OCR Interpretation

The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, April 03, 1914, Image 6

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THfe SUN, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1914,
V! lL j wt. H" 'ow ffi'TSy
Hnt Administration Claims Four
Now Scnnte Votes nnd Feels
Sure of Victory.
Man Named for U. S. Attorney
in Nevada to End Fipht
Hetween Bcnutors.
Map Showing the Federal Reserve Districts and Lities
Wafiiinotok. April 2. The most In
teresting deveiopmcnts In the Senate to
day In regard In the Panama CHnul tolls
quentlnn wan the tenelency nmong some of
the regular llepubllcins, who voted
against exempting coatwl.e vefesels from
tolls when the Panama Canal act wa
paayed, in line up In opposition to thi
Administration programme for repeal.
Senator Ol'vcr of Pennajlvanla Is one
'of these, lie gave out a statement to-
j night In which he nnnouneod his Inten
tion to vote against tha repeal bill.
This followed n statement this morning
hy Senator Penrose, announcing that he
also would reverro himself and vote
ngalnst the bill.
1 Senator Kail of New Mexico also made
As Long as You Motor
You'll Have to Buy Tires
You will aiways have to make room in your car for these two
little mischief makers, "Wear", and "Tear." You will always
have to feed tire fabric to them. But there is such a thing
as cultivating a situation that .allows you to break even on
their board Till. When, you , buy that next tire buy one of
ur Rd Rubber
Coittlmml rp I'lrtt i'aue.
tt the "edcrnl resrve act. The ciipffl
stock of the Federal reserve bunk of Phil
adelphia on the bash of' 6 lr cent, of the
total capital stock t.ml surplus of th
aaaentlng national batiks In t e district
will amount to f l2.S3ii,41S, and If there
be added per cent, of tip capital stock
and surplus of tho Statu tunks and trust
companies which have applied fur mem
Twrahlp up to April 1, 19H, the toUl cap
ital Stock will Iw li:, 903, 013.
Cleveland DUlrlcl.
"District No. 4 The State of Ohio, all
of Michigan not InciuJcd III District fo location of the Federal reserve bank with a statement In which he explained that he
7, with the city of Minneapolis as the lo-1 which It desired to be connected was i might vote ngalnst the repeal bill, al
catlon of the Ke.kral re-.serve bank. ( ascertalneil by a card ballot addressed to . though he had said In a recent speech
"This dstrlet contains '1ST national I th? 7.475 national banks. I ,h . nrnn.,.i , ,m,,nr, ,h, pr..t,Unt 1
banks which have accept ! the provisions! The committee has nothing to do with J1 nroPl1 " aupport the President,
of the Klderal reserve act. The capital 1 the eatabllsliing of the branch banks, i llc admitted that his Judgment was
stock of the Federal reserve bank of Kaoh Federal reserve bank Is em- against the wisdom of the proposed repeal.
Minneapolis on the basis of 5 per cent 1 powered to establish such branch banks While this tendency anions- the ttepub-
of th total capital stock and surplus of
the assenting national banks In tho dis
trict will amount to $ 4,702, S61.
Knnana C 1 1 lllslrlcl.
"District No. 10 The States of Kansas.
Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming, nll Hr Wuk Uniiii in KrUriimi ni nirh.
that part of Missouri not Include In DIs-,
trlct No. 8: all that part of Oklahoma! mo ml anil Atlanta.
Meat liar nf TvmT.i 1 I l1" ' ' "ne forming the southern New York bankers made lltt'o comment
District No, 3: the counties i f Marshall. 'tineiary ."I ro"owlii countlest: -.His. i Un, night on the division, of 'he country
within Its VciUr.il reserve district ns it Means was giving some concern to the Ad-
oeims uavisaoic. ministration leaders In the Senate they In
sist that they will have enough votes to
pass the bill and that they have made
allowance for doubtful Senators.
Ohio Ilrooke und JIuncork In the State
Dewey, Illalne, Canadian. Cleveland,
I Pottawatomie, bcmlnole, Okfuskee, Mcln
Into twelve reserve bink districts. That
the number was twelve instead of eight,
Why Oliver dimmed Mind.
Senator Oliver's statement was as fol- 1
low s ;
"After considering the subject from
every point of view I have de:Ideil to
of West VlrRlnlu and all that rmrt nf the ' . .. . ' ""u''. i'1""" -' the number wus twelve Instead or eittlit, "" "".""'.. '" " "'
amrtSWW he J! j""5'1 "ml ..nlll th" minimum, cause.', practle.liy no sur- '''" ,"LL12 . "EL"?!
western boundary of the following coiin- V i .2 ' e "9 nor,ln 01 ''"' prise, as it h!d b.en predicted for some 7
tie. ncX. araut. Scott. WoodfoYd Jes- !,r,m"! ,h" ",'",htr.n. iT'l "T, ,h." despatches from Wastnncton. "l??.
