Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, . FRIDAY, APPwIL 3, 1914. MARTINS IN FIGHT TO Cull Wilson's Jersey Appointee to Commerce, Commission Unfitted. for Place. flTKS PASSAIC DKCTSIOX Cummins. Ilrisfow mid Lu Fol let to Also Oppose Mny Ask Withdrawal of Name. amiinoton, April S stenntor Mtirttne of New Jersey threw- oft' tliii yoke of the Aumli lirntlo!i j-d:iy tiud openly lined, t.p i.galtnt Hie President's nomination of I'ro, vvlnthrop Moore Danlcld of the I .cw Jirtoj" I'ubik' t-'tllltles Commission, to -lit interstate Commerce Commission. I u. op rooteu opposition to the con fin. atloii of I'rof. I is tilvls exists In the s'en.r..- headed by Senators Cummins, Hrls'.mv and La l-'ollette. Progressive. He jml'i. .int. Senator Martini- Joined them tul 'id the Semite that i.utwlthstandlnr; his in personal i-gunl for I'rof. Dun, els be . 3i Mileicd him until i"o.- tho otllce, 5 Motor Martini made u .luglm; speech o position t j th- conllrm.alon. He f.i k- In view of dicls.ons of I'rof. Daniels when a member of the Public Service Commission of Now Jersey he was certain Mr. Daniel In not tho man to ec'ipy the Important mile of , Commis sioner of Interstate Commerce. Senator Martlnc clti-d us the basic ob jection to tho conllrmatlon tho llndtmr of I Tor. uameis in tne lase or tne 1'assa.c Oas and Llcht Coiuiiauv. In tlili Instuncu I'lof. Daniels had. after nn lnvtstlatlon coterlnK from 1011 to mz, decided that In addition to the actual naked physical glue of the real estate, pipe lines, ma chinery, bullilliiKt and supplies of the l'ttp.-inlc concern, "the IntaiiKlblo assets" of the corporation, undtr which were In cluded tranchlsc, good will and certain methods of singular and spi-clllc value In the conduct of the business, should add to this strictly physical value 17.6 per cent more of actual Inherent worth. Further, he set forth that as "a (tolnc i concern It was worth 30 per cent, addi tional. Prior of (in Itrdnced. Previous to the Investigation nnd valua tion the Passaic company had been sell ir.K pas at 11.10 a thousand feet, with cash dlti'-unts which brouKht the net cost to 11 a thousand feet. After thc establish :ne : f thc Daniels valuation thepr.ce. 1 1 m.!.s found, could be cut to tiO cents a thousand feet and the return to thc corpo ral! ui would still be S p i .'tnt. a year. ThU Prof. Daiilels held was a reasonable return upon the Investment. Mo .'tnator Martlne expressed the vle-v,oer. from fighting top down to the that a man who could take this position ' tradesmen's entrant, "above all thing- wis untitled to help decide the greater 1 ,. ., , ..1 . tnlilem of plslcal valuation or rail-150" mu,t l puU the trlEScr,, of tho 14 TOtx s. He deplored the necessity of thus , 'i-5'" BU." dl'-mreelng with the President, but he Signs of disappointment nroe all over could not see his way clear to accept the New York Yncht Club's pier. There ir.y other course. , were protests. enator La I-ollette and Senator Rrls-i . . ., .... , . tor- No addressed thc Senate In opposl- Not a,1,lK'r wori1 ; crleJ th' chn1--lot, to the appointment. eron. "If any of you girls set off the S-rator Cummins dwelt nt length upari B""4 while I'm aboard and I hear of It the necessity of appointing nun to the "'-'" ,ve 'shu11 K,Ht shi"" ee- lf commission whose views were nvtr.i "' one should be walking along the shoro r.early In line with the signs of the and a 14 Inch shell should hit the man In time.- as regards the railroads than thou a vl,:l' "f0 ,fu' Name for his Injuries. of Prof. Daniels. He said that If tha P" even death, would fall upon " ,rinJ r.r n,n( i ., ..i.