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CAPIAT T EAfiEDQ AT THE LENOX DOG SHOW 3fri. Morse S hngllsn MlPPp Champion Captures the First Prize. , 'ENAt"IT"S OAM1N SCORES Officials. .Tndfres and Exhibitors An Entertained by Foisoms. LfKOS, Sept. 1!. The judging took pls.e lO-dJ OH the Stokes Held at the m,t lucreasful show ever given by the Lenox r"K Sliow Association, there being lot high bred dugs competing in 32 aja s All of the persons prominent serially who make up, the 1enox. Stork krklge, Tytit'gham and New Marlboro gumn rr rotonhs w ere present. Tin' officers of the association are: President. Henry Holllster Pease ; vice president. William I). Curtis: treasurer and secretary, Prcdtflrk H. Ielafleld; di rectors and bench show committee, Mis. frank K Stnrgis. Miss Isabel I. Shottcr. Mrs David I Liana, -miss rvate , ary Will;. ,11 H Osgood Field. Oeorge W roi- iim. I. Harry ..... .a. 1 1 ll..,T.v I i vino - toil I, M si MargArd HrlghatUyof North Orafton was superintendent and show Sec 1 1 1s ry, Tin Judges were Miss Mary Ray Win ters New York. Miss Vera Catchpole of thilwlch, Rngtand I Wlnthrop Ruther ford V 't LOW and Daniel S Rlker ef New York, James Mortimer and John Whlti of Hempstead, L. I . Warren Purdy of Boston and H. P. J. Earnahaw of lltrlden, Conn. rolSOSBS Hr.terlala Kihlhltor. V and Mrs Oeorge Wlnthrop Polaom ,nt lined at luncheon at Sunnyrldge fur the txhtbltort o meet the offlclala and j!ldC''V Am . .use those on the Stokes fleld wore Mrt, Charles Rdward Tmcj, Miss Anne j3. Tin'. Mr. and Mis. William D, Sloans ltb Mr. and Mrs. Alvlu W. Krerl'. WortnlngtOJI Whitehouse. Beek msr Honpln, Mr, and Mis. Harris Fahne- tork with Mr, and Mis. Ansel Phelps. Mr ! Mrs. W illiam H. '. Fleli' mi "ii Mrs Montgomery Han with nd ; Phoenix Ingrsham. Henry It. lloyt, Mr . .n.i Mix rtlraud Pester with Mr. and i Mrs. Richard Detofleld, Mr. ami Mrs. James Richardson ami Mrs. Benjamin Porter. . . .... t. ., ., , ...,i'or MA" CrTrlMP, VmmnS. Mr M-Cormick and Mrs Wilson had "mot C. Schermerhmn. Mr. and Mrs. parties l.eiore the dance, a d the John W Mimum. Mrs. Van Rensselaer other dinner hostesses included Mrs Horace Kennedy, the Misses Kennedy. Mi . , Oallatin and Mrs . W illiam Storrs Wells and Mrs. Kdward H. I Ulkhl. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson included aiiionn her dinner Mrs. Samuel Frothlngham. P. K. Hluod-I guests Mr. and Mrs Joseph tlarriman. gnod. Miss Vera in Ik.mmI. Howard Wtl-1 Miss Kffle Lawrence. Miss Muriel Wlnthrop. lets. Mr. and Mrs. J. Macy Wll- Miss Klirabet'i Sands, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney lets. Mr. and Mrs. S. Parkman Shaw, j, olford. Mrs. J. (iordon Dntiglas. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Whiting. Prof. ixtaald C. Vsnderbilt. Miss Susan Dreaaer, end Mrs. C. P. Chaudler. Mrs. Frank j jra. J. Fred Plerson. Jr.. Mrs. Richard K. Stuigis. Mrs. tleorge C. Haven. Miss st.Vens. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Matthews, Mar C. Fltsgcrald. Mr. and Mrs. ticorgejr n(j Mri) William K. Dodge, Williams Hicainson. Jr., Misses Mary and uri. Rinhsrri .'.llioit Richard dim- Kdlth Bryot, Mrs W illiam . Comsbjck. Mr. and Mrs John C. Oreenleaf, Mra "imam u, !.. lull. .'nr." ...iij wmivu Kdlth Koblsaat. John W. Kohlaaat. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Fish M.njamin Mr. and Mrs. Newl.oUi Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sedgwick. Mr. and Mis. Charles Astor Brlsted. Miss Flora Rewlck. Miss Clemen tina Furnlss. Chandler Robhlna, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C Dlxey. H. R. Hoyt. nxey, m. it noyi. , Vr Thomas Riddle, i Frederick Hchenck. Mrs John A. Bonsai. Herbeck. Mrs. W. Roscoe K.nallsh tsherp Dos Wlas. Mrs. Tyler Morse won the prealdent's cup for the best dog or bitch with her old English sheep bitch Champion Slumber. Thin ik the second time this dog baa won this award In Lenox. The Aspinwall cup. offered for the best nf the opposite sex to the winner of th president's cup. went to Mif Marlon Kennedy's Pomeranian Park nsuk Blackthorn. The secretary's cup for the beat local dog or bitch was won by C N Nemiult'B French bulldog Uamln. Henry lliillister Pease won the award for the largest entry and the cup for the beat Sttei :r. flu- Held classes. Mrs Tvler Morse won the cup offered for the I" t brace of dogs with old Kng llth shi c.ilngs. C N. Nenault's Uamln won the award for the beat dog owned In Bsrkshln county. Mrs. M. B. Harby's Pekingese -I'Hiiici Nowata Cum won the modal the best toy dog other than Kngllsh in spaniels. Mrs. Tyler Morse won the awanl for the best dog bred and owned by an exhibitor with her old Eng ihsepdog Heroine. The cup olfacgd fur the lies! dug owned by a guest of the Curtis Hotel was won by Klnnelon Ken Bsls' mi.