CRITICAL REVIEWS ' ' Tt "jT7 pbn.h.d' III Appgpgl H
Anatole France's Story of the French Revolution J i fMj. IKffl Trail
Bright Foolery by Rowland Thomas. ,'t M IP I IBHnHfiSyl By Rex Beach
Gelett Burgess Gives Old Time Roaring Farce-Other fli? I HHHI Alaska aRain! the scene of fl
Fiction Many Juveniles Ru7 I km Rex Beach s frreat success?
Holiday Editions Already Appearing Housekeeper's 4m IraPS j HBfllSMMHfl action and sentiment than any-
Handy Book-Miscellaneous Subjects. "W'V PH Uiing he has ever done before
A l l TV I KSIkIM Struggles of rival railroad
-n,, r,od Are Aihint." traneiated kindly old i.wy.r. Th. itory read, iik. A HtYI lY2a I CkAT7 i Kma builders, fights against the WlWl
y Airrrf Aiitnaon. i. the latest volume a -novelised- play. "VQIIlirCll 1CWCY I saHxflBaBflsalmmmH alacierV and the love of an un- suufl
lued in the handsome limited EnlUh The lngenlou. Idea has occurred to I WWT&TBwXiSH glaciers, ana tne love OI an un- MPm
edition of the complete work, of Ana- "n" w"'" of making the hero of The Greatest Lirinf AoMrkan Sat-Fighter, TeDs the Story si His lift ui I ausWsSgsatl WMtaaM usua heroine, make a powerful
Franc, now being published under ATh of the -r'" "rad.rick ... 1 1 WSja novel, quickening the blood like
the editorship of Frederic Chapman t Company) a civilised Indian . I TIsA A uitUitltr OtlllV At I LLLLLLLLLLLH glacial air. As for humor, there
S un. pcompVy. in th." , ?nv;r0; i. jst 7, r, ha, ! 1 AatoDiograpny 01 1 WmtKt s a ,new vcin f lt in "The ,ron H
hav. a characterlatlc and of courae a fallen In love with, and the greater part C IV A J 1 & At- M I figStUSflnHmUV Trair 88 nch as the gold through
vigorous and thoroughly Interesting of the .tory deals with their wandering. llflf?C llfiWCV Ad fill 13 1 fll tllfi IN3VV I ffSfHSRISlafl Klondike's best Ore. WM
f ry and pi. I are of the French revolu- through the desert land, of Arixona, UW,5V ilUUIII Ul VI SUV UUU&UH
tioa. The well known Ironle. are plen- while her friends chase theiti. The ex- ... . - .... a . . I LaHa.laaVHHtltH TLA aVMl
ufuiiy supplied. We hear th. citizen prienc restore the young woman's HU Acfiva Caraar Baian UboW Farrarut and Cuimmatsd in tha Captor III TTTTTl I nc
XTnarJcC XrtTSK; m and I THE LATEST NOVEL Desired Woman
' hv a ladder. He Is a very gentle phll- things herself. She also falls In love American BiofraDhy in Years. I By the Author of ...... M
gaopbar and sceptic, quits capable of " th. hero and marries him. Ths VW l " I "GRAUSTARK," Etc. A? Will N. Harbetl
facing cheerfully the great change mauthors repeated argument, that one , , I . . ..... bbbbbbbI
mi circumstance.. To make a living man u just as good as another what- Illustrated r-,'it $2 JO net; postage extra. I ainawy young American sees an ancient In the pages of Mr. Harben's
ha cooked and sold pancakes and frit- ever hi. color, will hardly do away with I I I cattle on the Danube, likes II. and buys it newest book one encounter life aUssH
on the quay., painted portrait. In the common prejudice against race ad- 'I 1 of 5,nd, A.nd "T,S"1'! '.he "lnum.erb'e ,?1 . K ."e n0OUnterf 'e
the streets, gave dancing leason., manu- mixture. There are good descriptions WrsWT I I I odds and ends of mediaeval lumber of which h in Georgia of to-day in all its
