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The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, June 03, 1914, Image 14

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IN $15,000,000 SPIT
Development Company Seeks
Damages for Alleged
Loan Failure.
Plaintiff Says Lack of Money
Caused Loss of Many
On the. ground that the failure of the
Southern I'.icltlc Itullroad Company to
keep an agreement to lend $500,000 to the
Development Company of America caused
a loss to that company of tlG.000,000, a
ult to recover the turn Alleged to have
teen lost was filed In the Supremo Court
yesterday against the railroad company.
The complaint says that the agreement to
tnako the loan was made In 1910 by Judgo
n. S. Lovett, then president of the South
ern Pacific, and that there was no reason
for the refusal to ndvance the money.
The Development Company of America
U a Delaware corporation chartered to
buy and operate mining and smelting prop
erties and to build and operato railroads.
Jn lt suit against tho Southern Pacific the
company alleges that It controlled rights
and concessions of great value to rail
roads running through Arizona. The
Jjlalntlff company's capital stock on July
I, 1910, was J7.000.000. of which $4,401,
200 was outstanding und $2,598,800 In
the company's treaiury. Tho company had
u. bond Itsuo of Ju.OOO.OuO. of which J3,
715,200 was outstanding, J1.O47.S00 re
tired and $234,000 In the treasury.
The chief su'usldlury corporation con
trolled by the defendant, the complaint
ays, was the Tombstones Consolidated
Mining Company, of which tho plaintiff
held JS.005.S1S of the J15.000.000 capital
stock, J3C8.020 of the J3.000.000 bond
Issue and almost $200,000 of notes.
The next most valuable tubsldlary, ac
cording to the complaint, was the Im
perial Copper Company, which owned the
Rtock of tho Southern Arizona Smelting
Company and the stock of the Arlzonu
Southern Railroad Company, which
touched the Southern Pacific line nt Hod
nock. Ariz. The plaintiff held a majority
of the Imperial company's J5.000.000
capital stock und Ita J2.000.000 of bonds,
and ull of an Issue of 2-1,050,000 of notes.
Mnnr Other Holdlngi.
The plaintiff, the complaint says, con
trolled ull the J5.000.000 stock of the Con
rress Consolidated Mines Company, Ltd.,
the majority of the 52.500.000 stock of the
Poland Mines Company, and all of Its
SI, 210.000 notes; tha majority stock of
the Lookout Copper Company, having
1453,163 capital; tho majority of the J5,
748.920 stock and $84,020 notes of the
London-Arizona Copper Company and the
majority of the Jl.3ro.100 stock and J328,
000 of tho $1,000,000 Issue of notes of
the Gila Copper Sulphlne Company. Tho
plaintiff had $101,233 due from the Tomb
Btono company and smaller sums from
several of the other subsidiaries, It Is
The complaint also alleges that the
tlatntlff had contracted to buy for Jiz&.ouo
all of the stock of tho Arizona and Quit
of California Railroad Company, a lino to
be constructed from Port Lobos, State of
fionoru, Mexico, to a point on the Arizona
border, and owned tho stock of the Ari
zona, Mexico and Oulf of California Rnll
toad Company, to bo constructed through
Arizona to Port Lobos.
The plaintiff allege that on June 30,
1910, Its book assets were J34, 557,286
and that Its liabilities, outside of Ita
capital stock, bonds and contingent lia
bilities, were only $2,100,104.
The complaint says that on July 1,
1910, the company wanted to raUe capl
ui ui uuuu iu iitct-v uio uiiciia u. ..w.iuo
and notes and for Its contracts and
payroll. The Tombstone company had In
Vested $4,G00,000 In operating Its prop
erty, u large part of which had been ad-
vanced by tho plaintiff. The plaintiff
Days that on July 1. 1910, It was advised
that the Southern rnclllc wanted to get
control of tho property nnd concessions
of the Arlzonu. Mexico nnd Clulf of Cali
fornia llnllroad Company and tho plain
tiff started negotiations to get the needed
cash from the Southern Pacific.
loan Aurecment Alleged.
The complaint alleges that F.
Murphy, president of tho development
company, submitted u financial statement
to Judge Lovett. then tho president of
the Kuuthmi Pacific, In order to get
J500.0UO that was needed Immediately.
Tho Southern Pacific. It was alleged, then
agreed to muko tho K.00.000 loan on July
J9, 1&10, on tho plaintiff's note. The
Bouthern Pacific alio agreed to buy
IS.COO.OOO of tho plaintiff company's capi
tal stocl; and to make payments of 8500.000
overy tureu months until May 15, 1912,
nccorillng to tho complaint.
The plaintiff nays that In reliance on
Judge Lovctt's assurances that the fioutll
f.rn Paclllo would lend the $500,000 the
development company notified all Ub credit
ors that It would bo In funds on July 19,
1910, and advised them to draw on the
nlalntlff for 8480.COO on that date. The
money waH not forthcoming and tho plain
tiff lost the Mfi.OOO.OOO of assets which
would huvu been waved had the loan been
made, the complaint says, The Tomb
atone property was shut duwn, a petition
In bankruptcy was lllcd ngalnst the com
pany and thu entire property was lost to
the plaintiff. It Is alleged.
Then, according to tho complaint, the
Imperial Copper Company was thrown
Into bankruptcy and the plants of all the
other companies were shut down and the
construction of the railroads abandoned,
rinally. II Is nllegfd, the Kmplre Trust
Company fort-closed on 11,500,000 of the
plaintiffs bonds nnd sold the plaintiff's
ntock In I lie msldlary companies which
lind been deposited as collateral. Accord
ingly, It is alleged, the plaintiff's assets
tiecame a total loss and the suit seeks to
liold tho Southern Pacific responslblo.
Three Grndlnurre Plelld Gnllty to
Concealing; Assets In HnnUrnptcy,
A plea of guilty to tho charge of con
oplrlng to conceal assets from creditors
vras entered yesterday by Bornh Orad
Inger. Morris flradlnger and Harry Orad
fnger, bankrupts, when arraigned before
Judge Mayer In the United States DIs
trlct Court. They wcro remanded until
J'rlday for sentence.
A double set of books, one false and
used to get additional credit, nnd the
other for the personal Information of the
Wothcrs In their scheme to defraud, tho
brothers, were used In their scheme to de
fraud, the brothers confessed. In tho
false set assets were Increased and liabili
ties made k's to give tho impression that
the firm was solvent.
Snmuel Schwartz, n Jobber In silks on
Twentieth street, was arrested yesterday
fn connection with tho fraud. He ad
tnltted disposing of $8,000 worth of goods
for Borah flrndlnger, who, he said. In
structed lilm to tako only cash. Ho re-
rblved a check for $1,000, bo said, lost It,
ecame afraid a id went to Union Hill,
V. J. He was held In $1,000 ball for tho
Grand Jury.
The Clradlnger brothers were In two
Hlfferent companies, one tho dradlnger
5mm. of ;36 Fourth uvrnue, cuuslellng
of Morris und Harry flradlnger, and tho
cither Borah flradlngiT of 71 West
rwenty.thlrd ,itreet. Both wcro in the
rlothlnc busings.
Char-red With Carrying On am II
licit Mnll Service.
Tho LVIo Railroad Company was In
dicted yesterday by the Federal Grand
Jury beginning Ita June term before
United States District Judge Julius M.
Mayer, charged with carrying on an
Illicit mall service on a post road In
violation of Section 184 of the United
States Criminal Code.