-.. i..i , "Oh. itlrls!" Interrunted Miss Valll prevailed In tho consideration of busl-. r.fsi before the commission It would u- only a short while before thc railroads ' would enjoy nn normous enhancement .n he value of their securities as we'l as tr-tn idous Increases of Income, an the s h'pi. t would be, as In past Instances, the tuff erers. rtreeSH to Arotd n Voir, Theie stands In the Senate a unanl mi us ..gretmsnt to vote upon the Dan Ins cortlrmatlon upon the p'esent legls mt ve day Democratic leadera ure not , uii-ri-M-i io ocieat tne continuation, ' 'htreby conveying n direct slap to tl Wli te House, nor do they w-Uh to con-1 firm Prof Dank Is In the face of the op- foil ion registered n-alnst him by a Sen- iter from nls own State. T a iu.iml.4-- thv- ift.Till.i to avow having to vote. The contlrmn-' tlon will be the tlrst business before the u&nn.n . . Conate to-morrow. Meanwhile the Administration Iradus .11 hold many Infomal conferences and It Is even suceisted that an t ffnrr nun- tt mii-l. to have President Wilson with-! di-iw the appointment. Mr Daniels before his appointment to the VW Jersey Public Service CommU. : s'o- a professor of economies In WRIGHT CO. HOLDS UP FLYING LICENSES Applications for Porinis-ion to Use Aeroplanes Arc Unanswered. r-lwin K. Jaconlth. son of K. P. Jac . a retired banker of Chicago, ap ' ti the Wright Company yesterday '' .1 i. ni to fly an aeron'ane under the " 'Rn: latentti. Alpiiius 1 names, see-"i-v if the Wright Company, said he ce i d tint give an answer for nt leant " weess The Aeronautical Society wrota to the ' R.i Cniipiiiy three weeks ago asking r a '..nse covering what experlmililal .1 e t ielr may do 11 Oak a nod j1 . t this bumnitr. No aiiawrr hau - 'e.ved Te'g'.ims from Washington yesterday t'uat Oreille Wright and tllenn H. f i bid made a deal whfteby Mr C ', n-o w.n defendant In the recent 'i'r' litigation, would be allowed to ' line airoplanes. A retiresnitn- ' the Curtlps Aeroplane Company al ! "iiiMinrt, ,N. v.. Milil! deal was dlsctiH.V-d Mr. Vurtlts i ..i.r.rr- ,.f - ,.i,,. ...., i :,.i. I t tn put tlie latter lii poss. -.-tlon e m-. fads ifganllng which Mi- t ' e 'her was misinformed or hi.. I "'d. The iiuestlon of a deal dl. I I'"' ' e up," I A'-'iul manager of the bu f i- - f aeronnutlc.-i of the I'nnntna-I'aelili - m. telegraph! d to Tub Sr.t that ! r. i,r tlf state Ilryan prumlsed every o- " a d In getting the i-oop. ,at!on of ''-' Hoverimifnls In tho aioutid the 'v 1 aeroplane race. I e Aro Club has received a letter ' II C-.dsden, president of the iries m Consolidated Jtallway and "i K i ompany, saying that Charles ttn n , be glad tc -.-ooperate In every 'y n cave that city ts aelected as thn ' for ending the New York-Ilermuua rj e, Air lllnata Shake Xllnr ItrKlnn. " ' 'I ton, Mich.. April S. The entire f i-fiuntry was ihaken by the pecu hi i-n disturbance known as an nlr tlltl)' ,l,f.,rA,Hlu r,Hll....ll,.n l .1,.. IV V Mue. In which such disturbances . f ut mori, A similar bl.iil Interfered 1 1 itlnriB In onn of the iulncy J-'" In the same shaft the h'ast ills-eM-SKl Iooib iiroiind and the Hhaft was (ut out of commission temjorarlly. BATTLESHIP ARKANSAS FIGHTS Copyright. 1D14, by American Press Association. THE BATTLESHIP ARKANSAS HAVING TROUBLE TO TURN IN EAST The battUshlp Arkunmn left the llrook-1 lyn navy yard at noon yesterday bound for Hampton Koailtt. Crowd-, that always I Blur on the Hrooklyn ltrldKi when on.-i ot n,'w 8hlP9 of thc nav' P-t-ki- l ur "QUEENS OF MOVIES" CAPTURE THE TEXAS Dash on Warship in Tnxitups and Nobody Tries to Itopel Hoarders. "And above all things, my dear."." as the warned Chaperon Ton, Hyley. ns the girls of his "Queen of the Movies" corn- paiiy assembled nt the foot of Hast i Twentv-thlrd street yesterday afte 110011 I ' " - - in .niHUpr Irt nn nv nt nn frnm th.. ntU "cr3 of the brand new battleship Texas 1 come alioard and look the new skiff; alll. excitedly, right here, as three gray I coated munches shot away from the nr,ir"1 K,r'"t nlrancH of the Tons lying t """" l'" r,'-r lu ."""'