Newspaper Page Text
I n 9 THE WEATHER FORECAST. Fair to-day: unsettled and u'arTntJLto-mor- row; moderate nor.tnwet .K id Derailed neither report Ike four(4l MM.. LXXX. XO. 219. PRlSPlSlO CENTS. NEW YORK, MONDAY, APRIL 7. 1913. - tV)..--.:!,' 1!H. b;i thr Smi rnntt.ijj and J'mMkIiiho Auneiniioti. hi rK u. N x7hw Vv 1 BARNES SAYS SULZER FAILS , ISopuhliciin Chairman Thinks1 Mali' lininistration Is lMsorderly. ri:i.i.s of lit rVhl'IKi ''"' (. rituMo Election Bills and NsniiiiS of Full Crow Act. lit ! !.' I'MFVT I CK HV VI)S Mil 'II..N IS l,.(.K j pp,ik4 of "sham Baltic With Murphy" ami "Schnol hoy Flarenp." w rn ri-.!?, 3r cht.trman t' ihf r..p-t' "n t'" commttttf. reupcnJs tliln ira ' i ?quft trom "Thn un" lo I .f t vi cn th rrefnt Stitf ndrnln- I'-fK-l .. en - nru th ftcti of th DisiO' riu A''"' n t -loa At Albany r.d the I Mr. In Interesting ce'.aJ llfre l. Mr Hirnfi'e uta'emfnt. By William Barnes, Jr. The St'N has axked me to (rive my views on thp present State arimlnlstra icn. 1 am pleased to do so. Th fundamental law of nature Is or der Ai thoro can be no hlshpr or more effective law than that of naturn e4 n orcanlzatlon through covern tnent e a necessity that human being may nnt transcend the rights of others, rfler hecomes the most essential qual- of Rovernment. i-der however. Is the one thine thiit j lav kins at Albany since the Inaugu ration of (low Pulzer, both In thlnklns mil in performance. Tho Governor cponed the legislative spyslon with a iglume of words which have toen Krow :s(t more and more Incoherent as tinio passed, until the climax was reached In his schoolboy flarenp on Wednesday last. There are many specific Instances (' disclose this disorder, which has Teatrd confusion In the State, has -Uted public business and reduced the efftrur.oy of publlo servants. There was the i;oornor'adenjA.riii,vron Sfott. he .superintendent of prison", that he k.ould appoint a warden at Auburn for !M".!rnl roaon In direct violation of k.e la'o prison law. which forbids a Kjrertr.'endent to appoint a warden for I- ' rnl reasons. Ills subsequent re "iival nnd the designation of one of the r n 'ho Cioveriior's office to act lis - ,ir pendent In direct violation of .. . n i ,,f article of the public of ti e's nw. which provides an orderly "eih i for sueepsslon In case of a va an Nthini; I more tlpmorallzlni; i p.hio offife than to have at the 1 ! a man whoso term of office . i're1. who knows that he will e r.Mpp untpil. who wishes to put .vn In order and Is left In i- I ii- on, not knowing what day e i V ii moved. This is the case of n,. ,f ru.. public Service Commissioners .o Sc. nnd Department. Mr. Stevens, eftl.-ient head of the department, 'r - a Itepubllcan anil will not be re- ,n 'mod. Ii still In office, although It 'in r'rd that he ukmdoncd it; Mr. ..' '.L. a whose term of office expired "wn'v iliiys after the opening of the ii e session of 1013. is the other, r ! '.nn of office of pr. Porter, the !.e.r has expired, He know. v. i lef be reappointed, but no sue- r 1 .it been named. The great w ,v department is without a head. ' ' i '.'.n department 1 In charge of - fi .in the Governor's office. There S'.tte Architect. Demoralization .9 w 1 re ligrrglda llliimlrr. 1 mmlttee of Inquiry appointed 'imernor to Investigate the af-i- i-e State has made Its report '.1 ' 1" noil In the startling nnd un- i'' ' '. ml proitosil of Gov. Sulzer a- State should violate Its pledge '1 I o.ders of its bonds by refnsliiB ' - ' , u, lontrlbutf to tho sinking ' i i nd for Interest on the Stute v' Ti,e committee of Inquiry fur "r n analyzing the condition of the -' tunds. mude the egregious ,n stating that, although at the rai.. of contributions to the -n - f t tail, the principal of a $.10,000, .'.ir iNind Issue would accrue t-'.r.e years, the accumulations ' .ii nmount for the nineteen ' Mt the brinds would still havo would amount to "a present" ' nrnition to a future one of ! : " ' The committee failed to ' i nnslderatlon the fact that '" ' that amount mi the out 1 - "nds during those nineteen ( 1 I havo to bo mot by that !.'" ration. Section A of article si.ite Constitution provides '' 'i-'Vi-r the Slate liaH issued a l n I onMlslied a rate of conttibu- " sinking fund to redeem It shall be Irropeallblo. No ' ' 1 .in- i financially honiirable. " '"'Win ir in hi Inaugural staled " " "id to abollHh the Hl.Uo tax, ' ' .in be dotin If tile l.egisla ' t.i levy tlio tax demanded ' 'ii i i itlon to uphold the flnan 1 ' the State. It seems In- hat any Governor of Now .id uggost a of action " uipropcr ' ! -i Insure of the FilSiglbbons ' ' I Ii Mi- I'llzirlbboiis soul nllt ' 'id men prior to eleeilon. stating 1 1", pi nor hud tuomlsed to sign 'l ri w Mil" has disturbed the i tie.itlx. Various defences haw op iliai i in- leller was lifter ' Ii is cot true; that tho Gov - i km w ant thing about lis i w M" h might Ih true, and the Goveiiior did make tho Conflntcii oi nilh Vmje, 'WORLD'S WORK" HITS BRYAN. ' rrlllrl.m Printed In .Maaafliie nt I linicii to (irrnl tlrltaln. Washim-ton. Air!l 6 - piece of edi torial comment In tho current tsue of orMi II rA'. of which Walter H. Page s Ok editor. In which tip-re l - ;; - j - I Mr I'ncn . tn he AnibassA.! c to , llrltain ami the question has ; arisen ns to how the Soil etury of S'.i-.te ' , win now contemplate the naming of l,':'1ll."r ':,K'' to ,nrv" '"'P'Ttan- ,.- ' ln 1 plomat.c service 1 J-poaklnc of the t'alilne:. the U"orW.t It ort sa(i on lt ttret iini;r "Wlion wo rom to the thrfe political i ntiiiii!titi.i..Mf h t...ll it.n.. .. ....ii.i . ...... .1... tinuii-;ii Their rholo. It l-nltltnuti-- provlilod the I (loparttnonii ftitt mti-d to tho" pontlo- mon tin not Minor ! And then thlt ronuu Kablo scntenoo: i ' Thr Stato portfolio th" l'r.'fMont . murit hinisolf hold whnovor important I .oroicn uuiHtlotis come up' In view of tho fact that all tatc- !?ntv I0'-talnlnR " torf-Un poilry have 1 IV. ''-V'V."" ' 1 tlori aI." lionrod from the Whlin Ji ItllCii tllrtfA Id i some disposition to think that the I 1l..t.l. .. . - .. .. ... . """ ii or.' i.ui riami rouii inr'"N. i.iukiu nn u.-iu, i.iiiihk-u nn i prophecy, but who! her See retnry of State Bryan will enjoy having at the premier post In the diploma tie service one of the editor of tho maiizine In which this prophecy appears Is n question which the onlookers In Washington are asklne to-night. II DROWNED IN BARK OFF COAST OF OREGON Crow Betovr Decks When Minn Turns Over After Beino; Pulled Off Beach. Bat CiTr. Ore.. April 6 Nearly all the twenty-two me non the eOrman bark Mitnl ate believed to have been drowned when the vessel, after being pulled off the beach just north of halem Hay last night, turned turtle and sank. Most of the crew were be low at the time and had no chance to escape. The MimI went ashore February 13. After she was drnwn off she floated for two hours. Then, ca-ight In a heavy sea. she careened and sank. Several sen men soon after were seen crawling throimh a hole which they had evidently mnde In her bottom. Thny could have been saved had the life ravins crew been able to reach them, but the sea was running so high that no boat could have lived. When the life saving crew refused to tak out a boat volunteers were enlled for. but the life savers refused to let these men have the boat, as they declared it meant certain death tA en counter s.uch a soa. Whether or not the survltois on tho bark's bottom cm l:ve through tho night is douhtful. as the seas are breaking over the wreck The Ife snvlng crew trieil to-night to shoot a line n or the wreck, but was unsuccessful. The hnste of the wreck ing crew, which hauled the Mlml off the bench, was responsible for tho dis aster Tho vessel should have been anchored but the wreckers decided to take her out On board the MimI were Capt. Charles K. Fisher of the Portland Hnglnoeilng and Construction Company. Capt. W K. Crowe, representing the marine under writers; Capt. Westfnll of the Mlml. I S..eretMl-v ltllskoll,. seven infrlnpr company, and about ten men l of the Mind's ciew. BRANDT TRAILERS LEAVE HLM. Three Warned In Minnesota Tofn and (irt Owl, IJemiiiji, Minn.. April C Three de tectives who havo been watching Foulke K. Hrandt. who was released from prison by Gov. Sulzer of N:W York recently, have been told to leave town. They have departed. The hint was dropped by friends whom Hrandt has made since he found employment In the office of the Crooks ton l.umU'r Company hero. line of the d tectives who came here was named Wood. Ho worked under direction of Hupt. Klngdahl of the I'ln kerton ofiire In St Paul. It Is said Illngdahl worked under Instructions from an Kastern law firm. Wood trailed Hrandt to his work and else, whore. The town got too warm for the sleuth and he left suddenly. He was replaced by a detective named Hergkeller The latter confided his mis sion to a young woman and she told friends of Hrandt. Hergkeller also left town hurriedly. A third detective got a quiet tip nnd accepted It. HIGH SCHOOL FRATERNITIES HIT. (irrrk l.ellrr Men Ailnpt a llmnln lln .tKnlnat Thrm. Ciiii'Aoo. April 6. High school fra ternities received what Is expected to be a crushing blow In the form of