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20 TltE Stfri,' SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1914. - R. H. Maey A ci.' Attractions Ar Thlr Low Pric.t. l" .., ,..-,..-... I R- H. MCT Co.' Attraction! Are Their Low Prices. CLEARANCES THROUGHOUT THE STORE 9 In every Department lots of goods that must go before we take inventory. SAVINGS that in many cases are truly REMARKABLE. Economies in needed Winter apparel for men and women, boys and girls; ECONOMIES in furnishings for the home, and in thousands of little luxuries as well its in the necessities. Space limitations pre vent more than mere suggestions here. Remember, there are always more UNadvertised than advertised SPECIAL VALUES at Macy's. HaraM Siara B'way,34thto3SthSt. Harald Square B' way, 34th to 35th Si. Jahdtary SALE of Fine FURS Thousands of stylish and luxurious Coats and Sets, in the most fashionable of the season's, 'Furs, and in a remarkable variety, of styles, are in this great Sale, offered at ONE-HALF Eirly-in-the-Season PRICES Scarjfo and Muffs Mail to Stllit $69.75 $139.00 Sale Price $34.87 $1187 $29.87 $39.87 $13.87 $17.87 $19.87 $3947 $2247 $29.87 $43.87 $49.87 $29.87 $3247 $39.87 $57.90 $3247 $29.87 $2147 $2247 BratdUil: Scarfs, Muffs, ' Persian Lamb: Scarfs, 559.75 Aufb. $79.75 Seated Male: Scarfs. $33.75 Muffs, $59.87 German Fitch: Scarfs', $39.75 . Muffs, $78.75 Ruuian ftyeh: Scarfs, $27.75 , Muffs, $51.75 1 !Uyal Ermine: Scarfs, 59S.75 Muffs, $149.00 White Fax: Scarfs, $39.75 Muffs, $63.75 ' Silvered Fes: Scarfs, $84.75 . Muffs,- $109.00 Feinted Sitka Fez: Scarfs, $69.75 Muffs. $59.75 Scarfs, $42.75 Muffs, $44.75 9 j ft I 348 Women's COATS CLEARANCE Redactions Imported -and domestic occasions, are included in this Three-quarter,, seven-eighth and full-length models, elaborately trimmed, many with fur collars and cuffs. Coats that were $184 to $219. . Coats that Were $129 to $149 Coats that were $84.75 to $98.75 $98.75 $74.75 $59.75 Coats that were $19.74 is In the season's most fashionable materials, including: Brocade, Plush, Velours, Silks, Dutttyn, Broadcloth, Cheviot and smart novelty fabrics in every wanted color. Sizes 34 to 42, with excellent choice in every size and at each price. Third Floor, Broadway. FRENCH Hand-made Underwear Greatly REDUCED Dainty garments, hsnd-embroidered and entirely hand-made, fashioned of soft serviceable nainsook and notably fine in finishing details. Odd lots, marked for quick disposal much below Macy's usual "Lowest-in-the- Gowns $1.98 to $19.89 were originally $2.97 to $27.50 Chemises $1.98 to $9.94 were originally $2.97 to $15.49 Drawers $1.98 to $9.94 were originally $3.39 to $13.89 Uiderwear Sets. $8,94 to $59.50 That were originally $14.89 to $110.00 A personal inspection of these garments will disclose the variety and re markable nature of the values. tum rioar, satu stmt. Fur Coats Three-quarter and full-length mod els, in straight line and draped effects, richly lined. Mad to Sa le Stll at Price . $712.00 $356.00 $387.00 $193.00 $594.00 $296.00 $449.00 $224.00 $489.00 $244.00 $298.00 $149.00 $524.00 $262.00 $359.00 $174.00 Broadtail, Brrt-iUil, Brettoil , Caracul, Broadtail ' Caracul, Scotch Mole, Scotch Male, Persian Lamb, Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) $489.00 $249.00 Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) $452.00 $226.00 Hudson Seal (dved muskrat) " $413.00 $206.00 Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) $354.00 $167.00 Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) $159.00 Moke Caracul, $239.00 $78.75 $98.75 $84.50 $4947 Moire Caracul, Moire Caracul, Baltic Seal (dved coney; Baltic Seal (dyed coney; Moire Pony, Moire Pony, White Caracul, $166.00 $98.75 SI 29.00 $64.70 598.75 $79.75 $74.75 $144.00 $49.75 $39.87 $34.87 $72.00 Smart FROCKS Of Taffeta SILK-Xl.U liie quaintly prett Dres dlustracJ is tashionea of a soft chifion taffeta silk in tiaw. burnt brown or black. A waistcoat of white satin laces over a vestte of creamy lace, finished with net frills. Collar, revers and cuffs are faced with contrasting color, and the girdle is of suede. Verv pic turesque is the deep ruffle reaching from hip to knee and softly gathered in a cording. Fur-lrimmcd Gowns of Chifion Tafieta $36.75 In a superior quality of taiteta in black, mid night blus or brown gracefully draped model with kimono blouse bodice over a silver-embroidered lace vest: frills of white silk tulle tinish the short sleeves and the low neck. Double pannier draperies of the silk fall over the soft skirt of charmeuse and the pleated girdle encircled by a band of sable-dved squirrel tur is cleverly finished with a bright nosegay of velvet blossoms. Third Floor. Ilroadwaj. Wraps and Coats, suitable for all unusually comprehensive collection plain or Coats that were $59.75 to $64.75 Coats thai were $39.75 to $49.75 Coats that were $29.75 to $39.75 $34.75 $24.74 $19.74 $13.74 to $29.75, Corset Covers $1.98 to $4.96 Were originally $4.49 to $9.94 Combinations $1.98 to $9.94 were originally $1.98 to $17.49 Petticoats $1.98 to $22.74 were originally $5.94 to $65.50 Scarfs and Muffs Mailt to Stll at $42.75 $42.75 Sale Black Fei: Scarfs, Muffs, Prke $2247 $29.87 Amber Fox (Canary): Scarfs, $74.75 Muffs, x $79.75 Hudson Bay Beaver: $3747 $39.87 Scarfs, $23.75 $33.75 $13.87 $29.87 Muffs, Black Lyra: Scarfs, Muffs, $59.75 $98.75 $27.87 $4947 $54.50 $98.75 Hudson Bay Sable: Scarfs, $134.00 Muffs. S198.00 Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) : Scarfs, $33.75 $49.75 $13.87 $19.87 Muffs, Chinchilla Squirrel: Scarfs, $39.75 Muffs. $54.75 Natural Mink: Scarfs, $48.75 Muffs, $69.75 Black Lynx Cat: Scarfs, $42.75 Muffs!, S44.75 Persian Paw: Scarfs, $12.75 Muffs. S12.75 $19.87 $24.87 $2147 $33.75 $17.74 $20.74 $6.49 $6.49 third Floor. nroadwajr. WOMEN'S Fine Broadcloth SUITS Fur-trimmed, $23.74 Very latest model m MuitiaicJ developed in a lustrous French broadcloth, in hunter's green, nia hogany. navy and black. The jaunty blouse coat is richly lined with peau de cygne and smartly trimmed with collar of fur. in such fashionable pelts as Seal-dyed Coney and Skk-dyed Opossum Button are cleverly used to fasten the graceful draperies ot the skirt, cut on newest lines. BROADCLOTH SUITS tmm Copy of "CheruiC Model $29.75 A fhort. loose coat is featured in this very chic Suit, which is developed in hunter's green, navy blue and black. The skirt is in the very modish J-tier effect and is especially smart in style. Third Floor, Broadway. CHIFFON TUNICS IMPORTED TO SELL AT $14.50 TO $20.00 SPECIAL, $7.94 Tht Tunic iUuttratii is one of the several charming styles included in the assortment of 60 Tunics, all richly embroid ered with beads, rhinestones and colored stones in a vari ety of most effective