."-V. 1 wird tlH' '"'r '.,""''. Krls. look! Here , come the taxltugs So everlod got aUnrd thc thie tnl tugs, a very simple matter tn comparison to climbing atmaril a bitihship later i wnlle one Is all tound round with a hobbl skirt. Ah see the pretty gulls circling In ' the beautiful sky. lads. I.ook, look, look, 1 look ! No, you chumps, look at the gulls, i While gazing aloft at the gulls, one couldn't help hearing the rather fretful voice of Miss June While complaining, "Tliere should be steps here" Miss White thc well known actress, you remember, who as a page In the firs', act of the "Queen of the Movies" plays that part which runs, "Mlthtah Hilton. ,.t i . Ii .. I Mlflitnh llllnn. nle'ithe " -hnd confided to Miss Trul Kwers tlook on the programme If vou doubt the .ianie and . ... it.... I v. ...... Io the Misses Jeanette Hor'.on and Nancy Pisde that In her opinion the Tex is i some skltf arid the Kast Itlver sum' crick even befo:e llm full gloiy of wlat the Texas can do nt her best Hashed upon us Elrls. Just selecting haphazard In tit- Texiis wardroom, did you ever see. esptclal'- when they're all dolled up In uulfnim, t i.,,in, IVnl Unwell. Scriibbv I.iW- ' ton, I'M die Washburn. Hoe l.llibey. Taff ri,ii!n.i,.i- nr Km ens .M1K" lloiierison (rial name Marlon C. llobtrtson, so they 1 William .1. Kinsley, a handwriting ei- call him Mlko for short), nle Ounthef, ' P'-rt. was callnl for tin contcslanls. v.ho Mini Silvers Assciton. tl mm Hillings, ! contetnl that th tlrst two pages of the Mike Morrtssev Kid (illlcttc or Ilah-ltah . will were attached to tin- do'imient titer Viillnei o-calli'il Wans- his full nam?," '"" flKiml. Mr Kinsley st.ld the tint Keimetb it It. Wallace hounds so much11"" I'" innin nun iiiui-iinin il'ii a college y. 11? l....l.l.. nil tlie.e littri.etlillis the T..'ii ..tll-irx who bid been tin gtleats o'' Mr ltvuy and his company at the (llob Tn-utre laiibr In th week ami now weie giving a party In leliirn, nad the sh'n'a band going fill speed ahead for 1 . wi. rtTie, In the . .y,.Tn, " ''i ' 1. "l S,,1 s Junior otlicirs' mcr.s populailj known as "the steerage." rind punch bowls had been tilled with lemonade lo which Just a i. , i ...ii..i .., I ,1,,.... tang h.. hern u e l. an theie vero , nitnuiiiMii me, " ,,...,,. wherever buntln would stick, with the human navy Kilttrr.m; even n.nre "lorl ously than the glassware and thc chip's '- ... . . . . . Capt. Albert f.ruit -r.d Com minder , Stnuiord K. Moses, executive otllcer ci . tho Texas ; Dr. John H. Pennls. ship s surgeon i LleuKnant-Commrinder.s Thomas Kearney. Willis Mitchell, John W Tim- niSn.s and Charl. s I. Hurt' In fact th Wrtoll roster f til' entire Upper register roster of the Texas dropped l-y to tako a look at Kid and t-erubby and Mlk a- I , itah-Ilah and SllveiH and tho nst of th-li' Juniors twostepplng along th.; decks of glory. I Tho band music bro. ht Cipt. liberie of' 'h'' ieeelln ship Washington ah iard wnn airs, i-.n'in- iu m t... uhm . t-'orseousn. ss. And only l.ecuiso there I ttH iLitiwr that the .howshon whlstl up in llroadway m'glit tut-tut lit any moment did us gills finally decide a cUt-ik to hall a piHslnir taxltiig and go bad to the dam-In that's regular work RUNAWAY GIRLS BACK HOME. SiiiKeolriirk Trio inl fur Hi-ooUlj n on tn. ,ttl" " ' ' Three lr!s who ran away from home , Wedni?day wllh the avoived Intention o ji-lng on the stage were found In The Ilronx last nlglil by the brother ot ouu and taken home, when they had Interest In? Interviews with their parents. The cauti" nf Ihtlr not getting further Irom home wan that they hud only I", raised by pawning some Jewtlry. They an- Madeleine I'oIIIh, 10 years old, of r 1 S West MSth street; I.'