-tltt lirltish Monarch. Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Astor Brlsted rate a llanos at Lakeside. They Invited the I. ading exhibitors In the doc show. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holllster Pease gave a dinner for twenty-four. Mr. and Mrs. ROM T Whistler and Mrs. M. Dwlght Collier entertained. Hlldreth K. Blood ltriol gave a large dinner. In the tinals in the open tennis at Itockbridffs William S. Cushhiff of 81ms bury Conn, beat Huffman Nlckerson of Pittifisld, . Motes of th ootal World. Mrs I. 'id ley Hoffman Chapln. Mrs. R. Osgood Mason and the Misses Chapln, who have been for soma weak! In th Yellowstone Park, are at the Ootham. Mra James P. Clarke, wife of United States Senator Clark of Little Rock. Ark., and her daughter. Miss Julia Clarke, 11 ai West Bifhty-thlrd street. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Bloodgood and Mini Rosalie Bloodgood are at the Home siearl, Virginia Hot Spring, for the rest "f Ulla month. Mr and Mrs. James B. Laughlln, who hv bam passing the summer In Prince -N J are at the Vanderbllt before rtUirnlnfl to Pittsburg for th winter. Mr and Mrs. John J. Cunningham of UU city have announced th engagement or their daughter. Miss Ada Cunningham. w ..forge Kobinson Roe, son of Mr. and .Mrs. lielston Roa of PitKhmii T. 1 Mr and Mrs. Leonard M. Thomas will soon leave Newport for th Whit Moun tains to remain several woeks. 'Mrs Arthur J. Cumnock and Miss Mary ctimnock are visltlnff relative In Chl- eago. Mrs George F. Winch, Mrs. J. Scott Ptrrlah and Misa ElAanor Parrish of menmond, Va are at th Vanderbllt Miss Margaret L. Schleffelln haa rs- turnei to Ashvllle, M., from a vtolt to Mr. ,nd Mrs. William Church Oaborn In ttarrlion, N. v. M s. Hrorterlck Vn Lannap and Miss Wtlre Van Lennep of 118 West Fifty ninth street will aail for Iluenos Ayre about Octohar I. Prof, and Mrs Rsrrett Wendell hav returner! to Hoston - from a visit to Mr. M Richard C. Dlxey In Lenox. Mrs. William K. Vanderbllt, Jr., will return from Kurope next week 'iwwge Ilutle.lgB Preston of Tuxedo I i';ng hi sinter. Mrs. Charles F. Hoff "'n. t Arm Sea Hull, Newport. R. I, Mrs ruorge H. Pell and Mrs. Charles ," - art at lnox, Mass., for to siioa-. the Mr. Snd Mr. IJ . .... u v I j"T- n apartment for the winter at m: avsnua I CHARLES P. HUNTINGTON WEDS. ecad Wife Known ProfeaaloaatlF Kir nor Morel tl. Nsw Brvnbwick. Sept. 1J. Charlee P. Huntington, an architect, with offices at II West Thirty-first street. New York I'ttv r at at maprUil IMMlaJli n Eleanor Hedley, an artrFM. who lire " w - n t ni u afni I iiniir, oii ntni rifty-nrth street, New York city, and who Is known aa Eleanor Morettl. The ceremony win performed by the Rev. George W. Yard at the Parsonage of Ht. James Methodist Episcopal Church. The pair were accompanied by Mrs. Molly Plerson Hales of Knalnnd. a sister of the bride, and Mrs. Catherine F. Will iams of New York. They returned to New York after the ceremony. Chanes TV Huntington's rtrst wife was Miss Maude M. A. Hh !. whom he mar ried at Florence, Italy, In May, 1DIM. Mrs. Huntington brought suit for divorce In the Supreme Court and In the latter part of May last Phoenix Ingrsham. as ref eree, filed a report recommending a de cree. Justice Iuy found the findings of the referee justified by the testimony and signed the Interlocutory decree. Mrs. Huntington got the custody of her ten-year-old daughter, Vivien Maude. Mr. Huntington was born at Logans port, Ind. He wus graduated from Har vard University In 1 v3. It was said last night at the Hotel Colonial, Klghty-Hrst street and Columbus avenue, where Mr. Huntington has been living, that he and his hrlde will keep house on Riverside Orlve. Wrloh- MtNOH AMION. N. Y.. Sept. II MISS Edith Kambs Packard, diiughter of J, K. Packard of Oxford, N. Y and Leon ones nrirn 01 v levcinnn wit' awnn lo-niam 111 lei moll.' ill in' iiimr R lamer in nxinro. iu. watiun wmm si an- ' uated from Cornell I'nivcrslty in IffOI and was captain of the Cornell baseball team In lOnri and I ICS. HOSTESSES OF DANCE GIVE DINNERS ALSO Many of the Newport Colony (.Hosts of Mrs. Wilson aikI Mrs. MeCormick. Nhwpnnr. Hept It.