THE BUN," FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1918. STILL NO CLUE TO BORDEN GIRL T.i' lioi' Leaves Hotel Man liattiiii to Join thi' Seaivli. i MATCHLESS SWEETS Flavor and purity' dear to Southern ers for 25 years V v JUTKPTIVKS AT A LOSS ,ot ;i Kidnapping, for Sho Vnt of Her Own Will, Apparently. J lit X AWAY HKl-'OltK 'i'rvnii ffcction fiivon its l.'i'iiMin for I'littiiisr Hit in SiinitJiriiiiii. NOW MADE IN NEW YORK Buy them fresh dally from ' leading drugging and grocers. Alk by nimi. New York Factory. 154 W. Mth Si. that pity and engaged an apartment In Ptonelelgh street. She wm accompanied by pretty girl, who wern said to be- her nlecco, Miss Violet and Gladys Sheldon of New York. On April 11 the party at fionelelgh t'ourt was Joined by another girl younger than the other.". Tho quartet attrnrted n good ileal of attention on the avenues in Washington by the beauty of their costume!". The younger Kill turns out to bes Ml km Borden, and It was reported among friends of Mr. White that she hud lieon In a ttoarillng school nt Berkeley, Oil., and had run a.vay from there. I -ii-t week Mr. Borden learned thnt hi daughter I. .id Joined Mrs, White In Washington, lie employed a Wash ington detective agency to Bet the child. A man called at the apartment and had no trouble In getting In. Miss Bor den was turned over to hint and at once left for New York In custody of a woman physician. It Is understood she wns taken directly to Dr. l'arker, who recommended the stay at the -rompton sanitarium. Mrs White Is nld to have left Wash ington on Saturday shoilly after the dc parture of the Borden girl. Her Instruc tions to the employees of Stonclelgh t'ourt were that mall for her, her nieces and for Miss Borden hhould be for warded to the Mnrlborough-Ulonhelin Hotel In Atlantic City Mrs, Helen Sheldon White Is about 3." years old and Is considered unusually handsome. She was married to James Maloney of the Bennett Netting Com pany and divorced him In 1906. the same month In which Wlltlam J. Whit. was divorced by his first wife. Thirty houni after Mrs. Maloney's decree was granted she and the former head of the Ameri can Chicle Company were married at the Holland House In this city. t.ate last nlicht It was admitted nt the Adams sanitarium In I'ompton that Miss Borden had left there and hndn't re turned. No groat concern was shown as to whether she ever came back or not, Ir Barker said at the same time that the last hours of the search hud failed to discover the missing girl. Atlantic Citv. April 24. Mrs. Will- DUTY ON SUGAR AND WOOL GAINING FAVOR 1'niir or Five Democrats Mny Switch in Senntc Fi nance Committee. IIOI'SK DOATK KOKS ON Hamilton of Mlohipnn Twits President Fordiiey Attacks Swrnr Schedule. construction of any tnrltT measure, took place behind closet doors The measilte was then passed on to a secret party caucus, where the tdvt that only a few change were made In the committee draft Is not proof of the measure's in vulnerability but evidence of a per functory consideration given the lo ; technical bill, "All the provMon In the matter of the tariff enter into the delicately In terrelated adjustments of the nation's Industrial life. Vet this task of revision, admittedly dltllcult, has been undertaken again with the old disregard of correct methods for the collation of accural Information and In defiance of a inlver sal popular demand that the tariff shall be revised scientifically, "I'nder the guise of reducing the post o.'" living It may destroy the very basis of our Industrial prosperity. I'roposlng and promising to cheapen the food nm! clothing of the wnrklngnian, It mnv take from him the very means by which he can earn his livelihood " 30,000 WOMEN TO BE IN SUFFRAGE PARADE Marchers in Line Eight Abreast Instead of Four ns Formerly. A I.I. TO WEAK 1'X IFOR. MS r. en pr.vate detectives who were cm j. -ye. vster,.iy haven't been able to t! )! tiamon.i Borden, daughter of Gall i;. d'-n. whi) left a s.mltarlum In limp- r n I . on Wednesday with two v. n In , m automobile. The seventeen. .a- i'd irl has successfully evaded n x 'ran U for her tdnco she eluded her i i, .mi nis" in Newark. "nil. of Mr. Borden admitted last ti'.1 '"lit he was much worried over - n.iugl.tcr'.s disappearance and had i-.'