Newspaper Page Text
THE .SUN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 4912, . 10 M.t - The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company New Haven & Derby Railroad Co. Consolidated Mortgage 5 Bonds Due May Ut, 19I8. ( Interest payable May 1st and November 1st. Secured by main track of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company at the rate of $34,452 per mile. Legal invettment for Saving. Banks in New York. Massachusetts and Connecticut, and Tax-Exempt in Connecticut. PRICE AND DETAILED DESCRIPTION ON APPLICATION. CLARK, DODGE & CO. BANKERS SI Wall Street New York AMERICAN VALUES LOW INCAPEL court Money Trust Hunt by Congress Regarded as. n Serious Menace. MEXICAN TROUBLE FEARED Bank of England Buys South African Gold Berlin Fears Sympa thetic Coal Strike. vjerrtal CiN Ditpiciri I Taa Son. London, Feb. 2fl. Capel Court, was, mostly- dull to-day. The Americans sagged in the forenoon. The operators were Inclined' to take a serious view of the developments in regard to the money trust investigation. In the Afternoon New York and Continental selling further depressed the Amerioan securities, and ther closed without a recovery. Union Pacifies, Steels and Erie were lower. Canadians and Trunks were down. Rubbers wereeaMer. Tins ore booming Turkish securities were also low. Mexicans, were flat owing to the fears ef American intervention across the Rio Grande. Home rails were pronouncedly strong. A powerful bull clique hr.s purchased large blocks of the securities and this prompted much bear covering. The Tokio loan is at a quarter discount. The underwriters are saddled with 52 per cent, of H. " South Africans were heavily sold, espe cially Chartered, "fills were dull except Shells, which were ' good on the vague rumor thf.t the wr.r between the Standard Oil Company r.nd the Shell interests had been ended. The Bank nt En gland ptirchr.sed 33,000. ono of the 10,003.000 South African gold offered to-day at auction. The remainder was taken for India. The weekly state ment of' the Imperial Bank of Germany showed an increase of 33,1 Jr000 In cash on hand, Paris, Feb. 3. The traders on the Bourse to-day were selling Kaffirs and Diamonds. Russians were stcrvdy. Tins were bought largely. The Bourse wa irregular. Rentes were slightly lower. Securities of the Mexican National Bank were down owing to the fears of American intervention In the Mexican disorders. Biblix, Feb. 28. The market to-day was nervous owing to the fears that the Knglish coal strike will spread to the Continent. Canadians, Russians and Turkish secur ities were lower. MONEY IN NEW YORK. j firmer Attitude on the Part of Lenders Due to Haturday'e Bank Kxhlhlt. The local money market was Inclined to greater flrmneis yesterday In response to the unfavorable showing; of the banks last Faturdsy. This firmness was not manifested In any notable change In rates, although the average rate for call funds was 3 V Per cent, as compared with 2' per cent, last week, but rather In t greater unwillingness on the part of lenders to maks loans at present rates. Howeer, the demand continued vary limited. It la BUKIfested that now with the long expected call for the condition of the national banks out of the way the lecenl drain of cash throURh the Sub Treasury fur the account of Interior Insti tutions may he less of a factor In the loral money situation. There was little change In domeatlc exchange rates yes terday, while foreign exchange, continued the sagging tendency which put In Its appearance at the close of last week. Money on call, on the floor of the Stock KtrhaiiK loaned at 2'i and 2Yi per cent, and closed at 3 per cent. The bulk of the day's transactions were done at 2", 4 per cent, agalnat an average rate last week of 2 per cent. The time money market ruled firm at 2 to a per cent, for sixty days, 3 per cent, for nlnaly day 3 to ij per rent, for four months and J' to Hi iwr cent, for five and six months. Commercial paper was quoted at 3H to 4 per cent, for prime single nsmes and indorsed bills receivable; other hames 4 lcr cent. Hireling exchange rates were slightly easier, the market closing 10 points lower at !.S4UtrM42i for sixty days, 4.8715 T26 for demand and 4.745M.37il for rabies. Francs were quoted at 8.11 V4 less 3-l.,18'a ', retrhsmarka, 35 less 1-S269CH01S 1 less 1-64. Domestic exchsnge on New York: Bos ton Par, Chicago 8c. discount. Charles ton Buying, per: selling, l-10c. premium. Cincinnati 10c. premium. St. Louis ioc. discount, New Orleans Commercial, 50c. discount '. hanks, ft premium. Minneapo lis 80c premium. Montreal II . dls. count to pur. St. Paul 90c. premium. Han Francisco 40c. premium. Money In I-ondun, SOtU Per cent.; hort bills, 1 6-if per cent.; three months, J 6. is 34 per cent. Closing prloe of enniols. 