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IXSTRCCTIOR. run both MMt RRW VORK N'.w Y.rfc CHf. HAMILTON INSTITUTE FOR BOYS, 599 Witt End Avt. rrhlNild Slia. Jr . Principal. T-l SJ03 Mlver. FOR GIRLS, 601 West End Avt. v ,. . A. Sbsw. Jr.. Principal. Tf I . m River. Preparation from Primary ta foliage. Schools Apprtvtd by N. Y. Stati liguts (ertlfleste of . bm.l admits la Call. Vlsaal Inatract'n la Bistort sad Ueeg. I riwm prepared at Sefco.1. f,.mn.ium. Oatlaa I'limi, Athletic Field. PRIM II'AKS AHKN'im AT THB SCHOOLS. Female College. Tallahassee, are the offl etll Mats institutions of collegiate rank. Other higher educational Inatltutlona aN John K Stetson ITnlveralty. Da Laral; Rollins t'ollege dm. Winter Park). Southern College (1M1, Sutherland), Presbyterian College nf Florida (190J, Kustisl. Jasper Normal Institute. Jae prr. and the Florida Normal Institute. Madison. rthef Inatltutlona provide ex cellent facilities for the higher educa tion of negroes. Alabama. Alabama, like Georgia, waa early net, tied b) Spaniards, whoae accompanying missionaries opened Catholic Church schools. In the Slate achool sys- tem Si "-si Inaugurated and aupported by a I'nitcd States land grant for achool Murrain. The civil war Interrupted edu . itlonal progress. Since the war ad vancement In education haa been alow, hut stearic. State aid haa been given to rural schools, and country high achoola have been established. In 1900 Alabama ranked third among the Statea for Illit eracy, hut this percentage la faat de- lining Tlie most important Inetltutiona for h ghei education are I'nlveraity of Ala bamt (1111, Tusculoorn). Alabama Poly li.'hnle InstltUts (172. Auburn). South tin University 1 fir.d. Oi-eenboro). How ard College, Boot Lake Spring Hill Col lege i 130. Mobile), and the Tuakegee Normal and Industrial Institute, for DtgrOOi, Tuhkegec nnil xchool towns of the aonth. The work of education in the beautiful southland has flourished itnooi the civil war Ever since that Intsmiptlon to ita pros real . hoola and achool towna have multiplied b) hundreds. The South la awake so far aa lie own educational possibilities gra concerned, a few of its r.'hool towns are h.rc treated. The town of llampden-Stdnev ia located In Prince Edward count), Virginia, a ium proverbially one of the moat healthful district! In Virginia. This little tntin contain! a number of homes q Which students may enjvy all the social advantages consistent with a life of studv. Its quiet situation In Hie country, lemoved from the buhtle of life and from the temptation! Incident to town or city, tnderi this town an especially devil abie place for an) student who alma to eecure the thorough culture of his mind and heart Snd the formation of correct ideas. At th! bend of West Mitchell street, about ore mile from the centre of the beautiful City of Atlanta, liu.. la located .,n efficient university, avannah, Oa., la one of the most restful cities of tho South. It boasts an efficient school for girls. Spiinc Hill. Ala., is picturesquely Situated live milea from the city of Mo bile, on an el'vntiou ISO feet above sea level. Prom the Kay of Mobile and the iuif of Mexico it enjoys a constantly re- freshing braesi which renders its loca tion both SgTSSShlll and healthy. Ow ing to such advantages, coupled with !: altitude and to the invigorating In fiuenct of ita resinous idnes upon the Burrotsndlng sttnoaphere. Spring Mill holds tie of the best reeordg for health in the country. No wonder that it la the home el a very successful college and prepara tory school. Nashville, Tcnn.. has a beautiful girls' achool which is located i'l Southern res idence of antebellum splendor, Covington, La., Is situated in the heart of St. Tammany Parish and Is thearapl tal of the osone'helt. The United States health census haa pronounced it "the Mcohd healthiest spot in America." It Contains a Benedictine college and pre paratory school. The blue grass region of Kentucky ts lustly famous the world over for the nat ural beauty of Its scenery. Its magnificent hills overed with stately forest trees and Its fertile valleys carpeted with the soft, restful green of Its native blue grass. The trsvsltsr from a distant State finds in Kentucky many beautiful spots to ad mire, but none ia morn beautiful than Fsrmdale, the estate of Dr. John F. Htew art, and the site of a private Institution f"r th care of children of backward