Uctuml dolls. Of his dolls he said: of open air life In the .tory. fk.a Srriknor'a Snna VFifth Aa Nw Ynrlr I has become the possessor, hediscovers dungeons, intensity. It is the Georaia of aHH
I am their creator; they have received I' K "fe among the extremely rich CM' 90r,MW 9Wt V- rlB A ' nW ,0rlt I I of11bur.";til ,sPe.r ?' SJSS MasZeWillk Ki 'fl;. " HH
el me a perlshahle body exempt from that Frank H. Spearman describe, in fl"V '"ed up in an isolated tower, with great mills and big enterprises,
and suffeHngs. I have not given "Marrlile Dawe." (Charle. B tssBaBBasBBsaaaaaaaaaasBBaaasBBBsaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM , padlocked d.r anJ s ()f heav speculation and the
them the gift of thought, for I am a Sons). . singularly unscrupulous race T w , , T I w.,! Thi.. !, m.rriaBe, but American by sonhistications of nponle in crrpnl WW
, (A ,,nt j.. apparently The heroine so Ult as we wh,n lhey u,uull' PPer- Th- come pany. The one tKKk that Capt. Msr- birth, riiereafter: SOpniSUCailOnS OI people in great WW
We ec the fair Elodle, daughter of can judge, deliberately sets to work to frm rany '""lL, lhe , 21 ,tor "Mterman , Advcnlare. Romance and Happiness Cities, as well as of Simple moun-
the print seller. Inspecting keenly the attach to herself her friend, betrothed, change eeema to be general. Ready." has been well nigh forgotten imngue. .mure, nominee .no nnppineaa tsUD folk and their homely Ways. kl
.apei money taken In over the counter, and he. being the hero. Is more than In Joe- the Book 1-armer (Harper.) ' In this country lt is a capital .tory (ts kevnote is the inevitable tri- WM
Lrath was the punishment for counter- willing. Delicacy, however, forcea her b Garrard Harris, sn amaaingly en- of adventure of the Cruaoe kind and Illustrations In Color by A. I. Keller. umDh of love and tolerance the sUH
reiter. Yet plates for printing as- to reject him. neoDle should accuse WflUO boy of fourteen absorbs prac- can hold It. own with the modern ad- umpn 01 love anu uwrance, ine ajsajsajj
1 .Xu ero toC"und in every Jell", her o WhiJ ".h. haTdZ. Their flU-ta! knowledge from the bulletin, of venture stories. The edition taued to $1.30 net. Postage IS CettU extra far-spreading influence of good
tha Swiss smuggled In counterfeit, by tlon. take up the first half of the book. lh Agricultural Department and ap- tJreat Britain by Thomas Nelson and ... BnnlcTnDIi! impulses.
DM million, whole packets were put In The last half la devoted to a compll- P1"" thereby lifting up his own Sons la published here by Sully and AT ALL BOOKSTORES
circulation In the inns, the Kngllsh cated Hght of the higher finance In dmtlc fla and the whole country- Klelntelch. Tis WM
landed balaa f them every day on our Wall Street, In which the heroine stake. lde- The author saema to be mora In- r or the very Httle onee there are nnnn MP An A TriMPANV 1 UC
ceaau to ruin the republic-, credit and her whole enormou, fortune to protect ,erMtea lo tne "P" ' price, many provldera. Thornton W. Burgeaa ! DODD, MLAU & COMPANY A , n
hnng ko.kI patriot, to destitution." her lover's interests. Fictitious .pecu- lhn In explaining the detail, ol 'farm- ha, struck upon an amusing style that , Publishers New York ArgVIe UaSe
BkJdla was a. cautious In passing out latlon Is highly exciting. The reader Pratlon.. He enllvena the tale seem, to be s Jiappy combination of the "
