Newspaper Page Text
T.-1E SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1914. REAL ESTATE BOARD TO HELP BUSINESS $800,000 DEAL NEAR COURT HOUSE SITE FLORHAM PARK, DR. L. P. WARD'S $1,000,000 NEW JERSEY HOME, BOUGHT BY WESTERNER FOR $200,000 Controls More. Invested Cnpitnl Than Any Other Organi zation Hero. Jones Building at Duano and Klin Sts. Hotipht by Adams Express Co. Interest. GIVES HOTEL TX THADE Uptown Dwelling Ilought by Arvcrric Developers 15th St. Tenement Sold. SCOPE TO TIE BUOADKNEI) Many Innovntlons Which Am Expected to Aid Realty Interests Planned. ' ClocVo Towetr Iff' T M T M. Jones have sold the ten tory .Tones building nt the southeast cor ner (if Dunne and Kim streets. The struc ttiro fronts 1 02.0 ftct on Dunne streM, 110,5 (Vet m Kim street, and nirasuies 16.7 mill ion feet on Its easterly and southerly linns res peotlvely. The buyer Is the Hollywood Hotel ami Cottage Company, subsidiary of the Adams Express Company, which gives In part payment propel ty at West Knd, N. J., consisting of thirty-four parcels In the Hollywood Park section and about sixty acres lying between Hollywood Lako and Park avenue, and Including four modern cottages recently erected by the selllnt company. The Manhattan structure, which was erected about tfn years ago. was held at $300,000 and the suburban property at $30(1,000. le Selillng Profilers and Henry M. Fitch were the brokers. I'l'TOttX IIWKI.MMi MO I. II. WEST 13UTH STIUSKT Annie Levy has sold SOS West IJ'.Uh strret. a three story mid basement dwelling, on lot 1 'J v li :. 1 1 . to Sumcrvlllc 4- Somervllle. who gave In exchange twenty lots nt Atvernc. I., I located on Adah and Kate avenue", between Seavlcw avenue mid Jamaica Itav ; and also a dwelling mi Forty-ninth street. Brooklyn. Isaac Marshall wan the broker. WEST 4STH STREET Martin A Schmonses have obl for Henry Meyer, as executor of the Henty Tweltman es tate, 43,4 West Porty-flfth strret. a four story tenement on lot 25x100.5. nt'lMIKIl .SKI. I.N IIIIO.N.Y I I. AT. WARM ION AVKNL'K. Itlchard 11. Scoble has sold for the P. J. Dwyer Building Company. 1S31 Marmlon ave nue, it live story lint, on plot 50x147, located about 140 fet -outli of 1 "6th street. t THinD A VKNl.'K. Richard If. Scoble has sold for Susie 15. I'lser. 3394 and 3396 Third avenue, two three story brick bouses with stores, on n plot with front ages of 50 feet on Thlid avenue, 121 feet on the south side, 141 feet on the north hide and 54 feet on Franklin avenue. FRANKLIN AVENl'.K. Hlchnrd H. Scoble has sold for Susie K. l'ler the three story frame bulldlnc at 1UJ3 Franklin avenue. , THIRD AVKNUK.--ltlch.ird II. Scoble has told fur Susie K. I'lser, 3351 Third avenue, a two story brick building with store on lot 23x6s, near 165th street. FOREST AVKNL'K. K. Hreunlc has sold for KlUaboih Snell Roifus to Jennie I.atlook, Forest avenue, a three tory frame dwelling on lot 23x100, ad Joining the southeast corner of 161st street. nitOOKI.Y.V LOT I.K. Frank A. Seaver k. Co. have sold for It. P. Parker a lot 20x100, on the west Ide of Third avenue, 90 feet north of Bay Itldge. avenue. The buyer will erect a tore building for his own use. BltOKAW IIL'VN I.. I. FA II M, E. S. Wlllard & Co. have sold for Mrs. John T. Atterbury her property, consist ing of about 100 acres at Hrookvllle. L. I near the Piping Rock Club, to Howard C. Hrokaw. M:VAUIv UWKI.LI.NU SAI.KM, Feist & Feist have sold for Henry U Ilaunian of Manhattan, to Littleton Kirk Patrick, 623 to S37 Mount Prospect uve nue. Nawurk, N. J., elsht two story divelilngs.'nlth stores, on plot 160x53x Ir regular, at the southeast comer of Coey man street ; alo .old for Mr. Bauman to Louts Kolm 273 and 270 Woodslde ave nue, two two and one-half story two family duellings, each on plot 30x123. CITY DWELLINGS HUNTED, The Duros Company lias leased for Arthur S. Wootton the