OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, January 24, 1913, Image 6

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Tells Kneliuiil Tlnit Request
i'nv Ailiiliiilinn Is 1
i reiiiiiiiire.
Proposes Joint Commission
of Inquiry as Tuft
tki:atii:s aim: iumtsskd
SrciTt.ii'v MiMurrcrs With Knir-
ImiiiI's IntoriMTtiitiiMi of
tA ir-tiivmix, .Ian -The reply of
Ihf I nitrd States to tin- lsrltlsli nolo of
protest against the Panama I'nnnl net
sj made public b Sot rrt.u y Knox to
night, siuni.tancou.sly with the trans
mission of tin not" to thr Ihlllsh Pat
llatnont b Sli lalward CJioy, Minister
for I'otclgn Affaiis.
The ti'ito tli clarcs (if 11.9 outset Unit
tlto I'nitril States (Jox rcnmont dis
agree., with ihc Hiiush Intrrprot.itlon of
llio (.'lj,t.in-ltulwrr and Hal -Pumice-foto
treaties, but discussion of this im
poriant jilt;i.- of the outiiinxersy is re
solved by Secretary Kno for another
With ii"prti to Sir I.'iluard Gre's
MUKotliou that th. Pan. una dispute bo
niilunllt. il to arbitration, tf tin- fallal art
be noi repealed, Societtiry Knox holds
that siirh a proposal s pieiuature. .Mr.
Knox basis ttilK l'v on the ground that
iiio.it I'.tltain complains only of some
thing that possibly niav happon nmt also
that aibltratlon should not b. resorted
to until th" two (iiiwrnmrntt bate
lulled to sett.o by diplomatic negotiation
ui matter of dispute between thoni.
Tho inmt Int. testing feature, how
eter, i Mr. Knox's pirpasul that all
facts In th'-cu-e which inn) tontlnue to
te th.. taufe ot a difioicnco of opinion
le referred for lnesilgutl,in ami report
to n Joint high commissi., n of Inquiry
such at wax ptoUdecl for in the recent
general arbitration treaty between the
I'lllted State- and tiretit Itritain, Whlfh
was tatltlrd by the I'nited States Sen
ate In a hop'-let-dy mutilated condition.
i hilriillitn .et i;iiil ,,,
It Is iind"istood that Secretary Kno
was Impelled to make this proposal of
Inx ostlgatlon borue tho arbitration
treaty now In force expires by limitation
on June -l uov II" otters to carry out
his proposal of Inx ostlgatlon by a Joint
high oomjiiissinn either through a spo
elnl agreement or tinder the genci.il ar
bitration recent ratified by the Senate.
In other words, Mr. Kno proposes, In
older to meet t'.ie present emergency, to
fXfhnnpe ratification, .f (Jteat Uritaln
willing, of the ic-main of the genet al
arbitration tteatv which President Taft
sent to the Senate a ar ago and which
cintrged fru'ii tb.it body with most of
Us vital par.s missing.
The Jijeu of it j lint Mgh commission
to Investigate international controver
sies pn Iknin try to Mibmlttlm; them to
arbitration wa t'ie di'tlnctlvn nv
fcHtnro of ilu T.f- arbitration pio
i;ramnn. The ft iu;,. ;. ft thi feature
tintoiit in a :u so f. r as t irovaied for
an Imiulry b t! ' cumntlsslon and fi
mere report on tli- fact- in controv er.'.v.
and thl" is a;- far a- S.-cretary Knox
proH"-en ;.j a, i time.
ubvloii'l.t Mr. Jn ,. hSlurifl that an
lnvotlK.uii)ti of t'a." f.inraeter will re
suit In coat Ira 'I'? (Jre.it llrltatn that
.he ha.i no pr.iiinil fur kioI.iiik arbitra
tion. Seiretaty Knax's presttit propoul
tlon Is iKslmifd tti'iefote to eb-ar the
air. or .it l.att nntrniv down th" point?
at Ist-ue. ! is the tir.-1 practical ap.
plication by bi.u of ,,r.e of the lilt; prln
c!p'i ti.tualne.l in th. sencr.il Taft
trult ration proKiamtiie
mllee hmi l ueerl I .
Stete ) pat tin, n tl i -t.'t ' believe
tliat Secretary Knn. ott'i r will demon
htrate t'.o sun et It . atnl i?mal faith of the
I'nltil Static, it en tlioiiKh this linv.
ertitui'iit lioio's Hint siiiiKi-siions of aibl
nation ate m this time prr mature.
The text of Hie Knox no'.ti is In part
!t follo'.t
It appeals that liner obj.'etloi.K are
MHilo to tie' ptotitti.ns ol the 1'aiaitnn
""aniil act Hrst. that no tolN ate to I...
b lled upnu 'Lips . rented In tl mllfie
tifile of the fint.il Stat.'s. sei nnd. that
H dlnTetioll llP.lls to I..- UHen to the
I'lenldept to il;eninliiute in t i x 1 1 1 j tolw in
fator of iips b li.iiclnc to tne I'tilt.-l
Stiitis ni.il lis rttlzen as aqalnst foreign
"hips, i.ti.l thlnl. that an exenipt'on bus
lMI Itl.lll to tb" i."sels of the Itepilbllo
ol r.inania uit'ter Altlcle 1! of the con.
Million with rati.uiia of 1903.
I 'oll'lllell d III the li'M'IMI older of their
-tut. In. I.I. tile tlaiil objectloil, coming lit
I'll tli.v Is a is teat and cotuplete surprise
to tbU i bit ei nun in Th exemption tin
b r tb it. le .'pplleH onlj to the Oov-
nii i iii t .. -.f ..f I'm. .nil. i and as pan
of tin us, . . niei.t with r.iimiia tiinler
u h'i'li H, e i.-inai ni. i, uili
'111" ' i.ili.'i t oiitalnlniT the eienip
tniM tva- ..t ti. u In IfiOi. atid -.nee thin
vn 'lab. i I... bun mane by tjpat llrltmu
I llil I It Ol.'iieteO With Ftrit iKll llfh's TI.e
I tat -1 bo i ,u, inaty ttltli i.'olfiinbia of lliui;
ii hi pint ..a 'j tl.nt thl ttitr vev r if that
toiii.'.M ttf'i in b" i!len frfii passaicc.
Ilonlil M.oiil Iiilriillmis,
I' l., s l ,'AHs bi supt'OSfd le.
' lot i fitn.'i '. ibat (iif.it liiUatn tn .utiznl
le pieinlf't of tlii v mptai'.M in,,. I. m
i.i, lb of tln-e tlfltta". Ji Is I, ,it lnl'etlll
.l.iiifoie teal the Itiltbh li'iM'illlMi'.t lu
ll, Us to P. u'lihiHt'od as piopos n;; aibl
. t tan. upon the iii,nlun of whi ther or
i. i t th.s piottnon of the ai t Id In conflict
t tih th'' provisions of the llay.l'auiictfi.to
i, nt . .
' oritlderliiB th H-coiiil objection It Is.
- ittii ii-nt to ipioto the lariKuai-'i' of 11,..
' tenia I In tl.e llli'lllol III id Ulll Utt.1l hell to
' . let i i ttbic h he says;
' H s not theitt'oi" necessary to ills
i - tl.' iii'iii v of such disci linlnation im.