men tal development Could any spot on earth be more ideal for an Institution of bin kind? Away from the nolae. the smoke, the dust and the diversions of 'lie citv. in the pure air and the pesce fwl shade of this lovely country home, la 1' any wonder that children from all Parts ,,f the South, crippled In mind, vh iuld find here the moat congenial and helpful surroundings and the most skilled and scientific training for the develop ment of mind and body? It Davidson, North Carolina, is a col tegs the campus f which ts remarkable for its ipaciousnsM and beauty- Third tin., of southern School, ss K i pressed h Their Heaslatastera. h'rnm Mo unroll i Virginia i "Bvery anannement la In pur.unnce of o ' general plan, which I. to make the ss nearly aa possible In all II. de tglli . Christian home, w ith all the purity and refinement that characterise a model Virginia home, the VSrY atmosphere of whi i i an Incentive to higher thiiuta and ' inspiration to lofty I'leala. The acliool motto in which Ihe Ideal I. crystallised Is 'Non pro tempore, aed aeternltste' tNot for time, hut for eternity)." From Mh mi, i I Georgia I . I 'Dlsclplln is administered with flrm SSii md Impartiality and alma to Induee gh mora! sentiment, which shall be in f i powerful governing force In the When it becomes plain that a it'll has not a flxeil purpose to Improve tl ne ami nn earnest desire to fit hint s' If for usefulness, he in removed without psclno ohargas." fioni M aryviUn (Trnnrtiee). Tb I institution was horn of the moral spiritual ne.Mls of the curliest settler, f Kaal T.rmssaas Dhlefl ctch-Irl.h I'resbyterlans, It tvaa desianed lo edu ests f,.r the nilnlatry men who should bo ' s t.. the soil. The irrand aim of the rounder, us suted in hla own words, la ' ' rtlreotors and manatera of thla sacred Institution propose the glory of ' nnq tin. advancement of that klna jlont purrhssed by the blood of His only Cfotteti Son, hh their sole object'." From i rnnkltn ,srfn. I KcatucHy). Kdiicatlon with ua means the aym- rlrul development of soul, mind and "'' anj "lie of these being negtlected ' "; ' .ti Unflnlshsd man. The moat dau ieroii nun lo society are educated men I' moral character la deformed, either n 1 uie. which la very rarely believed, 01 i neglect of early tralnliif." ' "'Ill fun io I fl'loridd). The main object of this school Is to "lake, men i,f ,, bv! ' ' ' ' I'l I requlrst the active personal, "'"nt, helpful oompanlqnship of their ' " jrsi not only in the class room, hut ni Playground, on tho water, at the ' ' the barracks." "Th"" (.VorfA Carolina), ii" slm ..f St Mary's la to make the "'iy lift Of the Students that of a (toll nsuisted Christian household. Tho ef rsri li o direct the physical. Intellectual ana i moral tlsvslopmsnl of the individual. ll the .are that love for young and wisdom m rontrolllns them hns pOMltile." jjras, chi,rl ffiU IXorth Carolina). country is callina for men. trained SS ho can intelligently do Its work INSTRUCTION. FOR ROYS AND YOtNf. MEN. NEW TORS. New Tark CHy. Riverside School 869 West End Avenue, Between I02d and 103d Streets. Kindergarten, Elementary, High School and College Prepara tory Departments. Boys taken through Fourth Grade of Elementary School Catalogues on Request. Reopens Oct. 1. TELEPHONE MS) RIVERS IDE. rvwnyfcll iwsswf CIk Drown School of tutoring i i FREDERIC L. BROWN. B. S.. Head Master . . THE RIGHT SYSTEM OF IDItr. 1TIAN ...w .. , v.. .. , i o i Li llMrilln.a.iOk.. .'.1. . a . . . . for colieee. .ehn.u' -V k ' , carair nuininfs. r.iceptinnal vucces. In prepai Ins snidfBls :?L.-ol5.t": rh.'i,to fd buelseaa. In June tf. of the cnllete and Heaeni "examination. " H ISHTU. ana Ihra. i vmmryt i-os 1 vru on - one nun Ilositively only one pupil at a time with a tear k hi one. Bristol pupils not retarded by rlasses ed by cla. work, fiverv pupil wbo has en lered lete has accomplished that purpose. Lesson Illinlfcs nnl , mh. ... I pose of tolas to collese has accomplished Fifteen teachers I'l. 'ML INTERVIEWS WELCOMED 941 WEST f STB STRKI: I PtBSM Oel.sstas MSI "A school wtth aa AtsMapawre or Work." FOR ROYS AND VOt Nti MEN. NEW TORR New Task City lew. piavTon 772 Hi tar A Catholic Boarding and Br0.hWr?,'.ead..S.