Newspaper Page Text
mm THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1914.' U ilj Yielding 4.10 to 4.80 Special List of State and Munic ipal Bonds These Issue are widely diversified, covering 17 States, nnd oITer an un usual selection Tor dis criminating Investors. The bonds ore exempt from Federal Income Tax and, with few en ceptions, are acceptable ns security for postal savings deposits. SenJJor Lhl AD-29. N.W.Halsey&Co 49 Wall Street, New York Philadelphia Chimin San Krancls(o FINANCIAL NEWS AND COMMENT General Declines In Stocks, With a Weak Tone nt the Close. XKW LOW FOR NEW HAVEN Politics Provides tho Prevnilitif? Influences Over Wall Street Activities. 'P'O investors who prefer securities " nt home," we would be glad lo send our circular descriptive of New York City Municipal Bonds and of Bonds of com panies operating in New York City. These issues yield from 4.10 to 5.05. Kiuratli -NarlioD & Ktifmt New York Leipzig JOHN MUNROE & CO., 30 Pine St., announce that their Paris house, Messrs. Munroe & Co., have vacated the offices at No. 7 Rue Scribe, which they have occu pied Bince 1867, and re moved to much more commodious quarters especially designed for them at No. 4 Rue Ven tadour, at the angle of the Avenue de l'Opera. Mail matter for hold ers of Letters of Credit which has been forward ed in care of Messrs. Munroe & Co. at their old address will never theless reach them without any delay. Reactionary tendencies which had been visible In tho stock inurkst, or nt least Indicated, for several Jays past became pronounced yesterday. The market was weak In the early dealings, but steadied quickly, and although It remained heavy until well Into the- afternoon It was not until the last hour that the real weakness of the clinto list was disclosed. There wn then a general dwllne of Increasing activity and final prices were practically the, lowest of the sesrion. Tho closing tone was weak and u substantial arra of net losses ranging from 1 to 2 points was shown by standard shares. All day Now Haven wan conspicuously weak, selling down t a. new low price, with Indications of a recurrence of liquida tion. There wan nothing novel to account for Its course, but tho stock suffered from the combination of unfavorable circum stances which arc too familiar to require description. Doubt about tho avoidance of u receivership for the Nostoti and Malno ..... ,,,, uuiuuuimu tactor or adver- ucnign aney collapsed sharply In Mty. Mortgage Bonds and Preferred Stocks issued by successful Public Service Corporations which have been financed by us, and which operate in substantial and growing cities. Bertron,Griscom&Co. 40 Wall Street New York Philadelphia Paris, France WANTED lOO American Muter k. Elect. 1st rfd. Kill Hale A Milium l.t I'M. no rn t.irk A Itiihmiind 4!ai loo Itrpubllc Ifii v l.t. Com. A- rfd. Mill M. California Edison Common 1INI Western I'onrr Common A I'fil. FREDERIC H, HATCH & CO. no llroad SI.. New York. Prtvnle Telephone li Ilniion ft Philadelphia, Henry Clews & Go. 11. 13. 15. 17 AND 19 IUtOAP ST. MRMItKHs N. Y. NTOC'K KXCHANOK Mock ami llond- bought it ml tuilU for In- vetum, a)n i-arrlfii on liberal terms. Iepoftlt Arfnunln received subject tu chk nt night, lntr"t palrl on ilally balances. LETTERS OF CREDIT Issued available the world orsr. Plympton,Gardiner&Co Investors Manual Free on Rtqutit an r.xriiANHi: i-u4cii Nnw tohk THE COPPER MARKET. Kindness In the copper market Im proved slightly yesterday. Producers ef fected sales of tho metal lo both home and foreign consumers at the. ruling pries of 14 14 rents In small lots. Tho Kuro pean foitnlghtly statistics were Issued yesterday, and as had been exacted showed an Increaso In the visible supplies abroad, Tho vislbls supply of copper in Eng land, Franco ami atloat thereto on June 1 wax 21,352 ton, an Increase of 2,028 tons during the fortnight. Visible supplies at Kotterdum, Hamburg and Hremen, how ever, decreased 442 tons to 8,049 tons. Kuropean stocks Increased 1,711 tons nnd vlslslble supply Increased 2,186 tons. SHORT TERM NOTES. Int. Due. flld Asked .Yield, the into trading nnd tho nutrked weak- vb ui neauing suggested n revival of utieaslii.4 about tho futo of tho onthra cllo railroad properties In the special In quiry which the Intcrstuto (Jommerco Commission has been conducting. Ux cept for reports of fresh prlco (Tutting In copper metal there was not much other Imjiortruit now-a of special bearlnir to ac count for tho fall of particular stocks. Missouri Taclllo displayed an excep. degree of firmness, which was per haps a natural reflection of the narrow escapo from serious trouble through tire arrangement which permitted an exten sion of tho notes due yesterday. At the same, tlmo attention was struck by the ...I., nun mo new u per cent, notes were selling on about a 12 per cent, basis, which showed that tho financial com munity estimated tho Missouri Pacific arrangement In terms of a makeshift and was not disposed to nntlclp.ite an answer to the question as to whether or not Missouri lacltlc affairs were to bo conducted under unchanged auspices. The Missouri Pacific earnings reported for April showed a decreaso of 1303,000 In gross and a loss of (134,400 In net. The volume of buslneKs In stocks was almost doubln the dally averago of the pout week. Hero was an Indication of something else thnn short selling, and It was inferential that some process of undoing the Increase of long commitments last month was under way. The prevail ing Influences of the day, Judging from the tenor of marketwlse comment, were all derived from political considerations centred at Washington, and this was confirmatory of apprehensions which be gan to be felt last