.r .
14, 1914.
j-Vfi to di lillt heave tip the lick'.. l T KKr.VN- AIM Ctll IHKMr.NTf.
. llit1 hash cnn ( put. , ' " "" - -
' There lire four kinds of luilnln. flimil. i . " n
Had, Itntteu nnd fntiimcic.ini Hulclo. A I
Coinincrcliil Hotel Is nno Hint Isn't No,
CfinimeiciAl Mini ever stops tit oni', if,
there s a livery stable In town.
Salesmen linlU widely illffcllnR npln-I
limn nn Id what constitutes n cood lintel. I
I film fll.'ltf. PAhlnif t. III. nr.. I ..II... .......... I
i n' ""'n mih iiii ttnuwumi- i. I
s-t .I rt. r-. -T-. r i - i 1 t"o (Inline ptr iIIimii fnr lunik nml cliow, i
Chatter About Hotels, Trains, lips Luggage and OtheriMM
' that's why he ulwnys stays nt the Pen-
Lesson X. Cheery
BurglariesBy Prof. O. U, Bojack (Bus. Doc.)
Chief Wisdom Dispenser Bojack's Corrpondcncc Seliool
Sales maiiaRers sitting mi their systemiilc liiilc desks, and other people
who have no experience on the Rnad, get the fuzzy notion thttt the Salesman's
life h one large, bliss packed pudding'
Ihey think that all he has to do is work. They don't renliie that he must
dally bump up aeainst all kinds of syncopated trains and corrugated hotels,
and other Knad Pests that are bound to undermine the sweetest disposition
in time.
They talk about him Taking Thinqs Easy- -just ns If he could take them
un other way and gel away with them alive' They don't realite that Comrade
Silesniaii must, in self-preservation, look calmjy and pillosophically at every
thing. If he didn't he'd soon be in some Psychopathic Ward cutting nut
paper dolls and mumbling things to himself.
It is largely for the benefit of these knotted Lay Minds that ProfT has
gone in work in the following Lesson and laid out for inspection a counter
full of the Traveling Troubles thai saleamanlc fleim is heir to.
If the earnest Student follows our instructions he will be able to brighten
himself up on all Itoad Matters without the me of brilliantine, nr other un.
palatable breakfast foods. If he does not follow our informing dope he can
not expect to gel his Degree of "Bus. Doc." without pinching it from ProH's
otllce and forging Proff's influential signature.
r-T illK question of cntchlnjc trains
ihu.H caused many a Salesman to
itn gray lone before ho could
nlfoid to support It, When Proff
was nn the lloatl he spent half his tlmu
sIUIiir around Knllwny Buttons trying
to keep Ills temper. The other half he
spent xltlliiK mound Police Htatlona ex
plnlnlnR how he lout It.
When ProlT'H train would finally oomc
nloni; Pi off would have In chime It all
"it I ho Held nnd throw his hnt over
It before hi- could catch It.
Proff M'lilom had a chanco to travel on
those regular trains whero all you've
cot in do l. to net on your viand In the
Railway Station nnd wait until they
Irlsk up to the tank to Ret a drink or
water nnd then run nut nnd grab them.
Thne are easy ones to catch. There's
nn sport In Hint. That's like shootltiK
tllra with a ruliher band, The upon In
tutchiiiB a dink train Is Its uncertainty.
Vnu nevercan tell when one is going
to break from the scrub.
A prominent Salesman working the
I'ni-lern .States tells us that ho never
iaj.i any intention to Time Tables or
other witty stun? that the railroads get
"If. When he finishes working a town,
ij. like Hivton, he simply patters
ilmvn to the Depot and takes the first
train that conies along, lie doesn't
..me which direction It is taking him.
lb- wouldn't care If it was heading for
Steilbenvllle, Ohio,
Another .Salesman, of excellent family,
tells us of a neat way to save time. In
stead of hanging around waiting for the
r.irl train that was due 27 hours ago
Si pulls up his socks and takes the Lo
cal to the Hist stop, gets off and works
the town, walks to the next town, works
11. then on to the next, and so on, until
th Local catches up to him. Then he
I'ourils her again, pulls up his socks,
nnd writes up his orders, and charges
up the fare In his Kxpense Book.