- Mrs Richard Wilson and Mrs. Stanley MeCormick joined this evening In giving in the home of Mrs. t, , ,,rini. k the It rat nf a series of Friday ,(,, I . dances. There Iras h large party 01 fursls nresetit I he must, was furnished I by the Russian balalaika orchestra, while New rk pianist played for a niimlier Hie 'trots '' j,;,,, Harr;. E oelrlehs. M Thayer. Henry y Kdridge , harles K. Hands. Commander cawv R Mnrran. I s. N'.: Maior 0. Creitfh I ... U'.M, I Hsrrv Chad w IClf B. von Kersner. Hanlel von Hairnhausen. Mrs. Reginald Norman and Miss Roberta Willsrd Many Attend Msrslsg Daaee. HiintJnstAn Wilson of Washington gave , - - - - . t morning dance as a surprise to his wife at their bungalow on Cherry Nook this morning, the affair being attended by many of the late stayers. Mr. and Mrs. K Livingston Beeckman returned from Hot Springs, Va. They have Miss Martha Ileeokman as their guest at Land's Knd. she having accompanied thetn from New lork. v Mr. and Mrs. William K. Carter closed their season and left hy motor for (iroton. Mass., with their son. William Thornton Carter. After leaving him there they will return to Philadelphia for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rollins Morse, who were visiting at Dark Harbor, returned to Villa Kosa The John R. Drexnl property here and In New York will he inspected In a short time by W. Hude Neilson when he returns from abroad. Hobert Hooraem is to have as his guests over the weekand at the Muenchinger King Mr. and Mrs. Henry de Reveler of Paris. Dr. and Mrs. (leorge Halsted Hoy lan of Baltimore, ith Ollmore and John K. K. Boyland, are to be guests of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Barton Jacobs next week. Yaehtsssea Book Froaa Trip. Arthur Curtlss James returned the Aloha to-day, Eugene Hoggins on the Mary ntha and Tincent Astot and Hermann Oelrichs on th Noma. U. B. Harriman was registered at the Casino. Miss Anita Grosvenor. who was operated upon recently for appendicitis, is able to sit up. According to a report from the New port Hospital Miss Laura Swan was not quite so well. . , , Mrs. Burke Roche and Miss Rosa A Gros venor returned from their motor trips in the White Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. C. Taylor returned from New York on the steam yacht Wanderer, accompanied hy Miss Fanny L. Johnson. Mrs. Stuyvesai.t LeRoy is expected back from Boston to morrow. Miss Effle Lawrence of New York U visiting Mrs. J. F D. Lanier. MISS SCARBOROUGH HOSTESS. Mra. Losgworlh Amona Tea Coast Ot Hot Springs, Va. Hot BrsiNDs. Va., Sept. 12. Mrs. Nicho las Longworth. Mrs. M. E. Ingalls and Mrs. B. A. Walllngford were among the guest at a tea given to-day by Mis Alice Scarborough. Other at tea table on the lawn during the concert hour were Mies Katherlne Fay. Mr. Oscar W. Un derwood, Mrs. Maurice. L. Johnston, Miss Margaret Krebs. Rear Admiral and Mra. William O. Buehler, Justice snd Mrs. Horace H. Lurton. Mrs. W. C. Worthlng ton, Mr. William L. James, Dr. and Mrs. James D. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Benedict. Mr. H. M. Harding. Mr. C. H. Ouye, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strobel. Dr. J. H. Qlrvan, Mr. Charles H. Brooks. Miss Mary B. Brooks, Mr. and f Mra Robert Waller. Mr. and Mr. Druwoll, Mr. and Mr. E. M. urigni ana mx. ana Mrs. J. C. McCall. Mrs. Oliver Harriman went to New York laat night with her two children. Mr. Harriman la remaining to complete a course of baths. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Lee. Miss Helen Lee and I. Cutler were among arrival from New York. L. 8. Llndy of New York won to-day In th final of the men's golf tourna ment. D. P. Klngsley of New York was runner up. Among those practising for to-morrow's Invitation tournament to be given by Mrs. M. Ingalls knd Miss Alice Scarborough were Col. Henry W. Barrett, Henry Hey burn. Mrs. (org H. Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Jauiiey, the Count and Countess de Chambrun, E. W. Sheldon. Charles P. Tappln, W. A. Carter, Miss Ely, Miss Tiffany and Mrs. Walton II. Holmes, Jr. Wist osanus. N. J.. Sept. it. Thomas A. Bdlaon, who has bora confined to his home In Llwlln Park for the last two Ha.H ailtti u mid utiffl 1 1 allvi'Mt lull wis le- .. m ....i.... re .tnhn Hammond Bradahaw, his attending phyai- THE SUN, gBtfVFX gsRgP ag-PrB Bwjjivgggiy i a-gagggggggk TmiXwf Knii v I m mi gggggggggggA I 19 gSM-Hggggggvin VH b3 E!gl!Awii ilggggggggggBk mmWTT AGED SPINSTER LEAVES $10,000,000 TO BROKER - Miss Julia Garrett if Philadel- phia ReqiiPHtlis FnrtutiP to I. T. Starr. Pmi,APEi.rHiA. Sept. II, Isaac T. Starr. local broker. Is the beneficiary under ' the will of the late Miss Julia (iarrett. j aged spinster, who bequeathed hi in "I in.