78 for money and 784 for arcount. Puna cables quoted closing prloe change nn London. 26 frsnrs 24 Si cen times. Private rate of discount. I per -sit Berlin exchange on London, 10 marks 49 ptts. Private rate of discount, J per cent. The weekly statement ' f the Bank of Germany showed an In- lease In gold holdings of 18,007,000 mirks, an Ineresse of IC8I1.000 marks In liver, s decrease of 11,111,00 marks In nana and a decrease of 81,183,000 marks la discounts. New v York Clearing House ststement; vrhangta. Ill 1,(88,(8(1 ; balances, 314,- Ji'lftl"... Hub-Treasury credit balance, il. Jin, ssj. 'emrnerc(al price of bar silver In New York, 0.jc. Hllver Irt London rloacd at Mexican silver dollar were Ti"td at 4'e. GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. - Great Northern and Northern Pacific f-Tf "ot Jf "Dart physically and since ine Northern Pnclnc panic In 1S01 they nave not been considered far apart In ownership. They run from tho I.akcs to the Pacific coast, have tcrmlnnls In tho same cities and ordinarily prosperity for one means prosperity tor tho other, each depending on much tho same traf fie as tho other. In tho first six months of the current fiscal year Great Northern Increased Its freight earnings by 31,586.756 and Its pas senger earnings by JU',101. In tho same period Northern Pacific's frelKht earnings decreased by 1600, 2!6 and Its passenger earnings by $1,258,497. Jn response to questions about North "n Pacific. James J. Hill 1ms often said iiennrr nn omccr nor n luircior or mat company. Ills personal (counsel. Col. Clough. Is ii director of .sormern racinc and his son, James J. Hill, Jr., Is vice-president and a director. On these and other accounts the financial ' mmMiinlti. tin. .. I . . .. .. . I. - i . i . . - - -, mi? cnaracicrizaiioti of Hill toads" to Northern Pacific and Great Northern, Including In tho char acterization, of course, tho Bfirllnston. jointly controlled ny tile two others. Now nun me same community lias gone to uiniy.-Hng me earnings of tho companle: ' Rone io wondering whether or not is nomenclature Is bad At least one oflloar of Northern Pacific and a very prominent officer h Is has lwn complaining that Unfile 1ms been diverted from the Northern Pacific u wit ureal rvormern. He lias sub mitted no more specifications than those contained In the first araj,-rnh mid has not snld how Mr. Hill or any of his closest relatives or nssoclntes could remi- iaic any uivcmiMi or traffic without con splcuous notoriety. He has simply rclt crated that his road was suffering and that Its supposed ally was prospcrliiK. The only concrete thing he lias presented In substantiation of his story Is the flR- ures. u is obvious enouKh that the flK ures do not appeal to him. ' Conjecture comes easy fuim the Hps. It was guessed yesterday thut the Oreat Northern. Mr. Hill's pet railroad from Hie beginning of thing, derived Its pront from an application of Mr. Hill's ability to the business of that road alone. If tliero has been a dive ralnt. nf I ftln l, was suggested that Mr. Hill's early asso ciates In Great Northern, notably Lord Rtruthrona and other-titled centlemen of the Candlan Pacific who were closely as sociated with "Plain Jim Hill." befoie the C. I It. was thought of and have al ways retained an Interest In Great North ern, had something to do with It. Other people recalled that not an ounce of Great Northern's 71,000 ton rail order was placed with the I'nltcd Stutes Steel Cor poratlon and detected a motive there. Probably most of these guesses were Idle and far from the point. Hut for what ever reason there has undoubtedly been friction. Ip the future the earnings of the two Hill roads will not be exhibited In such sharp contrast. Hepubllc Iron nnd Hteel passed the dividend on Its preferred stock In July, 101. and the stock sold down to 3. Yesterday the stock sold at 66 'i, though It rallied to a fraction above 67 subse. quently, and long after the close of the market It became known that the com pany had decided to defer payment of the dividend. The meeting of the direc tors was a Ions one and some or them preferred a reduction to 4 per cent, to a paailng or the dividend. The decision tu defer the payment was a compromise nnd the ZVj points difference between the low point of 108 and the low point of 1912 may represent the difference between old and new Wall Street parlance. Thatwaa the cynical auggcBtlon. As a matter of fact, the dividend record of rtepublto Steel Illustrates the advantage of the formerly popular Wall Street "resiliency." Twice before in its history thn company hat passed the preferred dividend, but tho preferred stock Is cumulative and stock holders have had no unreasonably long time to wait before securing their back dividends. Lehigh Valley Coal Sales stock sold at 210, the high record price. It was