Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER FORECAST. -aassmaaaw Cm4 ijllMMfc mZfi v jJjBBHffBBBfl. M aaH, tilt. Fair to-oiy antato morrow; rising tire. .1 be found on page 13. t)etalled VOL. LXXXI.-NO. 193. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. CopirrijUt, HI, by ( Sun Prtnflno and PublisMno Amotion. TWO CENTS. sjtssaWrdJ ' W PRICE WIDENER SEEKS WALLACE ART Collector Safd to Be Ne gotiating for Part of Collection in Paris. ITS VALUE IS $,000,000 Property of Lady Sackville West, Who Won Sensa tional Will Suit. LITTLE KNOWN TO TUBLIC Report Collection Contains Ronchers, Lnncrcls and Tlomlon Busts. or romantic! histories are attached. One of Its chief glories Is Its Van Dyck room with the three portraits from tho Cattaneo collection of Genoa, which were smuggled out of Italy about five years ago In spite of the Italian law against the exportation of paintings of this character. The Cattaneo family U one of the oldest Genoese houses and had owned seven Van Dycks for several centuries, but they had almost been forgotten by all but their owners, as the Cattaneo family had successfully prevented the Government agent from entering the palace, and the works wero not upon the official list When the 'sale of the seven Van Dycks became known the Count dal Verme strenuously denied that tie had done any thing; Illegal and explained that his family had not sold the pictures out of Italy, but to a dealer of Kerrnra, and besides the pictures were not on the Government roll. Important as are Mr. Wdener's Van Dycks the knowledge that his collection boasted the possession of 'The Mill." Rembrandt's famous landscape, created even nioro discussion when the now leak-! out. especially as, the price of It was known to havo been In excess of 1500.000. It had been for 100 years In the porsseaslon of Lord Lanndowne's fam ily, a former Lord Lansdowne having bought It from the Due d'Orleans collec tion, It was said, for 14,000. Itefore the sale of the picture an option had boen given to the trustees of the National Gallery In London and n subscription fund was started to keen 'Tho Mill" from , coming to the United States, but when i. i . 11. t . i . , i . i itnio itutii iifvu -jbJirvii 11 v rvs iuuiiu that only $89,240 had been contributed. I There have been some differences of opin ion In regard to "The Milt," but tho ud mlrens of the painting eny It Is as much ' a mnslernlece us Ilembrnndt'fl celebrated "Night Watch." Just ,a short time ago cablegrams told of still another sensational Wldener pur chase, a Raphael, at a price of ITOV.UVO. It proved to bo the famous Cowper Madonna, which had been acquired by the BLAKESLEE'S WIDOW MAY LOSE ESTATE Can't Find Reciprocal Will Art Dealer Supposedly Had Drawn. AMOUNT NOW UNCERTAIN Attorney Says Amonnt to Be Di vided Will Depend Upon Sale of Art. Special CitU Dtipatch to Tne Sen. Paris, March 11. Negotiations for the sale to P. A. H. Wldener of Philadelphia sf the remnant of the famous Wallace col- fcctlon remaining In Paris have reached Cowper fam.. of er.fordl(hVr En,,anJ. n advanced stage. The price Is under- j In 1780, when the third Karl Cowper, who rtood to be 20.000.000 franc. (,4.000.000). ! bael'ln Flor'- Thee works of art are part of the ence when the artist was 22 eam old will under which tho one who survived collection left to Lady Sackvllle-West by ,rBm 11 P"" s cnarac- , terlstlc t)po, young, mild and beautiful, the late Sir John Murray Scott, whose Tne Wdener collection boasts also a Theron Davis of 170 Broadway, who was for many years attorney for Theron J. Blakeslee. the art dealer and critic who committed suicide by shooting himself last Saturday afternoon at his gallery nt 665 Fifth avenue, said yesterday that al though careful search had been made In tho galleries' for a will which It was be lieved Mr. Illakesleo had made none has been found. Accordingly the widow, Mrs. Clara Illakeslec, will make application In tho Surrogate's olllco In a day or so to be ap pointed administratrix on tho ground that her husband left no will. She will ask, that another person be appointed with her. Tho failure to find u will was n surprise I to the widow and Mr. Wake's attorney. It was said yesterday. For some years Mrs. Illakeslec had urged hor husband to Join with her In executing a mutual BRYAN 18 SHOCKED SPEECHLESS ON WIRE 1 But He Knew Wilson Would Not Be Guilty of Such Language. Washinotok, March 11. Borne of the disadvantages and dangers which beset the