designs. Made of heavy chiffon cloth in shades of sky blue, rose, maize, pink and in white. Imported Robes, Tunics and Opera Wraps that were SI6.89 to $58.75 Now $12.49 to $44.50 Included in this assortment of semi-made novelties are elabo rate beaded and jewelled Tunics, beaded Opera Wraps, beaded uoiero jacKets ana nana-cm- broidered Robes from China and Japan in both silk and muslin also many other exquisite im portationsall greatly reduced for quick disposal. ktata near, aath Street. INFANTS; FRENCH HAND-MADE ADDA DCI I hint Floor, ilftth nrrnilLL NtrcH.-lfar. GREATLY REDUCED Dainty little garments fashioned of soft, sheer nainsook and hand made in every tiny stitch. are for quick disposal offered at savings of one-quarter to one-lhird. Bishop Dresses- Were 99c to $139 79c Sires 6 months to 2 years. Lace edged and finely featherstitched at neck and sleeves. Long Dresses ftA Thai Were $1.49 89c Sizes up to 6 months, laco edged neck and sleeves. Embroidered Yoke Dresses Were $2.24 $1.79 Daintily hand-embroidered yokes: lace finishing edges at neck and sleeves. Sizes 6 month-, to 2 years. Embroidered Yoke no Dresses-Were $2.74 $1.98 Hand-embroidered and with lace insertion and edges. Sue 6 months to 2 years. Petticoats That A Were 99c to $1.24 59c Hand-scalloped and hand-made: waist top. Drawers That Were 99c Sizes 2 to 12 years, lace-trimmed. 69c Hand-made; Night Gowns Were $1.98 to $2.24 79c Sizes 2 to 6 years. Some daintilv trimmed with lace edees: others finely s:allop.l. Mm Jf4 ADVANCE Display of Spring Dress COTTONS Hirst showing of the new l-abrics from the leading French and American looms in the weaves, patterns and colors that are to be favored for Spring and summer, 1914. Many Clcccr novelties in im ported Crepes, Ratine and Voiles SCOTCH PLAID RATINGS width 42 inches, 79c. a vard. BLACK AND WIIITI- CHUCK AND STRIPli RATI N 89c to 11.49. FRENCH PRINTI-D VOILKS-latcst For Special Imported Ramie Linens 44 in. (yd.) 39c Standard quality and weave: in 15 new Spring shades, and in blade. Serviceable LINENS at GREAT Savings iMacy's import their Linens direct from Ireland and Scot land and show a more complete and comprehensive stock at lower prices than anywhere else in New York. Following are suggestions only: SfC0d noor. asth m. ALL-LINEN Satin Damask CLOTHS, $2.97 From Ireland. Sire 72 in. Good selection of neat design. At $3 69 s,ame quality in At A AQ Same quality in the 72 Inch x TO At the 72 inch x lis inch size. inch size. Napkins to match (doz.), $2.97. Size 21 in. Larger size, $3.96. Extra Heavy German Damask Table Linen (yd), 98c All-linen, and will give splendid service. Width 72 in. II I m . . ..... .... nemmea napkins to match, 20 , and 24 in., $2.97 doz. doz, All-linen Damask Cloths (ca.) 1.09 Size 66 in. Napkins (20 in.), to match, same price for a dozen. Exceptional SALE of Dress Goods Reductions of lA to More WIS is one of the greatest I t... it -- .1- ! LJJ twieyn uy illume who apprcuuic uie very unusujiiiy gooa values mat always cnaracierize it. The variety of staple and noctl fabrics is far too great to list here, and we give details below of a very few onlv out of the vast collection. Practicallv everv known wonve mid m;i. terial is represented, in waist lengths, skirt lengths, dress lengths, and lengths for children's dresses. Everything is displayed on special tables in the Dress Goods