seml-offlcially announced that all hut nn Insignificant amount of the stock had been subscribed for by stockholders. They had the privilege of accepting stock of a market value equal to mora than 320 a share on the stock of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company or 310 a sharo In cash. The Insignificant part of the Coal Sales stock Which was not taken by the stockholders will be taken at par by the underwriting syndicate which serves without uuii)pi)katlon. Not all of the details of the contract between the Coal Sales company and the Lehigh Val ley Coal Company have been worked out; but It was aulil that the new company would brgln business March 1. None of the securities of companies operating In Mexico has been greatly affected by the news tof revolutionary outbreaks In tho republic, though It ban been reported that the Intercontinental Itubber Company could do little busi ness on account of the disorder and that the Southern I'aclflo had suspended work on lis Mexican lines for the same rea son. Very likely the reason Is that Mexi can adversities were discounted by the security markets last yeur. Intercon tinental Itubber then declined about 0 per cent, and has not slnco recovered the loss, and Southern Pacific remains not far above the low prlco of 1911, At any rate. Southern Pacific has not endeavored to continue construction since the revolution last year, It lost forty four bridges and many miles of rails then and the management has not slnco boon convinced of the Drudence of ven. lunns more money. Since th dissolution of the Standard Oil Company ten of the separated com panies have declared dividends payable In the first quarter of the current year, The largest dividend was that of tint Standard Oil of New Jersey 38 a alia're, or at Ilia annual rste of 20 per cent. If the dividend can be considered u regu lar quarterly disbursement. All but on A First Mortgage Guaranteed R.R.Bond to Net 5.15 We offer at!" a prlco to net about 5.15 a first mortgage gold bond of the Central Arkansas & East ern .Railroad Company, guaranteed as to principal and interest by thoSt. Louis and Southwestern Rail way Company. ' The strength of tho guaranty is indicated by tho fact that tho current earnings of the guarantor are more than twice all interest charges.. Ak for our Circular D 201 Guaranty Trust Company : of New York ' 28 Nassau Street Fifth Avenue Branch, London Offic; '8th Av. Ci 43d St. 33 Lombard St.. E. Ct Capital and Surplus . . $23,000,000 Deposits .... 156,000,000 THE EQUITABLE TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK s Alvin W.' Krech, President - e f On and after Monday, February 26th, 1912, the business' of the Trust Co. of America will be merged into that of THE EQUITABLE TRUST CO. OF NEW YORK. The main office of the Company will be at No. 37 WALL STREET. ' BRANCHES: Fifth Avenue 618 Fifth Avenue ' Colonial 222 Broadway London 95 Gresham Street . ' Paris, 23 Rue de la Paix n.ii HKPnrtTN. I No. 1 250. 1 I In the Biibsldfnrles. To such stockholder tho dividends declared on his stock Imply payments ns follows: Buckeye Plpe'IJne. nnpoirr f)F Till! condition Ol' 31.02: Chescl.roueli Manufacturing. 3 1 THE MEfiHINlfiS 1ND METALS cents r Continental OH. 15 cents; Crescent aUTIflMll III' ' Pipe Line. 0 ctnts; Galena signal com- .. ,. AllUlia'l. MK!h z!5,,er!l8B.a,, rr;:T': i ,hf I cents Northern Pips Line,' 7S cents1 nKsoi'ltcia. ' Southern Plc Llne.'tll cents-. Standard Loans and,tllcount . ,$I7,7.2I0 3J flit nf Ww Irlp j". Tim ii.ini u nn I "' entrails. Focurcit and unsecured , i.i . ' . ., '" ' I . S. bonds to wcure circulation 000,00000 with twenty-four companies still to he Olhcrhomls. low-mre nnsiai .ninrs - liea'id from. The total comimrrs with' nn 1 deposits., average quarterly payment . of 310. it iffirnil h'n share by tho old- Standard Oil Company. Due from nstlunsl bsnls j;,i:s.is5.;2 ri. trust companies nn.l taWnps hAiik. .I.OtS.nis .n Checks and utner cash ifm. .....; chaoses lur ClesrhiE- holder has lost n6thlng from, the dfsln-' vl'"ut; ,, 1O.vJ,;i0.M ,..'.. tt.'M,ii , ...r" flum.iuimi CAfriiavs .administration have bent ?so.onn.nn I.IN.VLU.3i m;$.uoouu In addition every stockholder retaining 1 ,'"' asentsi I l.l-i hharcs has beenH awarded valuable lnl'JlK.xfJ!!l'L'!.r' KuoFcrirmoii nKTHS oy tne istaiuiarii of 111 dlajui and the Vacuum. Oil Company. .U-' together thoiu seeiutlo la. already es-' ,;m, tabllshed the .propoMttnn that the stock- I llxrhan aci'oni- Periled by advances In oil prices, arid the connumer p:ia more.. . Speculation In oil stocks .Is active In I,ltHljurf,'aijd briiKep.there "tint .eijdeav- onnK 10 secure nsiiug or tneni t tMnl Kisctltmal taper cur irncv. nlcj.els ami ecu is. Lnuful ninney jeere in Dank, siz; Specie, ..... ll.534.3I5m icai-irmicr num.. i.n.W(i) on .the "V"" ';LV' lin.ul... e , 1.