-ureary. wun u,e c.y ot v.eveiaim as of ,..,, ,, M. lha ,0(.a.,otl " " .C" Rain, no matter at
c i-euerai reserxe nank. ' nf ,h r,ior u rM.Vv i,in ! i111"" w"' l"r "''" eiure me .uw:liu..n. ,iCulon
contains 724 national ot.X?.,. VlV. U'Tn Jn, 's nn.lonni "ftwnUatlon sommlttee of .he syrt-m at , M "' . u"1.01?,
accepted ,heprovlsions b,J5'"whfJ M L Z . Z the hearlnSs In New York. The attitude fcVrth! of oltV
i reserve act. une capital f ,ht FrlI,r. rfN,w,(l The capital "! l, ,"fnKe" "V, '. , " tentlan that no violation of
I-ederal reserve bank o Mock f h p j , baXof Kan- 1 Jf C,B"" of fh! '1mlnUtratlon and ,.aunei.fo ,reaty ,nV(ll,d.
the basis of tl per cent, of , r..,,. .,. .... ,' ,. , , . . -.. ..- t-'0 It a thorough trial. i ..i BU .i,,,. .r ti
.1 .,... I. , ,.r .1... I - "' '- ' " vcm. ... inn .11,.... II ii'iH, . I. v.- rl.... . ...... ..... ....
pltal stock and surplus of the as- v. .. , ,V . ,j , , , l, .,, "' nn overwheiinlni; majority, decided in
national b inks In the district will "ona' anK. said last nlsnt . I preier fllVor of t xetnptlm; our own coastwise
the location of the
This district
banks which have
pf the Federal reserve
stock of the
Cleveland, on
th total capital stock and surplus of the
assenting national banks In the district,
will amount to MI,S2s,83D, and If there
le added 6 per cent of the capital stoe'e
nd surplus of the State banks and trust
lompanles which have applied for mem
bership up to April 1, 1914, the toti.l
Mpltal stock will be f 1 1,621,530.
Illchliiuiirl lllslrlct.
"District No. B The District of Colum
Ma and the States of Maryland, Virginia.
North Carolina, South Carolina and alt
of West Virginia except tho counties of
Marshall, Ohio, ltroolio and Hancock
with the Federal reserve bank located in
the city of Itichmond, Vu.
"Tills district contains 475 national
ranks which have accepted the provisions
pf the Federal reserve ait Tin1 capita)
itock of the Federal reccrve bank of
Richmond,- era the basis of 4 per oent.
of the total capital stock and mrplu
of the assentlnK national banks In 'he
district, will amount to )0,303,SB3, nnd. If
to this be added C per cent, of the capital
stock and surplus of the State banks and
trust companies which have applied for
membership up to April 1, 1014, the total
capital stuck will be iti,S43,2M,
exemption In the last Consreai because It
to in- that It was a violation
aty obligations, nnd I am one of
believe in stlcklnr to a bir-
no matter at what cost, but the
has convinced me
least debatable, with
In favor of the con-
the Hay-
1 m mmm M aa aW Virl?a9F
per cent, of the ... . . . . ... . ' i-ess man two years auo tne e-onirrcs,
total cap
iniount to J5.683.9S5: and If there be "", """" " 'J-""" shlpplns from tolls. That action stands
idded S per cent, of the cipltal stock and that the f,.tr there are tb0 the settled policy of the American peo-
lurplus of the State banki and trust com-. ,T,t,f',r,u 1 ut ,tl,.'J ll'v"10" "''J' """'"l pie.
nanles willed have applied for member- 1,11 rlBht- a,ld "le ln chame think v are now asked to reverse that
im-ie Biiuui'j i. mu tun nuniw r oi oiuks policy without a single reaon beltitt
under the law It remilns to he trb'd. Riven for such reersal. 1 cannot see
It. M. Oallaway, president of tho .Mer- hy I should favor any such nctlon.
chants National Hank, said' "I don't "If I had any doubt about my duty
caru anthlni; about It." In this contlnKency that duty would be
James Aiexandi-r. president of the mlved by
National Dank of Commeive, s.ild :
hlp up to April 1. 1914, the total capital
stock will be 15,534, fl6.
Itnllas District.
"District No. 11 The State of Texas,
ill that part of New Mexico not Included
in District No. 10; all that part of Okla
tathfs one purchase you lay the foundation for an entirely new con
eeption of tire service. When that Empire Tire ii gone you will buy
another Rd Rubber Empire to replace it, and for once you'U realize
that you have put one across on "Wear" and "Tear"they have got
the tire, but you have received in return.