three story dwel llns nt 318 West Nlnotecnth street to Marie P. Nogues. HISINKXS PIIUPKRTV LEASES. Tho Uuross Company has leased the two story building, at 626 and 628 West Twenty-fourth street to the Oliver Water Fl.ters Company for five years; alio the threo story frame building at 98 Tenth avenue to Cornelius J. Sullivan for twenty-one years at nil aggregate net rental of t Su.OOO ; also the five story front and rutr buildings nt 135 Ninth avenue to John IV .Marco, and the eleventh loft In the Uradstreet HuildlntT at the north pit corner of Lafayette and Howard sticets to the Reynolds. Printing Com pany, Daniel UlrUsall & Co. havo leased the. store and basement at 431 to 438 Broad way for a term of years at an aggregate rental of about $60,000 to T. W. 4 C. B. Sheridan Company, dealers In printers' and bookbinders' machinery, Trho for many years havo been located at Duana and Kim streets. W. J, Houston & Son have leased to the Hamilton Cream Company the three story building 620-622 West 131st street for a term of ten years at an aggregate rental of Kli.OOO. The F. R. Wood, W. H. Dolson Com pany has leased spare In 1182 Broad wiiv to the Wilson Manufacturing Com pany; also a loft In 37 West Thirty sixth strret to the Florence Ostrich Feather Company, and the second floor In 64 West Forty-sixth street to the lllue Hlnl tea room. The M. Rosenthal Company has leased the sixth loft In 16-20 West Thirty-second street to the Mutual Garment Company. lllclrmnn Co. have leased space In 27-2lt West fourth street to Michael Kramer . also spaco In 123-123 Wrecker strict, corner Wooster street, to tho Manhattan Handrau Company, and space In JI-.'iO llleccker Htrea. corner Lafayette btrcel, to the Umpire Hat Company. mm: iiho.vx plats flanxkd. John 11, Friend, architect, has filed plans for threw six story brick tenement bouses, IUC6.S and 43x66.8, an the west klde of Webster avenue, 1,670.6 tact north or 1 6 s tit struct, for Ludwls Rlkora, at a total cost of $125,000. Frederick Jaeger lias filed plans for a five story brick tene ment house, 116.1x73,5, on the southwest corner of Bokcnbcl avenuo and Shake spean avenuo, for the- ollscobel Building Company, Henry (lumllach, president, at n cost of $ 15,000, Liirhiti Vlsclntta hits filed plans for !h six story brick tene ment bouses, 40x90, on the meat side of Prospect axenuii from 166th to 167th streets for tho Angel Construction Com pany, Carmine Clotll, president, nt a total tost of $220,000 ; and Robert K. La Velio bus tiled plans for a two story brick nlco lctte tind store, 112.3x100, on the east sirs of Southern boulovard, 25 feet south of .!cnnlnK street for Mondschclm & Co., at tuU of :mi, , Florham l'ark, the country home Ur. Le-ille 1. Ward. Ilrst vlcc-prcsldit, l of the Prudential Life Insurance Com pany, near Madison, X. .1 , which wis boiiKlit about two vuM'kw UK" I'.v How ard Coin of St. Loin?, Is tho second flno New .ler.iey country pl.icc sold to Westernerj" last month nt bargain coun ter prices. The- other properly I the estate of Albert Freeman at Itamsey, In the Kamiiio Mountain.", a develop ment of 200 ncre.i and many line bulld Ihrs. which rust upward of $S0H,0U0, which was fold a few days nuo for $123, 000 to a limn who balls from the West. Klorhum Park, a I.iruer property and In the opinion of many h finer estate, was boucht by Mr. Cole for I200.0UU, which a llfth of the cost of develop Inp the RnniiuN. not to speak of the structural Improvements which, with furnlshlnns, cost another $1,000,ii0. The purk contains til" ucrw, midway between Afton and East Madison, and In ono of the show places of New Jer sey, which N rich In fine country homes, especially In the region of which Mudlson Is part. It took years to bring the Ward property 4 to Its present state of hlirh development anJ BING & BING IN BROOKLYN. Manhattan tlallilcrs to Kreel