week when President Wilson expressed the opinion that busi ness depression was "merely psjcho logical," with n Implication that the business- state of mind was inexcusable. Slnco then attentive observers In the financial nnd business community have been nwaro that tho disturbance of senti ment on political .nccount was growing rapidly. Yesterday all the disquieting matters In the category of politics, from the ex asperating complexities of the Mexican negotiations to Washington's obvious lack of a practical understanding of business dinicultlcs. were discussed In Wall Street, nnd appirently no encouragement was found therein for purchasing stocks even at concessions. That encouragements to Investment exist nnd will be obvious later. If not now. Is bejond question, but nt tho moment the stock market Is exhibiting an uneasiness over immediate politics, which prevents tho recognition of tho favorable political nnd agricultural pos sibilities during the summer and autumn. Tho delay In rendering a derision in tho Kastern railroad rate case lias pro voked conjecture of findings which may be more disappointing than Wall Street has been counting upon, although It can hardly bo said that tho stock market has done much discounting of a ruling In ac curdanto with th railroad contentions. An especially disagreeable ImpresHlon was made overnight by tho Congressional ills play of cowardice In tho House vote on anti-trust law amendments designed to exempt labor unions and farmers' so cieties from tho statutes against monopoly and by tho vote yesterday for explicit legalization of trade union boycotts in lalsir disputes. Kuropean advices reported the markets upset on account of the latest French Cabinet upheaval and there was some Kuropean selling of stocks here, The can vass of Western railroad engineers ami firemen for ft strike vote was one of the unpleasant domestlo Items of marketwlse news, but It was recognized that thin was the usual formality preliminary to ad dressing vigorous demands on railroad managements. Tho agricultural com modity markets were firm nnd the weekly weather report was again linsatls'-trtnry. It showed severe drought In the South east, excessive rainfall In the Southwest and an abnormal lack of moisture over large nreas of the winter wheat belt. Foreign exchange was Arm and rising ngnln. demand sterling closing up closo tu 4.SS"i. ' STANDARD OIL STOCKS. NEW "YORK STOCK EXCHANGE PRICES, Railroad anil Other Shares. Tuesday, Junk 2, 1914, Closing. I Dir. Hid. Aik. I lute. -?s '13 70 ?4 SB'.i 714 26& !0 CO 654 85 ii 41 30 26 31 (12 101 V 3 Hi 107 112 122& 224 31 a74 100l, 121 Vj 89', 40 i 24 85 20 2714 434 71 26? 73 H 264 90 r.oi 6 8611 42 30 4 2 32 C22 10U4 32 109 114 122Vi 227 ij 31 V, 100 V, no 14 41 24;4 00 927i 0 u:m 111314 r-t r.uj 1204 13") 13 13?;, W; 34 ! t"S 9SHl 41's1 4114 101 U 103 2fi',4l 27 40 1 I. 128 12SU . Ri S-14 148 1494 2S 2S4 42 a; 4:i 1-K14 147 93?i 91 93 , 94 1234 124 31 31 f.2Ti C3 10 Sslet. Open-I Hil. in. I est. Low I Last. I Net Chsnrs. 1600 100 14600 COO 100 2800 100 300 100 400 100 1400 100 Alaska O M Allls-Chnltncrs pf.... Amul Copper Am Dect Hugar Am licet Hugar pf , . ,, Am can Am Can pf Am Car St K.... Am Cltlca pf Am Coal Prod Am cot Oil Am lec Am I.lnsned Co pf... lftOIAm Loco. 1300 Am HmeltltiE..:. 100 Am Smelting pf.. CO Ant Steel I'dy i'ju ,m sugar , 100 Ant Sugar pf 400 Am Tel & Tel 223(Am Tobacco lCOOJAnncnndn , 700 Atrh, Top ft H Fe..., 200 A tch, Top ei H Fo pf. iwai coast L,ino 400 COO 100 1600 H ft O... ttcthlehom Steel... I F doodrlch II F Goodrich pf.. Hklyn llnp Trnn.. 106 8 Hi 14 6194 110 60 214 HS 1.W4 102 1134 81 123 40 in; I 49;! 123U 14 107 9 344 11 C2 nr. 61 21S 136 1054 114 X2 2214 124' 41 is ?i CO 14J 14 90 14 I 90, 63i 63'i 103;10374 10!t1109;, 26 1 27 111 111!4 120 '121 87 ' 88 1 2 1 2 21 I 2114 211 x' sn 1634 163SJ 21 1 !5 414 12U IS'i C3 r. 21 914 24 33 87 34 145 104 r. 20 153 99 14 37 77 M!i 102 4 12 1!4 54 fiJi 00 92 24 33U 89 34 4 146 1(! jl06 r. 22 153H 101 ir 38 79 r.s 102 60 4' 12 t 10 7j 30 6 1C! 1093H'109S;' 56 C614' 2S! 2STi 97 I 0S! 76 7 Vi ' 61H1 CITs! c s1 r. 7 30 16 4 4 400 Cul Pot.. 6100 Can Pacific 3800 Con Leather 1300 C & O 300 Chi ft Northwest 300 Chi at West 100 Chi (It West pf 2116 C. M ft St P 1030 Chlno Copper 100 Cluett, P & Co pf.,.. 200 Col F & 1 100 Col & Rou 1st pf 300'Con Gas ATiOiCorn Products HOO Del ft Hud 1800 Krle lOOlKrlo 1st pf lOO'fSon Klec Co COOlOen Motor 400lGen .Motor pf SOOKit Nor pf 300,Gt Nor Ore ctfs 200 Guggenheim 200IIlnrvester N J 200'lnt Pnpcr lOOllnt Paper pf 3001 Inter-Met COO'lnter-Mct pf 60 .I Kayscr 1st pf 300'Kan City Sou pf lOOlI.lggett ft Myor lOOiI.lggett ft Myera pf... 6200lLehlgh Vnlley 2r.iI.oae-Wlle 11 1st pf. 200lr.orlllnrd pf lOOl.Mackny Cos 200 .Miami Copper 476MInn. St P ft S S M. . 76lMo, Iv ft T pf 18600iMo l'aclflc sOO'Mont Power 100 Nut His Co pf 400'NevndH Con 2400 N Y Central 17140 N V. N II ft II IOOi Norfolk ft West 1300 Nor Pacific lOOlPac T ft T. . . : 1740!Penn U It 300!Peoplos Gas 200 Pitts Coal pf IGOiQuickxIlver 200'Qulcltsllver pf 900 Itay Cons Copper.... lO ltepubllc Steel 246001 Iteadlmr 200 I tuck Island 1100 Hock Island pf lOO Ilumely 200 Seaboard A U SOO'Senbonrd A L pf 100' St I. ft S F 2d pf.... 300St I. S W G320 Soti l"acine 300Soutlicrn Hy Co 400Studebaker 200lStudebal:cr pf COOjTenn Copper 400ITexaH Co EOO'Texas. l'aclflc 3S:.Twln City RT .100 ln Hag ft P 200 L'n Ilatf ft P pf 15S00 Un Pacltlc 400lUn Clgnr Mfrs pf.... 100' l'n Hy Inv r..-.0!l'n Hy Inv pf 300'U S Kxpress 20011' S Hubber 600H" S Hubber 1st pf.... 34020 I S Steel 6l0!f S Steel pf 2700'lTtnh Copper lOOIVn Carolltm Cbcm... 100 Wells Fargo Hxp.... 1000 Wcstlnehouso Kleo... lOOlWost l'n Tel 27?4 43 71 26 72 27 90 CO 14 65 85 42 31 27 314 63 101 32 108 112 122 229 314 9?i 100; 122 90S 41 25 89' l'3 20 195 344 51 1304 13 3:u; 99 , 41 102 28 43 714 26 72 27J4 904 60 65 S6 42 31 27 314 63 101 32 108 112 122?. 