Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 19J4., 13 9 NATURAL REACTION IK COTTON MARKET 4 prices Peclino Sharply on Ef fort of I.oenl Hull Inter ests to Unload. WK1.K IS WKATH Kit BULLISH Dronjrht in the Enslcrn licit 'rotioHnccrt as One of Worst, on Itcrord. Ylrntlirr for Cotton Slntra, rot N ' h Carolina, generally fair to-day in to-morruw, light In moderate winds, rr H J'h Carolina, fair end partly cloud to-day. In. morrow occasional thun-Or-b'-""" In tniith portion) light to moil rut thlf in winds. y.r f '.i I' thundrrshnwera to-day nit p" 'fl-morrow. esrrpf filr to-day ' touth . ii!on. Ilfbt to moderate wnde, m .r h fr M - ppl. reneMlly fair to-day and tr-tnnrr .w 1 Khi shifting winds. Tar l llana. fair to-day and to-morrow; !IM winds, tnntlly south. Ff cistern Teiaa, fair to-day and to narrow, etrept showera lo.nlirht or to-morrow la ronhwest portion! light to moderate uuth w. Tor oift-n Teiaa. generally fair to-day ,rl I mjrr w. warmer to-day In the Pan tll'lr. rer Ok altoraa. partly cloudy and warn.jr ' tt-iiy, tliowere to-night or tn-morroir. For Ark msas. severally fair to-day and tomorrow. rV Ttnneaita. fair to-dayj to-morrow un titled. For Kentucky, fair, warmer to-day; te tiorrow unteltled. probably choaeri. Cotton declined rather tharply In ttis last hour of trading yesterday and prices howed n net Ion of 14 to 18 points. A lood many trailers who resisted Uio temp Utlon to liquidate at the cloia of laat reek and after the bullish Government , condition report on Monday took fright alone In the afternoon and dumped over board most of their holdings. It looks ps If tho decline was some unit of a natural reaction, although a treat many traders construe tho break ' ! the bglnnlnK of h further derllne. That the mnrket was overbought, speak !r In n purely local rense, seems quit cltar. When tho weekly weather report in issued at neon yesterday It sot forth jlo'Jt as bulllali a set of conditions as eyer wero contained In nn otnclat docu ment, Tho respone was rather feeble, however, and after prices had wabbled tip a fen points a little local Belling started the bulls wavering and a scramblo to get out ensued. There was alio tho usual talk that con ditions proliably wero hi bad that the only clungi) posslblo would be for the better. With clear skies In Texas and boners In the south Atlantic Htates u, more optimistic view would lie taken The ciop, however, hns started off with tho lowtet condition with two exceptions of any crop tn the last quartor of u cen tury. Moreover, no crop with a condi tion under 80 has ever resulted In a full yield. Tho summary of tho weekly leather report stated that the drought In tho Katlrrn belt was one of the most nera spring droughts ever known and that It l greatly retarding the growth of early planted cotton and delaying ger mination of late planted cotton. In the Western belt. It was aald, excessive rains had prevented any Improvement In cotton and largo areas of North Texas remain 'implanted. .There has been to much liquidation and "iirotit taking recently that lower prices In Liverpool bringing a further decline In the local market probably would encourage considerable; trad" buying this morning. Futures closed barely steady, 14 to IS polnli lower. Opon me HI', tin : 7 I. 77 Hub est II 4 11 l.J 11 '.I i:.m Low. elt. m so t: tt.ii) Clo I nr. 1 10 t:.ii t:.M i:.;o I'rar (loie U St not 1J.04 12.17 July . ... tioiolr iM'-mlr Jtnun Spot otton nt New York was unchanged a' 13 70 Southern spot markets were un- hinged to i lower, with New Orleans S iJlvet.m 14. Savannah 1ST, Iloim "n 13, Augusta 14 u and Memphis UH. Tlie New Orleans markut was steady and oir after the closing lierv. Trices (litre ui'ie; Olten- lllth- Low Clot. Pre ni i'5t etl In-, clnte Ub, . .UK l.7 13 M II M till Ov-loWr li :) l!.i I- 17 1S.1T 11.93 litrrmUr u l 1 1J 77 11.17 11 82 iD.ur . u 1 li.t 11.71 11.71 11.83 The I.iveipool tnorUot was quiet. Thero tvai a fa.r business in spot cotton, with mMdllng 16 points higher at Sales, l COO lulis. Itecelpts, 6,000 bales; all 4meriean. Prices at Liverpool wers: open I'jbMur : -ii llllh e.t, Low est : Wi c.? Clos tti; 7.10', 1 1 4.77 Prer, c!oi. 7.1ti.i .7I 4.6IS July. .i, ; M .t C.tO in vv Jin leb 11 A M bids to Liverpool wore; 1S 5S. October. 13. 9 ! Ilectoritier. 12.K2 Jhe market there Is due to open to-day io a points tocr. I'ort r. eclpts and stocks were lie . 4M I I'll .. s.:j) .. tvi 174 ll . 1.117 Lut year 3.042 3.ISS u:i 31 1,211 142 174 Laat year 14.441 71.141 41.931 U.ISS tt III 9.171 11. W Klovka. 