-!h,'..r? A KfMlft. Graduates Into tbe leadln' MTsatsgsukSatimts ""' which leio. ltseTf "i a ihletkL n!T.n W.of ""acre rark of great natural seaut) dl"rtDliae an!T tsif hSUi i sliT!?1 ' outdoor sports of trsek and Meld. 1 he mlllta fSSyfXzfSSJSf SSii'r; "V" P,.r.,de "round bordering on the waters of kiue iirtJJ nd" MJ "oofmanj Miwestial apical 10 the bov . lorrota REV. BROTHER EDMUND, Prinei ' JMUT SSI1.ITAWT AC'AltE "", rsBW t Xs. a mi Day and A' t. Hoardine Punila. .w0' to - KIVEItDAi r. ON hi nwoN. V. '. RIERILl:-()-HI lM. N. V. sO Lfea as - "a MRaw flr'. Outlining a School Day Riverdale Country School Senri fnr ratalrwiw wi'7w 9 aEaf O fl Riverdale-on-Hudson, Upper Now York City Tel. J48 Kingsbridge. TARRYTOftN-ON.HlllSON, N. V. FOR BOYS, Tarrytown-on-Hudon, N. Y. rwenty-flve miles from New York, in the beautiful, hi.toric "Irvlna" .'oiintry 77th year. 21 years i under prasant Head Master Nw site and buildings. 104 Prepared for all colleges! and technical schools Individual us 1 aa class instruction Athletic Field Saimmln. Prl vri nasi i reuHv (hla Vail I Imli . J. M. FURMAN, A. M.. GARDEN CITY. L. I. Lacatisn: Beautiful snd healthful Gar den City, lams Island. IS miles from New Vork. . Fireproof buildings: gymna- slum: swim m in g pool: SO seres oi ainieuc nens. Instnselim- Botn cu and Individual sevwss. . iimrurtlon given. Prepares for iny college or scientific school. A lower school for younger boys. Poll Term Begins September IStb. Building. Now Open, catalogue on Raquest. WALTER R. MARSH. Headma.t.r, Bos IS. (iarden City, L. I. TARRVTOWNsON-HUOSON, N. T. IFPTDN SCMflOl f "pares bars for college. A HtrlVH HURL country school In th. West Chester Hills, it mile, from New, York. Complete moder. .qulpmrat, new building, gyma.sium ssa sthletlo aekf. Special attention to young boys, cstaiofua oa raouesl. Res VI. Tarrjeswa-as-UadMB. Raw fork. PLDSMlNti, IeONU ISLAND. KYLE INSTITUTE, FLUSHING, LONG ISL. Boardtas School for Boys af All Replet. with .11 modern Improvement, and equipment. Gym.. Swim. Pool A Model Class rooms Unsurpassed advantages In (iermaa Mlllt. Drill. Moderate terms. IS years of success ful work. DR. PAUL KYLE. and play their part In making thla a bet ter place for men to live in. The de mand la for men of brain, and of char acter, men who are specialists In their line of work. There is no difficulty in finding work to do, the difficulty lies In securing suitable men for the work. That is what we aim to make of our boys." front .Va.nottle ( "An Ideal home woman results from our culture." Coaelaaloa. Thus It has been seen that the South ern Htatea have been, becauae of aoclal and economic condltlbna, a fruitful private school field. Kven to-day the majority of the people still atrnd their children to private achoola. Thla has led to the es tabllsment In the Houthern Statea of a large number of private schools of highest type. There are military schools with (iovemment approval bark of them, pre paratory schools fully aa excellent aa thoae In the North, efficient schools for young children and select finishing schools with many years history for educating the children of the moat exclusive fami lies. Halubrioua climate, comparative cheap neaa of land, which enable, the achoola to have large room, ana ample grounda, to gether with a surrounding atmosphere of chivalry, all combine to make tho .Southland sn ideal school horns for the younger generation. The strst artlele eatltled ",rv Vork t Itr -schoola" "III appear luf "Th I BR" Naturday, Sept. RO. THE SUN, INSTRUCTION. sksnsawa.w. m m m $9j0mm r m- jr-yj- j-u-.-TO- r-LrXflsTii liL IMsMs. FOR BOYS AND YOt'NO MEN. NEW TORR New Tark City. I'l J r QUIILA I I U Is al t ... u I, K - ... i... .. . with a teacher. Ik thoroughly two es Hackward and nervous red the school with the pur- r iiwi pui ixbmd, m an suojects to pupils Each teacher has had at least VI year1 experience. FOR ROYS AND Vol Nt. URN. NEW VORK New York City Rreas. point, is Ztfcademis Day School for Boys nder'the supervNkn. of the ChrtaflU XI w rolleres and I'r.n.r,, , ukinK "mo.ib Bsn. ISTH. intts I 1T1 . COUNTRY SCHCXDL imtdv cruvM FOR CITY BOYS i Ith Year. I Hardy Country Life, Sound College Preparation, Expert Physical m ' W? Training. Wf F--- l 2.W w jsr, m WfT r aaaaal TARRYTOWN-ON-HlDMtN. N. V. inn u Head Matter, Box 800 NRW KORR -New Vork city. " PRIMARY TO COLLEGE " Berkeley School for Boys THIRTY -FOURTH YBAS Ts.rsas s., .n ,,, .. . east Tsssssls.1 Ss.ssls. Llgkt. airy rsoass. .man , ' O'sdoa'ss kses -Ur- 8XJk v.,t.:X(': HWaW SRMSSSRSSflSB Ttnd (L West End Sue. Tel. Columkus 1416 THE GROFF