229 314 974 100i 122 904 41 25 89 93 20 lor.i.i 3474 511(, 130 13 33 i 99 H 41 102 41 128 Mi 14874 28 431J 147 96 U 94 124 31 63 10C 8?4 34 14i 617. Ill 60 94 216 11SI4 138 s; 102 114 82 22 125 40 19U 491." 125' 125 144! 144 91 91 14 66 I 66 103, 103 110U' 110U 41 128 84 14874 2S 43 14 147i !',4 91 124 31 63 U 100 84 34 14. 62 111 6094 216 llK'i 1384 102 114 82 n.t 123 40 10fs 49', 27 43 7074 2., 72 2694 90 60 65 85 42 30 27 314 62 101 32 108 112 122 227 31 964 100- 122 90 41 24 89 924 20 193 34 61 12974 13 334 98 41 102 27 41 128 894 14S 28 43 27 43 70 7 23 72 2694 90 60 cr.1,4 85 42 30 27 31 9i 62 101 32 108 112 122 227 31 9674 1004 122 90 41 24 89 924 20 193 34 614 12974 13 334 9S 41 102 27 41 12.S 894 148 2S 43 94 1 2 94 "4 4 1 14 147' 117' lil! 12074 88 ! 1, II4 21 !3U 165 24 4S 12 19 64s; 64 214 92 2494 33 8894 34v 14574 16 10574 5 21 155 100 14 3994 78 6894 102 60 109, 66 284 97 764 6194 1114 12074 88 1 14 21 23 2 '4 494 12 19 64 H 694 214 9274 214 33 884 34 146 16 10574 5 21 155 100 14 399; 7S 6894 102 6074 109 66 2S94 9" 764 6194 921 93 12394 3114 63 106 S 34 14 617. Ill 60' 216 118 136 102 114 S2 123 40 1894 491. 123: 90 63 103 109 27 111 120 87 V 1 19 21 23 163 27. 4 12 19 54 64 21 9174 24 33 8K4 34 1454 16 105 6 21 15394 100 14 38 7794 58 102 6974 109 6 93 93 12394 31 63 106 8 34 14 62 111 60 216 118 136 102 114 82 123 40 1894 4974 125 1494 90 637i 103 109 27 111 120 87 1 1-i 21 23 163, 2 4 12 19 54 54 21 91; 24 .13 884 344 146 16 103 5 21 15394 100 14 38 7794 68 102 60 14 114 3 'j 1T4 9s 1 U 1 Hij 9 1 ? 3 RAILROAD AND OTHER BONDS. Tranmrtloni From Openlnc to (4S F, M, Am Cot Oil U 1000 0 41 Am TAT cv I'.js loono !M 28000 Ill) JUW. UH7s Dlntl'Jert Serur-, North Paelne 4s itirs corn m sono. .3., iio.hi ...O819' Ifmoii Anio' iooo Dm & I it 1st 8s ::noo...,.l)ol4 Krle 1st eon 4s Am T ft T rlt s Hrle ev Is ser A rooo Hni4 trooo 7UAs Am Tobarrn ! 7000 T'19t SOOo, ,,, ,0 77s Krleev 4s nt r II AmWrltlnr I' 6s i:ooo 7 la iooo 0 7 title ecn Ami Arbor ltls. rooo 72TH Armour I'M .1000.. . lulls P I-orllinM M 6D00 0 37, llneklncVnl ! IOOO... IOO la A T ft S rev 4s 1OOH...I00 I iooo 071a IIK'rntrf 4SIR.U I iro i :noo uaij mono 07lg Incllins Steel 6t ll'VW....,!, f .t.UW... J U I 4 1)034 North Purl llr 31 0000.. .,.117 Psr Tel ft Tel S 6000 U7I3 ! ev Sh ItHi iooo nou I6oo oai IW HlMf 1600 B9 Peo(lAOfilr6 I000...IOI AT HI' iren 4s lnConCopcv -'".. ,,.11004 rivcj tono 11 n n sooo...too f.oo.,,..nai!i InterlmrollTref. n 1 m-i 1. 43 ss liwo 11a eooo no At Count l.lne 4i Kxkki UH7f .r. ii;i 14 IUIH1.....1111 iPutille.servCorp of S J 6s 6000... ,.H07 1000 8034 ul' Kim sur 41 11I 1000 tiais KenillnK ir ni 4s 6O0O Ho reentered iooo..,,. 0 4a Ileu I&8 bt 1040 1,1, I 1 '.Wj At P l.lnrrll 49 Ilitrrlioni Met IWW.,.,.48 2000 m . nil trust l"s St I. SW roll 4S n(lfv iuk I 4000 77Js 2000 7l)lu 7000 pis, mono,, ...77)4 fnlnl A I. sdj 6n.i 111.14 tooo;,...77lii 10000 7fl's 46000 ulla InlNivfM SoCsro A (i 11 IIMt ft () jroH 41 4000 7 2l 200O... 1007ft IOOO o 4 In In M I'mn l.t 6s So r.vine cv 6s li'ltftohlcni.ii 2000. on.. 0 0 04 1 rrtu f nil pi! t:ooo.....)5f .Japanese l'-s eono,,, 1 n I Is HftO I' Jen S4l 200(1 HHljl 600," lot la IOOO HHf 600... ..HHI4 I'oon,,, I II I l4 IleihSteelMrr IOOOO.. ...HMI3 f.inoS tOUs 2OO0 HOOs II Inl9 .Vl HI) 74000.,, 1 o 1 14 inoo Kri4 KsnOl'tiAltAii 3000... 10 Hm MOW H(ft 7O0O...1 I onj rrtstntpi) llwa ft 7 At en K t' rt S A M 4j nooo... 1 o I Is Joon... 1 oata .1000 7 0 South I'ndnr 49 Plilrn City ll Kan city So fti ono,...,unu w...iuiiia 11. .1.911. 1111.1. io I'aeinr rer 49 9i 9. 14 I: It 74 1 - , 1 4 1 2 "1. lJi ' ' Ii N 4. ii Dkn ItapTranis I.nrltSteeI5m9ti IOO11 ()t!N . . iuis 1 sooo 117 11104 21000 0034 ioou. ' ti7i 2foo. ...nai liiiTrv49 i.s ft MS 44 mil f.000 na.i4 a.iooo DII9 4O0O naw' 2000 uan 14IKM.....H I n I.rliVni eon p.s P I'nclllr ev 4s ten (.either f.s 3000 llOlg 21000 HOa, 181)00.. 11 hi 3 I10 ft Nash 49 .South HyKtl. Is t ent I'arinr Ut 6v sir. noa Som ,s. ,H83s IAOO0... ,114 U 4000 11AI3 No Itiry pm 4a ChC9 ft )lildii,s .Maiihni9iiltk'49 12)0 7 IlS iooo tia M9inpe(t IIO00..,..7:iO4 toon aa4 2000 0 37.lTr9i9 Co ev ( Chill ft we m 49 MnKAnftTrs 49 100OO...1OH S000...,,ii:ia 7000 hh iThlnlAveadl &s C M ft ii joint 4.9 .nr hhii 4000 7034 4W... 11 7 lN Uo I'acinc fim Tnl-m M iooo i7i4 2000.., I 0:114 23OO0 HONi .iooo.,, 07iH Mo Pnelne rv 6s 600., ...H UN Cl.l II A (J III 1, Mi5,,.n ,TosLfttV49 "onn (1014 2wk) on loom 04i Toon OOIh 60O0 till In 4000 04 OOI4 iooo on Trenton Gas 89 ChlnftOSW4 600 Ill 3000.. ,10113 luoo.,,iMi3ai Itnoij (IIHn t'nlnn I'artnr 4s Chlft(ltUV9tl4 60OO IIO.IH IOOO (17 liooo 7n iooo diii-j 2r,noo. '!. i) 71b iiioo 7:ia4'i4 iooo...o7ij ...7Mh M" Purine 4 toooo.,,..ll7l8 CM ftihir't 49 eooo OH V I'aelrle ref 4.1 600O nnij Mont Power 6.1 1000 OO CHI Mil - il-aui; :ooo 11 :i Colon Par rv 4s c ! llortrace nond tooo.....O 6d toon., .10414 foils lis AVer CMAStP rv l''9 TCKPO.,.100 20000 007 mono.., 1 o 1 7, NtlonalThe6s 11 s Pan . enn I2( JOO... 10 II J4 2000 1III7 4000...IOH9 CMAMP (tmlMs N VCentr'13'Js t' .N Kuhher r I0O0...1 (i:l 7000.. ...HH (000...lo2T 3000.,, I (ill ,NVCIt l'- IBC3 t' S Strrl f 6s iinisi 1 oa7g .iroo...io7i? tooo...ioaJH 4000 10:1 Nvcii i!;i67, iooo;"ioai CA NtV ilfh 1011 Mxv I 70011. 'loa7a 6000.. .107 600... 