.lllan Morgan, It, of I7C West liritll street, and Caroline Hobi-rtH, IV, of Clio W si lllth wtieet Tiny went to llionklyn llrst, wlieie the tool: ii room on Adelphl stuet, unci stiijul ,n'r" ' "liieHiliiy nighl Ve.xtcrd.iv they wept tn the limn' of Itnse Miuiahiiii, a ft I' ml. who lives at ISO l.afoutalne iiveiiue. The Ilronx, Miss Monahan telephoned lo Madeltlna'a home and reunions, followed. i - - ?VnMiii3!HnaBrH out of the navy yard saw the Arkansas In a stiff tusslo with tide nnd wind. The tide was flood and carried the ArkaiiBas's bow out of her course nnd dangerously near a carlloat. Several tUK came to BISONS BARRED FROM LANDING. Tno. Amerlmn tlorn. Are Not Per mlttrd to llrrnlrr Countrr, Mrs. Rose Wentwortlu rider and trainer of American bisons, took three to Ar- kentlna. n.-rfneiiilnt- wllti thorn In n lfll Haneh company. Two of them Kot back with hir by the steamship YrU In on. Sunday from South American iorts. One dli-d on the trip from lack of proper food, Mrs. Wentworth says, and she kept Its pelt, head and horns, worth about 1250. The two bisons have been debarred from landlnjr on their native luath by tho llureau of Animal Industry and Mrs. We,rlh t" w 8,T,, g 0n last ! nIli; to try to persuade Dr., head I of the bureau, to let them In or (o have j them put In ouarantlne and shot If they ! li. - .iit,lfrt)i.I.,rrtl ,-.. o (Vial- ,WM"M w "--'-. vnn-iwie-t and I ,,, ,, ,' ,,,' ..,,.A.,r.i The law does not take cognizance of 1 tin, AmerVnn n.-itlvllv of nnlm.-ilii brousht ! Into tho I'nlted States from South Amer- lea. A despatch Io Mrs. Wentworth fron , Cok Mulhall are beginning their work In A. H. Farrlngton. acting head of the ' this dlslrl.-t. You will remember that Col Hureau of Animal Industry, said. "Huf-' Mulhall, who used to be th secret aguit faloes and other ruminants from South ,nf the National Manufacturers AsmicIii Anierlca not permitted." i tlon. was called before u special Invesii- Mrs. Wentworth says she cannot under-' gating cnmmlttie of the Sennt- last um stand why one btiteau of the I'nlted t,ier. and during the course of bis test!. States should wish to t'estroy animals that : mny It appeared that this Congriss ills another bureau Is trying to preserve. tr,.t was n Held of great concetti to him ,,t ..lection time. EXPERT TESTIFIES IN n..mnnmltou' w',u "'' "" at "Ork thai KlIMlt I I? WII I rnNTKvTi1"' h-'ve changed since Mulhall worked UUlllVLij II ILL VlUlllEijl 'here. He had to tight long nnd hard to I get laws to make this damnable corrup 11 i .! o i a ' i i H II Wl'l t i 11 T Mild to SllOW l.aeli of "Formality and IV.'it'cfulncss." Nmvaiu:. N .1., April 2 Witnesses fot til' proponents of the will of William ltun klo of orange, who dlid Inst January, leaving an estate valued nt $2 onft.OOi), gavo tistlmony before Judge Martin nt a further hearing of the case In the Or phans Court to-day. Former llov John W. Crlggs, counsel f"r Harr.v ii. Itunkle. bnither of the te- tator, who Is contesting the will, objected lit Ihi. nf!iiilk.N!rni nf till nlilcr will uiileh 10 tin ndiiileslon or an older will wldch was Introduced b Itnlph V conn- sel for (leorge .VI. liodley and other bine- tlcialles. i 111 the old will Mr. lindley was to re- , elve 1.1(10,(1110, while in the contested ilncu- meiit he s in get only SS0 miO. Mr. ilrlggs i-onteniled that the wi'I shiiub! have been presi nteil to the Surrogate. Tile court overruieii nun aim s.itu inai ill proceedings were not lu reality a contest i-iiiin-. Ink, while the lest nf the will was writ- " 11,1 a llglll. iiinn ine. ill- Sinn nisn ,liat tha rklliK on the tlrst two page) does not show the "forma ity and peace- filluehs" Indicated by the writing In the body of tin- will. " ixainenni luuy, who was noui keeper for the testator a beiiellcl.i ". 