Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1914. i it ttt?rZTl Si,S Photographs of Destructive Work of the Ocean, Taken at Seabright Yesterday down tho planking put In the breaks to I Itny thu tlilt-K. People llvlni! nlong tho 'ocean edge wcrn noon inuiK) mviiin of tlii'lr iLhikit by thu i thunder (if thu breakers nnd tjv whlstlo (if thu gale, which caused buildings to sway, unit hundreds r.ui Into the street?. Fishermen and their families wero thu llrat to gel out of buildings which hud beon buffeted and rooked u week ago. Theto Ih no hi front of the houses In tho llahcr colony nnd thu ocean wash had full sw.iy. Several houses rro Utitlltcd nr washed own. Tho galo kept up during tho day and more damage ns ilnnt by the high u an At 3 o'clock a group of thirty Usher men'H wlvej with their ehlldreti huddled mound them knelt Hi ii stioet near the ocean front and fcrently prnNcd that the gale lie stilled nnd their bonus saved. Many people who niitod to Seabright to sco what was going nu Mood by with bared hernia while tho women Invoked divine help. The homes of Lewis Sanderx and Jame Rrniieh, Mshi-rmtn, crumpled up In the Hood to-nlghl and sailed nut to mii. The cnttugis of Mr. Alice Newman nnd Mary ll,ivns were badly under mined at a Into limit. It ttui not be lleved they would possibly Ktatid the next high tide. Unlet Ami I ii Mnilln'il. The Octagon Hotel In avenue, owned by Ueoig" M. Runlt of Hed Itank, which was damaged to the extent of $2.. 000 In last wei U'k Mono, wn ,i;.ilii lint it hit. Tiro temporary bulkhead Midi In the last -few daja was ripped oik and piled on 'thu Im.icIi at -. M. The hug.- WftVfs surged ngalnsi the foundations "t tho hotel nnd undermiipd ih kitchen, which Is now ssngtug and battered and may be, swept out to sea at the next high tide. An unoccupied cottage Jut south nf the hotel was finished bv a gigantic wave and enllapsed at to 'III A. M. Karly In the afternoon th" fr poich nnd what was lift nf the dining room Were drstioycd. Tho hotel was badly h.ikn by the Jamming and the stralnlrtcr. The fe n- ' Was to great t!"t tb- main structure I might go the way of Its wrecked parts that Proprietor Sandt set a gjiiK of men nt work removing the furniture and tlx tures. Kvcn the expensive plumbing work was taken nut to prevent the eu from claiming It. Tlio cottage of Charles Kiel nf .New York, situated on tho ocean remit, was undermined. Ilulkhcnds In front nf tho $10,000 cot tages of II llrady and M. .Viutel at North Heach were gouged out by the in cessant bunging , of big tvmhirs. Tb' buildings wore fur n time In dnuger Wnshlngton IS. Connor, 'lie Now Yon' broker, lost the bulkhead lij front of h,s summer home. The prnpei-i) of U'.lllain Nelson Cromwell, Just south nf Se.ibrlgl.t was badly damaged. A part of the tei -race slid back into the sea. Tho Ilshlng quarters of Caleb Haley & Co., consisting of a one story frame struc ture, keeled over under the Incessant plunging of the flood nnd went out to eea, corning back latter as driftwood. Tho bulkhead of the 1'. Hall Packer cottngo resisted the ertorts of the waves, but the water rolled over It and Hooded the cellar. The J. J. Manning cottage, north of the Seabright station, was also flooded and the bulkhead Is down. rUhermeii Help tu nc Church. St. Peter's Kplscopal Church at (ialllee, between Seabright and .Monmouth Heach, wus again banged and mutilated by thu waves. Its bulkhead was torn out and Its foundations were flooded, The fisher men of Galileo forget their own troubles Ions enough to construct u temporary bulkhead of planks, which they hoped xvould be strong enough to save th church from further damage at the next high tide. The church Is a favorite with