paper money as she was in re- will be impre.sed by the great wealth wllh CP11 "PO'tlng adventure., a two Rabbits, reter and Br 'er. so thar his 1 , ssjsll By Arthur HomblOW
, ctlvlng It. Naturally .he wa. lerrinod of .11 the persons who appear In the toon hunt' nun 'nd hphecue animal tales ' The Adventure, of Reddy wmm '
at the poaalbllfty of being apprehended story. mK them, and with amualng darky Fox and The Adventures of Johnny . . storv J, the novelization '
and treated a. the accomplice of lltt. In The Surakarta." by William Mac- etchea, which make, us hope that ( Chuck (Little. Brown and Company), O WmY O of one of the most successful sUH
Th young painter, Qamelln, hero of Harg and Kdwln Balmer (Rmall, May- devote himself to the entertain- w-111 be found entertaining by old and NMM JlUffiM& H . , 8UCteShtU1
the story, pointed out that the patriot nard and Company Boston) we have a mcnt lf outh Instruction to young. The note of childishness is ti "777; : (,rlwB(', plays, and IS based upon the TO-
revolutionist, were opposed to mump; mystery tale. Thi. ha. to do with the Ju''' pm ITlSSu 1U7!p52?! I H . I K mantic experiences of the fa-
and thai the death nenaltv would be dlsaoDearanee from an nirtih mnm in Steam and modern armor cannot dim In tattle BIN Blue flays I Buy a . gs sj -ssr -aal Kass 'a I I I . . ssssIS
"Wished after tne eumU. o? th. re- a Thll ago hotel , 7 .m.T.ld 'he glory of the old sailing warship., (Houghton Mifflin Company) : it Is the K 1 A I 1 T M A'Pl mOU8 detective, llliam J. Bums,
public had been disposed of. Brotteaux Various person, seek for It in .trange and the early exploit, of the young . dominating quality In the little book. H fLJ m 1 II fl BJ m bringing a certain band of afM
commented upon this. "1 have no ob-1 way. without ,Wm. and the author, rlcan njvy are illll th. most ro- Th. picture, hi the 'Sunny Hour Btory ft I I m I I criminals to iustice bv his Un- H
Section on principle to make to the delight in exhibiting the stupidity of the man,lc ln the eyes of boys. The tale i Hook" (The Piatt and Heck Company. M M 1 I W H trlmln18 1 justice Dy nis un H
Wlllqlln..' h. aahl "Katui7my on pnlioa, ThTnwury U wWiS wSh! W l".,oU1 N,T ''."T Croaalay. an tood, H I I I I I - n usual methods. The love story
misn.M an.l my only instructress, cer- emerald recovered by a Cierman natur- ot lu rentenn'al celebration by and the tales and verses are almple. MB i I I I V I .In which runs through lt IS Simple H
,. tainly offers me no suggestion to the oli.t speaking extraordinary broken Everett T. Tomlln.on in "The Boy The same is true of Buth Crosaley's M JL JL. JL. T JL -sL ' 1 and delightful.
effect that a mans life i. of any value; English. A greater mvsterv however ilorm ot "l tthrop. le and "When Mother Reada to Ls (The Matt "
on the contrary she teaches in all kind, which I. not expalned satisfactorily, Is Shepard Company. Uoaton), with the , and Peck Company). We are not im- M By P XL
,.f ways that it Is of none. The sole ,he queer behavior of the too opulent accompaniment of youthful par- ; preyed by either text or picture, of Ej DtTsUTf AMI. THnUAG ' I "t I B
end and object of living being, seems heroine and the manner In which she ticlpanu. "Little Tots Sand Man Stories and Kj ROWLAND THOMAS 2 f I M a . trai B
