OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, October 14, 1912, Image 8

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Entered At me Post entire at New Votk as Second
( lass Uall Matter.
Siihsi rlptlnn hr Mull, rosipald.
DAILY, Pit Monlh, to 80
PMI.Y, Per rnr n on
M'.vnu, per vcar 3 no
DULY AMI, SI MIU. Per Near N to
DAILY AM) I SIAilAV. IVr Month . 78
."nsbue In (uiclm inuntiks added,
Ah checks, ninncy orders, &c to lie made pay
able toTnr. Ht'..
1'ublMird dtllv, Including Sunday, by Ihe .Sun
Printing and Publishing Association nl no Nassau
street. In the HnruiiBh nf Manhattan, .New York,
President mid Treason r, Hllllsm (' llclck, 17H
Nassau strict, Vice-President, IMn.ird P. Mitchell.
l?n Nassau street, Secretary. Chester H. Lord, 170
Nassau strrct.
London offlre, llfflngham House, I Arundel
street, Hlrnnd.
Path "(Dip. ft Hue de la Mlrhodlfre. oil Itue du
Washington nmce, llhli Uuilding.
HrooMvn iiBltr, Krt Livingston street.
our trtrnits iclio nrnr m trtth manuscripts lor
publication irlsh tahare re irclfit arllrlts returnei Ihtv
ruisUn ftt fiiij enit stamps tor that purpose.
Fair Treatment for (lip Hallway.
The people of the United Stutcs have
no long been accustomed to seeing rail
way receipts expressed in monthly and
annual aggregates of millions and bill
ions, of dollars that they have come to
egard the railways as having a purso
without bottom. Their attitude has
been that of n small boy who without
thought of tho limitations upon his
father's enrnings besieges him for a
bicycle, a pony ami cart or a new panic
when (he patent may be finding it dim
cull, to provide him with clothes. If all
of the small boys in the country had
votes perhaps they would endeavor to
bring (he same sort of legislative pres
sure to bear upon their fathers that the
people have been so successful in direct -
lug against the railways.
On another page TliK Sr.v attempts
to set forth the limitations that harass
the railways, even at this time of un
wonted irallir. .Measured by the stand
ard of the price of commodities in gen
eral, and it is what things cost that de
termines the value of money, railway
rates have actually decreased something
like :."i per cent, in the last decade.
The prices of commodities in general
rise and fall with the lluclu.it ions in
supply and demand, but the price of
transportation, the only thing the rail
ways sell, in held hard and fast under
governmental regulation. In most em
ployments tho rates of wages rise and
fall with fluctuations in supply and de
mand, but the wages of railway em
ployees havo been rising steadily, and
it has been impossible for the railways
to reduce them even in times of stress.
Capital is the only thing needed by the
railways which refuses to bo bound by
artificial fetters. It persist in going
where it can obtain tjie best security
and the most satisfactory returns.
Prior to 18S0 capital was expended in
railway construction in greater propor
tion than it went into either agriculture
or manufacture. Since 1000 the capital
value of agriculture and manufacture
has increased at three fold tho rate of
the increase in railway canital. In inon
tho capital valuo of tho railways was
about 15 per cent, greater than that of
manufactures and about half that of
agriculture. In 1010 tho capital value
of the railways was over 20 per cent,
less than that of manufacturing and
only one-third that of agriculture.
The only way the railways can obtain
capital is to offer the assurance of return
that will attract it. In order to offer
such assurance they must be permitted
to increase their rates or decrease their
expenses. The country needs more
railways and it needs better railways.
Thoso who know say that the amount
of capital necessary to place tho trans
portation facilities, especially of the
western part of tho country, abreast
of the agricultural and manufacturing
development is almost inconceivable.
Through the accounts prescribed and
published by tho Interstato Commerce
Commission the people of tho United
States can ascertain what becomes of
every dollar of capital acquired by any
railway company and what use is made
of every dollar received by it from the
sale of transportation. It is as useless
at this time to mako recriminations
against the railways because of the sins
of railway buccaneers of tho past us it is
to conjure up tho evils that led to the
civil war. It was no more necessary
after the civil war that the old causes of
bitterness should be. forgotten and all
of the people work together for the
good of tho whole nation than it is
now necessary that old errors of com
mission or omission, whether on the
part of tho railways or on tho part of
the people, shall be forgotten and thu
whole people join for tho good of tho
wholo nation In seeing that tho rail
ways havo fair treatment.
Tho country needs more railways
and better railways. If it does not ob
tain them tho cultivation of tho fields
will relax, the operation of tho mines
and mills will halt, our markets dwindle.
It is a condition and not a theory that
confronts us,
The World's Cliainplonohlp,
It is obvious that in spilo of their
numerous literary engagements, the
necessity they are under of exercising
the motor cars presented to them by
generous admirers noi adverse to see
mg their names in p, jtl nn, ,, Htr.jn
imposed on them by guardianship of
starling Bllvor bats, balls and other
trophies, Mr. Stahl'h red legged nsso
ci.ites and Mr. McGittw'fl ambitious
colleagues havo not lost their capacity
to play baselKill in most satisfactory
and nervo racking fashion. And each
game, hard fought though it was, has
noon most creditably lacking in inci
dents that would Indlenln n miuin nr
unsportsmanlike disposition in cither
If any world series has produced
better tilav than lutx nlromlv fllctln.
guishod the present argument wo fail
to recall It. Tho siectutors havo boon
treated In each mimn to ttnmn nmrniiu
performance of skill and pluck that
urougnt tliem to their feet in unpre
meditated tribute to the rt'sniirni! ntirl
devotedtiess of the players. The fact
mat tnc contests were between profes
sionals has leon forgotten. Thnv wore
ball players, playing with all that waa
in mem, and ir the gate receipts were
in their minds they wero not in the
thoughts of tho onlookers.