Some .Salesmen can rhow you how to
make from 15 to 20 towns a day without
Injury tn tho combustion chamber by
following a simple system of doubling
buck. They can't make that speed
themselves, but they can show you how
;mu can.
Some Salesmen don't care how few
towns t)ey make In n day Just so long
as they do a little business In each
town. We knew one Salesman who did
such a little business In each town that
the Firm fired him. Hut he didn't care.
He was going to quit In a few years
anyway and help hN mother deliver
the wash,
.Many Sab mien make n practice of
ildlng In Pullmans whenever they can.
Others do It whenever they enn't. They
say the ride pays for itself because
they can write up reports and do n Jot
of other back work which they couldn't
do If (hey were humping along In a
crowded Day Coach, with some Ham on
one sldo of them eating a cheese sand
wich and tome Cheese on the other
aide of them eating a luuu sandwich.
If they go up In the Pullman there is
ulso the chance of throwing a ray at
some dove over the tup uf u newspaper,
thereby making it legitimate to charge
up the Pullman fare to "Kntertaln
mcnt." A Pullman It, n Day Coach in a tailor
made suit. It Is manned by a black
porter wearing an nlr of authority nnd
musk nnd a blue unlfoi in. The Porter'
has an nsslstunt in the nerson of n i
out inn. i
Another man will rap what you think ,
I Is a perfectly nice hotel because he con- !
'shins It cold nnd itnsoclablllous. He
illkes those warm hearted Drummers' '
Humes where the hotel clerk, in his tall
Mlslmweka collnr, greets all comer
' with the nuutretched grlpper, nsks I
them how business Is nnd Introduces
them to some yobblshei who want n
' Fourth for a game of llrldge. !
Most men you meet on the Bond tout j
strong for tho hotels that Put tp n (lood
Feed, Often the mollis In these good I
feed hoteln lire gay and cheery like tins
rWurn trip from a funeral. All they ,
need Is a cittn.ii In tho centre to har
monize. 1'very time you step Into one
of them joii feel like writing a rainy
day report to the Houe.
The rooms nre not, however, always
shrouded In this dlsmul, tmelly, worn
nut plush business. .Sometimes they nro
furnished In stiriuhtlv hlrdseve limine.
1 with tin bird's ryt, poked out and n good I
part of the varnish missing. Also they
hnc little dust tilled print curtains that
hae a habit of falling on the floor In a
swoon every time you go to sing a
Spring Song or recllo your Selling Talk
to yourself in the tin mirror.
When the Porter brings In ynur little
1 Chllllcothe suit case there Isn't enough
room left In the place to breathe a
i man's she breath In without blowing!
Professor would have to chase his .rain nil over the field and throw , ''van? u'm be auh"" I
his hat oyer it before he could catch it. Iture.
t M'ttn Imul U-nl In fltnl ntlf VvllwtllUP ft
try to look ns If you had been dwelling ls Kt"d' lm or Pus'l'vcly tierce Is I
i.. .t.... ..i..... i... . tii tiilfi ti slnirl ( inn-Mi nt it WliHti Villi '
III 111 11 I 111 II II V III' Uilllf 11 11(1 full I'U II It. I i ' ' - - - "
he nuv i i. ' hitIwi nt town go up tn the llni
At night nil trie seats in a Pullman
nre converted Into bunks. Ho Is the
roof. So is the Smoker. The wnsh basin
and i-oup dish are nut used for sleep
ing purposes. The aisle Is a kind of
.Playground for arms, legs, idioes, bag
gage ami walking delegates.
.tau Tt.i citing Men sleep ten and
wlijte Conductor with a grouch nnd ,i I twelve constculixe nights In Pullmans,
little card showing the berth leserva- ! working us many towns hi the daytime.