- I onn.onn. Miss Garrett's will has not been filed, but the fact that she left the for- tune, to Starr was verified to-night by relatives of Starr. The broker refused) to discuss the matter. Miss (iarrett wss Penus 1 ania's wealthl- est spinster. For years Mr. Starr, who Is senior member of the Arm of Starr t Co.. fooked after her Investments. Miss Garrett was the daughter of the late William Evans Garrett, who made a fortune by manufacturing snuff. He Bold his snuff business, which was estab lished in 1782, to the American Snuff Company ror flS.nou.000 wveral years ago. Mr. Garrett's will divided his for tune of 130,0011.1)00 equally among his four children. Miss Garrett was the last surviving child and after the others died their shares of the father's estate went to Miss Julia Garrett, so that eventually , the original fortune reverted to her. Miss Garrett lived In a frugal manner. She had two modest establishmsnt. on ' t Vlllanova, where she died on August i htst, and the other at 824 Pine street, Philadelphia, where she lived during the winter. Slje had many relatives, the i nearest being a nephew to whom she re- rent ly gave an automobile un condition use it when she that she be allowed to desired. Friends of Miss Garrett tell of how the aged spinster desired to use the car one day and found that It was being used. She decided that her nephew had not lived up to the agreement, although he ex plained that he was not a mind reader and did not know that she wished to use the car that day. THE SEAGOERS. tloeat Home Departures. By the White Star liner Celtic, from Liverpool : Mrs. Horace Rixelow. Edward M Townsend. Mrs William Brewer. Col and Mrs. John W. Mr anil Mrs. Ueorxe flordon. - Buchanan. Ernest Jardine. J P.. Charle, Cherry, M P Mr. snd Mrs. 'William Iarut. Com. Kim, C A Clark 0. Y J. W. R. Crawford, Jr. Mist Kathryn Kirwsn Andrew A fiilllei Mrs Charles H. Knox. Dr. and Mrs. H Krots Br, .fneenh S (Jlsss. Msstrr Harry 8 Mer est!. Mr and Mrs A. Emil i us Outerhridfe. Mrs. Kslherln Tinfler lad John S. I e.-.hj Mr snd Mrs Thorns W. id By the White Star liner Olympic, to Plymouth. Cherbourg and Souihumpton: ien and Mrs. Avery Arlhtir Julian O Aiidrrws. f. Csmiibell Mortan. The Kev Jsmea v-an i-emvai v-ampneii aor- , nBment, At tiw clubhouse It wss found Kdwsrds II. Qblldft L Norman l'srker. I Impossible to find room for all who de William T Clark. William A. Pir.Uenen. sired accommodations. S .? ps.enporl. Jr Mr . and Mrs. Bernoii Among those who gave dinners to-night w. Heinernuiun-iuiur. m. r-rrniiee. S Hsymsnn. Mr. snd Mra fjoarg A W Talt. S Rue. J. Winterbolham. Jr. .... .L. .1 ... I I....J 1 1 t h inr .uriii uvrman liawi Unas set- Kurfuerst for Bremen : Miaa Berths Berser Henry Lueaaen. Mr. and Mrs. May. Mr. slid Mrs. Pflleser. Mrs. Anns Reims Ojrflord Collins. Hermann Keldsteln Benjamin Greengeld. Krnit Hinrteha. Mr. snd Mrs. Frank F Salbe John I i Kosnisr. By the Red Star liner SSeeland, to Dover ud Antwerp Miaa Elitsbelh Beetle T Bergsr. Arthur T. Cos. I. tilnKeiiiisil Miaa Roaaline H Dare Miss Elisabeth V Hsr ris. Mr. slid Mra A. Reiner K J Zilleasen. (ieorgr Keller. Mra. Minns Koch mut. By ins .Alienor unor luiuinma, to mas- gow : Charles A Anderson Mr and Mia. Robert J A. Bain Moon Jamea Barclay. Thnmaa M. Maefsrlsns Iir and Mra franklin Miaa A. II Msdd. luosoa. mis a. basils sesgsr. A. m. idUMrvy. uerg v. tbi SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse. Was this TOURISTS J3Y Lknoz, Sept IS. Automobile arrivals at the Hotel Aspinwall to-day from New York included : Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ernest. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Colville. in n Pierce : Dr. "!,d M ;corge a guin.i.y. in aatvns; I Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Powell, in a Pint ; , Mr and Mrs. J. O Cannon. In a Loco. Imiilule; Mr. and Mrs. William L. Clark.' j In a Simplex; Walter I muglas. In a' ! Pierce ; E. F. Stevens. Jr., L. Bradford, j ' A. Jenks. Jr.. F. B. Jennings. In a Sim- ' ; plex ; Mrs. H. Cornell Wilson. Mr and Mra. J. O. McTlgue. In a. Locmnonue. There arrived alsu Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Curtis of Newark, N. J.. In a Peerless. I Manchester. VI.. Sept. II New York - I ers arriving hy automobile at the Equl- i i nnv lli-tuan ln,.iiHH thn f. .1 1 n I ., f. ..... 