Newspaper Page Text
12 THE SUN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY . 27, 1912. American -Telephone & Telegraph Go, " Collateral Trust 4, 1929 jCAnNINGS TIMES INTEREST , CHAnOKS ' Yielding at' Market Prices ! 4.75 on Investment Descriptive Circular on Application. KIDDER, PEABODY & GO. lis sr., tin wall nt., nosro.v. new yoiik. embers of New York and lloston Stock Ex changes. Correspondents of BARING BROTHERS CO., LTD. LONDON. N. Y. Central & Hudson , River R. R. Co. FIRST MORTGAGE 34 BONDS FINANCIAL NEWS AND COMMENT Prices. Hold With Firmness Against Unfavorable News of tho. Day. Jg SOME SELLING BY LONDON Money a Ltltlo More Closely Held In creased Activity In the Copper Trade. Price and Particulars Upon Application. AeBXeach&Co. 149 BROADWAY. NEW YORK Harris, Forbes & Go Free inr. ts N. W. Harris & Co New York Most Street, Cor. William NSW YORK Goveronosnt Municipal Railroad and Public Utility Binas fir (nvetfniit Standard Oil ISSUES Stock and Scrip Dealt In. Entire allotments purchased. Calculations made and Quotations furnished upon application. . We qaote !l Sit.ndi.rd Oil Subsidiaries for Virions Nea York Djtih Pipers. Gilbert Ellott & Co. Specialists 34PineSt..N.Y. Tel. John 8f3B WE DEAL IN All Standard Oil Stocks and Subsidiaries. Te have information of especial value to investors regarding one of the best of the Standard Oil Stocks. Can be purchased noy to net the investor 10. Prospect of 100 in crease on investment. Particulars on application. PEABODY & COMPANY 42 Broadway, New York City Chicago Memphis & Gulf Ss Cuban Telephone Stock Hudson River Elec. Power 5s Int'l Gt. North'n Corp. Com. ShandlerBros.&;'6q MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE in nmadway. n. i . 'Phone 8450 Kector WANTED International Nlci.,, i ommon Stock Metropolitan Iru.l 4o. Slock Guaranty Tru.t . Stock FOR SALE IlnPont Powder Common Slock llankcrs Tru.t Co. Stock Tru.t Co. Stock S. H. P. PELL & CO. Member" New York Stock Hxrhanrc. Dealers In Unlisted anil Inactive Securities. Tel. ;s13-fl-7--(l Hanover. 37 Wall 8t., N. V, The news yesterday before the open Ins of llio Stock Hxchanne and durlntr business hours wns for the most part unfavorable to the stock market. It was not unfavorable from the point of view of the Investor, but It certainly was nccordlnR to the stnnilnrtls usually adopted by professional market oper ators. The situation of affairs In Mexico wore a moro troubled look. Homo sort of a "money trust" Investigation by Congress seems now to be certain, even If this Is conservatively conducted. The threatened coal strike In Great Hrltaln was the overshadowing financial factor abroad and was responsible for a dis tinctly heavy undertone In the market In London and for considerable sales here for London account. The Roose velt firebrand was waved In lively fash ion, and during the day there wero par ticularly sharp declines In the Republic Iron and Steel and Central Leather pre ferred stocks. Talk of the possibility of n coal strike In Knglnnil dtew atten tion to the demands made by the miners In our own nnthrnclto section: and there was more or less comment record ing the surprising and wholly unex plained decrease In reserves shown In last Saturday's bank statement. Nevertheless, In spite of this, prices of stocks here did not decline except In a brief nnd sluggish way, which really emphasized the strong undertone of the market. In the first hour of business there was n. fair semblance of market activity and there wero dealings In over 100,000 shares of stock. After this busi ness fell off perpendicularly and the volume of trading In the remaining four hours was hardly moro than It was In the first. At the close quotations were fractionally under those of Saturday; but It was clear that professional oper ators were In no way anxious to make commitments for the decline and that no "fresh stock" was being brought Into the market. Because of thin an obser vation generally passed concerning the market was that It appeared to Indicate a state of reasonably thorough specula tive liquidation. Of course It could not be said that nil the news was bad. As to the announcement of Mr. Roosevelt's candidacy for the Presidency nnd the new "charter democracy" that he has outlined as the basis of his campaign, the opinion In the financial district was, without the slightest dissent, that Mr. Roosevelt had become nn Impossible candidate. There were encouraging re ports regarding a picking up In the copper trade. It was stated that over 25,000.000 pounds of copper had been sold In the past week at 11 cents ,a pound, or at prices but little below this figure. Yesterday there wero rumors that calcs had been made at n price even higher; and the action of tho Cal umet and Hccla directors In raising ihelr quartorly dividend to ,8 from (6. the amount last paid, was In Itself a definite enough Indication of trade Im provement. Another heavy snowfall I over portions of the Middle West In the ; last twenty-four hours was manifestly i helpful to the crops. It also seemed to I be tho case that apprchenblon In I.on Jdon as to tho coal strike was qualified by a strong undercurrent of confidence that In mme way a strike would be avoided. Money yesterday appeared to be a little more closely held, nlthough there