Newspaper Page Text
IHE SUN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1918. I SUDDEN FORTUNE I j I thril I'roin n Kliirlil MNiim (IrM.iinliiiir of Old Mini (iitM-iilaw's. K Nf. I.IC roXTKHKHATK i , . ... II . I I .. I ;,i imm'ii i riirr unity Tclliiiu W lint Knew i ,iim' :i I i-nt or. in, II III . I I Iti'K. .1) name n' Hllllklns lives Hi'.' Hllllklns. Sitiitit.4 ii little. Mo' .11 Ilk . .- propounded seriously it iti eay. offhand wn l . ! ,iv. rf n;i limit ntid rather . -., I whu entered nlil man h ii in Arkansas City early w i'i ,i elf-onnll,lont air tie win, tun iirnnouni'i'il to i iiibIv t,. tho ft i nrahlo f 11,1- old man. As for ,i i in- hi i'lnn. w In i .u at ii'ir tobacco silently. It . siiil !.nltlv ly that they . . v t of the stramjot's en I . hi .itil wli.u hi' said, ami hi 'h.i; i ! mil"! luie ni -poke loudii .i ml very t a i c no lyiti. .n 1 1 1 1 1 m thorn was silence If ftratiRi'i- foil any ui .it t;.i' manner of til." to on'. .1 It onmplotoly. l.miU i until in a casual way he ' t! otic corner which w n. Ill' h ia.l stepping Ii isurel.t In . ti in ' M' iti il Inm-i'lf. I'm- nil i r. ml; iif :ue ho i Ml' ii ml !lKht. i i I t io 'oi'aii.i hurtiins to ..!. uti he spoke npnln as one n xpi'il.ilt II if cM'itlns; the I 'ni . itol. ir '.,:. :;.iif." In. nlil. "Hill mi - a si.t t ii' i ottsln ii' my 'n f a Good famblv. but ....i" . irnoi his own self, in ii v Squints a lit t'o an' ' i h . .i" 'ii lll"l .some ' I ..'mil 'itfii. Loin's lii''i nave i i. w ui I'n't in- mi s'iiinii i wlii ni' il act thorr some , - v I done come here flrit ji - i int.- If linw If iliciv's any a, .a. '' ,,k us is knoived int.i It'll ion." i t.iii . lotKe In the ninm. l . in . ,i,i. -.i il the str.iMKcr. :i,j i i I. somen It it pir.zl. i!, "I i I in .si a' Kul Into n doaf an' . n.jiu "nil il of ,i .-'toon Ain't hi- urn i,i. niiinnors'."' i. He tlieio iv, ih siIiiih'i'. Tlfn ' , - I .' r itkii ' i il is ,i 1 1 l ; v un.iil il.iw;, - was . i-U.ii" me what ho dune w uimliiil .in' a half fo' him, k.ined In- was dirt cheap at r ! 'm was ono o' t'vnt Hlue " " with a siii nil"!1," slid ' rs.i.' tin nu'iiliiin i f ativ iluK 1:. vim; 1 vi i made before ,1 It I. sravely s noi-o .lit't't lioll-r .arin' inn' I'll" a "Ho been ). d cross an Ii Ii.. i .unit untie air a .irk ( ' W 'llefS I 1 11111" ll"'ll i i". .11 .irutliln' on fn' loi;. ,l! It!',!'!!'!-!." , ,,' n" Is pnt that wrnnc, - 1 Ii'-' Win'orhnttmn. oomltitf r- ! s M'.ppiir' "I hcor'd ho win ' d.iwj: i-n fin what llastim was ' i-.', ,n oil ho was a p'lntor." i 1 ,,'rvi; i'. :h n ." oxi'lalmoil I'.lais. a s.iiiii. lit- it "I rorhnn Wlthors t i i ,w ' ii -nil ,Ino liasou ciino'u iii 1 I ' k.ii.jt . ! wa dl'nppi'd ruiKir was manlfostly liowil llo ,,iimI fi'.in (me tn nnothi'i' Siii.m is if at a ln- to kivnv fiistnii; a (Ins shmilil havo . i'ir i r " mont lull"!! and "iiiui if mutt, i, Silt-iK'f fll iip.i'ii. ni"d ' i fa'l IhmmIv l'ri"-i'ti'ly (1 '.is mmith. Inn lii-fnri- ho ' -a in i hint; .IiiUo Vlnt i h.itt(im '.ir. f'm what l'.nil H inks was poirs lIUo thcv'd Iw i''nsd'ahlo p i if thi'in twu moots tip." i-'il tliov was Imth mi 'cm snu' 'nit n't sil'Ii' " said Hat-.-ott, ' "' nskod roatsall i it iho niliots liMtliod at him .il nip ropllod. l.ltio a --I niiHa!lv ilistiirhod. slioiu'o 'm wii'.s a little and sottlod CI '1 , i i i i" ' an' dumb asylum, up Uo it must bo tho funny - i I i - r.myor In himself rx ' n atoso and tiptoed to r 'I f ' oi i'i 1 tin mm-i interest than . ,. 'i' i i. no I" .Ui il up, even in 'i.i iscd on tl... i '-re-hold to say, i k us i imos in. I'.il! r,"ii!;lns with iiitt an' i wiioilon loir toll him I'm .In' f .' h ni ' i one snnKi, iintnidi lloU- Inn uftt.r Vitprval thr old man sai l. "I reckon t yo' tins 'd imuii t fo' lo oo Hilll- nn lot him know Hut the siir- n was not favorably roci'lvod 'I re iinn 'f.iln't no hii-inoss o' wo aid Wlnlorliott.ini "Hllllklns 1 no Vimnt IiiiIuiw. If bo's 'ot hlfi n 'M iblo that's li.s i. i. -i u I 'I'.-ars th' inn t no call fo' nolmdy to butt 'iVell, that's rmht enniiKli, ono way speak n'" ailtnittcd the old man, "but .re 1 1n 'In n'l (Kiln' fn t an. Itt' fin' no Arkansas city man fall into the "I.i n' no stirh yap as him, Mo' 'n he's a dop'ty xlierin f'm Fomp'ron. (1 lip mo' 'r loss of a rilstrraco to th r n ty fo' to haio no snoh III man " t he' hound as hiri swoon down n Ari .inmi City man an' take him a r midst." nun t no no Rio t joss, nt that, "l .1 o Mif-sott " dune lucked hltn le r.ilahoose thlOo or fo' tlinPH ;v " ' ' rlKlil enoii"h . too," said iho n earnestly. " ,Jn't nayir liow 0 llln I hA Ttlfl P 1.ct) tt a t r a'rnim tv fn it ,.i Ji..,. . iiiiim.Ih. -..i...,. ... ... .i t fiiii.. ti . .iiititiun. iat ain't the iiiipAttun. If don'tv i ii im in conio int j Arkansas i ity i t'm to time h to thi- tin' rarry off ilOTH 11 II'f. Il.n t.i... V.n.1 AlPHn hnttt (Ii. i.i... L- A(.i,.ln tv- - .- in,- tiiu iiau IH.IIIC. JMitIT Tliov 'll .i.Wht fo' In be ,ii" iii.-npin ii ("jiii.iii tii Wlo sperlt rnmiuii IflmniiKBt fntiie Id' 1 lini fn I,'- I nil II " Vn,. "TV U'tll " i . ,1 llrrt Tllnlt.H,11 In. fcrer.r v "If that h he way yo' all i on tiv uimkln th L BILLIKINS'S lie lit os nlult hand lo me an' I'll him w hen I no home. Tnlii'l likely this here yap'll tltnl hltn afo' Hint, HPeln' he's lieeo i too drunk to cot out fo a couple o' days.'' i Tho matter having been (hti.i -ntli- fuctotlly disposed of the remainder of the oiotilnc wore away without Incident until rather earlier than usual lllalsdoll ' vawtied and atinoiiiii'i'd hln liitentloil of KolltK to bed, "beln's Hi' ain't liable to be , Pothln' dlddln'," The others were not sleepy and reckoned they'd set a spell. I As llasili. went out the old man said: "Kon't fo'Kit to spenlt lo Hllllklns," and i lllalsdoll Kninted acquiescently. , lie had nut been Rime more than half an