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THE SUN, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1913. In writing from the President of tho I'nlted States." All tins tlfim tho Whltn Hoiiso sec trinty In been Miindlng In tho centra nlsle Then ho cays, with nnothrr sa l.ialll. "The President directs inn to deliver to mi 11 message In writing." Theti'iipon the rlcrl brars Hip document- In 1 he Spcaker'n desk. When there ' miiM 11 lull In the proceedings "ic Sn'iilr order." tlii" clerk to read 'III' message After the iiicsmkc Is road It 1.1 en tered in tlto Jnnrniil mid on motion H fi-fi-MiMl tu the committee of the whole Mnini on tho Stale nf thi! Union, from which It Is handed over to tho Ap propriate standing committee. This method of receiving messages from the (.'resident has come to Ihi almost second iinluro with tho presld .nir officers of the Iloiisn nnd .Semite and now .Speaker Clark Is "boning" up in pn'i.iniiioii for Tuesday's Innova tion foes tKnliml Precedent, The feature of Mr Wilson's proposed innve thut Interested Democrats most as t' oontr.ullotor attitude In which will put the new Democratic Prusl detit In retard to Thomas Jefferson, tha father of Democracy. President Jeffer son discontinued the custom because It. xeemeil n needless waste of time and because there would p.. , i exulting bene lit to public affali Mr Wilson appar ently thinks otliorv,-e It lias been said that Thomas .telfer.on's rea son for discontinuing the custom of addressing Congress was that he din liked the Idea of speaking and of being questioned by menthols of Congress Washington nnd Adams dscused matters openly with Cougtiss. but there hii been no Intimation Unit Pies Ident Wilson will be Milestone,! bv any member on Tuesd.i. Members of t'oiicre.'s hardly knew what to say to-tilubt. It 1 apparent, howover. that some of them ate In dined to collide this lnno iitlon with Mi President's i i -nt iudvit.v In frnm mg the t.irllT I. Ml r.nd to nryuo that It In dicates tu,, t.-ady a disposition on bis part to participate lu tho ai'i ilrs (,f the leg islative brunch of the Hov ci timefit When be wan tiovernnr of New Jer sey Mr Wilson show, d he did not In tend t be bound bv prei edeiit when he b"lleve,l Kiev were mwise He ii"! ilterseil Hie New ,lers,v Legislature more than nine In suppoii of ui'Hsures ho ndvorated nnd on at least one oc casion he delivered before a I lemoerntlc caucus n long speech In support of his legislative ptogrnmme When the topnrt tame down from Trenton before the inmiugi.i.itlon that Mr. Wilson lntcndeil m iitai.c frequent vllts to tin1 I 'resilient s loom on the Senate siile of the Capitol and confer with members ot Congress few took ii seriously. To. day's iinnounceinent that Mr Wil son will read bis first message to Con nies las put an entirely ihsTtrent face on fie founer iiroposiilon Th Presi dent's plan has brought the conviction that It Is not without a serious pur pose that President Wilson has decided nlso to turn the Ptesldent's room Into actual use. It will cause little sur prise, therefore. If the President holds many conferences w:tb members of Congress on the i.iruf bill as the spe cin I session progresses Sotno Democratic membetsi of Con gress nro Inclined to Indorse President Wilson's latest decision to deliver his messapo before Congress "It Is fine." said Mr. Kern, leader of th Senate. "This determination on tho part of the President proves that he Is going to work with Congress to accomplish results It shows also thut the President has no hesitation In breaking the old worm eaten traditions lhnt hae hampered legislation In the pist " UNDERWOOD BILLS UPHELD. Ilefnrin Clnli I'trcs 'liirllT llediic linns to Ilellliee T.I I tl far Cost, '' Mtlff reform committee of the Reform Club of this ritv made public Vfstenlav an open letter to Congress calling or material reduetlon In tariff duties. 1t thinks the time U ripe for Mich action nnd that the "public is aho. lutelv insistent upon measures that will leduco the cos" of living or at nil events eh"ck the advance of pi .res In so as sueli advance : u i.j i auses " Sonio tempornrv injury to certain lines of trade might result, the com mittee .--ays, but If "a reduction of duties ld to ih' closing of lnelllclent stab . shnien's, boieles hi hir.d the times, pendltlK a oat" W.tell they could bo re. HUlpp "I with moibrn plants anil Te opened on u Konu'.no competitive basis, the chinpi- mit;ht Rive a temporary fhocli to tho?.