Newspaper Page Text
THE SUN, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1914. 15 ) UJt 1 IIL. ele Irlll rge. in. IOOV. :(M M lOO M. 'lOO . M. i. It '.M. . .M. nt In. .tits ours urs. .Ml ION S- !,Vk ;fH. Ml- t3t (all 1 M.K rlM. , nr the illh- nlp TtlU irti. tun. S M. .. V. RY .'uon ,'COD t. 28. V. 1 H'U CO. fD 'N.T Hallr uni let". N'. V. ort. Aft ; REAL ESTATE MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Trading Shows Effect of Holiday Big Millinery Firm to Locate Near Waldorf-Astoria With ' -lie rel ' ulri 'M "J. lr I jr. I ' ii ' IlKI' ' 'IV 1 . I I te " ' . oil ' ,t ni.'' 1 It -. '-" ' ' ul r ptlon of a lease Involv ii ri ! t then1 was tlltlo of In , tud.i.v'ii trailing. The few uiir (Instil In .Miinlmtt.'in ami , ,ir, r't"l i iiimiimphirc proper I'rnnklMi. which liee'i t It , k tion 111 Hie city. tiioHris 111 llll I'I ClltlC tle.llS. Till) Mllll , : iihT bomtlKhs A licltei ii, I 1'" cxpe-c'teit, as many . , , .unl broken, weio out of pon .tuny on lVUhi I he means tin? letiiniitl f mm , 1 1 i i so-Uon of ii 1 c.uli' i' In ti.idc. Till linn him In luii i HiHty-thlrd street, tho ii' prevailed yi stinl.i tv.ts n.lllni'i.i would follow tills luisluc.-is mcesslty. rompnny, store m : mnt to the Tokln Japanese tho Kant 125tli etroit. st. invi'.i,i,ix(i iti:.n:o. KUImnn luno rented for 7 t ST l (-use, Llllmnn luno rented for A --.irveiit the three story and luisemont 'louse, on a lot 17x100. nt 2fi7 West 4eventy-nTst street to Mrs. Dorothy Patterson. iu:m:i.i. .VST i.n it i urn Mi' qil vr, 1 tn I II invi:i,i,i.ii, M'UIJIJT Alexander Set- i i .iii fur the H. v. ('on- iinpaoy 172 Ninety ,i lour story dwllltic. on ! ,i Mrn. Killer for tn-Tii- eillltiK I'oiiip.iny lie- ! uperly thrutich Mr. Sel itv.o Ii In p.irt li.ijnirtit for ii I'.", street. .HnilMV AVKNL'i: Waller S. Liixuil of c'"". t. has. ""''I ,(l '' bii.'f ' e plot. 50x150. on the north !,,)( f Mi rtniin avenue, 25" feet met at ,";th s'n--t and nilutnlnc the thta're Ini idlns erected fc 1 lin'ini Tlie liuyc vf il i s on tin- plot. Kill KAW.tV HOI'SIl ui:tai.s. Herman Frankfort hits 'leased eottan-s nt Tar Hnrhnwnv. I.. i to Henry Men ilotsnn, Adolph Meyer. Frank Slater, J. Marllck. II. S. Cahn. Mrs. M. White, and Mary T. lllrd : also nt l.awrenco a cot tnjrr to 1'. Athtrti nlsn nt Kdcemere a. rottuKe. to If. A. Munich. liunlnviii will erect ,v Maye-npnrtinent BHON.V l HT.UH.NTS .HliKlNS A I.NL K Well hue "ik'at two ttve Hory hotiKS on plot SI kI02. at 141ft ami 11.3 W' kms nvtiiue, near southern Boule ' d I'AlliM'H'N'T rt.ACH The live ttory lit; a' ''1 I'.in inount plncr Is reported to hav he'" s"hl The pioperty imms ff !"lx'l, and Is Incited 110 feet from S jtiiem lloiilciird. niuioKi.Y.N norsn nr.Ai.. DFith' I. lli-wltl litis sold for Charlie W Og'l'ii 'he Marlon nparttnent otitoi .-i' v nty-fourth stru t nnil Ktien :nth avenue, to a Manhattan Investor. Evert-t' Kuhn ruui solil feir tho llernmn m:ru' ' "ii fompany 1312 to J31 Ileil irtl k' mi. ihrio threo Htory np.irtiii nt uic i a oti hit :fl100, to II tl. Kfer n, w.iti kill in exchanfiii a three ntory ntlli' k 1 1 the northeast corner of Avenue 'I ui't l'i: veiiteelith Htreeit, and ii Jilot "xl'il at t e tuirthwtst eoin r of llrouk nnvenue and Hawthorne street. TV l"nlt"d Uralty Alllaneo hus sold to Maipikl Ite.ilty fotnpatn ten lots at Arcnue N and IVist I-Tfty-llrst street. The !mt broU rs sold to Archibald ILilley A Vin Orden ten lots at Twentieth avenue M l"ift -olslith Mrei t. Ilolh pmiiertlea Till W unproved with sm.ill dwolt.HBs. I. Ju' ;.i mil i). ). riTV IIOMK.HT -on A II irr npton h.m sold to lllia- A .Mat-Don iltl Die Shlpuian luanslou. i e eat s of th Ikiulevard north ' Kr.nikliii r..t. I.oub Island flt. eon I." s nf i n lileii''e on plot l,'ilL'i. Tr Mattlieivs Mulldlne ConitM.ny has l i n following Hats on tts devtloi-j xmt. A torla, lAitnc tiann i uy ju 7f!'tu avenue, to Johann Nowajewskl, irl" "0, 3,"S Twelfth avenue, to Henry V f"r Jll.i11". and 871 Twelfth RVe ir.uo, to uslo llarnek for $ 1 l.IioO. iiitoKr.iis in iii:ci:.vt in:.!.. Hnrrls & Vatichan neprotlaled the re rent sale of 104 and 1.V1 Kst Sl.xty thlrd ftreet to Frederick J. Sterner. Tho Charles H. Noyea t'oinpaliy. I.. J. Phillips X. Ch., ami the Hondas Until rr son, Charles H. llronu Cnnipany necn tlated the lea'e. of the old t'ottnn H rtvuiKC on the wesi ride of Hanover Sipinre, between I'earl and Stone streets, to an iifnrlatlon for promotliut forelun traib'. reported In HfNti.w's Sl'S RESULTS AT AUCTION. Politic OrTerliiKs Yrsterdny In Slnn liiltlnn mill The llront. I AT 1 1 STntiKT 1 )lv Pinlel Ore'niv.-iltl. ItTII .T III i:. n r. :n w Sri nv, 5Dr uni. uy .Win t.ii- lltltv i'ii st Nleholln I.lndlierit ft nl. due. IVIM.W, utn, nr. ti;r.. tali to Ut met nf 1 19.000 . to the plaintiff 1:3,000 lly Hamitel Min. (lltr.KNWtr'H ST. I. r . 4 S n Pey "I. 5H lx7J.9xI."i.4' S sty tnt A tr Sninl Shnplrn net Silly 'elm et si. due. IV, Ue. Ae. II. Ill; to tlsrry l.lppmnim ltR.67r. I AT 320 Tlltltn AVr.NDK 1 llv Anthnnr V. rKBlno. JD AV. SHUT, r n eor 134th t, t7Jx43 1l IrrfB. r, tv nftlce lr tilde: nlf Fnren n. iJ t" K7. w . alit 310 n KSd t, x 1 1 ill tnt A lr. HliertrC" sle of II rliilit. Iltl. ,e. whleh AiiPlIn fnrr 1ml ni lee tai:. or lnee; tn Mntl r.i IIOO sr.w nr.Ai.TV coupon ationx. Th' fnllnnlnc r'sllv rnrpnrtlnn rr pi, ir-i-nii .it Albany vetenlv: K' le' -tmrty i'ntnpnn. Mnnli Ulan, r.ipl tll ltd. 00ft, illrcfttTP. Anieu-tu It KPllee Kl.'.r..r'-- Ki-ller and Hit In N. Puffy. S l.l Itpnliy r.irimrsll'in. Manhattan; iitilta' Itoooo, ,ltri-eliir, M. I. Srliallek. .topph M lbralipri: and Julia M Koth, New York ellv. 133? llronltav rnrporallnn. Manhattm: eapltll. 15 000. illreetiir. Wlllllm nverdell. DotiBlapp ill'iinn and llpnjamln II. Hurton, Se York city. Manhattan Ainu" Iti-alty forpnrntlon. Manhattan, i npllal. jr. 000; dlrpetnr-. Al.ram Kip'nn .1 Hummel and Jack Mllburn, New "iteleh'liiillillnc rompsny. The llmiix; capi tal 1 1.000 . illrettora, .laeoli Ilelch. Yitta Itilch and J. I. CMer, New York city. (With n.uiH' TII IF.I .MOHTOACir.S. anil ailtlre of lentlr' attorney.) PLAINS ItOAP at pt 15 TRANSACTIONS RECORDED. S, (With name and adctreta of ownr and attorney. If attormy'a nam Ii omitted aJtlr puny of econd part.5 llotvntoitn. isouth of Fourtnth nt.) OIIANP ST, 50, n a. 10.1 I.awN .t. ! U.t ,lno 8 Itnbertaon and aim, trut, will Alex Itotienton to Ignaclo llolt.iro, 407 Madltnn at, mte H.000, Juna 36; ally. T 11 Co. Ill Ilway M.OOl) 11IIOOME RT, w cor Orchard at. 10x47.0 Itarrui I Sxcha to tda liur.trln, 641 W Ktth it, mtite 113.000, June :t, 1911 ,,11 1ST AV, 1:0, w a, C4. a Ht Mark'a pi, ill SO l.uflwlx Knebltr to Antonlx Knebl.r III Ht Nlrholaa av, all llena, July 3; atly, "armon Welti. 