'he f-Metlt of r.0.0,1... testified lhat 1 Miss Katnerine luuy, wno was iioum - ary .Mr.! Itur.klo Inttrtictcd her shortly before In- died to get two packages In n place In- ue-s Kliaien aim nine in- ni in i.. iv. n.)ni((1 aH tMof , thfl w, ueilgnateii aim uiae ineiii io v i It .She said she (lid. Mr. Itunkle said he wns 'Informed of his brother's death by Mlm Tally and went t the house and got the packages. lie tooit tin nunuies noun anil loiirni oin , , hfl alfl u ,l!ft of Mr . . . ,.,.,, rlile He took the bundles home and found one llle's securltlet!. Mr. ltunk'e said he did not know wha the other package contained as ho exam ined' it only HUpertirlally. He n-siltled that he look the two bundles to tho Fidelity tp,,., n,,,,,nV. nnd denoslted lllem there (ur M lfl, t,,.,,,w, ToIfCT T.irr, vnv M-nCi -RT HW TRUST FUND iOR MRS, BLAKE. Transfer Mnili I'mler lleeil Cieculed ((( Tm(, (lf s- rti 1 1 n ti. , The rormal dced'i of ransror of rr .lo-epli A Mla!;e aii'l f'.ilherlnn K lllake lo the Fanner.. Loan and Trust l ompiiny. n- trustee were Ml-I for r.-eord yesierdaj The transfer ,s lu.idn under a l.-cd of trust exectileil at tin- tnnn Ur mid Mrs Hike through their legal I'epresentn'lvi s made a settlement lu lieu of iillmonv when Mrs lllake successfully prosecuted her suit for separation Tile trust Is for the benetlt of the. vvlfe. The prnt'-rly transferred Includes Hin divellliig lintiees at ft ft J and i'.03 Madlsini livinue and some stocks and bon is The minium is estimated at a little tuoin (ban tl'DU.OiiO THE SEAG0ERS. H,illln; to-day by Hie Anter'can liner I'litlnilelphla for Plymouth, Cheiboiirg and Soutliaiuplou . Vk'nr II Andr VV 1' HeiiMili , Arlliur I' lltbs T I) llimuiil'lh Tin ll f f llr.llin III li W CiiH.'lilnn Mr innl Mrs 1'red I. Klti h Mr mid Mrs C J lliiliiiiin Mrs vrllnir I-e Wellfle T.-.lor Arrlva's by the Ciinarib-r from tin Medlletranean Mrs Cliurles l'i iiiiihiiii Tin Itev nnd Mrt II Mis Henry s Ileum K iiiune , miii Mr Hubert Murray , j.Mrf. W J Flilier Mr. llullfurd , Hnn.l I WIND AND TIDE .1 !" ' ii mil h.iihww RIVER OWING TO HIGH WIND htr ft hw'stitri ne lttnl mtiil liMr itfi The Arkansas will relieve the Wnmli,v! : lftl";" to w: "n whs ii.h at Hamilton lloads, the latter com nr " tln." waiver of liitinunlty, waa to the navy yard here for repa rs. Capt. Ilov e-lllKhway .superintendent Heel. Smith Is In command or the Arkansas , 'r- Clarke uliliounce.l th it there wou.d - In l:tle need of the committee, to hold - - - ' 'further si ssions In Albany, r specially as SAY MANUFACTURERS ARE IN JERSEY FIGHT Senator HUflllCS Declnro Mill ... Mlt,m,,v . r r, Asrainst O'Hyrne. . ... .. , ... . .,,'.,, J;. pu" --" "'" approval of the 31S Foley repair con Senator William Hughes, speaking to-du i .'..,. n,,, .,,,. 10,o ; ",t " " " T, K 'j ;. . .. , ' ... " ;;, ',,.." ' ,1? " r"'." ., ?J" ."r;."n. I'll t tlltll. HH- kil'llill i . W 's.sociniiiin is mnillK pan in ine llKiu aiei lis n-Mining io nu-tnnas roenio expiiM-1 -' Mulliall in a Senate Investlgatinn Indications now appear." said .senator iiuuurn. i.i.u me successors m me wuriny I "He rsKhead(uarter In on of our 1 local hotels and from there seul- forth hi I agents of corruption. Let me warn tin tion work dangerous. Thank ilod we I. ivi this laws to-du), and we will tight tu up hold them " Kuueue V Pebs Is to be here to-morrow night and the Socialists have made lo!d to chall nge Sei rctary of State Hrjuii io meet him .n deliate Senator llugh.s said this cannot be done because Mr. Ilryan ih to sj-eak in Pass-aic also and hu time Is limited. CARNEGIE FUND FOR WORKERS. i;iiiplurs of II mm on nnd Aqnii- rlnm Io (.e Pi-iikIoiik, Andrew Carnegie has iloiiiited llOrt.nnn ns the foundation of a pension fun1 for the benefit of the iiliplovees of the New York .no'.oglcnl Park and the tIhio aie 13l peisons emplojed at tl.