existence of Cabinet officers In Wash ington aro shown In an experience of tho Secretary of State : Mr. Bryan, hearing a voice on the wire after his call of a downtown office: "This Is Secretary of State Bryan." Voice In surprise and Indignation: "The hell It III" Secretary of State, also surprised and speechless for a few seconds, sputtered: "Who Is this speaklngr Voice, triumphantly: "President Wil son." And before the Secretary could speak further there was a click as the receiver wan hung up at the other end. Mr. Hrynn then again called up the of flee with which he wished to speak and, though "at first rather nngry, wns con vinced that central must have given him the wrong number and that the person with whom he had the brief conversi- LEADERS OF I. W.W. FIFTH AYE. GUESTS Mingle With Men and Women in Evening ClothcBMt Mrs. Dodge's House. ARMY NOT SO WELL OFF SKYSCRAPER INSTEAD OF BROADWAY 'TOWER' Sleep on University Settlement Benches Pay for Their Own Scanty Supper. The Idle I. W. W. brethren slept on benches last night at the University Settlement after munching bread and drinking coffee that they had to buy themselves, while their leaders were en tertained In Fifth avenue. At tho home of Mrs. Mabel Dodge, on the third floor of 21 Flfthavenue.twostorles nlwve Gen. Daniel Slckles's rooms and ono tlon must have thought some one was Moor below the apartment that former trying to play a Joke on him. Heidelberg Buildfng in Control of Men Who Plan New Structure. Interests Identified with the Fitzgerald Building at the southeast corner of Broad way and Forty-third street purchased at auction yesterday the entire capital stock and bonds of the Oodatr-Wtmmer Build ing Company, owners of the Heidelberg Towor, occupying the property on the south side of Forty-second street between iiroaaway ami oevenin avenue. auct the sale the Buyers unnounccti mat mey would carry out the original plans of the building prepared by Henry Ives Cobb, which call for a thirty story structure. When the building was sturted In 1909 It had reached the seventh story when the builders conceived tho Idea of stop ping It there Hnd erecting on top of It a great tower to be used for electric display signs. Tho venture was not a success. Nearby property owners raised objections to the building, which they culled a mon strosity. The result was that the prop erty passed from one concern to another. The building stands on the slt of the old Hotel Mctropole. on land owned by the BOTH SIEGEL AND VOGEL INDICTED Three True Bills Found Many Expected to Follow. SECRETARIES CONFESS MOON MODESTLY IN , Governor William Pulxer hired a few weeks I Co estate. The plot wus leased from thu ago. Big Kill Haywood. Frank Strong estate by the C. L. Gray Construction Stores Always Losing, but They Were Ordered to Show Profit. SIEGEL IS ALMOST MOBBED Hamilton. Frank Tamienbnum's successor i Company, the builders of the tower. as leader of the army, and other leaders I discussed social problems with their irtll led to the remarkable legal contest, nno r.l Greco, specimens of Hal. Purer. .uennin?, verontse, vvntieuu, jan meen. Gainsborough. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Horn- I Mi 1 'aaaaaaaaaaaW saw saggggwvrwg(g(M aaaaaai gsgsgsgsgsKijJtgsgsgtH 1 1 ' P. A. C. VICener. would have thu property of both. Mrs. Blakeslee believed that her husband would do so, and when he killed himself before making such a will she thourht (hit he ",b D.-nS2.rt-. v,c.!.aTer' Hobbemo.iha(1 Ieft an njcpcndent will In her favor. Mr. Blakeslee had no safe deposit box ney Hogarth and r tPttMto She did welcomed by Dr. 1 works by the Greatest of the modern ' 'ar as nls wlfo and business associate , ., . . . I h.n.i ,ur ti...v schools. knew, and the only place searched for a 11 moiI",l'' unur a KttUl- vel1 ot mM' "krr- ,1,lK will has been the art gallery. ' " I That I. why it cannot be considered on benches and CURTISS-WRIGHT AERO SETTLEMENT IS NEAR SHADOW OF EARTH ' ' "mk'r ! "" J The latter were mostly In evening drco and the I, W. W. people In sweaters niid .... , i, ,r. less elegant garments, but all seemed to Hides in GaHZy VCll Of SllSt, nS be having an Interesting time. News of the gathering in Mrs. Dodge's home was brought to Bulgers Square, where the unemployed were shivering In the wind while debuting wiiero to sleep for the night. Our esteemed satellite, the moon, almost The army tn.irched In disorderly array completely Immersed herself In the I to the Settlement