to be to servv as food for other being, and the hj w Thw S A series of Illustrated hktorical hooks i.ittle Tot'. Ten Minute Stories" (The M AbSsmht ! "Tk. Little Cods" st " i Goldfill Rule B
destined to the same end. Murder Is other It to pretty crude ufr of British make ccmea to ua from the ! Patt and Peck Company). An an- U " , V, r L VJUIUCH IXUIC
of natural right; therefore the penaJty The letters written by "the two old Thomai Y. Crowell Company. In some thology of extracts from children's M A Captivating and Colorful story of a XJ ..L 1 1"11
of death 1. lawful on condition it Is maids in "Dave's Daughter " by Pa- ot lhe"e th author have endeavored ,tory books has been made by Clara M beautiful Egyptian maiden who married Ali f l T UOUWCT9 H
exer.1 from no motive, either of .ience Bevier Cole (Frederick A. Stoke, " gj Story Book Treasure," H the fool and then fooled many wise men. I S Rv Mnrcrnr.t Cnnypmrx B
virtue or of justice, but by necessity or Company), are charming and redeem In varioua ways, In others they treat it , Llttle Urown an1 company). The M ITT ... M . ... . .. ; f By Margaret LCmerOn H
to gain .me profit thereby. Howv.r, . r.Zr conmonS U th '"""'"W"'. In The Conqueror. M(,, w, t tMI1p, youB, Notiunf like th highly f ' . . r B
I must have perver.e Instinct., for I LTiSw sentimentaHty of Peru " Henry M. Ollbert drawa wholly reader, to read the book, after they B f"? .h"" PuWwhedin many a day "l , h This 8tory ,g pure fun. Two
,, uen ,o .ee bU flow, and thu defect ?hr: viur. i I Itfr'W! 'ft incorrigible optimists, when they B
Of character all my philosophy haa The heroine is far too rich for comfort A Uk oDiigation to Motley . Though designed for pedagogical pur- M W,H " rsunts. NCClr vtt t i. . TV..... sV
, f.M hr t. cwnxt" TlS xnuw n ainr aiSS Ar,lMI,11H' pose. "The Child'. Book of American H ilff'" I tSsl I became owners of a touring motor H
hero of the ta.e wa. no, distlngLhed aunt'IT de.lgn. than young woman ? 2L LSS Aran? b' A,bcrt F' B1'"d'" an H rdown rn p hi. i, rJfrW t tried to shart their PlW B
by humor, Ma replied that republicans of her training should 1 Her lover's Hi., accession to the British throne, K. Ball (Little. Brown and M 1ITTLE. BROWN A CO.. Publishers VIjRfM 1 vvithnthpr Thnir WinrlnPs lorl l
were humane and full of feeling. That , aul.ude ?s Ul "erary "n no, genuine. but thfe,?U? r o nme. Mrfor1,',ra,,"ny)' m"k"" lm"rP,llnlf r,,d",,, 9 BS,W'1 sJIF HLV l I With others rhoi kindness !((! fC
would be made plain after the last foe 'Her troubles nre too palpably invented l'O' the I.ow oumries. More formal f(,r thr s,..ries are , old simply and are W3SS&' iJ I tnem lnto a" km(ls ' PfedlCa-
of the republic had perished beneath ; for the purpose of giving the old ladles tt .. b Hirkhead " and "The ''h a, children will remember. Home j "ZMstoM ! ments. This novel has U laughter- IB
th- -word of law and order something to do. It ls a harmless and "" . ?'' ,' rolri i y of the sights to be seen In Trance are . f ) 4fflilgfLWmjL frl .K'V ! oomnollino nnnlitv ahmit it thai ill
II ' (Jamelln did not philosophize with pretty story and the letters are Kood. J" .J'!1 id Chronicles r ve described In "Colette In France." by c . L rWifjSSSW'Vi Compelling quallt about it that
humor he wa. capable of great affection I ln "The Northern Iron" (Norman. " """1"' h"r ' t n, 1 1 o H:,la ""latt11 McDonald (Little. Brown 'L T! 6 fijSSf irresistible, and adds greatly t(. W.