'.I ' he fiittloti llll llllse In the i.e.se
if the I'lCMfb (it's dlM'letlon."
It Is I'H ulll citable tllilt tins (Jot I I lilTKnt
iiillld be 1'ipilnd In pay ennui ti,H r,,i
t' .I" ii-.d r,n ttiote, tltiij ,.. .'i,,,,,!
' ' ilma i.ia-i i' n'ei . 'ii, in.iM,
'"I ''"lefiee I- ii',, i, . m,., , j I,,,.
- "' "0 'I" , o, 'I , . .o,,,! 1.
. i im si , ..r in, i i,, a ,i,
Tnkrn ns Aduilsalu,,,
'If tillt nttltomint of Mr Inn,..',
o' protest tliilt "If thu rcoiatwlKu tntiM
Uould lit s,-, rrL'iilatrd 0s b, ina"kelJ
Whether stocks go up or
down SAFETY remains
the prime requisite for
investors. The Guaran
teed Mortgages of the
nre the safest investment
in the world.
RICHARD M. HURD, Prttldtnt
Capital ind Surptut - $8,500,000
rv Ub'ttr SI..N T. IM Monligur St..Bktn.
certain that only bona lldc co.stl!-e
ir.ullc ltloh Is reserved to I'nltnl
States Ves.scls voUld bo benclltril by Mils
exemption, It may be that no objection
could bo In ken," Mr. Knox say.
This Matemont nmy fairly be talien
as an admission that this (iotenunent
may exempt Its ve.ssi Is rtieuKi 1 In tho
o.i-tntse trade from the p.ixtnrnt of te'.ls,
plovtdrd SUell exeuiptloii 1,,.. festri. tf'd to
b"iia tide coajtttlse trallle. , to this
it is miIII. ler.l to mx that .ibtlouslt the
i tilt.il Mates I not to be denied the
ptntei to temlt tolls to Its on n mast
ttise trade because ot a suspicion or a
possibility that the regulations et to
be fraiied luav not ti'tr.'l this rxnnp
tton to bona tide co.itwie tiallh-
The answer to this objection therefor".
p,rt from any question of tieaty Inter-p-etation,
is that It im on ronJeetitre
as to what mn bippeti rather than upon
prnted fa, t and !- not piesent fiie
t!on requiring subinis-loti to arbitration,
is It has riot as et passed box ond the
stufie where It can be protltahly dealt
with bt diplomatic dlscu-sion.
The fame point is rnlsed ntralnst Sir
lalwniM (ir. y s mikki slloti that an
American xcssel may eiie.ice In forclcn
trade as well as coastwise trade, and
thus compete with forcl.cn vessels xvhllo
enjoyiuc the privilege of ftee paasaprj
t'irotiKh the rami. Mr. Knox de
clares this objection talse.s a question
whi'h apatt from treaty Interpretation
depend" upon rtitnro conditions anil
facts not yet ascertained, unil Its sub-tnl.-Ion
to arbitration at thl time would
be premature.
lnrllo of Pntr Toll.
Tak.ns up tlnx HrlUrth x-ontcnttnn
that the art would enable tolls to be
tlveil x hah would not be Jusi and
ciu. table, inasitiucli as sin li tolls xvould
not lake into acoitnt all vessels pasln
throtitth the canal, but only those pay
Ins th" charRos nnd thus Impolitic
tipnn tiotn mule than fair portion of
the t.isf of upkeep of the tuiial, Mr.
Kin s;,x
Tai I i,it et Mil-'nt ttel.etn's the .ippor-
tiiruti of irifi'imlni; the llrltish tb.tern
iu."il that tne tnlls tlxed In the Ihc".-tl-i
t s )'o. lamatloii ale bad upon the
conipufation 'i f.ntli In the n-poit of
I'tof Ktn.'t- !: .l.,!ii'o,i. ;i ooiy t,r tthloli
is fni warded far ibbxeix t" Sir Kduard
ir.o. and that the tells uhlrh ttiil be
paid b Alllerlclli IstXtUe Xes-.'ls. e-
tept tiles.' exempted, ttcle computed in
leteiuuti.iiK the rate fixed by the l'resi
dt Tl.. "eirptien ..f tae coastwise trad
from tt'Js or t',.e nfunil.mt of t.iiu eon
tallied In the .easttttse trade Is llWely ji
subsidy i: ranted bv the I'nited States' to
that Hade aid the lo-s will fail ml. y
Up',11 Ii i i He. Mutes. in in.- sun
xx a c til" l"-s xx Pt tall O'l the I'C'ted
States If the t,,Jl nxed bv 'lie 1'ie,..
dent's pro. lam. it. on on all xess,. iepr
sent b-s than the fair x.ilue of the hej.
xlce rendered, which must nec-ssatilx l
the case for many )wir, and the t'nitd
States will therefore be In the liositlO'.
(if sulisSiiliiliiE or aldtnu not nurel'. fs
own eaastwisr veJsels but feire iprj xes
Ses as Well.
Clhjeel to Xel lnl.
Tne llntisii obj.ctions are nlsiut the
canal act unit hut the tatial ,ut does not
tlx rhe tolls. They Ignore the I'l esldent s
proclamation IKItiir the tolls, xxhbh imts
at iet praetl'-.il'v ail of tl," suppositious
Injustice aril In.'iiuiibtv xxli.eli Sir Kdxxard
(irt filnl.s ni.Rli' i .,u.e the adm.nlstr.t
tlon 'if tin- art and i me. ii,inK xvhlch he
expresses so many and crave fears
Moreover the burden of the complaint
Is not that the canal act will actually In
jure in Its operation ISrltlsh ihlpplnar or
detny rlfhts clnluiid for such shipping
under th" llav-rauncefote treaty, but that
sue 1 Injur:, or d-trueta,ti nn possibly
be the effect thereof, nnd fuitlnr, and
ti'Oi jiarth ul iriy. Sir IMward drey ram
plaln.s fhnt the a-'Jon if l'. turrets fore
shnlows that PonBress or the 1'iesldent
may bereaftei take some aetbui xxhlch
tnntlit tie injurious to Itrltlsh "hipping and
destruotlxe of Its rlttbts under the treaty.
("once. nine th 3 pos'ltiic future Injur
It I- onlx in'i'efsar to say that In the ub
sence of alienation of actu tl or certnlnly
iltipcndlUT Injury there appears tiothlnR
tilfin x htch to base a sound complaint Con
cerniiw the lnfrliicem-nt of ilclits claimed
by r.teit llrltain it miv be remarked that
It xvould of cour-i be Id!" to contend that
('onciess has nut th" power, or that the
I'lesldfiit prop.rly authorl.ed b ("nr.
ciess. inaj not have the power to violate
the terms of th" Ilay-l'aiir.' efot" treaty
in in aspen as i rub- of miiMclpil jxv
(ibvlousif. however, the fait that Coti-n'f-ss
ha ti,,, power to do s,enethlnc con
ti'ai' to th. v.ell'.iK uf Hiltlsh "InpiilnH
or that Citntiess ha" joat. or ma put. Into
tlir Inrals of tl," I'reildent the potter to do
MiieethlicJ contrary to Tltil:h Interc'its
off. rs no Jii't cround for cotniilaii.t.