SCHOOL. Re. loaa. Men. Hoarding A : Ita. Pupil . Tt rioneer School fnr Individual Attention. I By means of the lndl'dn.l attention of etperl i enced Instructors and the i-onsiaoi suis-rvlslon j af all maty boors, ihe t.roft school enatil. I Its students to acconipllsh mora 'n one year than I many other schools do In two No gr.des ! ' retard the brilliant pupil or to discourage ihc , bsrkward one. Kselush. loc.ilon Hoarding I facllltlea unexcelled. Sclal Summer session for the September t'ollege and Hegenis' h I amlnatlop. f all Term ism yearr begins Sept I "Ml. SB Rest IStb Ht., If. I. Tel. 711 Col ALL HALLOWS INSTITUTE 1.1 and IB West 134th Street. In Ihe Heart of Greater New York lay ScimI fir Boys aid Yiuf Mm. Prepares for College and Butlnrss Approved by the Board of Regents. Christian Bnthirs if Inland. Studies will be resumed .September IMh. 1. . Collage rrtparalorr School with strong Prl mary and Junior Oradss. Madam school building. Largs Oymnashira. rsth year begins Seat. It IS, SSt.tS W. TTUSt . b.. tsrssa Broadway and U'sst End Avenue, New York. A. r. Warrss. iiastaeke. Collegiate School K, set It It s ST. ANN'S ACADEMY So? TS Islington Avej, TStlc and 77th SIS;. N. Y. city. s nr.s IS WW. or t T Sl'nuvi,. nay iod It stav at school until . P. 11 smiiv per la provided to do the home lessons js Buaitiiiaiii tst'titsoi., A real home school. High School. (Grammar. Prlirarr law rtatea. (iymnulum. Cialogue S. I CUTLER SCHOOL No. 3U i'asi loth St. Reopens Wednesday, October lit. During thirty-seven years under oae ment more than twelve hundred pupils have been prepared for eollrge and boarding schools. Primary, Intermediate, snd Senior Department, equipped for Instruction by the steal method., outing riasses, Gymnasium. Athletic Field TRINITY SCHOOL 1SU-147 WEST BIST ST.. NRW YORK FOINOED IIOR. Primary . i; ram mar and High Schools Prepare, for .11 Cnllrgcs. SSkth Year Open. September SSad. IRVING SCHOOL I,. II. HA V. SB RFJIT H4TH NT. BOYS FROM S TO SO. Al.l. DK.PARTMt: VI'S. ISO (iraduaies Have Vtntered idllere. No hodie study for hoys under fifteen. iSrd year begins Thursday, slept. 2tb. Telephone tsa Schuyler. Dn. HAY NOW AT SCHOOL UOKNINT.S. THE CARPENTER SCHOOL FOH BOYS, Ksisbllshed lan. SIS-SIS WEST RND AV. Begin. Oel. 1st. K pa res far sll CoHsges sad Boarding School., an Flo IJ0. outdoor .ssroHe dally, irm. aw-fcw SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1913. IVSTRl'CTION. ROTS AND TOtINO MEN. lORT DEPOSIT. MD. CIk Come School Yr1TH its endowment of over two and a half million dollars, It y can limit its enrollment to boys of high character. It has a faculty of unusual strength and size. It has created an unique type of school life. It can give much individual attention through its special tutors. Its graduates take high honors in the leading colleges and technical schools. 'Each boy has his own room. It haa the most beautiful school buildings and grounds in America. It has one hundred and seventy-five acres, on which arc a nine-hole golf course, five athletic fields, swimming pool, quarter mile cinder track, tennis courts and batting cage. Its tuition of $700 would have to be fifty per cent, g cuter were it not for its endowment. The Lower School for Little Bots offers all the advan tages of the Upper Forms with the special benefit of a separate dormitory and a separate organization. a. I TISRtl llhiUntss task sn Rssaesl iMlidllLmilia NRW YORR New Yeeh City. - COLUMBIA GRAMMAR SCHOOL BsiMtat as : tbioiutel v flresrosl snd tasrtsrt. SOD STREET AND CENTRAL PARK FllKPAIIRSi MORE BO S FOR MORE CO!.- I Lean and in less timf. than any OTMKR .SC'HOtM. IN MANHATTAN. Fine laboratories, primary classes, atbletlc ! Held, gymnasium, playground, oprn dally. I BOTH YEAR RENINS SEPT. as. Hesdtnaster now at si-hool. Tel 37S7 Riverside. ! Boarding and Day School For Boys. Approved b die N V. Stale Fducailon Itepart mrnt for Resents Msmlnstlon. Thnrouirri training from Prlaisr.v to t'ollear Stieilal at tenlton elven to cacti Indli Idiml mutfiit In ,m.n classes of S to 10. i.mpleie equipment. Irrr private semau building. Kstabllsbed IS03. HARMS PREPARATORY SC'HIOI N K.cor. lasdSI 4 7ih,ve Fbone Mil Morning J. HKIL. rrlnripal. Krlvin fcrfyool Ul loth West ntli street Tel. m i-jmbus i sear. Limited private high school ( for j boys erv small srnuns. Indlldiia1 attrut'.on rinert coaching for all eliminations. DIONNl:. M. A. Headmaster. MORRISTOWN, N. J. Randolph