n hostile resolution which was adopted last night at it banquet of the Delta Fpsllon Alumni Club nnd representa tives of many other Gteek letter organi zations nt the 1'nlverslty Club. Tho resolution, which was received enthusiastically by the fraternity men who took part In the meeting, said that no national Greek letter body should admit to membership any candidate who has been n member of a high school fraternity. WILSON VISITS THE TUMULTYS. Strolls llrer for n Iloor Wltk lee. rrlirr'i I'amllr. Washington, April 6. President Wil son paid a long visit to his secretury, Joseph P. Tumulty, at tho latter's homo In the northwestern part of the city this afternoon. The President went for n walk, nc- ! compatileil by the While House secret ' service agents, and stopped In nt tho i Tumulty rcsldonco. He remained there Ian hour mid had a satisfactory Inter view with .Mr. and Mrs. Tumulty aim the nix little Tiimultys, all of whom were close friends of his back In New Jersey when ho was Governor and Mr. Tumulty was his secretary. WILD SUNDAY REVEL Xpffroes III (tillllv Whirl With Teneher and Wife nml a Uriuidina of (50. llI'Vnitl-MW IV Til I" C W r II ' 111 .M'HI.HS l. I II h I K Ml , Other l(MH'l' UoOllls CloM'll In Tralimc TrotttMN Nt Out" Plan to Open. .lnt u tho i'lol -tttnU il l.iM op. nine In :ln Trottorlo do Itictanoby a nosro iirofo?"!!:- of tho Toas tommy 5nVe tho toi pilohoivan Jlu Jitfii to tho hol.o ibondan. of tnB hno of ' - '"110 ilU"?!!"1. ohueked her to th foil i ..... ..... ..I ....... A. I l..,.. I from his left arm to Ills rlcht and , loosed a lone howl the hlch ploat of I an nrtlst who know his work wa Rood. J IV,,. !...... Cn...Uv f.iL.t Il.ntlli " ' ', . ' I llll'll' ...III ii tllllllltT-. . I.." .1...,' professor hadn't any more than finished pollshlns the tloor with his woman partner than a well known professor of mathematics In '.his not unknown elty plopped a woman's ho: on the back of his head, announced to all within hoar Inc that he might be late to-day for his class in quadratic equations, but he should worry, and sprang onto t'.nv floor to Imitate with an exceedingly good looking valine woman the daivc Just finished bv the brunette professionals. The young woman was Ids own wlf. Oh, , she was. And as they slid for ward in the first dip. In the fastest and freakiest of all the trots, she sounded a note of caution "Sammy." she murmured. ' I hope 'o goodness this doesn't get to the l'rexy It would give htm heart failure and cost us r. Jl.ilOO Job." Not Hoom Rnooch for .Ml. Whatever lrof. Rmimi' thought about It was lost In the ryncopated Janllns of plHno and banjo and trap drum, but there was no doubt In the world that the 11,500 mathematical Job didn't mean any m or to him yesterday afternoon than a buffalo nickel. The profenor wasn't what you would call an expert in Te.xas Tommying. but he was earnest He was trying to grasp the Idea, All at once the floor was crowded so crowded that French heels scoured the shiny patent leather surfaces of con flicting boots; that ankles became locked and lrls, hearing ominous rips under neath, were heard to Inquire what the reason was for hljfrbjobs, w Ith two left feet trying to dance niiat sometimes an e'.bow punched you It. the ribs so hard you grunted, so crowded In fact that the dancers sepme.1 locked In one embrace, swaving ecstttlcally. There was tho girl that maybe you have seen often along llroadway or in Hotel lobbies waiting for somebody to comn along to buy her a dln.ter She will never see 35 again, but she was dressed as 17 dresses in the Tenderloin. a Hulgnrian blouse, a skirt so tight that one wondered what she wore a I skirt a' all for. nnd silt to the knee. Her catch for the day was a child who looked a If he might have money and who will never, never turn out to be an Intellectual giant. Hut If he was l.nrl mi Intnlllcreuoo he loilir on agility and some of the evolution of the pair would have interested Com I mlssloner Waldo's turkey trot sleuths if they had been working on Sunday. 