Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1912.' GAMIN RIVA QUIET, BRAVE, LOVABLE MR. BULL TERRIER, THE WHITE CAVALIER KENNEL DIRECTORY LOSES AT RUMSON BENCH Tlccidorf T.'pspt, in French Bull dojc: Clnss When Parsqnc lb Wins. SIX" IMiATK TO COrXTESS KnslMi SeMor, riininpion Deo ilnni, 'dikes Tim. Trophy for lloolex. Any our who bad fault to ftnil wltli nnythlnt, prtiiliiliu: ti the first itnriuiil dm; show of III" liumsoii Kennel I'lub, which vum 1 1 r 1.1 on lh bciilltlftll (jroiltuls of tli" Itnin.son imt ry i'lub yesterday Hftoriiwn, n diflliuilt Indeed to plcasi Of course, thete were, us ulwiiji. a few grumblcry, but firry ono wan so busv cuuntliiR their pilze money aurl packing nwny inir enver tropnios into motor enrsi that they foun'l t"v; Hyinputhetlc sure. Smite nf Iho JiicIrcs (Hit not IlldtWlrtHn lml lh- other", cheerfully offercel thcli f-rvk-H and divided up tho work O. I . Wilder, wecretary of tho I'rrtuh nunciut; e'ltiii, wuh richedulod to appear in tlir Judlclnl rapacity In this breed Hnmehow or otlirr lie jtot stud: some. where In the nilddlr West, which wus not known until Friday. F. J. Bristol, tmcs- urrr of the cluli. was H.skod to olllclate In his stead, which he did with elcllcht fully harmonious result. To bo huiv ho did not place. th docs ufl they had been placed heretofore, but he rhvc his reasons ror me, neci-uons, and even the elcpo.sed one was fcutl.sned. I no surpriBo enme whrn he handed a yllow ribbon to Frederic I'afTet's (lamln HIval, a do which wits the winner at Mlneoln. and Indeed has been practically lnvlnclblr. The winner was Jlrx. l'reel Kduarda'a Parsque, a l'renchla which bus Just left hill home In the Never Never Land Kennels. This wa a feather In Mrs. Turner's cap; to have one of her favorites beat the nival Is u victory Indeed. Mr. Drlotol ald that when Gutnln Htval waa "himself again" ho might hope to beat I'arsque, but at the present tlnv ho Is In very bad coat and not up to form at all. Prince de Savoy won the red In tho open class and the reserve In the winner's class. Miss Carrie I.. llelcK brought out a beautiful little lady in the novice clies.s, Hhe Is called Topsy, but she Is not like her famous predecessor, who "Just Trowed, for she has a pedlitree of map; nltude and Is a regular Veto de Vero of doRdom. Miss Vernona, Jarbeau's I.a Belle Cora defeated her In the winner's class, but he. won tho reserve, which Is a very nice win for a little novice. Abe Ilooley won everything In i:iiBllsh setters with his wonderful Meadow-view entries. Champion Ilob Roy captured amotis his other prizes a sliver urn offered for tho Ivst KtiKlleh setter. Champion Dcouora Countess had her share of the trophies also, Tun Sun pl.ito for the best dos or bitch in the classes for foxhounds, pointers, setters, beacles or sportlnc spaniels went to th beautiful Countess, as did altio the cup for the best American bred do? or Utch. l.'do M. rielfchnunn had tun entries that were a novelty to mmy of the epi-c- tatorF. They were auburn In color and marcelled as to roat, with big llulTy pompadours and Itoon brown ejes that wtneel to . ce ev-r; thin?. They were Irish water sp:irilols. Just arrived from tlp-lr tmtlvr. bind, and they divided tile honors htTViMi them, with Shamus Uawn bavins Just a little the better of Nora Uawn iJeorRn Ilooley showed a tiny braille tiilled I'harinloii .lule. Mho was said to bo abrolutrl x'i feet. She was hardly larprr than a fox terrier and only thoo who Vni"' the breed would have recoffnlzccl tho little lady as .1 leprcf-entattvo, Iher one agreed that the bulldoR Judp lafi wm not popular, although one .niuld not hlp admit Iiik Mr. Collins for havlnE the iKurape of his convictions. He s.ixe a fourth prle to markham Supreme in tho limit clas. a don that every one had picked for winner, and he cave the win ner's place to Thonibury Master. In the collection of bitches he Bent the chain pion Prlnriss Merlow from the rlnit, re fusing her even a yetlow In a class of thieo because lie said that her Jnw did not close up as It should, (laby Deslys, a small brlndle, took winners In this collection. John O. Bates captured everythinz in irtsn terriers witn Howard Uould s en tries rlKht in lino to take second honors. Andy Albright, who Is Just back from .Tapui, was In time to snatch up all the honors In the as est HlKhland white ter rier rollectlon. his champion Haryllfel ZaJIsker and champion Ilarlae Snowrlake proved Invincible. Mrs. K. II. Berendsohn's Japanese spaniel Chesl II., had 1ctorles enough to turn her dear little head. Jn the first pl(y:e, when she took winners, she mode trar championship and one point left over nod then she won tlio trophy for the bt toy In the show. and she Is the only Jap that ha ever had that honor. Thin Is her second victory ; she won a similar trophy at VrUhton last sum mar. Mlsa Adels nitrhle had a new York shire, called I.lttle Dot II., but Dot and her mistress misled the train and while the were en route tip) rlas was Judged and Daisy won the blue. This seemed too cruel, and although the superintendent was inclined to h nlnty hearted, he finally relented and said that If every one was Hfireeable tho class could b judged over aitaln. Kver one was acree. sblu ytnd Little Dot II. took both open and wlnneis, The president's cup, for the best dog 'n the how, von by Mrs. Tyler Morse's champion Slumber, 11 beautiful old (-English sheep dos. The secretary's cup for tho liost of the opposite sex ss won by Alfred Marlny's ohaniplon Klllenrn Kiltie. Kiltie als.i took tho trophy for