- ,..,L. ..n.i .1.1. ..... .. .. , 4 1 park anil thirty-two at th- Aiiuiiiiiim llacli will cotitrtlmte annually 2 p.r-ti 0f his saiary nnd the Zoological Soie mt n nil will ni.iKe Up any deficit bnut t Is iieefled and of tills Jfi.fwO will j, yielded by the Carnegi, fund. Madison . halrman of tin- everii. tlt i-omiiiltte of ih- so.-b tv, shnw d to Mr Carnegie the need of a n. nsloii fnmi in a niter to Mr. (.runt Mr f':-.rnei.-l,i said: , i .1 . n.e Mir inai i nave iieer u-en ni'i. stirprlMil In my life than at the exhibition given us at our r.-c.-nt dlnnei-, which proves that life Is everywlieic, even down tc the gnats, which had to In- mag- nltb-d an hutidredfnld In order to let ue . nun fin iniiiiiy exismi aiming uief-e midgi b as coiniilitiiv as In the monsiet ei, eia hi. "Havlm; seen sevi nil of the zoo'oglial guldens of the old World, out Institution It, New Veil; neins a giant 'among pygmies. Hevetal of my foreign . trb-inis who bav vl-.'ted It with me have ri aelied the same rnuciuninti " Mr Carnegie's gilt was accent. d nt a meeting of tin exectitiv e ciiiutnliti . of tin soileiy and It Is Un Intent m, to organ- Ize at once a liens on board to t'l.i- chin ge of the fuinl The Hind will be known as the Carnegie I vis am l-'und 'A 11 "My first choice and lav- Ui orite brand of Scotch ; P jjj j Whisky is Dewar's 'White Wm-'i 1 1 Lab-; " I m That is the verdict of v v i many clubmen and con- " ' a noisseurs all over thc wWlMMS ml WOrld' I i If UBWaro f fm y i "WHITE LABEL" P 1" I eScotch 5c7jhixSKu ":r iJL -J tm BENSEL WON'T WAIVE ON CARMODY'S ADVICE State Kiijrineer Paves Way on Immunity Action for Other ! State Officials. 1 ISQUIHKHS TO COMB 1! KICK li. .1. rl'..ll,. t-..iil.... t'. ....... in I I re ft ifiis oiiiiivnn i wiiniiii k.u of lllnrkfiiir $1,000,00(1 Con tracts for IlouiR Ai.iiANT, April 2. Whin State Knl-1 .ur Hi-nsel told Chulrmiti Sullivan and ",iun-el Clarke to-day that he considered It an Insult to b iislied to sln n waiver ' ii.inunl'y bc'ore test fylru? l-fore the Sullivan Assembly committee of Inquiry .e procei-dliiKt came to tin abrupt end d the comniittT adjourned subj-cl tu le will of the chair. Mr. Iltnscl aiiparenlly paved the way i" other State otllclaH to refuse to slii i,iler of Immunity because he Did the mlttee In had bien advised b) At-,iiiy-tlineral Caimody '.hit the ion tit i liiu no right to atk SHU- uIIIiIuik it'll waivers. He suld It uat an lb lit u Uhli lum to mIkii a waiver, but In i .teil that he may chatiKc his mind. Mr. Ilensel waa called after State llluli way Commlfsloner Carlisle, State titendelit of Public Works Peck nnd Slate i iinui.fs.onei in Klllcieney nd llcoiion.y l'i:iuie had slunid waivers and testltle, The only other witness ,ubpu-i,ii ,i lin tie members deemed to believe that It wmiil be more conven.eiu io continue. th Investlpntlons In New York city. .No Personal Ileicnrd for Heel. "Although I have no personal retard f ir Mr Kiel I believed him a man ot integrity and honesty," said Mr. peek on lb- stand In reply to a uuiv.lon of Mr Clarke. J The attorney wasted an hour end-v-i orlnu to Ret Mr. Peek's opinion of Mrt I Keel's ability, but he perslstntly .- fused to liUe It. Finally Mr. Peik ad- i ml t ted that he had had a Rood opli Ion of Hell's ability up until the time of the liontroxeisy over the highway comnuss.on trac ts in October. 