House, where there were oobins unman, the disposed themselves their buttle 'hjmti: Scheduled Eclipse Takes Flacc. ASTOR WEDDING APRIL 30. AcroplaneMaker Willing to Pay Reason able License Fee. A settlement of the difficulties between Orvllle Wright and Glenn II. Curtlss Is pending whereby Mr. Curtlss hopes he will bo allowed to continue the manufacture of aeroplanes and flying boat by pay., Ins; a, reasonable rdyalty to Mr. Wright, according to Information which came to Tim Bun last night. Alpheus Barnes, secretary of the Wright company, whose office la M 11 Pine street, this city, has gone to Dayton to confer with Orvllle Wright on the patent situa tion, and an adjustment w'th the Curtlss company Is expected dally. Several tele grams a day relative to the granting of royalties are paas'ng between Mr. Wright and the Curtlss company nt Hammonds port, according to Tin Sun's Informant. Orvllle Wright recently told a Sun In London last year. Lady Sa'.'kvllle-West I man that he was willing to make a settle- "'suing the verdict" against tho heirs of 1 ment with Mr. Curtlss on the same basis the tfstator By this verdict Lady Hack- as with other aeroplane manufacturers, vllle-Weat entered Into possession of the ' notwithstanding that Mr. Curtlss was u van art collection, valued at more than j defendant In the recent patent litigation IIO.OC'0.000, which Is now at Knolo l'arX.and a feeling of animosity has long ex Sevenoaks, Kent, the country home of i isted between them. Biron Saekvllle. When Kir Itlchard Wallace, a member on the dlktart side of the Hertford family, died In U90 he left his great art collec tions In England and Frame to his widow, lnttructlng her to transfer or bequeath them to the nation. Sir John Murray Scott, who had long been his companion ind confidential agent, was to be the manager of the estate and to him Lady Wallace. In her will, left the bulk of the family fortune. The greater part of the art trr.isures now form the famous Wal lace collection In Hertford House, London, B propei ty of the, British nation. Iirmarea Moved to Paris. ' Sir nicnard Wallace, who spent the Teatei p,u; of his life In Barls, held utrnslM- property there. Included In It 3 a c'liteiii ut Baratellc. near Long- clump, which is celebrated throughout the HTt-th nd breadth of Europe for Its beauty. !i. trils chateau were housed art trt.i. tires ot extraordinary value which hive uier ocen really known even to connoii.furs. (iejmour de Itlccl, the art expert, re ferring to this part ot the Wallace art toucctioii in trie (enulssanre recalls that Elr John Murray Scott sold the chateau ,1 , . . ... I . - 1 - - AA . w i-3 i ny ot c ans lor o,uwv,vuv trams 'll.:oo,' ju) und It was converted by the munlctoaltty Into a museum, but Hlr John previously removed all the paintings, luimture and objets dart to Wallace's r,ouo in the Hue Lanttc, and the man Wlilurr art Half Kstatr. Because of the art dealer's failure to make a will his widow will get only half the estate, while the other half will go to his sister, Mrs. Kanny Ives of Bridgeport, Conn., to a brother In Ilutherford, N. J and to the children of a deceased brother. It Is unders'xiod that after Mr. Blakealee's debts are paid there will be little left to distribute among his heirs. The amount will depend largely upon the prlcn at ii thrilling spectacle, anil perhaps may account for the small number of New Yorkers who cared about going out on the promenades of the big East Illver bridges to see the moon's disk obscured save for a sclmlterllke segment. Itmustbarememberednlsothat the moon has no press agent to stimulate Interest In her moods. She really did not do any thing herself; the earth Juwt put It all over, or almost all over her. beginning by smutting her southern limb, or one "Oh. why don't you work Like tha other fulks do? llow the hell can I work. When there' no ork to dot" which the estate Is able to dispose of the 1 of her southern limbs. I1.S00.000 of paintings In the gallery. "There are many paintings In the gal lery which are of Interest only to certain She was supposed to pull the black hosi of shadow on this llmh ofllelally at forty- one minutes nnd eight-tenths of a minute j Mranty l.nnrh Katrn. ' The coffee and brend, bought with a I collection of 113.40 taken in Hutgers Bo.ii.ue from the bmtliren themselves' nnd some passersby were speedily disposed of. At 23 Klfth avenue the reporters were admitted by the colored factotum to Mrs Dodge's rooms. Several I. W. W. leaders