Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, JbilibKUAKl' 27, lbl2. REALTY SALES FEW BUTIMPOBTANT Fifth Avpiiuc Leads in Transac tions Willi n Corner at $700,000. BIO GROCERY SECTION DEAL Urnl Kstntc People lo Attend Hear In nt AHmiiy to Optoso Apart inpnl House Hill. Much opposition ha appeared In thU city to the bill paed by the Legislature U.t week and rushed to the Gove'nor (or hi flRtiature by which alj apartment homes are to bo placed under the jurei- diotion of tho Tenement House Depart ment. A hearing on the bill will be held to-day Details ate printed elsewhere. Because ot the creut Increase In popu lation below Fulton street during the last ten years the sewer of that tectlon have become Insufficient and will havo to be replaced, Borough President McAneny is having a plin proposed for such changes More detaiU of the improvement are given in another column. One of the biggest deals in recent years In the wholesale grocery district has just been consummated by William A. White A Sons. It involve the largo holdings of the William T. Garner estate at the southeast corner of Hudson nnd Worth streets, with an "L running through to 01 Tlioiim street. A syndicate, has Just been organized with a capital of $460,000 to purchase the property from the Garner heir, The property.conslsta of a seven story building on the 11 udson and Worth street comer, with a twenty-live foot lour story stable adjoining on Hudson street. On tho Worth street end there is a one t-tory building extending to Thomas :reet. The property has a frontage of 110.3 feet on Hudson street, 204.0 feet on Worth Ktrcet nnd 15 feet on Thomas street The entiro property is assessed by the city at $310,000. The same brokers In it mimmer leased this property to R. C. William A Co., who now occupy the entire Hudson street block front. Hudson street at this point is npidly being improved with high class business buildings, nnd this property is between the new ton utory Franklin Hudson building nt Franklin and Hudson streets nnd the now twelve story building at Hudson and Dunne streets, built by ivum brothers and leased to Morse Rogers for a long term of years. The property was offered at auction by Joseph P. Day on November 30, 1010, and ws struck down to a party in interest for Slflii.'KO. KNOEDLEH BKLLR CORNER. Fifth avenue furnished a good volume of news for tho real estate market yes terday, the leading item being the sale by Roland F. Knoedler of his corner. the northeast, at Forty-first street, for a price reported nt $700,000. George F Slawson and Frederick G. Hobbs of the real estate firm of Slawson A Hobbs are tho buyers, though A. H. Ackers ol the law firm of Bowers & Bands Is the nominal purchaser. Taylor Uros. negoti ated the deal. At the reported price the property figures among the high cost lots, the average for the plot being $277 a square foot. Six years ago tho New lork Club fite at Thirty-fifth street sold for $285 a foot and five years ago a Thirty-ninth Mreet comer brought $202 a foot. Felix Ieman paid 1385 a foot for the southeast corner of Forty-second street, A Thirty nth street cornor recently sold for about K03 a foot. The property consists of a four story and baesment dwelling, on lot 28.7x95. Mr Knoedler purchased it in November. lfi. at $500,000. He intended to use it for his picture business, which formerly "as at the northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Thirty-fourth street, but he later purchased the Lotos Club prop erty near Forty-sixth street nnd built Ills new iiuilding there. BREWBTEB A CO. TO MOVE. Throuzh the recording of a nanrplla tiou of a lease on th property at the spot iwest corner of Fifth avenue and ruty-tlurd street it became known that nrewHter t uo,. wagon builders, are going to remove from tho Gallatin house, vhich was altered about eighteen months ago lor inem. into a snow room at great expense. The property adjoins William h Vnnderhilt Jr.'s residence. The lease till had about eighteen years to rim at a lentnl of $30,000 a year. .Mr Brewster's secretary said the firm i not discussing tne matter except to ay that they did not puy any money to obtain a cancellation. He said they are looking nt a new situ and will rent liiobnbly within a few days one of the l iftli avenue piaces oh'oretl them. 'Iheie is n report that Brewster t Co, r-hed to sublet to a millinery liouw but that the property owners would not listen to the proposition. It was stated mIo Unit tho (Inn was negotiating for a stoie in the Huckingliain Hotel block, but tlifc was denied bv Mr. Brewster's secretary. ENLARGE Altr OALLKBT. Charles Duveen, better known on Fifth avenue aB Charles of London, dealer in art workB and rare furniture, has 'leased west Fifty-sixth street, a five story dwelling .adjoining his present business place on the southwest corner of Fifth avenue and Fifty-Blxth street, and will alter the building and make it part of his present establishment. Mr. Duveen leased the corner house from the Baudoine family several years ago and altered it into a high class retail establishment. He eUH(H 4 West Fifty-sixth street from Mien Goin Rionda. The lease is for a net rental aggregating $200,000 and begins in September, II3. IWKNTT-HKCOND STREET HOTEL. On the plot 57x100 at the southwest corner of Twenty-second street and l.ighth avenue a live storv fireproof bachelor hotel is lo be erected. The prop, erty was leased recently by James N, "ells Sons for Katherine T. Aloore Ito the AHerton Realty Company for twenty one years with renewals. This house, from plans by Paul C. Hunter, will bo n departure from the heavy loft, structure which hnvo been the tenture of recent im provements in tho Chelsea section. rhe old buildings on the site, which are now being removed, were erected in 1838 and the corner store has leen occupied by a halter for about fifty years. The pres ent tenant, "Loman, the Hatter," will occupy the corner store in the new build ing when completed. Tho now building is lo be modern in evory respect, having ele vator, restaurant, billiard nnd smoking rooms, linen chutes, servants' quarters i'ii roof and other up to dato featrres. 1 he exterior will lie of tnpestrv brick with marble facings and designed in attrac tive colonial effect, COTTON MERCHANTS, UPTOWN. Horace S, Ely A Co. leased for Joseph Mi bank the entire sixteenth floor in his building, .114 Fourth avenue, southwest inrner of Twenty-fifth street, for a term of years to J, 11. I.ane A Co., cotton com mission merchants, now at 110 Worth jtreei This is one of the first cotton firms V remove to the new uptown commercial nation. Manhattan Hales, tOU'MBim AVENUH.