.ir, 1 .11 for her personally a while. '. j: f.i .lie. he got detectives and sent if'i several pluie where the girl "in rip.irted to have gone, Atlantic On .ml Washington among them. I a-., .asl night Mr. Borden left here sail went on a secret mission. At the Jlan.iafan Hotel, where he lives, lnfor .n.if m as to his destination was re fa.d. but it was admitted that he hud ..-no awn . tt i noilevod that Miss Borden, wher- t- i-r she is. is In the company of Mrs. tm J. White, or Mrs. Helen Shel- 'ii V i ir. wit.- of the former head of ciowing gum trust" Despatches : n Washington to The Sf.v say that .rl lived with Mr.-. White in her . a'-.m.'M In Stonelelch Court. Wash it n. froni April 11 until last Satur i. ,md that she was then taken from i ro ly detective sent by her father i''i- 'imi .as urouKoi in hm 1 watt.. wir or me iormer ueiiu , .. ... .... v .... i ... ... . ... i - . i uamuion, uiuuigi ','"" u,m" la" u woman jof ln "chewing gum trust, was ax i. K,.n,.rallz.,iion" without expressing ' -" Jlarlnorougli-itienneini inuei iieie moo lr Hoi.ien is prepared to prosecute i ia!t Saturdav until Wednesday after- w ii. n who figured In his dauch- noon, when she left on the 2.30 train for New York. Sh- was accompanied by her nieces, MNes Violet and Glads Sheldon. The destination of the three was not told to the hotel clerk and they did not elve notice of an intention to return. ' - d parture from Dr. Ad.itnsV sanl .! ma if he ran find them. His friends . :m tt.-d inst night that strong sus. ns as to who these women were t'"i-ed in Mr Borden's mind and it the next twenty-four hours ought e the end of the search for them r his daughter. Miss Borden's connection with -he v. aien is hard to define. She was not if it restraint at the sanitarium and ' Borden family physician, Dr. George v Parker of 41 West Fifty-second t. reiterated last night that there not a thing wrong with the girl ally It was said that she is simply i . rong i h.ifed ai the restraint her , . . -r put her under and ran away the i : fnnee she had after she found she ; v - i i' sent to a private school I . . w of these conditions Mr. Bor- . gal representatives were dotibt .; rdny If the charge of kidnap- ild he brought against the two ,! n .1 thev were found. They thought 'r h.i' the case would come to a . . r. et.J if Itainona was returned to . f it -ier. -e .s no Miggestlon that Mrs. 1 n Vaik Borden is in any way con- WILSON TO NAME POLK; WON'T HEED O'GORMAN Senator. Il Is Said. Will Not Openly Oppose Confirm inar Collector. Wamiimitos, April 24 Frank I.. I'olk, former heart of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, will be the no.t Collector of the I'ort of New York. 1'iesldent Wllpon has decided to nppomt WvshimitoN, April 24. - Democratic leaders In the Senate admit there l a growing sentiment In that body In favor of a duty on wool and sugar. This sentiment is growing In the Fi nance Committee and It would not be surprising If four or five Democratic Senators Joined with" the Republicans In the committee in voting a duly on wool and In changing the House provision dn sugar, giving n small duty of from 50 to 75 cents a hundred pounds. it Ih certain that Democratic leaders have been much Impressed by repre sentations niido to them at tho confer ence yesterday between Western Demo cratic Senators and Democratic members of the Finance Committee. Senator Chamberlain of Oregon has made It clear In statements made to Ills own constituents and to his colleagues In the Senate that he will try to get a small revenue duty on wool and sugar, but that he will not muke war on his own party organization or on the legis lative programme to bring about the result. Itegardlng some of the other Senators from the West there Is not so much cer tainty. The attitude they assumed be fore the committee yesterday Indicated thnt they might catry the war beyond the party