Red rubber is the toughest kind of rubber for tirea.' We we the dis
coverers of this and the first to employ it. It won't be long before you'll
see the other tire makers commgiwer to red rubber. But first they
have got to work out their experiments to get the combination. We
are a big Jump ahead of the others, and have a product that means tire
Satisfaction to motorists
We do not ask you to accept the risk of trying out our assertions for
Red Rubber Empire Tires. We sell them wiih this brief, complete
understanding you must be satisfied that the Red Rubber Empire
Tires you buy give you complete satisfaction. ,We stand back'of them
for a square deal all around. Too, there Is that same difference between
Empire Red Rubber Tires and ordinary tires that there is between a
Knox hat and a three-dollar derby. There's a satisfaction in possessing
exclusive class.
Empire Red Rubber Tires are on sale at the following places and
can be easily secured for you by any supply house or garage.
tmfkt tiller aid Tirt C... 240 Weil 55th St., New Yuk Ma F. Drlit.H, 148 W. 8tt Si., New Y.rk
Eaitiri Ratter aad Tire Co., 148 Citatiii St., New Yetk Hi. 17 Vetate, 155 Weil Sltl St., New Yaik
E. Scaooaailm k C... 83S 7th Ait., New York MeKall A Jaaiei, Z4S W. 57tk St., New York
Irickaer's Alt Sipaly Co., 5015 Broadway. New York JetaB.CipbellCo170 W.72dSl.. Now York
N. Y. Steam Aolo Tire Repair Woiki, 312 Weit 52id Street, New York
Kmf Tire Coapaojr, 195 Broadway, new Tork
Farrell Aite Co., 1178 Bedford Ave., BroeUra
"The man with a red tire knows."
New York Branch -
240 W. 55th Street
Factory and Home Office: TRENTON, N. J.
Makers of "Peerleoa" Rid Rmbbtr Inner Tubeo
VI Not tk V(
( ThUkaoa III
V el Triad JJ
the sentiment ln my Htate,
which Is so overwhelmingly aaatnst re-
I feel that a smaller number than peal ns to be practically unanimous."
homa not Included In District No. 10. all 1 twelve is preferable. I bellee, however. Senator Kail outlined his attitude In
hut part of iMiilslana not Included In that the organization ciMimlttee of the the following statement:
"I wdl not say positively that I will
vote ntcalnst the t'resldent, but I have
District Nn. ami the follow Intr counllcr j rw system with the full data before them
(Ireinlee. Cochlsu and Santa Cruz, wlt'i stune
imp city
of the
of the
stock of
las on
Atlnntn lllstrlrt.
assenting national banks In the dls
trlct will amount to (5,520.167, und f
there be added 6 per cent, of the cipltal
stock nnd surplus of the State banks and
trust companies which have upplle-d for
I membership un to Anrll 1. 1S14. the tr.tal
"District No. 6The States of Alabama, capital stock will be 10,0.34.001.
Oeorcla and Florida . all that part of ....
Tennessee located eat eif the wetrnj i,,n 'aneMse-i, District,
boundary of the following counties.1 "District No. 12 Th- States of Call.
Htewart. Huustem. Wayne, Humphreys fornla, Washington, Orepon, Idaho, Ne
und l'erry, ull that part of Mississippi vada and I'tah ami all that part of Arl-
lucuieu souwi 01 me norinrn nouniiary zotin not Included In District No. 11,
of the tollowlnir countlts: Issaquena, the city of Kim b'ranclsco, Cal .n
Hharkey. Yazoo. Kemper, Madison. I.eake h cation of the Federal reserve hank.
and Neshoba , and all of the southeastern "This district contains 614 nai.unal
part of Louisiana loc.itesl east of the west- ,anks whlch have accepted the povlfi inr
err. boundary of the folio Ing counties: c( the t.-fafral lteprve act. The capital
rolnte Coupee Iberville, Assumption and PlooK of ,h(1 !,,, rn ,eerve bank e,f San
Terrebonne, with the city of Atlanta, C,a.. i.'lanclsco 011 the baals ' 6 per cnt. .f
aa tho location of tho I ederal reserve ,i. ,0UI capital stuck a. .a surplus of the
,n-J; . ..... . . . asentlwr national batiks In tiu dls-
mm uisiricr contains a,, nit'ona. .,i, ,vim h.,,,,,.,,, 17 ,r. .411.1 ..,i t 1
I consider that the division as almost coum to the e-oneluslon that th ih' .,..,1 t .. ... ..l . . ... ..
