OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 28, 1912, THIRD SECTION, Image 40

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1912-04-28/ed-1/seq-40/

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THE SUN, SUNDAY, arRIL 28, 191Z.
Tim ClilldronV Orchestra, BMHd !'
Mr. ilainiM (', liisliup with Iiit four llttlo
plrh mvirly ilirii ycnrn iiro, h roIhi; to
Klvo Hi annual comi-rl next Tuiwlny
nt tint 1 Intel I'lnza. So Tar a in known
thfri' In nothing lilio It iiiiyvvlii.n
Them luiu- lici'ii fliildrfii'i nrohrstrtiH
lie fori' now for children of tln Kiist .Side,
nnd there have been tmmll otrlieslras
fur children of the rich which met In tho
liotneH or (ho ineinhern. Mm. ltih('M
firchettra h not lilut either of these (.'Inssin.
It Include children of M-wnil nation
alities reprcneniiut; many social dccrccn
who meet rcRiilarly once a week from
Octoher to May In Mr. HishopH ilrnwiliK
rcorn. I hildren from the poorer parlH
of (ho city may rub elbown wilh children
from Fifth avenue, The only question
which come- up when a candidate applbn
to Mr. C'ornu it whether he has talent
nnd fome knowledge of music.
When Mr, ll'mhop ntarted the orches
tra nhi- had no idea that in less than thrri
years It would have forty-one memhets,
mniK of whom nhow ho much talent that
undoubtedly they will follow muio an a
"Mrs. llishop, " said her secretary when
tellini; about the iiri'lieslrit, "was of the
opinion that In or'mi'ini, an orchestra
open to talented children irrespi-etivo of
class she was doing a rimmI thins for her
own daughter ly introdtiein them to
n broadening Influence, the association
with boys and clrls of all walks or life.
Sho has preat bin Ideas of what she would
llko to do for the members when the
organization urmv. If it diil grow.
There was no tellinj: ntmiit that. It
remained to be seen whether there were
youriR IJeethovens mid Tschaikowskys
who could and Would come t the Hisho
drawing room every Saturd.iv morning
to bo taught for two or three hours anil
who Would praelNo faithfully at home
between Saturdays. There may be some
doubt now as to whether the members
include a genius; there Is no doubt at
nil that the member-i. every one of them,
tiro tremendously enthusiastic iilmit their
music lesxion.
"All the expense of the orchestra,"
continued thu secretary, "is borne by
.Mrs. Itlhop. Children get their carfare
and a luncheon Is served to them every
Saturday before they leave her house.
Supposing one of them in the opinion
of the teacher is eligible to a musical
career .Mrs. Kishop will give help wherever
help is needed.
"Why, certainly if a child can't afford
to buy a good iintniment he or she is
given one."
When the orchestra was one year old
it gave its tlrst public concert at the Hotel
I'la.a with eighteen members
from 7 to II) years of agr
Ac-abail. Bishop ageq S'ti Yrtns.
-n or
that these are from persons who
moved mil of town.
Spea'ting of the personnel of the or
chestra Louis !. ( orn.i, its instructor, said
that about ono-tlitril of the members are
girls, that the youngest member, a hoy.
Is ID years, the oldest, also a boy, is 1.").
The net oldest is Mis Mary liishop, who
plays th" piano for the orchestra. Violins
cellos, llutes and cornets are the in-tru-merits
"The ten-year-old boy lioss Davidson is
the concert tm-tor." slid Mr. (.'until,
"lie t.iko all the solo violin pass iges in
a number and never in my life have I
seen such earnestness anil enthusiasm.
I did not intend having :i conceit master
but the little fellow si.'emed so eai nest
that 1 lliially decided that i was perfectly
safe to trust him with the role.