- whit havn been oontnt to maintain their ownership of such ''lv elllipeil ellterprises. but men a Mi ick uo'itii be only temiiorary and would . fo.i nve.i in an increase In ftrruutli and elllccnev that would In a very short time far more than ff et nnv lemtiorary losses." The committee feels, that the turlffB elfould not bo blither than wnn pre .crlbed In tho 1'ndfrwood hill In tho last two sesmons of Congress and that In soins cases they nhou!d be lower. On the free Hst tho committee would put Iron and f.tecl products, lead and lead ore, antimony, lumber, HUBnr, wool, pulp, paper, bonks, and bulldtnif ma terials. Tho tariff tax on the average family jojRar bowl Is set down as about $k, two-thirds of which Is protective. "I'm siiKar theiefniv, would nave onHuinern $3 for eery dollar that It would loso to the Treasury," tho open Jetter says, "Viewed even from ft pro toctionlits' anil produc-rs' standpoint, more people w.ll benefited by freo than are now benefited by taxed oiBt With untax"sd suifar the number ' of people employed in tho canntnfr and prftsorvlnK Indu.strleh win pixjbably double within a few yearn" GLOUCESTER FISHERS PROTEST rth on I'rre Mat W011I1I Kill D. diialrj 1 'I hey .Say, ftLorcEflrEH, Mass , Apr'1 Thn pro posed rhanRo In the tnrlfT relotlvn to fh removal of duty from ureen fish nnd tho reduction on the milted or boned product ban caused a utotm of protest to arlno nmotu; local llsn merchants, und plans, havo been miidn for holdtnK 11 ineetlnn of the master tnarlnrta to end 41 mesiii;e of protest to WafihlnKloti, "Tho piopoM'd chatme would mean the death of tt.o llahltiK Industry, not only vo this iilace but to nil other miaport towns.'' said Fred 1.. Davis, ono of tho leJtdltiK lo., "beillllrs! we will Hot be nblo to cope Willi such competition bs Nosa Siolia will Klvo us ' The hlluutlon has been tnvestlsated b ConKrei-sinan liardner, who has -wlred the llMhlni; lnteresln hero that Vr fljy u auro to ko on the free Hit. Usher's Whisky GREEN STRIPE Messrs. ANDRFAV USHER & CO. have been appoint 7 . tXTRA 'lOUS SCOTCH ed Pun'eyors of Whisky to His iMa jesty KingGeorgeV n !. Niriint.AM rn. NT.W VOHK. Mold tn; PARTY LEADERS FEAR! m i rv inn ntt i in n I mn I A K I KK Kl 1 ,1 . N h A I K, I I lit 11 1 1S1JUU KI 1 I1IU rcoiilmt Will I'.o Askil SjrToflJ(. .'ni(. Vool nnd Susrar. MR. VNhKinVOOI) ON'OSKS Sfiiftlf I'iiiiinct' ( 'oiiitui 1 1 c Con fers Tlircc Honrs Ovor llio Sitimtioii. m M 5 or not It able to enter with eynipathy ' Into Hie new learulni;, the marvellous WM.i.N..i..N. April fi The iwm,.!"'1'11 "! ' adventute and the wide outlook ' , . i towitid truth for which that uiMt epoch erotic membets of the Senate Finance . ,(oul u J(;p intidlectuol, Committee were In i onferetice for three i etli.cjt mid spiritual uwakerilnK, th"- hkc bouts this afternoon consld-rlm; the sit- "''." '''"T ry "f Vn"rl,'a: InniMhv , . prltitmi;, of a new Fcli-nce Hid philosophy, imtlon that has urlson between the I f , moral conscloiisneKs that looked with President and the members of the upper In. of rplrltitil tumult, with the em-rkV'tire aouse ho ate opposed to his action1" an Individual n that .. l.-t would ' ' . tlnur f.itlh lor," ,letlli,..rri. on Uu- stutar -chedale. Chairman fnderwood of the lions,' """" ,m'" ffuys and Means Committee was pre.s- , 'Toe mined Its fa.v a.i f.oai ent In the early part of the conference. '" s,0"d Immovable and At Its conclusion It was announced that The Chinch IibvIiik once ed lt-e f . , ... i.. to tlu t.ttul irilirti)l that what It otuv the members of the 11 nance l ommlttee . J,limM ,mM 1 vu.ab, ,10 would lotifef with the President 'u-! for It from th- accunuilatiiiK ar morrow mornltu; reais of blunders. Its .fatal attitude to- The most Impoi taut Uestloli oild- w.nd the whole spirit of epoch .red was the feaslbllltj of sei;ref!iitlni; h.i made .t luiiiislbe fm the llouum the siiKiir schedule and possibly the Church to n-nt-i the uimnen bn- of wool bill from the regular tariff bill. ( modern pumr - MmWl ..f ll... ..,.!., ,.emlK- nr.. In favor of this segregation but Chair man I'ndcrwood atld President Wilson hme decided to submll one bill to Con Ktess coutaiulni; the intlre revision programme. Setiatois who ate suiipottini; the Ad ministration fear the entire revision proKTiunme may bo Jeopardized through of fa(,t9 ,, lh(, trutl, of tn nvm the HkIU aKalnst free BUKar and