This world series has served in n
measure to Winn mil ihn linnlnnmnt
effect produced by Mn MunPHY of Chi
cago and Air. rooEL or Philadelphia
in their moments of dissatisfaction over
the standing of their teams.
The roll! lent Campaign In Cuha.
While the Presidential campaign in
the United States hna tin
on the whole it Ib orderly nnd even dull.
ruining tne lie' is almost the only
violence. Conditions nro different. In
Cuba, where n successor to President
UOMK7, is to be elected. Political meet
ings often end in n fusillade between Mm
Liberals and Conservnll Von nnd mmi
aro killed and wounded. At Colon, in
the Trovince of Matanzas, on Monday
two hundred shots wero fired in a col
lision between the nnrlisnim of Vice.
President X.ATAH. tho Lihonil rnnrlldnli.
nnd General Menocal, tho Conserva
tive leader: in this alTa r. as in other
of late, the General s followers nmvoH
to lie the better shots, for two Mbernls
were killed and six wounded, while the
casualties on the other sido were only
two Conservatives wounded.
l'our vears nuo the ramnnion !,:, .i.
resulted in the'clcction of Josh Mirckl
lio.li:z was exemplary for tranquillity
nnd decorum. Maior-fienc-nil Timui'u
II. Haishy, in command of the Army of
Pacification, reported after the returns
naci been counted that the national
elections throughout Cuba on Novem
ber II, 1908. "were conducted with il,..
utmost fairness and without disorder
or any kind." There was practically
no Conservative opposition, and Ameri
can troops wero ready to deal with
rioters. It was as peaceable an election
as tho history of n free people rocords,
and the Cubans rather nridod 1 hem.
wives upon setting an example to
rtentucKy, Mississippi, and some of tho
lurouioni wards in Chicago. Will there
1)0 a fair and orderly election in Cuba
next month? The prospect is not
brieht: in fact storm niirnnla
and it will bo astonishing if the election
passes wiinout bloodshed.
It is charced bv the Cnnwrvntir
that the Liberal Government has no
intention or playing fair with the oppo
sition, that is to
Asbortistns. a eombinat ion ronroopn.
ing mo interests or tienerol Menocal
and of General Asbkrtv tho Littnr
didato for Governor of Havana. So
convinced is tho Conservative can
didate for President that a conspiracy
exists to prevent his election that he has
warned deneral Gomez that frniui ni
bo met with resistance. Belligerency
is a new role for Maiuo Menocal, who
has always been regarded us a jiattern
of tact and self-control, but it must be
admitted that warrant for his fears if
not justification for his militant front
i to bo found in the attitude of tho
municipal boards toward his followers.
At Abreustheapplicationsof many Con
servative voters to register wero re
jected. The samo thing occurred at
Jowllanos and other nlnn M Kill.
ployees of the municipal governments
wno support uenerni menocal are not
regarded with favor; thus at Santiago
"white wings" who attended a meeting
to celebrate "tho patriotic conjunction
of Menocal nnd AsnKitT" were dis
charged by the board of sanitation.
Feeling between tho two parties is
naturally explosive. Jn a renort f n
Conservative meeting at Carlos Hojas
appeurs tins item: "As the president
of the Conservative organization ssed
along tho street some Liberals threw
an aerial bomb at him which injured him
The bellicose spirit of the two camps
may bo exaggerated by a partisan
press, but men tiro frequently killed or
wounded in political affrays, which is
admitted to be an niMv smninm i.
does not follow that there will bo bloody
uiiniiit-n on eiecuon iay. Apparently
the Government can depend upon the
Kural Guard and .the nrmv. hut ti...
best assurance of peace and order will
be a policy of impartiality by General
Gomez himself, reflected in deeds as
well as words, as the campaign draws
ton close. The Conscrvntivnu i...,t n,..
Asbertistas believe themselves to be
in a majority in tho island, and it would
be the part of wisdom to lt ti inm f cirri is
ter their legitimate strength andjeast
meir uauots.
Ciovrriior lladley's DccMou.
Undismayed bv tho Colom.l'u linn ftni.
cries of theft ut Jonlin and Liu il,.f.inr.,
tion that any man who sanctioned Mr.
1 AFT H nomination had a streak of yel
low in him Governor Hadley announces
that he will work and vote for the Presi
dent. In tho Colonel's speeches in
Missouri he spoko fair about tho Gov
ernor, flattered him indeed, solicited
his support, and to mako it as difficult
as possible for Mr. Hadley to remain
in tho Ilcpublican party nnd uso his
influence in behalf of President Takt
posted uvery man who intended to vote
for tho Itepublican candidate as no
bettor than the robbers who had banded
together to nominate Mr. Taft at
The Hon, Hkbbkiit S. Hadley is not
the man to condono a theft. His name
as a reformer wn mm!,, k.. .. ..i i.
discharging his duties as a public prose-
cutor. To uso a favorito expression of
the Colonel's, Mr. Hadley is ns clean ns
a hound's tooth in reputation' and char
acter. Ho has the judicial tempera
ment. At the Republican national con
vention his fairness, reasonableness
nnd self-control, and his ability nnd
steadiness ns floor leader of tho Hoose
velt delegates, won him the estcom
of Mr. Taft'h supporters. If Colonel
Roosevelt had relinquished his ambi
tion nnd called upon his friends to rally
round tho young Governor of Missouri
(he convention would havo been dis
posed to turn to Mr. Hadley as a com
promise candidate. It is no secret that
he could havo had tho nomination for
Vice-President on the Republican ticket
if ho had said the word.