10 as Chi lllftl'HIl Is Novemhrr 440no... I ()27s 1000 nnig inocKi.,.107 I uu rooo una, Nicitv p.s iimo vsrsiiii&corrfs iooo n:n4 10W00..H11N' 1000 11 noon :4:1a, (iuoo...toi:i4 .11100 na34 "hl It IftPIv6l X V City 4s IBM, tn00." nroi 7lt4 2000 11 n 1000 04 noon 70.14 X Y city 4s iw 1000 no iooo 70N loon UDIr' iooo II434 eoni TUXt NVrltyji.s IWI r.noo 4 360O0 7OI4 6000,, ...H784 6000 14I limiri.w. 7()l XV NilAllrves Vsi'arollnaC lt 4ooo 70:1m fnoo... I on 6000 110:14 IOOO 7 (I Oh 22100... I 0 834 10O0 OlHa ( 111 II Iftp I'v is . V X II 4 It ev'Va ft S W "i 6s leu" K7i ,rs 1 tnoo nuiR LONDON PRICES GO LOWER ON POLITICS Ulster nnd French Cabinet Situ ation Arc Disturbing' Factors. AMKHICANS JOIN IN DROP Canadian Pacific Ilcccivcs Sup port, but Closes n Bit Lower. 9i.T 109 54 66 894 ' 284 97 I 97 76 76 61941 614 i; s -.Si 1 1 ClAMahVal&o 1000 OOSu Knik.sil I ill X V Hys Mt' 4. CfX'A.Stl.irm 1.' IP00.....7IIN ioou 7 71-j'X V Hs nilJ 69 1 nut, in roi ir b iiiKK..,,,niVl 1st 000... I (1319 Wabl'lerlstls ecrtlllratcs 1000 7 7 .1 t.-.nuo H41,lUn llarvlsn.l Is Colosouthrrri 4s aooo 041a looon H7AH IOOO I) O X Y Mate 41' IV X Y ft I's em Colo ni ett i'n :,ooo..,l 007H iooo 771a IOOO HHI3 ll"V)0... I 1 1) Vetnore4s Ilrl ft 1 1 U.I r-4sl 2000... I I Din 3000 oa.14 4000 00 HMio.,,1 1 oi4 1000 oav Dmft Hdrrfts X YTelemUs 2uou.....H a7is H)o ooi 10000 0713 WestineUlevSj DeUftrilex4s lliooo 0734 3000 OOU 2ii"o Ill) 1 Wo.,.., OH WlsCentral 4s Det ft Mark 11 4s Norfolk ft IV 4s 1000 HOI4 2000 HU I ioou OOI4 Trnnsartlona From 2:4.1 P.M. to Closlm. X'nrth Parlrie Js lnosIA tin's lv, 1 1 1 Total wile.s to-tlny. 19S.480 Hlmre.s. Note. Whero a "c" follows p. qiiotutlon !t lntllrntes a lild or offer for 10 shares. BID AND ASKED PRICES. Closlnr priec of stocks In wtilch there were no transactions yesterday ! Amer Airr rv Ssi Distillers Seeur 6000...IO1 I ties Corn is AT A- si-- rcn 4s 1000 OH IOOOO 0034ID11 I'onl 4s Halt ft 11 K"M 4SI I0O0.....HO34 snoo 1141(4 llnrklnirval l's inrilsl.-. .(14 1 7000... 1003n llkn IMpTrunisillI Cent 4s 1063 tills IOOO 1)11 20O0 0 U 34 lllllnolisiee Ill's DIITrv4s I 6000 H77ai 4000 0 I I3I Ins Cons Cop rv Con Leather 6sl ra l(C2 7000' 3ik n034 Chi lift Q ir m 4a fntrrhoroliTref .1000 0:1131 IWV1 . 11 Ji ... . . . .n.,i. nn iiiij juiiii ..v.'v, i, .i 1 fliim- in liiun 11 14 ft am ss inn 1 iixs7,,,,,u a -14 registered 10O0..,,.lia3.i nni.slJ II as Kllitl. 117 IMltl'splflcrvR, Sn P.rlflc rv 4. CUItlftl'lt1t4S 6000 Hli:4l 101S) HOI. I r.ipoo... wio..,,.iiijfs mi wy pin 4s ,ira. .,'( It.nln.. I. 1 JVhi .,. ChlltlAPHv&si 40OO 07 Tnko6s .inoo 7I)I4 XYCIty4i(s I0I0 2OO0.....H03J IIIOOO VII 1 11 1 .14 1ISHI (I03 X YTel Km 4ls ( 11 IAI rrf I. 1000 1177m f.000 7AlaXrfolk 4 W 4s' Cuhsii &s I.North I'arlll.- 4s JOOO..100 I 2000 11034 Total sales of tiunds (par value) II ,703.000 l'n rv 311s ISIS too 110 20000..,. .00 M I. A Iron M 4s loon 77 SI iJiuis.SW 1st f.ll,.H4 tit I. blV rnu 4s 6O00 7014 Nl Hell T ATM IOOO OH So JMelllc ev &s rets full il 160OO... 1 O 1 la Si I'acllle ref Is .".HI,, ... CI tiui Union racine 49 iooo 07ls Vesllnii:lev89 rooo 0013 Loxtxw, June I. Prices on the Stock nxcliatise hero to-dsy were lower and trading was light. Ulster was Renin a disturbing factor, nnd tho labor situation and tho reslgmatlon of the French Cabinet contributed to cause recessions. Consols closed lower at 74 3-16 for money and 74 i for account. Other flit eilgt tecurltles were lower. Discount rates In I.omlnrd Street were nrm. in. ilia pot II 00,000 of the 560,000 South African cold offered In the open market to-day anil the remainder went to the Hank of nnnlnnd. Home rails were shaded, owlnc to labor troubles, nnd coMier shares declined. Mexi can Government securities advanced, but Mexican lulls were lower. Ilrailllan and Peruvian Issues were firm, but the ma jority of foreigners were lower on the political troubles In France. Hubber stocks were lower nnd oils were quiet. AimiHrin. w.r. trreirillar at the onen. init and tho eeneral tendency of prices i this department was to lower levels. Ca nadian Pacific, however, was nn excip- t on to this dtirlnz the early trauinr: ano was apparently receiving support. It closed, however, loner. Paiiis, Juno 2. Prices were lower on the Hourse to-day. Itentes closed 7 centimes hlRhcr nt 85 francs S5 centimes. IIermn, June I. Tho tone of the Doers was firm 4o-day, but trading was light. i MONEY IN NEW YORK. Market null, With Rntra Unultered -I'orelun KxcliatiK Firm. TVhat borrowlne actWIty there was In the money m.irket yesterday conversed mostly on the longer maturities. Mhtch r flrcteil a Ormer tone. Or. the other hand money for the shorter periods ilenloperl an easier tendfney. Forrlitn exchanite was firm, demand aterllnK closlnic around 4.ISC0. Hanks Inst tl.sIS.000 more In thilr opera tions silth the Hub-Treasury, maklne Ilia total less since last 1'rldny on this nccount i:.9i:,voo. Call money on the floor of th Stock Ilx ehanue ruled lit 1'. per cent., the hlitli b Inn IH per cent, and the low lVj per cent. Time money was dull nd steady. Rates were per cent, ror sixty nays. -a per cent, for ninety day. 29. per cent, for four months. 5 per cent, ror nie ami six monins and 3PM per cent, for oxer the year. 4oinmercIal paper waa unchanged. Rates ners 4 per rent, for sixty and ninety days hills rerelvalile and for best four to six months names. Iiomestlc exchanxe on Xew York: nos ton I'ar. St. Louis 30c. premium. Minne apolis 0c. premium. .San lranclco JOc. premium. Montreal Par. Chicago 30c. pre mium. Sterling exchanre hardened. Rates were 4.tSS0tf4.86 for elxty days. 4,8k6r. 4.S860 for demand and 4.sV4.90S cables. Money In London, 2's per c'enU; short Mils, per cent.; thr- months, 2 13-ld per cent. Chislnx prices of consols. 