hour before he returned, sIiowIiik some signs of e.vcltenielil. "I reckon wo urn Is done got this here 1 thine some vvrotiK." lu said as the others looked tip hi surprise. "Hllllklns Is e'nsld'able drunk alt rlisht, tint 'oordln' to wtiat lie tells he won't have no 'caslon to do nothln' else lint net (hunk 's often 's he likes. " 'Hears like his pa's dead an' done loft him a hellova lot o' luiine.i. Tliat's Willi! bnM itnttn iil.,l.rfilltt' f. .' n f,.w ,y!i ..,.nrH .,,, ,,,.,. .. wmt come in to.nlRht must 'a' boon -out by the fatubly to net Hllllklns to ko home an' settle tii th' estate." The old man's Indignation on hear uk this suriirlsltiK tale was something line tn ee. "Heats all how Icn'rnnt some Is," h exclaimed with much heat. "If this help strmiKpr 'd linowed enottph fo' to nst fo' Inf'mallon like n Kent they wouldn't 'a' boon 'no such of n mlsonder stamlln'. I'roves how h mnn can't lie too p'llc'lar 'bout usin' words. They Is a heap o' them what does the same as hltn. "Hut that ain't neither here nor there. Thine Is what we tins Is p,nt to see how he ain't 'lowed to uot the best o' Hilli. I kli.s. Mo' "n like he's done come to Arkansas City fo' to net Hllllklns to Men away his ptop'ty ".Vow Hllllklns Is too varable a mnn In Arkansas citv fo' nn sloh outr.iReous diddin's as that to be 'lowed. If we uns sets by 'thonteu Interforln' we won't b no better'n partlclps crinilnals. as the lawyers calls It. An" tho hull HII1 lltlns fiiftune 'II be took fo'm otlten our midst. 'Hears like Koniepm' is u0t to bo did some suddlnt. ".lop, yo' all 'd best no up to the hotel an' see what th' ain't no 'dvantnKo took offeii a feller cltUeti. Heln' Sheriff, it's up to yo all to si'i" fair play," Thii- view nf the atf.ilr wa accepted as correct by the others, with the ex ceptloti of Hassptt. whose first opinion was that ho was not called on "to butt Into no fatubly 'ranconients" on behalf of a worthless follow like Hllllklns. When old man C.roonlaw pointed out. howoMf. that Hllllklns, ax a man of property, was no loneer to bo re garded as worthl. -s but was a source of larKe pnftdblo prollt he rocl.oncd "lied see what c'd be did." And ho was aim it to set out with that purpose when the door of the saloon opened and IMIihlns entered In company with the .iranscr. who assumed a Joottlai air. "Yo' tins 'pears to he sotnp thick headed " h ald tauntlticly "When a man comes Into yo' midst, hrlnuln' uood titlln'" to one o' ti" feller citizens 'pints lik he ain't called on to sot 'round an h'ten to im daws storb's." "Yo' all shouldn't a' set up no lch of a tn.Mindi'istaiiilln' as jo' did.' reputed the old man voiely. "If yo' all hadn't 'a' called this hero wont oiiteu his name we urn c'd 'a' told o' all about him, "He's a man what's al'ays been n heap thonuht of in the c'munllV. an' wo uns wa'n't p pared to hrar hltn spoke about in no 't. h w rybald fashion, Hut thit ain't neither here nor then-, now u' all Is 'done 'poluelzed. .line we un in a drink an' o'nslder It f i'pnt " There appeared to be no jjood tea son for rejectlni: so maKiinnlmous a ploiostton tin this, and Hllllkllis showed hltnelf enthusiasilcally In favor of It. mi it was carried into Immediate ex ecution. ( hie round helne disposed of, lillltkins with no loss of time huei;ested another and snowed a eoodl wad In settlluc for it, at slKht of which the str.itiu'or launhed pleasantly. I Itliowod Hill was liable f, ,' to be broke.' he exiilalnid, "so I done bflltlK 1 1 1 in sotnepin' fo' 'ini'dliito 'pens(4, 'Hears like he's done found use fo' It a'road.v ." "Th' ain't on'y one wav fo' a man to use Ids mone.v to no betur 'dvantaue." aiil the old man. "If ho was to sot into a wtno o' linker with that thole vvad now he'd bo a.dolu' snmopiir." This suKKestlon apiioatod to conimend Itself also to Mr. Hllllkln. who seemed Impatient of any delay In the enjoy ment of his sudden prosperity, but the straneer Interposed an objection. "I reckon mo' 'n likel.v yo' all 'II lose jo' vvad, Hill,'' he said vvarnlnKly. "nn" I ain't Kot no eret amount mo' with me. o' co'se," he .-aid to old man (Ireonlaw li way of explanation, "a few hundred one way or t'other don't make no dlf f'reuoo to Hill now, boin's he's done come Into his niopej, but I ain't none too well fixed my ownseir, if we was both to lose I don't see how I'm fiwine to jtet home with hini. ' I'll II n that, all rlcht." reidied Hie old man, roassiirlnely. ".Mr. Wilkins credit Is nl'a.vM boon eood with me fo' any rcns'nable nmnunt." "Then wo tnoueht as well play fo' somcpln' worth white," said the stran- cor, "Hill c'n Kive yo' all a draft onto his bank In Natchez fo' a couple o' thousand an' take it In chips, an' I'll el In with him. lie c'n affo'd It If I can't." This seemed eood to the old man, and the draft beine duly slened he produced the chips, whereupon n name was promptly started. After It had pro Btcssed f.-ir enoueh, however, for Hllll klns and tho Hlnineer to lose something like half the mone.v the former sank Into a slumber from which ho could nut be aroused to play his hand. "1 teckon 'taln't rens'nabte fo' to 'x poet a man to play no mo' when he can't see his cynrds," said the Mratwr regret fully. "Mebbe I'd better lake him up to tho hotel an' put him to bed. Wo una c'n stay over a day or two an' finish this (fame to-morrer." So Ktillelessly was this said that the others uerepd, and the stranger cashed In what he and Hllllklns had left. Then, accompanied by Ilassett and lllalsdoll, he took Hllllklns, not without dllllculty, to tho hotel, "1 reckon (hero's liable fo' lo be c'n sid'ahln profit into this," said old man Greenlaw when the two returned. "What we uns wants to do Is tn sen how Hilli kins don't leave Arkansas City perma nent. .Mo' 'n likely he c'n be made to see, how It'll be to his 'dvantafra to come hack a'ter