Now it. will occur to men with oDon
minds that Governor Hadley'h decision
to support Mr. Taw signifies that he
entertains no doubt of the validity of
Mr. Taft's nomination. It wns ono
thing for Heiidert S. Hadley to fight
for Roosevelt delegates before the na
tional committee and the convention,
nnd quite another thing to agree with
ColonvJ Roosevelt that ho had been
defrauded of the nomination. The case
or Mr. Taft is of record, evidence,
precedent nnd ruling, and the verdict
cannot be perverted by constant itera
tion or the cry of "Thieves!" Nor can
men who rend tho evidence, or who
have faith in tho judgment of those
who cxnmincd it, bo dissuaded from
voting for President Taft by taunts
that they must have a white liver.
Mr. Hadley was ono of the seven
Governors who asked Mr. Roosevelt
to become a candidate for the Rrpub
licnn nomination, but the Governor
of Missouri has never given any en
couragement to the third parly move
ment. Ho has maintained that there
wns no occasion for it. Colonel (loosp
Vi:lt having failed to obtain tho Re
publican nomin. ton, the only ques
tion for Mr. Hadley as a Republican
to decide was whether Mr. Tait's title
is valid. His conclusion thai it is un
assailable may be read in the terms of
tho Governor's apKal to all Republi
cans to stand together for the reelec
tion of tho President.
Mr .Joskpu tt. Kr.AI.lNU. in ch.iren of
llmTaft hfuclquarters nt Cliiciico. (motes
Governor Deneen iih nnyini; that Colonel j
iuiunkki.t nnmiitcn to mm that only
thirty-four delegates were "in serious
question" nt tho Keptililic.m national Con
vention in Jun. ThnColoiioloiithoHttimp
lms doclnrod that more than eighty dele
gates were stolen, or enouali to give him
tho nomination if seats had been given to
all of them. As the Colonel's paramount
plank is "Thou Shalt Not Steal" Hnd ho
refuses to argue tho mutter with unv mm
he will no doubt demand thai Mr Ki:al-
ino and Governor Dk.vkkn, if he corrob
orates Kkali.vo, shall be "driven out"
or Illinois.
r..noit refoiii: the ..nr.
Problem That lluM lie Met II tlrgula.
the ICnncltnrnt'.
To tiik KniTon or Tun Si n .sir I'nt-
llng sncltlisii) one side as something not
in tita nnrnniA ilnrlni. tl.i ... n ... I .... I ......
of n Presidential campaign, one interete. '
... ..- i'i.iiif-iii-'-iMiii:
in the condition or labor might profitably
take up the point at imue yenterday he-1
tween the I'rocresslve ami Ueinorrntle .
candidates Is the laborer bettered by the
extension or by the limitation of govern-
In the reeent past Mr WINnn appealed .
to history in corroboration of theorv
greatlv in vogue until latelv, iinmelv. Unit
the less government interferes uuh ero.
nomics ino neuer mis mtixfin to I.I to
morn advantage under the monarchical '
regime and wis truer of old than to-ilcv
ITogresMlveness as a polltlr.il doctrine is
rue only in so far ns it. truly miiiihw ii
grave change In conditions which can better
be met by changing the laws, (loveriiuieiit
being but nn instrument.it should, lll:e unv
other machinery, be modified by iniprov e-!
inputs and made more apt for present day 1 u, vollnK envelope to ins carrier for do
purposes. Woodrow Wilson, quoted re-1 posit with the election officer or the dis-
centiy hy Theodore Iloosevelt, uttered a
grave truth when he implied In a speech
that modern laws must be nude to cope
Willi formidable tabor organizations as well
as with the ciipltall-tio class
t'HhsrKli, October 13 J A M
ItrtlMnc an Old Cuilnm.
From the Maine Wootls.
omillof the IIuiUoirslUrTradliir Company.
which ha poms In nrlmn parl nf northern
Alberta ant) llrllUh Columbia, will rcvlvr an nn-
clrnt rustom whin his Knynl llljhnr the liuke
nl I nnnaiHrht, novrrnor-iicatrfll of Canada, llt
the nutparls nf the Dominion nrxi sunimrr
llio corporation will tirrernt the furs nf mo
rll.sand tuoblnrlt beaver to the (iovernor-tJenrial
nn his uorlhrrn visit In accordance w Ith a prm Won
hi the rhartrr nf Incorporation trained hy King
Charles to the merchant adventurers of f.nmion,
May '., IflTO The rlaue In the ancient i barter
mnldn? obligatory upon the lludnn's Hay com
pany the presentation of the furs to thn heirs and
successors of the monarch Is in he performed
probably for Ihe first time next summer. The
officers of Ihe Hudson's Hay company have de
rided thai the words "heirs and surrrssors" are
capable of Including members of the royal family
generally, and wjll so conMrue them on the occa
sion of the Dule's visit
Head Hunters of the Philippine..
From the Xatlonal Geographic MagaUie
furiously enoush tho head hunting neoDles of
the Philippines are apparently limited in northern
uion. None of the warlike hill tribes Inhabit-
ng other parts of the archipelago are known to
lake the heads nt their victims.
The explanation of their head hunting cusinms
which Is Elveii hy ihe Negritos of norlheaslern
,uiou i very simple. Ihey Lellove that each
family must lake at least ono head a year or
nfter misfortune In the form of idckncss, wounds,
tarvallon or death. Their victims are aluavs
beheaded with polos. Heads are burled In the
ground under Die "houses" of the men who take
them. Plates or ollas are placed over the (.pots
where tho heads are burled, and possibly conlalu
offerings to evil aplrlts. The "houses" under
which heads are burled are then abandoned and
their supposedly fortunate owners look forward
o a pentKi fren from death, lcknes or Injury
and to success In their hunting aud tithing
Lord I.TItellnn's Mark.