-Jacob Runnert nat bought the Elmwood apartment home, at the northeast corner of Colum lUH avenuo und Ninety-third street, IS ..v mvi j uuiiuiiik wiin hwrnj, on lint M Atim i nntnA Ktlffht Hia flfitfi.ntiitr nrnitApIv n nt and basement dwelling, on lot 17x72.1. Harry F. Voorhlcs Is the owner of rec- Orn nf tmtli rrnruirtUj TWKNTY-NISTH STREET. George K. iiuiui nas resold aui lo 307 rJist Twenty ninth street, a four story loft building and three four story tenements, on plot 81.0x08.0x Irregular, adjoining the north east comer of First avenuo, to Cliarles K. Delage, owner of 300 and 311, adjoin ing, who now controls a frontage of 121 feet. MACOMB'S PLACE. - August Oppen neimer Is reported to have sold tho b ock front on tho west side of Mncombs place, between IMd and 154th streets. I no property has frontages of 228 feet on Macombs place, 85 feet on 153d street and 105 feet on 154th street. The buyer s uncerstood to bo a bulldor who will ""Prove theplot with apartment houses. HFf Y-FIRsfsTREET.-The Charles F. Noyes Company has sold for Frederick Agate 131 West Fifty-first street, a three story stable, on lot 25x100.5. The property is leased to the Oakland Motor Company for five years. Tho new owners are Frankel Bros. The parcel figured in an exchange for the twelve tory loft buildlngat 318-324 EastThlrty secondetreet. FORTY-FIRST STREET. The Martin Holding Company, C. Grayson Martin S resident, has sold 18 and 20 East Forty ret street, two four story dwellings, on plot 50x03.0. It Is reported that tho new owner has practically concluded nego tiations for a resale of the property. A. H. lvlns Co. were the brokers. HUDSON STREET.-Negotlatlons are nearlng completion for the sale by the Greenwich Investing Company, Hyman Kantor president, of 507 Hudson street, a two and a half story building, on lot 23x100, between Christopher and Tenth streets. The building was recently leased to tho United States Government, CHERRY 8TREET. Isaac Iwentlial is reported to have bought 421 Cherry street, old buildings on lot 25x 02. Miles Bradley Is the owner of record. LIGHT i -FIRST STREET. E. Sharum has sold to tho Armor Realty Company 311 Hast Eighty-first street, a flvo story tenement, on lot 25x1112.3. Ietwcen First und Second avenues. Bronx Hales. 180TH STREET. The McKinley Square Casino Company has bought 770 East 100th street, a lot 25x100, which will bo improved in connection with the present iroionn uasmo, giving me inner airont age of 75 feet. The entire building will be Used as a hallrnnm. STEBBINS AVENUE. Ellen Curry has sold 1068 and 1070 Stebblns avenue, a dwelling, on plot 50x180, to Uiuls K. Kleber, who gave in exchange tho six story tenement at tho northeast cor ner of Washington avenue and leoth street, tne sale of which was recently reponeci. Some Recent Buyers. The Wesley Realty Company, Just organ' l?ed. Is the buyer of tho three dwelling t IM to IS'. Went KlRlity-third street tlia sain or which hr William .1. C'srlln was re uorted rerentlr. An nnrtnifnt hnn.. 1, to bo erected on the site. Incorporation imiirrs lor me new company were nieu yesterday In the County Clerk's office by Stoddard A Mark, attorneys. Mary (leeq Is the buyer of the dwelling at 2.11 West Soventy-ttrst street, sold re rentlr hv Thomas .1. Fmrnrtf Mr nr owns 253, adjoining, together with the muni; aweiunir ai : ana -o vtesl ocveui -sreunu sirrei. Manhattan Leases. Nat Ixwls, dealer In haberdashery, has easea inronan ins i ayior-nnerman Lorn nanv the two easterlr stores In the hnilri Ing twine erected at the northeast corner or uroaaway anu rony-secona street by the l.onif Acre I And Company. The lease is for ten venrs at an aggregate rental ot t:oo.0iio. The lessee Is at present located at 2." West Forty-second street. Horace S. Ely 4 Co. have leased for Joseph .nii)nK to the stetson ttho Com nanv the store at .1 East Forty-second street in the Transit llulldlng. The leake Is for a term of years. Itnyal Scott Ctitden has leased to .lean Michel the third nnd fourth lofts In West Forty-slTth street for Arthur S. lwU. Dotnrlas I,. Klllman A Co have leased a duplex apartment In (K Fifth avenue, corner of Eighty-first street, lo l.loyd Asninnall, William II Whiting A Co. have leased the seventh floor In the lirlon Building, corner of Canal and Sullivan streets, lo the Phllo-Selbv Companv; the second loft In 12 Spruce street to V E I.yon A Co the second loft In Ml Cllrf street to Klch A Mclean' the first loft In 107 .loan street to the Kaele Chemical Coninany anil the basement In 1.17 nnd ISO William street to P II OoodseM T Scott A- Son have leaed a store In the building at the northeast corner of Park avenue and Seventy-eighth street to M SpHrer the four story business building at 1011 Eexlnvton avenue in I)r I.eo Mast, and the store in the building at tho northwest corner of l-eilneton avenue ana neveniy-eigntn sireei to ii Weiss. 8. Osgood Pell Co have leaed the lop floors in 20-22 East Forty-sixth street to .lohn II. Olenson and In ''on I unction with I'nvson Met.. Merrill, studio snarA In 7.1 and 2.1 East Forty-seventh street lo iiaiiou a usDorn The t'rots tr Brown f'omoanv has leased for Mrs. M. A. W, lleaton the ntnre at 27 West I liltty-slith street to AlKs l!oe Marks for a term of years. Brooklyn Males. Studwell A Rurkharil have sold fur nna r rnnr inn un'i b iihii i"itirv nam ilwelllnv si 52S Murcy avenue, between .....t ii..-, , . . t.. ,., , I IIIH-I.I niiu ii.ii nnrrm, iu iiiiiit i IHU , . .. , - ..... t.i r iiniri x ..inrviwii fiv.i- fuiu lur lilt, lll'lll estate a plot, 7.iniN), on the l side of tiiyesaiit avenue siiuih of Mlln'ii:lil)V avenue, to Mlgust Tndebiioli, Two New Terminal Warehouses. Otto M Heck, architect, lias filed plan for building to nine story llreuruof ware houses mi the south side of Twenty-eighth street and the north side of Twenty-seventh street, 4tKi feet est of Eleventh avenue They will hne n frontage of .11.8 reel on each street and an entire depth of ID. feet. The Terminal Warehouse Companv is tho owner of record The tolal cost has been estimated at II30.0O0. New Theatre for Washington Heights. Thomas W I.amb. archltert, has filed plans for a new theatre to be erected on the block bounded by Broadway, ICSth street. St Nicholas avenue and teeth street, It will have a frontage of 288.8 feet on 181th street. ir.'