Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1914 4 11 IND teat DED All hell, ound ennl th day, sort' oved f tha In -10, of 6-3, over thcr nner, e up way., t Mt New wind wed rolng final ad a ound 37. tho Waft nut. -4. ion sated -atnl c. s. u. r by from MA w)i It. won tter-. 'enks anor M-s. Mr I. tlktr de 3d, r. J. sn 4 1 ps Americans See British Poloists tn Action for First .BRITISH POLO TEAM HAS FIRST PRACTICE ToniKiiiMHi. IlniTet, and Traill Mac I'ii, Willi Whnboi-uff In I'Iikt of Cheape. Ili:T MIMII FOUR IX GA.MK Lorl.etf and Dnlvo.of I'oiinnintln on side Tliat Loses by 7 I- to I. a-i. H(fiKW.. I- I June . r-or.l Vm. bo; i, - . in) remark. "Wo have a .port re hi ' was echoed l.y the majority i ,n t.i rt wlin watched the first pruo Pl l-'ngllsh polo team on the Meadow Ihonk No. 2 Drill late this Hfter .won. .M.iiu Hit- smice of Unpt. Cnenpe tht side plujuti seven periods ,nj.lnt ,i scrub team composed of two 'Hi illtutea aiul two Americans Anil nun u r.ithtr uninteresting game by i sere of "'j goals to Tue inn iiv touowed u' session In which '.. uu.i who will iviiiikim the American ,tam. in i!it optmlng match next Tuesday nimluy defeated unother scrub rombliia ion. A society crowd nf unusual msrtil uit a attracted by the double bill and Did u.g M.tmls by no mean looked 0. ntled while the Americans were going urouh thm' iii.iiueuvrea on the Interna tional Held, will be used ultern.itelv by tli two teams for the few remaining I'ritt tue lonte.ta,. tpt wane s absence from the Kama Uvdty was on account of the news which ie ' .it-a on .l..ulay night that his t - ti- Mrs. C. P. Kay, hail been one of .is In the Umpreas of Inland illMltrr It Is understood thnt he will be il on ti. play In the mutch and 'hat the lineup will lie as given cut when the team arrived. Lord Wlmborne took i 'apt. tiicape's place at .No. 2 to-day, with Oapt Tom'tlnmn playing No. 1, Major Hirrett No. 3 and John A. Traill bark The side was opposed by tho Duke vt 1'enar.inda. No. 1 ; J. Watson Webb, No. J, C I llcadlestoii. No. 3, and Cap , Lockett back. All th' ugh the practice It was evident iht the tilt Incr players had not got over the efferts of the sea voyagtt. There Were miny muses of thu ball that would be In cjruMMe in a team properly keyed up for an ih.trn itlnnal contest, Cu t T .uikiiison at No. impressed the ,ecsi-irs n.i " than any other player. Hesh ned mine of the tre mondous hitting OTir t ut C',ipt, Chuipe displayed In that "nillon a )ear ago, hut he Is every bit ..s fea...- a rider mid followed the ball with a darhiif that Indicates trouble for '-arry Waterbury when the real battle eccui . Major ll.irrett was watched more care full) thn any other player on account if the stories of ureal Improvement In his (t.ime since ho was here with the lull team. At times ho exhibited (treat ability n burhlnK tho ball anil turning It for his 'Aards. Tim wiry little back, John Tra! earned the respect of the onlookers, ile met the hall fairly on mom occasions ui'l returned It with precltlon. Though T a. 'I played his poMtlun ni, it l doubt ful If he had any advuntnise In that ri erect over Papl. I.ockctt, who Ixfore he tl-eil inward the cni of the same was one )f 'he chief workers for the scrub. l'cf i,.s the best polo was seen In the tlr i iier.i.j, hen both men and ponies wet fiiiiii ljrd Wlmborne got In a I'icU) run ilnsn the fciuvi.nea soon after the Lull was put In play, and the or iKanlzur of tiie team had the honor of niirinj: the first goal .-.r the Whites In 1 "ftilnute and IT seconds. Terry Uendles an raivthi the Invaders off' their Kuard when tue ball ua thrown In aealn and i.o kul a .al In the nulck time of 48 jOna!, Netthi r side coutd advance the Doll for any distance until Major llarrett plckJ It out fiom a melee and, passing to Wlmborne, canned IK'kett to make n of' ty. I.ord Wlmborne cut It In for notiieV score, while the players were cussed In front of the eoiI. There was i.i) icore In the second, but .the Whites lot iuf a B"ul a foul by Traill and the nco-e only t 1-1 to 3-1 In their UvrkA by Train n.i another bv '" itaU- a ood lead to the Whites at thc'eml of the third period, and they nie ' lost th'-'lr advantnse. . In the fourth period Harrett made a , Kelly pas his Lordship, who scored nil t(iuallzd fur one made by lleadles- I ion (jUWH were ajraln equal III the tlfth, tteMi and Tialll scoring, while In tho tilth the Whites Increased their lead when Tmkinron sr-ored tho only (joal. in the eientli perlud. which ended the game, the Duke f l'tnaninda and Webb added a couple of falllts for the Oreeli and lied n l Traill wolind up with another for tho Winus The lineup: INTEKNATIONAI.S I SCRUII3. No. 1-Caul II. A No t-Duke of Tena- 'lonikinwn I rsoda. o i-ljmt Viml)orn.!No 5 J. Watson Webb, o S-Mur r W ,N0. 3- C. V. Iteullemon, .. . . I'arreii Haek-Capt. V. Loikett. l.i k- JmIiii A Tra'.ll , Jr Wlniborne. 3: J. A. Traill i Ilirn tt. Tnuiklnton; lol liy ponully, ' f juol Kor herulu lle.Klli uiii, :; .Webb. 3! ' Uuki ol Piiiarnmla; Ion by nafpty, i, soul. l.Hrrre J t" Couley. Time Novell periods of I m nn m ea h tne n .uch played by the Americans ''fre i n Ut'le attempt ut team play, but I Htmv of lively hlttliiK caused oals to run upiuuKl In the early nerlorli. Alnnn. ' of It.nlmir, I'n., who made his tin iiiiitaninei' In th lineup opposlm; the K foi.'. Hhuwid to advantage, h made 'eviral piett) runs and iistonlshed the in makltur two kohIs In the I'enod to offset the two made by I,a Jlon'jKi" for the Whites, There was I i'ii-m ,.f oroHslpir mid liumpinK. with the! rmuit ii ,,i both sIUms lost a Koal for fouls. .. WHITKS V." ' H L.i Miintfciii. t- J M Water- ' irv HM1KH. No. 1 Alex, llrown No. 2-C. C. Humaey. No, 3 M. Htetenson. Uack-H. C. I'hlnps 0 t ti Mi.hurn lU'k 1. rtjterbury. Soure While IS- ltlit,. i Cli. In- IVhl... La MonuKne, s- J M Waterbury, 71 U. Mil- I on i i i U'al.rhury. 