caucus. Democratic members of the Senate Finance Committee will resume their work on the bill to-morrow. Debate was resumed on the 1'nder wood bill In the House to-day. For the first time a night session was held. The bill was denounced by Republicans awl Bull Moose as embodying everything bad In the way of revenue legislation and commended by the Democrats. Representative Hamilton of Michigan, a Republican, aroused the risibilities of his party colleagues by ipioting from public speeches of President Wilson In which the Executive, according to Mr Indulged In "high sounding my specific views: Representative Fordney, also of Mich igan and a Republican, one of the apos tles of high protection, delivered an old fashioned tariff speech In which hn pulled the tall of tho Democratic donkey and predicted disaster to the country under the new revenue law. Representative Hamilton crltlcled re cent utterances of lresldent Wilson nnd Vict-President Marshall. "In his Inaugural address," said Mr Hamilton, "leaning down from heights of altruism and talking down to his fol lowers In a language that none of them understood, the President explained to them that the nation was Intending them 'for a large and definite purpose." This gave general satisfaction until It was explained to them that It did not Involve their employment in otliclal ca pacity." Representative Fordney. Republi can of Mlchlgnn, dlscuied th sugar nnd wtKil schedules. He charged that the trust was behind the agitation for free sugar. "It is not true," said Representative Hammond, Democrat, of Minnesota, that the wheat and flour Industry of I. mane o Work for Iteelproellf , The American Reelpioeal Tat Iff League was Incorporated .lesterdiiy with the up. proval of Supremo Court .liiRtUe Lehman, Its purpose Is to advocate the principle of tariff reduction through reciprocity The first meeting of the league will be held May 1, when officers are to hi elected PETTICOAT KING GETS 7 YEARS FOR LARCENY Salo .!. Jackson Pleads Onilty to Defraudinir Hankers. Mr. Polk notwithstanding the strong op- j h, country ha9 m 'put In the hands position of Senator O Gorman. The ac- I , .. ,, hffl tlon will be a victory for Secretary of rn.d .ii her daughter's disappearance Tri.a' McA,,0, who has made a - - -. inewner,. oa ma i acme coast personal effort to have Mr. Polk 'he present time, accoidlng to last IJ1)mfl " fr ,m He r frht,r'o i,a,i been Intimations that Sen ium uornen n green upon a ,, , ,-r.orm:.n would make an active fUMr-ui .n in i:ui. me custody or tne . ....... o,-mU.i,,n ,f .h,. I- nniMial. but the mother to , n(,nn.irlon. but to-night there were re- ti.. woid In Ramona's education i por(, tnn, miKht not carry Ids oppo- h-n.Tg up. She had the privilege I tjfm t( ,n(l PXt,.nt of mnklng an oi en '' "g the girl whenever she chosn ! c)lt t the Sennte. iir.j i pointed out that there would' Senator U'Gonnnn held a conference i ! i. m.-. m for her t engage in a kid. wlt)l Secretary McAdoo, and it was i it ;n , . mure , learned to-day that the Senator had told i' I'.-m. .-.ild last night that Gall jJr McAdoo bluntly that he could tut I . :i duiiglit. r had alwavs been a !.... nnv .mm! rnnmn for making the an- - i i m i'i manage, hue was taKcn polntment " u'i '.!', woo exaiiuneii uer ror l . ,. atfi eti.iu and advised that she .hut the nomination probably will go !t of the enemy' by this bill.' Mr. Hammond framed the schedule of the bill dealing with these two articles. "The flour of this country." he con tinued, "Is being manufactured by the millers of this country nnd sold abroad and these millers and flour makers nro able to grind wheat, market the flour. Invade the markets of the world, pay tariff duties In those foreign countries and compete with the millers of tho world. Fifty millions and over of the produit were exported in 1S12. "We found too there wa- a consider able revenue derived from wheat 1m- Salo .1 .lackson, former head of the Jackson-Mack Manufacturing Com pany, mukers of silk petticoats, and sometimes called the "petticoat king," was sentenced ycMetday to not less