the best terrier In th- show. The awards follow. l'Ol.VTi:tlH Plai" lie Oprti. Dote -Kirn. XV I,. Arm ttin( h ,Uih John-oil If, rvrond, J. ('. i lass in. winners. Dugs- Tint. v. I.. Arinstrnnc'a Jack Johnson reserve, ,1. C. vwu.r liostrtvor Itati r class tin. Winners. Hllchei First, O. Houlev's p.arl of MeidowTlew, W I. Armsironc's Polka Dot , Mra. A. reserve, 17NC,l,s,'H HKTTUrtH. ' lass F!'J, llpen Docs. -First. Meadnwvlew burners ch .Me.iiiiv'V'icw Hob r.oy, second, Memlu'i i e Kennel's ch Msadowvlew o' D.TAn. ihlnl Slradowvlew Ken nl's ib 'i arlow slaw Yale. I'Us, t wiunirr, Dugs- First Meadow iev Keiin. i's i h Mcadow-vlew- Hoy Itnyj re. vrve. "b.ilow view Kennel's Meartowvlew Hoys 1st cu-.s tit. Opcr.. Bitches- Flrit. Meadow. ' Ii L.nnel's eh Wyomlnc Valley May Helle -e. nnd. Jleadowvlew Kennrl'a eh. Mea.inwviuw Heatrlce. third, Meadow flew Kfunei's eh MeadnwvUw Vaasar Class 14S Winners. Htrpe -Klrat, Mead Mew hennei'a ch. Wyomlnc Valley May Ilell- resern. M.auowvlevv Knnel'a Mead ow view Lady Frni es mini! mkttkrr, Class HI. Winners. Docs rirat, , n. Wtters's Klnc Philip - Class l4 Winners, Illtehra Pint, 8. H naters'a Mldwnud Ituby. inisii wati:h siwNinLS. ,i?'.r"n' tl0"" IHtehea First, Ldo M Flrlsehtnann's Hharnus Bwn; rec end, Ldo M. Fleliebmann's Nora Hawn. viAf'i J'1:. UJ,n!""L"' Vo1" "n'1 I'ltcbes I Irau Ldo M Flelashma nil's Hhamus ftawn-re-.rre, M. I'lelaelpnann'a Nora Pawn S i. 'i.1'.1? SP"1"'' 'ln'"r"! "Hob's First, Jlrookalda Kennel's Jlrooksida Nau latiaa. COr-KKIt 8PANIF.LH. IVI 1 .el a"' . V".r '.,r.w"'l Prim, second, kin Frederick Allien' Ptter. i.1.'lf"..,a8'.!'t'r.n,,".r"t"' Al ,h,r Color Hrit. Mrs, II Flake's orererots lud Duke .l'l"'1,''' y,ln'"r "V"' Utack- First, W!,,U Ti I, ' orporal Prim rel airte, Mrs II. Flake's Ovsrcross find Duka. nTilSi.i' .rl- mtehri, lllark-Flrst, rias. -01 ftiiTi... 1 , JIM! .01, ,en, llltchtj, Any Othir CelorJ r.rrq vBnils., igMj ivi MiSM ' 1 " " mil amxmxml r I'll 4 Ml ION KI.OOM.NIM nYl ltl,A.i:il. nunrri by ItOIIKIt T t iK-. I.KT. Ursl Mrs. 11 Fluke's Orcros Daphne. i'Um M1111erK, Hitches, rtlaek Pint .tpines stt1ern' IVM's; reeeri-, t if -fodll Farm's dunlin -ljs .OP. Winners. Hitches. Anv Oiher -Pirst, Mr II Plke's Oierrross Iris r.Mere, A. I'lltiton W'llmirdlng's Watnonc June Thus IJt. Winners, Dojs. Any Color First. A. Clinton W'tlnierdlng's Watnntir Mat terhorn. DALMATIANS. f'Un 3S1 Winners. Doca First. Mls Flora MacDnnaM's W Imlliulnn Kip. reserve, i' DoiikIiif Frank's Don hiss .16;, Winners. Hitches Flrsl Wind holme s l.aily Incheth. reserve, Fotforcl Ken nel's Kllleurn I'lipie Daim iioston Ti:uiiii:it. .Class 4SI, Open, Dojs.i; ponnils and FnJer 1. Pounds First, otto Knnpp's Wumpmne Prince seennd, l ltyjn's lly. 1 mi., llov third. .Mr lleurire II Fell's Cr, k, I K Clais ;, open, Dors, i; pounds am) Fmler Pnumlt- Flrt. llostitnu K.nnel's Hn.tnniii .Model, seiiinrl. Iliri V F Allen's Yankee Duo die Derby , lulrd, W'lllUm A oril's or'ls Dandy Class 4t,!. Winners. Dors First, Ilosinnu Kennel's Hustoni.i Modtl. reserie. ll.irrj F Allen's Vsnkee Duuille l)erbv. Class 4.i, open. Hit. lies, l" Pounds ami I nder 1. Pounds First. OFo Knapp's llricln l.yes IV. eifud. Mrs lieorwe It Cell's Wampacne Uuien of Hearts, thinl. Harry F. Allen's WlMsuine Witch Class Winners, Bitches First, otto Knapp's Hrlht Hes IV reserve. Mrs (ieorge II. Pell's W'atnpaKne ijueen of Hearts. FI:aI.V11AM TKP.IttFllH Class tot, Winners. Dops and Pitch's First, Tler .Morse's Tlio Varmint lll'.Al'.I.KH Class ::t, Winners, llltche First, Char inlon Kennel's Charmlon .lule FltHNCII HCI.I.DOU!'. Class 434 Onen. tiers unrlee 'S .a..-. first Mrs Fre.l IMnanls's l'ar,ue reeotiil. Frederic Porfefs lialllln'a Hlval. third. Mrs. Chauncey Ki rr's Tout Petit ' ilass 435- Open, dos .'2 pounds and not over .5 pounds- first, M Kysn's t'rlnco de Savoy, second, Mrs. W. W Hnppln's Sthnoo. Clans 43C Winners, docs First. Mrs Fred Pdwards's Parsuc, reserve, M Han's Prince de Pavoy. Class 43s open, bitches under pounds --First, Miss Vernona .larbeau's I.s Helle Cor.l, second, Miss Carrie I,. Itek's Topeev. third. Mrs. J F Kane Jr.'s Fl PI II Class 44 4Open. Miches pounds and not over !i pounds First. F I. Hamtn's Hunk's C.lft. Class 441 Winners, hitches First, Miss Vernona Jarhe.iu's l.a Help. Cora, reserve, Miss Carrie t.. Hi Ick's Topfey. wni.sii TF.mtiints. Class MC ODen. docs First. Iranklln R. Lord's ch. Ijoutrnohd viltrilerer. recond, Atrs, i'. 11. wycaorrs iir.nihir Jiugier. thlnl. Arrhlhald H. Is.lhy's Done Hill Mixer. Class 647 Winners, tlnics First, Franklin Tt Lord Jr's ch Lunstuynd Horderer. re serve, Mrs. P. H. W'vekoit's llrnhlr HuKler. Class r,:3- - w Inners. bitches first. 1 rHtik- lln H Lord's l.onicnivnd Deltlab. reserve, Franklin 13. Lord .Ir's Hlddltcute Mamie. COLLI KM. class 370 Open, dots and bitches, trl- eolor First. Miss Hv.len's Ore' Mist, second. Carteret Kennels' Carteret Hlles)e nine HOss Class 173- Open. docs, any color First. Charles A. Flty.-lmmonss Southport Sperl- tnen. second, i arteret ivenneis i:arteret Hlllesley H!ue Hoes third. Carteret Kennels' Carteret Ilerdsttian Class 3.3 --w inners. noes- rirsi. ii.-s uy- din's Urtv Mist, retcrvc. Charles A. Flu slmmons's t'outhport hpeclnu-n. Class 3113 vlpei; niicnes. any roior rirsi. Alt't KeiiiiefK1 ParboM Presentable. 