2: lost by iienalties, t 1 ' Hi I. Uiooii, 4: Humaey; lost by l" " simi Heferee II K. Marshall Tune . i iiU'0u of 7V nilimiea each, HUNDRED SEEK JERSEY TITLE. Mipt-i'teil lo I'lntl Plnily of Illltiii llfglns To-iimrrou. A' v.ii 100 names are on tho list of ' iui the uhainii oiishlii of the New J' Smto ijnlf Association, which wu Mterday by William Wntum, 'i s--i-tury. Tho tourney begins to 'W on the comas of the Morris ' ' ' Unlf Club. "hw,i1i Klrkby, tho new Mutiopolltnn ' ' ' i' "it, stvms to bo thu best of tha ' ''ii. but uniiing those who may give ' t ii.ii d buitl aie Max It. Marsluii, Hi't.s..'. Max If. Ilfhr, Mirrls County! " t It'siej, Atlantio City; O i Van ' ' ' Ii . II iltusrul, and John N, Ktturns nni- i ille. 'in.ilif) ng rniinil to-morrow morn- i hi at e'ghteen holes and p'ay b Kin at 9 o'clock. The conteitants nni In en palied hy thu tournament iii'i.e. but may rhooso their own ' e. or lie paired at the tlrst lee. M"ns County courss may best b? 'i tn-miirniw morning bv any one i'n tin. us over the l.uckw.imm, I IrriVn .w V.irl nl 7-111 nt... I'u X. sav COn , f'41 Ti tt, ef f I II .hok.-n at 7:30, SiSO and ;IB Tne reitch Convent, the station nearest "ub, at S 15, 9 135 and JO ill. HERE ARE KIVAL POLO TEAMS. Henr I. it AIoiiliiHiir AVIII I'lny AVItlt .tllllmrn nml Waterhur) a. Neither the American nor KnglMi polo Humps were oDlclally Klven out yesterday, hut Tub f.v Is able tn announce that the pluyiiM and lineup of both teams will bo ns follows: AMKHIf'AN TK.VM. N. 1 It. I. Muntmne, No. S I, M. Wnterbiirr, N... .1 I), Mlluani. Murk I.. Htrrlinry. Niib.tHiili- II. c. I'hlppo, Mulrolm cteten on, . c. ilumtey, KNdl.lSII TRAM, No. 1 ('apt. II, A. Tomklnn.n. So. I t'ltpt, l.r,llr mi. . ( hrHpe. No :jilrtjr j-. w urr,ltl llaik .Inh n A, Traill. tiiltltiiti t'apt. I Ulan l.ocltett, Lord Wlmlmriir, lluke nr IVimrmiiU. SHAFER AND SMITH KEEP IT UP. MlllihMtlMa Utiulilra CliHiniltna lift In .Mnrlnt nml Klrl.l I'lnitl. Carl Khafer and KIiir Smith, tho team that won the .Manhattan doubles cham pionship In the New York Lawn T.'linls Club tournament last Haturday, micheil the filial round In the Marine and FUlil Club open tnuruaiuent yesterday at the club courts lit mth lleach. The Manhat tan tltln holders came throiiKh In the upper half of the tlr.iw by defentlnu H. V, l.ike and C. C. liurrotiKli In the aeoonJ round at 6 3. t and followed this vic tory by I'tliulnatluK Mark A. Noble and A. W, Warden In the seml-llnal at fi--2. 7 5. The latter team had advanced from the second round by the default of Julio M. HMnaeher and A. llrown. In the lower half Vanderbltt II. Ward and Walter Hazard defeated Wlllouuhby il. JennliiKS mid llecluald r. Wood In the scmMlmil round offer three hard sets at G f. fi 3. 3. Ward and llarard will meet Binltli nnd Shafer In the round on Krlday. The summaries! Msn's Dnub'as--Steond round Mark A. Hlmfer and Kin Sn.llh ilareatetl It, V. lke ami 17 ti lfiirroughs, 3. feml-nnal llouml Carl Shadr nnd Kln Hmlth defeate.l Mark A NuMc ami A W snd Walter llsiar.l defrateit Wlllnunhliir t Jennings and Ittclnald l". vtooo. t 7, j. 3. MISS BALLIN IN THIRD ROUND. Sirs. Itn) iiioiiit nml Miss W'llilvy Atsu Win Their .Mntoli. HAVKiiroRP, P.i June 2. Ono New York and onu Philadelphia hlladelphla player advanced to. rUtlli,Clf..tli1..J,,,..,,n,, "ntn"y'" L. . r? " "L?: the third vanla and plonshlp tournament to-day on the courts of the Merlon Cricket Club. Miss Plur- ence O. Uallln of the West Hldu Club New York, defeated Miss Sara .Wilson c Merlon. 82. fi 3. The Philadelphia-! to advance was Mrs. Gilbert llnrvcy o! Merlon, who defeated Miss IC, llrlnton, 60. R 1. The big attraction was the doubles. Th first pair to record a victory was Mrs. Edward Itaymond, New York, and Mlsi Kdna Wlldey. 1I3 title holder, In this event. They defeated Miss II Meehan and Miss Pelrce, 81, fi 2. The suns marles: Championship D.iubles, Preliminary Itnund Mlui Durnthy DUiinn ami Mln Mully Thayer iltfetted Ml ri. Ilaker anil Miss A, Kennniy. J s. s; ll normirn luiun and Mli Clara Cli-c iltftalnl Ml. Inn- bella IVndlelon nntl Miss Marlon Tnulinln. C 3. 641 Hie Mimes Meyers ilnfeateil tho Xll.jts WlllUms. 3. , .Mrs. rtllbert Harvey and Mix H. Mnrrli dfeals. llli iKiualierty ami .Mts Thomits, :. 1; Ml Krnnklln ami Mlt Niuman ilsf-sted Mini Nelliun sml MIm I.llllr. I, 14, 6 4, Klrst linun I Marlon Kennii and Mlia Kleanorn Hears ilrstnl &lla IllMtnn .nrl ... " J..."'1' . . Vt l Aire. iayinona nnu Mlas Wlbisy defeated Miss Meehan and Miss I'slree, I. ti :. Championship singles, Strund Hound Mrs. Cillbert llary ilefesied Miss Katherlne llrlnton. , 61. Mlsa Florence Uallln dctaated Mlas Kara Nellson, 6 7, ti I, YALE AND HARVARD JOIN HANDS. Miss Thayer. 0, 13: Mrs. Itaymond and Mnkti Up Coutblnallon Itetuy Tram for .v York A. C. (in mra. Nuw Havev, June S. Yale and liar vnrd will send a Joint relay team to tho New York A. C. guinea at TraNers Island Haturday, according to an announcement here to-night. Cupt. Itrown and Wllkle of Yale and lllngham and llarron of Har vard will maku up the team, which w.ll enter In the mile relay event. In addi tion to the relay team Yalo men will be entered In ten other events. Track coaches at Yalo are elated over the recovery of Patter, who pulled a tendon In the elimination trials at the Intercollrglates. To enable til in to get In good trim coaches have advised him to necept all offer he has received to com pete abroad during tho summer, with Wesley M. Oler. Jr., the young New Yorker wha was placed first In the inter- concgiuiu nigil junni auiurunjr, l uurr win nrinrYaloteJ'wln go with them. RICHARDS LEADS REALTY MEN. Dora Baltusrol In H7 Phillips, With HU, Una l.ovsest t, Hiiokt HlLLH. N, J., June 2. The golf ing members of the Ileal Kstnte Hoard of New York held 11 one day tournament at the llaltusrol dolt Club to-day. Prises were piovlded for the gioss und net scores In two classes, A and II, nnd there nlsu were rlzes for the licst selected eighteen hole score on thlry-alx holes In both classes. II. C. Illchardi won the gross prize In Class A with un S7, and the nut went to II. N. Phillips, whose scure. was 98 13, 85, In Class U the gross winner was . II. Navle with a 94, and U. I). Arthur took the net tronhv with his enrd of 101 2f, 7! II. J. Kachs and (1. 