Time for Action.
U h. n m.'l If complaint I" made l.t
iire.it Ibltaln that the e ffe, t f the jo t
and the pio, lariiatlon tiiKftli' r xtill be to
sublii't llrltish vessels to Inequality of
treatment or to unjin-t ami ln-quitab!o
tolls in contllct xxith the tenio of the Jla.t
I'auncefote tieaty Hn. qu.Mion xxlll lien
be ialsii as to xxhethtt the I'nited State,,
In bound by that tieaty both to take Into
account and to collect tolls from Amctl
can ve-Msiln, imq nlso xfhetlu-r under the
obligations of that U'.'ity llrltish xessels
an. iiitillcd to eiuallt of ti. atr.i nt In all
respeetH XX I til till) Xl'SSfU) Of the United
I'ntll these nbje"tlnns rest upon some,
tlilni; morn substantial than nure posl-
bllltv It Is l,(,t believed that they should
be submitted to arbitration. H Is not now
uiemid necessary thereafter to inter upon
ii i!is. usslori of the vn ws entertained bv
('oi.kiiss nnd b.x tin' President as to the
mniiiiiir; of the I lay-I'aunci foto treaty In
pbttlnii to questions: of fact xebieh hate
not yet iiilsen but may pie-Mblv arise In
the future In coi iieetlon with the iidmin.
If tr. ,ii, n of the a, t under consideration.
It Is ncoKiilzed by this (iuxcrmmnt that
the situutlou ib'tediqied hy the present
discussion may n-qulru an i amlnatlon by
iSreat Uritaln Into the facts. If it should
be: found as a if suit of such un examina
tion on the ptitt of (lre.it Itritain that u
fHirciil.ru of opinion exists Imtttten the
two (iovernmenlM on any of the Important
quistlons of fact, then u situation will
l.avo (.risen xvhlch iu tho opinion of this
(fovernmi'iit could xvlth tidMintuKii be dealt
xxlth by rtfeirlni? tho controversy to n
coiunilsslon of Inquity for exuminatlon
and rei'ort In tho manner provided for
iu th" uriiuttflfd (tt I'll littler, treaty of
AUKUSt 3, 1311, between the I'nited States
and liii-nt lliltiilu.
Thin propohal might he run led out,
should cccni-ion tnise for iidoptlnt; ,
ritla i under a speilai aKreenieiit or under
the uiiiiitiiled ti i ltt i ii tl in treaty above
mention, d If lin-at Ibltaln Is pieparcil to
Join In r.itlf.tliiK that tieaty. whbh tho
I'll led StiittS Is pfepaied to llil.
I 1 , XV ,.l Mreet ,,pt' II of 'I I'll Ki, m- ,
. i i.i s i, 'I : .e iinani'iii i, -xim ami
- , i.el bond qieitiitiuus to 'he closi,
' the in.ii k t. Thu cbisinit quotations, In.
niibiig tho "bid and naked" prices, ttlth
additional pens tniitlrr, are contained also
In Mha-Mpht-Plna! "-urirt Complelo .Final
c(31tlon of Tll EBmW fii;K.' A4vc-
lUslmiilrr llil in I lie
.Mini I niirirecl I'roin
mill licnlcn.
AiTcst of Woiiipii Pix-kcN Murk
Dn.v in (fni'inrnt Work
ers' Tronblo.
Seven men In an nutnniobllo fired
Into n ftroiip of ptirment mriKc sympa
thizers Iu WllllatnsbiirK last eivenlnt,',
seriously Injurlnr? one man and Miirllnn
t riot that wins quelled by a ib-lall of
police after one of thu shootini; ntlto
mobile llder.s had been terribly b iilen.
n. . ... .,,. ... , m .. .,
This xas at Mootr and Motiell s-tects,
In a lu lRhboi hood xxhere many eif tho
strlklni; Kiiiinent xxorkers lt.
nf the "DO or more xxorkers In the
factoly of Samuel I'eck .( Co., lit
and 10 l'ottcst street, between mxty and
clclity Kills have sttii'U to their Jobs.
Tim company has employed the Jjixv
rener Dcteotlvn Afteiicy of VS.i Kast
Txvciity-thlid sttect, accordltiK to tho
poller, to protect thr clrls on tliclr
xay home from xxork. Tho jdan Is to
send men out in automobiles and hate
the machines keep xxlth putties of a
do.cti or more Klrl.s on the street nnd
escort thrin to their homes. koIiik back
to Kot the next batch of 'orkers.
About J o'clock last night an automo
bile bclotiKlnr; to .Joseph l.abattKha of
ClUS Nexv rttecht nvenur. llrooktyu,
anil driven by I'rank Sampson of II' )
West Slxty-becond street. Manhattan,
with seven imsseniters, had loft tl
Samuel V. I'eck fc Co. plant and x.iis
kcopltiK up xxith ten itlrls ho xxere on
the sidewalk When the machine turned
tit Moore and Morrell strcts a demon
stration bcit.in.
Il is a ct'UXded dlsttlct at all times
and the machine drew a hicKer Jam than
the streets their usually have. Moots
xvero heard and some in the crowd
threiitetieil. Then the men iu the ma
u the ma-
chine opened tlte. Two blocks uxvay
xxere aetlni; ("apt. Daniel O'Connor of
the Itrooklyn pn Ice and Detective" Shea,
enroll. Kaufman and I 'lascbettl. Thev
ran to the scene and loucht their xxay
thtouKh the Jam xxlth drnxvn revolvers.
When thev had denied t'l" stne thev
found that a b stander. Jo-eph Mllsteln.
3n eai" o'.d. a rleik. e,f IS", niet sir.et.
xx ho xxas on ins xxav borne, bail beet.
shot throuuh the tick and ihul It-ni.,
mill Wl.son. .me of those in the machine,
'iis on the paxemont badly beaten
Wilson, who cives his address as If."
Itbecl.er Mriot. anil the chaiilYeur vere
arrested. They said they did not kn.'tv
the niime of the others In the auto
mobile. .MINtein was taken to St. Cath
erine's Hospital in a serious condition
Th" police heaid that at least twenix
were Injured during the r.ot. but could
not find any of them.
Mor.; than sixty s'tlkcrs. mostly
tvotnen, raised a ferlous dl.it urbaricc
yesterday at ila. break near the K.irment
factory of Abraham Zimmerman at Kent
aenue and South Eleventh stree t. Will
iamsburg. Annie Glnsbert;. a se enteen-yi-ar-old
striker vlio Hi en at 13.r. Itoerum
street, savagely attacked Kose Ollhes,
13 years old, of 13 Metropolitan avenue.
When Policeman Hlnes ixent to Hose's
aid strikers surrounded him and he was
tanked around and his uniform torn,
lie prodded his assailants with his niKhl
stick and there was a flrtoo scrimmage
rfotns on w-hctijiioro policemen iippeureil.
1'lBht ounK women besides Annie
Olnsberi; and one man xv.is arrested
and all xxero held for a hearlngln the
Manhattan avenue pollen court.
Violence was renewed In front of the
fiKtory of I'eck fx Co, at Myrtle nvn. le
and Suydam stree t. Several policemen
were nttackeil by .strikers. Mary Orat
tlna, a plrkrt, xx'as arrested.
