OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 11, 1912, Image 15

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1912-10-11/ed-1/seq-15/

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li.it TT Illlh st Amsterdam .,
h mill llrnndway,
h Election Dlstrltt Ik bounilf.l by
, h Broadway, W. ISMh st. unit
u '.n inter
t it, Election District la bounded liv
i hi v. lr.Mh St., Speedway. TV. lSllh
,. -ml IIM.nlnii)
T 'ill ElrMlnn District In hounded hv
n innin si, Amsterdam tve,
Speedway, W. I59lh it. end
fi'h Cirri Ion District l bnunded hv
a i
i II mint st Broadway, V. Ulil
. r,i.,tn inc., iv. l nut l st.. Broad
tl i I'll t and Hudson lllier.
p ti Election District In bounded by
ii in IV lillth at, Amsterdam ave,
a Edgecombe avr., TV. USd at,
ii "in a
I ' Bin Hon District l bounded by
, n IV UMh si, Harlem lllvrr,
r.2d t . Edgecombe "avr.,
a uml Atnaterdam ave.
Iii'tlnn District la bounded by
i t lti W It.oili at., Amsterdam avr,
i ii ! llroailttn), TV. Hint al, and
:i i r
t ' Election District ! bounded by
n IT I7lsi l St. Nlihnlas avr.,
. Tln.terdilli, avr., TV. Kith at.
ir H
ii llltrr
n riri'ilmt District It liniindril bv
. ll t;tt at, Ilirlcm Itlver, TV
Tii.a-rrd.titi iir TV. UMh al, and
'.it.lS Hi'
h KlK'tlmt Dlairlct l boiinilril by
l nut I. mr. W. 177th at., Broad.
It vt Audubon ale, TV. 171st
H ,,ioh Itivrr
i h Elitilmi Dial rl I It bnumlril by
vi i-iei ii, n Hsmnginn nriiig.i,
I. Vt . I Tint' at, Audubon avr..
.ml Atiiatrrdaiii ave.
I Hli.'lm, Dlstrlit It linunilril by
i t77th at. St. Nicholas avr.,
. . Aiiiltilmn r., V. I77lh at.,
ii i r . IT 175th at. and Ilroad'
Election 1'l'rlrt N bounded by
. II 17Mh at, Amsterdam avr.,
. Unliibnn avc. TV. 17Mh at,
t ' li.it,ia HI c
i i:iM'tlmi District la hounded bv
i i TT It'ltli at , Urnadway. TV
l' Mi bulla in r , TV. 177th at.
,i idtltiKlnn inc.
,l,m itrlu N bounded by
iv Hit at. Broadway, W. UOlh
iv -1. in 1 1 on Hie, TV 177th at,
ii Hi'dton ttlvcr
:,..iinii Dlatrlrt la bntindrit by
i ii 1Mt at , Antatrrilain air.,
i Hroaiiwiiy.
1 Kin ion Dlslrlrl la bnumlril by
- 11 US,l nt , Atiiatrrdiini avr.,
.i id I'riiiiilu.iy
ti'" ilur tllatrlrt la Iviundrd bv
vl l. ill at , ll.irlrni Hlirr, .
. . rrOHin tin , W l3il at. and
i iir
'I CHitlim Dlalrlrt la liniindnl bv
i . kiM.in ai . llrlcnt Itlvrr, W,
..is NlrlinLia air.
i Ktritlmi lilatrlct la biinmlrd bv
.ii inuooil at, lyi Utiuin at,, llth
" bulla mr., W lalid at., Ilroad-
t ,inl Uiiilaon Itlvrr,
'i l-'rrtliiti lilatrlct Is bnundrrt by
' ii Sptivtrn liuyvll Crrrk, Ha'
Ii ikman at, Innnod at. and
Khrr ...
r,rn 'n'irlh .lori'iby Vltlriet
i:- l:ir. Mnii IMalrlrt It boundrd ty
i I: ''nli at , :.l air.. R. SSth at.
I iinc'ni inc. .
r.irrlnti IMalrlrt la ioumld by
i l: liOih at, M air., i:. I9tb at.
2'nn tir and a illacrutal llnr from
. nf K ftli n. anil ."slnxton.ait.
-I ' .r dir. mill K. 90lli at.
i I . r . i inn Diairlit la timimlrd iiy
"' .i K '3'l a ;, air, K. J:d at.,
I -'tat at. M air. K. 90tli at. to
. .iMB.Mi.il lino from thr inrnrr nt
i - 4ml 3d air. to thr enrnrr of E.
I I i.axinston air., Lrxlngton avr.,
' . a- mil ,1,1 Hit.
r I H'rctimi Dl-trlct It boundrd by
i i C at . lat avr., E. Jltti at.,
. ' i: f.'.l at and :d avr,
i 11 ' nnn IHatrlrt It boundrd by
j'n i: -'UN at, lat air., t.. via at.
r'rrtlnn lilatrlct It hniinrtad by
I I. :" ih at, :,t vr b. setn
, . "tth at and 3d air,
l!i. , t ion IMatrlrt la boundrd by
i i I. .;th st, :d air., K. SSth at,
' li r,.rr,in lilstrlrt la bounded by
I n !: jjth a,t . U.cit ltlirr, K. Stlth
l: PTtb at .mil 3d air
.i i. tiun lilatrlct la boundrd hy
-.in i: 101st at. Kaat lllvrr, B. Sth
:: i j r
i1 Klrctlon lilatrlct l boundrd by
"in K iniat s:.. 3d air, E. Ith at.
wn'rn air.
'.i Kiriilon lilatrlct It boundrd by
h u i:. lOM at.. :d aic, E. lDlat
I v.iicinn ,nr
..u En. tlon Hiatrlct It boundrd by
h i i: 101th at, Lexington ave., E.
a . . Park .11 r
"h rinitnn Diairlit la bounded bv
i n l; 1 0 4 tit el.. 3d aic E. 10:. I
' . .na'on r
li " i:ietlon lilatrlct l loimdrd by
h .1 i: lOiith at., 3d avr , B. ll)4th
n.-. E loith at. and Islington
Ii Election Dlitrlct la buumlrd bv
l ' II 105th at. M avr., E. 10!d
' Jl avr
h Ei'.tlrn Dlairlct l boundrd bv
i .. i: 10th at., Eaat niirr. E.
! ard ;d .nr.
T rl'l Hit, Affl'itlv IHttrirt
Kir, Mon District l bouiidid by
i.i i '.arlrt at. V. Illl at, C'lirlato-
. I I'Ik. kir al.
Kir- Hon Dlatrlrt la boundrd by
,i IV llth at, V. 41)1 at., fharlra
Ui -. krr r: ....
E' ,tion Dlairlct It boiind'd by
II lib at. W llth at,. Illreciirr
i k I'm S'i'jjr. and 'th air
i n K..tlim Klatrlit la boundrd bv
tu'i J nr at. liri'tm lili ai.. Hank
. piair. W. llth si. and W. 4lh
KV'Mon Dlatrlrt la bnumlnl by
.. n l Ilih at , Walerly tUrr. Hank
. n .i , h . II l-lll at . illl air.,
j lViry al., a illjgoiill llii"
urr of ilrrniilih ait and
. . i' toriirr uf Wairrly plair and
nil. n unit W. 4th at.
' i .iioii Dlirlrt la boundrd by
I i II ' ii al . lllecnvvli'll air., "Ill
vi . i, i i,;i an, tllrrnivlch air,
I . - -i ml Wavtrly idncr.
ii ei,., i inn Dlairlct la buumlrd bv
i i up). ii , iii Wairrlv place, a
fl 111 tile Oirtler of t'liarlea at
n, .hi. , i ilie i-niner of I'nry
i m. h nr. Ilrreim Iftl air.. W
. ,..i. pli e, I'lirlatuplirr at. and
i E r. .mi Dlatrltt l boundrd by
ii ai.iphrr at. (Irei'imlch air.,
IV l aalillieion plate and W. 4tll
K'r. Ion Dlatrlrt la boundrd by
' .. IV l aahlllKton plarr, Walh-
,, i. Weal. iialilngloii Siguarr
I i, rliv platfi, 1th t, Hroadv-ay,
it' , - . l.if.iyette at, Orrat Jonrt
, a . ..I f.th air
' t-;in tl.m Dlatrlrt la boundrd by
n l Mh at., E Sth t., llnlvrr
i e l aahlnr.tiin Nijuarr U'rat, M aah
.Sorih. W. WaahliiBliin plarr
i Ki-.'lon Dlatrlrt la boundid by
,u II 'h a', illl avr, E lOtli at.
i ,i,M p. I llh at , 4tll air., B.
... .,mj E. Sih at , IV. Ith at, ami
n Hie. Inn Dlitrlct It boundad by
i. i, i will at , i: 13th at.. Uiilvrr-
- K lUtll at. Mil ave., . Mh al.
Eirctlon District la bounded by
, W 14th it . E Hill at.. Unl-
i .r. E i:tli at., W Uth at. and
l.irrtlnn Dlttrlcl Is boundrd by
l II 14tll at., Tth ava, W. Uth
i.i . I jvc, Jane at and Ith avr.
l..tloii Dlatrlrt la boundrd by
, vl I s til at. Mil avr, Vi . 14th
" En", Ion Dlatrlrt la boundrd hy
i E 21al at to Lexington air.
irl a
i. I'ulll l.ratnh ,.-.' -:'.-
.irli (Iramrriv I'ark to Irving
.Q h at , irinig piace, r..
n 1; ,. .on DlttiHt i u ... V
. . .; ,!, .1 , 3d ate., E. lath St.,
I- -i1 'IiioiirIi (iraitierry Park lo
I k. 21st at., and Lex-
1 1; . mi District Is bounded by
, . 1 a' . tth aie., B. 2ilh at..
1 1: ;ai at. anil Mh avr.
1 1: hi District l bounded bv
11 .-.til si , Mil ave., TV. Hill
', Kir' ion District la bounded by
M i, 11 .Mh at, 7lh ave., TT. 1W
" El' Hon District la opunded by
sal .1 u ;,,), st , lli aie., TV, llth at,
iv .3d at and Ith ave.
Election District Is bo.'jnded by
f. 1 '. 1; sath st., 4l)i aie., E. S.'d at.
f" "-i "Elrrtlnn District la boundrd by
' ti E S'n'i st, 4th ave,, E. list at.,
I. " "i .i.e., E. 27lh' at, 4th ave, B.
!! h a' and Mil ave,
Ti'tntu mrlh Atttmbty Dlitrlct'.