From the Westminster Oatitle
The auiUKhig Incident In the House of Lords
owing to the atrocious handwriting of the late
Lord Lyltclton was not tho only ucraslun on
which his callgrapby was called Into qucMlun.
or an annual prize giving at Hacley. ihe Lvtiel.
ton seat In Worcestershire, his Inrrishl n. n was
his custom, (Igned Ihe usual Inscription In the
front of the prlre books, Noticing that one of the
irlie winners looked somewhat hewlldered at in.
hieroglyphic scrawl, his lordship exclaimed, "Vi s,
boj, when jou go home tell your mother thai l
I.oid l.yliellon, his mark.' "
'Ihe Iron Men.
From the roll Hall (M.viv.
Ilurlng his inmpalin Wellington was never
referred lo as the Iron Duke, though Ids union of
Inflexible resolution and physical energy might
well havo suggostcl and Justlilcd tho sobriquet,
lllsmarck, on tho other hafd, was known as the
Iron Chancellor very early In his career from his
advocacy of n policy of blood and Iron, apart
altogether from his Iron constitution,
Itsllnai Homings In Herman,.
From the Hallway ,ge llmrlte,
.lub the gross earnings of tho (irrman
lallways averaged nearly 7 per cent, more- than
lbs i ear before.
roTisa nr mail.
An tntf rrMlnB IMin I'roponril for Reronl
Inn tho I'oimUr mil.
To tub Editor of The Su.v-Slr: The
matter of compulsory voting as ndvo
cated by Attornoy-Oeneral Wlckorsham,
to which The Sun has given snaco in
recent issues, both odltoriully and in Its
iiows columns, has been read with inter
est by mo, as I have given, during tho
past two years, much thought to a system
of conducting Federal elections that em
braces as a very necessary feature tho
compulsory registering of their oolnlon
ty all upon whom is conferred the privi
lege or suffrage.
I base my projoct upon tho trend of tho
times toward the election of President
and V'ice-Prcitldent by direct voto of tho
peoplo, belloving that the near future will
bring an amendment of tho United States
Constitution providing for this chanflfc
tAlassacliusetts Is already on record In Its
favor), and upon thodeslrablllty of apply
Ing business methods to the election of
our executives.
Tills system, so fnr as I have developed
it, is Intended only to apply to the election
and not the primary. Tho choosing of a
candidate is necessarily n partisan and
not a governmental runctlon. The right
of a party, or faction, or followers of an
idea to set up a special representative
ns an executive of the people's will Is
inalienable, as well ns is that parly's
or Taction's rlRlit to make its choice in
its own way; but the final election, the
designating of which ono of nil repre
sentatives shall serve all the peoplo and
receive the reins f government is a mat
ter broader than faction or party, nnd so
important a function should be and must
bo above the direct control or direction
or influence of any one or any combina
tion of the various groups of governing
Me who is to bo tho servnnt of all the
people mum be chosen by all, nnd in no
other way can a Federal Kxpcutivn be
chosen so impartially, so honestly, so
economically hh under Federal ministra
tion; nnd in Ihe conduct or nn enterprise
so vast ns the registering or the opinion
or many million voters, whoso majority
ordict shall set up a servant sworn to
administer to the best interests or more
than one hundred million snulh, whnt
branch or our excellent Government can
better be misted, inn better perform tho
tusk, than thai grout department or busj
ness in tho conduct of which there has
been no scandal the postal serice ol
the United Stales?
With the authority of a Federal election
conferred upon the Postmaster-General,
io would lianio one of his assistants, or
a sHcial one, as chief election officer, and
under him the poslmuster or each official
office in the United States would be desig
nated district election officer (or that
postal district. He should have ns assist
ants two member rroni 1,-h board or
registrars or voters within thnt district,
who would be sworn into the Federal ser
vice and be uineuuble to all existing rules
and penalties or the postal service nnd in
addition to such other rurther heavy pen
alties or fine or imprisonment ror viola
tion or their duties as Congress might
Five ilars before th" day of a Federal
election each district election officer (post
master) shall call in his assistants, who,
arter being duly sworn into the service,
shall piocved to address from the names
on certified voting lists or the several
(or single, in the case of small townsl
, . ... . .
w"n" 'n0 "'0hl', '"s""'" a special form
r"veiie. one io eacu oi mesaio names,
nd these envelopes when so addressed
shnll be deposited a.s United States mail
in the office where prepared, and delivered
by special or regular carrier service un-
. . V. . ".V. . i . ' "" '
' ,-''rr',,r snail no
iuiiiieinn in rfl ill 11 i lie signed ceillllcate
or delivery or furnish a sworn statement
that any such undelivered could not be
delivered nnd state the ronton And it
shall bo the duty of earh registered voter
whose name appears on the registrar's
lists to put himself in the way or receiving
thevotingenvelope.aiid he flu 1 1 Iks further
required to designate his choice or the can-
,lma"'rt ln Ul Prescribed way and return
trict not less than twenty-four hours rrom
tho day of election
A special form or envelope is provided
made rrom heavy material so that they
may be used on successive occasions,
properly folded, with cord fastener, con
sisting of two compartments inside and on
the fuce a pocket in which slides n card
bearing the voter's name and -iddress
In one or the inner compartments is a
series or cards or such size ns to fit in
readily Two of the series aro blanks,
one white, one black. The others bear the
names or Presidential candidates chosen
at a previous primary, a separate color
or tint for each canditiate
In making his choice the voter selects
rrom the compartment containing the
cards ono bearing the name of his choice,
or eNe Uses the white card on which he
can write a name he prefers, or the bind:
curd indicating "not voting " The card
so chosen is deposited in the vacant com
partment, which the voter then seals
with a legal seal provided with the en
velope. Ho refastensthe envelope with the
oord, removes the address card Irom its
pocket, writes his name on the back and
reinserts it in ils place, and returns it to
tho carrier for deposit at thu office.