Apart ments In llrlsjhts Section. Ring & Ring, whose names always have been associated with high cla.".i apartments and commercial structures In Manhattan, have departed from their accustomed Meld and arc about to under take a building operation in Brooklyn, They purchased the site yesterday for two ftnu apartment houses which will cost in the neighborhood of 1600,000. The pioperty Is on the north side of rmerhorn street near Clinton street Schermerhorn and runs through the block to Living ston street. It Is In the Heights section. and was sold to the builders by the Realty Associates. Tho frontage Is 63 feet on Schermerhorn street und !i0 feet on Livingston street. Leo Ring said yesterday that his con cern will erect two six story elevator apartments, one to be pf small suites of threo and four rooms und tho other to be of apartments of ten rooms und three baths. Uoth houses will be ready for fall occupancy. Tho entering of the Brooklyn Held by Blng & Blng Is one of the most notable occurrences thero for manv months. Other Manhattan builders have been operating In that borough for some time, but none so well known as this ilrm. Howard C. Pyle Real Estate Company negotiated the transaction. ; WESTCKESTER REALTY ACTIVE. 1 91,000,000 Worth uf Land Sold hf . One Compan) Outlook (iood. I Reports of sales for 1913 mjii through ono offlco dealing In Westches. I Westchester had un actlvo market. I Robert K. Farley, president of the Gedney Knrm Company, Bcarsdale Ks tatea, and tho Westchester Land Kx change, reports that closo to $1,00,000 worth of Westchester property was sold through his offices during the year, This IneliiileH nenrlc ?.'i0.000 111 sales 111 tho new development of (ledney Form nndMo,'" ur'' dwellings for ono family aunroxlmately $400,000 in tho Scars-' ,,'ich. The operations will cost $80,000, dale Estates. At Scarsdale many nflLnni houso will bo 20x13 feel. Five thoso who bought during the year have made Improvements. In (Jreenacres alono $200,000 worth of dwellings have been built iluilug tho year. Mr. Farley In speaking of the look for Westchester real estate sold that In view of tho good showing dur ing tho past year he feels conlldent that 1914 will surpass 1013. Ho bases his views on Iho fact Hint many fami lies In New York aro awakening to the benefits of country living. Thousands of pijnplo are seeking Informiilloii on the point und It was to furnish Ihls information Hint the Country Llfn Per manent Exhibition was established In the Orand Central Terminal. 92:1,000 i:st sum: waiuiiiodsk. Plans' hao been filed by Frank H. Qulnby, architect, for a live story ware house on the southwest corner of Cherry ktreet and Must street, fronting 100 feet on each street, Kdlth M. K. Wetmore of waemiiKinn, w. i .. i m n i""i... The Fidelity WHi rhouse Company Is the lessee, The cost has bpen fslhualeil at $25,000. HltlHIKI.VV MOVIi: I'LA.VYKII. A ono story motion picture theatre, to cost $9,000, Is to be erected In the Flat bush section of Coney Island avenue on a lot 34x00 feet. Thomas .1, Cox of 2025 Kast Sixteenth street la the owner and James A, Boyle of 367 Fulton street, Rrool.lyti, Ihu architect. 1 1 naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal lWMi1LIIIIIIIIIIIIIH money was spent lavishly In nttalnlng1 the amhltlon of the owner, which was that his home should be tho equal of any, not only In New Jersey but in other States In the country In a measure he succeeded in his ambition for Florlium Park Is an Ideal country home, containing everything that will BROOKLYN MARKET SLOW. lIolliln llrliiit I.IkIiI TraUlnii I'lnns for tr llntldliiB. Transactions of any consequence ne gotiated In Brooklyn during the past week were those In which skilled op erators or far sighted builders par ticipated. Purchases for development was the principal feature of the news of the Week. A