The Indictment concerns Itself with two
letters written by E. P. CJrlfllth, joint
BUDcrlntendent of tho Krlo Railroad Com
pany and the Western Union Telegr.iph
Company, to O. A. Osborne, an ngent of
tho Krlo Railroad Company and manager
of tho Western Union Telegraph Com
pany at Montgomery, N. T., on -Juno 27,
1912. The letters were cornea on a rail
way mall car and aro said not to have
related to the trafllc on tho train. One
urges Osborne to tako steps to Increase the
profits from "tho new teiegrapn service,
such as day and night letters."
Tho punishment for violation of the
statute In question Is a One of not more
than J50.
BOTTEn. Beeelptt were the heaviest so
far this seaton, being 22,6 packages, out
despite this the market was firm. "puh
an effort to advance It was fruitrateil. Trad
ing wat quiet as the speculative demand was
abtent. quality la a little disappointing-.
Poor 'Inet ore dull. Procest firm. Ladles
sustained. Packing (took wonted. Prices
Creamery extras, 27M27.: firsts, JJWg
264c: seconds. 23W26c: thirds. "U
22V4C.: Rtate dairy tubs, finest. 26V4C26C.I
good to prime. 23ViM26e,S oommon to fair,
lSOJSc.i process, extra, 212lHe,l ,JI.
l'iW204c.l lower grades. 17(8 18 He.:
ladles, current make, firsts. l4?lttc.; sec
onds, lsrtf 18V4c: packlne stock, current
make. No. 2, 17ilJHc; lower grades, ISO
16 He.
CHEESE. Market was a trifle firmer yes
terday and active with receipts moderate.
Un.,,,1.11,.. hituln. fnrrt.il lltl nrlctt hlC.
Medium und low erodes In moderate demand.
High grade skims nrm. i-rices.
w. m. fresh colored ond white specials.
14Uc: colored and white average fancy,
DdUHUc: undergrade!. UMtfllttc;
State, skim freih specials, llsj; 'Uftc.: poor
to fair, SW'o.; full skims or badly defec
tive, mo 40.
EGOS Average quality shows the effects
of warm weather In the West. Hecelpts of
fine stock light and such Is firm. The
bulk of the arrivals sell lO20Hc. High
grade dirties and checks firm. White eggs
iiulct. Nearby browns nrmer. 1'rloes fol
low: Fresh gathered extras. 23Tl24c.: extra
firsts, 21W22C.; firsts. 20020'ic.; dirties,
No. U 17.18c: No. 2. HUllc; Penntyl
vonla ond nearby hennery whites, large,
fancy, :34244c; hennery browns, 2341
24c: brawns and mixed colors. lH2!4a:
Ilaltlmors duck. 20t23e.l Western. 1921o.;
Tennessee and other Southern. 18020c
LIVE l'OULTHY Receipts yesterday 19
cars. Western, three Bouthweetern and eight
Southern by freight, with one scattering by
express. Fowls ore steadier, with 154 c.
on light ond UOU4C. on heavy. Old
nlunttfnl nn.l 1,IW Rt IC 80Uthem
ducks poor with soles 1301SV.C. Oeee of
irregular quality ond going 10 HI lo. Broil
ers are more plentiful with IS 4? 36c paid
for overage lots. No quotations were estab
lished. One car was sold at auction.
DRESS KD l'OULTHY Fresh receipts of
Iced light, with the uemanu rorretponuing
11.1 ....r nlttntlfill. hilt with COOd SOeCU'
latlve demand moved freely at lie. Scalded
n BtinjiM ,i.lr. Fre.h Vnled tur
keys Irregular. Nearby spring ducklings
not quite so plentiful, with the surplus
being frozen. Nearby fsncy broilers In
fair demand firm. Wettem steady. Squabt
moderate active. , Frozen large fancy
ehlckenn not Dlentlful ond nrm. Small
dull. Taney heavy fowls not urged to sole,
umati n,.iprtwi. Fancy vounr toms firm.
Medium grades slow. Frozen ducks and
geeie dull and weak. Prices follow! Fresh
killed turkeys, average o id., ikiriso.
ll.nll.... Ih II Mft elnh la. flinCV. 1U lbS. fOCll.
a lb. 40P42c; 2 lbs. each. 380 40c. Fowls.
Western boxed. 60 lb., and over to dozen,
18c; 26 to 43 lbs., ll6Hc: under JO 'lbs.,
iRimt In nnrppln. lr.,1. 6 lbs.. 164c:
fancy, scalded, l4c; Wrttern nnd South
ern, poor. 12019c. Ducks, spring. Inng
iKland. 16c. Old roosters. !H ?,!
Hqiisbs, white. 10 lbs. to dozen. 3II4.25:
7 lbs.. $2.50. Frozen Turkeys, small Wst
ern seleeted. hens and toms, 2Bc. : Ken
tucky. 2323Via; Texas. 23c: old hens.
23024c: old toms. 22023c. Broilers. 12 to
box, milk fed. fancv. 18 to 24 lbs., 22
23c; corn fed. 194J20C. Chickens, milk
fed, 81 to 86 lbs ti doten. 164817c: corn
fed, 14 4 He. Fowls. We.tern. boxed. 60
lbs. and over to dozen. 1948 20c: 20 to IS
lbs, 144W1GC.; nd roosters, nutfuc.
Chicago and Alton I 1014. Changs.
Third week May.. 1233,441 Dec
From July 1 12.849.30 Dec
Detroit United Line:
Thtud week May... 8228.888 Dec. $16,417
From Jan. 1 4,437,92$ Dec, 242.476
FOKD. The New York. New Haven and Hartford
r,H,ln...l Ann. It,. Inl.,.t.l. ftrmrfm
ommission ior Apru; isii. cnflnim
Total oDer. rev..
8S.808.08S Dec.
Total opcr. exp..
Net oper. rev..
4,103,839 Dec
It. 404. 28 Ino.
1,414.393 Ino.
81,114,933 Inc.
Total net rev.
Oner. Income.
Prom July It
Total oper. rov. .
.185,158.412 Dec, 12.198,184
Total oper. exp... 40.3U.99S Inc. 932.755
Net nper. rev,. .814.941,417 Deo. 83.131.888
Total net rev 15.021,189 Doc. S.74.1t
Oper. Income 12,031,189 Drc. 8,528,201
The Boston and Maine llnllroad reports
to the Interstate Commerce Commlnslon for
April: 1914. Chances.
Total oper. rev.... $3,871,801 Dec. 3198
Total oper. exp... 3.074,785 Dec. 85,794
Net oper. rev,,.
Total net rov
Oper. Income
From July 1:
Total oper, rev...
Total oper. exp..,
8706.815 Inn.
812,085 Inc.
040,115 Ino.
$39,470,034 Dec. $1,021,175
32,012,533 Dec. 23,398
Net oper. rev..., $7,457,501 Dec. $997,777
iouii nec rev ,,tug.gaa uec. sse,&74
Oper. Income 5,881,577 Drc 930,310
Tin MlMourl Pacific Hallway system re
ports for April! 1914. Chances,
dross earnings.... $4,453,320 Dec $303,255
.ei earnincn, ,,, ysu.vni; uec. 131, ;uu
Total Incnmo 1,184,253 Dec 153,250
From July It
Dross enrnlncs.,., $60,482,589 Dec. $1,842,408
Net oarnlnc 12,093.727 Dec 281,908
Total Income 14,047,037 Dec. 320,353
The Seaboard Air Line Company reports
for April: 1914. Chances.