.H feet on Itieth street, 218 9 feet, on Broadway nnd feet on St Nicholas svenue The theatre will be InpAterl at the rearof the nlot.aL the iiinrttnn of IBSlh street and St, Nicholas avenue, and will he reached through a wide passage way leading from Broadway 'Ihere will be stores on the Broadway, lrt.ltli anil IB8th street front as well as lofts It will be a two story structure anu the only part that will Ito flrenroof will be the theatre nrntifr and the dressing rooms, H will have a total seating capacity of about '.',10.' The facade will be of brick, with terra cotta trimmings In modern design Tim ift.tth Street and Broadway Ileal! v Cnmuany. of which If. I,. Clark is president. Is the owner, The cost has been estimated at 1150,000 Bronx Building Plans. The nlans filed in the Borough of the 11 rim t romnrlse u two atorv frame dwelling on the south side of tllffonl avenue 2.1S.I feet west of Hwonlnn street. 22.1.1. for Rudolph Hall, at a cost of 15.500; two five story brick tenement nouses on ine west sine oi Min fnrd nlace. 24K,io feet south of Boston road, ;w,nxss. iur me rujvnip iirany i omnnny Frank Starkmann, president, at a total'cost of 170.000, and a six story hrlck tenement with stores on the east side of Courtlandt avenue. 118. S feet south of 1.17th street :iot7N a. for Harry M. tioldberg. at a cost ot l.m.noo, Orange County Farm Hold. C niake Orclltt has nurehaseil from Alfred (lartner a 140 acre farm fronting on I.ake Momhasha In Orange county. New York. The nrnnertv Is near Monro, ami Is in the section which Includes Tuxedo nnd Arden. Big Lot Hale In New Jeney. IVinll 1 1 , . n V, V, 1 .1 aaa , - . r. , Lake, Bergen county, N, .! to the Home ,(!iifnii I HIJUIII fli),ISSI, The property Is on the New York, Sua- nuehanna and Western Railroad and will! uo Buuamaea into building plots. Hales at Arverne, The Somervllle Realty Comnanv has sold at Arverne n plot 40x100 on the south side m nuan avenue, near Wnvecresl, to Jacob MllStemnn' n nlnt jn.lnn it lh nnplh mI.Im of Amstel boulevard, west of Vernnm avenue, to II. B, lloamer; a plot 40x100 on souin sicie or Amstel boulevard, near (.arleton avenue, to II, Hclmfer, and a plot toxioo on the south side of Aimed avenue, west or Wavecrest avenue,' to Mark I.lp man and Eugene V. Barry, Real Estate News. AUred Dochoz, formerly with the Mckar. (ialllard llenltv Cnmnanv. Is Me now associated with the Krnestus Hullck Com pnnv. The. I'm It a, I IIa.I t'.t.l. nn. 1 .an. elation will hold a meeting this evening at no East Fifty-ninth street. Country Rentals. I'eats i A Klllman have rented for Mrs. M. It. Wilson her house In Frost's Una, Lawrence, L. I to 11. F. Benjamin. Hales (At at Public Auction. 14 Vesey Street. 1 BT CHAtt, KH A. BCBHI kX. 1TII AV. tin, w s, til n ttlh at, Hi loo. 4 sly store ana j sty ext: I) C Cook v One Forty-six Flflta Av Co et al: ilur, 1130.047.70; taxes, Ac, 12,200; to the plslnllff for HU.oon. ar i. ii. uatcss. SltnniFFST, ISOn nivlntlon t. 45x100. i)- irnrai ana stores; usvia Israel et ai a deo nrown et al: due, l.J74.4S: taies. 4e. llo; tub tomtre.iU.000: in the pIslnlltT tor 7.s.3. IAI 3111 Third Aenue. BT jostrn P. DAT. nrtOOK AV. SIS. e s, 71 s I42J t, 23.SXIOO, 4 sly tenmt and stores; Matilda Itemlrln vs M U Schmidt et al: due. 1.1,713 21: taxes. Ac, 17IX): sub two prior mixes af(rrzatlngl2,SO0; to the nlslnllff fnrtiv win WALTON AV. e s. 102.11 n Tremonl av. 100x1(10. lounnanon or 3 tenmts: w I, rneian et ai vs II C Benllne et al: due, 17.034: taxes. Ac. 1241.14; ,, sub to mire, Ito.oiiO; to W DTsnncr (orin.l2i. 1IAHKIN ST. 2822, 1 I. ISO Kdlson St. 2S.IM, Thro n Neck: I. K Doherty et al v i: J Speck man el al; due. Jl.601.oc tales, Ac, 1123.44: In William II Coprland for J2.i:5. Recorded Transfers. (With name and address of purchaser and attorney. When attorney's name Is omlllrd address party of the second part.) nOWNTOWN. (5ouM yourltenlH M CHKItltY ST. J-es. 45 III Uessle Ilernstrin lo Saml Bernstein, 217 l'st llway, heb 2: ally, Merrill A It. 138 Hnay. 1100. Sti ST, U K. s s, ntns s Wlxl2.4x2l.x e 27.IX n 101.4 to st x w 31 to bet- Isaac S Heller to Sarah Virlnsteln. 2(0 Stanton st, rl Hens, Jan 29; ally. Isaac S Heller. 3i Nars.I st. 1100 4Tlt ST. K, n . Jlitn.lOi lrret Kllre S Warhen- helm and ano to Adolf II Undeker. 7 W (0th st. Feb 21, mtfe IM.uiO; anv, A O Krnst, 170 llway, ti. 7TII ST. 70 K. 22too-8arah Knernnfer and ano to Trios O'llrlen, 234 W t,Ha si. Feb 2. mne Jll.OOT; alty, I. T Ins A T Cn. ISO llway, lino.' RTII ST. ICU K, 77X47.S Isaac llrrlln to Jos isaai'. M K B7th st, Feb 21. mice, 17I.UO0: ally. Amend ft A. IIS Nassau st. 11U0. 4TH ST, 9 K, li Adolf 11 Ijindekrr to Jas F. J Msriln. 287 Clinton st, llklyn. Feb 21. mlf. 1M.O0O: any, A o llrnsi. 170 llway, 1100. I1T1I ST. 237 K. n . 23X100 -Chss Korii to l.lna Koru. his wife, 237 I', llth st, mtcc. IJO.uu: Feb 20, 11. EAST SIDE. fKmf of Fltth ar, ttlitttn l-outlernlh end JtOfl Hi.) 39T1I ST. 117 i:. n , 17.tS.9-i:mllla J Stolte to l.ui Dlat Covin, SO I'ratl st, llsrlfonl, Conn, n r, i cn it any, l ii i.o, wn liway. si. 10T1 II ST. 2M K. a . IOX100.&- KHz V llliclns and ano to Kmrna J I'aulus. S3 KHih st, mtie, js.tsn; i-eo 14: any. -r i co. 137 nway. iioo. 57TH ST. s s. 2?s e th av. 2lxlou.iv m 11 Karle and ano exrr to tien Durand-Kuel ei l. I'arls France, Jan 18; atty, l.T Ins A T Co, leo llway, 1177.SOO. sri ll ST. 31ft K. n . 24.exim.n-Phl;ip liachrach 1 ' ....lit v. u, ... ti.ij, Ml it llll(c 116.000: atty. Isaac Cohen. 141 Rivai- 11. TTH ST. 221 K. n s. 24.lou 11 -Harry liachrach to Doty Itealty Co.- ill llway, Jan 21. mtte, 11S.2S0: atty, Isaac Cohen. Ill nway. II. 211 AV, s e cor I02d st. li.llxloo I'h'llp Memtrk in iisrry a tiiikus, 9 r.acccomne av, r eo 17; atty. same. II. PA UK AV. a e cor losih st, 100 UxSO- s Slanwood Menken (rep to Danl Buckley, 2U Columbus av, rcn zi. mice. aza,aou: any, 11 r. J o t;or man, 11 cpHmbers St. xi.tuo. iijav. 2I2S-27, w s, 40aao Fhlllp IVelmark to iiarry .x iikus. isz rcarrcombe av. Feb 17. any, Uwkowllr A S, 71 Nassau st, 11, . WEST SIDE. (P7fjl ot Flf1 r. oehreen Fourteenth a nit no't jfj.) 19TII ST. 21 V. n a. 21xt2. Drowa-Welst ttealttea to Natnantel G Verboetf, Itldtewood. N J, Feb jo:; any. Haras at u,tu rark row: 1100. 10TI1 AV.n wcor27thst.24 8x100. Samuel (ireason to I)ald Stex-enson Hrewlnr Co, 121 loth av, mtie, 111.000; Mar I. Itti; atlys. Campbell, II A P. 4.1 i:xchanKc pi, II. 44TH ST, a a, 221 w loth av, 23x100.1, Adeline 11 Krurcr to ('has A Ilondy, 401 K llin st, Feb 21; ally, T ti A T Co. 171 llrnadway': 1100 WKSTKNO AV, neror Win st. Ul aaiuo- Jerome Alexander tn National Cum A Mica Co, 602 W llin kt. Feb 20: niixc. tco.ono; 1100. imOADWAV, n w cor 72d st. los io Saml J Clarke, ex & Inn. to Morris Schlnasl. SSI lllvrr- slde Drive. Feb 24: ally, T T Ins A T Co. 100 oroaunay; 9i.uuu.uisj. ITTOWN, (Manhattan litand. north of Horn (.) II1THST.2IH. ns.21xl00.ll IMher Knsenbaum 10 Abtunelte DIKsposltn. Mi Amsterdam av, Feb 2: mtrte, lis.ouo; address. Sij Amsterdam av. 1I7TI1 ST. 19-21 W, n s, 34 saioo ll-ljiiil Khren- here 10 Dora l(osenn.97 I'arkav. Feb 21; mtre. 117.1m: any, I. Hour no. 3.11 4lh av; si. HUTU sr. 110 :. a s. 18 81100.11-Nlcolo Tarluxa lo Josephine Norcum. 