In front of tho K.ust Thimy-ilfth
stteet police station (irazla Atrltl.l. u
Klrl picket, was .irrestcd on the charm"
of Interfering tilth the vorker.s koiiik
Into a factory at 31S ICast Thirty-fifth
stteet. A crowd of strlker.s attempted a
rescue and had nearly drasited tho Klrl
away when several more policemen
came out of the .station and scattet.d
the crowd, making four mure arrests
A striker was arrested after a ruuith
and tumble tight on the charce of brat
Iiik a strike breaker at Twelfth street
and I'r.lversity place. Two others vho
xvete declured by tho cirlke breakers to
have Joined In tho attack managed tn ' Ho riiiini Into the room nnd nskcl
rscape. Nineteen anested strikers his wife to go out xvalklng. She re
were br.iiight before Magistrate Mo-J fused, lie thou drew a revolver 'ind
(Juude In Jefferson Market court on 1 begun to tiro point blank at his wife,
charges of Interfering with and liultnl-I Miss Wmlleld run Into tho dining room
dating workers. Most of them worn
fined from $3 to $10.
While tho recently formed I'nited
Manufacturers, nnd Merchants Associa
tion appeared yesterday to bo anxious,
with tho L'.OUU contractu allied with its
members, to mako a settlement with
their striking employees on men's gar
ments: based on an agreement with the
union thr New York Clothing Trades
Association loalllrmed Its decision to
.stand out for the open shop nnd mi.ko
no settlements with thn union.
The hearing on tho question of con
tinuing the preliminary strike Injunc
tion against picketing was postponed at
thu request of the otllcer.s of the union
to next Monday, before Justice Hen
dricks. So many points were left uncovered
by the general prnlslons nf tho peace
protocol of tho Waist and Drrss Manu
facturers' Association and tho Ladles
Waist and Dressmakers' I'nlon that the
shop chairmen In tho factories and
shops whore these strlkons went to work
have been summoned to attend a moot
ing with the oxecutlvo committee of tho
union this evening In Hennlngton Hall,
In Second street, to utrulghtcn them
Miss Ciertrudo Iiarnum, gcneiai or
Kunlzcr, said that Col. KuumivcH
thtough Miss Anno Hhode.s, one of the
organize of thn International I,adlc
Cbirment Workers' Union had Inter
views yesterday wllh several persons,
regarding tho conditions under xvhlch
thn 'hltn goods xvorkers urn employed.
He was still getting data, she. said, for
tne application tor a legislative com
mission to investigate tho conditions of '
th.s Industiy, which he will ask Senator
Salant to iihike.
Mietlngs of tho representatives of
thn Mhlto goods workers and kimono
anil wrapper makers unions nnd tho
Inti riiatbitliil Kadbs (itirntent Workers
1'nl, m tvi'l be held this fori iinoii to av
ian!,'" for the parade of these striking
ivnrki I'M on Munitiit, li is expci lid that
it confrtoiK ei will In, hrld snon letxvern
ripresentallvrb of thn striking ivhltn
goods workers nnd tho National Cotton
Onods Manufacturers Association, wllh
a view, to aieettlemcnt of tbt strike
PROF. AGASS1Z LEFT $2,130,252.
Ilei,ies of Kltoo.OlMI to Hurt aril
Moot, Worthless s,,,.. .
Slrauur (joiiltiis inn iiecnloil in
ll," aiillll-al ol llio eel lie ol I'lof I"X 1
aiiiler A"assi,. Halt, ml ii.iIiiuiIhI unil
I'.fsiloKtral ex pel t. xv Im xx.n fo soni" vrais !
stipei inletiilciil of I lit- t'alilini't ami lleilu
copper i ii tne-. nip ol ttblili incinl'crs ol
Ids fumily t;n v rich
I'rof. Aisiis-.i'. tell mi ivtnleid M.i.ii.:,;,.,1
but tho iipprniser futiinl ,,,h.hi elinnM of
Mm llavtlioinii Silver unil Iron Mines
Hint fi.poo sluiros eif tho Tctiic.itni-l'obalt
mines, which arc xxortltle'ss. It was lor
lllf! H.I III Of tills U'.OCU t llil t .lllll.lll ltaxv-
tlmrtio iijiiI his (issocmle.s in o nmv em
tt inl In Ihi" 'rdcral court
Malchxl HKiiinst Iho worllilcss Wnw
tliorno stock Is ucblork fd' I,ti.V.i shares
eif Calumet unil lit) la Mock tippraistsl at
lu.'S.n".', ami total sccuritlc vnlmil at.
11,11(1335. They Include) "Jii shares of
'lencral Klccltio Comiativ npiiaUisl al
MI.1,:'.Vi nml i.ihmi ehanv" ol Anierir.in
'ri'lepholio ami 'IVIi'Kr.tph slock xxnilh
Sim.im, Ho had I,iki mIiiiii's ol lli.j
I'oiiistiiclv Tunnel t'omputiv xalueil
J.'ll, lltlll III the list of W(U'tlllis .t. .-I.S)
weto i.oiki shaic.s of ( iiiiq iitda Mclndur
'cie.il .Mcxicanu .V shan-s Siiiiiiiihh
iioiiinK. .iHcnmc i 'iinputiv nml 1 i r-ni le.s
i,,.,,,. W(,(,,,,n Mills ('onitmuy II- had
btmsliuresof th" t'enltul ami South Amen-
can Ti'lrtihi'tio l'ointanv ami hail SI.'ul.V"
cash In banks. Ho iliod at Ncxvptitt on
March '.;. Kilo.
I'rof. A cansi;; cae easli bequests of
Knn.unu to Ilatvar.l ami iu inldilinn nav,"
til" tlnivoiy all Ills microscopes, lenses
ami books on natural hitoty. uetiloify
ami scientific subjects, lie' .'no his
books on rnallirmalics. rliemislrv nml
physics to th" lixvrenro Scieutlllc rfrhool,
of xvhieli ho xva, an nliimnus
One bequest of $liil.(Kl to llnrviiril is
to bo used for tln general purposes of
llir Museum of (.'ornp.iratir Zoology, of
which ho was curator for maiiv vrats.
'J hi" ither Simi.iKNi is tf) ilciray" tlio e.x-IM-nsr
of publishing reports (;oncernitiK
the rollections broiiKht from tho (le.
ceelent'a expedition lth tlio lllako in
1S77 to l"Ml, the llniteil States I'isheries
Kxpeilitiou on the Mbatross in IMH. tho
Tropical I'licillc KxtN-ditloti on the Alba
tross. IMiil to nioo.and tho laistcni I'acillr
Kxpedition on tho Albatross in nun to
111! la
To his secrrl.iry. KliAiboth H ('lark,
tin- (lereileiit left $:'.i,ii outriitht mill nil
inromo ol Jla.tmii a vcar John Sullivan.
a coachinan. anil .John Connor, a footman,
each receive V.'.oon outrtuht anil the in
come on fil.non The principal of theso
befpi.'sts Kis-s to Harvard All sen'anlM
employcil over ten years j;ct JI.iuki i-ieh
1 In" American xcademv of Arts. Huston
aII1 National Arnilcmv at Washinutnii
n 1 , '',l'" l'"' .Nowiiort Manual
I milium School ati'l (ol. h laboratories
receiii d s:;.'.iioo in a c slicil
The resifluary estati. went in trust to
the lleceilelit three sons, f.eorr,". It .