11. Conger, with 87 tn l so. won tho gross and net awards In tho Cluss A selected score competition, and the winners of similar prizes In Class II were It. II. McDonald with 97 und F. I. Kelley with 83. DATES SET FOR AUTO CLASSICS. Vanderlillt Onu I'eli, it a, Grand Prla. March 7, PaiiniiiH-PuclHo Kill roll 14. Hak I'RArit.'lHco, June 2. Dates for the big nutomublle races to bo held next year in connection with the Panama-Pacific Kxposltlon wero announced to-day. The Vandnrbllt cup race wll bu run on the ex position grounds February 22, the (Jrand Prix March 7 and thu Pnnama-Paolfln oup race MHrch H. In addition to these contests It H planned to hold a road t.ico from New York to San Francisco. The course would be over tho Lincoln Highway with the Mulsh at the exposition grounds. Murtlu Outpoints Thell. Johnny Martin defented Joo Thlcd of Philadelphia In u ten nmnd bout ut tho Olympic Club last nlglu. Martin fougnt inughly und was warned repeatedly, in tho tenth hn Moored Thlel, who was up In a moment, out finished in a bad way. Itegluient to Cheer far Its Nine. The wholti Seventh Iteglinent, 1,200 strong, will i;o to West Puint Saturday to cheer on Us team In tho annual baseball game with tha cadets. Illllllle lt Hoi Wlillx Auiiln, Mii.w'apkkk, Juim 2. Willie ltltchle and Charley White will meet In another tmi round bout hero on Labor Day, under trnUtlvu arrangements unm'ime.ij tii-day by local promoters, who bald they hud the consent of both tighter. ICfforts uru be ing made ulso lo match Whltn with Ad Wolgast, who Is u great favorite here. MRS, JACKSON EARNS TITLE AT GREENWICH Siiiilnmon(H Hnr Fine fl!l First Day With III) for Winning Total. on MISJS OSGOOD IS SECOND Philadelphia Women Gain Next Two Hnceh Handicap Also Mr. Jackson'H. OiuuNwicit. Conn., June J Increasing ty two strokes tho seven stroke lead on inn neiu which she gained yesterday, Mrs, II. A. Jackson of llotton won the women's ktprtl .'Ml f .ih.ln..ln.l.'.. .... . I . Kastern olf fhainplonsh;p over the links of the Greenwich Country Club to-day. Mrs. Jackson supplemented her remark able 83 of )sterday with a well played 0 to-dny, and her total of 172 made the title hers by an ample marsln. Iloston triumphed uealn by getting second tilace, Miss Kami Is C. Usiiood, llrnolillne, MnlshliiK next to Mrs. Jackson on the list. Osgood's score for the two days of play was 90 il, Ifl. Two Philadelphia women were third ami fourth, -Mrs. Clarence II, Vanilerbeck with 142 and Mrs. Houald II. Harlow, the lill.1 champion, with U3. Tenth was the best position attuimd by a New Yorker, Mrs. ... . . ,' ...... uvn i'i..j uraan una iiioriiuiK none ni tne contestants were inclined to dispute (.Mrs. Jackson's claim to the title, for her big lead of yesterday loomed larger than ever, as a stirr breezu was blowing that promised to play havoc with the golf of the weaker ones, The former Miss Hur ley ran scarcely lie Included In that class, and tin i u seemed little likelihood that the wind would bother her in much aa It would the others. So It proved. Although not quite up to her form of yesterday. Mrs. Jackson was entirely capable of ktcplng her ad vu t Khe was playing with Miss neorglanna UMwv. another former .'haniplo,,. and .,.. began will. 4 un the first hole and a 3 on tho second. On the next two holes she did not do so well, taking a 6 and a 7, but she then steadied down and played Well thereafter. miu was out in u aim came nome in i for her 59. On the little tenth hole she nil nut union out rrom tne tec, per nan topping on the Up nf the cup. The card : Mrs. II, A. J nek son, Osklsy nut I 1 I 7 I II I 4 4 I I H I I I I 1 t 14 I? The others did their best, but they hud no chanco to win. In fact none, nf them succeeded even In equalling the SK made by thu new champion, Mies Osgood's 90 was next best, but nil of the others took 93 or more. Mrs. Jackson also easily won the handicap tournament. The sum maries: Mra. H, A. Jackson, Osklsy, 4 5, 41 It 172. Mlsa Fannie C. 0iu.1, The Country v tun, a. ii sv isi jin. . . ji, v iiiiuorueca,, rniiaiieipnia cricKst. 41. 4 2 1(7, Mini Ilunalil 11. llarluw. Merlon. M. 47 I 111: . Mlsa Mlldru.l Caerly, Phllsdslphla Coun try, 4S, 4S 31 11; Mrs. Caleb K. Vox. lluntlngilon Valltv, 50 1 1. Mln. Marvaret Curtis, Kssei County, Mass., 41, 4i l 10. Mra. l;. II. Klllir. Mi Ion. 6'l, 41 it in, nii. ii, w. itoope, iirss lnirn, IT. 60 7 195. ilrs. A, 8, Itonsln. Centur), 50, 4 ac- t, Mlsa llarrl.itl H. Cunts. Ksaes County. 4. 4t .91 lt., Miss Anns Naaon. The Country club, 4s, 67 100 1H; Mrs. N. I'enilltton Itogsn. Ilullusrol, (1, (I 101 lit, Mra. Milton IterolJ, I'hllmont, 47, 4V 1, Miss UeorgUnna M. lllshup, llronklaivn. it. 61 100 suo. Miss Ktliel M ' Citiiipl.ell, (Iverbrnnk, 62, i as ma -wi; miss nurancs Mceei, , Aie. lun, ix, Ii-mu :o. Miss Kranits c I - 111. Merlon, 6. 63 lv2 .94, Mrs. William Chllvera. Dunuouttla, 61, 51 10; -2oti. Mrs. W M. l'lillnionl. 54, i 10.-JOS. Mlas H. Ktnel Mauls, Merlon. 55. 60 HH -70. Miss Klltsbetli I'nsler. ; Uakley, 41. 65101207, Mrs. William ' In. ilea. W'limlnton. (I, 63 lu 70. Miss Irene Itlchardson, Phlladslphl.t Crlckst.51. si - lot, .vs. .Mrs. Itwreiies Hwllt. Knoll ' wnrxl, 47. 64 lul 20i Miss Kllsn tl llno.l, Philadelphia Cricket. 65. 