I ne 'ai Election Dlitrlct la bouodaa by
' 1'. 1,11 E 9 1 Hi st. Id va., K. lal at,
d Lts.ngtmi aio. . .
' Tne n El.-ctlon Dlstrlot la bounded by
xaii'l t Imln E, 97lh u, Id ve, B. I4III
t .ui'l LixliiEtnn avr, . .
file 1,1 Election District la boundad by
til ililin E dlili at, Madison ave., K.
f'.b . Lexington ve E. lllh n
till aic a
. Tlio I'll Elecilnn District la bounded by
mi aiihin E 9911, si. Id ave, E. Jth al.
"(; I'aiU te
. Tl'r 5"' Election Dlstrlct'lf boundod bv
t.d tviiliin E. smii si, I'ark av, E. Uth
' Madlaon mr E, 911)1 st, and MM .
The en Election District la hounded by
M't Imin k ijjd at. MtdUOD e., E.
'r ' ' 'atl. nie xs talis, .1 f.eslnaton
E. 9Mh st and M)i yf.
' Tt is Eleiilin Dlatrlrt la bounded by
all I U I IiIm 1 Igsitg . . a a . at. ..a tl
'fa,. "I" i" li'-i'l ai . lairiann air, r.t
Mlh st 'ark air.., K. 101st it.. Mad son
V li 1 )-', al anil Ml. .
The ., l-lc,.,!,.. iii-irr... Is bounded hv
. -. ......,n ..i-iiici ivuimii
i"n.1. vMlhli, I' luoth al.. Madliain ave
-"ln '! ''file ve H. lllth tt., Uaallaan
and wliVihi 5USy?" O'"1:!", It houndrd by
ndhilt'hl'-h JFl,,.,'.'n W'lrltt la boundrd by
!t l f.!iil lh M. I'ark avr., B. 10tH
aM?,'i,i!,,i!l '"'.lI?n. 'lrl It boundrd by
liiih It K- l0l ' Madlaon avr, fi.
and l.'b ''.V.'rff D''.'l" " boundrd by
al 1?li " R- ""h "!- ' rk V'.. K. 101th
'.i.,J'''''n nir.. E. 10tbat. and Ml. air.
and wiil'il! y".' DUtrlrl It bounded by
and wiihin iP'Wt'ri? ' boundrd by
at. anil Madltnn ava.
i . i!f'.h t:','c,,on tJ'ttrlct It boundrd by
and Jait'ifiJ? iP'V'.'i? Wilrlct la boundrd by
tn ln,!"iV.dV;o'V,!r1" ,,rk ", R n"J
andhrwtihll, KI,r'"'',pilrlct la boundrd by
.v..,. "nln .' 'lllh at., I'arlc air. E
i i !','' Wcrtloii IHntrlrt la boundrd by
Mi.l.hWi,.!,,.nnd,!M!,".,vh, M,"on ' &
nd'wli'hiM w'WJ?.1' ' boundrd hv
"r.n'u'llh r,"'" " "rk ""h
nTihv.ifil? v7!!XZ ,.",,;lr,t" ""I by
a" and'tth a:0,h 'U rtTk B- ,'
Tirenli tti tnlh Autmbly Ditlrtct.
.T.'" "'action Ulitrlct la boundrd hv
iid,,S.ih'in l'Ufc!.1?? n,"ltlc ' boundrd by
andhr.li,i;1i,':il,',.l?.1 ' boundrd by
andhm',t,n 'H'iS?- boundrd hr
and" n ii!. I':t'".n,n. """' ' boundrd by
a"tn".nd"i'.'hn o'ir. 'J'1 "1 :,h w- "'
andhul?hVn1vL'tl-0-,;i,,)l:,rlc.lu1 bon.lrd by
Jt -niV'fth aW. ',Xh I,h w- ''
.J'"-,','! 'V""."" "Ilrlct It boundrd bv
Jtand'iVh a'r.'",h "l" w-
The alb Klrrllnn rn. 1. 1. , i. i .-. .
and wlll.ln u-V. ".?"''"'.'
Sd at., ih air., w. 49ih
at. mil
Till air.
and li7,ln "a'i?." "'"'" l boundrd hi
and within W. 4Mli at., llh air., to W. 47th
Ktl. .!"V,;,ri.i",e ,rom """'"of W
'Ml at, ami mh Vr. to thr rnrnrr of IV
toin at. and 7th avr.. ami Tih i.l
and";!!?,'," 5!r,1l! " boi'mlrd bv
and r. Ill . 50h at.. Mh avr., v. At),
ma gon,"n .","".. nf ;"' vr. ; ' thenr" a
li V i 1 .'.lnp 10 ""' ornrr of W. 47th
tJ ,,i..',h "'' "
anil iihii U1-"'!,'.0'!. D"rlct la boundrd hv
'an..""'.!, V"h "' Mh W- ,,,h
nrihn.Shil! S!clit '"'"'v ' bounded hy
J" iiTu'ilh ?;r"th "h "r"
an'nili'i.1 S!C1'.0V D'"'et 't boundrd bi
ll and"?.'", nV"" " "h
andhlr,!!i'il! u-'0,1.".1! "'f-t It boundrd bv
ind J3a "h -. V,b?".1,:
andhl!M!! i.,'V-'.ni? Dl"'l" ' bounded hy
Sl,t J hi?i.,',,"l.,V. I''ln'on ave.. hi.
Ild l "ai 1 M a.' K- 1l,h 5,h ' E.
lit tt. jnd Madltnn ave.
and ,,ii!I? Sx!lln "tf'et It bounded hy
and n It h In h. 17th at.. 3d air., B. 14th it.
nil. Lrxlngton avr. ' "
and wt'ihiV, v"'.'.0'!. D""':' boundrd by
"..n,J"r.r,iln,i,on".hvr., " B- '"
.ahli'.i,.h '""i Dlatrlrt It boundrd by
rn Ws ?.'.rr.fi;
r' itth,,.i"v'-;Kn- s:,,v- '.'vmito;
air ' ih W 5,,h nrt
andhi?h r"r,'l?J """'".I" boUd,d hv
s-J .? .1 ", 5tth " '''ngton air., ti.
at. and I'ark avr.
.Tn r.i' "'action Dlatrlrt la boundrd bv
and wjihln W. 57th at . B. S7lh at Part
Tirenli.figM. Antmbly IHttrict
Thr lat Elrrllon District It bounded hv
T.Wn'Vt'iiie" E-
.1" i . . " le,tn ' -'u vr E
The lit Rlaellnn ni--ln . , . . .
"'"" E. 1 1 0 1 h a t., "ll a Mr rn lil "r r, K
IS,6!!: .V:. 'nli aiTJi:.,,:,h ld B-
.Tihli? nircllon Rlalrlct la boundrd hi
and within K. 110th at.. Jd avr., E. lotth
"l" Vr-Jr if'"'.1' l-'lnlon air.
't'","i Malrlct la hounded by
and w,hln B. tilth at, Lexington ai r, B.
I0th at. ami I'ark ave.
The th Eleitlrtn Dlatrlrt I, bounded b
and ullhln E li:th tt.. 3d air. E 1 1 Ith
au Lrxlngton ir E. 110th at. and I'ark
Ti'" tU",'.lnDIlrlrt la bounded hv
and ullhln E. Il:th al.. i'.l aie.. E HOlh
The Ith Elrrllon Dlatrlrt la bounded bv
and within E. 114th at., 3d ai'e , E llSlh
at. in Lexington aie.. a diagonal line from
the corner of Lrxlngton aie. and E. 113th
st. to the corner of E 113th tt and Id ave.
and 3d air
'The Mh KIci lion lilatrlct la bounded bv
ami within E. IMtli at.. lat nie. B lllth
at.. Ilallem llltrr, E. 110th al. and 3d air
The 10th Eleitlnii Dl.lrlu Is Uiundril
In- and iilthln R. Willi at., I'leasant aie,
E inth at., Harlem (titer, Itandalla and
Mania Map, la. E lllth at., lat air.. E
114lh at. and 3d aie.
Thr llth r.l-itlon Dlatrlrt la boundrd
hv and within E Huh at.. Islington air..
K. 113'h at to 3d aie.. a diagonal line from
lie .nrner of B lllth at. and 3d ale to
the mrner of E. 113ih at, and Lexington
ue. E 113th at am I'urk air.
The l:ih Elirllnn Dlairlrl la bounded bv
and. within E. 113th at, id ate., R. 113th
at. Lexington ate., E. Ilim st. and I'ark
The l!th Eleiilon Dlatrlit la bounded
hy and tt Itliin E, lIMh at., d aie., E. Ilttia
at and 3,1 ate.
The I4lh Eleitlnn Dlatrlrt Is bounded bv
ami iillhln E. IHlh el, 3d ate.. E 117th
al., 3d are., E. UMh at. Id ale, E. I Hill,
at. and LetliiKtuii nte.
rne istn iiiection Dlatrlit la bounded by
ami within E. Il'lli al. Lexington ave..
E. HttU at., Id ate., E. lllth at a 'i.l I'ark
Tli- Uth Elertlon Dlatrlrt la hounded hi
and ullhln E. lllth al , Id ate., E ll'lli
at. and I'ark ale.
TictHiv-nlxth Attcnihly Dlttrlcl
The In Eleiilon Dlstrlil la bounded by
and 'villi In W 17th St.. Central Park West,
W 65tll St. and Columbus ate.
The 3d Election Dlstrlc Is bounded bl
and within W llth st. CentMl I'ark West.
TV 60th si and Columbus ai'e.
The Sd Elrrllon Diairlit Is boundrd bl
and within W COtll at., Bliladway, TV 5H
st and Culitnibiis air.
Tli- 4 1 li Election Dlatrlrt Is liounda.l l.t
anu v unlit n -sin al
ih avr.. TV. ;:n.
ti.. till i"ie;.ii..n rn.ieii i. tin,, 1 1 k I
rue Tin i-,irciii,n uiairin is hounded bv
and within W 3i)i si. E tub al.. Park ,
The lllh Eleiilon District Is bounded bv
and wlihln K. CSd at., Madlaon ava., E.
list at , Lexington nt E. 35th St., Park
ate.. E. 19th al. and Mh aie.
The Till Election Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
and within E SMh St., Id avr., R. SMh at.
and Lexington aie.
The Mh Eleiilon Dlairlct la bounded by
and wlihln E. llth at., Id ave., E. SMh at,
and Lexington aie.
