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THE SUN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27; 1912.' application to ths Governor nor liar we been permitted to see the District Attorney' report to ths Governor.Jtlthough the Attor ney.General stated at tho hearing before rotamlseioner Hand that he placed It Im evidsnce. My request to the District Attorney for a copy ha been refused and 1 am told that no copy has been filed with Commissioner Hand. MSKKTH TnKATMKNT OP Tit It CASE. I have reached the decision to make'thls statement very reluctantly because I naturally shrink from making public my private, affairs, Hut for a month some newspapers of the city have been full of false charges, Insinuations, Innuendoes and accusations of almost every conceivable character, from almost every conceivable source. .Mr. dans and I have been accused of conspiring to defeat the ends of Justice, of dishonestly Influencing an upright Judge, of "railroading" nu Innocent young man to State prison to serve a long sentence, of Inducing llrandt by raise promises or leniency to plead guilty of a crime which he did not commit, and Anally of inhumanly seeking by improper methods to keep an Innocent man in prison after his Innocence had been proved. Kvery one who has had anything to do with the conviction of llrandt or the opposition to Ids release, from the .Indue who sentenced him and the Governor who refused to pardon him to the officers who caused his arrest, has been subjected to mlsrepreentatlon and abuse. Bulletins of supposed proceedings In the (Irand Jury room have appeared Almost daily In the newspapers without contradiction, public officials have vied with one another In supporting the efforts of Brandt's counsel to secure his freedom and this confessed thief, embezzler, forger and confirmed criminal has been held up before the community as a martyr entitled to public sympathy and support. Worst of all, by carefully devised Innuendo and Insinuation, more effective than direct statement, certain newspapers have sought to attack my honor and to create an Im pression that my efforts to secure Urandt's conviction and to oppose his applications for clemency were designed to hide some mystery which If made public would dis grace nnd degrade me before the com munity. To refute the cowardly statements re cently made by counsel employed for. llrandt by a newspaper and widely cir culated In some of the newspapers that It was my counsel und I who first dragged the name of Mrs Sen Iff into this case one haa but to read tho New York American and certain other newspnpers beginning with the Issues of January St, 11112 1 have therefore decided that in self-protection nnd In Justice to nil those who have been maligned during the past month of hysteria I should make this statement of the facts. Brandt's Employment and Discharge. In' the summer of too, while living at roy country place at Oyster Bay, L. 1 . I employed llrandt, then masquerading under the name of Lawrence I)e Foulke, as a household servant Before the summer was over he wan discharged for remaining In town over night on several occasions without permission A few weeks later, after we returned to town, Brandt applied for reemployment, and as there had been some difficulty in finding a competent man to replace him he was reengaged by the butler lie remained In my employment until February u. 1007 Late on the after noon of that day he handed Mrs Schiff an envelope nnd asked her to read the letter which It contained. This letter, which proved to be an Impudent declaration of affection, threw. Mrs Hchlff Into such n state of alarm that she locked herself up In the nursery nith the children and awaited iny arrival, when she handed the letter to me. I Immediately directed the butler to discharge Brandt, to give him the Ko wages due htm to date and to see that he left the house nt once These orders were carried out. The following is a copy of the letter which caused Brandt's discharge: Brandt's First Letter to Mrs. Srhlff. Miitr: Jf. I.. Srhll, "DganMT Lapt: Please have Indulgence and pardon my liberty, which I have taken by writing your this for me so Important and particular letter. "Dearest Lady as you may perhaps re member that I ones last Autumn left your services, and th reason why I came bak to 1911 perhaps you never realized or by any means surmlied. It was for you, yes; but 1 must tell you dear Lady, it is on this par ticular iiulstlon t have based my darelng Intrusion to write you. "By doing this I put my future on a hazard, which may be ruin my life for some time, or It will bring me magnificent thoughts of coming; "I am a poor fellow but I have a heart which I would part with to a l.ndu which ( love dearest ou earth ("it Is you dearest Lady.") I nm perfectlya lone In this coun try no real friends no relations whatever. I do not mU up with the servants us I find more pleausur to associate with peopel , better than 1 am. "I do not know If you are Interest or like ray person but I do know that I am awtly fond of you. In every respect I like and ad mire you emenskllg My feelings towards you dear Lady has grown every day in larger circumferenc. "Inside my heart is the eternal feeling's which can not be expressed in word fonly actions can apeak. "I "Day and night, until the slumber takes rae away, 1 think of you dear I. mil. It Is restless thoughts which never lives my brain. 