he's done Kot the hull of his money," "Oh, T don'l know,' said Mr, Own Pepper, who had watched the proceed Ines from the first with much silent amusement. "I done hocr'd them iwo piitliu' up the Job lids mawtiln' down on I hi lovre They Is a boat Joh Icuvln' now. I teekoti mo' 'ii likely Ihey is both on 'oni aho'd of her." Ami ho made his escape while thejr were verifying hit turmti. POEMS WORTH READING. tate Betid Iha fire. Tli pride nf h lit ii nl ti faelee wy on rnoi1i1 VAtr Ami hilt. Th day are grew In craycr nd th nlnhu (ire frowlnir rtilll, Thn, hey tar hutne, snil huppy ev. mul .),) Hint riflv er tlr' We'll fnr the wnrt that tnt hrlnit". with line bftile Hie lire' Oh, etteet na ymith Hie aprlnfftlme aa. and fiilr nere eumtiier'e tionere. Ami citlly glutted the pageantry of autumn'! gnlilen hours' With endneee frnni Hie hlll a w their euntlt il. retire, llul Inter tiring us 'back again to lota teiltle tha Ore' So halt the tluor against the blat, and Mart the cheerful blae, And let in alt, aaeetheart nf mine, and talk of nlrlen tlaj e. ilf itnt tthen flmt ou woke In ni the dream of oung dealre, M lien tet I harrtlv dared tn hope for love lie- elite the lire' tlMA A MrCtimit Indltliliiallt.t. If Hie .turs illfteteil not. Weie eunet tlie eeine, llnw the glorte outepread Would grow comnion and time, Were all humans alike As the peas tn the pod, Thev could never contain All the good of tha sod. Tou are better than t, You are wiser, 'tis true. But some small thing Is mine That ts lacking In you Kor tthat pushes along This old it or!. I that we see Is the you nees of ou And the me nese of me Moi jNnm mm w iijion Woman. Chaucer mi lir nn angel who truth and griue Imparts. Shakespeare w. her looks ars books. itciideiiileii and arts. Tom Mooro saja she Is fickle, Hj run calls her flenil. Sttlnburne huts her e)es as veils, tthereln her eoul lies screened. Knott- well these bardi! Then doubt. ho can, fhe l the mirror uf the man. In October. O. '.iter on thousand luiie Has lighted nil her beacon And In th tnlttght tide the ttnd Are ax the sound uf many lyres. And we dltlne w Ithln tha heart A longing t, nli'h we may not name, A eoni'thlni; with a pulsa of song. A something ttlth a pulse of flume! CMMOA sroi I a HP, l,tcat (olar. 0 e who Joiire' from mountain Jot . Vn.l m it ho cum from shores by the sen, t)uM imildn and .trk brown tiots The same sun flashed down his beams on me. What though 1 heard no morning Isrk, No cluck mid cutter of barniard .lan" lift did I hie tn Van Cortland! I'.l-e. And gathered me there a magnificent tn 1 wf.h je had seen me last July. Hare crottned, at noon. 1 would seek re. pose, And passing topers would pause and sigh, Mlstuiistrulng my flaming nose Hut no o errnsi with a decent hue. Much predttge I gain from nit droit n. for pusslng acquaintance who never knew. Ask in' tt tieu I returned to town The Old l ashlonrd VI easel. No matter hott Medora stmrie I'll trimming on her hat: A duster for a pilot that Is stei-tliig tn the front I i.llplo of side ttlleple'- ,,f Tin. ! fiohliin. pal, A Mb Imoiii for a 'ralli tioliig lb area tunt Sli- knotts th whole la A millinery freak, A something built according to The fashion of the da' Hu' speaking now of trimmlne hi . it makes the old man weak Ti. mid bv h'Ck' his weasel Is Trimmed In th- same olJ ttaj. Hohaci Petuni a Kki.i.k A Rising .Man. fffllrt th nhttritllf Journal lie lldng and prompt, n (hap. 'Die tiu.t. .t mull tn the st ,re. He lines what tlie tines rrtjutres of hltn lul nlwaje ft lltlie bl' more He ilnesn ( epflnl time looking up al the ttoik. Tn set- Im it -non he can iul Hi . (nil r i. mliltliiT, titet I', ttnrk And some da he's going to t it lies hound tn go up. for tf he should leate Til e tttiol- shop Mould notice the loss 11. males himself useful from morning till night. .Vie I s,. lie Man, l high with th boss H works jui! .is If It were all lor himself N'ot waiting In sloth to b led The business to htm e.-enis already his own, And some dat he'll stand ut the head. Riding lu Hounds. t'rnm th' .otmlZe I'ourift oi.rnl I lute those tales of I'.ligllsh life Wbeie hiirsi'inaiintitii abounds. The her., heads a lot t.f slrlfe And always rides Id like lo ride lo hounds myself A.rnss the ttelils of gorse, Hut nn amount nt itur.ll pelf I'riillil gel in on a hurst? 1 know I'd fall off more or le- Ami that would be tt Jai lit hate t" ride to hounds. I KUss I'pon a trolley car i;ilreme Politeness. from t' ll'a.'n'ifllon i,ir When obi SI Minim went to ml n He looked straight up and neter don n lie timed hl heiid from einh paeserui And Hxed hts gate on the buildings hUli. The crottils swept on In line arre) We spoke to him of the great display, Hut It had no Interest for HI Ha wanted to look at the buildings high. Said he: "Just once I took a vleit And I caught a glimpse of the fashions new I I'lillldll't describe em If I'd lr. Hut I guess I II look at the bulldln s high. "If a lady hasn't goods enough l"ur a regular dress of will spun stuff. Nn slash or shadow shall ket, Ii lot eye. I'll keep It fined on the bulldlu's high." The Concert, 'root thr !t .own W JiaoiifrA. The night shall be tilled tilth music, And the cares that Infest the da Shall be multiplied at tulllglil In a most uiuaidtig ttav Tlie strains nf "TratlatH" Khali II., at around the squara, With man)' another opera And old familiar air. The man tn No. 7 Will ploy "Tlie Magic Klute," And the fcllott on the lonldor Will make u toofr tool The great lours of (.'arils', Shall rise above the blast, And the din shall last till 9 o clock or thirty minutes past, Th man In Z' Will turn on "fusey ,tone And the whole itpariment house shall roik With conseiiuetiiliil gmans. The night shall he rilled with music, And the caiea that Infest the day Shall he multiplied ut twilight In a most amazing way, Ilortn. When I was toung and longed for wealts) My bank nf life o'ernntted with health, O mop of hair which lopped my crown, it made me noik to keep thee down' Now I am old. what matters wealth? Though health itin- wraith, wealth sen't buy health No, mop nf hair adorns in trow'n. ll makes nif wurk Iv keep tha down' B, S, Hllinil, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, You cited Inst week the IMIcaltn 11- Slid law ai:nltit the intlrder of ent Ho .von chance to be fuiiilllat with a trial under thai law, which bin appeared In print loiiU'tt hole" (' M. It Is 1 1 polled In Hip thirteenth chapter of llleli.'ird WhllelliK's "The Islimtl " The ease lisd been heard hv the I'ltriilin ....,...,!