-..., ..... '- ." .V"'"-- ' m.tniih .nv. .AViiniii,... iii'i lllf) t 411. rirCUISUOOl . ., are dealt In outside the enclosed ex-1 nuefrotnl'.M.Treasuier chances. Two of them have been llsttd I t...., by the Curb Association. Transactions' l.lAMIl.ri IhA! 111 lie cithers are hade through uOusvs 1 Capital sio'iJk paid In., . wMch have made a spec-lalty of the new 'ZtlV, rvuriiirrt. Taft Taken Core of Clerk Donovan John Iqw!a Donovuu, tho Vftpranlerk -uank: In th9 mturalirHlion- bureau , who wan1 anil's tpfrfntars-ai mif. rtf rtflfli rn .Innufirv l )il Dlvitlfl hv the not Aholkhlno- .h lTnltd Ki... ! 1 "?'Ji",rt. " "I.!1'3 ' kul' nrnni.. Irss einenses snil . mseft paio, . ! .Vallonal hank nolut oul. landing.... Due to oilier natlinal bsnks. . 1.14,187,51: 5 Due lo Ktate'and ' ks inn nanKrr... 4.3ss,iis m i mist companies savins tianks 10.SS3.n37.M last Dlvlitrnrts unp.M.I. , 11.919 -J 8.133.M ai. 118.312 la f!.or).nno 00 ,noi,ooo.'ji 3.167. IMM'.vuiiuu Jecl lo check rerutleslcs of 33.4S3.US S7 (.'irrnit fstirt. han hn nnf In t h.t nta,. . Denitind ri fled list of therivll sen-icn hv ilieivt nrHr 'P"!1-; . .!! of President Toft and is now eligihlo for.Ca.Mer', checlis out- " any departmental position which may he- Mantling. Mj.30a.12 como Vacant. Postal .ailnts rtepn.lts. I04.OI4.S4 70.tHrt.K3H9 ' " . I Iteserved for te, sawt.73 KI.KCTKINM .VNI MKKTIMiH. Y Tn I h m S?,u.,hnlitr. nt Vmi.IV ' Total , . .. JSS.IUJ02.W Stale of New or. County of New York, h: iThe annual meetln of tho Stockholders of named hank, do snlrmnlv swrar that the ahovr American Snug Cnmnanv fnr ihe plrrtlnn nf ni. slatcmenf is Irue to tlnsv. best of mv knawledm reclors. the consideration of and taklnir aeilnn and belief. on a proed by-law prodlns for parilclpatlon '. subrlhed an.i I awlirii "to before mi mi by certain officers of the Company In profits. If ' any, earned by the Company In excess of protlts earned during the year 1911 on the brands and bullae now ounrd bv the Comnanv. not pirwrl. Inc In Ihe airrecare 10i of sucti cicett, and, the transaction 01 sucn oiner Duxine as may prop criv loLlti tlffi.-c the n.rrt!nr. irlll hp tiIH jit th principal odlce of Mid Company at IS I'xchante Place. Jersey City. .New Jcrtey, at it) o'clock Tn ine ariernoun or mesaay, uarcn i. 1SI2. The transfer book nf the n refer red and rnmmnn stock of the Company were rlnsmt at 43:00 o'clock noon on the loth ilay of Tebruary, 1DI3, ami will be rconenrd at 1000 o'clock A. at. on Ihe 6th day of March. 1913. M. ri I'lNCII, Secretary. dav of 1-ebriiarv. 1017. IIKNItV AVMA.N.S. Jr.. Notary Public. Correct Attest! , ni:oitos n. siikldon. 11. n. itiki:s. .tAMI'.S M. I1KCK, Directors, HTOCKHOLnKHS,'MIhm.VO. To All atttelttlolileri or the' tion itmi'Aisv tor new iokkii y Notice l hereby slien lliat Till: ANNtfAI. MKirri.Vti of the Ktocklmlders of the FIMH I'ltOOJ' rUltNITIIKK A CON.STIIUCTIO.V COM I'AN'Y'fnf New Yorkl wlU he hehl nn'lhi.'tMih day of February. 1813. at 13 o'clock nooir, at the rrtncipai omcc or ine 1 ompany, z itecror nireet. loom isai. New ort City, New nrk, fnr Ihe purpose of electlnr a Hoard nf Director anil re ceiving and actlns upon the report of the officer, and for. the transaction of such other buslnet at may property come before Ihe Hoard . In accordance with the ty-laws of Ihe Com pany no Mock can be voted unles rerl'iered by inc Ann tinr. prrrroijif inc election exclusive OI tho day of election, C. II, CAIIPKNTRH. President. New York City, February 17, 1912. . THE PENNSYLVANIA I1AIUIOAI) COMPANY General Office. Ilroad Street Station. PiliLAnsu-liu. 30Ui February. 1013. The ANNUAL UI'ITINII at Ihe Slorkhnld.r. nt this Comnany will be held on Tucwlav. ihe twelfth day of March, 1013, at 11 o'clock A. M In Horti cultural HaJI, Urnad Street below Locul Street, Philadelphia, at which mretlnir there will be sub mitted for conalderatlon and action by the Stock holders, the Annual Report of the Hoard of Direc tors fnr Ihe year ended JIM December. 1911. and other appmDrlate subject. nincanniucr may ouutin copies or ine Annual Itenort of the Comnanv. and Ihe necessary tickets of admission lo the meeting, on and after the 4th nf March next, by personal application nr by let ter, at the Secretary's untrc, I loom 360, Ilroad Street Staltdn, Philadelphia. i.kvi is .i:i i.-siirc, secretary. HKPOUT OP TUP. CONDITION OP : The National Nassau Bank of New York . st the cloe uf business Tcbruary !0th, 1912, HESOUItCKS. Iians and discount. Due from banks and bauker., The Citizens Central National Bank of New York 320 Broadway - CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION FEBRUARY 2t, IMS RESOURCES Loans and discounts 110,348,662.46 United States bonds 3,001,100.00 Other bonds and securities Due from banks. .13,874,708.55 lixchinges 1,863,981,00 Ch 3,9aq,iJ4'4i 507,500.00 10.667,934.87 LiAilLITlES- Capital stock 12,550,000.00 Surplus fund 00.00 Undivided profits... 