or uanas. 1 ex.. as tne location ina.lej Is reasonab!-." ri,....t w..l,l h 1hs -.vie n,.,n r,.in. . ",lu U,U1 "" ojei i.isi r ukiii oy me .miv crusins .Men s
Federal reserve bank. Hatikets ulm ,1's.Museil ehe !eeilnii o,,. ti, ,lnnl 1 " me road . u-cue .if New ork at Its monthly din-
Is d-.arlct contains 7IS naticnn ! M it 'vho refused ! beTu -tcd tinted o t " ' I ' ln Sell built an.her and ner and m. . ti.K In the Aldlne Club. Fifth
which have accepted the provisions 1,1 , 1 1 hi li.,,! 1 Z u ....... ... . . ! shorter 1 oad at an expense of 400 OOo.OoO ..v.mi .mi Twmt.th.rd street. When
Federal reserve art. The canltal 1 el,- .w 1.. ,1.. ,i...i.'nn e, ,. .u ... ........ .. . si,..ru -jne cost was to be met b Iev- I've-. dent Imreisill aked how many were
f tho Federal reserve bank of Dal-, hown thi't bv dlvldln- 'he Siiutheict "What 1 believe to lie the best thlnir 1 ,n" ,olls n thej vehicles of all nations 1 In favor of the President's Maud thert
the bfts's of per cent, of tho I into two 'bunk r....i I 1 Im, ,i 1 of " woul" 1,0 t(J Brant tolls exemptions , ""(? this road. Then tho company pro-1 wa.s a thunder of "Ay.." Thtee voices
rnnlli.l kiorlc mid stirnlna nf h i i. .... L , . to cunstw se ships, not only of the I'nlted 1 teteil, savinK It had the riirht to be ex-I were heard when the ontioslilon was
be spread out very thin.
The passlni: uver of New Orleans as a
reserve centre In favor of Dallas was com
mented upon unfavorably. It was pointed
euit that I-oulslsna has been hard lilt by
the Administration In the sucar tariff re
duction and that the omission of the
State-'s big city from the Vxleral reeeivi
bunk list would affect Its laipe euttein In
terests dlsadvan'uiteously
Wilis (iolil .tledal fnr Oriteiri,
Mollis Debroky of Dc Witt Clui'or
High Si.'iiol, speaking on "T'te I.a i 1
the ImmiKi ant.' son the gold medal p
the NfW York High School oratorical con
test conducted by tho Harnurd i.iu
Society of Columbia University last n1'-
Im tin., . .1 ..-I . ..
.., , . , , - . , " ,.mrt.,l .. . UI c.1111 nan. vu,iii'n i iiuien ui iv
,rp u, ,-,- , , uu, Ui ran .in i - mond Hill High School took pecond p
and South America. It '-barged the king and his subject- Ourve IMi'tind Smith, president. of the ...... simiiel e :ih..r.nnn' r.f th nin-i
"The principal objection of Great j irucklltiK to Ilabylonla. All this pro-1 HoS al T.vpewriter Company, advocated f Commerce was third
oiiiuin iu ui.i'. .'I'liipioiu is noi on he- 1 urHn-- u. ifmjiiMituun hi mtnij uii . (using men mare lioerty aro
count of the Canadian Pacific, as I I'h iruoh, for the people, who before the freedom of resion. The head of the
commonly believe el, but on account ef j r"ai' WM built regarded the company as tlrm should not dictate the advertising,'
the Tehuantcpec Hallway, owned by 1 ' trust and ln violation of the anti-trust I he said, but le-avo that end of the buslnes
Cowdray. This rallroid. due to the fall- I laws for the protevtlon of shepherds, now to a specialist.
nr.- of the Mexican (lovernment to put showed a profound trndnc to regard It, K. It.ilph Lte.p, art director of the'
up Its share of th money, Is now prnc- , ul a benevolent organisation. The air Ainer, in link N 'te Cunpitiv, compared
tlcally under leas., by Cowdray for fifty- ! "'"g with 'bid faith,' 'unconstitutionality,' buslne-is to hasebull olid -ald that busln ss
one years, but at the end of that time i 'tre,ion' and 'truckling to Assyria' had much to linrn fr. 'u Ins. lull,
It will pass Into the hands of the Mexican ao 1 naraori propose-il to exempt this Other speakers were U, St. K'nm I.ewla,
l !ov eminent
' company from tolls. At this tmlnt ' l leiernhr i,f lh, ,v..ueta ,..-,..1 ..e ,i,
"it cost ?65.ono,noo. practically all oil'"1""' appe-iireo rrom liomen, who re- Associated dvertilug Clubs of An. rlca,
which was put up by llrltlsh capitalists, I minded the king that the company was a md Carl I'er.'.v, u former member of the i
and free tolls to American ronclwlse nionoioly. y leaiiue.