4 Cm nil ill a line the Trot. Hopping nml prancing, swaying and sliding, was a woman who couldn't have lieen a day less thnn fiO, but she had been following George Marlon's famous maxim concerning the turkey trot, "the more you drink the better you dance ! It." A cocktail and n trot, a cocktail and a trot, a cocktail and a trot, so passed the day. And when M. Andre Hustanoby put on the Marathun Trot, which was thirty minutes of darning without a breather or a C. y. P. (Cold (Juurt Downed). Madam Sixty was footing s ener getically ns any of the chickens. Age must have its little consolations. Nowhere tn New York, week day or Sunday, was there ever a gayer, glad somer exhibition of the turkey trot than In Hustanoby's yesterday. To piano and banjo and drum and the sound of hilarious voices there rocked for hours the dance that has turned the hcHil of the town Slide, illde, keep nn llilln'. (illdr. Klldr, keep on a-flldln'. Honey Iriuk Into our hahy'a e)en, i'ut yuur urtii around me, Ain't you flail you found me! Teaee, eqiieeae, lovin' and mot In' (). llabr, what are jmi ilotn? More than 200 men and women and girls nnd boys stepped to tlmt hymn of the lurkev trot yesterday afternoon, and Uie police were nice enough to let Papa, Hustanoby get nwny with It. Whom I other trotterlcs were dark, where other floors wero accumulating tho dust of neglect, llustnnoby's wns ringing with hilarity and splashing with wine. Drink. 1'lorrrtl Frrrl). Getting n drink was easier than get ting a dance because you could nlwnys find a place for n bottle of wine, or a liighliall, or a cocktail, but you couldn't always Jam your way Into the dancing crowd. A hint came from tho police on flat- j urday night that Hustanoby mustn't try any foolishness, nut up spoke. Hus tanoby: oiteltnlrt I ntn Itiistnnnhv of Ttor. ao,,v for eighteen vrnr. I Am Amltrl. tan. We will 5ee." Anfl so nt 4 P. M. his trotterv nnened for action and for the next two hours and '.i half, or until the dinner hour, all patrons were welcome to ro as far ns they liked, In reason, of course, nnd they did. Other liar Trollrrlr. Cloar.l. lint elsewhere the trotters rested for the afternoon. Tho outer guards at Helse nwebrr's turned nway scores who came 111 automobiles nnd carriages, and the dancing there didn't begin until !) P. M. The mannKPment offered no tea fori for omitting the usual afternoon Condnncd on Fourth Pagt, HER GOWN SETS CROWD AFIRE. Parlalan ietroi Hrlien I'rinii l.nifj ftinmp Unit I'nnrif, km' i.ii: tifW'- '' Tut t n lniH. April ".--Haiti spoiled the much oxpoottd pleasure t tlu opening of l.ongolianip racing season tn-d.iv. out llio a rrai orowti in aitonii.tnoe vva treated to a' least one enit.on which was worth tin- price of :dtnl5lon It tin- tiis'otn for the women to ill pl.ty tin- l.ttoct 'lung In tlreea on this ........ ..I. ... 1 1 M '.In I, nftrA. .if at.ntu " M.iroelle Prill. . was driven out nf m. ,.,,,. .,.,,., .,i,...,r ,,,,...,,. iif her -'ostium I: i-oti.tfil of pal" ! line s;i v lh btlch! yollow o.lrltiK. Tho orauo v i ornnvn'od with mbroM- . loil fois-1 iti"-noti and a bououot of blio of !li- vnl'.ov Tho vl.irt had vlv.'d vollow ribbon on one Mdo and on tho oth'T a IntKo Kilo! i-ow-toil with om-bro.diT-Mi to; m i-un -nol!.. Tl-.o liodv of tho !iiri v a uaht and thoro wa a tm .-lit at tho hotii Sho woto hoollo'.i .lio.'v of tbo amo colot o tho skin Tin to woto , Illir of tlo whl.-h wa allfv on bow In lior;, of blar-k ullk In the .-tylo of thoyp worn In men in evoninit lire, li.i ,v lli.'li ill til, foilll .if 1. ' turban, waf to d at the i hln with rib- ), aA, WH ;1l-o adoniod with Idles of the vallov and forcel-tiio-nott-. The l'n do s.tblons furnished a urptise i . was unoxppeteiiiy won uy Shannon lr.-il and owtifd b Herman ., . ,!.. -., ..,,.. .,,- III..,!.,,-).! spo. tat. .is present RIOTS IN BUFFALO AS Mol Attacks ('reus Who Ho maided at Work and Ser- ice Is Crippled. !'rrto. April 6 -rnex'ie, ;ed action to-day on t'.irt of t'.e newly or s.inl'oj Amalg.iniated Association of Ptrcrt and Hlectrlc F.allway Kmp'.oyees here has left this cit irnctlcally with out street car service to-night After a dav of riot and turmoil the i-trret railway conipan announced to night that It would be Impossible to continue car through the night even under police guard. Tne company Issued n statement saying that only a smalt majority of the men are uitt. but the union savs that more than two- i thirds of the 1.600 men emploted are on strike. Serious disorders occuiTed on the Hist and South sides late to-night, and every policeman In the city has been kept on tho jump. L'ar windows were smashed, conductor and motornirn who remained at work were pulled from cars and much cUmigto was done Tor- pedoes were placed on the tracks in the Main street section to-night. Mounted policemen kept the crowds moving and averted any serious clashes. (Mi the Halley avenue line poles and trees were chopped down nnd that lln was tied up enrly Serious disorders occurrtd in Hlk street, where cars were stopped and the crews taken off Many ! women were pnnlcstrlcken Chief Itcgnn said '.