The 91)1 Eleiilon Dlatrlrt la bounded bv
and ullhln E. 61th at., Lrxlngton avr., E.
t: 1 1st ai , Madlaon ale., E. 63d st. and Mh
i'i.. m,i. ri..,i.. nl.i, 1. a. t ..
The lOlh Election District Is boundrd by
and vtllhln ! . 69lh al.. Sd ave. E. llth I
a,,.l l .ln.l,,,, ...
The lllh Eler'lon District Is bounded hv '
ami within a line running frum Central I
Turk iveai ami iv let 11 ai. to Mil aie, & t It
aie, B :id al . Lexington avr.. E 15th
at, Slh nve. w 5Mh at. and Central Park
The 12lh Elrrllon District Is bounded by
and " ,i li 1 11 E 71 ill st, 3d stve, E. 70lh at.
ami l.exlnalon utr.
The l:llli Elrrtlnn District Is bounded by 1
and within r; ,6th st , Lexington ave, E.
T'.'cl rt and 5lh ate.
The Mth Eleitlnn District Is bounded bl
end within E. 7Mh st, Lexington avr, E.
76lli al. and 5th avr.
The 15lh Elertlon District Is bounded by
and within a line running from W, 13th
st uml central park west to itn ave, im
aie, E. HOI ll st., -Madison ave, H. list at,
Lexington nve, E. 7Mh at, Mh ave, a line
running from Sth ale. and E. 7ltli at, to
Central Park Weal and TV. 74th at., and
Central Park Weat.
Thr Uth Elertlon Dlstrlci la bounded by
and within E. ISd at, Lexington ave, E.
list sl.i Madlaon ave, E. 10th at, and Mh
The 17th Election District la bounded by
and within E. lllh si, Lexington ave, E.
13d st, and I'ark ave,
The llth Election District la bounded by
and within E. llth at., Para) ave, K. Ild
'''The'iMb. Enaction District la bounded by
and within E. 17th at., Lealniton ave, K.
llth it. and Madlaon ave.
Tha JOIh Election Dlairlct Ii bounded by
and within B. llth st. Park ave, H, lllh
M . Madlion ave, E. Mth at. and Mh av,
Theillat Election Dlitrlct la bounded by
and within 13. IMh at, Lexington ave., B.
17th al. and fark ava. , . ,
Tha 13d Election Dlilrlct It bounded by
and within B. IMh at. Park ave., E. llth
,,Tha,ldaVei'lan Dittrlet It boundtd by
and within E. tHt Lexington ave., K.
'At,,.4"dEIfwVBiilrlel It bounded by
and within B. Ild at., 1'irK avt, B. IMh
"tWiouJ m'flMn Dlilrlct It bounded by 1
and wlihln B. 'ilth it.. Lexington at t.
anu . ...... j-"-- - ,
oi-f at. ana i-arsi avvv. . . .
Tht SMh BUctlen Dittrlet la bounded by
. lf.tXik Traaaversa toad rant Central
0"J!? :IZ V? lu at ti lth w..iti
ark Wfll tnd We.W" 'I Wa,.r' Sfi?
. s SI a s(.l nisa ave., as, etts an,i a i a ,
avo, Transvrrar road arroti Central l'aik
at Kin at. and Cantral Park Writ.
Titrlltlh Attumbli Dlitrlct (Sovl,).
The 1st Eirctlon Dlatrlrt It boundrd br
nd within E. lllth at., Ilarlrni rtlvrr, E.
lllth at., I'ltaaant air., E. llith at. and
Id avr.
Thr 3d Election Dlatrlrt Is boundrd by
and within E. IHlh at. 1st ate, E. IIMh
at, Harlem Elver. K. 117th at, and 3d avr.
The Id Elrrllon Dlatrlrt la bounded bl
and within E. I lllh at., 3d aie, & 117lli
at. and 3d avr.
The 4th Klei Hon District la boundrd bv
and within E I3ltt st,. 2 ave., fi. illlh
at.. Id avr., E. IIMh ,sl. and Lexington
The Mil Election District It bounded bv
and within E. 131st at., 1st aie.. E. Illlh
at. and 3d ave.
Thr llh Eirctlon District la bounded bv
and within K. ) 2 1 at at., Harlem ftlver, fi.
IIMh at., and lat avr.
The 7th Eirctlon District la bounded bv
and within E. 134th at., Harlem lllvrr, E.
lSlet at. and let air.
Thr llh Election District Is bounded by
and within E. 134th at., lat ave., E. 131st
al. and 3d ale.
Thr Mh Election Dlatrlrt la hounded bv
and within E ISMh at., Harlem rtlvrr, E.
134th at. and Id air.
The lllth Election Dlalilct Is hanndetl by
and within E. UM al., Harlem Itlvrr.
3d avr., E. 1:th al , Id air., E. ISMh st.
and Islington ave.
. The I tin Election District la bounded
hy and within K 13Mh at.. Id ave., B.
1:1th at. and Lrtlnfton air.
, The 13th Elrrtlnn District la bounded
hy and within E. 13llh el., 3d aie., E.
133d at. and Id ave.
. The llth Election District la hounded
by and nlihtn E. 13ld at., 3d ave, E. ISIat
st. and Id avr.
, The lllh Elrrllon District la boundrd
hv and within K. t.'Mh at. Id aic, E.
Ulat at. and lrxlngton ave.
Thr 1Mb Eirctlon District la hounded
by and within K. Id a., Lexington ave.,
E. IIMh at. and I'ark ale.
t The lllh Election District It hounded
hy anil within E. 13Mh at., Islington ave,
K. 133d at, and I'ark ave,
Thr I7lh Election IMttrlit la hounded
hy and wlIMn a diagonal line from thr
corner of Jtaillann air. and B 134th at.
to thr corner of Park aie and E I3ld
at., Park aie., E. l.'Oth at and Madlaon
Th 1Mb Elertlon Dlatrlit It bounded
by and within B ISMh at.. Park aie, a
diagonal line from the lorner of Park
?.",-.."ni1 K- IIS,I ' ! Madison aie. and
li 151th si and Madison aie.
The 1Mb Elrrllon Dlatrlrt It hounded
by and within E. 13Mh sl Islington avr.,
E- l!alh st. am! P.irk air.
The 30th Elertlon Dlatrlrt la bounded
b,v ami within E. I3lat at.. Lexington air..
E. 13Mh at and Mh avr.
Thr 31st Eirctlon Dlatrlrt la bounded by
arid within E 113d at., Madltoti air., B
ll.d si., Lrxlngton aic. E 131st st. and
Mh ale.
Th' Elrrllon District la hounded bl
and within E. ISMh st.. Harlem ltlirr. B.
U2d at r. Madison avr. K. Hid at. and Mh
..Th Elc."on District It boundrd by
I,"'' w-lthln W IIMh St., Jth air., TV. IIMh
t. and Lenox ave.
The S4th Election District It boundrd by
and within IV. tilth St.. Mh avr., W. IIMh
at. and Lrnox air.
.-a i.,?!h E'ctlon District It bounded bv
and within a diagonal Una from the corner
?vr .s's. .U"'.,t "ml s,h th air..
" UMh St. and Lrnox air.
..V" ." " r.irruou unmet la hounded by I
and within Harlem River, w HOlh st.. Mh I
aie. In the it- i. J'-.l"
onal line from thr corner of TV. Moth at,
ana alh aie. o the corner nf W UMh st,
and Lenox aie., .i rfnox ave,
. V" ,::!h K''lon Dlslrlrf It bounded by
and within Harlrm Illirr. E UMh at. and
ill) T(",
Thlrlf.lrH Aittmbly Dittrlet.
..I1" ,!.'. KIctlon District Is bounded hy
HOlh at. and 7th ave.
.Th' i.W EI?c'.lfn District I. boundrd hy
and ulthln V 1 .Sth at., Mh air. W. IIMh
at. and Lenox air,
. V1 ,? "'I'0" District Is bounded hy
and wlihln a diagonal line from the corner
of Lenox ave., and TV. 113th at to the
ale. and . 113th at.
...""..Vt1 ISJrel" Dlairlct Is bounded by
JSJ, " ''I'" 114th St.. Mil aie.. a dlsg
?t" '. !'.". ,rom to'i'i- of Mh air. and
Vi. IHlh St.. to thr rornrr of W 113th
,,;n,. 'nn. v. and Lenox air
.J." i?Lh K,lr.c"nn Dlttrlft la hounded hy
and within TV. IMih at.. Inox aie. TV
113th st. and St. .Nicholas ave.
.."L.." B"c"on District I. boundrd by
and Within Ana f u fc" , . , . '
,,: v ' ' v .icjiuiss nr. anu
. . '- i.'1-' ol' rticnome ave., iv
. anu .in avr,
Mhi55,,i '.cllon District It boundrd hy 1
and ulthln TV. IIMh St.. I..r., tr
ll'tlt at and St. Nicholas aie. '
. T't'sfii KIl.on Dlilrlcl . bounded hv
and w thin W IIMh at., Mh ate., TV. lltth
,'T1"., !'k Election District Is bounded kt
and within a diagonal line from thr cor. '
or. .,i la-nji ave. and IV Illlh si 'o Ihe
corner of Ml, ate. and W 117,1, . MI.
B.- VV ,.1',l, "' ""d Lenox ate,
.J.UZ i,ih f'1:'"0" District Is bounded by
;?",,.w,U,l7, '"'tonaj line from the corner
of TT ll.i), st. nd 7th ate. to the rorner
TT lwth St.. A . V phA -. ...
The llth Election District Is bounded i,y ,
and n II, n TV llSlh al . I .r,... ... ... ,.''
1 Mtli si., a . diagonal line from the' corner '
1,0111 si ami Lenox ave l ih.