than three and a half or more than seven years In Sing Sing by Justice Senbury In the Criminal Branch of the Supremo Court. Jackson pleaded guilty to three Indictments charging him with grand larceny The complainants were I,. Rrnsteln & Itro. and L. Splegelberg & Son, bankers, who charged that Jackson swindled them out of about $240,000 by false In voices on which money was advanced. The Jackson-Mack company failed last October. It Is Raid that the losses to creditors will amount to 1500.000. In eluding the amounts lost by the firms that have brought criminal action. After the failure of his firm Jnckon disappeared, but he was found later in Frontern, Mexico, where he was living under another name. Tie hail become the leading citizen of the town with big plans for development of that sec-Ion. Before Jackson's trial came Mnv Stember, assistant treasurer of the com pany, pleaded guilty to having a part in the general scheme used to get money from the banks. Stentber was to have been a witness against his chief. After his plea Jackson had sveral Interviews with. AFslstnnt District At torney O'Malley nil gave him complete statements of the firm's business rela tions which will be useful to the re ceiver In straightening out the com pany's affairs. Jackson Is an evpert garment rie. signer, and -ald eterday that he lias neon working on some new designs In clothing wlili h he wl'l bring out and "astonish the country" when he has completed his prison irntence SUPPER CLUB MAY DANCE ON. His Meetinpr to Follow in Car ncirie Hall Pean Sum ner to Speak. Tliitlv thousand suflragists already liave-promwod lo mnreli up Fifth avenue from Washington Niuaro to the music I of the thirty-live Imtuls on May 1 'I lie, line will not be long hut wide, for the marchers will be eight abreast instead of four, as in former parade, Mrs Harriot Manlon match thinks the Increase in numbers is due to the lact each marcher got a letter signed by homo woman prominent In her own occupation Miss .Straehan signed the appeal to the teaeherh, Miss Lola t I-olletle for tho actresses, Mrs. Harriet Johnstone, i Wood for the lawyers and Miss Sara Splint for the writers. Mrs. Iticharil Cake llurleson as herald will lead the parade on horelaek carry ing an American tlag. Sit" will lie fol lowed by eight horsewomen ridlngabre.tst. who will represent the seven sulfrage organizations and the Men's League I'hen will come the executive board of th Vational Woman Sutlrngo Associa tion, followed by nine young girls in I Willie, eacil carrying a Miiem neiirinrc ine. name of an eiifratichiMil State Voters I from these Stales will follow . The Woman's Political L'nion which is organizing the iirade, will march at tho head of the sullrage organization", led bv slvteen young horsewomen They will (w followed by the Hov Dr Antoi nette Urown lllackwell, ti'l years old, who declares that if the twenty young women who volunteered to draw her carriage attempt lo do so she will get out and) walk o a pair or horses have been substituted, to be driven by .Mrs Cyrus Field The Washington pilgrims in their brown cloaks will come next, accompanied bv a lloy Scout band The occupational j croups, the teachers hearing a loren aim the doctors the walul of Aesculapius, will follow, witli the Senatorial groups of the Woman's Political l'nion throughout the Suite, wearing l heir purple, white ami green regalia, bringing up the rear of that organization Groups of foreign enfranchised women will 1m next, thoo from Sweden dresed as Valkvrie-. of the Sagas They "will U. I.kI by the "Valkyrla" riding" on horoh.iek, followed by Uleiula, who won a gicat victory in li.H, with Christina Stjcrna. who defended Stock holm in l.Y.'o, and Jenny Llnd, tho llrst Swedish Mifft agist Tho women irom Norway nnd Finland will wear their native costumes. 