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I immmmmm NHS V ne cy go T' off J i ii iinnfi- MniiDtir m r i tt r.r i n otiiimiiniii - -- ...... . ITTLE KNOWN STORY OF A TRAITOR IN m ow Acting Master Daniel a Portion of Gunboat Fleet in the Mississippi River in That it would be a profitable speculation or the Coufediracy to buy xomc 0 the Union gunboats stationed on the Mississippi was a proposition submithd to Jefferson Davis. This attempted treason of an o(ieer of the Union Xary forma a little known incident of the ciril war. The story is told in official letters. B7 GUN. MAIICUS J. WHIGIIT. I THE attempted sale by Acting Master Daniel W. Glenney of the United States navy of a portion of the gunboat Meet in T the Mississippi River to the ' . ... . . (DC. I ,. Confederate autnoruies in aiay, not generally known. The correspond ence which follows gives all details which are obtainable. On the 7th of May, 1&C3, John J. Pet tus, Governor of Mississippi, addressed a letter from Jackson to Jefferson avis as follows: Mr. I'uesiiiknt: Allow me to consult you on a matter we deem of great in terest. "A private citizen unconnected with the army some four weeks ago con reived the plan of buying out a consid erable portion of the enemy's gunboat Meet. He consulted the Hon. Jacob Thompson In the premises, by whom he was urged to open the negotiations through a suitable agent, with an ns urance that the Government would Approve and Indorse the project. The gentleman then procured a shrewd polit ical man, of character nnd property, whose proximity to the fleet gave him unusual facilities for success. Ti,n lofritintlrinu linvi nun' become '"so far perfected that we arc Informed tlx boats, all north of VIcksburg and iouth of Memphis, can be had for a consideration not exceeding one-half or twu-thlrds original cost, Tho boats will 'e delivered at the muuth of the White River, with all their equipments and t rrmaments. i ." "The condition of success now is the Government's Indorsement nnd the money with which to pay. Confederate noney will not answer tho purpose; it -nust be cither specie or sterling ex- .-f hange. It will require. alout $1,000,000 fi .o complete the purchase. It must be II lone at the earliest practicable moment. I . . . n.l.c... I r. the. n il vti n til I rt.a (n ,iur cause of such arrangement. Wo ivould capture north of VIcksburg ten 'mes the value of the boats. "In connection with this scheme Is : nother of scarcely less Importance, Vought to my notice by tho same gen eman and Intrusted to the same agent. The post of Helenn, tho richest in tores of any on this continent, perhaps, rdnance, Ac, can be bought out at one tenth its value, with which tho de irtment of Gen. K. K. Smith could be "urnlshed with arms, &c. If you ap' rovo the plan please include Helena ,'llh the boats, and give us by telegraph h' knowledge of your Indorsement In i?rtaln words; say, plan approved. "General Pemberton, tho Confederate -easurer, Mr. DeBow and others might le ordered In general terms to confer mit yp- x V. Glenney of United May, 1863, to Confederacy with me and furnish all facilities to ac complish an understood purpose. There must not be delay or all may be frus trated. We ought not, of course, to be restricted much as to reasonable terms or sums of money. General Parsons of Missouri, with a good command, Is now encamped a few miles west of Helena, and could cooperate with the boats on the river in the bloodless capture of Helena. "Awaiting your earliest advices and begging to urge prompt action, I beg to subscribe," &c. President Davis on tho back of this letter wrote, "Confidential letter of Gov ernor Pettus." The record shows nothing further of the proposed transaction until June 24, when a despatch from Governor Pettus was sent .o Mr. Davis. Tho despatch shows that Mr. Mallory, the Secretary of tho Navy, had not approved of tho plan, and that Mr. Davis had forwarded a copy of the Secretary's letter to Gov ernor Pettus. To this Governor Pettus replied: "To tho President: The plan pro posed and submitted to you In my letter 7th of May Is embarrassed and may fall by reasons of Instructions given by the Secretary of the Navy. No Illusions made to Helena. "In these Instructions give if possible to Gen. Johnston a wide discretion In the uso of this fund, embracing tho pur chase of boats, destructions of trans ports nnu securing of Helena. "Gen. Johnston nnd I are more familiar with circumstances surround ing the matter than Secretary Mallory. We nro willing to tnko tho respon sibility of the disbursement. Tho de tails of tho transaction cannot bo wisely prescribed by the Secretary without n mure thorough knowledge of all tho clr. cumstances." Tho proposed purchnso of tho stores, Sc.. ut Helena failed, but as to tho negotiations for tho purchase of the United States gunboat Rattler and Its results the following correspondence will explain: "U. 