1 was born a Barop my mother a Baroneits died 3 years after my birth. She was wealthy I when she died, but 1 was born one year be , fore she gott married, Sim had heart trouble which took her uway Htiddenly, without 'to have written any legacy, mi much was , left to my stepfather for my education In 8 years, that all, 1 nine to this country years ago to try my best, and to help my stepfather which Is In n ratltrr poor financial nffairs with s dottors. The only thing I have to ha proud of Is my health 1 and my mother' deir decended nobility , blood, so, 1 wns born n Gentleman and I t shall always be In the honor of my mothers name. "I will not tire you nny longer, but If you i have the si I test liking or sumpthly for me, who thinks the world of you, I wish of my 1 heart you would use me and hnve confedence I In me, I am not ablo to marry nor Ider ran I because you Madam has me with body i i. soul you maybo do not know or believe it, but I take God as a sufficient ado to It, , One sentence here omitted by Tiik Spn.J "Trust me, as you only true friend, money thoes not make true friend of heart, hear, , 1 am here to you purpose take me and muke use of me and give m a friends hand throught this weary world of illness. iYou have power to Hend me out on the Htreet I can gett a place easy enoff but to think of It makes me feel sorry I trust you ' because in your eyes 1 have read something which 1 never read iu any woman, "I hope you will from time to time give me a little place In your mind and heart and remember nm as one who thinks the ' orld nnd nil of tou; lovingly, It. K "P. S. This Is free country and I have a right to Love you if I want but it Is up to . you If you want to think anything of me and consider me as a friend. V "For mercy don't show this to your hus band or anybody "Let roe know your thought throught a note please. It would make me happy This is the first letter which Brandt ad dressed to Mrs. Hchlff or to myself and it Jtss the first revelutlon to us of his char acter. About three days after nrandt'a dis charge Mrs. Hchlff received a letter from him expressing regret for his conduct and asking for a reference. The following Is h ropy of this letter. Brandt's Second letter, Written Three Days After. Ills Discharge. nOTEl, VICTOMA, WITH A VF.NCK, TWKNTT-SBVKMTH STREET, t AND SltDAnwAT, NEW TORE, 5 OEOROE w SWEENET, TROP. TurnspAT, U Fsb. 07 . Jlrs. U f. Hthtf Dar Madam Pardon ray llbartr, but I Ins tut Small Oar Montr Can la,. tM M. P. touring BOO. aflpeed Hlldlag dears. Ha sell Magaete. Long j sjtrofe at W A, W ftaklsh Dfsttn. All Moving Parts Knclnted. CUI CP 1 a.lILL.r 170 HIIOAUWAY, Cor. Uth St.. X. V. DHOOKl.YN. N. Y.: 1) l.lvtniitou St. NKWAItK, N. J.: HI Italsey si. East Orange. Uunlelalr. Motion. must write this few lines. Alt I want to say Is concerning my own person "Vou might have a very bad opinion of me, after the eve of d. it Feb. I ara very poor Madam, and 1 cannot afford nor stand for a months vacation as I have no money I had Just send most of my money home o my father of my last months wages so when Mr. Hchlff send me away the only money I had was the 201 hi give William to me - ' "Vou know madam that hven you engaged me for the first time you may perhaps remember that my references where first class "Now 1 will ask you madam to pardon me and for mercy write me a reference, you know If I wns honest, sober, witling. In dustrious or a good waiter. You know which I was "Madam you know that I done my best for to suit you and I have spendt about T mo'nths In your services. And I must state some reason's why I have no reference during that time, the F.mployment Byron ask me. and I don't know what to say. If I do not gett a place soon I do not no what It will become of me and my dear Fader who is about SO years. Please madam realize the fact as well as Mr. Hchlff. 1 know that my feelings towards you Madam took the best of me but don't Judge me to hard I am young and do not see things as tin Hoping to receive some answer 1 have the honor to sign Your truly "l.AUHK.NCK 1)K FoUI.ER 15ft Fast Htreet" To this letter I replied that In view of Brandt's conduct no reference could be given him. We heard nothing further from him until the night of the assault. March S. 1IKI7. I can best give my account of the assault nnd of the occurences down to the time of Brandt s arrest and arraignment before Magistrate Whitman br offer I nc the follow. Ing affidavit, which I made In writing on March 17, 1007, four days after the assault. Written Statement Made by Schiff Four Daya After the Assault. "March, i;. too?. On Friday evening, March 8. Mrs. Hchlff and I dined at Martin's with Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Warburg and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stern and returned home In the company of Mr. and Mrs. Warburg, reaching our house at about M V. SI. Mr. and Mrs. Warburg came Into the house for a few moments, but did not go above the parlor floor. After they left, when we went un- stairs at about in o'clock Mrs. Hchlff went to bed, while 1 remained In the sitting room reading until about twenty minutes of n. I then extinguished the lights In the sitting room and walked through the hall, ex tinguishing the lights as I went through until I reached the door of my dressing room, by which time the hall was In dark ness. As I opened the door of my dressing