. and his heart overflowed with charity. Remington and Company. Baltimore!, T !'"',1r'l , i ' anl1 1'"m'1""5'1 They Include Paris and j ' 'k j' mjr 1 , -r-J , !V 4 grfVj'y l the reputation the author has K
A wry louchtng passage in the .tory a story wholly unlike those with which JX,? The Story of King Robert ,hp "!'"-"" nrar at hand Normandy and ,e y ? - y I 'f. 1 f77 I made as an inventor of humorous H,
relates how he cut. In two the loaf that 'he has heretofore entertained his read- r?ac! Th lie , on of "Heroes Vl,'ny Pny tells the story of his i. . w? ' aL U', ,tf fjf 1 II aVf Xfi-fA.i S ait,intir.n Wtt
fe:: ,o his share after hour, of .trenu-j er.. tSeorge A. Birmingham ha. dared "'" y ooe by AHce Blrk head "'n ' "a. f -he children who I. ,t y '?lf SDfi'x l8Wff 5 8,tUatlnh- B
..u, waltin al the baker', and gave to speak of '98. He make, his young ' 'i Z-rv Th bi..gri,d les ,y w"' h.m In May Wlnne's "The iWj?7Wif, ! ' J&Sift , 4t WM A M& " fity I ear,. . n. B
",!f to a fainting woman with a baby; hero take par, In the uprising In Cl.ter J? Zr fLnVwuTeulthrtJ aer , y , B,"r-V " 'I-'"""r" 'Thomas Nelson and 4y ' J,M" , X-fjlkV ' ' ? ThlTtV PlCCCS B
' '" then. Koins home, he gave the other and shows that he can tell a serious nhi t hs luhw ti iuln toslh Sons; Hully and Klelntelch). Two story L 7 tT M; V . L jf Si2- 5 "'"J ,CtCS H
f to his mother, explaining ,o her story If he chooses ... Me ,loes no. f"'h'e f h ' ",, "on" h,K.ks with colored picture, are also HyfjlJLji rJM-TTgiryfy 'B sf C:uor
' .: he had eaten hi, par, of .heir al- spare the brutality of the oppressors ,l "L'""' '". ' ' r-,- ,n the fall P"'ll.hed by Hully and Klelntelch, "The V CTHsalB'HrH! Jl r-Hf-rg rS J rJBVtilr:ia Ot OllVer
lowaaca on the way. To prove the ; and takes occasion to express the views ! Jv' ,,i The designation ,)f Md Fairy Tales." which contains many 1 D., CimmmiM O VUnnei W'
truth of this generous lie he pretended ! of the conservative lovers of Ireland ?y? th fireat a the nvai 1 nursery favorites, and "A Book of Hlrds preaches very little she Ingeniously I Strain! and they certainly have a Dy wMwWICof O. leiianu W
to shake the crumbs off his Jacket, as well as of the enthusiasts, which nbhir" --a Tolstoy as "the reformer ftn1 Beasts." whloh Inculcate, kindness abstain, from printing recipes, save in i proper place In this memorial volume. r- 1 leh fli iff
W!:.-n he heard the cry that Marat had may not prove grateful to all In these East" indicate some prejudice. In ,0 uml animals. a few instances, in which tiesh or fish i Cnless he takes up "Rienzl," with I Dramatic as a play. Wltn tne JB
been slain by the aristocrats he was ; days of agitation. The story Is exclt- Toother BSrleS we have the abridgtnent has a share. Her Iwok is a valuable j the present issue of "Tristan and spiritual appeal of B poetic al- W
ovei ome, hut not everybody had quite ,ng, for it could not well h-lp being f ,e(J Historical book. Bournenne s Holiday Kdltloas. addition to every housewife's library. I Isolda" (Thomas Y. Crowell Company) ipv rl,ta ipltir,,, nf thp vision IB
Bl keen an understanding of what had otherwise, but It is relieved by plenty ..MmorB 0f Napoleon." by Robert Arm- Rather early in the season the stream M"y miscellaneous articles and i Oliver Huckel has completed his self- t-V 1 u ii- . . . HI
happened as he haft The story relates: of humor and by bright sketches of Jron , Thomas Nelson and Hons; Hully Gf illustrated gift books has turned POaisJ by the late Myrtle Reed have I lmpossd task ot turning the stories of that Came to a brilliant attieislle j!K
"As he was on h!s way. hto heart burst- Irish characters. The author's ym- d Kieintolcrt .illustrated with pictures this way with three volume, that come been gathered In a volume called all the Wagner operas Into Kngllsh orator. The coin that slipped 1m