ships, which Includes the ships ruivvig "The king thereupon ordered the dlrec- ; j
from New York to Hawaii, would euakn , tors s' Un. hut relented when the Hebrew
that entire Investment mirthless, l'lerc- 'minded him thit It was but natural that
lug the- narrow part of Mexico Just above ") snou'.l seeu special privilege. Where
. r ,, " . , - , . uici win iimouni to n,i.u.v.i, unu :r
banks vvhlch accepted the provisions of the Uwre be n()(U.( ,,er vnt. of Cilxitul
rederal re-jjrvB act. Ths cipltal stock of tln:i .m, aurl,lu9 o( ,P Kl!U1. ,,iUlliH
,Ti ,f u.,m Hi Mi.im.i n UIIj lIU8l C(,n,,ani which ha
the basis of C per cent, of tho total capital fl)r momhershlp up to April 1.
i r v i HVri,lu'' J' V" ".'" rln,s n" total capital s ock will be 15,:
Wlti'lldnerej Oliloof In II iu the Yucatan I'lpirisuia, it Is only 1!0 , "l'" 'no king, though lam. ntlng 'he fact
vFMji.i ... in-, n)i, M lmij i(nl oi(i nf )(iit , that the-es men had conspired against the
(tp(tinr .Miicliitic Tlironyrh
Cot (indent Fniitl.
and trust companies which have nppiu-d
1. l'.'H. :he
1 I f. so.
ilonal banks In the district will amount to e.itn.n'itH.. ,iis ' ' '
'""'V .' . "e "QnPU p "The committee waa Impressed with the
?heate,an'"an7ru " ttSm eo, "'"T"' "MarY ' UW ,,U-
hlch have applied for inemtwhlp up f 6 per ce t of "he emit Wilson Cabinet, w a. a "walking delegate"
vmXVXA ,0,a' CaPlU' StCl h nS Surplu. of national Unks'and f'r 'h' ,'""-r'V "nIon h"forc hfl
WJlt De n.70.,780. S(ate bank8 am, trut companl,.8 whlch offlclal life. I fion his appointment to the
fertlv . iiulpp. il roads In the world, rnval tr. asury nnd had eau.'d ihe king
"Tolls exemption to the coastwise trade l,,,m '" uscoutente.i, smiI:
0. both Americas would please Kngl ind " th" e nu n be not knaves they be
so far as Canada is concerned und would lunatics or footx. Ia-t them all ! taken
pl.-.ise Mexico, which will eventually own ro.val bughouse tint this pest be
that railroad It would please Colombia, '" propHBaieei arm trial my suojects be
WAsnrvnTON. April 2. Willis in Han-
Chleiego District.
which we wronged In the taking of Pan
ama, and which has coasts on both
oct an", und would convince the big South
American nations that we are friendly.
"It Is icommon knftwledge that Hraxll,
Argentina and Chile have formed a close
alliance principally to protect themselves
from us. This Is a step, I think, which
would remove that feeling and make the
I have applied for membership, that iec- Cabinet ha expressed a eluslro to have
I tlon could not provide the 14.000.000 mini- ati nmomriM'.i tnr hiu n,tnnni n in
.iBkiik .- i iim 3Liie tu iiiiva, an ilium caiuiai huich re-riuiriii uy me law. ....... ii.n ... . : ' : . - ' " ",v
that part of Wisconsin which is located "With the continued growth of that " , 1 , " "PU" lwu rs' attitude or the real of ihe world of much
routh of the northern boundary of the fol- region It is reasonable to expect that In a !,Hlu'1' ' l"'Kr,'!is ' " appro- Ir.ss conseiiueiice.'
lowing counties: Vernon, S ipk, Columbia, few yeais the capital and surplus of Its t'riatlon for a touring car and an electric
Dodge-, Washington and Or.aukee : all of the member banks will be sufficient to Justify runabout. That was a enr ngo. Cun- K risen I tilvorsir Coiitldi-nt.