64 111 J0I, Mrs . ilr 11 I'atWBun, t.nin.uiwl, 17, 6J lot ili, Mra, It ti. Illncka, llrooklawn, 61, II 104212, Mlsa K. 1. chantllar, llunllnfdon Valley, fit. 60102211, Mra. G. Huddarda. lutriitrouk, 55, 10j 211, Mrs. F. V. llJtcheklcr. Oakley, 6, 64 114 271. HARVARD ROWS NINE MILES. 1 ,.,,, lo Paddle Henle) C'rrsv .Hakes Past Time. 1 liKO Too Conn turn. llnrv.e.f. ! 'Ui t Zl slowed up to a paddle and went on for nine miles. It. K. Herrlck coached thu llellll'V llllfbl .'llfillii'iv. tho ir..w ulnrf. lng down the coursu tlvo minutes after the ... .. - varsuy oarsmen, wun tne tresiiman eight pacing. The Henley shell covered tho mllo In S minutes 3H aeconds. Iloth Capt. Keynolds and Louis Curtis, who were detained at Cambridge by examina tions, took their rcspectivu positions In the varsity nnd Henley shells to-day. Harvard's vaislty eight did not return to lted Top until neuily 8 o clock. (Iai.ks Puintr, Conn., Juno 2. Yale's squad left Its hoathouie ten minutes after Harvard's crews disappeared down the river. The K1I varsity eight started i toward lb., rnllroail brlilire fit u 311 rl!n. . which was raised to 32 as thu half mile i naK wa8 reached. At this point the 1 cruw stopped rowing and a few minutes 1 later returned to qunrters. Wash from a uteitnier Interfered with the tlinu row. At cording to report a new Davy shell which arrived from Cambridge to-tlay was used by the varsity men this evening. Thero weru no changes in any of the Yulu hoaln to-day. WOULD SEE HARVARD IN WEST. Mlltvuiikptt Alumni Wan I Kleren In Play VVIseonslii Aiiuunlly, Mli.WAUKEP, June 2. Harvard gradu ates will. urge the lifting of their univer sity's ban on lulersectlomtl football at the eighteenth annual convention of the Associated Harvard Clubs In Chicago Fri day and Haturday. The pluns of the local utiimnl Join with those of other Western who desire to see the gridiron heroes of their ulma matur on Western Melds and who will urge that Harvard play at least one game u season In the West. This city's representation, according to Secretary Nnthun Perles, Jr., of tho local Harvard Club, will number between twenty-Mve and Mfty. The Milwaukee men are urgent In their demand that Har vard be pitted against a big Western team, preferably Wisconsin, the 1912 and 1913 chamrlon of the West. rutting llinvn lleflnnrs's Spars, Tho big steel mast of tb cup yacht Dell hick was lifted nut at Jacob's yard nt city Island on Monday uflernoon and ycstenluy eight feet was cut off. The new bowsprit which has been made Is two feet shatter than the one damaged In tho trial lust week, The Uellnnce was hauled out on the ways for cleaning yesterd'iy afternoon, She will be lowered Into tho water In-day and her mast will bo stepped nt once. G, M, Pynnlion and Designer Owen hope to have the yacht ready to start In the race of the l.arohmoiu Yacht Club next Saturday. Kven with her re- diK-ol epars she will lie Mvu fuel higher In ine stir man ine vaiiiua. TIGERS COME FROM BEHIND. Hymens Oris I'Irst Tvi.. (tuna, Vnt limner Rboad Turns Tldr. I'BlNcrroK, June 2. I'rlucton defeatwl Kyracuse here to-day by a score of 7 to 2 In n Kama featured by two home runs. Hyracuse sent the first score of the game over the plate in the suooud Inning and repeated In the third when Seymour lined out a clean hit to deep centra Hhleh was good for four bases, in the Mist turee Innings only trn I'rliictton batters faon.1 Turnure, the Hraause pitcher, but In the fourth llhoads came to tho bat with Koyt and Greene on hasua. and a-nt them both home ahead of hlin when 1m knocked his home run to deep right- In the same Inning llolton scored from surond on Salmon's single, Princeton scored Its re main ng runs In the eighth as a result of a base on balls, an error and two lilts, one of them a three bagger by Hoyt. The scoro i SYIUCL'SE. I MUXrETON ab r li p a ei Uir bp 'm"ir.:b 6 1111 v'Kstiks.lf 1 II u lltckrr lb 4 I II U HSIUMI) i i r 1 ahearn.M 4 Cn' 4 , S Slsier.rf. 1 t :i'l'Mt,rt ..4210 Q n, nrt-eiu-.rr I : I 5 I 0 KlioaiKlb J I 1 II 1 If Law i . I II I e Oitlolluii.vb 4 111 K.irbtr If I Morcan.c I J Oj'klinun.o. : I H i t, Wimm.p... nil i Turn're.'p H t I I I ! Totals. 31 i 74 II 2! Totals.. W 1 10 10 I Syracuse 0 1 I 0 0 0 u o ; Prliueion . 0 0 I 0 o I .-) .lloleu b.ines -tireene. Ilollon, Kvher, Sar. Hiv hits IttuM'la. "Jlnioii. Ahearii. Fole), i. Hires lias liil-llol lloui rutui Utioacls beymoiir. Mr'I'k oui-Dy Wood, 4; b Tur mirr, s First bss un b'.U Ofl M'oo.1. :, oil Turnure, 1 Ivll mi bast Sjrkouv, . ("rime Ion. 3. First tiase on errois-SrraciiMi, 4 I'rinieinn, t Uuipire-Cotiklikti, Timel hom and M minutes INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Yrsterdil)' Kenulla. Ilalttmnrs, t. J-r-y City, t, 1'ro' i lencu, I Neutrk, 7 llufr.ilo, I; Tor'Hilo, I. Monlrsal, ; Itoctmtsr, I. ntandlng of lbs lluba. W U 1. 20 II till U II Is 71 in PC .hrl 4U .94J .3.4 Buffalo . nsllimore. IVoTlilenT, Toronto. . . ersy City. Montreal . Ii .1 61 Moehnler...! 4 Nistlk Id IS ID') Tu-ila)'s helirditle. Ilaltlmora In Jersey City N'swnrk In 1'rutliiciice Toronto m Iturrslo .Muntieal In Uucl.esttr GRAYS TREAT LEE BRUTALLY Dvrrrniusi HlK ) llnrly I .NevtnrU. en it tin lord PltovtDENCu. June 22. Uallev u.. una and after he had passed two and hit three out and Hentley sent In. He was' hit hard I und at the end of the fifth Newark had in tno nrst inning toilav lis u-nu i-.i,.... run ieau. j no uruys lit on I e savagely in the sixth and aided bv eotle! errors In that and the following Inning went to the front and won x 1,. 7 ThV. score: NEWAItK 1 1. I..) ... ab r h pa Collins rt 4 : s o 0 P110VII1EXCK. 1 1 I, 1 ao r 11 p a 1 V. """ rl 1 3 0 " " llstte.rf . 4 4 1 1 4 0 I I 3 1 ielz.?l. . i 0 W 7.1'an.lf I 1 K.Xi'aii.Jh I U'Ho'ke.c I I-ce.p, ... 4 e v -neaii..ii . s 1 I 7 a l'j!'uell.lf 4 1 I 2 0 0 0 10 u llUuiu.ui!b 9 0 11 Tiit'er.ef 4 1 I 0 1 E On' 1 1 1 1 0, 4 1 V liJ.UllSIOU.C 1 0 3 ti.Ilaller.ri .. 