"There are three Italian boys in the
orchestra, who st a good csample of
faithfulness. '1 hero art several Huian
who are anions the easiest of all t teach
and who?" Influence in the orchestra is
line. Miss Mm icl liishop, not tthe
ranging I youngest of Mrs. bishop's five daughters,
Last year it i is undoubtedly one of the most t dented
celebrated its s-cond blrthdav with u
concert a' the same place with about
thirty members, 'this year the annual
concert takes place in the ballroom of
the hotel, which seats more than fim)
persons and Mrs. llishop h;,, invited that
' "'" '"" " menus, individual attention to ever eliim as
of the orchestra to be present. As an ' well . ilir..riim. th.. .iw..mlil,. w.irU-
interest taken in the Of course onlv a hhii II lrntmrtion of the
, niembei's have (exceptional talent, but
I whenever I detect thl" the opportunity
of the girls in the orchestra and one of the
I most conscientious in pniotNing the violin,
i "The Hishop drawing room is at the
disposal (,f tin. orchestra from n to 12
every Sit'irday. Asa rule I am with them
. mi iwo mm oii"-ii:iu uours, giving some
indication of the
orchestra it is said that so far less than
twentv reirrets have been reoeSvi.il nr..i I .
have for r.inid advancement i put in the
' child h way li roe. Willi . i.t s-iying i
that a e!tano, to g. t a line ni'ii il"itio.i- '
lion will In' "iveii to a few a! I".i t ol the
orchestra in the ne.t live year " I
Mr. t'or iu was tltti ist niTeiided at the ,
suggest!.)!! tai. iiecesarily th'i pi o- I
gramme ( be giv.'ii by tli" or. hestr.i ti"t
Tuesid.iy willincl i l" only t'l" simpler or
rather the le ist dilll "lit s'lei-ii.e.s.
"Not at all," he r.ttsvvi red. " hv, even
last year when the children were less
skilful, their programme w.n s dillivult ,
that it created tremendous cx Iretneui. 1
N'ext Tuesday the proaramti.e will be of a.
still higher order, l or iiisrmie, jt
include a coniosi(icu of Fneilnmnu's:
L.xtas" d'Atnoiir' by lioze; the (.(-,. brap-il
'Ibimoresiiue' by Itvor.ik; Masenet's
'Llegy'; gavotte by Arditi, th incidental
music to Shakespeare's Henry VI 1 1.' i
"The last piece, as every musician !
knows, isextiemely dillleult, yet the or-j
chestr.i pl.ivs it with a cert. duty and pre- ,
cislon la'-liing in .some old -r musicians I
I have met . :
I rniloiibtedly the siar of th" occasion,
I in the opinion of some ( Mrs. It, hoo's
! friemls. Will be Mis-t Mm lisM,'i,,
yollligi'st of the Ilishoji (iiiinlet of girls,
aged ,V , years Miss bigail is too vouiif;
I to belonu to (lie orchestra vet iln.ug'i she
i does wield ih how of her violin n ig.r
otlslv as the best and is (leToled t violin
music. Sho has a solo pa-t to the pro
gramme for which she is pt.n tising i ,ire
t tally every day.
' "Won't you feel a little bit scared'" she
. was as'ned,
"Mavbo I will," she answered "Hut."
' with an ecstatic chuckle, "my name is to .
I Im printed on the programme'." :
Spielmann Considers All flnm
ltits Unsound Prof. Ifico
Wnnts Tlmt Proved.
0 n D I T I K S 0 !' H . S C 11 0 K X B K I f i
Dry fioods Mini, Tire
' Cliess K.iert. News
Sodn Denlor.
When Itttiloliili Siiein.'iiiii, the winner of
the ltileriiatlnii.il Ahh.ila g.-imint totuney
anil sei-finil prte winner in the leient in
ternallciiial tourney nt Han .selinsinoi,
'Wiw "at wllh the statement that all "am
bits am iiu.-ouml ami should not l.e counted
nmnni; the m reet npeniti"-, a thititr hi. h
wiw to he fully proved by the f,i. i that at
Ahhai.i th" hlneks won nearly double a
many i?,iiii"s as the whites, he only sh.ir.-d
the opinion or nearly all moiloni tn-istcrs,
who with ciy rare e.i(..t..ti Iml'ilk'e In
iiiicriiii; L-aiiiinr w lien eit"a"ei in setlons
match play .says Spielmann
Milieu iicainsi euiicr til I, in i;'s kn s' it or
mopnllt.m Chess ( Jnh mis the orinrlp.il ceii
tie of attraction lor the ilowitees of the
k'atne on the Past Mile a lather tall, xem-i-alile
lo.il, mc mail, unite "irieon- In ery
siMise of the word, marie his ,'ipte-irntii'e at
tlmt then tamoiis i hes tesnrt and althoitirh
Ii iicii-n was a perieri niviti jn nim ne man..
