Newspaper Page Text
J n FIRST MEMORIAL DAY AT PICKETT'S HOME n. if rmifpHprHto (iPHPi'nl !r. :ill lncidpul Thnt Ni.irfpil Obsppvam-p. CROWD JAMS PARK ROW TO SEE REAL GAME ON SUN'S SCORE BOARD MURPHY FAILS TO SEIZE THE BRONX Hiotous Meeting of County ppinoprats Leaves Them Opftdlnckcd. W S SOON IX KAVOH MrOI'IRK MEN HOLD FAST !1 the rnknnwn Ornvps in -l iii Tt 011 CjiniP 1 Hp 1im-Up1 Kni'li Vpiiv. Tammany Thought to Score a Voint liy Forcing an Adjournment. the sun; Friday; may 30, 1913; V. 1 . " firolitu ariu'lf on In? oiliin . tM mnl.iimiic noinc hernofors n.l nt history. wiittrn for I i s. Ciirtvll IVWut widow of I rnntr'tti'iiitH fame in 1 l.1.i: rolllll'.l.l. IMTKKTT. fie war ?en. Pickett and .r ns on the pnich of our .1:110 when nnr pet dop. think .1 i doing a service, came In j 11 human hone nnJ laid It on snciiue 1 was cmbfnlderlng for M wi'.Hor, standing beside p, ' s handkerchief over the bone . . (i in- from sccim? what It was, . I ; ti!h It and the sacquc, and , k . tli it; went out. The doR led 1 1 . clave which occupied ground r ern ucrt ! Confederates and !( i. ',1 . a ( mutely. The bodies had J h.isi ,'. buried In hurriedly pre rui 1 k ives Tile earth had been washed , i : tin .ind some of the bones v.. ii? .m the surface of the Kround. Ct. Inimedatcly made ar- p-..i I- -i..i' fir the reinterment of the S ithern and Northern alike. 1 1 1 ."pnn blossoms opened thft . nd I. with our children, Kath- - 1 - 1 111 put on the grans covered l.eeptnR In our hearts ns wc -i mounds that held the Fed j. 1 . rs tender thoughts of sor 1 tnu! het, wles and sisters far i . 1 could never know where f. I one" were burled. I'm. in UKartpd the lnj. T ( f l-', of the Norfolk Landmark, .? Hope, a poet of rare .'iiii. of this, wrote a poem 1 . s , iW which suggested Decorn- lny f 1- ceneral observance. Th ,'r w -r spring the graves of our 1 'f i-ra'i' soldiers everywhere were 1 wli'i the earliest flowers. A -i.ii Hon Kemper of Virginia, who t. .. Hr rjdier-Oenernt In Pickett's dl- -i n 1 was wounded at Gettysburg, - a Hoi! for flowets, he said: . i: ,iv gather all the flowers In li vernment g.irden. but use this1 r, .. mi I am giving you to buy - ' On- soldiers' children. Flowers 1 wry well, but shoes are more r. r i ' ."r n.- oves ihe sunny land and iii- llowers early to scatter over wa 'ii larlh of our glowing South, i Sn 1. them Memorial Day Is at an 1 "1 d.iv than that of the North. 1 e sp-lng nf 1S6, when (Jtn. .Mi Logan were vlsltinir the bat if nf the South, she happened n H.i hmonil Just after Decoration wbl' the Mowers were i-t un , S 10 wn. so t'liicheil liy the sen- "i anl be.iutv of the scene. th 1 f' derate Hags and wreaths of llow t'ia' when she and the lleneral fnfd to Washington she urged htm , was tuen commander In chief nf CJtand Army nf the Republic) to i--ie an ordur for the decoration of i. iiral graes. He sent for his ad- nt. Oen. Chlpman, and Issued th :ic genoral order No. 11, May S, r,ogan said that the issuing of order was one of the proudest act' life It reached the heart and ' tirf-li t' soften cruel memories. 1 r who found comfort In the observ . i Ihe day have expressed their i .'.ii to the meaning of the tender i ' nn' awakened. illhera Fouler the Men. M . ';r"oii, the wife of Oen, (Jthson, t'-i i Washington, said that she went 1 1 the Soldlem' Home. Gen. and .-' uudnn went to early mass and "i ' 1 'he Soldiers' Home one year 1 v Ington the next. Mrs. Grant '11.- 'hat she always put flowers In fmtery most convenient to her " ixrj (.!,. was, whether Confederato 1 ,ei-.i, but Always sent flowers to 1 wn soldier's grave. Gen. Warren . im uncn on a ride to the Soldiers .1 wt'h him and Mr. Warren: o put thn Howcrn on their I- s im teniember to try to put . n. in'n their lives, m many thorns " n put Into mine" ' if.iiK'iok thought that It brouKht -1, - kueet and sad to those who i 'he flowers and Inspired 1 iten with patriotism. Mu'iellan said that the Gen 1 h it. rs were devoled to him, and T-.iv'. 