pwuthern p. nlnsiil iof Miehlg.in. vlr : Thar the creat oii of nn additional Federal ro- grf.,H refused to authorlio the purchasj Friends of the repeal clause In the
part east of Lake Michigan, a ! thit part serve, .listrht, at which time application o( mac.,nc3 ' Panama Canal act asserted to-day that
of Illinois located- north of a line forming nwy be made to the Congress for a grant ' ""'"'""" thev had madf a gain of four votes Thev
the southern boundary of the following 0f the necessary authority." . 1T'",r''u"," Becrelary Wilaon conferred , J;,,;, wlih ronN"nM "hat a roll caU m
countlea Hancock. Schuyler, Cass, Singa-i (with the legal authorities In the Depart- ,,, lUne 0i.ld show a majority of nine
mon. Christian, Shelby. Cumberland and Factors In Selections. merit of Labor. They held that Mr Wll- in favor of repeal
3i l.n7fo"rmlW These are, the factors vvhlch governed -on could satisfy the ,-arn,n8s of 1, s Titer, .a .t. tnrge list of Sena-
nlnns. lllnlev and Ohio, with the Federal banks within the district to provide the Forthwith Secretary Wilson bought a car . "nan, who was at thn Capl
reserve bank lo-ated tu the city of minimum capital of H.oon.ooo reciulre'd that Is b.-autlful to behold and efficient , , l""'". " "PI"
Chicago. for the Federal reserve bank on the basis us to epe.'d. Mr. Wilson was then con- . ,xamirHt ?' Arizona, who h.i
ro longer d' reived
"All this happened 3.S0O years ago," ob
served Mr How die very serlou!y
Commends Members for Slind on
Pi.nnmn Toll iirslnn.
The Cliamber of Commerce has reeelvd
a letter from President Wilson commend.
Ing Its stand on the Panama Canal tolls
.Mrs. John Mnrtin I'rjros "Hack'
to tlia Homos" Movement, 1
Instead of Votes." i
"The mitTraglsts will give us a mothera'
union next." Mrs. John Martin warned
nn audience at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Sellgman, 30 West Fifty. slKth
street, last evening "They have alreadv
This rtlnirlct contains SSI iinrlnrial Of fi Per Cent of the Capital Stock lltli
banks which have accepted the provisions surplus of member banks within the dli
of tho Fi'deial reserve act. The capital , trlct.
atock of the Federal reserve bank of Chi- ' "Second The mereantl'e. Industrial nnd
cago on the basis of 6 per cent, of tho llnanclal connections exlst'ng In each ells
total capital stock and surplus of the as- trlct and the relations between the varl
sentlng national banks In the district will ouh portions of the dlstrk-t and the cltv
amount to $12,fi04.I00. und If there be f elected for the location of the Federal
added 6 per cent, of the capital stock nnd reserve bank.
surplus of the State banks and trust com- : "Third -The probable ability of the
panles which have applied for member- Federal reserve bank In each district,
ship up u April I, 1 It 1 4. the total capital after organization and after the provision-
made an appeal to Senator
is been opposed
stock will Pu J13,ini,!'2S.
Ml, l.onls lllslrlct.
ii-sirici .xo. c i lie nine oi vvrsansas, i , ..... .., i
all that part of Missouri located east of . " '"':Th, ' ' , ,
'he western bonndaiy of the following
viuntles Harrison. Daviess, Caldwell,
rfn r rn ..nn i..i...u.... u..n... w, ,i..i
. , j .... , M'lUliri'll, I Kill i , x. I it 1 1 . ,
Cedar, I'.nle Lawrence and ll'irr.v , ll i .
ll.nl ..r ,,1" . . . I.. ... ll. ' I I I l II
Z ? r X ";:;!,'." lZ; I tin.," 'of.l ......r., t transportation lines
t(.t iriirui, 111 lavor ine npeal rim. .xir.
Hut Mr Wilson's dream of possession refused to change hla mind,
of an automobile for the rest of the Ad- beriator La l-ollett. of Wisconsin Is op.
ministration has been rude y shatteied. '"'H,',1 ' ll'V r,''"'a' "ni1 w' "P'ak In
Tho Demo, ratio watchdogs of the Trra- "p,n,H """ ,n mlt lllH '"lb-ague. Mr
11 y elisapprove of tho automobile habits ''i'henson, went to the White House to-
aniulrrd by ofrl ials of the Wilson Ad- to assure the PresldrrH thai h, would
niinlstrution. They have decided to Iiut vot.i for the repeal
a slop to It. I " WJ!I h"'1 '"-'lay that both Nevada
A provision ns follows In the leglsla- ' Senators had gone nn record as oppos,., to
tlvo bill. Just reported to the House, will ""'i"''"- 'he I'r.sld. nt sent to the Senate
In the trlek if it be. nines a law. lo-day the nonilnarlon of William Wood-
"That iippioprlatlotiH rnadii in tills or lmr"' Jr" "f "t,,l or United States
any either act shall not b,i nviiil.ilil.. f,r Attorney of Nivada. He Is a f,,nn,r
niands of business, whether noirual or purchase, maintenance or repa.r of motor sei-retiery to Senator Nowliinds rind was
abnonnal. In accordance with the spirit propelled vuhlc e h unless spicll ' author- Indorsed hv both Nevada Senators. There
ity by law for audi purchase, maintenance "" " ""' " n nciwcen the Nevada
or repair, or unless authority therefor Sf'il'urs and t tie- Department of Justice
be specifically htate-d In any approprla. avrr "''a appointment
lion usiid for such purposes," There was snne Interest manifested at
The, Wilson I'ar, which Is one of the ""' ''"I'll"' to-dtiy as to whether or not
sights of Washington, will have to bo 11 wutild have any rlTevt on tho tolls
son I or impounded if tins pruv s'on 1m-
of the Federal reserve net shall hnve
gone Into e ftect, to m.-et the legitimate de
me i namoer went on ric.iin oh tormeu one n he and as nn miiirrr....ei.
