Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1914". -BLUE HAZE ENVELOPS s WAR OF CORONERS in jjPcnc.rnto It and You'll Learn V Whnt It's All About , Maybe. TiTING, HOTEL, TITLES j'Mcnmvliilc. Dr.fichultzo, Ostcn- ; sibly on Trlnl, Decides He's Just the Oont. , Aside from the fact thnt the Board of ( 'Coroners Is hopelessly divided three to i. one In tho mutter of the charges against pr. Otto H. Sehultze, Coronor Tatrlck D. ,tlordan'H phjelelan. for alleged un. reasonable delay In examining the body iof a negro woman In the Harlem llos I'jiltnl and later "Insubordination" to tue chief clerk, thrso facts nnd allegations penetrated through the thick bluo haze ' partly smoke In Coroner l'eltiberir's olllce .yesterday afternoon, where the hearings on the charges were, resumed for two hours : That Coroner Itlordan does not con tribute 110 a month toward a pool for the salary of' a stenographer whom the clty of N'ew York does not supply and that some of the typewriting In the ofllce Is tho "rottenest ever paid for." That Coroner Itlordan "takes no graft nnd gives no graft" (referring to said stenographer). That Coroner Itlordan never calls the chief clerk "mister." That Coroner Itlordan "always has a chip on h.s shoulder" (this from said J chief clerk). That It Is not true that the chief clerk nald nothing was safe In tho Coroners' office not even tho pontage stamps unless It was nailed to the lloor. That a summer hotel In Far llockaway did not make enough money for several clerks In tho Coroners' office. That Dr. Schultzo has been a "goat." That Coroner Itlordan Is to mako his speeches to the reporters outside In tho future (this from Coroner Felnberg). And last but not least Coroner Felnberg to Coroner Itlordan; "Then we are all at fault." Coroner Itlordan to Coroner Feln berg : "Ves. except me." C, F. to C. It. : "Then you are the best Coroner In thu officer C. It. to C. F. : "Yes." Would Abolish nunrd. To understand these things, of course. It must Unit be realized that Dr Sehultze. the defendant, Is heartily In favor of legislation to abolish the Hoard of Coroners. To begin with the summer hotel. Oeorge J.e rirun. ;i clerk In the oilloe. said that he and Chief Clerk Anton. m D'AIcs&andro were Interested In It in U'12 but could not mako any money out of It. albeit they paid strict attention to both oftlco and hotel. Incidentally Mr. l.o Hrun also said that there were many romplalnts of delays by other Coroners' pti slclnns In visiting cases, but that that was u relevant fact and had nothing to do with the case. Coroner Itlordan also charged at this point that the accusations against Dr. Sehultze were such an might be brought against uny man In the olllce. but that fact loo was too relevant to be worthy of note. "I don't care about Dr. Sehultze." he added. "I nm working for a principle." There followed a long speech, during which Coroner Felnberg ordered the ste- f iinariiKher to strike out such expressions as "bolster" charges, "coerce" witnesses, and ''loggerheads." Tho postage stamps entered about here, but the 10 ante for a stenographer to "facilitate and expe .11.... t...utn,.u nf the office did not IJIICT KtIV 1Mt.lttv..