Military Academy Morrltown, Nf J?r Stttct Horn School Ltmit4 to 100 Boys. (ieiirral Mlltfactloa v. 1th our ability to et rroultft bait m1r thU ftchonl a MCMM. v prprr boys fl to so ear of tm br I n(vfn.ltte. Ciovrrnment At-adfmlpR and BuloeM. Our luratloo orrnita tton and rntilpnifnt afford rare ad van -Uirs. All FWUI and Track Athleilrs arr fDcouratd under comp tent upervUlon. The (tmnalum. Literary Hocfetle and Horbark Hldlnr are attractive featurett. Junior and Senior Schools- For detailed In form, ilon, addre MAJOR J. HAROLD RANDOLPH. Sa per tn n I telephone 490 MorrUtoiOj) t'RKKHOCl). N. J. Jho Militarg, bui MM Htormlory" IRQ DISTINCT SCHOOLS Half . mile apart: each complete In It self, ruder SAMK H A N A O K MKNT. K.rh limited to 611 cadets. individual care and Instruction. 'reparation for col lege or business; beautiful location, u Freehold Military School Per Rovs I u 13 Rates 04 SO t.ssao New Jersey I..., a a mnes from New Military kt&JjU For Oiaer B. ffiSgSfalMT, Hates SSTSI.SSSO fields Majsr f has. M. Hum an. Mos M Freehold. N. J. MOHRlHTtmV N. J. MORRISTOWN SCHOOL MORKISTOWN. N. .1 Ctllege Preparatory Boarding School Lowar School for Boys 10 to 16 Visum HOARD. Dr. K. P. Keppel. ireau oft olumbla Bec-y Anion Phelps Stokes. ,lr.. Tala. President Prtichett ,',rn,.lM Byron a Huilbut. Byron S Huilbut. A II . fiean of Harvard. Dr. John U Hlbben. President of Princeton I -! PENNINGTON. N. J. The Pennington School far Boys' Prepares for a'l collegrsor business erv etperl- 1 enred teachers. Small classes New i.y n nastnm Ciose observstion of our work iS miles fron, i Princeton i allow s Wood row I Ison to say. Icon- I slder Pennington one of the best schools In the . Slate." Junior School for near, ft lo li If ms, eson Is not doing well In loci school, enter him nere R.te mod io tarn win pav mork 7Sth year begins Sept ?tth. rite and our repre- I sentatlte ullleslil I r RANK MAC DANIEL, A.M., n. n . Headmaster. I Bn X. Pennington. If, J. MIGHTSTOWN. N. J. Peddle Institute HlBbtslowa. N. J.. miles 'from Princeton An endowed school for ?sn bos. offering thorough preparation for all colleges and for business. Modern buildings. on -.ere campus, tiymna slum. Swimming I'ooland Athletic Held. Musical Clubs and Instruction. I-ourr school for to li to u years. Raise nti io smo. tsth yesr oneut September ?lth. I'or catalogue address R. W. NRKTLAND. A. M Hot l. HOBOKE.N, NRW JRRSET. STEVENS SCHOOL Itlver SI net, SIS snd SIS SI. . I.otoken. N. J. Raepans Sapt. 15th, 1913. ReslMr.i inn Oats, aepi. sin anu luth. Fsamlnatlon for Admls'n. Sept. II and IS I'n.n.M of alnriv nrn.rklnri' I,, I n Iv.r.ltl. Colleges, Schools of Science, law- and Medicine. ! ine rave or tuition is .lui iter le.r RHSEX fUUM, M. KIIMCSLEV FOR Bit VS. IvSjMEX n i ls. N. J.. a mln. from N. Y. Kiev, am ft. HUh-cla-s bi ar lllin M for Si boys IHtltlaa, $;nu c sasrle reterenees rseulred LOWER SCHOOL FOR YOUNOER ROVS u. at. UNi i i l.l., tt sUtiMfttajj mil Mit (ORNWAM,, (ONh. Rumsey Hall rnn A hontr trhiKii for hoy I in hip leitchooici Mini m-f nil preparation for I RcrnntUrv achoolR Partmslar atttution In tht rormotityn or manly cnorm itr ana aotui naNf lhlelfrt. find fyninasnim iirnier aiipervlRlou Initaual heallh Three hours froni New Vork. Knr naUsloaTiie adrirr-a IsOUIt M. SCHUTTI. M. i., HatdmitUr, Sox F STAMFORD, CONN. RsJorsI Praparatory acaotl si horn. KSssS so ids cottage .las. St jMaatee' As ideal Itmb Nssr York a en. wssk-ena gnviKgsi for Js If live kys st high thsrscl.r r.c.l vS giesptlssstlr ilrsiu fscultj Yss-kbsy. Oalg IISSSSS vidasl ttraetkm gtvts. CwWMal ol schsst teesptad k lesdlag coiUgss wlih.ut sairaao. .saminanon asen soy ra rttso. Iks skrsk.1 dsveiepmsot he i';v..5rru.,e.'i- sessurr, ROLUNO PRATRIR. DID. THE INTERLaTCEN SCHOOL MAKES STRONG MEN. It wspsrrs for admission to rolleg. and Amerl csn or Kuropean Universities: tK.Tnt.rlsk.n boy. work at well s study', they niuisg. an sua se'e .kt.1.1 boys t.k.n from V lo is year, ol .ge: terms Ituu lo tSOO. only a few vacancies. 