-night that he. believes his fore, can handle the sltna- tlon nnd that service will be resumed i umcr ,mnce Knrd in the morning. Motor trucks nnd wagons are used to night to convey people to their homes. C0HALAN UNDER THE KNIFE. Supreme Cnurt .laattrr Had Apprn dleltls. hat la lining Writ. Supreme court .Justice Daniel F. Cohalan whs operated tin for appendi citis at Hoosevelt Hospital yesterday afternoon. When lie came nut from In the tront seat. Tlio license nutn tho inlliienco of the ether nt 7 o'clock ber has a 4 and a 7." last night he told the physicians nnd , The alarm reached the New Hruns nurses at his bedside that he felt fine , wltk police at nearly r. o'clock. Patrol and was In turn told that the operation ' William P.oblnson was sent to the had been ontlvelv successful. Albany street bridge, where lie had ft On Saturday afternoon Justice Cuba- 1 commanding view of the lllver road. Ian wont out for a walk. He had u '''" , "'"loHsts from .Sotner brisk and enjoyable stroll and returned vlll ,,llmlml ,r,'ok' '" . to his homo nt 2a Fast Nlnoty-fourth " l"t "" 'inl""'; when he spied street, wh he was to entertain friends "'''tH "mr"V C0,"",,T rn,,1'"J nUm at dinner The meal was hardly under 1 the Itlver roan. .... ., , . . ., , ,u . , The pol ccmun got aboard tho nuto- way when the host lematked that he , ' ' , ....,.. , . .. . , felt 111. He was carried to his bedroom ."lnW .f An''r' w V elnffart nml cros , d and Ills physician, Dr. I.udwlg Kast of ' iUp '"M" ' ,1Uv' r 7"' , ""J 771 Madison avenue, summoned I ,,H w,.'?"an ?' ' 1 L . Th' ., ,- . ,, . , ., . Metuchen. The policeman found that Dr. Kast d agnnsed the case as acute ... , , , , ,,. , . . , v.. ... hs borrowed machine was also lively. appendicitis. lesterday at noon the i ,, . ,, ... ... patient was examined also by Dr. fh" 11 ', m ''. '' " Charles N. Dowd of PJ West So vrnty- w " ''. ! "'.'Imf t . ... ,, , , . , , , ., stopped. l ie gray car had to slow S s 'i k . 0Ll"fk,'h""lf1 and stop also, for the othtr was In Its Cohalan was taken tn a private room ... In tlio M,nlfnl ll.u i.nntl,,, wnu performed un hour later by Dr. Povvd, nsslsted b Dr. Kitl nnd the hospltul stuff. HE PREACHES TO EIGHT RACES. (irmtiia of ll Tnkr I'nrl In tlir Ilea. .Mr, I'lrrer'a I'rlrlirulltin. Tile Kev. P.. F. Y. liorce of the Sec ond Avenue Haptlst Church, at Tenth street, cMebratod the fifth nnnlvor sary of his pastoral - yesterday, anil was cmignitulated on that fact In eight langnagts. Ills, congregation comprises many nationalities. Among those who greeted him lust night were Chinos', Magyars, Italians, (Iroi-ks, Poles, Slavs, Swedes nnd Americans, So largo have the different divisions of nationalities In Die church become that It Is now proposed to have assist ant minister who will be able to speak till! Various languages llllll to tak ' '" " m-mner- or the eight races., 1 Fifteen thousand dollars Is now being oxpetuled In building operations to ai - The Hecnn Avenue riantls Church is hinir f 1, , dafJ , Th. i, in advance Is the hltlng of PhyH.rtanaj and dentists n look after the health of 1 nml nmrpiv..l .. unnnl 11 ' ' .ru:.r.r; It the clilldrnn, These men either spenk the language or have Interpreters, Tho church Ih supported by the Hap tlst City Mission Society, VIROIKIA HOT NPIIIM1N lOMPANT. Through train srrvlcn now resiimrd In lint Hpilnn. Hold and foil links In ptrfrel condl Ilea. Atff. AUTO KILLS GIRL ; OWNER RUSHES ON hundred convicts In tho Stnt, , lirforniatory hoiv tnllril nearly iwoiIuvm .lo.ppll l Morail of Hl'Oolilyil.on tl:o love? lunnK tin' Mood last t.t .,.. .... in writ Thrlr work mvimI the town from i i ii a ii i . i til ii ii i.i Mile ChrtM'. MCTIM ONLY Hpi-Chlllll Ullll. Sfrt'ainill"' ! II I O I'riiit'fton After (he Atfitlenl. ViU.Ni-KTOA. N .1 . April '. Mar Our e.i, li !;: old. .1 I'nilfeton hlsli eliool Sirl. w.i killed on Waihltittton I. .ad mar earn k:o l.aUe thW afternoon "V :,n auioinooi.o m .iimppn i . .Moran of Mroet. HtooMyn, Iff ....... .....I .....r..lut' ..I til.. Vtl inn.' jt. ... ... i.t... t. ... It.iln lion Works Th- did tint Sinn I.o.iviiir the Bifl ilo.ui !' the .Mr. Moran and bis e h.niffei.r. In Ins Hoffman, bur- nod on tow.iul llrooklyn. Near Now Itrunsw iek. o.ghteen m.'.e a In a pursuing linked ihe.r path lii.ule tliem stop .mil arrested them. They were brought nail; to Pt.tieoton t.i-mt,lit and ar raigned before Mayor rilll'.p" Huffman w.