11V6U 110.27 J 4I,3I l.lal n,u:i 14.1'jT lu.171 Gthri'oq . Ne Oie mi ii'.nh . CliirlM'nii . Vnrtoiu Wilmwilon "bile Interior receipts and stocks wcros , He- Last Last year oi.Otl 4 1, 147 ::.oi KM Last year 1,011 V.tJl Total bales, year. ., 1,4 1,111 411 111 . , m a., ., Ill 1M Stocks. tl.071 IS. 709 13.2I7 :t,i: Latt Meek, 1,214 t,U Hoanon Mtoiphii AUIUkU el Umu Kttluiattd port receipt to day, oiltnioti .... i.iug to :,iw) M Orkani ... J,4W)to i.M l.p.o , yesterday, 4,H72 bales. "'Us f,,r this season, S. 434, 000 'int Ilii.uOO bales last year. CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. liutiiiegs on the Consolidated Stock Ex. er.ji Ke u more thun double Monday's turiiuvu , th4 aales aggregating 36,110 HMr- ,vw lluven establish d a new i .rii price of 63, this being a '' n under Its lowest price on th r Stock lix change. Thera were iraiiia ut par In the recsntjy listed T'.ii.k .a Cove Blone Company 7 per cent, orei erred Mock. Third Av nue sold on tnu j. jo o'Uock opening call at 42U, the "i market for that stock In Willi Utrest ill day Undo price chunges compared with '.. d.iy's closing quotations recorded on ' cull wire Irregular there were more ui l rien than advanced On the call Mis "ur, 1'aclfle sold at IS and 13, the tat ter tieinw tn n nnl call price and repre ' yg a loss of i of a point, Later on II touched low of against a low in 'he other board of 18, while the f tnuli was 19'4, against ! Tim beat turnovers wero: Heading, '") "hiirei: United Slates Stetl, 8,rtli0 .fre. union I'ucinc, 5,440 shares; New Hen 2 3ao shares; Amalgamated Cop. J"- 2 310 shares, and Missouri Pncltlo '.'to shares Steel did not sell under 60, ja r.nt h New York Stock Exchange low or r.aTi o-n-.iu r.AiiiA r..i.iK Jy ind Southern Paclflo wero also ac- THE GRAIN MARKETS. Strength of Corn Mfta Prices mt Wheal and Oats, Offerings of wheat were light yester day, notwithstanding Very favorable crop and weather accounts from winter and spring wheat territory. L-lght primary receipts, decreasing stocks, bullish for. nlgii news and the strength of com all had more or less weight In prttervlng a tnnn of moderate strength during the greater part of the tendon, tfeent bene flrlal showers and seasonable tempera tures made for laeul conditions over the greater Dart of tho winter wheat helL Harvesting was retorted to be general In southern Oklahoma. A private report by a Western house Placed the winter wheat condition at ."?, Indicating a crop of 622.300.fl00 huihcls This compared rather unfavor ably with the report recently Issued by It. W. Snow, which Indicated a crop of fil7.nn0.000 bushels. The London and Paris markets remained closed ami other foreign tnnrkMs were without noteworthy feature. Advices from Husala said the crop was deteriorating In the Knuthwust owing to Intense heat und luck of mois ture. Itrailflmt't visible supply of American whent decreased 4, 408.000 huahels and the total wotld's visible de creased t, SOU, 000 bushels. There was heavy .'otnmlsolnn hous buy ing of corn, much of It Inspired by In creased cnsli demand, reports of army worms tn Missouri ntid Illinois and appre hension that receipts will soon show a sharp falling off owing to exhaustion of country supplies. Tho market ruled strong throughout the session, closing at the highest levels, llrmltirert' visible supply of American corn decreased IS.noo bush els compared with an Increase of 136,000 bushels last year. The oita market was Influenced by higher cnsli markets find the strength of corn. Ulevntur Interests were fair buyers of July, und aside from thin trading whs featureless, trnrfilrref's visible decreased MfiH.OOO bushels. Chicago prices were: Oiien- lllih- Low. Clos- Prer, Wheat: It rit Inc. cloa .tuly "i US " September C'l fc'i li'I 5H Ki Corn: July "4 V H C1 eS September KH CIS Vi C7U US Oat at July t 404 tH 40 MS September 14 SS U US New York wheat prices: Open- Hlh- Iw. Clos- frer. Inr, eat. eat, Inr. cln" July C1 M- K tr.H Meplember N Other wheat markets were: Open- Itlch- Iow- Ctoi- Prer, Minneapolis: inr. n ei. inr cio July ViH September liS Dulmhi July MS Sfplember )',. Winniuer I tos KS IIS US S4i MS M MS IIS lS u July s'.H V. Ki M October US i'H US U "S US Itecelpts and exports were: Wheat, Corn Data Rerelrta-Sew York M.M l.tM HW Kapona New York..., l.iv to,e.' lte,eipt-lnterlor ..,.,,.,421.000 l,4tA0 SM OM Kxporta Clearsnos tt.vou ,000 li.m Car lot wlitat arrivals at Northwestern points wetet Yealer Itit LaM day. uetk. tear Chlcio 171 t M Minneapolis til i:: )J1 Duliilh 71 7 (I Wlnnlper 4U lit Sl TUsl Hm "t9 "m Cash prices were: Wheat No. 1 North ern at Minneapolis, 92c: No. 1 Northern spring f, o. b., f 1.04 ; No, 2 red 05,0 . No. 2 hanl f. o. h.( to arrlvo, 11.05S; No. 1 Manitoba f. o. b.. SI OS. Corn Exnort. 804c; No. 2 yellow, SlUc; No 3 yellow, prompt, 81c. Oats No. 5 white. 4"fr I 474i.; No. 3 whtto, 4!ic: Btandard. 149sSf47e. Hye No. 2 Western, 7Jc. nsrley Malting c I. f . r,itH2c. Klou- Spring, patents. l4.45fMB.35; Spring clears. $3.S5&4; Kansas straights, 14.23 ? 14,43. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Coffee Closes 3 to S t'olnts II letter Provision Ntrnnsr. The unexpscted strength of Havre and Hamburg markets after their holiday en couraged further buying of coffee by new 'ongs, ns well as the shor:s. and after a session marked by firmness the Use closed to a points higher. Improved sentiment concerning Urnsll's progress In wnrklng out Its monetary plans and n fairly large decrease In the uorld's vlsioia supply wero also factors that ex ercised scmo Influence. An opening ad vance of 7 to 11 poln's prompted a num ber of recent buyers to take profits, but ttiere were suftlclent buying orders to prevent a sharp recession. Tho day's total sales were f.d.000 bags. The Havre market opened 1 fr, higher and closed ?i fr. "higher. Hamburg star ed unchanged to H pfg. higher and fin ished '.