wnn no quotable change of importance In rates. Reports of inilroad earnings made a varied but In no way discour aging showing. With one or two excep tions large Increases were shown In operations for tho third week of the present month and the January exhlb Us attested a salutary compression of operating expenses. After tho close of business It was announced that the ilrectors of tho Republic Iron and Et.el Company at a meeting held for the pur pose of acting on the dividend on their preferred stock had deferred action, which will bo generally construed as meaning that any dividend on the pre- rred shares la postponed for an Indefi nite period. Tne muiter In probably one that has been entirely discounted In prices. Megargel & Co. BONDS S Nassan St. New York Carefully Selected Bonds For Investment LEE, HIGGIN80N ft GO, ton Ntw York Chicago Knautb, Nachod & Kuhne BANKERS IB William St., I.elpxlg, Nert York. I.eruiany, High Grade Bonds IS. W. Straus &, Co. Inc., Chicago I STAND FOR I , SAFE INVESTMENTS ! J Without tl, ln. nf a ilo'hr of prlo- I rlpal nr lolerc.f m hit In 111. .at Itiirtv )ear 1. i.ur rernrtl. I I n-ir rlu-nlar runtaln. n m'lirte.l II. I I I il HI Morlc.ip'. and . Mnrliaie I I llonil. fielding !-,.. .ertlreil lit ll-.l I J P.ataie raluM t TWirK ie amount 1 loanril, ? Unttei an rroiinf, Jj M. Mors;enthait Jr. Co. 1 RW Yonit AGENT I 19 Liberty SI.. N y. Tel. CcrtUnlt 22JT P aBaBBee Closing Prices of United States Bonds, fll. AltH. rer... 100l 100, Is coup.. iuu!i lut I. mm I 11 -J.- I 11,? ...... Is coup. IftU ircf.. .1 Jii!( 113Jt ma. ah, a i an it rlOOit I'an:u10U fan lirlulu Inn ranis eloi?, 101H PUBLIp UTILITIES SECURITIES, American Llchl A Traction American I.ljni a 't raction pf,, American (aa it Klectrlc American (la. it Lleclrlj pf American Power & Light American Power Llrhi nf Cities service Cities service pf Denver lias et r.iecinc gen it.,.. Kmplre District Klectrlc 5. Kmplre DUtrlct Klectrlc pf l-ederal l.Ijht & Traction Federal l.lfht a Traction pf federal Utilities Federal Utilities pf tjastt j.ieciriu , uaa It Klectrlc pf Lincoln (ias it Klectrlc pacinc (ias at r.iecinc Pacific Uaa a; i:ia:trtc pf Republic lly tt i.irht Go Kepunllc lly it l.lrhl Co pf Nlandard tias It Klectrlc Standard Uaa A Klectrlc pf Trl-Cltv lly at Llint Tri-city iiy & utni pi Western Power Western Power pf Ti dlvlde.L nu. aim. ..zvi sou ..10ft KM .. 74 47 7 4t KC'j M"j lit l!t Wt'i .... Rll .... Wi at 4U kl 41 .... U .... 75 ....KM .... .... S4 71 M 4U Ml 101 Wl n7!l W!1 .... Bt Si 2i .i 42 At 44 .. 4' US .. 2 nt 60 SHORT TERM NOTES. .Vnme. r.f. Amal Cip Co.. ,11 Ann Arti IlltC'o .& Halt c Ohio. , ii I If 111 Steel Corp.. Chcs&Olllt.. . . 4'j CM Kiev Hi a.. ..1 Chi ft Alton.. .,11 Cln Ham it I ',. 4 I) I'll r,iilpl .,tj i,rn w v j, i KAt.. i;rle UK. i:rlc Hit (ten Mniora 4i. (en llulilier C lluilaon Cos. Int A (it Ni,r Int llnrwvcr l.ncl. Steel Cu. Minn A. St I. Mil Kail A Te, mii t'ai ny uo. ,S VC III! ... W C llne..e(ii,ta A NVO llne.etipi p, 5t I, A ,S I- :, St I. A S I' . Soiithrrn lly Tidewater On PrU't A Int, Apr. Unlurlti. Ulit. Aiketl. lA'UI. April, loll iikk; tot HMi DM' too;! itiwl tin'. iui2 mi. tm.'i .May. June, .Nov., June, J my. 191.1 11)1.1 1UI4 I'.llt 11)11 II n . H 1'' .1 .1 .1 .1 5 l'n lipe titer,. WfllnhQUe.,,,a, Kil.l Jiity, ti:i July. 11)12 April, 11)14 April B. lull Oct., IUI4 del.. l'JI.1 July, l'll. I'eli., 1012 Auk., mil I'd) l. I'.ll.t Mar., I'M Pel)., 1012 May. Hil.'l June, lull Mih., Pill Nov ISI2-2J .Inn. .Iiil.l .'1 Mi ll , Itll June. Iiil.l leti, mil J'tne. litt.l Jan. IS, 1013 Au(., ItU IIP, I'll loo' icuii inn HI im tni; UP llM'l UP U.1 Vi'i M Ml; 4 40 4 in tut no i, ti Pill) n; Ml tlOTi tlm 1IU 101 101 ( pot; lJ IW inn UO I'll! I'.Mj tin Kim, 4 20 4.1.1 li, i, !. I'll 1011, 11.11, 1UI n m 4 20 .1.21 4A1 .1 40 .12.1 4 00 4 29 6 4.1 .1 00 4.1M it. in .1 id nun .1.MI 4 Ml II nn II on i. hi (I..UI 4 211 4 an n20 4 ll 4 10 IU 4.10 1 90 02 en? ,l"ll Mi', 40 70f 104 im 2M my, U2';i 25(1 Inn 111154" t2K Si H.1 I 30U 31U aski Mi lllSJi'IOl ll3!$llH IXlVjI3(l ioi;.iioi lint? tin 228, 22ny, 53 oik 80, nr. 21) 10.1,' 47Ji 7llU 103! 107, 27 110 142 24H 103 17! i 81 7I I4l', 144 25L' 1MJ 111 4,K 30 V, ryij 37 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES. Railroad and Other Shares. Monday, Kibbcart M. 1017. loKna Bid. Atltd. Silt: 20!', 17' 7I' 142 IW'i' Ms;, 2S? 1M? if; 42 n losu.iin 1.10;; 30 32X1 74KI 7S 12U 2i Ml 37' iniJ lnflV. ." 17 2 17(1 ion 157', 171 64! 1.;. 23 105 108K ir.7i.? IWl 111 lofl'i3 110 i3i;',iJ2 83 7n;i 23J, r.t 54 109 32!,' SI liojr 37 i im( ta4 -oy, ZV.i 33 537; 107 10 50 linS 39f nn'j 116!iill7 31" ', 32'.') 47 I 47KI 122;122f 10flkin7V "III W4 101 I03' 29M 30k 10fl 109 17 1 17' Wi IflV 163 J153W) 22I 22? 4V 40V 153KI154M! 381 39 107107 27'.', 73 02 42'J 3 I2.V 32 110 1A4 03',; if an :,9'. no 119' 7 73V 04K 4215 4 13 32f 111 1R4V 91 52 59V 121 IK4 WC Vt 7V ?nv 2nV Ift'-i1 10'.' luO'Allls-Chalmers 1060 Am Beet Sugar 100 Am Root Hugar pf 12500 Amal Copper 300 Am Can pf 100 Am Car A P 100 Am Car A V pf 700 Am llidd A Leather pf.... 400 Am locomotive 250 Am Locomotive pf 200 Am Malt pr 1KOO Am .Smelting too Am .Smelling pr loo Am Snuff nf. 100 Am Steel Foundries 200 Am HiiKar 000 Am Telephone Tel 000 Am Tobacco 10 Am Tob pr 348 Am Toll pr new 2ixi Am Woolen pf 300 Am Writing Paper pf 1100 Anaconda 1100 A toll Top A H Pe 500 Atch Top A S Fo pf 300 At CoaHt MtiK looo Halt A Ohio 000 Bethlehem Steel 700 Brooklyn Itnold Tran 40 Brooklyn Union Gas 2400 Canadian Pacific 4300 Con Leather 4200 Ccn Iicathor pr 850 Chesapeake A Ohio 100 Chicago A Northwest 4500 Ch Mil A 8t Paul 100 Ch Mil St Paul pf 500 Chino Copper 100 Consolidated Gas 100 Corn Products loo Denver A Tllo Grande pf. .. 