who had left their marching friend In Itutgrrs Square were neatly asyl servlccably clad In gray Ceremony to Mr Performed In tili bora, Y.. Church. Vincent Astor and Mlxs Helen Dlnsmore Huntington will be married on April 30 In Staatsburg. N. Y the homo of tho bride-to-be's family. It Is expected the ceremony will be per formed In the Church of St. Margaret, In which Mr. and Mrs. Huntington were mar ried. Tho reception will be In Hopcland House, the Huntington home. Mr. Astor Is 111 at his home, IS West Fifty-sixth street, this city. FIVE GUNMEN HOLD UP MARKET IN HARLEM Anffry Depositors Storm Fed eral Ittiildinp, Where He Ts Testifying:. Henry Slegel and rrank E. Voxel, thrle Indicted, were held In J25.000 ball each by Judge Itosalsky In General Sessions yes terday afternoon. The three presentments handed down earlier In the day were the first of a series tho Grand Jury Is to consider against the men. Thu number, according to the District Attorney's ofllce, will only be limited by the demunds of Justlf", There Is enough evidence. It Is wild, to warrant the Grand Jurors In voting on fifty different cases. ' To accusations against the mn for j accepting deposits In th'i private hank of I Henry Slegel & Co. ar the basis of tho 1 first two Indictments, while the third charges them with obtaining f 35,000 1 from the National Bunk of Commerce on ' the strength of a fatso statement as to the financial condition of the Fourteenth WllfV MnilHffPr SaV'S $4-,000 ini Street Store. They are charged with - I collectors," mid Mr. Davis' yetterday. 1 ""t 9 o'clock. The filmy cloud skirts but thee collectors would Iw willing -to jr almost any prce for them. For In stance, Mr. Blakeslee had been an Inde fatigable collector of paintings or the Ma donna, and had hunted all over Europe for them. Some had even been removed from the walls of cathedrals long prior to their purchase by Mr. BlakesW. He. hud fifty or sixty of these Madonnas, and the price at which they will sell la more or lesn problematical. "There are many hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of paintings In the gal lerles which had been bought and paid that she hnd bashfully draped around her prevented the man on the street from seeing the shadow until nearly 10 o'clock. One thing Is certain, the moon was properly eclipsed, as had been predicted hundreds of years ago. The man who walks In the skyscraplng districts was sweaters nnd other habiliments that evoked no criticism. Most of the large number of women there wore evening gowns. All wre listening Intently to the answerh Big Bill Haywood was giving to a flock of questions about was the remedy for the present social unrest. Theie were present some men with long. sjnfe Five Men Mobbed Two Arrests. Five young men walked Into tho poul try market of Benjamin Buff ft Son, 417 East 10th street. Just before closing time, last night and drawing guns ordered every one In the placn to throw up his hands. Aa Morris N'cwmark, manager of the market, threw his up he kicked the door of the safe. This hut It 'Without uttract lnr the notlco of the robbers. Cello Itablnowltr. 19 yonrs old. of Host 108th street, was In the net of trans ferring tho day's receipts, amounting to black Mowing locks, who say they ure unable to see tho moon except at some i anarchists, some of the Haywood type i nn,n frnm ,h eiuh drawer to the safe. cross streets, and the lack of clearness who are leaders of Industrial organlsa-i She droppod the packagvJ of money and put a damper on his enthusiasm. It was tlons. some who belong to social uplift , checks Into the drawer nnd leaning against , .ci, n-ui ,um-n a my inuvrinenin in new jora nnu nave orrices jt clol It. The safe contained 14.000, succesBiui ecupsc ana qune wormy or tne In sKscrupers uptown, some women who i sun, the earth and the moon, who will , didn't appear to have any occupations, but again appear In their well known cosmos an overwhelming Interest In tha welfare Mr. Wright thought the royalty would be about 'JO per cent, but he would de mand that Curtlss and all the others puy every cent of back royalties frcm the time they began business, he slid. It was suggested to Mr. Wright that In the case of Mr. Curtlss this would be a vast sum. possibly more than the entire capital, stock of the Wright company and the Curtlss Aeroplane Company put to- gether. Mr. Wright did not know how much back royalty Mr. Curtlss owed him. but thought It might total up to a large sum. Those