room 1 was struck a violent blow on the head, which, however, did not render me unconscious. I nt once sprang to the switch and turned on the electric light, as me room was In darkness, when I saw a man standing over me brandishing a wooden tenpln. At first t did not recognize who it wns: 1 thought It to be some burglar and said to him not to strike me again and that I would give him what money I had with me. "I thereupon recognized that the man was a former servant of mine, named renco de Foulke, whom I discharged about n month previously. He had no shoes on, had no coat and had slipped on a dressing gown of mine which had been laying on a chair. As 1 recognized him I said to htm that I was very much surprised to see him thern'and that lie should have fallen as low as not only to enter my house but to at tempt to murder me, to which lie made reply that be bad been unable to find a position, that he was out of work, bad no place to sleep and did not care what hecimo of him. I that if he did mn up he could get nway, und . If lie was caught that lie would only get , two or three years. He told me to lay all my money on the dressing table In front of him, continuing to brandish, tho wooden tenpin.but I lefused to give him the money as he asked. "In order iler to try to nuke bliu feel that I j fear of him I lit a cigarette and liau no rear of III lit 1 lit a cigarette and liegan to talk tn lilm, watching tilm In the, maaiitlme, I tout liiiu it was foolish , of a young man to sturt tin u career of crime; that even If he did succeed In robbing me and 'doing me up,' as he expressed it, und might be able tn get away he would be bound to be caught, and dually telling him that if lis would consent to go quietly I would not cull for help, but would let him nut of the house myself I also asked him how he got into the house und how long he bad been there, and he lold me that he had entered through the urea, through which the ashes ure leiuiived: that he had been In the house since about H o'clock nnd that he had been awaiting my return, "While we weie talking he placed Hie wootlen tenpln on the floor next to hiuiMdt itnd put his right bund at his hip potket. I asked him why be did this, und he said Unit be hud a revolver in 111. xcket, which lie would use If necensary, and fuitlier more, that If necessary lo escape arrest he would shoot himself At first he abso lutely refused to listen to nny Idea of going peaceably, as he said he could not trust me, but he finally consented to do so, I having said to lilm that If he would go quietly I would give him some money to get his things nut of pawn und to get food and lodging. I further said to Mm that 1 would try to give him another chance and If tie came to my ofllce on Monday morning at 0:3U A M. I would send him possibly tn Chicago and iee whether I could give him a fresh start My only idea of cniirseiwa to get rid of the man and to have an oppor tunity to consider what would be the best tiling to do with him If lie came, He tlnallv consented to leave, upon which I told lilm to remove my dressing gown, which he hud 1 on to go down to the cellar, where he said he bad his coat and shoes, and tn meet me ut the rront door, whero I would let him I AHRED BEHlAJllN&Cos Tailor-made CMiesI For the Southern trip Outing Suits of washable materials, Spring Suits, Shirts, Neckwear and all the little fixings requisite. If style counts with you, get your clothes and haberdashery here. out, Thli he did, and as I let him out of the house 1 gave him IM. "As soon as he was gone I alarmed the house and saw that everything was closed tight for the night nnd then went and In formed Mrs. Hchlff of the occurrence. I had a badly swollen head, which prevented me from sleeping, and I spent the night In making cold applications to the same. 1 would say In passing that the man knew the habits of the house, that my butler, who Is a married man, sleeps at home on Friday lights, that we always go out for dinner on Friday nights, and that after my things are once In Id out for the night In my dressing room.w hlch Is always done prior tod o'clock, nobody enters that, dressing room, Before going to bed 1 locked the door of my dressing room, so that nothing could be disturbed there, as I wished to make a thorough earch In the morning, On Mnturdnv morn Int I vailed, my butler, William Gilpin, tn my dressing room, and upon examination lie found lying upon the floor n long sliver carving knife with n ball, of twine wrapped around its handle, which' was kept in the butler's pantry: a three pronged lee pick, with n long wooden handle, which belonired In the cellar, and the wooden ten pin, with which had been attacked, We also found a yellow metal bos, which wns'nn ornament In the parlor, and which apparently dad been taken up to my dressing room by tho man to attack me. We also found that two scarfplns, viz., a diamond horseshoe scarf pin, and a small diamond horse scarfpln, had been taken, as well as n sliver shoe horn. We further found that an attempt had lieen made to disconnect the bell of the dressing room by trying to cut out the wire. out mat this attempt was not successful. "I thereupon sent for my physician. Dr. Joseph Fraenkel. who examined my head and said that I had suffered no serious In Jury, although I would suffer some pain for some little time, and also stated to me that I had an extremely lucky escape, ns if the blow had landed squarely on my head It would doubtless have crushed mv skull. "I later In the morning notified Plnkerton's Detective Agency, who sent their assistant superintendent, Mr. Itogers, to see me, and I Instructed him to see whether they could find nny trace of tho man, furnishing them an address nt which he had been last known and which had been given me for this purpose. 