Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1913. ir Mu pie Leafs MOTOR BOAT TROPHY STAYS IN ENGLAND; ! Jltplr liPif Wins Third Km,' Willi tmfrtaMi Ankle Uoop npttinff Swond Plm'p. TIME sMOHTtf SLOWER fntanVr, Anothtf British Boat, j 1 luril Now ( hiillrnsio KxM'tpd. ! l tfttltl Cmblt fimpalfH to Tut St s. CoWM, Knirlnd, Hept. II. The British kaya aef e llded tli' British International ; ophv for motor hosts urrerafulty taalnal ,n'' i hsllengea of the Krenrh and ni.rli" ClllbS. The Maple leaf IV. won ! iht third end .lerldlnaT rare to-tlay and K. I 'M.irka - RdtSI. the owner. has the s.-itls- ' laCttOtl of knowing that his boat won the MM last ii IiirIiir It hark to them' j Mttr and thla year suri-eaafully de- : fend'n it In a imaiurr th.- two seta of races WVrf Klmllar. Maple Leal IV. loat ' the fit ft Fact In American waters, but ' wan th. nt xt two. Hho lost the drat race at home to the Iieapujole II., the French boat, but won the m-xt two. In tO-day"! rare the Peapujols II. waa not starter. haviiiR hroken ilown In i yeeterday'l rare o hadly that It wna Im- poasitili to pat) h her up for raring. The Maple Leaf IV. went over the course of f,l nautical miles In 40 mlnutea in 2-1 j aeromls. This is a little slower than th . tlnv he madfl yesterday. The Ankle 'Wi was s.-rond, her time being 43 mln- j tulea Ifi secotuls and the Crusader, an. other British boat, waa third In 44 min utes 3" 1-6 seconds. The Maple Leaf IV. has outclassed all i others In the series of races and not only has shown high speed, but has been very j consistent In her erformances. her time viriing very little from day to day. The ' Ankl. tad i kle Deep too has run very consistently ' these rnces haa made Just about what she has made in home waters. Count Minkowski has run his boat well and has won many frh nils h-'cauae of hia annrii. manlik' way of helping out at the last minute and then taking his defeat with I such soo.l grace. It Is flpecte.l that the Motor Hoat flub ' Of America will challenge nt mire for an. I othfr Strlee, of rac. s next season. CHARGES MISUSING OFFICE. Seanoll of Itrulatrnllon Commit. er t reused by Athlete. Tint a tight Is la be m.ide mimi the reflection of John It. .'onnolly as a mem- .orr or mi registration eemmlttaa of the Metropolitan Association of the A. A. r stCS me evident .sterdy when an affi davit (v.. made public charging that Con no;;, promised tr. use the Influence of his office to further the interest of the Dp inlcan Lyceum, of which body he was it le lime a prominent member RlAce the time at which It Ik alleged Otntiolly violated the ethic of . "i . 1 1 cm i r Inlet lea ho ha transferred his aJleftanea - to th- Heeond Navel Battalion nt HmmW. lm and mm h mamhuF ,r tK-i , int. m tana up for raajection at the annual meet ni -f thn Metropolitan Aeaoolatton on Monday night. Tho affidavit, whlrh fol- ejowa, -wis made on Wwineari.t,, by T hornet J Corley. who u luspendrd by the rents. trsti. htld Hep taot Meri n committee las nrtnter for run ling g.irm 1 the name of Llpecbuts .it the tho Newsboys in ths H:xt nt Armory. Tho lUbStSnOS taienssai i ; T ebaut Jaauary 1 .r 1 1 1 3 01 Dlease A Cluet, II John ninth f tho i'i th ptreot. 1 wards, preeeaee 01 mow u t a t 'oiin!!)f lember el in tsiptriitl 1 It tee, had 111 lKn nnntltatltia fur nin Hfrihlp in V I hi' h ho at mini s-n Lyi tlm, in return reed Ilia influent" 1 registration remmutes to ha r my rt iitapensilDn iharteaea, 1 hereby htm With wrongfully uaina htn pnl n ihnt 1 ommlttee te further tho in- frm ilea irf-.' ..r Dominican Layeeusa Stewart Bdwards, Who le namod In tho flffl: i-;r ;t overhaaiins tho con versa Uon, hai ilsned si h WltnsSS to tho documnnt, whi h In attested by Howard J. Seney. a commissioner of dooiii. Sniio his term of suspension cxpirod Cot ley hsi repressntsd tho Ryotard Uyceum, bui wishes now to raprsssnl ths Knights ..f st. Anthony. Momhers of tho lath r organisation aeeert that Connolly further it ul tilled bltnsslf by toiling Corlsy nat if h asrssd to run for the Docsinl I r m ho would soo that ho could do no atthoussjhavlns to go through tho proba tion period of a year hh an 1 unattat bed athlete, hut that if ho persisted In run- II na f r the Knights of 8t. Anthony he S'ould have to oompsts as unattarhod for Memben of the Knights of Ht ire very mm-h wrought on over Anthony i the mat- j if ami are determined to present th ,,! athrtavl- a! the meeting of the association I LEXINGTON RACING RESULTS. 