-.. " - develop until Harry Lelitersohn, Coroner Felnberg a secretary, iikj. m nn.i . irn.' , information nf the astounded u. r..rnn,.r Veinlipri- exnlnlneu that Vj ihn mix- tin tint smmly u stenographer and that the Coroners, except Itlordan. contributed to a pool for one. Coroner Jtlordan KUKFejtcd mat i.e urun nunm b trained for such service, but he was Most of tho thick blue hazo arose dur ing the testimony of D'Alessannro, wno aald he had Investigated the complaint nw umh.hta which started with a letter from the daughter of the woman whose body was llegel to nave uecii leil unnoticed uy me imisivmn ...... i.Av.P.. 11m iilnn drew ud the charges against Dr. Sehultze and asked for a hearing ny mo oouru. ' Minnies Stricken Out. The Chief Clerk Coroner Itlordan re- m , t,..l,l&r" ,n,,M In thA In- lu lirrti ..I...;, - dlgnatlon of Coroners .Felnberg. Healey ami llcllensiein reiusuu iu rn i -.. V. ,1 tn have, a i.oroner jnuiunti him ...... rule passel retting a reafconahlo tlmo In which nhyslclans should oxamlne bodies, . i ii .1 thA vnlmitn nf the board, which wero promptly stricken from the record, nlthough Coroner Itlordan en deavored to show that the board Itself was at fault If there nau Deen aemiraun coroner iiii.i.,i. - ' , nlso squabbled as to who Is directly su5 perlor to Coroners' physicians. This pro duced more thick bluo haze. A letter IT t...i Bihlnli hJin wrlttsn was tiiiruuutcii ... by tho lato Mayor Oaynor complaining fr a delay in exammmK uuti.ow. tlcrk satd that Dr Schultzo wan nlmnj Janift to him It had paused throuKh thrco 53 V.ptd, but also was Btrlcken from tho When the hearlnc nnany adjourned un- Ul Vllin t iiuw.. t. ...t.,.!. . tirti u I tnm nod I in lltWIIIHtl i,Jia I1U1U .PJ n utni'- i- iof politics. Ho Is "In bad," It seems, be I ... . . i i t.....i.n rauso oi ins eninunmsiu iur it--Kini..i'n looking toward tho abolition of the board. Coroner Itlordan Is assisted In defending blm by former AsHlbtaut District Attor ney Almuth C. Vandiver. In connection with tho hearings It de veloped yesterday that tho Civil Service Commission had Investigated certain phnsca of the Coroners' office nnd that Comptroller Frendergast held up somn vouchers because It was charged thero was no regular system of certifying tho time of labor of clerks anil other em p'oyees until Coroner Felnberg promised that hi would hlmielf mako out tho sched ule the next time. WIFE ASSAILS RICH WIDOW. Mrs. inn drr l'errln, r,,O0O Dc. lendiinl. Denies Allenntlon. ' The tr'.iil of tho J25.000 alienation suit of Mrs. Mary Cone Oldrln of SOD Wash tngton street, Ilohokon, ngalnst Mrs. Utatrleo Madeline van der l'errln, a wealthy widow nf New York and Soiner vl'li', was begun yesterday before Judgo Hpeer and a Jury In tho Circuit Court in Jertey Cit . Mrs. Oldrln, who is plump and pretty, tebtllled that bh was mnrrlcd to John 12. Oldrln In 1S9S In Nw York. They lived h-pplly for fi'Veii years, alio said, .when per husband left hir and their two chil dren and went to live at Mi'B, van der I'errlii's home in Kuinervllli'. Mrs. OUIr'n said that her husband was emphied in a Jewelry store in New York 1 In which Mrs. van der l'errln Is said to havn a controlling Interest. She put In evldem.i seventeen letters alleged to have been wiltten by Mrs. van der l'er rln. Mrs Oldiln admitted that her hus band had givui her 20 u wick since their tvp.lla'IOll, FIVE HELD IN BALLOT FRAUDS. omelnt In Mnrphy'n District Ar rrilril on Indictment. Flvn mors election officials of the Twelfth Assembly district, of which Clinrleei F Murphy Is the lender, wero ar rented yesterday on Indictment filed Inst week chanting them with violation of tho election law at the recent election on tho qiieiitlon of a constitutional convention. All provided ball before Judge Cram In (Icneral Hessians. The prisoners arc Jame I,nrrouuo, a shipping clerk, of H06 Cast Fifteenth street: John U. Helloiil. metal polishes, a new form of soclnl service will be 02 Kast Sixteenth street. Ullbert :J f I pcrrnanrit.y lntftted nexl Thursday at tlklf ZltXJr. " l "0rC"" ' lhfl "r,t Hixteenth street, nnd i:dard Lown, a school for Immigrant women to be con driver. 