1'lnkertons found no trace of him, but on Monday morning, March II, he appeared at to A M at my office In the meantime I had retained Mr Howard Cans to advise me as to the course which 1 should pursue and Informed Lawrence de Foulke upon his arrival that I would place him In Hie hands of Mr Gans and Mr Rogers, above named, nnd that I would be guided absolutely In my treatment of him by what Mr Gans advised me. From this point on I am not advised, except by report as to what occurred, but In the afternoon Mr Gans advised mo that the only action for me to take was to lodge a criminal complaint against the man, This advice wns concurred In by Dm McDonald and Mabon, who came to my office to examine the man as lo his sanity I thereupon appeared before Judge Whitman in the Tombs police court and swore out a com plaint against the man, I would further say tn passing that the doctors Informed me that the man stated to them that of the IJO I had given him he had spent all but I?: that he bad come to the office ns he felt that he had nothing to risk by so doing, as If he did not he would be caught anyway, and that by his coming 1 might be Influenced to deal leniently with him "Mortimer L. Schipp "Subscribed and sworn to before me this fifteenth day of March. l07 " H. Paci,. "Notary Public 14, New York County. X.Y " Now Pretends Another Purpose of the Visit. In addition to what I set forth In this statement made at the time, I add that 1 asked Brandt the night that he broke into the house whether he had stolen anything while he was In the house, and he denied .that he had taken anything. This is Im portant in view of his subsequent men dacious assertions that he was In the house by invitation and that his purpose in steal ing the pins was tn disguise what he now pretends to be the real purpose of his visit. Further light Is thrown on the falsity of this absurd pretence by the fact which appears In Dr. Mabon and Macdonald's statements that when tpiestlnned about the pins he told llieui that he had taken them, but pretended not to be able to And them, coupled with his subsequent state ment upon his examination before Judge ltosalsky, in which he asserted that he knew nothing about any diamond pins and coupled with the final proof of his men daclty in this respect, which was furnished by thn surrender of the diamond pins through his counsel, Flscher-llansen. Much has been made by Brandt's friends of the fact that upon the occasion of the I assault I parleyed with him, gave him SMi 'and permitted 111 in to leave the house. having secured his promlso to t ome to my office on the follow lug Monday. 1 pursued office on the follow lug Monday. 1 pursued that course because 1 was alone nt nUlit dealing, as I suppused. with a madman who threatened to kill me and profe-setl to be armed with a pistol, and I desired at all hazards to get htm out of the limine where my wife and children were sleeping. Brandt Passed Five Harriers. The claim Is now made that Brandt en tered my house through uu open door und was not compelled tn turn a knob or lift u. lutch to enter I poll this slender basis rests the claim made by both tho District Attorney nnd the Atturney-tleneral Unit llrandt wns not. guilty of burglary In the Hist degree To support their contention there Is no evidence but the prisoner' mill statement The fuels, however, are these; lira nut suys lie enlereil the Jiouse by means of the cellurdoor.whlch opens into the ureu through which ashes are lemuved from the cellar In order to enter the house from the street by this menus Brandt wns compelled to pass five separate barriers, tlrst the Iron gate from Seventy-fourth street Into the alleyway at the rear of luy house: next iin other Iron gate from the ulleyay Into my Iiuck yard; then a horizontal iron grating into the ureawuy, which Is accessible from me yuru oniy uy means oi a perpendicular Iron ladder Finally, between the area and the cellar there are two barriers, one u door of Iron bars and the other a wooden door I am ndvlaed that if Brandt opened any of tliese liarrlers tie was guilty of burglary in tlie first degree, When we were preparing for the trial of this case In March, 1007, Leonard Bourne, w ho was my cellar man nt thn time, made a written statement that the wooden door was closed at the time when Brandt stated that he hud entered the house. This statement he has recently con- firmed In an affidavit, which my counsel i 4r Mar" procured for District Attorney Whitman. This affidavit Is as follows: Affidavit of Leonard J. Bourne, "fonnrd J. Bourne, residing at 07 Foster street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, being duly sworn, deposes and says: "I am now residing at 67 Foster street. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and at present nm employed by Mr. Kdgar Pierce as chauffeur, 1 am 21 years of age. "On the i:tli day of October, ICO. I entered the employ of Mr. Mortimer L. Hchlff of New ork city as third man in his household and 1 remained In his employ continuously until about April 1, 1007. I was employed by Mr. Hchlff on the 12th of March, inoo. In the capacity of carriage groom. "It was part of my duty as third man during the time of my employment by Mr. Hclilfr to attend to the furnaces of the steam boating plant In the cellar of Mr. Hclilff's house at 032 Fifth avenue. It waa a part of my duty to remove ashes from the furnaces and send them up to the street. This was accomplished by taking the ashes out of the door In the rear of the cellar which opens upon a hoist by which the ashes are raised on a pulley to the back yard. The opening of this hoist was during my employment covered by a grating which Is capable of being lifted up. The fence around the yard was about ten feet high, and In It there was a grate, "On the night of March 8, 1007, at about 8 o'clock I was in the cellar of Mr. Hchlff's house at 032 Fifth avnnuo for the imrpose of making up a lire and I than noted that the door loading into the holstwaa closed, I know that it was not locked because the key to that door had been lost for some time and it was Impossible to lock it; but I am sura that it was closed not only by reason of the fact that I romember seeing it, but because whenever that door was opened there was created a violent draught which would Immediately call It to any ona'a attention. The grating cover ing hoist was, 1 re member, open. I do not know whether the grate leading Into the yard was open or not. I was down In the cellar again at II o'clock and again noticed that the door leading into the hoist was cloned. "I went out of the house that night at half past it o'clock to go to my home and at that time the gate leading into the yard was closed. While that gate cannot be opened from the outside by ordinary means, it would be an easy matter for any one desiring to get In to open It, for there Is a wire which runs from the kitchen along the fence to the latch of thlsigate by pulling which the gate can be opened, and any oni climbing on the fence could easily reach this wire. "I remember all these facta very clearly because I was asked about them with great particularity Just prior to the lath of March, 1007, and at that time executed an affidavit as to what I then remembered very clearly. I have recently -xead the affidavit, and this affidavit Is practically a restatement of the facta therein stated as to which my mem ory his thus been refreshed. "I.KONtRI J. Bocrnp." The fairest way to present Brandt's story of the assault and theft Is to offer the fol lowing confession which he made to Detec tive Itogers at my office on the Monday following the assault. Brandt's present, claim that he signed this statement under a misapprehension of its contents is nega tived by the fact that It iras rtptnttd on Iht suite iau tcithout siifisfanfidf rhangt Iti Prs. Slalnin ami Mnrdatinld, the alienists who were called iu to examine him, as appears from their written statements made shortly after. Brandt's Confession. "New Yiiiie, Monday, March It, 1907. "htatement of I.iturence De Foulke made to John W. Itogers, March tl, 1007. at the oftlce of Kulin, 1-oeb A Co., .', William street. New York city. v .My name is lurence lie roulke. age 2t .years. My present address la a hotel on I'.ast Forty-second street near Third avenue, tho name and address I do not know. I was born In Stockholm, .Sweden. My father, mother and three klsters are at preMMil in Stockholm. Sweden. I llrst came to this country to New York city in .NoveuiDer, loui. .viy nrsi position was with Iilyurd Blair. Ulalrsden. N. J. I remained with Mr. Blair between six anil seven months. I resigned owing to a cliauge iu hoiisekeeiiers. I then returned to New orli was out of employment two months, after which I took small positions until October, t'JJ'i, when I went to wurk for W. II. II. Hoffman, .L". West I'lfty-nrst street, The Hoffman family went to F.urope ou the 1Mb day of July, iwoe, and 1 was obliged to resign. 1 was out of employment one month nnd then obtained a position with M. L. Hchlff in August, 1900. and remained with lilm until February, 1807, when I waa discharged for reasons which I do not care to state. After 1 was discharged 1 was unablu to secure a position. My funds were getting lower every day, I was be coming discouraged. I came to a stale when 1 had no money to buy food and a sudden Impulse struck me, that Is, to go to the residence of my former employer, M, L. Hchlff. 0.12 Fifth avenue. New York city, and ask him for some money. On Friday, March . ubout 0 P. M I arrived In the vicinity of Mr. Hclilff's residence. My first intention wns to ring the doorbell, but thinking he would not see me, 1 entered through the basement cellar door, whbh I found open. I look off my shoes so as not to make any noise going upstairs, I went upstairs to Mr. HchlfT's dressing room and look two diamond pins, one horseshoe and one horse head pin, "I then became alarmed and considering If Mr, Hchlff was to return and find me he would call the police, o I concluded It would bo better to me to have a weapon lo protect myself, so sticking the two diamond pins In the lapel of my vest, I went down stair lo the cellar, secured a bowling pin, und on my way upstairs went to the panlry and secured n curving knife, I I hen relumed to Mr. HchlfT's dressing room, which wns In darkness and sat In a chair. It was Just len minutes to in o'clock when the