himself perteetb nndeisiond In lddsh.
lotitul Ins cart tier and plaveil i he-s liom nii.ui
totilKlitil.ivbyd.lv rhess, as It i- k'.'ii. l -ally
understood, is a silent "aine. tint our
i new romer s,.,.taed not to .ebee in keepiu"
unlet durinir the prociess of a irani" lo
the contra rv every one of Ids moves w as ne
rompaiiied hv socte utteraliie difiliult to
understaiid by an outsider, hut very amus-
llik.' to those well vTed III the Jariro'i. s,.nd 1
one of the bvstnliders Ollre "lie Is li.illv ,
In-ill t In -r to hi' adversary, hut he savs tt in i
so hiitiiorous a wav that one cannot help
Imt l.i'is'h II m hoonli,.ar. lor tint Is I
Ills name, r.ime to ilos nenitrj flom I. tod- ,
risk, a villai.-e near Wan-.iw, Polish Itussla
wU-re lie was bum m t.1s.
Kver sinie he was a hov he has h. ti ias.
sioti ite fund ol eliesi and altlioiiilh he.
never was a stroll" tihivef In- has met the!
strongest tdavers if t'e world fa hmidreds I 5
of "allies over the hinrd. Uinaurr. the
fninous Polish eprt, 'iltitu r of fie Paris
international tourney m l"7- Ur J II.
Zulo'rtort, l. Junonski mil manv taore
eil.'hr.iti'i i.lavers wep. atiiieie hi- advet-
s tries i if i otirse the- h-iil t. . d" .si N
I to hnn and wori th" tatonty of uames
still he win and is now n verv in"eni.nis
'handler of the rhess pteies li.iin or s'une
Vou will find him at tlx' liie ( he., Cl',b,
w here he is alwavs Inisv pi mint and talUiiiir,
but not exidusivelv ill idds'i, for he I, lis
,11 me .tnte an I'.nsdisli srholar, althoi..:h
It i.i'itiot h1 slid tlui' hH ini ileitaiv ron
) sins ol mmy roiiitilinieiit irv words in
, fart it seems as f I an be lust ns nle slvc
in Luitlish as in Yiddish, "t he imii.irt to
j his utterate es tmi.-'i "vl roinira" and tlms
I never rellv ini'rfered vith the omiuisiire
ol ills auv eraries, who Miner line lo pinv
I'll A vrry Ratvl movf. White il.nrr net t.ikr
Uli reel..
in This w.i Ihr sr.ilfil trior, and lent ens,
he li.-rs two tuuves to irrt i ts.stM.ai whlili
l.e imuI I have ;ot w lilt II . K ltd' 47 it n; rli
Kll". s H MVI7. i; y-, U It y;. f ,e,
.Vl It KKt;. It It;. .Ir .'.I h m..v.. I tit
.V P MA, li Khtl n I sli.eiU v 'n s,,i,n,.,
tleilrnw 11111I1I rot he r.uli:.,: ,i,. ,,,. ,i(
1 elnt In 1 to MiiriiMui,
I al..N II
wins .1.
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"I' U4 for 1 xv it li the 0I1I man on tuioiitil or his m.inv
I ni 'lit or''""'"'' S-,"IBS I "IS Is ess'efllly the i;is
t.in,,i. i., 1.,,,.. ... ... w 1 I a rouilir man in ins, a ,.ir. .v. yi el-
kings iiishoi s opening must sutel) lead 1 setter
to th" ilesiriietlou ill the white forces " In his old home he had a drv "imds store
When Prof la.n I. III. e, the Inventor of "I0 i"'ted (is chief of voliuteer Ho1
theirainhit whicli hears his name, was show n I Inttahnii. wnlle within the last two 5e.irs
this st.. ,..,,1 i... .' ... ., .. ! I'" I" 'J'.'1 own" of a s,,da and new 4 st md
'it .Ml' n'nr'i I, If htshi.ii t. '11 ifit l.
fviirfthir i.ieltloii All trtrmitfii u. c rn"' It wi - t
lisvi' liii'ii lufrrler to rrtiUr wliu ti c 1',.'