1 lass ZV3--winners, nitcnes rirau si- stead collie Kennels' Parhold Frss'ntahle: reserve, rnaries 11. reuen a iiiservicw nose- buJ. C ass f.73 H llnltnn terriers, srinners. docs and bitches First, Vlllsresa Kennels' Vlllarosa .ifatei. Class ,;- -UlacK no Tan nrriers. in- neri., docs and hitches- first. J. siuuin s Flip, reserve. Air ii'inionn i.eens s im- perltlve si'nii'pnni;i:H. Cla 11 Winners, dors nrst. Colonel T Denny's lllaekn. reserve. J. Prentice Ke. IliCK's T eedleillllll. laes ins- winners, nnene.s r irni. . Denny's Katrlna: reserve, col. Penny's HI- ette. j'ojii;iia.'s,...-i. Class til Open, docs and bitches noiimlH .mil over, any rolor Hrht. i.ustave Gerald Harnett's Senn fenn Jolly ''hap 4 Mass (Jten, iioks uu.iei i.,,.ii,.-., liruwn or rhnmlute First. Mies I.en.i .s,nn llnir's Haucbty Cho, Prince, second, .Mrs llurol.J i; -l,Kei a liim r-.i...,,.. Class i,3v W Inners, noes I irsi, ..ire. ... Mavhew's Pm Hills llufus. reserve. J. II Croft's li'iilKluv llo Class H04 ijpcn. nuenes iino-'i - i, ,.,-. black First. curlt Durnell's l.asca 01 iletirud Uss eo;-Open. bitches under t pounds, I brown or rliovs.late -First, .Mrs. sey's Peccy. ...... r.i..i.. Class H7 Winners. Illicuee e irei, v i.' " Durnell's l.asca of Lictirud. reserve. rwis Mountuln Kennels- naninr in m PHKINPSn HPANir.I.S Class 1 ODen. docs First, Mrs. Mark Fisher's Too-Lh of Todrtlnnon. second. Miss Jan" Duffy's Tim Cheotic or oownstiire. third. Miss Jans Duffy's Chane of Down "hire. , .... Class vvtnnerr, nui '."ei. -'.i. Mark 1'lsheTa Too-I of ledttnginn: re serve, Mrs. M. i;. uarnys .-nwai n.i. c ass fiif open, niicnts. parn- "i"i First. Mlnoru Kennels' Ah Toy or Mlnoru. second. Mrs. Charbs Durnell's T' .-acii or Lb nrud. , . .... Class 61.11 -w inners, nncn-s i irsi, ..p. L. de Laneey Ward's Shent-Ial, reserve. Mlnoru Kennels' An toy oi jnnmu. OKI.'AT DANKP Class 31--W'lnners, Firs', Charles t.itn-i.'i Hans von LshaniMch, reserve. Hector (irassl's llarrasa von Itheln Class 36 Wlnntrs. Pitches,- I-Irst, r red Hill's Hill's Mulha, reserve, Adolf uuttnutn a Princess von MacDoucal. It H.SS I A N WO LFI I OUN PS4. n.s 44--Winners, docs Flrsi. iioreas Kennel's .Novo O'Vallev l arm. reserve, no- rea Kenel's Teuuy iiainn Class 60- winners, oiirnes nwi. Mrs Ilo- y Varwood's Mytlie I'eniai reserve reas Kenneps lloreas -.ara. C lass us - tireyitouniis, winn-rs. .. '"s." First. Killearn Kennel's Killearn oauiaru. Class M -v inners, nui-nee r hm. .'in II. Fluke's Hparklltu Moselle DACIISIIFNDH. Class 2S5 Winners, docs, blaelj and tan First, Mrs. C II Lester's Hchllff-ein Inco, reserve, Sycamore Kennel's Marceilne Class i'4l--Winners. Idiche.; black and tan First. A Huticerfuid'e JupU South Hliore, rtsirve, Frank Koenlc's Waldlna. Class :ot Winners, docs, any other color- First. A llunKerford's Drbkes. re srrve, A. Huncerfnrd'a llltte Houtb Shore Class ISS Wlnniu-s, hitches, nny Mber rolor first. A. Iluncerford's Antjn . Llchstensteln: reserve, Sycamore Kennel' Vorwoud Pretr.el, OLD FNliLIHII SHKI'.P DOOH, Class 3t Winners, docs First. Mrs. Tyler Morse's ch, Midnight Class 33 -Winners, bitches First. Mrs. Tyler Morse's Ominous, reserve, Klnn'lun Kinnel'" Falcon Lassie POODLLfl Flats SSI Winners, dogs first. .lac ques Hustanoliy-'s Fldele II.. reserve, ricorxc M .Iambus's Clicquot Class it Winners, hitches First, Mm Tyler Mnrsn'a ch. Mile. Topple. IICLLDOUS. Class im Open, dogs under 48 pounds First. William T. Drew' Iluttnna II., second, Inton ttoorbach'a Markham Su preme ttass 3tt-.-Open, dogs 45 pounds and over First, I lock ill 1 1 Kennel's Thouihury Master, second, F. W Pencebuaeh'a Hues II , third, tl, tl, Doinlnlck's Five Oaks Major. Class 33 -W'lnneis, docs -Flrt. llockblll Kennel's Thornliury Master! second, Will iam T. Drew's Hultnn II. Class sin tiuiliioc. open, pitches under 40 pounds- First, W T. Diew's Oaby iiesiys, Bfi'iinii, i.'iKsr .s rioiea una -en-fold, third, Ilockcllffe Kenuil's Hockclirfe Vanity Claa J91 Opn, bltihen, 40 pounds and over- First. William T Diew's old Hquure Hellna, second. II, A Neuhaus's lilushes Class 3: Winners, bltehas First, Will lam T lirew's C.jliv De.lys. reserve. Ituck hill Kenne" Ituekhlll X Mitr.iiALi: TF.itmnns Class 401 otieti. dims First Theoilnre ' Offernian'H Hryn Hoy second. Chief l.en-, nel'a lailef Kootenali third, W M, Jonea's I ur - sgniuiiii Cla.i to: TVInniM, Hoc i-Firrt-This. Ahor. I'IIAMPIIpN KIXJICWOOl) Helow. CI. KAN IIKKAK, ownetl lolllAliCOITMAX. dsre Offerinan's Hryn Hey reserve. Chief Kennei'o Chlf KIi'mu .Clan lu:--open i,i' he--Flrt. Howard Fhrlch's ill La'li rofi'. Dawn, second. W II. .tuties's t of Fashion, third, Vlllarosa lvenuel's Vlil.iros.i Illl-ti L"ssvvus C.i, 4dv -Winners. Id , his- First. How ard Hhrlih's i 'i 'oft's Dawn, reserve. Thorn is C.idwalailer'e i'a,tus iici.L Ti:ititii;us Class 417 Winners, docs Firs'. Thomas Lyneh's For' Lee l'rope i. reserve, .lames Parker's Olencarirre i'uss 4:7 Winners l,t,-lie Firs', C,ln mere Kennel's . b Olentnt re liannel Quern: reserve. J T's CJjwooii Mrilr FOX TnitP.IHItH Class 475. Open. Docs First. E II Incner sen'a N'ii-i.i Macn-t. eetond, t'. Pouctas Frank's Helo. nrlale class 4n. Winners. Docs First, i:. H. tnen Men's N'lola Macnet, reserve, v- D. Frank's Heoendule Class 4S6, Winners. Hitches First. A Al brlBht Ir's eh llar.vbfell Water l.llv. re st rve. 17. II ItlKlierseus Moll Select Class 4JL' Wire open. Hoj.