familiar with aviation have gen erally believed that Mr. Wright would Anally grant easier conditions. If he held to the stipulation of back royalties. It was pointed out, he would simply be stifling aviation In this country. Since tho decision In favor of Mr. Wright aviation has been dormant In this country. Plans for summer flying, avia tion meets and races have been held up. Every one connected with the Industry has been frald to move. I'Atiilevllle aketrh nn MentamHA. A , nf . v. jn,.fj,l.. iu.n . . ,, The earth has only one moon, except I the plain professional "unemployed." nn h. s"Wnfin,nrm f O"" to folks who stay out Ute to see her' "We will now listen to speech from n an ha. 1,00,000 worth hero and an-, eclll,di but ,,, clRht , , M aywoot, Rnd olhcrb but x wlfh t0 other collector, who owns 1250 000 worth , rdent. of that planet doubtless have a f say that the movement of the I. W. W. n the ga lerles. d dn t take them away , p,,a,an, tlmft on .0p,es. A mnn lnto Ula M,B0U, ntltutlons recently because his home Is already full and he ,.. , ,wo ,, h.. H., K , , ,h. ....,.. j Ing suspected of having taken too much Bald the leader, moonshine. The moon, that Is. our moon. Is moroi Rrd """"er There. than 200,000 miles from the earth, but our' Mr- Hiywood and some others got up shadow Is much longer than that : In fact ! "ml moved to the centre of tho room to get out of the range of the shadow for i "hereupon became slble one of the red which the sun Is responsible the moon I o.inners useu iasi year in me would hav to be more than S67.000 miles It was a new -wenpon and, must have """" been bought only a day or so before the ! Mr. Blakeslee was so lame that had no place to put them. Mr. Blakeslee kept his books so accurately that there will be no dimculty about Identifying tho ' paintings by collectors. i Hants Pistol Keller. ( We Intend to find out If possible who sold the revolver with which Mr. Blakeslee I killed himself, und to prosecute the seller. KODAK COMPANY TO APPEAL. Will Carry Film Derision to fct V. 8. Baprrsar Coart J. J. Kennedy, attorney for the Eastman Kodak Company, obtained from the United States Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday an order calling on the Ansco Company to suicide, It was difficult for him to walk more thnn two or three blocks, so he could not have gone far to buy the pistol. He was known to every one In' the neighborhood, and It seems to his friends that it was absolutely criminal to sell him the revolver. The police am trying to traco the seller, but have found no cluo aa yet." Word was received at the Coroner's of fice yesterday that Mr. Blakeslee left two letters which were found on his desk after he killed himself, and which It Is believed he wrote a few minutes before. It was said that one letter was addressed to a personal friend and explained that Mr. Blakeslee would not see his friend again and asked him to protect tho Interests of his widow. :on a t tho collection housed In It are show cause wny me eneci oi me uecision In the mm litigation snouiu noi ue lem uorarlly stayed. The order will be argued next Monday. now tk property of Lady Sackvllle-West. I'nv llnttt Hern Collection. ly Sicltvllla-WeU has refused to "y whit she Intends to do with the Jllt. Hun, but she made It plain that she ' r"i intention of taking It ncrufes the channel to Knole I'ark. It was reported rucert.y that the collection would be t'Jt up at auction and It was later an Bounced that a syndicate of antiquarians hid purchased It outright. i'cv persons have ever seen the col ''tbn, which Is to be compared with th Doucet collection. Visitors to the that'iu ut Bagatelle, according to M. de "l"'', re-all two fine examples of the or'it of ltoucher and four marvellous rlnt'nirn by Lancret, a Boucher celling, lloui ins busts of Cagllostro and Sophie Arnouui and niesener furniture, Wall.rr Parchaaa UacoBfersaed. Philadelphia. March 11. No con- frnutlon could be obtained to-night of "ii report from Paris that P. A. B. Wld "er was negotiating for the Wallace art c"etlon in Paris. Joseph K. Wldener, " n? P. A. B. Wldener, waa the 'only nrriher of the family who could be reached and he said ha knew nothing of cnr tuch negotiations. Wldracr Collrctlsm Fa The nrt collection of P. A. B. Wldener W H.i home In Klklns Park, a suburb of rhlladelphla, not only ranks among the cTittst In America, but contains many C'U masterpieces ta which sensational The Kattman company Intends to appeal to the