-j to 1 pfg. higher. Itlo No. 7 was unchanred at 51873. At Santos No. 4 was 50 rels higher at 61850. while No. 7 there wnH also 50 rels higher at 53150. Itio nnd Santos receJnts for two days were 18,000 bags, against 11.000 bags for two duya last year. Sio I'aulo had 10,000, aga,lhi 6,000, nnd Jundlahy had 8,000, agulnrt 6,000. New York and New orle-ins warehouse deliveries of Hrwlllon coffee on Monday totalled 17.089 bogs against 18,648 bags on the same day last week. rrtcea were: Onen- Illrh- Low. Clos Bale. Inr. eat. ett, Inr Jinusry ; February-.. vn "S! Msrcn a,vi v.w w April... , f7 Mar......... 19.5M ,78 .7I 8.70 .70 Jun .... .... ... .... July :.w ' v .vt i Aurutt .... seiliember,. .W .n Octolxr J Novemner, - .... Derember.. 11.000 8.4 141 Provisions rinsed strong. Cash prices were: PnrK Mess, isi mTri;mi; mm. Ity. 24I25. Iteef Packet. 117.500 118: fninllv tlS.f.O'SllD. Lnrd Prime Western. 110.20; refined Continent, $10.56; South Amerlrsn, 110.96, Chicago prices were: Open- Illrh. Low. Ctoe- Prer Pork! In?. en. est. Inr. cine. Ii,y Jo W) . WOO M. 1 9 September... 11.12 1S.K lf.W 17 l'5 .hilyV. . M7 10 00 S7 7 111 Sen-amber... 10 02 !.17 10 01 10JJ .t7 July!" ... 1114 11 17 11.15 11.-1 inj September. 11.23 11.37 11,23 11.12 11 17 Sugar Cuban receipts for tho week were somewhat larger than expected, and this appeared tn tnko the edge off the raw sugar demand. Prices held flrmty, however, nnd were unchanged from the closing levuls of last week. DAILY TREASURY STATEMENT. WA9TIINGTON, June 1-Th stsloment ef the reeelpta and pay warrants of lb Treasury shows. Yesterday This menlh, Fltesl year ftmipt l,0l,0 tl.o'MU 4l.M,pil Psy warrants 3.1I1.2W 1.1H.281 MI.C71.B4 Delleit 11,102.114 ll.KI.22i) IM.S21.M4 rtecelpts from cutioms yeslerday. IHl.lOO! from Internal revenue, ordinary, I1H.4T7; cor porallon tsx, flOO.Ul. and mlteellsneoiii, II, 107,117, National bank nolea reeeireil for re demption,l. .,... The rath atatrmrnt of United Slates Treas urer for June 1 snovei QKNKHAL FOND. Hold coin Oold cerlineatrs 13 217,744 Sliver dollrt If. ?",ltt Silrer rtrllOiai-t IS III tn I'nlted Slalrs nn'ea , t.T.i.V- reHlfled rhrrkt on banks.,,,. WI,I3 National lisnk nnea 11,170,001 Silver bullion, tubildlary silver and minor eoin 27 111 7M Cath In Trciaiiry p.,lS5.3n: In national lianka C3.CS2.C34 Available catli In Treasury and lianka . , 2,54l,40 Deduct current llabilitfrs 13t.lT,&7 Free bnlsnra in Treasury end banks 11,117 (Ml Other Treasury stta (net) sCll.H? Net balance In renernl fund, 7I.10M54 MiSKKVU VVKV. Oold coin and bullion tliO.OM.OOO TllUST vvyn. To redeem outstandlnr (nlflcales..l1,ll0,PH.M Oraa4 1st si cash assets In Treasury l(M,ls,a)i Exocutor Chartored 1822 The ales, loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branoli Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 1G Cockipnr St.,. W.t 20 Old Broad Street, & a PARIS, 41 BotileTud Hgastrpanii BERLIN, 50 Unter den Linden, N. V. 7 Travolera' Letters of Credit, Foreign Exohange. Administrator Guardian ESTABLISHED IBM fori), $acott Davto ACT AS CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTING ENGINEERS AND OPERATINQ MANAGERS OF PUDLIC UTILITIES 115 BROADWAY, NEW ORLEANS GOSSIP OF WALL STREET. Breaking All Iteoord. The selling of New Haven this week, forcing the price down to a new low rec ord, has been fairly heavy. As bearing on the character of this Belling it Is In teresting to note that the loaning rate on the stock lost night waa 114 P cent, unchanged from Monday and oumpaiitiK with a ruling raU of 114 per cent. In other words It la obvious that speculators who sold "short" hsve hnd no difficulty In borrowing the stock, which Indicates a larger supply In the Street than has been suspected. Naturally under these cir cumstances predictions In speculative cir cles are for much lower prlcos. Such predictions have been made ever since last fall. That they did not come true is undoubtedly due to the fact that the position on the short side became over crowded. That danger Is also present now. When the dividend was passed last September It seemed certain that the stock would Have n big fall. So obvious lid this appear that short selling went 'nr ahead of liquidation and It took lhsrp advance In the stock and many months to clear the onesided market sit uation up. Finally the unwieldy short account became substantially eliminated and the stuck wss again plnced In vulnerable position. Tie procees mny be repeated In the present Instance. In the nd all depends on th amount of real stock that will come to market Unconverted noads. There still rctniln unconverted about Ml. 000,000 Hrooklyn lljpld Transit 4 per cent bonds convertible Into stock par for par. That Is rather remarkable, because the time left for the exchange Is very short, the convertible privilege ex-, plrlng on July 1 next. While It Is realised . that there is ulwjys a disposition to de lay uctlon In matters of this kind, and mere w.u piou.iuiy oe an eirvemn hour rush to exchange, officials of th h .. ,ln nn. n 1 1 1 1 n ti tut eratu nri whv .u , i , , (. i " . t - such a large amount of the bonds remain. This Is all the more extraoruinary, oe causo the company has taken th pain to advertise widely the expiration of the cnvertlble privilege so that no bond holder may lose the sdvantige that lies In the exchange. These efforts on th part of