- ,.. oV.r, ,o - . - ....I ,l.& l.llt.H tt. I I in-ril ton. it iru, IIUL ui'l Hill." io .-m.iiii ii 1 1 ii R cltrtimstnticp had not Imou duly ( ntisldered he registered nn appeal for Hie ilecl'liiii of the first nuvnl ofllier who rhoiild visit the lonely lele, Hoally the point for decision dealt with the turpi- twin of the cat, In fact she had eaten a I chicken and thereby eiittied her execu tion. The man under accusation testified I Itiaf I. a tin.l l,.l'., ..n,t I iw. ,t, I I. ...1.1,.., I at the hencoop, on the contrary nor head j1 ",kl"K revoke penalties, wax usually turned the other way. but ,, .,. ,,,.. NothlnK beinc said about he had frequently noticed her ns he at(m niillo value, A bids two club", Y two upon the fence and observed that she hearts, II two loyals and ., who started oft. ti sanK to herelf a thmiKli i with a "pade, two nullns. A .ays two Is occupied. The nnval Captain emu. i.iled .. , .. . ,, the accused on in.- ...i- ... n chicken feather obs. rved on the cat s fill Just under the rlKht whisker. Replying; to the query of O Htant Stephen ax to whether Cipt. Mav no Hold was Irish or Scotch Irish I would say that the arallont Captains own tea- tltnony should outweigh any theories In the matter. Therefore his statement, as the following; quotation shows, should be accepted s tlnal that he was an Irishman. W. M. S. Tub "I. amp or IvNtarAit. " And must t leave thee, Erin! 'Tts my fate And I must xrsnder over many land! Tho 'Scholar.' wasted worn but may this hand That writes thy praises now. cold on the sand t'nburled lie forever may no hearth Shelter ine, vagrant on n lorelgn strand Tho cursed and homeless outcast of the earth, When I forget thou art the country nf my birth. Hrln, I love thee' Though thy sunken cheek Is pnle with weeping, and thy hollow eye, With many a stifled groan, and rending shriek, Keveuls dark tales of bitter agony; That 1 havo. pilled thy sad misery I've proved through every change of land and hoa ; I've wafted o'er the ocean many a sigh, Anil tnuny an earnest prayer that thou shouldst he, As aro thy children's souls unshnckled, happy, free I I love thee, though I could not live with theel The tiiimpler of thy fields, red with tliv gore, Has made my home a hell I would not be Th faivn'ng tntnlon at a g'eat man's door I would not beg upon thv wlntrv timnr To Marve neglected. Htul n.r.n a I knew! mn of tho cards whn they had b..n That there were other lands, the broad i nt.n ked so as to give certain cuds to a .....l' T'T' . Picked plater. If the cards wore stack. d With hands to welcome, and with hearts'' ' ,rllt for an intervening man tn take three an I I dropped one tear, and bid my native I he took two onlv, by facing a caul i he - land Hilleu. In Kiting the Congress onnl tmlci e of th attaches In the Custom House ntid theli native country some subscribed north of Ireland and others Ireland I'leasp state If there are two diiisiniis In Ireland, ax I nluats contended that It was one country, and the reason whv the should be stnted as above and greatly oblige to settle this argument DA NIC!. II. I'.EVTl'N-. flfographlcally ami politically the isl and Is one from the centre to the sea, ax .its the Slmn Van Voght. Hut a social. poslhty ethnical, difference does exist along the line of demarcation stat'd In til" qii rt The dltf. r. nce Is clear to thoe to the manner bom and In g.n'-ral Is quite rordlallv. and often at th" terse of frnnUtifss, (ibct,.( ,ni rith. r side N w York Is one groat oily, yet the .lis. ttnctloti b.ttte.n N.-w Yotk.r and H'.mk 1 title lias not lit illaii.xit'.l. What part of a hullditii; is a marqiiine" It Is not defined in ant dlctlonirt S. T. ItlMUNSON'. The term wn Imported with those or namental and UM-fill iipp'tidag.-. tn mod ern structures A martinis- as nun con strut ted Is a Mi. Iter of Klass and tecl Mispeiidid ot.r tho etittauce to Imllillnus win re it is Intpruf tli'ahl to tp.e a potte cochero. .Iut what telatinushlli may sub. IH between ma t quiso and m.t t h lnt,.--rs Ik IIIllFl (ilisclire. Ill I'I. lull lll.lrilllse llli. His h t. ill or awning ami in that s. ,iv ,aa all e, nly conie owr Into llngl sh as mar quee. What punishment tta'd mil to Ceepiug Toui in tlie .ad Coillta alt.ur ' V II. S im the authority of 'retmn,n: Then she rode back, clutheil mi with chastity . And one ion .hurl, uonpart uf tli.inklcss rai th. The fatal btvo,i of all .tears to rome, (luring a Utile auger hole lu finr, I'ecpcil- but his eyi s, b, fore they had their will. Were shrivelled in Mat kites in tux head And dropped before him. In t lew of the Inability to s, cine au thentic iufot niatlon regarding a questum which has caused more or less argument I ask ou to decide the following. What Is the age of "Hlllle Hurko"" H. V. Hi'.tPT. Without attempting; to vouch for the au thetitlclty of the Information wo cite the record of "Who's Who in America'' con trlbuled by the lady herself. She Is an thotity for tlm stalein, nt that Mm wan born In Washington August 7. iss. Whcie may 1 pr,,'iiie a eopv of "The n.illlff's H.iushter of Islington ' ' 1 1 II 7, Tlie nurd may bo found at page '.'