846,345,14 Unearned discount , reserve 150,000.00 .M6,24J.I4 Circulation 1.975.407.50 Deposits: Individual 119.019,514.62 Banks 7,883,943.07 26,901.456,60 13M28.17.33 - RecorJ sinca th (nMk'fclka ( the Ntitrl CitUena ami Ctntral NaUMia! Binka March 12, 1804 Februs.f 20, 1912 Inctaaaa Capital $2,550,001.00 $2,550,000.00. surplus hund 459.000,00 1,000,00x00 Undivided Profits 846345.14 Unearned Discount Reserve ito.t.oo.oo $33,425,17.33 ? 4 4.J4).U 1 50,600.00 Capital, Surplus & Undivided Profits $3,009,000.00 $4,546,243.14 .Dividends Paid t Net ITarnings, March 12, 1904. to February so, 1912 Ii.537.4j:j4 1.185,750,00 $3!722.99).i4 Ileal estsic. I . S. bonjls to secure clrculailnn Other slocks and konds Utsh In vault, Furrlm richarni-., . Kxchanycs lor next day's clrarlnis., Itodemptlon fund with V. s, Treas urcr.. , Due front U, S. Treasurer , Total i.iAniMTins. Capital stock .Surplus and undivided promt.. . . Circulation Cashier's checks Deposits , Stn.30J.SIS 30 -..0ti.0IH.7A 3,401.17 100,000 no 77.M' HA 3,IWl,1ta,M 117,M4.iH 471.IM.t7 A.OOOlxl 4S.0T0 00 tia.xaitaiT: ssai.onoon (4S,(I0.3 6T..MO0O It.SOSSl U,IM,J.CO Total.., OFIICKItS: Kdward Karl. Preifdrnt. J. Christy Hell, Vlre-Prrsldent. jonn Munrn. vicc-l'resmcnt. I.ICiCiKTT i Mvi'.ltS TltlUCCO CtlMTANT, iNOTii;i: or a.imiai. ur.1.1 iNti. The Annual Mrellnr of the Stockholders of Listen 4 Myers Tobacco Company, for the cleo lion 01 torrciuri inr ine ensuiua year, aoa to con sider and take action on a proposed by-law pro Mlni for parllclpailon by certain pincers nf Ihe Company in profits. If any. earned by ihe Com pany In excess of protlts rarned durlnr Ihe year Isio on the brands and businesses now owned by the Company, nut cxceedlnk In Die at grrgalo ten (10) per cent, of such excess, and for the trans ection of such other business an may properly come befora the meetlnc. will bo held at the prin cipal office nf the Company, No, IS Kirhanse Place, Jersey City, N. J at eleven O'clock A. M;, on Monday, March llth, 1012. I!. II. TIIUItSTON. Secretary. St. Loul. Mo.. February Mth, 1013. To the Stockholder of Amerlean Snuff Cnmpa ny A apeclal muellnt of Ihe Stockholders of Ameri can Snuff Company, will be held at In principal office, No. II Kxchanie Place, Jersey City, (vstr Jersey, at II. 01 o'clock In the furenoon of Tuesday, March t. 1913, (or the purpose pf acting upon propositions to amrnd the Charter of the (om pany so that the Number of Directors of the cnr. poratlon shall be eleven, anil that all Directors shall hereafter be elseted fen Ihs term of one year, and so that the Hoard Of Directors shall bate the power to fix the number of Directors, fly order of Ihe Hoard of Directors. M. r PINCH, Secretary. !rroZ'i'iihLTTKW michtinh. Notice Is hereby slten that the Annual Slnek- N. II. J. Christy Bell. Samuel It. Weed, Henry C. Miller. Alllnc, Vice-President. II. Noble, Cashier. . II. P. Sturr. Assi. Cashier. Gilbert L. 'l'liomas. Asst. t-jtuhlrr A. V. Cllhart, Asst. Cashier. DIIIKCTOItS: John Uunrn. Auwustlnr. J. Smllh. r.uwaru ran. IJ V j HK Wn.M A.l .1 NTKW IjsIT. TIIK AMICHIOAN COAL COMPANY (of Allecany fountii, No. 1 Proadway, New York. KeV ISth. tail. The Poaril of Director of TIIK AMKItlt'AN COAL COMPANY OP AI.LKOANY COUNTY INI'W JKItSKYI have this day declared a Semi Annu al Dividend of three per cent, upon the capi tal stock of the Company payable at this office nn Friday. March 1st. lli. In stockholders of record at 3 o'clock P. M., February 2Sth, 1913. The Transfer books will not be closed, (inoittii: M. miV!.IIY. Treaaurer. AMKItlCAN'RAN COMPANY. . ' A quarterly dividend of one and one-quarter per cent. ll!,i has been declared upon the Pre ferred Stock of Ibis Company, payable April 1st, 1013. to stockholders of record al the close of business March llth. 191J. Traucfer Uookt will remain open. Checks mailed, , It. II. I.1MON. Seeretsry. TUK OKLAwAKH Hl'ltHOn IJIiUr' Y New York, February 1911. A qttarlerly dlvlnend ntTU'O ANDONr.-QUHlt-Tint I3!1ki PKII CUNT, on Ihe capital stock of this 4'ompany will be pall at the office of Ihe Company, 31 Nassau Street, In this city, on and after Wednesday, Massh 20. 1013. to Stockholders of record St close of business to-day. Ily order of the Hoard of Manatera. . CIIAIII.KS A. WAI.KI'.n, Treasursr. IHICA410. PKOIilA NT. LOUIS RAIL- WAV or 1 1.1,1-4 II US. holdeis- Meeting nf the Dairymen's, Mrs. Co. will John P. namsey and II. M. Merrlam. Ileeelvera, be held al No. Harrison Htreet. New York Cliy, The coupons due March 1st, 1913. from the Prtot at 1:30 P. U.. on Thursday, Msrrh 7lh, 1H2. for Un V Thirty Year (iold llonds lit Ihe abnve dollar lo the holder of one share of old . """"" " mty "J "jri'-ok' A'-Knwtu-y atock who retains his fractional shares I Dated New York, ,V, Y Feb. :s,' 1013. Prior above of the other payments were less than at tins tiilon or niieptas,--!!! asa.