'VMfei; school JNKTRI i TIOJT FOR ROYS AND VfH SO MEM. PORT DEPOMIT. MD. fWHipHliplIRfilim StKkrlfJ ft. 0 , ftft SMM, M -' I'l. rMMMTTr SWARTHMORE, PA. Swtrthmore Preparatory School A thoroughly efficient home school for hoys, fleven n'llcs from Philadelphia. In a residential and college uburb Miirout saloons or factories. Itemarkable health record for JO years due lo perfected water and sewerage systems, modern building, snd wtinlesome regulailoas of exercise and habits Ample provision for Indoor and outdoor athlr tics under family supervision fn usually adequate prrparsilon for eollrge. "t nit sysieip of promotion by suhieci An unique reconl In the properly ba'anerd developmeni ' .boys mentally, moislly. myiMUf, so cially No fads, .lunlor school for snisllrr Ikivs. with separate dormitor . l or detailed Information address Arthur H. lomllnsun. Masrihn.ore. Ps. AMWRIDUR, MAhm. Sargent Travel School POR ova laboraiury method oi sdeeatlon, p Irarh nnl lmir from I h n , bit! also oireetuV from actual ciiuntr studied i 'his year I route ralard ihiniiKli Uediirrraneau oountrwi and R)'pt lu tevlon. Inr ra.nlnitur and rr Isl i s i .on blsnl. ad dit s PORTgR g SAROCNT Kihiui III, .Vj (nnurrs St.. tkjstOtl . Mass, St. Andrew's School CONCORD. MASS. Hitenslve grounds. large modern buildings Athletic fields. Constant anil careful attention to the Individual boy. Prepare for college, ison covers all Vspenses. Write for catalog. THOMAS ECKFRLDT, Headnnsii r. Rnx . KK BOTH BKXRS, BW YORK Near Tork Clr. FOR BOYS Watt 242. St. The sehoolhouse on lhv hill overlooking tan(orilanrtt Park. LhJtdoor School Life. OSS ni remain ll day. Including satur uay. .New bullion? now open for InsPM lion: udlc, hours to to u A. M .. or by an polntment. Tel 5M hlngshrldge IndKldual aitrninm Afiernnon study. Thorough preparation for college. 173 Ursdualsa in leading c.lleees 111 ... 28th YEAR ISth. r.ialogiir. FOR GIRLS SSI R ssa R. 148th ST. nfr Ptvneratorv end r?ner. Ktn nergTsrfcn and I u niroMM The ch ool t . lrrates with Ihc Noma n vrUn, tn kepp smh n wmivawmai kiti ran wrn npfinn gwpi, - I ' n t 18th YEAR HOUSEHOLD ARTS sas it. ?1lh NI. rooking. Knbroiderj. Mlliinerv. Hres '"aslng. Vns and i rafis. Accoutus. Also Hngiish and conversational french. One or more subjects may lie laken hall 'erm oegini, icl. sin. 8th YEAR i atali.giie elementary Young Boss and i, iris. I a la insiie. 13th St. 148th St. 177th St. FRIENDS' SEMINARY 220 to 228 East 16th Street, NEW YORK Kindergarten and Preparatory School for Boys snd Oirli. (Non-sectarian) Cattlotut an Application. TUTORS and INSTRUCTORS for Cotttm Hii 1 ni q iv i;nnnaii)n. autii i om pan inns rf lir l oiuineudcd Htihout CbArM bv ihf rP(MMMMs OFFIfl' COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY H.SI Ha P. i HORACE MANN tWIlV.utT.a'X.V rvi pun anu iiiir. mi tiiincf Plivsieal h'..,i - t MD HMllillngnnfi, on Smiui'tlfiy NcKaihletir Bel.t. Afveraoon study Hours, oprns Kepi, j.'mi Lars ireu. bsivi I. uuunn, aapi Hroadway sad no'n ai T. j KINDERGARTEN TRAININB SCHOOL NI.V1 IIIKk I MllllMll, uasningiiii! Monare RS.t, Addtes- Harrlrlte Melia. Mills, ivim-inal office Itoursafier Sept if.dallt from 11 logo clocl TUTORING Kill' ini-paralinn. I'm,, jrars i AImi i'reneli pniii',r.i Iinill OI.1M.KK. SOU .Slh Am FRENCH Private Lessons, translations. I rof. Henri ds laiBiokt jfJsx. il6l 71a t. NKW IIKh llrnnkljn. PRATT INSTITUTE RHOOKI.VN, Nr.IV VORK. DAY CLASSES OPEN SEPT. 24 EVENING CLASSES OPEN OCT. 1 FKF.DKKU H PRATT, Secret. . KMMRa U44S, .v i. j THKMl AI'I.IV At AIHMV Ke,s,-,i,. y : i o-rdticailonal. .srepilonsl advantages, licnim fulness, efficiency, law cupeiisrh. dtid .n ten is in. lerested In . school of this character should not mil to nitty tnvcMll'.aic us mi-l tiialh . ,SK,.rs Merry;. NEW VORK New Vork CllyT" Musical. HELENE MAIGILLE Authority mi Itel t'anio and Voice PLtcemenl rail Session i'epins Hani i r, r. THK tN KM'i: sciiooi. oi mi su , tt West K ,h St., N . The Elinor Comstock Music School RKul'UK OH sTK IAI t III RSKM. i'laiio. Harmony roniposliinu lschi'ilrliy Method. I'atalosues. into Madison Avenue. NEW YORK COLLESE OF MUSIC SB Kasl Sstth SI. sHHsUMtt, M. Ye MassssI RR1HF i0MAI. INSTHt TKof Ml Slf UilNnC Potsdam, N'.t. Irs In ill g school for Supervisors of M title la public schools Both ves Voloa, H.rmony, form, Bar Trslslsa. Sight SiSgisg. C'staatg. -BDCaD f INSTRITTIONS. I FOR UlRl.s till hum. tviiMKN . NEW VORK New Vork City. DE LANCEY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 301 West 98th Street, Corner West End Avsnue. 