1 rsl Usee ail furlnnas Winnies Wlleh. If. (Qoose). won. ihsnileler. IDs iilross). , ssrond; Lsd lam. Ion. I0J iBustnn). third. ; Tun I IT Cedar Itrook. Kthrlds. Stanley I I Mirk A. Mayer and Masnr also ran. I Two iIoIIht in ui ijels paid: Wlnnlns Wlleh. Itrsllhl l in, ChantlcTsr, place li in. Uady i , laor tnoot in ,u. Second Rare Kiv ami s half furlongs-- lluailir.K lira. 10, iTurneri, won; Hac. 1)1 ilf'.j?. iscoadi Hypy l.ov. 107 illnryi. nil-. Tin,.- 110 ..v Aunt Mamie. Uestlno ri'l I r rtinul also ran. Two nolUr mutueU paid: Rustling Brsss. lrllil 4.14i Bsc, place 13 70; Uypsy lxive. hoi. I..70 ' Thlr ! Rare. im mil -Th tirader. I0 IgRialt), won. I'lylng Tom. 100 iBuxtnni. K'-M.-i. 1 strops, ins (Mcrabs), thlril Tim. 1 13 : :. Mia lluwk-ton also ran Two ilollar mutual! paid: Th tirader. tr,l,hi l JO. Klylng Tom. place 13 SO; It bt'jipa. 10 show, Fourth Rare Mllo snd seventy yards -Hak1. I'i:. ilirnas). won: Oold Color, 91 'Vnn riiihni, seeandi .lames Doekery. H2 IQeeesi, Ihlrd, Tlm. I;,4, Allen Bridge atr T.MIria. Hyaygy. lamia Wldrlg. Dee lri(i and Human, also ran. Tun dollar muliiel paid: Rake, alralglit 1110 Unlil i-nlnr. place :l.l; James lJi-'kr) ihon 13 10 filih Kara Siva furlonga Lady Errant. Jl- iHmalli, won. Marly I.ou. 112 (Loftual, '""in: Hahv Hlatsr. 112 iHansverl. Ihlrd. Tlm. i os a ;,. Hubsrtlaa Kryene. Agir Malms, Xelros. Tomimy and Flying r ranis aluo ran Tw. dollar mutual paid: Lady Crrant. Ml Marty Leu, place II 30; Baby Ihow .', fiO. Bar, Mil and avnty yards 101 IHanoverli won: Or. Waldo 109 lOooaek, aeeend Anna rtd. 112 r" thlnl. Tlm. I 49 ., Ada Bay Nit i irean It. ,0 how i rlo - nml ue Im paid: firn. straight Waldo Brlgga. plar 1230. no Small Fields at Syraroee. rsaeusi, Sept. I2 Hmall nelds pie IM for the first day's card of running rce undei supervision of the Jockey ''liiii nt Siaib Kalr trark to-day. The umni.trles : Itai ri s and s half furlonga: tn-''- rolling I 'a lit Burna. 112 iTrox- vat !'n ' I'J I, won. Milky Way. 101 I Nlcklaua I. ; '" I aarondl Pstisus, 105 (McTaggarti. , - Ihlrd, Time, 1:0 '-.; Here HI, furlongs: sll ages; nand:-i Hrlnmour. 10s IMrTaggarl). 2 to soil, tltamaha, (41 fNlealauiY t I Bl, it... k lOi i Moore). 4 lo I, third. Tlsie, i . -, nil Kara un mil: thr-var-nlda and 'i 'M l Mission, 117 iMrTsggarti. I lo 6, on Jalloa icea, iMcklaus). 7 lo 2. "' ""I Lad of Langden. 113 iTroalon, I l I Dili l Tlm. I l-s. Race Mu and h sjiteenthi thr ' " inr upward -i'IIIT Kdg. 10, iTros- 1 m i win, Absconder, in tMoTsi - run, 'have vi o. .. saconn. Time, i:,, i-o. Hat Mil and a half. Iiandl'ap. ir nlrli and upward; army horses -' 141 i l.lsut. Alpersl, I lo 2. won; H.leul Mining'. 1 lo 1. seesnd ; "" 'ile r. Ill irapt W. Mitchell , "tird Tlm. Ml l-S. High I ' lo ', Second Victory Keeps THEY GUIDE The men who are superintend!,, ' the ends i Dr. Hall, coach of the kickers i TWO DOSES OF HARD ' WORK FOR YALE MEN PMsing, Fallinu- on Ball nnri Brpakinu1 Tliroiijrh Occupy Morning; Benton. Kit KKKs OUT AFTER LUNCH Dr. Bull Finds I'mupcllv star Pupil Only Four Veterans to Pome. His Nkw Haven. Conn . Sopt. IJ Two set t.ona of practice marked the fli pi full day tho Yaio varstt) football squad hao spent at Now Haven. The BQuad of ; tuckers which has been at Newport for tho pant ten days and las linemen who have boon at Nanttiokot were hem early iti the , momlntf. i ti tho mornlnn practice thor i was an hour of paSSlni and of fa 11 ins on I tho belli the coaches driving into the play- srs tho fad that they must learn to hang , on to i whatever stss mlsrht happen Thert WHS little work in breaking : fcrwifh. Dr. William T Hull spent tho groator part of the afteroo with the kh-kors at tho field and showed thSffl both how to punt and how to drop kh'k. Pumpelly was hia star pupil. CSStlea, Marklo. Wil son and ailtohell also showed up durifif tho sftsmoon. thousti ihs kicking of ths litter tWO SSS far froij eJtoallent. All t'i ches wore present except Barry Vaushan, the frashman coach, ji sse Spalding worked with the batHci and Bomelater and Oallausr assisted Head Coach Jones with tho lineman. Some of the star l io men' who were Ki u Were Talbot, Warren, Harbison, Olle, Miller, j Pendleton, Martins aid White, f the men who won their letters last ye n only I Carter And Avar) . ends i t !oney, suard, 1 and Wheeler, quarterback, have not re turned, white, who was centre for th frashmsn last year, looked good