140 V 133d st. Feb : mite. 17,000: atty, Walter lloblnson. 127 W Illdstilluo. iTH AV, n w cor 132(1 st. 31.11x110- Custave lluther to Frederick ottersledl. Woodcim. N J. Feb 21: mUc. IM.OUO; attys, A & II lllnch, tn) Nassau st: 1100. IUD ST, 23 K, n s, 17.(liW.ll (partition Deci, 191 II John S Sheppard, Jr, ref, to Cornelius Sulli van. 217A llathrate av. Feb 29; atty, Kdw M llurghard, 131 llroadway: 11.900. SAUT. I'KOIMIKTV Cornelius Sullivan to Carl A i: ( l'olenske, at Karlstrasse 31, llalle-am-Saale. (iermany. '3 parts, Feb ss: atty, same. II. SAMK. I'HOI'I'.HTV Same to II F I'rban al Leibnitz atrasse 48. Charloltchurc llrrlln. (ier many. a part. Feb 2A; atty, same; romlned. isarn sr. 2ui v. n s. 1u1m.11 jnhu It Cordon to iirnry i iiooner. sin av, rcn is; alty, T (I Co, H HrnadKay; II, KXONX. fftoroin it 77te Bronx I HliOOK AV. e s. part lot IM map Monlsaula 1 Its) l.ulil Franco lo I,' It as I- Chlodo. S3 I', 4 lit st; 111 tee 14.300. Feint; attys, Slode & Sliidc. 2uu llroatlnay. IHU. U)T 271 man Hunt estate. Van .Nest Jos (' Luke to KHz l.uke. 710 Van Nest av. ', part. Feb Ii; atty, Chas II llaechler. I l:n (Vatker at , 1100. ISKTII ST. 421 :. n S. I .IXIOO; I3tl H. 4l) 1: s h. II Sxltui Wni J O'Corinan to Addle Ii O'Corman, his wife, :tt K I31in si, Feb Ik; ally, ll M WKItr, 7 lleekman si, II. IDNI) I'!., w s, 123.1 n IMIn St. 30X121 Oscar A lloerlur lo Marie J Dnerlnc, 28v Pond nl, Frh 2S; altv, J A (ialney, 11 Park row. llisi. Dl.SllltOW IM.. e s. 2.17 n l) Witt av, 34.llia.2x Jas T I'enileld lo Isahrlle M. wife Win II llraj-ee. 141 S llth av. Mount Vernon. N V; i ', Jan II, I9li). 11. I40T1I ST, 414 l' 10. SUUt Farmers Loan and Trnst Co. Irus. to Henry 1" Uorhslnter. 22I2 llh av. Feb 18: ally, l,T Ins A TCo, 1W broad ay. 17.0(10. IIOSTON Itll, w s, 101.8 n 180th st. 11.2x212.8 Kdw O Tree to Taxpayers Itealty Co. 120.1 Franklin av. Feb 21; ally, Jacob Freeman. 22 v 4JU st. II. IIOI.INI) AV. n w cor 312th 11, 31x100.10 -Samuel (treason lo David Stevenson llrewlni Co. HI 10th av, Nov 32. lull; mire !I0.U; atty, Campbell 11 A i. 41 F.xchange nl. it. DKI.A1TKLD AV, s w cor Livingston av- Marrel Faheriy, Indv and admin, lo Delaneld (Mate Corpn. 25 flruad st, Feb 28; ally, I, T Ins A TCo. I Go nroadway. 1I2S.H3. 324TH ST. toil K, lot 221 man SrhlefTelln estale Abr I. Shonrul lo Amelia Shonrut, 1011 k 2-Mlh st. Feb 21: address M2 6th av, 11. LOT SOI map Van Nest Park Julius (1 Kelser In Kalh Kelser. 1717 UarOeld st. Feb 3; mltr 11,000: attys, Whewell Co. 470 Tremonl av. II. WALTON AV. S43J, e a, 31i80 Phoenix Intra ham, ref, to Harr' Calm, trus, 3Mo Crand av. Fen 31: atty, Arthur O Krnst, no llroad way. 17.100. Ur 30 map ISO lots Dally estate Nathan (ireeu to l)uls K Felix and ano, trus. Sept 21, inns; atts. Horrner A Miller, 258 llroadway. II. FIIANKL1N AV. n e cor Jefferson av, 18xin lledwli Olass to Francis fi Chertsey, at York, town, N Vi Feb 3, mtre 111.000; address, 330 llroadway. 1100 1 OAK TI'.llflACH. a e cor Crlmmlns av, 81x100 Francls II Chcdsey lo Katie Schneider. 14 Law rence st. Feb 28; ally, l.T Ins A TCo, 180 llroad way, 1100. Recorded Mortgages. (With name and address of lender and ot lender'a attorney.) DOWNTOWN, l'oMffi of Fourteenth AM CHF.nTlY ST, 38.". and 841, a, n.7xM.inSaml nernsielu in Francis (1. Lloyd, 117 V. Tlat st, Feb 28, 3 yrs. r.; attys, Merrill A L, i:s Broad. . way. lis.noo. Delanrey at. n. a, w Pitt st, Mx75: David Brekes tn Jonas llrekrs. 110 I. list si. Feb 241, ft rs, ailys, Kantroulu A H, 320 llroadway. tu.nio 4TH ST, n a, 111 e llroadway. Mi Jamea K J Martin A (ieorrlann .1 Iiudeker, 87 W ooth al, Feb 34. prior mtre : r, t; atty, A O F.rnsl, ifo flroadway, M.ono. yx BIDS (f-.'uif ol Flth ar, betwen Fourteenth and llOfn f.) UNION HO I!, e a. 78 n llth si, M.il21-IJnn Oak Really Co to Kent' Itealty Co, 1M llroadway; prior mtre. !, Feb 17. due ai per bond; attys. Tiilotaon A K, IM Broadway, II i.mi 19TH ST, 401 and 407 K, 40x2-sophla II Hondy loTllle (iuar A TCo. 171 llroadway, Feb. ti; due as per bond; II, MX). (DTI! ST, :sn K, s s, Iflitnoft-Fmma P Panhia 10 Wm A Marie Mertsrhlnier. SK Y, ISth st, FebM. due, Ac. as per bond; ally, Chas Brandt, Jr. IM) ;diav. 14.000. 57T1I ar, tt.ZZit Sth av, MxlOO.l-i'aul Durand x ttueletal to ljweraT I A TCo. 180 Ilroad way. Fen 3, 3 u, Hi": attys, ljt)crs T I A T ik, 160 llroadway, HUT si nr.. tWettnlFUthar, between Fourteenth nnttWHh Hs.), 3IT11 ST, 431 W, SITU ST. 82 and 81 V mii.-,Nimi crcrn 10 i-onam nrower anu ano, eirrs, New Orleans, i, h 34. due ai per bond; alty, levy and F, 17 Liberty st, 148,iyi2. 44TII ST, 111 V. 2.",1100.!V-Sophla 11 Bondy to Tllle (iuar 'A T Co, 178 llroailway, Feb 33, due as per Donu, a.ixs). tTTOWff. (.Unsfialfan Itlnmt, norm n twh M 113TII ST. Ml V, n s, 20x100.11 -N Y Mil Corpn of Slrma Alpha Lpsllon I raiernly to Jamea J Mchenna, Jr. el al, Irus, Jan 1, ieoi, 10 yrs; alty, A A Fine, U Liberty si: ll.oon. 118TH ST. 110 W, s s. :oxluo.ll-Vm II Ball to Title Ins Co, 131 llroadway, Feb 38, A yrs, o"i; address, 135 llroadway; 118,000. I37T1I ST. a s, ICO w Park av. 31xB9.ll Thos M Curran to (ierman Saxlnrs Hank, 117 llh av, reb38, S yrs, 4'4; allys. Amend A A, 111) Nas sau 11; 19.000. 1111) ST, 33 1:, 17.8x(K).ll-Cornellus Sullivan tn Victor F von Unsberr. IM IV 13th st. Feb 38. I yr, .'.; any, K M llurrhard, 111 llroadway, 12,130. srtoNX, lllorounh ot the ltroni, LOTS77A78 Map Hunter etlatr. Vltlorla A Lucy Mlchella to Wm M llnsslrnol, Weehawken, N .1, Feb 19, due Aur IB. ,1912, 8: ally, Cdw Hunke, Cutlenhurr, N J: tit. DALY AV, e s, 81.1 n lroth si. 43.3x71 Bx 13x73-Are Itealty Co tn Alex S Illume nlshl A ano. May wooil, N.I, Feb 21, due as per bond; attys. Otter hurr. S A II, 200 1th av; I8.000. VVITCHI'.STi:il AV, s s. 111 n e Union av, 21x UOS-llrnad llcaliy Co to II Hone Duplrnac, 8(1 o'Farrellst.San mtre.lia.oon: Feb 21, 1 yrs, 8"i: ally, Chas II Frledrlch, 11 Nassau st: 12,(W. tlKAUMONT AV, w s, 71 n 187th st, 21l918l30l llt.B-Lmlllo Fararo to Adelaide Wassel, 2M W llllh st, pr mire. 112.100. Feb 21. due Nov II, 1912. 8-.; allys, Simmon A 11, I in llroadway, 1I.M0. LOT SOI - Map Van Nest Park-Kalh Kelser to Hose M Duller at llrotdvlrw. New llochelle, Feb 21, 1 yrs. i';: alty, the Uhewcll Co. 174 Tiemont av; ll.ntx). BOSTON ROAD, w . 101.8 n IMIh St. 11.2x213.8 Taxpavers Itealty Co to i;dw O Tree, Freeporl. 1, 1, Feb 31, due, Ar, as per bond: atts, Coudrrt llxos. ? Itertnr st! WALTON AV. 34.12. e a. 3ix80-Herry Cahn In Mopnie isewnnuse. 2 lew nroaoway, reo Z4, s yrs. IS'I: atty. A O Krnst. 