Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, FRIDAY, APRIL" 3, 1914. 5 A Few ef the EtVy Subscribers in America This list could be largt'.:' uutrmentcd were there suf ficient apace. For example, practically every library (even down to villa; libraries), every college or school of any Importance, hundreds of newspaper offices, thou sands of business establishments, and men and women in public life are on the roll. march 3i- OFFICIAL NOTICE Hon. William H. Taft' Hon. Joeephua Daniels Hon. Warn MacVeagls Ullllam II. Ilornblosrer Andrew Carnegie tlrorgr Wretlnghous, Joseph Leller II. Fulton Cutting Clement A. lirlecum, Jr. (Jeneral Eire Co. Library Theodore, N. Vail (3 copies) llr. Cliarlra W. Elle Dr. Arthur T. Hauler llr. Mrholaa .M. Ilutler ITes. Ilenj. Mr Wheeler Hon. Francis II. Nrwlanda Ambassador Jusserand Hon. Chat. J. Bonaparta Hon. Samuel W. MrCall Hon. Kllhu Hoot James K. Uarfiria Hon. Albrrt J. BeerrMg llr. Alri. lira hum Bell l'rof. Felix .dlrr John II. tManrhtlrld Han. Charlr ts. Whitman Hon. trth Low llr. K. liana Iluracd Francis Lynda Metsaa Paul II. Cratath Hon. Nelson W. Aldrtch Hon. Nobrrt L. Oatn Dr. I'errhal LowtU Irr. Auatln Hint Kev. Parcr H. Grant Dr. 8. W. Lambrrt Rer. F. N. I'rlotibet llr. Joarph I). Ilrjant Dr. W. W. Kern Vlrar-firnrral Michael J. La. Dr. Lyman Abbott Dr. Carloa .MacDonald lwli Nlion Tlioa. A. Edison '. Y. Llfr Insurant- la. International llartntrr Co. cf Amrrlra Mr. f. rirrpant Morgan (S sets) MUa Maude Adams Mr. John Hay Cyrua Curtis (S copies) Charlr. 1". Taft Mra. K. U. llarrlmaa lifts) EqulUbla Life Ins, Co. Talcott William Gautrrnrur Mon-U National City Dank V. 8. MlllUry Aradrmy coplra) C. S. Natal Acadrtuy (3 copies) V. . Drpt. of State Drpt. of C'ommrrcr and Labor Jiew York I'uhllc Library (S3 copies) It rook I j ii I'ublle Library (5 copies! M. Louis Mercantile Library Seattle I'ublle Library (7 coplra) Yalr I'nhrralty Princeton 1'nlrersltr VnWrreltr nf IVnusylt. anla Cnnirll I'nlterslty Inltrrslty of California Columbia I'nhrrsltr (i copies) j Vassar Collrir flryn Mawr I'ollrga Mrrm Institute of Tech- nology llartard Uw ticheol S coplra) John Hopkins I'nlrersltr Rockefeller lii-tltulr for Medi cal llcscurch Massachusetts Institute of I Technology Catholic liilrersltj- of Amer ica. Wellington, 11. C. Library. I'. . Srnate 'The Youth'a Companion" Prof. Garrrtt Drnpprra James I'. Mulrhrad Mr.. T. .V. tthlnrlandcr l'rof. Cleveland Abba ', W. Ayrr & Kou Her. V. M. I.. Ihimmit, W.h Ingtoit, II. C. Prof. I ah In Thoaaa l'rof. Chaa. M. Sargent llr. Holier! T. Edra l'rof. Wm. II. Holme N'rw York Keening Poat MIm Choate Prof. Chaa. McL. Andrews Army Sen Ire Hchoel, Fort I-earrmrertli Prof, Henry F, Osbora Joarph PulttMf (IS coplra) Robert W. Drl'orrtt Adolph J, Och George Kennan Karl Itlltrr John Drew Stludebakrr Hroa. Mfg. Ca. National Tube Co. rus Hall MeCormlch Kate Dougla TrYlggla Dr. Edward Itoblnson, Director Mrtropolltan Mmum of Art Thomas F. Ryaa Auguiit llelmsiit Kenyon Cz John Claflln Mist Mary Johnston Mercantile Library, rhlla. Iloston Athenaeum Amrrjran Koclrty of CItII Engineers Newberry Library, Clilciige Carnegie Institution, Wash ington Mrrhanlca' Mercantile Library, han t'ranrlace Milwaukee I'ublle Library Inltrrslty Club of - York University Club of Chicago Knlckrrborkrr Club, New York-- Tiffany Co. Home Lifr Insurance Ca. Emlle Ilerllnrr llotchkls Ncheel Cirorge K. Sheldon l'rof. Paul Van I))ke John A. Hoebltng Fldrllty Casualty Co. Prof. Michael 1. Pupln Prof. Edwin K. Mitchell Arthur M. Huntington American Hook C. Prof. Irving Fisher Prof. Illrhard 11. Mnultoa Am. Tel. Trlrg. Co., Huston Prnf. llrnry I), Thompson Berkshire Life Insur. Co. Prof, llrnry II. Donaldson Jrnlsh Press 1'nb. Co. l'rof. llrnry Crew John D. Archbold James 11. II; slop Trof. Dai Id