the company are unusual, Thers "ave been many cases In ihe p si ulivte 'lolrters of eonvr-tlble I",!, Iiv lost many points profit through unnecessary Ignorance of their chances. That It Is to the advantage of the bondholder to con vert In the present case seems obvious. The bonds and the slock are mlllng prac Ically on even terms, eo tlt the liond--oUer can sway Into the stock without expense. In the place of n 4 per cent, bond he gets a 6 per cent, stock w th n comfortable margin behind the dividend requlrfments. After July 1 tbe 4s will bs a pla'n bond nnd th market rrlce may express tho dlff rence. The) Rata Inerrase. Apart from the question of th propri ety Wall Street did not take enthusUstl ally to President Wilson's remarks on the tubject of a rate Increase In which lie seemed Inclined to treat the Increase as an accomplished fsct. Just at present the financial community Is In a mood to he slightly pessimistic on this matter. Recent developments have been accounted ns rather unfavorable to expectations rather than otherwise. The lengthening delay In the coming of the decision to the minds of most observers Is not a good augury. Wills they obviously have nr. hearing whatever on the question or higher rates, It Is considered most unfortu nate that the New Hiven revelations an1 the Cincinnati. Hnmllton and Dayton af 'nlr should hsve baen brought up at this time. Finally, reports In the Isst few days thst Commissioner Harlan Is pre paring the decision have oreat'd a disa greeable Impression. Th railroad people all along huve M that the strongest nppns'tlon to their contentions would ome from Commissioner Harlan. The char acter of his remarks In the report In the "tap line" case are still freah to memory. Wave ipeeulallTf Storks. For th first Urns since they were listed thsre are signs of a trading market In th Montana Power lssus. or at least In the common. The newest addition to the list appeared last March. The com mon, which has had a 4 point rango slnos then, eoUl yesterday at practically the high mark. The preferrod has had a point -an and Ifl also tit Its highest level Market gossip I already beginning to con tain frequent references to the spoctlla. live possibilities of tha new public utility stocks. CITY BANK 0ET8J. H. PERKINS. Albany Mass EUcts si Vice-President Many Promotion. Th directors of the National City Bank yesterday lectd two naw vtct.presldents, making ten In all. The new oltlcers are Arthur Kavanagli, cashier of the bank, ind James II. Perkins, president of th National Commercial Bank at Albany. O. U. C-regory, assistant esshler, was elected cashier and J, N. Carter, chief clerk, wss elected an assistant cashier. Mr. Kavanagh has been asaoclatsd with the National City flank since 1873 snd lias been longer In the aervlc of the bank hn any oth-. official there. He came to the bank as n boy forty-two years ago, In 1809 he whs made an assistant cashier, becoming cashier In t908. James II. Perkins, th other new vice president, was graduated from Harvard In 1897. He was captain of the regatta crew at that tlm. Directors of the bank unlit veaterdav that Mr. Perkins was elected a vice-president by reason of his extensive knowledge of up-State and New Hngland affairs. He will taka up his new duties within few day J. T- Talbert, ons of th vice-presidents, who hon' been 111 for a long time. Is said to b- recovering Blowly but ettsdlljr and la nowfVbl to a out of door Trustoa NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO THE BOSTON MARKET. Boston, June 2. Trading here con tinued quiet with a generally castor tone. New Haven declined 2 to (.VS., and llos lon and Malnu lost l'i to 32. Uoston and Lowell, on light trading, weakened a point to 1S4. Among the coppers Calu met and Arizona lost IHi to 65 A sale of Qulncy was recorded at 61, off li;, Utah Copper, on light transactions, weak ened a point to CSi. (Jranby, Orecne Cananea and United Htatee flmelflng pre ferred each lost fractionally In the Industrials American flugar re ceded a point to 107 ; American second preferred lost ?J to 194. Ameri can Telegraph and United Fruit each gained fractionally. The summary: I)OM3. Open- Illrh- Low- Clot Sales. Inr ett. en. Inr. ."') Am T it T cot 4 totfc ' I'J't mt !W Am T a T cv I'll W, M'i VJ'I 00U lf-v) At O A W I It. K U 1.1 45 aw Western T T It, MS i vl4 l"4 MIKCKLLANEOUR. 10 A A Chem. tUt UK M US 11 A A Chem H II till WA I0.J Am I'neu id pf.... III. 114. ls'I 1V lU Am Ha l it 104 101 101 101 U Am Surar pf IIIH 1I1H Xl'.'i 11JV 101 Am Tel k Tel... ,ir."i IK I12' 111. 11 Am Woolen if 14 II 14 II 44 Amoikess- HV, lts t"i ln II pf 104 100 100 100 a All O A w 1 S S pi H14 I4U 14V. 14VI 1 Kill ton Rlec UI til It: lil I 7en Clee HtVt Ul 147 111 It Mm flat Co II II M 14 11 Matt Gat Cot nf.. VI W 10 V) 13 N Em T A T....1M 114 114 lit 10 Kent II Hole 1H 1M4 HVi llVi 70 Hwlft Co 101 101 in', IMS It Pullman IM ns 1U tu 100 Torrlnrion 13 It z it ill Torrlnnon pf li, :iw isw iu, 411 ("nlted Fruit K9'i H ll US'- 44i I'n Shoe Marii...,. tl, I', ITV, tT, 10 Un Shoe Math pf.. tn, sn am U MOO U B Steel CO', tots 63!, (0 MINING STOCKS. Ill Alatk Cold 17i 174 r.H MH 104 Amalraniaied 71W 114 07 71 4'1 Uutle-llalak i. :C :i 11 Uatle A sup i, MS 1, liu 471 Cat A Anions M eL j ' m 1 Cal 4 llevla 411 411 110 410 CJjlno 4IVk 4tV 4l"i 41U CUR 1 l is l l yu I 1-14 111 Cotr Itanje is u uk. tv Kaat nmte 10 10 JOS 10S It Franklin ,- ,ij m ttl tMOranby ... S1V, IUs it lit, ta nrrene Can Co n Zi u 11 10 Hancock 1:4 114 10 I Creek Coal i lt"4 is 41 t I Creak Cn.