cnif 1 1 1:1 y if '
I'.' -1 Jit - K.i intllil llAV'c hi r 1 ; , . 1 i
k iiji'. ti.cii sv yvii. ;.i ... kii. i,, M,V
s'l. yxll. rnstifs. ttjtu (rn pumi, ,,.; ,, ,,,
il lltir. HI".. U st u'llil Imve wen ten.... ( ,s
M .IS .1111 .s:.ii.iii,.itiii . umuioii w ... ,1 w 1
in I emi.lllsnn . y Kllci hrpij I
in- 11. is mr iiii'th r kii me no .
mi TUrritctiinir P 111 c'i
yt'i:i:"s paw.v upkmni;
ir I..
this as-erllon of Spielmaitti should receivul t the annual
due aitenllnn, and he olleted prizes to the
atnoiiut of ;i,iu for a giaud corresponileneu
la tlm . if
meeting of .the
si not Niirno,
tourney open to all players in the 1 nitcd
Slates and ( ana. la . tint values to he
Plav rd must berfiui p Kl. I l4 : p Kill
I'vl' .1 Kt Kll.i or P. Hi, p yt, ,t- it
' is .1 well known tai t thai u.ih the 1 oun'rli's
lo who-i) til'i vi-i s the contest n open cjui
bnal of a great mauv cleyeri iiicspouiiu, e
pl.i)ct -, and them l i no ilnuhi that at i,
cnni'liision of the coiite-i p m ( shown
almost conclusively vv hethcr or lint giiuihits
me sound I he entraiuo io,. ,as been Hxed
at II, w hleli Is lo he sent lo Victor !' Iliilder,
the treasure) ol' llm nw 101I; Inieriiaiiotial
fonmess, the entrain e moneys lo go lo
the funds ol that congiess Would-heconi-pctltnis
who ate leady lo make suugest Inns
us toiMiils the rules o iay, time limit, ,lc ,
are leiiuesteil to forwaid their hiiggentlous
to the American I'liess ilulletiii, l.'.u .iss,,u
slicei llntrles fur the contest will i0,(.
on .Inly 1
What makes the thlnu doiihly Inteiestlnu
Is tin. ciiciiuiHlanie that I'tof lllce belives
lie has pioved Ih" 101 tei:iness of II, n Hcu
"amhlt by 11 series ol consultation fames
'I h professor, however, naturally admits
that If theuanihlt tout ney now to lie at
tiinifpil should ,iov'i the mi oriectncss of all
Urn Kiimh is his would also tall to tin. ittoiind,
lis with .'I P tii t, leader ol H,i. black
pieces can altouet her avoid that paitieiilai
xariiitlono the KleseiltAv L-amhtt
About ninu jcaia awu whvu thu Cos-
lll-t tilte I Hess l 1UO oni. es lor the erisiiini
c.r wete elected as Pillows Harry . in,
ptesideiit 'i W, Parker. Mi st v ici'-p resi
dent, l.dward llchr. second v i e-j ri'sident ,
I dwatil lavlor, treaeiier. Ilavard S bin h.
Held, soen.tir Pciilien tioldstttlth, Syl
vester V.eiuiei. William (owaii 11ml .1.
I' .lansnTj, execiitm mmlttei. Iteiilsn
(ioldstnith. the rctiiinu- pi. si,!,.,t llu,i ( hief
o"iinter of the chili declined reelection.
'Iheiiew in. 'tml.eiil. Ilairv '.ru, win fur
met P a' t" I'M 'ii ol 1 1 .. lit iiok I . it t he-s CI 1I1
Miss r'l.'il'ctli I amphell Knot, nrestdent
of the Won., ti'. 1 he.- I lull nt Sew Votk,
annonui es that the wittier season will he
hrouL'ht to a eos,. with ,ni arteite.ou tea
III the purlers of the Hotel Mattha Washiii"
loit next 'I uesilav at :i :m I' M 'I he winner
of the chili tournament will he anuouui 1. 1
' that time and theje will also he sinlin;
alio tei iiniti'iis
In two exhihltlons of simultaneous nlav
I'iveU at the loollH of the "vevy (Irleins
t lies-, rheckets and Whist t nh alter t is
ici'itu iroin un'1 .in-.. 11 at m t . 1.1 1 h j 1 met
tweiit' thtee itnd seventeen opponents t,.
spe.tpelv In the first lie won all except
two. I i.iiis' lo Pint. II. I. I hamlicfs and
orawini' iis'.lllisi 1 1 mttisoti. Moth nt
tli...-e "lines wire opened with cainhlls.