34th Yeer Begins October 1st. Elementary, High School and Collega Preparatory. A School for the Carsful Education of Girls and tho Cultivation of the Higher Qualities of Self-Reliant Womanhood. Kindergarten Department. Classes for Small Boys. Year Book on Application. Tel. 4129 River. Reopens Wednesday October 1st The Veltih School FOR GIRLS GENERAL COURSE AND COLLEGE PREPARATORY PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Number of pupils limited to twelve in each class. Fireproof school building thoroughly equipped. 160 AND lf.2 W. 74th ST.. N. Y. Oaaaeotlei a lib a laeMlai Ms W ;ad St. Day and Evening Classes For Business Stenography, Typewriting. Trsde Mil- linery, Costume Sketching For Culture English, Elocution. Ar'. Mandolin and Guitar, Literary and Reading Clubs. For the Home Sewing and Dressmaking. Millinery. Cooking and Household Management. For Recreation Gymnasium, Tennis. Social Clubs. HARLEM BRANCH, Y. W. C. A, 74 West 124th Street. New York Collegiate Institute MIMKMAHt SI IKill . nkki RSS( iioul 1(11' .IKI 34S West r.nd Aic.. near 71th street. roroiej iy at -.'ii i eaos m The New York Colleginte Institute has for 25 years maintained an un equalled reputation for high stand ards of scholarship with leadinR colleges and State Department of Education. Kindergarten, Elementary. Academic. College Preparatory. Special Courses. Reopens Oct.-l . Principal at school after Sept. 15, 9 to 12 A. M. SEVENTEEN EAST SIXTIETH STREET A Jjrtiwtr rhuol fnr t6irls PRIMARY, INTKKMEDlATIi AM) HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS, COLLEGE PREPARATION. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS. THE FINE ARTS TUITION FROM 91 78 to 1400 PER ANNUM Thm Twtnty-third ymar will open en MONDAY. OCTOBER SIXTH Lemcke's Cooking School Domestic Science s n OI-'R SERVICE was so ap MvtJSr-- v J Lu .... .. WW prctwtfld by our rrnny pupils that we had lo move to Urger quarters. 26 West 94th Street ss-e r BN1 call '.i IRK in ILDINa rile fr Honk1. Gardner School Fcr Girls AO? Fifth 4rniif. NfH rk RgTl M VKAH I ay rtmi Botird ng Rcltool ROgTUUr and s,vf fjA i counafi i 'n' fv Hi ii opponunllrffi In th- it tidy ol Moa Ic . Arisnd Kloputloii. Pom KredsMtc if-tnir rouiK-" in contrnporajry Hrfttnaj. phytic I culture i tuthetk' Datirinaj BUpfrVrtsfd f tf riionii study ni rf rv H loll Pf-riod Koopeni Oct. 2. Miss KLTINC1 til MIPS UASl AND. Prln'li THE GRAHAM SCHOOL 1il BR8IUK Mliivr. For girls wiiii jeni onen. ci. t. iJr to ptiigi annate Reslden ami day ".ipii HOWAHn OWIOHT MlNrn. Principal. II A It Y JUSUPH1NK iVHTTB, Vss'i I'rlnelpsl Mrs. Helen M. Scoville'i MtHKII POR t.lRl.ts Jllill fifth ttenue mtipi .vs tn kiui it ist Hesident and Hi. I mills Individual care Regular or pe,'ini courses. Nil sl M, !' M in K rii s IHiss Conklin s School STRNINIH Will SRCRRTARIAt. TRXIMM. 1 ll'esl llstl Street THE SEMPLE 24i Central Park West. cor. B4!h St. Beardlni and Di i soboolfoi lilri. t'ollege Pre paratory. Hpaodii etAMri Reopen i 1 " i Lit. OLMSTEAD 8CH00L nil V i s I ilm ST t.lll. and fossa Rays Ml a I littles of IIUDII 1 mid ifnlnrd, l ie j n.en iai . an sncr . urses Tbe Mioses and Day Int. IS., spriiti isellltlet Rttyson'N Boarding School lor Girls. i ui. Mm Tl I'OKIM. t limit FlIK U IHIJt. igj West ;:'ti.i si. Ctiltursl courses oi ) ladies, isnrivlsie llistori IJtersitire, it ern Lull iftis res. specially t.'ollege 1'iepan Regents one teacher, one pup.l. Insni-cs (s.s IM1N M " V Mcl Kit, H L, I'h I' Miss Hiiii.s and Miss Whu n - School, Riverdale atenue ami Ur.'id ,-w York. V'AUtAIlsAi Westehealer, .. ti. v. Ghappaqua Mountain Institblj Valhalla. We.lrlie.ler 11., N, Bog 80S , llnnie srhnol for CilRIR, in i nndei nsra oi rrlenn.! boys adi eais lasnsrats . ho . Her 1 1 nun II v tiled ntiilei ii ihei i. it ni:itfc N, Y.: TO a. tes: ciiiuiren . ltd yesr: a tulles from n .w ii elevation, ail course.; music science, man u. I irslnlni ;n.i oomi nans tsn to tt.'i iVlslogue. N, Vesey HI . Haa 1" Tel ort, sflOl I T.IHRVTOW N-ON-lirDSON ll. .'Ml. ..ii deptt Wire, '.'it It . N. V. THE CASTLE Mis. f urliun I', liainn'i Snb' Ichonl f'r tslrl film Viiri. I ttvr Moliool fur 'otrftff proMrij 1 ariTl" n-fin-lluilRoti. Uplift? EwO0 fnr irlrlt. ia In 2ll ffhiv 8 m ii. Ml rJftMrinittitft, AilnillH tn liMdlnif OollftffMt Mft Kurnppeio t lttK for .tutly and lory, iriiawiuai ana mprnvnt 'lO.'ilsJ mvel. 1-ur O.fOU Lr (larnw Bliaj n, Id MUO, u.. Hoi nmn. CONVIEKT HTATIONi .t. College of St. Elizabeth CONVKN T .s i A 1 1 1 ) New Jersey Pi rly-hvo inlnui from v'i rk A Citholia Collat fcr Woman "THE ACADEMY OF ST ELIZABETH" Nmiiiirint I'niifir - Prftpairftioty i ourto. NOKTON MA:. HOUSE N THE FINES Norton. Mas snd Vosden leaciwr Ua I llltl . 