Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1914. 15 fi'f fl PATERNO TO IMPROVE BROADWAY CORNER Takes Plot at 84th Street in Exchange for 109th Street Apartment Other Apartments and Sites Sold. The s x lot lit the northwest corner of Rru.nlw.iy and Hlghly-fourth (tract men o:. -I meral times In the past few years ai Die mIc of tie apartment house i.friil oiis which never materialised In s.t ait to be linprovrtl. Dr. Charles V. 1 itrrno tiaii bought tliu property from flax M.trx nnil will Improve It with a liurtui story apnrtmetit house which 1 II i"- well on to u million dollars. he li '" Monaco lit 227 West lOttth f , 11 ne mnry apartment house, on a ,jl . . reel wlile nml 100,11 feet deep, an Riv ii .a part payment by Dr. I'ntcrno ,r Hie llroulway corner, which li 102.G et o.i llio.ulwny nml 133.7 feet Mong light) irth street. Two years ago the irmr w.n covered with nine small dwell it, i lie propirty of tho llendhelin Con uructuii i '(imp.niy. I Lurry Hchlff wun ' .i mle for an apartment house nl Ih'jk".' tho corner, lie planned to reel a - .nteen story building, some Mnir a rd of In apartment house con tru 'i '' tliu Kchllt chanced his hi, ml I'd t'ie following month tho prop . rtv .u retrinsfcrred to Max Marx. Tho . parltTs- i.t hou 'e itlven for the corner was null' lr I'.'tterno n few yearn ago. The di'.il nvolves property worth $1,000, CCO. III v l'HTMi:.NTS AMI SITUS. Wlr inTM STltKKT dross A. Cross Coiri'.ri and H. K. Howard have sold for tliorge C. TIIou 2."ir. and 23" West lOMli fieet, n modern six story npart m. 1 1 'ii.iis- occupying a plot 75x100, slid ,i cult ige at I ted Hank. N. J. These prcti. riu -i were purchased by Harry Shut ier. who Rave 111 part payment a tra t f about fifteen acres at ttreat Nee, I. I . Including n twenty-five foot right of way leading from the acreage to M.n hus.'et Hay. AtrOfllON .Vi:.S'L'IV Donald llohertson lias pui-cha-ed the northwest corner of Audubon avenue and lSSth street throush Hull J. How & Co. from the timo Iti-alty Company, Inc., In a cash lie The property contains approxi mately i.r.oo square feet nnd fronts 5r..4 fttt on Audubon avenue nnd 100 feet on UJtU street. The buyer will erect an apartment house. WEST 167TH STItUITT Moore, Schutte I Co. have sold for Charles J. G. Mfliel to a client for Investment 60S 610 West lC7th street, a plot 60x8D coupled by u three story framo build- Inr KAST 1UTH HTHI3KT J. Thomas Webb i,i nia "17 Kast 111th street, n live story Hat on lot 3Gxl00, between Second ind Third avenues. WIST 120TH STHKUT floodwln & Ooodv.Ui have sold for Tlllle Merger to Marv M Hnllv lfiS West 12nth street. three story and basement dwelling on lot ICxlOO.ll. L'AST S4T1I rtTIi:irr. John J. Cody has sold for the Murray estate to nn In vestor 13 and IB.". Hast Klghty-fourth rtreet. n plot 50x102. which will be Immediately Improved wun a uvery liable. The plot has not changed own ers In over forty years. MICH MILD IIHO.VX VJ.AT. EAST 131TH STHEBT Unnla & Sltinott hac purchased from Lowenfeld & Fragcr aiu resoiu inrougu iieinj Dahn to Harbara Weiss r.30 i:ast utn str. et a hve story nut on 101 uvxiuu, bwien llrook and St. Ann's avenues, iiiuioKi.iN hi:mi.aiiv sith. As a site for a seminary for boys who later ttlll study for the priesthood tho "homan Catholic diocesan authorities of Tlrnoklyn purchssid yesterday from the estate of H. A, It. Moses the northeast rnrr of Atlantic avenue nnd Washing ton avenue, n vacant plot fronting 191 fe.t on Atlantic avenue and 131 feet on Washington avenue. Its deepest part Is r;i fert. Hive buildings of good archi tectural design will be erected on the plot, thi Improvement aside from the cost of the land to Involve nn expenditure of sboct J30O.000. Tho transaction was msile through the Hlght Kv. George W. Mundelelu. Auxiliary Hlshop of Hrook Ijn. I. falibers has sold for William H. tlll to Harris Wllner a plot, 37.6x100. vn Iorty-seenth street 137.0 feet north ' Thirteenth avenue. I.OMi LSI, AMI CITY KALK8. John Hredr has -sold two lots on Lock, wopd street near I'lerce avenue und two three family brick houses on the north "Me of I'lerce avenua 25 feet east of Third avenue and the frame dwelling at 31 Hanover street. Long Island City, Bi;vi LAIKil! 1'LOT AT KBW. Mux dross, n Jnni.itcn builder, has pur chaed from Leander II. 1'aber a plot, 300x100, at Kew Clnrdens, on which he w',11 build elirht modern Iinmea. The plot purchased by Mr. (Jross Is at Metropoli tan nvenue. Willow nnd Division Htreets, r.d the conslderutlon wuh $25,000, Th dousfs will have client rooms each and will iU for from (8,000 to $12,000. JIILH CO. llUVM l.V Ql'KKNJ. The Mexantler Ctimpbcll Milk Company has bought fiom Ilenr I- Crandell thirty lots and a Iutku concrete Imlldlng ut Htchmond Illll, hounded by IIIIlHlde and Metropolitan uvenurH, rlhernian street nnd the Lung Island Railroad. IXVHSTH l.V JAMAICA PLOT. John II, KIder him sold a plot of ground nt the comer of Illllsldo nnd turKfii avenues, Jamaica, U. L, to Stephen Contoni for Investment. The sale was made throuKh A. M. Hrown. PARK & TLLF0RD BUYERS. Fnrehnserii nf (.'oriier nt Mndlanti Airiinr and 70th Hlreet. I'nrk A Tllford are the buyers of the ilwelhiiR nt 62 Maillson avenue, south at lorncr of Kuventy-elxth street, sold n few i,(i ano by tho Traley estate, which heiii house at $115,000, Tim pur h.isers will ulter the property and will larKe part of It for their own 0U1 SS 1 i' Hinthcoto HotdlnK Company Is thi. iuir. h.iser of tho Douglas & Desmond apartments at Ilia northweM comer of SeenMi avenua and 121t street, reported ftd n these columns yesterday by the ''"simire Holding Company, It Is snld me Ileatliroto company lias resold tn pioperty 111 u trade, 'oi 'i M Dickinson Is the buyer of I1" duellmi; at 127 Kast Thirty-sixth "e sold recently by Pense & Klllman ' t ie estate of Hamuel Sloan, Joseph I'nterno Is tho purchaser of tho i" ''Iuik rl iSD West Knd nvenue. sold fi entiy by A. K.n Hterns. The pmperty s bought to protect the light of tho I ntone apartments on the 104th street turner ,hih If Herrmnn Is tho purchaser nihil duelling at OK West Twelfth fctreet, "id rvceiitly by Horaco H. Kly & Co. lor Allan W. KvnrtH. "i," ito to i) nnvTALS. i i derision of Hupreme Court Justlre,in yesterday the C'rex Itealty Com f1'1 gut h Jndsrinsnt sgalnst the Inter- tof ugh Hapld Transit Company for ,fo ooo for dsmsgo to the property at 121, ' H U I und 133 Park How caused by tho operation of the elevated railroad, The plaintiff nuked S 00,000 on tho ground that theru has been n, Krcat loss In rental nnd the property has declined In value. The court found that tho elevated railroad hue caused a decrease of 11! per cent, In the vnluo of property on streets In tho vicinity of I'ark How and 33 per Cent, decrease on Park How Itself, makliiK an nverugo decrcaso of 79 per cent. The court held that $2,S00 a lot wan surtlclent ilnmairc nnd that no rental damage ihould be awarded becauso tho loss of rents was duo to thu run down condition of the property. 