813 Hast Fourteenth street. Itnmb ducted In an American factory. Forty nnd Ilnclcy were ballot clerks and the recently arrived foreigners, workers In other three Inspectorn of election In tho tho muslin Roods plant of D. 13. Richer A Thirteenth Election district. There aro eleven Indictments ngnlnst the flvo men, (n the Investigation of fraudulent vot ing at the election which was held April 7 several hundred witnesses have, been ex amined and twenty-threo men Indicted, Altogether eighty-eight Indictments have been filed and tho Investigation Is to bo continued. SEEK NO LIBERIAN CONTROL. Knhiit I,oeli A Co, Deny lleported Desluns an llepulillc. A member of the firm of Kuhn. Ioeb A Co. denied yesterday that his firm Is trying to establish a financial dictatorship over Liberia. He pointed out that It. I'. Clark, receiver of customs of that coun try, whose methods are said to displease the Llberlan Government. Is an appointee of tho United States Government nnd not an agent of the bankers. He added that a few years ago, as IJberla was said to be In danger of be ing taken by Great Ilrltnln and France, owing to her dftbts to those nations, the State Depattmeut prevailed upon Kuhn, Ixcb A Co, and other bankers tn mako a loan to the republic which helped clear up her flnanrlnl difficulties. Kuhn, Ioeb A Co.'s participation In tho loan was about J 1,500,000. In order to protect tho bankers nnd to Insure the repayment of the loan from the customs of the country the I'nlted States nppolnted Clark receiver of customs. It Is necessary ror Liberia to maintain n military force to protect her holders and to guard against smuggling. As It was feared that If the customs revenues wero paid to the Treasury Department of Li beria the soldiers might not be paid Mr. Clark was directed by the Stato De partment to pay tho military directly from the customs duties. The handling or ner funds by an outsider has never been pleasing to the Ilepubllc of Liberia and this is not the tlrst time that she has offered objections to this country. FINDS IDOLS HIDDEN IN CAVES. xplorer Slakes Interesting Collec tion In Writ Imllrs. Capt, Theodor dn Hooy, a member of the Hxplorers Club, has Just returned I from nn expedition to the Islands of tho .. .........11.1.... .H I -1 ...... ..... West Indliu, where he collected more than six hundred archieing cal snec mens. some for the Ifeyo Miineum of this city. Capt. di Hooy tlrst visited the region of Cape Malsl, a wild part of Cuba, und nent some time prospecting there. Then he spent six weeks nt Cap.i Macao In tho eastern district of Sinto Domingo. He found numerous examples of pre-Colom- blan pottery in the caves of tho Islands which were evidently placed thero for safe keeping when the natives fled from the Spaniards. One of tho big enves visiten Dy tne explorer was the Cuevn dc los Negro, .,'hi.h v.. .'