at tackle to-day In the skeleton line LoftUS who won his V list year. w,ll nt-t he hack this fall, having fOUS into bUSlnsSS, Thompson and Wilton were lined ut as quarterbacks with different strings of backs to-day. CLINTONIANS HEAR ADVICE. , roaches Hooka and Smith Tnlk to i.nlherlnK of Mnel -seven. In response to the cull of OOMhet ; Hooka and 8mlth for candidates ninety ' seven aspirants for 11 place on the Clinton eleven filed Into the school auditorium 1 yesterday to receive the usual advice, j Announcement by t'apt. lillmorc. the all ! scholastic tackle, of the arrival of 8. I Xewman. a uuarterback on New Rochelle. and White, the aaaresslve Krasmus end of ln-qt rear, waa well received. The whole will ne in uniiorm stonoay. The non-appearance or Mike Marnen in Clinton has left the school without a football manasrer. In all probability the i matmaership will devolve upon l.leber I man. Sarben's asristant. I Individual instruction, passina the hall I to the backs and running; down punts ' formed the order of practice at Cum I mere yesterday. To-day Coaches Suss- klnd and o'Nell will have the men out on the Crotona Park Kleld. WILLIAMS SQUAD REPORTS. Coach Daly l.nnnebes Operations With .tn Men on Hand. Wii.i.iamstown. Mass.. Held. 12 Will- lams football practice got under way on Weston Kirld this afternoon with the i largest squad that has reported on the Hint day In recent years. Thirty-five run ! dnlates were on hand to commence the i season's work under the direction of Coach Kred Italy, the former Yale captain. As ! usual, the first day's drill was light. The practice consisted only of the first rudi ments of the game. Cy Toolan. the star back of last year, did 'a Utile punting and he undoubtedly I will be called upon lo kick for the team j again thla fall. Cant. Vinal assisted Coach Dalv In the work and set th candidates I . ... ).. While the Imraest share a k'hiu i ---- of the squad which reported was composed of new men, there were Several members of last venr's varsity eleven Included. Among Ihese were Walker and Kells. two husky linemen. CUP DEFENDER ORDERED. It. W. Kmmons, Jr., to Sail llerre ehnlT Boat for ?4e York V. 0, Nswpobt, Hcpt. 12. Cornelius Vander bllt Arthur Curtlaa James, J. I'. Morgan, Henry Walters, Frederick (1. Bourne and lleorge K. linker havo formed a syndicate and have ttimmlseloned Herreahoff of Hrlslol to design and construct a boat to be used probably as the cup defender against Shamrock IV., to lie brought over by Sir Thomas Upton nest summer,. 'While the plans of the syndicate are well formed the definite and tlnal plans will not be mado until Mr. Vanderbllt re turns from abroad, when there la to be a meeting al Ihe New York Yncht Club house In New York. It nlsn was learned to-tluy lhal Hubert W. Emmons 2d of Huston, former owner of the Avenger and who haa been sailing Harry I'ayne Whitney's fifty fcoUr liar, hats this summer, lias accepted thn In vitation lo manage and sail thu new syn dicate defender. THE GRIDIRON DESTINY loir's football pin. lice. I'riin, left to right palrilna. conch nt tiallaner, coach of the linemen i Cnpl. Ketcham and Head Coach SCRIMMAGE FOR CORNELL. lin -m nl Mrn Thrnneh sharp Trn Miniiir Molor. Ithaca, n y. Sept it Notwlth-1 standing tho faot that tho CortMll fOOt ball Hijuail has had hut two days of practice Coach I harps pant the tirnt ami Second tea mm into a nliarp srri'nniim to-day and for tho ton minutes th;it Trait) er Jsick atoakiey allowed them to mix it Up tho men wont at it liamnvr and tonsja Tho tirst team extYSrlmented with a couple of new formations and mts Resej, the varalt) end, had the honor of Bcorlni tin- ttrsf touchdown on a forward pass from Barretl Tahcr and i McCutdieon ware tho tirnt two man to t el tin effect! of haul pla) . both of them suTferlni from minor Injurtea, Sharps picked as n second team the (ollowlns i atcCutcheon and Shelton ends ; Williamson and Andrews, tacklea;1 Metkel and Duffle, sjuards; Willlame I centre; 8hoc;k. quarterback. Pease an'i Bchllcheter. half harks, ami Byrne, full- j back Tho coach stood pat on his Itret team of tho day before. H. C. Sprans. ono of ths most power ful ourerrn-n on tho arsity potted for football today. H crow, ro will ho a WCloOms addition to th th.' Hne, candidates for UNKNOWN MEN FOR TITLE. Favorite Beslen In nil ear fiolf Whoolor and Marshall In Final. i k, Sept. 19. - As a result of tho matches In tho second and semi final