0 . I ; ., .. Totals, .74 7 8 74 1J 4ihulli',p'. 5 I I Tolnl...3J I Ii; 1 I 1 vwfc ,'"'." 1 r0 t"eiu., . Jon 1J010 0-7 OOAfflltn . Illta-Ufl llallev In ..... .,..1 ...1. . ... nllujs: off lleiuley, ( nve llililn.s Htolen ",:.",".IluH.,n"' llalte. Powell. Tan bse hits "v ! T' T."'"'"' '""r"e Three base hits ,'latl-.K. ZwiDitniian. fachllm 111 4 n "'If nnd Kraft; i'lalle and K Unslow itru.k Schulu. J. First base on b.'ills-Oft llalley. :; V."..'""'',0" Hentley, till by pliclier-Ily llalley iK. Zlniniernisn. O'Hourke, Novel First ba.e on errnr-l'rnvlilcnee. 1 l.efi 011 liaaes- iiln,: r0,"'.,e.m,'' Uniplrea-Nallm and llallli-nn. Tlnie-1 hour and U mlnulrs ORIOLES USE THEIR SPEED. Also Clnnt Hnll Hard nnd iir hi ttkerters M lo ft. Speed on the bases combined with op. portune clouting carried Jack Dunn's Orioles to another victory In the second lineup with Jersey City at Wtst Side Park yesterday. The tlgurt-s were 8 to 5. The score : HAl.TI.MOHE (I L ) 1 ab r h p a e Daniels rf 4 3 1 j 0 JKKSEY CITY U. U) ao r n p strslt.rf 4 llul'w'l.rls fneliler.ib 1 Hlles.Jb. , 3 K 3 Fislier.lf.. I 1 I 1 1 w hi v 11 i : 1 1 .) 1 2 0 0 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 0 4 1 6 0 0 1 U 0 It 0 0 0 0 , -Mum 1..H1 1 1 1 1 : . Crti'.cf 4 0 0 5 0 1 I Derrl'k.a 4 1 2 3 2 1 lall.'JU. .. 5 0 1 2 3 0 1 1.1 en 11.10 I 0 2 1 0l'l) , 4 M'Avny.e 4 0 0 0 OiMiirnhy.B 2 uanrin.p 40003 I 'Oler.e.... I Husvll.p. 0 0 0 0 0 OiTaylor.p.. 2 Totals.. 3 I 13 77 12 3 tWdil." .'' n Miesrs.p.. 0 lllarry ... 1 Totals.. 33 ( I 27 11 4 I Ii. ....ntl. I.,i.,.. Hulled for Taylor In JJtsn fur Heynolda In (lie seventh lnnln-'. ! Ualiimors. I Jeraev f .11 v .u.iti iur onrars III ins llllllll munis'. f(iinni sa l-i Jersey city o t 0 0 2 1 1 0 0-6 t.Klrf.1 Va,ft 0,1 errore-llalllmore. 2, Tno base hlt-"'heii. Three base bil.-Fisher. Dpjrlek. Sacrifice hlt-lluea Hai-ritiie Ny-Murphy bloleii bass.-Uanltla, 2; MlilklO, 2; Derrick, 2. Left on baaea-Halilmure. 7; Jersey City. 4 Iiouble playa-Munihj. llulnwllt and pfyl. Murphy and Pfyl. First base on balls-Ort US" or' .li 0,, J'snforth, 2 Struck om-liy Taylur. 2; by Shesra. I: l,y Danforth. 3; by Hussnll, Hit by pllihfr--Ily Taylor (Creel: bjr2hf.'u',.,l,?n'il10' w"'l 1'lUh-Hm.aell Hits -Off Haiifurlh. 7 in (ix aisl lun-tlurtts IiiiiIiis-h; nff Russell, I In two ami ont'-thlrd Imilnis: off Taylur, II In seven IniUnn. oft Shears. 1 In Jtto ImUiixs, I.'mplres-Hsrrlsoii and Kinneran. Tune 2 hours and 10 inlnuira. At lluehealer. ' Montreal 0001 0000 zn l Huoheater 30000000 03 7 2 llntterlrs Miller, Dale and llawley, Duchesnll. llpham and Williams, At IIuiThIii. Toronto (I. !). 0 0 0 o 2 3 0 0 0 i 10 B llurfuln (I. 1. 1.. 27200010 ..1 lo 1 flatteries Toronto. Cillbert. Johnson, Hlt !f.. ."".'! Hnsll, Huftalo. Hrandom and Krltchell, RITCHIE RUNS AWAY AGAIN. Dodges Welsh hy Proxy This Tlmi-, Mannirrr Doing Unity Ant. Willie ltltchle will pot 1hx Fred Welsh In London for tho lightweight rhumplou- ship ur the world. Once again he has 1 1-111. ..iviv r..,i.i .1, ...n...i. ,1... .1 .... 1 . ....... . - . . . ...w .....tvit. tins tlllin iiy Piuxy. I'llllll Thlrv. reiiresentlnu tho Cull- 1 furiitait In this matter, met Hob Veruoii ' ami uurry 1 uiiok yuslinlay afternoon and put audi 1 obstacles In thu wuy of a meeting that pothliig was ,,ft to do hut abandon It. i iniry uec neii to put up a forfeit, to , guarantee Ritchie's appiaram.e. instated on naming Kugcne Curil us refeiru and also on selecting the stakeholder. Vernon, who represents Piuinuter Charles Cochran of London, was willing to waive tho inf. cree matter for thu luusenl, as was Pollok ulso, Hut Cochran hud asked his friend (leoige Cunnlillmi to hold tho stakes an! Thlry would not consider him, Kven thut might have been smoothed over but tho blur.k refusal to post IB, 000 forfeit money or uny utlief .-.moiir. made tho Imut In possible. Thlry left for Chicago lust night. Hpeelnl Cars lu Curry IIuks. Hpoclal tralna will run to Mlneola, U I., to-day In connection with the show of the Ladles Kennel Association of A met lea. Tlie trains leaving Pennsylvania Station at s:2 und ! A. M, will have extra ears fur tho accommodation of exhibitors with dogs 011 chains. Trains leaving Ieimg Island City ut b ;2H A. ,M, will have tixtiu baggage cars for dogs. Thero aro sev eral Inline timing tho morning, hut the urlc mentioned will provide for the dors to arrive In time for the earliest classes to be judged. Time --Mrs. Jackson Wins WHITNEY'S PENNANT WINS UNDER WRAPS Son of I'cter Pan Sncrecds in His Fi ri,l Hacc as a Three-year-old. IMJSKIN JN HE AT EN FIELD John E. Madden Scores Fii'Nl Victory of Uelinont 3Icet With Dismiss. IIcluont I-A8K, June 2,-Ilarry Payne Whitney's Pennant, the winner of the last futurity, made his tint appearance of ine s'iison uniier colors lo-oay when he won the 1. 1 ttle Neck Handicap from a Held which Included lluskln, tho winner of the Metropolitan Handicap. Pennant looks d evety Inch a racehorse as tin cantered down the stretch fur n mild u a nn up Uforv the big event, and al though he carried the big weight for a thrte-t cur-old of 111 nounds irnod ludueH riirijilil.r. .1 Ihnt nil hu h.i.l t,. ,lr. It. I... returned a winner was to kep from breaking down, A strong play on Ilusk.n sent Pennant up from i to 5 to to IJ. . ... , - - - '! but the son of Peter Pan had plenty of ! support at those Rgures. Thero was little excitement aho'it the I race so far as any danger to Pennant threatened Joe Nottcr got him oil In rrur.t and wtth Uuckhorn n attendance he raced don the back stretch with a stride that kept the others hustling to keep up Pennant had a length and a half advantage before half the mile and a sixteenth had been covered, und then J Notter let him ralo nlong with Uuckhorn doing his best behind him und