301 Ilway . . l ITII AV, a e a, l.t' n e Illee iter it. runt n e 30x a e 41. Ix v a I:, n 39 1 to bee Ahhle I'ryor to .tno It, Yonk era. N V, a e, Rept 7, 1114, ally. It A II Davtbn. H William at 170 HA M I IHOI'RIITY -Mary Pahnptock n aine, i e, fiet 9. 1904, atty, aame, . 170 BAMB rnornilTY -Jnn M O'Connell m aame, rj c Nov It, 1904; atty, fame. .170 Eaat Side. (Kaat of Fifth av, between Fourteenth and 110th ata.l AVr.Nirv. A. e a. from n a Mth at to a s f,7th at anil on e by Kutrrlnr at nnd Ian I under water .Tohn H Itnrkefellelr, Jr. 'o the Itockefeller liiptltute for Medical Itt pp.irch ("orpn. on Kxterlor at bet ISth ml 7lh Pta. June 39; ntty, T (1 Cn. 170 Ilway II 9Tlt ST, :0H 17, n t, IS4 e 3d av, :xl0A.i Krpdk C Schneider et nl to Atnelln W Schenik. :o K 6ith at, July 1; nttp. (lroa A S, 309 ilway 1100 Weal Side. (Weal of Fifth av, between Pourtetnth and 1 10th ala.) :Tlt ST. ' p. 351 w th av, 3Sx4 Mlldn Itpatty Co tn Sarah l Donnvan, We; I HnbnkPii. N J. ntty, It .1 lionman, ! . SprlnK ' Wft ttnlinki-n. N .1 .I 44111 HT. 419 W, II a. 1175 w Mil av, JJx 100 5- -Mart Jl Prllx to l.oula II Irltx. 419 W 44'h at. mtge 111.000. July . ally. llntMird J MnmMI 135 lliany... 1100 4ITH ST. 131 W a a. 3S5 a 7th ay 11 100 I AiWIIna II d- Varela o Ml; II HeralrUT. Nutley. N J. mHt K.nOO, Juna 84. addreaa 121. JO Wejt at........ 1 IITII ST. l:r. W, n t. 331 v Weit I.nrl . 35x10 : -Win H lli-.irpt to ltandolpn ltealiv '"orpn. 110 Ni.aati at. h nn.l r. nl lln. Jan.' 24. olty, i' J Shearn llj 111 vnn'j'it "b tnVi vr.' a V cor Vn'tii ji. 102 2x 100 Win 11 llrxrat tn itandnlph lleilty Cnrpn 110 . h and a. n; June SI. att. c J Shearn. 110 'J, Ttl'vKltfiniB !ll'lVB'.'a'e' eor 106th jt. "5x 100; ItU.r.lde Drive. . a, 6 a lOSlh l. t100 Oen I. WHNon In Ittndolph - 1 tn VV. ..o.t t. Ii unit all .. 'j.Vi aiiV 1: J Shearn. 140 Naa aau at I'ntown. t ...ih nt 110th It 'Til ST, n . 75 w Mad .on av, M'T Anna Cohen tn 0rar II'''- ,;.,.W',,V V Sllbertierit. SS lla.v . I) V 2IJ6. n 121th at, .tutlui stareat tn Annie Itlchter. mtK IV5". " .1100 at.) II 20x10 74S 2d (lottlleb .xrxlor. I49J -,i v 13'lTII ST. a 2Ji e l.ennx av. SSxM.ll--1-loreneV 12 W Sehnefel Thea .1 xr. P.II2 Caaev. to Florence 1. W Srhlirfcl. 252 Sumner .it. Newark. N J. A Arthur MeKenna. ill llmome at. N Y c. July a .tin. Hotter. A Sands. 4 t.edar at.. . .11 II WEN AV. 11 w eor llOlh t. Ixl47--Cen. lll.lx lmpt A Inve.itnent ln i" ll"J 1'i.n.ln C. 110 Ilway. mtlt I2S.000. all llena. July 3. atty. . ) i 1 1 Ilway 1100 IIP IIITII ST. IIWIllililMi". 1 '-i V. Krdm.iii Is the buyer of1 'h n.. I , IT. and 17 West Fort -slxin i:ie' "le sale of which wni reported last Ton A J. ltoliertHon win the broker. NEW LEXINGTON AVENUE STORES Small lliilldinit 10 lie Unlit nl .'Otli lreel III Coat of St 1 11,0110. r.anx worn filed yesterday with the Manri ."an Hureati of Mii'Mlnics for a niui nory i -e tailld ns on th northeast enr--tr cf I.. MiiKton avenue and Kiftie'h Itreet ', ,vi as l;7 Kast Fiftieth street. Th tv ir of the bulldlns l the Akron leUi'l k I'oinpany. Thn architect. Itobcrt T L," -, has estimated the. cost ut 110,-00. I m: hrt)' 1 I'or 1. 0( 1 '. '01 ". j I 'onra t M K l'la 'at 1. a hi II 4 It I" 111:10 st. ti:.m'..iii:.nts. I Hied voHterday with the of r.ullillnits for two live 1 ts at the smitheast corner i'e ae".tie and K.3d etreet, on im and fSxvi.V nt a tost of I I'v the ItoKei s Place Itentty I f The anhltuct Is .Samuel Uatz. ' 1.-.1 Mhd plans for thn IloKers 1 l.tii'. Cnmpuiiy for a llvn story ' a' the southeast corner of Jloiters I 1 :! strict, on 11 plot 72.30, !i;;.,ooo. Mill lll,l K WIHil.'S IS. IIOSPI TAI. 1 - iti hied with tho Mauhnttnti 'ji 1 MiphllnKs jesterday for u new mi' -i i-,ital to be ere. ted on Jllnek ' 1 c 1 ,,iinaite Flfty-fourlli siieet. ih . - 11. 1. nf the bu'.tdliu,' are Ills.Sx ' '21" w ll he of teenforeud concrete, ,rt ie l The architects nre Max I He '. t.c'K and Hmllln Levy of 12 Went 1 I ' alleet. MILLINERS TO PAY $650,000. T"ke I'niir Cloiira In I In- Wnlilorf Hull, lnc on Th I rl ! hi rd Street. I e, '. Johnon tt Co., wholrtalu m ' , , t(.( for thn past twenty-five li.oailw.iy near SprlliK slreel, ;'v- , iluo'inh Peler llllsey A Co. turn t' , ' n the new Wnldoif buildliiK . iiistrurtlon nt 2 to 10 West 'I "ireet, eMeiidilis throiiBli to A I i 1 1) -mm owl street. Tile lease " ' ' Hi nt an nuRicKale rental of " The property, vvhlili has a 10 - "i I'm) feet on Thlrty-lhlrd ' M 1 1 .' f.-t on Thlrt -seciiml street, " ' ' l In Paliner mid asoc!ale.s ""' s min i noin Vincent Ai,lor on a , at all ntinnal rental for ti ,,, , , uDout 1125,000. WIIITi: PLAINS ItOAP at pt 195 e irm e a Iliercnt Hlonir line ill r h tn-r" i tliereln, I7S n alonK aame froin n e cor M.irrl. 1'arU .V. S'.xOr. Jul)' I I. 190 Krink Flood to Ilrnnx Sav Hank. 4 t -. -u . .in. , II n-terhler. 11 Walker av I.i its 54'.i and 5"0. map lllea.nn property. 21th war.l. Pee 12. 1911 Jpo tlohrbarh to ilertriide M Olea.on, altys. Wlnsate Cullen 20 Naaanil t . I.HT 112. 1-3 o'. map Waketle! 1. 33.4x Ut. Julv 1. 1913 Lillian I. Pender, to Win II Oilier. 913 lloill ft Con rour.e. sttya, Se bel A French. 41 Park How II.OllO SSli ST 320 and S22 W. a a. 333.4 w Ith av. HV.X7S5. Mav S. 1903 Mnrv Untie In flerimn Sav Pxnk, ntty. I. T I Co l0 Htvay ' 111000 Mll.xXCKY ST, 173. n p. 100 e Clinton at xioo. Nov 1, 1495 I.iac Slnuiann to ltaiikr Trunt i'n. U Wall t. Wblt- A CBe. II Wall .1 124.000 tl"TH ."T. a. vv 3d av. 18x100.11. Oct 1 A Lenu Hitter to Sarah Frleillandrr. ntty. W E flllllnK. So lltviy e;0,) I OTS "v4. 390 and 3S4. map 107, e.tata riiivvla )n. 2IHi ward. Nov 2. tl -B'lae Wil III to Slim Buiute. lnc; llll)'. I; T l.etilnever, 30t, B 50!h ',v,! IITII ST. n . 295 w tat RV, 25x100.4. Dee 31 19oa -Anion Miner, lnniviu .v er. Kath. hl Ht In .Inn C C.ullck, Cnrmel, N Y, a.l lrena 2 1 . 132 Nall Pi ll.i'O'l IICDSON ST. 101 and 403. mlK on lea.e. Ac. Mnr 11. 1911 .lo.eph Menne tn Itlrh'd P A Annx M 1'o.clim.inn. 401 llud.on ( IB.O00 I.fir ii. w- of. mill 1100. Arden property. We.tcheeler, Nov 15. 1911 -Matthew Ar Mtrlhu Farnll l Marn't Osvoren, 300 N 12Hh n; oity. Wipehler A K, 135 tlwav .ItOO SO AV. P vt cor Met Pi. 20 6x0, July 3. 1912 --.lo. in i or.i t.oui-iein. , 10th at; atty. M Adler. 31 Ilrekmnn nl J1000 niVIVOTON HT. 11. n p. 44. S vv Allen at. 22 1x75. Apr r I90fi -Otto A to 1 Hlrli'd II Hunt: attv, I. T I Co HO I ntvav IK. 000 I SAMB PHOPBItTY. June 15. 1911Jacol) A I Itftieeci Itotrera to I. A.- C Levy: ally, A Colii-n. 132 N.i.aail p' I ,.nou VNTIIONY AV. o a. where a a lot 11, ill ii 'lniul vv of Mill brook, belonging to Wm Week.. Weal Forma, !ntereet. Anlhont av, 52xt9950xlSI , Dec 7. 