1 upon ihem a his children. u,i.s ihou?ht that the flowers on a e breathed, of filial gratltudo hinm. m I'nllllr or C'llmri. M "v 1 .ii Day brings hearts to--' ' "I g.irdliss of polltica or climes. " n'.iion the Pickett'Huchanan ii- 'in (! with Northern officers in . i...ii)eis' homn in decorating v s 1 f soldiers of the South and I .Nil Mi. Once when I was Bolnfc jl vwood in Richmond I was not f'''J" iNit any one knew of my nur J' i.j ell- inv office friends. When I l.d the station ihere wre flowers ' "rn n h t'ljinmltHinncr of Pensions nnd i- " old t-oldiers in th Pension Office! Ho! vwood X found a laurel wreath J t.ii Philadelphia brlnadc and Im- ti-lus M'tit fiom Hoslon by Dr. ('om.j i v, Sli aduian, who waH aurgeon '. thn -Miissachiistilla regiment that r' 'I i'i blood In the treet of Bal ; r,!, r, iw yiais figu Mr, I'nttlt, one ot JV,,! iVt i,n (.umt to luko me for a U'.e. Ill t.UH I wn golni; to tako you to Confed t to n.ivrf in Arlington that have ' .en hle.nsoil with flowers on t'iatuiii Day," 1 had nor known that thero were '-"rn- if Southern coldlera In Arllng 'r I slood heflde 1h racrrd mounds '' "re. irt't the brave men who had none n liiii thn heiut of the fiery storm "' 1 w'ven Mfe for our Snuthern flag Bnd -' ' 'i 'o think that in nil the years r .r 1 n brought in them th frag ' 'I' r nk of oe and nifinory. He- i' Lav rnsd were many graves, ' " 'k'j t,y monuments with In- 'f'"- ef rank, some by wooden 1 with jirnw roughly stained upon Somebody (In the rush of subsequent events nobody koI his name) ciunc up Nasiu street out into Park How earlv yesterday afternoon like 11 steam en Klne In tan boots, his mind evidently eiiKrossed with settlni; to some spot where he was to teturn .1 promissory note or attend to business of Ilk,. im". poriance. 111 front of Tiik St-.v oilu-e. howexer. he happen! to take a sudden 1 Kiniiif loHiiru tnu secomt tioor windows and camo to a sudden ami satisfac tory pause without skiddlnB. - clunip at his elbow numberinc either in or .tsu boys and men raclns north and south across that asph, , Breriept that Park How never did' hold of lark Itow-.Nassati. street shaped like; bic ;1 nowd before a baseball sc .1,.,,,. "... , , . 1 1 VT. . "oaroinc nous., ai.ple , plo followed the centlemnn's ' threw on the brakes with a composite srr n n m.I i . . . . . " n-'i-'ii iiMji. .mi insiani later a little Rroup numbcrlnt.- say 1,32s, Joined the first two parties SHB sS frncrnni t j c .. it t 1 as .r .nurrm.T sacreu ny the dust nf those whose blood had consecrated the Stats and Har to the great cause of heroic asnirathm and tlauntlc.-.- offttrt. 1 looked aero;! the uainelesH mounds anil resolcd that wnen Decoration Day came airaln Hu.v should have their full meed of the blossoms of remembrance. I wrote a sketch and sent It to a I Washington newspaper with a letter to ' the ..ditor. Frank Hutton. asking him to pay me as much us he I could, at least twice us much as It was worth, telling him what I wanted with ' the money. He responded with a letter 1 enclosing n check for three times the value of the story. 1 sent the letter ' and check to the leading florist of the ' city, who responded with five times as ' many flowers as the check would pay for at regular prices and sent them In a wagon to Arlington, following the carriage In which I drove with my son and a one armed Confederate. Col. Hooker of Mlsslsslnnl. and Mrs. Cerm Gordo Williams. wlf of Senator Will. iams. We strewed the flowers over theltion ot giei-ting his political 'enemy Will- . graves of nur s.ildlers who had died for i.un Handnlph Heat-i With apparent us nnu nur nag. i he ne.vt car there i cordlalitv he shook hands with th- pub-1 were four carriages In the little pro- i i,),,.,., j,m h ,,., ,,,0,u,h) .,,. cession to the Southern graves at Ar-, .iHy ,, ""Svery year the story was X'?: "V," IT always with a like result. The generous florist still