100 Distiller Securities 100 r.rlo 300 Erlo 1st nf lnqirV!ernlM.t.Spr olVotirth Nnt Hank 23, Oen Chem Co pf 910; General P.lectrlo Co 300neneral Motor 40O,Oeneral Motor pf 200,Oo!dfleld Mln 750 Great Nor pf loon,r.reat Nor Ore cfs too Jlorvoster 100 Int Pnner pf lno.Intor-Met 200 Kan Oitv Southern lon.Llsgrtt'A Myers 300 Llsirett Myers pf 1400 Lehtah Valley 200 Fjrlllnrd innijorlllard pf 120'lxjuisvllle A Nashville r.'Mecli A Met Bank loo.Mackay Cos loojMackay Cos pr 300iMarine nf 3O0M!aml Copper 10 Mln A St Louis pf 100 Missouri Paciflo 200 Nat Lead 300 Nat )ad nf 100 Nat R It of Mx 2d pf 450 Now Cen Coal 300 N V Air Brake 1800 New York Central 100 N Y Ont A W 2800 Norfolk A Western 1150 North American Co 400 Northern Pacific 200 Pacific Mall 100 Pao TAT ; 1722 Penn n n Soon Pitts C C t St L 50 Pitts Coal 100 Pittsburg Steel pr ion Pressed Steel Car 100 Pressed St!! Car pf 300 Publln Service 4284 Hay Con Copper 3R0O Republic Steel 0010 Republic Steel pr 41100 Reading too Readme 2d pr v 300 Rock Island AOORock Island pf 150O,8ears Roebuck ino,St L A San Fran 2d pf... 15008outhern Pacific 1B00 Southern Railway Co 700 Southern Rallwav Co pf., 300 Texas Co 1700 Third Ave RRwl 100 Tol RailwRjn 200 Tol St Ii TVstern ion Tol St L Western pf.... 310 Underwood pf 10200 Union Pacific 500 Union Paciflo pf fn Un Rr Inv pf 50 U R Cast. Iron Pipe pf.... 4SI0OIT R Rteel 500 tj S Stiel pr 3225 Utah Conner 200 Vn-Carolina Chem pf 200 Wabash nf 200 Western Union Tel boo. Wheeling A Lako F.rie ... 700 Wheeling ti F. 1st pr... . 7.VrlWheelint A Ii F, 2d nf.... RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. Open-1 illcVI Lots- I .Vrf inf. I f. I fit. I Vati. I Chanit, y, u y, - C3V 53! 63 63 V mi 09j, mi my, y, ay, ty, us?; my, y, my, my, nii oiv ii 507, so?; 5oj; 4- V, 116H ii5 u:,y, my, H, 20i 20; 211 20 v 32,' 32f 32 32 A my, lot;.' 104 1114 48 48 48 48 V, 71 71 70S 70V y, ltV 103V 103V 103V Vi 107V 107 V 107' 107 V 27M 27 J 27, 27 - M uov uov no;; my, y, 142 142V 142 142V A 252 252 218 248 7 103 V 103V 103V 103V 101 V 102 V 101 V 102J.' V, 88V 8V 7V 31 31 31 31 V 33V SV 35 V 35V - lA 103, 104 ' 1II3V 1II3V y, 103.V1 ios; io35 talA lA 135)4, 135V 135.' ISSJi ', ioiX, ioij ioi, it)iv V 28 1 20 28 29 1 7B 78 77 V 78 130V 13V 130V I-IOV 228k 220V 22S, 2285, IV 18V 18V 17 17V V 83V 80,V 81 3V 71', 71 71V 71V - V 141V 141V 141V 141V V 105V 105V 10S 105V 4 H 145 145 145 14& 25' 25V 2SV 25V V 130V 130V 130V 130V V ioV ioV io, I0V V 41V 41V 41V 41V 20V 20V 20k 20V M 30V 30V 30 SOV V rVrV 60V 50' 50V V 30V 30,V 30V 30V 5V 203 705 205 705 100 100 109 109 .... 158V 10 15SV 159V U 30 30 30 30 v 2V 74J 75 74 V 74 V 4V W 120 120 129 120V V 37 37 38 V 37 105; 10SV 105V 105V y, 64?J 84V 64V 54V V i7v mi i7, i7v y, 25V 25V 25V 25V V 170 170 170 170 6 108 V 108VJ 108 V 108 V 1S7V 157V 157 157, ii 170 170 170 170 3 100V 109V 100V 109V H 131V 11V 151V 151V V 282 202 282 202 83 83 83 83 .... 70V 70V 70 V 70 V 20V 20 V 18V 10 V IV 24 24 2SV 2SV y, 42 42 42 42 .... 30 30 30 39 U 54 54 54 54 A 107 108 107 108 81V S1V S1V 31V - IV io iov io iov V 50 v 50 50 3V noV uoK uov uov - y, 37 37 37 37 UOV llov noV no, -f v 77V 77V 77V 77 V iiflV uov noV nev V 3I.V 31V 31V 31V U 47 47 47 47 V 122.V 122V 122V 122V V 105V 107V 10SV 107V IV 18V 18 V I9-V 18 V .... loiV 101V loiV Wl V 20V 20 2V 20J - H 08 08 08 OH 107V 107 V 107V 107 V 17V "V 17 V 18V lev 15V 18V ii 68V 88V 85V 87 IV 1MV 1SSH 1SJH 153V V 98V MV B8V 08V 1 23 V 22J 22 V 22 V - 'A 40 40 40 40 150V l&SH 150V 154V 8 30 80 30 SO V 107V 107V 107V 107V H 27V 27V 27V 27V V 7SV 73V 78 7V V 04 V MV WV 03 V IV 41V 1V 42V V 3V H 3V 3 4- V is isk isv - V 82V V W 32V - i 112 112 111 111 IV 183V H4V 103V 184V V 02V 08V 03V 0V H 81V 81 V 81 V 81 V 50V 50V 60V 50V 50V 50V 59V S0V ii 108V 108 V 108 1.V 58V 58V 50 58 V 120 120 170 120 V 17V ISV 17V 18V V 84V 84V "V 84V V - 7V 7V V 21 21 20V 20V V my iov iov my y Total sales to-day, 207,430 shares. BID AND ASKED PRICES. Closing- prices of stooks in which thsrs wr. no traasaetloni Aitsm Hap.m 2rt) Alh&Sua. 2M' -'liter A w.. t;a - AllLChalpf. M AmAerCh. sa' AmArrChpf 10214 Am nr Sro. Amllr.Sh pf..lV Am Can. Il' Am Coal . 7.1 Am Cot Oil. 4 AmCotOIInf !.' Am Knnrea2l2 Am I Pile 4 1.. 3 Am tee Sec.. 3 AmUnrxi.. Wi AmIJnOllpf. 20Ja Am Malt. 7j AmSAHnin M1 Am SntifT.. 131 AmSpfnew. ion AmSuitU pf.lM AmTel AC 70 AmTobpfcfsl04 AmWool Co. i Ann Arbor.. 31 AnnArborpf (10 Aet II Co. 103 Anso Oil. . llaldlxx-opf.ioj nail A Opr.. A llatoplla..... HI Heth.Sleelpf. 7 llriins1fkT. ' tluf II P.. 102 Hut ItAiP pf. 131 IllltterlCkCo. Mi CanPac rcu.221 Can South... MM CnHnofN.I..V) CenASATel.,131 Chi it Alton. 17 Chl&Altonpf 91 Chi AH lllpf.,10 ChKit Weal.. 17!j ChKitWeslpf SI Chi I A I. pf. W) Chl.stP40m.117 cstP&o pf.jai Chi I'nTrata i Cl.' 4 CCV. & st I, .12 CCCASI I. pf 8,1 ('lev A 11IIOM ClAlltSnl 01' i Col P 4 Iron 21 -atj' .ii im' m4 'l I 40' 217 , 't 20' IOV. K7 I 130 102 tld'j m m 3i Ml 107' 40 p 10.1 1,10 S,4' 2a 71 371) 122 20 Ml IV) la asi 4 en li 160 2! .1 .17 ton Col P A tr of col A souin. Col A So 1 pf 7.1 Col A so 2 pf 01 Bill. Attn. i 77 70 Com Pro pf. 7'4 77! CreiCarnet. 