It s a nne scheme for two lensons, first,
The Conductor's Job is to stond on the
Station platform, grouch In hand, be
fore the train starts, und tell every
body that the Lowers are all gone. The
Porter's duty is to hide the whlskbrooin
before the train reaches dustliKillon,
you can get over the terry-lory faster,
and second, it gives ou something to
talk about. It Is no small left handed
satisfaction, joii know, to sit around the
hotel stove und break the news to n
bunch of tired iunty Mappers In their
Or. you ( Jll clos.. your big blight rKRl"K l'"''leif and ask th.-m ,
ejes and play up a fake sleep, although " "
In Kit ilnl ml? It U Mill tlaiciWWf I r tit uiineii " U"I,l IIMltl 111 III' U I J t I
H1:e ii l(n. mi,, ci.i.1 ,.,i n .i.-i When )mii have legaineil conscious
other nasseiieers. Tlu.v mlirlii i..ll il... , n,'M, K''1 l"' alul
Cnndnetor thai you nre only stalling, j
11 me l oiiiiuctor tats you on your
I irnail shoulder and asks you whether
or not he has already collected your
llckei joii want to sihii up puzzled
like mid blink at him, as If you illdn't
know whether he was talking about the
Fourth Dimension or the Fourth of
July. If he falls fur it and passes on
you should settle bark again with a kind
Everything went all right until the professor reached the front door, and he had to assuage every one of
them to save his family name.
thus foiling the yunk who would brush fur caps, and then watch ihelr eyes
his own clothes and save a quarter. 1 strain nt the socket.
The j'orter also lias to come around if you arc travelling on MHciko Vnu
every little whllo with a rag nnd wipe ! always want to see thai the Conductor
uu me winnow sill into your 1 mi In thu right amount, tr lie null., m,.
lap. Of course all of It doesn't go Into
your lap. Some of It goes up ynur nose.
But It has got to go lomc place. It is
against tho ifules to nllow It to loiter
on the window sill The Porter also
makes up tho Slumber Hoards and rnl
lects the Income Tax from each easy
much tell him about It If he pulls too
little break the news fjulotly to your
seir. When Comrade Conductor comes
around to collect the pnslelioards you
always want to pull your cap down over
your front porch and get busy with a
newspaper nr a book or something, mid
of sore look. After he Is out of sight
get up mid enjoy life.
Soma pcoplo beat II fur the Dining
Car as soon us they 1 rd a train and
proceed to get cxtiemely busy with the
provender until friend Conductor has
passed through and collected the tickets.
Then they go luck In the Day Coach.
In that case tho ride lias cost them
only the price of the Chicken Mash
hpeclhl. of course If the Conductor
sights them In the Do. nig Car crouch
lug over the remains there's nothing
In Next Sunday's Sun
Public Criticism Broke the
Heart of a Flying Genius
C. M. Manley tells how abuse and misunderstanding
hastened the end of Prof. Langlcy, the man who blazed
the way for the header than air machines of today.
As the Cathedral of St. John
the Divine May Look
R. A. Cram, the present architect, has made radical
changes in the plans for he Cathedral, which if carried
out will make the structure the most notable constructed
in any country since the fifteenth century, and next
Sunday you may see how il will look.
Can the Panama Canal Attract
Traffic Enough' to Pay ?
An expert doubts if il is worth while as a business propo
sititn because its maintenance cost will be $22,000,000
a year; and he points out the many reasons next Sunday.
Details of Essad Pasha's
Grasp at Crown of Albania
The Suns Correspondent in Duraizo tells you of the
dramatic incidents in the recent attempt to drice Prince
William of Wicd from his throne.
What Happens in Europe's Five Great
Capitals After 8:15 at Night
American professional seekers after romance give you
an intimate touch with what goes on in the hidden corners
of the old cities on the other side of the Atlantic.
What Happens When You
Take Your Vacation Seriously
The writer tells you how to go about it. He says you
should always plan your annual rest the day you arrioe
home from one. There is a laugh in the story and
In Next Sunday's Sun
ST '', ' -
brush the mud off
vour clothes anil collect uie small
ci apt of your baggage which the dif
ferent Porters are still clinging to and
lake the Hotel I tits' that N ileal est Mill.
It doesn't make any difference vvhli h
ltns oll take. Vou'll wish 5 oil had
taken one of the nihers no matter
which way you decide.
If you arc the first innii out of the
Itils you stand a heller chance of draw
ing u decfiit room unless some of the
nnce n week Hoys happen to be in line
behind ou. The once a weekets al
wus land the bpit rooms and the lint i
whealcakes. This Is because they give
the Hotel Lame llnsiness mid always
pinch the cheek of the Piopriclor's lit
tle dnighter when they arrive.