1 he j editorial staff of a HoUemian patier almi 1 will be in costume f!,..M,t ..T n(Ti, ivlta frnm ntlinr UlnlAu will follow, those from Washington nnd! ii.iiiiinoro arriving on .1 special ii.iin witli their own womanV. Kind (If tho New York city organizations, the Woman's Sullrage "party will wear vellow sahes and tho Political Lipiality "Association blue The latter will cam blue Imllooiis marked "votca for women and their sivus-u "while zouaves" will (bill at all stops of the parade while the culture to tellers will dance As tin parade n -aches s.ho reviewing rtand at the libi.iry. whole many promi pent men will sit" tho "woman's Mar seill.ns.," will lie sung The cooperative suffrage coniinitte 'decided at its l.iM meeting that no col Poller lo Hull .honing Mrmher. , !,.0tIon should be taken up at the parade Amhj nl I In the Mitmlng. ' Artificial flowers in yellow and violet. ... , , made bv the girls thrown out of work After affidavits had been submit ed to , hv the artillciiil flower workers' sliike, Supreme ( ourt Justice Page vesterd.-iy In fill lH. on sale at Washington Siiuare behalf of the Supper l bib in ts appllea- - . Kjr ,ao w.,.p working in the Hon for an injunction to restrain the po- j ,,lhPIent or St Mark's Church and havo lico from shooing the member awnv from j,..,.ii paid for their labor the club rooms on the third door of Mu-- , As the end of the parade passes street rays restaurant in esi street nt I o clock every tin citv authorities agreed to mnlest the meiii. Hull, where Sumner, head of hers no longer and the application wa Chiivtgo vice commission, will speak oh withdrawn. The police still reserve the Chauffeur's Outfit Special at $43.50 Overcoat, Suit and Cap to Match Smart, good-fitting and undoubtedly the best value ever offered in Chauffeur's cloth ing; a light-weight, double-breasted Over coat, a thoroughly well-tailored Suit, with which you can have your choice of Trousers or Breeches, and a Cap of regulation style; all made of fine quality pure worsted whip cord in gray and in tan the whole outfit $43.50, or parts as follows: Overcoat, $25.00 Suit, $16.50 - Cap, $2.00 Outfits to Match the Color of Your Carup to I25 Dusters $3.50, $6.00, $7.50 and up to $20.00 Moil and Phnne Ordtr Filltd Immediately. Snmple.i of Whipcord Mailed oh Hequeit. BROADWAY AT 49TH STREET r f, , .-' i.. 'r.e country fur rest and I' ni '"ii was chosen, and Miss 1 ' 1 inland. . i 'trained nurse, was .' a- companion. They had ! less than a week, but In that e g rl got the idea she was nub- ,, to he sent lo a strict private, i an i detrrmined to escape. " I- though likely now that Miss Ror-"'- rMe to Mrs. White In Washington .-1 ..sked brr to devise a scheme to - . from Of. Adams's place. 'V r ,i .. luitotnohlle with the two ' . ; ,u ed at the sanitarium ' I- n Wednesday afternoon, Just i:iil 'ins taking a walk accom ' i' I l." Miss Coagland, one of them -! d as "lfelen" That is the 'well Mrs. White Is known 's i ,,i ti,,. time Ramona ! i I .i- run away. Her father has 'i . so. nd considerable money keep- irn, i.f in r at various times, for lb like in be told what she must . I i p.iMt I ve command was given - fieiiientl revenged her.'-elf by - I'pihi i"g nl' causing other trouble. i very vvli-e child," said a i Mi. Itorden vosti'td.iy. "She .i 'i p iving her parents off, one ' r j i i 'i other. She wasn't kld- I in mv opinion, she delibcrati'Iy .i iv and knew what she was 1 rp -l - Urn-den. though 17 years old, i .t . . more than 1.1 or 14 She slight, weighing les than I") - and is under . feet In height hris always had a good deal of v to spend and was accustomed to m a way that generally attracted 'rahlo attention. She Is pretty, not look well. Dr. l'arker i- ' Inst night that all sh needed was iv of fresh air nnd rest from the I ' ha been leading. M's Helen Sheldon Whits, who had a r "Uh at 147 Klversldo Drive until last r. W'f.en she and her husband eepa 'vd. vas been spending part of thotlmo 'ie then abroad. Sho and Mrs. Gall 1' '"1n were friends, It la understood, d Mie had a warm liking tor Ramona, ' "n Mrf Hordon derided to make her " 'n California nnd her daughter s I'-ft with Mr. Horden here, Mrs. " ''o kept up her friendship for tho v d. A ago, according to the Wash Vr'nn d"patrh, Mrs. White went to ported Into this country under the pres. It Is understood President