-U pf.... si tl II 11 10 Isle Itojrslo 3J4 :u4 :oi, :vi, o nrwcenaw av, sv. l; 1C take 4 Ct, f.4 10 t.a M.lllr 4V l'i lO.Maton Valley 4)laaa loo M:iyrloer 10lofiak :s i s. iv (4 14 . r. t 4's 4 44 44 4t 44 44 41 ut: uk 1,1- 60 Nuvada Cons. lo New Aresllan...... 6J 5J 114 t1. U Nlnl.tlnr tl 14 i; t'l ,,ul t.UKV. 0 SO,, I Old Colony 4U 44 4'i lU 10 Old Dominion 44 4S 41 41 1 0 rols 71 it i ji 11 Pond Creek Coal... 11 is n; n. l Qulncr 67 61 ta U 6 liny Cons ll' 114 114 114 li Shaltuck.Arll v 14 Ji'i its t Superior 114 Mt, nv, tt Ttmaraik K It IS it U Trlnllr 14 34 34 tt, 111 tl .s SmIHnr 111; us it S4 K I) 3 Smaltlnf p(.... 4tS IS -'4 4.14 KO t'tali-Anes is t, jij ii 40 I'lah Cons 104 luu 104 104 II I'lah Copper MS MS MS MS too wmons 1 1 j i 5 Wyandot ........... ,10 ,J0 ,w .11 19 Crauby s 10 d n I II 11 11 it HAIUtOAI) STOCKS. S notion A Albany. ..1774 1!7', 1774 1774 Kl Ilo.ion Elevated.... 114 S3 114 u 40 notion A Lowell, 1M I'4 U, IM 111 notion A Main,... 33 34 3:V 13 S lOChl Jnn pf 1004 1064 101 106 10 Kltchtiurr pf I0'4 104 10 so 10 Oa liy k Kl pf r, iS HI S isrrf New Haven tcv ti 1:4 us 10 Old Colony IIS Ml J 10 10 Wetl End 41 tl tl ff CURB 8TOCK8, CLOSINO PRICKS. . Hid. Asked. Ray Slat (la , 11 ,11 lloVmla , , 1U 14 notion Ely , 14 . Calavrraa 1 6-14 IS Chief Cons ,w .t Cont Arizona 41 ,44 Dill, D.1I7 ;o ,75 Flrtl Nailonal 1 14 Ooldflrld Com ts 14 La Ilote Cons , 1 7-14 14 Malettlc It .It Mealrin Melsla ti ,Zi Nevada tlniistas I l-U 14 New Baltic IS IS Ohio S5 ,SI One, o It ,M Haven tl .11 South Lake IS 4 Un Verda Hitens.0.1 ,41 V) THE CHICAGO MARKET. Ciiioaoo, Juno Price movements con tinue to reflect nn Indifferent condition. Swift tt Co. and Chicago Hallway seconds inaliv.alnlng a steady tone, while moderate declltivs were recorded In Union Carbldo and Hears. There was no special change In tho bond department The summary 1 Open- Illrh- Low- Clot Silss. Inr, ett, est, ln". is Am ftsdlator rf.--.Hf 111 lit II) 16 Chi Ity strlts 1..,. H VI 14 14 410 Chi lly aeries !.... J(S 14S 344 144 10 Diamond Malrh.,., t44 K4 H M4 10 Mont Ward pf Ill HI 111 III 40 Peonies Clu HIS 171 '4 1114 IHU M Quaker Oaia tW 114 ZV HO Ml rVars-Itoehuik ,.lb4 IB 14 111 120 Swill It Co 107 107 1044 107 40 Union Carbide. lit US Ut 1U nONDS. I10O0 Chi Cas Is 1034 10JH loss IMS toooo Ohl Rr Us 74 114 it inj 1004 Chi Kl Ity U t4 04 094 194 1'iflO Com Kdlton ts 1014 1014 1011, lot!, ooo City Hy tt 10" loo joo 100 . FINANCIAL NOTES. nadmond A Co.. have Issued a elrcular and chart thonlnr the changes In price tt ilandard railroad bonds from l0l to 1114 The Raslrrn l'owr and l.lsht Cornoralen hit declared the rtiular quarttrly dividend tl 14 per cant, on tha nr. (erred atnrk payable on June 15 to tha holders of record llay 19 A ayndlcate composed of Ithoade A C. of Nrw York, Itiyden, Miller C. of Cleveland and Merrill. Oldham Co of llotton waa tha lilrli hlddtr for three ots of the 4 4 per i-nl rltr of Cltveland bond bought on a 4 114 batla. Jnhnaon A Wood, memtirra of the Block Hchnnrt, have moved thrlr nfOces from II Wall street to th Trinity Building. 111 ltroadway Etttrbrook It Co. were awarded the f SO. 000 Utu of tiuffnlk counly l,n,1s sold at ntverhead, U 1.. by County Treaaurar Flla. Their bid waa 101411, premium of 1411 oi.r cir vstu:. The !nla kar Intaraal at 44 er csat TO THE HOLDERS OF Three-Year Five Per Cent. Secured Gold Notes, Due June 1, 1914, OF The Missouri Pacific Railway Company Extension Agreement Declared Definitive and Time to Deposit Extended. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company has declared the Extension Agree ment definitive. Holders of receipts should present the same to the Depositary for payment of the instalment of interest due this date on said notes. Each holder of receipt should accompany the same by the certificate of ownership re quired by the Internal Revenue Department under the Federal Income Tax Law in connection with such interest payment. Coupon sheets are now in the course of preparation. Holders of receipts, upon surrender thereof to the Depositary, will be entitled to receive notes of the face amount mentioned in the receipts, extended as in the Extension Agreement provided, with the additional coupons for interest annexed. Announcement .will be made when such extended notes and coupon sheets are ready for delivery. THE TIME FOR FURTHER DEPOSITS HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 5, 1914. Messrs, Speyer & Co. and the Jay Gould Estate have agreed to purchase any notes not deposited under the Extension Agreement and thereupon to de posit the same for extension. Noteholders not desiring to avail of the benefit of the Extension Agreement and the additional interest and security therein provided should present their notes to Messrs, Speyer & Co., 24-26 Pine Street. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. By A. H. CALEF, Secretary. Dated June 1, 1914. THE PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PiiiLADtariMA, June 2. The marke: was again narrow. Truo'.Ion stocks were heavy. The shading In these stocks wua un a very limited amount of dealings and was Influenced ufidoubtedly by the nctlon of Union Traction direolors yesterday In refusing to enaction the proposed rapid transit agreement. Tho weukma In trac tion Issues aflccted trading In the re mainder of tho list. There wus a light demand for United Clas and Philadelphia Uluctrla Arbitrage trading waa a little heavier to-day. Thv summary: Open- Illrh- Low Clos Sales. Inf. eti, etl, Ins 10 Am Ice,.... 114 114 114 114 31 Am lt)t pf lOli, MS 1014 lu.S 10 Lehlfh Valley 6K 60S til 31i 100 N J Trie 74 74 74 71 M New liavan II M W 4 t: Am Hit 114 4 I' ' Hi Cambria Steel 41 4 4t ; IX Eleo Sior Hat 3 tl IIS US ti Gen Asphalt pf 74 7t4 71 10 Lake Superior H 1 , 12 Lelilrh Nav 74 7V 7jVi .14 It Lalush Nav t t 714 It ;4 W Mo I'adfic 1S 14 4 14 ta Pennsylvania UTk KT. ! 140 I'rula Co 44 404 It to b I'lilla Co cum pj... t-'i -' II l'hlia Elee S "S K4 K4 It 1' u t tw I'HTI a 17 Phtla Trao , 1W Tonopah i iti Ton-belmont ... 1031 lltaillnr IM Union Trac II It li1. Ui, .... 114 " " ... 114 tl4 114 114 tl. t't tS tU .... 74 74 7 1-lt 14 .... 12', 124 11 tl ... W'i V4 4i 4S .... 114. II U 4 SI4 71 II II I . . t' S Slrel M'. tl M W lo vorii ids UONU3. IUM n O A E tt st It M M nog EAT I II II tl II ) Interstate It M' t4 t,4 W'i :w ts ll'I tl'I li MS liooo I. V I4s to.) W'i W4 v4 to t 6-M0 l'hlia Co ran It SIU t!4 tl't "4 t'.SJ l'hlia KlK f 10.''i l'K4 1014 IW4 UW Itcvlinf tr m t 95 M ) U-jOO 11 II I lol Is 75 714 114 .KM) llarwood tt 1014 l"4 1014 1034 S40W) L N con 44 I c. t4 MS S MS j0 L V reu la tl tl 11 01 lc0 N J Trao im IM IM 101 101 WW Span-Am Iron U...1004 W'4 H"4 1004 PUBLIC UTILITIES. Th recently organised Delta Light and Traction Company hat acquired tha (Irean villa tMlas ) Uttctrlc l.lsht and Htreet 1411 way Company, th Itlv.rald TrantniUtlou Company, th Luk Village (Ark.) Llsht and Power company and the Chicot (Ark i Ught and Power Company, Tha Oreanvllle cum pany owna a tlraet railway and power plant and th transmission compnny larrlt, this power to varloua planta In MlaHlaslppI and Arkansas The latter two rompanlte do a lighting and power huslneea. Ksttnalnna and Iniprovamtnta will b mailt to th planta at one. The Maryland Hlectrlo Hallways Company, a aubtldlary of the United Itullwaya and Klectrlc Company of liultlinore, has applied to the Maryland I'ublle Service CommlKlon tor permission to sell 1 1 19. 000 of Its t per rent, bonrta. Th proetsda will b uted for th purehate of naw cara, htaltrt and a rotary convener, Th Midland Counllra I'uhllo Ptrvloa Cor poration has raqutittd authority from the Caltlornla Itallroad Commlttlon to tall litO.OOO of lie preferred stock. Of tha pro rttda of tha ntw stork 1410.000 Is to be used for liquidating tha floating dshl and i:i",C:7 for additions and battarmsnts. Th United Htattt Census lluraau h rtrtntly publlahsd aomt atatltilea ahowlns the ralattvt growth of and private planta durlns tha ten yaara 1S01 to ltll, re gardtni which William P Ilonbrisht X Co comment aa follows In thalr forlulihllt re view! "It would st.m from tha atutlttlra thst municipal plants have grown more rapidly then private planta. Thla conclu alun, however, Is not Justlflsd for th reason that every private company Ueon con sidered aa a unit, even though actually a consolidation of many srparate plants and that owing to tha many recent uoniulldstlnns tha llgurta do not truly Indicate th In creaae In number of private planta The real growth of th power and lighting buslnasa nhould bt measured not by the number of stations bul by total output, capacity and Inrnm Judged by any one of these standards municipal plants at th pressnt time are doing a smaller proportion of th total electrto power and lighting buidntss than In 1901 and a still smaller proportion than In 101." DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS, Company and Term. Atrhlton, Topaka and Hants re Hallway, teml.annual., Eastern Power and Light Corporation, quarterly Western Klectrlc, quar terly Pocaaset Manufacturing. Loot Wiles lilac utt, quartsrly , Loose Wilts Ulscult, quarterly Philadelphia Co., quar tsrly Philadelphia Co., asm! annual, Pennsylvania Water and Power, quarterly Twin City Itapld Transit, quarterly Twin City llapld Tranalt, quarterly,. Continental I'aassngsr Hallway, atml-annusl, El I'aao Kltulrlo, aaml annual , tluftalo Utneral ICIeetrlo, quarterly Union Traction, stinl annus! lannton Monotype, quar terly Thompson. Starrest, semi annual ,. '.,,. eta. Amt. Payable. pfd pfd 14 Aug, tt 14 June It 1 June 10 1 Jun 1 July 1 IK Aug. 1 IM Aug. 1 14 dept. 1 1 July 1 IK July 1 14 July 1 t Jun It tl July II 3 July 1 14 Jun It A July 1 pfd pfd pfd com 5l WINDSTORM Mf9,427' VSIKD 90 HUES AN HOUR DURATION 2 HOURS TEMPiRATURE - - 91 TO 67 RAiNFALL .1 1. INCHcS Uuolallim from K. V. Hrni. "Our nfllcr u Indnwt were open durlnv mtlre tlnrm .No rain tun red, uu papers tliaitn bed 'I en-peralure dropped 'if. Ut use VatiZlle Air Iiellectnra ' The Van .lie Method will produce same re aulia fur lour oflue. VAN ZILE VENTILATINQ CORP. 5u CnrtUndt tit. I'hone (us; i'ort. M. Joseph Lead Company His Ter Cent. Hold Notes. Hanker Trust Company, Trusts under Trust Agreement duiaj January 1. 