-- First, Vlckery Kennels' vukery Wire llesuit. sec onil. Atesaniler Povvtli's Whi.kUrooni. third, Theoilise On.'rniatl's York CltllliatUltl. class 4&3. W'lnni r. Dues -First Vlrkery Kennels' VPKr Win- llesuit. r serve, Alex ander Powell's Class 4J. Op. ii. illt. hes -First. Daniel F. HtkeFs Lyitntleld Ioulse. seeond, Theodore Offerman's Vork Record llesuit. Class 4!U. W inners. Hitches First. Daniel . Hiker's Lynnlleld lamlsi.' reserve, Hotrard (iould'a Casilecould Trltle. IRISH' Clan las. Open. Docs- First, ftatis's lllarney lUucer, second, M John O. V. IlucW- ners rnnrnsroii clansman Class file, winners. Ducs--Flrst, Hates's Itlaruey Hadcer. reserve, M John G. V lluck- ner Thorneroft Clansman. Class Hi. Open. Hltehes--rirst, John t Hatee'a lllarney Hut tereup , second. Howard C.nuld's Csstlecuuhl Maureen, third. O O Moore's Dromore H.aut Class :ta. winners, miehes First. John O Hafes's lllarney Hllttereup reserve. How alcl Oould'a 1 st lCfiul,l Mjureet, Scottish Tt:p.i:ii:its .lnniri-. Docs Fl'st. CIrafton Hruntsforil Hattler r. serve, Villa- Class Kennels' Hruntsforil Haiti ros.i Kennels' , h Wnh . Kldil Cliss Wlnmis, llllihrs First, Henry T. Pleltniann's Coin., Invasion reserve, Archibald 11 Dalle's Lone lllll Flora WHST IIKilll.AN'H W1I1TF. TKISHI Fltf. Class ,3.'.. Winners, Dojrs Fltsl, A Al hrlcht ,h ' eli Harvllfel Tillker. reserve, Conejo Finn Kennel's Cnqejn H.irone. I'la-s MO. Winners. Illti hes - First. A. Al bright .Ir's rh Harlae Minn rt ikn . reserve, Conejo Farm Kinneie' Orus.iv Itliiiila DA.VIiIU DIN. MONT TLIlltlKIt.s. Class tin, winners. Docs First. Killearn Kenusl' ch Killearn Klllle r.serve. Wood crest Kennels' Wooderest lirevloek Lad i iass i,s. winners, iiitehes- rirst, Killearn "'n'1" '!,,i.Vnaii"if Kc 'irv w' ,rTM'-' TOY SPANIEL GOES CALLING. Mra. Maya Cntcrtalncr! Htm I.aat Inmmer nncl He Finds tVsr llnek, Mrs U' If Urns. Tl Ii,.i.i .it lll.snm. ! fir Id, N". .1., h.cJi iiroven to ! a haven of rest for many a blae little canine Ken tb'tmiii and lady whose social duties were bocliinlnn to tell on them, has lust ro- ji'elvtil 11 Milnn'aiv visit from a youtiK I I I'lll lllllilll HI bill- KI 1 1 ICS III. ltlC llll'l, VI lllllO she i ntett.ilni d last summer lie answers ' to Hi" name of Hawthorne Hobble, or 11? 1 least In. has nhwivti answered to It, and when b" failed to do so one dny last wt-ek Mis M tl) 1 ill I'.lllot, Ids fond owner, wept to Investigate and found that P.obble had taken French leave. The i". Q. P. was sent out in every direc tion, and shorll.v after Mra. llas had answeied the telephone. mi.vIiik that eho had not eccn the reiiecade. lie npncitrrd at her front door. Ho had travelled many, many nillea nil nlone to pay a visit to hl ! friends, which Is sornothim; that even human belnirs often fotnet to do. Another lnttresiimt little fib-nd of Mrs. iiajs is ,iacK, 11 iioHton terrier, owned by 11. Tappe. Jack had an altercation with a motor ear aa to Iho ilifht of way last week and he came out of the fray with u broken hlti and uu Injured spine. Ho drained himself tor blocks to his home and Mm. Hays Immediately took charfto of him. lie la inendlnK rapidly. .Mra. Tinier l.enve Next Month, Mrs. Maty Winllirop i'unier. the owener of the .Never Never Land Kennels at Hhelter Island, who has been Invited to bulge French linlldocaat the bk Ivenniit'lubNhovv in London, will leave for l.nciand on Iho steamship Ocurao Washliigton. which sails on October .1, Mis I nrner will be in'com panleil by her husband, 1 huiims ,M lunier, and Ihelr trip will be a llylnic ono owinir In business encacoment m tho Turners, i ho show lakes plai e on Oc tober 1.1 and tliey will sail for hornet on tho t.iir inanlH October IM Don Lovers Mhnvr In ov ember. i he second eeml-iiniiuul show nf the West Philadelphia Doit Lovers Association will bo held 011 November 11 al I hill) plnlh anil Market Hlieets. Philadelphia, iho way nml the list of jinlc,. will he announced , In n lew days. Aiiioiic tlie prices lo lie oneren are noiiii uoiii linn medals valued ut IJO, silver club medals mill a la rue list ' I'oeial liries or special prlce 1 bo tiuns last show, held In February, drew' an enlrv of ?c. local dois, und It Is exiieeteil that oils niim lir will he evi-eetleil hv 11 k'ooil niuruln In their eomlni: ient. Pre'inliim lists will lie mailed the (list part ol next month, Iloploii Has Hopes for Poms. . lini lead Iloploii has placed his ten beau- Hful ue liioe olale I'oiiis In Iho hands of eilin anil I loith, who liavo installed Ihelr I'liuree III Ihelr liW home at West r on -em III n si mill. 1 nry ospeci 10 Cliam- plonlne tbo railr In elior,,jnler. BATTLE, wnecl by O. H. CROIINK. bj-'W'K.X JUNKM antl (he little daughter The Bull Terrier. Thrre'a a snoie vhite. dog xcith a coal black yc, Whose temper's as true an his courage is high. He's the last in a. scrimmage and the last one that stops. For tthen he does fight he fights till he drops. He knnirs nothing of meanntss and nothing of fear. For a gentleman's heart has the White Caralicr. He stands like a boxer, firm, active and keen, With his punishing jaw, long, powerful and clean. He's up on his toes, all ready to go Like thr. flash of a gun to meet playmate or foe. He's as strong as a bulldog, as fast as a drer, There's no dog vith the dash of the White Cavalier. His rnnt nnit hi elree hnih r. m com ana nts eiiaracter ooui are snow trhite; His look is determined; his manner is bright; He stands at attention, all muscle and lionc, A knight fully armed for holding his otrn. As mild as a maiden, as proud as a peer, A prince among dogs is the White Cavalier. KILLEARN 00RANG PASSES ON. Marine's Dug Dies of .Malady lleforr Discovered. Diirlns Hie White Plains horse show last week Alfred 11 Maclay broke the new of iu ilciilli nf Ivillearn Oor.inir. Ooninu was one nf the liaml-omi'st Mriilnles that ever cunie to America nnd :is fur us eon tonmitiiiii went In- was well nicli Invinclblo. Hi- vvniulerfill lu-Hil nnd int.'llici'iit ..viiri.s- sum iiiiid.' him liidovisl of nil und tho riuir will never seetn III., sumo without th. hlir t I . '". II..IH1-, iiiii- .v mii;si . . i .1 -it-,, he was invaluable, for bis one I fault, that ol' tolor, lie ilfil not tratismlt . I,. 