70 Cuh Am Sur Cub Am S nf 94fi Tiel A Ititd.lW Dell. AW S40i IV. M A Kit) a D XI A P I)pf 2J Men A lllo (3 21 Del ft MacU.Ill Tet A XI pf..KVI Del Cnlled . U Dill S S A A. a ta 1)11 1 POW pf B0f r.rlo 2.1 rf - 40J Kv A T It pf Fed MAS. It fieo W It COIN) Ceo W II pftos Oen Ch Co. ISO (Sold A SlW .US'4 (IranbyCon. Havana . . 110 Itaiana pf .111 HomeatkM. M llorklnc Vail 20 Illinois Cra ,ID4, 111 Cen I.X... 92H Inter-Mel pf M4 in M pf ext. B4 Ini liar pf Wl Inl Paper, 10'i Int Pump . 27' Int Pump pf so lnrer-Hand.lon Inrer-ltpf., T Iowa Cent... Il'l Iowa On pf 21 KCFS4M tif 7 KC South pf 2 Ken A I) M. 7 K A t M pf 40 I.iclede GitmH lrk Steel . 2S' I jke F. it W 12 1. r. A W pf. S2 I xing lal. . . 44 Mahon'ffC 700 ManKI.. Wi Xlay I) Sirs.. 71 May D.spf..ll4 71 41 170 Ml 22 I?'1 Rl 4Hi 101 15 170 114 1S7 en 127 f.7 M 120 13 29 A2 64 9 .10 107 SO u'4 .14 .VI toon JSO'ii 72 112 Bid. Atttit. Mere Mar... 4 4i Mich Can... 150 1B0 Mln A St 1... 3 234 MRPASSM.. 1321,13411 MSPSSMn(14S 130 MMPAS -S M I.t M Mo Kan A T. i Mo K ATPf. SO Naiti CASI..1S1 Nat niscult..143 NatBl.e nf..l20'4 XatHAS . 13 X K.Hor... M NOMAChl pf SO NOhlolP.. S7 NRnfUl pf.. S1 N VChlASl.. S4 N V C A S 1. inf. .. .. 07! N V C A S I. 2nf M N V Dock . 20 N Y Pork pf 40 NVNH&II. ,IM Nnrf South.. 4t Norf A W nf. en OntSIIrM . l'i Pabstpf.. . I0A Par Coast... as PacC 1st pf. 1 PacC 2d nf.. BO Pai-TATnf oau inn People, (las. IO.!'! 10d reona or.,, ii Pere Marq. Pere SI 2 pf.. PCCASI. pt 114 Phelps I).. 201 Phil Coal.. PlttaCpf. .. 1' PPIWAO.... 1M14 PlttiY A..100V. Pullman Co. taa'i Quicksilver. S Oulekpf S'i iy oi .tit lly St p 1 II n Seru nearllnr Inf. AO Itena A Sr,.IM It W A O. . 122 St I. A S V 2.1 SII.ASI' I pf. ti 3tt.ASI'CI'. I rtts. . IM pr.. 27li P..102U ur. . Ml M 27 S4 173 1M! 12S 13, 91 71 SI 37 110 a.714 82 l' 110 tt'i 10.1 101 It so 33 lit 109 ISM S'. 4 2314 pn alii 92 27 7 1511 Did. ati.atsr u r. I nf rt, .109 Stl.ASF c t; I new. . ,111( SI I. A So W. .114 StI.ASnW pf 70 121 Sloat ShrrTd n Skt.vShf pf. DO So P n Siicr. 31 SoPnSllr pf.07l-i So lly M A O an stand Mlllr. It'j Stand Mir pf 5.1 Tenn Copoer St' Trias A Pan ii Tex Par I.T. ao Third Ay f p.1 5.1 Tol Pro ft IV 1R TwIndlvnT 1014 TwInCHTpf HO Underwood 103', tfnlonnAPap 3 I.'nnAPappf 49 ITCIrMfpf loi full Hv Inv. S4M llnliPRooda sal, Vn DOda pf 103! USCsllrPIpe 14 IISIndAlcoh 27 CSIndAI pr.. 04 tISKipress. 02 USItltAlmp. 67) tlsnrdARcf. I IISHedAlt pf tt Itubbrr. 41' U ft Hbr 1 pt.tooij ltsnbr2pf. 73 Vandalla U. Va-CarChm rs' 4 ValrUACk 13 Va I. A P. . . 45 A'a I, A P pf. Vulcan 2S' Vulcan pf 7lt Wabash . a'4 W Maryland 57 "IVrallnfhsr. 72 IVesth. 1 pf 117 Wrym Brut, 170 W rutpf..109 Vlli Central. 4t Ki dividend. AtktU 123 AO .11 71 123 ins lo'4 M 115 an 17 1 39', 22'j W) SI ina 141 10!4 A .1.1 m si!4 97 I04!( 1.1 30 9.1 in ..M 12 4J' 110 7.1 51 mi 53 47 Ml i 27 1 7 147 ry 73 no'4 IM 114 32 Alh a. ,Cian la 10090 0SU AlM.-onai i ii 2000 88 Anier Are .'V ooo. 1 oaftg Am Cut till M .1000 Dftlj 5000 UAI4 Amer Ireeeb I, 1000 7H AntT it 'I' ev 4a 5000... 1 I 1 14 I 1 loo AmT AT HI in coo 1? 1 15001) U I Is Am Tiigirnt 400n,1 Stln 171410,,, 1 aoia Co ef 1000... 1 aoa m Tolisern 4, 2200O II .11 a AmWrllln-Pi.s IOOO ROli Arrenlltten5s .1PM ACnetf. 1000 07 Armour IU 2000 03 AtehTAsrrv.l. 5000... 1 OH AlrhTA-'t'ce 4. 3"0"...tOI) ATtHPin Ii I40OO HUII41 500 11 11 1 o AT ASP. Ml 1.4. 13WM tnt ATA SK adl ld 3000 1)2 AllCoislI.ln.4 4000 1000 ...,P0I All! Mne rll II 2no na 700O U4.14 Rait AO ntit 6000 0 87. Ball AO P 1, I! A W Va 4 laooo n is4 aooo h 1 s Halt AOhloSU. 4000 0 37. BaltAOSW 34s 4000 Wit. eta strel ex la 3000 0 4 II T I V 4. 19000 nas. Han lln'onP.t I.t 7000... I oata 1000... 1 oaoi Pen iu "n M 1O0C..1 OOS4 ' en Leather 5 lAnnn ,.,,H4U 10A00 041s I00OO 114 Cent III! NJ .'.s P00...1 reststered aooo... 1 a Ha Che. Ohio 5a 3000... 1 I Us C A O i v 44. Anoo 0 27, 90OO IIU34 laooo naAn CheaftOIIAAlat 3000 0 07. CM A Alton ' nooo ans 1000 nas. 1000 nno CWlu total 41 . uwni w n( ,971s 12000 U7An 83000 U7la IOOO 07S. InniM CM nay Den 4a IOOO a034 ciii nu mm BVWI r) T 13 SOOO 87. CbIA Kast lit 41 3000 anto Chi 4b Gt tr .. 4000...,. I'JI CM Mil A Pure I Snnnl 4s 17000 0 4 34 uaisiiiaiMI'au O A P W 5 soon... 1 nfln. CMASIPdeh4s 4000 na ChlUMAStPS'js IOOO H1II4 CA NU'eeh 1921 100A...1 oau r.Mumi 1000..s9..n77. Chl N W S'j. 5000 ROS4 reniieren 10900 8 A3a Chl H1AP IIR4. 1000 7a 3000 7318 9000 72 1000 7 IT. CM PIAP rtyaa 13000 an Chl ItiAPrer 4s I70OO .01. (000 00 3000 001. Chinese Govt I.s rrts full paid SOOO 041a CCC AStLim 4s tteoe wasa CCCAStLStl.lS inooo w;H4 1000 03 Colo In col tr5 14000 7213 Colo So ext 4U, 1I0O0 07 ft. 4nooa20.07la CnneTobacco 4s 000 oata CubanAmSura. IOOO B7la Pel HudcT4s 7000 Delia toes OS's. 6009 ONI. Del Altud ref t 23000 0 0 Den A HUrtf at 10900 8 H7r Total sales of DlatllleraSeetir lite. Cam M eonn 7!Ha 4000 7 335 tin Pnni 414a 14000 B.VI4 hillannRlrrllICo nf N V con 1000. .1 1 IDs Ilrle at run 4a 1000 HI114 4U00 HOIil Prle rv 4a r 11 63000 701a auoo 7ti5s n ' 5000 7814 B0O0 78 1000 7 7 7. Kit K Coa.ti'ia auuu u n Pt Worth AD lt loooo... 