1001 .Inn A Vlciorlne Litter to Treinont llldK A Loan ,'n. Kllv THAT Co. 17(1 llniiv H.oo., SIMPSON ST e a. 247 1 1 n Home al, S5x too Apr 2. 1HI- lluh MiCri'i-rv m Kaile p.'laney, 3210 Clarendon road. Flat tiu.h. Ilklyn; ntty, (1 M Paker. 277 Httav 14,0011 AMHTCHDAM AV, n vr eor l7th at. 91 lot 100. Oct 31. x- t I Cn. 115 Ilway f it .11 m.n Meo A. Vvaa estate. 1900 MOD' a .10 itl ' rn I " '''V' Murphy, ntty, T O Co. 17H Ilway . 3.000 JACKSON AV, vv a, 114 n Clifton (Cllrtl Pt. 19 9x73, Jan I. Ho .tno W Oeiker lo Cyril. Hitchcock; atty. T (I Co, 17 llrnail- i vnt'ir.I.O ST. vf p. 130 n Columbus av, 25x i LOT M .aame map 100, Julv 6, 1911 Jllllll. A Zilenka Jlrlnee lo rmnk Sillvar Hank nf Burope; ntty. Frank Hrod.kv, 300 B 72d at . 13.500 LOTS 10, 229 nnd 274, map 1I14A Schleffelln e.nle, S4th ward. July 10, I'jOd t.oul. lie, hi to Sound ltealiv Co. 158 Ilway ally, drover C Snlffen, 149 Ilway. ,11,657.10 DIVISION ST. 211-03 s a. 128 0 e Mnntunm erv al 4I42. Nov 9, 1901P.ilvvln P A Mary J Walton tn Itobt Colin, stty. .lea I. You n K. 15 William at 13,000 STBIIIHNS AV. 942. . Sl n We. trhe. ler Vt 11xSl Mar . 1909 Sadlo M Nova In Maxwell Oavldanu, 170 Ilway.. 121.0 WILLIS AV, a " cor 131lh st, 40.1x95, Apr ir, IOOi- LouIp A Chrl.ll.ine Itoeaer to Flirnuill V I. .line., pre.nieni tiain'-.-iioo llroiii. trinrnuah nf The Tlronx.) 1551) ST. ... 19 I e Melre.e nv, 50xtOO--llenen.on rtcxlty Co to BrnM Kublcr. 3.1. Illeeeker al July 3. mtK I32.O00. altva. Maerkle A M. :'33 Ilway . .... ' SAMP. I'ltOPKHTY Brnept Kilbler to ller man Kub'cr. 3J2 llleecker at. July f. mlr 132 000 atty. same II PLOT ben I na H90 e While Plain, mad nt point 125 n aloi'ir taina from Morris Park mv. ilixlOO I.oul.e (1 Kruexer to has J Hotve. 137 W llllh at. July 3. mttr 11.0(10 attyi. Clncke. K A It, 3'jl E 1 49th at ...It SAME I'llOPBHTY Cha. J Howe to Loul.e O Krueger. Hi B 171th at. July 3. ml 11.000 altyp. aame '.v!1 DAVIDSON AV. n vv cor .Sorih at. 3. 4x 100 lly Cleland tn Henry Cleland. Inc. 119 Anthony nv. July 2. mtit 17.000. atty, C A Snow. 15 Wall t 110. citorONA AV. 13SL w p . 55x100 nmir.i l' Oe.tlna- to Chaa lleldelberiter, Jr 123' Franklin av. July 3. mtc; utty, T (1 A T Co. 174 ntvay 1 10 CASTLE 11 1 LI. AV. n w cor Qulmbv av. 103x40.11; iiIpo HnUKhtnn sv. . a. 2.911 vv C.ntle Hill av. 2l.llxo--Wr.1lman Finance A Itealty Cn to Mitchell. McDer mott Con.t 'n. Apr IS, mtit 17,000, attv. 1, T Co. HO lis ay II tuvrii XT a a. 30 e ilrnnt av. 30 9xS0.C3i! 9x no 9 Mlti-hell-MeOermntt Const Co to Wellman Finance ft rtealty C... 120 We.t the.ter So. June 59. mtr. 155 500. ntt). ' I. T Co 1(1.) Ilwav 1100 I U)TS 212 to 544. man Pndari lift Terrace - a i Fernando Wood lo Cha. Dnchtermann, .ir . ft .vinra a pi, juo . attj. i. i t -. ISO Htvay 1100 I.OD4 201 ani 501. m map Same to Herman Dot htermnnn. 311 E Sd Pt, Julv 3, aitv. name 1100 C1IIANO HLVD AND CON' "Ol'ltSK. e a, 31.1 101th at. lOOvm 5x100x191 5Mlldred F. Will'.- to lieo S. hlelcher. .17 W 14th al. July S mtK 116.91170; atty. TO T Co. 170 Ilway 11 I ZBltBIIA AV, n a i. at a e a land, now or fnrini rl Men nmr 111, 211 ax irrm Her man Siiero mtl ano to Spero Conair Co. Ine so: Ilw.iv June 27. m' HS.Soy. attv, A J Hern.leln. 302 Htviv. . I IfO CONCOUD AV vv p. 501 e ICo.ulh av 49t 100--Lena Elrliner to .In. Kel.y. 31.1 W 131th at Jn'y 3, mtK 13.400, tiy. T o ft T Co, I7C Ilway . . 1109 14TII ST. a p. lo e Onion av. 60x91--Cella Schvvnrtirtlch tn llenen.on Itealty Co, 407 E 153d at. July 3. nit 131,000 ntty. T O ft T Co. 170 nway .1100 LONO FELLOW AV. 1109. vv .. 37 CxlOO -Cha. W Mlllnrd tn Eber 1. Scripture, 131 W lath et. July I. mtK 131 000, atta. Vevvm in A n. Ill at. ... 1 ISO ST. n .. 10 e Carpenter av, 35x114 Jo. II .lone, to Itobt w Tod. I. 520 Park av, June II. mta; 12,000, atty. Todd ft st John. 254 Ilway noo IIOAO In Ml.lilltlown, . a. lota 7 and 1. map MilK Iota W A A II C Mani-p. COilOSx 50.107 Fre.l J Frneeh to We.tche.ler couniv HrewinK cn, Jit Vernon, N Y, Juna 54. mtao 14.000. att. Hern.ioln A O. 52 W lat .t. Mt Vernon. NY It TELLEH AV. . e cor l9lh at. 104 10x1' llx lll.CxSS 7. al.o Cotlera nv. e a. 100 a 171.1 pi. 55x155, al.o Onlleffo av, e ., ?r. n 17Ut .t. 55x100 Samuel t, ref, tn Itlanthe We..elman. .75 v e.t End av. Julv 2 ntty. ft K. 65 l.lhertv .t II 300 TINTON AV. w a. 510.5 n cftn nv. S7x 135 David W Cohen tn Sim Cohen. Oy.ter llav. I, 1. June 4, attv., Knox ft D. 27 Ceilar et 11 TINTON AV, tv p, 210 5 n Cllflon av. 2Tl'35 - -s.m ennen to riara con. in cu. inc. 3M E UOth at. May 39: attv, It IIEAPM'INT AV, a e a, lot 93 and part lot 92. map nelmunt. MSxloo-Mnrv A Keenin tn Frank C Pox. 406 E 176th n, .lunu 55. nil' 19.000; atty, Wm O Mulll- ran 461 E Tremont av II L"T 150. map I'ear.all eat Sound lleiity Co to John J Cummlnp, 1759 Annterdam av, all daeda dated June 59. atty on all, T I! ft T Co. 170 l1tv.1V . . II LOTS 151 and 155, aame map Same tn Itn.e Ferrarn, 224 E 107th at ft LOT .0. map Sime to I.blor Priiliu. 1 1 av, juiy i, i yr, a p ci any, i.nw .i nurghard. Ill Htvay . ., 111,000 1011) ST. n . 100 a Columbus a v. lot 100,11Francl. J McElkenney to Meyer Abraham. 17 H Elliott av, Ilklyn, Inatal. p c, July I; atty, Maxwall WyckotT, 277 Ilway 1950 Uptown, (Manhattan Island, north of 110th at ) IIITII ST, a a. 323.1 w 3d av, 11x100 11 Nathan Hitter to Titla HAT Cu. 1H Ilway, July s, due aa r bond, 11,000 5D AV, a a. 10.11 n 121th .t, 30x40- Anna Itlchter to Jullua Slaro.t, 2434 2d nv, pr mta; H.000. July 1, 3 yra, 5 p c; atty, Ilnttlleh Mayer. 490 Sd av 15.500 129TII 8T n a. 100.1 w lnnx ay. 74 9x09.11 --Nora D MrCall to Tha Lao Company, 770 Ht Nichols, av, pr mtK 157,500, .- yra, i'. p c, July 1, sttya, Dulnn A Itne, 41 Park How , , 15.000 IIITII ST, a a. 215 e Lenox av, 25x99,11 Florence E W Schmfel to Avr.erlosn MtK Co, 40 Cedar at, July 6, 6 yra, 5 p e, atty. Hotter. A S, 4 Cedar at 19,000 HAVEN AV. n w cor moth at, 75x100 llav.n Cunat Cn, lnc, to Premium HoldlnK Corp, 149 Church at, pr mtK 140,000, July S, due Auk 1. 1915, 6 p c; atty, N Y Title In. Co, 13S Ilway IIO.OOO HAVEN AV, n w enr HOth at, 135x117 -Samo to Central llulldlni lmpt A Inve.t Cn, 149 Church at, July 3, pr mtK 125,000, due Auk 1, 1013, I p c; atty, aame. 15,1,000 HAVEN AV, vv a. 75 n HOth t, 60x100 -Hanie to Premium HoldlnK Corp, 119 Church at. July 3, pr mtl MO.OOO, due Auk I, 1HS, Ope, atty, .xmn 115,000 HOTH ST. n a, 100 w llxven av, 47x5 -Same to .aine, pr mtK 10,000, due Auk 1, 1915, July 3; atty, aame , . 