I ent rate of itf cents a bushel. In view of that fact we ilia not care to deprive ourselves of revenue unnecessarily and also because we purposed to make a strong cut anyhow, we put wheat not on the free list but let It remain at 1U cents a bushel, a cut of CO per cent." pOlIllIIK IH- II- e- nn'i'.f. H I Wilson regaids.the matter as clo-ed ;.nd ifi that the nomination probably will go !t when the Senate meets on Monday While all of the candidates suggested by Senator O'fJorman have been his personal selections and not the choice of the Tammany organization his friends realized that tho turning down of Mr O'florman on the collectorshlp would afford material for the Independent Democrats of New York who are fight ing Tammany. Tammany feared that the selection of a man opposed by the organization would Immediately be con strued, whether fairly or unfairly, as h blow by Wilson at Tammany The first two postmasters to bo named In New York Suite were recommended by Senator O'Oorman nnd It was Is Ileved that the President before send ing in Polk's name will mako It clear that he does not Intend to slight Senntor O'Crorman's recommendations generally. National Chairman William r Mc Combs conferred with the ("resident to day nnd it wa reported hn had taken n stand In opposition to the McAdoo recommendation. McComks denied that ho was taking nny part in the collector ship matter. HELPS FORMER WIFE TO REWED. Dlvorerd Her, but Joins In Her He ijnrst for IVrralHlon. Frank Uctterton. a lavyr of 160 Broadway. Joined with his divorced wife, Hdlth 11. Vermllya. In petitioning the Supreme Court of Klngw county to modify a divorce decree obtained by him In December, 1903, so that she may remarry. Justice Putnam granted tho reipiest yesterday. In her petition Edith U. Vermllya said that sho had lived with her brother. Kdward J. Vermllya, 26 years old, of 7S Putnam avonue, slnco Uctterton dl. vorced her and that her conduct had been uniformly good. Her brother and another besides the former husband made corroborating affidavits. Betterton nald that ho had been mar MURD0CK ATTACKS BILL Call II 1'nsplrntlflp nnd Criticise .Secrecy In llraftlnu. Wahiinuton, April "4. Representa tive Murdock of Kansas filed the minor ity report of the Progressives on the I'nderwood tariff bill to-day. The report caJls for the creation of a tariff commission whose Inciulries and reports should precede all revisions of the customs laws. After Indorsing the Income tax provisions the report con tinues; "Tho rate In the hill wern mads In secret, nnd the adjustment of differences between the majority members of the Ways and Means Committee, an ad justment which Is basic end vital In the SI'Kt'lAI. NOTH'KS. Excellent Summer Hotels in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado Each year Colorado becomes moro and more tho t-uinmcr playground, not on Iv for our own people, but for those who como front abroad. One reason is that in addition to the marvelous health RivinR climate, and tho joy of living tlmt one feols in Col orado, the people tnero havo been wise in establishing thoroughly good and comfortablo hotels, boarding houses and ranch houses, where visitore can Jivo on tho fat of tho land and oven in luxury if that is demanded. We havo books and maps nnd pam phlets describing Colorado and telling in detail about these living places, tho prices charged nnd tho names of the rled for nearly olaht vears. and saw no proprietors. In looking forward to your -- ,. , Mummer ir p. win you auow ran to setui you rwisnn why his former wife should not nn, 'i Ii .-mi .k.n ,.n n..n .,m i i,iV... remarry. i detalfed Information about Colorado, for It is irv. Hlenrrn rieeree Granted bv former "' nm Hlu.1 I'leasurH to assist in IUHKlog The divorce an ree granien Dj iurmer .,anB tor Colorado outlniis. .No rharao. It Justice Msrean "expressly forbids ' i A part nf the llurlington Houte (C, 11. U Kdith R. Rotterton to use the name of Ii. IU service. Just let m know that ou n.tlrtn r f r. rr.mi.rrv In the nlnlntlff's I nrP Interested, lifetime, and slfo 1. "deprived abso- artment" o.', lTAR?R.,"nii, lutoly" of all rights as the mother of , nroadway. Centurlan Building, New York. sn Infant son, v I i'i .mo ri .