Maxim anil ltodolpho 1, Aunsiz On tin.
ileath of each son the principal of hjs
share is to b ilivulisl betxt'eell tile stir-
vtvor- anil Harvard 1 niersitv. to be
usoii inr- oricmai researcii.'s in mantle
biology, .oology.
luloont' !)" (mil phys-
ii n ccop.iaphv
I.li'i l l ii'iiin ""hoots. Woman Witli
W li o in Hp K!nipil to .Ici'-
sin 1 .it -st Sjtriii.'.
Wa.i-r ', rmlliati P.oblnson n joung
electili'laii, shot and killed hs" xtlfc
yesterday and then killed himself :u
his home at 410!' P.uk axciiue, near
lSl'd street. The lironx. Pinned on his
coat xvlieti the body xvas lound xxns a
note saying that he had killed his. xvlfc
because of the attentions paid to her
by other men
He named William C Hobson, n
chautTcur in thr ruipiov of tlio Ilullil
Ing Departmeiit, and Hobson xxas hied
by the Coloner us u ntiiterl.il !tn.s.s.
Koblnson and Marian lbso .lohnson
eloped and ivere inarrb-d In liurllngton,
Vt.. on April I", last. T'n y icturned
to he xvlth the bride's patents In the
Park avonur house, vhl"h xva.s made
over Into a two family ilwi lllng. Ap
parently they iveie very happy. Hob
son, w ho drives a inr for th f 1 nspe, tor
P.aldlns of t'." Muildlng Deiartmetit,
and who is an old friend of tho family,
used to take thr young xiifn and hrr
mother out for rides, lloblnson noicr
madu any objection.
Koblnson did not go down to business
jesterday, but bpent the motning talk
ing to his xvifr. In the, afternoon MNs
liisslo Wllltleld, a friend of Mis. Itob
lnson's ciimc to call. She vas in tb"
parlor playing popular nli.s on the
piano xxhile Mis. Itoblnson Nit sexxing.
ltoblHftin xas in the dining room nt tlu
rear of the parlor xxhlstllng tho air.s
as Mlta Wlntleld played.
and Mrs. Itoblnson tried to follow. Itob
lnson xnlked neater, still pulling the
tilgger. In all ho tired live shuts. Three,
of them hit Mrs. Robinson. As she
fill in the dining room nltir-yeat-ol I
John Johnson, Itohlnson's tunlhcr-ln-law,
who had been upstairs xvlth his
mother, ran down and caught hold uf
thu revolver.
"Don't bo afraid,'' i-nlil linbinum to
tho boy. "I won't sdioot you"
Hu took thr revolver from the boy
and run up t-lnlrs, pinned thr note he
hud been vriting In tho dining loom on
his coat, lay down on his bed and shot
himself. Hp was dead when nn ambu
lance from l'ordham Hospital got there.
Ills wife "died Inside nf un hour.
In Urn nolo ho Hit and xvhlch he
signed "A Heartbroken Husband" Itob
lnson said that ho had been meditating
the deed for some tlin. Ho t-ald that
his 1'll'u hud been going out xvlth other
men nnd with Hobson In particular.
Hubson as soon as hu heard of thu
shooting xxrnt to tho Itoblnson house,
'hetr" Coroner llealy talked xvlth him
and then held lum as a xvitness In J ",000
ball.' Ho told the Coroner that ho hiJJ
had no relations with Mrs, Itoblnson
other thnn those of a friend, ami he 'iis
borne out In this by thu dead woman's
mother unil relatives.
niahnp flur lie Did Mnkr MUtnkr,
I, i, I llccllflcd II,
Pitli.AMtM'iilA, Jan. 13 lllsltop Ithhie-
landir iitinounceil lo-itay that the un-
1 1 l,i,r ,.e Mfl'.ut 11,11-,,,., Mo,ll,.,,,H
f,,nn ly rector of St. Mark's Chmcli lure.'
is legal, as on .lanuaiy T, sex rial days
after ho had unfiockiil .Mr. Mot tinier, lie
had discolored his mistaken piociduro and
hud comuiuuli'utcil xx t III tho ineuiht'ts of
tlte standing i nuuiiltlce of this diocese.
Ilishop llhlnuliiniler utilnii keil Ur, .Mor
tinier uiidor a canou of the iliurch which
until 1 007 gave to the Ilishop thn i iglit
to unfrock n priest so long ns the pioccit
lire was xvltnessed by two priests. Thu
canou was aiia'iid.-d 111 1 3 ,1 T
He said that attention hail been called
tn his error and that lie had obtained
thn Indorsement of Ids notion by u ma
jority of tlio ineinliets of the otandlnA
cummltu. it)
STAMP BROKERS HERE!0'"" of the Atl0"tic
Iti',' Truffle Tlironlioiil
ley Ifeveiileil liv I'os) uf-
fiie Slenlli"i.
Xe Vork Tomrre'ssmnii nnd Kv
heputy roliee Coiiiiiiissioner
1 in )I ien ted.
Wisiiimiton', .Tan. 13.- Iteports ic
crivrd to-day by l'ostttHUstcr-tifnernl
Hitchcock Hum Inspectors, who hiivu
at i been Invest Icatlni; thu sale of ponttiKo
stamps nl a dhicounl by stamp brokers
show that thr llli'irul tratlickluk' ill such
slumps h.i.s been cotuluctrd on n trt-
lllrtllloun M'llle.
The first of a seties of Inillrltnents re
sulting from tin, liivrstlKatlou wits nb
talneil yesterday In Nexv i'otk by Dis
till t Attorney Whitman.
The icpot't says that home time ago
a Congressman and nn rx-Dcputy Police
Commissioner of .Wxv Vork leqtilreil a
Third Ashlslnnt Postmaster to redeem
oxer l.OUU.uOU postal catds for n con
stituent. An investigation shotted that
then, catds ixrre tho pioperty of a
stump htokrr who had bought them by
fraudulent methods.
A statement by the Postmaster's, De
partment says:
Nuui.'ioiis other Indictments are to fol
low Postage stamp frauds against the
(iovernni'iit arid various business boiisis
iiiil'Uliitlnc to humlrids of tbnusatiils of
dollars antiuiill) hate been uiieatthe.) In
New Vork cltx alone, xvheie tlie iiunual
biisiiHss of stamp biokers as estimated
by the liepartmuit amounts to about
In that city there ale twnly so-Cilled
brokers, xx ho purchase postage stamps ut
a discount uua!l. from Du to '.in cents on
a dollar and -"il them to meichiints fiom
!o to '.Ti cents on ., dollar The stolen
stamps aie ohlaliie.1 laig.lf fiom t tills o
bo.s u'ld conllilentlal r'inplotees xxbo em-bf-z?.le
lh"tn 1 1 ulll tl.elr emplojers.