69TH ST. SETTLEMENT BUTLDI33. 'I' fftory Strurlare la Iloaae Lenox Hill Association, 1'lnris are beltlir iir,-ii.ri..i tnr tim ......... tlon of a five story structure to be erected by the Lenox Hill Hettl ement Am. soclatlon on the north sldo of Klxty-nlnth nireei iiu rem east or Avenue A. The property, which measures 11x100.5, was acquired n few weeks ago from Nathan Kean & Co. The association Is at present located at 446 LUst Seventy-second street. ti:.m:ik.ntn kok tiir iiho.nx. Tho Kreymborg Architectural has filed plans In The Hionx for the con struction of two rivo story brick tenement lioiisi s, each tOxSS, on the south side of Kox street, ISO feet east of Avenue Ht. John, for thu Mack Construction Com. pany, Dudley .Macdonnld piestdent, at a eosi or iu,ouo, m. V. Pel Usmllo has tiled plans for a five story brick tenement housH. OGxSS.4, on the west side of Hen son avenue, from Walker to Clay avenues, for William D. Howell Company nt a cost of J 60,000. IIHOOKI.Y.V AI-AltTMUM' 1M.A.VS. .Sliatnjian & Shampan have Hied plana for two five story apartment houses in bo erected on the south side of l'rospeet place 160 feet east of I'nderhlll ave nue, on a plot 100x100, to cost 170,000, for the Levy Hros. Henlty Company; also for an apartment house to bo erected on the south side of I'arkslde avenue 347 feet east of St. l'aul's placo, on plot 43.!xl0R, for the Clayton builders, to cost 130,000. MADISON AV. HOUSES FOR TRADE. sre I'roprrtr ( IJtli Htrrrt to tie Altered by I.rssre. Mrs. Hussell Bane has leased through tho Douglas Robinson. Charles H. llmu-n Company for three years the, two four mory dwellings, eacli on lot 2BxH0, at 733 nnd 735 Madison avenue, nortbeant corner of Klxty-fourth street, Thi lessee is jonn v. Hrett, who will renovntn the buildings. Installing stores on tho ground nuur itiiu eiinveriing i nn upper portions into Dacneior npartmcn's. CLOAK .MAKKII .V IMTII S1u:i:t. Hubln Hros., manufacturers of cloaks and suits at 50 West Eighteenth street, have least d tho seventh and eighth floors In the lUvllIon Hulldlng nt 19 West Thlr-ty-fourth street, running through to Thirty-fifth street, for five years. This Is the nisi ivuse ;nai nas ocen nisdo on Thirty- immi "rci iu ciuimng manuiacturers, an Indication of the movement of trade. The present quarters of tho P.ubln firm were up to a few years ago at the ccntro or clothing manufactures. Then the trade mov d north of Twenty-third street. Now It Is locating In Thirty-fourth street, a recognirea shopping district. E. P. Wlllard & Co. havo leased tho lxth floor at 62 William street to the In dustrlal Finance Corporation, offices nt 6s William (treft to Henry A. Miller. Lucille I'ugh, Joseph I'ugh, Oeorge L, Hoblnron and De Witt 11. Htern. nnd a store In the Fuller Uulldlng to tho Adam'.i rxoress Company. Walter J. Donovan tho store nt 2140 llroadway to tho Iiagle Motor Cycle Com pany. The Cross & Hrown Company has leased to I. H. l'ants Company the fourth floor In S41 nnd 813 uroadwny. CITY nWKLLI.VliS hi:.ti:i). Bluwsoii & Ilobba have leased 3S West Seventy-second street for Holla 3, Hern helnier to .Samuel It. Klasain. DoukUs U Elllman & Co. have leusoit for Hallburton Kales fur u term of yeura 107 Koat Kcventy-second ftreet. a rtcently remodelled four atory dwelling;, to J, K V.nnettl. Harry P. Robbtna tins tensed 113 Kast rifty-fourth street to Mrs. Laura 1J. Lev ering for a term of jears. Shaw & Co. have leased the dwellings at .148 West 122d street to Mrs. A. Puck h nfer, 2)6 West 127th street to Mary McCullout'h, nnd 0 Kast 130th street to James D, V, Ilreen. The Houghton Company has leased for Isanc Friend the four story dwelling; nt 31 West eighty-fourth Ml tot to Nicholas lllanilka for a term of live years. LEASKD 1IAHLKM TllNTMU.NTs. I'etro Madrono Has leased tho two live story tenements at 436 and 43V Kast 117th street, through Juke IlernNtuIn, from Charles Laue. Thu lease la for three years ut a rental that will UKgreKiite $10, 010 for the ttrm. This is the third tene ment house lo.ised in thei last twelvu months by Madrono In tho Hark in Italian district throutfh Mr. llerustein. LHAbi: HUCKAWAY COTTAtJIlS. John Htlch & Co, hav leased octtagea at Par Hockawiy for Wllllmn P. Titus on Hue De Hi. Kellx to J. lloullee for A. K. Morris 99 Franklin avenue to 11. Op lieiihelmer, Jr. ; for the 11. & U Con struction Company on Atlantic nvenue to Moe Kutxeltberg; for Daniel Whltford on Healy avenue to V. Hay Comstock, und for Mrs. P. I, Oliver 885 Mott ave nue to Samuel I.. Welner, taki: wi:stciii:nti:ii i'lackm. At Ardsley Park-ou-Hudoii Kenneth Ives A Co, have' tented for Mrs, Dinlel ll.icmj her housu on Clifton place to A. M, Stewart, and for Herbert H. Carpenter his residence on Latigdoii nveimo to John Kdwlu Dlntz, BRA0DWAY FORECLOSURE SUIT, Mutual Life II r lima Action Aiialnst Wilson liatute Propertr. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of Nw York has started suit to foreclose a niorteiib'o on the property nt 32 nnd 31 llroadway nnd 419 nnd 71 New street, Rdjoliilng the Htundard Oil Uulldlng, Th action Is against tho Hudson Hulldlng. MBishall Orme Wilson and Hlchaid T. Wilson, Jr., ns surviving members of the firm of It, T. Wilson & Co, Tho nmrt gngo Is for 1800,000. und was made by the Hudson HulldlnK. " corporation, to the Mutual Life lnsurnnco Company of New York on May 17, 1909. Frederick I.. Al len Is th attorney for the plaintiff. II H) LOAN OV CANDI.KIt ll'IIPd, Mi. Margaret O. Sage hn loaned $1,000,000 to Asa (1 Candler on th- twenty-four story Candler rtul'dlng on Forty-second stret west of Seventh avenue, 'Die loan Is for three years at iSi per cent. Interest. TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. TltANHFEKS. (With nnmo snJ address of owner rd sttorner. If attorney's nam la omitted ad Ureia parly of second part.) Downtown. (Poulh of Fourteenth at.) Itr.NItY HT, 119, n s, Jin;,c I'anhar llealty Co to Harry Ullckman. 