free jirP!,ent wool. McmU'ts of the Senate commit- "Protestantism 1. not u negative thins, tee have tried to prevail on Mr. Un- the verv nieaiilni; of the word Is "to wit dervvood to seiarate these troublesome iie foi ' Pro l for It was atld Is the propositions from the rest of the bill spirit of freeiiom .ii,ln upon the Holy ! ' ., ,, , , . , ,,. , . Spnit of t.oj to ki Ide men Into all truth, but Mr. I'ndervvood has declined to ( ' oull ,irov,. n ,,,., an,, h()M raft suppott such a plan. ,,, ,nu, which la pood. Catholic theologf The Senators nccordlnitly will make ' is a loinpuct, harmonious le(,lalatlv a ilnal appeal to President Wilson to- "loxnia, parallel ,0 Imperial civil law. morrow mornlnt; to allow nt least the "Protestant theoloKy. In apjHiallr.K to the suKar schedule to u.i Into a separate lb1"- to the whole spiritual tx . ,,, ,e,.. ...i 1 . 1... .1 !.. .1... herleiice of the human rare Win-never bill. 1 1111. 1111 11. 1. r- iu te.ut- .,1 mi- Mouse as the rsenato Jy lorceiosei, iron, tul.. m; such action. ! OI1 the one ell ultr.miontaiiliii Hnd on The li.mocratlc lendera lu the Sen-1 ,he other Protestant literalism, the In ato do not conceal their anxiety over 1 fallible Pope stud the Infallible book, but the fate of tho tariff leslslntlon if It th" difference Is this, that the Infallible Koes to the Senute as a slnKle measure ' ''''e "' u"l' , 1,(1,1 "' 1r,1,", ' r"' because of the possibilities of a com- ZwWZJZ' blnation of lntep.sts that may s.uiiiily ltl nUi MUvv ln ,i. mfallihle hooli the v votes to defeat it. , abandon their literalism ,n the .nlerrst I'p to the present lime at least live . ,,f ,he!r own tr n i.'rs of Democratic Senators are standlnt; out ' spiritual freedom . aualnst a bill carrylnB free wool and! ,,,ui I' 1 1'rrrdom, free sui;ar. rneie are inn two irom 1 I.oulsiina and three Western men, be lleved to bo Walsh of Montana. Asian si of Arizona and New lands of NVvada, with Shaft oth ( Colorado vei v much lu doubt. The leaders learned to-d.i ' that tllev probably would not be able ,0 fount on the vote of Senator polndcvter ex- eeit on the slni-le Item of free If he is inn 10 the necessity of vtit.nK i for the Denial railo tarllf bill ut- a whole i m enter in pel free xm'.ir he w.ll uriili. ably balk, according to the latest In- formation. With the Democrats reduced to the' extremity of passing the bill with 1 Democratic votes alone their maximum strength would be only a majority of siix, provided every Democratic Senator i voted for tho bill. If one Democmtlo Benator ln nddl- tlon to the two from Louisiana should stand out afialnst the measure tho vote would probably be n tie nnd Vlre-Presl-dent Murslinll would raM the decidlni; vote President Wilson can count on the nupport of the entire Democratic mem bership of tho Finance Committee, for tho Important schedules of tho bill aa it Is prepared. If tho Finance Com mittee had framed the bill It would hnve been drafted differently. Tho name la true probably If tho House Ways and Means Commute had framed It. It Is certainly true n.s to Chairman Underwood, who did not favor elthor ultlmato free sugar an proposed by the President or free wool. Hut tho Demo cratic members Ilka chairman I'nder- wood have decided to accept tho Presi dent's Judgment nnd tho bill will bo reported promptly from the Finance Committee mibstuntlally ln the, form It haa been approved by the President. The bill will hn Introduced "bortly offer noon to-morrow Apparently tho "sui;ar" Senators nmung the Deinoi rats have decided to Insist on their prlvllrip' of amendlm; the bill, and will seek to restore tho aujwr duty and possibly other duties when tho bill reaches the Semite. The final adjustment will then fall to tho Con ference Committee of the two Houses. Chairman Simmons expects to receive the tariff bill from the House not later than May 1. He believes the, Henato will dlsponB of the bill before .Inly l.and that It. will ko to the President nut later than July ID. Chairman 1'ndorwood estimated ,0 ctav that general debate lu tho House would last ten days or two weeks ,,J the rest nf the lime would bo consumed In debato under the live minute rule. Mr. 1'nderwood will present tho tariff bill In tho IIoubo to-morrow. On Tucs-'all day morning nt 11 o'clock the House Dnmoorata will meet ln cuuoun to ratify anssr ixnzi w, noon, only an hour will ho allowed for discussion on the measure. Now thut tho tnrlff