170 llrnadnav: 18.S00. anMl, l'ltlJI'-:itl ) Same to same. Feb 21. 3 yrs. : any, same: 11.381. Satisfied Mortgages. (U Wi name and addreis tenter's amr.tneu. I4.1T1I ST, s s. ISO w SI Anns av. 33H00. Julv 21. lino- Nellie II norart to Wm F A Kurr; alty, Karr A W, 302! 3d av, W. noNNlUt PL. a s. 171 e Morris av, 0171 John! Lucy, J 11lc to Alice 1: Keller; atty, F U lu- Inischer. t8 llay, 1S..VH. WI'ST ST. 308. s e cor Harrison st. 34.1x71, Sepl SO. IM8-4Jhasant Man' llSpellmrjer lo IMuilf keepsle Sav Hank, ally, T (1 Co, 178 It" ay, in.ui). SAMK IMtOPKHTY, Jan P. I POD-Caroline C Mohlman to same; atty, same, ls,oi. SAMF. I'HOPI'.ltTY. April 4. 1W). same to same, 2.rm BKCINS nt pt In centre of Ilatlle Viake brook, runs 31891 w l.'i) to land ol Jas 1 1 tie x s 87 to estate to Fnlle r along I arte land. 138 to pt to tier. May 1. INX) Jno W and Julia A Holly to Cureuc M Holly; atty, T (I Co, lis llway. 1IJ4). . MOIlht: A. s e cor (.eorre st (map 317 xlllare Fllonn) 1(11x17811101x334.11. March e. IK Jos Uebertr 10 the I'.mlcrant lndyst Fav Bank; atty, Stephen I'hllbln, M Chamliera st. BOSTON HOAt). 5 e ror l8th st. ir7.llilU.lfli 12.41108.3. June 19. 1911-Pauline Levy to Harry Weaver: atty, I. T I Co, 1) llway, il.out). SAMUI'HOl'KKTV. June 19. 1011 Same to Minnie LSmtthand lulse M I'nelos; ally. same, 1I.OU). .M'. AV, e s. 311 s 173d st. MixKd, May IS. Hill Nelson Block Conslr Co to Manhattan Mort Co, mi Ilnay. tsi.oui. I1TII ST, n s. VI e 3d av. runs n 108 31 e 31.31 a lll.lli w 31 to tier, Jan V. 1I07 Chas and l-om?e Attmann to louts Attmann ami ano; alls, Bowers A S, 31 Nast-ail st, l.'ix). 4XTII ST. 11 s. 130 e :td av. 21.1x111.11x211111... Ian u, 11)07. ame to same; allys. same, lt;vu. 71ST ST, 313 W, s s, isxloU. July ss, mn ixiiuse .1 Merrlam to Jos F Cullman, all), s W tciss. 41 Wall at, ll.wx). , &1TII ST, n s. 7.8 w th av. 18.9x100..",, Apl 39. IBIO-Hrlcn (I Topplnr to Mabel CrancBakcr: attys. Wlnslow. II K A II. Ill llway. lll.uii. 14T1I NT, s s, ion w Prospect Terrace, Irini part lot 913. Wakehrld. 27..MIII. I'eli 31. l!rf- . C and V J Pelfrr to Sophia Bollr; atty. M J Fran, 317 llway, 11,800. LOTS .V) to :c man property S Camhrelllnr et al bounded w by Camtireiltnz av. I loi n by kit 49. 73.41 e by Crescent ax. 15S81 s by Jacob now 187111) st, 2U.I. .ov 1, in it Jno snaay 10 Wm S I vi rev. 171 West av. 170O. BF.CINS at pt In rcn Ire o( Ilatlle Snake brook. runs n mil w lutx. a ot w rsiaic irt-urre 1 arie x w IM to ler. Mav I. 1001 Jno V and Jul! A Holly to Ceo 11 Cedney; atty. T () Co, 170 nwa) , lI.Ji. UOUVKII.NCUII pi. 3. n a. 38it33x Irrer. July 11, I9U7 Chnstlan ana Marie hoch to Chas atitl Ixiulse Hoehn;alty. Fkiw J Kror, Jr , IK) .Nassau st, li.utn. Ulltll.LAKD PL, n e ror 187th at. 00.3198, June 13. loll Arthur Av Kralty A Constrn Co to Jamea 41 Went. 3N llway. Iftow. I2lsl si. 3(3 K, n s, U1iu1.11, rrn 37, 1901 Max Aronson to Adolf Manuel; atty, T (t Co, 178 llway, 12.(11). MO.S'ACIiA.S AV. w s. IV) s llanda" v. 31x1011. rch in, imt-Alex xtackenile to Kaw llurke Jr; atty. Itoltert II Allinc. 119 llway. liou. II) A, auVt-a?, w s. .4)ilwi.iuxroxl;i.7 -samule and Jennie .Solomon to llarokl MielilsTr: aailsfted of record without production of mire by order .lupreme Court. Aiif II. 1910. justice J U (iott; all) ror ciilioner, XIarK (tOKllterc, S02 llway. 12uu U)TS 30S-21I, map 18701. Halrht estate. West rnester. eath lot 21x100, May to, Uli- Antonlo capoano to Sara M Campbell; all), Tneron 1, Carman. Ultuurrn si, .'.J). 2D AV.3IS.1. ws..';i73.f, 18, 1901- i Cunetla to F.llas Mtzbcrc; any, H J llubensleln, 1 lleek man st. 11,110 C AINSBOIUi AV. w s.?C0 n of n w ror Madison av. loxlisi. July 29. 1901 i.uls Welsman to ine Hudson Trust Co; ally, Hankers It at Accurlly Cn, l latlron llldr. Ildway -':il si, lion U)T 101, map of Van Nest I'ark, Nov 21, 1901 Ixtuis Cohen to .Nortiiem Hank of . , In liquidation; allys, 1 rcej, Abbott A Uorran, 1.' i.lbcrly si, t.MUi). IjOTSOI. same map, Meuh 1. IttOl Arnes K.wlfc Bernard P Malcne 10 Hose M liuller; any, UewellCo. 471 rre.nom av. 1I.0UJ. KIMiHIIilllICi: TKIIItACK, s e s. 194 s w Klnrs brldre rd. 21xltlli2S 8il8. Aug 21. IJlo ttrn W Koyall to Sarah i 11 ( nrlslnpiier. 121 Waos worln a, 18.UM BOSTON IlkST III), n w s, adl land lale nf Jas Cnrlelyou. Isil07i.li1, to land of Lucy Dully, xllxiou to her. 1-cd 2, lioi Frank I' llolman in Certrude A auderberk, attys, Stoddard A M, 131 Buay. 13.(1)0. KIVIN(."lxi.S sr. 182. n e s. 28x100. March 10, 1901 Felix a Nellie hneusiler lo lopold Harris; any, Chas S llodentnal.air.' llway. II6TH ST. 110 W, a s. 201100.11, Feo 21. 181)7- Win Hy Hall to rnes Hall; attys, TnornionA Karle, 18 Park row, iia,oou. 119TII ST. 123 W. n k. 201I0U1I. Aug 17. 1911 Ctta (I Du I'nnt 10 Ceo f. Brewer; alls, Cmiklln 8t Held, II Naxsau st, 12,i. WIMT K.NI) AV. W5. w s. 20X80. Sept I. !) By I. 4 l.lselle Woltf lu tne Fast liber Sav Insin: all), lllchard T lirrenr, 41 Park ru, 1I8.UA). Oltc'IIAIt!) ST. 080. e s. 31x87 8. May .11. lko; Albert Rosenblatt tu llorlls II Itiiilist hlld; ally, B l-ewlnkon. 119 Nassau st, ll2.ti DKLANCIIV ST. 3IU, Ii 1.. 21x71. Feb 31, 1M3 11 1 11 111 r Klysnluky et al lo Murx llrlss, i w it2d st, IM.UUt). OHCHAKI) ST, 97, w s (dimensions miilllrd), Mav II, inn. Allien llni,enblatt in Muirls II lltilhsciilld; alty. II l.rulliM.n, lilt Nassau si, llll.OIX). MADISON ST. 3M. s s. 2S80. Feb 21. 1910 Mary O'Neill to Juseph i:delleln: alty, S S O'Neill, SIU W Iflllh l, tl.uxi. Rerorded Leases. 1ST AV, 117, store a base Max Mandrl A inrnl 10 Lena Munowitr, 011 premises, 3 yrs. from May 1. 1912. 11.290. 1031) ST. 218 K, store- Abrbr Nlnetsky to Max Saul Mrinrr, no r. luid at. 2 yrs from May I, 1912; any, S II Slrrnbrrr. 178 lllwnrion sl. iwvi. 3D AV, 101. sw cor llh sl. store-Wm Ilosenthal to israei I'asieras, n t'resioent si, iixiin. 3 vra from Man h I. 1913. M.rou. 48TII ST, 111 W, all I'hrbc A Undrrhlll lo Kath- ryn m naye, lis nni si, 21 yrs rrom May 1 1912: address, 1(4 W (Sth st. 12.000. 12ITI1 ST. 109 1:, 3 Klors A pari batemrnt Nrstnr nniuinr 10 10 1 nas iiiiM'ianu, a yrs rrom May 1, 1911; ally, F.bllnr Brew Co, 7C0 St Ann's av, 1120. VILLA AV, 3132, all Ceo Brown 10 Constantlne Avallone. 313J Villa av: 10 r- from Feb 1, I2; address. 3112 Villa av, !). U'lsrU'llCSTKR AV. OSO. store-Usona Const Co lo Leopold Oppenhelmer. S119 v noih st 4 LIS rs Irom Jan l,IUI3,atty, Jus J Baker 31 Nassau sl, 12.IIU. Mechanics' Liens. I9TH ST. 131-IU W B Srhacht Iron Wnrks vs 151st West 19th St Co. owner: Ceniral Carolina Construction Co. contractor, 11,081. BKDFOHD ST. 19 -Hdw M tiirdnrr vs llaffaele Cttpoll, owner; llnlnii Carting Co, ronractor, 121.71. SKHTI ST. s s. 315 fteof Barnrsnv.Jixlon Dsnle (I Crlsroiilnn vs Francesco Cerbone, owner A contractor. 