United States Supreme Court. It also desires to postpone the accounting until It has disposed of all the Mima which It has on hand. . WHY UK. AXED LEFT MEW YORK. Sate Ho and Joan D. Didn't Have Brains Esosgh. San Francisco, March 11. The Rev. Charles F. Aked testified for the Rev. Rob ert Whltaker In the Baptist Church trial for heresy ut San Jose to-day. Did you leave the Baptist Church be cause Its rules were so free 7' the Judge asked Dr. Aked. "I left It because the combined genius of myself and John D. Rockefeller was Insufficient to cnange me geography of Manhattun isiana." repuea ur. Aked. In the midst ot tne isugnier ne aaasd "Because we couldn't find a site," "Didn't you have money enpughr asked the Judge. "We had lots of money; ire didn't have brains enough." Dr. Aked explained that baptism was not a reoulred tenet of tne Baptist Churcn. He added that Christ was the divine head of the Church and It made no differ as naa oa jaxeni or two, CANAL TOLL DEBATE WILL BE OUT SHORT PROPHETS VARIABLE AS WIND. See Cold Knap, Thrn llnn't and De cide It Will Be Warmer, A special bulletin from the national weather prophets at Washington yester day afternoon said a disturbance off the , Texas gulf coast might make It much colder In this vicinity this morning, letter meteorological developments Indicated that tho prophets had chunged their minds I about tho cold snap. I l'aterson pageunt In Madison Square Gar den. Just then one of the unemployed whis pered tu a woman In evening dress be side whom he was standing that reporters had ntred the room. A woman with a low gown removed her cigarette several of the women were smoking and virtually all of the men and said something that sounded like. "Oh. horrid I" A heavy set young man came out and said that the gathering was for the pur pose of discussing social problems nnd tint all present wero friends of Mrs. Dodge nnd that positively nothing should The gunmen ordered Newmark to open the safe, but he protested that he didn't know neglecting to mention nn Indebtedness of about 11,500,000 to -nrlous IntorenM. The penalty upon cnnvlctlon under either of the first two Indlefnents Is from one to five years Imprlv .imeit and a fltm up to $5,000. while for .h. third It Is a maximum of ten years with 110,000 line. Reerotarte Make Confession, With the filing ot the Indictments ctmo the revelation that Dlxtrlct Attorney Whitman and Arthur C. Train, hli as sistant In charge of the c.iie, h.ive re ceived detailed confessions from Oscar Ii l'rall and Robert G, McMpkln, confiden tial secretaries to the two partners In the various Slegel enterprises, which e.vpme lan "astounding bu.lmss system," accord- I Ing to the prosecutor's otllce. They alo have the private confidential ledger, which the combination. He and the I told the truth only to them. cashier said that the owner of tho market taken away the key of tho cash drawer, nnd the gunmen, with loud 'curs ing, finally appeared to be,'.levo this. So the robbers contented themseles with emptying pockets of the persons In the place. They got 137.50 from Morris Goldman, assistant driver; 15 from New mark and a handful of change from three drivers. Then they left. Newmark telephoned to the 104th The statements show how a losing busi ness for years was made to appear as a success, how false books were deliberately manufactured while the little ledger told the truth, how ful"c statements wcr) pre pared for merchant'! und banners, how losses were made to appear as gains, how liabilities were turned Into assets and then how $2,600,000 of money dcpoMtcd n tho private bank wns pouted Into this losing buslnes, switched around iwid street station and Lieut. Haerle and I checks representing sums as high .is Detectives Manclnl, Veale und Qualne started on a hunt through Harlem's Little Italy Three hours later Veale nnd Qualne saw two men running through the street and decided to arrest them. Veale caught one, who pulled a revolver from his pocket, but the detective, after rolling around In the snow In a struggle with the man, subdued him. Qualne cup tured the other with less trouble. Tho man with the gun snld he was Giovanni Oliverl. 21 years old, of 22S East 109th street. In this country two months. $750,000 deliberately cancelled The secretaries tell how tho S ege.1 Stores Corporation, puurlng first Joonoo into tho business and then j0u,oo0, : .1 nlpulated payments so that at- ts conjured out of nothing, and '.iiHlly h,y tell how thuy were compelled to show profits where no profits existed. The statements of the men under oath narrate pecltlc conferences with specific ardent from both men. which wero i.v J to xceed In baldness anything before heard of 111 tho District Attorney's i ft'c. Repeal of Exemptions Tract!