progrummo has been approved by tho Prrridcnt, the. lcudcrs nay It will be adopted by the caucus without protest, Debate on the bill will bo begun Wednesday or Thursday. Tho House will be kept In session every day until the measure has been passed, DEFEND NAME OF THE I PROTESTANT CHURCH Dcfin OrosviMior and Dr. TiPlp;li toti Parks Devotfl Str- 11)01)8 lo It. A I.I. FAITHS I.OSK HOhl) S(. HaiUiolomew'H Kocttir Shvh rnritanism Is to Blatn Most. Uenn (JiosVtmor of tho I'ulbedial of Ht. John the Divine nnd the Hev. Dr LelKhton .Parks nt Ht. HartholotnewV devoted their sermons yesterday tnnrn Ini; to the much discussed question of chanBltiB the name of the Protestant i.'Klsroinil I'liiircli of America. lloth clerK.vmen lApressed etroiiK npjiosltion to tin- movcnieiit. ii'an urosveuor swu 'Ther.. has b..eti published lately a let ter to the prrridlntr Illshop which i slgnrd i and which w.i slitned by n number of the iciIi-irx of this city rIvIiik ieasms why we depns;:ite and oppose any change In the inline of our chinch. "There ale many reasons that tnl;ht b glM'ii, but KiieiikliiB fur myself llietu Is une controllInK re.ion am! that briefly Is this, that to drop tho word 'Protestant' would seem tu proclaim that we were try liu? to get rid of the Kreat principles of ProteHtantlsm. as those principles wei-e In volved lu tli KtiKllsh Jti-lui matlon. In my ojilnlon the unly c.itliollclty of , the futuie that is wottli havltiK or that can abide must hold Wtliln It thoe. Jteformatlon principles becurei they are ! true ..xprf slon of the tlospel of Christ. "The question befote the Church ot Itonie In the slxtetith century was whether ' ' "' Iienirillilliuil - ..o l,.i"i e. ".- 'store the i'iiiillbi luni of aoliiice ami re- IIkIoii Pivtctj!itlnn does not set up ' reason :i (; .1 1 1 t f.ilth, but pmcliiliiis thu iiimy "f ail l.nowledKi", himi.m and illvine, 'ppjelaims our nKht to anilne the ile I elstons of the pa't Heneratlon of the . 'uin h and vindicates the rlKht of each generation of Christian mn to ileal with l... fl.A me In thr. UkIiI . either of these modes of thouxht appeal to ,h ,, ,,,r...., ,,. .,,irii we have N'ott ttie diuVult p.nblem of the n- sl r.iii . Miueh and oil' own American .h'Ji.a aias has hern and always w.ll be Hi s. iii.u she Is so hroadmlnded that he -''"-s I'.ie value of authority and Insists upon spiiltual freedom she lias rn dvavored to hold In her wale embrace thlriKs new und old .M... ..It ,t... -,. .. ... n lilli 1n An flits wa- u; Rj bii.,. t() tl(. hliari.vl, of hfr llf(. Iu ai.unl on. e In the piisence of the ..taster, to listen to ills words and to tollow His will, s.i she took her stand llt'OIl urllllitlVe 'hrUlllinlty. She ilenles til human Infalllullitles. tho Infallible man, the Infallible church, the Infallible book. "The real lssu res, directly In this, Are we open minded, large hearted,, Invlim men and women" Do we .jr.. for the brothel hood of man? Do we praise all seekers after truth'' Do we sympathize with all sorrow" Do wo re- intr-t. le (.11 pi.hla.ilianMV? Wa we llvlniz. 1 ,,..,,, lh)nK for tn uplift and salvation 'of tho world"" Dr Paries not inly criticised tho Catholic" party of his church, but tho Puillan element In and out of New Imirlnnd. Ho declared It to be Puri tanism and not Protostanlmn that la falllnc on a trial Involving the religion of a nation. He said In part "I cannot compiehend how any men or set of men can study seriously the hU torv of Protestantism In Europe and Atneilca and say other than that such icllKlous llf as America bourns la duo to tho Protestant churches. Consider for a moment their vast contribution to edu cation, to missions at home nnd abroad, to humanitarian ends, to everythln; that counts for uplift. There Is to-day more faith In the love of Ood, more devotion of .lesus Christ, moie prnctlon of the (lolden Iliiln than ever. "It cannot '! denied that many youth forsake the ohurrh. It Is due ln part to tlm war between theolotiy and tha Htatu In public education. Sonic way must be found to end thesu dlffeiences. Nor can It ho denied that lu many quarters Chris tian faith Is losing Its hold upon millions of men and women Tell of 4'nlliolle Losses. "llecausn this may he so, why offar (1.vthllo doctrines, either straight Roman ones or those held to by the Catholic party that would chanwo the name of the Uiilsoopal Church'.' The Homan Catholic ... 