7tiri"ateU ' '"' '"' nd
h.T,i'ni,:il.1.1.KI"'"0,'! I,l,lrl' ' bounded
b) and within a diagonal line from the
lurner of Lenox ate and TV llih at in
the 1 nrner nf llli ate and TV. IHlh si.
diagonal line from the orner uf Mh ate
and u . II. Ih a 1 to the rorner of i.rm.a
"?d...,,".1.1,n. diagonal line from ihe rorner ' The 2ih Klecilou Dlsirl.t Is bounded
of TT lllth st. and Lenox ate. to the cor- by and within E. llslh at .-l.lntuln ale.
to l llilh .1, thence a diagonal line lo andrriite Hiirlein Itlver and Id at.
the turner of W llsi'i.t and Lenox ivr T h lHi Elertlon Dlaiilit la bounded
, 'ri"ri.',Vh .S'T,""? la bounded bv ' by and w-lthln E Huh at Ann, ate
and wlihln W Until si. to Ihe rolner of 5t.l 1 E USd al . Lev, la place Bronx kill-, llur-
) "it- "'.V.'? '""H'njl line to ihe .nrnrr lem lllier and Alexander air
of W IHlh st and Lenox aie. IV inuil The 3lat Eleiilon Dlairld la bounded bi
ai and 7th aie. 1 ami e.lthln E I15lh at. Brook aie, h
V'' " I'ltirirt is buundeil bv
1 in- 1-11, r.lectlon Dlairlct a biiimdrd bv
ami iiiinin . iisin st.. 7111 ate. W 117th
I . Si Nicholas air
TV 113lli al and Mh
The Uth Election District Is bounded by
nnd ullhln w. ISOtli at., Ith ave, w tilth
ai ami .tiaiiiiaiian aie
a l"ih Election Dittrlet Is bonuded bv I The ,14th Election District la hounded
within TV iron, st, 7th ale., w lIMh.bv and within E 11711, at. St. Ann. .nr..
al uml Xth ut-
The lath EUctlon Dlslrlrl la lu,l..l I.,
and within W t Slat al., Tth aie, w 1:01b
st and Manhattan ale 1
The 1Mb Election District la hounded bv
anu ullhln TV, Hid at. Ml, avr., W. Ulat 1
at.. Manhattan at-., W. 126lh at. and Morn-
aide Aienue Essl.
The SlUli Election Dlairlrl Is hnumte.l hr
and within W. USd at. Ith ale, W ISIat
st . St Nicholas ave. and Sth ate
V,"' .rt'Tii0," '"''"ft It bounded bi I
and within W IS2d St., Lenox ate., TV
HMh 1
at and ,111 lite
The 2?l Kli i 1 1 i,ii Dlairlrl la buumlrd hv
ami wllliln 11 1:7.1 at, allium Mollis ar.
IV 124th at to illi aie.. a line through
Moi.ni Mollis l'aik to the corner nf . IV
1 i, t ,0, ... s,,, . ,
.,,,,,11 1 ." ., U.
at and Ml, ate
The -1th Election District Is bounded bl
and Within TV 1341)1 st, Lenox ale., TV
UMh si, 5th ale, W. 124th at. Mount Mor
ris ave, W. I33d st and "Ih ale.
The 3511, Election Diairlit Is bounded bv
and wlihln W. 135th at, Lenox ave. TV.
134th at, Ith ave. W. 121d si. and Mh ave.
Thr 2Mb EUctlon District Is hounded by
and within W. 127lli al, Lenox ave, TV
121th al , 711, ave, TV. IIMh al, and Ith
at e.
I ne 2,111 r,ieniiun teiaiiici is uuunuru 01
, -nhin iv iitiii st Lenox ave. W
: . ..V -V,
The 27lh Election District It boundrd bv
IJ.Ill ei , -1 " air., . ...... .0 -iu ,,.
at e.
The SHIi Election District' Is In muled bl
and within E 121th at, Madison ave., E.
Until st tn Urn corner uf Mh avo. a line
through Mount Morris I'ark to Hie corner
of B 124th at. and Sth aie, and ith aie.
UOItOlidll OF THE Illtfl.NX
Thirtieth Atieuiblv Diilricl.
E D. Location How On upled
31 194 Lincoln ave Halber
29 147 Alexander ave Candy
20 lil E. Hid at ('Igor
ll 471 K. HMh a, Candy
US Wlllla ate iniior
.IS 475 E. UMh st Tailor
34 511 E. U3th at Tdllill
15 514 E. 131d st Office
31 174 So. Bouleiard Harber
Thirty ttconi AitimOly Ulttrict.
E I Loratlen
1 1301 iu ave
"J i
" 1 1.. llti
sill ia ave. .
117 Alexander ave.
3l Alexander aie.
131 B. lllth at. ...
171 Wlllla air
444 Ti. Illlh II. ...
345 llrook ave
211 Wlllla ave
400 B. Ulat it....
404 E. Hid tt
457 Wlllla av. ,.,
471 Wlllla ave
140 E. UMh at
411 E. UMh tt,...
401 E. 144th it. ...
, ,. .Awnlngt
., ,r,
Ill St, Ann't avt.
tit K
Hill ti....
lli E. IIMh tt.
Ill B. lllth tl. ..
31 E. Illlh it
Ill IS. lllth Ita. ..
417 Jackton ave. ,
574 Prospect avt. ,
747 Bo. noultvard
10 M. lllth tl. ...
nil pawtan at
til fionfwoed avt.
. . Uarbrr
, . Harber
, Bakery
, .Harber
, .Barber
I ?!
... .Tailor
Ill imervtit ave,
SIS K. Had
t .........Barber
at it.... Tailor
ill Tinany
SI loll Blmpaon it Ttllor Klly t. ......
li 11(1 OtfrlSta , ..Uarstrl Tht Uth Elict on DUlrlet it bounded by
IT lilt rimTZJT a ...... ' iTiVJlllfmk liaia Uaav aJaaa. Hawllt alaea. La..
a i sea. a -. " ........i,..,.,.,
Trrmont, Itnanlalr ave,.
3I5H Wralchratrr nir. ,.
I 111 Half mryrr nir.
1134 Ft. Hrhuyler ril ....
151.", Prlliam ril
Mil WllllamabrliUv Id, .
H01, I'arkrr al
30i Wralrhrstrr air ...
Mil Walker ave. .'.
341 Van Neat aie
173 l'nlnniiort rd
1104 I'ruxrr aie
14 7 Mori la Park ave. ,.
1113 White Plains nl. ..
1717 While Plalna nl. ...
MAS While Plains rd. ...
It3 tlarnra avr
3140 While Plalna ril. ..
13 E. 1.13d at
nor. While Plalna rd, ...
. 41
...... Ilarlier '
. . .Vacant
. Printing
. . .aijioes
. . .'and
.Dwelling 113
city Island avr.
TArfg third Affrnblv Dlttrlcl.
K D. Location
How Occupied
Its r her
.; Ilorher
I la a
I link
...Iteal Estate
I 477 rpllege avr . . .
3 199 t'ourtlandt uie.
1(0 E. MMIi st
4 (St E. Mllll at
t 621 E. 149th at
IM Jarkson air
7 KI0 Jackson avr
I 107 E. 133d st
9 all Union ale
10 SOS TVnetrhratrr ale.
11 713 Tlnlon air
U 70 Trinity air
1.1 7S5 Forrtt ave
M ot TVrstrhester aie.
It. 3940 Id air
II (ft? Melrose ale
17 731! t'uurtlamlt sir, ,
II ml Courtlandt airs .,
19 71S Courtlandt air, ,
30 111 Courtlandt air. .
31 197 Teller air
33 770 Courtlandt avr, .
33 413 I'.. ICOIh tl
34 77 Mrlrose air
33 750 Mrlrose ale.
31 303O Id ave
37 131 Id me ,
31 !9 E. ICSd al
29 941 Washington avr.
II 119 E. t3tl at
II 10IC lloslon rd.
Thirty fourth Anftiblv Dittrlet.
E D. location How Occupied
I I3 E. HIM st Tailor
s .M E. Hist st H.irher
3 sot .lackai'll ave Csmlv
4 Mil Tlntnn avr ,. . laundry
6 I0OT Forest ave Vaiant
1007 Tlntnn avr Vacant
7 871 Prospert air Tailor
ins.-i lutrrislr air Lndrrlakrr
"07 B. H.MI1 SI .. Harbrr
lis: Do. ton rd Tailor
1147 Tlnton aie n.irber
37 Home st Ilarber
IS Home st Harber
1377 Utehblna ave Candy
911 E. H9th al Tailor
1011 Fox st Il.ikrry
97a Freetnnn st Candy
I S01 no. Iloulevard Harbrr
1315 n. Houlrvanl Cigars
1I0 TVIlklna ave Harber
HOI Prospeit aie cigars
1433 Prospect aie Clgara
1310 Boston nl Tailor
135 E. 19th st Trunks
1394 Fultnraale Igars
Franklin aie., N 170th at Month
1740 .1.1 air Harber
1731 Itoaton nl Harber
41 E. I73tl st Harber
3001 Boston nl 'audi
ts: Tremonl ale Harrier
70S Trrmont ave Harher
ll Hathgale. air Ilarbrr
III E. 174th at Hlllliml
447 Tremont aie Cigars
413 E. HOth st Vacant
SI13 laifontalne aie Carpenter
3043 Arthnr ave Tailor
731 Tremont avr Ilarbrr
7I E. HOlh st Cigars
21 IS. Crotona air Candy
940 E. HOth at Hirber
57 E U7lh tt Ilarbrr
S10 Arthur avr Ilarber
Thlrnflllh Atitinbly Dlttnet
E. D Location
1 niter air. X. of HMh at
3 99S Ogdrn avr
3 1073 Ogdrn air
4 1171 .Irrnnie avr
3 393 E. Hllll ai
( 315 E. l5th at
7 913 Trller air
How Occupied
.lloat ractory
I'rli ate
liar ber
IJIr) clea
, Plumber
.... Shnee
1043 Waahlnglnn air. .,
1133 Waahlnglnn air. . .
US Waahlngtnn air. ..
491 E. 170th !
441 E l9th st
Ii: Wrbstrr avr.
Ill E. I9th st
149 Brook ave
434 Wendnver aie
107 E. 171st st
31 E. 17ld st
!, Webster air
IMS Marrls air.
I"77 Wrrka ale
33 137.' Bhakrspsarr air.
TV Hurnslde aie,
S4S3 Jerome ave
3450 Jerome ale
ls5 Webster ale . . , .
I4 Webster .tie ....
3077 Kler air
3401 TVaahlngton air. .
331 Fordhani rd
S431 Ilaiha-atr air. ...
3511 IVrb.trr ave
11i Wrbatrr aie
251 E 204th at
3977 Webster ale ....
2715 Webster ale
245 Hrlr. aie
2630 llrlgaa ale
St W Klngabrldge id
I'.l. llrnA.llaav
Tailor 1
Mretlne I
Klngshrldge aie. .1 of 330th at
III- erdale ale . SCOth at.
309 E. 317th at
llOUOrilll OF THE IlltONX.
Thirtieth Attnnbll Dtltnrt iSorth).
The Uth Election Dlatrlit Is bounded
bv and within E lllth M kA',asV! ."si
E llith at. l.lur.ili, aie., E 13611, at. 3d
. . t ifs-i-tti UUnr
114th at. uml Willis
Willi si. uml Willis air
bv and itllliln E HOlh al.. Brown place,
.i't... a.i i.i,..iioit lusinii la
I.-. llSlh at anil vtlina uie. ...