Another source of supply Is from yeng
men xt ho rob post otllce" liy Ingenious
til. thuds these bloUciS bl'lllst to the tit I- 11-
t n ef th' ollh ttot an other cmploxees
"e fnt that thej purcii,ie iincaniellid
stamps, postal tants and invelupi
line stamp biol.ei in Nexv Vork city who
-ells on an average of $3tui to I. turn
tt nth of stamps a day to rneichaut.s has
i n. en
puicliaslng stanips for some time
nil empln.t'e of the State House at
1 fain
i:i, X. V The etniilo.tee has made
'tlf.'s-loll to '.tie post otllte iuspe' .ts
it li" remitted to In- stamp broke' f o'i
., lo $.",ii a xt..;. i,i .-titiips xthl h we
.! a bx him from lie- State. j
The sot.-t,iix of a tuielgn ntllance as-
lallon lucuteil in Chicago confesed that
sullte tlllle he had been stealing i
- ';
imps from the ir-MH-hitloi, niifl Ittiiotbe.
iimg tin -n An i mjiliiiee of a large au-I
."tiobile loticetn In Itidlanapulls hud in 1
, tn. III',"! b". 11 steiiill,,; ftlillips and ill"- I
nosing of thorn slinllarl.
Tli" inspeetni s int cstigathm driloped
1 fa, t that olllce box s by tin; hundred lu
i xv Voi I; city bate been einbezzllnif
stamps from their iinploveis ami selling
ihem to those brol.eis xxlu, in turn lesell
to petsons fiotn whom they xverr stolen
One oltlee boy xtbo had been stealing
alKiut Sllu worth of staiutis a week I'roin
his euiphixor unil said he was selling them
to Hlebnrd I'rederleks. Indicted lu New
York lestrrday, received n promotion last
rummer from $8 to 110 a xteek. ll
then Informed I'rederleks, he says, that
the promotion would leinovn the opji.
tunlty for securing stamps, xvhereupon
I'rederleks ndxlsoil lilm to tai.e a vacation
nnd on his return deceive Ids enmlover
by ntnklnn the statement that his doctor!
had adxlsed htm that he must have out
door "work and he probably would be
restored to bis former position. lb'!
followed this iidtlce, xtas respited to li s I
former place, n tulried tho Im reared salary J
anil renewed bis peculations.
ine broki r ndxertlsed by means of aj
"un i.mled through the rlnanctal dlstr! ! ,
njrlng the noun hour that bu piucliased ,
I'llitteii uticancelli d postcatds. This re
sulted In numerous ulMoe boys Mealing
cards from their emploers and rrlhns
them to him at 3." c-nts a nundnd.
The p-tnte.l portion of tho card was
then dexterously coxeied by tho broker
tilth a thin pleo of paper and leaolri, one
lace 111 in buying' as high as 300.000 a
.tear. This culpable broker during the
Inst two yeais, according to his admission
10 ine inspectors, Font over z.oou.uoo cards,
i large number of xvhlch xxero stolon bv
tho mi xitlho boss from employers. Kxl-
deuce obtained by tlio Inspectors shows
conclusively that the looker knew the
"aids wero ttoe'ii tvlte-i !; purchased
A dealer cniifi'ised that, on t!.o assunip
tlon tlint tb next Pustmafter-Ccneral
would ledeelu tatds nt 75 per cent, of
theli faio value, be was billing them from
.., to .to rents a bundle. I and ut tho pres
ent time had on hainl over half a million
Tin so am but a few of rnaiiv Instance
ttlth whit h tin, Iiepaitment has become
acquainted, not only In the city of New
Votk. Jiut In other large cities. Tho In
dictments uio but the beginning of the
Departments determination to put an end
to trie meglumine) marlo-tiug of slampa
stolen riom cmpioyeis. or liy jcggnien
fiom post olllces
Insprelnrs lieirKe Vexxsstand llnnrr
I'll I it i'linn f IOO I)nll.
Three post otlloe inspecting who hax-e
been nosing about Manhattan for several
months turned over to the District At
torney's otllce yesterday a man who they
say has been the Instigator. Indirectly nt
least, of postage stamp thefts In the
finiuiclal district aiiinuntlng to Hhout 1100
a day. He says he Is Itlchard Fredericks
ami when taken Into cuftody by Deteu
tlvm l'lond and I'lgh of thn District At
torney's staff gave his uddress as Ii7 Van
dam stioet.
lie Is charged xvlth receiving stolen
property and tho post office, Inspeetois,
Tn derlck W Smith. W. K. Kreps nnd
ChailcH J. Kliuel. claim that he hus
Ixniglit stamps (mm olllce boys, lie
maintained an otllco under cover of a
nowsstaud, It Is said. Hu had under his
wing a in wsboy, Irving Hevel, known as
Ir.zy, xx ho kept a foxv papers near 60
Wall stieet nnd helped In buying n.imps.
Sovel iibo Ivan aricsttd.
An oilk'o boy conneried with the firm of
Midler. Mi'i'liini i'o. iidiultted that he
had sold about worth of stamps eveiy
will; for a ear, while another boy em-,
pluxi'd by the American Law Hook Com
pany admitted selling from $9 to $10 lu
stumps a week. They are said to hnvo
received about BO per cent, of tho face
'uliif) of the stamps,
Iitzy was held without ball and 15,000
was asked of Kiedeilcks,
it Cut Oft Son nuil l.rft Kntlre
tale o (rnniUoui,
Sui rugate 1'oxvler refused probate yes
terday to the will of Chilliest Itsnli, who
died on Juno li last, leaving an estate
ml the Wiirtburg Homo for thu Aged
ltd hull in iu Itrooklyn
The iiurrog.ito dc.-i.-iid that the. pio'.Umu
Itholdlng thn estatn from the grand-
hlldnui during minority Is void and that
hn will must bo rejected. Thn estate
cool dl ugly gntu to the son who con
estod IU 4
NEW YORK, January 22tl, l!)in.
77,e TnifUrt, in rnnfnrmity with thr Chmtrr of thr. Cmi))iny, ruhmlt fic oeti, (
rttttrmrnt of tlx njfairii on thr iWnt of Ikrrmbcr, 1!H'J,
7 Vn; ('oi"i"ii'jn liusinrtx his Iftv envjinrd to monnc nnd inland trnntpori i ai
- 1 ;r',ii,''"
' I'leniiuiiii
on Mieh risks from lit I't .lamiart . litis in (lie nii lierr mher till:
v 1'ollrirs mil marl.nl oil IM .laini.xrj, llil:
t n I
I'reii'liin s rmrKril oft fiom .l.inuiri IM.
Inn rest on pie lnt i .ttnrnis f It.e f'litiii.iiii iTifliid ihirlne the er .HCnwi In
Inn rest mi lii-poslts In llaiihs, nnel Trtisl Cominiiiiej, rtr . n.!T.n
Heat Kiil.ed less 'luxes nml llll'iies
l.ofs p.ild rlurlne the year
l.rs- Snltaprs ..
He liisuraiit'cs . .