rounds of the indl Iduisl IntefCOl logiate golf championship at tho Hunt iiigdon Valley Country CJttb, Nohlo, to- , day two ootnpsts round li II w .1. N. st ; vVi baler in the mparatlvely unknown wan win I in tin' holes nnall morrow. considered niinot cartaln thai in li-' Id ni Prlnoeton and C. H ,lr.. uf Pennsylvania wnuld i fliuii round. t"it Webster waa Hmlnatad in ths mornlna and Btoarns in Ih1 altrriumn. NathaAlSl WbeslST ! VhIo and John Marshall, Jr., "i Williams will fiKiit it 'Hit iii the final. Ths nun martei : Becond Kound .1. N. Stearns Id, Prince- ton. defeated Uoraon , in, i u.r .1 up aim to pla, N'alli'int! tr ir, Vela 1 feated .1. T niHh.ii. YhIc. uo: .1 Hal hall. ir. Willlan D. H Wtbsts me, defeated R n Meree, reie. 1 p. Drouclee. 1'rtnrrtfin. defeated H r. .ir.. University ef Penney I van in, .i hp and 1 to play fieini R.Mind N .1. N Btearna Id, 1 up M.iihii. Jr.. defeated Wheeler defeated nml to play, J, i B DoiKlaA K Itovinrl J, lilllll. K Williams, fnl bye. It u Olsaaon, j up and to play Consolation i'up. Firi 1 Han srd, defsstsd 11. 1 1 rr. v of 1'i-iiiiNl l aula. 1 whllsms defeated K u I, or' Morn, I nl rerslty of C, W 14. nnsylvanla. 7 up aioi I 10 piny: wnstnd, foil 'r-;t or Pennsyl ; ., in, bye, 1 i. end Kmind I t.lttotte defeated a t W. Olesson 'le Peaalee, 1 1 II helea 1 . it vy! it Townssad. 1 up ill hoij HAVRE DE GRACE RESULTS. Itret Usee Five h hell furlnge HceJlywAf. in i Butwell), u to utrelght, won . Trlflri . s i I M Tngrt . 1 t- 4 ffr piece, eeconil . Bllvef M um. i rt? Hnh bine I, ' tn B t" nhnw, thlnl. Time, 1:T. rord Mai, c eur d'AIene ami Brier Path eleo ren Itecopii 1i''t - - Tw o-your-fltl . five fur- 'np. Superintendent, 101 ( Butwell i, even mi night, won . Mr HnlKK ln I Wolfl, i .i ! f'.t pleee, eeeond; Trenld, IM itCerHH, out to ehow, thlnl Ttmf. 1:00 3-;. Qerl and H umlllntlon a'1" ran. Thlnl Hhi r -une mllo .in-l Bf4ntv rit -Uorklni lat1. 109 (J Mt-TuBRart 1. 11 tn 21 Ntruieht. won; KaiiiaiA. 101 (Teehen). 7 to lo for piac. eeeond: puperttltton, ic. Burtlnceme)i even to Hho. third, Tim". 1 :44 '1. 11 "!. KoBe uii'i .1. H. HoUtfhton itln'1 1 ;t 11 Fourth Rpee 1x furloneit- Ilht O' M' l.lfo. 117 Hilnttm. 4 to 1 utrHlffht. won, j Heeler rrvnne. !i7 i.r M, iToiliri to for iinie. eeeond 1 Mnriorte a. loo iiropiii'i I oven ti ethow. third, Time,, ItlJ, Sir1nu I Bonrd. 1 'hrokti'. uri4f. tehnyoi Mm. kleton, I plnce Ahmed nnM Aiyiinie hio tan. Fifth Race - Two ycar-nldn flVO ami a tin If I furlntiKf - M'Tilfi-iil. 10.) 1 But well 4 ftl HtKht tn 1 fi Davli nutl). 101 I Shuttlnitcr, tt Mcondj Ovutton. JOTi tt. how. laird, Timp. i :os. pla Kel Path Thelma ,1. Hinminit . dantaurl, I riNii Boy. In kk unit ChnrleH Cannon .i . t ran. Hlxth Hh' On milt nn ) n-vrntv vardt- -Lit II -Itipltcr. ins iHutwi-IM I tn 1 tttralicht. ; wiiii; tStptnr, 1 J iTeiihuni, J to 1 fnr plare, ItCOad Hwlnh Hl Hnrel, out tn how, thlnl. Tlm, 1:4 4-;.. I'M. -hi-, t'nmpilnipnt. Ufat Major. Htno a n't .Mant r Jim atmi ran. MONTREAL RACING RESULTS. Klrpt Hat r two yeur-oldn j tlvi an-1 a half f urluiiKtt Atf viMa, 113 I Murnn . 10 to 1 traliai, won: Km ul rant, IIS roaufdi, i to ; for pla! Mconnj Caitnoca. lol (toniaai. to 1 in IHOW, thlnl Tlm I .07 , Tin Spirit, AprU.i. pHt'tfl 1'uMt, Malik an-1 SpreiiMln iiIho ran Nfcoii'l RaOf ---Hlx furlonmi ijui't Ion Mark. 1" lOOUld). tn I hi might, won . Lord I. in re. iray , 4 tn ft fnr pla i iMond , Bait try, i o 4 (Obrt), 4n to nhnw, thlrrl Tlmp. 1:1 4 2 5. Burning Payllght. ! Houlhrn Hhon. i 'herry Heeil ami Clam Bchy biho ran. Third Ka)y two yar-oli1ii: flvp furlnngi ' Haiutv, ITB (Hklrvln). tn ft Htralghl. won; ' i riHh Prldfi lift i Burnt ), nut rar pia'. aarondl Dublin illrl. (Taylor), out to vhovi. third Tlmp. 1:0: 4-ft. IrUh King. ' LlriMprlt and lltrniann ali' ran. Knurl h Raalttapltrhaaij tun mllaa--'Malaga. Ill Miiliu). 4 to 1 utralght. won; J uverMii'. 143 iKiTmHtlu. vn for plar-p, sfriiiitl ; lAztl Klat. IS7 i Nn), awn to i ihOW, Ihlrd Tim; I H 4-IS. .Nnhl Huah I lark. Itarewell, .1 lu Jltmi and Ld kola aim run. Fifth Hare sit furlonga- Maiin .lohtiHnn, 9l ( Taylpr t, 6 to I alraighi. WOHI Mnna of rt.irka I Ai Hirav). 'J to 1 fnr iiIih e. Mcofid ; Hrawnv. A7 Ohnri. 'i lo tl lo Nhow. third Time. 1:14 l-ft. Thi Oardner, llnpf k. Tnm Holland. Willi and Huterp alan ran. Hlxth Kure (Inn Mll -Love Hay. IK' mhert). k in ft Ntralrhl. won; Vanrta Ktmtiif. 100 lAdantai. 2 to 1 fnr plar. aoondj HiirlngitiBHs.. 