-ilstn ssn ftueta t-tiher i S?rnP" 7f',,fk,,?l sCsm'mJ-lSSV-d'C-TJ York. F, J. WIUON, Treasurer for Iteoatvers. EDWIN S. SCHENCK, PretJcIent FRANCIS M. BACON, Jr., Vlce-Prealdant ALBION K. CHAPMAN, Caahier JESSE M. SMITH, JAMES McALUSTBR, WILLIAM M. HAINES, AatlsUnt Caahlara A Dependable Investment 6 Mortgage Bonds OFFERED AT PAR (Iff) AND INTEREST UBNUMINATIUNS HH, fllfV Prinrtnal sin 4 In tsrac mmmtrA kt Ii tawV .ixlstixs Iamam j-. J taa m ssas.ilssil .Slliu ta li '.vui-.M WT IliaiU'VWCf, WUIIii"ll VU UWIHf IWm estate in the Borough of Manhattan, Nev York City. A prominent truat company, of New York City acts as trustee for the bondholders. Bonds tax exempt in New York State. . tVri'f for Circular 3. NewYork Real Estate Security Co. CAPITAL STOCK, $3,180,000 42 IR9AIWAY, NEW YORK CUY JNOTICK 0 INTRNTION TO onaANizr THK TD ANSATLANTIC TRUST TOMPANVl ki S.IVr'ii 5? ""ej ' ? ne Baskinc I .a it of the state ef New Tork. notice Is hereby given that ?IdR,l iaiw tws-rsss? vxsss Law of the flute of New York by snd under the riu'nV'iSs'.'X10? ' TftANSATLANTIO THUST COMPANY.'' the location of whloh Is to be the Boreueh ef Manhaiun. la the City ef New York. Daud, New York. January tb. ia. . H. RleniaD Duval Hesry IT. Wshrhaae James a. cannon dark Wlinares John y. Platten Arpad O. Center lllehard Schuster Morris Cakor ?,!-"'" f'11 ' Arnold Somlyo Walter Luttgen Walter a. Oakman IXIST-UnloB PaclBc nillroad Cornpasy Com mon Stock Certiaeate No. AtJ3j4 for five shares In my name. Notice is hereby given to shew P WUl'TOrf ' bou'd not ba issued. FRANK iiaSk rkports. INnTTsaTT' ItF.POItT OP Till CONDITION OP THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK at New York. In the State of New York, at th close qf business. February 70th, 113: itrsounci'S. Iians and discounts.. .. ,3M.341.S1I.I3 JBiMf E PORTS. HEPOIIT OK THE CONDITION OF Otemrafts. secured and uasecuted i . .1. nnnas 10 secure circulation,. . I'. M. honos to secure V. S. deposlta; to ;cure pssul saving HISl.WU r Premium nn.ll. S. bonds. ,. . Honus, securities, etc . .... Hanking house, furniture aud fix- tures. . Other real estair imnnl , . , Hue from naUonal. banks. . tnol reserve agensi. S3.9JO.M7.94 Due from State and pi I- vSte banks. anu bank ers, trust companies, and savjrtgs bank ... Cheeks, amr OUlrr caUl Itemvv r lUchanges for Clearing' llousa.. .. . Note of cither national bankkv , Fractional paper cur- rency. nickels and cents.. . , lawful money, reserve In hank lr.; Siecle Igal lender notes... 33&.S7 4,000.000 00 3SO .000.00 I17.239.TX RANK OF YMK . New Terk. St 39. in:, i7i,s2t,:oi.i 1T.I1 1,.990.0 i.eee.e t;,a i :i.:s7, I19.S0 o .StS.lK.M, S.7S9 10 ll.l:.II.ll 40.SW.tXI 3.7S3a 3.774.493 O) 3.S70 .000.00 s;S.RS3J93.40 lledetnptlon fund with U. S. Trrasurer 13 of clrcnlatlnnl.. .. SOOJMOOO Due from V. . 'I rtaturer... J03.000 on Total... aTJ.aS33M.s8 nll tTlrsi Capital stock paid In. Surplus fund tmdlslded proflls. less expenses and taxes paid . . . . Natlonafbsnk notes outstanding, , Due to other national banks. . , , 311.741 Jll 01 line tosiate ana nrtvaie banks and bankers Due to trust companies , and savings banks. Dividends unpaid, Individual deposits sub ject to check. Demand certlflcntc of' 3S.0O0XO3.0n 3.000000 00 1.873 413 M 3,831. 195 00 4.210.424. tO e.W3JL1S.9 3JIM.SO M ,307,923.71 i7J.ltl.30 300X10 00 1.3J3,47.J7 t .029,440 41 Time certificates of dc- ,loalt. Accepted checks. Cashier' checks out- slAnrltnr. ' M.70a.lll.l L'nlied Slates deposit. J 1 a) ,000.00. l-osut sav- ., . 3II.194 It Iteserved for Uxes.. I3.UI.10 Total:.. .... ST1.I47J1M.4J State nf New York, Counly nf Vew York, ss.t 1. WAl.TJIII II. 1IKNNKTT. Cashier of Ihe above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true tp the beat of my knowl edge and belief. ... WAl.Tl'H II. BKNNKTT, Cashier. Corrcot-Allcn: WM. P. DIXON. JOHN Ct.AFI.lN, I Directors. liDWARIJ ni'UNS, Suhscrlhril and sworn to before me this Mth day of February. 1913. Iiov Mt'iuiiiti;. " ' Notary Public. Kings Ccunty. 103. Ccrtlllcate nin( In New York County si. ' f.N'o. 1124.1 ' ItCI'IIHT OK TIIK CONDITION OF THH 111 1T1M HITlDHAL mir Mt ,Nw York, In t)ie Hiftt of N 11133 v 'iet- V HUSIurCSi rill uni RK80t'nCEI. Overdrafts, unsecured! V. H. bond lo aeevre circulation posit.' , 11..'.... llondn, ascurltles. sVc.i Hanking bouse,. . , Due from National batiks tnpt reserve agnts),., Due frpm tUsle snd private . banks and tankers, trust companies nnd savlnge banks Checks and other cash Items. . Kxchange for C'lesrlng Houss. Notes of other National bank. Fractional paper currency. nickels and rents Lawful money reserve In bank, THE CHASE NATURAL THE 0ITY IF NEW At Nsw York. In the mate of the close of business February RESOURCES. Ixians snd discounts 'Overdrafts, secured L. H. bonds to secure circula tion 1 U. H. bonda to secure V, 8. de . posits I. 8. bonds on hand Premiums on V. 6. bonds.... Ronds, securities, Ac Bends loaned 1 Dae from Na tional banks Inot reserve agents) 33.3 1 (.333.1 3 Due from Plate and private hanks and bank.ra. truat companlea and aavings banka... 