;n With grief and hate and love, to pathlcs nre all with the men who were 72 . . the Thomas Y Crowell Com- "Threads of Oray and Gold." which is verse. The nine volumes cover all the . , lis I A fW1
I' iv ;i l ist murk of respect to the martyr , crushed, even If he- Is not blind to the have our doubts as to the at imny The most ar stk- of these is Published In u shape uniform with her j Teutonic plots. We can say for Mr. nOm the greedy palm Ot JUdU
f lilenv. an old country woman wear- hopelessness of their effort. .r.c.lonVor children primitive man and Henry D. "Kxcur.lons." Illus- Other works by ti. P. Putnam's Sous. Hmkel's verse that it Is in no way down through the ages into the Utj,
ing th- coil of the Umou.ln peasantry The story of 'Praaoott, of H-latch- 2SW age. may have and as to .rated with the photographs taken by Several series Papers are included, Inferior to the frmar, original and is modem lecturer's hand Convicted W
. accosted h;ni to ask If the Monsieur I ewan," hy Harold Blndloss (Frederick p7 . ' . 'fc . , , h. h..hi i.. miftnn lohnson This Is the nfth such as one on the heart uflalrs of the . generally more Intelligible. , , lfS
I Marat who had been murdarad waa not ATitoKaa Cow pany). basiw. aa Is ths mJJtol Sruoka that Mr Johnaon PpaldanU ol tha United State, and an- An unpretentious little pamphlet him as an accomplice of the B
Monsieur le Cure Mara of St. Pierre-de- j author s custom, with pleasing pictures ""IMfnlJ,r mm InfnrmiltlTtri has Illustrated In the only way that ls other on the qualities of women. Kvery ' that Is helpful not only to children. Great Betrayer. H
Queyrolg." of farm !lfe n the Canadian Northweat. ,.l?n, monsters that are set appropriate. He has followed In his PWbS article Is followed by a piece of j for whom It has !een prepared, but to , . H
Th. -passion. , of nvn and of women which in due time should fascinate nul muaeum.. For them Lilian Oa.k authors track, and has taken the most wrs-Jttnd P".,,r"1! UU' , .UthW " i a" '"y lC"P'e Wh " lnt th" pH-rk" Leaves," bv V. M. Hlllycr. No further '
sere strongly In play at the time con- Kngllsh visitors. It turns soon Into "P'nrn ..0ce 1'pon a Time" poetic view he could of the place, he provided. W h le these articles may i or the country come, to us from the dMcrpt1on U needed; It is a list of tree, K
Idered In the atory. They are pictured search for n man who Is supposed h y Crowell Company), which visited. In many instances these are have no great intrinsic va ue they are Calvert School. lU!more, ' Common ulVm)i(nHl by mpc description, ol
Mr. In their variety and very vividly, to 1 murdered, while .u-picton falls j-jJJJJjJ wlaon ,nu.trates, making a exactly as Thoreau saw them: In other, written pleasantly and with some re- Trees: How to Know Them hy Their thatr iyM ,' ,,v illnoueUa 0UtUnea
upon the hero with little reason. The romtnt profe.sor explain the theories they suffer inevitably from the en- - . .. . . : r -rr-. of ench kind of leaf It enables .he
VOSMVSU rietloa. search is interesting; the Incidents de- fBft of anthropology and cognate croachmentn of lime and civilization. aaMsMMSsMs.s.MMwMBMMsBMswB.MMMK reader ... identify at once any tree he Nf
A- bright a M of artlsuc as tery ijT.f TnZ ",UBt band f TvwZUt" o7 thepu" I Is likely to hnd In ,hi, neighl.orh i. W
L ',;riad Thomansa.ny mode"? M' " 'H ."T" ?" sort of advanced cour.e in manual Je'thoT where the photographer . - llaW
Ai .i s gh s tale "Fema" TutU? ,h ma" I" a ""f" trtt,nfnK provided hy Archibald Will- go, people to pose for him. When Mr fVl mLWKl CT fK
hi .vn and . I any) It ta no im a' reflect, lew credit on the Northwest n,n" ..PW tn Make Things" .Sully .lohnson Mnl.hes his taak this edition ! Dlht BO SStTKL Wl