74 3-14 for money and 74N for account. Tarls cables quoted the closlni; price of rentes AS francs 86 centimes. KxchanKe on London, 25 francs 18 centimes. I'rlvate rate of discount In I'arls, 2' per cent, llerlln exchaneo on London, 20 murks 49 pfes. I'rlvate rUc In llerlln, 2". per cent. Commercial price of hor slver In New York, CdHc; In Iimlon, 26 13-ld, Mexican silver dollars quoted at 48HU4"c. New York Clearlns House statement: T.x ehanKrs, XSS4.s:o.yfi : balances. !::.;!, 821; Hub-Treasury credit bolnnce, 1330,464. 'XAn income jy70 GUARANTEED BY SEVEN RAILR0A08 i .price to tirM We offer, at '. lhe Flrat Moruaco nctiiii of a Terminal Company oreratlne "n one of the larrest rsltroad een. tres In the United .States. Tha Company's stock Is otrned and in. teres! on bonds guaranteed by seven Important railroad systems. Correspondence anil Personal Infrrrfcw tollcUcd, Uembcrs X. Y ft Chicago Slock l.ichir.jf, 30 Bread St., New York PrilLADELPHIA HARTFORD CHICAQ0 J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Sell 100 Am. Water Its. A Klec. (nil Issues) . A C Idle Copper ' .1 I'rlrs ,9lf(. A rondrr ." a Nushtlllr Its-, A l.t. llfd. 6s S.I Xr inrk Ciirlnln I(m I, 411 I'ocfihoiitus Cons. Cnlllrrles Com. Mok V.t I'orto Itlenn Ainer. Toliarro Mork III Travellers Insurance Mm k inn Toledo Trartlnn, l.t. A I'ouer I'M. Nik iW trd llaklnir Com. A rfd. Mnrk J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. I'hnne 4001 to 4010 John. 84 Wall Bt , N. T -CIIA KTItlt i:t ISf.4" Union Trust Co. of New York AO IIItOAIItVAV Fifth Ave. ft SMI, Ht I'lflh Ave. A 10th St. Capital & Surplus, $8,300,000 Allows Interest on Deposits. ,-aallaHl.H.m Sarls.8 ll.M4.Nt WAI.l. STRRRT. NKW YORE Guaranty Trust Co. of New York 140 Broadway, New York Capital and Surplus $30,000,000 Resources over . . . 200,000,000 ,c,93tSTOMr4 1!p INCORPOHATIO uunDUbi Hsu sina , CONSTRUCTION ENClNlIRS PUBLIO 8ERVI0E PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED SO Pin Street New York SECURITIES AT AUCTION TO-DAY. AilamsHx AIIIChalm., 10 AinAirrCh .. Ml AmAirrCh nf US'. AinllrShoe.. 7lj AinlirShiif..i:io AniCrAKpfll7'i AniCoai,, ki AmCnl'r pf .into Amfotoil pf ta'i Aml'.xprrsa.IUa AmllAI STf Amllil.jif.. Mlj AinUnOa... Ill AmlxK-Dpf,, US AmMalt n AmMaltpf., C Amsmllpfrt K! AinStiult , KB AmSnulT pt.IDI AlnTelftl' 37' ( AmToh pfn.los AmWonlCn., 15 AmWool iif : AmWilll'iif IIJ,' AsvetslleallZ 1111 llaldlxeii .. 4A llalillAK'opf inn 114(1 ... HITs llatoplljis .. s IlethSleel pf R4l lllilyiit'Cas.UA ItruLkTer,... a Hronshoe. as HpiivnSh pf. M IlurltAI'. .. 103 llufll&l'pf .HO'i lluttrrlck ... 27 Call'et ... . tVi Can.Soulh 67' j i eniuioiA.i..sii lltt. Asked. isi mi 12 U'i I', Ul M lis's list lone 7 100 io!J ion H 43 M IM II IS CI tlP 17 '.tU 13 20 47 no i:s 7 8 tl li:tti 133 St IINlJ 83S Cen&.SATel.KKie 107tje mist Slenirllv. Ilste. 'nv. AnuilCnp. & M-S Msr I3.llil(io,,i4lonij.85 AllKltlnv IHJ-J July 1. 1HH lOH,, l)' 1 75 AusiCov 4i)J-J Jsn. 1. im'i.lKlij OA ATATSC S A O Apr 1. 1UIA 1(41 tlsl'sj 4.W 11AOIIII. S J-J July I, 1(114 l,!l)s llAdllll 414 .1-1) Juno 1,1013 1(1) Il1)s 4.37 lIVIillHT. S J-J July 1. 1IS t)4 Wt R03 ChalllAI... .' J-ll Jllllll 1,11113 ns'i MIS 3 30 ChcM'iiy .', j D Juno 1. HUH W5H 03t 3 us riiAWlllll 3 M-S Sent. 1. IUI5 Wi.tlll 600 CoiisI'ur.VI n M-.N' May 1, IUI7 lM, l S3 1'Hi-llll 3 AO (Id. 1. 11114 lllllo llllll.j no Frlrllll.. 3 A o Apr. 1, 1015 W)'lt l(Oi 4.03 rrlellll. 5A-OApr. 1, 1117 UO'i.W",. 5 65 , iril imin.ii ,'9 duly 1, ii'ia vi..a, liar AlCoS M-X May 1. 11115 UN's 6.37 lloekVal 5 M-N' Nov. I. IU14 HOs llW,, S.() lIK'dillll I'jJ-J July 1, IU14 mi ( l(m4 1 i llilllnrx . 3 C-A I ell. 15, 1015 KOls llll",, 4 OU Mill C, 11 4'i M S Msr. 2,1013 inu !)''lc A J I) June 1,1017 I U0 S.3N MI.'ATIIIt. r, M-.VMsy 1,1015 Hi'f 04 II 60 NV( AMU. 5 M S Sept 18, 1014 HOi 1(lD 2 30 NYCAIIIt 3 M-N .Nov. 5. 1011 l(llIUIts 3 111 NM'AIIII I1 M.N' May 1, 1015 lulls lol)' 4 10 NYMIAII 5 M-N May 1,1015 OH ) Oil,' 25 rvi'ariuia J-J July . 1014 ioo,s im'is 2.W .Su.lyCo 5 1' A l'rti. 1,1013 Ufl'lis W'u 5.12 SoltlC'o . 5 M S Msr 2,1017 UO'l.s U0"is5 IIH IHilrulH'on M- May 1, 1017 lOI'isKUli 3.15 WesiRIMC ft 1' A AUK, 1,1013 ni,sHI2) 4.20 WllCo 6 J-J July 1, 1015 (W 10) t.00 KQVWW.KV OB1.IOATIONS. IIAnillt I'j l cll. 1, 1015-1022 4.4 5 4.33 basis 1IAD1III 414 Apr. 1, IU1I-IIU.I 4.45 4 35 basis ChllllAI 5 July 1, I0I4-IUU3 8.50 6 SO basts I'hlNodly II) July 1, 10II-1U23 4 45 4.33 tasla 'rlrllll . 3 MS 1, I011-HJC3 4. S3 4.U) basis l.rlFllll . 5 Juno 13, 10I4-11C3 4.33 4.30 basis llOntlllt (lj 1-A 1,1014-101 4.45 4.35 bn sis l.AMtll 5 July 1,1011-1023 4.31) 4,40 basis .NM'l.lnr. 5 Nov. 1,11.14-10 4.65 4.5.1 UsU MCllnes 4i( Jan 1, 10I5-W8 4.6S 4.35 basis NorAAV,. 4ll'-A 1, I015-1U21 4.45 4.30 basis IVnnltll, 414 Apr I, 1014-1023 4.40 4.36 hakU .Sol'ae 4l4 Mar 1. 11114-1023 4.50 4.40 basis bolljCu , i A-0 15, 10U-IIC3 4,W 4.60 basis Atlantic ItefCo Ilorne-Scrymiier Co.. Iluckeye I'lpe l.lne... Chrsebrouirn Mir,... Colonial Oil Co ConllnentalOH Crescent I'lno IJnn... Cumberlnnil IMpe I... Iturcka I'liw 1 Clalcna-iSlitnal.. , (ialrna-Slenal pf Indiana I'lpe I NalloualTransIt New orUTrnnlt..., Northern I'lpe I- Ohio Oil IMrrr (ill Corp Iralrle OIIA (las Solar IteOnlnr Koulhern I'lpe I. South lVnn (III Co... 8.W. IVnn.llpeLs.. SUindanl Oil of Chi., SUmlaril Olloflnd.. Siandanl Oil of Kan, standard 011 or urn. Standard Oil of Neb. Standard Oil of N.V. Standard Oil of Ohio Swan A llnrhCo..., union Tank L Variium oil Wahhlnrton Oil Waters-l'lerre Oil.... Anglo-American Oil, Standant Oil of N J., Huhslillarlra rn hloc. Stand oil old -all on" 1I0S Yesterday. Monday. Hid. Asked. Illil. .Ukrtt, S13 S20 A1H SJ5 2ui 3(i 2un sun 144 117 112 110 ftnH 675 M5 6T3 103 llll 1113 III) 233 23S 231 23H 4 61 41 62 53 67 61 35 2W1 270 2(V) 27U 176 170 175 170 113 160 113 147 131 137 131 13S 3S 4D ,1H 40 2SI) 25 2) 2ss 117 191 117 121 17H ISO 17S INI 7S S3 7s S3 46S 473 471) 473 306 310 305 312 222 227 224 2IS 204 SIX) 205 SIS 147 150 147 151 1134 337 334 33S 40S 603 4011 6011 438 446 435 415 280 2S8 271 285 345 876 370 3M) 218 230 210 221 421) 4'JH 420 430 100 105 IK) 3 S5 87 85 87 227 230 225 228 48 53 4 8 62 3I0O aim m 17i 17( 17i 408 410 4H4 4(10 1IOJ 1000 1(08 1404 CeiiU'SthnflDDi; iCIllftAllon K 'ChlAAItpf., 13 t nnipr isi ChlJIIStV pf!35 ChlA.VH'pf 175 ChlMI'&OmlZl ChlStl'AODflSS cccAStl..... :i 61 Cluetll'ACo. M (iillirlAlliIi:6 ColASouth,. 