big corner plot ad jacent to the borough lino at Ridge wood, on which stands an old mansion, was purchased for Improvement with j j apartments of the two story and store. type, a class of buildings which the I buyers, Meruk May, haxe found easy j to dispose of In this section. The prop erty has a frontage of 100 feet on For est avenue and 125 feet on MadNon street. This parcel Is not a great dls-1 tance from that where the Ring Gib son Company Is to erect thirty-eight four story brick tenements at a cost of $161,000. Home of the tenements will be erected on Madison street cast of Fresh Pond road. In the Borough Park section a semi suburban territory, a whole block front on Fifteenth avonuo between Thirty eighth nnd Thirty-ninth streets Is to be improved with flvo high class apart ments by the Sherman Holding Com pany. Maxwell A. Cantor Is now pre paring plans for the structures. On a i nearby plot, 100x160 feet, on Klghty- ttrstt strpct near Fifth nvenuo Kdward Kd wards will erect eight ono funilly dwellings. A striking fcatute among the sales itf 1 in tlll n iu riiimplA.1 ii'.iu .1,.. if fouP Mory ,)rloU ,,.m.lm,llU ul ,09f ni um , 5 g , , , or, T. HIegel, bought the property from hlrls ,v Mamnaii, operators. Two family dwellings wero most prominent among the plans filed for new buildings. Tho plot on Parksldo avenuo recently sold to 13, H. Bishop & Sons Is to Ik- Improved with ten two threo story brick stores and dwellings aro to be erected on .Seventy-sixth street nt tho northwest corner of Fifth avenuo at a cost of $25,000. The build- Out-lings will each rover a silo 2tx60 feet. Another 'nuilding of similar construe tlou will be creeled on Fifty-fifth street east of Fifth avenue, nt a cost of $20, 000, which will be four stories high and situated on a plot lOxSS feet. 69 NEW QUEENS BUILDINGS. Plana Piled Lost Work Show To In I Coal of anil 1,1100. With actlvo building operations nt this hcuson in Queens the outlook was never more encouraging than at pres ent. Superintendent John W. Monro has not as yet compiled the figures for tlm year, but estimates makn It appear that the totals will be less than In 1912. but tho decrease will bo less than In any oti,rr borough In tho cltv '"I " 1 'r " , , ' , The last weekN operations went over tho half million mark. There wero slsty-nlno applications for new build ings of an estimated cost of $56-1,162. An up to dote moving picture theatre Is to be built In Collegn Point, It will bo located at Thirteenth street and Fourth nvenue. Tho theatro will lm built by Paul Besslo nt n cost of $10,000 and will be of brick, ono nnd two stories, In the Long Islam City npnrtmcnt m mxst , house district Angelo Capone will con tinue a development by the erection of a number of three story tenement hotiM'S on Potter avenue, near Theodore street, nt a cost of $5,600 each, Charles Sohl will erect seven two story frame dwellings on Thrall avenue, north of Fulton street, Woodhaven, at a cost of $14,000. Activity in the Rockaways continues. At present, there Is more building pro portionately In the Fifth ward than in any other section of tho borough. Among the permits usked for this week were those of John H, Naiighton to erect a number of two and a half story frame ninu- cmtimvii of p-Wnl iIosIrii mi. b.B It. M. Kli-enberg will erect a three story I Rock R. M. Kls-enburg brick hotel on Wave Ciest avenue at the corner of Watjean court, at a cost of $30,000. The T. A. O'ltourke Com pany will continue lis bungalow de velopment by the erection of twenty live on'e story frame dwellings on Thetis iivenue, south of tho Rockawny Reach rioiilevaid at Ituckawny Beach, at a cost of $350 each. BIG DEALS IN QUEENS. More Thnu 7..0,OOII Itrprrsrlilnl In I'roprrllca nld l.nat Week. Activity that Jinn marked real estate operations in Queens dining tho last year was continued In tho final week, during which thcro were a number of important transfers, more than three quarters of a million dollars being rep resented in the sales, ltulhtlng develop ment this year is anticipated on nearly "'one l!!fZZ del of tho year wns made In the Corona section, where at Corona Park, which Is to derive tlin bcnellt of one of tho exteiiilons of the dual subwny system In Queens. 