115,000 Ilrnnx, (llorniiKh of Tha Ilrnnx.) HA1I.EY AV, vv a, at line bet tlie.e land, and land, now nr late Oeo H Peck, 213 Sx IrrcK. a Inn Exterior at, a a, st vv a rlxht of way spuyten Duvvll ft Port Morrla llranch It It, 119 Sx , Ilalley av, awe 530ili t, 107 7x IrreKi Hrnodvvay. a e eer 310th t, 331. 9x- . Ilalley av. ti vv cor Sloth it. lOl.lx IrreKi 230th at, n e, at vv a. land N Y t Putnam It IU CS.Ix IrrcK, Hwny, n e cor :30th at, 390.5X IrrrK, Klng.hrl.tK rd, n e enr :.10lh et. 43 3i IrtPK, 530th Pt, a a, 67 11 e King. brhlKe av, 126 '.it Irrer Itaynor (lo.lvvln to Jamee A Peering. 21 W 47ih .1. pr iti IK 116.000, July 3, demand, 6 p c. atty, Jamea A DeerlnK. US Htvny . 16.214 LtHS 201.202. map Cndercllft Terrace Herman c Dnchtermann to Fernando U Wood al Kit. Il.i wnti. N Y, July 3. due Ac aa per bond, ntty, Lawye-a T I A T Co. HO llwi .t mm STEPHEN AV. tv S35 a dun Hill rd. -5 100- r. lin e. Devlne to France. Ludfonl S53J Cambrelleliir av, June 21, 1 trp. 5 P i . att. F I.udford. 2333 Camhrel'cnK av I6o l2D ST. . p 9 7 r Melrose av. 50 VxlO'i -I'.rn.t lluller lo Henen.ou llenlty Co, 407 P. tlld al. prior m'ge. 135.000. J ily I 1 r. p c. ntty., Elfera ft A. 177 Hway 16.000 LYMAN PL a. 195" n 169th Pt. 76x55 3x 3 9x90 3 (tirtord Hl.lK Co to E.tate. Settlement Co. 200 llwav; July 3, due aa pr bond; any. Manhattan Mort Co son Hwav . . I5.O00 LtlNOFELI.oW AV, tv a. 300 a 175.1 : 17 6xloi) O'l.enry Itealty ft Co lo N Y Trim Co. 56 ilroiul at. July I. ile. mind. 6 i c. atly, Lawyer. T I , T Cn. HO llwiv 155.000 1CITII ST n e ror Fox at. 2xJ 7- Anthony M l" John J Hreanan. 31.4 i-crrv av "o ee.iiie note I . July 3, due aa per bond, ac.v M J Sullivan. Willi, av ft 14Mh s' HOo HOSTON HO. e eor HOth Pt. 71 11x91 11 Cha. II WrlKle to Emma M l.eivl.. 113 E Hill .1, prior mlKe. MO.OOO; July .1; due sp per bond, atty, THAT Co. 176 Ilway 16.000 OAHFIEt.D ST. tv e. ISO . Cnlumbu. av. 56 .100 Jullu. Jlrlnee tn Marie Ott, 793 Forest ov. Jti'.v 3. due a. per bond, atly T (' ft T Co. 176 Ilwa 11.600 S3TTH ST. a a, 171. k e 3d 60x114 John D.ivl.laon n John Klvllerkl John. .00 E SS.'th a July 3. due ri. per bond: ntty T - A T Co, 176 llwiy ll.r.oo I.OT S6T. map I'ear.all e.t--Max Zarltxkv to oui.l Itealty Co. 151 llvvny. June 59. 5 yr. 5 p r; atts, Stoddard A Mark. 154 Hwnv 1765 fO LOTS H6 and 197 Sara I MaKaln to anine. June 59. 5 vrs. 6 p e. attve, .aine. .11.190 LOTS 161 and 156 Itn.e Ferrars to eame. June 59. 5 v r. S p r . ntty.. aime . 1910 I,rT SO Isllor Prulm in same, June 59. 5 vr., 6 p e. attvp, same 1540 LOT 130 John J Cummlnp to aame, June 29, 5 v r.. 5 p c. nttya, aime 1356 LOT 190 -John Currl.tlne to panic. June 59. i vra. 6pc. atty.. a.ime 1190 LOT 91 Max Zarlttkv to same, June 29. 6 vr, 6 p c, attv., aame 1455 LOT 361 Same to pime. June 59, 6 yra 5 p ' . atty.. aime 1150 I.i ITS 37 nn l 3. aime map Andrew Lauder to aame. June 39, 5 yra, 4 '3 p c If90 IlAlNHltlDOE AV, 3040. e a. 53x100 John A Flitken.leln lo Jullu. Wolf, 40 E.lRe eombe av, June 59, 2 r. 6 p c, atty. E A Acker. T" Fnre.t av 11,000 LOTS 229 and 530 man illea.on nronertv. 60.100 Patr'ek J Ilvan tn Lillian E Acker. 769 Forest av, July 1, 5 yr., ape; attv. E Acker, 756 Core.t av .. ..15.000 APSTIN PL. n w .. 352 S n e Ultll al. 60x too (len II Salmon to Wm O Schiff. 30 Ca.tle rl. New Itnrhclle, N V, July 3, due a. per bond, atty, T l fc T Co. 174 Htvav 11.300 I.OT 21 map Wa.hlnKtonvllle John Stahl to Nlrholaa Wapter, 670 Nobler av. Uueena. N Y. Apr P.. 3 yn 6 p c, atty. T C. ft T Co. ITU Hwav I1.S0O DAVID-niN AV. n w cor North .t. 37 6t inn,-iieurv Olan.l. Inc. to City MtKe Co, 15 Wall at, Julv 2. demnnd. C p c attv. P A Snow, IS Wall at 136.000 1650 ST n a. 25 tv Wale. al. 51 llx 101.6 Dnl J McCarthy et nl to N Y Mice an. I securltv Co, 13.1 Ilway. June .10, S yra. C n e; atty. N V Title In. Co, 111 Hwav 141.000 WAHlIINIITOT AV. e a, 75.5 . 171. t at 56 sxioo s Jacob Mayera to Morrla Fried man. 1376 Intervale nv. June 59. due. fte a. per bond; attv., lleym.Mil ft W. 57 William et 11.300 150TH ST. n a. 29 3 e IVattnn av. 17x96 I John II llordv to Model H A 1, An of .Mott iinven, i(i"j i i nv. June 51. Inatal. s p c. attv. N Y Title Ina Co. lis Hroail- vvpv 11.500 TINTON AV. w p. 510.5 n Hilat .t, 27x 135 Sara Con.t Co. Inc. tn Ells K DonllnK. 179 t. POtti at, May 26. line, ftr, a. per hind, nttva. Knot A D, 57 Ce.tar t 111,000 WKSTri e--r- , - " " -S i SHORE ACRES Nature at her very best witli earth, sky and water giving you pic "'7 i . 1 Hires wortlt a day's travel to scs:, Shore Acres can't help but leave its impress on you. Won't you let us take you there just for the mere seeing? Only 39 minutes from Grand Central a short distance from Mamaroneck high class improvements a superb clubhouse. Glad to send you a booklet but we'd rather take you out as our guest and let you see this beautiful place directly on Long Island Sound. May we? No obligation on your part. m "fniiLMBnMHMal CLIFFORD n. HARMON & CO.. 42J Street and Madiion Avenue WEATHER FORECAST Washington TrciUctlons for To day nnd To-morrow. i CITY IIKAI. r.iTATi:. HoraceS.EIy&Co. REAL ESTATE 21 Liberty St. 489 Fifth Av. Al.o Nn THE SCCNII AND HUDSON .i:FlM and I h r o u ( h n ii t Vannnth Itiee 0 P fliKl.nn Itlver. II C II 11 b III HE a uu We.iehe.ter. 7 E. 4? M-AV .IKIIKV IIKAI. KSTATK 1011 SAI.K, - I Pfelrfer, i) cedar at . . H.000 AVEM'E II, 199. n store and baa men' rut. u. i.owenrei.t an.i uno in .tiorrie ,-ew-nun. 199 Avenue li. ? 10-13 r from July I. 1914. ally J .1 Ho.enbanni, lis i Htvav ... . ,172.) I ST M AltK'S PL . a" Win Harth to Anne i IV never, is St .XIsrK a pi, ya ironi .tiay . 16. 1914. atty. lbmon Dommerlu. ifo i Ilway ... 110.000 LIvTrENHENX. Mnnhatlun. MADISON ST. 46 lli-l ev It (loi.l.tem ski Chorle. lll'IIIPHy ei nt ll..r-.i.imn , mortcaKe), attya. Davl. A Davl. I9TII ST 61 W Jennie Sielnman net Aiiren Koebier el hi iroreiio.ure oi niortaaac;, am. M M Friend. VANDEWATEII ST. 21 and 26 Kate II Murno iiki Twentv ft Twenty sit vnnuer watfr IU Corporation et al (forerlo.ura of moriK.iK'l , atlp, Furstir, DotallnK A Klenke Ilrnnx. COSTEK ST, e ., 540 a Sporford av. 50x100 Henry II (Has. nut i;uw.ini i i lie. jr. rt l (forrvloauro of morlK.iKH; utty. T Ol'leran W ASIIINiiToN AV, 1164 -Henry II Jackson uKt .lo.eph I. Ovvlaon (lorecloauro oi mirtmiKvi, atty, S II Jarkaon. I Ask;nmi;nts OI' MOHTIiAC.F.s. Mnnhattnn WEINHANDLEIt. Sol, to Joa Hachrsch and ano II COCNTV HOLDINO CO to International Committee v M c A. ... . ...jsiooo SCOTT, Emily A, tn Abel KlnK and ano .. 19.000 CHI.T HRA ItEAI.TY CO to Chaa C Hill" 13.000 FIliiEHLICH. Annie, i.i Mot Moore .. 15,000 vv i. !.-. .mok. to vvm I'raKer li nt:iiur..-iii.ii.