Mi)'.ii,t .
tteliirrs of Pr'mliims
llipensrs, Inelitilhnr oftiipcs'
adxe-ribrinints, rtq . .
salaries ami Certs'
A dividend ot Inlertxt of S per rent, on the otitxtaaillnir eertlllratcs of prntlts xxlll b" i
the hotfl'rs Iherfof. or tl.elr Iru.xl rrprrspnlntlira, on anil after luril.it, ilir fmirlh uf Iflirn.ui
The out.l.inflli'C eerllflpalrx of tin Issue of IOIIT III lie redeeiiii'l and paid to the holders ifete
nr llirir leiral rPi,ri'M'titatltes, on and after I nrsilai'. the funrii, of rehrmirv next, from which ii
all lnt nst therein vx 111 cea'j 1 he i ritlnenlex to he piinliici il in the lime of pat ineiit nml rnni
. illxlilenil fif 1'nrlx per rent Is drflarel on the Miriif.l hrfinliiiiis of ihe i'o'iiiiti fur Hie
"niirtir .1lt Drreniher. I til" tt tilth ate eniuictl to partli Ipate In illt kleml. fur which, tipu'i ,,li s o
iirtlflralrs will hi- Ifsteil ua nnrt nfier Inesiln.x the si ill, of l.i next
x ill ordrr of the llonnl.
('. STA.VIO.V rl.O D-.IONIJS SeerfM-
i itt's t i:i:
lll.ltlll'ftf I. riltliit.S
SIIN tl' II ni
'i iiniiAs ii iit ninitti
t. i:vis i'ass i.i'.ni aiiii
i ti itus ii t.i:vi:ntcn
(ii:imiit. ii t c
S-lt'lllll.lS I I "ALA! tin
Atnii.K pwi'AsTitnr
J.llES If POSf
.tOHS V IlKl' It
i:hm:st r iii.im
lllt.N'OV It. flllllW V
i.i:iiit(ii; c ( i.wti;
i i.r.vMMM) ti. lnindi:
oit.Mii.it s iii.ih'.iit
tiii'ii.iitn 11 r.w.ntr
1'lltl.lP.X S I'lll.Nlil.tV
I'nitril ita'fs and .State of .New York
bonils .
.N'rtt York Clt) . .New York Trust Com
panies Atitt Il.xnk san Un .
Stocks font tlontls of lullroads
ii1.it serurltles . .
siprrlil IM-tNislts In llanls ixml Tntst
Heal I'state tor Hall ami Mllllntn
Suirts nml lixrhani;? Plate, eon
lalnlnc ultlers
Peal llsiate on htairti Itlamt iliel.l
under protlslons of Chapter M.
I nits nf tM7i
Prenihitn Notes
bills licreliahlf
Cahh In hands of Kuropean Hankers
n, iay losses iirnlrr lmllrles pa ahlw
In fort'hrn countilf s .
Cash In Haul.
'IeniK,rait Intesimefiis
ipa.t Jb..- Jantiar: , ltn.t
rsr.suui ;
T.x.rim on
.'i:.;ivi en
rns.iut :o
l.t.e,;i.s.ti ,i
'llius lexvlncr a bxl.xnee nf
i i ineii lnt"ie.,i i,n liiififls. on ihe tilst fhiy of
uenis one imi Ji-rrui'i on iih- aisi ,iaj nr iieirmiji'r, nnr, Hinnunteii to -r,,i,vs, i,,
lit- insin.-iriie due ur .ncnied. In romp.intes auihurlreil In New X ori., nn the list iltiy nf
lieit-mln'r. IHI nninunteil to UTjaoar,
I nexphi'd re ins'irxnis- premliitns tut the jui ti.ij ,,f iii-remlnr nil", .xnuniriii'd to 47.1Vi u
.X'elr' 'Ihe Insuraiire Hepannii'iit has i-fttltiiatril ihe teilnn nr ihe Itevil l:iaie ruiiier M'all
nnd William stireti- mid Kxehaiiice Plnre In eicess uf die 11.,, I'.ilne nit en idiot e, ai 4oO,&73 in.
lint ihe jiii.p.Tti at stiitcn Island In excess nf the lu.uk Yalne. at t-.Ti xi
'Ihe MniUi'l alue uf .stocks, lloti'ls anil other Securblfs on Hie 'list tl.it; of Dereinher
tlltr, rXisTiled ttie Cnniialiy's xnluatlnl! lo l.a9i.0;7xl
On Ihe to si set these Incirasrd xnluallnnt the hnlanir would h . iMnn
The Provident
Fourth Avenue, cor. 35th Street.
Eldridge St., cor. Rivinglcn St.
Seventh Ave., bet. 48tb ti 49th St.
Lexington Ave., cor. U4th St.
Grand St., cor. Clinton St.
East 72d St., bet. Lexington id Avcs.
East Houston St., cor. Essex St.
lMn from SI to tl.OOO
pledge of personal proper!.
Collf't'tioii of the
Will T5e Aiiolioiiotl
This Spriiifr.
Hoiiit'r Mnrtin's
A10t"Cl Ullinrr
li Wyanls, (5 Winslnw
Homers in It.
im top of tho excitement generated
by tlio McMillin art salo comes nn an
noiincemeiit this morning of th" sa!e
of tho W. T. Kx-ans collection of American
paintings, which has been authorized
by Mr. Kirby of tho American Art As
sociation No sale in years has aroused so much
feeling us thu olio that ended ltiht night
in tho I'luza Hotel, and tlio chief Interest
to tho audiences, which each night in
cluded all tlie experts in tho country
or their ngents, has been the disposition
of the American "classics," Inness, Mar
tin nnd Wyant. Tho excitement grow
cumulativi) as tho sale prooecnled, and
tho general satisfaction was unbounded
when at tho Wednesday night session
two Wyants sold for $12,000 each and an
Inness for I16.S00, hithrrto unprpcedented
prices for American pictures at auction.
Xot only that, but uew American names
were added to tho list of painters to com
mand good prices
T , i I. I
I. hraticis Murphy s
ciuivas vus greeted by a round of applause
ut its np)iranco and sout lor ii,:oo.
Hanger, Itlx, William Keith, Ochtman,
Church, all sold well o-er $1,000 and n
Hubert Minor fetched $'.' loo.
Now the Kvnns (Jallery Is even more
characteristically American than the
MrMillin collection, tor
Mr. Kvihm has been an
coiiecior. ins ursi. coiiecuoii wasiormeu
about ISSa una conslsitst exclusively of
foreign works', this collection ho sold
titiblielr in mini nnd then hornn collectlne
' . - . ... .
the works of American artists unci mio-
creeled lu forming an important gathering
of representati-e xxorks of Amrriea's
lic.-t genre and lundsrape pnintem.
As chnlrtnun of tho art committee of the
Lotos Club and a member of variousar
tlstio clubs Mr. F.vans betvituo intimnte
with nnd cultivated tho friendship 0r
the "rising" as well as the artist xvho
had "arrived." Many a painter now of
middlu ago and firmly established in repu
tation and iu famous collections can traco
back his llrst succtiss to M'lling u iiicturo
to WlULiin T Kvaiis,
1.. nuul XI .. I."......., 1 ..l. .1. . i, . ..
..ns, .... . .......r. ...... mo, ,uo noseveii
Manor at Montclnir, N J It xvas xvhile
hero, having utnplo himoo for many nio
turi's, that ho formed his extrusive, col
lection. Hinoo then, Mr. Ex-uus's family
having grown smaller, his children mar
rj'ii'K. he has sold the estate, Ho means
to occupy u much smaller house, the
proper housing of the pictures is precluded
and consequently an unrestricted piibliu
Halo has lieen ordered which is certain
to make fienli art liislory
A ijortion of Iho collection is now on
view in lialtimore at thn Mnrvlanrf tn
Btitute nnd In onusinor as nxunli tlr k.u
aa the high prion of Wyanu and lnnesaea
baa is Naur York tbia wak. Th BalU-
Mutual Insurance Company
I'n2. to l)finihcr 3tM. Ifi'l
I'in.ii'i7.;s Oe.ir.t n
i.I'M.fi? it
Iti7.jnt 71
1 1 til
Til. I".