1 1 17. 3000... 1 1 2lj a 4000 ...821. Oen Mutora a 4000 unij I'l.u.atonlr 5i 200.1,,. 1 1 4 IMCentri 4. I Hi Aooo miou 700'1 II HI 4 Mi ''en i l.".2 tnoni) ....8III4 inte-lKiro HT 5s series A 19.12 1000 ..I 0 4.1. U0O0...I 041a Inlerlmrit Mel eot trul 4Us 1000 S.'IIm 1000 H'J'h 4000 B21 120(H) Ha78 11000 Hit Jananeae 4'. inno on 1. 1000 :tl4 on nn34 800 on .14 Jnnesei'a2d 2non 0 2lq 7800 025. Ka'l t ISAM 4 1001 801. Kan OA Par 111 2000 y oia KanCllrSrefra 6000 O07 Kan Cltv v'n f 1000 ?nia l.r'Strel.',llM!.1 2000 on 1 a l.aeusterl.istniA 4000 1) Ha I. S MS4airl 4000 Bi Bonn na7B Se.i.dA i,it "si.tii.l ;ono 70 KOn ..1i:ilaSoPirof Caia.K ll.ia. 1UIM,,, 1 IU. LShAM S-il'is South Parlfle4s .lono gzm Norf AWnlv4l 2000 03(1. North it e.flc 41 1OIO00.. I 00 North Parlflols 4O00 007. tnoo ftosi l000,,...OI)O4 or HallA.Navu 4000 nil Ore as . It It A Na- rr f 4. 3nno 'I?flfl 2000 U2U Par TAT rll 3s 3000 ,,1 00 1000 1l07g I'rnnt rn 3' 5000... 1 08 Pa rv 3 H12 1000.. .1 00 Pa r 1la 1113 lnoon20 0 70. Bono 0 7 A. 2.1000 7ia 1 mono.. ..7oh 1 PHI C'n Cbl A SI t.3'a . I ZOSO 1131a , ' Lotiuarii 7. ttnon.,,1 aai. 200),.. laa P llllari 5 1 7000 not. 21000 1)11 Porlland llvrn 1000 ..on PuhllerervCorp nr N J r 2000 0 2 31 'ealln r " 4a I moi) .A.. H8ia 1(100 IHIu I 14000 O8N1 50(inn BH'l 1000 08N i.ioon ortia HlnOrandelV4a 1000 80 St I, it Iron M 4a 1000 (1234 Sit. ASF .111927 100n,H81. 1000 88I4 Stl.A "aorrfdc iron ."I. 8 t .inno 1 1000... ..80la RtliilaSWIal 4000 oau Stli'i M W en 4. inon 8 1 0, 27000 8 I 7. soon .,,,n 1 34 eaht I. ref 4 innoo H2o REPUBLIC I. & S. DEFERS PAYMENT OF DIVIDEND Chairman Topping Announces Prospective Earnings Do Not Warrant It. PItOFIT AT CURRENT PRICES Independent Has Been Notable for Ita Price Cutting Against Steel Corporation. . S Parirtrref 4s .lono 0 AI. 7DOO0 tiat. tinnn Oftls 23OO0 0014 rteinoev . 1000 HAT. S00(M 00 rnumern nr rva .1000... 1981. South HyStI.41 10000 00 So Hwr rm 4 anon 7H14 4000 70S. 14000 701a Tet A Paclst As P0O0...I I Ol. Third Avenua 4s nr. stamped IOOO 703.1 Third Ave ref 4s when lasiirt 4000 RAI. ThlrdAvead) s wnen isaneo 2nooo 7014 6000 . 701. soon 70U Tor Ham A H4a AOOO 8034 Union Pae1A-4a 1000,,. 1 0004 2000...1 oota U Pacific ref 4s 1000 07A. 23000 0 7S, UnnnsanFfdc 2000 80 l.lrrettAM7a I .1000... 12 11. 19000...I21 l.lrlt It M Si 40(10 H4 7g 2000 oa 2001 1147. 6000 oa Lou Nh 4a inno ....nnia aooo no:. ManhattanRris .limpetl 2000 07lo tr 4Ua 17000 6714 Met St lir 3s rertinaiea 10OOO... 1 00)4 Met SI nv adl 3s when l.sued tOOOO .141a 20000 04a4 IOOO 549. 1000 a4ia Mil I.SA V 1st 1000... 1 tats Minn A Sit. 61 2000. ..10a M SIP A SSM " 1000 07I4 Un KanATex2d 60OH 84 Mo Pactnr ron 000, 1 077. 19000... I 07.14 Mo Pacific 10000 8734 tooo B7iai toon nn .iai ilj-s Mexss 11 s .is rr idw no NewOrt MoAChl it" fdt AaitMO 8000.... 041. N Y Canal ta I sal IOOO...IO2S4 N Y Cant deb 4s 4009 033. I20O0 D3la N YCenLSSU, 3000 833. N VCenMCS'ts 10000 8 1 NYciirsmist? seoo..; 107 a. 5000... 1004 new inooo... 107A. lopoo... 1 0734 N v otr 4'ts 20OO...1 027 Aioocsht 03 22000... 1 03 N Y CUT MIS20 8000... 100 N V CltJ-4a 193 reriiarad loooo DOS. N Y Oss Elee M II A P 3a 1000... I 0334 3000 ..104 N Y Oaa i:ieo Lt II P 4a 62000 881a ,r nnanrei. 3000... 1 3ai. NYState 4a IDA I 3000... 1 oaa .Norfolk A v 4a 4000 9R.1l Norf it W rv 4s 20000... 1 OBla 10000... 1 oa-N US of Mexico 3s .1000 3. .00 " S ntthber as 12000... 10a U s steel sr 5s soon.,, 1 on SOOO,,, 1 027. 7000... I (13 10O0...1 OU7 .1000 .. 103 IOOO... 1027. 11000... 1 (13 10000... 10 3 7. retisterM . I00..,loa4 VaCaroUnaO 1st 2000... I 003a VlrrlnlaMId ,m IOOO...IO8I4 TTaham 1st 2000... 107 Vf ahaah ell 4s IOOO a?u 4000 87 IOOO 8034 Western pier 8s A000...1 03 2000... 1031. Wn Maryland 44 5OO0...88 Weal N C 1st At 1000...I 03U M'rst Sh 41 rer 1000 O8I4 Weal Union 4U. 42000... 1 00 westlniKI ct 5s loooo 04S4 1000 041a Wla Central 4a 2000.. ...03 loon 03I4 1UUU.....U bonds ipar value) 32,130.000 STEEL OUTPUT INCREASING. Expected to Pass DO Per Cent, of Capacity This Week Pic Iron Inactive. The l ulled States Steel Corporation Is operating at about 89 per rent, of its rapa city at present, with Indications of an In crnaan of output In the present week so that operations will be over tho 90 per cent, murk, A year aico the operations were only at about CS to 70 percent, of rapacity. Oper ations stern at about 81 per cent, of full at Hie Mart of the month. Die corporation la preparing to blow in several Idle furnace within a week. and it Ik predicted that the output for the 1 month of March will establish a new hint) I record. I he corporation Is In the market for Iron and It may buy some from Inde pendent Interest. I Iter, would be sn entirely optlmlttlo outlook If II wero not for tho low price, wlileli am ctittliiB a large proportion of the iHodta an ay from the lUurea that the increase In production would hhow. The prices as a whole average, about is a ton lower than for I'eliruary, ion, At the pres ent rate nf output about ;i,iioo,ooo tons a year more DtiMneis Is Peine nonn than wa shown by the figures nf" Ht l ebruary. A number of plant have ispurted in creased operation, or that they aie work ing clot to capacity. Among thara are tha Voungstown Hhest and Tube Company, the .Mahoning Valley Works, the Ohio works of the Carnegie Steel Company, the Langalngrllle mill, the 011nc8towu Iron and Steel Company, the (lary rail mill and the Kepiibllo Iron and Steel Com pany, ina .