Immediately upon tho receipt or tho
envelope at the office the district officer
or u designated clerk, in the presence of
his associates, removes the card from its
pocket nnd compares the name on tho
back with thu samo voter's signature on
the books or I he registrars, ir thesignnturu
Is genuine the. mime is checked on tho
voting fist, and that elector is declared as
having voted. His card is then filed and
the envelope, without being opened or
its contents inspected In any way, is de
poaiteci I,, the ballot box. Absolute se
crecy is therefore maintained. On the
day of election the ballot box is unlocked
and the envelopes, all without distin
guishing marks, of course, removed.
opened, and tho results tabulated, certi
fied to and forwarded to tho elder election
officer, and by him transmitted to Con
gress. Tho simplicity or tho system and its
harmony with daily transactions In our
postal service transforms its magnitude,
reduces tho cost to a Traction or tho pres
ent system, guarantees a foil oxpression
or publlo opinion, nn honest count and an
absolutely impartial verdict.
Thu samo system might, or course, bo
applied to State and municipal elections
by contract or tho State or municipality
with the Government.
('HAitLi's Fiiancis Adams.
Hampton, N. H., October is
A Missouri ICdltor's Altitude.
From the I hi lit I Herald,
The Herald utllcc is Hill without chairs, and In
the meantime, must happll). Ills without lonfers
It l pretty touch nn us lo have to stand up, aud
In lie without even a scat lo oiler a welcome
visitor, hut any sort of cuodtllon is preferable
W loafers tucb at we nave a mind ea. ,
Hot Coffee for American l4ibnr.
Tho Amoricnn farmer usod to bo tho
"massed," but in these pro-election days
tho student of political psychology must
obsorvo a marvellous change; the farmer
has been asked to sit toward the roar of
tho hall and hold his tonguo. Or rathor
It would lie more accurate to say that tho
rarmer sits ln tho Itoxei and upper tiers,
anil has decided to hold his tonguo lost
ho Ihj otienly called the "classes" and
nicknamed a magnate It is even doubt
f til ir tho rarmer is nowadays familiar
with his KScrnsoy." Which of .us roads
tho samo literary works as our point of
view changes? Who can blamo tho
farmer for preferring tho latest gossip
rrom tho curb on tho stilisidiary com
panics? That "natural born Hull Mooso,'
Thomas Alva Edison, has declared that
the farmer has paid the mortgages and
lias tho money, whilo tho F.ast has not
"so much." Prolxibly tho Wiwird goes
back to the timo when ho vvusn lioy, when
every farm had n mortgago in order that
there might be a reed organ in the parlor,
that hermetically sealed parlor, opened
ond aired for funornls only. But if any
campaign expert doubts that tho soft
pedal hns been put on "the poor farmer"
by-product ln this season's oratorical
output lot him count the number of times
that the American laboring man is called
by his first name, and then compnro it
with tho references to the farmer.
Even "Mr. Mutisey " in his it unary when
talking in a "freo hand" manner only
gives tho farmer two paragraphs, and
practically calls him a bondholder. Who
would have believed that the day would
come in the United States when one month
before election n popular priced monthly
would dare to say that: "He, tho farmer,
benefits not only rrom a bigger price rrom
Ills products and a better demand for
them, but benefits as well in the Irereascd
value of his farm, which value is neces
sarily measured by its earnings, A tar
iff in its very nature is an economic device
for mutual benefit. " In fine, the fnrm is a
protected industry
Dors King Khakhi know that his Vice
roy is penning these phrases pregnant
with dynamite?
However, while the farmer is getting
his portion of cold turkey, hot coffee is
heingserved from every carttnil en routo
to the bread line of American laborers.
Dr. Wilson has it on tnp, King Khakhi
serves Dr. Abbott's Three Star brand
gratis, Everybody's serving it, serving
it. Sometimes he is n "slnve," some
times he is "a machine": but no mutter
what he is, the poor workingman is run
ning capacity on hot coffee with the
market basket ond the old tin bucket, not
the beer bucket, hut the well worn dinner
pail known to commerce.
l,ook nt this st ream of amber fluid from
Gov. Wilson at Springfield, HI:
We are going to repudiate tills slavery
of legalized monopoly just ns emphati
cally us we have repudiated the other slav
ery, and wi are not going to look to tho
gentlemen who established that slavery to
uvcomplisli our liberty.
In these words the Governor nearly
equalled Dr. Dollar Bill ut his best.
Thetrga'e at this geyser or effervescent
Three Star blend by T. It. in Michigan:
ltememher that every labor law which
lias given or will In the future give pro
tection to labor must fulfil the conditions
I have laid dov, ii nnd must violate the condi
tions which Mr Wilson lays dow n. Think of
this, you men who believe in justice to the
heavy laden, you men w ho believe in Justice
to the burden bearers among our people.
and then decide between himnnd me.
King Khakhi's lips were yet moist, from
declaring thnt it was n vile thing to say
that he ever tried to stir class hatred.
Fulfil the conditions I have laid down"?
Oh. dear, dear; Sotli says you could put
on the till of n popgun all that his Majesty
rulfllled in regard to "the protection of
labor" during the first nnd second empire.
And Seth says if you really want to get
a "rise" that is a "rise" ask him about
the Harvester plant up in York State,
and then watch the fur fly.
No wonder the slaves nnd the burden
bearers and tho heavy laden read with the
rest of us that simple street car sign.
Safe Tart -Safe.
A Census of the Crcaturrs of the Imagl.
To riu- Km ton ok Th k Sr.v .N'i: Xoiv
thnt there is no talk about the census, uhv
not talk about a novel numerical idea?