-. r;meimn r;. nunir, to iiry Dork sav innaii FEINHEIlll, Annie, to I, In Latvia 1100 criSTCIt. Sarah C tn Mnpv li Mmltt. ta n.ll 11 I MOIl AN, D C, and ano. trusteea. to D C Moran 114.126 aiiiii.i.-v ii i'. committee, to o c anil nno. tril.tee. (JOTTL1EH, Isidore W. to Title T I'n H07.EMAN, M. to Altvell Co n.vilKEIt. Frank, exr. to Huth A llrotvn SAME to same MECIIANirv LIENS. .Manhattan. 39TII ST. 651 to C5? W - IMrry Odwak nt Jo. H'.rn Son, inc. i-.iriiton v.o, Inc. lontractnr. HenJ.iniln II Tullln. pub emlrai tor 1136 25 13..T1I ST. '. and S W Adolf Davl. iiKt lluth I, cunnlnKham. owner. M t-iei.iier Wll. nun Jopeph. vonlraetor. 1275 MOItNINIlSIDE AV. 171 Nlcotail. Lle.a act .Icnnl- l.ederer. owner. Charle. HJer kecren. i.intractor I2S HN HILL IIOAO. 400. and Webster av, 3KI to .141. riueniailier coutr.ietinK Co ,iRt .Maria Armanlo et l (renewal). 1695 llroiii. 176TII ST, a e ror Traf.ileer pt. 74t63 Louis Uanner aKt Matthew I' Doyle, oivni'r A contiactor 163.75 JACKSON AV, 104 Morrla .Imm-rman iiKt I'.ul A, Ell.a oralliwoiii, ovtnera, I'aul lirathwohl, contractor 11,211 SATISFIED Mi:t'IIAMCS' MENS, Mnnhattnn. IlltOADWAY. 524 to 2264 I'lelrotvskl A Konop Co aKt Wltilam I. Walter 't nl. June 54, 1911 (by bond) 15,351.20 IJTI1 ST, 20? to 223 E -Mlthael Nocentt Co at IrvlnKton i.'on.tructlon Co et al, Dec 9. 113 Iby boll.ll II. 311. 76 IlltOADWAY. SJ41 to 2258, and list at. 210 to 5:0 W II II Hoffman et at aitt William I Walter et al. Juno 21. 1914 (bv bund) fl,667.ll BUSINESS TROUBLES. Banking Department, Stale of New York IS SI'.I.I.INO AT 111 V ATP HALF Modern Hones - Bungalows Building lots at drantvtia.l, Pall.aiie, Mnraemere, irotila and Hudson lleUhla, New Jersey, about opposite (irant'aTomb. Price. ovrraire about trr of former prices. These properties mut be sold quickly to rinse the liti.lnrt. nllhr Industrial Savlnrs A tjian Company and the New York Moruate Company Ilarnalni foi llulldera, Invialor. or llomcseektra. Address nr.Nj n hauhit, Special Deputy Sup I nf lUllV., rot Times Hide. New York City. Tor eastern New York, partly cloudy to-day fair lo-ninrrntv moderate north wind.. For eaatern Pennsylvania and New Jer.e", partly cloudy to-day and to-morrow i tier,: lo moderate north wind.. For northern New Entland, cloudy to-day, preceded by ahowera on the conat; fair to-morrow. Increasing eaat, slittlne to north weat, wlnda. For southern New Enitlanil, cloudy to-dav, probably preceded by ahowera; fair to. morrow, atrons north tn northwest tvlti.l.. dlmlnlshlnK For we.tern Naw York, partly eiourtv lo-day and to-morrow; 11 at ri t variable win. la NEW YOltIC, July 7. Tha pres. ure a a. hlKh o'er all parts of the country yesterday except In th extreme Southwest and over North Daknt 1 and Minnesota Partly clumly condition, prevailed over the central State, and alnns the Atlantic con.t, but elsewhere tha weather vva. geii erally fair. It .in Kanerally cooler In the Atlantic State., the Norlhne.t, the llnrky Mountain, and the upper MD.ourl Valley and warm-r In (he Ml.slsslppl Valley In thl. city the ,iiv was partly clnudyi ahowera toward evenlnK. cooler; wind, freh nraterly; averaKe humidity, 61 per cent., bjromctnr, corrected to read to sea level, at I A. M., S0.1S; 3 P M . 30.07 The temperature In thl. city ye.lerday, aa recorded by the official thermometer, I. shown In trje annexed table- 1014. toil I tan, tan DA. M . V 7 CP. M... . W ! ISM ,! S7r n P. M HI If 3 P M 7n S.' IJ Mid. .. . Al' 77 llljhcst temperature, 73, at 1:60 P. M. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. CRAFTSMAN BUNGALOW eltuate.l In the country, near New York, a home of the most nrtl.lle conception; every known Improvement imbodled. In a fully established nnd rerine.l community, a dla Onctlva home for dl.epImlnatlitK people nt the price nf a commonplace house; 16,760, terma iirranUed LAM HEHT, Architect. 533 Ilroad way, N. V Phone 0911 Ilarclay. MINIATPIIE ALMANAC. ami rsi Sun rlc... 4SJ;Sun seta . 7.29, Moon rlei.,7C Htrill WATIMI THIS DAY. a Al Sandyll'k. 7:16Onv.Uand. 7 lolllell Oate., LOW WATPIl THIS HAY. AM' AMI I .SsnilyH'k..! Kljdov.I.tind , LltlHclt (late.. AM ..3 31 I'LltNIhllKII DOOMS TO LET. Ilrooltlyn. FQCAHE room, well furnished; hot and rnld water, closet, convenient to trolley, of Putnam Ave.. Fulton St , Sumner Ave. and Tnmpklna Ave. Ilnea and tn Fulton St. "L"; private hou.o In best residential section. Addrei. It F K., box 164 Sun olllce. TILE BOSTON MARKET. Hoston, July C. Trudlni, here wan rtiilet. with a Koncrnlly firm tone. Hoston Klevutcd was the HtronR feature, strenKtti enlns 2"j to 17 &. New Haven lost lo fil-. AniotiR thn rnlnlnc l.sucs arnnby sold nt MMi up Isla Hnynl, nnd Osceola calnrd IU. tSrecnc Cinaiieii lost 'a to 29S4, Alaska, Hutte nnd Superior and Chlno pained fractionally. In thn Indus trials United Trult continued weak nt 130 H. I'lilted Shoe ndvnnccd Ti to Bnsft nnd Massachusetts Gan gained 'i to 86 Vj. Tho summary: IIO.VDS. Onen. Illcri- Iow Sales. Inr. e.t est. 1 A A Ch 6. l'i. 100 Am T A T col 4... 331, loo Am T A T ev 4i,s.. 9v4 1 At O A W I I. 64 1 c II A Q Is (oint. S7H 4 Ch J'n lly f. LAV, 8 Weslern T A T ta . v.K, 1(S 911, 9fcl4 4, ST1, 10.w so, lWi lt H'Vi lO0l 97 0 VV llnn.lnn .1 1.11 VminUnn Con.t Cn III N I l .nf lflO .flnie man Same, lo John Ciirrl .'i.du line. o'i vv .11 .i si Julv 3, , OTP 367 and 36, anme mnp- S.ime to Andrew Lauder. 114 Henry .1. HKiyn .11 LOTS 340 and 350, aame map Same in Slrmund L Pinner, 1054 Huilaon at. II.- boksn. N J '1 LOTS 194 and 197. aame map Same in sari 1 Macrio, ft . " r. ia,tn at . . si . same map ime io .vinx .ariiahv, 1.T1 Crnlnna av . II I.OT 567. .ime map Same tn Max Zarltxkv. l7o Crotona av .....II OT -161. ame map Same to Max 7.arIUliv. 1179 Crotona av. attya, Deyn .19,000 III -IN T ie i ItOPIHU'V LIIASHH, A. l own Company has leased "' ' el Urn hiillthvvi Ht col Her "f '' ' Hid l''lfl.v-seviiith strict to k I. lis. oi i .impiiny niui nlllces in h . ItuililiiiK nt 131! Ilroailvvai ' llr .Ic,, p.ji t Coach l.'u'O Cnillp.iliy, ri .mint at f. West Thll tj'-llflll II. t k Co. ' 1 1 oss c'unipany hus leased Hie 1 .' (Ireciiwlch street to tho Pol ' ' ' K it m; 4 itniniiy, the -turn lit ' Si.N.ei-ntti street lo t llx Ooliiin H'IU'ir ami oil 4'unipany, uml lo smros at 4i-i-3(l West Thlr- ' to Chart C. Heck. H. ., Ci,, 'He In I I. I II r 1 I'e- 11 . taV tfsn J, of"!. H c hum leau'd tho third loft J''"1 Iciiiis. nveiiiio to Alfred S. Him '"" hi d th ihlrd loft at SO West 121th 'feit , ni.,nio Hn?s.i ju,, " " ' ''. !'"-'.'r leised tho "lore nt raa'iV'" 0 "VPtitp lo the South Anieii nf,nipniiv the two Iiiiro stores '.eri an Wen l".,tli iitreet to the ' i vv Crmpapv, the spun at 20 h 'r ct Li the Hhcrrlck Nuvt'1'.v .ria Co, sr.O St .Nicholas av ii in Htvav I21ST ST, a a. 313 Park nv. 20x100 11, Die r. 1909 -Carl A A Anna J Schnelble; attv. lly F Miller, 44 Pine at . . . .. 