Oross earnlncs.... 82.236.028 Inc. 890.0(1
Op. ex. and taxes, 1,681,630 Inc. 68,037
Net earntngs... $674,887 Inc
From July l:
Cross earnlncs... .$21,303,709 Inc
Op. ex. and taxes. 16,427,093 Inc
Nat earnings... $8,876,107 Inc $281,145
The Delaware and Hudson Company re
ports to the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion for April: 1914. Chancts.
Total oper. rev... $2,028,360 Inc $132,36
Total oper. exp... 1,280,309 Dec 6
Net oper. rev..
Total net rev,..,
Oper. Income...
From July li
Total oper. rev.
Total oper. exp.
, $747,542 Ino.
749,720 Inc
891,068 Inc
.119,237,489 Dec
. 12.863,682 Inc
Net oper. rev... $6,863,877 Dec $1,631,578
Total net rev 6,356,094 Dec 1,473,83
Oper, Income 6,807,986 Dec 1,617,034
The Chicago and Alton Ilallroad Com
pany reports for April:
1914. Chances.
Oper, revenue $1,017,463 Dec, $114,735
Oper. expenses.. ., 919,486 Dec 173,844
Net cper, rsv,.
From July li
Oper, revenue....
Oper. expenses.,.
$97,977 Ino,
447 Dso.
.$12,128,700 Deo.
, 10,358,666 Dec.
Net oper, rev.,. $1,770,135 Deo. $314,664
Balance 690,219 Deo. 409,806
Ths Detroit United Lines report for April:
1014. Chances,
Gross earnlncs.... $1,009,588 Dec, $34,866
uper. expenses.. .. u2,B97 uec. 4,116
Net earnings... $336,892 Dee, $80,748
Total Income 346,(02 Deo, 80,151
Hurplus 166,969 Dec 29,802
From January .1 1
Oross earnlncs,.,. $3,765,080 Deo. $192,962
Opor, expenses..,. 2,660,615 Dec. 11,158
Net earnlncs... $1,104,466 Dec. $181,604
Total Income 1,203,414 Deo. 160,689
Hurplu 482,359 Deo. 164,44
Ths New York. Ontario and Western Hall
way Company reports for April!
1914. Changes,
rirois esrnlnrs.... $711,422 Deo. $14,473
Op. eips. and taxes. 661,706 Ino, 3,739
Net earnlncs. . , ,
$149,710 Dec.
19,012 Dso.
From July It
Oross earnlnc.,,, $7,470,125 Deo,
Op. cxps. and taxes. 6,831,403 Ina.
Net earnlncs... $1,638,722 Dec,
Surplus 488,261 Dec,
April Report to Show Increases,
Largely Through
Massachusetts Opposition to
Dissolution Plan Given
as Reason.
Howard Elliott, chairman of the New
York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad
Company's board of directors, after a spe
cial meeting" of the board yesterday said
that the report of the earnings of the
company and Its subsidiaries for April,
to bo published In a day or two, witl show
encouraging Increases over provlous
months of the year, largely through re
duction of expenses. A number of the
subsidiary companies continue to show
deficits In net earnings, he said, but the
deficits aro belns reduced.
New Haven shares made a new low
record yesterday in Belling at 63. The
principal reason was the fear of legisla
tive trouble In Massachusetts which may
nom up tho voluntary dissolution plun
agreed on by the officers of the company
and the Federal Government Mr. Elliott
said that he had not yet read Gov,
Walsh's address urging speody action by
the Massachusetts Legislature to head oft
possible compulsory dissolution by the
Department of Justice nnd a possible ro.
celvcrshlp. Ho said that he expected wit
nesses for the company to appear be
fore the Intorstato Commerce Commls
slon on Thursday or Friday.
It Is understood that these witnesses
were requested to appear by Commls
sloncr McChord In order that the rail
road's side of the case might bo presented.
It Is expected that the testimony to be
presented will give another side of the
New Haven story. Among thoso who are
to testify are J. M. Tomllnson, general
auditor of the company: operating offi
cials, accountants and men from the en
glneerlng staff.
The following statement was given out
after the meeting :
"On December 18 last the following
resolution was pawed: 'Voted, that
Messrs. Elliott, Iladlcy and Hlchards be
and are hereby appointed a committee to
employ accountants to audit and examine
the accounts of the company. The com
mlttee made a preliminary report that
under these Instructions active work had
been carried on but that the Investigation
was not entirely completed, but that It
would probably be completed the early
pan or juiy. and tnat reports and In
formation havo been furnished promptly
to the Interstate Commerce Commission
for uso during the pending Investigation.
"The action of tho committee was ap
proved and tho chairman was Instructed
to cooperate with the Interstate Commerce
Commission In every way so that all facts
relating to New Haven affairs may be
presented to them.
"A number of routine matters were
disposed of at to-day's meeting, suoh as
sales of small parcels of real estate, on
or two pension matters and unimportant
contracts. '
ilsalon Undecided Whether to
Call More WltneM-s.
WASHINaTOM. June 2. No date hnq
been fixed by the Interstate Commerce
vesication Into the financial relations be
tween tho Ualtlmore and Ohio It.ilIro.icl
and tho Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton
President Willard'r testimony last Frl
day showed that the Cincinnati. Hamilton
and Dayton was a drain on the ltaltlmore
and Ohio. He Intimated that tho Haiti
moro and Ohio directors had reported that
something should be dono and that a sne
ciui commission was now consiuenng me
entire subject.
It has not been determined whethef
additional witnesses will be called.
Takes rat lier-ln-larr'a Place
Iteadlna; Company's Board.
Philadelphia, June 2. Isaac Hlester,
son-in-law of the late George V. Bacr,
former president of the Heading Com.
pany, was elected to-day to the vacancy
on the board of directors caused by the
death of Mr. Baer, Eight directors were
reelected at the annual meeting of tho
stockholders In the Reading Terminal, as
follows :
Henry P. McKean, Samuel Dickson, R.
T. stotesbury, Henry C. Frlck, Qeorg F
Baker. P. A. B. Wldener, Daniel Wlllard
and C. C. Harrison.
FLORENCE IIF.ILLY, 216 West 101th streel
formerly proprietor of a saloon and bote
petition In bankruptcy by creditors. It I
asserted that some time ago she sold th
business and secreted the proceeds, and
an aiarm za transferred ner real estate ti
Harry J, Lee, an employee, for no con
slderatlon. Judce Mayer cranted an arde
for her examination and also for the ex
ainlnatlon of Mr. Lee before Alexander
Gilchrist, Jr., as special master to ascsr
tain the dlsnoiltlon of hep nran.ptv.
uix-Kianu coiiniy, niea a petition In rank
rupicy, uaoiiiiiea nuai, assets 8200, I
real estate at Orancetown. N. T. 8h
also has sn undivided one.nfth Inter. I
land In Illcdsoe county, Tennessee of nam
Inal value.
iron norm, ivs r. iz&in street, petltloi
In bankruotcy by creditors. The com
pany was Incorporated In May, 1904, with
SAMUEL KNEE, manufacturer of leather
travelling bacs. CO Llspenard street, peti
tion In bankruptcy by creditors. Knee
mode an assignment on Monriav r win.
Ism Henkel, Jr.
n creanors or ins John J. Mitchell Com
pany, publishers of fashion plates snd
Serlodlcals. 41 West Twenty-fifth street,
as been, filed In order to call a meeting
of creditors to elect a trustee, and prove
claims. There are 200 creditors, whoia
claims segregate $241,692. Among them
are the Fidelity Trust Company, $46,000;
Irvine National Hank, $40,000! Greenwich
Bank, $35,000; Garfield Hank, 385,000;
Champion Coated Paper Company, $12,506;
Consolidated Engraving Company $5,00$,
and Julia Mitchell. 36,620.