8. R. Ratti-kr, Sept. C, 1864. "Sm: It Is with deep regret that I mako the following report: "Receiving Information that two Con federate olllcers were stopping at tho house of one Mr, James, which Is a short distance from this vessel on the bank of tho river, I resolved to mako an effort to capture them. On the night of the 4th Instant at about 8 o'clock an officer left the vessel In the cutter with twenty-two men nnd landed on the shore abreast of tho vessel. Two negroes who wero left in charge of the boat were attacked by the enemy and killed. "The officer In charge of the expedi tion had nearly accomplished this mis THE Gen. Grant at Chattanooga. From the Painting States Navy Tried to Sell sion, when hearing the discharge of musketry he immediately started for this vessel nnd suddenly fell Into an ambuscade of about 600 of the enemy: my men being completely surrounded, were obliged to surrender. The guns of this vessel covered the parties dur ing the whole time, but It was not prudent to tire, ns we were In danger of killing our own men. "In the meantime the enemy had manned the cutter and proceeded to capture this vessel, and when along side became Intimidated and started with all speed down the river. In the meantime 1 had slipped cable, but it was useless to chase the boat, as It had become lost to us In the darkness. I headed slowly up the river, keeping close of the bank, nnd was o fortunate as to pick up my officer nnd two of the men, who had escaped after they had surrendered to the enemy. "I am painfully conscious I have been the victim of negro duplicity by trust ing In their apparently truthful stories, which has been the cause of this un fortunate disaster. I have no excuse to offer In vindication of myself, and If I have erred it has been with the in tention of benefiting the good cause we are nil mutually engaged In. I re covered twenty white men by despatch boat, who were the ones captured. "In conclusion I would respectfully state that to-morrow I shall endeavor to recover my men,, even if I am obliged to give myself a ransom for them. I should undoubtedly have been with them now if Illness had not pre vented my so doing. I nm, very re spectfully, sir, your obedient servant, "Daniel W. Gi.ennev, "Acting Master Commanding. "Lieut. Thomas O, Selfrldge, com manding U. S. S. Vindicator and Fifth District. "P. 8. The thirteen boxes of to bacco which I captured I shall ssnd to Cairo by the despatch boat." . "U. S. 8. Rattler, Sept. C, 'CI, "Sir: In my despatch to you of the uth Instant 1 gave an account of tho capturo of a number of men by the enemy under the command of ono Col onel Isnne V. Harrison. "Yesterd.-iv I tirnreel(l r iir. on.v... of the enemy, had nu interview with the commanding officer and procured the release on their parole of honor not to bear arms ngalnst tho Confederate nnthnrttlen until ni-nneriv vniinm.n,i t am, very respectfully sir, your obedient servant, Daniel W. Olennev, "Acting Master Commanding. . "Lieut. Thomas O. Selfrldge, com manding U. 8. 8. Vindicator and Fifth district. "P. 8, I would respectfully mention that threo Colt's naval revolvers and seventeen Knfleld rifles were captured Respectfully, D. W. Glknnkv." 'U, 8. S. Vindicator, Fifth District, "September 7, J864. "Sir: Your surprise at the capture of the Rattler's men will not be greater than mine upon Capt. Glenney present- SUN, SUNDAY, APRIL 6, Ihi' lilnii'lf In mo List pvonlnir: sur- !'rlECda,s muc at the !ntoinKome or vc.sel without permission and come down to me. 'Some weeks npo Capt. Olennoy went out lck of St. Joseph with n party from the Ueiiton, and narrowly escaped capture. When I learned of It 1 told him positively that 1 wished him to confine himself to the vessel and not to send parties ashore. It would seem to me a plan laid to entrap him, the story of the necroes that there were to be officers, at Mr. James's house that evening, nnd the Improbability of there belns such a larpe force close to the banks of the river at that time of nUht without a reason. Unhappily their plans worked very well. "The party sent ashore were raw re cruits, and in charge only of an engi neer that escaped. The strangest part of the story is that the enemy went off In the Hauler's cutter to capture her. They were only discovered when within musket range, nnd, hut for an accident, would have been on board of her. Capt. Glenney states that he immediately slipped, but lost eight of her and she escaped. As the night was bright and starlight It would seem to show that there must have been great confusion and excitement on the Rattler. "Capt. Olenney the next day went some twenty miles In the .ountry, un attended, to seek an interview with Coi. Harrison, who Anally consented to release them on parole. Upon after consideration, I will (keep) those pa roled men on the Hattlcr until I learn If there Is any Immediate chance of ef fecting their exchange, If not, I will send them up the first opportunity. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "Thomas O SELFitirxjE, "Lieutenant-Commander. "Rear Admiral David D. I'orter, Com manding Miss. Squadron." "U. S, S. RATTLKn, "Miss, River, Nov. 4, 1864. "Sin: It becomes my duty to inform you of the desertion of tho exectitlvo ofilcer of this vessel, Acting Knslgn P. Nellls, nnd of tho escape of Act ing Master D. W. Glenney. Sentries wero placed at each door of tho room In which Acting Master Glenney was confined and all precautions taken as usual. "They probably left the vessel be uvi.,n Mm iinnm nf 11 an,l 12 P. M. In In skiff which was on tho guard. Tho ' olllcer of deck. Acting Knslgn II. C'hurch, reports that ho was relieved , y Mr. Nellls. I am very respectfully, V0"1" obedient servant, "Nl 1,1 Willcts, ' "Acting Mnstrr Commanding. u eutenant-i ommanoer u. Commanding Fifth District, Missis- slppl Squadron." "U. 8. fl; Pittsburo, "Off Rodney, Nov. 5, 1864. "Sir: The Inclosed letter hns Just been handed mo by Acting Second Assistant Engineer W. H. Mitchell of this vessel, with tho request from Captain Glenney that he (Mr. Mitchell) would send It on shore for him. Mr. Mitchell did not send It on shore, as ho knew It was contrary to do so without my permission, and as he knew that I had some letters returned to Captain Olenney a few days before. ' which were addressed to the 1913. by T. de Thulstrup. THE NAVY Gunboat Commanded by Glenney Was to Be Sold for $50,000, but Delivery Failed Through Misunderstanding Attempted Treason and Revenge Told in Official Correspondence same person, ho thought it not worth while to ask me. "After tho Vindicator passed down this P. M from which vessel we learned of the desertion of Captain Glenney, Mr. Mitchell opened the letter nnd. seeing the nature of its contents. Immediately brought It to me. The person to whom the letter Is addressed is a young lady living In the town of Rodney, nnd, ns near as I have been able to learn, is no relation whatever of Captain G.'s. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, "W. R.Hoel, "Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, Com manding. JlLteutcnnnt-Commander IL.L. May, U. S. N Commanding Fifth District Mississippi River." The letter referred to by Mr. Hocl rends as follows: "U. S. S. Rattler, "Wednesday Morning, 10 o'clock. "My Dearest Cousin: Once more I have the pleasure of beholding the pleasant hills of your little town, but alas It is a mournful one, for I nm still In durance vllo nnd with no prospect of an Immediate release. The Insult that has been placed upon me by tho servant of an imbecile Government has sunk deep Into my heart. I now live for one purpose, and that is deep, bitter revenge. "I will sacrifice home, kindred, aye my dearest friends, to accomplish my aim. Like a snake, I will sting when least expected and my name shall bo a terror to every Yankee. The haunts of old ocean are too familiar to mo to fear their fast cruisers, for will not my bonny barque, bo equally as swift? "Do not repronch me, dear cousin, nnd abhor mo ftir my Intentions, but you wish me to bo all confidence with you or else you would not know my future Intentions. There nro other bravo hearts that will sail under my orders who are now serving under Federal Govern ment. "You, who nro tho only being that I claim as a friend, will not, I hope, do splso me. Do not call mo a traitor; remember that I have been true nnd faithful to tho Federals, till they wrong fully abused me, and I have protested ngalnst them forever. We havo come here for tho purposo of getting coal, but ns there Is nono here wo shnll proceed on to Natchez. "I shall expect to get a nlco letter from you on my return. Tear this letter up ns soon as you have read It. Did you get my letter I sent by hand? "Hoping wo may meet again. I remain as over, your nffectlonntn cousin, D, "P. S. Excuse that bad looking blot." The envelope, was addressed, "Miss Winnie Wilcox" or Wllcore. The con clusion of the story Is given Jn the following letters forwarded by Admiral Lee to the Secretary of tho Navy: - "Natchez, November 7. "Sin: Capt. French of the transport Drown had a friend to visit him at VIcksburg (on his last trip down) who was a prisoner at some place back of VIcksburg. While confined one night In a room adjoining one occupied by IN THE rebel olllcers he overheard them dis cussing the case of Glenney. He learned that Glenney was to weaken his crew by allowing his men to bo taken prisoners and then to be over powered by men from shore. He ngreed to cross the rebel army or allow It to cross, for which he was to receive $2,000 In money and 100 bales of cotton. It Is said that he has received the money, but not the cotton. "Respectfully submitted, "It. L. May. "Lieutenant-Commander, commanding Fifth District Mississippi Squad ron." "U. 8. S. Rattler, Oct. 18, 1864. "Friend Randolph: Last