August Uelinont s Tliornhllt third. liurkhorn made an attempt to gi-t up in the stretch, but Notter Jim shook up the leanVr nnd he enme away to win handily without being touched with the whip. Pennant had a length and n half advantage a hu liasied the Judgi-s, while lluskln closed strong In the last sixttenth nnd lost tlie , Place b) only three-iUarters of & length.' i John Madden ient his first winner at the meetlni: to tho Host. Tin. inailee of Hanibuig Place stirang u surmise In Hih , nr'1 rnc" tor maldim two-year-olds, with i-'i'-iiuas. juiiiiny .urinKiiiiri nrouitni ine lliuithter of Ogden up with a rush In the ! ,?!,t 'url'mg to beat out tlw lluller pair, ' ...i n, August Uelinont scored with Crossbun, ' wll,cn J"sl K""'I1 wuy fnm a twor ";ll "l thP second rae. . at lx furlongs. I 1 J l Hnlland won his dally race when Jl.lVerriraw lasted long enough to stsvel'iian i.reu. iwa-year-oiua, off the whirlwind rush of ll.ugo In th I furlonKs l-ady tpt-ndrlft. third race, for three.year-olds. Virile. ruimmg in tlie colors of Hurry Payn' Whitney, lomied off Pennant's victory by taking the fourth race easily, and rltnne henge graduated from the maiden class In the last at one mile, The suniinnrles 1 I'lllST HACK. For nuildrn tuu- ear-old tllll's and griding:; by kill x ill lion of $10, villi ti) added: Ale fur- ltn c. KlrsfifhL 1K iiurw nu Age, wt, .torkey Ibices. Un Illsmlas, 2.. Ins MiTai!irrt.. 6 I 2-1 1" 1 a re. 2 IMublel.2.. llei dim. t. 2 ( nur II. 2 ins Ktiifiia s-S llo Tmxler s-& V6 lus M tititilnger. l t ins lli.niiinn yi-i ins lluxtun. '.'o-l Ho HurllnEsmr.12-1 los U'uire 16 1 .ins Hutuell .20-I 10 Falrbrother. 11 no MeHtnlcl. Ill HIS Mrl'l Kn 12-1 ins Ullllams 15 1 1111 (linos. 16-1 3-1 h-1 h-t hi A-1 HI l'r., 2.. Ilkirax, 2.. Moniniai.S , 1 apt In I'rrr.S . HnHiinlrsf. 2 l'uitemy, ; . tAslioW 11, ;.. 7 1 ill lllue, 2. -& III 6-1 11 1 12 I IS iruiurii, 1 IV 1 14 t mink d n Hutler entry 'Coiinled as Cochran entry. Coupled as Juhnann mtry. Time. 1 i 1-6 (iood alert, won drlilinc. IiUmlsj. blk. f . by Oiden--IKinitliy (Iny. nared by Jehu K Mad den, truli.ed byC. T I'nlUrvui. .SI'.CtlNII HAC1! For thicr-year-old; selllin;. by subaerlpilon of 110, Willi tlisuitdtd: rlx fuilimrs, miln raunr. nurse ate w i. jocki j rrltea. tin. ( rnk.iiun, 3 lii-l Kdlilt W ,S. si M ilm'nChotce.9 U)7 Oniliirtl.3. lis (iordon. 3. (ki J J l.illli. 3.. iua I'crili Hod. 3. km neilells 7 5 3S l Msrcu. IQ-l 4-1 2' 1 4-1 3' .Stcirard.. U-l t.1 4 Mi-l'aiirtrt li i i r. 5 M.'huuliigrr a-l ft Hutarll 16-1 ft ! 7 rime. 1:17 l.& (iood start. Willi sallv. Cruuliitn. hr. f.. liv I'oter Pan l.ui'y Croas, oared by Auifusi Ilel mnnl, trained by .1 C. Illldreth. THIHII HACK. For two-year-olds, Nillns", by uberlptlon of tin, with turn edilrd. flic I iirlmiits. bin lulit, Ilorw and Ane. M. Jurkey Fin. Haversack,: 111 XUTaitcart . 0-10 out In Ikugo, 2 H7 Prst, ev-i a-5 2' ( hauleusf, 2. U3 MeKenils 2o-l .1-1 a Mis'. I lekler. 2. HO In-1 3-1 I Dcilltry.2 lus liutwell is-r. 4 r, r Khurltisiid, 2. Il MtCalay... 12-1 4-1 6 Time, lot 2-6. (lord start; won striving. Haversack, br. f , by MurtlLel- Memnrlesi tmi.ed by J. U Holland, Iralntd by 11. MtrKliall. l OUHTll IUCK. The Uttlrneek: fur tliree-vcar-olda and ut- I 6fa urn!; lisnillrsm by aubat rlpilnn of UI, ui atniiti, hi v nine ami n sixictnin. iicr.e i no aiiv. w i. Jockey, Prltea Fin IVnui nl.3.. Ill N'oiier . 0-10 Wood a &- r'lbriillier a- ' Ketlerla in- t II). ii . .0- 1 M(T'inn...l6- I 2-6 lW 7-6 21- ft-5 3 6 2 4 6-t & 4-1 8 I liiirkt.nrn.S.. . 111 123 mi ii 1115 HUSklll.4.. . Thnri hlll.S.. Hull, ley, 3 VauilmrlttiJ. 'lime. 1:45 (.ootl start; won lirmnj; I'.nnant. by I'rter PMl Itovsl liuae. bv Harrv l'AVue Whitney : Irulned by J, Hoar FIHH HAli: For llirte-yrnr-olda end upwaril; nelllni; by tutiMrlpilmi nf liu, ulUi ttco tdded. m r mile. Hoiso uul axe. M l. Jik'kcy. Prltcs. Fin. Virile, 4.. 113 (ilasa mi l R 1 1 l'nllletle llleu.3, .. OS MiLlliey .,13-6 3.6 7" Water U'ellt 1,6.. 113 Hututlt 7-1 2-1 31 Ilun'd Matd' tin UtTnifiiiirl..ern 1-3 4 (iiildy,4. . 107 Ward . . 3d-l s i 5 I'atun.aecd 113 Hyin . .H-1 6 2 8 lime, l:3 1-6. Poor strr I. won is ally. Mtslwrn -c l.tTUblni, uwlciI b) II. P. Whitney; trained by 1 to J. Olvtlis. It SIXTH IIACF j 4 mi nipiut'ii tnrt r-irar-oms anil upwsru; py (ills, llpllnn of ln, with 3KOI dded; 01 mile. Horse 1 ml age. w I, Jockey, IrUes. Fin. Sim fhtlllie.S,. . 103 HuXUlll. , S O 13 IJltle .Ncarer.6 . 112 l'tlibrollicr.12-1 4-1 2 MlsCaviiiia(ti,3. Hi; Huiwrll H-6 1-3 3' lleey,3. . 103 Mi-Catiey.. 7-2 eitn 4 Mnluy.J, pis Irderlt.. Iti-t 6-1 6 'lime. 1:11. (nod slatt; won easily; Mtonehenire. b. g., hy Hatllnrs- Mntla Sloi.e, imuctl by .Samuel Hon; brained by U. .Snurt, COMMERCE DEFEATS CLINTON. Una Two Point .Margin In Dual TriieU Meet .Vngi-I Ural Woleoll. ne iiigu eicnooi or i;ommerco won a Close dual track nml rlolil vlcinrv rr,n Dn Will Cllmm. niui. ..n.,i i..,..i.. Field. Long Island, yesterday by 37 to 35 points, All three places lu the running1 high Jump, the final event, g.ivu Com-, mercu thu victory. Creditable time . mado lu .evcrnl races, while tha ii.,m I events furnished some good results. 