The lid Eleiilon Dlatllil la bounded bv
and tvtlhln E 137tli at. Brown plate. K
131th at uml Wlllla me
1 1; Hall! al. ami iiioo'i !.-.
''I'l,- J5lh Eleitlnn District la bounded
bv and within E. 133th at Cypress ale.
K 113,1 at . Eaat Itlter, Bronx Kills. Lew la
plarr, E 113d at, St Anna ave., E. IHlh
at and lliuok air , , .
Thr Uth El-cllon Dlairlct a bounded
bv and itllliln E 1 itlh at . nasi inter, r..
laid at. duress aie. K U5lh st. ana t.
Alius ave.
ThlrtVirrotii Afemhtv Dlitrlct.
Th ,,, K1.,n District Is bounded by
and within E M9IH al. Park ale. h
Hflh at College aie. Morris aie, 3d
I aie., E ISMh at anil Harlem lllier
. .. l, lll-t.lil la l.ollllile.l III'
. .,:V.i.. i.- 11,:, 1. rt.. 3d ave. Morris
aie ami I'ollege aie ...
The 1 E erllon District is onumirti uv
S.I . v..
I The tth Elertlon Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
and within E lllth at, Wlllla aie, B
llSlh si. ami Id aie
The Mh Eleiilon District Is boundrd by
and within K Hllli at, Wlllla ave, B
I IS 111 st. and Alexander ave.
The llh Elecllo,. District la bounded by
and within E lllth at, Wlllla ave, Ii.
UMh it. and Alexander ave.
The 7th Election District la boundad by
and within E UMh al, llrook aie, E.
Illlh at. and Willis air.
The llh Election District la bounded by
and within E UMh tt, llrook aie, E
UMh si. and Willis ale.
The nh Election District Is bounded by
and within E UMh si, Brunk ave, E
Illlh st anil Alexander ave,
The 10th Election Dlatrlrt la bounded
bv uml within E. Mlal st, Urook atr, E
Until si. and Wlllla utr, ...
The llth Elrrtlnn District la bnumlril
by uml within E M3d at, llrook air, E
Illst st and Wlllla aie.
The 12th Eli i lion Dlatrlrt Is hounded
bl mill wlihln E. 1 4 s III st, Willis ale, B.
MM al. and 3d ale.
The IMh Elrrllon District Is hounded bv
ii nil wlihln E. MMh al. Drunk ave, E
MMIi st uml Willis ave.
The Mth Election District Is bounded
bi uml ullhln E MMh at, St. Anns aie,
E MMh at nnd Drool, ave.
The llith Election District Is bounded
by nnd within E. MMh st, St. Anns uie,
B. MMh st, and Willi ale,
The Uth Eleiilon District la bounded by
nnd wlihln E MMh St., llrook ave, E.
Mid st. ana mine ave
The 17th Election District Is hounded by
and within E. M5lh .., fit. Anna avr, E.
' tl. and tlrook ave,
The Hill Elrrllon Ulttrict Is bounded by
and within St Marys ll. Cypress ave, E
,,.i.i i. .mi i. Anns ave.
The 19th Elecilnn District Is bounded bv
and within E. Mist st. Cypress ave, II.
Uth at. and llrook ave,
The loth Elertlon District Is bounded by
and within E. 119lh st, St. Anna tie, E.
137th il. and llrook nve.
The SIH Election Dlitrlct Is bounded by
and wlihln E. UMh at. East Itlver, E,
HOth at. and HI. Anna avr.
The 23,1 Election District Is bounded br
tnd within E. lllth it, Cynrrsa ave, E.
ill. I .1 . I.nrust ave.. K. HOth St.. Esst
silver K UJtth St.. and HI. Anna avr.. also
Hiker's, and North and South Urother't
i 1. lands.
The 21d Election District la bounded bl
and within E. HMh tt. Bail Itlver. E.
UMh it,, lencust ave, E. Ulsl it. Cypress
ave, HI.. Marys st, and .it Anns ave.
The 34lh Elicllon District is bounded by
and within Kelly at, Rt. Johns ave. Hack
.Clasrslai. Lsa-arett ave, Whltlock aie, E. 1 IMh
si. and I'rosneet ave.
Thr Sth Election Dlatrlrt Is hounded by
and within Long wood avr, Whltlock ave.,
Lateral! ave, neck al,. HI, Jnltn'a ave. and
- . -
Rf.mmox otick.
Club i ivood aie., Kelly st, ami Prospert avr.
Vacant The S7th Elictlon District Is bounded by
Vacant, and within Westchester ave., Klebblns ave.,
Vacant Dawson si., Lonruood ate., Hewitt place,
Vacant ! Maty place and Prospect ave.
Ilarbrr , Tim Sth Eirctlon District Is bounded by
Iturbrr'nnd ullhln Wrstchrttrr live., Kelly St.,
Ilarber Longnood air., Dawson at. and Stebblna
, . ,, Vacant nr.
.Ilakery The 3Mh Elrrllon District Is hounded by
(iMgara "nil within Intervalr ave., Hlmpson at.,
.. Undertaker i Tiffany at., ftnuthrrn Koulevard, Longwaod
"e. anil iveny ai
Tho loth Election District Is bounded br
and within E. 1R.1I St., Southern boule
vard. Tiffany at., Mlmpson at.. Intervale avr.
and Kelly st,
The list Eleiilon District It bounded by
ami within Wtsliliesler ale., Fox St., E.
H.ld st nnd Kelly st.
The ISd Election District la hounded by
and within Westchester ave., Southern boule
vard, E. Hid at. and Fox si.
The 33d Election District Is bounded by
anil within llrnnx Itlvrr. Iaifjyeltc avr..
Hunt's Point air,, Southern boulettrd and
TVratihralrr nir.
Thr 3411, Efritlnn District Is bounded by
nnd within Hum's Point avei Lafayette
ave.. Hrnnx lllvrr, East lllier, E. HMh
st., Whltlock avr., laingwoud ave.' and
.Southern bouleiard.
The 35th Elertlon Dlatrlrt Is hounded by
and ivllhln Walker avr, Itusrdalr ave., E.
!77th tt., lleach ave. Westchealir ave.,
Pugslry nve., TVIlklna Crrrk. Pugtleya Crrrk,
Enat Itlvrr, or thr Long laland Hound, and
thr Ilronr lllvrr
Thr .Ttli Election District Is boundrd bv
nnd within Wealrhesler ale.. Castle Hill
ave., Pugslry Crrrk and Wllklns Crrrk and,
l'UKslcy avr, '
The 37lh Elrrllon District Is hounded hy
and within Westchester ate., KeAhrey Creek,
Weatchiater Creek and Cnalle Hill ave.
The 31th Election District la bounded by
and within the Causeway, Fort Hchuvler
ronil. Coildlngtnn ave.. Eastern boulevard.
La) ton ave.. East Itlver, or la)ng Island
Sound, and TVrslchester Creek.
The SSth Election District Is boundrd by
anrl irlthln (llirna Creek. Iliitelitnsona Hirer.
Bsstchester Hay, East lllier. or Long Is-1
land Hound, Layton avr., Btstern bouleiard,
Codrtlngton avr.. Fort rirhuylrr road, thr
Cantfwnv and TVrslchester Crrrk.
Thr 4 (Mil Eirctlon District Is boundrd hy
and ivllhln l'rlham parkway, Wrstchrstrr
Crrrk, Honbrry Crrrk, Weatchesier ave.,
ercgn aie., illebe air, SI. Prlrra avr.,
W.tlkrr air.. Silver al, and Wlltlamabrldgr
The 4 let Elrrllon District Is boundrd by
and within IT'alker ale., St. Petera aie.,
illebe avr., X.erega ave., Wrstchrstrr ale.
nnd Casllr Hill avr.
Thr 43d Election District Is hounded hy
and within Walker me., Cnalle Hill ave..
Westcheater aie, and lleach aie.
The 43d Eleitlnn Dlairlrl la boundrd bl
and within Walker nie.. lleach ale., E.
I77lh al and llns-ilale aie.
The 14th Elertlon Dlatrlrt la boundrd by
and within Hostnn Post mid, llrnnx I'ark
Eaat, Unlonport road, Mnrrla park air.,
itarflrld st., Walkrr aie. and the Bronx
The 43th Eirctlon District Is boundrd bl
and within Morris Park air., Hronxdale
aie.. Walker nie ami tlarfleld at.
Thr 4t!i Election Dlstrlit In bounded by
and within Itrnnxtlale ale. Ilarues ale.,
Morris Park nie. and Enlonport road.
The I Till Election District I bounded by
and ullhln llrnnx and l'rlham parkway,
Wllllamshrldgr road. Sill rr at., Walkrr avr.,
Hronxdale aie., Morris Park ave., Tlarnea
air., Hronxdale avr., and llrnnx Park Baal,
and Boston Post road.
Thr 4Mh Election Dlatrlrt la hounded bl
and within Hun Hill roiid, Tllden at,, E.
Slllh at.. Hoatnn Post road. E. :::n st
Ilrunrr aie, mark ing iirnog
Crrrk, Westchester Creek, Bronx and Pel -
ham p.irkwa), Boston Post road and the
nrnna tiller.
Thr 49ih Elertlon Dlatrlrt Is hounded bv
nnd ulthln E. SlMh at. While Plains road,
Hun Hill road ami the Bronx lilver
T.10 30th Election District la bounded hy
and wlihln E 211th at, Brnnxwood ave..
Tllden al . dun Hill mad and White Plalna
The Mat Elertlon Dlairlct la boundrd by
and wlihln B. 22th at., (luntlttr ave.. Hot
ton Post road, B Slllh at., Tllden st ,
Bronxwnd ave., E. 219th st. and Darnea
The S2d Election District Is bounded hv
and nlthln E 229th at., narn-a aie., E.
Sli'lh at and thr Bronx lllier
The 53,1 Election District Is bounded by
and within E. 2.17th St., Dlgney ave.. Hutt
ing avr. the northern boundary of The
City nf New VnrK, Hutchlnaons filler. Oil
er,, freek, nisik Dog Brook, Ilrunrr avr,
B. 222d st , (lumber aie.. E. 229th st. and
thr Bronx lllier
The 54th Elrrllon Diairlit Is hounded bl
ond within the northern boundary of The
Cltv of New York. Mumlya lane.. Husslnt:
aie. Dlgney ai-.. E. 23111, st on 1 the Urunx
UT)ie 53th Elertlon District Is bounded by
and ullhln the northern boundary ofThe
Cltv of New York, l-onat Island hound. Kist
rhi'atrr Hay. Iluicliinanne Itlver and Cluoai.