1012. Mr- IVck told of an effort from mi ut- !,,,M tn' highway oomm s-lon t-i . ihri.uKh contracts for il.U0U.O0o of pa eiiiid road material and remarked . "They tried to put one over on vour I'mie Dudley, but I would not stand fur It." "Who tried to put It over'."' aked M: . iiiiiki I don't remember." "What kind of patented material wa It? ' I don't remember." "Do nu in-an lo tell me vou don t know who tr!d to steal this Jl.iiiiO.i-uO f-n-ii the State?" "It wasn't a steal; It was a matter of Judgment, and my Judgment vvas against. It. I stopped It." ' Mr. Peck Insisted that a brick road i was the only thing tn build, and that manufai Hirers of vitrified brick could1 not mike enough to supply the present s."nll dema-id. In h.s opinion brick could be built as cheap as the present macadam nnd asphalt roads If the brb-K was made by tonvlits. Peel. ( liiinue Ilia Opinion, l"i r .. tn itnent Supt Peck was nf th ' nn di n fiat thi-le was a lot of hypoerlsv abi.Ut campaign contrlhutlnns and tint ii, one. I'.i-luding Stale emploos and, , .H ii.n-tnrs, should be iemitttd lo cn.t 'rlbute, provided that they were not o- 1 It '. d by bagmen t'nder Imiu.rbs h- i hanged his m nil on th subject. , Af:er Mr. Piik had admitted that hl unices as a m- tnbi r of the State High way!. m did the Slate little good is he had performed his wn-1: in a per ttltictiiry m.miitr, As-etnb , mm Setia.ip 1 fine-tinned lum ri girding h.s duties a. Slate Stlperintetnlent nf PublK Wntks The replbs l-d Mr Silniap in comment that so far as he cnuld sec Mr Pel,, had performed the latttr iitites Ju-t ,u p, rfuncto-lty and thai in e.uli ii it -, he had nihil upon subotfilnale- in rta-h-lnir i-nfieluslons nnd fleet, nns ' .tr i-is-k nan no npini ti as to win ttur i ct- not a three headed or a single len-ei highway rominl-sl)ii was tin best I C.iiiiinUstnner lielaney believed th.r i single headed cnmmi.--.inn was tin- n.-.-. i 'bat the pret-ent l-lghwa law w is lastl. enough to permit a nit-pi-ietit aii- """""'"'ii "i me ne iinriineiu lie nan a I I"""' npui.nn of Co:ntnisinner tslmrii.-s - ..-i. i..,,,, way l ommissi iii of nine tin tuners, . n, fioio each Judicial dhtr'et "Kvperletici has stum it, ' said Mr. Pe laney, "lhat wbfre a i-ommlsMnii i-r.t'n-pr ses more than one nn-inber it is usu ally iiomln.-tt. il by the strong, st member, M that t ially II Is a single headeii . om mlsslnn." Cninmlssinner In-Ianey ri in ml .1 thai tile law be dial ge-1 so tl.a . -Slate wniild tint be cunl'i bd to pa the inailri within the tontines nf .f.,..., ami third class as ,tt i..iri:. Cot, til) mi in Hold I'll Ii I lr- llemlngs. A I IIAN I Apill llov. Hi nn w II hn.n I put I c l e ring on M'i Apr'l ,'!. nn . I ' t i f d W. hi, tn. .r,i n . I Hert.'k o-n naHiv .Surogit s nr. tins In WANT T. R. FOR PRESIDENT. Michigan I'muri-asl vr Won't Urm lllm fur llovi-rnor or .v Vurk, I-ANbiNd, Mk-li., April 1'. The Introduc tion of rrroltitloii linl.irsim: Thcodnr-) Kooseveli fur tlovi-nor of Niw York by J Mlclilk'an I'roKreoilxeK iirrt-lnH iti-d ; lively dlHcnsrUm ut to-duy'u ueetlliC nf i the Htatu rvntral eomnilf.te. i Jiiini'M 11. I'onnJ ut b-'.rolt offc-id a! resolution usldns' tb-it NV-v Vnrl: State I'roiireMilveM name Itron v f-.- tljvi ernor thN fall. Othr l'roi-,riiiilf4 io i Jeobul tu MIi'IiIk.iii tun "l,in;nif In" mil .N'-w Vork iilTalrn and moMd that tho motion be referred to a eimi i..tee. I Julius Klrby of Saitlnaw said tint Kio national I'ruKreM.slvoa wanted Col, ItooMe elt im their candidate for I'nsldent niwl mat they il'd not want him to b n em dldute for (Jovernor of New York, round i , finally withdrew his resolution. i I MII.IMMI.OOO Cheulliu Omit Cnneern, I At.itANr, April 2 Thc Sterlli.K C.itm Company of New York city, which has been organized by IVrclvnl S. Hill ami bis associates, was Incorporated here to-day with n capital of J6.U0O.00O. The dliec torH are l-'ranklln V. Cannlm; of Man Initial., dlteitor of the Ailtosnles (lum anil Chocolate Company, Itk-hard J licit Ian of l-'liishllii; and J. H. Holme of Manhattan. I Get the Personal Touch! Sixes or fours the Mitchell Lewis Motor Company makes both. Our idea ts to suit the public