C. WrII llrnry W. Poor N. Y. Llfr Insurance Co. John D. llorkrfellrr. Jr. Jamra D. I'helan, San Fran cisco, Cal. Prof. Jacob If. Hollander American Optical Ca.. south bridge. Mat. Prof. Jiunra II. Hope I'rrsbjtrrlan Hannrr llrnry Oshorn Taylor Prof. Ilrumlrr Matthew The "Dallas Nrws" Francis lllakr, Wrston, Mas. Prof. Ilarrrtt Wrndrll F.dnaril IU llouchtnn Prof. Harlan P. Hraeh Mrs. Holwrt I'ortrr Kni, Karnilngton, Conn. Lloyd MslMiurna Kdanr iianlnrr Murjl"T l'rof. John It. Commons "New York Herald" Prof. Paul horry l. s. If oh land MiMllrld Parrlsh llrnry Holt Prof. tiro. V, Knot Prof. Hllllstou Walkrr I'ioard nf riigliirrrs, Army 111,1., Nrw V,.rl. l'rof. Hiram Itlngham Frankfort Arsenal Dr. AiiL-ustus II. strong l'rof. K. Asakana Dr. )V. II. Drmarest Prof. .Inslah Kojc Taft Mhool I'ruf. Jacques Loab Anson Phrlps Mokes, Jr. Prof. Louis lrrr National Orographic Magailn .Mrs. P. A, Hrarat, Plrasantou, Cal. Trairlrrs' Insurance Co., Hart ford, Conn. Rrr. Dr. .1. P. TrUr "Cathullc World" Wllbrrforce Karnes Louts Josrph Vane The Iter. tiro. L. Shrarrr Dr. J. G. Mumford Chicago Tribune nrorge II. Mifflin "The Monarch of Encyclopaedias.'' The New (11th) Edition of -the Encyclo paedia Britannica is conceded to be the finest as well as the largest collection of exact infor mation ever published the only really ade quate exposition of all human knowledge. It has been called the "Monarch of Encyclo paedias," because of its comprehensiveness, and of its unfailing fidelity to truth and the needs of all kinds of readers. People go to this work to verify what they have read elsewhere. "The Britannica says" has come to be regarded as an expression of finality in any controversy or dif ference of opinion. The 11th Edition is published by the Press of the University of Cambridge, England, and it Ls therefore guaranteed as an authoritative work. It is copyrighted under the laws of the United States, so that no "pirated" or counter feit version can be sold. It consists of 29 volumes, of which the last is an Index containing 500,000 references. It containa 44,000,000 words of text (the equivalent of -140 octavo books), 41,000 articles, :J0,024 pages, 14,089 illustrations, 450 full-page plates in black and white and in color, 300 maps, showing 125,000 places. It is written by 1,500 contributors from 21 countries in collaboration with an editorial staff of 04 members, with headquarters in New York and London, 214 of the contributors being Americans. The 29 volumes re printed on genuine India paper, light, strong and opaque, each volume being but one inch thick, and making the new Britannica a delightful book to read while one sits in an arm-chair. We have been notified by The Press of Cambridge University ( the publishers of the new Encyclopaedia BritaitMiica, E" that we must close the Sale of that work at the present low prices on May 28th next, after which date the prices will be from $29.00 to $50.00 more according to the binding. University Press, Cambridge. London, 21at March, 1914. Gentleaen t "his in to 6ive 7011 official notification that the sale of the new Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, at the present prices must cease on Maj 28th, noxt. After that date the present cash prices nsust be increased as follows : $29.00 on the Cloth set $36.fc0 on the Sheepskin set $45. CO on the Suede set $50.00 on the Morocco set The prices were increased in England on the 20th of December last and the sale in Anerica should have ceased at the same tine, but for the fact that you had sush a very large territory to cover, and that two-thirds of all the sets sold have been sold in the United States and Canada. Under no circumstances will any extension after May 28th be given, and orders at present prices post carked after that date must