Hunters. Peals. Tt.v cv.lna. High, Hart and
CUV laliilid.t. t
Thlrtv third ,4a.eii'.(l Ditlrtct
The lat Eletlliin Dlstrlit la bounded hv
mil vvllhlll E I50III al M""' '
!?h ai . Courilanilt aie K HMh a, .
Colli ge ale. E 146th at and Park live
n..... ...1 i-i..n.. 1, 1. trlii a bounded bv
and w-lthln E 133d si. Courtlandt ave. E.
UMh al uml Jlorria nte
The 3d Elertlon Dlatrlit la bojided by
. l. i-! . Vl-trna, a'-.. K
- Vin,1'"'' " erE'MolhV, "College ale.
Ilea, I V, VJ K VhV,,V.hl-KreS.? V..?iJ'l Vs'bounde.. h.
in. I wllliln E Mrlh si . st
ntia ate . E.
IIMh at n,l 3d .ue
Thr 3h Eleiilon Dlatrlit 1- boundrd Iv
and wlihln E. 152d al , Brooll atr. West
ih,st,r .lie, SI Ann's aie. E HMh st
and 3d aie
The tlh Election District la bounded by
ami within Weatihcslrr uie Bobbins ale.,
E M9th at and St Anna ate
The Tth Elertlon Dlstrlit la bounded by
and wlihln E 152,1 st . Wales ave.. h lelsi
st. Tlnton avr, E HMh at. and Bobbins
The Mh Election District l bounded by
and within B 155th -t Tlnton ale. I.
1 I . t at, Walea aie, H. li.'d al , Itobblna
aie ami W.atllle.ter al J
The '.llh Bin Ho Dlalriel la bounded bl
and within E l.Tllh al . Prospect ate, h
Math at nnd Tlnlon ale
The Ivllli Election Dlairlct la bounded bv
.111.1 'wlihln Wealrheater ale, Prospeit ate.
ami E 153tll si '
The llth Eleitlnn Dlstrlil la boundrd by
ami wllliln E. lllth st . Westchester ave,
E. IJtllll al. ami Foreat ate.
The ISth Eleiilon Dlatrlit Is bounded bl
and within E 15titi "l . Forest ate, E
L'iSIIi -I axil Callldw-.'ll air
The llil, Elci'llon Dlstrlit Is hounded by
ami within E. UMh st, Wrsii heater an-
utld Ciuldwell live ...
The Mill 111-, lion Dlairlrl Is honnded by
a n.l within li UMh t.. Caul, Iw. 11 ale.
Westihester olid SI Anna ate,
The I llh Election Dlatilct Is bounded by
nnd within E UMh l . St Anna ale.
Wealiiieeter ate. Brook ave, b. U.d si.
ami Sit uvr.
The I sill Election Dlatrlrt la bounded by
and wllliln E ISJtli st , Id ave, E. laid
si and Mrlrioe sle. ...
The 17th Elertlon District la bounded by
ami wlihln E. 15Clh at, Mrlroae ale, K.
131st st ami Courtlandt lie
The llth Elerllnn District la bounded by
anil vtllhln K I34lh l Ci.urtlalnlt ave,
E I3M si. and Murrla ate.
The Uth Bin Hon Dlsirld la bounded bl
and within E. Ulilli al , Courllatidt ave, h.
Utth at and Morris aie.
The suih Eleiilon Dlatrlrt Is bounded by
and within K. HOth st Courtlandt ale,
E. UMh st and I'ark ave. ...
The 31st Eirctlon District Is bounded bl
and within E Hist si.. Moirls ave, h.
USd al . Park avr, Morris aie, h,. 13011, at.
Park aie. E. 14M1, St. and Molt ave.
The S2il Election District Is bounded by
and. wlihln E. Hist si. Melrosa ave, fc.
Utth st, Courtlandt ave, E. HOlh at, and
HThiVsd Election Dlitrlct Is bounded by
and wllliln E Ulat it, Washington ave,
B. 16911, at ii nil .11 I rose aie,
The 24th Election District
by and wlihln E. UMh it.
It bounded
Sd ave , E.
157th st and Melrose ave.
The 35th Election District la bounded
bv 'i ml wllliln E. I5itn at,
153th st ami Melmse uie
'ri., "Cth l!l,..ilon District
Id ave.
Is bounded
1.,. ,..! u-lil.li, it llsilt al . llrook ave.. I
limb at, Ellgle ale, B. Hllsl at, CaUld
well ave, B. HMh st. and Sd aie.
The S7th Elei Hon District It boundrd
hy mil I within E USd at. Sd air. B.
U3d st, K.i tie uie, K. UMh st . llrook
aia, E. UMh st. Id me. and Washington
aie . .
The SSIh Election District Is bounded
bv and wllliln llrook uie, Washington
uie, E Ulat al and Park air
The 39th Elerllnn District la bounded
h) uml within E. DlMIl si. Id ave, E.
lttth st. Washington avr. and llrook nir.
Tlir SOIIi Elrrllon District la bounded
bv uml within E IHlh at, 3d aie, E.
USd si. and Washington ave.
The Hat Elertlon District Is bounded
by and wlihln E. UMh at, Boston road,
Cuuldwrll air, B USd at. Id uve, and
Franklin lie.
Thlrfjourlh Attembly Dlitrlct,
The 1st Election Dlslrlrl Is bounded by
mid wilhln E. Hid st, Cauldwell ave, E,
Hist rt and Engle ave.
The 2d Elertlon District Is bounded by
uml within E Hid al, Foreat aie., E.
U0II, at. und Cauldwell ave.
The Id Elertlon District Is bounded bl
and within E HOth at. Forest ave, E.
Ulst at. Union uve, E. UMh tt. and
Cauldwell aie.
The tth Elertlon Dlitrlct la bounded by
and within E. USd at. Prospect ave.
TVritchralrr air., Union aie
and Foreat ave.
B. HIM it
' 1 V
The Mh Election Dlairlct la bounded by
and wilhln E. UMh at. Trinity ave, E.
UMh at, Foreat ave, E. Hid at, Ciuld
well ave. and Boston road,
The Mh Election District Is bounded by
and within E UMh at, Prospert avt,, E.
Hid st nnd Foreat ave.
The 7th Election District la hounded by
and within E. UMh at, Inlertale nve.,
Weill heater me, and Prnaii.cl ave.
The Ml, Election Dlatrlrt la hounded by
and nlthln E. U7lh st. Tiff any at, Weat
rhealer air. Intervale tie, E. IIMh tt.
Prospect ave. and fllebblnl avt,
The sin Kiection District is bounded by
"id wllnln E, UMh tl, rroiptcl avt,, EJ
HMh it. tnd Trinity avt.
I Tha 10th K.l.rit.i niairl.t La s...s.sl
I ------ - ------'- I
by and within E. ItSlh at.. Fulton ave.,
E. 1 filth at., Fnrrst avr., Home at., Jack
eon ave., E. Kith St., Franklin ave. and
Id ave, . ,
The lllh Election District la bounded hy
and within Homo at., Forest avr., E. HMh
at., Tlnlon ave.,'E. UMh st. and Jackson
ai e.
The 12th Election District Is bounded by
and within E, UMh at.. Union ave., E.
119th at., Prospert aie.. Atebblns ave., E.
UMh at, and Tlnton ave,
The llth Election Dlairlct br bounded bl
and ivllhln E. UMh si., Tiffany St., E. 167th
st Hlebblns ave. and Prospect air.
The llth' Election District Is bounded by
and within Freeman at., Bltnpson St., Home
at., E. U9th at. and Prospect ave.
The. 1311, Election District Is, bounded by
and within Homo at., Klmpson al Freeman
at.. Hoe .lie., E. HJ1I1 at. and Tlrtnnv al.
The Uth Election Dlatrlrt la hounded by
and within "E. Ilh at., Wrstchrsttr aie.
and Tiffany at.
The 17th Elrrllon Dlatrlrt la bnumlril hy
and within Freeman at., Longfellow aic.,
Jrnnlnga at.. Edgrwater road, Westchester
aie., E. U7lh at. and Hoe avr.
The lllh Election District Is hounded bl
and within Jennings at., Longfellow ave..
Freeman st, and Houthtrn boulevard.
The lllh Election District Is bounded hy
and within Jennings at.. Southern boulevard,
Freeman at, and Chlsholm st.
The 2Mb Election District Is bounded by
and within Charlotte si., Jennings at., ateb
blns ave. and Tloaton road.
The 31st Election District la bounded by
and within Wllklns ave., Xtcbblna ave., Jen
nlnga at.. Prospect ave., E. 170th at . Cro
tona ave., Cratona Park South and Cro
tona Park East.
The Sd Elrrllon District Is bounded bl
and within Crotona I'ark South, Crotona
ave., E. I70lh at.. Prospect ave., Jennings
st noston road, E. Hth at, and Clinton
The Sid Election District la bounded by
and within Jennings st., Clilshnlm st Free
man St., Prospect avr., E. HMli at.. Union
nve, E. UMh al., Tlnlon ave., H. Uth st.
and lloslon rood. ...
The 34th Elrrtlnn District Is boundrd by
and within Jefferson plarr. Clinton avr.,
E. 169th at., Tlnton air., E. UMh rt. and
Franklin ale. ...
Thr lith Elrrtlnn District Is bounded bl
and within St. Paula plaie. Fulton ave.. L.
170th St., Franklin air. E. HMh St., Jul
ton ave., E. tilth at. and Id air.
The 26th -Elrrllon District Is laiundcd hv
and within Crutoni Park Hnuth. Clinton
air., Jrflrrenn place, Franklin air., E. I1OH1
at. and Fulton ave.
The 37th Election District la bounded bl
and within E. 174th at., Fullnn ate., E.
173lh St., Arthur ave. Criuona Park orlh,
Crotona ale., Crotona Park South, M. Pauui
pla,e and Id ave.
The 3MI, Election District Is bounded bl
and within Crotona Park North, Marmlon
aie., E. 17Mh st.. Southern houlrvanl. Jen
nings at., Charlotte at., Boston road, TVIlklna
ave.. Crotona I'ark East, Crotona I'ark
South and Crotona air.
The 29th Elertlon District la- bounded bl
and within E. l"th st., Bronx Elver, Wret
rhrstr,' ave., Edgewatrr road, Jennings al,
and Southern boulevard.