1.., iBU 1 ...n.i.i m. ......, Church has Ju-t Issued ottlclal figures giving a Catholic population nf 10,000. oiiu in continental I'nlted State, Hut (oiiHlder what Its population might have lieeu had It heltl the Immigrants coming Into the I'nlted States, who wore good Human Catholics when they left home I The loss of thu Itomnu Catholic Church is enormous. t or proor see vainoiu 1 authorities. Some come Into Protestant I "n;!- "JJ, J l , , ut j .rot,.-,tu'rit ism that on its pan H falling In America, hut Piiillaulimi, i Tlu-io Is a falling away of pmiplo from churches, Catholic and Protes 1 tan', dun to disgust with all kinds ofjtu 7.41 mills from 7.fu nilllf: in 1911. 1 ecolesbustlcisin. It Is a great mistake 1 "This may not appear to bo 11 back urs , .ro,eMaiit spliltual forces. 1 be- mP,n,1 "f mr,r -7,O0),O00.0rtO tons of lluvn In the honesty of these Catholic leaders. I have sympathy with their de sire lo nuke American CbrUtlans. Hut to do anything that makes It Roman Catholic and lo repudiate the only element, or almost the only one, that has created Christian spiritual life Is a serious blunder " Tho ltev Dr. .1. G, H. Barry of St. Mary the Virgin Church, regarded aa John R. Waters Co. INSURANCE Fire Liability WHt-IMfrt nil'rilir hlKliMt of the high In tho Kplscopul , Church, preached the sermon ut Holy Communion Church yesterday morning I Holy Communion represents the e-, trenies of tho lows. A larKO coiiki elation evldi-ntly ex- 1 ectoU that some reference would bo ' pectoU that some referenco would bu made to tho prciient controversy by Dr. I Harry or by the rector, the Flew lr. Henry Mottet. It was dlsapiiolnted. I Neither mado uny tefeteiice whatsoever to the matter COMSTOCK MINES IN PERIL. Husprnslou of Operation 'I'lnrnt enril liy riooilliiic,, Xec., April fl An mint; xltUAtlou confronts tli-i famous Com Btock mines, and thwAtcns the entire suspension of operations for the Hist tlmo In thlrty-sls years .ei ii . j . i.moikiiu iiunseii wnen no was very sic; , Th disastrous flooding of all thei,,, i..,,,.,,. ., ,, , ,,, V tunbte ore bodies below, lo. Mit.ot.l n- net, or the ...o loot level ami. untold damaKe will follow ir the Mexican mine carries lnlt Its determinate.,, not to pa ' the demand of Jlfi.dOO made by the pumplnn asMociatlon as its unpaid ".i.e-iii .... ,,; iiiiiiei. '"' t.eneral I, ectVlc Company All of the most valuable me bodies nro under the ,-.U foot leel nnd on!) ny voiiiiimoiiH iiumpiim- is laplil noon- Itm- helm; prevented. petitions from every person of the Comslock dlstrlci are Imploring the Mexican mine man agement to recede from Its position. The trouble Is deep seated, bitter, and Involves charges mi rountei- ohatKfs respecting u coteile of San I'l aticlsco brokers. The ptinipitu; association is uu ur banization of those controlling nil mines for the purpose of hatidlliiK propor- tlonate assessments fiom ..ich mine's'""'" The sltmltik' of "Hle.eil lie the .mil of contractltih with the power sup- Tie That Hinds" followed, ply company for pumps The Mexican Th.- l!v. I'. II Nelson then deliv mine, the most heavily asses,,..l one of "r"d "n millions on meattiess. Prof, all, and the only one capable of coiiUim ' Hemillct Carter, the head of the to the rescue tU tills emergency, refuse- to do so unless It recelveH control CROWD IN ROOSEVELT'S WAKE STOPS TRAFFIC IJcmtvps Culled Out When the I'oloiiol Vnlk on l lie Knst Side. Theodore Koosevelt motored up fiom Oyster Hay last night to take supper nt the Henry Street Settlement House. Afterward he walked from there to Clinton Hall, ot 1M Grand street, and created such a furore that I.leut. Tralnor of the Clinton street station house had to send out the reserves to keep tr.irtlc going The Colonel nppeared to enjoy the Side crowds and laughed while he remarked to a friend that It looked o him like ,1 "good nntitred riot." Mr. lloosevelt was accompanied bv Mrs Itoosevel' other guests at the supper. In the main Settlement House at 20a Henry street, were Mr. and Mr. .lurch Kiln, Dr. Henry Moskowltzof Mad ison House, Otto H. Knhn, Mr. and Mts. Williams, Miss Helen Dudley, former head worker at Dennlson House in Uoston; Miss Alice I'wlsohn. director of the Settlement House Dramatic Club. Ml".s Mlllan D. Wald. founder nf the settlement, nnd Miss Hliibeth Cnnth't, Miss Wnld'H oclaI Rocretary. In addi tion thirty-live of the settlement work ers were present. After tho upper Mrs. Koosevel: and Miss Wall went In an automobile ,0 Clinton