1114, securing th Sis I'sr Csnt. Onld Notes of St, Joseph I.sad Company, will on July 1, 1111. with th sum of IISO.000. to be paid to It on that data, and not othsiwlse, purehas for lha alnklng fund notss Itued under said agreement to an amount sufficient aa nsarly aa may ba to eihautt aaid aum. and It hereby Invitee sealed otters to ba submitted to It at or before 1:00 o'clock I'. It. June SC. 114, nt lis office. It Wall Street. Manhattan. New York City, for 111 aale tn II of auch notet at prices to be namsd In such offers, which offers shall be for all nr any part of the notes so offered, provided, however, that no oner will he accepted which shall be for a sum In escets of One hundred and one per centum (101) of th principal amount of i audi notes, and arcrued Interest. Notices i of provisional acceptance of often will b inaiieu June is, isit, in in maaere ot aucn thereof t. are en pro Islonnlly accepted, at the addresses designated by thm respec tively, Uellvery of notes accepted, with coupons maturing July 1. toll, and auh. senuently attached, should be made at the office or the Trustee at or I, -fore 1:00 o'clock 1' M, July l. 1114, after which dale tnterett nn ncr-plert notes will, IIAMCKItH Ttlt'OT t'OMI'ANV. Trustee). Ily II P Wilson. Jr.. Assistant Bseratary, , Dated. May 27. Mil, tlorllnaion Mls.nuri River ltallrod Com pany In Nebraska. Consolidated Morlruse filt Per Cent. Honda due July I, I0IS. Psaled proposals sddressed to ths under, signed at Us office, lit Devonshire Street, and rndnrseil "I'rnpntale tn sell Ilurllngtun A Mlmourl rtlver It. It. Co. In Nfb. tr. bonds." will ba received until noon of Mon day. June tt, I'M I for lha aale of above named bonds to the Trustee, to absorb the urn of three hundred and tweniy-ntne thou sand I wo hundred and seventy-eli dollars snd twenty-seven rents I ll39.37a.2Tl, or any pari thereof. n accordance with th morl gsg dated Jniv 7 The New England Trust Company, nyJAlinftll. ltOOI'BH, President. Trustee. 13'iston. linn.. Jus 1, 1011, Kepiildlean Valley Kallrswd Company, his Per Cent. Hoods due July I, 11)10. flealed proposals addressed to tha under signed at Its nirlcs. Ill Devonshire ftrert. and endorsed "Proposals tn sell Hspubllrsn Valley It, It Co. t',1 bonds" will be received until noon of Friday. June 11, 1111, for the sale of nhnv named bonds to the Trustee, lo abtorb the aum of Korty-sla thousand four hundred and forty-nln dollars and ninety-five cents (144, 4(9. Ot), or any part thereof, tn arenrdanc with th mortgage dated July I, III. The New England Trust Company, nr JAMKSIl. HOnPRR. I'realdent. Trustee, Most ,n. Miss Jun. 1 1114 MANHATTAN TRANSIT REVOLT. stockholder' romniltls Will Try to Prerent rones Deal, The stockholders' protective committee of the Manhattan Transit Comounv h.ia begun peeparstlons to prevent the carrying I out or tne transaction ny which it is pro posod to transfer tho control of the Long Arte Klectrlo Power Company to tho Inter-City Power Company A rail for a meeting of the stockholders of tho Manhattan Transit Company has been Issued for June Is nt noon nt 30 Past forty-second street by 1-Mward I II earn, chalrmnn of the committee, who alleges that the annual election of directors was not held on the day designated by the by. laws nnd that the directors have not thereafter within one month called a meeting of the members of the corpora tion. litre) Htoclc Market. TUESDAY, Jun t. Rtrtlpts of beeves were Lit! head, all for alaughterera. with the eaeeptlon of one ear: no trade nf Importance In live catties feeling rated st-adv with mod. rats receipts asperled for Wednesday's trade! dressed beef in moderate demand at UffHc. for ordinary to choice city dreaaed nstlv sides llsrelpta of calves were 100 head for th market Prices were eteady. quality con sidered. Common lo good Southern veala anld at 8HrllS.t0 per 100 lbe.s mlsed calve, at 9j cull veals and throwniita at I7WI7.IO, Dressed calves active and higher at HOUo. per lb for rlv dressed veala; Utfll4c. for country dressed. Hecelpta nf sheep and tamba war t It head. Including twenty-one cars for th mnrket. nnd a few were held over yealer. day Hheep ruled dull at steady prices! Kauthern lambs were In quit llbsral sup ply, but good to clinics wanted and sttady! medium and common grade were rated ess. ler, but about all the offerings. Including 'ate arrivals, were cleaned up. Houthern lambs sold at 9,!t4rl0lt par 100 lbs., com mon to rood sheep (ewes) at Until rulls at lltOfrlltO. yearlings at M BO; a few unshorn (winter lambs) nt 11,10. Drssssd mutton unchanged at 8 111 p., with choice wethers exceeding quotations: dressed lumbe In falrlv vood demand ut 16(fllo,j dressed yearllrrs at tltjltc, Iterelpla nf li,,. were S 413 head, all for slaughter with the exception of a few haadi market steady, und good medium weight Virginia hois aotd at 11.11 per 100 lbs, National Car IV heel Company Mil ret Ceuttim Flret Mortgage Twenty-Yer Untd Itondi. Bankers Tru.t Company, as Trusts under the first Mortsuge of National Car Wheel Company, lu Hankers Trust Company, aa Trustee, dated rjeptemher 11, 1101. hereby Inwtea proposals lor the sals to It, at nt eaceedlnc 110 ot the pir value of said bonds, of suib number uf said bonds will ethanst i, nearly aa may be the au n of 1105,000 now htld by It under the sinking fund provisions of such morlgags. Proposal, mutt ha dalivarsd to ths T,utet at Its ortlce. It Wall Street, N. w Turk City. ! 