kept his magnificent gardens! and they lavishly gave their treasure' to breathe out their beautiful lUes for ; my Southern soldiers. Then nthei s came and many purses were open for the nfferinir tn mi- warrlois. and inanv hands were swift' tn place the Mowers nn the sacred mounds, and n day when , .lune roses are In their full bloom was' chosen as sacred tn our memories. ' I A shall Will lllse for Thrnt. I , hi. .t.. ... .!..... .i. ..... III I I llir A'tVllh.llvr-r i i uii I federacy met in Arlington to lay thn cornerstone of n monument to he erected to the memory of the Confed- erate dead, unknown here, but with . names that shine forever on the regis- ter of the great army above. It marked! !i.. .)... i,,.i .. th Soinii n,i ...u. v.v, uinv .o .. .1 v,.-iv, ..wi v none In f .h vv.nh nmt. esneclnllv ne ir to f the North came especially neat to ach other. Our President the presl- lent of the whole nutton alike, spoke lonuent words of dedication that found 111 11 each dent eloquent words of dedication that found response in every heat t. On that corner-, stone, which tests not aloii on the i.-ormAurtl. Ill ll on I ll A ll ll'e 11 lilt niiiiiiM, ti c. . , , , ....... .. .... patriotism of nur great republic, shall- lise the ahnft that tells the story of Manuel ile la Vega Cnlderon, charge our heroes who sleep In those once j d'affaires; Mariano Kocafoit, Consul forgotten graves. , tieneral of the Cuban Government in lliis I cily; I-'ellpe I'hos and Joaquin TorralhaH, two nmniliers of the Cohan Congress! Col SACKETTS HARBOR SHAFT. Mitnamrnt I ntrllrd nn lliuih nnl- ....... it ii ... i . rer.sry or Hsltie. Watertow.v. N. Y, May 19. In the presence of Franklin D. Rnoitevelt. As- 11 ' ..... .... -..-it. sistant Secretary of tho Nav, a Kfanlte monument commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Rattle of Sacketts Harbor was unveiled upon the battle- field of Sacketts Harbor this afternoon ll two boys and two girls, lineal de- scendants of participants In the battle. The. children were the Mlssm June and Evelyn Gurney, Rodney Mason and Ellsha K. rump 5, a descendant of the captain of that uame who was the hero of the battle. Speakers at the commemoratlvo exer cises were ex-Senator George H. Cobb, Mrs. William Gerry Blade of New York, president of the National Society, Daughters of 1812: Col, Waiter n. Camp of Sacketts , I arbor, president of the Jefferson County Historical Society; Mrs. Henry 8. Iloberts. regent of Com modoie Woolsey chapter. Daughters of mt, of I'tlcu; Miss Harriet Fulrbanks of this city, vice-regont of .Northern Frontier chapter, Daughters of IRIS, nnd Ellsha K. Camp 4 of New York. Sec retary Boosevelt spoke briefly also. The monument Is the centre of the battlefield, facing the harbor where the Urit!h ships came to anchor and opened fire upon the Amurlcan soldiers. F.ilra lllvlaeadi for Tobacco Co, The directors of the British-American Tobacco Company have decided to de clare an extra dividend of fi per cent, on the common stock, payable June mi and free to income tax. Dining !fll2 the con,, pany declared extra dividends amounting to 30 '4 per rent, o the common stock, with a final dividend of per cent. In March of this year an extra dividend ot 24 per cent was declredt Hy mldafternoon certainly more thnnl 4,tiiiU men, women and children, but mostly men some placed the Hiuirei ut "i.OOO -olldly liaved the uol'e from 1 l'rankfort to Spruce street north and Miuth and ft urn the Si n's curb west wan! alnun-t to the nty Hall dnor, ex cept for clean cut lanes that the Park How eops kept clear fur the orderly street car. wacon and mntnr tralllc and the free p.issacn of pedestrians on side walks. They were baseball f.inn taklim tile 1 absent treatment. The crowd was like those of World Series da.s of l.irt fall, sn .,.,.- ., ..i..-i',in iiiii board even In World S.-rles davs as It ll,i 1 ..1.1..1.,.. , -im...' havliiL- the H.n.. nf oJ i,r.. '. ...'