."ill of Hill tun Stevenson's "llouie Honk of Verse." The words and traditional music havo been printed in Novellu's "Snugs of England" and In a series nf popular songs published some yea is ngn In- the Harpers. What was the full iinuie of Mine. Snnn tagg and when did Him visit this 1 nun try V .tosr.Hii HLAscnrcK. Henrietta Snuutagg, eunnbled In hot' own right by thv KIiir of Prussia as Mill l.uunstein lu order that she might be married to Count Hossl of Sardinia. She came to America In lr,2 and extended her tour to Mexico, when, she died of cholera June 1", 1814. She was boiti January 3, 1 SOfi, at CoblenU, the child of two pla.iers. Was Alfred .laell In Mine. Sontagg's Amerlian tour and was he a violinist? J. H. .bull was a pianist and lie tinned tills I'l.uuti'i. but accessible aiithoi Hies .unit the year He was hoi 11 in lx;i:', hfgan bis. public lai'.er nl Hie age of 11, ihcie fore It Is quite possible that al "a he might have accompanied Hnnntifi. SCHOOL FOR CARD PLAYERS. lln.Mil Auction. I.. K snya! 7. bids two liullii", diiUlili'd by A On the play A re okes, lint ' H ftitcod lo win seven trick".1 Thoie helim nothing In the lawn about, innllos or how to suite them, we arn III i iiiiuiii as in ine rcsiiii o inm iillllil. i The iMtialty for a revoke Is itlway tho .line, tin i trick' In positive doplar.i tlnlis the I linn tricks can hi taken by the (i,.0Iffr. Ill ihey Mre Klven up by i Hie ilecl.iiei. As ' has fovea tricks and: A has six, , can Klve Ihrro of his ttlcks to A a tevoko pomilty and then the worn stand A nine and V. four. A has therefore ' unit fltti.u ,,tf ttiu l.,.,,b M.talt. ,ii..(u t.t ' U , ,,, ,, he rtllllled to three time 20, (it fat, tow.nd nanm for ttm dou bled contract fulfilled, but he (tots no Isitius, as the contract was fuinibd only ' '"' ,''''"'". ,"' -lt .Hick only. . sas they am worth ten. what la the ofllcbil value" That !. not settled vol. hut the trend of opinion geeinx to be to keep the nidln at the no trump value, ten, na nil nullns nte . no trumpets and there ahonld be oni" 'good compensation for the rlk In a nulln , because, when on,, of them (roes wionK It , ... Is an expensive proposition. In the al. selice of an ollleltil valun one should nl wayx be agreed utxin before play boRlns, S. S, M says: 7. deals and h!da a rnynl A sax two diamonds. V holds four cltth.x to the tju.'cn and Jack, three hearts to the tiuoori Jack, two small diamonds and four spades to tin. kltiK. on which he bids two toyats. After the hand l.x played, the bid dltu: h.trlnK gone to four royals, 7. In sists that Y's tnlse -Is not Justifiable. It Is not Rood policy to assist the part tier unless one has two sure tricks In hand, and Rood playets do tint count trumps unless they can ruff u suit early Counted up on the principle that a suit must k lotind tlit.-e times without b IfiR ruffed for a queen to bo gnn.l ainl that ii klnir without tho queen ts a doubt ful proposition, Y has nut n slnirle trick In his hand and should have passed. A stoppers In no trumps, Y's cards are pretty good, but as part nf a trump dec laration, they are very weak. Toker. S K M says : Dealing for th dlaw, A asks for one card The dealer faces It I! bets It must b. replaced only when all tho otlieis have hen h.'p.'d Why Is thla so? Toker laws are mate to protect th from imxcrupulons opponents, so I that It will nut be necessary to acenre a man of cheating, but Jut to lnst on the rules of th game. A card faced In deal ing for th' dtaw cannot h" taken nor un placed n! oii.-e because that would altr the run of th catds. and this faclni; a catd was a c. unit), m doilo to alter th: tta one was pot rid nf T. A avi' A opns and spl'ts ?n try for a flush, chipping his dlsvur.1. Mut he atinoun 'o the split ur , ,t enough that h" , can pinduce the ducaid If call, d on for ! It? I The dixiard must always he placed I under th" chip lu the pool and the il.j. card must be n placed whether the oprnor Is golni; to plit or no!, so that thorn shall b no difference In h! play to betray hl gime when he dues split It Is then un to say an tiling about !t. rno '.il .1 n II .x' Hl.i.t'tir -we hand lias i'.'.o. H ms o,.,i i ,n '. riii leads ac of trumps and at on, e nilds fn'iv and calls .. it Is he o'lt" Y Tin. trl k w n tnikes the mld that follows ll (,-i'od to bo M'or. d at once. ,T P n .: (Maying four h..:id au Hon A and It aro Y and 7. T.T. The high b.diler is 7.. but V and H meal and S"t 3o In plav. cii; ng Tne y and 7. ne'Id is Ion an 1 1 11 y C'-t 1!"! In pint Who w ins" Tn h. ght bidder altvai l.a the first count and if th" bid 1 made good tt t counted tlrst, no matter what th other sale has If thl count put the b.d.ler nut h wins th game. There Is no call ing out In auction. W H. C av: Two hind, A lead", ft wins ami indds in klng, putting him, lie rails out A bets i mut tll!" another trick A is wiong The trick taken entitled It to make the m"ld and cm It It Is only In tlii'. and four hand that a trlrk m;it be tak n after all the tiu'ds hue been made. T. T C s.ijs We find a difference of opinion as to the pioper eoutit for the m. 