be returned. I aa, Yours rery truly, The new Encyclopaedia Britannica has, been printed again and again in order to keep deliveries up to the de mand. Some 58,000 sets of the work have already been delivered to sub scribers. On the 1st day of M?.rch the orders were averaging 100 sets per day; on the 30th day of March the orders had crept up to 200 sets per day, an increase of 100 per cent, within the month. It is ap parent that between the 15th and 20th of April every one of the sets now on hand will have been sold and delivered, and we shall be entirely out of stock. We shall continue to take orders at present prices until May 28th; but, as instructed by The Press of the Uni versity of Cambridge, no orders can be accepted at these low prices unless re ceived or postmarked on or before that date. As it will be impossible to anticipate the demand during the closing days of the sale, we must urge upon all intend ing subscribers the necessity of order ing AT ONCE if they want prompt delivery. How many more sets will be required before the closing date? This is a question that can only be answered by the public themselves. In any case it is certain that during the month of May we will not be able to make any deliveries at all, and all orders taken during that month will be subject to "delivery as soon as possible." But if you order at once you need send only 'and the entire set (with bookcase if desired) will be promptly delivered. $5.00 NOW THE price at which the new Encyclopaedia Britannica is sold and the terms upon whicli it may be paid for are such that any person of moderate means can purchase the work without hardship. You can pay all cash with order or you can divide the total amount into A, 8 or 12 monthly payments, or you need only pay as little as $5.00 a month. The Monthly Payment System A Great Benefaction Here is a great book, made by great men, serving the public to an extent which would have been' impos sible were it not as easily bought as a lot of little books one at a time. The wage earner and the young man just start ing a career, the head of a family with many demands upon his purse, the poor country preacher, and the school teacher on modest; salary, are in the present instance on equal terms with the millionaire or the great, captain of in dustry. Given only the same desire to learn and advance, the ability to appreciate a book which has the whole world of life and thought and achievement as its province, no one need feel that he cannot buy it the monthly payment system points the way. A special display of each style of binding and each style of case is shown on the ground floor of 120 West 32d Street- opposite Gimbel's only half a block west of Broadway. You will not be urged to buy if you call. A Few ef the Early Subscribers in Foreign Countries The naraw here given exhibit only partially the world wide distribution of the Eleventh Edition. It has had a large sale in all civilized countries of the world, not only in America and in England mid her dependencies, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, but in South America, Japan, China, Germany, France, Italy, etc. For tho first time in the history of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, tho work in this edition has been permitted to enter Russia uncensored. II. M. Illnc r.ssrf v. II. I. M. Tli Ciar f Russia II. I. M. The German Km-' prror. I II. M. The Kins f paln I II. I. M. The Kmptrer sf , Austria H. I. M. Tht Kmprror of Japan Th I'rrstilrnl of thn i'rrnch Krimtitlr Th Njjtnm nf llMlrmtmtt Tlir Maharajah of Kashmir The llarknar of Harwla The Maharajah nf llunlnan The I'reniler of Cmi.iila The tlapanrsf Ambassador to i England ' The Duke ut lie aiislilra The Duke of l-lnsler The Dukn nf fvithrlnnl The Duki of Wellington