19.000 TH ST. 616. a a, 249 7 e Av A. 26x97. June I 1909- -Peter A Trnl to Oarur. Then ft Ernest Kunath; atty, Seth H Terry. 66 iiWBV -12.400 16'0 ST. 767 E. n a, 14 Nov 11 1912 r;.: MoOirthy to T O T Co, 1-SJ Iltvaj 11,600 SAME PltDPEIlTY. June 6, 1912 Wm D. J & Mai McCarthy to aame 16.000 FAHK AV, 1SU-13, e a, 31 7x90, Apr 3. 1913 - Denl. McCarthy at nl to T O A T Co. 176 llvvay , illM'iO I'AHK AV. II07-IS09. n s, 316x10, Nov' 11. 1912- Dent. McCarthy to intm,... 12.600 SAME PltolT.HTY. June , 1912 Wm D. .1 May McCarthy to aami 11.000 LEXINOTOS' AV. n e cor 119th al. run" e COt li 7kx n 29, Sx w 66 3x a 03 2 In Iick, Nov II. HUS Denis McCarthy lo T (1 T Co. 176 Htvav 14.000 SAME I'llOPBHTY, June , 1912- 'Win I). J St May MiCnrlhy In same... 112,000 IJTH ST, 340 E, a tv p. 191 ii vv 1st av, 21x92. Oct IS. 1647 Martin Mrrklen In Seamen's Hank for Sav; attya, Cndvvalader, W A T, 40 Wall st Is, 000 i.-rti sr u a. 116 w fllh at. runa vv 40x n 95x e 23x a 44, Sx a 16x a 47.4 tn bcK, June 2 1913--Herman A Fannie Klein lo Sol D Mn.l atty, J A Kollll, 1400 .'.111 av 6TII AV. n tv cor Hill .1 4, 4x45, June S, ID Herman . Fannie Klein to Sol o Mo... atlv, J A Knhtt, 1400 av 11000 LOTS 115 i"l 139 amended map 1131 Adee Park June 14, 1906 Stern Wolf Itealty Cn to Minnie Hummel; atly, Frank N (llnrer. Mt Vernon, N V 16,000 MOItTliAOF.S. (With name and addres. of lender and lender's attorney.) Downtown. (South ef Fourteenth st ) DELANOBV ST, 172. n s. 100 e Clinton Pt. 86x100 Isaac Slmnann tn Herman Sav Hank 117 4lh av. June 59, dun July 1. 19P.I, 4 V, p ci atty, T O Co, 176 llroail- wav ........ ;u.'i...i Moran 110,041 O . 16.000 Itealty . .1100 Hruce. II II Ilrnnx, KINO. Alice A, tn John F Nllbel et al It TO A T CO tn John II Logic 14,000 TIIPIITON. Amy E. tn Harry llamll ton 11.000 KIIAMSALI Theresa, and nno to Cornelia Kram.all CITY MTOE CO to Municipal Pollen .Mutual 126.000 N Y MTOE AND SEC CO to Anna M Fort- man 17,600 IIEl'I'ENHElMEIt, Wm C. mlmr, to Ada c Shethar .. 13.013 WINKLEtt, Mary, to Valentine Splnn- ler . 13,600 HECK. Henrietta, tn Adolf Wellw nrd. , IS.500 TIET.BN. Henry, to THAT Co . 16.000 11IIONX SEC AND IIIIOKEIIAOB CO to Dora Frank . 11 JOS HCEIII.EIt, INC. to THAT Co., 14. 000 1IPHD1CK Julia W, tn Henry Elbel, Jr 17.000 N Y TltUST CO to City MtKe Co It DOIXiE, Adallna II, to Michael Scher- Inser I10.O00 HEItLICII. Peler. to Annie Schnaufer .15.100 LAWYEHS TITLE INS AND T CO In Emma F M lluller 11,000 HI'ANEY. Carl F. tn Ernst . . Ih.ooii SOMMEIt, John, to Theo 0 Ernes,. . 13,500 inivv i;hy savi.-vos HANK to Harry W CANNON ST. e s. 100 a TllvlnKton at. 3Sx tno Ttnllian llliaica in nave imiuis.r, 555 Hart l. Ilklyn. due Jan 1. 1916, r. n c. July I; atly. M II Nrtvinan, 9H Park av .... 11.600 AV D, " s, H.3 s Id al, 19x70 Simon Silverman tn Abraham Ilelch, 54 Av C, July 2, due Auk 2. 1919, 4 p c; atty, Perl mutter A Men. 31 Clinton st .f I.K04 6TII ST. s . 219,7 e Av A. 21x97- Eva Hover to Wllhalmlns II Lelnlnc. 44 W 20th at demand 6 p c, July 6; atty, Chaa P LelnlnK. 365 E 191 Ii at HOO Kat Side, (East nf Fifth av. between Fourteenth and lioth Pts.l 09T1I ST, n a. HI e 3d av, 24x100.4 -Amelia W Schenck tn Fredk C Schneider, 116 W 142d st. July 1. 1 r, 6 p e. attys. drop. A S. 301 Htvay. . . . 12,776.09 1031) ST. n . 2.t) w 3d av, 17 0x60 11 -David Samuel tn Jacob .Mendelsohn, 31 Fort WashlnKton av, Julv c, 2 yra, il p e; attv. Max Arena. Ill Ilway 12 500 3D AV, tv p (10 10 n 109th Pi 69,11x96 Bill H Colt to Millie Jacobaon, 605 W lMst st. July . s yrs, 6, p c, attys. Mav A Jacobson, 13 Park Hnw 17,000 We.l Side. (We.t nf Fifth av. batween Fourteenth and 1 110th stei.) SITU ST. 437 W. n a, 335 w Pth av, 25x 91.9 Edna F E Spear to Title OAT Co, 176 Ilway. JUiy 3, uue, .xr, ns per bond . 46TII ST, ii s. 70.9 a 6th nv H vin j I'hlllp A Fllipalrlek to Comity HoldlnK Co. too Hway. Julv fi, 3 jr., at, pi, attya, Merrill ft It, too Htvay I5..500 ITII A V n w cor Hth t, tSxloo pHtk J McOulnneaa lo (leo Elilfl, 1197 Park Hell Ill.PMB, Aaron, to lllrhard I1 .110.000 Lydon.. 155,000 ID AV, herK et Clinton attv, M I9TII ST, IIF.COItDF.D LEASES. .Mauhattan anuih atom floor Marka Itnten al to Saml A Hubln SlrKcl, HI at. 3 9-13 yra frnm Auk 1, 191 1; IllreUleln. 169 E Htvay r,lf, i o nt, e-,, riant oi wily iroin J'SIV-a Theatre Ilockbrldiia Itealty Co to Mary E Jones, cold SprlnK Harbor, L I, from May 27, 1014. lo May t, 1917, altys. Flndi A Coleman, 32 Nn.aau at 12,000, 11,600 and II 000 HTH ST, 111 W. ainre Fl.her I.ewlna i,n, nno to Joa Clardl. 119 W 26th at, 5 vr. frnm Auk 1, 1914, atty, M Levy. 320 Hway ..... ,., . .., I1.2C0 IlltOADWAY. n e cor 1 loth at, I, ahipe, atore United Stnrea Itealty Co to Avedon, Inc. 31130 Ilway, 6 yra from Dee t. 1911 11,000 2D AV, 160, .tore aim basemi-nt John C I'.lill in .viorris enoeiiner, -I'll, nsly av, f. yra from Mch 1, 1916; ntty. Ilernard (Inrdon, 50 Veaey at S9u ID AV, 5113-45, store tlonr and part baae- ment - Anurntv uavey to i.eojtoiit nnhrii. belmer. 609 W llOlh at. 5 vra from Mav 1. 19111 atty. Jnn J Hiker, 34 Nassau al. 14. 60o 17TH s r, .-( ay. west store anil mxeinent 557 W 17th St Cn to Jo. I, Itti..mann A Cn. 6230 .xiapia av, si i.nuis. Mo. 6 yra from June 16, 1914; nddreaa (2), 19 South 4th st, St Loula, Mo 15.4(1) IlltOADWAY, n e cor caihe.irai I'arkway pari Kround floor Ada I, We.trott et al, tru. to Avedon lnc 4 -U ia from Auk I 1913 addre.a 111, 2126 llnny t,6o0 TH AV, 649, all lo.eph .1 u'Donohiie, Jr, atty lo Herman Herman. 410 W 141. t at. 9 2-12 ra from Mch I, 1914, atty, Llnd A VALENTINE PINK, ricrk of 760 We.t Twenty-flr-t street, ha. hied .1 petition I'l Imnkrupto. with II tt.Oltl.-i. HI4.530 and no M'l.l ef the llatilllllea are 111 ImlKinenta PLTEIl HOTII. miiiaKer of 116 Seron.l ave nue, has nted n petition In bunkruptcv. with llabllltlea 11.219, and no assets. The d'ibt. nre for money lent, rent of piano nnd (liter, notes and merchandise. JO.'K.I'II SILMA.V a builder and real estate broker of 1611 Emnion. avenue, has tiled m vnluntarv lietltlou In bankruptcy in the Pnlted State. District Court. Hrnoklyn I l.labilllle. nre Klven at anu a. lets at 112.350 Schedule. Piled. AMnilPWN MOVINO PICTUHB MACHINE CiiMI'ANY Hcheilul. a In luiikruptcy of the American Movlnc Picture Machlm Company, of 101 Ili-ckman street, show llahllltlis I593.0C3. of which 1165.264 nro securid, and nomlnil a.seta t:u.:r.', con sIstlnK of stock. I5'.i 00. machinery. 146 39. intent". 110.000, aie.iunta. 