1", lie Mass Slmousou sold to tho Knvlrnus Realty Company a total of seventy-live lots for about $60,000. The lots nro scattered through n section bounded by Corona nvenue. Dock nnd Mill streets and tho Flushing; branch of tho Long Island railroad. Tho purchasers will now stnrt the erection of one and two family houses. SlMy-ono and a half ncres at Floral Park, lying partly In the Third ward of Queens and partly In Nassau county, with a frontage of 1,632 feet on Little Neck and Floral Park road and extend ing lo the estate of William If. Vnnder bllt, Jr., wero sold by James .1, Fine of Providence, It, ! nt u reported figure of $110,000, to the New York Associates. The Ktiiyvesant Really Company sold to the Akron Tire Company, a plot con taining 17,3i square feet, with a front ago of 217 -feet on the south sldu of Slillliiiau nvenue and forly-threo feet on tho east side of Moore street, This plot Is luiim-il'intcly adjacent to the new freight yards which are to be con structed by the Long Island and Penn sylvania railroads In connection with tho Xe.w York Connecting Railroad. Pinna nro being piepnred by tho pur chasing company for a big factory building. Tho prlco paid for tho plot was $10,500. The Normal Lund Company took title, to twenty lots In the vicinity of tho Ja maica. Normal Hchool, west' of Flushing avenue, cast of Orchard street and south of Ocean View avenue, from Oeorgp C. Iluecher for $17,500. This property has been taken for tho erection of dwellings. Mnurlco 13, Colin purchased a tri angular plot nt llayswnter In tho Rocka wny section, with a frontage of 426 feet on tho north side of Westbourne nvenuo east of Kensington Hardens, The re ported price Is $35,000. add to the beauty of the tilace. and comforts Besides the tesldcntla: b i.Idings there ! i.r..u,i.l houses, lodge-, elo'ik tower, cottages for the superintendent of the place, the chauffeurs and others employed nt Florham l'ark. Then there Is a pic-1 WILL MAKE TRAVEL EASY. .New I.. I. It. II. rrtloii to ( tinned Almotl I ll.lMIO.OIIO In tlulldins With Mlrlnway Tunnel anil nhn. l)ieralliin I'lnnneil In 12 .Mantua. Within sixty days the new Mnt'on of I Newauk, N. .1., Jan. 3. History was the Long Island Railroad tit Fourt'i and made In the building operations In New Van Alst avenues. Long If'.and City. 'ark during the year Just closed, when will be completed, according to a -tate. more than 3,to0 permits were issued for ment made by an olllclal of the com-' new structtiies, representing an estl pany to John Adlkes. chairman of the '. mated aegtegate outlay of $15,901,173. transit committee of the Chamber t This l the largest amount of money Commerce, last week. The station will ! ever spent on buildings in this city In be nt the mouth of the Stelnwny tunnel ""V one year, the best previous high flu work will 1' started Ji't ns .turn construction of tho connection, bctwten the bridge plaz Matbm In Long Island city and the recontructlon of the Stclnway tunnel bae priicrest-rd to the extent of warranting the ilxlnc of a time for tnr inauguration of the service In the tunnel. The railroad com pany some time ago nunouueed that It would plan to operate a service that will give It patrons, connection with the Manhattan subway s stent through the Stelnway tunnel. Tills will be one of the most Important services on the Long Island and the entire district between Jamaica and Long Is- i ,ani) t-lty The .Manhattan and (iueens Traction Company, which operates the line now extended on Thompson avenue- and Hofi'- ui'in boulevaid to Jamaica, announced that beginning February 1 It would In augurate through service. 