.vo.rvi "l
lompciiMXtlon, Matlnner.
r-ti rit.is m en rr
mi.i.xs h. pitiTi
i.hiiiui: w i;i'tviAiiti
XN'IOX , imvi:.n
mux .i itihim
init'iibAS itiintxsiiv
ini.i.twi .r.w sriur.rrn.iN
i it.i.i,i .si.iu.m:
l.erl'l.s srnit.v
mii.i.mm a srnnw
unoitiii: i:. ti'iiximik
1. . IIHF..X. President.
loicM-.i.irs r.i.nr.Kr. x ne-Pre,ident.
Mil.lKIt MIKIII I'lttsllNS, url l lie.l'rexlelfnl
Illlltl.l'.S i:. I'll, net Vlie.lTrslelriil.
,IOII II. ,IIIM;s MDtUIII, 40, I lre-rtelflenl
I Ms.tllt.ll IKS.
I Itsttmated bosses, nrul 1jsses Cn
670110 m settled In prot ess ,,f Ailjnsiiiient
, Prenil ints on t'niermluateil Itlsks
;a; nv
sic ;x
, leitlilcaies of PioHs ami Ituerr.st
t'n na III
lletiirn Premhnrs I npald
llrserte fur 'I nxi s
lie Insmani-e Pienilnms
i laltns nut seturil. lufiuittnix Cnm
t'ensatlo-i. etc
Certl'lrnirs of Pintlis Onlered Me
deemed, wlthh'lit fur t'lipnl'l Pie
("erilfirates of Protlts Outstanding
.. 2,an.l,e,e
liereniher. int.. auiouniril lo 4u.Nni .i
Loan Society
Courtlandt Ax'c, cor MSth St.
Cirahnm Ave, cor. Dcbcvolse St.
Pitkin Ave, cor. Rockaway Ave.
One per cent. (Ii) per month or
fraction thereof.
One-half rxr cent. (' jrr) charged
upon loans repaid xiithin two weeks
from date of moklntj.
I more .Sim called it "the, boat in tho Amntl
can school, (mrticul irly ns rrgardsland.
'scniirs. To thos whrsr rye for art is not
abo'p lxing iufluonond bv tho Rlamour ot
Hold imdoubtoilly the prizo of tho collec
tion will U considiirisl the 'Mussl (l.ith
orors,' by Hornrr I). Martin. This, it ii
said, cost Mr l.x-atis tho round sum of
: fju.noi) It is ttiongly suggestive of
Millet, but has a sombronrss of ton.
i'lireo oiihanU carlxsi in dark huexl
( clothing aio IsjndinK their lacks on tho
Is'.ich in search of museols; in tho middle
(listjneo is a high, crumbling bank with
' dull sky."
i no collection numbers upward of two
1 hundred examnles nnd inrluels six im
, portant oxaniples of ('norge, Inneas, nines
JIKC'OHDS "e" "xnniplns of A H Vtyarit, eight by
Homer Martin, huventoen hy It. A. Iilaliw
iock, n-o uy uoeini'V llunco. four by
('hnrles Melvillo Dowry, il-e by Kresierlclt
- i (Uiirch.sl.xbyWiiislowHomrr. threo br
' Homer, thnsx hy
bx- 'I'hoimiH Vl'
.iiinn ui rargo, tnrro hv 'l hotiins "V
j Dovinc, thri'ii by t'hilde Ilansam. flv Iit
I UoU'it C. Minor unil six by J. l'iiir:is
j In addition to Mr. Kvans's collection of
American paintings thrro will Ihi sold
his collection of etchings and drawinps
uy ccioiiraicci loreigu anil Amrrlr.m
artists, including tvcnty-sovcn etchings
by Whistler, mostly his Venetian series
and including n very lino impression i f
tho "Nocturne Palaces"; fifteen bv Sm
motir Hadrn. six by Charles A. Pla'tt aid
a number by lVnnell and other Americar!
and foreign etchers.
While a definite date has not lieen set
for tho Rile, it xvill proliablv take plam of.
or nbout the first of April in tlio gnitiiJ
ballroom of the Pl7j, previous to which
the paintings will lie exhibited nt the
Amoricnn Art (nilleries, Madison Squats
Conn Hold Hi- Is Not lu I'll Condi
tion tn Trr Ilnllrond rases.
Tho Federal drain! Jury emnanelb'd r.
cently to resume tho railroad Inquiry
begun by the body ivhlch Indicted Mellm,
Chamberlln and Smlthers, will h.ne to
-...(l.tOttU llu ,nl. ..I..... t I...I r. A
...... u . . , niuvin citui , lllfllll.-U us .-,
f the members. James .1. Soil,,, of Ml
;West Ktftleth street, xvas yesterday ill-
charged for rnteiing tho urand Jury
room In an unlit condition.
After fimltll wiui discharged the ne-tf
Jury, which now hus only twenty-two mem-
ners, usieneu to the testimony of X. K,
Dugan. iirlvnte secretary to President Men
in inan tne ice-i-rcsiueiu .1. .xtiiruocK or ir.n
many yean , Southern New Knglatid Hallway Comem .
liulefntlr-nblo lW' ('' 1,1,1,3 of tne I'Ubllc Servlco Corn
liutefatigablo n0n of nhoJc ,Mnt)(1 A .j, (.nr!..
h'n: Vice-President .1. f, Murdoch of thn
secretary of the New Haven Itnllroafl
, Nicholas Klnselln. private erretary to
rresldent Chamberlln of thn Grand Truns,
"nil A. J. Itlch, euncral solicitor of tfc
. Itniitnn
Hoston end Mulne.
Shampooing this Way
is Genuine Pleasure
"Tho timo Iiuh liissisj wJicn von
Kivo over half u day to a mussy. tins,
isfactory Bhnmpoo,'' writes Mis i
Mtirtyn, authority on beauty, "and '
limtiulfl of freiltlir frt ,1m l,,i ir, Iriiuiir Ml
. r. !".. '." ...'' '
noriortiis this toilet tttiictlon in her on
lionio, taking; but a few minutes nnd ( -
tuiiuiig inr more Hatisliictory resiiUs
"A teaspoonfiil of cuntliroi dissolve I
in a cup of hot Milter niukeri millicio.'''
itiixtiiro for u doliglitl'iilly Hootlnn? ai 1
eleJiiiHiiiK Bliampoo. This iniikes n no, .
whito lather that ilissolvcs all dust .it'l
tlundruff, neutralizes excesH oil tt' I
rleanaeH every Btrand of lutir. JtliiMin?
Icavea hair and Bcalp itnitmculatc!..'
clean and promotes a healthy condiUo'i
in both, with cantlirox phamfxios a
luxuriant growth of glossy hair, richly
leautlful in its natural tint, is rcrtulu to
be the .legacy of every woman." . , i

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