The 3Mh Election Dlstrlci Is bounded bl
and within E. I79lll St.. Boston road. West
Farms roed. Bronx lllier, E. liMh at. and
Southern boulevard. ...
Thr Slat Election District Is boundrd bl
and within E. 171th at.. Southern boulevard.
E. I7lih at.. Marmlon aie., Crotona Park
North and Prospect aie.
The 32d Election District It hounded bl
and within 11. Tremont ave. Prospert aie.,
Crotona Park North and Arthur aie.
The 3ld Eirctlon District is noun,ir,i
-nd within B. Trrmont ave., Arthur avr
. E. 173th at. and Washington aie.
I The llth Eleiilon Dlstrlil Is '"""'.''?
and althln E. Trrmont avr., Waahlngtnn
avr.. E. 17Mh at.. Fulton avr, E. l.llli at.
and Park ave.
The 13th Election District Is boundrd bl
and wlihln E. HOth st 3d ave.. E. Trr
mont air. and I'ark aif.
Thr 3th Elertlon District Is boundrd by
and wlihln B. H4th st , Hathgale ave., E.
HOth al. and Park ave.
The 17th Election District Is bounded by
and wlihln E. lttth at.. Arinur sit., r.
lS2d St.. liuxnes air., r.
UOIU st. and
Dathgatr ave.
e,.. ,k ui...lAn rtltielrt la hounded bl.
and within B. UMh at. HMghca aie, E.
Tremont aie an I 3d avr.
The lllh Elertlon Dlslrlrl is ImundrdTiy
and within E HOlh st, Ilelmont avr.. oak-
land Dlace, Prospect ave.. E. I MM h st.
Southern boulevard, E IIMh st . Pro-pen
ave . E Tremont aie. and Hughes air.
Thr 'nth Bieciion uisirici i in "j
id within E. Hist st.. Southern boutr-
vard. E. UOth si, 1'roaplit air, imkianu i
plair. llrlmonl aic, E. isoth st. and Hushes
,-rhr 41st Eirctlon District la bounded bl
and within E. U2d at, Southern boulr-
sua iil.i -s 1 f is a i sa ll'e 1
Th. 4-d Flrrtlon Dlitrltt la laiundrd by ' STEIN, hit ulfr. HOTt'AHD D. HEYMII.DS. Eli
an.! within Pr'hmn Vr . - Bronx lllvrr. West . TVAHD 11, BKADEN ut.d SOPHIE Cll.MrAI,
SomTern" boulevard" r0," " The foregoing 'iummont la srrvrd upon Vou
The 4 Sd Election District Is bounded by by publication purruant In an milrr of Hon.
.nd tihln l'rlham at e S lulherii houle- John J. Dcltny. Jutilce of the Jituiicmo Conn of
J Ir,l F 19 "il st Br I mon I avr ., Crrai c n I the State ol New T iirl:, dated tlie 4th day of Sen
air' and liVl-mumu. ' ' . . ''-rr.-, iV X'S"'!PV
T,h'fo:!!, xx!i, ".rjr i.." .v
and within
l',.rel me
Ilelmont uve. i.. si .
Arthur uie.. E. Utth t and Hoffman st
Thirty filth AftmMy Diilrict.
The lal Eleiilon Dlairlct la bounded by
-ri. "J Bls.ilou lilatriit I h uniled hi
.-T,h'trhinl:"w,ni. ft " rlunni T i e vY
i, v, n, it, w l(.5th at Jerome
lit!." Me&aV. Or.J'.Sul
Ciinciura- E Ulst al
Cen-ral llrldb'o and
Harlem llltrr
'i-h- 1,1 Klerclon Dlatrlrt la boiln
,i i,t
and within IT HIllu n Llnd nie.
... iv n; 1.1 V.li ii Elliott ZtHirmtskl. .Irr-a-d. lll'IS ZnOH
t,,,UJ Vi W Ulst OIVKM. ITOMAVS HOSPITAL lu thr Stalnof
. Huinnill atr, II. Ulat N , ANNA ELLIOTT MONItl.H ZIWIII-
U6th at . lerotne
-le.. 11. 1S4I1I at
i ml Harlem itnir
The III, Eleitloi, Dlatrlrt a bounded by "l A ill 11 ' Jl Aii:i.i:i.VK. t'omlrtar di'i ilari
id within II. HMh at lloarobel ate, . !(AN,, MAlrliN EllNE-ST DP Ll'ArtT, L.VD
Mh t. Jetollle uie. L 1. 0th .at (,rai il , , X-S rHAIli.K.S LOUIS DC LCAIIT. HOIIUIT
lUleiard and Conrourae Mitleilau 1 -.l.lon- Dl Ll TUT, M AHtilT.III fl. DIANE
Jerome air .
tt icaill a e..
ICStll st
'i'i.- -.d, V.u,"1,,n District la bounded
.,.1 -ltlilo K. ILIMh al, IVebaler Atr, E
ltsih tl, Morris .ave. E D.,:h at. andinK sTrEIIS OIIEItNI'OIIFF end MAIUE 1)B
ilrand 1 1-taril and Ciiin-iure. , ooltllCIJI'F. Ilelriideiita. HUPI'I.EMIINT.TL
The nli Election Dlatrlit Is baundnl by vji'mxiovs. ,
and tiitlilli E Ultli tl . Morris .lie K, TO T(K ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT
IHlh al, IVehfler ale, E. Ulth at, '.'lay . M AIIIE DE titll'I'.li'Fr. ,
uie.. E Utth al.. Sheridan uie E. H4tn vol! ,ni: HlillilV HI'MMONEIT tn a.n.er
st. and (liuml boiiletHid Mul Cunonrae thrnmendrd roi'iplalnl In llilsactton.nnd to tent
The 7ili Bleitlou District Is Uitiiidrd bvla ropy nf oiir oiisttcr uu thr I'lalnilfl's Attir-
and wllliln E Ultli at . rinriiuaii ate, r..
Utth st , park aie., E liiJd at., 'Morris
ale. r. Hlal a, anil uriliu iiumriani -i,.i
Tlie sth Election Dlnrlit Is bounded by
and wlihln E UMh st , 3.1 ate, E. U.ih
st. Park uve, E. Itllll st ami Clay air.
The sth Election Dlatrlit la boundid by
UI..I within E. H7tll at. 3d ate. E. UCtll
st and Clay uve,
The lillli Eleiilon Dlelrlii It bounded bl
and wiihln E Disil, al. Park ave. E. I09IU
at, 3d ute.. r, I0in ai. anu iirnaier ate.
uvr, K. UMh at. unit Hr'a.k avr.
The lllh Election Dlatllrl la bounded
by and within St Paula plate, Hiook utr,
E. IC.Mli al , l'aik ale, K. UMh rl. and
Webller lite.
The lllh Eleiilon Dlstrlil la boundrd
ti) and within E. 17(itl, at, Cla uve, E.
17111 st, Wrheter ale.. E. UMh st. and
(irund boiiteturit and ('oik nurse.
Thr 15th Elrrllon Dlstrlil Is bounded
by and within E I7lst st , Washington
air, St Pauls placr and Tl'ebatrr avr.
Thr Hill Elertlon District la bounded
by and within Wemloler atr, Washington
uve, E. Illst at mill Webster ul'e,
Tile 1 71)1 Elrrtlun District la bounded
by und within E 17 2d si. Id ale, tit.
Paula place and Washington aie.
The IMh Elecilnn District Is bounded
by and wlihln E. 174th st, 3d ave, E.
172,1 al. and Park ave.
Tha lllh Election District Is bounded
by and within E. Tremont ave. Park uve,
E. 172d si, Wushiiigloi, uie, Wriidover
uve, Webster uie, (May uie, II. 170th st ,
Teller uie, Morris ave, Ilelmont at , Clay
ute. and Anthony air,
The 20th Elecilnn District Is hounded
bv und within Hurnslde uve, Anthony
air, E 175th al. Weeks uie. tlrund boule
laid and Cuniuurse, Mount Hope placu
und .letoinn uve.
The Silt Elicllon Diairlit la bounded
by anil within Mount Hope place, tlrund
hoolrlurd uml Couiourae, Wreka ute. E.
175th at, Anthony ave, Cln an-, 11. 1
lilont at Morris avr, Teller uie, E UOltl
M and Jerome aie.
The 22d Election District la bounded !'
and within W 177lh al , TV. Tmniuii me,
TV 177lll at, Jerome ute, TV K'JIh rl ,
lloaiobel uvr, W. UMll St., TV. IHTlh al.
und the Hiirlem Itlter
The 2!d Election Dlatrlrt la bounded bv
anil within TV Hid al . Dlllideoii uve,
Clinton place, Jerome uve., W 177ih at,
TV Trrmont aio, W 177th at, Harlem
ltlirr, W IIMh st , Cedar aie, TV. Illst
at, and Andreiva uie
The 21th Election Dlairlct Is bounded
bv und wilhln TV Kurd hn in road, Jerome
ave, TV 114th at , Davidson ale. TV U3d
at , Andrews ale, TV. Illst fl. Cedar uve,
W !7Mh al and Harlem Itlver
The 2611, Elertlon District Is bounded
by and wilhln B. Fordhnii, road, Valentine
atr, B 1I4II, st, tlrund boulevard and
f'oncourse, Anthony air, Hurnslde nve,
Jrromr nve, Clinton place, Davidson ate,
W. UMh at, and Jerome ave.
The 2Mh Election District Is hounded
by and within E. UMh at, Webster ave,
E Tremont uie, Anthony ave, Hurnslde
ave. and ttver nve.
- ' The 3 Jth Election Dlilrlct Is bounded by
ml ivllhln R ItSlh .1 n,,V .- m
innnt tve. and Webster ale. "
The llth Election Dlilrlct it bounded by
and ivllhln E. Utth it, I'urk ave, E. HMh
at, Webster ave, E. HOlh at, Ityer ave,
E. Hurnslde nie, Anthony uve, Orand boul
eiard and Concourse,
The SMI, Election District Is bounded by
and wlihln E. 187th at, Hoffman tt, ll
Illlh st. and Marlon ate.
The 30th Elecilnn District s bounded hy
and within E. Ullh at, Decatur aie., E.
Fordham road, Webster ave., E. IS'tli at.,
Msrlon ave, K. UMh at, and Valentine aie,
Tho Slit Elerllnn Dlilrlct la bounded by
tnd within 11, UMh it, Hoffman it, E.
117th tt. tnd M'ebtter tve.