Department, Second Floor, Broadway. Remnants of French . Twill Natu Serge (yd.) 9oC Macy's Price Was $1.49 Width 54 in. Skirt and Suit lengths. Remnants Silk-andWool Brdcade French Batiste (ad.) 98C Macy's Price Was $1.49 Width 42 in. Suitable for afternoon and evening wear. Lencths AVi to 5 vards. Remnants of Striped Granite Cloth (ad.) 49c Macy's Price Was 96c Width -to in. Blue ground, and gray ground with white stripe. Especially desirable for separate skirts. Lengths 2i to 4 yards. Remnants of Tuo-tonc Velour Brocades (yd.) 9oC Macy's Price Was $3.96. Width 54 in. For coats and skirts. Lengths 2V to 4 yards. Remnants of Wool Brocade Suitings (yd.) 98c Macy's Price Was $4.49 Width so in. Rich color combina tions for street wear. Suit and skirt lengths. Remnants of Scotch Plaid Checiots (yd.) 98c Macy's Price Was $3.49 Width 50 in. Would make ex ceptionally smart skirts. 54 MISSES' SUITS Were $14.74 to $19.74 NOW $9.74 In tine diagonal serges, chev iots, mixtures and novelty worsteds, a variety of smart models, in the season's most fashionable colors. Mf 13. 13 and 17 yean for Juniors. Sizes Hand loyctnforUMti. 39 MISSES' TAILORED SUITS Were $18.74 to $39.75 NOW $14.74 Llfectivoly trimmed models, in broadcloth. Bedford cords, diagonals and novelty fabrics, in leading colors. Sizes 14 and 16 years, iliird Floor, asth St. PLAIN AND CHECK RATIPS for combining. 94c and $1.14 a yard. UMBROIDHRI-D CRliPKS with lloral embroidery and ratine motifs. 89c to $1.49. patterns: width 27 inches, 47c. yd. Selling: Crepe de Chine, Silk end Cotton (yd.) A soft, clinging, lustrous in .V? and Mt inch widths. 49c fabric. Twenty colors: black and ivory. Srrond Floor, Ilroaila. in., $1.98 a doz.; 22 in., $2.49 Ali-linen AO Damask Cloths (ea.) 9oC Size 66 in. x 65 in. For boarding houses, etc. Larger size, Sl.39. OPPORTUNITIES in This ecents of the year in this Department, and is watched for eagerK iL. . .7 II.. I ' I.. .1. . , .1 ... " . " Remnants of Fine French Serges (yd.) 49c Macy's Price Was 98c Width SO in. Exceptional quality, in medium shades. in medium Lengths of 2y, to 5 yards. Remnants of French Artificial Silk-and-Wool Brocade Serges (yd.) 98 C Macy's Price Was $1.98 Width 42 in. Stylish materials for one-peice dresses. Lengths of Wi to 5'yards. Remnants of Striped Ottoman Cloth (yd.) 98c Macy's Price Was $1.79 Width 54 in. Brown and white. Will make very stvlish skirts or two-piece suit's. Skirt and suit lengths. Remnants of Imported Self-color Crepons (yd.) 98c Macy's Price Was $3.96 Width SO in. One of the season's latest novelties. Skirt and suit lengths. Remnants of Imported Striped Skirting (yd.) 98c Macy's Price Was $2.97 Width 50 in. A German cloth made specially for stylish skirts. Seasonable Footwear for women and misses. Smart nov elties in Dress Shoes and many staple styles all at radical re ductions for this event. $6.00 Brocaded . . Top-Boots . $4. J9 Very graceful Shoes, as Mm tiattd made with patent colt, vamp and high tops of black or grav brocade. New last giving the foot the long, slender effect most in vogue. High Cuban Louis heel. $5.00 Patent Leather n JA & Gun Metal Shoes $3.49 Three styles, all on good fitting narrow toe lasts, with Spanish heels of leather. Patent coltskiu vamp plain toe with back and top of best grade black cloth. Ulluitrotcd.) Patent coltskiu foxed style with neat tips: tops of dull kidskin. Gunmetal