14.096. claims, 1954. cash In bank. 3z; oiin e furniture 1100. and notes. 176. DANIEL SI.HTE 41 CO Schedules In bank ruptcy nf Dinlol Slum it Co, wholesale dealer. In blank bonk, nl S-'l Hroailvvav. ahnw llabllltlea 26,42 and 13163, iiin.l.tlnK of slock. r.'.f60, machine, I1..0. accounts, f .14 A. and cash In bank. 11. Daniel Slate, founder of the bu.lne... vv.. ' Han of Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad SAMPBL KNEE Sehedulea In bankruptcy of Samuel Knee, manufacturer of travel llnr b.iKa, at 60 Ll.penord street show liabilities 110,166 and assets 14.319. con sl.MnK nf Mock. 12.600, machinery. It.oou, and account.. 1119. ... .. AAHON MASIA. S'hedule. In bankruptcy of Aaron Jlaaln, anna uenier m in a'reet, show llabllltlea 11.197 and asset 16.770. conslettnK of stock. 1350; natures, 160; aertiiinla, 5.31l. nnd notes. I5 S VAN LOAN HAII.WAY EglTIPMENT COMPANY. A list nf creditors of the I S. Van Loan Hallway Equipment Com pany of 233 Hroadwny shows liabilities of 111.113 . . . (IODWIN DE CHAY. Schedule. In iianK- ruptcy or lloiivvlii lie tiray m 01111" Plain, .how llabllltle. 16,791 and aels 1171. conslsttnK of notes, 1175, and In surance refund. IS ... FltANK CIIAWFOHD. INI Scheilille. on the .L.tKiimrnt 01 crann rravvior.i, inc. vtholea.ilo dealer In butter and ckc. at 15 llarrl.on .treet, .how tlahllllle 140 941. nnndnnl ns.eta J 7. 1 7 s and actual assets I7.IH Compositions I mill ruled. HAIllllET J NONES --.Indue Hand ha. confirmed a conipo.lllon of Harriet J None, of 7.1 ltlverslde Drive, vvlfa nf Charles A Nones, formerly president of tha Quicksilver Mlnlns Company, with her creditors nt three . -nt. on the dollar Liabilities wire 1151.. n The principal creilllora waived accept, nice of the monet A STHIIN A CO. INC Ju.lRe Hand has confirmed a composition of A Stern Co In, , dealer In millinery at 414 Fifth avenue, with creditor, at 50 cents on the dollar, half c.ieh nnd half on a note due November 1, 1911 Liabilities were 146,100. DAVID HEICII EN II II 101 -JinlKa Hand ha. confirmed a , umpo.ltlon nf David llelch enberc. grocer, of 37 SprlnK alreel. with credltur. at 56 i.nla on Cie dollar, eaan ALICE NECK WEAK COMPANY --Judge Hand has confirmed a composition of Aaron Solomon. tradlnK as the Allea Neck wear Compnny at 600 Hroadvvay, with creditors at 25 cents on the dollar, payable 10 cents cnh nnd 11 cents on three nniea at four, eight nnd twelve months. l.labil llle. were 120.6:3 SAMPBL KAl'I'.MAN -Ju.lre Hand ha. dismissed tha petition In bankruptcy tiled on April 27 iiRaltiat Samuel Kaufman, clothlnK denier. 133 IllvlnKttin street, on a settlement with creditors at 30 centa on tho dollar, payable 13 rents cash nnd 15 cents In three, notes at three, six nnd nine months. .Undo An Assignment, MAItMOIl A IIOUAL HHOS., INC, receivers of butter, ceki and produce nt HO'i Dunne atrect. hna made an assignment to J. Leo HonlKinan. Thn corporation waa Incorporated In Octobor. 191.1. with capital atork of 16.000 Samuel Monitor Is president and Jacob lloral treasurer, Llabllltlea are said to be about H.HOO and assets 13,000, An offer nf settlement waa recenllv mada to credltota at 30 centa on the dollar. Discharge, from llnnkriiplry, , Judge Hand yesterday granted discharges to these Imlilu lints A lleetner, reotaurant. ISO Nn.siu etreet, liabilities 12,7691 Frauds J Kelli of Kally A Knlel, dry good, exporters, f6 New- street, lla bllltlea 17,776; Jullua L. I.evy, sale.inun, 64S We.t H2d street, liabilities 1737 , II. Lewis Mack, aalesman. 455 Fort Washing ton avenue, formerly leather goods, liabili ties llri.CUO . Alex-Holer llotensteln, 241 West 159ih street, fortuerlt' shoes, llablllilea 12,227. Abraham Sllverniin, leather goods, III nvenue. Illbllllles 2 '4, Simon Vnlk, cloak msnlfn'-liirer ." West Talril street, llablllilea l 10. nn.l Weirs i Kata, plumbers, 11; llruoma tirtet, llabllllltt 115,194. MISCELLANEOES cm. lng. loot 991, ', 61V, 7V, ion. 97H .. 5C, . 107 ..II2S 120'a . 74 . 1.1 97 2K14 .111', IIS . 61 . sc.', loot. 1) . 65 1 !,, . 165. ..Ill . . 61 61 ll". ...69 STOCKS ...57.) 270 40 71 U 1 o; ST', 63 412 IK IIS. 34, 10 H'i -r, 17li . 41 . 70i . 16 . IS . 3J1, . Mi .413 1 . 41'. J1'4 . 10 . HI . .1.11. . 16 174. l-i A A Chem... M Am Sugar., ?1 Am sugar pf 316 Am Tel A Tel 6 Am "oolen pf I AmoskeoK ... . 6 Cumberland P pi. Eill.on Electric . t.a Oeneral Electric . 19.) Ma.. El Co.... . 37 Ma.. Kl Cu. pf 5:0 Ma. 4 lla. Cos II McF.lwnlii l.t pf 10 N E Tel A Tel. IV. N II SO Swltl A Ci d Pullman I'll Pnlled Trult 13.-4 Pn Shoe Math . 4V. P S Steel 1.5 P S Strel pt 375 Western t'nlnn . . MINING 1 Ahmeek 9'.'.-. Alaska (lold.. .. .-n Algoraah 30 .Miotics r."' Amalgamated 60 Am .lnc . .. '.'11 Artrnna Com ti Unite A Sup... . ion Cal A Arizona.. 1 Col A llrcln li Ceolcnnlal . . wi Chlno .10 Copper llame.. . 66 Unite 46 Oranby . .. 4'0 (Irceiie.C.111 Con. . HaniHick 10 In.pir.itlnn Cona, 6h5 I.ln llnyale ;n La Salle.. 60 Mn..achu.elts 131 Mayflower 2) 60 Mlchl1r.11 so Nevada Cone .. , ISO New Arcadian l: Nlplsslne 112 North Hutte 170 Old Colony 61 Old Dominion. . . 11 O.ceol'i 10 Pond Creek Coal ijulnoy lf.0 Santa Fe 46 Shalluek-Arli . . . '.vi v-uperlor SO Tamarack ?) Trinity S7 li S Smelting 11 P S Smelting pf. 1M Ptnh Cons 70 Ptnh Copper. . 30 Wolverine HAILHOADS. .It llnalnn JL AltmllV . 1 kl) loo llo.ton Elevated. 1.10 Bn. ion L Maine HUT 46 fhl Juint pd 6 Northern N II pi Pnlon Paclfle . . 127 West End CPII11 STOCKS, llav Statu Oil. Ilohenua Ilo.lnn Kir Calavrr.i. Chief Cona. Consolidated Arl'nna.... Divla Daly First National (ioldflrlil Cnn.ohdalrd.. I. a Hi.-" Consolidated. Mnjestle Mexican Melals ttevada Douila New llallln Ohio Oueco Haven South Lake L'n Verde Extension ... 66 1071J IIS 130'i 74 61 117 21", 1I9S ll'l 6'l )6'4 10.ll. 110 1., 1(114 165. lll 691, 62', 69', 6Ci 107 H2; 120' 74 69 97 3P.'4 ion 10 r.S'i hi; 100 v, 130 s 11H 154, 131', 64St 61 10914 69 270 27'. .'.in 40 Till. 16 4. SP, Of, 412 II 41. 76S 19 tl 3. 15 17'. 1. 65 107'4 11 ISf'i 74 61 97 SIS', 1411, 10 64 61. 1MU 130 6IS W 1541. HOI4 69 61 109 It, 69'. .91 41 71 'i 16 4S 37' CI 41 j lati 4IS S in sl'l S9'4 in id; 21 3 16-16 3 1616 3 15-16 3 15.16 4', 4V, 4i, tv, I". .-x 22'. S3', 60 .to II II r. 4; C'i 6t, 56', Sf.' 4 4 IV, 761, 17 .60 , 14 i; 61, 5V. 4 4V'4 76'. 67 It, 23V, S7l, , 8'. . 3' 31 44; 1I. , 64', II 94 . 3.1 91 'i IM 101 .P.61. . es i'i ?!. 36 3'i SI 17 1I'4 SO, 41 ISO 97' 4 35 HIS 106 104'i C CLOSING 4H, 76'. 17 67 l'4 S3', S7S 3r. 1'. II 44; IP. 61', 41 1) Si 34', 91. I'.i 101 1661, 69 PltlCKS ... 11 -. P. ... 50 .. IS ... .lei ... .O ... Oi ... 1'. ... 17 ... ... .19 ... 21 .. l' .. P. ... ... ..V. ... .10 .. is . . . 