.1. . ....., dent from the fict that If the wind hadn't been coming from the wrong c!! reel Urn it's (.rn money that the cheers GATHER FOR TO-DAY'S wkmumal events ... ... - it I! IK! II Delegates anil NllVfll Of- fieevs 1'ny Visit to City Hall. II KA RST (iOICS Til Kit K TOO ' .,' ,. ... l lt.V4l lilivnnr 1 1 II to SllHK Ilimils With Old l-'ne of Rno' Him" Pross. Mayor Gaynor, receiving officially in City Hall the Culvui delegates and the officer ot the battleship', who are heie to I attorn! the nut i.iline of llm Mnum mnnn. 1 mem f..nil lomlf .....i..l ,i- ... il... i '.. ,. i. . , ,1lh". UlHr lw" ''"-"''' of the 51a,,,.. V '' ' ' ' ?" "'" . ' h;"' ',M'otx'-(i ' ll-v l,al ,h" "-'"-r- of the I uhau dele- '"" 1 "innumo-i ju- tuo ni mm unan ) crui-er i una aim Hear I liarles ''- natlger. commanding the American I I'altl'-sliip lleet now in the North Itiver. After he had gieeted th Mayor Hear Admiral Hanger suddenly espieil Hearst ( on th" outskirts of th" thiong of visitors , and inclaitneil. Justice Ai-pinall in the Supi enie Coin t -lib Mr M..'v,. i,r..-u i.. ii.., Htooklvn vesienlay scored women i - - i inni-n Hie Mayor turned ut,d seeing Hearst. held out his hand, saying as the two claspel hands, - m glad to ee vou When the handshaking was ended Ad miral Hadgerlokl the Mayor he had come I to pay his respects and i.. thank him for ,. -ill Ihe nrmilgeinents thai had been made' fof til" leception of thenftii'ersaiid Kiilorsl '"f ' no paraue io-(iay .viayor t.ay-. norwUhHW ,m, , , .,-,. m.riVfll ,)f ,,. ll,,.pit,., amJ of I other officials who will par lieipate'in th.. i celebration to-day kept the members of al"' lor t ho parade to-day .Mayor Cay-, .....jui i celebratmn to-day kept the members ofi"""" " "'' ""-"o"'""' 'he .Maine, memorial committee busy. ' !i' u,lm.' Vi ",. V V' 1 . . ' . ' ' "' 1 ' l" 1 U 1 111 ' iiti.i a ,, i mil ... In 'the -Cuban delegath on wort, Surior I .lose Marti nnd Commander Quevdeo of I the cruiser Cuba On tlm cruiser arrled a company ot hsi t uiiaii Holdiern and a Cuban band under the leadership of Jose Molina Torres, ,Joeilius Daniels, Secretary of the Nnvv, accompanied the Cuban delegation to tli,, battleship Wyoming. They wre 1 Kieetecl bv Hear Admiral llndfier and his Hta(T of onlcerH, A(lrniru Harfr in we(. i coining the Cubans said' I "I am verj glal to sen you here, We all i have come on a common mission' lo honor th" brave dead, ' 3A $ !t ,kjm. , th,. nilvai fc-f re wn a dinner tui danuo given by Mr nnd Mia, Hearst in their iionie on niveisHio wrive A number of events have been arranged for to-day, chief of which will lie tho parade previous to the unveiling of the Maine monument Al this ceremony the Htnte Denartment will be represented by Dudley Held Mnlono, Third Assistant Secretary of Slate, who will arrive from Washlnglon this morning, Ho will have th special duty also of entertaining the Cuban delegates during their stay in this citv. The naval and military memorial arudn will start at Fortieth street and Fifth avenue at 2;M o'clock this afternoon. The .line of march will ho up Fifth avenue, to Fifty-ninth street nnd west on that thoroughfare past the Maine monument' then uii llroadway to Sixty-sixth street. The column will turn east and enter Cen tral Park, approaching the monument from various directions. Hear Admiral Wlnslow will bo the grand marshal. Tho Cuban forces, hearing arms, will head the line of march, Tho second di vision, comprising the Twenty-ninth United Stntea Infantry, will lie in com mand of Col. John S. Mallory. U. S. A The third division, consisting of naval forces from the American battleships now anchored in the North Hiver, will lio commanded liy Hear Admiral N. K. Usher; tho fourth division, comprising the laud and naval militia, will he under Col. It. 1), Conley of the .Sixty-ninth Hog! tnent. and the fifth division, of Spanish war veterans in command of Col. Whis tler. II. S A The visiting delegates and the naval