calfskin, foxed style with tip. $4.60 Satin Evening Slippers $017 (llluitrattJ.) Fine niulit satin in white, black, pink, blue and bilvf. gray. Very graceful last, with high Louis XV. heel: trimmed with neat roette of chiffon ami ribbon. Light, flexible soles: excellent finishing. A Timely BLANKETS Savings of ONE-FOURTH 1 January. Sale pf Blankets, including surplus stocks, odd lots, sa -r lines and a few with slight mill imperfections. All for quick dispoal, cm--at one-quarter less than Macy's usual "Lowest-in-the-City" price r M-. Blankets, a pair yl.OV Kl70 IW7B inditM Quality sold elsewhere at $2.00 Very soft and tleecy Blankets, with striped colored borders and fancy stitched edges. While Wool-Nap - Blankets, a pair pl.v9 Size 07H Inches Quality sold elsewhere at $2.25 Light-weight but warm Blankets with pink or blue striped borders: whipped edges. Heavy White t or Fawn Blankets P2Z4 size 72x80 inciics a pair Quality sold ' elsewhere at $3.00 Winter-weight Blankets, with rib bon bound edges and pretty siripeu norcier euects. REMNANTS Than lA jl. Remnants of Fine . Moire Velcetcen (yd.) 39c Macy's Price Was 98c Width 21 in. English fabric for trimming or use in combination with woolen goods. Desirable lengtlis. Remnw.'.s of Bordered Silk- tl and-Wool Poplins (yd.) 49c Macy'sPricesWere$1.49to$1.98 Widths 42 to 46 in. Useful lengths of skirt and dress pat terns. Remnants of Fine Black Tussahs (yd.) 98c Macy's Prices Were $1.49 to $1.69 Width 41 in. Splendid light weight fabric. Lengtlis 2' j to s ysrdo. Remnants of Fancy Black no Corded Suitings (yd.) 98 C Macy's Price Was $1.49 Width 42 in. Suitable for one piece dresses or separate skirts Lengths 2j to 5 yards. Remnants of Plain Diagonal Serge (yd.) 98 C Macy's Price Was $1.49 Width 54 in. A splendid cloth for two-piece Suits or separau skirts. Lengths 2 to 5 yards. NrronU Floor. Ilrondniiy. Second Floor, :13th St., Ilrar. $3.50 and $4.00 Suede and (9 fiQ Leather Boots ipC.uif Patent leather SIiolj (.tlhuUateJ). with dull kid or black cloth top. Gunmetal calfskin (UluMaUd . with dull kid tops. Both with ligli' weight welt sole; Cuban or concave heels of leather. Dark gray Suede Boots, buttoned and with Cuban heels. Shoes That a cn Were $3.49 and $4.96 $.4.09 High grade Shoes taken from reg ular stock and greatly reduced bt cause the size range is incomplete lu the assortment are: Patent leather siloes; dull cilf skin Shoes; also Tan calfskin Shoes in smart la t Excellent choosing. Slippers That fro ?n Were $3.49 to $7.89 $2.69 An assortment of 450 pair dainty livening Slippers, taken tr. regular stock because the size rain is incomplete. In black velvet, wt ' calfskin, gra or black suede. N . kidskin and satin in various co!" Some bead-trimmed. SALE OF & Comfortables ft n ii i neavy tvoot binished Blankets ipl.i? firi- 7USi) im In--. Quality sold elsewhere at $2.7' White or silver gray with ' moniing striped borders; er w and extra heavy. Fancy Silk. . Q0 Comfortables Jp.jy Quality sold elsewhere at $j W flit Mp ".'ITS itirlii'i. Fine figured silk Connor'. with plain silk borders to i Largo and small rose patterns Lambswool a nn Comfortables $4.0 Quality sold elsewhere at $5 Cut 72X7R Indios High-grade Comfortables, lump1 wool filled and covered with f nainsook: plain color border IL.rim-nl, lli'J' ft t - t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftl ft ft!