109 (Connolly), out to nhou. third. TlntO. I 40 3 ft. I'rHiilA Kniina, Ban Prior. L M d k-Tt, Uakley. Lord Klatn. I'unifl. Itohhy Oiok and i'IIIT Top alao ran. tvnlh !((' - Mllo and a vlxteanth (iurnrau 10,1 (Oharlt. 11 to iralMh(, m; Krhallar. 107 Kali hrot hr , 1 tn far place. him .md. lUnrv HutchlBoit, I0K niould). H to I,. hIiou . tnirrt Time, i :r -g, Baaoa Kami. lierrard, Pliant and Mills also ran. Cup in EnglandYale and Princeton BLUE TENTATIVE PRINCETON VARSITY IS LINED UP Ktl Trenkman. Mcrriti .mil Kobey ami Stewaii Bakor Form Mackfiohl. PaiKcaToN, N J., Sept, IS. The candl .late, for tho football team hail a two hour Workout this afternoon and alttlOUSO I light rain which fell during mosl of tho afternoon made the footing slippery the work was ths most Buccessful of the week. After a short drill In which tho linemen practiced Mocking snd klcklns. while the endi and hacks were sent down tho field under kicks the men were duided up Into quad! and sent through a smnai practice for three-quarters of sn hour. As yet no resjutar team has been picked out. but the so-called tentative varMty to day lined up as follows: Hammond, light end: Phillips, light tackle, HeynlSer, right guard: Haviland. centre; W. Swart, left Suard; k. Trenkmann, left tackle, n. Brownt lafl end; Stewart Baker, quarter; Capt Hobey Baker, right half; Msrrttt, i. ft half, k Trenkman, fullback. Three now men reported thll afternoon at practice Chapln, BalUn arid T. O'Sul livan all of whom were On last year's squad. Tho first game of the 1!14 season will he played less than a week after tho opening of college and the coaches are working tho men hard in order to got them tn condition by that time. REICH'S DEBUT PROMISING. Hops allor Walls In Fifth Hound of Mrat Professional Bonl. A I I Ichi Torntar amataur champion rmer Vtl nit' a iuccc i Mmlit-oti topped s heavyweight, ms n profeavTonal li last nlghl Ha th.- Ilftli n.tind. Interfered whin, sided miHins. lean condition tripped in pli Ha welched 1 Hful debut -M'ti.iri .m il' illor White Hi or rather Heforr Joh utter leoondi of ue White wu in a hi lp- 'ii tiio TopPH Reich ml ii phytic! condition. pown-l and wnn hh tr-nt us nails. White on the other flabby and took the lnut at a hand was few liouvs w Innlpeg tll.l not go notice, lis PTed McKay, the noltoeman. i.i.-.iti, that he n .on bpoaUM Of it it injurtMl kn. White I tipped the maIm at 1 7 pounds, j Reich whm rather oiutloui In tho first 1 round, probably because he wanted to I si?. up hlSehard hitting antaconlat. Hut before the routti ?twii ho put tiu- phis-m down for a count cf nine, in the second routnl White floundoroii r n over the rniK White titirlor tiro hih! nat down twice 10 hard that hit tooth won jarred Reich spar rod In tho third round, and White landing wild punch matV tho former amateur'! moho bleed, Rut in th" fourth : round Raich landed i many wetl directed Mown that White wan ift Queer itreet. Th' end same in the fifth routni, when , Reich Mit loowo with a storm of vwlngi and uppe route which quickly took ail the Bffhl out if the tar ami brought the ecrap i to an and, a comparatively Htnaii crowd 1 Haw the fun. I Oeorffe Aho. tho Hebrew middleweight, ; ihaded Billy Qrupp or nt. Uoula In the Itrat ten round scrap, Ashe wolghed 164 pounds ami Qrupp waa eight pounds ( lighter. Vouiik Brown f the Rani Sni boxed a ten round draw with Johnny Harvey of Harlem In the semi-final, j Brown's weight was i3rB4 pounde, while iiar4 scaled Al 114, Harey Incidentally t i"Kt two tt ath. GERMANS CHARGE INSULTS. bonder Honl RtflTov, 8i-Tt III MurM.-ln ml 12. "I Intend lo mm- plaln in tha down Prlnc f Qarmany. my amployar, f tha Inauttlng treatment, oulmlnatlns ni actual niohbtnffi which wo have raoalvad in Anwriia." tlaclariHl Capt. i Mt' Krlofer. ;ih apokaaman for hii two companion aonday aklppara, Paptalni Ibaen and Btain, Juki befiprfl i in trio aallad for Germany. "Wo wen: tr.