would have surged all the way up to the Polo Cirotinds and huvn drowned out the rooters up there. A brand new kind nf sent e lm ii.1 ivliir h i fie ery next tiling to the actual Katun Itself, has ot 'em Knlnu. The 'star ball player." as It s called, con slsts nf an uprlKlii, reclatmular bnard hlRhcr than a man and about ten feet Wide. .111 which Is painted a bright Klcen ball Held, Suspended on Invisible wires Is a pleamlnc while ball, a lual ball, which by a cunnliiK mechanical arrant nient nf wires llles to deep ceiltle or wherever "Sn'dKr'ss" or "Mui'y" or any oilier batter up at the Polo tlroiiiids hap pens to send a ball at a Riven moment. I addles with the names of the battels shoot out to show Park How who has j Just stepped to the plate up In far liar- ; lein. If the ball Is "rl.i cd" from deep centre to second base to the plate, for Instance, so does the Park How ball go, ami military officer will be entertained 'at luncheon in the Plaza lloli-l and will review ihe parade from a Maud in iroiit of the hotel I lie unvoting and dedication 1 ceiemonies will begin with an address bv tell .lames, (mint Wilson. mnmim of I ill Maine Memorial Committee At i the end of his oeeh the monument will lie unveiled At the moment of the unveil In it tin lb Itiver will fire n white As the saline K tired the Naval Militia of New nrk Slate win release in midstream off Mntv-sev- I nth street a teplien of the ill-fated 'Maine as a tribute to the men who lost their lives on the ship. KIDNAPPER MUST SERVE TERM. ! rntener of From Sil In Tilt Venn. I tlrtera Ol Iters. I The sentence of not less than twenty four years nnd eleven months or more than fifty years Imposed on Vlto Mlcelll for kidnapping the young eon of Dr. Seimeca of 2 Prince street was upheld by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court yesterday. The kidnappers kept the boy for three months In the summer of 10l and surrendered him only when th" father paid them Jt.70" There have bee.i no Italian kninan nlngs since Mlcelll was eotn Iried anil ii 's believed that the act of the Appellate i 1 "vision yesterday In sustaining the' u lr'' vn'nt Wl" '"' n ''""'her deti rieni - - A I IMAMV M? MO. Art AO ALIMONY OF $78,000? MA MA PHVO ...pjr,, mi.n.-y with the Clt) Chamberlain pend- NO, NO, SAYS COURTi;-:;nnvi;,:efor,,0,,,dP,r,m'n,, . '-( -i'o lleill'll of II i" llllil 1. Ci'o'arettes. Do",s and Home less lliisliand. , , . , , , ' '" " ! then mine mtn court demanding big . I alimony. The criticism was elicited In the ' , J r oa, v,r i n i . ""'" nf ,,,:'('0" '' ;?'"' ,'V.r"' llla",,u' A. Williams liee. wife of c.eorge lave Heye nf tile banking firm of Hat- ties .v.- Co. of CO Hro.idway ties .v.- Co. or tiu Hro.iilway, l Listed that s,e vvoul.l be una 1 , " ' .. , " .1 , , , " , ' " IW'"U" ln " i ,W1" " "n" '"'on t':ll-s"1 i.t.. . ,,i i .1 ,. , , . , ii,i,k unable to llvei the st le to I Hied. She i"" ' " ""' I "7' " IUUI SITIIUl- ill l"l ,1 UlOlllll town i . .... house in Madison avcnim at H .1,000 a year, n country ilaue ut Itoslyn with twenty-one servants, anil a gaiage cost ing I20.H0O for Its annual upkeep. The demand seemed to slugger Jus tlce Asplnall "She has been living toe high," he said "Sim hail a .ofl thins and lost him, She'll never get J7 omi from nie." Mr and Mrs lleve were man led ten yeais ago and have two children. She says that Ills Income Is at least SlinG.imn a year and that ITS.uon Is ,. fnlt share for herrelf and the child, en, Isaac K. Oelaud, counsel for Mr. Heye, snld that the estate beiiiuathed tn his client hy his father, a Standard Oil man, had dwindled to ;lfi0,000 lo calise of the extravagance of Mrs. "Sh wns not born to the purple," he snld. "On the contiary sho caino of a Mnssfichuselts family In ordinary clr cumstances. When .Mr. Heye marrlid hi troubles began. Then he had his In heritance. Now all he can find of It It 360,000. The lest of Ills fortune has' gone in maintain this woman In what