Hall, where the Dramatic club was to give Its annual special perfoim ance. Col. Koosevelt, accompanied by Mr. RIls, Dr. Moskowltz and members of tho Rettlement House Koosnve'lt Club, walked, The route lay along Henry street to Grand street nnd up Grand to Clinton. Tho crowds grew nnd grow until Grand street was Jammed from curb to curb. Then the police ramo and the crowd went away. At Clinton Hall the Dramatic Cluh presented John Galsworthy's "The Sil ver Hox" an oconomlc drama. At the end of the second of the thren acts Col, nnd Mrs. lloosevelt had to leave to reach Oyster Hay at a sea aonablo hour. 1912 WAS BAD FOR RAILROADS. IrOTrral .Net Income In 2f Veara. 1na .olnson Thompson, Chicago, April 6. Uailroads through out the t'nlted States got In 1012 tho lowest relative net Income In twenty live years, according to Slason Thomp son, head of tho bureau of railway news and statistics, ln his annual review. The history of all rail carriers ln the United States for 1912, ho says, also discloses tho following farts: Ixrwest average freight receipts since 19n. Payment of the highest wages m their ,c,inrv . oo""y Multlnllcallon of costly regulation Heaviest )om nnd dumase claims record. Highest taxes et levied Dargest gloss revenues received Largest expenses of operation. ' In discussing the regulation of rail load rates Mr. Thompson says; "ruder! icgulatlon, as Interpreted to mean only reduction of rates to meet the vievva of rival shippers and cotiimuultU's nnd suspending all ndvnnres except tin In algnltlcant few, tho average receipts j per freight ton mile has been reduced freight moved huh mile It amounts: up to over H2,000,UOO, or enough to havo romovod thn reproach of an Insufficient net Incomo from a year of unpre cedented accomplishment. Tho roal cause for this condition Is not to bo found In tho statistics of railways, but In the statistics of tho Interstate Com merce Commission." : MORGAN MEMORIAL ! SERVICE IN ROME ' Practically All Anicricans in I lOtornnl City. Tnclnditifi' j Relatives, Attend. I KA VOKITK HYMNS slWH They Were CIiomui hy .Mr. Mor ran Himself When III in Ktf.vpl. . i. ii'ilf btnpllrl, to I'm .His Ito.Mp, April fi.--A memorial set vice 'or tho late ,1. Plerpont MorRnn wn '"'hi In the American Church of St nt H o'clock this mornlnc. Ptactlc.iUy all lb" Atnet leans In Home witi" present. Th"' audience Included i Mr. (I'ltrlen, the American Ambassador. I , nnd lilt wife. Post Wheeler, tho seen-. fury of Uu1 Ihnbassy, and Ills wife, the Mulf of the American Mmbassy. Mr, nnd Mi I'ltzslmon, the latter formerly I'tsula Mnrran; and Mrs. Samuel Abbott, Mis, llurlbei t and Mrs., relatives of the late llnaliejcr. and .Mr. and Mtp. tleotKe Wurtss. Iteferved seata wre allotted to tho students of the American Academy. Tho hymns sum; were those selected by Mr, tla1lMht..r. m U.r,,It , Satterlee, , whlll h ,, U(lM K(. u UV(. , , , f(U,.ral- Th(. ,..,,,,. x n wh . HiwUlK f .., veil Tl Kvery lll(llr... Then followed the leadln,; of ! (l(ii I, on 'The happiness f the lust "and tho evil mate of wicked." , Aftl.t. ,, ,,,. ,,.,,, ,Xn, ... .... ,,.. .. .....i i,..,,.. .,, i.., f,. , minL- of the hlntdom - (ili ni ,,. ,.,.,. , lls ,huuh." the lesson from the Hook lf WNdom. the third Te D. um, the les- hou from I. Corinthians, ihnptcrs xv. to . . beninnliU-' "lttit I have used none of tlv so thlnt;." Neither have I written these tlnims. that thev should be so done unto me. for It I Rood for me to ill" rather than that nny man should make mv ;lory void." Then followed the Apos.Ics' Cried nnd the choir snnj; the iinthem "Hark, .My ."neuron m-imui . loaue mi auuieeh 011 I All. .Morcan vviiicii creatiy impreseu I 'he conuii nation and moved many of 'Hi. women to teats. Tin service closed 'it if I, III,, ll, ne,llefl,, Hear Admltnl Peary, who is attending 1 he (.'.-omaphlcal conuress. was unable to be present because he had been summoned to nu audlenco with King I'mmatuiel. Thev chatted for tin hour anil exchanged notes on the Ar1le. which the King visited when he was Crown Prince. The King remarked that this was the fourth anniversary of the discovery on the north pole, on which he congratulated the American explorer. Hear Admiral Peary will take lunch eon with the American Ambassador to morrow and will leave In the evening for Kgypt with bis wife and daughter. MAN OF VISION AND ACTION. In I iMt I'ulplis Mr. llorann' L'har- nelir Is llllloxlird. The Morgan povv In St George's Cliurdi. Stti)veKint Square, was tho only vacant one yesterday. The rector, the ltev. Kail Holland, near the closo of ii sermon said' "With nil of Mr Morcan's other gifts vveie hl spiritual c'ft". nnd of these im portant gifts 1 would not have you Isnor ant 1 speak not for .Mr Morgan's sake, but for our sakr. of M". Morgan's free uid open li.