-atMi in Marbletwad ai if we waro 'recalo dopn," bains accorded no conalderatlon w hat - t-ver. ('apt KrPcpr ISld thai durin tho moh- hlnSi wltloh took rhirf hk thay warn in - intr ;i Harbtahaad plOtliri how. In- waa atrtii'k In th- bach of the hruil by an apple, while daoavail fruit nnd asart ralnad abOUl hhn and Inn OOmpHDlonS, ("apt. bstn, who riMidtd lor aonv lma in A roar lea, arsa dlapoaad to bf more lenient Hh axplalnad i i raallied tt wan OlUy th' action of a crowd of oiju barbartana, What i did faal, how aver, was tin- MiKhthiK ttt utmi nf aooofdaif hh by th. Marblahoad foikM." AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE OWNERS AND HKLIjaiH or Al; TOMonil.KS. COIIMBHC1AL VKHI CUTS. GARAGES. TIRES, fQUIP MENTE ALSO REPAIR COkl PANIEK WILL ALWATS FIND SOMETHING OF INTEnrHT IN THIS COLUMN. ll4-ial:l-M-AR-KKW 41 IOM-M.I-J-IOI I. Idiadsui . runahout, raosr, lour Inn. clussd. truck... Ilsdiiord prln a. all models, all n'akrs. this wn k. Ill(h value, low cost. STOKAI.K MA KTi WW.sSd. AUTOMOBILE AND MOTOR THICK IN' 8TKICTION. r.wA, aU Booklet uplalns II Y our onune Is BPIST. Inspect our plant sad ke easvlooed. ADEMT seta ! . JH w YEAR the liarltai Homelaler, coach of Howard .tones. MAY BOX IN BALL PARK. OunbSSM mtth and Hani In nn ford OWI Offer From l'hlllt. In response to an offer from tho Phila delphia National League Baseball Club ths manngors of Qttflboat Smith and Sam Lansford will visit that city to-dny to conaldsr I six round glove tight that can he held In the hall park on the afternoon of rCtober t. Joe Woodman. Langford's manager, snid to-niftht that he would go over to Philadelphia with James Hucktey, Smith s mentor, on an eurly train and that If tho batl club's terms were satisfactory articles would ie slsnsd. Buckley de clared that the nwitch was as good as made, as he would accept ulmost any kind of a proposition to put tho Qunboal in ths ring with the Tar Baby. it Is understood that the hall cluh. which can accommodate 10,000 spectators, is pre pared to give at least 60 per cent, of the gross' to tho rival heavy weights if thov will decide their differences in a ring pitched In the mid-lie of the baseball diamond, NOTES OF TRACK AND FIELD. i Wsndslli th Wsslsyan httrdlsr. will have hii opportunity to brnk ths TI an.l 1 Ml arrt r. r.r.t at th New i"rk A. , . cluh samsi tO day. A p- lul open race hs tin put on to allow of th rSCOfd hslng i r pte.l If mads. ; Ths Paatlnis a. c. will opn th cross- Country aon taIUOrrow with an Invita tion run Ironi Ih olUbhSUSS at 1H-1 trt 'snd Jerome avnu. .tarn Dunran. Ih dlSCUl thrnwr. I ansloua to get the permlsaloD of th rsi IratloB 'ommltt to .ompsi In th Cans I dlan ehamploashlpi n Bsptsmber Instead of the tntropolltan . hamplonhlp. Th rS list ration vnr.l of Kreii HSllar snrl J .!. Waldron. both mmhr nf ths KnlshlN , of nt Antony, hav nn oaneslled for I ompstlnR ii . i. t Hssuinnl nams al th rerent iumn of th Diocesan I'nlon nt . Belle, III. N. J. amimkmint: NEW 1 link's I I VDI.M. P II DIRT H'whn it 1 h t tuth Si ) c f I.'. kMI I la Mtttmrr Todav t 1:11 John Drew MUCH ADO MWHT NOTHlNn tit ARK R'way a ,sth si Rves. s is s-'b Mailaee To-day Awed 1:11. w ettneeday Mai... lu-irin xi Wees. "Complete I Richard Carle Succeee' BUN, I Hattie Williams ill Ihr Season' l,rl Mualral liimnii THE DOLL GIRL 1,1:0. rnuiU'C i hi a rnr. n v a n.t si M. 1UnHn )' v - IS Mat T..-.I iv POTASH & PERLM UTTER BnlCTV UnuiilMsv . i'. "-I l'i'- nl J0, BMItl I -i " .In- A Wed : OTRV "NEARLY MARRIED" M Minis nn with inn i MrRAK. CRITERION B'smy a 44th HI. Rvs.stlJO. Plrai Msllnre Tolsy. van. WM. COLLIER In HKHAKI1 II Mill IXtl I) W IS' fan .-. IS HO'S WHO I nilTV West 47il St 11 W Mrxftttt klDCni I opcnn momm) yestB Now, Tho k"rn tlprrtk i n.. f n t in c RI SIF '' Inntr Ipernl nul ABOTT ROB ROY JeWereon m (Irand ipt-i Cssi 1 Da Angelie GARRICK KIHT Mi. H I NEXT MON. FANNIE WARD in NAUAN PRESIDENT aPnHII :i si. ,4ih u. sv-i. Mai Today. HnHHU fopan a iirrK'"ior iiiii"ir" rt M ssk, MTOhl MRLrHINK.tteala now tHIPROOROWEI in, - - . Md- ml' ll Ml 1 Hr-i Si ats Si &M, III Mill Mill! Ml i iii worn ti ii 1 1 ti, i pis A - at n l wi l 1) la' in I M E RICA m linllau i it n mi tr ti Ptunaiai auu th pgnanui 1 anj flrai atea COMEDY Hn B HEROWNMONEY Moat lisi IMa "ii Mnal H"l Suliln-i KaTMIU eSXSi ' " "f :'' FAMILY CUPBOARD BOTH HT. TWK4. Kvs ISI Mm I'o-jjBy J-L BELIEVE ME, XANTIPPE ..Hn Jul. ii Harr, niiirr ni'l Mar. 1 nuns. MANHATTAN Qn.Mo.Kvs f Ml i " dayJti'-lv ;v",u;:: the old homestead ELT1N8E Weal HQ i en hie - si N l.'. S Wl li in lo Maui" i puay Annlvirtary Wttk Souvtnirt WITHIN THE LAW w Kit JANK I4IWI. as M.xiiV TI'HNKH. LONCs At'KK BUlin. H av Kves s 1 1 1 iln at '.' I'll nn- ni ai. Ml sill'AI. HIT ADELE GORT lllli si of ir . Tel, Bryanl ,1 Ryta. s Mi Mat In 'tn LAURETTE TAYLOR I "Pra a' l Mar, " nnv I Westell' r&H'l vsa ririir nam Bvenmiii si sm ytiroae, TRENTINI FIREFLYi4:,1 ? f Noll Week "BUNTV PULLN THE STnlNUi." CENTURY OFKRA I Crnirall'srkW lllll HI. rhnn.