t...n uZito wTm wFZ MoU",ed "C" ,hSn tht au W th'?.k8 and Klelntejc-h. New York). Though will 1 the one that lover, of Thoreau 'ksUat fUII, 12
travel e C m." lt doeB- ,! MMf " doe. eiplaln aom. thing, about will want. Ralph Waldo Em.ra.'. Jl
tad th. .ou..hKes' oTZe" U humor TT J rsrpsntry. Joiner', work and a few biography of Thoreau to prefixed to the Rftftlr Fvnhlinno aK
every now and then warn the reader xhT .torv Is fairly mteftdn Hlmple devlc" ,h" ma'n Pr,1n f ''"? . , w. BOOK sLXCnaiigC W
thai with all the oriental glamour he I1 Z tKhw cm 1. 1 1 ! . with Ih. ceiisrurtlon ot Far more pre entlou. to Willy If K
s In .he twentieth century. Ktoiu a. gg?! ""OH JZTSlSL wawr " 00 I siurlsat. twrbtssi SSs slsPtrto appsrstua. Pogany'. pratsnUtlon ot ths "Wwhiys . Advertlscmenta of aecond IB
oallghted with the crafty young minx h,r nut he? young heroine He makea no conceaalons in th. matter of Omar Khayyam.' with decorations RSSfiLSI hK.k. for sale, exchange M
Who I. the heroine of the story, with ,J, volume, of adventures "f thnlcal language. It to to small colored pictures and typography that liTnll Or wuntwl will be luwrted in
the lngenlou. Ideas she draws from the J Z " "pattvs children that Stella George Btern Perry apes the Persian script. The decora- tVUM TBI Wi n, Suturdaya, ut 20c. u
contmplatton ol .he old Bgyptlsa g-.d, J?J, S 1! aodrasia. hsrsslf in "Whan Mother Leto ttou are dsinty on the dark gray fgrrWI line (seven words ta the Hue. B
with her revelaUona of her woman's 8ocla fe""L. iSSl-'J M,Z roi iv rrown r "'" Mr,ff'' Yard rtml """l'anv) . PP'r; a few of the pictures are pretty, - fourteen lines to the Inch.) B
Mure and with her bold dash Into the p"ny' '""""it h" "1 L m "1 y,f 7.", ahe Umlta herself judiciously to games, some revel In un excess of purple and Wt
world her imagination has opened up up Wrl,h rIhLy?"?, I ZJSSi tableaux, dressing up, dancing, recitals all are quaint i the quatrain, are read I
to her. When her adventures begin to formy charming and sweet tempered things suitable for children, with some difficulty In their strange lis A RKIIARkABIJS CATALOd ol
tax h.s credu'l't y.l"-auhorV The genera, effect is intensely An ppJyl.WJ toMpry
trou. and Unexpected twl.t brings him mucn ""portance but tl hey a re such a. pleasant book of Informa- Persian, like that of an Imlutlon rug. The Entire Edition Ot the I '"d. T.;r. . slifurnl,. c. lXWno
to reality, Mr. Thomas has "tught fKlSSSkSl ion about birds, in.ects and flower, has A classic tale It. D. 1 lackmore's I JJS, TM'V . fl
th true .spirit of .ho Arabian Nighta ,h"- give helpful suggestions about William J. Claxton In " " is decorated with six- ,.,.. .naaV "''","'";; ( !a u. ''
and - emnlnwad ii on aumvSx m , var ou. social functions, such a. the re- " ' ' wnSkshon" teen p cture. In color by Christopher : aia Paetlaa of to. bMhwUrrs ..kin." prlc, fflB
"' , 1 mpioyaa it on evaryuay DM . . ,, . T' . "Les.on. from Natures worKsnop ,,,.,. , .......... IS A. . HI, book ar. ut uajfornily nn. cond (ion. sssussl
toriiil that was near St hand. His work- cepllon. dinner and dance for a de- Tn y rrowell Company). He is Clark. His art 1. of the chromo variety Vpntpm hpf Tlli:n t atai ..his in phkpahai u,. The MH
mansl i moat careful if nrlen.als butante, a Christmas purly, a wedding 1 1 nomas i . raw' ... h j and while some of hto pictures are aj7? S-' (.i.iouf CUeetTon pi uiofrphi feritim) by ssausl
'.' . faults in It the WosTerners - ma..,uerde ball, and to drop M U.n.ns as well a ins ructiand Jf BAyjT M
Who will read tha storv will be wbollv many hints as to feminine garments. ; writ. . in a manner io ue unu. r. u a tnan) for wider spacing In the text, 1 . ., h ii.ier. UinrU. rnrfelio . ei- ssSfl
...,-.:, ,h' Ml"' W'" ,,P W,'"y There seems to be no reason why the I'V 'mm, readers. which would make the page much more 1? XTHT TO AT" I WW' wffl S AW IW !