1 New York: I Mrs. Edwin Rulklev. Miss Kutherlne Bulkley. Miss L K. Rulkley. Kdwin Rulkley, Harold Rulkley. in a Packard . Mr. and Mrs J. H. Krnst. Miss Clara 11. Ki nst, .Miss Marie K. Ernst. Ill a Peer less ; William H Boultun. Mrs. Boulton. John Grenvllle Bates, Jr.. In a Loalar; Miss E. M. Ross, in a Pierce; Miss Cart ledge. Miss 8. Cartledge. In a Packard ; Mr. and Mrs. David Lake. Miss Ma Lake, In Locomohile : Mrs'. Schuyler Qunrkenbush Miss Marguerite Quacken hush. In a Plerca Watehbl-rt, Sept. 11'. Automobile ar rivals of New Yorkers at the Hotel Blton to-day Included : Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Duranl. in a Pierce-Arrow; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ford, mcnarn r. rorti, in an Hula ; Mr. and THE LUBE' BEFOBE GRAND JUBY lavestlsjatloa of White' Move Play Bewlnai Derlslonv Toesda , Prnbabl . The (irand Jury yesterday heard wit- i n,H' mng them Lee Shubert. In the case .ii i ne i.ure. ine wnne sia . drama. More evidence will be heard Monday and a decision reached probably by Tuesday. Although the Jurors saw a special per formance of the play Thursday night. I' was necessary to present other evidence, because the complaint that alleges that tne nrami is objectionable specifies Sep temoer A US tile Huf. It u .....I.., 1 n..r. ..r:'.:. r. "i win. - C" .' uiiu for their personal Information rather than as a Jury. The tirand Jury has been Invito to see an unexpurgated production of "Th Fight" on Monday night. Deputy Police Commissioner Ne.v burger reported yesterday that there Is mining oujectiunanie in tne revised per formance of the play as now put on at the Hudson Theatre. ssr miteo.uwsiA. wvw aa svuiaanriufl, i Moelety Hot la Foree os Second Day of Tournament. Soi thampton, N. Y . Sept. 12. The weather, to-day was much warmer, and many went to the links nf the Nation. n i Oolf Club on Nhinnecork Hills to watch ! the second day's play In the annual tour- ' .. ,imiu i l . wots "rm. viini asswa wno enter- talned thirty guests at her cottage on I First Neck Lane. Other dinners were I i . , . I , n CI. . . . . ,, ginn m .ym. v. n. v i.iiiui. aid, . n. McDonald and Mrs. Joseph Palmer Knapp. Mrs. Charles B. McDonald will give a large dinner to-morrow at her cuunu-y place near ine naiionai ( inn Mrs. Henry i. Trevor and her daugh ters, Miss Margaret and Miaa Louisa Trevor, will spend the month of October at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Dllworth will also spend a few weeks there, leaving South ampton the latter part of this month. I Mr. and Mrs. rturua I,. Patterson, who j recently arrived from a trip abroad, are I at Ihe Meadow Club for a few weeks. ,,. .. Mr. Philli, Hiss sue Mr u.l Mrs. C. Watson, Jr.. are also among! the arrivals at the club Mr. and Mrs. De Laucey Nlroll and Miss Josephine Nlroll will leave here on Mon tlay for thsli place In Osalnlng 13, 1913. ambition? AUTOMOBILE Mrs. L Goldsmith. Mrs. R. Friend. In a Cadillac; Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Shoteland. Misa Shoreland. In a Cadillac; Mr. and Mra, Robert Thorn, In Pleroe-Arrow. There arrived ulso Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. ak ley of Ma ma ronOk, in an Overland. Button Wooes, N. it., Rept 12. Among the New York arrivals by motor at the Mount Wnshltiglon Werj VS. c. Halglit. F, II Butiell. Mrs L A. Haddon, "In a Pierce-Arrow ; Mr. and Mrs. Flunk T Abbott in a Pucksrd ; Mrs Anson rapa Stokes, Miss Helen cheips Itokea, Miss Mur it. Bariford, Miss Emma LoukM Parsons, In a Del lialuine . Mr. snd Mrs. si , : ;i,,.t , i and Mrs. It. H. Davis. In a Pierce - Arrow" - Mr. and Mis H v Kind. In lard. Miss A. M. Smyth, I Smyth Louis Smyth. In a Miss T It PlroA rrow. rulV;,KKSrN,';''"ViN, .H- J" -A,- rl,ils over flu- Ideal tour it the liran- , llden Hotel Include the following from I New York: i Ml. ii, .I Mis. John H Leonard II uaonara, miss Laonard, in a Chalmers. Mrs. II. V 11 Gtlmorc, Miss Hunt, in a Hudson ; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Surrett, in an Oldsmoblle: Dr. and Mra R w ! "'rih'- '" Marlon Wright. Miss Keyes. " isiwwi, ssr. ana .Mrs. v . i 'arson. Miss orr, in a Cadillac; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Adams. In n National Mr. and Mrs. B, B, Da via Mr. and Mrs. Uraory, in a Maxwell. There arrived aim Mi and Mrs. William Klntl of Kast Orang, N. J. In a Locomobile: Mr f and Mis i . Carrall i .National. I N, J 4n i' MISS DU PONT HURT BY HORSE Noted Kxblhltor I. Kicked and Hn Fractured Rib, j WlLMIKOTOK, Del, Sept. 12 MUg .n,j . K. du Pont, a horse show exhibitor of note ' and daughter of the late Bugens du Pont, prsldent of it,, Du Ponl Powder Com-1 puny, was kicked by nne of her own burses' tO-day at the Delaware State Fair, knocked! down and one of her rlbi fractured. After! having the injury attended to at her hum, ha returned to the fair frounda, .ine or .miss ilu Pont s burses was helna ... In , "" mm when u animal's hind font shut out and cuiigtit MNs du Pont in the ! side. Miss du Punt s surgeon expects she will recover within three weks, A number of hei burses were winders at the horas show in connection with the fair this wtck- Miss ituth Qilpin Wood of Radnor, Ph.. I while takmK a high Jump on the thor. ougnorea nay limn, was thrown and picked up unconscious. Sic plucklly n - iiiuunt.d iii teli minutes ami got second I1""-''' wss not Injured.