many cottagers along the coast ho auto miles on Sundays to attend services there. The Mlramar Inn. on Ocean avenue Galilee, formerly known as the Oreen Inn Cottage, ,s in daiictr nf serious mint age by reason of the undermining of iti foundations. It was whipped hard by the high waves of last week, Tho Dr. Knapp cottage at (Jalilee was partly unsettled by the wash and It Is thought the building may topple over w'th a little more pounding by tho waves. The John Baly cottage was also flooded. Mrs. Louis Kltzgeiald lout the bulkhead In front of her cottage ut North Heach and tho house was undermined. Some nf M-itlirlulits 1, ossein. The following losses have been suffered In Bcabrlght: Octagon Hotel, $50,000: Peninsula Hotel, $ 12,000: Heach Club, 9500; Lewis cottage, $300; Charles Hwlu ler, cottage (bulkhead out), $1,000, John .Vchellf. cottage, $1,300; Mrs. Lewis Fitz gerald, cottage, $l,r.0i, W. (.. Wythe, $300; C. A. Boston. $1,000; Ceorgc Pun coast, $50o; W. Hail Hradey, $1,000; M. Nastrel, $1,000, C. W, Hendricks. 12,0M; John .b". Dorden, $1,200; Mrs. 1. Josephla (bulkhead out), $2,UU0; A. II. Calef. $1, 000; A. tl. Mllbalik, $300; W. II. Whltto, 5300; XV. K. Hrigham, $300; V. L. Lowe, $300; Judgo John It. Davis, $1,000; Nor mandlo Hotel, bathing houses destroyed, pavilion smashed and bulkhead gone, $5,- 000; Mrs. Joseph Whevlock, $300; Thomas cottago, $300, U'llllum Sandtass, pavilion, $1,000; Washington Ii Connor, $2,000; J. L. ltlker.eatute. $1,000; Mm. 11 Kllttnian, JI5.000; Hiker, $r,00; W. J. Ulkur,' $500; Charles V. Halaey, $l,00u; W. I. Walker. tl;0OO; Mrs. C. V. H.iyloff, lawn and bulkhead destroyed, $1,000; J, M. Cornell, $300; .Mooro estute, $5,000; J. It. lloyt, $2,000, Lewis P. Cass. $1,000; L M. StetllbdECI-. $20ii ; .1. Hatsen Ilhodes, v- DiiAtti J8M -XIZ r,UA ; Hotel Astor baThm Jan. 2-10 1 1 ti. . -i - u''"' vaiisht In the crush, but were not . j$45 "Jl ' ?t -T ' m 'i , hurt 23r tMSii . ' ' 1r-Sf' Vf,j K-XtH A "buy driver was i,robabI fatally In- A I I $!yis eV ' ' -j " ' 'ft fei'U?VWfe4J Jured and a dozen women were panic VI r ijaP"?3ww..v..'.. '-.v -7. ,s v -i.. w.vt.iji i i siricKoi wnen u T-ireri car nil inc wagon m i mr I la2Jt2SraSi JKSSilr3' ? ? 11TijT?5 W'WWMVi i the boy wa on, He could not see for tl.- ' tit IL. j A I SBfSSI .IKSaW iii:frtiy bllndltig snow nnd drove dliectly Into. Jl i J m WM V I IfWwl 1 'lfiP :JM Wi)fr 'thoci, The car swerved and It J0I IJ j ft M i f A3 .IHHMHHBR i.'kV.r.'...L..L' . WmA m llWWPPPWWy FhAR KIR VFSSb.LS A I St. A. XVI I I iS " XsLibV the waves surrounded several summer cottages. At Ocean City, below Atlantic City, several duellings were undet mined. George Mtllford, a member nf the Federal coast guard, was stricken with heart disease an I died as lie aided the tenants to c trry out their filrnlttlte. Hope of saving the KvniH. Hhnrplcss t and Mathls cottage In linupnrt, wtiicn face the boardwalk, has been given up. The sea has sarrnunded them and any moment they mm collapse. The Pldg.-iii Hole, oppimlte the famous Klephaut Hotel, was undermined and sank In the sand In Atlantic City the greatest damage wrought was to the beach between tin steel pier at Virginia avenue and the Old Pier at Tennessee uvenue. FEARS TWO IN BOAT ARE LOST IN STORM SNOW AND GALES TOO. WaaliliiHIon Predicts More t.iiplens- nnt Wruther for To-dur. The storm that created yesterday on the Jersey coast momentary blasts of hurrlcanu force moved last night Into Maryland and northeastern Pennsylvania, and its whirling periphery, grazing tho nglon of freezing temperaturis to the north, west and northwest, made bllz zardllke conditions there. To tho south, particularly In Washing ton, It.chmond and Baltimore, theie wero