The ISd Kldctlnn Dlitrlct It bounded by
ill within Kl Jtltk tu Itulktra btUlt-
Tlie llltl felrcio I liiaiiiti le uwmiii.'i -.
hv ..,,1 lil.lM Mt. Puul-a ulaie. Id ate, E. Court le Miaw u .c lurK. uaien
Tsuh .i u-aalilnrlon air E 170th -at. I'-th. 19I-. nuu ilieil sun ine ameniicu con
U.,h.."..:, f! 1 ' "Ul" IT In iho omcc of the Clerk uf Ihe County u
n-V. Ti. ruelinii lilstrlrt Is iiuundrah r VarU nt the County Court House, in me, Hor
The 1-th. .lection li strict is im r r w.,i..ttvi. cuy ,,f ,Cw York, on the SU
uv ami wiiiihi v. nun ,i . iiHuiiiiiii'ii.
lard, E. Fordhim road, Huffman St., fi.
UMh at,, Wehslrr air., IX Fonllinm roaxl,
Driatur avr., E. UMh at. and Wrbatrr lu.
The 33d Election District Is bounded by
nnd ivllhln nun Hill road, llrnnx Itlver, at.
Fordhani road, Southrrn lioutnvnrd, E. SOOtts
at., Wrbstrr avr.. Mosholti Parkway Nortli,
llnlnl.rlilt.i- nir., IX 203th al, and Prrry nve.
The .llth Elrrllon Dlairlct Is hounded bv
and itllliln dun Hill road, Perry hvc, K.
S05lh at., llalnbrltlgo ave Moaliolu Parkway
North, Wrbatrr avr,, Moalmlu Parkway
Hnuth. E. 204th St., Jerome aic., TV. Kin
bridge road, UliiMIti trrrncc, rledgiilck a v.
and Dickinson placu. -
The SSth Election District It boundrd by
and within E. SO II tt st., Mnahnlu Parkway
South, Wrbstrr air., E. 200th st, and J
mine ai r.
The 3Mh Election District Is linundcd hy
and ullhln E. SOOIh St., Wrh,trr nve., jfi.
195th st Marlon ave., E. 1961)1 at. agd
Ilaiiibrldgr nie.
Tho 37th Election District Is bounded by
nnd ivllhln E. SOOth st., Ilalnbrlilgu nva.,
E. 196th ill, Ami Jcmmc avo.
The 3Mh Election Dlatrlrt Is bounded ky
and within E. 1 It C t ti St.. Marion avr., fc.
I95lh st Drrntur avr., E. 191th at.. Val
entine ave., E. Fordham road nnd Jerome
The 39th Elertlon District Is bounded hy
and within W. 210th st., Klngshrldgo ter
rare, Perot at., Clallln trrrarr, W. Klna
brlilge road, Jerome ave., W Fordham roitd,
Harlrm llltrr, Spuytcn Duyill Crrrk uad
The 40th Election District Is hounded by
and within Van Courtl.indt Park South,
Dickinson place, Sedgwick aie.. Perot t
Klngahrldge terrace, W. 230lh si. and
Broadway. s
Tha 41st Election District Is bounded Jhy
and within W. 236lli at.. Vonkrra avr., V.
237th at., Spuvtri, Duyvll parkway, Itlver
ilalr avr., TV. SlMIl St., Waldo ale., W 24sl
at.. Ilrnadwny, Spuyien Duyvll Crrrk, Hr
Wm lllvrr and Hudson ltlirr. I
The 42it Election Dlidrlct It bounded by
and ullhln thr nnrtlirrn boundary of TJm
City of New Vurk. Iltu.nlw.iy. W. S42d ejt.,
Waldo mr., W 23Mh at. Illl erdaln KTe.,
Hptiylrn D1111II parkwii, TV 2.17lh at.. Yon
krra air.. W 236th at ami Hudson lllvrr.
Thr 4.1d Election Dlatrlrt la bounded hy
and within the northern Imundary of Tile.
Cllv of New York. Bronx lllier. (inn 1HIJ
road, Vat, Courtlandt Park South ana
.1 IIAIllllEL niUTT
Commlsalonrrs of Elections
October Uth, 1912.
rcaaor In Ihr Irust by nirrgrr imrsuant to Ilia
law a of thr Stair nf New York to Thr Trust torn
pany of America, at Hxicutor of the last VW11
and Testament of Joarphlne II. Chambert itr
crasrd. Plalnllff, against JENNIE (iOITLIElt,
ecutor of the latl Hill and Tcttainrnl nf llen
rletta Farmer. JACOB I'HIZHP. A IllAIIAVI
and ANNIE liOLDSTEIN. his n fr. Ull.'IS (I0I4I
l.OVITZ. Ilia wllr. hThl'HLN II. JACKSON raid
rlllKDMAN .Hid IDA FII1EHMA.V. lilt wlr.
nrlPA ItTM ENT OF Till CITY ill- Mi limit.
'ITIPLE Or Till. STAIi; J1' nnvv lliiyt,
ITTY Or NF.II YUlllt, HILI.IAM I. iir.l.lil.
ALt'-ANI)Kll. KPflENH II. Van HONK, as co-
rarlnera doing business, at Jnmrs HowlajiccA
Trial ilealreri In the Countv nf New York
I ihe complaint In this action, and In tcrie a copy
of your nnsvtrr on the plalnilU'h atlorueya within
twenty days aficr the wrilco of this summons.
exclusive of the day of acriicr. anil 1 In case of
tout failure tn app-ar or answer Judgment will
n .' ''"', "
demanded In the complaint,
IMK'd. Anil! 111. 11)1.'.
li.ilnlllt s Attorneys. , ,
27 William StreM, New York Cltyr,
MOIiniS UllLIUITKIN and A.-S.Mi; liUI.1"
i , si
i ' ,",,';', K
SPENCKIl. o'ilD'A AV TT ir.lU'M,
'lalntlira Alinriiiyt..s
rpTTr V ; " i-V V,,TO vt'A'viiI
LI'.TUS MOIIIIIS. a Trmpornry Administrator
.of thr goods, chattrls and irrdlls ..I MargaYrj
lainra y.bornwam. ueiraaeu, I'lainnn, AiiAi.tnr
11,-t 1 nai, iiuif.1 i ii,ii-',. i ii .i ii'iait,
aa Trustee under Ihr Mat Will and TtMainrnUnf
t-nlott y.tiorowal.1. derraaod. and DAVID 11.
OliDEN end lll'NIIV l.l '.II.S MonillS. as Bx-
rciitiirs under thr last Will nnd Trttnmrnli of
. SOLANHE. Vlrotlltl'IC lie UOlirCUII. A1..II.N
, hi: cocitcri r. ixiris henih de titiuit.
'i i ci ft. tiiAiiuini: anna MAitii: de t;oi7n-
,.i,rt.-' Iliiltl-l.T llf STtTIMtS. M.VIIflA iter
ineys within twenty nays aticr itie service oi una
' summon, rxrlusli r of thr day of acri Ice. and In
care ! onr minor lo niiiaai ui oiipnn, ;uyf
mrut will lir ir.lru acAinat you by default foriht
relief ileniandril In the .imriided complaint.
Dated. Aut-iikl M. 1012
Attorneys fur Plaintiff.
Offirr and I'oslOBlrc Address, re l.lhrrty StreVt,
llnriiiicli of Munhatlaii. Clt; of Nriv YoiU.
The rorcieolne autiiinuiis Is arri'cd upon voirhv
I initellt-nlU.il, iiursiiaut lo an order of Hon. John
lirioul. our oi u.r aiiaitinn 1,1 ,iir iii,rreilo
f New
of September. 1912. 1
lined. Scpirmbrr dlh, 1913.
Your A-r .
Altornrya for Plaintiff.
Oftlrrandl' O Addrras. No. S3 l.lhrrty Slretl;
eorou gh of ?da n ha It.nt. till- nf New York.
ACKI.EY. EDTVA11D. In pursuance of aa
older nf Hon. Ilnhrrt Ludlow Fowlrr, aSurrogatt
of Ihr County nf Nrw York, notice Is hereby men
to all persons hatlne claims against J. EDWAHD
ACKLKY, late of tlie village of Sharon. Con
necticut, dcrrasrd. lo present the aamo with
vouchers thereof In the subscriber at her place
of transacting business at the office of Thomas
M. llowirttr. No. .15 Nassau Strret. In the City oi
Nrw York, on or brfo.-e the Join day of Novta-
'liatrdl'New York, the TOih day of Hay. llli.
MAIUON F. ACKI.EY. Anclll.iry AdmtnlitratrU.
Atinmrv for Ancillary Administratrix.
33 Nasmi !il, Nrw- York City
"cill'MACIII'.lt, l'TtEDEItlC In purauanca of
an uidrr nf Hon. Ilnbrrt Ludlow Fowlrr, a Sur
rogate of Ihr County nf Nrw York, nollcn It
hrrrby given lu all iieraeuis linvlnr claims against
Frederic: Schumacher, lair nf I'.plaa-lthus, Fram t,
ilrccawd, to prrtent the wimr, with vouchcra
thrrcof, tn thr ntharrlhrr, nt hit placr of trans
acting biislneaa, at the nlllcu nf Hrnry 11. Uayley,
No. K'Wall Street. In tho City of New York, on
or befnrr tbe 1st day nf April next.
Dated, Nrw York, September 10th, 1112,
IIENIlS' L. HOSE, Executor.
nt'.NHY 11. fiAYLKV, Atloniey for I'.xrcutor.
411 Wall Street. Ilornugh i f Manhattan,
City of New York
a ftat may e Ittt at thai oMattt,
whin ta rate an tha aamaaatmaaa
chartaiat mala ottlom.
New York I7tt7 Wall Street mea mar
leave subscrlpilons and adverllsemeait
atthe WallSlirelofflce,25Uroad Strett,
i'rlephono 2200 llrrkmtn. IM4 Broad
way, nrar S7lh Slreeu SOS Wett Utth
Iirooklja-tos Livingston Street, a tar
Court Street.
Newark, N. .?. Frederick N. Somratr,
110 Hrotd HI. Telephone MT0 Market,
Hnttnn, Mass. Itoom 20 Globe Butldiag
Washington Strrel-T. P, llarrlsta,
Chicago, Ill.-tiO Sieger Bulldlar-OkM'
P. Knlll.
Atlantic C Hy, N. J.-Wal,ter K. Mf.
laiadtn, .F.ngland Dorltnd ffxaxttti
1 Agcocy, i Ilrgcnl Strett,
. Pl, S.SM (a sjvt.
- I

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