- A BB00KLYN CLUB IN TROUBLE. I Pmi.AHBi.rMiA. Sept. 12 Kdgai Dar I nlon l.eaane Seek, n Iteeelver as a roh' Who was rushed here from Iv-iine- bunk BogOn, Me . in a special car and nu NHsmI Tangle. I accompanied by a trained nurse, died of Application was made yesterday to Su- j I'rlght's disease soon after reaching hi pr em Court Justice Klly in Brooklyn I horn. Mr. Darrach was for manv vr:,t8 on behalf of Hubert J. Mat Farland, prosl- i connected with the traffic departmem of dent, and the board Of governor of the . th Heading Railroad. t nlon League ClUh for the appointment of a receiver to wind up the club's affairs. ine petition sets forth that for a mini- . . - ' - pgr or years, with only one or two excep- 1 UonB, the opsrstton of the club resulted n g detsrlt and that the accumulations of i liiilenti (Hichs necesi-ltateil some n an to i protSOl 01 editors. j There are fifteen suits by creditors ; pending against the club Its liabilities Include $47, HIT for BUndrlSS, $.".5tn inter est on mortgages and 15.'. (72 unpaid taxes and other dehts. On the clubhouse in, (irnnt Iquar there arc two mortgages of 1 100,000 each, held by the Dime Savings Mank and the Home Trust Company. The cash In baud amounts to S,lfI and ,0s Is due from lueinbers. As the club has 501 menihcis, borne pluu of rcorganiiatlon may be adopted after creditors are paid. The Miooklvu Piiloil liSggUS Club was formed us n Republican orgsnlsatlon in fSsK. There was division among the niein-la-ra whan the Bull M.c IMVBMBt was started laat year. , RADFORD SAID TO BE ALIY!. Wort rroas North That lie ana Street Were Nat Killed hy F.sklmos. Ottawa. Sept. 1J. Word was received here to-day by Col. n. R. Street, brother of Oeorge Btreet, companion of Harry V. Radford, that the two explorers said to have been killed by Fsklmos may still be alive and well. The letter, from Norman Ross nf Kdmonton. says that Rosa had re ceived Information from the Royal North west Mounted Police at Edmonton that the two explorers are alive and well at Smith Landing and that an officer will arrive in Edmonton In a few days with particulars. Controller Portasquo of the mounted police has wired his deputies at Kdmonton to do everything possible to get accurate neafs about Street and Radford to the out I side world. Smith Landing la further In ' land than Bathurst Inlet, where they ware i supposed to have been killed. WILSON TAKES HAND IN BOSTON POLITICAL ROW Secretary Tnmulty floes to Straighten Ont Tangle Over Collectorship. Wasbinoton. Sept. It. The Adminis tration haa a low on Its hands In Roston which threatens to disrupt the Democratic organization there. The snarl Is so bail that Joseph P. Tumulty, the President's secretary, haa gone to confer with Col. R. M. House, the President's unofficial adviser, and others Hudloy Field Mm lone. Third Assistant Secretary of State, also has started for Roston to see what be can do to straighten out the wrinkles. The trouble has been caused over Sec- retary of the Treasury McAdoo's selection of a man for Collector of the Port. The I Administration and the machine Deino i rats of Massachusetts were unable to I atree upon a man and a short time ago 1 M". Malone was sent to Massachusetts I ax an emissary of the Administration. IHs got in touch with J. .1. Htorrow. who suggested Kdmund C. Rllllngs, a lawyer of Roston and a reformer In polttlca. He Is head of the flood Oovernment Asso- elation of Hoaton. Rllllngs looked all I right to Secretary MrAdoo, who, after a visit to Roston, summoned the Democrats j in the Massachusetts delegation In Con gress and announced that his choice was I Rlllings. hut he would appoint Congrcss I man Pheland if the latter would take It. Tlie Congressman declined. When this Information became known Mayor Fltzaerald and other machine i Dofnocfntl in Massachusetts rose In re- volt. Rllllngs, It seems, was Storrow's I campaign manager when the latter ran for Mayor against Honey Fltx. -Thousands (if dollars were poured out in that cam paign and It whs one of the hottest ever waged In that cool town. The situation is now at a deadlock and the Administration's best political fixers arc on the ground trying to straighten It out and agree upon some man who will not Jeopardize the Democratic chancea in the Bay State. This Is the second big row that has been stirred up by Mr. McAdoo's selec tion of a port collector. Senator O'Oor man of New York objected to his efforts to name the collector of that port and car ried his fight to the White House, with the result that John Purroy Mltchel was named. GEORGE TDTWORTH SEAS. Artist la Terra rotta Who Woo Oraad Prix at Ht. Loal. London, Sept. 12. George Tlnworth, a celebrated artist in terra cotta, died here yesterday. Oeorge Tlnworth was born in London November 6, 1 Ht 3. the son of a poor wheelwright. He entered the Lambeth School In litl and the Hoval Academy in 1M4. While In the academy he won many medals H won medals in America in i 1 VT. At the St Ixnits Exposition in litot 1 he won the grand prlxe. The terra cotta panels In Ouards I Chapel, York .Minster, and Wells Ca- thedral are TRtWOrUl'l best known works. 