'hi of four kings and queens. Is it S2n or SIU, and win '" There l no such mold, it Is possible to make the .lirfeient melds with thnso eight ends ami still comply with the into that there must be at least one flesh card from tin- hand fur each meld as it Is made the melds total ". .1 H. says- Throe pbnlii auction witli a widow. A gets the bid and at the tid of the play lias pis cornet number of cards, tw 1, while H has one and C tlitoo. Until H and C claim a misdeal, while A bets that as his ham! Is corn it he scotea his gitne. If the bid, lor hns his right number and the willow Is correctly discarded for A wins his game. Hut for this ml" It would be eay for two ndveiMirfes tn make any deal It tegular by pulling down a card ton man ft inn the hand W T asks 'f t'i" bldil-r In can put part of lis im hi in the widow, or ivli. thet ho must make his tin Ids after In has a , out his three car.N The widow must ilna.ts bo laid nit' f,c filet, as that reduces the hi, 1,1, 1 s hand to Hie nne number of cuds as the ,,t or players The melds aio then made. 11. (1 T wants t.i know tlie eorteet count for a meld of fourteen raids, as follows. A In x 1,1 .1 nf clubs, trumps. A IC Q of each nf tlie 01I1, r suits. The iniitid lilp of kings and queens Is north "2d. 1 1 limp wquenco If.u, anrl a four noes lflu . Intnl. T0 Hum A W II says In counting th pip value nf dm high cauls nio Hie Jacks ninth 11. qiiidis IL', kings HI it 11, 1 ace 11. as In casslno or are thet- nil ninth n each" The aces at ninth n, nil the face 01 plotuie cauls in each. In poker rum. aces ate worth ln as well as tho picture ca tils. Court Cards M. r. D. nHys A bets that thorn aio four courl catds in each suit H hots Hi,, ace Is tint a mint cud Iii it 11 v gaum in which It innks lielow the deuce. If II means that the are i a court raid ill other gaums, ho in In 0,1, r Tim 100 Is never a coin I mid Tlm wind court I- a col 1 uptioti of coat 1111, 1 menus the cuds that hut. lout's piunlcd on lie 111 Knee cuds Is niiotlu-i' iiuiim. ah lime of each suit hive faces palpi. 1 on them. NOVEL POINTS OF THE LAW. The Court of vppoalx i.f (io ru a decided In lllai k is state thai a (I' Mini had been alter a ttlal lor potjuty mult! not bo tried (or i.tlior lal-o statenietils tiiiide In llio n.iii-y' nl Hi" vnm' pidltlul lliti'-tii; itlm, ilie limit said " I'o mil' lllllill til" I Use is not lllilllti. a ea-e f t f llillttler In which the tniudeiet ma v have poi-onod, stabbed and shot (lie do. eni'il and there. niter, befnie llio li.-n I bei oiui. i oinilotoly ovtinet, east his u, tlm into the -i.;i, w hero, 111 his llepeM l ollllillilll, lie lllllst tie'os- Mirlly be droit tied. 'I Iniiii'li et idem o tniclit hott Hint any one nl the lli-trllnielilnlitn-tthlili tho liiuiileior -it in liiotinn tiniild in a vorv slant tltno liiite luodiiioil the ll.-lll ll tetlllt of klllltIL' the 1 .1,1-1111 llssllllll.'.l. thoto .ould lint bo inoio thiiti one i ate of murder l.vid.ino uiutlit xlinw that tho deioaM'd would hale died Iroiii tinnti if ho had tint boon shot, and Unit ho would have died fi mil the -lint if ho luul neither been poisoned nor -.tabbed, and that lie would have bl-il to death Iroiii the stabbltig If ho had neither been shot nor pol-oned, mul that ho tumid ii it nnly have died fiotu nne or alt time ntlinl,. inndo uiou him If ho had lint I n . at into the s a mul t( t It intltiot lie In III there i mild be four eases of tlilirib'l I'tottlu (lilt ot the death of Hie (let eased " Communications between a and wife who ate Imiiir apatt nio not .it i loged under Hi" il.'iWu.ri of the .Stipimi... Court of Maine in llolyoko i 1 1 ) v i.l.c's (State Chief .tii-tl. e Sivage said "Con eoniiiiiiiiications iettteu hiil,iinil mid wife are In general tri. tit priv ll.'ijed So HkIiI Is tlie rule that death nl the (inn- iiiunliiitltik partv doea not totmluato tlm pilvilege Iho . oininuiilcatlniis in ifiiiato I linden, e Tile privilege Is ll MD to preserve the eotlflib't,.'.. ttiu. ll is es.ehti il to the lelllllnll of llllsh.'llld Ill.ll till.' Willie tin To l Milne i (intranet e of nlnliinli ns to wliat eolistltilt. s a . oliiliiiliil-, tl,..r.. I - I,. II it'll........ when tin. ( niiflih me exist-. Hut sin... tt,.. llllo Is bao.l III the lie.e-sitt ol lltes.'It- tin: the enniiiience ttiu. h miit Mst in nr.l. r to cteato and maintain Imppv n-l.i-Hons mill liilnl tin. imtposeH uf martini;.. wo think It should not apply tthen the pin tles an, livitii: la si.iaiiition, and ip". lallt. n.x In this ease. o llvlna under articles ol separation, and the on., making tlm ioin tuuiiii atinu Is aetiv. lv hostile to tlm other (Hid Is knottll to bo -o 'I lu te Is Mi .iki.- Hon uf i otifldi'ti' o in sui'h a rolitioti I im put ties n i e put on their guard. " i 'I hi" the ( outt of Criminal pp.nls uf ORl.thoinn Is ttilllm; to hli liulii lown'ment In the fnlt.i ll oneself Uveiv tliepiolnbitiun hd in the State Is Indiinied in the il.-. isnn ol ilioeoiirt iii La tidruiii v I -'tale m win. I. .,.nt,. i .., n tor the .llei-al sale of honor i upheld Aeeon bug iii th,., sf,t.t,.M,t..rf..,s,n,,.oe l.d tcaniod a .,(,..,. of whiskey and got Un- I drum in order n fn, biui fiotu lexns j,.. ' wln,ket wn, to smith bt- evptess ' to vrdinore i (kin . ami l.iiitlrnm h-ul i... . Interest in the sale 1 v cit to t stei h and take a eotimii-siou aid "Iho 111.1l 1 oun was iiirhiui ni." t I he 1 i'iI t I 10 ni .1 ! flolll Hie act 1 s.-ilelllolil of la. is 1 1. ,, 11 ' Uni niul v I Ibis entile transttet ion nss deliseil ellit.riuge lb-'literal It plain ed ' lor the purpose ..r defeating Hie 'an I Ins ' ,' ' u e I. but r illu.t, a,,.,,, of the fa.- that M-.i"'e oftouttm.s appear- s tn.,,, who ar gaged in iho ,.-t.l" ' "''i' 'v '""'"' " ' ' "''" ,l"' ",''"'- ,,f iiiiom. atlng inums m nklahotuu will.HKor liitos bf. If she "vlMinli,'s t ... resort to niiv oMiodlei.i .r siiliie'fuge i rolo. that to the manager. ! ha'f th" for the purpose of earr "tur on th-ir iHe-'al lillsllo ss f tlu illilgniell. is i ,, erseil , ,'tcrv Imunr h"tis,' m ilm I sinii could establish an ageni in et et e town in 'iklahntiii to wle. lu p.rsiins ion Id applv lllid got silell ll'i'llt lo Wilt,' let ICs a IK I sign tlm name of the purchaser and for ward them to Ins house, tt Inch, seeing the letter written in the liatidwritiiiif of iis-etif, would take it as nn indorsement of of thep'i.eliaser and woni.r Mt too. I no len.uni: ro.o m i i upon teeopt of sued letter -hip whiskovl that of a iliroioiis yonnu Anierlmn to oni , i e -irangers nl whom thev knmi wntnan wlr has onior.d pol.tlcs to bnt nothitu: ll tin- can be done the prolubi- tie for a dean city roqiitr. s n person torv law of Oklahoma will beeom,. llie'wlto 1 an ii.i vov womu'il.t iliaftn nrd hiiik'bini: etui k nl nil it'.to.liueiit .ersin s 11, id (Ills 1 mill wmllil I pell lo fi.e Inust M't.