front door bell rang. 1 assumed this was Mr. Hchlff. I then prepared myself, and taking the bowling pin stood up awaiting Mr. Hchlff. It was about half an hour later when Mr. Hchlff entered his room, The light from tho servants' staircase reflected nnd I recognized him and he recognised me, and I struck 111 id a blow on the head with the bowling pin. lie turned on the lights. I made no further attempt at violence, but plnced the bowling pin on a chair, for Mr, Hchlff said, 'I will give you money, you should be ashamed of yourself for there Is something good left In you yet and I will help you and rend you to any place you want to go," I was so excited I forgot all about the pins, I then went downstalra, put on my shoes and Joined Mr, Hchlff, who was stand ing at the front door. He then handed me fin and requested me to call at hia office at 10:30 A M, Monday. March II, which ap- plntment 1 kept. What became of the two a-. 1 T ITf BBBBBBBBSBBBBJ plna I do not know I could not.lnd them. After I arrived home It was my fnteatlon'o return them this morning. The'iolld silver shoehorn, which 1 took from Air, Hchlff's room, I returned. "The above statement is made of ray own free will, without promise or reward of any kind. Laurk.vck 11 k Foixee." In this connection I might add that while at my ofllce Brandt stated to Dr. MaoDonald and Dr. Mabon that the reason he came to the ofllce was that he felt "confident that; I could get him anyway and -that he there fore risked nothing by coming. The Search of Brandt's Room and the Letter Foun There. As I was Informed, shortly after Brandt's arrest the Plnkerton man, Mr, Rogers, with Sergt. Taylor searched Brandt's room, with his permission, to find out whether he had any other stolen property besides the two diamond pins. After that search Mr. Rogers reported to me that no property of value had been found and gave me four papers, one of which was a pencil draught In Brandt's handwriting of the letter to Mrs. Hchlff which had causetl Ids discharge and which is given above. As this draught was, written upon my letter paper with my address engraved at the lop and was, ad dressed to my wife I naturally kept ft as I hstl a right to do. The other three papers were letters addressed to Brandt, apparently from some maid servant t o whom he had been attentive, They were Import ance and 1 put them In the envelope with the other papers. After the Institution of the recent Grand Jury proceedings my counsel voluntarily gave lo the District Attorney these three letters and a' copy or the draught of the letter to Mrs. Hchlff, offering to produce the original whenever required. These are the letters regarding which ao much mystery was made in some of the newspapers. They were surrendered voluntarily, and not upon (he demand of the District Attorney, and no effort was made to withhold any of them1 except the draught of the letter to Mrs. Hchlff, which is subject to production wherever and when ever it may properly be required .in any legal proceeding. Threatened To Reflect on Mrs. Hchlff. With the events which followed Brandt's commitment by Magistrate Whitman until Ida sentence by Judge ftoaaliky I personally had very little to do, as I was represented by my counsel, Mr. Howard Gans. Having been assured by the alienists Drs. Mabon and MacDonald after thor ough Investigation that my. first theory that Brandt was Insane was Inoorrect there was no escape from the conclusion that he was a dangerous criminal and especially dangerous to my family and myself. He had Insulted my wife, entered my house feloniously at night, stolen my property end assaulted me with a mur derous weapon. Intending, as 1 then be lleved, and still believe, to kill me. Brandt's conduct while In the Tombs only confirmed my opinion that he waa a danger ous and wilful criminal and a serious menace to the safely of my family and to the com munity. On March 12, the day after his commitment to the Tombs, 1 received a note from Brandt asking me to visit him. 1 did not go, but asked Mr. Gans to see htm, which he did on the following day. Mr. Gans reported to me that Brandt had aald to him In substance that if the charge was pressed he would make reflections upon Mrs. Hcbirr. Mr. Gans warned him that ho had better not tell lies about anybody. This. Mr. Gans tells me, was bis only visit to Brandt at the Tombs and his only con versation with him after his commitment. Three days later, on March IS, we received a communication from a person who had been confined at Police Headquarters over night In the same cell with Brandt, to 'the effect that Brandt had told him the circum stances of his entry into my house, statins; that be had entered through the "coal scuttle," and that In the presence of my In formant Brandt had told two professional burglars who were In the same cell that property of large value could be had In the Hchlff house and In what manner and at what time the houae could be entered'Witb the least possible risk of discovery. ' Fissher-Ilansen Aepeara. About March is Flacher-Hansen called me on the telephone and told, me In sub stance that he was Interested in the Brandt caae, which was In the hsnds of a young msn in his office, and that if there was any Shlng he could do he would gladly be of aervlce. This Is the only conversation I ever had with Flscher-Hansen about Brandt. I referred Flscher-Hansen to Mr. Gans. A day or two