she considered her station in life. He Is willing nnd eager to pny reasonable alimony in aider to be ftee of her exl travagnnce," "Stations In life took very pretty In books," Justice Asplnall snld. "but many a woman never had a station until che tuairicd." Mr. Wlllet made a final plea for the allowance nf iillmony, (mt Justice As plnall said: "You may be absolutely certain that I shall not allow $78,000 alimony lo any woman. These New York society women make me tired. They llvo too high. They go to fashionable hotels and drink high balls and smoke cigarettes .Instead of staying home trying to make their hus bands happy. They ride up Fifth ave nue In their fine nutomoblles with poodle dogs In their laps nnd whin they are married tn a poor man unfnr tunato enough to have a million dollars they come Into court and say that their r-oclal position requires nn exorbitant amount of alimony. It will lake me very little time to decide this mo- tlOB." through the same "relaying" almost at the same moment, or as quickly as n baseball writer at the grounds can dic tate what he Is seeing to nn operator at Ills elbow, who shoots the Information to the man working the "star ball player" The winking of numerals, showing strikes, llles, balls, stolen bases, Ac, at either side of the mechanical score boatd was satisfying eiioug'li In Itself, but It was the actual sight of a white ball me chanically whanging across the plate or sailing far afield, and then the white dlk that icprcsents the batter flying f runt base to base as Ihe ball begins to come liutiie across the green painted "diamond," that caught the crowd as a scute board never caught them brfoie. While the while ball was zipping and the roars were Using from Park Itowund even out of the I'lly Hall windows (poor Hob Adainson's nlllce Is nn the wrong side of the Hall to get 11 look, hut from WARNS LAWYERS TO KEEP COURT SECRETS Appellate Division Tritieises Leaks. From Oranil Juries ' and .Indues. POINTS TO KTIIKS OF ISA l Sats DiM'cgnrd of Old Customs Destroys Hespeet for .ludieinry. A note nf warning, not only to law eis but tn the Judiciary, was sounded vesienlay by the Appellate Division of the Supmnp Court ill a dispute between " lawyer and his client over money lawyer's hands, The ii't was brought by nllve S. Da , t i compel William W. I.a Point, lawjei j to turn oer l,V23.rt which he had held ' following a dispute as to the alue of 'his servU e The Appellate Division ! directed the lawyer to deposit the Justice llolchklss. writing th np:n- j ion, in which I'rrsiiiing Justice in- ' I graham nnd .fustlce Scott concurred, re- ferred also to the publication by news- papers of Judicial opinions before they ,., i,a,i.i ,i,.n ....,1 ...I... .nhllenii.... ' " 1 i ni )ni-t.elIlll; iiiiimi' Kiniiu Jin n-s which, under the law. are secret, justice lIotchkNs said- "The ptesent time Is peculiarly one when ll behooves us as lawyers as well as Judges not only to 1 maintain the highest professional stand arils In dealings between attorneys audi their clients, but to keep constantly In mind and mltieie strictly to the code of ethics, "ll Is to be feu ted that nnny meni bers of the bar have failed in this. If this lie title it should not he surprising I., Iln.l . I, -it ll... mil. Hi. I. ,,ff, l.i.l l,v , 1... i , ..... ... u. ,,,, ... ' ,, , for the com is, the Judges, the time iionoied machinery emplo.ved in the ad ministration of Justice and even in the i itself W seriously Impaired A sn- I pie illiisttatloii will sulllce. It Is a I truism of civic polity that the coutts should nevei In nny manner be coerced! In their Judgment and that the.v should be niowd only by arguments duly pre sented . that their delibera tions should be secret and recognised as Inviolate, thai proceedings before gland .luiles should likewise be re spected as sacied and the testimony of witnesses befote them held strictly con fidential. "Yet to-day. In this community and 