'GOOD YEAR AT MOUNTAIN LAKES. li'JO.IMIO Worth of llurlliiiK and llnlldlliic Mies Vn olil. The year Just closed was the best In the three years hKtory of Mountain Uikes Residential Park, near lloontnn, N. J. During the year $620,000 worth of property was sold. This Included llfty-seven dwellings and twenty-six plots which will be Imptoxed with homes during the current year. Since the Inception of tho colony In 1010 $1. 535,280 worth of houses ami building sites was sold. Altogether Mountnln Lakes has 200 dwellings nnd a population of 1,200, Boontou, which Is fifty years old, has 5,000, During the rnr. besides the building of more than u half bundled homes, six stores were built for the convenience) of tho residents of the park, a $60,000 railroad station was erected nnd two churches are now under construction, WESTCHESTER ESTATE SALES. crrl lluy Plots at llnrlailnle anil (irdney l-'nrnia, Tho Scarsdulo Estates has sold to Dr. Ralph H. Ryan of Hcnrsdalo n plot opposite tho Country Tennis Huh ut Ilartsdale, and Eugeno J, Lnmr has been retained as architect to design a $10,000 residence, Tho same iiehlteet Is preparing plans for n residence at J Murray tun, ono or tne properties of tho Scarsdale Estates, to cost in the neighborhood of $12,000, The (ledney Forms Company has sold at (ledney Farms, upposlto the new hotel, two plots to C.eorge A. ami Johrt A. Thompson. Robert L. Ktlllson, Jr., bought a plot In the same locality, and on Rldgeway, near the Oedney Farms Country Club, n corner plot of one third of nn ncre hns been sold lo Charles Long, Lookinq .South from' Tower iz? iiresiUe lake, with Islands spanned by 'i rtifti" i-ridgra -,vh! h Wirt matin to harmonize w.thMhc scenery. The resi dence Is a large stone building that would be able to withstand a siege. It stands on u knoll, tho highest to bo found In Hie (i2 acres In the pari;. It has thirty rooms and every convenience that modem builders can supply. Near by are the greenhouses which are reproduced above. Thev alone cost a small fortune. Near the entrance to th paik Is the clock tower, a shaft of lirn k and Indiana llmestotio which towrrs over everything In that part of tho estate. Well up toward the top are clinks which face to the nnith, siiu'h. east and west. Life and bul nes of the country for mile about are regulated by these clocks, for watches and clocks In tho many homes in and about .Madison are set by tho tower clocks. Just above the clocks Is mi open observatniy. Over that H an pip loncd compartment topped with a round cap like un Inverted bowl. Out of that is a tall flagstaff. All roads in the estate, lead to the tower. There are seven principal road4 In the park and as many more by paths leading Into every nook and corner of tho woodlands and gardens. The prop- erty wus bought by Mr. Cole n few days before Christmas through the I'l- ilcllly Trust company or .Newarit. .Mr, Cole will make It his home. NEWARK'S RECORD YEAR. mark having been made in l'.iO'.i, when ' l"Hit $14,000,000 un rNpomlod in a ' m.lldlng om. The giand ,,, for 1,12 was $ 1 1 ...JS.3..S. m,e than $...0UI',000 less than the outlay of Mm year. The department also handled dure on to $3,000,000 noitli of building plans during the month of liecember, which eMabllsln's another record. According to statistics compiled by Superintendent of Buildings William P. H'Rotirke there was a gala of about 30 per cent. In the building operations in Newark last ear, while most of the largest cities of the country wero showing a decline In the building market. The new ordinance extending the lire j limits on frame buildings, which covers practically the entire city, went into effect Thursday. It was on account of this ihat