1101 i. nl i.' i nurses, tic. flouaehnld it) hspll or I i.t rl.s Kvery ' n ti IIUIlFi Iml In ' it. It girl's he in ml k.'ipp Miss I I'i i. . I al INSTRVCTION. FOR OIRLS AND rOWO WOMEN. NRW TORR New Tark CHf ! NEW ROC'HKLLE. Weatebeatee Co.. N. . College of New Rochella i' course lea dlna to daatraas of A B or B. S Special Pedagogical 1 raining towards Hut. Teachers' I'rofoaalonnl Diploma and New York t'itv Lkmrss Wo, i. Academy of St. Angela l Jrsai couiRO, emhracina three 4 year eoutnss j ,a Klemeniary.tBter- nierlinte and Academic. HegSAtS' t'oiinbt Accompany Diploma. I nt hollo Inatltutlona for Girls and fnr Young Romeo, Chartered and Kcfflatered by the Resents Of the I 'nit (Tally of tbe State of New York . f'ollege maintain, specially efficient depart motif of Mtlcation, Music and Household F'onomics. For catalogues .irldrw.8 Dean, College of New Roche lie, New Rochplle. N. y. I.AKKVII.I.R. CONN. TACONIC SCHOOL Lakeville, Conn. Aim: To prrsere ihe giariousness of womanhood iih ihc eultlvaikin of ii iiderti Ideals oi physical health, la lellsetOSl Mgoi snd useful service, (ilrls lai.irlu hou in study certificate privi leges lo all colleges afqrh outdoor life Scpsra'i' home for younger girls. Miss LILIAN DIXON. A. B. Principal Miss CATHARINE BURROWBS, A. B.. 'ssneiaie Principal NAZARETH. Kl. NAZARETH ACADEMY NA till. I If, kCMI I k. I ondiicteil by the sistrts of charily of Nszareta. lonrsrs Methods progressive. Kscailent .di.ntasea la Music sad Art. riimaiic sdvsniSfes ol lbs location rau hardly t mrpanea. i he bulMlais, lih . troniagr ol i tlioiiDd feet, contain study, class rooms! Isborstoi les. lihiaries. music rooms, dormliori... relectorles. recreation halls. auUiionuiu .ua s one museum. Terms moderate. Address, THB D1HHCTRE8S, Nararetb. Ky. El. PASO, TRXAS. EL PASJSCHOOL fur liiHLS. El. I'ASO. TEXAS, j A of Eastern standards In th. ua surpassed rllmite ,,f ihe Southwest. Schottl year begins Septemb-r IT. Kull Informs, lien on request. OR A RT, f, si.ATER. rrtnclpsl. ROANORR, .. VIRGINIA COLLEGE for Women. Roanoke, VS. In Hie nlley of Irginla. famed for hestth snd bssulsr. RteetrVs, i'repaisior and Collegi nam Music, Art. ESprssiloa, Do- inesllc Science. I'.ialogue on requesi btsule P Harris. Pre ski en I Hi- Uertruds Harris Boat i Ighi. Vice-President. HKTUI.KHEM. PA. Moravian seminar- A t'ollege for W.gisa WW hegln Us ITM year S-ri Jt. ISIJ. Write for In for mail. .n lo Hev. J. H I l.KWKI.U Pb l . Blk leliem. P.. ' SF.tV MIKK e lork t'lty. " lat iv Rekoets, LAW SCHOOL F0RDHAM I4t ss i tri:-:t UNIVERSITY N'eai redsrslandf'ounts Courts, Brooklra IrMaa S.ih s Hudson Tunnel Afternoon Classes 4:15 to 6:1 Evening Classes 7:4 to 9:44 lerm ResISs cii. I s. SYSTEM Tuition lee one Hundred Hollars, rstslofas eeni on .ppiiraiinn io Registrar. NikLAW SCHOOL Day School. 174 Fulton Si. Evenins School. New York Qty. Nesr court. snd las'irera' offleas, Pulton si sub- wav 'a' H'ulson lertnlnal. Flevated R It siallori., etc 'limum Method' of Instruction! using Botli iresttses sod esses. Btaaent can loin a l' "i p M .r Bvenlng class sen.i for leat.icuc 15, (1ROROR CH UIB, I'rsn. New York Thrff (ttvUloOatt niorn inc. afternoon, een Inc. tniviiltronvenleneci of Miic1ent Thrfe-year ri'irf. MegreeR I.L.B., I I M and J. D. School year opeoa ttoptember sv Utliversitv Law School eat . ... lOMPKINt. Secretary H.i-hinnff.n quarr, X. V. NEW YORK w Yrk City. Bnlnea ColleftR f pr Botn Saioa PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Lexington Ave. & 3Sth St. Commercial, stenographic ami sseret.risl miirass. FA 14, ll-KM MH OPRN, end for eaUlog, No soprpors. Spei lal feats, in Higher It i minting tost AKouniiiia anu Aadltlns. Ha Ulnrh?u,",,, '"JIle.Rresdai 4 Ttd SI II jln(JIHI"n',rPh Coufte, 0111 Serines. Set Catalog. r (IDaiC'C tui.v Nit.Hr st nooi . UnArVC tl ,lir"'1 from business. . wiinrsb W inhitue limit. Tn. ;r!a Heekmsa. NCR VOMk New tork I'll.. Dancing Rath asass. THE OSCAR DURYEA SCHOOL 47 WEST 72D STREET I ptsws I rani ti SKS.nd S.H Rest 1.134 at TUITION in AESTHETICS DANCING and DEPORTMENT ullcs fir Kental. lei. S'JIS I ol. MINI KI.I.ANMHN. " School Information Free C'atgloglltsti himI nxprrl ml vice on nil bon til in,-; Mlioolb in l". 8. Nritw kind wanted, KeliRbat Htiifmi itut itttuiTietl by the sohoola: ! fi . s. me merit tan Kt'hooiM Aasociatluii Tlmtw BulUliiitr. Kow Vork, Y Phoiiu Hiyunl 144,