27 Hmer t, mice 29,too, June 1; attys, Davla A I)uvl, tt Uhambera at 1100 AI.I.KN HT, 97, n w s. J5t7.6 laldor Solo mon In Itoale Solomon, 614 lllvil. Hacks way, llor of (J, May 15) otty, II Alexander. Ill Ilway 1100 8TANTON HT, il4, n a, 44 w Uaiei at, :tx so 1'hlllp Jaser to flusan, hla wife, 2:i Klilrldae at, rt part, t. V4 of all Mem, June 1; atty, Harrla Koppelman, 144 111 -Ington at $100 IlI.KlIi'KHH ST, 301-7, ti e s. 80.3 a e drove si, se.lOnU, except part for Jlh sv ex tensionAlbert Trabart by Anthony Tra der!, his comm. to Jaa A Low, lot V tlth at, a t, b and a. June 1; atty, T (I Co, 171 , llwny jm flAMIJ IMIOI'KIITY Hudolph Trabart et ai to same, all of, mtgo I1S.000. May S'J; atty. T (I Co, ITS llway 1100 tTIt HT, a a, 300.4 w Avenue A, 49.HxJS.2 K I. Hp!lmnn ot nl to Abr tlrnenlirrg nml a no, 12 llli at, mtge IU.000, May 3D; nlty. J J Heriimn. Sit Jinny $100 ITII HT, n w cor Merer at, 7l.6iI.I Jno T McCovern, ref, to N Y Life Ina A Truet Cm. 5! Wall t! ottya. Cmmcl A ! 12 Wall St.... , tin, 000 II1IOADWAV, 112-34. e a, 100,1 a 13th al, 44id 4 Htatilllty Itealty Co to Hi llroad way I'orpii. S32 llway. mis. $171,600, sti. Dnvlil (tfir.r. i.a IIivav tlOn lTlt 8T. s s. 233.2 e Oreenwlch St. 40.1X ;.il- Wlnmore Lraelng Co to Oreenwlch Lstal's. Inc. fit V 14th at, May 2. mtge 150,600, atty, T (I Co. 170 llway 11(0 Kat Side. (Cast of l'lfth ov, hetMeen Fourteenth ond 110th ate.) tTH AV, 7. n e er 16th t. (I Ml, runa n 3. a 10 x n t.l x a 26 x 100 to n a 16th at x w 12J to beg The 73 6th AV Co tn 7th at Cu. 1J llway, mtg 1140.000. June 1; nttys, Htortdard .t M, 131 iiHy tioo 221) HT, n a. 226 w Id av, 26 x 91 9 Mary A Thornton to llenjainln llybakoft, 233 2 1 at st. mtg 110,000, Juno lj atty, Moaea N. KrakiiHer, 320 llway 1100 37TII HT. 322 U. n s. 427 e 2d av. 20 x 97. tn 20 old Husan t x 20.2 to heg Nathan llrllmann to Hurah llonnle, 329 e 37th st. intg 17,000, May it; sttys, T O Co, 17 llway , ii LKXINOTON AV, a e cor 71at at, 20 x Dlna tlelnhnuer. exr, to Anna Bplegel. 1 w 119lh st, June li attys, T (I Co, 176 Hy UOO HA.MB rilOPERTY Anna Uptegel to Loula lloth. 109S 3d av, mtg 112,000, June l! attys, T O Co. J7 Ilwsy $100 71HT HT. n s. 220 w 3d av. 16 x 102.2 Will iam H l'o.t to Albert It Lamb, lis e 7th st. mtr 16,. May 23l attys. T O Cu, 174 llway tioo 1ST AV, 1601 a. 40.1 Ttlll al, ll.l x 74 Mary U'Connell. et ll exra to Mnry P. I) Conned. 350 e 79th at. May 80; attv. II ,uir, ibv. isi av 9iuij 7TH HT. 34 K, a s. 127 w Tt av. 17 x 0 Miry o'Conntll at at airs Jamta O'Connell tn Mary ; U'Connell, 160 Tilh at. ull Menu, May 30; atty, i: N Adler, 1600 1st nv $100 79TK HT a a. 110 w 1st av, 17 x SO same tn nnie, all liens. May 30 ll'JO 79TII HT. a . 93 w lt av. 17 x 102.2 uint tn same, all II. p.. May 30 1100 IIHT HT, a a. 16. a let av, 26 x 102.2 Mary OConnell et nl xra to Mary K UConnell, 350 a 79th at. halt part, May 30: atty, U S Adler, U0C 1st av 1100 ilHT HT, II a. 113 w Id av, 20 X 91.10 Wll hehnlna V Milder A ano, exra. to Arcada Henlty Co. 1(6 a tutli at. May 37! atte. T 1 A T Co. 176 Hway I too IIHT HT, n s. 176 w 2d UV. 24.11 x 102.2 -Whv. Improvem.nt and Construction Co to Jnenb Oumpel, 316 Audulmn av. mlg 130,000, June 1; atty, A A Hllkerberr. way fioo 7Tlt HT, n a, 90 e 3d UV. Xorthrnte- Itealty Co to Theresa mon. 311 W 94th ati May Hi attyi Llnil A 1. 4 Cedar t $100 II) AV. a e enr Mh at, 25x100 Saml Kahn et al to ltudoir lMllak. 1192 Z' av; May II; mtge. 111,040; atty, Joel Krone, m Hway $100 West Mde. (West ot Fifth av, between Fourteenth and lloth sta.i itTii t . . iii t ... i.x. ... ... 20th'Hl're.t 'itealty Cn to VulraVi it,alty Cornn. 2C0 till v: Jun : miir.. mi.. ooO: .ntv. T ii !. 17s iinav ... .. linn 331) HT. s a. 5r, w 10th nv. 3.',x74x lrrvir I Anonrnmu. I',, l.i X V l" .1 II II II It I'n at Albany. N Y; May 29; mtge. $12,000; ntty, T II Cn, 17 llwny... $100 49TII HT, n a. 325 w 6th uv. 2Sxl0i t (partition Mav ID ivrclvnl II II egury. rn. jre jvavanaxn, iza w sin ai; i llwar..!'.. ". . 49TII HT. n a. Uo w llih u. -r.n'., olo nil r t - I ii. follows! Interior lot nt I, IilK bet 49th & 50tll sts A 160 w llth av, runa s 7 lx vr 25r. n o.llx e 2 to hex Ulli.ib-lh I, Davli to Jno C forater. 111 W 47th t; Juns 1; mtge, I eo.svo; aiir. jos j jiarrn, 99 .vaxnu . lion i ITII A), a a cor llili at, 26.6x100 Then lo. "'oem. ) I)rlvi Mov 1: mtge, 110,000; att, I. Tl .i ifl :"y ..... "I"! '. ...' s. . w central Park Wett. isoxioo.s 7th Ht Cn to Kullerton Wearrl V, l'r I jitiV-V ut.ty'.,,,J.T ' .n.VUV Hr'. ,,K"oi "TL'w7'. 4iV w..M,h.av' J5xl0p.4 John i.i.i" ii, . vcntrai i utty, T Q Co, 175 Hway... Tptonn. (Manhattan Island, north of lloth st.) AMSTUHDAM AV. 1040-41, n w eor 111th si, i.. stsi.vxsf.ioxsi.s cnmtiact Itealty .,?!AUu,,!! !l Skelly, S4 W ilJ st. mtge, tie. ,000, all II lis, June 1; ntty. T HI t ,. 176 llway . . .1100 I 1I3TII ST. II e, 100 th av. Mitiirl.A (1, in. I, nan. rmf , I . , u ,u.,' duck. Kl.hklll. N V. iUy 59; att)a, Thnmp.1 snn. k t w, :se limy , is. ooo i KITH ST.- a s, 174.1 a 1th av, IS. 1x100.11 , Albertlne M Melius at al. exra, Ac Hy Heuer to Ullz Doyle, 101 I'ark uv, Ilklyn. mtge 110.000, June 1; atty. M 11 Larkln. I HO 1th av 1100 . jd-ij m. ms , s s, w from e "Hi av, Ciixt9.11 IHnlel , L Kuril to 131 w i3du m i orpn. all liens, June 1. atty. A T Scharps. 170 llway Ill I33D HT, n . 76 o 7th nv, S3x9.ll Chaa B . lugnta. jr, ref. to Albert Bchai fer. Ill W 110th st. June 1: attv. At.l Joi.nh,. snn. lit llway 110,000 134X11 HT. 611 tV. n s. 4!3 w Amsterdam av. 4tx99.ll Itoeenthal Constn Co to llosa Samuels at Ashvllle, N C. May tt. mtgn 152,000; uttys, Kumrowltz A K, 320 Hwsy noj 140TH HT, n s. ::.4 e Lenox av. 41, lx 99.11 Clara Hloomlngdal to David Israel, too V th st. mtga 1:5.000, June :; ntty. 13 K HplegHberg. 170 llway 1100 WADHWOHTH AV, s e eor 179th. st, 4Sx 99.11 Hand Harris to Kredk Hurling, 575 W 146th st, uitxe 150,000, June 1; atty. T O Co, 17d Hway 1100 llronx. (Horough of The llronx) CItHSTON AV, s. 111.: n 190th st, 73 lOx 149.1 Caroline O Storey to Oeu II Me Oulre, 339 i: I41d at. June 1, mtg tlo.000; attv, 7UST Co, 176 Uway tioo LAKONTAlNi: AV. w a. 11T.4 n 17Sth st. 37 (xlvv Wm W Hlgglns tu Iopold llaldsgger, S410 Valentine av, Apr 31: atty, samo , $100 LOTS 191 and 196, map Catholic Protectory Otto Kuhlmann to I.111U llohm and ana, 244 V 137th et, Juno 1, mtg $5,000: utty. aams lino LOTS !19 to JSl and 111 to 517, mup St Joaeph's Orphan Aaylum; nlwi lots 144 tn 147 und 196 to 699, map Luhbauer I'ark Krani Koempa! and ano, tru, to John A Kosmpel et al, 440 K 156th et. May 21; atty, Hobt A Koempel, 3S1 11 S6th st it MANIDA ST, s w s. 111.1 s e Harrison av, 35x100 Winter Itussell, ref, to Frederick W Lorrh, 713 11 141th at, June 1; atty. ti T I A T Co $1,000 UNION AV, 1095. w a. 81.1x90.9 Mary A Thornton to Mary Kckert, 1312 Clinton nv. June I, mtg If.iou; atty, L, T I ft T Co, lto llway Sltiu IIDATH AV. e s, 544.11 n Hnston rd, 33. 