1128.80. 3331) ST, n a. 381 ft e of Vt hlle Plains ax', 3ixino- Same n Morris Improvement Co, miner A contractor, HV17. 330TH ST, s . 101 ft e of Barnes av. 31x100 Same vs Vlncenro Avarlllo, owner A contractor, 1121.18. 1TB AV. ilS-Llnroln Cooper vs Mallla Alexan der; Anna A Murlland A Isavella T Kohey, owners; J C reeland Building Co, contractor, 181. LOWF.IUIK PL. a w cor, 220th st. 8Sxt01-Frank Itocco vs Norlh Bronx nealty Co. owner; W M llrally Co, owner A contractor, (115. MTU NT. 11 K-John F Kuhn vs Alice T Drexel, owner; O 1. Pastor Y tic Mora, lessee A con tractor, $80. BHAUMONT AV. 3101-Wllllam Rrhmalcbarh vs Monleflore Building Co, owner A contractor 1312.13. 1I8TH ST, s s, 131 ft w of Id av, 21x111 I'enn ylvanla Cement Cn s (ieorre W Markcy, Jr, owner: lien Von Schoen Conrretlnr Co, con. iraclor, 1222.80. 1 Datlsfled Mechanics' Mens. CP.F..SCIINT AV. a e cor Belmont av-H W Bell Co s Kitchen Improvement Co, et al Fab 10, 1913, 123.10. Brook av, e a, 10 7 so! St Taul a plSame v tame; Feb 19. 101!, 10812. VYSH A V. e's. 173 ft n 113d sl Voknau A Price Co vs Black Construction Co rt al; Oct 20, 1811, 1M1 CHAULOTTE ST, t a, 111.8 It n of Jennlnrt at- LONIi INLAND HEAL KNTATK FOIt 8ALF,. In Planning for YOUR HOME There are two distinctive sections on Long Island that you cannot afford to overlook. On l.onr Island Sound, "The Rioiera of America" A picturesque Ijoo-acre Peninsula-Promontory, having Five Miles of White Sand "Beaches beneath Hlrh Burred Bluffs Over looking the Sea on Three Sides and Jutting Into ixinr Island Sound from Port Jefferson. Fine Features are the Ilelle Terre Clb, Oolf Links, Tennis Conrts anrl Host lloases - TO mloutrs from New York. During our SPECIAL WINTER SALE now nearlng Its close we are offering to the right class of purchasers, on Most Pleasing Terms, a num ber of splendid values in COTTAGES and BUNGALOWS also Choice Plots and ACREAGE for COUNTRY HOMES and ESTATES from Half an Acre to ONE HUNDRED ACRES. We would be glad for you to inspect these properties as our guest. ,;a,V,."r fnfllWPATTV "1 Broadway, t.. ....lfiilli.UIJlU xjujhiiuifl si sr 1 racket "4V WATER FRONT HOME 10 rooms and 2 baths, moorrn. North Shore, L.VL .10 minutes out. 3 minutes walk from alatlon. Defined. Terms Keith, so Liberty Street. N. Y. TO I.KT I'OR IHINIMKSS PURPONI. Marble Building No. 38 Pine Street for One Tenant New building, .five stories, 6,000 square feet, elevator, electric light, all modern conveniences. Possession March 15. Rent, $15,000 net. Chas. F. Noyes Co., PIIONi:. 200O-JO1LV. 01 WILLIAM ST. I1I1ANCII, 71 WCST 2.111 'ST. Delmonico Building Cor. Beaver & William Sts. Entire 3d & 4th Floors TO LET Will be Partitioned to Suit Horace S. Ely & Co., 21 Liberty Street Hi Nassau St.. store A basml.. 13x100 17.000 tit Cordtlandt st.. slore bsmt JSx80, , .3.000 ia-70 oak st., store A bsmt., 60x100 3.000 77-u lleekman st., Sd loft SnilSO 1,700 47a- I'enrl st.. 3d lot t.. ssxirji l.ioo MO-3 l'.ast ii St.. S. 3.4 till lofts. 90x17 ea . 1,700 378 Washing-ton st.. 1st to Sth lofts. tncl.,2ax7S ,000 RULAND A WHITINI CO.. B HKKKMAN ST. If.U Hrl3-0tT. bmCIS AND STORES Faeins; Broadway FITZGERALD BUILDING 8. K. for. Broadway 43rd St. New 12 Ntorr Klreproof Dulldlnr. HKAKT OF TIMKS SQl'AHE. Llevatnr srrvlee until 11 l. M. and Sundays. 1 SIMON l.i:l)i:ilHII. Airnt on premises. M'.W .ll-.RSKV. KWARK, M. J. H nitOAU STIlhr.T. Tlllini! STOItY Hl'Il.niNO. PARK I'ljXt'K AMI KAS1 PARK ST. ri.OSK 'H Till': HIIOIM'INO I'liNTRK. XKAi: NKW I'KNNA. II. II. TKItMINAL. .'It (LIMIIN HTRKK1. NT.AH llltO VI) AMI MAItlfirr STS. IIAI.SK.V ST.. OPP. CKDAR ST.. NHAIl THK LAItttK IlKI'AltTMKNT STORES. JS nilANFOKD placi:. nirrwi:i:x iiuoad ami halsrv sts. IIIIOKRItS PMOTKCTKII. t.Ol lS NI'III.RHINIIKR. IMC lii';. ni:wark. n. j. Tel.. 6!K. Market. IVrdlnand do fie vs Itetlna Construction Co rt al: I eh S3, lot:, IMDM ItTIIST IM lo 130 I'. II fl Vorel Co vs Tlmolby II .Sullivan el al: .lunc 3. lull, K.S32.M. "I'll V n e cor I (3d st- lists If r lltatlnr Co vs Vk-o N. Ilohllen rt al: Dec S2, 1811, 11 AO. Lis Pendens. KLLSMKHK I'l . s. SV1.3 ft w So Iloulevard. toxluv- A lire I' lltitman, adm. vs Wm C. Kcan iforrt-losiire of morltraKel; nttr. K M John. LOTS SI SS. man of property of Nellie Marvin, llronx Ira lifts I". Xlulrannon vs Jerome Ijo Moiuc et al iforc losure of mortiarei; alts. Mtrltaharin'r At Donovan. MACOMIIS DAM llll r a. 41I..1 ft a Cohlr pi. 1 SX3.V10 -Samuel Hollander vs. Wm P Voitel lai'lloii lo estatittsh valltllty of transfer of tax Urn): atty, II (i Opiviilirliu. KKSTKIt AV. w a. C.7 ft a of ltdth st. S3..1xlt.3x Irreitular- Samuel Hollander vs Juliri M Uv Illusion lai'lloii torstabllh validity of transfer of lax Urnl; a1t. II t! Opieiiheliii. MAlllllN AV, r s. 1 1(1 ft ft 137 st. Mliax Irreir-.-nmiirl llollaiitler vs John II tlasVlu IMolrs Ine rl al lac Hon ttifMnWUli valldlli of tinnsfcr of tax lit'iii; ally, II II Onin'iiliHni. VCKMII.YMV AV. 11 s, SMi rt e Dvckman st. irox I6.3x Unit llrnr vs llcudlirlm Cujisliiii'tlou ( o (Action to set aside drt'd, del; atls. Hunt A I'.UIus. Mull lll'lt.N AV. 11 e i or I'Uth sl. liuxluO. -lex .unlrr 1' W Kititiuit vs it II M uriilti Co el al foreclosure 01 mtirKucrl; allys, Cnnnuii ( aniioii. iri'lt Av, . Mt ft 11 of 14th st. is Oxfts 6- Susan llatrl- et al vs Antic Harris et al tparlllloui, ntiv. (I II II I lliri'il ST. ill K Oharlrs Kckstadt vs Louis 11 vt tun et ai tiuiccitnturr 01 moriraeci; any, u A DcFlittii. I (I'll sr. n s. HI. I e Dry Dork st. il.sx7S- Henry Keale et al vs Lena Jaronollr. el al if ore closure of inortfarei; allys, Atidrerson, Isclln & Anderson. 31) AV, c s. IM a n 170th sl, Hi too. two actions .Havliifs Uank In the I'lly of ,N vs Wm II Zcllner et nl (forerltisure of two mort iraiesi; allys, Amend & Amend. AlllM'KA.s s, (O.