unseasonably heavy rainfalls. Richmond get two Inches, with a springlike tem perature, mid Washington had a chilly tall of nearly as much up to 8 o'clock last night. All the coast towns from Handy Hook to Jacksonville were ditnched. It was a wet und windy night. The mercury did not go high enough to mako thu tem peiature springlike and was not low enough to make It wintry. It was a dirty, half way condition, too warm for snow and too cold for u decent soil of rain. The wind got up In spurts to tho re spectable force of forty miles and seemed fiercer than that because of the, chilling rain It drovo along under um brellas. Know camo In smothering avalanches laid night In towns In the Interior nf the State, and western Pennsylvania may be whit.) this morning. Buffalo and Pitts burg wero having good old fashioned snowstorms. There were Indications that tho drlv log rain last night would turn to snow before dawn to-day. The temperature, which was four degrees above freezing nt midnight, was going down. Washington predicts for this neigh Friend Tells roliee f .Miimr .Motor limit Utile Unit Search. LONli ISLAND TOWNS HIT X500; W, NnUon Cromwell, part of bulk-' borhond to-day snow or rain, with north- head and Italian gardens destroyed, $5, 000; WUIlam do L. Walbrldgo, three cot tages, $1,000. This properly Is located In the four mile Stretch Of the borough of rieabrlght. At the south end of the borough J. A. Hasklll's property suffered damage, of $1,500. The loss on Kt. Peter's Church, Galilee, will Im at least $2,000, but there are grave fears that tho church maj be battered to pit res The loss to the fishermen and their In dustry Is nuril to 1m at least $15,000. it will cost the Jersey Central $5,000 to re pair Its washed out roadbed. At 2 P, M. thu sea broke through the bulkhead at .S'orrnandle nnd cut through the roadbed of tho Jersey Central Hall road. The railroad otllclals sent a large gang of men to thu broak and they had n hard buttle with the waves, but the erly and northeasterly gales HEAVY SNOW IN PITTSBURG. Trolle und Itnllrnuda Crippled California MufTerliiK. PirrsHiJiiO, Jan. 3, Pittsburg and vicinity nro suffering from u heavy snow storm which 1 aged Intermittently from 9 o'clock last night until this evening. Snow from ten to fourteen Inches deep fell and partly crippled telephone and telegraph lines, city nnd suburban trolluy lines and steam railroads. It rained heavily for an hour to-day In thu downtown districts of the city, while tho Miowstorin continued In the suburbs. San Khanojbco, Jan. 3. California ulfirtM mill llnitil rmlil It Inrm were rnnnrteil ocean was too much for them, tearing out . Improved to-night, but tho Weather iuji. ui nuiiu nmiei inn runs anil opening Bureau predicted another storm, a big gap In thu tracks that will take i Off tho beach hero tho worst surf In ten years contlmns unabated. Thrcu cot tages wero washed to sea, Kvery tlov crnment wireless station from Maro Island to Capo Blanco, Oregon, has been put out of commission, hours t6 till In. GALE DAMAGES CAPE MAY, ATLANTIC CITY BATTERED. BoirU In Peril, Pier' Wrecked, llnapltnl Carried Array, Atlantic) City, Jan. 3. The beach was torn by the v,acM which washed over the Boardwalk. The electric lighting ss-i tern was out of commission to-night and ! the city wus In darkness. No trolley caisi wire run on riouth Carolina avenue be-iral'road at Hewell's Point nnd Cape May c.uuoo me hu water was running over I Point KUtrereil serious washouts to-day. the tracks. I Great quantities of sand wero cut out Tho foundations were torn from under of thu bench ut Cnno May city. Tho Young's old pier und the old Homestead, tide ran across Beach nvtnuo, the Ocenn which stood