.i.i wn n vrrltnhl., ninrehotian I of early pottery, stone Implements nnd i amulets. II spent lour nignts in tno cave. He said It was largo enough to shelter a battleship. ' "This Is What I Call Delicious Beer!" You Will Atttt With Tiat 5eer It H'onJcrJuUy Snappy anJ Rtfruhintl SrnlNO AN II HtiMMF.R IlliWro, Quaint Cape Cod Here you'll find vacation life that you've longed for a rare combina tion of the joys of Shore and Country Every seaside sport perfect bathing, fresh and salt water fishing, cruising about the bajs. Motoring, Golf and Tennis. A Grand Place for Children For Ilk'strated Booklet 'Quaint Cape Cod" or "Buzzards Bay" Write or call t Vacation Bureau, Desk A, 171 Broadway, New York v New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad NEW YORK CatsUllls. ALTITUDE 1,800 FEET. course anil all simrls Itrnnnl, congenial sjclul Bimophrre. All city impruvcnuuis. A ilcllghiful and Beneficial rhsngn for thosfl HvlnC in ar the sea- board. -r 6bty mmm0 I I I.eV- MOUNTAfJ Kor furnished Collages and Ultra fur sale and rent apply Dr. ,S. K. Churchill or W. 11. McAlpIn llookleia and full purllculns ut all Holds, i'ciIWkci, Ac. at llso llroadway, New York. FORTY IMMIGRANT GIRLS FINISH FACTORY SCHOOL Graduates Will Ikccivo Certifi cates oi Literacy ns Diplotnns. Co.. t West Twenty-first street, will re celve as diplomas the board of Educa tions certificate of literacy. These Follsh, Italian and Russian girls, most of whom could not speak a word of Kngllsh a few months ago, have since last October been attending classes In the factory for two hours a day, receiving the same pay for their attendance as for their work. On graduation day t.iey will demonstrate their knowledge of Kngllsh, civics, history, routes of the city, city directories and hygiene. They also will show how their newly acquired knowledge has Increased their efficiency. The practical nature of this school and Its significance wero explained yesterday by Its principal, Miss Florence D. Myers. "For the 400 foreign girls In this fac tory," she said, "wo provide a recreation room, vacation outings, entertainments with music and dancing and Instruction In the history nnd technique of their own work, while wo glvo them lessons In the most elementary matters which a girl In New York should know. The classes are In session all morning, the girls coming and going from their work to their lessons as though the whole factory wero a school In theory and practice. It Is Im. possible to express the eagerness the girts display for knowledge mod the quick facility with which they learn." "The purposes of this movement," ay D. K. Hlcher ft Co., "are to eliminate the 10 per cent, of Illiteracy among our for cljrn workers, to promote Industrial bet terment by reducing the friction caused by failure to comprehend directions and to decrease tho waste and loss of wage Incidental to the Illiterate worker. We find th.t the workers - who have, been trained' In this school have gained from 20 to 70 per cent. In elllclency." Among the speakers at the ceremonies Thursday, to which all Interested In social betterment are Invited, will be Mary Antln, who hns written In advance! "He fore the time comes to say my few words I shall pray often for the wisdom to put Into spoken words the stupendous symbol ism of the occasion. Thu mere outline of what has been done thrills me with the sense of the good tidings with which our age Is ringing and I see visions." Other speakers and guests will be Prof, Jeremiah W. Jenks. Miss Anne Morgan. the Hev. Alexander Lyons, I', v. ciaxton. John H. Flnley, Thomas W. Churchill. William H. Maxwell, C. A, I'rosser and . . . James M. Lynch. KELLY-SPRINGFIELD WINS SUIT. Ilffort to Ilestrnln Itroricnulsntlon I Defeated. S. M. Stroock of counsel for the Kelly Sprlngfletd Tire Company said yesterday that former Judge Noyes as referee had decided yesterday In favor of the company In the suit brought by Albert M I'olack to restrain tho adoption of the plan of re- organization of the company it was sain on behalf of the company that tho plan will now be proceeded