opposing the tolls exemption bill when It of the Fabian Soil.ty.
1 1.. March sent a U u-r In I i',"uien. W 7 ! "U won 1 on: M 1
I son sii'ipoitlnlg his stand and reiterating Krt n 1,111 ut tm' ''ml of every day. 'Taking
Its -esi.li.tlr.il -are of the bab.v. $1; waiting on blck
The. I'rusl lenl's letter was as follows : , mother $1. Three k-sses 75 c(.nt8' 1
w.n",i,!,T !,'rniM"f. ,e,K ; ','r,"V, "r:.,,.m ""J 1 "W..n.e are .1, man.llng pay for nearly I
March i and inv assurance that I ''V'TJ ,M,I,B ' "''' lo. and men will soon I
predate the nctlon of the Chamber of , l"" tl"' "mll ''rones in a hive whtre the
Commerce of the State of New Yo-k 'n work Is elotie by Industrious and lode,
supporting the position of the dmlnls- pendent spinsters. The New Yoik sc'i .Vn
trntlon on tho Panama Canal tolls eiuea-1 are rapidly being reduced to thix em.Hi.
j tlon and tho Idaho schools are. already I
"The pav envelope when handed to a
woman buss not only her labor but tho
lives of the unborn. Her sex power and
her labor pmvei in,, not detachable Hut.
the- nice should nol b for sale.
"The woman s movement I want to see I
Is away from the ottlces ami f.utoiies
bnck to thu home."
vision of the available capital for tho
Federal reserve banks among tho ellstrlcls
Advertising .Men'. 1,,-i.une I "mors
llepeiel etf I'.ieneiH ion,
President Wllorr.s stimd for the repeal
of the lulls lA.'iuptlnn cl.iue was In.
Will help you when all else fa .
L'nsirehtly complexions are ofrn
a bar to social advancement ir.A
business success. Start life w"f
a clear skin and good hair.
Samples Free by Mnll
I'Ulleum Aiep nut Olnlmrnt MM Uirmn'w
otlit IJIirrul umplr or rsrh mallMl . s it t
tKWs .aarw "UuUpuri," Ue-pt (All p., i
.WIT te.W.K's AM) KMItlllTMiN
Include 1 II, Dl r V -ill tli It ii irt of '" f'"'!"!'" f"1" 'V '''nimunlca-I comes a law. Under It Secretary Wlb
El' ,i I. . .-J I , S ' ; between the Federal reservo bank I son e-oulil not have il.o ma.hm.. rcpalre,
all that part of T. nnZ U , e luded i " "nr,lf",', of '" ",';' , HI, lovernment money, nor could 1,.. i
District No. 6, and all that part of Mis- 1 "SUth-Tlu population. area nnd a gallon of gas., rne to run the car un cm
',:;;;! "critics to ti e bughouse."
slsslppl not Included In I) s'rlc' No f. ' prevalent business activities oi tne ins- , i," w. ni now,, nun ins own pocuets ror
with the city of St Louis, to, as. the' lo- I irh'l. whither iigricultiirnl, maniilnctui - thu price.
cation of Ihe Federal reserve lunle I""-', "lining or commercial, Its ricord of,
"This district contains 434 national 1 srowih and development in inn past and
hanks which hive n pte. m- prnv Is.nns ll tirospects for tho future.
or the i-.-.ierai rrserv. , -r 'j i. rappal
Hock of I lie. I I'll. i. , I nun., i,,,,,, ,,c v.
,.u s on i. e .,, ,.. ,,, ,,,. . .., lml,g the s veral districts
total capltnl h'or . .ml ,,,.. f ti. .. ...,,,,,. ,H ..ndeavored lo follow
oisinri will
ll.m.llr Cll Id i:Kliiin Vnnr lo
(ieilele Wilson on T..IU,
WahiiC'iit-i'.', April 2 Ilepiesenlntlve
Stan ev II llowdle nf riki. a Democrat.
i.n ... .1., iiin irin iinys (,r ..-. ,,,
in I
sentlng ii itional b i K h
amount to n.sii,, 117:1.