1 number of books were written hy Mr. I Tujworth. Including "From Sunset to Sun- j ' wmoo waa punnsnea in irui MBS. CLEMENTINA BUTLER. i ' Willow of Indian Missionary and Mother of Mexican Worker. Boston, sit. 1 1, Mi-h. Clomenttna Hutitr, M yMif old widow "f the Rev. ir. William ButiiM. foundtr of the Mrt in ni ist American nnHMions in IndlOj and llvstcOi tiifi to-nlffbl in Newton. After the Sepoy rebel! ton t i -r. and Mrs. HutUr were at Hart-Ill, Italia, hut fM'.ipfii with their two BOM to tNe inountttnSi where they remained In hldtntf M'Veral inotit hs She h urvh od b) t fhiuphttTH anil tWO son, "tie of the lai- f Rldffewood. I ter bfjitg the rv. Jhn w. Butler! who for forty years has COdUCted the nhs sionary work heguu in Hex Icq hy hie miner. Klllot Winltb. Me. Sept. II.. 1 'oltTt.A NO, J. BlllOt Sinitb. oriuinator of the fire alarm tela- I graph system of New York and from Till tu (its oonnoutod tirlth tin firs 'alarm branch of the Fire Departmeti: uf 'that City, di. (I at his heme here tu-day I at the age of It. Mr. Smith .-crved In I the Klghth Vermont Infantr) In the tlvil war until 1M2. and then was ap I POlntOd superintendent of telegraphs on Mien It. F. Mutter's staff. When tin-l-'ederai ,arni- occupied New OrlMni I smith was made iupHntndnl of tele : graphs of Ihe Department of the (tilf. 1 He was a native of Northneld, Vt., and will lie buried there. Major James It. (Union. Major James M. Clinton, a veteran of the civil war. died yesterday in the New Jersey State Soldieis' Home at Vlnelund, N. J. He was Isirn at Wslllngford, Conn. In stl. When the civil war began be en listed with the First Connecticut Light Mattery as a private His gallant services .von him the rank of major After the war he engaged In the real estate business in Passaic. N. J. He is survived by his wife and time children. Kdaar Darrach. William II. Illhhard. William H. Hihlmrd, acting president of the W. H. Hlbbard Manufacturing Company of Urooklyn. died on Thursday at his home. 0 Argyle road. Flathush, in his seventieth year. His wife, a son and two daughters survive him. Stephen H. Day Inn'. Stephen H. Dayton, who had been en gaged In the hardware business In Urook lyn for over fifty years, died on Thurs day at his home. 40 Second street. In his eventy. second yeut. He was formerly well known in yHChting circles. Three sous and a daughter survive him Mrs, felleauor VI, Ordaei. Mrs Fileimor M. Cedney. for more than twenty year head of the primary do partmenl of Public School : In vVllllama" burg and widow of David S. ( Icilncy. died Thursday In her eightieth year at her home. 144 I'iuii street. Sue was bom ' New York city. 7 ALL GOES GAYLY AT JANE COWL'S PARTY Aetor Folk Tango in Celebra tion of One Year of "With in the Law." MARY NASH READS A POEM List of Those Present Reads Just Like an All Star Cast Miss Jane Cowl gave a party for th younger tango set on the stage of th Kltlnge Theatre yeederday morning, partly to celebrate the treat anniversary of th production of "Within the Law," but chiefly because a company of player, be coming positively bored with New Tork, felt the need of a diversion of some sort to break the monotony of a surfeit ot succesa Yesterdsy morning here means that tha party began about midnight following th Thursday night perfnrmancp. When th party ended will not he told here. Bayard I Velller. playwright, who also wrote "The r Ight," Is having tmuhles enough aa It Is. If you doubt that the "Within tha Law" players are finding Manhattan hore aome you should havo heard the applause that greeted Miss Florence Nash's rhyth mic expression of her particular longing for ' tho road." Miss N'ash, whom a mill ion or so of f..iks will remember a Ajrar I.finrK .,f "Within the Law," climbed right up on top of the atago between dances and recited "Tho Call at the Road," which is her very own com position. And Here's the Poem. "It'i real fall on the one night stand," said Miss Nash, who was all In fluffy white that ran to a pannier skirt and a big hluo bow at the waist ; "It's only colder weather here. I'm getting lonely for the road we've played Now