb 20 Rsriagne March 11 Ijvsavole. .March! LaTouralne March 2 Mji Provence. March 141'La Savole , April 4 Twin Screw steamers, (HiNI'.IIAL AdKNCV, 1 State Street, N. V OLD DOM I N I O N il ft C iiaii.v Nicnvtric. KorOld Point Comfort. Norfolk, Poriamouth, Plnner'a Point and Newport Nasi, Va.. con necting far Petersburg. Richmond, Washing, ton. H. C, and Ihe entire Mouth and West, freight mid Passenger Hleainera aatl from Pier ii. N, It., foot of North Moors St every week ilaj at I P. .VI. W. I.. WOODltOW. Trafflc Manager. FABRE LINE" RIVIERA AZOIH'N I.IStltlN NAPLES NICR M AIISKII.I.KS. Weckh Kalllnas (spniux. (Special Winter Voiaga.. JAS, W. El.tV KI.I, A (tl.. (). A.. 17 SlatlMt., N. V. IIKHMl'UA "tl huura'from New York. Pa Intlal ateaiuera. A tl. ( Hit I CUE It Co, Altai. It Ilroadway. , AaENTfl-Free sample; work two houra a day; 17 a day regular; every family needs. Write PARK SUPPLY HOUSE, box 111. College Park, rilaanlaaaaaaaaaaaaaanrnaBaBBaaaaaaaasaBM MKN'S AND rYOMF.N'8 CLOTHING.. I WISH you-could see the overcoala and suits In my n way store, I am closing It lo unite with my Sixth av. main store. Every on of the i'Jl's and overcoala must go. I won't carry qaa, o you may secure medium weight suite ana over coats at savings of from 15 to 111 m eaca gar inent. The garments were made by the teit makers of ready made clothing. The style, maao. finish and fabrics are such aa men nf good form use, These suits are unusually xood tor the money and win well repay the Duyer. u, M. I VINCENT. BrolMway, cor. 22d al. dress surra to loan, pmonr S27UAD1S0N. U4 STR AVE. TOtlM, PI ADbf'C at S PR I Nil TOUK9. vLAKIV Oaf AarllaiaY Marll,p4H ariao respectively. witSipeelal TAIIBO AT Clark features. Others later. lLIUKo Round the World and South wunvf America tours. Tlaaea ! W.T. I CuraBatW tW Kaymond V Vfhitcoiab Co-?23rifthAva EllatfiBa? Choicest bertha, lowest rites. EUtlUrK steamship llekets lor all lines, laternatleinal sleeplaa Car f vs., am llh Are. IfasiiJaal Tasri Ukewood A Allan llo City. Eer RIH-CN lltri Saturday tinder Escort, M to up, MAH6TER3, II W, Mk Sk, N. Y. City. Jnm. A