later Mr. Gans, thinking it would be advisable to know what FUcher-llansen was after, wrote him suggesting a meeting. To this letter Flscher-Hansen made no re sponse In writing or otherwise. On the afternoon of March si I received a call from J. C. Rosenthal, a lawyer. I sent for Mr. Gana. Mr. Rosenthal stated to ua In substance that he had coma Into the Brandt case by reason of the fact that riacner-iianson was trying to get it away from Brandt's nrst lawyer, Mr. Bayllss, because of the notoriety and had offered to act without pay. Mr. Hosenthal pro ceeded to say that Brandt was now claiming that be had secured admission to the house with the assistance of Mrs. Hchlff and at her Invitation, and that she had given him the t wo diamond pins which he had been accused of stealing and that Mr. Bosenthal had come to give this Information to me as an act of courtesy. Mr. Rosenthal aald that while he did not believe this story to be tnie it might become public If there were a trial and that It might therefore be to my Interest not to prosecute Brandt but to give him un opportunity to go away and never come back, Hot h' Mr. Gans and I made It per fectly plain to Mr. Rosenthal that no len lency would be shown to such a man as Brandt and that If he did not plead guilty of the crlmea whloh he had committed a trial would be Inslsted'on.and Indeed that our preference would be for a plea of not guilty and a trial if a plea of guilty would have the effect of reducing the sentence which Brandt would otherwise receive. Falsehoods la the Caae. In due course I appeared aa a wltnesa before the Grand Jury and answered the questlona which were put to me, and on March 22 Brandt was indicted. With the subsequent proceedings I hsd nothlnr to do. The alleged meeting between iJudae ltosalsky and myself and others at the Criterion l.'lub Is a pure myth. I have never been in the Criterion Club In my life. me story inai wmie in tlie Tombs llrandt received Ids meals from, a neighboring restaurant at my expense la absolutely false. So attempt, was made on my part or by Mr. Gans on my behalf to Induce llrandt to plead guilty through false nrom. Isea or by any other means. We simply Insisted that the law should take Ita course. Alter iiranui s arrest Air. liana asked the I'ollce Department to make an investi gation of hia past career, In the first Instance to furnish the district Attorney with matter for Brandt'a cross-examination on the trial that was then eipected and later when Brandt had pleaded guilty to furnish the court nllh like Information forn like pur pose, Much criticism has been levelled at that report, but the officer who made It haa lold frankly the sources from which he secured the Information, And now' even after five yeare It appears that thereport understated rather than overstated Brandt's criminal career. Scandalous Letter from the Tombs. I now come to the avunt ,ik..n..i . - Brandt's sentence. On April H.ifour dars arter the sentence, Judge ltosalsky asked Mr Gans lo rnme tn tK ma,,-, ...1 he met, besides Judge Roaalsky, Fischer- '; Asaisiani iistrict Attorney Nutt It Mniwinul lh. tr i-i had brought to Judge Rosalsky a letter iixm.iiiaiiui 111 oirs. orpin which he said had been sent to him in a sealed envelope addressed tn Mrs Rektn' .... , , uy mis take he had opened this envelope and had L ji .1 . . ? rwd and by direction of .liut Mr, dans, who hsndtd It to me, This letter .,..- ,9 mm wriiian intimstiAn Brandt's lying and scandalous ,tale, whlea Put the Scissors I Through Your Insurance Premiums BY INSTALLING GRINNELL AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS POa PARTICTTLABe APPLY TO General Fire Extingulther Co. Niw Yoax Omca 1 Lisrbtt Brwarr The Insurance companiei will re duce your premiums from 35 to 75 per cent when you Install a GRIN NELL Titem. Compound the Inter est on this saving and you will And an attractive buiinets proposition. he has since expanded and retold on so many occasions, that on the night of the assault he was in my house not as a burglar, but by Invitation: that the letter which had caused his dismissal was accidentally discovered by me and hsd been preceded by a series of other letters; that he had deliberately pretended to be In the house as a burglar and to have stolen the two diamond pins with the chivalrous purpose of hiding from me his pretended reason for being in my house. The outrageous falsity of this letter Is shown by the letter which caused his discharge and which appears on Its face to be the first letter ever addressed to Mrs. Hchlff by Brandt. Lays It To Flscher-Hansen. I have Information that convinces me that Flscher-Hansen not only was the bearer of this letter but assisted In Its preparation. Indeed the story of chivalry foreshadowed In this letter seems to be a specialty of Flscher-Hansen. In the New York IToWd or August 2, 1003, Is told a somewhat similar story attributed to him. I am Informed that be recently told n representative of the press that although he mentioned no.nsmes In this story he had in mind Brandt and the Hchlffs, quite forgetting that the World story was told almost a year before Brandt nrst entered my employ. After Brandt was sent to Sing Blng mr counsel, Mr. Hans, on my behalf openly took measures to be notified In case of any attempt on the part of Brandt to secure pardon. I took this precaution, as I was convinced that Brandt was a dangerous