&n 8)111 st, 40x100 .V V Ortho ikdlc Dispensary and Hospital el al vs City Ileal Kslals Co cl al Iforerltiture of mort 1 rare): altvs. Cnry tc Carroll. aa'I'II ST. s s.'S w Ceniral I'ark West, ssxioo &. llermaun II cammann vs Annie II Mackxy et al iforeclovuro of mortzaiei; any, it, Morris. MTII ST, (31 i: Waldron K Post Irus, vs llarhel Dremer el al (foreclosure of mortgage); at!) a. Ward, llaytlen a Salterlee. UTIl ST. Ill VI llenrv K l lrrnan vs l-tnlc 1 I'rlsbee ((specific performance): ally, II Hreves. CIIHSTON AV. w a. IM a IMd it, 20x170 I'rnsprci jnvrsnnKi.o vs vv nt r Mriiiixnnn et al Ifore closure of mortgagee ally, S W Collins. KltMll.YI'.A AV, a a. lot) a Isham sl, IWxISO -I'inspect Invesllug Co va Allen Construction Co el al (foreclosure of mortgage); atty, s W Collins. CHILTON AV. vv a. S a IMd al, MxISO Prospect ing Co vs Wm l McLaughlin et al (foreclosure of morttazei: ally. S W Collins. CHI-STUN AV. w s. 133 a laid st, SOxISO same vs same (foreclosure of mortgage); atty, a w Colllnj. t'HKSTOS AV. w a. 173 a of lJd sl. SOxISO same va same tioreciosure or mortgage); atty, H w Collins. ('IIKSTO.V AV, w s. US s 183d st. SOxISO same vs same (foreclosure or mortgage); atty. s W ttilllns. CHAUFFEUR KILLED IN GARAGE. Crushed By Klrvator Which Started Without Control. Jean Pnge, n chauffeur of 231 Seventh avenup, won killed yesterday afternoon at tho Kiverview Rnrnge, 271 West Kighty Reventli street, whllo hw car wan being lirtctl to tne wcoml noor in an elevator. Page drove hin car on the elevator, but before ho wnn reody to bo liolmed the ele vntor Htarted upward. The car Blld back ward nnd Paro wait crtiHlied between his machine and the necond' floor, lie died almost immediately. The general handy man about the place, John Prentice of 100 West 108th street, was at the lift when Pase wan nuttinv hla car aboard, but wan then called away. Prentice was arrested on a charge of homicide. Page was a native of France, 20 yearn oia tuia umuarrieu. I LONO ISLAND IIF.AL UHTATE FOR MALE, In the Whcatley Bills. "The Eden of Long Island" A Hustle Paradise of Hills, Glens. Spring Fed take and Hlr Trees, txxated In the Famous Wheatley Bills, near Hempstead Harbor and the Old Town of Itoslyn-the home of William Cullen Bryant, who wrote there "Under the Shady Oak." Surrounded by One private estates. Convenient tn the Water, Oolf Links, etc. 17 minutes from New York. 5 Rietir. NICE nUN(JALOW-On hilltop, with nearly H aero nf iround; 40 minutes from I'enn. Sta.i all.vear-round home: nrlce and terma verv rea sonable: for Information call or write. Mj.S'OA- i.utv, Ms iaat sun at. S. OSGOOD PELL & COMPANY SJ Fifth Avenue Tel. Ilryant SOU) Agents for COUNTRY HOUSES For Sale and Lease furnished WATER PROMT PROPERTT. Need S100 cash: have S room cellar and attic collate with Improvements and large tract of land: near trolley and depot; 40 minutes tn heart nf (Itv: will sell cheao. on trrma to suit. Th above has all water rlihts. OW.VCR. 10x9 Uroad- vrav. iirooaiyn. for sam: on ri:nt. SOUTHAMPTON AND SI1INN:C0CK HILLS. L. I. Ptirntahed coltairea to rent. Lists on anntleatlon. Plana and nhninrrajihx nf houses at office. J. METCALFE THOMAS II LlBKHTx STItKET. N. V. CITV nEAL FTATf Executors and Trustees should ar range to deliver our policy of -Tltlo Insurance to the purchaser whenever they sell Real Estate. It will greatly facilitate the sale and prevent any trouble with the title. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY SURPLUS- - 6,BOO,000 160 Brcadtravr. Jfw Yark. 1KB Mavatscae Street, Braaklrai. 37S 'PailUak Street. Jaasmlca. - Geo. Willing Real Estate & Insurance 163 West ICth ST. Tel. 724 Cbdsea. Geo. R. Read & Go. REAL ESTATE ao atan Rt. a East 35t"i SI. Horace S. Ely & Co. REAL ESTATE. 21 Liberty tit. 21 W. 30th St. JOSEPH IERIER ' JOHN J. CLANCY ft CO. UFA I. FTATK AND 1N81!HANCI: AdENTS 1767 Broadway, cor. 87th Strt .NKW TORK. Iteming and Collecting a Specially, Telephone 7361-732 Columbus. k FEW IARGAINS IIOO.00O Invrslrtl In a very choice business property, vicinity of Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, will net over 135.UM Per year, with a posltlvn In crease within a few years; half of amount In cash; balance at im on easy terms, 3d'i St., opposite Uarv'f, pint of S.Ooo square feet: cheapest tn block; below Jljo.(KX), bargain, .ii i.M ni:NKiicr. rim Fin n ivp.niik. hikini: :H4 3MU1SON MVt'XHi:. ItOROI'lill OF HKdOKI.i N I'DK KAI.K. MANHATTAN IEACH ESTATES OfDcrs on Property and at (lit sl. nnd Sth av N. Y. Sales Act. 315 Mldwood St.. Prospect Park l!at, between Ucdford and Ilogera Ava. Klegant I-story, atone, bay window front dwelling: s looms and hath; hardwood trim throughout: parquet Doors; console mirrors: oiwn nearth lu foyer hall; electric light, etc.; only 31,000 cash, balance easy terms. I1KAI.TY ASSOCIATES. 178 Kemsen Street. Ilrooklyn. Telephone, stao Ualu. ni:i .li:ilsKY IIKAI, F.STATH FOB PRICE, $5,000 1 7-room house, built on half acre of land. has all modem Improvement. Near two attractive lakea In the mountains; (7 minutes on train, main line of I)., I,. It W. Small cash payment, balance like rent. Write for particulars and photo graph, P. O. Ilox 7(1, New York City. WOODCLIFF LAKE, N. J. 70 ACI1MS, high class neighborhood; 57 mlnulea Herald Square: ripe to subdivide: 100 feet ele vation; aweeplng views of hills In New Jersey; lake, brook, and waterfalls on property: mile ata lion; sell as whole or pari. H. II, I.AUI1, Lib erty at. I'Oll SAl.i: Factory, llaat Hutherford. 60x100; plot 1(10x1(0; heavy brick construction: Door carrying capacity unlimited; ateam heal, gas and elrctrlo light, electric power, sprinkler system; all light: perfect shipping facilities; 73 minutes from llroadway by Hudson tunnels; well adapted for moving picture, manufacturing. Address W, 11, S room iOOI, 108 Pulton at.. New York city, . OltAFTMilAN HU.N'riAUJWH-Among the trees and beautiful hills nf Panwnod, N. J.; finely built homes with all city Improvements: sold at low prices and on very easy terms. Write for free plana and full particulars. II, IX1CKWOOD CO,, id llroadway. DWIM.I.INUM. farms, lakes, tracts, tor sale. CDWAIIU J. L'Aiui.K nuun run, n. J. m'.Ai, KMTATK AT AUCTION. BRYAN L. KENNELLY KtiAl. KSTAtlJ AUCriONKKIt, HKOKr.ll and'APPItAISP.n. 16 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE WEATHER FORECAST WASHINGTON PnEDICTIONH FOtt TO DAY and TO-Monnow. For eastern New York, generally fair to- , day and to-morrow, preceded by rain, or. snow In northern and central portions to-v day cooler to-day. with westerly gale. For northern New I'.nglsnd, rain or snow to-day ' and colder by night: fair and colder to-morrow; southerly shifting to westerly gales. For southern New Ilngland, rain this rrnlnr, followed by fair and colder to-day: fair and colder ' to-morrow: southwest to west gale to-day. ' For New Jersey, fair lo-day and to-mrrow;v colder to-day: high westerly vxlnds to-day, dlmln-.. Ishlngby night, Saw Yohk, Feb. S7, Tlie storm from the. Southwest was central over Indlaha and llllnolsv )Tslerday and covered alt sections from the' middle Mississippi Valley eastward to the roast and from the take regions to tho Uulf and South Atlantic c' The pressure vras high over New York nJ ovety the Horky Mountain Slates and. westward, exrapr over Montana, where a depression was becoming: evident, llalnfnll was heavy over the central ' Slates and morx, moderate eastward tn the coast1 and In the Tennessee Valley and northern parti 4 of the fhilf Stales. f Know fell In New Vorl: and westward over the take regions and the upper Mississippi Valley,' and thence soulhwestwarrl Into Arkansas and; Oklahoma. There was rt little snow also la'Mon?' tana and Wyoming. , Higher temperatures prevailed to the east arirt. south of the storm centre, hut It was colder In" New York and westward Into the Missouri Valley; and southward Into Texas. The depression movlnc Into Montana was In-i during higher temperatures over the extreme. Northwest. It was above the freezing point everywhere south of Pennsylvania and the'Ohlo Valley, bur, there was some rero weather In Minnesota aadj Wyoming. In this city tain or snow fell most of the day; colder: wind, fresh to brisk easterly: average, humidity, M per cent.; barometer corrected td read to aea level, at S A. M 39.