taste. We are not trying to cram either down your throat. We want you to try them both, tit in fife driver seat, cet"the feel of the car," note carefully the action of the encie, the brakes and the steering apparatus. You can get the pulse of any car by doing the drivine yourself. A.dytu can't gtt it any tthtr uay. You ought to know your own car even-if you hire a driver. You ought to know it before vou buy it. That definite process of acquinne information will ofttn save you a lot of money jnd world? of trouble. It eliminates all element of ri'-k You buy with uur rytt $pm, and you don't buy through the eyes of somebody else who miht happen to be prejudiced. We believe thit anything which costs as much as an automobile ouehl to be bought that way andne tthtr way. We are asking prospective cus tomers to buy Mitchells that way. We are asking them to drive the car themselves and get what is known as "the feel of the car." It can't be cotten by sitting in the tonneau or even alongside the driver. The only way to reach the pulse of a car is thrtugh tht tttenng wktel. The matter of detail may be learned afterwards if the car behaves well enough to arouse your interest. We think the Mitchell car whethrr S:. or Four is the buj ot tht year. Try it yourself arid tee how cloic re hirr come to the truth. Here U the Equipment for all the Mitchell Model Which Ib Included in the List Priceat . rjcfH lf-tartv isfl f . rtr altxtrie hihtj eUctrie km rtlMtric onn rll ifrirfaiar. UMhalr to nd dutl vr Tunialati Jtf quick. AlicHl ! cwttlru ick.acllofltwflrerBUiTiiin wlnd-.tiield danountikU rirmn wiUi i tMimter dubl estralir ramtra Bmir Imw kUn UctfM llt Waciifit pump, jack anal cvmplata aet f hnl-daaa UsUa. 4 Cylinder 120 WlicWb.iM . .. $1515.00 l.ltt'lo Sit .M WlK'i'lbiisc IS15.00 ni(J Six 144 Wlii'i-llmsi .'.150.00 . DROUET & PAGE CO., INC. Sole, agent, where till modi-lit can be seen. 1890 Broadway, near 62nd St. Tel, Columbus 3530. If you have an automobile let us I'ibmit you u proposition for. 'vkar--, IMME3IATE DEL'VERIES By the Author of "The Leavenworth Case" and "The House of the Whispering Pines." Anna Katharine Green's Great New Mystery Story ! DARK I HOLLOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'eC I I Begins in next Sunday World Magazine. Be sure and get the first chapter. News dealers' I supply limited. Order i in advance : : : : SAYS SHE MARRIED TOO MANY. Ilolioken Mhii ('liiirur Mlnten IMnml AVnninu Willi lilmitii . .Mri?. tllOllll, .Mimilu Ilit-,ip of I ri HliSh Hlaten 1?: ,tni. : a pruo.-.i-.r in Hii.-pltul, Je m.) citv. cnmrired C'h.-llrt Will vlti to-i inanv hiibann.i. Sho wis I n'tMi-il .eteruii- o': ivtmpllllut ll..lde by l"lllill ! ,1 l,f llnbuken. Mrf I.ln-il'- i', Ih-M l,.ilm,il, John Waul, died lour yeaii. uko Slw Inairleil liotnttik il-iliwno, nith w'otn stm llvcil f ii- tun " ai It h a a fen .!,,. nbe,-r marrli-cl Ziinibblil Mthou! btu!iilng tlHnri-e and that a ti w v.-ks o h v.eil !eori:e I.lfihtenp, n ttlitbou. i-Jptaln of 1'ori Itkhmor.d. When nrii?. ed Mm. Llubto.-ip n..ld xtio wnii ,-U and wli-n It u.ii' tnuiiu that Hue war. ruff-rin from bia-l trntihli slit Wii4 tiilii-n In .in niitiimobll- a t.i Jeroey City and thi-ncu to the hoijiital. Arlillriltlnii lti-i-lsloii Wednesdny. The arl-'tratloii board In th. i.ihe of tin- d ma d nf il" tral ilr'-ii and con iluetois i-f t'.e ';.i-' in r.iilio ii'- i.a, nsk"l tile rolifeleliie I Mllnnlttei s nf the em ploy. - i:id (in I.. 'in. ids to talie up 111 ( iff re-ll'e flill-.e HI 1 he i' - pit , po llt-4 mill bat ad -u. n il I- re- mm until net Till Hil.iy, ni,.,i (he bn.i, I will p:-ss on tho points whn -I tu nut ii . tiled In con ference and will is-ii- i;- ilnltlim oil Wednesday. Il h. il Ii i u hop d that ho deellor, would be i.'itioiii.i -il yesteiday A