there was such a big rush for j permits during December. About 500 pel mils were granted last month, more than oue-tliliil of which weie taken out during the last week of the yrur. Permits for lhirty-thie three story frame thiee famllv hone weie taken out by the I'nlon Uiuldiir Company to be erected In different sections of the city at n cost of $200,000. Fifteen of the dwellings ate to be built ut 'i'.'ti to 72S Mount Prospci't incline, in tho exclusive Forest Hill seel Ion. leiiesentlrm an ex pendltllie of $00,000. About ''O.OOO Will be spent on thirteen houses In Seymour nvenue, Rose terrace and South Tenth street, while $20,000 mole will bo hpent on fio other houses In Avon avenue and Rose tetnice, Andrew lUnlel of Bridgeport Isanolher heavy Investor In the frame buildings. He has been granted fnrly-slv. permits for buildings, on which he Is going" to spend about $170,000. Thirty-two of the buildings are to be two and one-half story single family houses In South Fif teenth street and Fourteenth avenue, which will mean an outlay of $I2S,000. while fourteen other houses for three and five families In South Thirteenth and South Fourteenth striets nnd Four teenth avenue will mean an additional output of $61,000. About $iill,(i00 will be involved In eight llirco family houses In Eighteenth and Nineteenth iiwiiuos which nro to bo built for the (irnlnn liiwslmcnt Com- pan and Matthias Hlltgcu. Milton M. L ncer is to build fourteen thiee store frame houses In South Sixteenth street between Eighteenth nml Nineteenth avenues ut a cost of $63, 000, while the Ciunrantee l.ind nnd Improvement Company Is going to build five three story fiame Iioihoh, with stores on the giouiul floor, at an expenditure of $42,iioil. Min i Is Racliliu is building a row of live three story frame houses In Soul Ji Tenth street, Third sticrt anil Rank street to cost 3u,o00. Samuel Kufclorf will build five more three story frame houses In Fifteenth nvenuo und South Tenth street that will cost $25,000, Chnrles II. Wang, Louis Simon and Mer man nnd Minnie Horn arc building twelve three story frame houses In Six teenth nvenue, South Thirteenth nnd South Nineteenth si reels which will cot $i;6.iini) I Br liAl'ltRXCn M. I. MrGBIftK. PrraMrnt the- Ileal Ratatr Board af Mew York. The Real Estate Board of New York through lis nctlve membership of 200, i which Is the limit under Its constitution, and Its aa'soclnte membership, repre sents In money morn- property than nny other organisation in thla city. One of Its nctlve members has tho entlro man agement of mora than $70,000,000 of Borough of Manhattan Improved prop erty. In Its associate, membership it has some of the largest Individual prop erty owners. Ono of tho purpose of the board 1st to bring In closo touch and harmony the professional real estate man and the property owner for their mutual advantage. In order to work to n successful end there must be honest cooperation. Their Intercstfl must need He Hlong the same lines. Tho board !n broadening its scopo nnd creating Its associate membership had for Its object the forming of one largo central body to represent real estate in Its broader sense. It has not nnd never will have special Interests to serve: It has nn surplus or capital upon which It will be expected to pay dividends. It will never be usrt by one or a combination of individual for selfish purposes. It Is governed by a constitution which makes this Impos sible. Tho board Is equipping Itself t right the Just battle of the III used and abued property owner. Through l1 legislation and taxation committees and Its sub-committees it w.ll watch care fully proposed legislation nt Albany, ' will not only oppose, it will create. It will be in close touch with tho Board of Estimate and Apportionment and In doings nnd will through Its sub-coin mltte.j lie alive to all that Is