- Col sail BRAND OPERA SEASON OPENS NEXT MON. Kiiiiir 4, A in A F ' iMnus uurgH "AIDA Istwrrk rxiun KlHbT KUiMT VMiKKS Mesomce open A. M. Is r. M. ACADEMY Slock i n. Wat. Iislly, 10 30-w "Motacr." wltts PrlsclUa Koowles. TagT0 LUNA GOULD PRESS CHAMPION BY EDGING OUT SMITH Long i'ntt Enablpx Him to Halve Miittli. nml He Wilis on Niiiptoptitli IIoIp. In a malrli carried tn tin' titnolfcnth rsan p. M. , s.mi't of the New Torh flolf I'luh won ths prpss i'haniiinshli tn the tournnmanl condttpted i tin' Saw Torh Newspaper idf flub t Vnn Oortlandl ' I'nrk yaBtardity. rjould'i notion an I waa I I Pari H. Bmlthi n unattAcrted itilfer. i Ptaytni the home hola, smith wan dormle, 1 lull betna short on his drlVC he affnrdi i an npinliiK fur the nltior. who inn 1111 lima approach imti dead. im h anablsd him in win tin. holt in t nnd halve the I match. Tn tha I'stra hnio Hmitii drove ; Into 11 trap and the atrnks Inst tlir proved fatal. CiOUld acttlna 11 4. Th Olf wai llii' best of th Weehi both men re turning 74. The Card : fMwtd, out 14444)441 I M mlih. nul I r. a 4 4 4 a 4 II Oould, In til, 1114 I 3ii T4 Smith. In 14 1,11,4 4 IT 74 slxtra Hale Oould, 4. Smith. I. Th match 111 the decisive niiind nf the Mist division between C, M. 11. Atlierton and 11. II. Ilarrlsim nf the New York Newspaper Oolf Club resulted In Ather tofl winnlna by I up. This ninlrh was a irreat surprise fnr the local foHowtfur, whlrh from the first hnd picked Harri son tn win this trophy Atherton. how ever, played the Rnme of tils life, matting the round In IS, The card: Atherton. nut.. ,.f. 4 I 4 4 4 I SI Harrison, out 4 a 3 i 4 ,1 7 .17 Atherton. In 4 3 f. S .". .'. 4 S 4S! Tfi Harrison, In 4 4 r. 4 , , i f, 40 77 The summary : Press ,'haniplnnslilp Pitinl round K. M. Oould, New York Oolf, heat Carl II. Smith, unnttiiiheil, 1 up (19 holes). First DlVialon Final round ('. L II. Atherton. Unattached, beat II. II. Harri son. New York (lolf Club. '2 up. Second Division Final round II ft. Prown. unattached, beat P II. MeCotin, Pox Hills, 3 up and 2 to play. Third Division Final round T, W. M. Draper, unattached, beat Thomas Itattrn. unattached, .1 up and 2 to play, QUAKERS OUTPLAY INC00NITI. Knallah lllsntlssrd for MO, While ItlTnls Have tit). No WlcbetS llona, Pmilamujwia, s. i t. is. All Philadel phia completely outplayed the tncognltl cricket team of Pnrlund to-day. dtmlslnir their opponents for 141) runs and replying with 6!i without the lots of a wicket when rain put an end to the play for the d L) Col. c. u. Oreenway won the toss for the visitors and had no hesitation tn bat tliiK first. He s.rt In his usual first pair. Capt YV. C. II. Bare! and C. I, Tudor, but (he start was duMStrous, as Tudor foil to a very fine catch on the legslde behind the wicket in Oreene's first over. 0, it. rt. Oolman followed in and after a very useful Start with Sard which had netted 30 runs he Was caucbl and bowled by Anderson for R, Mile Falcon then partnered Sard, who looked like repeating his raoent success In New York, but when ho had subscribed 33 the captain fi ll to a wonderful on.- handed cnteh in the slips by Anderson off Mlddletdn'l bowline John 1.. Kvans and C. P. Morris opened the hatting for All Philadelphia and made H good start. Al the call of time Morris was not nut f4 and Kvans no' out 34, and with ten wickets still in hand the home players are only 41 runs behind the score nf their opponents. Play will be resumed to-day. AMI hKMKVT.. IHhATIIKN MI SlirlXSIS. I Vain lanlanlaai Weal ,.M ft, RVS I new miisieiiidiii iuu To dai ftv.-ii : CHRISTIE MacDONALD '" WZZv;?"'' SWEETHEARTS Nil kKKBOI KI II. R'wav A :iin Si. K.vr. al s:lo. Mar- To -flay A Wed . 5:10, I a.HI i Si I Kit .II I 1, SIMM KMIV i with the sunshine girl Hudson v;s:h bt '? MATINKK roUA1 4 1 3::tl It TIJC I Hulls MIIHI H II I I V 4 Ml ..a,.,- ,, w,r" "" IPUT I'limii." nun i - RESUMED " MORE EXCITING THAN WITHIN THE LAW " V V .. fulton zv:'?xx-:v-;r ' LAST 2 I RICHARD BENHETT weeks DAMAGED GOODS lyceum wziri:rn r" WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS wmTsaauHXNfa ST a ..