CHARLES McFADDEN, proprietor of a cafe
at 465 Fulton street, Tlronklyn, was ad
judged a bankrupt yesterday on his own
petition. Liabilities, $76,116; assets, $5,
250, Schedules In Bankruptcy.
PANY, dealers In vandles and clears,
Pouchkerpule, iclieiliil.ii In bankruptcy
show liabilities of $8,323, and assets of
$2,766, consisting of cash received by re
ceiver from sal of stock and fixtures
$1,265, and accounts, $1,600,
Receiver In Bankruptcy,
appointed Charles U Grcenliall, receive
for Palestine &iNemser, fur manufac
ture, 279 Seventh avenue; bond, $t,100.
Liabilities are about $8,000. Htock fixtures
and machinery valued at $2,000 to $3,000,
It Is said, were removed from ths place
on Friday,
(JATZ & BURM AN Moses Bats and Maurice
C, Hurman, who compose the Arm of Hats
& urman, manufacturers of raincoats,
4 West Twenty-second street; atitrnment
to Clifford O. Ludvlch. They becan bus)
nee In April, 1913,
JACOB HEEHFAKH, tailor, 200 East ftrsad-e-ay,
alignment to Leo Wolfson. Ho
began buvlnesa In July, 1903.
DANIEL UOMDINER. dealer In barbers'
supplies and manufacturer of chemicals
and perfumes, ci utanKM, street, asslcn
ment to Isldor Diamond lit began but!
ness in dune, is, fV
$646,550,000 OF LIFE
'igurca for United States and
Canada Last Year Are
Mado Tubllc
largest Death Claim Was $318,
838 to Heirs of Albert F.
Holdcn of Cleveland.
tlfe Insurance organizations of the
United Btates and Canada paid out to
policyholders last year $846,550,000, ao-
cordlng to the Insurance Press of New
York. New Tork city, under which
classification aro Included Mnnhattan,
Brooklyn and The Bronx, received $32-
004,250 of It, while there were scattering
hundreds of thousands In nichmond nnd
The largest death clnlm paid In the
United Rtntcs during the year was
$318,888 on the life of Albert T. Holden,
one tlmo captain of the Harvard football
eleven, a mining engineer, who died In a
suburb of Clcvelnnd. The second was
that of Bllllngton SanMers Wnlker, Jr.,
of Macon, Oa., the banker who mndo a
plucky light for llfo nftor taktnir a hi.
chtorlde of mercury tablet by mistake.
Ho had $230,331 In llfo tiollcleo.
Thereafter New York city came with n
long list of men above $100,000. Isano
A. MeKIel had nn nsuranco of $230,000!
Samson Fried had $209,519 and Thomns
A. flperry. $1155.000. He Is classified nn
n New Jerseyman. but was a member of
Hperry ft Hutchinson, tho trading stamn
firm In New York city.
Kdward I.. Monteomerv of HrooVlvn
had policies aggregating $154,428 ; a P.
cnamoerlaln. $145,500: L. Bossert of
Brooklyn, who left n aree fortune, hnd
$185,000 In life Insurance policies; Will
lam F. Hnvemever, $128,020; Frederick
W, Devoe, $121,930; Charles F. Nnethlng.
tho baker. $120,000: Washington I.ee
Jacques. $103,000, nnd J, A. Moffett.
$101,000. Tho largest policy on the life
of a woman was for $127,000. on that of
Kioronce w. MnrCarthy of Bait more.
'inc- statisticians nnnlvzlnc tho flinires
declare that the general condition of bust
ness was Indicated In the record of policy
loans. Tim amount of the IncrenHo of out.
standing lonnt nt the close of the venr
wn $83,725,000. ns aga!nt nn Increase of
$43,244,000 for 1912. n difference of narlv
$20,000,000. In recent years thi efforts
or lire insurance off rials haw hepn dl
rected toward discouraging such loans.
Since 1908 the review of the dlstrihtitlnn
of life Insurance money lins mentioned
tne nppncatlon for loans nn nnllcles n
Indications of tho fluctuations of business
conditions. The disturbance of renernl
Tiuilness CTNed the Increase of nollev
loans In 1907. nnd the adverse business
conditions of 1M3 were Indicated by the
increase in 1313. according to the report
ine record or the nnvmrnts for death
claims nnd matured endowment last year
iiv inp companies mat nnd as per cent,
of the bus!neq howed nn Increase to the
nmount of $5,530,000. compared with $14,-
i-jo.uuo increnso for 1912. P vM nc tho
Increase It was notPd that $3 730.000 of
tne increase for the venr went to denth
claims, while ll.soo.ono went for endow
mnts. In mnny c.isps of death claims
accidents were cited, notably automobile
j hp fiisinnuiinn or premium savings
erroneously called dividends' tho renort
says, amounted to more than $101,200,000
ror iiii.t ror nil the enmnnn es In the
United States. Comnred with 112 the
record showed nn Increase of $9,000,000.
. jiikii-j- uiua tiiiiferenre on
Federal Itrsi-rrc Dln-rtors.
The members of tlroun 2 of thn mti nn n 1
banks of itho Btnto forming tho Federal
Reserve Bank of the New York district
havo n fight on their hands In tho selec
tion of candidates for tho board of direc
tors of tho reserve Institution. They
will havo li out at a meeting of tho
members to bo held nt the Ten llvck llntpl
In Albany to-day. B. O. HIgley, president of
tne nuason Knils National Bank. Is lend
ing ino revolt ngalnst tlio regular t cket.
Mr. HIgley was defeated ns a candidate
for chairman of tho group conference re
cently held here, nnd at that time he
and his followers appeared as Independents
against, what they charged, was nn effort
of the big New York bnnkers to tlliVnte
tho candidates tho small bankers should
vote for. Group 3 Is oomnosed of the
small banks with a capital of less than
$70,000 each.
Mr. HIgley has called a conference of
tho cntlro group to meet Ito-day before
the meeting later In tho day of tho nom
Inntlng commltteo recently chosen, and
elect Its nominees for tho Federal Ro-
servo Bank directors directly. The nominee
to represent tho bunking class has been
chosen, nnd tho nominating committee Ih
commissioned to select two candidates for
tho one position of board member, to
represent tho commercial and business
Business of Tito Tnlklnfr Machine)
Companies to Be Wound Up.
Newapk, N. J.. Juno 2. Horace Q.
Orlce was nppolntcd receiver for tho
People's Tnlklni; Muchlno Company and
Hoy F. Anthony wns named receiver for
the International Phonograph Company
hy Vlce-Chanccllor Emery this afternoon.
Pelrco & Hoover, representing certain
stockholders, mado thu application nnd
asked that receivers wind up the busi
nesses. The People's company's assets consist of
1440.000 In stock of the International
company, a claim of .25,000 for money
loiuiod to that concern und about JS0.000
unpaid stock subscriptions. Tho liabili
ties, placed nt ll-.uuu, consist or money
borrowed. Tho International company's
assots consist or It, COO for machines sold,
$7,000 for machinery find stock and
patents, the value of which Is unknown.
The liabilities nro 25,000 borrowed from
the other company. The capital stock,
(1,000,000, Is all paid In.
"Vloe-Ckaneellor Howell Ilecllnea 4o
Restrain a Tlre flalraraan.