-oi. Kortv -second , sts'akers will address the crowds and later morning, the n great meeting will 1 held in Carnegio here Pean Sumner, head of tin the "Dawning of the Cotiscioilsiieps of Woman sSe Loyally The Man's Room of the Country House npHERE is at least one room of the average Country Mouse whose carelessly casual array of Guns or Fishing-Rods, of Tennis Racquets or of Golf Clubs, gives evidence of the do minion of Mere Man. For the furnishing of such a Sludy, Smoking Room or Den as this, reli ance may well he placed on the sturdy oaken creations of the English crafts men of the XVII Centurv. Such roomv Tables, comfort giving Chairs, or repose ttil Settees as may be found among our Hampton Shops Reproduction. THE GRAND RAPIDS Furniture Company 34 and 36 West 32c! Street Between Fifth Ave. and Broadway New York HAMPTON' SHOPS 30,000 ARE NEAR STARVATION. COAL COMBINE BROKEN. ( murrf III r n I tilling In NornrU a llmtllt of "Hrven Mler" l.nm. right to Inspect the club occasionally The paper showed that Tliom.m I.. Heynold.", a real entate man and a former partner In the real estate ventures nf Timothy D Sullivan, la chairman of the club' board of director nod 11. Van Sonllirrn I'nelllr nf Meilcn tVnni llorne Vlngiit Is trc.-iduror The club operHlr Vrl Count Trnln.. Torced to abandon lit long standing leaned It rooms fur a ear from Inst Do- . piaetlces bv the new "Helen hlflers" laws cember It has members, described l.t, I'vso. lex . Voril'.'! 1 hliiy tlioisind the New .lernw Coal Uealers Afsocla as "prominent In the society and business pRipn in trm Male of Sonom. intiudiiu' Hon, which has filiated for .vears Hie'prlee life of the city" I the entire revolutionary army, are on verce nf mil In tlmt Stile. h-i ' d out nf The club rules any that there must I of Mmation Pecan- of the refnsril or (iatence Thl bec.iine known In Newaik at least one woman to ever) two I the niithern IVtcille of Mevlco to onerate ' venteid.iv when bids weie irceurd at 1 lie male person admitted to the club. No trains nn the west nmsi line. Ciiiidltions ' local pot-t office for a coal Miil 1'or "lUiinlliK or open (laming Is permitted." i have liecome o serious that drnllc threats the first tittle in the hlstoty of the ex. and the music must stop nt H A M lin-irm made airainst tho iono,.iii'- mil.. iliHiiie there wis coitinetltlv e bidding. less the officers penult It to continue until train ervlm wis resumed 1 lie comp inv The prices ranged fnun to I'i. .In a ton. I No liquor can bo sold between i lwj.roinl-e t to coinnh at once Although the new law does not go Into M and in ! ,M . the rules say There ' 1 ! .'. 7'" . V 1 ' T 4 . JJe "i" 'ittneKing , t , ,,,. , ,), an.iatinn at a Is no rule as to the turkey trot, unless , t,Vi were renulscil niter kIi hours of flcM leeent meeting adopted resolution, with- ing, aecotdiiig to despatihes to the State j draw Ing quotations and announced that Department tn.dav tio more will be made. The resolutions that dance is covered by the term nlng ilanclnr.' run- wer Introduced hy rrrld"nt Jonaa C. c uiniri They provided foi the and tuilllllc.itlou . of all clicul.irs In relallan to the retail p Ice nf The actlllK secniary whs also dlrncteil to pievent, so far as he mm be able, the me of th assec'iitlon's nfflcf for an dlM'islon of tet,ill tirlces and tortus ami conditions of sale, or for any purpose not sanctioned by the law a of New .Irrse.v. In former .:irs when bids were asked b the different Institutions and concerns many wen. received, but mil) one prk vi as nuotft This wns fixed b) the ex change l,a-i vcar when bids were asked for coal to l ii'i-d at the po-o office th exehanue tlxeil the price nt T!.''5. It 1 claimed that there will be a saving of about jl'.O In n .vear'n consuniptloti with the competitive bidding. B1MM From passing o'er The route before Miss Phoebe- knows The treat in store And well she might When appetite Is served by Road of Anthracite.