1 elsewhere, what Judgments nie to be tendered In pending cases tthe decisions In which have in all probability not .vet been agreed upon by the Judges them- ' selvesi: what witness's appeared to-. srsriAi, MITHK. Spend Your Holiday on a Western Ranch Out in the; much country of tho West, ni'otinti Slieridnn, Wyoming, or in the Dig Horn Basin of Wyoming, whern Dufliilo Kill founded llu town of Cody, tho ini('ti;c is growing for tho good, big hearted much people to provide for summer bonnier nnd I don't know any more interesting nnd pleasurnblo wny of spending ono's vacation with tho wife and children, Hum to go out on one nf thorn rnnohos, and rid" awl fish for trout, (great fishing out thero) and eat good, plain, HtibstnntiHl food, nnd sleep my! how ono docs sleep nftor days spent exercising in thnt wonderful mountain air. Thi "Ranch Vacation" is n novel idea, but. very easy to accomplish, for I ran tell you all about what you can do nnd how to do it and what it will cost anil what you run get and all about it, Just write urn) lot mo suggest n plan for you to follow, W .1 llrmer. (ien'l . ut ., Psm'i lltipl , ll II & V. n. ll. lli liroaUttny, New York Oily. Tel. UlO. Sa, 410ft. the office of the Hon. P. Joe Scully, Commissioner of Marrlago Feasts, you can sit right back of the homo plate) nnd the deuco was to pay generally there seemed fo be Just one vague thing lacking. "Say," said Able, the newsstand mag nate who now owns all that part of Paik How between Frankfort and Spruce streets not occupied by the buildings, "that Harry Stevens who sells the sand wiches and peanuts up at the Polo Grounds must make n bunch of money. 1 got nn Idea." That was the only thing missing the peanut concession. And 'Able leaned dreamily counting up Imaginary profits on the peanut concession, hl shoulder iigalnst the bronze foot of Horace Gree ley, who seemed to cock his bronze head and with each louder cheer to gar.e out acrn.-s the thousands with growing alarm and mystification. I day before the Gland Jury In some mat I ter of popular interest and the lestl ; nmny they gave; what witnesses will he ' produced before the same body to-mor row and the testimony they are to give. I " ' ""T . rl"", , , all this and much more nf similar im- '"If , J- ,nn:'n ?f ,ho, T1hlr,.:t1h,rd ,..,r. u ....mimmie rie.-me,! .. .fnd hllsworth tlealey of the Thirty- j much the subject for newspaper report as the debates In Congress or the latest fashionable wedding. "The calloused Indifference with which this stnte of affairs, so deeply signifi cant and affecting so vital a phase of nur political well being, is regarded, not alone by the public, but by members nf tlie bar Itself, shows how far we are out nf touch with former standards. Were the bar, as a body, nllve to the Importance of studying ns deeply audi knowing as thoroughly the ethics of their profession as they know the law Itself such a slate of affairs would not I exist, because tlnlr knowledge and atti tude toward such matters would prove an educational force extending to the public at large, the virtue and good sense of which would soon recognise and correct many present dav evils of .vhlch Ihe foregoing is but a sample." I ween The opinion. In which .lustlces Clarke. .vs lni.,,,,1 Dowllng did not concur. Is taken to In- the Appellate Division's replv to the, ,.i.i , ..i J... ' lltllil n.l I loll ill pprlnln nnti-dna,..,r- nil),. curl's determination nf the appeal of hl"' ca" ,H n"d filling that. Chatles H. Hyde, published some weeks!''"1 8 mMln of tlielr own. elect offl liefoie the decision was handed down. 'f' hr" 10 he "-rrt of I elections. Lifelong Democrats did not W. B. COCKS LEFT $2,000,000. ethen mill Unslneas I'nrtnrr Share1 Rnlk of I'orlnur. Minkoi v. I,. I.. Mav 25. W nuiilne Coeks of Locust Vnllei. w ell Unnun 1 member of the Piping Itoek colony, left1'0 take action towaid n complete revision 'i'1"1111 .'