-a. t. h.s qui.t unlinown good, h.- itMilv str.i.itnv so lavn-hly bestowed, h.-t ti."s. ttidurlng friendship, and Ills se,.,t bind. generous with Iti means that no on knoxi tho mighty blessings, he sent straight to many lives to whom he wa as the 'sheltering shadow of a Kieat iwk ln a weary land.' All through a." loin life, cha'Ked full with the affairs of 11011 in all the woild and busy with the tr.nle of manv mvt a welcome i:uet In evei v land and place and foreign court, he still found time to plv the Father's busi ness, to enter the courts of praise and come as a suppliant guest with out stretched hands before the holy table of th" ljord " The preacher's text was "Havo any or the rulers believed on Him?" and quoting It In referenco to Mr. Morgan, Mr. Itelland a.ilted tho question and answered It, .saying: "Yes, thank Ood, a ruler of great actions, John Plerpont Morgan believed In Him In yonder pew, where we shnll s e Ids face again no more, he stood for Ood Communicant, vestryman, wnideu of St. Oeorge's Church, woishlpper of Jesus Christ, he went In nnd out nuioiig hH fellow nu 11. No wondur then lu the fullness of yenrs. In tho capital rlty of tbls Wehtern world, ho afllrmeil his con viction that personal character Is the foundation of the fabric of success." Dean Grosvenor, speaking from the pulpU of tho Cathidral of St. John 11 . iv.'. -V" ! m ' I EM M l .J'."..I ' m What did you do last season ? If you KNEW absolutely you would know almost absolutely what to do this season. The Library Bureau Perpetual Stock Record tells. It gives the history of each article in your stock. Shows how many were sold, when, which turned over quickest, which were "stickers." It is a record of the FACTS of the past the best possible guide for the future. The further back it goes, the more valuable such a record is. Start YOURS now. Ask for booklet, "Keeping Stock theL. B. Way." Library Bureau Card Filing Systems and Office Equipment 316 Broadway, New York Vboar.HM WsMk. SHANLEY'S CAFE-CABARET Continuous every evening, Sunday Included SEVEN to ONE. Twenty-five artists of unequalled MERIT and MUSICAL ability. TABLE d'HOTE LUNCHEON, 12-2:30, 75c Broadway, 43d to 44th Street - - - , the iJivine to a full cnnifTeKatlon. said I t Mr Mnife'iin Fiom his earliest youth be had a peculiar nltractlon Hnd affection for his church. Thiougli all tho rars of his strenuous life, crowded with Hffalra of the largest public Impoit, he always found time to attend divine worship, to consider the living problem of the organized life of the church and to give to her concerns tlie best of his mind and heart. "Mr. Morgan gave generously of his means to the church, but those of us who have been privileged to sit with him during the sessions of tho general con vention can nuvcr forget tho striking proof of the fact that he always gave first of nil himself For nearly three weeks the sessions lasted. Day after day he was in his place, patiently listening to the long debates. Sometimes the sessions were evidently dreary, and If he was at certain moments restless there were many of us who hhared his silent protest and stayed with him. "Of hla many services to his own parish and to this diocese others will speak, but I would voice hero the deep appreciation of his generous support of tho Cathedral. "My estimate o Mr. Morgan's character Is summed up In two words vision nnfl action, he saw nnd he did. He was n, man of few words. Every day there came to him visions of great nnd powerful nnd beautiful things, and every moment was tilled with the doing of them. He did not tarry for discussion, a single brief sen tence was sutllclent and forthwith he pro reeded to act He came, he saw, he did, and so he conquered. "With nil his mastery of men and things ho was as simple as u child, and so waa Impulsive and very human. He had the Puritan reserve biding a deep tenderness and making him lonely. He was Im periously Benerous. Complex as was his nature be waa perfectly honest and sin cere, so that his friends, his fellow coun trymen, tho world, battled at first, under stood and honored him. "Men tell us that a great financier, statesman, patron of tho arts, philan thropist, has passed away. Yes, Irtit a strong loving heart has stopped Its earthly beating but Is alive forever In the eternal lovo of God " Tho ltev. Dr. Karl Kelland. rector of St. George's Church, said yesterday that requests for cards of admission to the funeral services for the Into .1. Plerpont SlorSllll nail iert niiriim-M me s i.