-jouin cnirago ueaiemer nulla will start work this week. A serious congestion of cars lias delayed or prevented tho. shipment of both finished ateel products and raw materials. Ihe Improved weathor conditions should elim inate this difficulty. Order, for the rallioads for equipment last week totalled Oi.OOO tons of loco motives and mo cars. 1 or structural steel the orders totalled about 30,000 tons, 'I lie A, I'.. Norton Company has been awarded tho contract lor the Lowell Sun building, which will require 700 ton. of structural Hteel, A. Ilolter A Son aeon re (I the contract Io erect the Webster liiilldlng at t'hicago, for which 3.000 tons of steel u III be needed. 'Ihe prospect of n coal strike is (lie only aollio item nf iIIscusmIoii In the pig lion market, which is very liiautlie. A conl strike would mean a higher cost for fuel and hence a rise In the pri"e nf pig Iron. The contrncta for the third week nf lehril ary for pig ware less th.111 :(i,noo tons prices have baen ery Iriraulnr, shoeing n ten dency to tag In the North and to remain Arm In the South. STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. ItU. AlUit. Antlo-Amerlcas 11 ilii Alianuc Krnniar. i .1.1 BorneScrymser 15) imi UueMeya Pipe l.lne 123 1.10 cneaebrouth Utg 6i 720 Colonial Oil ion 123 Continental On f.i HM Crescent Pipe une 61 ai Cumberland Pipe Use....'. IJ as Kureka Pine l.lne 21(1 2.13 tlalena Slgntl OU 22u 223 uaiena signal 011 pr nn Indiana Pipe Une no !7it National Transit 31 S7 New Vork Transit 2 hi 2.11 Norinern pipe Une A3 at Ohio OU Ai M Prairie OU ft (ias 21 2.15 Solar Itrnnlng 473 53n southern pipe Una 2;i 20.1 South Penn oil , 8on 503 Southwest Pa Pipe Un I4S Ian Standard Oil of California 152 1.V1 Standard Oil or Indiana 330u Ho Siandarl Oil of Kansas 14.1 13.1 Standard Oil of Kentucky 1V1 :ni Standard oil of Nebraska 230 273 Standard Oil of New .lersav 331 3.1A Standard Oil nt Ne Vork .iu .1411 Standard Oil nt Ohio too 170 swan a rincn boo tun Union Tank Une si as Vacuum Oil IM) IV) Washington Oil sn .11 Waters-Pierce ton i:on Subsidiaries en bloc 440 40 AU quotations dollars per share. CURB STOCKS CLOSING. lViferdoy. Kit. Aiked, .laluritati. Bid. Ait til Am Coal Prod pf w I. . ,10714 101 107'4 103 nay State Oa.... 7-1A 14 7-10 '4 Braden i'( i'i .114 Mi Ilrltlsh Col Copper 414 414 2T4 4 Ilrltlsh-AmTob 10'. ! 19'4 I9'4 Ilutte Coalition. .. 22'4 2.1 224 224 Florence A M 60 AA Glroux 4 1 13 4'4 4' 414 Rreene Cananea 7?, i' 74 "14 Guggenheim 150 15.1 17.1 IV) lntercon ftttbber 14 I4'4 13 15 Inspiration Com 154 13'4 134 IM; KrrrP-aUe 3 13-16.11-16 .1 .114 Val Coal w I... .201 203 201, 201 l.a Itosc .14 Ms 13-10 ;,?4 Mines Co of Am .114 ' .1'-, .i, 314 Mason Val. , ... 12H 13T4 124 1.1 Manhattan Transit. .. 114 l. 114 1.4 Nevada-Utah 1-15 1, l- in 14 Mplsslng Mines 74 7'a "4 7'4 Ohio Copper 11-16 IU 11-15 Pj Porcupine Cent 3!4 .114 Jij .-., May Copper 3 1-19 2 .via 3 1-19 24 Standard Oil "9.1 310 730 Ann Standard Oil ex subs... .153 .110 3.13 ma .Standard Oil subs, 440 460 4.V1 4.V1 Sludehakrr Ml f,l 5014 31'j Studebaker pf.. loo'f 101 loot, lopj Tonoplh Mlnlnr 714 74 71. 7, UnlteJ Copper 1 114 1!( 1(, United Copper pf... . 7 14 7 14 Untied Cigar Mfa. . .12 M'4 52 5J1( United Cigar Stores. , 133' j 115', im 117 Yukon Hold 3), 3 7-16 3 3 7-15 BONDS. Braden As... .120 124 120 124 Chl KI &s. , 9A,' 90 OH'i pu Norfolk A West 4. inaij joaij io. ina'f N Y Wrst A II 4!4.... tw V9' U9I4 dui.- Hock Island deb 3s. " U7I4 974, s7)4 UU, Western Parinc As. , M A3 AA M Chairman John A. Topping of the Reptiblio Ir n an 1 Stoel Company an 1 ounced last nlfiht that the executive committee of tho corporation had de cided to defer pnymont of th regular quarterly dividend of IH per cent, on tho preferred stock, duo April 1. It had hecn expected for somo days that tho dividend would bo passed and tha stock had bec.n weak In the market. Mr. Top ping ruvo out t o following statement by way of explanation: At a meeting of the eiecutlve committee of the I?epubllo Iron and Steel Company, held .February 2, 1912, It wns unanimously decided to doter payment of the Quarterly dividend or ijf per cent, on the preferred stock due and pnvahle April I, as present and prospective earnings are not suffi cient to warrant full payment. And it was the judifment of the committee that under exlstlnif conditions of business, tariff un certainties nnd political agitation It whs to the Interest of the stockholders to con serve the company's rash assets. The company Is operatlni; nt approxi mately mi per tent, of capacity and if cur rent prices ore maintained a profit Is Insured. The net quick assets or the com pany are approximately if.'