-fe l,-'lre lor I's nest ttnsi , , ,' 'l, of the tw I' 1 .i,;r out in rood litili 'o so . ,.i tr ie th" lawa of I 1 a l o .,, itite 'hem 10 be elilore.'d null ,,'.,.01, ui. certain' ' 'Iwo ihtpntt Hit .le. Isimis e,t'ing 1 irrvill . l.lli O.ll.'d Oeatiotis ht'e n. en ileellied reeoiltlv lit the M sass,, , xi ,, t ..III I 111 lllllll-lde Is -l.le 1 1 out i I inn tins reiei-sed, 111 tt ' ,i Ii ins,, r appeared that the pistol earned bt- the di.o,,.hini . I. Illd ll Pile, be lo.nlotl, U'l'o.'l.letl tint tiled, but tta- lllletl with dirt, tins rusty .-1 1 1 i 1 0 nlil tail bo tnade to ork I ho court held that no nil, "Ulit of repnit would make the weapon i,iri'iii In blown ts Sim,, ,'ie court held lluit a ta.'or was not a ileiio v wciipioi is it Inn die moaning ot the statin. V ronlrarv 1 iiliug was iniule bv 1 lie sup, emc t ourt of I le'aw 111 , Imt iin.tet the l.tdiitiare stntuto nn d.a.liv weapon mat be inriie.l oilier Ihnii an oitltuaiv tun kot knife lu the Mississqq.i . tsettii irfsani " I hough a riior is an 11111. lo of nr.iinati- dntnes'i,' Use, still f is n 1 II know ll t I' ("III be Used ttuli deadly often hi. can also be said ,,f an 01, limn t pock." knife, or ot her at to lex nt instruments wlilili are not .l.isseil s weapon- In some sections of tlm In, id it mat he tl.e habit or . u-toin of a irrtain 1 lass of p.iMiiis to ,.;,ry a taor ion. ealotl tut the put pose nl u-ing it In eolul.'lt Iho 1 1 111 tuny ei'iiie tt lien 11 will be so genet nil v iiset) a s 11 n ins' 1 1,1 lien, in eomb.i. a - 10 1 ause tin I.el-lllHI,. to im I'.tle It III llio ll Ulles , ibitdly neiiiioiis wlui h sliall ii,,i I,,. 1 irried eolico llcil Hut tteialllint do, id, III it l ,s so 11,1 hi, le, I in." We ore . mis, rum the -l.'t' ilte 'Iho J ,1 pose , lit root Is to pi et em 1 Ii ' . irrt leg ot 1 o 11 ea', il ti rations is, instruments usetl in tlithis, ot anus 1 or , illll of the Itisttttni-'tlts well ktloltli lo be weapons 1110 named, and then it mciuiies 'oilier ilea. Ill weapons of I he Ilk" l,li of description ' We do not behete that wo , an list the in "ir in the lass ol in-i, deflueil to b" tteiil'iuis of lll.ekiml lul l ib -scrilttuin tnthiiseili -mil I'.'d itt the siaiuie.s I.otd -hbo'it no's mil dlioitod tint tus trustees slinlllll take possession of the old (ireat Seal of lieli.ud. iro-''iitoi to him bi lbo late bun.' I dit. ml I his is a letnntder, s.its .eir A'elf-, that it lieu all outer ts made by the soveieiirn 1,1 ( oun. i' t,u- usm,. a ,t,.iv (Ireat Seal eitlie, of Ireland or 1 .teat llrii.iln tllo old one Is ,ll lie'l broken ntid tlm fiarnietits bei onto the 1 d th,, oni t'liati. ellor 'iho -ot.'l.'tgii rites tin. old (.teat Seal a gciit'e I Ion Willi a hainiimi, nfte, wlui h it is siipposeil io be l.,ol,en -mil has lost all im virtue - 11 i.-ult o' 11 ilia, pit , ,1 hi'tnooit I.i ndhii, st 11111I Lord llroiighiiui .iter tlie o ,1 net slup o nn o, Ureal seal the King lis siipiemo ,iuige 1,1 silell cases, otdeled the old seal limited between the 1 lit 1 , 11 .1 11 1 iiml a- it .'misi-te,! of Inn par'js, one repi "si 11' HU tlm si 1 vet elgtl on Ins tin, me .ind llio otlmi mi liorselM' It the el.iiinnnts dteti lots lor the i,itts Iho Kim: onb'ied each pail set on a silt e, salver with appiop!iiil oinainrlils Inning the 1 "lull ol 'Jim, mi lutotia I 1 1 droit seals tt ere made 'lb 1st of tlueo o tliein tt is nn, i.:,t:t and t'lnu, "Mnlnltnos, nocioi's, Mai, its whites, inilliun.iiies. paupers. and kin.-s stand 1,1 the minis nf Mississippi mi pie-riseli- tlm eanm "ia, lit euuiil looting," sats tlm 1 outt ill Hampton 1 stale, xx Miss . .'.',;. 'llio diss,., mils' hull!.' in Untile ts state belore the leva. 1 on. 1 nl ( tiuilliill ippoals ... .... .1,.. ,. , r. .,,1 1 .... .1. . opinion ol ll." in, 11. mil ol tlie 1 mill 'liter rotiottitnj tin. opiunui ot inv Inetliien I have i.'iiehed llio 1 1111, lu-imi n n nn nn ant lieeessiir' loflo 111010 lll.ltl to euiei dissent without exleiiileil , oiniin ut I I persuaded thai a i.i-uul icutlu.' of ' upiinuti nil! bo sitflii lent In ileinoiis' 1I10 1 i'o ,t I'I- ,1,11,1 its o,:al uiis'iuii.lnoss. n tt ell a- ,0 .I,-, 'the I in ntiizi 11 1 ' 10- and lalla, ,es to l 1 ! in it 'Hir c.ihc ol si 01 einei s t . II . Supreme 1 nun of Ml. .mi I w 1 I it, 1 BAYARD VEILLER LAMENTS. Ilriininf 1st lleplnroa hnek uf 'n.nble xetreaaea, Haynrd Volllor told a Pr.v tepnrler tho other dav t'hut he found It alio ffet her llliposslblo to Ret Just the actress tin Wtitlled to tako Iho loiidlnc rule III the MM'nnd company cirgiinlzed to piny "Tlie I'luht," which (in Is irolnir to send to the larire cities while tho orlp-.nal cast remains hero, nf coutse It vvsa rnsy otiouttli for tho tpporter to realise tho cause of Mr. Vidller'st trouble. It will be necessary for ihlm to tltnl sum" body as attractive In this role as Miiiu..--lot Wycherly, who Is nitln il nt the, Hudson Theatre. Miss Wyehorlv hap pens to lie In private life Mrs, Wilier, but It cannot bo that fact which ntelu dices the playvvrlrrM. Kverybudy who cos "Tint Flrht" at tho Hudson and It is one of tho plays which eltonld not bo missed Is quite as ttlttch ilellir! ted I by Miss Wyohetlv's iicHiik as her own husband intf-t bo. She has nil Iho qualities win. Ii Mr Volllor has been unable to litul In tin. other nctres'esi ' whom he has tried out. She acts with i nil tho charm and .humor, the slncerltv 'mul enthusiasm which this character licqiilroM. Her own tnectietlsm Is an I other element In her success and "Thai ' I'lcht." oven if it had less merit as a play, would be made well worth xvhlli ! by Mls Wvcherly's performance. Shsj Is an tttuilloved ilelleht nf Iti heroln. ! No wonder Mr. Wilier, who must haj i npproarihlnir the tlpo old brpi of 41, ' turns buck with such obvious delight to (he pillfllV (1.1VS of tile drntlin. ...p,,,. Ainprl'r,.,n tar-o, s now fruffertnir 1 , !.., I, r,t tenillnn- wnrtl.n This Kltuatlon Is not no mnrih a rerler- '"'ll on llio joiiiil; tM.oi-Ii lo.