4S 22S 14 6 61, ' 4 4VS 76, 1. 67 Pi MS 17S I'i 91 47 HS 64', 11 141 97 SIS MS lOti 101 1S', .12 IS .a. IS sj .60 14 I', SI .23 Al .1.0 .IS I .15 Arrived MONDAY, July 0. .. N'teuw Atn.tertl.m. A ...1 A Vt lloi.M.Bm June 27. ' SaOeorge Washington, 2 64 A. M Ilremen, June 37. s. Minnehaha, 3 P. M . Itndon, June 27, Sa Columbia, 7,60 A. M., (iiasgow, Juno 31, S. Mnltke. 7 A M . Nanles, June 31 S Niagara, f. P .M . Havre. June, ST. Ss Canada, .116 A M . Palermo. June 34. Ss Darla, ) P. M. Sunday, llimhtirir, June II, Ss Appalachee. II A M , Weymouth, June 31, Si OliMense, R-ia'A M., Jamalra, July 1. Ss Saramacea. Puerto llnrrio.. June SaCarolvn, 1104 P M. Sunday. Porto Mloo. junc no. S. 'llorlnnuen. 4 A M , San Juan. June . Sa Oracrli, II P. M. Sunday, Jamaica, June M, Ss Antllla. 7 A M t'roerrsn, June SO ss naiiington, a.45 A. M., Mataniaa, July 1 Ss Protein, New Orleans, July I Ns Kl Orlrntc, (ialtrstnn, June .in. Ss I'awnre. Philadelphia, July S. AlllttVlin 1IIOM NEW YORK. Ss Pennsylvania, at Hamhurv. Ss Prim Prlcdrlch Wllheim, at Ilrctnen. Si Caledonia, al filasgow. Ss Minneapolis at I.udon, Ss Zceland, at Dover. K Pannonln, at Oenoa SAILED POIt .NTW YOHK. Si Perlln, from Clicrboutc. OCTOOINO STEAMSHIPS. Sail To-day. Milli I lose. A 3-1 A M S no P M Vatcrland, Hamburg Mauretanla, Liverpool -ivronpnnxvv iineim.iiremen Potsdam. Hotierdam .. .... (iermanla, Marselllra Santa Theresla, Havana Mohawk, Jacksonville ... City nfMontgnmery.Mvan'h Mauisnn, ,-vorrou. Mails cloe at n P. M. Mondiy. Sail To-morrow A Itrralne, Havre 7m M Itaracalbo. Curacoi ... a 30 A M San u Ma rta. Colon . . i.HIAM Verona, Naples Alamo, tialviston.. Momii.. New Orleans Jenmun, Norfolk Sail Thursday. July !) Catralhla. Clhr.iltar .. omAM tlrsecli. Imcin I Kl P M Tapajoi. Illo Janeiro ... 1 on 1' M .-saramacca, iieurc, i an i- m Adriatic, Liverpool Mnnchloiical, Jamaica Arapahis-, Jacksonville Scguranra, Samlago CHy nf Col., Savannah Princess Atine, Norfolk El Vallc, lialvcaton... Vessels. Sail. lOrtl A M f. ni P i 1I A M 1 111 A l 3lll P ,M IS l.l M I Oi I'M .nil I M 3l P 51 to no , 51 15 o) M 13 1. 1 M 11 ol A M I (l P 'i 12 no M 3(11 P M 12 Oi) M 4 HI P t 41.1 P M 4 on P M IS (11 M 13 IIO M I nil I'M 12 on M Sis) P M S(i P M 3 0) P M Canadian . Santa Isabel Themis toe lea. Vaderlind. Arapahis-. Pnlted Stalea. Paatorca Saratoga.. Santiago., San Jaclnlo.. I.ucla CHy of Columbus INCOMING STEAMSHIPS. Due To-day. Liverpool, Olympic, Itoile.. . Pamasau..,, Prln Ellf I l'rlrdrlch i:i Mundo San (llorglo., Siampalla ... Prlnclpello.,, Metapan. Plnrllel Caracas.. Ilermudlan,,, El Cld.. . (.reenock..., Patra. , Antwerp. ,.. Jneksnnvllle,. Chrlstlonsand, Port I. In, on.. Havana Clenfuego... . (lalveaiori., Palermo Savannah,. .. Due To-morrow. Southampton, Manchester.. U.bon, Shields, Klngnon . (Jalve.ton. ... Due Thurailay. July 9. Naple.. Naples. Untie rdam, Santo Marta. St. Johns . . St. John. Hermuila., New Orleans . June 10 June 19 June SO . June 27 July I June 31 Juno 3d July 4 ..July 1 .July 1 .June 20 July 4 .July I June 21 .June 23 Juno 54 July 1 .July 3 June 27 June 27 June J5 June .V) July I Junl 4 July 7 July 4 Inrnmlnir Veaselw lly Wlrrlea. Honk at Hoo; at of and Navy Orders. 1 These army or- Army WASHINGTON. July dera were issueii: Malor A Hamilton, Coast Artillery, lo Fort Hamilton, Ni w York. First Lieut It. .1 Weal. Sixteenth Infan try, In VTIchlta. Kan, for recruiting duty, tellevlnr Cant H II Nelson, Eleventh In fantry, reorultlnK ofilcer, who will tn Fort Logan, Colorado, and relieve Capt, J, II. Schaerfel, Infantry Col I W l.ltlell, Quartermaster Corps, on arrival at San Franriscn to WashlnKton city for duty In office Quartcrmaater.deneral Col. J. W Carson, Jr., rjuartrrmaater Corps, on arrival nt San Francisco to assist ant to Department uittlcrmnler at Chicago. Cipt F. S. LonK, Quartermaster Corps, on arrival at Nan Pranrlsro to assistant to De pot Quartermaster at Hoston. Muss Major It, P. O'Connor, Medical Corps, res Igliatlnn accepted. These navy orders were Issued; Lieut .1 A Campbell, to retired Hat, Lieut W P I'lirlnns. from New York ard In fleet radio otflrer Atlantic Heel l.itiiM.ier P K Fi-ialn.. rruin Ilia Ohio and Hreokljn and wait orders. Ensign O, D. Hull, Iroin ths Intrepid ta tha Denver, Ss Olympic, 7W miles raat of Sandy 005 yv. .m. ycternay S. Helvcilerc, 736 miles east nf Sandy at 1130 A. M. Sa Vadcrland, 307 miles east nf Sandy Hooli at 7.3D A. M Ss Pnlled Slates, SSI miles east of Sandy Hook at S A.M. S Itu.sla, 1,415 miles east of Sandy Hook at I A. M. I SsThemlilocles, 751 telle, east of Sandy Honk at SA M Sa llussia. 7M mile, east of Sandy Honk 4 VI p M Ss Sralo,-a, llivana, ,i.v, mile, snulh Sandy Honk at 7 1. M. S. Santiago, Santiago, DO mile, south Sandy llnok at f. P. M S. Lamps.., (ialieatnn, 1S1 mile, west sanu uey al nnon S. Vcsla, Port Arthur, 114 miles west o( Sand Kev nt noon. sa Kl ejud, Galveston, 61 miles west of Tor tugas at noon S. Arapihoe Jacksonville, Sor miles south of Sandv Honk at 7 P -M Ss Pastorea, Colon, !"0 miles south nl Siimly Hook al 6 I'. .11 Si Sabine. Mobile, 119 milca snulhaesl nf Ilatleras nt 7 P. .M. Si F.I Mundo, Galveston, 5S6 miles south of Diamond Shoal, nt noon Sa liadUnl, Matitne, 125 miles south of Sand Honk nt k A. M. Si -Sun Juan, San Juan, 172 miles south nf Snndy Hook at noon. Si Prior. Ellel Frledrieli, Kingston. 3" mllei south nf Sanilv Hook st noon Ss El Cld, New Orleans, 71 miles south of Jupiter at noon. Motements of Naval Vessels. WASHINGTON, July 6, The lattlethlpi Tlhode Island and Mississippi have arrived at Hampton Itnads; despatch boat Dolphin and yacht Mayflower at Washington, Kun. boat Srorplon at Naples, cruiser Saratoga al Chefno, Kunboat Vlchtburg at Seattle, tug Patuxent at Vera Cr-ji; submarine. K-t and K-S at Newport; irulser Cleveland nf Arapiilcn, gunboat Annapolis at La Pa. Iuk Yorktnwn al Lobo, Island; hottleshlf Connecticut at Havana, collier Proteus al Uiiantanamn, f'rulrltt at PhlUdalphla Hittleshlp. Missouri, Idaho and Illlnoli haie a.lled frnm Naples for Gibraltar, col. Her Orion, from Vara Crua for New York cruiser North Carolina, from Hoston lol Hampton (loads, cruiser Albany, frnm Ptllni Crur. for La Pan cruiser New Orleans, froro Arapiilcn for Sallna Crux! cruiser Weat Vln glnla, from La Pas for San Diego, gtinboal Cheyenne and submarlnea 1 1 -1 . It-3 an 11-3, frnm Aslorla fnr Ilremerton; cnlllet Pnmpev tutr Plscataiua and torpedo boiti Pile, Halnbrldge, Harry and Chauncey, frmi Shanghai for Chefoo. repair ship Panthur from Charleston lor N'sriagansett 14iy; tu Ontario, from Vera Crua for Galveston. an supply ship Celtlo, fiu Vara Crux lor 1'urni Mexico.