111 .tie sf.coiin j'eriori'iance 1 iipililanea
iiiiiuo a f lean sweep on ail Hoards, llnlshln
Just iii-ide of two hours
inat' h of peir rimes tti has beennr
nuiL'ed liMtwceit Ur Vnlmirof I'lamin unit
I. K01 kih s of lludapest. Iitiiwn iramcs will
1101 1 oiiui 111 me score.
w a r
: t P yi
; - p yirt
,i Kt yl
1 . M i
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I ; 11 iu
ii1- i;.i
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yi. k
y iv?
iraines re
tlotiiil dil
ls st 1 I .'mother sotectlnn nf
eiinv contesieii in the interim
s tourney at San M'liustl.in:
S P yi
:i Ki yn.t
1 PvP
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7 Klvl K3
s rustles
n Kl KUI
III yxlit
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1:1 yvii
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(n All fair ami wit,ire sn ur tin- n draw. Imt
hne he inlKhl n-M. .Ue, yj t mrserve
. ,1 piel.liillv hml. The lunve . loeil. mr
Insl the ir.itPr. ns lil.irjt run M l,etr.lesiil,.c.,iietili.
Iiaw'n "" '"' S """l""r" ImiI.iIi',1
of'u'iii'yiii'.'1''"11 '" wl,l,c'' f"""1' '"'".
ul' PerliAtu he mulil hive mnar n I sit.r .le.
i'ihr ui '. ' o,l',.i"".l,- 'e"r'-.". """I'M. ail. as
: " ' n in .w in- i- 1.
wr.ik. ns he leuid i,: rxrrui,. xt, i
mnil'iuvre, II le
''" ' What h. ttei u.iiilll llAVe he.'ll , J
v '' in. ii'e me yu i.tnerwl-r
.1.1 in- ciiiei im,. ircM-rvt'il oni'
oni .11 mis smire it w -is lint
'' a very tirei v
white a decisive ml v. 111 lnu.
ill' If lie hint lilav c. KU 11 I,,. r.. ,m, n
rxih.inj-i'.t hl-lmps i).,w Hut ll mnkr. u ,. ,
etl.'e. th. ... 11, hsniir ...
I lie UK. Ul
.. ,o..t ,.. II
" ' ''. .. F....lfTL- v I .... -i.i. .. .
1 tilled
Illl I Liter
1 f I lie Il.i .,1,.
eils tin lie. i.e
"il.ian.llluti. i. h i-hes
I'm- si . 1 1 ;n .
I.i".'lbers' III I I.e
J'lllllll.l M Ml lit. py pit .s ,., ,,
Ill.U'k .1 iilivcs
Willie .'1 lile.es.
White In iav mill nmlr la Pin e innvei.
PltOIII.I M Ml.VW py Illt.S lllll.I)
Pl ll'k II ill I e
r .
' 1 ,
I CV 11
li' ! ' ' "' r- ' "
While 11 ,ie.e.
While In pixy 11ml .niitc In tiui niuvcs.
The Piano Centre
New York
The purchase of a piano is the most
important home furnishing purchase a
person can make.
liccaitsc it mown a great deal more
than a question of money.
.1 piano is a lieiiuj thiiuj- it is going
to produce years of enjoyment and educa
tion or years of disappointment and igno
rance. Music is a subtle Ihituj- its influence
grows as you hear it--your knowledge of
its quality enlarges the more you pro
duce it.
A piano that at first may seem to you
to produce the most perfect music will
within a year grate on your ear if it never
had the sweet, pure music best expressed
by the word artistic.
There are two safeguards by which a
purchaser can protect himself. They
apply to the low priced as well as the
high priced instruments. 77 r tjenuinc
reputation of the piano and the integrit;
of the seller.
The Sterlint, IliintitHjlon, Mendelssohn
Pianos and I'laierpianos made in our own
factories have a reputation that absolute
merit only could have earned, a reputation
that is not and can not be questioned.
77c Sterling Com pain has had an unin
terrupted success of over half a century,
which, without any intended egotism,
means absolute integrity to the public
or success would have turned to failure.