4t 100 tl Achilla Hclnbha tn Calngern Hcha f.ilil nml uuu, 149 Ullubutll at, May 5H. mtg $3,600; atty. earns $1 LOTH 14 to 46, map Westchester Terrace, 75xl2.7 Vienna ITessed Veast Co to 1'lelichmann Co. May 16; ntty, J Tuiinen. baum, 119 Washlngtorf at $100 DALY AV. 1HS. e a, 16. 5x19.11 John II I'etarsnn to Martin Mahnnny, 1113 Duly av, May 54, mtg ll,00; utty, M J Scanlnn. 61 Chambers st 1100 332D HT, ii e s, 105 s e 6th st, 56IS9 10 T Hdivards Clark tn llomun Dombkouskl, 7k I'.ltou av, July 16; utty, J Uronlch. 500 Hway $1 LOTS 67-tit, parcel 50 and Iota It und 16, parcel 53, map Wm H Ogden Mrrwln Itealty Co tn Thos II lie) noble, 110 Ander son av, May 19; uttys, Todd & St John, 531 Ilway 1100 IlKAH I'AHT LOT 61, map Towneend Voolo estate, 10x100! also rear part lot 64 same map. 61x100.6 James II Itnrfecker. Jr. Douglss M llnffecker. Hartford. Conn. May 27, nlty. A 11 Favour. 41 Cedar St.. II KKLI.Y HT. 415 e s. 41.3x115 Lawrence Davis In 11 Maud Kartell nr.d nrinthr. 5691 Hrlxgs nv, May 16 mtg 15,100; attv, T O A T 'o. 17 Hway JtOO SIMPSON ST 1011, w s. 41x105.1 I.IIIIh llnhm In otto Kuhlmiinn, 1416 LnriKfellon' av, Msv 59 mle tlS.Oii'l. in me atty.. $100 win THKilN lKiri.KVAltl), w s. ?5 11 s Hume et 30x0 .tnhanua Vl"k to Waner Henlty Co 1514 Hryant uv, June 1; attv. T ( c.i, 176 Itiviv fl soi'tiikiin itnrr.nvArm, w , r.o n ll'fiKibrblxii rd. 10x100 Wm Ttuhl lo sjdjhael N P,dagl, !JSJ .10 Iloulerard, June "HZ!!,,' m u- i U 'r,"10""- MiTl Io I. U16. C p c. June l; atty, Blmonwa. 2: attys. (iould A U, 1 Wall st......ll ). iiw.v . ' .no I 70T1I fT. a s. Ill e 4'olumbua av. SlxlOv.S ..oVil MT . w'Vnr till av lOOi-i't i.,1 1 Mliin . Ilnn.; ln I w niln.V Vn'u- -iTT "" T "is Co. I0 llway 11115.000 i lif i Sir. I K 'i ' S '10S "0TII FT. 41 W s .. Ill e Columbus av tiw; " 1 ,'""r M' '2V ::t100 S lldwln Hluin to Julius (InlJman. HltOADtvAVV- w eoV iiih rioMxiis- ' "'Vl-f,1!" t 3 Jrr' Coil nw.y ,M,;T-rfme1"yoae,0V.nv,t ITST. . sT 166 w Coli'mbu; nv.' iSxlM T ii tV, i-V riu'.- ' K ''-i001'' B"i John .M (lardner to Mutual Life 1ns Cn 10ST1I ST, n s, loVV'iVlversfiie' r)'rie, lis ndN""" 'U ""llFo'o 100.11 Chns II llirkley to Marlon Jl or", ;, ; ,3i5 lurklev. 7 II Mb t. Junn 1. inter 110.080. 1 4 ploirn. II 1, mtg 17,1601 atty, T (1 A T Co, 17 TJwsy $I0J OT'UYTBN DUYVII. PAllKWAV, n s, 200 s Sidney si, 26x100 Carrie L Carnccloll to Rile M lmyle, 16 Park av, Ilklyn, Apr 11; aamo ally II MOItltlS AV, a e cor Kith at. 11x35 Thorn ton llroa Co to John Hchelberr, 111 Morn Ingtlde av, Mny 21, mtg $5,600; atty same ...1100 1IHYANT AV, 1630, e a. 17,1x100 Waner Itealty Co tn Augusta J Kink. 2106 Av C, llrooklyn, June I, mtg 114,000; asme atty $100 LAKONTAINK AV, w a, 0.6 n 131st st. lOOx Irreg Jamee A Lynch, ref, to Krank A Itussell, sdmr, 103 drove st, Putnam. N V. Apl 22; attys, Hatsett, T A (1, 277 llway ,, $200 KOUTItKUN llOI'I.KVAltl), 119, n w s. aOx 100 Win II Caldwell. Jr. to IMw A Maaia, 609 Ilalnbrldge at, Ilklyn, June 1, mtre IS4 000S atty, THAT Co, 178 Hway. .11 216TII HT, n s, lot 605, map Laeonla I'ark. 25x100 Carolina I'age to Denla Knowles, 300 K 134th at, June S; atty, T II & T Co, 17 llway fioo MOKItlH AV, e a. 313.9 n 179th at, IS.9X 100 earnest ft Erkley, rrf, to Jas C Oreen, 411 Morris Park av. May 27, mtt.e ie.600; attys, Cloeke, K A 11, 391 C 149th at 11,600 MoltlllH AV, a. 316 n 171th at. ll.9100 Haine to same, May 27, mtge I, 600, atty. same 11,600 MOTT AV. 369, n s, 26xl0. John Fried rich to Herman 1, Knllmar, 349 K 118th st. May C. mln Ill.trOO; atty, C II Krlenrlrh, 11 Naseau at 1100 ANTHONY AV. e a. 125 a Prospect place. !9i9.3xl9.1x97.4 I'atk J Conlan to Anna M Crofton, 17s Ith av, June I, mtge 16,000; stty, 1' J Conlan, llll Tth av floO PttltltY AV, W s. 116.1 I Uid rJ, 76x100, tn the drlte x 7S,I0II. L'llen I. Uooley et nl tn Hannah V furlln and ano. 2207 l'erry av. May 21; atty, Mary C Curtln. 3107 Terry uv , IIKAII HWAM1' III), n e a. at ii s Hackett av, 14i.sxin.ixn.ix7f. Harold u Knoep Pl, ref, tn Dollar Havings Hank. 2I0J I, 1 nv, June 2; attys. Lexow, M A W, 41 Cedar st 11.000 nttOOK AV, a ror tilth at, 26x96 CIU llorllng to Northern Holding Co, 119 N a snu t, June 1, mtge 129,600; attr, I, T Co. I0 llway $100 1511) HT, a s. 125 w Cnurtlanrtt av, 25x100 - Henry Hchuler et at to tleo (lebe rt al, 4) Courtlandt nv; June I; mtge, II. 700; atty, Thos C l'tleron, 147 Court landt sv,,.., $100 COCItTLANDT AV. e s, 61,1 n 110th st. 80i9J Jamea Whealan at al to Kratmo He r.inl.i. ;i Courtlaiult av; Jtin I; mlge. $4,000; atty. N Y T Ins Co, 115 Hway 1100 MOItTtiAOI-N. (With name mid addresa o: lender and lender"i rttorney. ) lkMnlHn. tHouth of Fourteenth st.) UIVINOTON HT, a a, 76 a e Norfolk st, 25IOO,4 llernard Fortgans tn Alirahain Lalpalg. 60 W 77th ai; June 1; 1 yr, p c; uttye, Jacob & L, 111 Nassau st 12.000 4T1I HT. s s. 200 4 w Avenu A, 49 '.X90.1 Abr llreenbrg and nno tn Lmsnuel t Hprllman, 174 Wilt F.nd av; prior mtg,; due Dec I, 192C; p cs att. lint & I'. 128 llway I2S.S11.90 CTII HT, 424 K. s. :4.x92 4-- Abr Limit tierg In Jacob Iterner and snn. 31 1st st; May 2; prior nitre. t;o,000: due Nov 1. 191s i p e; ntty, Harris Kopp- num. Ill Hlvlntnn st $17 500 l.t Hide. tUuet of Fifth av, brtwren Fourteenth and 110th sts.) 221) ST. n s, 22S w Id uv, 25xS 9- -llenj ItybakoR tu Hynun Fleh. 137 W 110th st, June 1. pr mtg $10,000. 4 )rs, ti p e; utly. M N Krakow er, 320 lluuy. . $1,760 37T1I HT, n s. 437 e 2d av, 20x97. -Harali llonnle to Nathan llellmann. 414 i: 6oth t. Mny 20, pr mtg 17.000, due as pr Imnd attr. T 1 Co. 17 llwar 14.000 LI'.XINUTO.V AV. e cor 71st at. 20x9 Anna Hplcgei to cnas Hcnuler, til Clay uv. June 1. rr mtg, due aa p-r bondi ntty. T II Co. 17 llway. ,. 12,000 71HT HT. n s. iiv w 3J av. 15x102 2 Albert It Lamb tn Th )ooilawn Cents, lery Curt). 20 H .3d st. June 1. 5 )M, p c in per bond; atty, T tl Co. 17 i llway lir odd I RAME rHOPF.IlTY Hame tn Wm H Tost, llernarilsvllle. N J. Jun 1. or mtr 116.000. 6 yrs. p e, atty, T O Co. 17 lli.iy $5,00 waiiiho.n av, ii w eor satn st, loo.sxut.i, t'entury Holding Co to Wm F A r murmur. llrlilaeiinrt. Ccinn. 3 yrs, S n c. Junn 1: L - tVi"' t T'": L'o 'J a'V"- 'iiiilW9 9. Til HT, II s, 90 e 3d av. 25x100.11 Theresa I.nnon to Mary I)rlHr. 23 I! ld it. May. 24. 