on It, Is floating somewhere ! Boulevard and Into thu front yards of Hotel In Peril. House Mam tiiretl. I'nrts of Uracil Washed Away. Two men, It Is believed, perished In yesterday's gale. They are Frank Sell merl, 2S years old, of 171 West Sixteenth street, and Joseph Carjulla of 2S11 Wist Fifteenth street, both of Coney Island. Jerry Basamn of West Nineteenth street, Coney Island, reported to the police Inst night that the pair were missing. He said they started for the fishing banks In 11 25 foot motor boat on Friday. He sal.l he was positive that the men had been caught In the storm. He was sure tho boat was capslzi d and his friends lost. The Coney Island police notified the Harbor Squad, but the ocean was so rough Inst night that It was Impossible! for a boat to start out to search for tho motor boat and Its crew. lleneli Dnrellrn, Krlh tene.l. The ocean ehoto of Long Island was I Ship In Distress Off II nil It Islnnd Wnmlims Sent Out, 1 Nolil iu.K , Va , Jan. 3.- Warnings of an 1 approaching northeast storm were sent , broadcast to sea to-night by wireless and , signals weie displayed all along th coast 1 from Norfolk to lla' and from Bal timore to Delawaie Breakwater. The I storm was reported over Virginia moving , northeast and IncreiHng In velocity. j neores m sailing cihh Hiiei ine turn ing sought shelter In Hampton Itoads. Some Falling vessel" that started to sea 1 turned back. " " ' I The levenue cutter Onondaga rtcuved enie, owned l .Mrs Mar.v Autbr. was.ordeis to proc I to sea to render us- , washed from Its foundtlun mid swept out 1 slstanc. If needed. It Is reported that an , to sea on the ctestof a reeedlng wave. Mrs. unknown x.ssel Is In distress near Hogg, Autler lint a bungalow lu last week's ' Island. ytoim. ! Iteports from Cape Lookout say that a , At Cones- Island fourteen bath houses I numner 01 eraie are sneiiering 111 i.onaoui, Hotel aU-Ley-t- ath houses belonging to the Mc.Mahon Hotel, West Thirty-second streit, weie washed to sea. A largi porch of the hotel was also carried aw a 1 1 11 1 f of Pier 'lu 111 til en In Murl, but that there Is grav anxiety for the 1 safety of other vessels e-aught In the stoi 111 Ciearance SALE smart rrocics, (open front) of serges, English checks, corduroy ind velveteens. rE ff Evening Gowns, Dancing Frocks, Imported Model Suits, Values up to S55 Value up to S100 OQ Value up to S85 QQ Gowns and Coats, ValuCi UP to 75.00 A showing t'f smart iVtodel Gowns, Suits, Frocks. Separate Skirts and Blouses for Southern Wear. 27 West 46th St. Just off Fifth Ave. SNOW TROUBLES WIRE LINES. companies reported that few lines nctually bad gone down. Thu Western 1'nion had twenty dlie. t wins In commission be tweeu New York and Chicago, but couldn't bo certain nf perfect results, lo supple. (Ilie-half of (lallaviin-s l.'.O foot pier at Telenrniil. er lee Sinn, liul IV Wist Thlrt -fourth stieet was wienche.l, off tumbled Into the surf. 1 t iinneellima Actually nt Off. A part of the bulkhead at Beach For-' Wet snow, making wires sag and snap- I nient Huso tho company patched up two ty-slth street. Sea (Ute. caved In and I ping some of them, bothered the telegraph circuits by wbv nf Atlanta, liii., nnd got the waves ate awnv many tons of sand, companies all thiough the middle West !'" Chicago In that roundabout way. Thu summer home of Philip Torchlo I and southward almost to the llulf yeter-, fleet In Chicago at midnight on Friday was undei mined by the wash. William . dny nnd last night. But "wire trouble" ted the storm's iisi.ult on the tele Lott. a tenant gut tngetlur a number was far les than that cmied by th.i big graph. It changed to -now as tho storm of workme i. who filled hi th- hole with storm which