-i e .1 1 force at tha rectory' !' noon to-day the demand will have far exceeded tho capac ity ot the church. l.TftO seats. "The funeral of Mr Morgan," said Dr. Kellnnd, "will be the largest that has ever been held from St George's Church, ac- j nn) ,,Pnsed with the si,,-re'i of ire cording to the number ot applications for , nur.f ry,- sna nr. Hnrnntt. "and I criminal W s::n.,;rroutThe,ca,;d: m ' ft" " I. w... become popular T -,t Is quite probable that Mr Morgan. .Ir .! ba,,l"s 1,11 Hlp',t ",orn,nt will assist us In looking over the names 1 o"'1 wore quieter than b.ibl. s iimi.iI ' received." arc. Cribs will be provided soon, awl A list of relatives and Intimate friends of the dead financier has been prepared hy Mr. Morgan's family nnd turned over to a special committee of vestrymen. Bishop Greer of New York, Bishop Law lence of Massachusetts and Dlshop Brews ter of Connecticut hnve been requested by the family to officiate nt tho servloes. The rector and the clergy at St. George's Church will assist. MORGAN'S GIFTS TO LONDON. Memorial Serrlee Snaaratril hs Wrlter In "Tlmeia." Spcial Coble PetpatcA to Tns Sn IjOIsuon, April 7. The Times gives prominence to an anonymous letter calling nttcntlon to tho late J. Plerpont Morgan's numerous gifts ln England, for which no public, acknowledgment sit the Hundred5 of Rctorial I KODAK EXHIBITION 0UTWffED IICTURES i5y M.WB T0RRENCE STUCHEU FASCINATING MOTON. PICTURES COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS at any Kodak Dealers. In tho way of personal honor was vw made. Tho WTlter Instances tho lighting el St. Paul's Cathedral, his largo dona tlons to tho Young McjVh ChrlstUr. Association, Including fBO.OOO toward tho erection of n. new headqu&rterr building; Ills gifts to tho Hrltlwh Mil seum nnil his many benefactions which aro unknown to the public. Tim writer suggests that It 'vmi.d bo appropriate to hold a memorial set vice ln London on tho day of the tlnan tier's: ftinernl In America. CHURCH MINDS BABIES AS MOTHERS WORSHIP l'orl Chester Pastor Starts Nni' sory With Volnntopr Nnrscs. Port Chester, N. Y April ft. Tli Rev. Dr. Jrn. William Harriott, pastie of tho First Presbyterian Church of Port Chester, on ths Hound, Introduced a nursery Into ills church to-day so thn babies can be minded while theli mothers: nro attending nerviccs. His reason for tho Innovation la tlu ninny mothers when asked why th haven't ticen nt church sold, they hai to stay home to mind thn babies. D' Harnett then srrnngod to have tie social room ln the, church bulldlr. opened for the babies during churc' hours, nnd scvernl unmarried women volunteered to mind the children Six mother availed thomselvcfc of t opportunity to-day, nnd their Isibic wereentruBtcd to tho caro of Miss Hdit Dtitts nnd Miss Maitin. .Vn a cry disturbed the sermon, and nnr.'es said they enjoyed themselves. After the sermon nine babies w - . . 1 ,nI,uzp 1 The mothers, of these nren 1 Ised Dr. Harnvtt that they vv 1 1 contln.c , to attend church nnd will bring tin babies with them, an the church nurser. will find a larger patronage after this ! t hern will be toys to piny with I ha hnd nny number of offers from tied women who are willing to act a" Dr. Harnett Is a Westerner and f r merly had a church lu Grnnd Kapul' Mich. He put his nursery sachems In' effect In his church there, but It 1 ' llrst time It has been Introduced hero Itnber Mm oil I'roin Holdup lien. Prank .1 Knhi's. a pie haker of llrewster street, IToinpklnsville. Sta'm Island, told the police yesterday that 1 was held up nt the point of pistols hy two highwaymen on Clinton street, a ff' doors from his homo late on Saturdar night. Knhrs snB that he had over ISO In his clothes nnd that the robbers wouH havo got It had not two men whom I doesn't know come along and seared them away. Entailments Carnegie Music Hall April lst-April 12tt Open Tuesday Afternoon, Apt, lit, and daily thereafter (except Sunday) from 2 to 10 p. m. (Lectures at 3 and 8 p. m.)