22' C0IAS0 2 nf . 33 Cornl'rod pf S4 CrexCorpet. 70 CuAmSu,. . CuAmSii pf. SUB-TREASURY STATEMENT. JIONDAT. Paid by Bub-Treasury to banks,. 1'H.ia Dy nanus to tfUD-xreasury, , , ioss to banks on day's trans actions HINCE FltlDAV IjAHT Paid by Sub-Treasury to hanks. . Paid by banks to tfub-Treasury. , , Iss to banks .. . . Loss to hanks same psrlod prs vlsua wtek,,,,, ,,, ,E7E,0O 4,460,000 ll,17t,IO 4,6B3,00 7,035,000 i:, 4,tn,m B'l 26 HI 138 185 130 146 .13 6214 (18 IK) 23'j 40 M HI ) S4 Illd. Asked. DclI.AW sou 4UU DeereCnpf,. 04 (I4'4 DrsMAI'tl).. S! IlrsMl'll) pf 9 DenAlllndr. 11' t2 lellAlll0(iif20 22 DelKdlson 113a 1131,'c DetAMat'k.. 83 Det&M pf. 85 Distillers,,, 14 DlllSSAA.... 4 DulSSAA pf (I Dul'onll'pf. I'rlel nf... 36-( Fed M AH . . s leilMlnA.Spt28t rwoolnorth 05 PUoowthpfll7 (IUllrlmn...lM (IWllelmepfKW (ienchein lftw (ienClirm pflou llaMiim llavonn pf. -llurvNJ pf..lis HanCorp.. 10:1 HnrvCor pf 112ij HomrslMln.tlA HofklnirVa).!2l illCeutral. limf IllhCopiler... ISJj IntAim'orp. & InlArrpf. 15VJ lull'unip,. . 6 Inll'ump pf, lilirr r-Hil.. 110 Initrr-ltd pf. 0? loufiCrn fl lo(Vn pf,,13 JKnyser., Ill .IK Mch 11 H47i KCI ISAllpf KancltSn.,., 2(114 KroADsU. 4 KroAllsMpt SV iwteieuei.aa. 1(4 lJUk.Mrel. ail I.KrleAW... 8! I.KllrAW nt. 16 UinElsland. 28 lrlllanlCo,tn IjiulsAN,134 lAMIrsllls.. so I.Ulliunf... is) Mcml'iir 101 "nr.iiii flu .wi'a ui ManhaiKI.. lai lsilj no II4I4 an li IS 3 11 M ?ST sa 1X1'4 118 170 117 170(1 11(I! 1V5 104 1.11 120 111 17 7 20 7 10 7 III 113 la) M 07 3d II 10 34 176 137 10 113 MiiyDplSta.. 60 MavDotSnnf M)M lll MerUarlne, 2 3 Illd. Askrd. MerMarpf 6'j in!4 fwem-ci p MlrhCen MlnA.stU IS MlnAS'll. pf. 28 Mln SI I A S SMnf... 135 It St PASS MI.U... 78 UoKanATx, 17 ilollne I'....1H2!S MnntAW pf.Kis NChat&.Sl,.i36 Nailllvult. 13014 Natl? AN... . Hi's nr.. ,n 1U) 13'S 35 143 tin lUl'i !32!j II M Nallrad.. 44 47'( Nsllysit pf KKSt K17IJ ..any aiaijii, ,a on .alty.Mx2pr, ll'j NYAlrllrslie S3 NYChl AMI,. 34 .-ycsii.lprm NYCAStlpf (Ki .NYDis'l,..,. 5 NY I lock pf.. .NYOnlAlV.. 23 NOCAMb pf -NorfSo., 27's' NorfAtVpf.. ml, NoAnierlcan 76 NoOhlirTAI. 68 OntMlverM. 2j Pabsilliv pf. In ParCoast.. 75 I'acCstlpf. . ho Par('st2it, . hi) PacMrll . T2i Part IATI pf 88 PettlhAXt 20 PetllhAMIpf -Peoria AKst. S I'lltCCAStU S3Ti I'lX'ASII.lir. 115 1'hllo.lee . 170 PlillaCo. . 78 PllthCoal.. 1814 IltlsCoal pf. 87 PlltsSlrcl pf 85 Pr Steel Car. 43 PrStOir pf..l03!l PullnianCo.,165 llysisprs. . 28 Hystsprs nf is) llHSerurlllrs Head 1st pf S8 Head 2d pf.. K8 Itepubstpf., 85! J Itumcly pf,, 3D 1214 07 40 1KI 75 20 24 271, 25 .HI Ul'j 77 ft4 3 UK lai K5 HI 23Jj 27 0 10 (10 lIU 84 201$ 88 11)3 164 2Si 08 78 Ml!( KI M 33 HIl.ASF... 3 SlI.ASI-'ltir. 10 si.asfci: Irfisenrt 3 si.asfc'i: I pf eteoctin Stl.SoW pf 45 Srar-lloe...tH3i Sears-llo nf.uiu Sloss-Shef .. 24 Sloss-Sh pf.. 83 SShresice... 08 liresee pf. .ltnlj Sul'HSuKsr. 20 Sol'ltSu Pf .. 8r) Sou Hy iif. 7014 SollyMAo.. 72 Slandillll... 38 SL111MIII nr.. Al TexPael.T., 08 mint A v.. 41 I MII.AW, . 7 Bid. Asked. 3'. 14'j 10 25 66 l'l to 09 100 HlH 85 40 A5U 1115 42 111 13! Closlnr Prices nt United Stnteallonda Asked. I TSU.AW pf. I2i: TmCIIT rf.,126!s Cnderuooil. 7.. t.'nderw pf..l(i7'4 111' t.nPaepr. KHJ 81 I'nriKMff.. 47), '48 CnDn'C.dN.. Hi CnllryO pf.. 07)4 USCIrllpe.. U 1'M'IPpf. 37 I'SlmlAle... 13 I'HIinlAlepf Hi I'SllralAlm. 6 t)Sllub2drf 70 VandaJta It.. VnCs rl'li pf.lon ValronCAC 40 VnltAP. . . 4M VallAPpf... is Vulcan 4 Vulcan pf,. 23 U'ahash. . . i Wftbsh pf U'eslMd. JVestMd pf.. 344J , r-111 mi U'ey Ilrulon.215 Weyllnit lif.lln WhcelAIX., UAl.r.lstpf 14 VAIJ!2dpf. & Wis Central. 40 MI ll. 85 101 lll'f 377, no M SO H7 83 101 'i Ul 60 U 35 101, 60 128 120 4 IS 8 44 Bid. 2s rer... D'J1' ;s roup.. 11 i it rei...lOi la rou 4s re nip.. 11 e-...IOt up-10li UVvJ II ri I OL 10S2 1 10!l Bid. 4s coup.. I 1 1) Pan 2s r. 1)7 Pan 29 e. 1)7 Pan 3s r. IOO Pan 3a o.l UO Asksa. I lUi 10a FOREIGN BONDS. NEW YORK PRICES. British Consols 2!s French Hemes 59 (iermsn ('onsois 3s Consols 314s Prussian Consols 4s,..; Amsterdam liovernmrnt i llavarlan (internment 44 Ilremrii (lovernmrnl 3'sa Ilsmnurir liovernmrnt 3s Ssionv '.nvernmrnt 3s City or llerlln 4s City of Cologne 4s city or I'ranarort-on-Maln Stjs City of Munlrh 4s Husslan (invernment 4s Clly of v lenua 4s Did AsUsd. ... 741, 76 ,. 6i, S0'4 .. 7i 771 ,.. fill ST.J, .. in lit) ... IKl'l US . 83, .. 7s .. 7S'i .. 07", .. 