When the Hotel Clerk hands you the
sloppy pen and wheels the i evolving
lleglsler around for you to decorate lie
genet ally nsks .vnu how long you extinct
to be with us. Vour answer Is unim
portant, both to the Hotel Clerk ami
to the world nt large.
If you tell him you ex pecf to be with
us several weeks, months or years he
gives you a 2'.,x,-M,4X-'!; Inch room with
a little tin ash tray on the pine drescr
to put your collar button on, and u n.ill
luck of the door to hang yourself with
If .vou tell the Clerk you expect to be
wlili us nnlj a day .vou draw the same
noliliv little prise. If ou tell him you
really have no Idea how long it ill
take you to work the town nnd finish up
your social dales ho lookH once more
at his Itooiu List as a still! and conies
on again with the same mhI selection.
In other words, he has got you sized
up fur that particular cell ami you me
go'ug to get It no matter what you say.
The best way Is tn take the loom he
gives you, put it In your hip pocket,
and when he says he. will change .vnu
In the morning Just foiget the matter,
lie will do the same.
I.i'fure deciding upon a hotel It Is a
good plan to first find out If your Cus
tinner In the particular town you nre
working N running a Hotel in addition
to hi- legitimate business. If he la
you'd better stay at it nnd not run the
risk of scorching your chances of sell
ing liiui. You will only have to serve a
short sentence there nny way nnd may
land n good fifty dollar order on the
strength of It.
Hut you must let him know in a tact
ful way that you nre staying til his
Motel. You inn tell him. for example,
thut you believe one good turn deserves
another, and so you decided lo stay at
his place instead of going lo the decent
Or you can tell hltn that all The Hoys
warned you to go elsewhere, but you
paid no attention tn them nnd now you
are glad of It. If when your goods
come to hand later on he complains
that they nre rotten you can tell him the
same thing about Ills Hotel. This h
called Reciprocity.
Certain things about a Motel indicate
the character of the man that runs It.
For Instnnce, when you find n Motel
with pens that write like n i-nod quality
of slate pencil and stationery nice and
crumpled nnd dirty nnd thirsty Ink
bottles full of nn excellent grade of car
pet dust and soapless washrooms nnd
good old roller towels that have lost nil
Interest In their personnl appearnnco
and hedroomj so smell that you can't
squeeze into them without scraping tho
buttons all off your Christianity nnd
beds ns soft and responsive as the town
hay scales and meals not adapted to
eating purposes then the chnnres nre
that you are In a Motel run by an ex
trnvelllng ninn.
To make sure of it go out in the
Lobby nnd If nit see nn obese gent
with a shaggy cigar in the corner of
his gnsser telling an admiring bunch of
The Hoys nil about the time he landed
the thirty thousand dnllar order be
tween trains you've guessed right.
That's the Proprietor.
Motels run on the American plan sel
dom pay these days unless they can
manage It so that every man who corners
Into thn Dining Hnom gets the mime
piece of steak that tho Inst man sent
back. Tin; minute a farm machinery
Salesman comes In nnd eats It dnvvn go
the profit.
The Tipping Kvll has grownMo such
(loliy proportions that unless a Sales-
man Is Independently rich he cannot
nlfnid to laky n Job on the Itnnd these
days. Any snlesni'T dniwine about as
'inch regular mnney ns n coriespon
ilent for ii rellgioui ucwtjpnper Is bound
tn hoist the distress signals sooner or
later. Tim thing simply enn't be done,
und unless Dear Firm snnn begins to
ease away her topsail hulyards Ihero'a
pnlng to bo a mutiny mninrd,
Wo are aware, of course, that thnse
clcnntlo Firms with nn pnnrmnna .vi,.!-
I tnlb.itlnn all tho way from $25,000 tn
Iiini.oiiii nnd it easy enough to stnnd
the tip expenfce of their representatives
on the Road. Hut we nre spcnklns here
of those drnolinn- infant Industries with
See Our Special New
. llt'NCtl. f'OVKII AMI! 12 HOI.I.S
unit Tins ni'.Ai'iit'i i, pi,AVi:it
si inn
llmuhly lUU xtontlilv ,U
With IJjch New I might I'Unu.