NawAitK, N. J., June 2. Vice-Chancel-lor
Howell refused to-day to erant an
r,ir oiitnliilnir Walter Murray, a former
rgalesman for ii tire company of 25 Will
iam street, New Tork, from seiunir auto
supplies anywhere In tho Htate.
The company tried to restrain Murray
on tho strength of nn URrcomcnt which he
entered Into when ho began working for
tho company a year and it half ago, Mur
ray alleged that tho contract provided
that It could be terminated by cither
party on thirty days notice. The Vice
Chancellor held that a man should bo al
lowed to gain a livelihood In the. manner
In which he Is best fitted.
notvllnfr Out For Conrrs.
Jtimcs V. Dowllng of Bayonao yesterday
announced himself a cnndldal'.e for the
Ilepubllcan nomination for member of
Congress from the Eighth Now Jersey
dlntrlnt. Kdward Cray of Newark had
previously announced His candidacy, Mr.
Dowllng denounce him as a reactkmarr.
Did. Asked.
BrsitlUn Traction .................. .78V4
Canadian Cement
Canadian Cement pfd V0
Canadian Cons Rubber 81
Crown Reserve 1124
Detroit United Rr 06H
Dominion Steel Corp 21H
Dominion Textile '3
Illinois Traction pfd C3
Laurenllde 119 ,
Montreal L II P 121.
Nova Scotia Steel A Coal. US
Orllvle Flour Mill 113
Quebec Ity 14 P
snawtnican w r i
Sherwin-Williams 66
Sherwln-Wllllims pfd 88V.
Steel Co of Caoada..
Toronto Hallway .................... 190ft
wiBaiper stmt ny in
flurirems Court Lomllate Division He-
fore Ingrahotn. I. J. I Laughlln, Clarke,
Dowllng and Hotchklss, JJ. court opens
at I il. Not. (31, 922, 626, 963, 894,
886, 887, 893, 934, 926, 127, 988, VZ, Z,
933, 936.
nupremt court Appellate Term. necees.
RuDrama Court SDeclal Term. Part I.
Bsfor OMenhium. J. Motion calendar
called at 10180 A. M.
Hupremn court optoiai Term. ran n.
-Before Phllbln. J. Court onena at 10130
A M. Ex Darts matters.
fiunrami court flneelal Term. Part III.
He fore Qlererlch, J, Motions. I'reftrrrd
cautst No 2706, 1684, 2670. General ral-
nraar no. 2311, ski, zjjs, ZJ73, :s,,
UfZV-SISII, StSi, 2415, 317S, Z4VU, SUVA,
3171, 2493, 2365, 2140, ' 2154, 2382, 2407,
2128, 2198, 2334, 2398, 2491, 1890, 1624,
1717, 2434, (11. 248, 481, 2161, 1476, 2337,
1164. 161. 1693. K93. 2007. 884. 2146.
2163, 2226, 1920. Cass unfinished.
Part IV. OJefore Lehman. J. Cass un
finished. part v. uerors Fenmeton. J. Clear,
Part VIL Uefors Erlanrer. J. Cass un
Caur.es to be sent from Part III. to Tarts
IV.. V. and VII. for trial.
Huprem court Trial Term. ran
Before Newburcer, J. No. soil,
8112, 410L 8764, 1661, 3947, 3360,
78. 8809. 4106. 4026. 4020. 3114.
4023, 4177, 4102, 8831, 3689, 4097,
4090, 4079, 4071, 4051, 4052, 3537,
3293, 3188. Cane unfinished.
ran in. iietore wmtaaer. j. jnos. 7st
1117, 7762. 5466. 1677. 1430. 143L 2149, 228U,
6850, 1290, 2677, 3347, 1006H, 8261, 3253,
269. esse unnnisnea.
Pnrt IV. Adjourned until Juns 15, 1914.
Part V. Before 1'latsek. J. Not. 8217.
f679, 921, 8810. 3109, 3390, 3624, 3706. 3165.
1736. 3942. 8647, 3144. Cass unrinlnhed.
Part VI. Before Dugrn, J. Not. 2681,
8168, 3341. 1348, 1130. Case unfinished.
ran vn. Aajournea ior ins term.
Part VIII. llefors Dotany. J. Not. 3461.
1470. 3418. 8086. Caa unnnlshed.
Part IX. Before Cohalsn, J. Nn. 3179,
2508, 1879, 8190, 1391, 6914, 3483, 872, 7840,
8277. 1278, 1249, 1318, 2586, 2686, 6849, 3613.
Cass unfinished.
Part X. llefors Ford. J. Nns. 286. 8330,
1458. 6700, 1665, 8571, 3671, 1678. Cass un
finished. Pnrt XI Hefore navesan. J. Not. 3Z0.
3197, 1406, 1226, 3243, 3042, 3089, 3203,
2I14, 2210, 199, 746tt. 03, Z9I1, ZZZ,
2981. 3688. 3690. Cass unfinished.
I'art XII Uefore Gott. J. Nos. S046.
1939. 2788. 2905. 7369. 2119. 1737. 1698. 3599.
caro unnnisntu.
lart x l IT ArllAurnerl mr tne form.
Part XIV. Uefore Henilrlrk. J. Nos.
1891, 4192; 1708. 1699, 1907, IIOI. 2023. 2039,
3932, 1713. 898, 4440. Cass unnnunen.
Part XV. Before Donnelly, J. Cats on.
No day calendar.
ran xvi, iierore weeat. j ?oa.
.... ... .... .... ..it itequ 1CQA
Cjmo unfln Ished. '
I'art xvii. Aajournea untu duns is,
Part XVIII. Before Guy. J. Nos. 4447,
6848. 1629, 2296, 2301, 1607, 2218, 2219, 2287,
173. 1692. 4201. 2149. 2268. 697. 2102. 1313.
1844. 1608. 4243. 4198. 214, 1635. Csse un-
fiurroxate'a court cnamuers iternre w
hnlnn. H. wllla for firobate Anna Pearson.
Thomas Murray. John F. O'Connell, Arthur
J. Ridley. Isaao Dlcklnuer. Andrew J. Llv-
n.Klnn. IAiil!n Hatirl.cn at 10ISU A. 31.
Surrogate's Court Trial Term Before
Fowler, 8. Court opens at 10:30 A. M,
Nn rfftv calendar.
City Court Opeclal Term rart I. Be
for La Fetra, J. Court opens at 10 A. M.
Part II. uefore areen, J. court opens
at 10 A. M. Ex part matters.
City Court Trial Term I'art I. Jlerore
Schmuclc. J. Nos. 818JH. 8249, 8185. ,696.
8201. 8202. 8210. 8219. 8222. 8ZZ9. 833Z. 8Z3S,
8247. 8265. 8276. 8285. 8301, 8316, 8924.
818614,, 6835. 8338. 8341, 8342. 8345. 8346,
8349U, 8361. 8352. 8364, 3356, 8366. 8857,
8358, 8380. 8862. 8361, 8363. 6364. 8366, 8867,
8888. 8369. 8870. 8371. 8373. 8374. 8376. 8377,
8378, 83T9. 8380, 8383. 8384, 9886, 8388. 8390,
8391, 9396H. 8392, 9394, 9400. 8401. 8402,
8404, 8405, 8408, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8411, 8412,
8413. 8416. 8417. Clear.
I'art II. Before McA.-oy, J. Short cati'es
N-o.. S02. 296. 813. 331. 308. 309. 322. 305
338, 343. 31. 321. 337, 233. 324, 325, 329, 346,
347. 3S6. 380. 212. 262. 291. 349. 318. 252,
37. 31. 282. 133. 205. 61. 92, 60. 242. 267. 301,
303, 317, 330, 383. 346. 2"3. Csbo unfinished.