- vvav cva I ifi Turaday, Thursda slallnrr I ....In . . S.O. . bi as. Bnnday Nlshi Mill m V, m 4 4NINO, i vir- in Msllnre Tolai ' i" DE WOLF HOPPER in LIEBER AUGHSTIN with (ieo M.n i arlans and Suprrlailvr rasi 48THST. I US I I li I HIT The Howlln, ln rr f . Hllll II. -I'll KISS ME QUICK LYRIC Eff NATINI I Ml-II 41 Sill J08EPH SANTLtY WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE W I" l I llkl . Ana. Ureal Noon, ii s i loam PALACE li n and i.Hi Ka. i'. in, m.i UK, mi as. an z a I HI I is. III irjr jnr.larhM.n. I .una I'M TON MIMlKK.I'iiimd, hum- Malu-ra a- Knims l.llll, - i rodkrt .''' ron i Held .v i omiiany nni .0 VhutIchii I lam si Horace liOIJIIN, Holatuln Hi,.-, and i BELASCO Mi-I Hill Ma' The Temperamental Journey 44 Ull 1 1 ' I HI IIMI'.IN ,V MAMMERSTEIN'S I VI I I N RMBI1 THAW IVeVka A 4it New mil. n ROOF 1 HallN .Mai 5c .vi,- Jlio, OOLUMBIA I! Burlesqu. M llsi ns a as as a. 1 Mai I'll ,lv v UAVt MAHIUN s .11 , f.iri 1 , 1m1n.1v. ASTOR Kvcrv l,iv. Iiirl S'i (in) K It 111 "Quo Vadis' tt'wayA46st. Qreal Hhojp i- HOTELS AMI RRSTAI IIAVTS. 14th Street, near Fourth Aveaue.' Work Hard Special Races of 50-Footers Ended "HE Hpocial regatta rommittvo 1 of the New York Yacht Ohtb appointed to manago thn race" bBtwtwn the fiOfnot sloops that, wcrf Milled bjl iirofrsaiotial skippom and ou'ws annoiinrrd yoKlcrday that llmrp would Vic no furthor races. The first and nrrond rash prizoa, amount ino; in tin1 a(tnrrg,itn to $Wn, will In- divided between tho pkippoi-H and crows of tho yachfa OrmlinR and Carolina If., which, won the wim number of points, and tho third prize of $50 noes to the rrew of the Iroquoia II. The Pleione, Aruahla and Hpartan havo been put out of commision for the neason. Ilochesler llelalns Watiss. Hept. II. YVtl.l.tAMSTOWV. Mass, Hnrry Watson of this town, the former u i hams gridiron star, baa been reap pointed conch of thn Pnlverslty of Roch ester eleven nt Rochester, N. Y, for this season. He met with good success In charge of the team Inst year. ITNOUSMO MILES THROUGH DEW ENGLInO'S SCENIC WONOEslisD Connecting Ih, Melt Famous Resorts el Asitf lea. Autumn Tourinr Amid Borgaous Sctntryi lonom ior ill iters, Hires, White Mountains or Maine. I he Idral lour la the Ideal W.T. The liutela will remain open until (let. 211 or Inlef. Th lili, Tour limit Bnok nnd map free by mall from Al.MON I . ,11 lilt, The El.TOV Watrrhiirr. Conn., or on nppllrnll.iti nt nan llrosilnsT. Ns York. IN HII. MOUNTAIN! oi III lc ksii i ut mi: IDBAIj Till IC. Hotel Aspinwall Lenox, Massachusetts AMMOH Ci ii mi, MANAGER T !if inor-t nrrrvslh Moniilfttn ll4-;ori li()'t-i. th iri'tp cf nioio?- tourlnff, delight' full;. iHUSled fur i fif-rmnr.i'iit Mjourn, Hrderoratcd And hft) r. w tia'hs thli year. in Reptvmber Md October the rkihlrea rr nt ihrlr test. ( .olf. tt-niiN. rldltig. n.i.tor Inir ntrlU OOOl, ItiVlgorHtlnit air nt nn rlfvation of laftOOfeet. Open until rrt. 80tb I Mi Kit IAM1 MANAORMKfff In ihr -.rrnlr n arjf n; c'k Vall- y. the en way to tin lirrlishlrPR. Till: BLTON, WATBRBURY, CONIC Bretton Woods Gorgeous Autumn Scenes. The Great Delights of Out-door life in the Mountains during September and October. GOLF TENNIS CLIMBS SADDLE HORSES. Dancing in the big Ballrooms. THE MOUNT PIUSIHT. open until Oct. THE MOUNT VIISHINGTON, open until Oct 2a Sl.ljsiSi 4( III s.Kn s. HOTEL PURITAN otntnenirceffl; Ave., ffsetoi, The Distinctive Boston House It i i (lino h I IUJ'I nerll, s Until .1 tliltl on rtq uvlatnubiU , oarsmen! s l , .II I! I akewoi I LAUREL IN THE PINES LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY Will Open October 1st, 1913 nt'l In aprcaN train hetvlee nlnriv fitnitrs i - Vnrk, two hour In lhlladilphla. ,4H I 1. N N Is. I MM IX.. aprrloi rmnin anH facliniea nil auloinoti mi tlea. Kf preactitAtlvti itou in Kjiendanre. FRANK F, SHI Tt. Man agar iiriiu i ;iir Beach, THE BREAKERS ptrrctltY on tltc uit Now ,., u. i.. '. n s-; l'KNN I AMA. in iiler hap 'TvwpjBsr vsinanssannsjnnannjnjnjnsnjsBsnj BUCKWOOO INN Hh... nf, mi Hrhmare. r ..n. '-'-'." . 1 1 I AM i, k GOLF COURSE i i si ,. i .',. Mn , i im. 1 -. h .'all Av. Ti l Mid s. n.':tn 1 pirmber Ihr Ideal Mm-rii DEI AWARE WATER (iAP. PA THE KITTATINNY Under En'lre r New Management ot Oenir . i". in - sun nrtoDrr llsK Ul.lML' . II" I. "If. 'I'I tils ", 1 'is M. lllll' Oh hit anil nip Till; MOU.N I AI N I'AKADIBK. WATER GAP HOUSE Tin lead In 1 int-i 01 Hrlaaaffl wau-r (iap. P, Opan ti I'im-. Booltitt. JOH N PURDV C0PB4 I Muniikf- CaUAtfTi Delaware Water Gap 1 .." sour rri.Mi N .i Villi,. s.-" Sunday isMir. Miiunt I'i I'lii nnn, I'm. Mt. Pleasant Hons.. A RAC .OF. iicciii rail rate. v s A II. S I.I Hf'H M ' Poeoae M HAMItlMINIIi Pa "GRANLIOEN HOTEL." srMMER RESORTS. I ifll A rcj- -v rr.7&esB Hi Ine' ' l Mm ! lldeaT tour W .ft i5?