In i. i 'ii,st tale "Iive In a Hnrrv heroine's later adventure, should not Iteprlnt. of Juvenile classics nre al- attractive. Mr. Clark', drawing and j . I I I "K W II ynusrr n.u en ouri sliiaillstyour rkslna aufssi
. iBobbs-Merrll Company Inonspolto). mi ssothsr dosas volums.. I way. welcome Hho Jy Ctartog comporttion sr hsttor than hto color. MJ X V IV X ""' ,lefaHfK shop, Bl
Oalan I surges, haa dropped almost all A .hurt atory of family troubles ln ' Dickens, two taken from the Holiday lng. I is) tv, nth mreet.Tfo. Ywk f fty, Hfl
f-TSa? osTs. Was Exhausted in Less !5, fl
lure. She roar fanx" of crinoline ' sal Company). Is announced a. an ex- : arately aa picture booke by the Hough- BOUGHT frft'l,.'" ;;';""; fl
H naught 1'"h.h UoyaP piece! position o? "New Thought" doctrine. We UlS ailSOsll ipMr. IhWfh thW A 4 Mrf JW- Xjlan ty.. iSfiTlsW fl
:.. ; 1 '," PWP" ' " hi th not antedate made i England Under the r new ,, re of aJ-thsjjsl tha Jg Lu,,a 1 hail a Week atoV Jl... .per., p.V
, i ;r iafr JtsW i s&iSr " m-ny wWtpt mndy-rk"r,Hou.h.onHM.fn.n cm. im A? e?sl,?s? fl
marr, Xhln a f, w,n ord" o ' " ! her successful play, "The Argyle ' not among hi. beat Known tale.. They pany the greater part o Ih. booh to TIM BKSTLACg'.'o s,:u. a. n .m,.s. fl
. v n a fortune To mike sure he nro-Ir-e" bv Harriet Ford and lir ralled The Btory of Richard Dou- devoted to thing, to eat and drink. m.rarles. rrudr old atravtog.of wsihtofton
- X:&1 . KsKtS '"n "cp,aln J-S: M? JSSLJJSfitSS Order your October Number 9 ?& W';, fl
. al defer thato answer but neglects bis uv. .torv hv Anhur Hornblow illus- Latin Qrammar Master" and "The and auggestinna on other domeatlc mat. 7 ' .wvswuw iumuci smsrkaa rlttofi wnmin. MeoM, pfciur. 5J assl
rX' ehtt - WJfSff rKldtt from yur Newsdealer N'ow S,VW fl
I a tom. I H v n lwT. ''h"" tlone.1 helped with the play or with the attraction are two pact clear atatemente of how thing. M .aatoaTsaa., . B
ll h7ti; "nry tale, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 'The ore done now. KM a ;' J""",, "JMM-ftuV fl
. , prim, essentia In he Three Oolden Apple." and "Th. Pars- piled a cook book: her racists are, Bj&ft &ml1J?Wffi fl
K-tlnn Thl t. Jg . LgJiii J-v.alWs. dl.e of Children" (Houghton Mlf- chlerty for odd dlsha. ftvtn all parts .nV laxlaW; V,' m'VT I'.iTr "Vj.,,,f H
Unpleasant th. f.ur women show their One cuilosl.y of a remarkably ec- ffin Company). A new edition of Na- of the world or for the new waya of j aAoi',Jotii Urlei.t i l'lrmataaiM JirliiVl B
'intlracllva aide and give occasion to osntrto look HaSOn Is (he publication thanlel Hawthornea "Tanglew.Kid preparing familiar materials. It la the , aiiTnsBU HHiNBai OABN eaica
many narculle glbaa against she sex ', Ol a large number of Vhlldren'. books Tales." illustrated by Ocorge Super in cream of her experience that ahe offer. - U I Maimi lAII) tw le.".. , H
U is also made of a sentimental Jani- at the opening of th. school year In- black and white and In color, la pub- her reader.. We infer that Mre. Bax- 1 BOUlMT r ,., . " J ' " "'
tor, nn av.rlcioua countryman and alatead of the weak, before Chrtotmaa, j llahad by tha Thomas T. Crowell Com- tar to a vegetarian, tor though ehe jBaauBaaaasaaBBBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaM JtAOiloA.s. m PUM Ave. n IvjLas lafl fl
auauauuul x.t t bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb auauauauauauauauatssm