- cally Assured by Polls In Both Houses. Washington, March 11. Chairman Adamson of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House In troduced a special rule to-day limiting debate on the bill that provides for the repeal of the clause In the Panama Canal act exempting American coastwise vessels from payment of tolls. A canvass of the House demonstrates that the repeal bill will be passed by a comfortable majority. Conditions are equally favorable In the Senate. A can vass of thut body shows the following result: For repeal, 58; against 24; doubt ful, 13. The presentation of the gag rule means thut the opposition to the repeal bill Is more formidable than waa supposed. It be came apparent to-day that In the absence of a rule limiting discussion debate on the repeal bill wrtuld be Indefinitely prolonged. Accordingly Mr, Adamson, who represents the Administration In the House on this question, decided to resort to the rule that limits debate to fifteen hours and pro hibits the offering of amendments. Only In extreme cases Is such a gag rule pro posed. The tolls bill, will be brought up In the House early next week. Chairman Adam son will direct 'the fight on behalf or the Administration. It Is. expected that 'the measure will be transferred to the Benate bv March 19 or 10.- . t I... i,,l,llwl.l tilwint If. The temperature at midnight last night, ' , alll h- llv, ln lh hn. and was n friend of the General's asked a policeman oubdde If those people wero going to be allowed to wake up his aged and 111 friend. Ilo was roatsured and went buck home. But tha meeting lasted until late In the cvvnlrg. The directories give Ii Fifth avenue as tho residence of Kdwiu S. Dodgi uu architect ot 101 Park avenue. An In quiry over Mr. Dodge's telephonu Inst night brought tho Infoimation that tho meeting there wus strictly private nnd was 24 degrees, and the prophecy was for fair skies to-day and to-morrow with rising temperature and moderate westerly winds. BEST SEA FIGHTER COMING. 3llahy Texas, lu Commission To day, Sails for rw York This Wrrk. Norfolk, Vn.. March 11. The world's most powerful battleship will go Into com mission to-morrow at the Norfolk navy yard. The other win Nicola Asterlno, 21 year , ' n'1"" old. of 320 East U'Oth street. I mcnta as the Grand Jury th.t.l.s -ie cs. Newmark Identified both men ns having will come New ones are aiiv.i ly been In the party of tlvo which held up 'drawn, nnd It Is thought they will o..i, the market, so both prison! rs wero ' down In a few days, eh.irpil with robbery and filonlous ns- ' -iriiri iiimii niFir,i. Henry Siesel had a nnrrow et-c.ipv 'r n a mob which thronged about the KeJ, 1 Ilulldlng early In tho afternoot lie was there to bo examined beforo Cummin, sloner Gilchrist In bankruptcy proe i l. ings brought by certu.ii creditors At "tit 100 bank depositors, many of tvUm set i tault upon an officer Ollvcrl was charged ,lso with carrying n concealed weapon. SULTAN LOSES SUIT HERE. Wrnited llstnti Left by Marderrd Dealer In Ituas, of her t no Information would bo given about It. The doorman said that Mm. Mnbei The big ship will leave the yard I n,t' builders, the Newport News Ship . h:l Yard and Dry Dock Company, to-morrow "IW the Udrd ' rr morning at 8 o clock, bhe will proceed , udltlon to participating In nil ot slowly to Norfolk under hr own steam these activities, the I, W. W, went on (arc und Is expected to arrive here about 10:30 Her crew, consisting of 950 men. will march on board tho big ship In a body. and whllo the Stars and Stripes are run up on ner nagstarr the naval post band will play "The Star Spangled Banner." The Texas will be commanded by CapL C. H. Grant The ship will probably leave for New York on Friday or Saturday. ACROSS ASIA MINOR BY BUS. to British Service From Ileyrout Baa-dad Planned. Sptcial Cable DttpatcS to Tiis Brx. London, March 11. A British motorbus service from Beyrout to Bagdad via Da mascus is the latest scheme for the de velopment of the Orient. A London firm Is sending out six of these buses, with British drivers, ut the end of this month to start the service. Tho buses will travel over the desert roads made of earth hardened by long years of horse nnd camel traffic. They will carry the malls, which are now sent by horse drawn carriages, at the mercy ut marauding Bedouin bands. The malls at present take twenty days for the trip and It Is expected that this will be short ened by the new service to one week or less. e , The buses are similar In design to sight-setlnsf'-cara, with transverse seats and a canopy.. ... . . . new lack and for the first time de. mandod food arid shelter from a Jewish congregation. At 3 o'clock In tho after noon, fifty from the army knocked at th door of Stutilner Synagogue. 