01), 07 'I Ml, 78 ra us ,, 8.1 ., 81 871, PUBLIC UTHITIES SECURITIES. Ex dlTldand. Wliere "c" follows ft nuolalion It Indi cates a bid or offer for 10 shares. THE STEEL MARKET. Developments In the steel trails so far this week Indicate a slightly Improved situation as regards tho volume of buy Ins. Consumers stocks are so low, how ever, that their creater, willingness to buy does not necessarily signify a chance In their policy of buying on a hand to jnouth scale. Producers as n rule aro accepting business for delivery six montlu hence at prices (1 above current levels, this action being duo to tho fact that present prices leave a, very smnll nmrgln of proilt. J,a8t week's pig Iron business was of respectable proportions considering the unfavorable conditions. It was estimated that 100,000 tons were told, one Inde pendent company alone disposing of 20, 000 tons, William Jacks & Co., Iron anil steel merchants of Glasgow, under date of May 12, say': "The market has shown a somewhat weaker tendency since last l'rlday, and prices, after closing at Els. Oil. on that day, have dropped to Dls. and we close to-day with buyers nt 51s. 2d, cash and Cls. 4d, three months. Tho tightness In warrants) has eased off, and It looks as t this was over for the present. Shipments from Jfjiaiesb rough axe poor compared with last year, amounting for the first twenty-one days of the month to C0.121 tons, against 68.794 tons for tho same period In 1313, Stocks In warrant stores show a decrease of 2,012 tons for the week. "The price of fuel shows a decidedly weakening tendency now, nnd this Is re sulting In some llttlo relief being given to manufacturers of Iron and steel, who have been suffering under the very high prices of coal and coke for some time. No new development has taken place In the steel trade, which Is still Buffering from most sovoro cutting, Shipbuilders In many cases are llndlnn' It Impossible to secure new work to tako the place of the vessels leaving the stocks. Iteports from Germany and Helglum nro slightly better, but rejKirts from your side are as dull as ever," The Dally Iron Trade says; "Oood steel line pipe orders have been closed nt Pitts burg and fair tonnages of wrought pipe aro Involved In pending Inquiry. Aver age sales price of bessemer and basic pig Iron In May did not change from April, being $14 and $13 vnlley respec tively. Philadelphia finished steel makers cling to hope of early market change, but j i'ii.ti, lAiniiiiutj rnoy, i ur uraero piacea In May were 6,000, or smallest this year; but more steel rnlla wern bought In May than both preceding months." American I.ltht 4 Trsetlon Amerli'Kii l.lirlil ATraillon pf...,, Adirondack llleeirle I'ouer Adirondack Klcrtrlf Power, pf.,,, tAmerlcan (!s A electric 1 American (ias A Hlectrlepf American Poner A Unit American Power A 1 brht pf American Public Utilities American Public Utilities pf .. . American Waterworks A l.lectrle American Waterworks parlli lpullni American uairrwnrns isi pi Appalachian I'ouer Co Appalachian PourrCo pf IWnaor Kallnay A Clectrln Hancor Hallway A Klectrlo pf Cltbi. Service Clllca Service pf Colorado Power Co Colorado Power Co pf ... Commonwealth Power Hallway A I., Commonwealth I'ouer It A 1. pf Consume rs IHiwer Co pf , Cumberland Cuunly I1 A I, Cumberland County P A I. pf Denver lias A lMrvtrle lien 6s i:aat St. I ouls A Suburban Fast St, Ixiuls A Suburban pf lMrelrlo llond Deposit pf lMrelrlr llond A Sliare Co pf Fmplre District lllrctrlc It,.,.., Finplrc District Flrctrlc 6a pf Federal I lirht A Traction Fiiier4 I.Uhl A Traction of (iai. A l'.lertrle Sccuiltlcs Has A Ulretrlr Securities pf Lincoln Cas A F.lrctrlc Montana I'ouer Co ... Montana Power Co pf .. .. .Northern Ontario I lnht A Pourr ... Northern dnlarlo l.lpht A I'ouer pf. Nortleni Statea Power Cn .Northern Stales Power Co pf, . . Ozark Power A Water .. . I'acllle (iaa A Flrrtrlc Purine (ias A Flrctrlc pf For I If ml Hallway Uftht A Power.... Ilrpuhllc Hy A I litht Co Hcpuhllo Hy A l.liht Co pf Southern California Fdlsun Southern California Fdlson pf t.Standord (ias A Flrrtrlc (Standard (ias A Flrrtrlc Co pf Tennessee Hy I, A PCo Ttnnessee Hy I, ft PCo pf United l.lnht A H(b. United I teht A His 1st nf Culled 1 leht A ll)k 2d pf Ilnllnl Utilities Co. I..!. United Utilities Co pf , Utah Securities Western Power Western I'ouer pf , IPor value $50. Illd. Aslrd. .ul ai; .108 . 12 . 42 . 81 . 44 . SI . 82 . 44 . 71 '7(1 111) 15 45 83 4S A3 84 60 7.1 Pf 4 !34 I, 4 . 13 . 60 117 . 84 . 72 . 13 . 83 . 611 . 80 . Ml . 50 . W1H . 01 . 20 . (10 47 6 20 61 IIU 88 "4 17 la i nu4 St V3 66 mi KI 21 45 70 m'i MO 75 SO 75 . . 20 .. 67 ..Hal .. "6 .'. 407 .111!) ..15 ..TO 78 23 70 120 83 30 60 101 18 44 1814 2014 74 7S .15 41 H.I 60 23 30 30 .. 81 .. 47 .. VI) .. 73 .. 70 ,. on . . 3'i ..2l .. isu ..47 . . 73 81 IM 4"f $23 I4W en, 75 76 71 M 0714 till I4!j 171$ 17 18 4. 7 Andrew .7. McCormack, auctioneer. Iteg ulnr auction sale of atocks and bonds by Adrian It. ituller A. Son. 53 William street, at 12:30 o'clock at the Exchange. Salesroom, 14 nnd 14 Vesey street. Ily order of l'liunor J. Eder, trustee In bankruptcy! 334 shares Western Development Company preferred. Hy order of exerutorst 100 shures Metropolitan Casualty Insurants Company of New Y'ork. For nccount of whom It may concern: 1.29H shares American Steel Foundries. $24,000 American Steel Foundries 4 per csnt. debenture tionds. 4,240 shares Crex Carpet Company. 1,000 shares Cruclbla Steel Company of America common. "00 shares Corn Products Iteflnlnr Company c ummnn. 17,151 shares International Steam Pump Company common, 2,311 shnre Henry It, Worthtnrton pre ferred. 10 sh.ires Seventeenth Street Itealty Corn puny. 100 shares Illauxns Company ef America T. S. T. eerlltlcate. 400 shares David Stevenson Brewing Corn puny. 41 shares Maple Chatr Company, $76,000 note dated November 18, 1113, mads by the Maple Chair Company to order nf J. Willed Fox. All right, title and Interest which J. Wlllett Fox had on December . 1913, In and lo 490 shares of the Fulton Furniture, Com ranj of Shundaken, Ulster county, New 64 share's Distilling Company of America preferred. $2,5u0 Chamber of Commerce, New Tork, Income bonds. $17,000 Consumers Albany Brewing Com pany 5 per tent, gold mortgage bonds due January, 1D26, all unpaid coupons attached. $170 Atlantic Mutual Insurancs Company . . I I'll. 20 shares llluke X ICnowles Steam Tump ! ii lira, inrierreii, 1.000 abates the Simplex Itox Company, Ltd. $10,000 Tennessee Jtitllway Company nrst innrtgase 6 per rent, thirty year gold bonds eertllloate of deposit. $10,000 City of Nashville t per cent, funding bonds due July, 1011, 20 shares Kttlclency Metal Products Com pany. $5,000 Carolina, Cllnebfleld and Ohio Itall rnail first mortgage 6 per cent bonds, 1S38. 