pcnibnc the Hoard of Aldermen. When an unjust or Illegal or.h r Issued by any department the Rl Estate Board propose to (tilt t -(lf i position to combat such un older wi'h all its organized strength. While rnak Ing rapid strides, the board N onc!oix of (he fact that nil It work mu. ' necessity be carefully planned and c cuted. Knowing we are lo be Judi; by what we accomplish, c are c u tented to wait. In tho Interim we VuiiiL the real estate inletests ef tho State of New York to know (here Is one orgai. zatlou which has for its mala object 'h conserving of the Intcri-M of all t' property owners, the ndvanceni. r.t i f general real estate and the establishing of confidence in those who would pur chase. The bontd's mortgape loans comml't' " lifts been hard nt work nnd will short'v in esent what lt promised to be an Inter esting report. The stock list commlttei will shortly have recommendations t make which will be of great Interest t all real estate investors. The Industrie and building code committee Is mni ping out a plan of campaign never I" fore attempted by any organization, an ' In thl part of its wotk Is being a di by the legislation and taxation com nilttee. i ine needs but study tile make of these committees to discover the efficiency and feel satisfied that i s portion of the board's work is n excellent Hnd competent hands Tin members of these committees are en thiislastic hard workers and all peop Interested 111 teal estate will, I beliex realise shortly that the Real Esta' Hoard of New York is nn orgnnlzaiii which Is equipped and capable of ivp! editing real estate in its broadest sen-. The executive committee of the bo. . I really Its 200 active members, rcpi settling the highest type of professn real estate men. who by reason of the calling are In touch with the real cs'a situation In Its every phase from day day, and this will be accounted mnln reason for Its miccess, urgnn Hons have come nnd gone, tho 1 their executive committees, who a spare moment or two occasiona'H ' what nt the time appeared in in, need. In the Real Estate Board a the buslnes time of the active nu in Is given up to real atale. There i not poxslhly bo a better combination producing lesults than professional ' estate men nnd property ownei PUSHING QUEENS TRANSIT lilrtalcil Itonil nml Slelntras Tun nel ,imt In He Joined, Within a month work on the uectliig link between the mouth Ptelnway tunnel In Long Island and the Quecnsboro Bridge plaza w begin. Surveys were started last w by engineers In the employ of the l' non Contracting Company to locale ' lines upon which operations will be rlcd on for the construction of the ' Those In charge of the work say ' will be llnlshed within a year. With the awarding of tho coutr ' the work In the sum of $577.77 fourth section of the dual transit l i Queens has been contracted for U Is now progressing on the sjeconii nue and the Roosevelt avenue i sinus of the route and the work connection between these two 1.' the bridge plaza station W to 1 plelcd within a mouth. Tho i" matnliig section to be contrail- Is the alteration of the Stelnwiu proper. Plans lire now being pr for tills and the contincls will as soon as they are HuMicd Tho line upon which woil, vv..l be stalled will extend from tin of the tunnel at Fourth Mi- Yau Alst avenue, nnd will '. along Van Alst avciup v street. It will rlien fijjlow v street across the freight .Mini Lung Island Railroad. (irr.osiiuiio iiiiiuiii: tuvi Increase In the niunl', i crossing the Queensboro IbalK. b"l 2'.i. I!il3. over those ci..,. tober 24. I!'12, was 22.231 cent. The number of vein- w on these two ilas. a tcir 'pn.' creased from 3. till to li.'itil or cent This Is very Interestine ' the fact that under the pin Bridge Department fur - Rapid Transit train" m m . horn Bridge the prese'ii ' of 53 feel w JI be nan- .u i fret in width