felled thousands of poles in I centre inarched eastward, and In soiuo rocks and possible saved the building. the lake country six weeks ago. .parts of the middle West high wind t llcievv iiniideli slielrwnvs radio from West of Tlnrrlsbur In 1 VniisvU-nnl.i. eniurc.l ll. l in u einci. login the bench to the .Municipal Baths at Wist Fifth street weie destroyed. Water got under thu asphalt pave ment on West Fifth street nnd badly damaged It. At 7 P. M. low tide was two feet higher than minimi. PERIL AT REHOBOTH. an.l Buffalo In New York, service wns, Pittsburg and Wheeling were getting the slow and unreliable, though both the I worsi oi me amies. Western I'nlou nnd Postal telegraph Them was simw In northern New York, but tho low temperature mule it and the wlie.s suffered Hub. Between New York and Wash -g-i-ommutik atlon was .is.. A Wesei I'nlon wire between Phllaib Iphi t a Ilariishtirg went dead at In o'clock ! night, a tree fell on It. Tho Postal tepi.tted that it hadn't '' any toll wins, bit was having . 1 . I cullies as far tioith as P. tmlt wi' especial emphasis In the Alleghany ,b,n tains After the storm of six wieks ..g telegiaph enuipaiil. greatle strei.g t ene.l their middle Western Hum anil w. therefore In good condition to stand terday'M uuainiabble we-nther !rn Tears Us "Wny Through l.nnrt Harrier to Itrsort. Wtl,stlNOTO.v, Del., Jan. 3. The most seMi,. sturm In years raged all of to- j day and to-night on tho lb law-are Bay and along the Atlantic coast from the ' Delaware Brenkwiiter to Cape Charles, Va. There, was a nnrthnist gale blnwing ut sixty miles an huur The greatest damage nas done at He hobiith, lel a seashoie resort At n late hour to-night tli- ocean was making In roads on the place. Many cottages and other buildings weio In danger of being undermined. A stletch of land below Uehobotb, half a mllu In width, which separates the At lantic Ocean and liehobotli Bay, was ntiMt' V. ft restill tlin Imv r. i , .1 badly bitten Into by the gale swept sea. M,Cean now ii'ieei with thu mhvus running; l.ilgemere, Arvem and the liammcls seo-1 high. The life saving station at Indian tlon of Uockawiiy Beach mid pulls of Conoy Island suffered much. When peo ple wont to bed last night (many liv ing on the shore front weie afraid to seek sleep) they greatly feaied that thu high tldu of the early morning would do addi tional damage on tho ocean's edge. Tim sua front at Hdgemere, Arverno and Hammels Is largely mailu land be tween solid ground and bulkheads. Thu waves catrltd tiway the bulkheads in many places und ate out thu solid tilling, limit Inroads were muilo In the sand. A large section of the grounds on tho Ornnd View avenue side of the IMgeinere Club nt ICdgemeru were washed away by the waves thnt ennio through an opening smashed In tho bulkhead. A gang of men was set at work last night filling lu the hole to save the clubhouse. I liver Is marooned as a lesult. Tin- crow Is not believed to be In danger. More than a uuartir of a mile of hoai it walk at ltehobnth was washed away The ocean cut down a twelvu foot hank and nmdo Its way to the streets of liehobotli. Many street crossings nre under water. As thu resort Is almost on n level with the sea the situation Is dangerous. It has a winter population nf 1,000, Thus far no lives havn been endangeied. SEVERAL HURT IN CLEVELAND. Aitiilntr WelKhteil With Kihmt Fulls, Injuring; Three Persons, i'i.kvki.anii, Jan, !!. A llercn bllzzat.l which threatened to do much dauiaan Thu bulkhead In front nf' thu Lnrralnn lllt nrlheni Ohio to-day Several persons Hotel east of Kdg.wre gae way and "i " '"J'V. l"Jl"l!,1 "H,11 rehult the surf got close to tho hotel. l"f.,'1 ,'"n'1 lUK "t'owstorm, and tiolley, The