with, as the Judg- ment becomes final without appeal. ahibih a mninn. i,. u, deposited their bonds with the Hankers Trust Company. It. was said. Opinion. Jot Uottled only by la Urewers. Beidletton 1 Worn, .New York. Order from any deslcr. SrRIXOAJIiUMMKR RESORTS. NEW YORK Catskllls. '0 AddroHH any of followintr for terms nnd information: llouses. (tuesls. Houses. Ruesls. Churchill Hall. The Atchlnaon, The IIlmwifMl.. llcsmerc. Kendall Place. Nrw (.Irani House tire) court Inn The Hamilton. . The Madison. tui 70 Simpson Terrace., llrunklyn Hall.. . Maple Itest.. i, Craft I'arin House Par View House til M ml Iiiielealilu ivannurst. Cold .Spring House, to ilrcenhurst, Crilarhurst.. 4U 1 4U I Terry Homestead :i I ft triUNO AND BUMMER RBKORTB. White Mountains OF NEW HAMPSHIRE The vacation of new summer experiences. Mile-high mountains, marvelous scenery, hundred-mile views. Outdoorpleasures under wonderful conditions golf on links near the clouds; canoeing 5,000 feet above the sea ; glorious mountain climbing; motoring and driving on the roof of New England. Air that is a joy and a tonic. Delightful social life. Best people from everywhere. FAMOUS HOTELS TtlTtltm D1XTIU.K SOTCH, H. II. ciricnr tM Tho Mount I'leitaant lUlinill WOODS, N II. ciricur 2:0 rh7n IIoum rMi. h. circirr too Tt TCitnmtMk and Cotti(r CIFACITT MO Tho Sinclair MrHIIHM. X. II Ciricnr tu Itimntala Tltw Inn.n wmtrnrtn. y. n. cincitr m Intervale linaa IXTtltVALL N, U. ciricnr m TheCrftwfntft Ifonto rxiwroM' koicii. .1, u. ciriciti tu Twin Mountain limit TWI VilCJTlt. I.E. ciricnr im MnnletTnod Uotl nnil Cottage uiriiwoon. it. ciricnr v Rnnatt Illll IIomimi Mom III U, X II, nncin r:t New rrniTInui anil Cttttatrrn ntiMotu .vuan. n. u. tiricnt uu The Mount Vahlnf tnn lintTTOI WOODS, !. B ciricnr w New York, New Haven & Hartford R.R. Boston & Maine R. R. NEW YORK CaUkUla, The Gatskill Mountains Ttie hlih altitude, romnnllc icenrry, crn flrldn towrrlnr craft, native iratideur. wild wood chirm, attractive hotels, bnsntlog houses, farm houses, uout slrcains. popular walks, drives, paries and the purest and test air la this historic, picturesque sod healthful paradise are the attrsctlons that Increase lis popularity each year as a summer resort. THE ULSTER & DELAWARE R. R. reaches all points In this mountain sanitarium and treat pleasure fround. and In connection with West Shore It. ft. operates ihrouin trains, Includlnt rullman scn lce. The RIP VAN W INKXK KXPRFAS wlU lesva Cortlandl Buret 11:0 noon. West Und Street t o'clock P. II. dally eicept Euadaf, Steamers of the Hudson Itlvrr nay Una make direct connection at Kingston Point with afternoon trains for all points Id the mountains. ' The summer time schedule for seaaon of 1914 will co In effect Sunday, June Mth. The annual Illustrated book with revised map of the Cataktll Mountain section, also map showlnc the treat Ashokan Iteemolr, and contalnlnt corrected list of over 1.UO hotels and boardtnc houses, will tie sent free on re ceiptor S cents postal e. N. A. BIWS, General rassenter Atent. Elngston, N, V. SUNSET PARK INN Am CottmaM. llalnea Falls. N. T. Accommodates 2(tf. Itooms with bath, elec tric lights; Oolf. Tennis. Uoatlnt, ri.hlni. Orchestra, Dsnclnr. Pur Water. nates moderate. UooKlaL JOHKl'll UVH.VEa. IIOTKL CATHKII.U Palenvllle. N. Y. Acc. 200. all outside rooms, beautiful pine coun try. elev, 2.000 ft.; all outdoor sports; whole, nim food; rates rsaeonable. booklet, tiev. T, llerlnc. Mountain Side Farm House, Itsnsonvllle, N, Y, New, modern, In heart of Catakllle, Freih milk, ff". Ac. Send for