8, Don Cleveland. Columbus, Cincinnati and Indlanapolla Uallroad general convert ible t per cent, bonds, 1934, 204 shares Central Foundry Company com mon. $1,000 Consumers (las Company of Chicago first mortgage 5 per rent, bonds. 19!6. JltS. OOU I.ske shore and Michigan Southern ltallruad 4 per cent, bonds, mil, $15,000 Little. Mlamt lullroad first mortgage 4 per cent, bonds, la2. $2,000 New York and Erie Itatlroad flrst extended mortgage 4 per cent, bonds. $3,000 New Y'ork Dock Company first mort- $2,000 gage 4 per cent, bonds. 1951. New vo rk, Ontario and Western flail- road first refunding mortgage 4 per cent, bonds. 1992. 12,000 Oswego and Home Uallroad second mortgage 3 per cent, bonds, 191S, $1,000 I'acllle Uallroad of Missouri second ex tended mortgage 6 per cent, bonds, 19SS. $41,000 Itlo Orande' Western Uallroad nrst mortgage 4 per rent, bonds. 1139, $2,000 Illrhmund and Danville Uallroad con vertible mortgage 6 per cent, bands, $!,000 Scioto Valley and New Rngland Hall road tlrst mortgage 4 per cent, bonds, 19S9. 0 shares Tale & Towne Manufacturing Com pany. $60,000 Isabella Connellsvllle Coke Company 6 per cent, serial collateral gold notes due Muy 1, 1916, series 1, E shares State Hank $3,600 Dry Duck, Kast llroadway nnd Bat tery ltallruad 5 per cent, certltlcate of Indebted trust company certincutes, as. sessment paid. 11,125 shares Dividend-Lake View Consoli dated (luld Mining Company, Ltd. 6 shares National Nassau Hank. 10 shures Pettlbone Mulliken second preferred. THE CURB MARKET. The curb market was very dull yester day nnd prices fluctuated Irregularly. Max well Motors shares wero weak. The com mon stock was the most nctlvi nnd re ceded'i to UH : the first preferred closed IV points lower nt 43, nnd tho second preferred declined 1 point to 17 Vj. Willis Overland reacted Hi ixdnts to 7a . Na tional Cloak and Suit jlcldcd to 51 it, mid United Profit Sharing nagged to &H. Mis rnurl Pacific , per cent, notes wcro lnidid in at .M !v. Conxnlldated Uas debenture hardened !, to 114Th. Oil shares moved within a narrow range. Standard Oil of California was the moat active, fcellng up to 341, subsequently re nding to 337 and closing up 2 points'. Standard Oil of New Vorlt declined 2 points lo 21S; Standard Oil of New Jersey improved 1 point to 409, nnd Vacuum Oil cloned 2 points higher at 22S. Anglo-American Oil cased to 17'.ii Standard Oil of Indiana was u. strong feature, moving up C points to S00 : Ohio' Oil ranged between 181 and 179, and Prairie Oil nnd Gas declined C points to 471. Transactions In detail In the market yes terday were ns follows: Open. Iflgh- low. Cos Sales. Inir. est, est. Inr DO) Doston .Montana.... !'J 94 9S 9'i ISO llroden Copper 7, "' KK Mil Four 7 7 ! 100 British Col Cop li li 1. l's too Cons (ins rts....3 11-1C 3 11-1C 3 11-14 3 11-11 tr-)0 Can Cold-Silver.... 100 Carlbou Cobalt.... M C8 100 Florence 62 62 62 62 2.710 Cold Hill Copper... 9-16 ! S K) Ooldfleld Cons 1 7-14 1 1 1 7-1 1 SI'S) 'Jumbo Exten 26), 26's 24 21 1M Kelly Spring Tire.. 67 11 67 t' 4'H Kelly Spring T pf..H0 110 140 140 va Kerr Lake 4V1 4U 4U C4 i) La lloe IS 1 7-l l's 1 ' 1100 Maxwell Motors.... 1(1, US KS US 400 Max .Motors let pf. 44 441, 43 43 W Msx Motors 2d pf.. 1SS 1", IT1, ITS 200 Mines Co of Am.... 2S "H S's "s 760 '.McKIn I) S Mln... 75 73 7! 75 to Mason Valley ttt IS 7S ' 10 Nat Cloak k Suit.. 6IH MS MS MS 600 Nevada, II11I S3 33 a S3 2XK) Oro 13 II 13 17 100 Pueblft S A n Hi !ti ss u ns) Itlker-IIegeman .... f'i S 9S H MO Sterling Oiun S S S fl MO Stand Sll-Levl..l 11-16 1 1S-14 1 13-16 1 1M4 67O0 Toii Merger a M 41 ( lOOTularosa S S S S 1W Union Padfle rtt... If'i ai :S 7S 600 Fnl lroflt S Corp.. IS tS t, 2(0 West End Con M M K t' 210 WtllysOierlsnd .... 79 79S 7 f'i I'M 'West End Exten... 4 4 4 4 5TANDA11D OIL SUnSIDIATtlES. 4-.04 Anglo-Am Oil KS ITS H Atlantic Iteflnlnr l 17 40 Iluckeye llpe Une. .. 14 1444 US 25 Continental Oil 231 231 7$: 20 Crescent Pipe Line. .. S fJI' 20 Cumb Pipe Line 67 S tl 23 Indiana Ilpe, Une.. .. 133 IK 1 20 Nat Transit 53 ' ' fXV Transit 7 : 40 Nor Pliw Une - 119 US HI 276 Ohio Oil Ill 179 M 10 Pierce Oil 81 51 ' 70 Prairie Oil 0 473 471 41 South Penn Oil W W 410 Stand Oil of Cnl Sll S3 80 Stand Oil of InA too iiJ f 6 Stand Oil of Neb.. .. SG SH S" 31 Stand Oil of N J I0 404 " 1 Slsnd Oil of N T.. .. 771 218 7 ' JO Union Tank Line.. 87 M 110 Vacuum Oil 779 777 -' ponds. r-000 Chile Copper 7s 112 117 IK 1 ' Svoo Cons Oa conv s...lHS 114's IWt F( 1003 Kelly Spring T 4s,. 73 75 r " 6000 Mo Paciflo 6 VMS S W Sell cents per shsre: CURB STOCKS CLOSING. DAILY FINANCIAL CALENDAR. KX DIVIDEND, Company and Term, Rtk, Amt. New Vork Air Ilraks, quarterly,, l's Hhultx Dread, semi-annual 114 DIVIDENDS PAYAHI.K. General Asphalt, quarterly pfd Hi ekults Dread, seml-uunual 1 Yesterday. Hid. Asked, Ilradrn Cop 7?s llrlllsh-AmerTob 73H 77'4 llrlt-Am Tob new 22), 23j (IreeneCananea,,.: 33 31 Kerr Lake 4 4'I Iji lillkC. l's '''' Lehigh Valley Coal 165 17 Mason Valley 2 3 Manhattan Tranilt Ii Marconi of Am 3i 4 Mpltstng Mines 6!, CS Tobacco Prod nf 84 fe. United ClgS of Am i WHi United CliH of Am pf. . .110 114 Yukon (iold :H -H BONDS. Draden Copes 168 163 Canadian Poo s I03)i lot ChloKlevss 89 1U0 Cuban (lor 5s w, I OH is NewYortClty4Usmi..l01i' 103 West 1'ao 6i M t Monday Illd. Asked. 7I 9 22l( 22, 33 4' IS 163 64 64 nu no :s 140 I0JT( 90 u 22'1 27 S 33i 4' t i 110 3 Tl M'l 114 1 m lis 104 11 Bl'i 10J It i 4