3 yrs, 6 p c; ntt)a, l'ran 1 55 Wall at It. 000 2I AV. a a eor tilth st. 2$xl00 Iluitolf l'nll tk tn Haml K'jlin, Trenton, N J, pr intg llc.000. Jun I, dun us per I, on, I; att), II j- Oreenberg, 99 Nassau at. .16,000 We-t Side. (vt of Fifth a v. between Fourteenth und 110th sta.) 37TII ST. 413-415 W. n s. 176 w 9th nv. 60x 91. S Piled Iltalty Conetrt Cn to yers Tltla Ins A Tjit Co. HO llroadway, June 2, 5 yra. 5 p n $46,000 421) HT, a s, 200 w 7tli nv, 125x91.9 Am II Camlltr to Marxaret O Hare. C04 6th av. June 2. 3 yrs. 4 D c: utty. T O Co. 17 llway ll.Ooo.OOO 9TII AV. s, CO.I n 4th at. :o.lxJO Hurry M (Ireenbvrg to Franklin Hv Hank, SI 1th av. June 2. 6 yrs. S n c: atty. M 1'iwell. Jr. 7 Wall at 4jTn t. ii s. 125 w th av. :5xtOO,4 Jere KavansKh to N V Tltlo Ina Co, 135 Hmadway June 1. 3 yrs. 5 p e..l2,000 SAMl; iio.F.UTV Same to Flora II Polo- mon. 631 w llltl) at. rr nits lie 000. iIuh (Manhattan Island, north nf 110th st.l 119TII ST. n s. 115 e Inox av. 60 x is.ll Arthur Abrams to IMIth A Kraxton, Sl l.ifayette av, Ilklyn. Muv :9, pr mtg $40.- 000. 1 rs, 8 p c; atty. Udward A leaiico. n'oTll' HT. n s. 13X4 V LerinVavi Vl.a x 5' 1 -.David l.rn-l to Clara Illonmlngdals, 57 15.000 1 Msdlson av, due September I. 1911, One. June 2, atty, tl I! Hplegelberg. 170 llwny 155,000 AMSTKItDAM AV n w eor 167th st. t9 11 x 115 Itlverstde Viaduct Itealty Co tn Law. re Mtg Co, 61 Liberty st. Jun 1, due ns par bond; attys, T tl Co, 17S llroad way 1110.000 llronx. (Horough of The Dronx.) Ill-lHLM PI.ACK. w a. lot 40, amended map nrnnxwona rirs, -1 x ii x i jwi John It Dunn to Jamea O'Keefe. Ill Trln- Hy av. May 17, 3 yra. C p c; atty. Denla wuinn. zn iiwav ii :uu HAME I'KOPEItTY Same to Uuatav I.lf- Bren. ltovinn Center. N, T pr mtg $2,100, Mav 57. 3 yrs, C p c; atty, 1". L Ilrasaeh, 391 i: 119th at IkOO LOTS 195 and 194. mop N V Catholic I'rn tectory Otto Kuhlemunn tn Mathlas llaf trn. 5179 Marlon av, June 1, 3 yrs 6 p 16.000 HIM i'HON HT, w s. 246.1, a Westchester av 41 x .36.1 Otto Kuhlmann tn Msthtas Hiirfen, 2979 Marlon uv, pr mtg $33.0i)i). June 1, 3 yrs Inn 11,600 UNION AV. 1095, w s. 51.2 x 90.9 Marv 1'eksrt tu Mary Thornton, 600 w 143d st pr mtg $3 750, June 1. due etc as per 9th at. Mar 11. due aa De M I.anslt. 27 Cedar st 11.000 3I6TH ST, n s, being lot 606, map Laconli I'ark, 23x100 Denis Knowles to Caroline Psge, 1011 Vyse av. June 5. due as per bond: atty, T O A T Cn, 176 Uway, .$400 SOl'THRKN IIOULISVAItD. 119. ll s. 60x 100 Kdward A Maaes to Wm II Caldwell, Jr. Ill W I21d st. pr mtg 118 000. June 1. 5 yrs, C p c; atty, T O A T Co. 176 llway 15,000 DALY AV, lms, e a. 16.2x49.11 Martin Mahonry to John H Tsterson, 1190 Daly av, May 21, due aa per bond; atty, M J Hcanlan, (1 Chambera at $7,000 IlltOADWAY. 6711. w s. 62x165 John It Ilrady to John MeClure, 511 East Kings bridge rd. June 5, due Apl II. 1916, 6 p e! attys. MeClure A P. 61 Ilway. ..... ,11.000 PPITYTUN DITVVIL I'AHKWAY. e a, 100 a Sidney at. 26x100 Klls 11 Doyla to Cath olio Women's llenavolent Legion. 151 E 44th st, Junu 1. due as per bond; atty, T II 4: T Co. 176 llnay $5,600 Kill. l.V HT, 915. a a, 41.1x113 K Maud llartell nnd ana tn Lawrence Davie, 71 ilreen at, Newark, N J. pr mtga 121,000, June 1, due Apl 2, 1917, 6 p c; atty. sam $$.150 HltYANT KT. 1510, e s. 97.6x100 Augusta J Kink to Wauer Itealty Corpn, 1524 Dry ant av, pr mtge $51,000, June 1, 6 yra, Ope; atty, same 16,250 8RDOWICK AV, w s. 209 11 s fordham rd. 61.6x11 6 Wlllard tl Illxby to Tltla Guar A Trust Co, 176 Hway, May 29, due aa per bond; utty, Title GAT Co. 170 llway $5,000 MANIDA HT, a w s, 113.1 s r Uarrlenn nv. 26x100 Frederick W Larch to Chaa 1) Williams, Maplewood, N J, June 1, 3 yrs, 6 i,i p c; utty, L T 1 A T Co $7,000 SATISFIED MOHTOAOES. (With nama and addresa of lender's at torney.) llLKKCKHR HT. 105-107, n e a. 10.1 s e drove st. 56,10x75. May 1, 1199 Anton A- Kranzlska Trabert to (leo W Dibble, Mt Veruun. N V; atty, J II Carpenter, sal ilrernwtch st ir.oo "1ST HT. li a, 230 w 3d av, 15x102.2, Nov 12. 1906 Wm H Turd to Ulias W Plerson; ntty. L T I Co, ISO Uwtiv $15 000 UJTU ST, e a, 100 w Id at, 20x100 11, June 27 1906 Conrad Helnmanu lo Chu 1 lelnuiunn ; atty, (lustav J Voir, 61 Pork lcnw : It. Kan 111TH ST, 601 W. ii w cur Amsterdam av tiuii-eej, iu; -msteruam av. 1050-64, w a, 40.A s 1 llth St. 47 Sx 112.2x16x99.5: 101th st, 51 K. n s, 20 a Mad av. 60x50; Oct 1, 1911 Cumpact lleslty Co te Jacob W Solomon, i E 96th at; atty, Joe rtontiky, til Uway., , , fT.IOt bond; atty Lawyers TAT Co, 160 urou.1- i vT-wvf'r iv : L: ." V.V i.; ' '. ':i,B": wuv $650 NVi1nL'V .AoV...m1, ...?.lL".tblth. V rnoSPKCT AV. w e. 225 w 166th St. 30x100 1 .". w'." ",' ,.i".iui, .ur . ' pJh.eca oVldbrr to Lillian La. alt 614 11'" S"1 to. Marietta da Pasguale ; ... .... ... r....;. siiva. nobis a lm. x wan ut ts nna CITY HEAL It STATE. For Sale A Handsome Private Residence on Riverside Drive Near Soldiers and Sailor' Monument Modern Five 8tory American Basemtnt Hoiite Electric Passenier Elevator Lot 25x100 Price $58,000 Watson & KrUteller At.orneyi Tel. ST John 100 William St. I.ONO IKIAND RKAL ESTATE FOB BALE. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN! Shorefront Eungalow Very atlractlve, rnnalattnr of rooms and bain, French windows, elertrto llihta, splendidly lo cated, restricted Delctiborhood, 43 minutes from llroadway; excellent Iraln srrlre. Can lie bourn t very cheap. Must have 1200 rath. Ilalanee 120 monthly. BALDWIN IIARnoHltEALTYCO.. 241 W. Itlh St.. New York. (I'bone I70O Greeley) $5500 Bargain Two family linumi re-ntotl niiw to koivI prompt (wtyltiK teiuinU. Onlv 100 foet iroin uuy nrK. nno witter viow. Oocxl noigiiuoriUMsi ItlCKKUT-FIKI.AY TtEALTY CO.. 1 Win! 34tll Ht IIKOIIKLYN IIUI'rIKM IIIK HALE. 202 MtDWOOD ST. One of lit famiiiia "Huv I,.nlH. llomea." Two-story limestone. 1 rooms, inert bath, uarquel floors, hardwood trim through nut. IM60; 1760 cash, balance $60 monthly iv Lu,.r pnnc-iiiui aim iniar-sr HEALTY AHUOflATKM, 12 Itemi.n Htrest, llrooklyn. N. y. I'hane Main l0. tVESTCIIKHTKIt HEAL KSTATK TOK H.VLC ALONG THE r-OUNU ilNII HUDSON Kenneth lies & Co 7 E. 42 Hr-1. E.STATB--qi)T UK TOWN. l.tTTI.i: farm at a bargain; llriflrat pamrnt:lf yeu ran't use It now, gouil chance to settle down laier and be comfortable; onlylt mouUdynrnlcd; easy enouih; hindy to lilt towns and station; full price U. Write or call for particulars. 11S1II.II. Ill Hatbuih av.. llrookltn. AJ-AKTMKNTH TO LET rCltNIMlllilL 111 VUHMIIJIi UltlVU. near llCth Slrest Attractive front apartment overUoklnf river, delightfully coal; aevan rooms, two hatha; will sub.let for samm.r fully furnished, sliver and linen Included; terms reasonable. Apply Itoom 1011, 41 Welt llth Street. Tel. Uree !) 1010. amhti:hdam av. ioso-ss. w s. 40.4 s 113th st, 46x99. 