.OOO.OOO, which places the company in a strong position and ulikli will enable It to carry through such improvements ns arc necessary. When normal conditions of business return the earning power of tho property will be suDctent to discharge dividend obligations. Tho Republic Iron and Steel Company has been notable among tho so-called steel independents In recent years for its initiative in tho matter of cutting nrlcos. It has persistently refused to have tho Steel Corporation's umbrella held over its head when the other Inde pendents were contented indeed to have that kindly protection. In the great cutting and warring of 1003 tho Republic led tho way. And in tho cut of 1011 the Republic was first nnd was then declared to be "out of the counsels" of tho friendly; that is, not in agreement with the more conservative Bteel Interests. Those moves cost dearly, of course. Wages had to be cut as well at prices. But tho policy of the company during dull times has been nevertheless to get business at all coats. The company's report for the six months ended December 31, 1011, said the gross volume of sales for the halt year com pared favorably with the beet previous periods in the company's history, but that prices had been the lowest 'in the life of tho concern. Net earnings con sequently showed reductions as com pared with 1010. The itemized account for the period showed a deficit of 178,228 as compared with a surplus of 1302,850 for tho corresponding period in the pre ceding year. The Republic Iron and Steel Company was incorporated in New Jersey In 1R0J ns a consolidation of twenty-four con cerns, lt haR issued 125,000,000 preferred stock nnd $27,352,000 common stock. Tho preferred Is entitled to cumulative dividends at 7 per cent, a year. The preferred's dividend record shows 7 per cent, from October 1, 1R00, to October 1, 1003; Mi per cent, on October 1. 1005; 3 per cent, in January, lOOfl; 354 per cent, quarterly from April 1, IOOO. to July 1, 1007. and 7 per cent, again from October 1. 1907. to April 1, 1008; nnd from July 1, 1003, to dalo the regular 7 per cent, a year. On July 1, 1000, tho com pany also paid one-ouorter of 1 per cent, on nn nccumuiaira aiviuenas. : The remaining arrears were paid olT 1 later ny 1110 issuo or dividend wnrranw payable up through 1013. The company has agreed not to declarn anv dividends for its common stock until after all pre ferred arrears aro paid off. No dividends have ever boon paid on the common. The company's funded debt s about $0,800,000. GARY URGES BETTER RAILS. Says There'll De Government Super listen Unless Safety Is Insured. Chairman K. H. Gary of tho United States Steel Cornorat lOTl f?riV Hilt Vffil ! day a pamphlot containing t ho full proceed ings 01 mat conierenco or rebruary 15 at which railroad men and etnol roll m,b.n talked about how to get better and safer raits. The speech of Judge Gary gives the gist of the argument. Mr. Gary told tho stoel manufacturers and the rallrnid m.n that whilo tho steel makers were not di rectly responsible to tho public for tho safely of rails they aro still indirectly re- sponsuuo una -very iniicn involved in the diRctisolon.7 Tho steel men huve, moreover, no desire to shirk their share of the responsibility, ho Haiti. Iho drat difficulty is to get the railroad men to ngreo about the safety of different .kinds of rails, Jiulgo Gary further poinled out; Another difficulty is that the weight of rolling stock ii Increasing so fast nnd speeds aro getting ho much greater that it is hard to say what sort of a rail will stay earo onco it is laid down. To get mils to wear under extraordinary use it is necessary to put lols of carbon in then). And carbon makeM rails brittle ai ins citmax uuago uary nam: I hallOVR. CPlllllimPIl llnlaaa wa . n, I 1 .. persistently and effectively pursue this stibjnct to a right solution we shall llnd ourmiivrit in inu lianas 01 commissions of somo sort, llko thoy have In r.ngland, a Hoard ot Trade, n Chambor of Commerce, an lntorstnto Commerce Commission, a Statu Commission or somo other nuthnrltv ui.i. Ill I . . I r . . 'W ini. 11 ni my mm 11 ior us mrniula? under ivhlch and in ncrnrdmipn nrltt. n. t. iu shall bo obliged to manufacture our rails. We may como to that anyhow. Rut I bellove' such a result Is to be dnplorrd from ovory rsii.tiwt.wiiai, Hum urn ni'wiu,iuini. oi gajQiy n woll a from that ot economy and of FINANCIAL NOTES. TI.. L...,tni.iH ,r.... iim .i,,, ,n..i" nun lompanys pro t.,v,Lr.,i!Ili,im,"e" 1 for. Wabash Itallroad 1 .1 ""! " i-Airii.inii llOIUIS M shortly apply for tho listing of the rer- 1 1 un inn nine i.xciiatme, Tho committee has deposits or over Sit) . 000,000 bonds ' Stockholders of the Lawyers Mortgnse Company voted yesterday to Increase tlie "I""" , ' ""I nil 1 1 I (Jill si .IN HI IMNl In S8.otvi.wo hv the Issue of 20.000 ' shires 1" p.'"' 1 "'I'l'older may stibcrlbe for new j... . .. ,u in.. I'jii in in ..11 iur icni or prearnt l,i,.'t!i,,l8.'i 1 l",v"lnit,was merely In formal rnllllrntlim of 11 d rectors' propos Hon previously announced. 1 " 11 DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS. r(lRsRITRKTRlf ... .. ,j Hiffh Grade Public Service Corporation Bonds Paying over 5 n Rtqum IRedmondadQ. 33 Pine St., New York BaHHBRRRI American Speaking Telephone Stork .'nmpniing-iaDui.iinK-iircorning mock Federal .Sugar Com. I'fd. Stock II. W. .lohns-Manrllle tViat, Stock Interaallanal lire.! Northern Corp. Stock international Hllver Necurltles .1. 