1 Hurry Katz and Harry Spero of Clinton and Howard Cairn of Conimei-cn were' double winners. The latter won thu 1 twelve pound shot put from Welnxteln, u I sohiiuliniite, by twu feet with an effort of 18 feet, while Cann ulso hurled the discus 1 n tllstanco uf 121 feet. Spero took both the hurdlu contests, while Kats took tho century sprint und tho broad Jump. In tha half mile race Wotcutt of Clinton allowed Nage. of tiominercu to gel too big 11 lead und was beaten by a yard after he made a sprint In the Mnal lap, Displeased Willi .rv Tralurr. Phii.aiikli'Hia. June 2. It has been many years since the student body ut the l.'nlveislty of Pennsylvania has been moused to miiii a stale of displeasure us It was to-day when at the meeting of the athletic association at the university Put Dwyer, a football player nf the IU06 and 1H07 teams, wus appointed trainer tu sue i'e...I the famous Mlku Murphy. Lawsoii Itubertson, Irish American Athletic Club trainer, was the man who was wantsd by the majority. ,. LIKELY WINNERS OF RACES AT PIPING ROCK TO-DAY. rirot Ittiee Heybsrn. I'eylon Hreck lnrlde, CuUert. Neriird Itnre Slinnnnn Itlrrr, Ai tute, llellef. Third Itnre Dolden l'rltne, Klrctlon llrl, Amlr. I'mirtli lliirel.iid of I.ancden, ( oriipl,, Me. Spee. Klfth Itnre i-rniihcnt. Mallyhay, Cllflnnlan. Mth Itaei Cherry Slnlotte, Hold I'late, I'ree nud l:i). Neventh llunv Nnsrgay. Abucnnder, (lend. T0-DAY"S CARD FOR PIPING ROCK. i.f!.'r.r' ''"""Chin.blet Plate; for nallowsyaj ! Biivlioiirn in Ml fnkley no l?,ulVrt ,. w T'" Thief .. . Ill -tviuu iirrtKlliri tfe It Second rtnv Orani e County Plate: liandaap .Tn,, & "w ii,; . "d !lt in aiui . !'. m. JS'',; " !!! HiL ,"r.U in 114 IJ'J ' tiirnnnint I4 Itllril IlBYI Plllllll' llnll Hlll.-..rlnllnn U..l lluiiJICJp; one mile: Himi' Kid 12 floa Iff. brsniuot . . . II l"t My Heart 114 l,okomU . ... It.' (airltnatro . .. 110 Outnutst . .. . Itis bomb lr KtrM Knsck .. . Ills fcatnUi tM riiirs-rai Overyuwla II . Alulra Ii. 111011 llot AuruM . V'lrcinls Lji.. Iile llibisa . .. Ar-lnalnii t I-J)' Ornie. Wai,,,'.?' ' Gulden Prime its. ; Fourth Ita The "..' i . iv . ii , shout sis lurlonm. Jtoslya Plate; handicap; Slsr Case . ... IIS Mr Jra . ... 141 of Lamden... UJ Cho-in i.i Cnreoi.s.s .... Hi Iwyoter 3i Usynioml ... lc Kilth It.ue Tlie Cooorslowa Hate; liandl cjp sleepte. hssr; about to miles: 1'eiM.liM.ot 1U Sklid llur 131 iti Ileum Chliotilnn . Ar1eiituress Tlw Kvader Cnmpllnieni , 1(6 klUortii .. l.M Utile lluli . .. Ill li.itkt I4T Alslon IIJ llulli-are Ill Kay Urnok...... 14 Virile 119 t! I ':llbay it: Slijntioii Itlver. 3oMi AtXttl Ham The llnuiLl lite Plate. Itan.lieni. ' strple-ha-e fur hunters, about two miles ami a nsu ntrr numrrs Hold Plate Cherry Malolle ... Web Carlur Lampblack OiSiMte Fee nnd Rssy. (iuitrnintllti .. Iniluatiir Utillfare Minrnam ll'l 111 114 147 Ileland Vet l.eK II.. evtmn raco-iJit- Jiroul liollow riaie; ban- r.l.?'.,'ur ,1UDlrri " nd a fuiloiu ('i..,,,i At'fceoniler W Cornier .. Its Oranil VedHte.. . 1M liab IU Ijulck S:mrta .... Ii.' JuiUh Wal.rr Lai hnifht ol Mercl 111 Vooilisht 14i le) in J'',''1. i vVuilnr .' MONTREAL RACING RESULTS. I First Itace Itoe uilrttJ maidens. Cans four and a half lot (Culllnsl. I ; "S?e ',', 'riiVk. 114 K'-Si.Vii 114 tl'eaki. eve iiiir.l. Time. e:t 4-t. Mans a.. HruH.i 1 omul ana (JjWeii Jug also ran. htcnnd Hate -rftllinx. 4 tears ami un. non-winners sines May 1, 1500 sildrtl, . furloiiga Hlatsr Kluretire. 106 (Jontal, 15 ... 1. won; H.y. 110 fllenn) I, even monr. sreund, CIIR Mtreum. la? tOMim, 2 to I. third. Time, 1.24. .MontJsnlc, nick Dead wood, Arrnn. Ky While. Ilernsdotte llraw-ny. Duquesne and Crlsrn also ran. Third 4.ce Three-year-ul.ta ami up. 171) added. lx furlunaa'--tilr Jllatat:, 101 ITsp llnl, 6 la 6, won I'amsreta, 121 (Peak). 7 tu 6, aaeond; Htrnll, 102 (Cl.iterl. 3 lu I third. Time, 1.12 4-6. Manaaeeh, Colquitt. Haekbay and aleii ran. rutirtli Hurt Coiiiisurbt cup, handlrij for three-) esr-nlja and up, Canadian owned, f 1.600 udde.l, one mile snd a quarter Means f Oak. 116 l(lra) 1, 3 to i, won. Private I'atill, 106 (Tapilli), 4 10 . aecoml. Plats (Uses. 126 Kloldatelnl. out, third. Time, 2 05 4-6 Martian nml The Ualmr also ran. . - Fifth Hare Hteeplecliaae bamllip f'.-four.yeiir-.ilda an. I up. f0D adder, about twu intlt-a and m half ltr nilnwn, tic I ll... lanl, 13 to 6 Hon. Milr I .Ik lit. Ill (Dav ton), out, second. Time, i.i'j Knion (ell Only litres atartera. HUtb Haei --Four years nit nnd up, 'l Inc, 1600 sddetl. aren I urlnngr He.olv.J. 105 (Murphyl. 7 tu 1, won. Clin IMge, lu. fColllnai eeu money, aeeuni. llr)iur. 111 (Hurnai, 7 lu lu, third Time. 1:27 4-6. lirnntlc. Dahomtiy Ho). Chad Huforl, Liberty Hall. Ileiit-ileetlna, laabel Ca. Mun Lid. Toddling and Fort Uuniler l) ran. Hevenlh Hace For three-year-olds and up. sailing. IfiPO added, one mile Calaxv, 1"1 (Culllnal 4 to 1 won. Font of Fortune. 10a' (CallsKhanl, 7 to 1, ret-und. Unix Aruund, (Murphyl, 1 to 2. third Time. 1 10 7-5 Howard l.eauve. ritucco. Mtnda and Huatltng Hraaa alao ran. I'llllutinii lliisy fur WnllatT. Kddle Wallace had 1111 easy time defeat ing Patsy Cullahan In the main Unit nf ten rounds ut tho Hroadway Sporting Club, Brooklyn, last night. Wallace took every round, although Callahan was not In dunger at any period of the mill. In the ten round seml-llnal I'litl Illnom leat Joe Hedell by a narrow margin. All Uulrt In Flallnmi dual Now. The weekly meeting of the State Athletic Commission scheduled for yesterday after 11111111 was nut over until next week. Sec retary arvey said that no complaints it i,,, n, ,.,,.., WBr rannrte.l against boxers or man in rs were roporteu to the Commissioners during the past week, AUTOMOBILE Stop Apol ogizing for Your Car A high class, thoroughly re built cur Is always butter thnn it cliciip new one. am It our NATIONAL line over, representing both tiptu and loacl car. All llieae models are guaraii I nil. He also bate Mime exceptional liargalna In pars uf other makes. NATIONAL AGENCY 1922 Hroadwuy, New York. 