booklet. O, 11. LOUailllAN. IIEN80NVIU.E HOTEL. Iar rooms, trash rarm products; unit. II, a. HMITJI, Ilenion villa. N. Y. IF you are colnc to TITK CATSKIII-S send ror oeauumuy luuairaieq nooaiei or "Tiir: FINES." W. 1. BOPEIt. Windham. N. Y. lUnntCs Mountain. Inn, Halnsa rails. N, Y. Ideal autolst's stopping place. Uarags, stc. City conveniences. THE IIKIDRLBKRO. CA THRILL, N. T. Aa Exclusive Inn of the Iletter Class. MEW YORK BronivUle, Spend the Spring Dajri In Tim Westchester Hills COLT, TENNIS, IllniNO, DIUV1NU uomiiifvii UTT.tIC DANCINQ, HOTEL GRAMATAN lawrenre Park. Ilronnllle. N. Y. NEW YORK Long Island. I A LONG BEACH INN- MUTE FAMILY HICSOKT AMKIIIOAN PLAN LONO nKACH INN. 1A)N REACH. L I I PROSPECT HOUSE IhIIEI.TI It IHINIHII.ICIITH.L. I..N. Y. Opens June a7lh. G'olf, Tennis, Yachting, Iiwiuiua, .minitr. i.i-iiKiiiiui u nmaie, I'urcst Water, N. 'i , olllce. Hotel McAlpIn. Sllh M. & n'way, co lluffnrr Hotel llurrau. Ilooklet E. NEW YORK Alesandrla Raj, 1000 ISLAND HOUSE aleaandhia iiay, n. y. O. 0. 8TAPI.P.H, Owner and Proprietor, Ol'UNH MONDAY. JUNK 22. Modern appolnlmenls, swimming pool, rolf, tennis, boating, llshlng and all outdoor amuse, rntnls. ror engagement of rooms apply to WM. II. WAHUUIITO.V. Prince George Hotel, t East 28th st New York, NEW YORK Cooperslown. O-TE-SA-GA On Otsego Ilte, Cooperslown, N. Y, OtMSA .TlttlM 93r.l. Hooking office! Tho IHtkoU. 1 West , ni., .icw mwru, dm uua ct4umn enndayt. w mMTiM 8PBINC1 AND SUMMER RESORTS. Hotels nnd bonrding - every purse. SUMMER TRAIN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 22 Bend for free Socklrt, "TheWhlto Muunutns of Scvr Hamrwhlrc" Write or call. Vacation 1T1 UrorUw.y, Koom lit. New NEW JKItHEY Atlantic City. The Summer Playground of the Nation Opportunities lor recreslloa snd ples.ure sra anllmlted. Esch dsy hriaii sdded sttrsciiont. There sre no dull dsrs In Atlsotlc City. The inett bsthlsl bea.h In the world, recreslloa piers, btnd concern, tsllisg, fisklei. etc. The Leading Houses will famish full Informstlon, rstes, etc., on sppltcstlon. Mnrlhnrnnch litenhelm IMh American snd Kuro pesn riant. JoeUhWblUAhonaCompany Oalen Hall Ilctel snd Snt"rtum. r.U. Vouos, ilgr. Hotel Dennis ' Anierlcau 1'lan. Orn Klitln Year. Walter i liutby. Hotel "trand Alwsys Open, r.ll. Off and II. O. Edwards The Bhelbnrna Karopean Plsn. i. Welket. aUr, Hotel St. Chartai Or-n All Year, KcwUn llalnea Co. Only S hours from Ccnial i. k. ui HOTEL RALEIGH St. Charles place and lleach. The popular section, within sight and sound of the ocean. S00 large rooms; nil open esposure; private baths; running water In all rooms; porches, elevator, etc Cuisine and service best obtain able, American and European plans. Hpeclsl May and June rates. Ilooklet. II. J. DINES. HOTEL NEW ENQLAND So.-Carollna ave. anil beach; private baths; running water In rooms; elevator to street .seal, sun parlor; capacity tli; spsdal rstes; keek sU BHYAN WILLIAM. NEW JERSEY Spring Lake Beswh. Essex & Sussex Modern and beautiful Cottage System open June 10 New Hotel July 1 DAVID B. PLUMER, Mgr. Spring Lake Beach. N. J. New York Office, 5C9 Fifth Avenue Frank T. Keating', Room Clerk Phone 3654 Murray Hill or Plaza Hotel THE SH0I.EHAM VMtJST Modern holel. two mocks rrom ine ocean and hathlne beach. Now open. Ilooklet. 1!. i:. SPANOfiMIKIM', Prop. THE BREAKERS Hprlna Ijske Uracil, N. J. Bsason May 90 to Oct. 1 Now open for inspection. NEW JERSEY Atlantic lllchlnnds. ONE HOUR 1'IIIIM NEW YORK. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA Delaware Water Uap. BUCKWOOD INN Fireproof Home of th SHAWNEE GOLF COURSE Address hhawnec-on-Dclaware. Pa., or 2U PUlb Ave., New York. Tcl.ltad.3q.ei33 OPENS JUNE 6 THE M.OUNTAIN PAItAIHSK. WATEK GAP HOUSE The leading hnlrl nf Delaware Water Gap. Pa, Now open. uuoKici msiiea. jonn i'uray cope. PENNSYLVANIA Mount I'orono. MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE Enlarced, modernised, Private baths, belli ess. dancing. FREE OARAGE. OPEN JUNE SOTII. W. H. 11. M, LKLCH. Mount Pocuno, Pe" PENNSYLVANIA Canadensis, NEW hPHl'Ci: CAIHN INN Where you .in rfttrlt trntit; vri,llv .nlarpt.l. .. NEW YORK Olen Uprlngs. THE AMERICAN NAUHEIM Welkins Olrn, on Neneca Ijike, N. Y. In the Heart of the like Country. THE GLEN SPRINGS A Mineral Springs Health Resort and Hotel Por descriptive booklets and map of Lake Country, address WM. E. UUrjTtNuWKLU Prea't, Watklns. N. . suite with bath, Kuruge; saddle horses; all amusements, now open, bsoklct, Cresco sta.. Luck, W.J & M. D. Price, Ca.nidensls.Pa; BTBINO AND SUMMER RI SORTS. houscs for Bureau York City NEW JERSEY Atlantlo City. McCttsM fteaslile Hons Open All Year. P. P. cook's Sons. The Pennhnrst Oiwn All Yciir. Wm. It. Hood. Hotel Chelsea In the taihlon.btn I'helM section. Open All Yesr i, II. Tbninpvin A Co. The Itolmhnrst Open All Year, llenry Darnell New York City, via j. or I'enna, ii. it. UTt.HJ .3! THE LATEST FIREPROOF1 HOTEL Ameilcsn plsn. Alwsys open. CspscltyoOO. On batch directly between the two (reel Ocesn Piers Music snd dincini. tiatstc llluttrsled tilersture Ownership msnsiement. Prlvsle P. O. Bos 855. HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Illtuated directly on the ocean front with view of the lleach and lloardwalk from all public lobbies and many guest rooms. American Plan. rapacity 800. Alwavs Open. rtAi.TFit .i. ntiznv. tBarlboronsb-EknlJeiiii ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. JOSIAII WII1TB & HONS COMPANY. trttni Hlrh-clssa Moderate Halo llolel I ClilHI C Virginia ave.. near lleach HUkllMnu Klcvalor. nrlvatr baths: French chefs! evening dinners. Special spring rales ii up my.i sw up waiy. ihhihici. j. i'. Liirr. THEL0RAINE5' Ch.arlf" ."?. nr" . .k V house from beach. Prl- . 7 sea waier, running ... . ... . tiup. , iv. carton, aagr, ATI-NTIC CITY, N. J. America's Famous All. Year Resort. NEW JERSEY Asbury Park. WILL OPEN JUNE 27kI BooeJrvo repraitntalivB now in AttendanccV HOTsaoCOLD SEA-WATER DATIISs lorvnDlatAnccnblcpKfwxa. I SURfOATrUNC BAILING. FISHING. C ARAG H UAiivconccri3 rxrvel 1J(icIim.1 oQDcnnis. RtinkjrShutc.l THE LAFAYETTE Extensive Improvements. Kscluslve pair-n-ge: private hallia, public shower snd needle bsthSi barrelor apartments: ruknlnir ualrr eTrv HOTEL ALBION NBW One of the most modern hotels on ocean front. E. O. TOWN8UNO. HOTEL PARK VIEW, Illock from ocean, faclnr Sunset Lake, Itooms wllh bath; lator. Lloyd Kv.ins. Mgr HELP WANTKII KEMAI.E. SPANISH young woman, well educated, bright and understanding dressmaking: ca. pable of making grammatical Mpunlsli trans, tatlons from the English. Apply W C. HEED, llutterlck Building, HprlrV & Mac dougal Sta., N, Y. HITtlNO AND SUMMER RE0!tTfl. "2 to 15 Days PleasureTours" A Booklet contnlnlnij com plete particulars regarding 17 delightful trips to the Adl tondaek Mountains, tOOO It), nnds, Niagara Palls, Montreal and Quebec. It may give you Just the tight hint for your vacation. It is free. Send for It. Address Travel Bureau (irantl Central terminal NEW YORK ".MOL'NTAIN ASH hAKi: ltKtiUT," Ilrautlf ully lllustrnted booklet derr,.n( c tractive resorts In New York. New Jer.ey r t'ennsylvniiUi free at