-.s ,-:t tn the Trenton Jail without bail on a homicide charge pending the itiiiue-t. Moran. held i(, a material wltucs, wos relea.sed In 1 fl.OOn iMi, nlVe by lvtor U.iokus. a Trenton liuer. to whom he telenhotiod new s of his nrrest Persons who saw the Mor.m tntinnc. ear hurzlng through the town of I'ritife - 1 ton before tho accident say there a woman in it At New llrunfwick. however, the onlv occupant were thu two men. .Moran numtt i tpat ills car lilt a girl and says that ho nnd the chauffeur, who was driving, lost their heads and s() did not stop Ho told the New ltnmswlck police that ho hud not supposed J Puryea was seriously hurt. Mor.m was on hi w.-.v to Hrookl.tti from his siimtnor homo near Point Pleasant In a high powered touring car. I laving ploutt of time he had the ehnllffonr inko lite f'lreiili.ii run.. I tiasslllir thtoucll IVIlli'eton. 'Cliov hint loft 111.. .'.!!. Cltlnll ...... I...1.I...I n...l , wrrp hummlllK ,-, Mo,)( nour , Make when thov struck Miss Duryoa, I who was walking with her chum, tSraco J Lloyd. i ne enauncur s.iys tnnt .miss Liuryca Jumped In front of the car at the sound of tho horn and there was no chance to dodge. One of tluijamps hit her with such force that the gins was broken . nd the fragments hep me. a cltis . whereby Moran and his chauffeur wore nrrnmiin i in j 1 1 T- n-tini nn Orace t.lovd so frightened nnd distraught that she ran screaming Into lrlnceton To-night she was In n physician's care and unable to tell a word of what hud taken place out thero ! Washington road .sii)t1A HI1.1 ).i .s,, il.f.. inim t y Ii . . 1(.onU(1 numl.r. ; N. A fow . tr mi,,,. r.v.Vntzoll. who lives near by nnd Is a racing driver for tho Mercer Automobile Company, found Miss Pur ."' l'"d- '' "i the dust at the side of the road. He also had seen the gray car. Pausing only to throw his coat over the girl's face he streaked Into ITIncoton In his enr nnd told the police, telling them among other things In his I swift recital that the car that killed .Mary Puryea must have a broken j lamp, for he had found the pieces of glass at the spot In the road where she , had li-on run down. To New Hrunswick and other towns along the road the Princeton pollc" telephoned, "Watch for a gray touring car with a broken lamp and two men Wdl. what's the iimltor?" do - mandeil Moran, standing up beside his track Mr. (In en saw a train rounding olmuffeur. I a curve a hundred feet away. "You are both under uriest beiaiis There was no time to stop, nnd to gi your car killed a girl at Princeton," ahead minnt death, ro Mr. Green turned si.ld the policeman. th" car to the right in the direction the Moiati Mild liothinif. extopt that he 'train was going, and the locomotive Imdu't dreamed be hud killed any- whizzed by the aiilotnobile Willi barely , . i ., , ,i c.,i , b..dy. Fxaml.iatlon of the gray cur a foot to spate. showed that tho windshield had boon! die gates at the inuslng woto mi- removed and iiImi that there wore lowered and it Is said the gatemun vv.i't streaks on the front, as if water had asleep, been used to w.nh off something.! - - The number Is 2 41)7 Now Jersey. I SNOW TRIMS SPRING'S SKIRTS, After his release to-night Moran and ' AUornoy U.irkus went to Trenton. ' aiereiir Down In tin and Mar fin Neither had anything to say. , i.tnrer io-,ta. AirTn pirtv CAvrn iv TTtuDrue i Winter butted Into thin latitude and All 1U rAlvl I bAV,JJ BY JUMPING, longilude yesterday, and the skirts of I'nttalil al l.rntlr ('riming llr- Hrrrii Two Train. DANiiiiiv, conn., April U. Postmaster Froderlek II. Crofutt of Danburv. his ,f ' N r'H' V.v' "'"'"f'." i mol.irln N V ' to ,1,lH ,l"r, i An the nutotnoblle was about to cross the New York, New Haven nnd llnrt- cnm nlo)Ki BWllnK ', car ,! -., l."Hht - ". n,,l.l. Il.n V.I I 1,1 , l'p Parallel track, on which another train was approaching. All of the parly Ill the car Jumped nnd saved their lives, Mrs. Crofutt and Mrs. Clark landed between tho trnrks as the trains whizzed by. Tho automobile was demolished. ANIiOMTOKXt, IIITTRRH to flavor Jellies, Icca.frulta, lemonade, itntcraleand frape fruit. CITY BANQUET FOR CONVICTS, I'll tln-ranl Thrm for .! .le aitntlllr Front I'lond. .tlT-KtlONtl.t.K. I ml.. April t". Two thr Ohio ntwr, V fall wa. 15'ttcil to-dny by a rom- 1 tiiitt'-o rcprfi-iitlnc the cltlzrnn of .t t-f-( f.TMiin 111.- tor a publlo nirotlni; Tn s Sl'l'r TV l'"v ,l1 ,'"iil,l,tr armnufmrnt!, for a sriMi b.uiiiuot to bo Mlfn to th( con- Vtlt" An rnti't:iilnmin bo slwn in ;! n'ortnatory m-t Su:kI.i tno-nini; and after it tho banquet will take plaee. i I 111" l a Htn.ill part of tlio menu. iMiu-kin. l.i'.OO poumN; .-pouRo eako. i.e. lave' f.iK" 1. .. tee itvam. 100 irnl- Iim. onitiKf. IT.' i 'arrel. ilo.eii): api tlr. I T'.lo .Til, an.; of lit tlf l.ipi.'i'd W.l' 'of iiboir l.nO0 i.inl ttf.trlt .ill of t ' ''" p:-oiiii-d .Morohatity. I.iwyirn. l l,n md niltr.Mot .