I'art III. Before Lynch, J. Cass un
finished. Part IV. Before CDwyer, CJ, Cass un
finished. Part V. Before Smith. J. Care unfinished.
I'art VI. Before Flnellte, J. Cato un
finished. I'art VII. Before Bamsom, J. Case un
finished. I'art VIII. Before Delehanty, J, Cass
Causes to be sent from I'art I. to Parts
III.. IV.. V., VI., VII. and VIII. for trial.
Supreme Court Special Term. Before A
plnall, J. Court opens at 10 A. M. Lltlftatrd
motions. Beforo Crane, J, Ex parte matters.
Supreme Court. Trial Term. I'art I. Bo
fore. Jnycox, J. Court opens at lo A. M.
I'art II.. Van Slclen. J.J I'art IV.. Maddox,
J. ; Part VII.. lllackmar. J. Day ralendur.
Nos. 2981. 3610. 3761. 3784-4281, 3787, 3780
3791, 3737, 3802. 3804, 3318. 3488. 3646,
3837, (898, 711. 3816.3818, 3835, 3826, 3820.
3833. 8835, 3637, 3192. 3849. 3345, 3447.
S4S2. (384. 7112. 7214. 3680. 3851. 3858.
The balance of the day calendar stands
over until June 4. Hlgheat number reached
on'regular call 3892.
Supreme Court Special Term Trlalt. Be
fore Kelly, J. Day calendar Nos. 1048,
1051, 1056, 870, 774. 029. 362. 967, 1157, 878,
1158, 849. Those causes called on June 1,
1914, nnd marked ready will be Added to
subsequent day calendar at tho above causes
are tlltpoecd of. .
Supreme Court Trial Term I'nft. VII.
Criminal Calendar. nefore Blackmar. J.
Court opens at 10 A. M. Christopher Dunn,
murder. Case continued.
County Court Criminal Calendar For
trlnl. Part I. Before Hylon. J. Court
opens at 10 A. M, Salvatore Mnnnlno, carry
ing dangerous weapon: John Hasenetah.
nsrc poii; Oenaro de Marco, atnault: Walter
Ferris, burglary, petit larceny and receiving;
William J, Brernan, Burton Tavlor. at
tempted burglary; Joseph Taney, alias John"
II. Young, assault; Domtnlck Nicholson,
Peter Blmltes. assault; James Blass, naro
Part II. Before Dike. J. Abraham
Aaronson, Benjamin Kantrowltx. robbery,
grand larceny and assault; Francis M, Mc
Dermott, alias Thomas Gallaghor, John
Honors robbery, grand Inrceny and assault;
John Ilunora, Hsmult: Dominic Manallto, as
rault and carrying dangerous weapon; Lo
renr.o I'lentaglo. Anthony Olaclo, grand lar
ceny and receiving; Samuel Cohen, grand
larceny and receiving; Hocco Antnnlello,
carrying dangerous weapon and murder.
Part III. Before Boy, J, Joeepli Rocco.
carrying dangerous weapon and attempted
murder; Alexander Tahanowlts, Incest, rape
and astault: Henry Schulman, alias Henry
Shulman: Mary Hchulman, alias Mary Shut
mm, arson; Charles Graves, manslaushter;
Vlncenco Ilocco, assault; David YVerbolosky,
alias Jacob fUlnet, alias, Jacob Colin, bur
glary, petit larceny and receiving, llobert
McOourt. robbery, grand larceny and as
sault. Surrogate's Court Calendar Before
Ketclum, 8. Court opens at 10 A. M., In
the Ball of Records, second floor. The will
of Amelia Kelllng nnd a. Infusla. The ad
ministration Charles ofleld. The account
ing In the estates of Alice Pmllli, Jamra
Mason. I). Btschorr, James Donnelly, Clara
Griffin, Dante Oarqulto, H. Llppman, Cath
arine Cook, Susan Colvln. I, Morris, John
nosiey, w. j. uamDTiei . uenry jiaroeeK ana
Francis HrOulro. Ths ettates of Robert
Furey, R. A. Kchuman and Hugo Paiaasello.
Contested calendar The wills of Stophen
uuniuii hiiu r reuencit itoegor.
Supreme Court Trial Term I'art I. Be
fore Huudder. J. Part II. nefor Garret
son. J. Court opens and calendar called at
10 A. M. The attention of the bar Is called
to ruiea 6. 6 and
trial term. Supreme Court. Nos. 333, 865,
, ul mo i-iiicnuur ruiea
tvu. ma. iso, asia, 271, 217, 30, 501,
602. The following causes If marked ready
will be passed for the day. No cense will
be set for a day on this call, Nns. o03, 604,
600, 607. 608, 609. 511. 612, 613, 615, 516
617, 1133, 420, 362, 363. 1122, 6. 345a. 618
620. 622, 624. 525. 81a, 12a, 22. 29. Highest
r umber reached on the general calendar Is
County Court Criminal Term Before
Humphrey, J, Court opens and calendar
cnlled at 10 A. M. Not. 4175, 4182, 4000.
41S9J, 6200J, 4133. '
43urt iif Appeals Calendar,
ALBANY. June 2. Ths Court of Appeals
calendar: No. OOt.
Befereet Appointed.
Suprems Court By Justice Greenbaum
Watson vs. Stanton. Paul Davis; Wallace vt.
Woolf, Barlion Ham!!; Wallace vt. Woolf,
Morgsn J. O'Brien; Calllgan vs. Stoop, Ed
ward D, Howling.
Hy Justtcn I'lillbtn Kafka vs. Bendfeldt,
Warren Leslie; ltothbartli vs. Do Forest,
OlUllCf vt, ( leu, 4
By Juttice r-age Morgan vs. GtJiion,
Arctium a k. uaxter; Jtcuay vs. oason,
Dccreo for Disintegration Filed
in tho Federal Court
at Tronton.
The American Company Charged
With Controlling 90 Tcr
Cent, of Thread Output,
Washington, Juno 2. Tho American
Thread Company will undergo a dis
solution as tho result of an agreement
between the trust and tho Department of
Justice, which entered suit ngalnst tho
company and Its associate moro than a
year ago.
A dccreo -which forms tho basis of tho
agreement was tiled to-day In the United
States District Court nt Trenton, N. J.
It Is set forth In tho dccreo that the
American Thread Company, the Thread
Agency, tho English Sowing Cotton Com
pany, tho Spool Cotton Company, J. A P.
Coats, Limited: the Clark Thread Com
pany, tho Clark Mile-End Spool Cotton
Company, Qeorge A. Clark & Bros.,
James Chadwlck & Bros, and Jonas
Brook & Bros, have entered Into a com
bination to restrain trado In violation
of tho Sherman law.
Tho dccreo restrains nit of the de
fendants from cooperating In the future
In pursunnco of this alleged conspiracy.
The Cmipiiiilra llostrnlned.
The American Thread Comiwiny, the
Thread Agency and English Sewing Cot
ton Company aro restrained from acqulr
lug or holding, directly or Indirectly, any
Interest In tho capital stock or other
securities of tho Spool Cotton Company,
J. & P. Coats, Limited ; tho Clark Thread
Company, tho Clark Mile-End Spool
Cotton Company. Ueorgo A. Clark &
Bros., J. & P. Coats, Inc.; James Chad
wlck & Bros, and Jonas Brook & Brew.