Why not n census of the population found in
novels' Xuvelsmay bedlected thusly tho
uts-ctiption of hero and heroine, where they
first met, and why they didn't marry till
the last chapter, or If in French, for the
lust two pules substitute what the hero's
wife or heroine's husband did. and who
died, hat a lelli'clion of life this complla
lion would be' Tht'ic would be more lienutl
till Kills than there inn po-sililv be In the
I nljed .Slate-, inure, far more millionaires,
mm". nilucratic fortune hunter' more
murdereis limn ever existed. In (net I mil
prctlv sure the result would be that the
popular population would exceed many
millioni. inosily criminals. The question
of Ihe superiority of blondes or brunettes
would be settled, and the Hut of hair that
the eiolne should wear would be sntls-
faiiiuily decided
An euumeiatlon nf tiinugle characters
mlglit be too eiioiuinus u tusk. .Still, by
this means conventional novelists vvotilil
be killed nil. und Ideas minimised. The
only oiiieclinu would lie In the fear that
good Ideas spoiled by weak wiilers would
be lost to use hr the strong This, however,
is en lied plaglarl'in nowadays, nnd just
as married men never lllrt so nre authors
always original. Nevertheless I should
much like to see a Hlij,e Hook of this novel
census In our public libraties,
llr.ooKH.v. October 1'.'. Dommiiay
College nf Ssraos.
From ihe London Chrimlile.
Ssnios imssessrs what a native vfilirr Us
ilrscilhcJ ns the "Lighthouse nf the Levant."
A moral ami Intellectual lliihthouse, ibal Is to say,
the colic-He named I'ythasoreum, after Ihe great
est of Samlans, This college attracts Mudrnts
from Hrelc anil many other Islands, anil mmi.
at die head of a mnarkahly creditable is!n,.
tlnual system, fourteen ears ago William
illller noted thai ,Smos hail one school for every
thousand of thu population, mid was far from
content with that, there being a strong move,
ment for agricultural, kindergarten anil higher
female education, Samos, ns a rich Maii.i win.
no iiatliuml debt, Is not crippled hy the rales
difficulty, which tempera popular enthusiasm for
education In tome rnuntrlrs.
The Knit of the OldesLNewspaper.
From the Hclentlltc American.
The l'resldrm nf the Chinese llcpuhllc, Yuan
Shlli-li'al, recently suppressed the newspaper
Ktng-llaa, whlrh undoubtedly was ihe oldest
paper In iho world. I'or t.coo years. It has ii
ported Ihe more Important news not only of China
but also of foreign countries. At a time when
Ihe art of printing and Journalism were as yet
nknown In Lurope. Ihe Chinese (Jong-Chung
Invented a means for making types from lead
and silver, and In Ihe year 400 A. 1) ihe
paper Klng-Jla) was printed, and has since been
Issued regularly until recently. The first edlllou
was printed on len sheets of yellow silk neatly
lie.) together and was thus sent lo all Die hlih
oltliinls of the Chinese h'inplre.
A Mnttern Intention,
Jonah esplHlael,
"I weni fishing election day," he remarked
Thus we seo u,c forgetting to register Uislce
ikad.nol been thoufhi of.
Nome Peculiarities or the Congested End
of I xiu a; Island.
To Tin: f'lumit iik TllK HC.V -.S'(r When
ever a woman looks Into n mirror unit sees
herself ns others see her she generally
dabs Rome powder on here, prlnklcs up
there, nnd makes nn unnatural mess of Ii
everywhere, She Is vnln, or maybe only
self-conscious. With a people It Is different,
and so these diverting diatribes on Al
bany, lloston, Ac, fall absolutely flat. To
hold n people up to tho mirror lias not the
slightest effect. It Is only when they look
lulo the mirror themselves that they try
to Improve their being, nnd sometimes,
unlike n woman, they succeed.
I have lived In llrooklyn for a year, and
I am not at all sure that I shall net con
tinue to bo a Hrooklynlte, but, like a true
local patilet, 1 sea the faults of llrooklyn as
well us Its virtues. I certainly have to lire
on cars, ror these tnxlrnlis aro ex pensive, and
witlml a nuisance, I have sometimes to
endure n crush wlilch reminds inn of the
crowd outsldo Urury Ijino Theatre on a
boxing night, only it Isn't so good nntured,
And there may bo n lew other Incon
veniences, but horn I sit In my den with a
telephone nt my hand. Just hnlf an hour
rrom Mnnhnttnn, I get the oone nnd per
fect unlet of thn country, though half n
block nwny Is one of tho busiest avenues
In the borough. I pny n third of the rent
I should be mulcted In Mnnhnttnn for the
samo accommodation. I have a backyard
with grass nnd flowers, nnd yes. cer
tainly, cats. I get on capitally with my
neighbors, for I don't know one of them
hy sight. We are n peifertly happy family,
for wo mind our own business, never com
plain and never Interfere. In the winter
wo hnv If nnything too much heat, but
one can always open it window. These
farts lire a challenge in themselves,
Still, llrooklyn Is not nltogether n pretty
place by any means Tho man who laid
out the borough ought to have been laid
out himself long before he conceived his
erratic plans, Tho entrances to llrooklyn
nro hideous. Tho whole borough Is In n
worse unfinished state than Manhattan,, but
ii nas tne inarm oiruraiuy in ii variety.
Half n mllnnwny from where I live there Is
wood in the middle of a block, through
which n tinkling stream runs, In fact, one
never knows what combination ho Is going
to meet next To mn the number of beauti
ful churches Is sad, ns 1 don't believe In
creeds; but the people, the babies, the pretty
girls nnd the dogs, where will you find such
nn aggregation?
As 1 write a neighboring chanticleer Is
announcing the break of day, tho sun Is
breaking through the clouds nnd my ter
rier Is running nrnuml nfter his tail In an
ticipation of his early morning walk In tho
fields n few blocks nu.iy. Yes, there Is
no place like llrooklyn for well, until
it Is made itnlnhahitabln by civilization.