3,lll.(t(.74 Cheeks and other cash Items 4,14, 331. 74 Exchanges for Ctearfnc House. 3, 374. .Notts of other Na tional hank 3!0,0S3.0t Fractional paper. currency, nick. els and cents... 1.133. J7 Lawful money reserve in bsnk Ut.t Kpecle 324, 190,352. S Legal -tender ,netes ,. s, 319, 143, 00 Redemption fund with L. 8. Treasurer ii ptr cent, of circulation) Due from f. 8. Treasurer Total..... 3U3.I39.933, 77 INABILITIES. Capital stoik paid In 13,009,900.00 Surplus fund '. i, 090,000. 90 Undlt-liWil profits, less ex panses and tsxes paid 4,103,(71.36 National hank notts outstand ing 191.397.30 Due to other Na tional hanks.. .331.313,113.39 Due to State and private banka ana nankera.,, Due to trust com panlea and sav ings banka Individual depoa Ita aubject to check Demand certifi cates of de posit Certified check. Cashier's rheeks outstanding ... :.9i:,lSl.:i J9ANK RKPORTA. EMTAItLIHHRD 3731. iro. 131).) REPORT Or TUB CONDITION OF The Bank of New York National Banking Atsociation i New York. In the Stats of New York, at ths close of business February 39th. 1913: it n!l 5,.1laeounts 313,7it,3 ! it Cj. , ' circulation ,J,m. deposits ....... L. 8. bands on hatld Promlums on U. S. bonds...!. Bonds, securities. Ac Hanking house, furniture, and natures Due from national banka (not re- i,rv, ... - .. n. V.7V. . ... . ... ...s .ss . 1. OlRl. 11(1 T.090 1. aoa en 10,000 AO S4.I 3,731,949.1 33t.900.33 43,331,733.13 30,090.09 1S7.990.00 11.117,(30.77 11, 433, 115. 33,300,183.33 :S0.037.1( 3,153,133. 33 1(1.331,(73.31 1,000.99 w York, at 30, 1913. 9,911, 311.14 30.73 (00,000 OS 1,000.00 1,(37,339.44 (00,000,00 1(1,7(3.(3 0,911.91 (.309.11 3,434,033.17 5S.0SS.09 319.03 1,737,733.39 35.000.00 Bpecle 31,334,137,40 Lcgal'tendtrnolrs. 111. 401.00 Redempllon fund with I'. . Treasurer (5 per cant, of cir culation) ,, Total 315,034,303.30 LIAlllLITIKH. Capital stntk pad In 31,000,000.00 Hiirplus fund t 3,000,000.00 Undivided profits. Irra expanses and laxes paid (9,335.33 National bank notes outstand ing 413,000.90 eu lo other National banks, 1,101,139.55 ue lo. Siata and private banks and batilirra..,.!' 40,:0I,99 Due to trust companlea and aavlnga banks 311,731.13 Dividends unpaid 130.00 Individual deposits suMect to iherk , S,13C,(39.4I Danism! certlllcatca of dsposlt, 11,001,(0 Accepted (drafts.,... 3,710,(30,(0 Cashier's , oulslsndlng, 11,401.03 United Htal.s deposits 1,000,00 Iteserved .for tsxr l.((.:t Total 313,034.103.(9 Stats of Nevy York, County or Naw York, as.t l. tiEoiuiii i';. i.r-vviH, uaanier ot the above.iiaiiirir hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to ths best ot 111 ' knowlodge and belief. li" B. LRWIS. Caahlar. Huhsrrlhed and sworn to befora ms this 34th dav nf I'.brusry. 1(1:. II, L. UllAYNAltl). Notary Public. Westchsstsr Co. ISralt' Certincata nied In New York Co, Correct Attest t , , ADRIAN IHKI.IN. JR. I W. KMl.KN ItOOaEVELT, I Directors. TIIQMAH DUNNYj I 1" the Wall Ntreel erilllnn of Tas Ken limn Nun mntalns all the tlsanrlal nes and Ihe stock and bond ouolatlons lo the close ot Ihs market. The closing, quotations. Including Ike "bid and asked" rincev. wun aniiitionai news matter, are coo alned also In Ihs night and flsal edltleai of Taa KYSMNa Sl'K.-.tdr. United States deposits.. Totsl 3141,329,344.77 State of New York. County of New York, as.l I. IIUNHY M. CONKEY, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly awear that the above statement Is true to tha best of my knowledge snd heller. IIF.NRY M. CONKEY, Cssbler. Subscribed and aworn to before me tbla 3(th day of February. 1913. UEonOF. K. Si'llOEPPH, Notary Public. County or New York. No. 19((. Commission expires Uttili 30, 1911. correct Attest i FRANCIS L. HIKE. ) URANT II. aCHI.Kr, I Directors. A1.UIKT II. VY II 10 IN, I (No, 733.1 REPORT OF TUP. CONDITION OF Till NATIONAL RANK IF OOMMERIE In New York, at New York. In tha State or Niw York, at the close of business. February 30, 1112. Ill-sou IICRM. Loans snd discounts, II. H. bonds tn teoure circulation . , V, H. bonds to secure U. S. deposits. II. S, bonds on hand Premiums on U. M. bonds. , . llonds. securities, Ao Hanking house Due from .national banks (not re serve agrntsi Due from State and private banks and bankers, trust companies and savings banks Cheeks and other cash Items. , Kxchangea for Clearing House, Notes of other national banks. Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve In bank, vis.: Specie 3Ui,ia3.eO.Dii Legal lender notes., , , e,(7,ooi.oo M.SM .era to U.3M.000.OO (oo.eooiio (oo.foooo 13.(01.47 3.330,00003 3,313,850 31 S.07l,7 S3 I.0M.343.I7 ll.m.SSlll .S95.00 310.1 1.411.23 30.3tt.sai.30 337,300 00 33,00000 ,000,000,00 ,000,00000 ,tiT,Taa.3( ,793,(0000 Redemption fund with II. a. Treas urer (3 et clrculaUoni Due from U, S. Treasurer . , ., . Totsl 3310,053,1(7.33 I.IAIUt.lTII'S. Caplul stock paid Is Murplus rusd Undivided proflls, less espeasss and uses paid NaUonal bank notes outstanding , Due to other national banka 334,3M,7M.M Due 10 Slat and private basks and bankers,.. 14.179,011.13 Due to trust companies , and saving banks.,.. 30,Ss,7U.l" Dividends unpaid 13,307.(0 lndlvtdualdenosiusub- Jecl to check M,ail,U.30 Demand csnlBcates of dipoall 1,034,-03.14 Certlnrd checks. IO,3(0,3O H Cashier's checka out standing 3,314.043.43 United HUWa dSDOllta, 4T.(O3.T0 Depoalu ot U. S. dis bursing officers...., 30,433.73 Reserved tor uxes 1(7, ,133.413.14 309,1(30 ToUI... 33ie.OM,7(7M Stale of New York, Counly of New York, as.: I. NKIIdON OircVrT. Cashier of ths above named bsnk. do solemnly swear that the above sutemtnt la true lotae best of my kpowtsdge and belief. NKI1AON OirotT. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 311b d.yof '"'.''Vh.CAI.LANAN, Noury l-ublle Kings County. CerUAcete filed In New York Counly. Correct-Alte.,: J, P. MoiiflAN. JR., inirectors. 1, 8. ALEXANDER, j private banks and bankers, trust companies, and savings hanks... Checks and other cash Items Exchanges for Cleat Inr House., Notes of other na tional hanks..,. Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 134;791.13 93.(71.03 3,170.332.33 4)5.00 433.13 LawfiM money reserve in bank, fpeele 34,400,117.45 Legal-tendernotea 144,(70.00 (.573,303.13 Redemption fund with ir. s. Treasurer (S per cent, of cir culation) Due from U. 8. Treasurer ! Total Capl al stock psld In........ Undivided pront.' 'less'expensrs nd taxes psld N'stlonal hsnknotea outslandinr Due to other na tions! hanks. . . . 37,::7,120.31 Due to 81. tc ,nd private banka and bankers.,.. 3,314, 313, (7 Due 10 trust cum- Jianles snd ssv ngs hanks 1,114, 0, 71 R'i' "JPald .. 1,153.00' InrtlvlJusl deposits subject, to ehsek.lLC.OIl.ll Demsnd certldcstea or deposit (9,994.04 Cert Wed checks... 3.I4J, 834.31 Csshler"s checka oulslsndlng (32.150 33 United states de. "-''" Poalts 1,000.00 3,344,937 (3 7S.ASS aa 43,000.40 133.305,439.97 12.00O.O40.OS op 1.334,307 73 1,471,100.00 Reserved fpr taxes.. Total.. 34,005. 47. 51 3.311.7 Slate of New York. County of New Ynr'v'u 1 I. CHARLES OL.W. CashTer "f fti abovs-namsd bank, do aolemnly anear that the above statement is true to the beat of my knowledge and hellef. " .v ,t . OHA8. OLNEV. Cashier. t.fhUbd,.y,b.'fd rVhru'ary0.'",,!?. " " in.. 11 THOMAS .1. MOONET. l"" Notary Puhlle. New Tork Co., No. 103, Correct-Alt,., :N,W V fCo' A. A. HAVEN. I Av'?',,v!!BAnJ?V, Directors. ANSON V, HARD. I REPORT OF Tim CONDITION OF THE SECOND NATIONAL RANK st New York. In the tttsle of New York, at the close of business, February SO.Ull: RESOURCKS. Jv?.Ii;.!..'!a 'll:oun1' 1 ...ll,0J,K43 """".."I .siuini anu unse cured U, H. bonds 10 secure circula tion Ronds, securities. Ac Banking house, furniture, and flxturea ,, Due from National banka (not reserve agents) Due from Stale and private banks and hankers, trust companies, and savings banks Checks and other cash Hems,, Kxehsnses for Clearing House, Notes of other National banka, Fractional paper currency, nlckela -and canta .'. Lawful money reserve In bank, vis.: Sped 35,573, E. 60 Legsl-tsnder notes (3.133.D0 1,115.91 700,000 00 3,7(3,271.33 1,070,000,03 313,447,40 4.745.41 140.004,(1 (93,991,41 31,1(1, 8,3(3,34 1.313,757.30 Redemption fund with IT, 8. Tressurer (( per cent, of clr culstlcn) Totsl i:,tt,3((.13 l.IAUIlilTlKS, Cspltsl stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided pront, lesa expenses and taxea paid National banknotes outstanding Due to other Na tional banks 3193,133.57 Due to trust com- fisnlcs and sav ngs bsnk 3(3,784.33 Dividends unpaid.. 93.00 Individual dsposlts sublect to check. Dsmsnd certificates 714, III, II (3,371.35 8S.039. 1,030,43. 00 i,ao,oes.ev 11,394.8 (32,337.30 Of tlSDOSlt Certified checks,.. Caablsrs cheeks outstanaing 33.01t.33 Ronds borrowed , neasrvstt for tsxes Llsbllltles other than above sta'ed , Total.... Osiii 13,3((,:(9.1 ( (.t4.l 7,3!i.7 ... 10,437,333.1 Slats or Nsw York. County of New York, ss.t I, wii.i.iam I'AiisT, v.ssnieror ine aoove named bank, do solemnly swear that ths sbsvs statement Is true to the bast of my knowledge and belief. ws. rapoi, s.asiuer. lubserlbed and sworn to before ma this 23th day of February. 19IJ. JOHN II, SAMUtSLsnN, Notary Public Correct Attest: JOHN W. AITKBN, ) LOUIS MORKia STAnn. I Dlrsstsaa. EDWARD H PEAiiLEtC