Tho latter group also Is restrained
from acquiring any Interest In tho former
group. J. & p. Coats. Limited. Is ro
quired beforo January 1, 1916, to dlsposo
of any Interest It now holds In the Amerl.
can Thread Company and English Sewing
cotton company. This sale must be to
persons not Its stockholders or Olllcors.
It Is further provided that so long as
ono or moro of the defendants, the. Ameri
can Thread Company, the Thread Agency
and English Hewing Cotton Company, as
a group on the ono hand, shall havo the
samo controlling stockholders or any of
the same officers or directors as one or
moro of tho dofend.mts, tho Spool Cotton
Company, J. & P. Coats, Ltd.; the Clark
Thread Company, tho Clark Mile-End
Spoot Cotton Company, Cloorgo A. Clark
& Bros.. J. & P. Coats, James Chadwlck
ft Bros, and Jonas Brook & Bros.,
both groups shall bo enjoined from engag
ing In Interstate sewing thread trade
within the Jurisdiction of tho United
Mnny 1'rnctlce Forbidden.
Thero Is set forth n, long list of prac
tices which In the futuro aro not to bo
engaged In by any of tho defendants.
Tho prohibitions Include tho soliciting or
confirming of any agreement In regard to
a list of wholesale tar retail dealers In
tho United States with whom trado In
sowing thread shall pot be carried on.
The dccreo nlbo prohibits agreements
with any competitor llxlng trade discounts
and rebates ; agreements for purchasing.
acquiring factories and plants of competi
tors In tho United States : from offering
wholesale and retail dealers In sewing
thrend bonuses or rebates dependent on
the nggrcgnte future purchases to be made
by such dealers. There Is u long list of
other so-called unfair practices.
Among tho Individual defendants nre
Frank E. Bnlley. Houort C. Kerr. E. Mar
tin Phillips. Sir Thomas Olen Coats. John
William Clark, Walter P. Neel, llobert
P. Symington, James Valentine, Joseph
Bowkcr, James c. M. ciarK and c. P.
It was charged In the brief filed by
United States District Attorney John II.
Vreelnnd that tho American company con
trolled U0 per cent, of the domestic thread
business of the country and 60 to 70 per
cent, of tho manufacturers' thread busi
Opprnlirlm and lingers Waive El
nmlnnllon and Give fSfl.OOO Hull.
Aluant. June 2. Baron Eurena E.
Oppenhelm and Howard J.'llogers of New
York, charged with being Implicated In the
alleged shortugo In tho First National
Bank of Amsterdam, N, waived exam
lnatlon beforo United Btate3 Commls
sloner Mills to-day. Both furnished
825.000 bail and will appear before the
Federal Grand Jury at Watertown on
June 16,
William T. Brlce. cashier, and Alonzo
J. Flnlayson, clerk of the bank, will be
arraigned on Saturday. By that time It
Is expected that ex-Assemblyman Richard
J. Murphy, who Is 111, win be ablo to ap
WASiiiNfiTON. Juno 2. Ths report of
tho bank examiner who Investigated the
alleged shortage of J180.000 In the First
National Bank of Amsterdam, N. Y has
been transmitted to the Department of
Justlco by Comptroller of tho currency
Will ams.
Treasury officials declare none of ths
depositors In the bank will lose, as any
loss will bo made good by tho ofllcero
of tho bank and tho bonding company.
Sprypr M: Co. Sny Those Unextended
Have Been Taken Up.
It was said nt the ofllce of Speyer &
Co. yesterday that tho mnjorlty of tho
unextended Missouri Pacific 5 per cent,
notes which fell due on June 1 had
already been paid oft at par and Interest.
Members of the firm refused to say Just
what amounts were bought up by the Jay
Uould estate and by tho bankers.
The new 0 per cent, notes were traded
In on th rurb yesterday nt 94 Vi nnd
closed 96 asked, 94 bid.
It Is understood from reliable sources
that the Interests connected with the com-
pany as soon as possible will try to decide
unon some means for reducing the fixed
charges of the Missouri Pacific. As yet
: nnf u,rcin t.nl.l v nlnn In RHKl tn nSVH
been considered.
Exports of merchandise from ths port of
New York for the week ended May 30
compare as follows with the previous week
snd with tho corresponding week a year
Last week. rrevlous week. Last year.
116.417.478 814.455,362 313,270,696.
Exports of merchandise from January 1
to date compare as follows!
1914. 1913.
$116,083,422 1411,431,116
Receivers Appointed.
Supreme Court Hy Juttice rhllb'.n
Washington Suvlncs Hank vs. Julia A.
Clements, William P. Rooney: Henrietta
Bachrach vs. Haruuli lamed, Clarenco J,
Hamaey; tame vs. tame, Henry B. Beekman;
I,t::!o A. Behests vs. Hcckelmsn Co.. Henry
J. Bayers; Edwurd 11. Bnan vs. Kate E,
Zache, Alfred C. Cope, Jr.; Union Trutt Co,
vs. Jumes A. Gllmoro, Towntend Morgan;
William Bau vs. Unullne Realty Company,
Alfred il. Rau; Jamet Henry Alexander vs.
Andrew IComorotky, Alfrtd C. Cox.
Pabllo Offerings Yesterday In Ms.'
By Joseph '. Day.
122D" BT. 806.8 W. t s, 150 w Amsterdam
av, COxtS.llx Irreg, 6 sty apt bouse- .v V
Life tnt A Trtt Co, tub true, sgt !.
Buppert et al; due, 868,262.6l( tes ,
12,743.42; sub to tax Hen, i7,2S.5Cj In Hi.
plaintiff 1 nni
AMHTERDAM AV. 1980. w s. 60 s ItStli .t
26x100, 6 sty tnmts and strs Meiroioll
tnn Savings Batik agt M It Mtilvany ti nl
due, 114,429.47; taxes, Ac, 3741 90, ud.
Journed to June 0; 8168.7s, ub to tint
mtg of 135.000; adjourned slno ale.
BLEECKBB BT. 303-307, n s, 80.3 s l, roll
st, 26.10x78. two 2 sty tnmts ami .- rv .
U W Dibble agt Josephine L'mtnerlclt
et al: due, 812,610.72; tuxes, &, i .
By Bryan L. Kennelly.
136T1I BT, 170-72 W. s s, 75 o 7th o,, -t
89.11, 6 sty tnt W B Gurnee et i l agt
Hargold Really Co et al; due, US .
taxes, AC, 82.097.25; to the wan,
tiff I '040
100TH HT, 403 U. n s, 60 o 1st uv, 'm.i
R sty tnt and strs A C F Kchuart agt
Hen Heller et ul; due, 828.072.54 i. ,,
Ac, $926.40; to the plaintiff IS'lOOO
llSTil HT, s, 175 e Lenox av, BOxaj u
part 1 story shed and S sty rliutih -Geo
Bchweppenhauaer agt John It Mee.l
et al; due, 35,420.86; taxes, Ac, tl'8 78;
sub to a first mltf of 125,000; adjourned!
sine die.
The following realty corporations wer
"chartered at Albany yesterday:
Marginal Realty Corporation, Manhattan)
capital, 810. 000; directors, A. 11. Burrows,
Irvlngton. N, Y.t Lewis Brown and U A.
Hammersly, New York city.
William L. l'eck Realty Company. Mm.
hattant capital, 11,000; directors. William U
l'eck and B. B. Peck. Bay Hhore, N. Y.