evening the merchant steamer Jos. Pierce touched alongside of this vessel and a gentle man who clnlmed to be your brother visited me. On account of existing cir cumstances his wish could not be granted. He was kind enough to send me the following message, to wit, that a rebel deserter was on board the Ronton, who could swear that I had sold my vessel to them. "Cod Is conscious that T nm Innocent of anything wrong, nnd If I have dono a wrong It has been from a desire to servo the good cause that we aro actu ally engaged In. My conscience, dear friend, is ns clear as the noonday suu, hut circumstantial evidence has at times proven stronger thnn posttlvo proof, and such evidence undoubtedly may bo brought against me. "I now wish to recelvo a favor from you, and you will eventually find that I am not unmindful of it. As soon ns you receive this note answer It by first boat up nnd toll me who tho rebel Is that you have. Whether ho Is an o'llcer or a private, what Is his name, when hi did como aboard of you and what the Ktory Is that ho tells. Plenso be candid with mo and you will never re gret it. Let mn know whnt Mr. I.ouud's sentiments are. "I am anxious to get information ns speedily ns possible, as I havo n law yr already engaged who Is In direct communication with me. Tho events nf tho Inst few weeks have made mo nearly broken hearted. I havo been tr'nted unjustly, but I will not com plain, convinced as I nm that an Im partial court will honorably acquit mo (if any wrong. You will excuso me for not going Into nny details at present, but at a favorable opportunity I will tell you all. Hoping to hear from you rnon, I will close, remaining, your friend, Daniel W. Olenney." "U, 8. Navy Off Hurricane Island En closure. U, 8, Steamer Benton, "Natchez, November 7, 1864. "Sin: There Is no doubt about the treachery of Acting Master Glenney. lly tho letter (marked A) It will bo s:rn that he and his friend Nellls es caped from tho steamer Rattler on the 4th Init. I learn that Glenney had much Influence over Nellls, who was young and romantic. I did not know CIVIL WAR Its if their intimacy before, or I would have had Glenney brought to the Ben ton. I ordered him In close arrest when I first came down nnd fnptnin Wllleta thought he could take care of them. "I forwarded two letters from Glcnnejc. (U&C) that present a remarkable con trast one to an Knslgn nf his ship, who handed It to the Captain nt once, and ono to a lady In Rodney, which Is ex plained In Captain Unci's letter (marked D). I have ma'do a memorandum K of a report from the Captain of the Hrown, which goes still further to show the perfidy of the traitor. Glenney was a seafaring man, having been mate of a -Bhlp out of New York. "On the 24th of October Mr. NcHIa sent In his resignation as acting Ensign, In order, ns he says In his letter, to get the appointment of pilot below VIcks burg. Accompanying Is a recommenda tion from the two pilots of the Forest Rose. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servnnt, R. L. May, "Acting Rear Admiral, S. R. Lee, Com manding Mississippi Squadron," All that can be ascertained rela tive to the proposed purchase of the United States gunboat of the Ironclad fleet stationed between Natche". and VIcksburg during 1SC3-4 Is that tho boat was commanded by Captnln Glen ney nnd was to have been sold for $50,000 gold. Arrangements wcr all ngreed upon, but failed when tho de livery was about to be made, through a misunderstanding between Cnpt. Glen ney and tho Confederate com mander, Col. J. F. Hnrrlson of the Third Louisiana Cavalry. Glenney, as beforo shown, was put In Irons, but made his escape, went to New Orleans, and was assisted by the Confedvrates In that city to go to Mexico, and htm not Blnce been heard from. Neutral Water Is Tab' o According to old fishermen thero Is what might bo called neutral ground, or rather neutral water, In rivers, where thcro Is no ubo of trying to make a catch unless It bo that some fool fish with a piscatorial brainstorm snntchea bait llko nn Insano human might grab a red hot Btove. This neutral water is tho part of the river where Its flow encounters -the snllno Impregnation of tho salt water nf t..o bay or ocean into which It finally empties. With tho ebb and tho flow of tho tldo tho Fait wnter of the bay runs up Into tho river for miles, and on tho reverse tho fresh wnter descends several miles again to the bay leading Into the salt sea. Thero Is a midway bctwen the salt and fresh -water points, however, that very seldom shifts. Around this midway shad and blue and other salt water fish, It they visit at all, will hover on tho ocean side. On the fresh water fringe will loiter such fish as Inhabit currents that are devoid of tho saline ingredient. If the fisherman happens to cast bait In this neutral gone he Is not likely to get either one kind or the other. tot its fl 5" nl ftl l- el x- n-l th ial el nil malte