3x47.$:115 S: Amsterdsm av, 1012-44, n w cor 111th st. 65.6x14. 9x 61 10x67.6 tu beg; June 10, ll:--Krank. fort Keslty Co lo Jacob W Solomon, 66 L octh st; utty, Jos S ltosalsky, 314 llnay. 11.600 IIAHHISON AV. li w cor Cornell av, it 90, Kept 17, 1907 Uertha MeJtiel to Jno W Ilurpsr, trustee; attys, Allen ft Caun- nuvlli. 63 Wall st 11.000 ITII ST, s w s. 555 s e 1st av. 56.10x97,6. Nov 5. 1906 leldor A Olseta Uerger et al to Chas W Uhlan, ear; atty, Emlle A Haey. ll3 llwny $! 00 LAKONTAINB AV. 2051. w a. 117 6 n 171th st, 27.6x100 Sophie Ikvaorth and ano to Leopold and Lucta llardeggar, 1410 Valen tino nv. Anrll 1. 111 attv. Dmll Her mann!. 391 U I4lth at 15,000 14TH ST, a a. 311.1 w Id av, 46.4x101.3 llenj and Sarah Nlebrrg to Isaac Sherman, May 19, 1904: attya. Straabourger. K.chwcjce A S. 71 llway 112.000 LOT 40, amended mop 1031. llronxwood Hark, t7.5x xlOI John It Dunn to Oue tav Llfgren. Hovlnu Centre, Delaware county. N. Y July 27. llll; atty. Charles L. I'llman. 1551 White Plain) av. Tim llronx II. 000 IIHATII AV, e s. 544,11 n from n e corner llostnn road. 11.1x100.11 Achilla Sclnbbn tn Mlchasl Paterno, 100 Prospect sv, Sep. tstnbir 1. 1912: attv. Walter 1' Peacock. 34 Pin- st $1,900 37TH ST 411-415 W. li s, 75 w 9th av, 60x 14.9 Haled 11 A C Co tn luaso Marx, De. cmh-r 14. 1107; atty, Krederlc de ! Vns ter, , Wall st 151.000 91ST HT. s s. JSO w Columbus av. 11x100.1 John M and Eugenia N (Isrdner to Mutual Life Ins Cn, December 11, 1904; address 69 Cedar t 19,000 111TII ST, 27 W. n s. 626 n Lenox nv, 6ox 99.11 Uustav Kallekl et al to Isldor D Hrnkaw, 745 llhenldo Drive, April 10. 190C; atty, l"-lw A Issaca, 65 Liberie st $15,000 LOT 61, rear portion of. map 614. Towne.nd Poole estate, 10O.6xtO.7il0Ox3:.9; Lot 64, same map, rear part of lot, I00.6x44xl00x 66.3 James II, Jr. and Kllrubeth M lloffecker to Helen I. O Stapler, 56 K 76th st. February 27. 1912; atty, B It Urkley, 41 Wall st 11.144 AMHTKHDAM AV, 2094. s w corner 141th st. mtg on lsse, 4c Peter J, McKenna and William II Perry, copartnera, to Hern helmer A Hchwarta Hrewtng Cn, Amster dam av and 121th st. October 17, 1111 $3,100 3D AV, w s. 75 n from n I of lot 21, man upper Morrlannla. 10x16,11x10x12.10 J P M Co to the Payne estate, $1 Park av, May 10, till; attya, ltaevea A Todd. 166 Hay 11,000 3 ITII AT. 60 W. s a, 517 6th av. 21x91.1 Mary K Htrong to the Equitable Life As surance Society, December 11, 1911: attys Alexander A Oreen, 163 Uway 150.000 11I.KECKEH ST. n s. where dlv line bet 157- io inrecaer st I. sen 17TII HT, 112 W. a a. 17x100.1. May 12. 1911 Alice II and Wm 11 Illllan ti. .In. fin T. Miner; atty, M B Hrown. 76 William IIK1.MONT AV. w a, 115 n 114th St. 50x67 6, jnnc i. nva wis nun cooperative Co tn Solomon Huttborger; atty, M Sulttrgr, II Perk How 000 TItANBFKIl of tax lien 1261. lot C, I.Ik 1221, sen 11, May 39. Ull Isidore Jack, son to Dept of Finance $16,656.11 106TII ST, 311 W, n s. 266.S w Amsterdam av, 91.4x100 11, Jim- 2. 1909 Harnett O Davla to llrnest O W Woerx; atty. I. T I Co. 160 Ilway $35,000 101T1I HT. 211 W, n s, 531.4 w Amsterdam av. 93.4x100.11, June 1, 1909 Sums to same: ntty sime 115.000 73D ST. s s. 154 4th av, 14.6x102,2. Mav 1. 1145 Dsnlel Henneasy to Ithude Islsnd Hospital Trust Co; uttys, Cadwalader, W A T, 40 Wall st $11,000 97TH FT, 413.416 W. n a. 176 w th av. 60x II 1. Deo 9. 1907 Dated II A C Co to Oen Then Seminary ! 17 Church In the U 8' attys, Murray, Dennett & I, 22 William st , 115 000 i:VHnortr.i:N AV, n e cor Westcheeter nv. runs ii lotx e lOOx s 7 10s 60x 107 1 to n s Westchester av. x w 160 4 to her. Jan 7, 1913 Pew Ileulty Corpn to N Y Trust Co; atty, V A Snow, 16 Wnll st $92,000 IIECOHDKD LEASES. Manhattan. 17TII ST, 119-61 Dl 7th st. 531-40 E. all Harris Pnrgea to Sam Rtllnger. 132 E llth st. 3 yrs from July 1, 1914: atty, Oeia Klchhnrn, 909 Hway ,..$12,000 AMHTKHDAM AV. 1761, store and baee ment Herman Huesens and ano, trus, to w Sudan. 1761 Amsterdsm av, 6 yrs from May 1, 1115; atty, Jos Helm.nth. IS Nassau st $1,340 I.HXINHTON AV. 141. all Kugrnls J Smith tn Adolph Huchwsldsr. Ill Lexington av, 6 2-12 yrs from July II, 1114 II eoo 1ST AV, 90, store and basement Isaac Mrssar to Slgmund Krenter. 71 St Mark's 1, 6 yrs from May 1, 1915; atty, D trsusnian, 170 Ilwuv 11,200 NKW CHAMHKII8 HT, 61; Itoosevelt st, 63-55; New lluwery, 11-16, all llarthol nmew Mitchell to Krnest A Schwelck hardt, 111 l'earl st, 4 yrs from May I, 19U atty, Lewis H tloebel, 41 Park How 11,100 MAODOUHAL HT 40-43, all It Hclsrrllln and aim to John Marino. 9 yrs from July 1 1914; atty, A De uauilenil A Co. li Knrlng st $4,100 ITII AV. 2151. a atorn flour and basement Annette 1, Johnson to Murrls Neuman. 117 v 111. I at. 6 yra from May 1. isle.. ties IT'I AV, 5171, all Etta C Ilrlll to Max Dersog, JJfs. sin av, a yra rrom Mar 1. 1SI4 11.100 H13NHY 8T, all Aberman Rialty Co, intersects same, and 60 reel w Thompson at. 60x100 Florence I rieatrnysr Jarvla st Calveaton- th- ri..irov.. c?e,,ym,i,ta,y M,Uiit ' .Y.v. ."a'nr" I ""on ' "orSX&XWrl'. Clrein tt Hway 1 A1""iVt r, ,row"' A.m.n,,en fl.'"1 I''dlng at Uoaton, vr Tii n,,n ii,H,''i,'',!.'7tVi? ""WTt Hancock et Tamplco. iard V S c ':,er,y.n "?, VS.'V !.Vn ' ltalelgh has sailed from Ma... ward. Nor '' "f"'" to tie.. ..nlllo for Is Penoa; cruiser Denver from Jiin. 11 1 ars lion, January 27, 1901 Masat an for AraDulcu: ,lirov.r p,.m. nuMNEan rnoPERTV fok hale. MANIFACTURINB PLANT FOR SALE LAND ConiljtinR of ten ncrei on mnln line of railroad, 25 mllei from New Yorlc City. DUILDINOS About fifty thousand square feet of floor space, consisting of machine shops, smith shops, power house, engineering and office buildinm; equipped with boilers, engines, cranes, hoists, sidings, scaled, etc., all In good condition. Plant operating at present. Special tools being moved on account of consoll dntion with another plant. T. W., box 120 Sun office. NEW JEKMKi HEAL ESTATE run HALE, HA UK DAItUAlN-ll.ono, easy terms; de lllhtful home la the country near the eltyt near lake; (rounds 1(0 by 170 feet; fine trees! on very hlch trounrt In the htUa: 700 ft. elev.i superb views In every direction; llxln room with time open D replace: walla ptntled; catllnia beamed; itluUm room telljits beamed! butlers pantry and kitchen; tiled bathroom; afry attle and ator aie; spare over enUre bouae; spacious retura veranda nverlooklni the water, full lake privi leges; electricity: all conveniences; 46 minutes on Lackawrnua II, It. eapress trains; near ela tion, schools, churches, country ctuh; actual lake rlrhts so elUi property. Addreaa UW.N1SII, boa 