240 Henry street, of winch Joseph Klnkelsjeln is president, nnd said they wanted to bo fed and put up for tho night One of the leaders of the synagogue asked them to wait until tho Purlm service which 300 of the congregation wero taking part In was over, and something might bs done. The army waited, but tho synagogiio leaders telephoned for the police, who came and drove away tho "soldiers." Supreme Court Justice Ooff dismissed yesterday u suit brought by tho Sultan to haw reached the Mag.! of desptrat of Turkey to collect a legacy left by descended upon tho building When t .ey HuvunneH S. Tavshaiijlnn, tho Armenian weru driven from the building by I'mtiM nig denier who wan murdered several Statu deputy mnrahala they iiting num. years iigo, to his mother, Mannig T:iv- the entrances, threatening venei.ufi'. shnnjlnn, a ritldent of Turkey, who had , Slegel was snved by being smuggled since died, , n pr.vato elevator nnd out of tho bu.'ti The complaint nlleged that the Sullnn i Ing by u little used eiitrnwu to liroadwn. has Invested tint Sheik l'l Islam with power to distribute the estate of a resi dent of Turkey among the heirs, but Justice Goff ruled that the laws of New York will 'riot recognize such pow er. GRANARD LOSES KING'S GIFT. Small the Gold llox Taken From Karl's London Home, Sprcial Calilt Pf patch to Tits Sc. I.ONPON, March 11. The Karl of Granard, husband of former Beatrice Mills of New York, has lost a small gold box with the royul ciown and cipher on the lid. a gift of King Oeorge. It was mysteriously taken from the Earl's Lon don house In the past two weeks. The police have been asked to take up the search. Astasia, Chartestssu fhimmervllle, Harannah nnd all Florida points, via Atlantic Coast Una, I Ltd. trains dally. All statl Pullmans, lltl Broadway. tfU Msdlsen 84. litt.Aiv. RARE PEN FOR ALASKA BILL. Clark and Marshall tu Sinn With Piece of a Mnstmlnii'a Tusk, Washington, March 11. The pn which will be uced by Speaker Clurlt and Vice- President Marshall to sign the Alaska COmilalniiiK witnesses aru Charle- Ur m. In his tettlmjny bforc thu ('omr.i.s doner ho revealed nothing ikv i'x.v that ho has luen paying his wife. fr , whom ho has bcn separated foi fom years, alimony of $25,000 a year but th..t this has stopped slnco last December Mrs. Slegel and her daughters, both of whom married foreign nobletmn. uro II Ing In tile two Indictments charging the two men with having received deposits after they knew they were Insolvent tho ciuf railroad bill Is probably unique. It was supplied by John W. llallaln of Seattle, who has been long an advocate of Gov ernment ownership of railroads in Alaska. Tho pen wns made from gold mined In Alaska, and thu holder was carved from 11 tuU of ivory unearthed by miners In il,,.l,n I7nv..rntnelf ireolOi-lstu K.n V fliA tusk 'belonged to a mastodon thnt roamed Krand larceny charge, alleges that on o that cuuntry tO.OOU years ago. It was half of tho Fourteenth Street Store Slegel found by the miners In the skeleton of and Vogel obtained 52J.OOO fiom ho n mnnimoin uuricu 111 nia-iem ui.uviais vatlonal Bank of Commerce on Stay V and William Johns jii rrsptctlvely lo' . of whom deposited $100 apleco on Dec in ner 20, 1913, Grand l.nrrenj riiurue. The third Indictment, dealing w-ita tn of tho Kuskokwln region, and Government geologists Insist that tha animal from which it was taken must hau lived In the pre-glaeliil period. Tho carving of the penholder was done by an Alaskan Indian living at Skugway and Is a reproduction In miniature of the totem of nn Ainsnan cnieunin. Mr. Hal 151'J. This note was due on .Seiitciibt'' 20, 15 12. It W14 sinned by "sear A Prall as treasurer nnd Krarl. I- Vogul as vice-president und wns In.lorsed by Slegel and Vogel In order to obtain this credit a state- tain has promised to give the pen to tho . ment of the usstts and llabilitlet wu Territory of Alaska. j filed with the bank on February 3, uu. '1