1 to bis nrocenv Tliev nil riii( into the .r,.rl,l ..111. tl... ml t.tA... u..l,ll.. I.. itreatly in demand In the Airedale that artllleial iiienps are often employed to belli I -..,. ...... . , ,. j, 1 .,.1.1 it r nun ii- 1 1 111 1 it. nif T out slincv nature. , out slitiKy nature. oorimi; iiieci of a online nialadt- nf ' which even a post-mortem did not disclose the nature. 'Ihe wise men who ilclllierateii over poor Oornne's renialns declanst that I tlletrt llnu tint n ilrnn ttt lilnml l,,rt I. hla ' " tlieie wa pot veins and no nimilar the handsome livelv ' w n.itevi r the c ausi fellow has irone to sleeo with bis forefather Ml"' J !'H "'. Ins kennel plnyniatea refu" lo be eoniforttsl lie is aiirvivisd by wife ami son, who promises to he nil Hint Ills Inl her wis HOADLEY'S DOG EATS PEANUTS. .tlaatrr Call Him (Sarron Urraaar lie Knnna How to Walt. .losepli H. Itoaclley, former commodore of the Motor Hunt Club of America, has a, beautiful French bulldog which he calls (inrt'on lierause lie known how to wait. n will atnv put wherever his owner com- ninnds until n is released tiy -nis master a voice." Not I011B ago ftnrcon confiscated a bushel or mi of peciniita and when Mr. Hoadley discovered him he hud neatly shelled all I ot them and nut them where thai would do the most nod. This Is his star trick ami. us is not otten the ease with animal iii'rlorm.iiiees. is enjoyed by him even more than it is by tlie spectators. Unite recently lie was taken aboard his muster's yacht Alabama, whero he was the olisnrvecl of all observers. Ho was tempted with bon bons nml nut chocolate, all of whleii be refused. He preferred tjin nuta in their natural state and dually some one volunteered to set him a iiuart If ho would uiree to eat thorn nil. Ilnri-nn won. to the ilellirlil of the Incredulous ones, who had never before seen 11 French bulldog- shell peanuts. Pldueoii Can't Co to Chicago. W I.. .1. Piilueon of Ne' York, who wm clown to judge Ilostoii terlers nt tho Asso eiatet! Specialty Clubs- show, in Chlcaeo on September t1. will ho iinuhlo. to make tho trip owliitf to iresspc husinesB en BBKements The Western Boston 'J errier Club selected I'idgcon os judsn on account. of ins excellent Knejwieiiito 01 tno nreeel tnuelher witli the fact that ho had never beifoie Judged In the west and was a moat likely adjudicator to ilritw nlienvy ontry friuii 1 both Kast nnd West Mr , Pldaepn's inability to take up the task set the club to looklni; about lor another Jiiiigo, with the result thin J, L. curroit ot iti Buffalo has been selected. Ra relay, to Jdditr Alredalea. The Airedale Terrier Club of America has unnoiinoed their aelectlon for J mine lor ihe i-oiulni: annual sneelally show, , ...Mill, tuliea iiluea In 'ptt- Vorli nei ViT-ninliee 11, W L. Ilaniuy of l'liiliulelphia was lie- elded upon to iiniciHie. air. uarciuy is on of the old school of Airedale terrier fanciers unci has acted as Judte on many occasions anil at some of tho largest shows la the K.Mt. .VIIiMSTON, nw-niMl h.T NroTT T. MIIIIKV. E BULL TERRIER'S TRAITS Affection in Pence. Hravery in HniMc, Kuril II im SoliriqiH-b tlio Wliilo f'avnlier. DOESN'T Ul'NT - TI.Ol'HLE But. Coinepeil, lie Fights to the Jifist Ditch (!roin' in P(Iiiliirity. Some one m " saiil. "All whi-kev Is iroixl. nut Homo is (jotter than others." 'I his I. the creed of the tlotf lover, mid the one who fancy lenns townnl tlie bull terrier tsremly to pronounce this iloir bet ol all. Many nncl tiootl am tho reasotiN that may lav put fortli to hiibstuntiato this .statement, tho svelBhtlest or which, however. Is that the well trained bull terrier Is tlio allshetl of the canine rni e. The opprobrium of the bull terrier's early field inK days has proved a severe handicap to tho popularity of the breed anil ho Is ft Mrlkini; but unfortunate example of tho old adaite, "t.tvo h do a bad name." Ac. This, however, i ptetty much a thine of the past und tho bull teirier to-day is a fur more jpiilar iln than lie cetn credit for bclnc. AlthoiiKh ho Is not so ctromrly repteentell on tho show- lsneh an some other breeds, It is hafe to say tlmt there Is no morn popular doi? In the household of America. Iho bull terrier is courageous to.ii Uerec; a same and redoubtable cladl ntor when tirovokvd, but nut the doit to embroil his owner by iiomieiious "scraps" with other tloirs or the thasln:: and dls memlwrlnit of htray ats that hapieii bis way, When war Is declared lie, like tho knlKlitof old, will light unto death and also, durini; the ordinary routine of life, I the most uallant to his and the human race A veritable "caulne cavalier" in every seno of the word. In looks the bull terrier is the acme of symmetry the ideal combination ot ne- 1 tivity and power Ho is as quick as a IIhIi i pkysieally and mentally, anil pound lor I-ound thoro is no more powerful member ot tho animal kingdom There Is nothtnc freakish about him, set his apis'ar.inco is distinctive, to a decree With bis well knit Irnme, llthn muscled bodv. snow- whlto coat and flashlnit black eye, the bull terrier U a doc once seen, never to Im forgotten The bull terrier's tn.intiersi r. ua I?.1, "V Io,,SVh: b" "hlt" clear through. 