Used Uprights Bargains
On Sale Monday, June 15th
If ynti l.iiv t ub'iI piano from us .vou
can return I' any ilni wltliln onr year
nrel no ullt allow iiii rviry rlolUr paid
n part ef the piircluie itrkM nn a
nen t erluh n' rtivtr Plane in uur
fntlt Pild
Until 1'ald
Until l'nW
I'Mlll 'Mid
t. mil I'll J
I nlH l-ald
I'ntll I'.ild
Until Pntd
t ntll IMI'l
$95 Simpson Co.
110 Smith & Barnes
120 Meister & Co.
125 Lohmann
135 E. Gabler
135 Haines Bros.
160 Leckerling
175 Necdham
200 Estey
H i'UI. ItT I'llll I.IVIMI'
Out block from Uirounh Hall Huh 81a.
jm:1 open evenings $i&in
Mason'sBargain Room
$3.75 lor Telephone Table,
Sloel and Cabinet Top
(.Golden Oak and Mahogany ilnlsli)
It In Mtmiuifurt
nWc to rt lli.it vou
mmtnt I ii t( h lirii
you waul in nn uc
i mint of h i vlni; pour
trlh M n"l ho
limit t-th, TliPfe I
nlipoliitf ly no n-aftuit
fur It. 'oni o u?
mul will chow
yui how jour ltti
i ati Im niiiilo pcrfei't
nidi how little It
1 . mmMIm..
HI $1.25
I.V Fiillnn St., m ar .lay nr hniltli M IIUI)n.
1 Ho nrit tnl,.iKi the numtir
I llciuilliil nnlilvl.il 1:11111 iIk of trlh. I told frrarslclv. will HI in Trl. lahlr.
I. I'll a net and iiimunl ejuiictlni; Itii'lndrd '
I'.iiIIhI Ft'tn H On per lootli iiiiwMnl Tpeth
.Mnu:vl pilnli.m nihil II in. l".ll
in.KM bivcii. l.l. OUK fil'AUA.SrnKI).
for Hit
nll l
you to
1 II 01
for Mil
$2, $2.50
Si & $3.75
According (
l 1 1 ittir.iiilli'ln k
With nny of these Ijo;u I'nri'h Itnck
its In Hud, (Jruun or Nuliiiul Willi
' Slnple we filve free 1 ciimrt $l,on llnttl
until Imrvrst. Tliosi' nrft tin hoys that
iilunxs cliimii tho hobnail heel nn friend
Siilcsiiian's ti'inli-r uilnui's apple when
ever he wIkuIis up with n nlcl.cl Hint he
lius Miuiinilctt'd In tips.
it h.is Knt sn nnu', Hint 11 Siili'finuu
en limit I'Vrn Ket nn Hie io(ir of 11
llotol wllliinjt simiebiMly eci'tlni; 11
tlt. Ami when he mire uets IiihIiIh ihe
pluce. they'ie ttnt him hnndliii; nut metre
mill Mint 11 iilillniithriiplst nt 11 new;).
Ims' iilcule.
l''tr the xtiulitc.Ht service (rlend Knles
tuau lias li dlK iit If n bellboy helps
him on with his little Imitation Chln
rlillla it eostM ten cents, with five cents
e.tra for reiichim; 1111 miller nml pull
illK down the undercoat where it
doesn't beloiiR. A few nsslsts IlUe that,
nnd Comrade .Salesman inlcht ns well
Rlvo thu boy the overcoat nnd he ilnne
With the expense of Its upkeep.
Sometimes lln.'.-e svrvlies nie so lil-
fllllt. Ilifil V.MI v.'r.iil.l.i'l L'tii.t., ... 1,,,,l
been the beneficiary If tho ho'nefact'nr . of Sun Shl" ''""l-'l' l'' l"t
illdn't Ucei haiiliiK nrnunJ you with n ' li'Hlty sunrunteed. Orders must in
pnrlcntniis Kleani In his eye. uccumpanlcU with coupon.
A Salesman of our ncounlntniicc.
whose father became 11 fiiillnnt I'nlnn
soldier when the Pension lllll went I
tliroiiKh. tells us rnnlldcntlnlly how he
bcat the Tipping tianiti so far as thu
DlnhiK Hoom hrlRnml.iKe Is concerned.