The Marquis of r-allshui7 The l;.irl nf Ashbumliam Farl Iteaui'ltamp The Karl of Iterkele) t'arl Fgrrton nf Tattn The Karl nf l.osforit The Karl of .tcrsej The Karl of l.oselare The Karl nf I'll mouth The Karl uf Ito-eher.' Alterstone l.oril Airhuri Deshnrnilrfh I unl l.llhiuik Ksher ruliuouth (dellroniier l.oril Itrusiugtou I'irrle Holli-lill.l l.oril Halhllng Lord WVfiloi'k HI. Hon. A. .1. Halfour, M. T. -Ir It. Hnlui, K. C, M. I .Mr. Waller Itiinrlnian, M. r. The .Mu.ler nf the Kolls .lii-tlrr t'herry l.oril .liMIre I'lrtclirr Moulton Mr. .lustltt .Mr. .In. lire riillllmere Mr. .JiKtlee I'likfonl Mr. .lu-tlrt rmttofi .Mr. .lustier Warrington .Ir tmlerlrk rollork lr KdKanl rrj Mr Kiln unl Clarke, K. C. The nishop ef Kieter The lllshop of Mluurrster The III. hop f llrrsler 1 he III. hop nf l.lchHclil I he III. hup of Northampton The Archhlstiort of Westmin ster Cardinal Ron me III. hop O'NYIIe .Mgr. Croskrl! .Mgr. W. Croke llohlnson Mgr. WiiC-oii Ailmlml Mr Arthur I. I an. ehaue Admiral llenr? .1. t'arr Admiral .1. Itoule Mre. Admiral A. C. t'lark Vlre-Admlral K. W. Whit lirneral lr l. n. Darker (eiieml "Ir A. Tajlor l.leut..fteneml Sir V. A. Win gale Darker Miijnr.fienf ml rmlrlnglon .Miijnr.tieiienil II. Ilulg Major-tienenl Trotter ItmlMird hlpllng lieorge Demard Shaw l.niil Trar.e The ArrllliMinp of Colombo .Mr. .Iii-llir Mrplien, .lodge uf tin- High Court, Cilli'iilla. .Mr. .In. lire Milkerjrr, ire- Ii.iiii rllnr, fulrutta I nl- rr-it. The l.ieiitetialit-fintenior of the I nlti-il rrotlmv nf Agni mid itiidh I he CoiiiniU-loiif r of Hind .Mr. II. A. Hunt, 1. II. M. ( 'iilltlimhttralth Meteuroln. al-l. MrllMiiiru' Dr. It. MiiiiiImi HarrU. Direr. tar nf (hi. iilen-lllllil ltl eillll Trnf. I. Marnilllan ttrnwn, IVIhm nf tnate, Xr Zru laml Mr .1. lindlu.s. latr s.ltunii'j- ( of Nrrf Zealand Count I utovr of enln Ihe Knsal SMwIet? The lloal i ellrge of sturgeons rrinlt College, Cambridge Dillllol ollrgr, IMford The Athenaeum Club, London The I nltrd "rnlrr Club, I. on den The Deform Club, London The I ondnti Llbrar) The Vntlrun Library foreign i If fire, London STesemesesjssess)srfsse If You Do Not Already Know About This Great Work, You Should Send Your Inquiry Now. THE safest way to make sure of getting the book at the low price is to order at once. The new Britannica has been so widely advertised and is already in o many hands that you very probably know all you need to know to order now. But if you still need information, you ahould send promptly for our large illua trated prospectus, or call at our office and s-e the books themselves. The prospectus will be sent you by mail on receipt of your inquiry, to gether with full details of bindings, prices', the eiusy terms of payment now available, and speci mens of the genuine India paper u.-ed in thi edition. You .should, however, send the inquiry form today, for if you let the matter slip now you'll run the risk of beini,' too late to benefit by the present low prices and easy terms. The sooner your order is placed, the .-sooner you will get the book and bt-nefii bj its iik. Application for lite 1'rorpectui Manager. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA 120 West 32H Street, New York "end n.e I,. t'le P-i,-iic Ms i I :he ilin filluuu nf itie l.iicr'o,ii-di.i Hi UuUilrh s. til. panic i!ar of yn-st-nt prl . Mr-i!i! irs. difc.iril p.iyninits. l'ol.ei,i-. rr I'rot'Miloti or Huhlf.e ks- lU'Meerr If you know that you want this tfreat work, sijn the coupon below and mail today the applica tion for a set to be reserved. The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 120 WeKt 32d St., New York. Please reserve for me a set of the Kncy elopaedia Hritanriica and send me an order form which shows the full prices and terms. I will return same, signed, promptly. Addre.