110 Sun ndlf, CONNECTIVE i KllAL EMTATE KUB HALE. Stamford, Conn. anil secure noeii OMLTO smrrAN POINT. UN IIIK SOI'NII, Buildini Lett eier eneren nt allractlve prloea and eoav terms. llmilnir. bathlnK beach: rood acat anchornse; tennis rnrrts, Ac, Henri for llooklet 11. AddreasTHK ATLANTIC IIBAI.TYCO, M I'ark mv, HioraorU. Cum. rciii.ic: noticem. I'l.KA.IK TAKE NOTICE I am r.oulr.,1 to cauffl to be printed for the fiscal year mid briars ror inn united ntatsa Attorney and reenrda of United tftatea caaea appealed to the Circuit Court uf Auneala Ithtrlv and forty copies of each, reepectlvely) and re quest hide on the aame. Kindly quote prices for additional coolea uf brlefa and raearda nhon requlrod In eicess ot the number auove apecinea. ii ia apprnximaien mat es.nuv or ts.vvv wuriii ui priming iwti prao ably ba reaulrad. Atmly tu II. Bnosden Marshall. United ' f'J ,,l,inJyL-.S C?f?tIaL.1"1 to the brtafa and records for apeclflcatlone and samples. The right to accept the best and lowest bid or tu reluct all blja la reaerved by me. Tha aurceasful bidder wilt be reuulred to furnish u bond covering the character of tha work to ba done, which should ba up to the standard heretofore maintained. Kindly eubmlt your blda tn duplicate to ma on or umrv jun. turn. jvif. WILLIAM 1IKNKUU United States Marshal. Southern District of New Torlr. Itoom SI. General Post Office Uulldlng, r. i vuy. New York. June 2nd. 1914. 1IICI.P WANTED FK.MALK. SPANISH young woman, well educated. bright ana unuersunaing uressmaxing; ra pshle of making grammatical Spanish trans lath ins from tne Lngllsh. Apply W C. ItUKD. llutt-rlili liullillng, Spring & Mac iloug.H Sts., N. Y, HELP WA.NTEI 1LVLE. CHINA dseorator on decalcos: must un derstand tiring gas kiln, llox lit Sun ornco. WANTED Young man. 11 to SO. Chris tlsn. with a good education and good pan. man. to help In export shipping; good op portunlty for advancement; apply In own nnnawTiiinr; nrsi ciaaa rererenc require!. Auareea nniAur, '. u. sos. New rorK. AUCTION HALLS. I1Y VUtTL'K of execution. I will aell 11 A M.. at 110 East 3ld tftreet. One Operating liable. Motor. .e. l'tlANIC W OKU ATT, Marshal. Inc. to Oscar V Rothman. 11 Wlllett at. 11 months from June 1, 1914 11,100 MECHANICS' LIENS. Manhattan 6TH AV. w e. 69.4 ft n llth st, 51.1x7: Handhop Cnt Co. Inc. agt Hy Vogel. owner: Liberty Crock Itestaurant, cont 1659 i NATIHa-TKD .MECHANICS' LIKNS. Manhattan. I'AHK AV. 1052 and toil Hoffman A Ellas agt cnristina itoguet at al, Jan 1, 1914.. 1601 6TII AV. 419 Abraham Solomon agt John , Theodoropoulos et al. May 21, 1914.. $52 10 HHOADWAV. n e cr 4th et Stuhlmllter" Mantle Works agt Harry Bchlft et al. Nov 28. 1911 ls.611 I'HOSPKOT A V. 965 t 1007 Walter J Llpp et al agt Zarland Itealty Co et al. Juna Power !ci" uwn5;- K T N.Jhi. ei'l.f Nellie tO.B.I. Vera Crui ion. unar, K T Neablt & lo, Inc. , commewljce. Ilarbadoa.. I4TH ST,' "ii' W-iia.c LlbVon 'Agt- Am.i Vf iVt!,1" rlM'-lj: r,thrSiy ot N V' ow,"r: iS,'.".1? Madonna. Linke'. Llectrlc Co. cont $606,20 i iu,iiu.n. Norrmu 14, 1911 . ...lll.,l"iV nilOKKIlK.i: NOTES. Hldncy l. Warsawer wag the broker in the salo reoorded yesterday by the Win more Leasing Company to the Oreenwlch Kataten, Inc., of tho tenement at 2!0 and 212 West Thirteenth street. For other Ileal lUtate aelx-erilae. meat! are? I'aarr 1-1, Movements of Naval Vessels. WASHINOTON. June 2 Tha Bylph haa arrived at Wathtnitan: Mayflower ir..i, . Ington: the collier Mars at Vara Crus; tha rrom Mssatlan for San Hlas: tug "atuxent from New Orleans for Key Weet: tug On tarlo from Vera Crus for Puerto Mexico Alvarudo; gunboat Hueramento from V a Crus foe Puerto Mexico! cnlllee eenm off Key West for Hampton llosils; cruiser oaraioga iruni onsnguai ior ansin, and repair ahlp Vulcan from Hampton hotle for Vera Crur. Army nnd Savy Order. WAfiHINaTON Juns J. These orders were Issued to-davi army First Lieut. C. K. Ide, Coast Artillery, from lllat to Ninety-third Company. Klrst Lieut, T. I'. Doole, Medical Kessrva Corps, to (lalveetun. Pint I.lsut. It. K, (Ireene, Coast Arttllory, from United Rtatea Military Academy to cnmmandluK officer roast defences ot south ern New Vork, Klrst Lieut. 11. Donovan, Coast Artillery, to report to commanding officer, coaat de fencea of Cupe Tear, First Lieut. H. Jarmon. Coast Artillery, to report to commanding officer coast dsfencss of Hoston. First Lieut, K. It. Kybald. Coast Artillery, from 155.1 tn 161st Company. Klrst Lieut. J, H, Pratt, Cnsst Artillery, from 104th Company to headquarters of coast defencee of San Francisco. First Lieut T. D. Hloan. Cnaat Artillery, from 154th Company to 104th Company and to Honolulu, The following navy ordera ware Issundl Ensign W. N, Hlchardson, from the Ver mont to the Tucson. These midshipmen of the graduating claei have been aeslgned to duty as follows! New York C. It. C. Carey. K. C. Chrlstlsn, 1'. Kltfslmrnous, Jr., n. II. Ilulilon and F, M, Carle. Texas W. D. Austin. L. J. L. Ulades. L. F Downey, E. Ellsberg, W. B. I'opham, Jr.. and D. lloyre. Wyoming W. W. Hayley, C. 1'. Hryant. W. D. Humeri. W. Hearing, S. F, Maury and T. W. Kterllng Florida W. D. linker, A. 0. Berry, Jr., It H. l'erry, T. D. Weetfall. Arkansas J. D. McCown, J. F. Moloney, H. Itelch, J. K Valdan and D. F, Wash burn. Delaware 11. J. Nelson, O, H, Arvln, M, W Callahan, H, II. Moore, O, H. Wllaun and 1'. W Veatman. North Dakota J, I, Hale. (I. C, Manning, H. W. Ferrell, H. II. Maury and W, K. Ilrnrd. Washington A, II, Addoms, A. II. Dslslvy, C. D. Fry, tf. II, Jonss, T. O. Per- tlval. Utah M. Y. Cohsn, Vf. J, Tarson, T, D, Uud.lork und K. It. Shears. Louisiana L. O. Alford. V. A. Clark, II. H. Ktllmaster, T. I. Nash and E. D, Perk. Michigan It. II. Early, L. II. McDonald. .1. a. Mayer, S. C. Stengel and A. I. II. Tovvreiey. New Hampshire C, T, Gladden, W, A. WEATHER FORECAST Washington Predictions for To duy and To-morrow. For eastern New York, fair to-day, warmer In the Interlori fair, warmer to-ninrrow Meld to moderate winds, becoming south. l'or New Jersey, fair 4a-day: fair wnrmsr to-morrow; Unlit to moderate shittinit ulnda. btcomlnc south. Kor northern New Kneland, fair tu-dny and to-morrow; warmer In the Interior, light to moderate shitting winds, brcomlnr north. ror southern New Uncland, fair In-day! fair, warmer to-morrow; light to moderate winds, becoming south. For wettern New York, fair, wnrmer to day; partly cloudy and warmer to-morro ; moderat south winds. NKW YOltK. June 3. A well ileflne.l an .t of high pressuro covered alt the eustorn half of the country yesterday from a centre over southern Mlohlran and western Indiana. An area ot depression central over north ern Montana covered the Northwest and all sections uest of the Itocky Mountains hti tho extreme tiouthweet, causing light to scat ered rains In the Northwest and the Itocky Mountain Ktatea and the Missouri Valley. Hhowers occurred In the fouthern mates. Qenerally fair weather prevailed over the. Northeastern quarter of the country. It woa cooler In the central Utatee, the lake regions, the Ohio Valley and eastward, and tn the extreme Northwest. Higher temperatures occurred In the Mlt- aourl Valley. In this city the day ws fair and silently cooler; wind, fresh northwest; average hu- mlllly, II per cent,: barometer, corrected te read to eel level, at 1 A. M 30.0S; 1 1. M 10.04, The temperature In this cttr yesterday, as recorded by the official thermometer. Is ahvwn In the annexed table: 1914. 