W. C. Dunham, New York city.
Lees Tract Corporation. Manhattan; capi
tal, 31,000; directors, Byman Bonne, Henry
Bonne and lsadoro llernshelm. New Yotk
Bavannah Realty Company, Mlneolsi
capital, 828,000; directors, William IL
Wright. Cora M, Wright and J, B. Grimm.
Savannah, Ga.
rillPARD, CI! AH K, exr, to Evelyn 18
Ilea - 120,000
N Y TITLE INS CO to Frederick II
Ix-vey 842,600
ANOEM1NIA, M1TIA. to Rocco Urcinoll.,81
BBULTZ, CBAH S, exr, to Ida K
nraus 113,009
et al, exrs (40,000
COHEN. ALEX B. to Isldor D Brokaw. 12,300
LIBnnilT, CHAM H, and ano, exrs, to Ru
dolph J Schsrfer II
GOLDHCHKIN, WOLF, toMamls Hlrsch.ltOO
HAMK to same 1100
friend tl
LAWYERS MTG CO to U 8 Mtg & T Co,
tru 825.000
SAME to Title OAT Co 317,000
TITLE G A T CO to Robert C Kammerer,
exr 37.000
SAME to German Savings Bank in City ot
N Y ,810.000
HAKGEN. ISAAC, to Title GAT Co.. 14, 000
McLEAN, ELLEN, to Lawyers Mortgags
Cn tii.uuu
cenhe m 3T5.0HD
BANNER, MINNIE, to H M Banner 31
HAI.I M Alttl T .1. to i: J I.UllVIEll... .11.000
B W It REALTIES, INC, to David Levliio.ll
LEHMAN. Iiuuo. to aiary urennan. .2,iuu
WEI1B, JAMES N, exr, to Ida A
Michaels 320,001
man 81.048
N Y TRUST CO to Moan Est, Ino 1100
NAME to name 1100
II ORHEMIUT A CO, IianKers, to Max
M Warburc 1135.00')
GA1NSUORG, BESSIE, to Cosmopolitan
Manic ft
Hank .. ., 8100
vtui.rj', JL!I,1,, VI HI, 1(1 1, JO,1i,VVU
nime tl&.ouv
1'ellegrlnJ 83,000
L T INS A T CO to Geo T Montsom
ery 14,000
BROADWAY, 33 A 34, and New st, 69 A71
.Mutual Lire ins Co or N Y ugt ituuson
Building et al (toreclos of mortgage);
atlv. F L Allen.
125TH BT, 661 W Broadway Savings Insti
tution or me uity or r. y ngi james
cerald et al (foreclosof mortgage); titty.
It Kelly.
SHERIFF 8T, 54 I.lle A Scholtx tit
Beckelman Co, Inc, et al (foreclos of.
mortgage): uttys, Cury A Carroll.
4STII BT, 02 W George Becker et al agt
Nathan B Jarvle et al (foreclos of mort
gage): atty, R Rodecker.
71HT ST. 67 W Genevieve C Bkelly sgt
Mary A Mortimer et al (action to vacate
deed): attys, Clark" A Clarke.
6CTH BT. n s. 220 ft w ut Central Park
West, 30x100.8 William Rau agt Ursullne
Realty Co (foreclos of mortgage); attys,
M B A I 8 Isaaci.
0STII BT, s s. at bulkhead of the Hudson or
North River, 60x100 Calumet Iron Works
agt Burns Bros et nl (foreclos of ms-
rhanlcs' Hen); atty, II S J Flynn.
l&TII ST, s s, 347,7 ft w bf 7th av, 24.9x86.6
Oscar Hose ngt Frederick O X Mc-
Loughlln et ul (forecloa of mortgage);
nttys, T II A G B Baldwin.
73TII ST, s s, 250 ft w of 1st av, 20x102.2
Pauline Urommer agt Edward Burns et al,
exrs. Ac (foreclos ot mortgage); atty,
II F Llppold.
VAN CORTLANDT AV. ft cor of Orano
Houlevard and Concourse, 261.2 x 35.9
The Farmers Loan A Trust Co sgt C Adel
bert Becker et al (foreclosure of mort
Kags); attys, Gellor, ltolaton A Itoran.
TINTON AV. e s. 120.S n of Southern Boule
vard. 60 x 100 John Kroog agt Fox Strett
Construction Co et al (forecloauro of mort
gage); atty. II. Hobltzek.
CLINTON AV, 1965 Hannah Gold agt Her
man Ruf et al, (action to foreclose trans
fer of tax lien); ntty. L J Gold.
PARCEL 207, map of property known at
Kings Redoubt. Fordhsm Heights Sar
gent A Co agt F D Gheen A Co et al. (ac
tion nt foreclosure mechanics' Ileus); attys,
Phillips A Avery.
TOWNSHEND. JOHN. Tho People or tns
State of New York, bv tho grace of (Idd
freo and Independent, to Emma G. Towns,
hend, Mary Townshend Rennard, J. Clifford
Itenn.arJ. John Townshend ltennurd. Doro
thy B. Rennard, Joseph C. Rennard, Polly
Thorp, Alfred Nlcholsun, Complroller of the
Stats of New York, and J, Clifford Itennird
as General Guardian ot Dorothy B. Rennard.
an Infant, and to all persons Intereited Is
ths estate of John Townshend, late of 'tis
County of New York, deceased, as creditor!,
legatees, next of kin or otherwise, ad
You and each of you are hereby cited ana
required personally to be and appear befors
our Surrogate of the County of New York,
at the Surrogates' Court of said county, lieu
at tho Hall of Records. In tho County of New
York, on the 28th dav of July, 1914 at
hslf-psit ten o'clock In tho forenoon or
that day, then nnd there to attend a Judical
ettlement of the account of proceeillng o'
Mary T. Rennard, as ono of the Execuirlr.'t
or the last will and testament ot aia up
CfcBieil; and such of you ns nre hereby clte.t
as are under the age of twenty-one yesr
are required to appear bv your guardian
If you have one, or if you have none is
appear and apply for one to be appointed
br In ths event of your neglect or failure to
do to, a guardian will be appointed by ths
Surrogate to ropresent and uct for you la
ths proceeding.
In teitlmony whereof, we have cauied tr,
Seal of the Surrogates' Court of
the said County of New York tn o
hereunto nmxed Wttnem. Hull
Robert Ludlow Fowler a Burrow's
(Seat, of our said county, at the County
of New York, tho S7th day of Ma. .
In the year of our Lord one tnou
tand nine hundred nnd fourteen.
Clerk nf th KiirniitVt"' Court
UNTER MEYER, HENRY In pursuance "I
an order, of Hon. Robert Ludlow Fowler a
Burrogate of the County of New Yotk, notice
Is hereby given to all persons having clairat
against Henry Untermeyer, lata of in
County of New York, deceased, to prent
the same with vouchers thereof, to the 4-
.n.,...v 1.11
Al Fll.t Hll.i. Ill- ..,....-.
JACOI1 WERNER. Executors
ecutors, 170 Broadway, Manhattan. Ntw
Tork City,
Aray-N7 Auction Bsrftlns
.!tf SiDA'n'
Xrmj Ttntt U Hlr: Tret Clreala
Francis Bannermsn, 501 B'dwtr, N. Y.
scrlbers at uieir piucs ui irni;iiiiii
nets at the efnro of .Maxwell Davldsun. th '
attorney. No. 170 Broadway. In The f i't
Ntw York, on or before tho
Juiv next. Dated. New York, tho Htli ar
J Tom H.WKMM, . 11. " I H" yaiiww

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