- Inn HUP- p. r.e.l th.' p.l;. w ;;, m Tilov to., i who.-e hotnri were jaM'il b the i oin ,t will .let a vnlio- m fie b.itni h i ZEPPELIN SECRETS IN PRINT. I'r.'iiili l'iiirrs title lletnlleil lie so Minions f t;.Tiiinn lrlili. .r eh r tfifuf'- tit Tnr s, . I'..l!l. April n Minutf ilei:r iitmiis of I the Z-ipeliii fuis.r 7., whfli I.niiie.l .n l.iitievdleiin.i a. c.ipiurpil by the 1'reafh. are air adv itpiHMring mi th" I'te tu-li Hornpipe"-. These ilesfnptlotis which were wri toii by oott, dei-.Til' tho in terior of the airship in ilet.u and i-ho th it the feats of the (to- mini iirmv offitvrn 1 '"" niwMUvr that the Trench had ilu.- "'overed some valuable secret are well f""nde.i '''. ""'''ial photographs of the Xep- , I1""" Mni "'"' matte while who was in th hunt! of the French union n The oM'erts tliflor .is to whether she is ronllv , such a tfrtilile engine of war and it i 1 evident tint there will be a !ong lechiuoil : fontrotorsy on this subject , - - i PRIZE FOR HEALTHIEST BABY. tirls nml Dimples Wiin't t omit ,, Wrlfnrr l.'ontral. A new kind of b.thy show will begin next Saturdax at Public School 110 on X'asl II Ith street near Ixlngton ae- 1 The P.ab'.os Wolfaro .ssiHiiitioii. w hich has charge, will give prlw s for the healthiest baby. Pimples, curves, pink cheeks and en- dearing attilbittes will not count. Height, weight, circumference of chest mid abdomen, quality of bone, skin and muscle will be determining factors. More than one hundred children ha e been entered. Pr. Godfrey It. Plzelc of the Post-Ciraduate Hospital will head the Judges. t1flO IVin Tfin A PT.AVrjnnTrWTl Wonrl.lilr. I.. I.. Plan n Model tr... , right n UelWer his messages persotialh ... . to fnugrcia If bo chooses to tin m. r rat I. in I Irltl for Klsn... ,.,,0. n , ,,e t ' Ion provitl. . Representatives of the CJiieensliori'i mat "ho shall fiom time to time give Corporation of Woodslde announce theitn Congress ltifortnatlon of the H'uto purchnse of two acre near their prop-I of the I nlou and rofominond to their erty which Is to be turned Into a play-I consideration sinii minsuios as be shall ground for the children and grownups Judge neer-sury and expedient ' Tho or tne nelgltnorliooil. They will adil to this two more acres nnd the whole will be laid out In a ten nis court, baseball and footbnll grounds, handliall courts and croquet grounds for free use. The grounds will be main tained by the corporation. It Is announced thiit ?100.000 will have been spent on the project. BANDIT ON HUNGER STRIKE. I.aenmhr'a Cnniiinnlnna Pol In straltjneket flrr III Snlrlilr. fptnal fiiMr Vtiruilrlt In Tar Sex Paris. April 6 - The automobile ban- dlts who are awaiting the death sen-"'"'oi lie na sometimes ii.-iom.i.nte.i tonce In I.n Santo prison were put in.1' I,is, secretin v mid the heads ..f llm straltjackets Immediately after the "W" 1,1 laitm. tits the . ,,v. r.mi.'.f .. ;, ... . . , . , , It in ems to have boon t n ei s om for the sonsatUtnal sulfide of l.aoombe yestor-1 ,,,,., , ,(lKl, , t.linr 1f . Slll.aK, , day. This was because u1P nuthorltlo;. ,., . Joint meeting was held In the wore afraid that they too would find a ' hull of the House), the and tlio way of cheating the guillotine. ,.,'ik of the Senate being placed mi Un. The system of guarding the con-right hand of tho clmlr and the Sponlior detuned men was changed ngnln to-dny I and the cleik of the House on the lofi and the strnltjackets were removed. ' , . ., , ... , .IrlTereon llrnp ieil ( iiliiin. One reason was because D e i donue. nun' jof the leaders, had refused to take food anil ileciarcu Ills intention or starving n isou eiuoieu mine, no sent in uniioui tn dentil rather than undergo s'u h message to Congress by his s'fiolar.v. treatment. oeeomp.myiiig It with a letter of ex- - plana'.lon to the presiding officer of AUTO DODOES TRAIN BY INCHES. ' i"""'- ""'' r,,,,1: j "Sin The ,ii eiimstuiioes unilr which wo kill or Mr.. Lenin. I "'id ourselves t this pliieo lenilerllig m oniivoiiloiit th" mode heretofore practised Airrta Sure lien Hi. ,,f mu.lng bv poisniuil ailihtss the tlnn MoNTCI.tllt, N. .1., April fi. The ludg- ! coiiummle.itloliM betnoen the loKHtH tnent nnd skill of II. N. Green, brother- '''' '-'"h" I Into .pte.l f ii. ,,-oti... n i i that bv mi'SSiii'.e, us used on all sllhse- In-I.UV of Mrs. William U, I.eed-, , ,.,.., nHoughniiftho session, nverted a serious accident at the) .., 1lu. ,hN , ,. lla,t ,,r,nciml ie Wntchiiug avenue crossing In Orange, said to the eoiiv.mloii.