and confirmed criminal, and specially dan gerous to my family and myself. jr any evidence beyond my own experi ence were needed to convince me of this It was certainly furnished by the fact that Brandt had been a thief in Sweden and that he had forged the name and embezzled the funds of his employer and benefactor, Mr. Kull. Further confirmation Is furnished by his thefts from an employer In Phila delphia, Dr. Robinson. Brandt Repeated Scandal lo Senator Nelson. In June. ltKffl. a Mr. Revmert. as attorney for the Swedish Consulate lb Xew York. called on Mr. Gans saying that Senator Nelson of Minnesota had received an anneal from a perntin at Dannemora State prison named Brandt to Investigate his case and that Senator Nelson had asked the Swedish Consulate in New York to make the Investi gation. Mr. Reymort showed to Mr. Gans the prisoner's letter to Senator Nelson, which was a repetition, with great elabora tion of detail, of the scandalous stories he had before attempted to circulate. As far as I am able to learn the same lying story has been the basis of his recent spplication to Gov. Dlx and was told by blm to news paper reporters who were permitted to Interview him at Dannemora. Brandt Told II lo the Governor Too. BRANDT TOLD IT TO TRIE OOVERNOR TOO. In November, ion. Mr. Gans Informed me that ha had learned from Mr. Wllmot, the assistant of District Attorney Whitman in charge of pardon applications, that Brandt had made an application for pardon. Mr. Gans thereupon wrote 'tho Governor asking an opportunity to be heard on my behalf, stating that this desire was bascdon the fact that the prisoner had heretofore aought to interest people In his behalf by means bf scandalous stories, the falsity of which was easily proven. On November 28 Mr. Gans received a letter from Mr. Potter, the Gov ernor's pardon clerk, saying that the Gov ernor would not sea Mr. Gans, but that the writer would. On December 12 Mr. Gans saw Mr. Potter In Albany. Mr. Gans In formed me that Mr. Potter declined to show him the pardon application, but In conversa tion admitted that the story told by Brandt as the basis of his appeal to the Governor was in substance the story which had ap peared In the latter to Senator Nelson. Mr. Gans also called upon Mr. Wllmot and offered to assist him with information bear ing on Brandt'a application for clemency. Next Whitman Heard II. On January 24 articles emanating from Albany appeared In certain newspapers to the effect that District Attorney Whitman had personally visited Brandt In prison and had secured from him a statement. The headline in one prominent article waa "Brandt after Ave years In prison declares he la innocent. Pleaded guilty, ha says, to save name of woman In M. 1,. SchifT house hold." The article refers to a letter ad dressed by Brandt to Mrs. Hchlff. Soon other newspapers began to print the story. which subsequently appeared In varying forms, that Brandt had been "railroaded" to Jail to cover a scandal In my household. I soon learned that the scurrilous tale which he had foreshadowed In the Flscher-Hansen letter and developed and expanded In bis IB Have you a customer's list? Do you keep it on cards ? Docs it tell you just the condition of your trade at a glance? A Library Bureau customer's list might double your business, for there is nothjng like having your eye on the entire situa tion so that you can quickly strengthen weak places. Send for further informa tion about this and other card systems. Library Bureau Manufacturing Distributors of Office, Bsik and Library Furniture la Wood and StecL 316 Broadway Phone 1400 Worth 'Wilds 3W saW'Mts Oriental PJ ' The Largest Specialty ' ' ? 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Some of the newspapers became bolder and printed almost dally Insinuations and veiled Illusions to a scandal in my family, to hide which Brandt had been railroaded to prison and was now, althouch an innocent man. being kept there by all the resources at my command. It must In remembered that Brandt's lying tale of chivalry and self-sacrifice has been the baii of every application he has heretofore mids for sympathy and clemency. It Is only within the last few days that his counsel have put Into his mouth the pretension that he would rather atay In jail than bs responsible for an attack on a woman. Several days before the transmission by the District Attorney of his report to the Governor my counsel submitted to Judie Whitman the evidence of the false and mendacious nature of the grounds on which Brandt based his plea for clemency, in cluding the letter to Mrs. SchifT of Febru ary 11, 1B07, which caused Brandt'a dis missal and which is submitted above, and offered to furnish further Information If required. How much of the information which I furnished the District Attorney was Incorporated in hia report to ths Governor I do not know, as neither I nor my counsel have had an opportunity of seeing that report nor any of the papers before the Governor except such aa haTS been made public In the proceedings before Commissioner Hand. Governor Acted Without Hearing Rehlff. Aa soon as the reports of the District Attorney and Judge Roaalsky were sent to the Governor Mr. Cans went to Albany and asked for an opportunity to present to the Governor and his advisers the reasons for my opposition to Brandt's application for clemency, but was told by the Governor's