1 00 P. M Jun It, 1911, and each proposal should slate the date (not Inter than fep. tember 1, 1S14), when th bonds Included therein will ba prtaented for purchase, should such proposal be accepted. Fhould no date b so slated, the Trustee will as sume bonds are offered for delivery by liOt I. U. on June 11, 1114, and If aceaplad. will be deliverable to th Trust on such dat. In the evnt of two or more proposals bslng nf equal amount and the lowest of the others recslved, such proposals will b accepted In pro rata proportions, provided that no purchase will be nude at a rat exceeding 110 of the par value of said bonds und that the Trustee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals In whole or In part If It ran at ths time of opening said proposals purchase the requisite amount of satd bonds, or any part thereof, at a lower price than the lowest price offered y said prono.als. DANKEHS TRUST COMPANY. TrrwtM, lly ,11. 1' WII.HON, J.. Assistant tiscretary, May 17, lilt. TO TIIK IIOI.DKItH OF FIRHT MflRTfl AriK NINKIMi Ft'Ml 5a JO.VEAIt lllll. 11 IIOSIH IIP Till." II HI. UN A l.ltlllT X RAILWAY COMPANY, U.urd under th mortgage lo Knickerbocker Trust f'nm- ranv, a Truster, dated rtcplrniber S0h, tin.!. The underslrned, successor .trustee under th above mentioned mortgage, has on de posit to the credit of the Hlnklns Fund lbs um of hllghteen Thousand Una Hundred Uljhty-one Dollars and One Cent I lls.Ul.oi I applicable to the purchase of bonds of said Issue on September let. U14 Healed proposals in ssll said bonda ar hereby called for and bonda accepted will b purchased at the nitlce of th under signed Trust Department, upon presentation thereof on Heptember tal, till. In accord ance with the terms of the said mortgage. Th trusts reserves the right to reject any or all proposals In whole or In part. Offers may he sent In Hie oillre of th undersigned, to wny. New York City, on or before July Ird, 1911, at ll;0O o'clock noon COLUMllIA-KNICKKlinOCKBH TRUST COMPANY. Hueeetsnr Trusts.. Tly Oi;oil(li: i: WAHHK.N. Trust Officer. Dated, Jun 2nd, 1114. TO TUB Itni.DUItM OK Tin: riTTMiuiuiii company Pint -Mortgage und Collateral Trust llontts DATUI) JULY L lttli. Notice Is hereby given, as pruvldsd In th Mortgage, dated July 1. UM, made by Th Pittsburgh Company lo (iuaranty Trust Company nf New York as Trustee, that bonds bearing the follnwlnir serial numbers have been drawn for the rllnklnc Fund and will he paid nt par and accrued Interest on and after July I, 1114. at the TltL'hT lK I'ART.MKNT of tho (iuarnnty Trust Com pany of New York, 140 Hroadway, Now York City, aftsr which date Intereat nn aitd bonds will ceases llnnds numbered 111, 01. 71. tt and lit. The bonds should be presented with coupon due J ill v In attached Til 15 l'lTIHIlUIKlll COMPANY, Hy BAML'P.I. A ItOllLOKN, President. Dated, Kllwood City. Pa.. May tlth, lilt. KI.KCTinS'rl AND MKKT1M1H. To Hi Kloekholrier and Member f Manhattan Transit Company Notice Is hereby given that th meeting for th election of Director nf the corpora tion. Manhattan Transit Company, not hav ing been held nn the day designated In the by-laws, and the dlrtctors not lnvlnr within one month thereafter called a meeting ot th members of lha corporation for the pur- ?os of electing directors, I, IMward L, Isarn, a stothhnldsr and member of th corporation, Manhaitun Transit Company, pursuant 10 statute In auch case made anil provided, hereby call u meeting of the stock holders and members of said corporation for the purpose of electing dlreotora thereof, which meeting will b held at the oillre of said corporation, al Nn, 10 East 12nd Htrssu Ituoni U04, In the Ilorouth of Manhattan, City of New York, on the llth day nf June. 1114, at twelve o'clock noon of esld day, Dated, New York. June 1st. 10t4 . , HDWAHD L IIKAHN. Stockholder and member of said corporation, Manhattan Transit Company DIY1DRNDS AND INTRRF-ST. PHILADELPHIA COMPANY 1IIVIDKMI No. lill Pittsburgh, Pa., June lit, 1114. The Directors have this day declared a quarterly dividend of , ONK AND TIIRKi:rOl'RT!IS lF.R CKNT oit th" Common Btoak, payable August 1st. tnu, to htoc'klioldcts or record July 1st, lull Cbrcjiitm will be mailed. O J.IIUAIJ.N', Jit.. Treasurer. Detroit & Mackinac Railway Co. 40 Wall Ntrset. N", Y City. Muy 11, 1114. A dividend of Two and One. Half Per Cent. (14) on th Preferred Hlck and a dividend ot Two and One-Half Per Cent. t:'sl on th Common rltock of this Company hav thl day been declared, payubla July 1st, lull, in stockholders of record at the clot of business on June II. 1111 The stock transfer books of the Company will rl.4 June llth, 1114, and reopen July Ind, 1114. C. 11 COLEHHOOK, Treasurer TIIK DICLAWA1IK 4t HUDSON COMPANY. New York. May It. 1114 A quarterly dividend of TWO AND ONJl. QIJAHTEH CUV.) PLIt CENT on tha rapt tal stock of Hits Company will bo paid ut tha otllce of th Company, 32 Nassau Htreet, In this city, on and alter Haturday June ID. 1114, in Htorkholdera of record at clot of bualneie to. day, IJy order or th lloird of Minuter.. CHARLES A, WALK lilt- Traturr.