-o of tli" I.oglsla lat night. When the front wheels of tine, to the ninuim.t of their time, to thtlr 1 Mr. Gr.-en's automobile were on the spring were trimmed with frosty nuni- ( ness, tailed by the weather folks on top' I of the Whitehall Building tower snow '"" , , ' lie otllclal lliertnomeier roKisicreti .u de-rrees at .1 ..'clock yesterday after- .. ,,. ,,.. ,nw..P ,, n .Imtlsr April tlale several times since the vi eaiuer itureaii oegi. i g.i.-ss,K ,n in . .. ' n.ucli, and hero never have ''eon two great Hurries of snow on a Anr1 . In mnny The meteoiologlcal motnmor tnmorphosls I was causen ny a irigi'i iiign .rcssure 'rom inn west torcinp; useii mm me comparatively warm temperature here. 'lliollt. Hefore most people throw off their blankets this morning the mercury may got down to 28. tr Lafsrelte and Ratal Breroort. the two French BtaUaraat of New York. Ait. ;.,WILS0N TO READ OWN MESSAGE l'rosidont Hinisolf Will Congress His View on Turin". t'il HI? KAKS OH) CTSTOM , rll'Sl Clli(f ICxOlMltlVO Sillt'l' .IcllVrson to Stoak in I'orson. ii:.moci! ts mm: staiiti.i : Speaker nml Leader. Tlmmirli Kecord' lo Pre pare for I'reeeilenl. in WtsmsiiTox . April ii - l'tp'iibtn U Hon will go In person to the llou-.e o' Itoproseniiitlves on Ttifsd.iv and if id Ills llivt inexsiigo to t'.ingtos. setinii; fni III the purpose for which bo luis fulled the spoelnl session. It will ho the f'st time since the iI.i.nh of John Adams, the second I'rosldetit, that it j Chief HM-entlte bus i,.d his tiies.iii,. I tn i'ongress. , ,, ,.,..,,,,..., lmM .,..,..,, . ..,.,. the praotlfo of more than a eontuit 1 1,f'f"Ue ho bellev. it is the best meibod o( cultivating Intimate tetatloiis with the loglsliitle braneh ot the iPixeiu tnent. Representative rnilorwcml will unto iluce a fotifiirifiil ifsolutinn falling a "csslon of bolh the houses In th, lower ' o liaml'or and the President will there fore debtor his message befo! e tin Seo a" "' " i"'" too way Wnshlngton and d.ims did .t i Ills nnnntiiifetnoiit has nmdi ('hum is gasp as no.ldng else h.m done slneo Mr. Wilson was inaugurated So far as the lei-nnis iltsi Lise nn President has! ilellveiod nut other than Ills message to Con gross. Mi Wilson's action thi iffoio j will set ii precedent bieiiiiho bis me.- "age will ho of a spoelnl fharaf lor, dealing with the tariff turret Willi H nslilnuliMi. ! Mr. Wilson agrees with ( h oi go Wash i ItlBUm ml Jnlm Ailnm that the Pieltloiit float ly has the Constitution lavs un restriction or Hun tatloii upon the manner in whliii In formation and rrcommciidallon.s shall he delivered, George Washington and John Atlaint rode .inuuiilly to the Capitol tn deliver their messages lo the IIoiim- ami Senate In Joint session. I'ntil Poceni bcr S. 1 sol. the President delivered hii annual iiierrage to Congress In this wav "Hinds's Pi if client." whlfh is the olllclal book of reference mi snob mat tors, described the practice In the c.irl., days as follows '".'lie two hollies mot In Joint iueetiiiH. eltliir tn the Solum- (iiaiiibir or H i ' ,i of tie- House and th" President niblr ieil i In 1 SOI. howcvir. when 'Minimis ,lof relief rmm tne iiih.u i.issnu nt or lin- i ''i.mi.i answer, on sunj h nut nuiy ih- Am1 U" " 'nitlim that a proeeiliue f.iunilod in them, motives will meet their appreciation, , I ltg ilii.orih nu. sir, to cimiiiiiii...,iti. the enelneod mi ssiq-.e with the iloeimirnts ' f" lug It f. the Ilonoral. - um Sen.i'i mid pra.v vmi aieept lor vnm n r ' !.,.. th'- lioui.iw.' of my high tegnd , i,nsliei-,ioii " Wll.iui liny iildrna Slnee .lefl'elson Iratismltteil this let- ll''' ll" House mid Sonaln all l'resl- ileiillal mei'tages have been conimuiii- cated to bolh hoiises on the same day. Parliamentarians all day long have I been combing tho Congressional Mlirnry looking for an exact description of tlm ..Uquette for this memorable occasion. Rpiulccr Clark has Joined In digging through the archives nnd nt it lulo limn- j to-night they were still considerably up in tne an as to uie exact rormall- ties. The procedure for receiving a writ ten message of tho President Is simple. The House tloorkeeper enters tho hnll , )f , ,,mlM, ,, , PrrM(lrnl.M UR. , wcrMury un(, WIlltH tlritn n ,H recognized hy the Speaker. llotrr Hrimiie la KerelTrd. . ,hp, ftnomu.PH wth ft iw bow: Ml. Hp-npri n message from tho President of the I'nlted States." I Th Speaker replies: I "The House will receive a message All A M A IIIIIMIMillAII 11 KM I'll I SEW Oltl.KA.SH AMI TIIK SOI' IIIH Kfcl. Via SOUTHKHN ItAIl.W'AV. oulrkent ilrfta. Iltntnc anil klreplnr eara. N Y Offlrr.IMaihay, M i