1 His inlelltcenco Is eciptional and as U i mvarianiy tno case, that l our.iiro and alTee- I tion bo hand tn hand, he is the pluckiest of cintrilsmen und the most lovnbb. of mm , p.inlons. Alert to every sound, he is no i itI.uI bunder" nnd is well able to re-l the advances of the bnrtflarliiiir tentrv with tho utmost dosjuui, nfTcction for bis master and mistrees s only etiunlled bv that for their (bildren mvl hie nniiiiestioned enmeness i.-rnutd of any amount of niaiillni: I with pleasure I 'I hei-o Is another trait of the bull terrier that is not trenerallv known. Ho is iiullo ! some limitei lit. will work on lur or reathered irnme almost ns well as other varieties ol tlocs I red cspoclullv lor that Piirposo, but his fallipc in diunlliia etiinller vratne is iiiui ne i too nam iiitten in nulla i ami lliirnia helsheld In hich estcdii a ai , iiiiui.-i, ..tin hi-, enuii rum no eilllius iin teinperalure adinlr.iblv and thete are many inslanees r.-conli'd vvhwe his in domitable foiirace has been the means i of savini; his owner' lilts when out for bin ! name. I 1 lie oriwin of the bull terrier probably l was duo to the crossim; f the l.ticllsh I bulldnir ami the w'hlio Ptiirli-h icirior However, his lineage is verv apriont and tlie I purity ol bis r.H'o 1ms u-en iiwiitit.if m-a tor the past hall eentuty. I hr lancy in Fniilind have held hard and last to the slmdy built do? with tin. stretmth. rnHier than the . lenirth of ami the all Important obliutie - ... -1,. v .-....,.. ,1, "i V."1 tendency seems. -to have laon aim nit w in 11 is-i 1 c)ies)oi VVIHIH In s.L.'7l!.i?' ilr7 "'"'""U t'trem eni.'tb of .r head, with wnlcn noes u rriey tmit bodv, and the old time characteristic! eimesslon ........ 11 1 ... . 'l? euiiercii. ...'.V""!!''. Present clav'' aupporters of 'errier, the inieirlanco of Mime ol whoin dates 1 back lor many years, may be m'' '..")' "l '0"lei. Scott I. Libby. r,pn,r).. '' ketman, M. 1 iinnlnirham. ,,' lti?a7,.,lii,1f.n'.:'lr;.' ''"bpston l.iviUKston, II U'er. l: P. Tbomns I'r.mL 1' 'Wl' I kins Mrs. Arthur D. Pratt. Mrs. I v. llMI'U T 1 'I. ..I... I..I... II .'.'"'"P!""0;-' '!' '.'.'' "rle. ., ,. iiiiii-., oiriiic Jiiiini'i, lioinns l.v-neh .l.iliri M. 1' 1 Mutillncloii, e .lime's. V' I', l'leteks,' Jumcs Pinker anil Philip Hover. IMPORTS ENGLISH BULLDOGS. Harry Itnshlon Orts Thrre I'lnr Sperlmena Prom eollniid. Although the season for visitors at s. bury Park is about over tbertsate several very ellstliiKitislieil travellers now en route for tlie popular summer resort eu the lersey shore.. The visitors am three Fnirllsh bull dogs from the kennels of 1". II. Anderson of Dundee, Scotland, mid their destination Is Harry Husliicm's Woodcraft Ke-nnels. i here are two males nml It female In the parly mid i riKtii or ins. many miccosmi nnif Helsle lloatnmii l the ny riK'ii 01 ins many siirecsMos in ine snnw rinc HelsDi Hoatnian Ik Ihe most, fllutln. KUtshed. Itoatmau Is a white and brindln heavyweight son of (. hiimpion Melampus and llelsl.e llopeeii. Ills main travelllnir companlcin is Dundee Sir David, another verv handsome doir, nit hunch not so stalwart in build, and w hbii chums the same slru and whose ilnni Is Ilosalba, a slsler or ,1. Minium's lamous Lhnmphin lloikeliffe Hats Oft Tho temale of tho party I" Scotland's rride, a daughter of Diindeo Katapult, nml Little Alice KENNEL DIRECTORY BAUGHFELL KENNELS Leading Terrier Kennels uf Anm-lra. Airedales, ltlsli, test Highland While and 1'ox terriers of show winning epialli) for sale at all times, For full particulars write tu M Ferry at,, Newark, N J, IIOHTON Tl'ltlt IKIIH. of grand puppies, best breeding, DOLK, 73 Cast Join tit., .New Yoi A litter KltANK F. city. AT HTI'l-The sensational llosinn terrier. DADDY UK DFLMAH. aire of Itockc'llrTe llcaiiit ful Doll: also of InrJsArden's Kid ami llan'n Lime Jimmy; fee. Ill), -it, HVAN, U West U'Ut n IlOtJ AMD CT DKPAHTMF.XT. NF.W VOUU VITKHINAUY HOSPITAL 117 West S5th SI. I'houe tsi(.-Madlsim hquare. lllusirated booklet on'rrn.ucs, HBN'CII HHOW liAUUlA'Ali'.StKh homiled hd cnndlUoned. WrlU for tcrint. AtF UtLUO.Yr, 1 llai'An. Pa. ! 1 COLLIES. This Is nur type. OUR Choicest Collie Puppies, Males, this week at this low price. (Regularly $25.) $ 15 These puppies are. crsndlv bred, tracing from J I'lntPO.Vr Mom. A.N. IUSQ.H, fanioit.s ti champion WINHAW CLINKIIlt, UIM1AH IIPAI'TL. Ac.; they are exquisite in color: In perfect health! niled with thlldrrti, tvhlch In sures Ihelr dispositions 'Mils price means nur choicest males. We will ship promptly upon receipt nf check and supply full oiitheiitlc pcill rree Sntlsfartlnn iruarantecd or money refunded. 'In where ymi will, you will find Ihese as line ns '!j' ever offered. I'lNK (illOVi: COLLIL Scottish Deer-hounds Tho ('l(isol)iini lu'iinels of Weyt Cnld aoII, Now Jersey, lmvo for Kill- thn'o IMippii'N, Jierfect Ktis'l-blim t.w?c'illlOllH TIpw) puppies, four months old, urn hy Champion Heather King ex .Midlothian Mirthful, the prize wiimltiR lireedlnc of 1 tho day. Tho situ, .Champion Heather Kins, lias ltecn fearlessly shown from puppyliood anil completed' lim champion ship nt Ambler. I'.t., this year. Slid lothlnn Mirthful in considered" by (he bost judge one of tho Ixsst brood matrons f her breed For artleul.irfi write or phone tT.OSKM'liX KKNNIIl.S. V,t t'.ildwell, V. J. Telephone. 