Our enterprise embraces ever; 'branch
of the piano business. It can furnish the
most luxurious home with the most elabo
rately carved and inlaid made to order
piano or reach the heart of the most
humble cottager with a genuinely artistic,
sweet toned instrument at a price and on
terms that any income can meet.
The Sterling Building is a beehive of
industry, a landmark in Greater New
York, well worth a visit from anyone.
On thi., floor Uioro is always a lai-yc collection of pianos that have boon tsikon
m exchange as part payment for instruments of our own make. Manv of the
most renutable kinds. :inrl f.oi- hot foe TxiirMmcnc ilnn ,.iw,..
f, . . -- "..ivv.. J.s,. V....W.... lllllll lllsllll IIVII liisVilXiO.
Some prices are below $100.00.
First jor:
Some prices ai
Second floor:
Third floor:
Fourth floor:
This is our main entrance floor, containing the executive offices, reception
room for appointments, salesmen and general innuirv desks.
those well-
Pianos and
is floor keeps our Huntington and Mendelssohn Factories active supply
: the demand for medium and low priced pianos and plaver-pianos
1 rtltHf'lll tlvil bnx'il ollt-ix-o hnnn llm!.. ,mi.s k.. I ,l I! " i
On the
A subscriber for
facility is offered
f1M - Hi f T-xi . ....
ine .Niernng Moor, where is to be lound a countless collection of
Known smiuiards oi artist ir excellence irom our Sterling Factorv.
111........ ll.... 1 - i t i
nivs-i-i'iauy.-, ui.'.i nave- earned a piace second to none.
instruments that have alwavs been their own best advert isum-inni . '
Here you will find
may try an instrument without ear of lnten-unlinn or tli.x rm.
of the nublie.
same floor IS one of the l.'iroes:! :nul mnet ennvuloto Muio,, T',ll T :., 41.:..
has access to nraciicallv evervthintr writ ton foe tlm nitm'n IA',,,','
permanent Music Roll Library and prices given that are an en-
m . . iuro vim veil ii. i i .i..ir..ii. rat... i 1 ,
fiTflt Tlnnf 1 1- iioiviiiu. utivu luix.uy lunula, wiieri1, amid nome-iiKe sur-
jl. f i i ik' i iiiuiniuigs, you mav ir
II. ll 1 Vl.--.Slill.-ill
i small yearly fee
to the collector of
Sixth floor:
Our workshop on this floor is an interesting place -some pianos aro practically
rebuilt repairing, tone restoring, tuning, refinishing. We can supply parts foi'
any piano Unit is made, ami guarantee all the work we do.
specialist can
things cannot
have devoted
m This is an age of specialists and it stands to reason that the
ive; not only the service, but the value that the dealer in many
possibly do. Our business is exclusivolv the vmmn hninP5ssrn
1. , , .. . ,i t s,...WkJsi ii s liuvx. UCVUIUU
lves to e it, and are justly proud ot a success that has met the wants of the
luuau pulpit; in uiu uiibi way iur more tnan nan a century.
Open Evenings by Appointment
The Sterling Piano c
Manufactu rer s 2oSn
Wlmlostilc anil U.'tiiil Wiircroumi t SIi:il.l(l !UII.I)S(1, SI8-M.I lulton Street, Cur. M'inmcr I'l.-c:, llrtoklvn
nsirnisinaMiii jtm jorta
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hi .' II West l.'jlli SI. .
liiiilSU II Aleiitu,
I iisti rn I li presrii ih- I
live, ui.x 'irlbuiii!
Iliillillni; Trlciiliuiio
."'i in I'sniaii.
Ilro.xit.st. TeleplifM
-r-Mi .vi.iruei.
Ilmliin, tl.-Iloom
Vll lil.ltie Uullillnj.
Vhlni;ton SI f.
I. Ilxrrlson.
Chlrimn. III. - lfl-
Itrniiklvn tno I.I v. ' liiiv S l)brn
InitKi.m St. nr.xr Allmillr 'IH. . J.
lie. ,st. Wnllrr i: I'.'lir
. , . I. unit. in. IlilS'lind
Nril.irk. N, .1, rrs. ll,,iixn..SpfilMff
Clli U .Snillitifr. 794 Sltetrnt.St

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