Mined per cent or lie- , tpital sin. k and
surplus of thu Slate i.ink" and trust eoin
panles which luw- aplie.d tor niemU r.
ehlp up to Apill 1. r.m, the total ciiilta,
Hock will bo Jt!,;i'.i.3.'3
Vllniiriinil. Illstrlei,
"District m ii T siues if Mm
e'ree In llenet ami ll.-nin rrleel.
Suprenie t'uurt Jutlce Kapper
Sou 1 iMkoti, Mn- nig iissoelaMons, cli.imb. rs of eomrneieei
lana, N'n'h I'
.... .vi. - "'"'"""in not in- ai..r ninur leprrscutatlvcs were liv.tU.
cludtd in Dlr. No. 7. ,.nd all that part ( Thu preference, of vach bank as to lliv
Trleel lo I'iiIIimv Slnlp I.lnea. I Teiblas .hilinstoiir'a Wife lint n ),.. for iil.nt tn guide Presidri't Wilson
in nr. unu wnii incse w no charge that
th" Administration "sui rend, r .1" when It
aslu-d l-r Ihe passage of the mils repeal
"To the royal hughous.. with all audi
crltli-B," shouted Mr. llowdle.
"In this tolls question there Is nothing
new," nildi.l Mr, llowdle us he unfolded
this ancient precedent,
"In tli days or Set I there arose a
mighty i-.iiitiuversy which shook all
I'gypt III 11 lue'Vieius relun 11 e..r,,,
Lgvptlan had received the royal favor of
an, I ir 11...., 1... , . ' ' .. "." '. ' : .""v ...... 111 uei.il ri grunted a el vorc. sostenl iv to
' ' - w 111 ever it nns ireii iiiiinii nee HS.trv in .... .... ... - . '
... ... ,ouias 11. .innriHione, a s ik merchant of
.l.vlato the division has brer, along lines t,r,, ,.:.(H.,.n, jM.Uwaj, f)ln n,lrrt r
which rue believ.'d lo be most convenl.-ul Johnston,. "-.him .-.
a re I a.lvantagrous for thedlstrlcl affected," , Th(. wl',p weri mnrrlP, ,n 90r, ,
Ihe comuiKtce before mailing ts selec have one child. Mrs.. Johnstone left h r
, "''.'r',iCH I' "'"" "''J f'1"" husband Ir, 11,10 and within a ve-.r iol a
tla til le to the Pac lllc coact and from ,vo,ce In lt.no oil the giound of rruitv
,i.,.i" iiei.i.r ii, vv as illlg no. 1 I' In lie tn
mm ir uiKiH ny jo inaione he n.mi.-d h s 1 rai rylng ex. luslvely all goods not ,. I
'Swires mcsent husband us curvspuu-1 liidcn between Kurnak and Memphis A
,K'"1 ). I coinpaiiy was ortfiinlicd which enjoyed
1. Altmatt $c do.
The Dressmaking Tailor Jog Dep't
is showing the smartest French Mode!
Gowns and Suits, iocludirag; the Paquin
Collection d'Art.
Reproductions or adaptations of these
garments will be made at very moderate
Mitll Anruar, 3lllj m0 35Uj StxtttB. Xtm (Jot.
Now on V iew,
at the Meiwin Gallericr,
l last 4th Street. i l.r.
Historical American Portraits
11 leal. (I bet Si.uieil I n ,le
Iran bull, and ot ,f rs, I.. I. n. Inn in
George Reuling, M. D
nf lUltln 1 r. , Msr) land,
aim m. nil collection of .
I'lclmo viinslki.ni hj j riHur
In u.- South
The- Pnnioti l:ull-lensth I'ortr..
(?'iey nshiiWtcn ou;c 0., t.j
(trncrnl l.nfii.vctte, unJ pouiiej
Charles illson I'c.ilc. 11ml of -r
Jackson hy the fame ..rttt Ii
Clay, by John Ncnvjlo, nnj . n.v
iho sumc by RcnibratUt Pw.-U
'llireo elllTerent l'ortialt l,e io
Stui.lt. in. lulling utics of Miss Mo
niatlvo 01 the v ashiiigtiin la-'
ll.Ulie ol lmn,er Mill, b, 10 I..'
bull I he l.aiiiu lung ol 11, IP 1.
iiV I'l- l' I l,er"ie p. 1
II llll P I 1 1 l ' Sl ,1 N . 1
Sale Ivy Auction
Tuendny Kveninp, April ", .it '
Mr Walter ' Menii Ann

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