'Phone HII1H t t.l. MOTOR RACES r,Srj,.1ruJylJS: Htadluin.Mnlorilriiaue, llrlghlnn Heath. llutor-Paied lllt'icle and Mntur Hates Tu-ulkiit, (JUUI rau at 35 cenli Eastern Title AMERICAN MAKERS WILL GO AFTER SPEED HONORS Alfred Hooves Indicates That Will He One Result of 500 Mile Race. ITpon his return from a trip througn Michigan and Indiana, completing visits to seventy-four automobile makers hold lug membership In tho National Automo bile Chamber of Commerce, Alfred Reeves, general manager, says that wif th Improvement in weather condition the makers are enjoying the bos- sprim trade In thc.r history. March and Apr were record months In production an shipment of cars and with the bdoi jjj wcuthcr of the last few weeks the dealer are getting tho cars Into the hands o: their consumers ut a record pace nni sndlng additional orders to the plants Most of the makers will complete the!! shipments of 1914 ears by July I and some makers are even now out of cars. Mr itecves, who attended the 600 mile race at Indianapolis, says tho foreigners won because of exceedingly careful preparation, the fore. in mn iters having always made more of a bus ness of racing than the American producers of uutomo biles "There were more than 100.000 people at the race." ssld Mr IhMVes yesterday, "making for great enthusiasm for motor ing In general Many of the big manu facturers who attended appreciate the Im petus that a big contest of that kind gives to the general trudo. With talk of a couple of other speedways being erected In this country American manufacturers ,3, may decide to go after laurels In speed ill contests nnd tours Just aa the French are doing on the other side In nn effort lo Increase the appreciation of spoed ant reliability In their cars. Motors much smaller In cylinder ills- placement will be used for next year's race, where formerly a speed or mir miles an hour could bo obtained only by giant racers the cars at Indianapolis travelled laps ut the rate of 5 to 100 miles an hour before they could even lJ qualify for the finals, and yet the cylinders were limited to 450 Inch displacement, whlch mrans about four Inch bore and .l-i.n I .. 1. 1 1 apnli- V. I 1um .,m,,f H f . h JJJ . ndvatice that has been muile In motor car in construction could b offered than the sprt'd supilled by these small motors. Kor example, the winning car had a cylinder of a little more than four Inch bore with a seven Inch stroke, while the second car hail a bore of only three Inches with a stroke of C 1-10." .Martnr anil Drllevalsr In .laOgr. Tuxedo Pakk, June 2. Kntrlea hava closed for the annual horse show of the Tuxedo Horse Show Association at .Tux edo Park Friday and Saturday. There are 210 entries. The hunters and trot ter under aftilrll. and rnndsterM will bfl ! ,...1 1 1... .tr....t V.iu- Tnrb jui.K(t 'J ...i....t . ..... - - and horses and ponies under saddle by Col. It. 1. De Hevolse of Hnaiklyiu LOUISVILLE RACING RESULTS. First Hace Ttiree-year-nlda and upwari. al lurltings C.ieh (in Delivery. 113 (Net loni wtiu. Theodorlta !S (Msrtlni, serfiutl, Lady Ieindon, 10 (KeuKbl. third. Time 11S Destln... Hilly llarnea. Archery Has Chilton. A1 llloeli und The 1lus)lnHly ulse. ran. Two dollar niutuela palili Caah O Delivery, atralrht 4.. plseei 2.0. aho. ti 60; Theodorltii, place 11,70, show 13 20 Lady lAimlnn. allow Second Hare--Maiden , iwn-yesr-nlda. Hi f furlonsa: Undtnne. loa (dkerii. wun, tlua iirsa Aiienl, 105 (Neyloni. seennd. Hhnde 110 (llonryi. third Time. 1 01 l-i Tlnn uleee. Crelw. .let. llnherla. lleseue. Ilvnffrt I Joe I)., Tarn Taut ami Hunln aUo rait, Tw. loil-r ntiituala puiu: airaign S15 30. plure 17 51', thnw 15 CO, Hiulnes Aaent, place 17. 0. shuw 75 20, Ithudes show 14 50. 1 Third Hacs Three-year-olds, nne mlle KorfhsKe). 101 iConnolly!, won. John tlund !( (Waldrum. BM-oml, lludge, 107 (Obert third. Time, 1 IC I Hubert Kay. Hunt rise ami Hoots and Saddle ulao ran, 7V' dollar mutoxla psll. Knrfhnge, atralxli 120 10. place 15 30. show tl 10, John llillid plats 32 SO, ahtiw 12.30. HiMlse. ahuw 12.10. Fourth Hat-tt-ltant!tt'ap. thre-yar-ubl nnd upward, alx furlonir -Praaumptlun, 106 t Connolly 1, w.tu, (irest tlrllsla. lit (Obart) seennd, Othelliv, V4 (NayluB), third. Time, 1 112 3. I'rlnc llernila and tap.alt aim ran. Two dnllar muluela paid! Presumption, airalslit IV.30, place tl 10. ahow.13; tlreat llrltuln. plaen 13 30, show 12.10. Othallo, show. 13 l. Flflb Hscc Tw'u-year-old fillies; flvs fur louga--Hrlg s Slater. 116 (Neylon). won. Lady llurl.ur). 115 (HUhnioni second Margaret 1 116 (Keoxh), third Time, n:63-6 Iddy Meih'an. Dnruthy Perkins, Psn Msld, Dark Flower, lmbroslal, Vackac ami Inez also ran. Two dollar uiutuels psldt Uriel's eialar. atralsht 17 00. place ICS, how II, tdy llarbary, place 14.10, show 13 60; iUrsaret D., allow 12 I. Sixth llact Threa yaar-nlda and upward, one mite and a furlnng Whits Wool, 112 (Kroshi, won, llonne Chance, is (Nsytonl, aeriniil, Verana. lot; (Poull, third Tims, 1 iiary aun ,.. tar 11 ttyan anil lint. '"rHy also ran Two dnlhjr mtiluela paid! White Wool, straight I16.3S. placa II, show ,4 l() llon ohlu.fc pUc. J6-;0 ,how Js 70, versns, show 4.5. EXCHANGE 1 (L LOCOMOBILE "SIXES" A w are offered a remarkable opportunity. The same quality, style and workmanship that make a new Locomobile MSlx" worth its price are in these cars. Wear on all of them is negll ftible we guarantee them any way, Just like new cars. There are only sixteen to bu had. You can be proud of a Locomobile uSlx." Tlie Locomobile Company of America 61st Street, next to Broadway. J. A. Mh'LLISH, Mgr. Kxrhaiige Cur Dept. SAVE 30-50XON Nf.W AND USED AUTOMQBIirt alc ACceasoaiem soa motobisoats anoI TIMES SQUAQU AUTO CO I biuaoinay but 1 nt., ft, 1,111 AU for rrlce Wrecker No. IB. automuuiij: Itri-AIKINO, Parkard Traaspurtatloa rtatlon ft Heua ring Ca. 11:1. i4. w. 4tst m: IKK 18 SKCOND TU NONH ll'lanl H0J.S0I 91 OUll HKl'AIII WUKK All our wora . absoiulaly f uarantssd. Ns troutis au dimcult or baRHng that we cannot locats and rsnatr properly. I C'VL. I-ACKAHIIS ynil IIIHE Nlxbt ft Day. AUTOMOBU.K Htjl'fl.lKi. MALI, I All Makaa and Ntiea In Clock. IIKAHIN'om I I-KU1N ft Hlf.UDKAU, KXt HANtlKllillTt H way, Tsl.Columtul till II I.I A Mtll.l.KHHKAHINUM. (JwlllktsiC, t W. Mtlt tit. tat Hroadway). C7. . a.