York a solid year. "I'd Ilk., to take to trains again," con tinued Miss Nanli, "now that the coun try's red and gold. I guess we can't get out of here, not while, this standing room is sold. I'd like to see the fields run by, and a-atch tha farmhouso chim neys smoke; I'd like to take an early Jump HDd see the sun rise, for a Joke." Tho other one of "the Nssh girls." Miss Mary Nash of "The Lure" company, nnd Phil Nash, the well known father, and Mrs. Naah. were on hand to Join in th applause And there were present F.d gar Selwyn. who deserves especial notice because h lent his gold . HMOOed lead pencil to the reporter and didn't seem to worry about It for as much aa an hour later ; Mrs. Selwyn, whose alias ia Mar garet Mayo; Arch Selwyn, who is merely one of the owners of "Within the Law" and therefore should worry ; the Hon. Mike Simons, stage director at Hammcr steln's and prominent among the mem bership of the Selwyn family. And, to give somebody besides tlio Selwyna a chance, there were Mr. Velller and hla wife, who is Mias Margaret Wych erly during working hours: Miss Oraca Oeorsa, Miss Alice Rrady, Dttstln, better known ss Dusty, Farnum, wh la a well known nsharman of Little Jim Pond. Me. most of the year and Is an actor-manager and all around theatrical magnate te rest of the time; Walter Moure, the lithograph king, who Invented ted on yellow ; Mill Mack. Ihe .tor frsou of "Within the Law," and Mrs. William Mack. I.Ike an til Ma Cast. Charles W. Hayes, which means nothing tn Mroadway until Broadway is tuld that i this Is merely the programme name of j Pink Hayes, opn(Land closed the part. I Jack Hazard, who asked especially tha: . If his name were tu hi used it should lie : written w ith only one z. Jack CillfTord, tin 'dancing partner "f Mis. ftvelyn N'esiii' Thaw . Miss Horteusa .no, Magistral. Peter n.rluw. Hail) H Mcflure, It I Goldberg, who Is .. cartoonist ; Mr. ami Mrs. Dodson MltcheU, Adolph Klauber, I Mr. and Mi s. Paul Thompson, Mrs. Chan Inlng Pollock, Henrs Srcs Kmc Louis Liv ingston and Miss Margaret Case's f attic. . I Frank Case, hotel proprietor, win some ! of the others that flanked 'be howl of 'claret punch and salad ii nd trimmings. When you learn further thai not only two Miss ('owl present, hut thai op. an I the same party also Included Miss Louise I Dreaaar, you begin lo yi t some vague I realisation of the slorba flashing by while the orchestra, which was dark compleete utid ran largely to banjba and a cello, ' played WaltOea occasionally and tin sc. i trots ami tangoes much more than o-ca-I sionslty Miss Cowl, according to Mike Simony, ! worv a mlnarel gown than ran from whlta i tulle about the ahouHlarx down tu .. akin of burnt orange And she was veri sag) to look it. as Mi Ade tniglr say. also don't forget that Miss Dresser was there to be gated upon ulso. W h. re did evvrybod) go after danalng to SXhSUStlOfl? Vou guessed light. JhC Junstan hlmsslf wasn'i on hund ier i son, iiiy to recelvi the lutrty, but Jlmm 'Keller and iin . jlicii nt corps of waiters saw thai uvery one was ma le happy, Meiialx-r Diet 'on Mil plioh rd. U surge Nisugbsr, a Democratkj loader in Vcch.iwk( ii. N .1. .i-.l nne uf th. founder uf tin. North Huds n Hospital, died ysstsrday inornlng aboard the Hui burg'Amsrlcsn llnsr Amerlks, whlcii docks tomorrow in Hoboltrn. He was rsturnlng from h lour through Burops, Mr. NlenabsV'a wlfa died tine, years ago ami sines then he had devoted mucli ul bis time 10 charities lie was 117 years obi MARRIED. KIDDBR- TVgO.M - in Wednesday, Hi p. tsatbtr to, itgouth'Ji ift 'td, vt.. py tin-K.-v. I'r l.'liery. Bvelyn ltHiy Tyson, itsughter of Mrn Jamea VVuod T.-.ei ,f llul: I 'lure... M.l. to Heru.k Fer bu- ger ef sVlitnlpsgi Csaads DIED BIsgBT. Margaret Funeral from :nic FUNRRAL. CHURCH." ;n r. sty. ihini rnrcet I Frank R. csmpbsll iiiiiid ingi. gaturdsyi f-no s'eiock. 'uts mobile eortg. HUNICKB. C'spl. Fsllx HermHii liunl- kn nf Blft ChSStnul stiset. Rossi!, N J.. with iiflecs at 77 Hruad street. Nsw York, drewasd at Colon. Panama, some time list Keen AUgUSl ill anil Sop. tcniber 11. UYON. Cltrsno m st Mllfsrd, Conn., geptsmltor It. used i;i Hervb ss. First M B, Church IfOUM Vsrnoni N. v . gundyi I P M ICDONNBLLc "n Thursday, gsptsmber 11 res. Mi. haei ,i COannell, at Ms ii- dene . '-'i' Rtghth st i eel, .Itrsey Clt) Uui.iini ivquiem mass it t a m on I Monday. e-'-pieiulici l.'i. ifill, at St. i Mich e l's Church. MIKIir AKMi' lTE.GAMPlMi,.5 5jSS5 motor hearses . fttyiinssT aMrTsrs ista CglUitTORIU. IM tl.l.U.K V'l , ses-silite mid asaiiaiy rneiasi. UM'll'.l' SIA1K8 I'KKUAliO.N COMPaivv UkISIc VlUase. I.. 1. Psiuphlsta frau. rasa wis wnjisBuiksr. jclOSL