.iiiii'.'w" io tie Hiviilea equally ," 'lepnew. ex-Congressmaii W I" Cocks of t estliin y, 1. I and his Inisl- . paltuer, Samuel Wlllets. Theie are about fifteen bequests of fioni i l...nui to $rt,iHH each tn lelntives. Otlirr i"g.ies are .Nassau Hospital. 16, una ;V" T V..VJ " Ir. t' ,?'.,"" V." ami Locust Valley Krlends Acadeniv 5."..eau llouselmlil employees receive fiom Jl,- "" eaco. like My Family to Drink this Beer I Brewed From tht Pareit Halt, veer ha the "True Bitter Tatte!" Wherever You HAVE MORNING SUNDAY EVENING WITH YOU Mail pw ni NOW, Wicttinf THE SUN, Nw York! Starting f Oi kfOf.MIf yati bum Enclosed find I... Name...... AddrM.i Town..., The IJronx county Democratic com mittee met last night amid uproar and adjourned still In a tumult. The dead lock between the committee nnd the executive committee over the election of n chatimau of the executive com mittee continues. The faction fnvorlng Tammany Hall lind only n technical advantage In forcing an adjournment after Arthur II. Murphy had refuted to accept election. The side favoring Eugene 3. McGitlre stood firm nnd vowed that the party In The Bronx would be split wide apart before they would forsake their man. McKtnley Square Casino, the largest auditorium In the borough, wa crowded to the doora when Frank Gaaa. chairman of the county commit tee,, called the meeting to order. About 800 of the 1,228 committeemen were present, but unattached Democrats more than made up the tack, Tiouble started almost at once. Gaaa tried to make a speech and was hoped. He recognized Assemblyman Krnest 1.. Hammer, who solemnly resigned a chairman of the legislative committee. Mr. Oaas Just as solemnly appointed Arthur II. Murphy, former leader of the Thirty-fourth district, and Httgone .1. McGulre's closest political friend, in Ills place. There was a roar over that It was known that the four Democratic dis trict leaders of The Ilronx favorable to Fourteenth street were trying to spilt out the McGtllre faction. Mr. Murphy took the new Job. but when Stephen NiiRcnt of the Thlrty fotirih arose nnd said that he nnd Wallace Fraser of the Thirtieth. fifth had selected Mr Murphy as chair man of their committee It looked like a riot. Thomas H. O'Neill of the Thirty-second and Frederick C. Humphry of the northern Thirtieth, McOtilre men, swung to the front and tried to make speeches. Murphy stopped all that by getting the floor. "1 thank yon for the honor," he said, "but I won't take It. I would not sacri fice a lifelong friendship of big hearted, generous, loyal hearted Eugene ,1. Mc Gutre for anything In the world. I am for him and I am going to stick to him." At once Kllsworth Healey moved an adjournment and the chairman an nounced later that it was carried by 376 ayes to 318 noes. How the vote was counted no one could say. That leaves a deadlock. There can he no ore meetings of the county commit- ,ep '"m ""'"J c"" "T. U.H? wonhr ""J'' , , " ' ln1 "1" home rulers, ns they are called, may ask seem enthusiastic over the outlook for the party In The Hronx this fall. Snnthrrn liovrrnnn to Confer. At'BTlK. Tex.. May 2?. Oov. Colquitt announced to-day mat he would call a conference or uovernors ot Southern States of the niHilne laws with a view of lending an Impetus to marine shipments. The con ference will probably be held In New Orleans. Klnilm llnclnr for 4ahnrti. AI.B4NT. May 29 -State Supei Intendent of I'llsons Ulley appointed Dr. William III, ily of Klinlra igiysiclan st Auburn prison to-day. to succeed l)i. John Cierln. who leslgaed a few ila.s ago. Th salaiy Is t2,3rtn a veal. Hop and Water. Bottled ailr by irti Brewers. Btii'ltitin i Witfi, .New York. Order Item My dealer Order a Case Sent Home, Spend Summer Subscripts Terms (Postage Prepaid I as nn msDtb rear Dally rtally sad Bust.. .ft Evening . FOREIGN RATES ntiir 9i. Pally and fiundir... l.M 91.1 E?enlni l.tS 11.M Domeitlo JUtas Inelude Caaada, Milieu. fcte wh to , ,,tfj .Mil i.MtMetMMMtMMf MIIMflVIMthl .... Mate.