HnooRl.N, October 12. I., T. 11.
the iiei'Mucax r.i.vr.i.s.s.
Cheering Itcpnrls of the llelitrnlng Nanlty
of Vermont.
To tiii; F.ntTon or Tiik Sr.s .Sir: Your
article In regard lo good progress being
made in the llepiibllcnn enmpaien is borne
out by Incidents In Vermont. Local papers
give particular" wnicli I nave not seen
ln Hny New ork paper. At the election
on September .1 for (lovernor the llcpub
llcan candidate received n good plurality
but ns the law of the Slate requites n ma
jority the election was thrown into Ihe
Itoosevelt made n thorough campaign
In Vermont just before the election, tiein
tho only candidate for President so to do.
Ills devotees palled one-iimrter of the
votes and were so elated that they pre
dicted, first, that they would prevent the
election of a Itepublican In the Legislature
secondly, that they would carry the State
for the third term candidate in Ihn'eleC'
lion in November.
The first of these predictions was dis
posed of when Ihe Legislature met on Octo
ber '- and elected the Itepublican nominee
for ilovernor by n vote of ib.i, against "a
for the Democratic candidate and as for the
Hull Moose candidate, or n majority of fifty
five over nil opponents ln this test the
Progrelve strength decreased lo only
one-eighth of the votes cast
riitlherinore. in my native town the
Progressives polled more votes In Ihe
September election for (iovernor than any
other party, but it wns necessary to ballot
three clavs before any of the candidates for
representative in the Legislature obtained
the lenuired majority During that time
the republicans showed their staying power
by steadily gaining ami finally winning
es, the Ilepublicnn party In ihe flrecn
Mountain Slate has already come back
M.w A one, October 12. .1 D.llsnnr
One Charge That Has Never Heen lie
nled. To Tilt Kniion OKTllK.StN -.Sir- Pass.
Ing through West Forty-sixth street to
day 1 saw exhibited in the window of n
llrm of art dealers a large painting by thn
lalo Vassill Verestehagiu entitled "Come
On, Hoys" nnd purporting to bo n histori
cal painting of the chargo up San Juan
Mill during tho war In Cuba. If I nm not
mistaken this same painting was seen In
New Vork sotno years ngo when it sold nt
the Waldorf for n very inrge sum.
In tho front of the troops the nrtlst shows
Colonel lloosevelt on horseback. Ml rec
ords agree that this particular engage
ment was led by the Lleventh Cavalry,
negro troops, and, thnt tho Hough lliders
with their much advertised Colonel worn
miles away
Colonel Itoosevolt claims to be n hl
toiian, nnd I should think for the intoruia
tlon of future generations he might deny
all the stuff that hns been written about
his taking Snn Junn IIIIU
1 suppose as soon ns tho Colonel sees
this I shall bo placed in thai club to be a
member of which no longer inrries any
distinction. ;. c. ,
liliuoM.VN', October I'.'
C.lrls' Schools In Chins.
From Ihe 1'ekln Haiti .Xews.
Inasmuch as education Is the best means to
elevate the rondlllnn of our women and to ipiallfy
Ihem lo take their stand In society, Hie i:duca
tlonal Association of Shantung lms derided Hint
prlmaiy irhools for girls should bo established
hi the rural districts as well as In tha cities. The
number of girls' primary schools in large rides
must not bo less than ten and In small cities less
than the. After one rar's trial with these
pilmary schools, collejes for girls may be opened
No More Trials In Torture In China.
From the Pekln Colli .Veu'j.
In arccrdanco with the order of tho Slhilstrv
of .lustlco trial by torture has been forever
abolished. Tutuh Cheng of Klantsu haslnstructci
the I'rovlorlal Courts to destroy all the Instru
ments causing corporal pain, Any form of tor.
tare will not ba tolerated, and severe punish
ment will bo InfHctcd for violation of this older.
A Mlssourlan's Claim lo Fame.
From the Clark Chronicle,
As usual, Hideo Marshall won Iho blue ilbbon
on his span of fine mules at tho lllgbco street
lair. Midge would bo "In tho mono" with Ihcso
mules an where.
Tho candidate forgets
The trusts who gave of oit.
Donations ho received
'Way back In Itwi,
In making little scheme-.
To regulate all til
The nuul Ms in forgets
The Constitution K
v hen epithets nre hu lc ,
Without a single In i
Tho candidate form i.
lie Is a gentleman,
To clnso Ihe chapter then,
Too often 'mm oicur
1'orgels to register.
UcLajtoacRou Wiuos',
$5,500,000 EDUCATION
New lloiiio of SditP Lilii'ipv anil
Museum to 1! Di'dicnled
f Albany.
...00,0110 HOOKS ASSKMlilJ'i)
K.vci'ciscs to Uprin To-iiuhtimv
Will WvUvr To-rotlicr .,in
DisliiiiruisluMl Kdiifittois.
AbtiAN'V, Oct. 13. The State Kdiicatinu
Hulldlng will Im dedicated this week and
thrown open to tho public. So far thtic
has beet) an expenditure or about ir, r.im .
OOOto'oroct, rttrnlsh and equip it, including
tiooKsiorinonowmnln library. .New York
is tho first Stato in this country to sn
recognize tho cnuso or education as to
establish a separate building ror such a
public purs)se. The construction cost
$3.50o,rxK), rurnishlncs nnd furniture, in.
eluding lighting, mural decorations and
library equipment, I,200.ooo. while abom
$300,000 so far has been spent inassembling
books to replace the burned State library.
me mate ixlucation Uuilding provides
quartern for the administrative offices
of the Education Department under the
itegents of tho University and Slate Com
missioner of Education Andrew S. Draper)
for tho Stato library; for the State mu
seum, and in addition for an auditorium
with a seating capacity of 1,000.