At the end of ench menl, Just when
thn last mouthful uf pie Is tnbnKRanlni"
Its way down the Rrnud (Jow, he sends
tho wnltrr out for n Klasa of mlll.
Ahen the wnlter returns, Comrade
Salesman Is down stairs in the lobby.
One time when 1'inff was nn appren
tice at thn I'VtrclKn t'nino he tried tn
track off from 11 Hotel In Rome without
divvying uooordlnu to Hules nnd IteK
ulatluns passed by the Senate. I'roff
thnurrht he could save the hundred dol
lars for himself and buy a good twenty-live-rent
clKur with II.
I"verthlii(? went nil rlitrrt tintll Prnff
re.iched the front door f the Hotel.
Amonir thiKi- present nt the front dnnr
were: His Whiskers The Mnniifter. thn
Itooiu Clerk, the Cashier, the Head
Walter, the Winn Wnlter, Proff's Tahlo
Wnlter. the Mnld, the Vnlct. the. Floor
Wnlter, three ""levator Men old enmmh
lo K" to work, tlio Telephone. Boy, four'
rases, the Head Porter, nnd the Head
Porter's Staff of seventeen sub-porters.
Kven the NlRlit Porter, who is sup
posed to be asleep In the daytime,
managed tn cut the slumber and pet
on thn Job ton. Proff had to n'ssunRo
every bowleKKed one of them to save
his Tamlly Name.
Whenever you see that Innp hunnry
lineup In front of n forolKn Hotel door,
you know there, is about to emerge
eomo poor hunted down Ouh who thinks
he can kfI out of tint Works without
nllliii; ihe machinery.
Another way to shorten sail on this
tlpplnK tliiiiK Is to Klve thn Hell Hoys
nny nhl neckties or bulls of clothes that
you happen tn li.iv1- not cnuntlnir, of
course, the suit nnd necktie you linvo
on your hack, and on your neck, respec
tively. Var about three milts, in a fair
statu of preservation, IncliidlnK the
vests, you will net tho same attention
ns If you (,'avo the boy h dime In cash.
And now we nro roIhk to Rive you
n little round tip, thnroiiRhly reliable
and contalnltiR no heuzoate of soda, on
how Ic bent tho Tlpplmr (Inme, the Ho
tfl OaniB and the Itallroad Uanie nil In
one sin:i roup. All you've roI to do is
lo Ret off thn Itoa'd and live In a nice
llltlo cottaRe Minicwhcitt off in the I
hushes of Ublivion, where, the rhlckciiH ,
moult the ear uroiiiid, nnd the enws ,
cninn homo tr roust nt sunrise.
Wumnliiht. P. Ml, llixil I'uUVshinu fowl
imuii nf .Win Volte.)
6 F
DobU I .
OoMtn Oak China Tf
Cloif, Price, fls.00, V Kf
worth Irj.OD. Cut out n
Coupon and aava C.0O. ill
O Th lielnw
V I (I (Jonpn.n j
"0'hl I linn it.
Laillr.1 ,, (t
Work Tablt ,, I.-.75
' Hln(lol.Un , J you
flak or Pol- i,,u nn hn U
liheil Ma-
ImKanVi two Uffp III
Urawna II
I'reilll line Tliroilnrr II, .llnrr.
Tlie two bronsfts, "Napoleon Bonn
parte at IlrldRe of Areola" and the
Melssonlcr Napoleon, used ns Illustra
tions In tho story annnuncliiR tho win
ners of TllR Hun's Nnpoleon Ksssy Con-
lesi, printeu in Tim HCNPAr Hiin on
.lupe 7, wtre reproduced throuoli the
cnuriray of Tticonnro H, Minrr. Ine.
nnlyn few hundred iiiIIIIvm tu lift m-m 1 f.tl nve.iuu nnd Krty-mViitP street'!
163 Other Barfiains al
Furniture, Carpets,
Housciurnishing Cood.s, Ktc.
Est. 71 Years.
Myrtle Ave., Cor. Bridge St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Coupon No. 2D
No redaction without t III Coupon.
llluMratril Tulalogua and I'rlie l.l.t