322 Caldwell. Never-Ncver-Land Kennels Shelter Ivlanil llrlihts, I.. N. T. I'umoiis I'ronch llulldogs at stud. Ch Hunks bequest, Pouruuol Pas and Ckarle maetie of Amer5hanu I'ee, M5 each. , '! Le Foe 11. Mllnshnu- tlinilsn I.sreenne Ihv Ch Piiurquol Pa. i and Salvolatlll's sons, liar .Sinister and .NemevLs; I'ee. KS eaih. Hitches shlnpetl from New Kncland via boat ' leavlnc New lainilon 1 P. M. reach Shelter Island ' 4 P. M,t Hitches shipped Troni New Voik In the mornlnc leach Kennel; same nlshl. Ljpre'Sie I paid one way Anton Rudolph, Mitnarier. i Telephone 4ft Shelter Inland. I Airedale Terriers HAM. SALE OK VILLAROSA KENNELS 15 Dogs and Bitches at Very Reasonable Prices. Pnpplrs of lllchest Hreeillnc from ao. Apply Geo. Teasdale, Rye, N. Y. BOOK ON Dog Diseases AND HOW TO FEED Mailed free to any address by the author. H. CLAY 4JLOVl-.ll, D.V.f... llri It. 31st St.. Xew lork. Tt i:itn ki:xm:i.i. t hampicn Poiurrnnlans of the World ot stud -CHAMPION WKK lll.ACICIi:, wclcht. .1 lbs S.NOWIIALL III. best while In America. 7 lbs. (AN 111) MLSCHIKI'. best cream. I'-, lbs. PI. HULLS, best rhucolate. holdi world's record for larcest inter. 414 Ihs OKKLUV MIIK. smal lest shaded sable and proven sire of small puppies, 314 lbs. TPXKDO Pltltii:. black, hire of blues and blacks, ft lh Puppies and crown dogs of all breeds always en haud. rio W 4blh Street. Tele phone. 7115 llryant. M HS OLIVIA Ci:i) Second avenue. North Pelham. offers beautiful Kugllsh Toy Spaniel puppies, among Ihcm being noseless screw tailed King Charles, the Und breeders consider them selves luchy lo produce one ot In a lifetime Fin brrcdlng them hy the dozen because the slraln of my brood bltchci Is ihc best and my stud dog. ladily ." nrediices hettcr puppies than any cham pion living He cn be used for stud purposes for lu fee, I also have some female I'c' tu sell My Orlfntt Hniirllnli stud clog l a champion and irue to type; ftollu. Call or telephone ;mu I'elham. "1 m only thirty nilnnics from llroadway " Dogs, Cats, Birds BOARDED llll.L ri.CK IIIF-Sl. StAAlil MOT Siamese, Manx, Ahv i.lnlan, Perslaa Kitten .or sun,, s. Send for our Jieemlful lllusirated catslog-iv Tks DI..I. CI I II' I .1 - . ne uiaca onuri naircu nitcrr Ktti:i.f.. n. .1. JAPA.Vr.Si: SPMi:i.S It would be worth while for 11 buyer to see my beautiful toy dogs. I have two females for sale, classy, shapy, rule and well mannered. OMAIt, winner of blue ribbon In his class nnd red ribbon over all clogs In show of the Long Island KennelClub, Is at stud, Mrs. SAHAH I.IION'H XHIiT. 43 4lh av . Ilronklyn. 4'HOMs' 111 V, the beautiful Japanese Spaniel, winner in llrlshtuii Iteach. tun. at mid: fee. stu.oo Ills puppies for sale, hnth black and vrhltc and lemon and white M's W 1: Dennis, :.nts lleverlev lid.. IhooUlyn Telephone. h..,'Mnr,lr?i,: ""J A.I.5-IIandsome male n Xtln-ohl: xsonilerfut roat: partl-colored hllrh; sable hitch; one year old: very reasonable Philadelphia, Pa. iT. T,,m i,7V:BAN. PniNCE. Amer- " ','". M ;.L" . ' 1 osries, sza ."rsshank tlllly. blngthiciles.JU Nessbank Uob, Blenheim, ki:.NM:i:s. Hi V uhtrrct. "c-MUrt'1' Al isio; ItAric clogs for ailstoeratle people; nethliu cheap, hut good value guaranteed' America s most eMctislvc eihlhltor ol'i West 4:nd stieet. elrn'inne. 49p; llryant. w ttrvi'Sffr'111 grnvTnipeW for sale. Ibdoklrn . i'.'sllAu ow "r. JU Morgan Avenue, Ill Isill '1 1'tttf liriiu ar.s., u . J-1 . I ........ . asviinm.i. t liPllieS DV Newry l.all out of an eirclleni Impnrieel hitch ?' l",' 6,l""lr.JI,,.,l;,' UcCOUlill, M Pro," DACHSHFNI) ai stud tensicln Hl.ACKTiis-e HLACKTOFP KI'..N.NI'l3. l'.ntlewood N. J. Tel t . Fnglevrooil. HIINcil SHOW HA.NDl.i:H.'"twenty yean ex r.W'.V.'.'i oosrdeil and coodllloncd. KAHL 1JUI IIUAN, Mnntcy, y, . !',i',l Kllfitvr t'Al,T-lT7iT'KriAI.If. lloardlug sanatorium, night-day rall. mi7 Park ave. Phone S41B Harlem. Clinic, 3 lo 4. in- u il.,.,',MAN V "" chocolate n coun-5r-w.'n.lLr? "r".1 Bni' siMTlaP Ice. SJ&ersi. y. SC'lll'l. HiL'JL"? Iealngton avclel lino Madison. Pt)lli:itANiAN.S.''"li7llTouB and ether" "toTP leh?phonen 'Odon, bogota. N, J e-,l,,.:.l,A,1 ' s .n"1' " )" '"' Pls anir'wTich 2Kf..,J!c,t!erci1 I'l'PPle for sale. KKNM'y.N KI17SNI7I..1, Point pleasant. New Jersey. llAltTSItAI.F. I'A.MNC CK.MKrFHV. Office 117 West 3Stb ,l.. ew York city Informailnn on request. 'J'hone, ,tll-Macl. Sq. I'LKIN KI'.NNI'.I.S l'eklngeTef,Sr sale, all ar7i ?n m n" vi,1 "v, ,0," '""rijera taken. M. II. lin : i i i. mm j narqen city. , noil's l)OAIIl)i:i), conditioned and handlecb a I brenlt. Robert In Ine, llaiton Kennels. Hernn stead, N. v . leiephone. v I PEDIGREE BLANKS New York Sun KENNEL DEPARTMENT Enclosed find 2c. stamp. Please sena five pedigree blanks free of charge. ' NAME...; '..Vi; ADDRESS 'I hif hlftnU'i may bf hi In lots of onr hundred with kennrl ri(lnni)ar . itanir jinii t Id"- printed In red. blue orblck Ink for t tu, .delivered by mall anywhero In the United ilif Postage added to foreign countries. 1,'htcli or money order n.uil accorjpany order. Chlorides rtii' si-p msi.Mi(usr MAKES YOUR KENNELS SWEET AND CLEAN DESTROYS DISEASE GERMS DOSS LIKE IT IETTER THAN FLEAS Sold everywhere Wie ,-i,ri II p.,, . Clllf Si. New nrl., isv flee lllu .tr.i to , ii:pal ki:nm:i im hi:it scami is At mid to approve d bllehes.iiiij p,1f, (n .' h Mepal'si hulover iff.'Hs,. i . 'I he .hides II077KI ui Mepnl s i iOKs12). tjo.rm. 'Irl-crnph ntiii i pre. (ireat llarrlneton, ilas-s P O. ,J Marlhnro. lleiUshlre Co.. Mas Nr A, i ,t itrcs Itunni l'i so llrtisilvray. ( IIO.MIIMMI Iboroiivhly tralne.i . .. as live, free trial i.n where bend SI u. ( , book. Ml. HI MI VllNil. Urals , tralnlnc, liaiidllnc, whin, nr.cto hoiv I hshlls vsiluus Vurinltits, lttrse. 