l.nckiiwnnn hal r Ticket t)r!K'ee In N Y City llrookln, Newark SKW KNOLANIt Rhode I.tamt. OCEAN HOUSE NEW OCEAN LODGE and COITAGES WATCH HILL R. I. One of the most exclusive seaside hotels, WILi. OPEN JUNE 6th All out-door amusements: Oolf, Tennis. Hole! Putting tlntns: ent Itaihlng and Sailing; cxrellcnt I'unds for Unmrliiir All rooms have running water. Over half hac baths, Writs lor booklet. Address- .1. P. CltAMPM.V, WATCH HILL, It. I. New Watch Hill House Also THE COLONIAL Watch Hill, R. I; A. E. Die most pmtFECT scAsnoni: itEsortT EVi:rtY IIOOM WITH WATER VIEW Open early In June; always cool; no diet or mosquitoes. Surf and still water bathing. Modern dancing, li-hole Oolf Course, Oolf chuol new feature White service throughout New York Office. IIBO Broadwtr, Tel. WH. NEW E.N(!I...M Vermont. dqumexKowe MANCHESTER. VERMONT. OPEN JUNE 15 TO OCT. IS. New York Office. "THE LORRAINE" 5th Avenue snd 45th Hlreet. Soil IDEAL M'.MMIIU ltlXIUT.1 H'j.rtKe llliitraletl llrorliure with Information regarding S0O Hummer Re. sorts In Vermont nnd shores Lake Cham plain, with hotel, farm und village home ar commoilatlotis. Hent on receipt of to stumps for mailing Address Hummer Homes, No IS, m llroaduay, N. Y NEW KNOLANO New Hampshire. THE ROCKINGHAM Portsmouth, N. H. mertrsn Plsn a la rsrtr rrs- Itooms singly nr en sunn Pastern N, ti. iour. THE OCEAN WAVE HOUSE RYE NORTH BEACH. N. H. . f SsmpmsnagcmfntasROCKINtlllAll. I equally high sundanl, American rA,-. l'lsn, On 'Ihu Ocean lloulcvurd. I'lnc Dathlng. Address CEO. Q. PATTEE . Portsmouth. N. II. WHITE MOUNTAINS NEW PROFILE HOUSE TWENTY COTTAtil'H. OPEN JULY 1ST In a resort fatorcd with a rii.ntel' "f the highest order. ON IDEAL TQUlv. Fine Cs. rage, Golf, Tennis. .. l.. ll inw.r...i..i . i-res. n.nvln nein. Ir. f'hAree 1. It. II ICIf. IIHO tlrnsdnar. New ors Tel. Madison S. U MAPLOWOOD HOTEL W.' MAPLP.WOOD. N H. OPEN JUNE TO OfT N Y otlice. ItkO Jlway. Tel., siaa bij m NEW ENSUND Connecticut. the (f taeronob -New Ynrk'a Ideal Suburban Hotel" At Greenwich, Conn. May to October Eileewood Club prl liege free to guests Sew gidf links and tennis courts. Mlinagement from Waldorf-Astoria. Hi'nd for booklet, The Alfred S. Amer Co., Owners, Cllt St. CharlC.' New Orleans -1-incKt All car Hotrl In the nuth I T SS'n -VII gK.HUlkll Illll MOI'NII HUM II NN. Right nn the water A most desirable and accessible resori for nlco people. Trolley from station t Iniii .vi minutes from New York (iolf Tennis- naming., Delightful llsllronm, excellent orchestra, Open for Innpecllon dsily First ilnnre of the season May :s WM. I. 1NOOLI). Xlsnsger N. Y. Olllce. 'Phone :sne V IS Wrst 3Sth St. iladlsnn square THE GRISW0LD EA STEHN POINT, NEW LONDON, C.1 llnest Niimmrr Re.ort Hnlrl In mci"' Z'i hours from New rl i ? Open June to Sept ' II. II. sAM S0J 5th Ave Room 110: IV M i i NEW r.Nil-NI Miilnc. POLAND SiltlrtG, MAINE .POLAND hPRINd IIOI'M Open June Oct. 15. MANMON IIOL'.E. open c I N. Y Olllce, HID II way TbI Mao Mi Jamaica P't Hotel and Camps nn I'snwu; llclgradi- Ijtkrs. Wonderful Ins- k t ' ' nnd Bulnion nslilnr, Urge farm n ' ; I plies table dally; modern servl. - f"lslne, Ilooklet! M.lR.MIAl.I. rilM- Oakland, Me. Aldru Farm '4 Camps on K lake MOUS nr.l.llllAIlK CHAIN Pish g i" tennis. c. EiC table. Ilki't A I Oakland, Ms Nhe CHASE H0USE!u V"m'ii New.llreprojf.all conveniences Am Eur H EUROPEAN REMIItl'.i. .MlnCELLA.N EOl'K. TOURISTS to England should mi automobile, lilis rrtlei. siilendld re ' Hons from nil parts of America, .a'g- of hire cars In West of England. U n A CO, PLYMOUTH. ifS vlth hath i