bulkheud gave way In front of the "l'0. tel.gntiih and telephono com Kluly cottage at Pleatant avenue and the ''Hmlcatlon was bully hampered. Tho ocean front, Hnmmels. and water tore ,,eav' ww '"" hlocked thu Intcrurbati away ull of a forty foot stretch of made . tracks In many places, land. Karly this morning- tho building 1 hu Clueelund street railway lines wero was toppling over. Kx-Pollceman Harry, '"I1' "''pn ""'V by hard work. Late to Werner and his family, Including n sick "'slit snow turned to sleety rain, nnd In son, wero obliged to abandon the house, dlcatlons wero for colder weather, Tele so great was thought to bo the danger of. phone and telegraph companies prepateil remaining In It. for trouble. Thu bulkhead of Carlton Hotel, across' Three persons seriously hurt to the way from the Klely cottage, collapsed night when an owning In front of u In tho afternoon. I downtown stnru collapsed with Its wslglit A bungalow In Remington avenue, Ar-1 of snow- und buried them. Nine others llruch Cut, I.iiwna Hpollrd nnd Trol ley Line Crippled, Cape May, N, J., Jan. 3. The trolloy on the ocean. Flvo hundred feet of the uxtonslop of the new Million Dollar Pier wus wrecked, Tho bench Is thickly strewn with timber nnd debiis thrown up by tho turbulent ocean. Tho tide Inundated the meaduw side of tho jesort, roached lo the top of tho railroad embankments, but did not Inter fere with tho trains n und out of the city, , ' Longport seems to have been tho victim of the worst onslaughts of tho breakers. The Iild(;-a-We Home, a three story building, for some time u hosnltul fur flppled children, unoccupied and iiiifur- many llnu residences. Tho damage lo lawns and thorough fares will reach $:!,00fl. Fears uro on tortalned for daiiuiKu by tfio high tide after midnliiht. WAVES HIGH AT ASBURY PARK. Threnlen HonrdrtHlk Reach Floor if II I If I'laliliiK Pier. Asnt'liv Paiik, Jan. 3. Tho ocean Is attacking the cntliu length of tho Isiard walk tn-nhjlil. Thu waves are so high they splash against thu floor of thu big !llilnir lilee. TIim sli ,,,, I i,i,,l rri.ln.1 ...... Iilshed lit present, was thu first building j nuu grouiis of bathing houses am Hooded. ..,.,., ,, . ,, ,,,.. Krt.,lt nainuKu Had been done ut u lulu Homo djstajtcu furjlier down the bv'acU 1 hour, , j Pi MODERN DANCES as preferred by cultured peoplo TAUGHT PRIVATELY By MR. G. HEPBURN WILSON, M.B. and hU staff of imtructon . The Wilson Interpretation of the new dances meets with the unreserved endorsement of a discriminating clientele. AEOLIAN HALL, IS Watt 42nd Street Telephone i Bryant 493S SALON DE DANSE, 2630 Brosdwsy, Telt phone: Rlvenids 8636 THE HOTEL IMPERIAL, Ball Room. llrosdwsy t 32nd Street 724,000 Telephones City and Suburbs in JANUARY 1st, 1914, there were in New York City and its suburbs, 724,000 telephones, served through 310 telephone exchanges and connected by 2,484,000 miles of wire, through which there are sent daily over 3,000,000 messages. Each of these 724,000 telephones is the center of a system which reaches over 70,000 towns and cities in the United States and Canada. During the past year there have been added to the telephone system serving New York City and its immediate vicinity 58,405 Telephones 207,833 Miles of Vire This growth in the number of. telephones and ex tension of the telephone system indicates the rapidly in creasing dependence of the people upon the telephone in all social and business activities. Every telephone user throughout the whole area benefits, because every telephone added to the system permits a wider and more varied use of this most rapid and reliable means of communication. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY 1-6-- fa, !