1 MIUllli:i(.V FAIIM 4tON HOt Ml KI .. I.M;i.!s. elmer, Tenn. 4iitAi:i.M: ho Attn im; (mi mti:i:iu(i I hF..KI., IISSIMMi, , . Phone ;i4.t. . W. 4 roliT, Mar I IDIIAL HOMi: FOIt nous, eimi in un n,er ant healed by hot water In winter I vrrythiur po slble done for Ihelr i omfon anil tiapplnct , at. ' of females In season, In whelp ami teannr ,.' puppies n specialty. Helen iiccv I ntllvh Lui doir puppies for sale.. PMIKttAt Pi:i SIOCK I'll At stud, llourbon Peau. the bet pup . , , son ef lllnrmasi-r: llllso Hrlmar. .Ir . t;s' nil Little nlllle llutkc. Hie best' errlVv In the cliy: fce. Ilii each; brood bl'i'hs. .nti mm of all breeds for sale always i'l Ci'.utral lr. way. Tel. Jio.". Hlverslde xowATt pi:KiN(ii:si: at sun Ch Nowata JJIn-chl. . . . jiioi Nowata l.l-ehee... . . t.'iu Nowata Chanc. jji.oi N'ow-ala Janr oinder 5 lbs i .NOWATA FAHM Itutii'ntton, 1 t llli: AIKFII Vt.l: I'Alt"! KK.S.MU.S. Snrlni: Valle.v. X. 1. The larcest collection or trclMered Alreila!. ts ikerountry. .Satlsfarllon cuaranteed l'-r.oi please yn'i nobody can. t'lsltors alnavs vifieii . Till! sn.N.SATIOVAL younir Smitbh te,r ,., BAI.iiOVNIt: LAtlDIK and IIAl.l.OU Ml hi,.' ciALI): fee each. II. .t. I'LKITM ANN', it, brooms si.. .V V. City. Docs at Itobett Irvlnsi kenneli, Hempstead, U I. per iiot;H 'itpi) ion. Housed not kenuelled, eacellcDt equlpniem conscientious rare: clean sanlu.ry u'isriers tinuiUnlnr food, enelnseti tinwavs- elsco!r HAVS.VSThomant . Illoumfleld V .1 ; 'plioneii' rolli:i:AN'IA.N.S ounc all color.. , Aihinu WeeOllvei atid Xshton 1 hoi uUit Dandv the International winners. l'Allll'AA KKNNEI.s 3717 Ocean av ., Shrcrshrad Ha)' 11 ft Unity Island. SKVt:il,M. inters, beautifully marled, piri colored Cocker Spaniel puppies, prle wtnnlni tock. Dog1, SVI. females. J."0. Also I nglbl greyhounds, puppies and grown stock 0 bib CIIOSS KKNNLI.s. nernardsrllle. V. .1. PIIAMPIflN (OllAlii: Ml. OCT at 'I'll fecSUOi Ihlslllinhrltr, sires lliobet.1. t'lnlrs. Tosu. Japanese spaclrl nl stmt: fee Jir.oi Ce 1 Irally located: prlc slock hlw,is for sale Ubs I. W AHLHAM. ?41 W .Villi st.. Vew Yorl roll SALi: Two smooth fin terriers, pe,i. greed, registered stock, 1 bitch. poln Is on chan plcutshlp. 1 clog, good winner, front Varsity llltilr. 1'rlres reasonable. Mrs. PAI.MLIt CAMl'111'I.L. Uornaplsvllic, .V. .1. Ali.l.liAi.l.S4 lis. prince id iorKano luiieia lloyallil: WIHB FOX TKIIIIini Vlrkerv Klrs Result: fee, JS each: YOCMi SIOCK ALW'.We) roil HALF VICIiUllV KKNNKLS), 3735 rd Lsanston, III. rilPW KI:.M:i.s offer Ihelr entire Mink of 4'hows. Pomi-ranlatis and 1-ilctaffesi' foi sv,e. 'II t best of each ot tfcesc breeds CHINA bl N- M.i-S, Ardslej . .V. V. Phone ;t7 w Dubln I enr. UUU4 UU.MCIII.l), I OMII I IO.M 1). I attend all nhows. All breeds lor al FRANK ADIM il t.. Daltoe. Pa PLKINCnS!' ST I l IIOI..S. brim I b'trhei a:,' Touog sleek for sale in make room- er wtniiltiri NAO-I.V-liAX KK.NNKlJi. Jbsij Jerunii a'.. ' city. Tel. !M3- -Tremonl Hllmar nioii.tic-t. P. 1 OH SAI.F llcallhy. farin-robed e ulllr v un from Imported, pedigreed slock. bramlPilly marked, lour bead, small eyes, nalural tlnpel ears. A. II. DAMS, llrnipsleinl, ljns Maim. N. V. It. P. D. No a. Duirplforiitiilvi'iicit, F.xpcrt .IFAMi: 7AIIIIO. IIF.M. Tel. Cram ??7l .1 v r;rist IHISH 'li:ifltli7KS I'HIl sTiT. " A few- high rlasa icrMcrs to h dlsfsisnl cf at very reasonable prices r0r partlculats anr'P HI.Alt.Nny KKXNKI.S, comeni. V .1 Ml.NIAil lit. i omer..hians all colors, al t I and for sale HI;h class tois hoarded and em rtltloned. Mrs. Ii. F. MAI III11V, New Hyde Par. Iing Island. Phone. 47H. linral I'arf 'IHC KI IIMCSS .IJtA"l7i Kill KFItf" unique designs on 'irsery and tea services. On: ora.monograms.blrtn dates, to order. 1 up. IIAH niKTT V Fl IINI'SS. IH W 87lh t , New Vcirk .IAPA.NFsi:-il,.Mi::i.S for silc Mlksilu, black-whllr: Otoko, orange-whllc. al stmt 'ic S15 each. Mis. A. t IIADUIIJIA.N. : tlark'oa ave.. Klathush. llrooklyn. CHOW CHOW'S and Dalmatian, pups, grown dogi and the leading champions, ou ehliU'in and for sale. W l.NUIIOLMI: li'U.N'.NF.LS. ,Hi Long Dlanil. HPTTOXS II.. dark brlndle Kngllsh bullde; great lirlie winner; sire of large Utters: fee " W.T. I)I!i:U-.J4So. 7th av.. Mount Vernon. .V V Tel. ita It Mount Vernon. CU)St:DUItXKi:.NM:LS Scottish deerhoutiili Puppies and joung dog! usually fur sale J. DAYAHD KIItKPATrtICK and lira, A. K. (( TON, owners. West Caldwell, V .T HOSTOX. French bulls, Pomeranian pupp'", also full crown, jvedlcrced Hock. I.IM OI.V SOFA UK DOH L'XCHANun. 33 V. tOlh it. Phone 4573 Col. lillLD AND FV.NCV. the leading cleg paper ef ef America Send for Sample Copies, 1'irW an I Fancy Publishing Company, II l hureh SI . Nr York. ' " AT HM D. ititi iikiim;. Pee Kami: f.'. lbs.! white; also e'ulford I'mUrns Fee.Ci.tin: a im.: white. Inwall KenneP. Ulh ford, 1'enna. UAf-nsiitiMii: at si i'ii. AH well-known chsmplons. jemug aud old stock always on hand, SOC'TH MIIUIll' KlNMiA Hay Shore, .New Y'ork. FAIll-7lAISKI Pekingese "and 'no' Spatilrb Cottage Kennels, 4311 Hoston lload, Phon! 4 A Uamarnricck, N, Y. A KINO C11AI1I.KS. nienliebn, ruby Piln.e s..!i!.r!r.';j.ll.".,.,!r.M.n,!,n' "own and puppies I'ni'u SCHWiilllll'I'.iiPH, cu lirrsilen s .1 nml'' n TOV French null's at stud, all wlnnors r rori' u-,:th.cny 4th ANNUAL SHOW Plainfield Kennel Club Columbus Day, Saturday, 0c!. 12 Always 3 rint show, Inst year ncpily rcachcJ 1 points." Untrics close AonJay, StptcmVcr y E. H. HOBBIE. Scc'y. Plnindelil, N. J. ISLIP KENNEL CLUB First AouualMiow lubehrldat Isllp I m Isllp. I. I Snlurdny, Oct ftth, lin , . -..'."r premium Ibis and rutry blank apply ) tjllbur It, Purccil, Supt., Itoom 3in,;'J ntvausay Onirics close Scplcmbcr .ttni FREE OF CHARGE - V V-VS,- i s. vys "vv-