41. White 4'o. Jom. I'fd. Kloek ' litis P.letalnr cJnsn. Pfd. Slock 1 Nt.ndard nil H.b.ldlarles Victor Talking siacnme torn, ntock Whrn Mtrttttd in buyina or ttUing Jfii. celfanrou StcuriUt tr. uoud..apprwi'ii lAe opportunity of Quotina;iiou our,ynirltef. J.K.RiccJr.ciCo. Long Pittance 'Phone 7460 Ha)noer.33,trill5t..?rT Eirnational Agr. Cotp. PfdHj ilpt-Dodse I American Chicle Com. J. I. Case Pfd. Pope Mfg.'Pfd. Thompson; Towle & Go. . r'nlfiled ."ecurldli Dtpartmtnt I 25 nroad St.. N. V, 'rho.e 510(1 ,Broad, I Gcrmnn-Amcr. Flro Ins.. Stock Hanover Flro Ins. Co. Stock' " ' Gerinnnia Fire Ins. Co. Stock I,ncknwnnna HtccI .Stock Patcrson & Hudson River R. R. Stk. .tlo., Kns. & Texas JV0 Notes Hosmer, Risse & Webb 74 nit OA I) WAT. NEW TOHK. Phone, neclor 4.T34 35a. ... HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK Fifth Avenue A Fortyifourth St, New York SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS' United States Mortgage & Trust Co. New- York CAT1TAL .no 8t RPLlS. 18.000.000' Personal ind Eutiotss Aeeeonls IntilaJ . i:f;iM-.Kii. H. M. Byllesby&Co. ENGINEERS Examinations and R'EfoitTi ate SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO fimiM, on (kiitaM cur. wi ' statiit tn DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. sooss riioac, Anterlein l.lrhl and Traction (annual meeting I llu Ponlile.Nemmtrs Ponder (annul merttnM S noma orK, llnmestake kilning, hlnss fount) Kleclrlr l.lglil. ANNUAL MSKTINO. Amarlcaa Wilting Faper. i THE CURB MARKET. f i A fair volume ot business "was 'done1 ia the curb stocks in the first hour,.or so pf trading, but after that tha market flattened out. Advances were scored In ninny prom inent Issues and the Improvement was usually maintained until the close, llril,lh American Tobncco wits In good deiti.ind and roue to I9!s. There wns a continuation of the buying of Lehigh Valley Coal Sale stock which has been conspicuous dttrlns inn insi ten- navs anil n new men price oi 210 Ivor touched, the last sale bolne at rot. Un the other hand pressure whs asaln notlceible In tho case of Intercontinental Ittibber, forcing the price bsclt-to the rereat low of I4'-v. The mining Hat sgain pi'ed unlet nnd somewhat depressed. Trailing In bonds was not so heavy ns it has been, hut there was still present n.good.innjiir? for the principal issues. Transactions in detail In' the; market yesterday were ns lollows Open- Anfr. Inc. 400 Amer Porcu Cold. 30 UV Allied Securities al i:o llaldvilii lxwo. . :ot, SM.IIrlllsh Colfop.... 4! 1M) llrll -Amer Tob. I9's tco lleairr Cons , 400 nunc coninion.. r:s ten Caledonia Mining. 7S :tro c t) i) conn. ... ia trco r.iy Con .. 7-l i:po rwivooiwonh. . .1 1'WWoolwonhpf. li:! Am riorenrc. . , 61 .VM fireene Cananea... 7's 1.'oo tllroux Mining.,.. 4! isooo Oreenwatsr 0 140 (iuggcnhclm Hip. ISO llhh- .otc rjf. rjf. s: ' i m - o cot, m'i CJaj 'til. 31 at i'l i''fM is III :: 7r .1-15 7l lli'l M ,7'i 4!) "if 73' ' JJ 7-18 71) n:u ; JTii 13 S51 13 H e; 4l( Licit I 1-41 :t Inter Hnt.lier. 8.W InrplrCons , Kl lnplr rlghls,. ;oo Jumbo nxtcn, 570 Kayaer pf. .o ICnlli Mnkcry pf.. lion Kerr l-iUc. enn l.a Itoae. 1 18H , '( , :i 101 if) 11 1S1 U' :i ' lOI'-i fO's 3 1-1S 1-1S 3 1) HW 'ia', :i ' 101 'S n :i top, 3 .3 13-18 3 1J-1 .1', 311-11 601) lhlgh Valley.. .Ml 2'0 l SV) McKI)arSavM03..l 13-19 1J4 1 11,1a. lll Maon Valley . . 15J, i:Ji 11', 13 McAnd ft l'ot ties,.i;4 17.1 171 100(1 Manhattan Tran.. 1H.1 11-1S,1 91 31 M Itumrly, . , . W, pa', lti .NeiaJa 1't.ih.. . . 4() Nevala IJIIIf.. .. S!ii im Ohio Copper, .1 1-IS 1 ia Pacific Smelt'rs... 1-H 3nn Porcu Central. , 9'i sm Porcu Northern... I ax) Porcu Southern,.. Vi uxn Prcslon II Done... 7' 300.1 ItaytVnlrnl.. . . :H II Itli ltcynolds. am Mi 1' i:'i 173 1 1-11 1-11 l-H -11 1 l-n 1. 1-' 3' i i'i 7 1-11 1 .Vis as 1 :! : l-ii a rcai MO Siher King cons. .1 U 1.1.1 I 1.1 son simlehaker . . fo'j fo'j l fo Tono Mitt of Nev.. 7l( 7!i Hi MO Tonopali Hxlen. . 14 l' (In tono Trl tliilllon. 1119 1 1111 a7 t.'n CI g .Stores. UHi taf vt SOOO WettlaufcrSII.. 77 7,1 71 ZM U SLIglil 4. II new II?, 11' ro'i BONDS. KOiim InsplrConsSs.. ioai ini,' loi'l I'f'l lonoo MII .sp& .North is. ot!, t)H oil. til's mo MontrrelTran .is, loo"j pint, ioo't lOfj Jt) .NYtyiU's.ltctS ISlKU ISIojIJ-lilWJ .4 .'OHO N V West tt II 43 V.I Mi lu w I.vxmi NorlolUiU'cu 4H..1U1 ,W,i 1P t''4 3'An Pao (ias 4 I'.lccSs., u: .tti ul5, UiM I l' 7 jo l.ll :o 't'i i! l'J'i FOREIGN BONDS. Comp ini; nnrf 7Vrm. Ameilcan Pan, (iiiartetl" ' Wrltlaiifer l.ornln Slltrr, iiuarlril) . Wrlllaufrr-Iiraln Sliver, extra . t'al'iinri and llrcli Min ing, miarlrrli S.iernln Ullllann, nusi leilv Pamagucy Company iiuiuimii-iiriniiini, oi.Jo.epb Lead.quarlsrly. com Wsrt. pfd I'M ,lm, I'lii.thlr. Hi April 1 April SO April Jti Marrhrj i a 7.V April I March i Ainll 1 Utrctt 13 German Consols 3'js , Merman Consols 3s Prussian Government 4s , llararlan Uovernnieni is Saxunv Uuyernincnt 3s llanihnrg (ioierninent ill , City of Merlin 4s ,, City of L'OIOIQJ 41,,, , City nf i!n nlr n as City of I rannlort-on-Uiln 3' is., City of Vienna Mexican Unvernreent gold as..,., rreni-h Ite.te :is , . Itu.alan (Invernineni 41 Consols V(;s Hit. A .. t .. am ,.11'Hl ..1W1! .. M' .. l'J ., i) i'i ,, wi tc4 .. sin .. .. W;4 U'J. int . i'4 T S? SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT, BITI'IUUI. Paid by Hub-Treasury In hanks..,, Paid by banks to tlub-1 reoaury..,. l.os tn banks nn dsy's transnclbnl.. . 5"Jn) atsca rninu list. Paid bi Sub 1 irssury to banks -'rSS Paid by banks In Suli l teasur l..V, Loss to banks.. .. . ., V.W'S Lou to banki lam. psrlod I .w',"