1113. 1114. IIP. M 71 I'.M 1915. lis S44 tA.U ... 67 1314 M ii'.u t: 71 12 Still . . . .00- Highest temperature. 74,at 4 P. 11. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATUIIK ALMANAC. AMI Ul AM Sunrises. 43,Sun seta, 72jHooa xte..,l:14 HIGH WATIHl THIS DAY. aul AMI AM Sandyirii,.2;i6Oov.Ieland..l:46IIell 0te....4'jt LOW WATT It THIH DAY. Sondyirk. MGov.ltland. OJxIHell;l Arrived TUHSDAY, June 3. SsKronprlnt tTllhelm, 3:06 P. M Ilremaa. May 26. bs Crosier Kurluerst, 1:54 P. 21., Bremea. May tl. r-aNleuw Amsterdam. 8:41 A. U.. HottenUrm. May 54. s laormina, t.ioa. n.. J'aiermo. stay zi. Ha Powhatan. 1:33 1. M., Harrow. May a. .Saltuth. 4 A. si .tan Juan, Usy 16. He Arapaho. Jarkaonvllle. May M. Ha City of HI. Umle. .savannah. May 30. SeSeiuranca. Norfolk, June 1. AitrtiVT.n rnoM new Yonic. MsVaterland, nt Hamburg. Es llntterdam, at Plymouth. Hs Kaiser Wtlhrlm der (Irosse, at Dremes. Si Prance, at Havre. ,-'s Frederlk VIII. . at Copenhagen. Ss Dwlnsk, at Itutlrrdam. ,s rtarhsrosaa, at Pre men. Ms Koenlg Albert, at (ilbrattar. Ml Ilochambeau. at Havre. SAILKD roiTNKW YOltK. K KroRprtnresstn Cecllle. from Urernei. SaCalamarrs, from Hurt Union. HsTagus, i turn Trinidad. OUTIiPIMI JrrKAUSIIIPS. Sail 'lo-day. Wslls Vessels .Sail 10 U) A II 300 r 3 UOO VI 12 noli 10 ID A U 300 I' M son P U t ill P 14 12 nil M 3 0U I' M 4 00 I M I0IO A M 12 00M 1 III P M 2 t P U 2 (II P U 3 00 P M I 00 P VI 3 Oil P It 3 00 114 Close. La lArralse, Havre. Csrrranla, Uverpoot., JTillsJclo'ila. Iji (iuayra, Almlrante, Jamaica Caribbean, llermuda Cristobal, rrlstobsl,. .. Areentlna.Trleate.. 7(1) A U II 30 A M . n 30 A M Ii ) A 11 . 00 A VI .1130 AM Lampasas, l,alveston Mnn us New Orlema Seguranca, Norfolk. Mall To-morrow. AUemannla. Haytl. .. . lool'U llerlln, llremeu.... HalUe. Uterpool .. , PrluclpeUo. Ilotlerdam Untied States. Copenhagen Ornf Wal l' rsee, Itamburg City of Rt. Louis, Savannah Arapahoe, Jacksonville Kl Mud. Oalvcaion... Hamilton. Norfolk. . Hall rrtday. June 6. an A M . sin A M II 30 A U I lU I M a no A M 10 00 A M 10 00 A U 3 00 P M son p u 12 110 M 3 00 I' M 3 00PU INCOIIIMI RTKAMSHIPH Hue To-day. . Hamburr. . I Alfred Nobel.. .May 14 .Way 21 noioriia lUdla HroadmayDe, .. Halhaiina. Commewljne... -Oncho..... . . '"Hy of Hverelt. lmperstor rrottToan. Puerto Uexlco.,,kUy 24 . Shields.. liar 19 May IS May It Miteine.. .. Trinidad. . . . Galveston. .I'ort Arthur Hamburg . .May 3f May 2 Mar 3 May 21 ..May 54 .May tl May 21 Uay 21 Vlay 27 .May 26 May St .May 21 .May 90 May to .May 21 May 21 May 9u May St Uay 11 May It .. June I Julc -' May 11 . .. . nnvre. Gibraltar .Kingston.,, tlslveeton,. ..... Due To-morrow. Lisbon, Southampton. .. .Santa Marts, . Havana. ., Cristobal .. . New Orleans.. Saxotil Danube El Itlo.. . . Koma,. . . Ht, Paul Santa Maria . Manuel Ualvo. Advance... Creole.. Due Friday, June 6. Liverpool. IJierpool, Hamburg.. Ilarbadoa..... Aq ul tenia. Adriatic... Pretoria,, veiiru. Couiclllnadl Giorgio. .Sama... Amanda.. . llaracoa. . Mararalbn Maracalbo Lsnapo Jacksonville.. City uf .Savannah. hatennah, Comet.. New Orleans. lui'OtnliieT Vessels Uy Wlrelraa. Ba St l'aul, 6'0 miles east of Sandy Hook at 3 P. M.. yesterday. ..,,, Ss Imperator, 4k0 mllei east of Sandy Hook at noon , , Ss Adriatic, 1,112 miles east nf Sandy Hook at Se Cr-oli', New Orleans, 51$ miles south Ot Diamond Shoala al noon. . Ss El Klo, (lalreatuu. 546 miles south of Sandy Hook at ii.mii. Sa Havana. Havana, 55 miles south of Die uioisl Shoals at noon. Sstiulfoil, with Shenango. I'ort Arthur. 17 miles south of Diamond Shoals at noon. Its Perfection, Sabine, 150 miles eolith ot Diamond Shoals at noun, t-e Monterey .New Orleans, 69 miles north of Diamond Shoals at 7 P. M, SsJohu D. Archbold. New Orleans, 91 mllei south ol Jupiter at noou. as Comet, New Orleans, 153 miles north of Jupiter at noon. Ss 1'rtns Joachim, Kingston, 5!3 miles south of Sandy Hook at noon. S.Comal, Mobile, 117 miles south of Sandy Hook al noun. Ss Currier, (litanies, 1SI miles aouth of Sandy Hook at 7 )'. M. Ha Commewljne, Trinidad, its mliea south east ol Sandy Hook at noon. Ss Iroquois, Turks Island, SS3 miles south of Sandy Hook at 7 I". M. Ss El Slilo, Oalveston, loo miles north of Jupiter at 6 I M. St Leiiape, Jacksonville, 50 miles north of flt. Jolin'a bar at 7 1. M. Si Santa Mnrta, Santa Mann. 100 miles south nf Sandy Hook at 7 1'. -M. Heard. It. O. Pennoyer, H. II. queries nnd M. I- Worrell. South Carolina H, B. Hatch. W. K. lUr rill. J, M. Moee, II. A Spauagel. .,,, Vermont A. U. Aehbrook, H II Jalbsrt, T. C. Latlmors, Jr. Virginia 11. I Connolly. II. A. Dyer 3d M. J. Qrlffln, J. N. Laycock, C. D, Mwaln, 11. H. Wyman. ....... Georgia J. 13. Hoak, J. II. nrown, Jr T, J. Doyle, It W Hayler, H. L. Ingrain, C A. llnegowan. O. F. Seller- Nebraska H. A. Darning, O T JI?ve, J. Hart. Jr.. H. W. Hoyt. O. W. Nelion, H, P. Samson. P. It. Weaver. New Jersey C. W. llurrnugh, J 14 Huchanan. 11. O. Duvls. D, W. Pugcr, Jr, J. II. W Waller HhodH Island C. F. Anget, V K. numpu., K. L. Cochrane, U. I Dombrowekl. 1" v, Portsr. C. K Itoiendal. D. M. Hteece. Connecticut F. L. I-one, o, Marvell, C. II, MoCrum, M. Bllngluff. Kansss W. J. Lahodny. It. I'. Tucker, C, P. Martin. L. J. Htecher, T. A. Tessley. Minnesota W. C. Hurgy, F. J. Cunnen, A N. Offley, H. J. Hay. Z. W. Wicks. California H. F. Clark. W A. Conn, N Davis, W. V. Hoehl, It. L. Vsughan, L. J W Maryland R. W. Cary, Jr., O. O, Kenlnr F K. ailrlen. F. E. 1'elton, O. E Thomae. T. N. Vinson. South Dakota D. P. M flllchrlst. n. I" Hans, C. J. Mclteavy. H. II, Page, F n Powers, J R. Iledman. West Virginia A. It. Marron, A. H. Rooks, E. T. Short, A. E. Wis, & U Wilson. Ml. riiil.. OHtiiatmitAn.