Ihe new Stato library will include four
rererenco libraries and n general library.
Already Stato Librarian .1. 1, Wyor, Jr., has
assembled nearly 400.000 volumes. Tim
library which was burned contained
about 600,000 volumes.
The Education Uuilding is constructed
of white marble, terra cotta and granite.
It is 600 feet long, 3.10 feet deep in the cen
tro where tho library is located, and IPO
feet deep on tho ends. A huge colonnade
with thirty-six massivn marble columns
stretches along tho front.
Tho dedication exercises are to com
mence to-morrow and end on Thursday.
Wliitelaw Heid. United States Ambassa
dor to Orcat llritain, who ns bend or thn
State Uoord or Hogents is Chancellor of
the iJniverhily or the State or New York,
will prccido on all occasions Tor the threg
days ceremonies. The annual (convo
cation or tho Hcgcnts is lo bo held to
morrow morning. In the afternoon
"hitelaw Heid will discuss libraries and
museums, followed by Dr. John Christo
pher Schwab, librarian ir tho Yale Tnt
vcrsity library, with n paper on libraries,
and by Prof. Henry Kairlleld Oslsim.
president of tho American Museum nf
Natural History, with an address on mu
seums. In the evening Dr. William II
Maxwell. SutH'rinteiident of Schools in
Now York city, will deliver nn address nn
elementary schools anil will lie rollowH
by Dr. William .1. S. Hrfan or St
Ixiuis. Mo with a paper on cocondary
Widticsilay morning Dr. Charles ItHi
nrd Van Hlse, president or the l.'niversitv
or Wisconsin, will read a paper cm lu
cational extension, and the subject of
private schools will be dealt with in an
address by Dr. William Starr Myers of
Princeton University. Dr Nicholas Mur
ray Hutler. president of t'olumbii Uni
versity, will address the educator
Wednesday afternoon on univer.itie-i
and professional schools Then Ihe sub
ject or professional schools will be d".ilt
with by Dr Henry S. IVitchntt of New
York city, president of the C.irnegi
Foundation. He will bo followed bv
Canon H. Henley Hcn-on of Westminster
Abbey, Ixuidon. in an address on " Ihe
Value of Historical Studies to the Higher
learning. " Wednesday evening there
will be a reception by the (Iovernor and
the Itegents or the university and State
The dedicatory exercises on Thursday
afternoon will include remarks bv f'nan
cellor Wliitelaw Jteiel, presentation of
tho building to the Hoard of Hegents bv
(iov, Dixon bohairor the State, acceptance
or tho building bv Vice-chancellor St
Clair McKvlvvayon behalf of the Hani'd nf
Kegents.iledicatory address by Dr. Andrew
S. Draper, Commissioner of Education;
brief congratulatory nddresses by Hen
juinin H, Udell, Jr., and Horace White.
SpnLesuien for Itnosrsrlt mill
aim ny i "Sec Speeches."
Austin. Tex., Oct. 13, P. S. McGceney,
chairman of a Texas orKanlzntlon nf
American Investors who have been
driven out of Mexico by the revolution
ary disturbances, recently vvrotp to Col.
lloosevelt and (Sow Woodrow Wilson
reviewing; the situation In that country
and propounding tho question: "t'pnii
becoming President of the United Slates
what will be your attitude toward Me
Ico?" He has received this renlv from
Walter Measday, assistant secretary of
Gov. Wilson:
Your very intniestlng letter to Um.
Wilson received lie asks that I thank you
most slncetelv for It, but states that Inas
much as the number nf lenlirsls similar
to yours Is an gient, he has found It nccrs-
saiy to r ply only In Ills public uttci-
mci's. If you tend carefully the news
paper reports of nddtesses that he h.n
made, nnd will innUe, you will find therein
contained his attitude upon the mntteis
ill question.
I hope that you undeistnnd fully the
pressure which makes such a stand neces
sary. It gives mn pleasuie In enclose
you a copy of tjov. Wilson's sn"ech of
acceptance In which, 1 am sure ou will
nnd a er.v clear stntcmojfu as to his
altltuile it i xiii one
lions you ask.
' .. f .
nf the cuc-
From Iloosevelt's enmpntgn hratlquar
teis Mr. McGceney received this letter,
signed by George K. Itoosevelt:
Col. Itoosevelt had already left on Ins
Western cumpnlgu trip when your letter
of August 31 arrived, I am at ptesent
In charge of his mall and I havo looked
up your letter of August 14
As you know. Col, Itoosevelt stands
for absolute justice, to nil Ainetlcan cln
sens nnd his past actions indicate fulls
that he would be Jpst the man tn deal
with the main situation. You say "Hi
gnrdless of politics or creed wo will sup
port the man who will give us justice
nnd who will handle the main iilluailni.
In a pmper manner." anil I can assure yrui
thnt Col. Itoosevelt would not only do
his best to accomplish both of these things
but that, us I have said, his past iccom)
and experience tit him peculiarly to han
dle, the situations which you speak of
ii o.v.i.v HEA ts at.';a EX II MM .
Obtain Viiluiililp AlniLnn Clntius
Which They Wnntod.
IniTsKoo, Alaska, Oct. 13. Airs. Freil
Carter of Flat City has slipped ono over
on the UugKcnhelms, who havo been
purchasing available dredging ground
of Idltarod camp.
Yukon gold attorneys havo necn nego
tiating with Jim Muchler for his Inter
ests in certain Flat Creek Association
c lalitM. No understanding had been
reached. Muchlor held out for I"'"""
than ,ie Guggcnhclms would Kl"
w. n Mm, Carter stepped i) and p.ud
him the sum asked, It Is usijertcd thai
the c;ii"s-.,'cii,w arc chagrined, for n
Muchler property Is necihfl If tlnv
would finish dredging their Hat Crk.

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