(0; 3 V. M., 2t.M. ' The temperature In this city yesterday, as re-,,, corded by the official thermometer, Is shown ine annexeu tame; 1912. 1011. 1I2. , ! 4r." S P. M-.. ...37 , .IS Sl 0 P. M (I . ..IV SV 13 slid (t 1911. (. B A. ir. 13 M... 3 P. M. Lowest tcmpcrAturr. .11'. at 11:40 A. M. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, f . v UINIiTCr.r ALMAKAO THIS DAT Sun rises 6JSun sets., ..6:(8Uoon sets.33M. nioit-wATta this dai. r Sandy Hook. 2:13 1 Gov. Island -.2:151 Hell Ga(e..ia; Arrltrd-MOSDAT. February 2, t Sa Mlnnewaska, Soinhampton, Feb. 17. Ss llorhamlienu. Havre, Keb. 17. Ss Italia, Palermo. Feb. 10. Ss Florlde. Havre. Feb. I). Ss Clement. Ilarbados, I'rb. Iff. , Ss Santiago. l"orlo Ulto, t'rh. 20. Ss Oceana. Ilermuda, heli. 21. Ss Dcrmudlan, llrrmutla. I'ch. 21. SsCoamo. San Juan. Ib. 21. Ss Cherokee, Turks Island. Feb. 21. Ss Momtis. New Orleans, I'ch. 21. Ss Iroquois, Jacksonville, Feb. 23. SsF.I Occident:, (ialveslon, Feb. ro. , Ss Florida. Port Arthur. Tex.. Feb. Is. Ss Princess Annr, Norfolk. Frh. 2(. .Sa York Castle. Philadelphia. Feb. 2.',. Ss Manna llala, Haltlmorr, Feb. 21. annivKU out. Ss Kalserln Augitste Victoria, al Genoa from New York. ntiLXD ntdu ronHinx tort. Sa Sanl' Anna for New York from Palermo. Ss President Lincoln, for New York froaj Southampton. oitooino BTKXMsnira. Sail To-day. Math Ctiu. Cuthbrrt. Para 12 00U Hyperls. Montevideo 2 00 P M Nleuw Amsterdam, Hotter dam , rierrcanla, Naples.. , , City or Atlanta, Savannah Mohawk, Jacksonville Prtncesa Anne, Norfolk .Vttll To tnorroic. Lusllanla, I.Werpool. . ..tiJOPlt Catacaa, Curacoa R 30 A XI Ilermudlan. Ilrnnudn, A 00 AM Metapan, Jamaica.... -830.1 M Comus, NeirOrleans Sabine, Galveston.... Iroquois. Jacksonville , . Manranlllo. Lienfuegos . i Hamilton. Norfolk, . . .Still Thursday. February ,20. I a Touralne. Havre 7 no A M Celtic. IJxcrpool. astiAM Pennsylvania Hamburg, 12 no M Monterey, Havana. . u (XI A M Oceana. Ilermuda. .. 11 SO AM Panama, Cristobal. II So A XI Tocantlns, 1 vmaniliiii-o 1 U) P t Concettlna til Olorglo, llaytl 1 Oil P M t'nlted Slatra, Chrlstlans'd . . Kl Slid, (ialveslon City of Montgomery. S'v'n'h San Marcos, Mrtmawlck , , i , FrsJjJ ami. x, 3 no p ti, (OOPlT, 10 00 A Xt' .1 00 P M' 3 Oil P II I no p u 3 0) I'M lAM, 12 00 M I 11 00 A 11 12 0.) M 12 00 M I 00 P M 1 no p it 12 00 M ' 3 00 I'll 10 00 A M 12 00 M .1 ro p M 12 00 M. 2 on I' xf JOOPIl unnp m 3 no p m 2 COP M 12 00 M 3 TO P M I IMP M Tuesday. INcOMiNo'nrmMsniri. Due To day. Athlnal ... . Palras . , . Feb. 3 lliehmond. . . .Dundee Feb. Dora naliea.. . . i xlflers , I eh. 7 Monrlbello.. , Palermo,.. let). llreslau Ilremen . , I'eb. la Oceania lltal.l . .. .Genoa. , I'rb. M Pennsylvania. . . Hamburg , I'eb. II Kroonland. Antwerp I'ch. 17 Noordam Rotterdam. rch. 17 l.ulslana Genoa. I'ch. 10 Chicago City Swansea I'eb, t( Amerfka... Cherbourg. .Feb. 1.1 Yenezla. Naples Feo. II Ancon. . Cristobal.. I'ch. 21 Tlvlvrs Port 1 J mon , Feb. IB Merowllne,. Trinidad fee. 21 Havana llavann Peb. 2( Alllanca.. Cristobal. I'eb. 24 City of Montgomery Savannah.. , Feb. 21 Due To morrow. Cedrlc Naples, . Feb. 17 Glulla Pali-rmo. , . I 'eh. 12 Orotava. . . . Antllla lib. 2( Mblria .Colon. . I'eb. i Denver. . . , , (ialveslon, I'eb, 22 FlSlglo, , Galveston. i'eli. 2J Apache. . . Jacksonville. . Feb. tt Hue Thursday. Frttrvtiru 21) Prlnr rrledTi Wllhclm. llremcn Feb 2-1 San Ctovanul,, .. Naples I'eli Ii New York Soiilliemnliin Teh 21 yacapa KlmrMon . I'eli 21 Arcadian lkrmuda... Feb 27 Camaguey,.,., Tamplcn ,. I'eb, 21 Proteus ,., ..New Orleans. Feb 21 Nueces , TamiM. . I'eb 24 Huron Jacksonville... Feb. 24 By Marconi Wireless. OS ItutltuDiii. tut it'tn. ,,a mu iiiti vsni ot Sandy Hook nt noon yesterday, Ss for New York, was 322 miles east of Sandy Hook at noon. Ss llreslau, for New York, was IM miles south of Sable Island at 12:i P. M Ss llreslau, for New York, was 600 miles east of Sandy Hook at 12:40 P. M. Movements or Nnval Vessels. WAaiiiKOTOK, Feb. 29. -The collier Hector has arrived at Cuanlanamo, the collier Celtic al Boston and the cruiser Prairie nt llampto-i Hosts. The battleship t'lorlda has sailed from Guanw naino for New York ynr.l, Ihe collier Alax fro.n Guantanamo for Hampton SXnads, t lis collier Sterling from Hampton lloads for Hoston, nil tho collier Prometheus from Panama far SI, Hl;a Hay, FcuaJor. Army and Navy Orders, WASHtMiTON, I'eb, ai. These armvorlerswera Issued to day: First Ueut. Franc s XI. Wells. Mcillca llestrve Corps, resignation accepted. , Major iticnaru v;. v.rtixioit t hciiih-iii iiiinnir,' lo Philadelphia for geneial rrrr'utlnc scrvu-J, relieving Malor William Wrlgel. Major Charles II. Mulr, Twenty tl-lrd Irfantry. in linMsstrnetl Itsl. vice Mslor William WettrrL assigned lo 'Pwenty third Infantry. Major William n. itraves, irom rrrnuiiug ser vice at Philadelphia to Twentieth Infaiitrv. rirsl Ueut. Ftlw-ard I.. Kcllv. Coast Artllll-v'. from slat' of commanding otllccr. Cnaricxlou artillery district, to Seveni.".1flh Company. Cnpt. II. II. Paltlsou from Third itiaevenih Cavalry. i.api. rrsns it. iuv.oy, trutii iiiitvsviKiiru ui riilrtl Cavalry. Cant. John D. Long, from imart. gnet list vu Twelfth Cavaln-. , m " list to Seventh Cavalry. First Ueut. Sherburne Whlnnle. from Sixth to Third Infantry. First Lieut. John H. Upham. Third Infaniry, vt tinasslgned list, vim First Ueut. I'ulllp H, llajny, assigned to Utghlh Infantry. These navT orders vvrre Issued; Cant. J. II. Glennon. lo Navy Department aa member of special lioard on naval orclnante. Mldshlnman II. V. Itltlrrlv. from the .-mltn u naval hospital. Washington, for treatment, 1'asiett Assistant Surgeon J, U Taylor, to rt tired list from February IP. COUiSTRY RBAL KflTATK. Send to Counlryl? A D svclIisaoiiiesijVir, Dept. for Bookletr AIlVIiDuo.. Newark. UJ. i