-i i.--. ''" " (" -'" nf opportunity for traln- ' Illtol ll-fl tllOlll. This w is tho comment of Mr. Wilier after huvlnc endeavored for over we. k tn tltnl n lending; woman for the) pe.'lal company 'f "The Hunt " lie was en bt Tvr. St s' reporter at tho Hudson Thratro Just as the Inst nf n dozen or more youni; women wcr) leavliur illaiiontod. "I have irotio over the 'loadlnc women' llst.i In nil the dramatic fluencies" h said "(iften those lists are thrio luin- dtod names loin:, for there Is no abate, , who has ever pl.ttrd n Mead' insists on l.ilnt; . lassitie.l whether , , . lncr,mlf.i ,,,medi.nno or Just a ?'"" S ,'i,r'1 Ui ' "' ., . , "nurlntr the wool; I have Interviewed fully -My voiinu' women, tiiuiiv .,r tb-t" n boatttlful as any l'lidim; woman op. the st me. bin all of them nre.morn ,,1 p... -ap, , i..ied' Tiny hive none of th.- abiiiiv to plav vatl, d t dos, which, a , 't'lini.- ti .-,1!' 11 nt' ,', dot" a nl b.i-t Vto sho'lld rxpo.'t It. 'Ill loadlnc Wi.rii' 11 "Nowail -vs ll'. ro s so pr. ,1' a ranee . b.i'tlo nil. I !... olteti nil tlm battle. Th- nctresses In two or three wars are ml ilonly renred n tb- tanks of I, a. line wotip n. Mtlte they have lilt, lllll', I th's pjllio lller.' Is n" llod st f.t.ling Tliov neter ni. opt next leaf a 1 . rv dieferon' lolo, w'.ethot it Is a lead'tiii ..tie or not "After all my sear, hlng I am nf mm h nt s. a in toy cboi i when T i bo , all ii.i ioy woniii',! 1 It. 1 n' a' the s.inie tlm" i- icmsi ;, icilv fiii',ift.l por-iiiiali'' It N Im' a diff .it r..'e. Th. re I-- tt" wile . mol'i'lis 11 Sense uf si, 1, 1, tic a", I no. uptu. , intb'ti of 'be ri al n tn tt of ..n'tu'tit and fe.lina In it-re II nlil 111 S ,-. I Mill ,-leVe.l ',.,se .it,, d Yet VVlletl I bate seem."! ttloSt I'St,., hie to 1" nl tie p r' tin re was no color n 111, ir tin-,,'.-. 11 subtle sign of ii'idei- t.mditie; lu fares n,- In tli.if ces tui es. "Iliety d, 1st faces th Mttis problem. The only hope I- lb it mali ngers till! Insist that teal oMsi'l n nee be tho tlltlin requisite in detel tultiitu their sil.ctu.,1 aid fiat tlie mini"; w.itn. 'i Will lllldelao lltlV Nil lillce. .von lone, irksnin- ntiiiin rs ri ..i.-r tie stock companies, to caln tlia' exp. 1 i. " "Til." most tl. cess., I V roqilll eipent Is temp, r.itnent. It is the cicit .liatnatlc! Impulse In a woman Tlitoiiuli It she naitis both an mid rt.itidin', of emotion mid the power to express u "With mtmy other au'liots I have fiiiind t lint when a woman is very b"Vi tltul sho rarolv lias any Bloat etun tiotis. She (.Mins tr.luite so easily I'fi itoi s on s. p.aiid'i. that she rarelf MilTOll. ".MiH:toti.siit inns! bo adboiont In ativ x'ouny; person Mukinii tune honors. That I" a honvoii out quality. It can not Im u ilticl bv e x per 101 .oe. It cannot bo immiif.ieture,! and tpstilleil hv anv Itiito iiminmer. It Illtlt be possee, bv iho asptt-.itit. Any ttn tid may toll lmf whether she his it. It may botrnv ltn 'If 111 the .sweetness nf voice, m thai of tlie 1 yo or in the lurkinc mile." set aside 11 transfer of toaltv 011 the irrmnnl of lulse , eltri'sennit intis In tlie ileleiul in , In siisifimiiiir the 1 Ii tts'es auuiiist Head the conn tiio'o the tollotttn ,l,s npiimi of the trans n lion "shotilv af'er ins"aipoarai,. o al stinnenieis's I, nine in lllui.'is 11 1 - -1 1 out thai Head ills, ot .red the p' lit.' His weie.llll'.ll I ".'pie, Intel est. 'd ill s-u, uiac lu, ols ami 1 euipet ance nn, a, (liiserto itlui I. illn", cd Was Held In tiie-teil iii I'm' 'ine' l'.e.ielt, and t,ry m n li -i 1 11 1 h" ere 11 coiitrot I'T'st-ol (.mid 1- 1 t ll 1. dd, t et ot er 11. "t im n is , ultsicl mi I lie - ,te ol , '111 pe, ll lice, SUIllt.'lt' s, In mis il'el , Inn. 'lies 'I hot' were mil 1 inn in t he sain,. 1 ause Presently it 111 11 ,-1 was in.nmii , , .l, and lie,-, d, lut x iiiu pilot in that bt the 'mie till, I lllle'ld nl III- lllseolllse .el 111 11 oil bis li,ltli! . ,1'lotls lor that ptnlls oflli e is iniiti!te.!t r.n " I. in, Kin", lot ami .1:1 a' 1 he ti hole 1 1 ans,,i , un,, w e liat 1 u'li-im .1 , I'liuirl, that no iloiiln In- ul u as urn ii (Ulslv lis tile llMiltlll.' Ill, inlli'l nl tlm til in of I. iiiuk. ( A Sii.ii itiuild lni' ilium iiiuler the nn unisiai.i es lot what i- the inle ol 1 oust 1 net inn. on hipn."i-t en opt 'Ilf tin 11 I r tuts t e shall Uiunt t hem' ' lim ine, eaten salt III then table .tthlili (tellies II, 1 lilillu'llt loll etell III"' Vlalis ol the ilei-ei I Ilte said to lespetli, lie assilletl lliell'. oil b.'iliU aiiMiuisly ptess. .1 on Ills -lutein. 1 is ol l.l.l about III,' III, in, tlllll lie tlolllil not toil ,1 he lor , t .1 r 111 ' (i, "(or Ih" ttmlil.' Olleeell I it o spe 1 1, In i(ii till sadness ,, n , 1, nine is Head' It 1- under n. h , in niu- sta , . ind allot tt 1,1 nun'.' In- nil t into tie reioein an, I son in-' seeds ot onlliieiu e 11 J '"' '"c.""'- ... .11. ,,-.,,.., ,s "'" """" ' '"7 inns I lml c s 1,0 en, I 10 11 lie e lint and spoa I. il.ui.U I he . ae , ills Im p' l'.a'llo-'. and I pau lull", I'lioiurli " s.,y ii,e 1 r this In pis-ini! It 1- smiiI that names it the Hvll Hue t lb I Ih" ' '' In sueied i 1 al t h i" '-. ' t nl Lic UP Ii I b in of 111 I ,,i 'm, o. I ie- in t or I, u c ", ,, .1 , 1 ,, - .1. I'i' 1 1 this Inn, I ' I, el, I Hlssl 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I'I I , fs'l ll" t .,1,1. " , 1 ., li, , i, - 1 linn 1. tr a lull ," 1 11 ,r n I i'o I I t e